Talk: Why You Really Want To Write Tests

2005-03-04 Thread Michael G Schwern
I just got back from JOIN (Jornadas de Informatica) 2005, a little student
run conference at the University of Minho in Portugal.  Why this might be
of interest is its the same place and largely the same folks who will be
running YAPC::Europe.

I was asked to give something about testing to an audience of undergraduate 
informatics students, largely Haskell and maybe some Java.  What I finally
came up with is this:

I had 45 minutes to say something about testing and decided all I could do
was expose them to the subject, since its not part of their coursework, and
try to get them interested to so some work on their own.  The audience being 
inexperienced at programming and not Perl programmers meant I couldn't go 
into much detail.  Additionally since they're students and/or academics 
it doesn't help much to talk about business reasons for testing.  So I
went for the most basic, convincing reasons to write tests: how it will
benefit the lone wolf programmer.  Selfish reasons.  The reasons most likely
to convince someone who would otherwise just look at testing as just more 

There's really nothing there which hasn't been said before, not the best
talk in the universe, but its nice to have it all layed out if nothing else
than to help convince your co-workers.

So, what's wrong with it?  While I thought about what I wanted to say for
months I ultimately wrote the slides the night before the talk. :)

I forgot one important argument: testing lets you optimize/redesign without 
fear.  The whole fear based programming problem.

There's almost no pictures.

There's not nearly enough references, particularly when I expect the audience
to go out and work things out on their own.  I still can't think of a decent
testing book nor tutorial to recommend.  Test::Tutorial leaves the reader
at a dead end without referencing further works on, say,  I don't
know the JUnit community to recommend anything there.

There's not nearly enough examples.  I avoided code to avoid confusing the
audience with a bunch of Perl and to keep things focused on ideas rather than
implementation.  I only had 45 minutes.  From the questions I got I believe
this left people without a clear concept of what a test was.  Or how big
a test should be or how much a single test should cover.  One question was
how tests should be divided up for which I used the WWW::Mechanize test
suite as an example.

During the break after the talk, but while I still had my laptop plugged into
the projector, I was demonstrating Devel::Cover's test coverage ability and
noticed quite a number of folks in the audience were rather interested in
whatever it was I was doing.  I don't know if it was the pretty colors on
the HTML page or what but it seems to be a fairly powerful demonstration.

Anyhow, there it is.

Re: Phalanxing MakeMaker

2005-03-04 Thread Michael G Schwern
On Thu, Feb 24, 2005 at 11:47:31AM -0600, Ken Williams wrote:
 Better would be to snark it from ExtUtils::CBuilder, which has a 
 has_compiler() method.

How portable is this?  I see there's some minimal VMS and OS/2 code in
there, will it work?

If so then the MakeMaker tests can just use have_compiler() to determine
if they should run the XS tests if ExtUtils::CBuilder is installed.

Re: Talk: Why You Really Want To Write Tests

2005-03-04 Thread James E Keenan
Michael G Schwern wrote:
I was asked to give something about testing to an audience of undergraduate 
informatics students, largely Haskell and maybe some Java.  What I finally
came up with is this:

Liked the emphasis on version control.  Had to learn Subversion as part 
of working in Phalanx project -- and had to learn Test::More much 
better.  Glad I did both.

In slide011.html:  :%s/repetetive/repetitive/g

Test::Output 0.05

2005-03-04 Thread Shawn Sorichetti
Test::Output 0.05 has been released.
The main difference in this version is a patch from chromatic (thank 
you). His patch fixed a bug where all tests printed error diags even if 
they passed. Additional tests were added to ensure that no output is 
sent from diag in successful tests.

While releasing this version I realized I never wrote anything about 
version 0.04 which saw some major changes:

Added fuctions: output_like and output_unlike.
stdout_from, stderr_from, and output_from were removed from @EXPORT and 
moved to @EXPORT_OK as suggested by Schwern.
Renamed test comment to description.
Refactoring and additional tests.

Shawn Sorichetti

Re: Test::Output 0.05

2005-03-04 Thread Ofer Nave
Shawn Sorichetti wrote:
Test::Output 0.05 has been released.
The main difference in this version is a patch from chromatic (thank 
you). His patch fixed a bug where all tests printed error diags even 
if they passed. Additional tests were added to ensure that no output 
is sent from diag in successful tests.

While releasing this version I realized I never wrote anything about 
version 0.04 which saw some major changes:

Added fuctions: output_like and output_unlike.
stdout_from, stderr_from, and output_from were removed from @EXPORT 
and moved to @EXPORT_OK as suggested by Schwern.
Renamed test comment to description.
Refactoring and additional tests.

Shawn Sorichetti
It occurs to me that the Test::* and ExtUtils::* modules should be the 
first stop for the Phalanx project.  :)

Incidentally, is it acceptable for an author to Phalanx-review his own 
module, or does that defeat the peer-reviewed-ness of it?  I'm about to 
upload my first module, and if Phalanx has some kind of check list that 
must be satisfied to have the Phalanx-approval-seal (is there one?), 
then I'd be happy to go through it.

Random thought: Could Devel::Cover be automatically run against all 
modules in CPAN, with ratings posted on right next to the usual 
test results?


Re: Test::Output 0.05

2005-03-04 Thread Michael G Schwern
On Fri, Mar 04, 2005 at 04:27:07PM -0800, Ofer Nave wrote:
 Random thought: Could Devel::Cover be automatically run against all 
 modules in CPAN, with ratings posted on right next to the usual 
 test results?

It still chokes on certain not uncommon constructs like threads.

Re: Test::Output 0.05

2005-03-04 Thread Ofer Nave
Michael G Schwern wrote:
On Fri, Mar 04, 2005 at 04:27:07PM -0800, Ofer Nave wrote:

Random thought: Could Devel::Cover be automatically run against all 
modules in CPAN, with ratings posted on right next to the usual 
test results?

It still chokes on certain not uncommon constructs like threads.

Is it possible to tell quasi-reliably if the code in question uses 
threads and skip it?  On that note, is forking also problematic?

I think it would be a powerful addition to CPAN.  If you go to the 
distribution page for any module - say, for example, Class::DBI 
( - you can see that all tests 
passed on 29 platforms and failed on 6, but it doesn't tell you how 
comprehensive the tests are.  Worst case, it could be a single test 
hard-coded to return true, and you'll never know without download and 
examing the tarball.

Imagine if instead of:
CPAN Testers  PASS (29)   FAIL (6)   [ View ]
it said:
CPAN Testers  PASS (29)   FAIL (6)   COVERAGE (42%)   [ View ]

Re: Test::Output 0.05

2005-03-04 Thread Michael G Schwern
On Fri, Mar 04, 2005 at 04:44:42PM -0800, Ofer Nave wrote:
 Is it possible to tell quasi-reliably if the code in question uses 
 threads and skip it?  On that note, is forking also problematic?

Not really.  Anywhere within the test or any code called by the test might
use threads.  Devel::Cover however, is aware when it hits threads and dies
with an error message.  So it would be possible to at least know when
a coverage run is not complete due to threading problems.

 I think it would be a powerful addition to CPAN.  If you go to the 
 distribution page for any module - say, for example, Class::DBI 

Trouble right there.  Now has to run untrusted code so
a jail would have to be constructed.

Additionally it has to have all the optional modules necessary for
testing the module available else the coverage run will appear low due
to skipped tests.  CDBI is a perfect example of this.  Finally, any
external dependencies or platform specific code causing tests to be
skipped (libwin32, DBD::Pg, etc...) will produce inaccurately low 
coverage reports.

Test::* Modules, Devel::Cover, Phalanx [was Test::Output 0.05]

2005-03-04 Thread James E Keenan
Ofer Nave wrote:
Shawn Sorichetti wrote:
Test::Output 0.05 has been released.
Renaming thread since only the OP referred to Test::Output.

It occurs to me that the Test::* and ExtUtils::* modules should be the 
first stop for the Phalanx project.  :)

At least as originally proposed by project leader Andy Lester, Phalanx 
was supposed to focus on *non-core*, but widely used distributions.  The 
rationale for this approach, IIRC, was that, for better or worse, there 
already was a peer-review approach to those modules distributed as core.

I know there are core modules whose test coverage I would like to see 
improved, and there's nothing stopping anyone from applying tools such 
as Devel::Cover to core modules and submitting patches to their authors 
or p5p or whomever is appropriate.  Until I hear different from Andy, 
I'm going to proceed on the assumption that Phalanx is for non-core modules.

(Parenthetical rant:  As I have found from my own work both in a Phalanx 
context and from submitting patches to other authors' modules, the 
single most difficult thing has nothing to do with code, tests or 
coverage; it's getting the author to give you feedback once you've 
submitted your proposed revisions.)

Incidentally, is it acceptable for an author to Phalanx-review his own 
module, or does that defeat the peer-reviewed-ness of it?  I'm about to 
upload my first module, and if Phalanx has some kind of check list that 
must be satisfied to have the Phalanx-approval-seal (is there one?), 
then I'd be happy to go through it.

There is no such seal of approval.  You have done well by getting 
feedback on your idea on the local list, perl.module-authors and this 
list before uploading it.  Write some tests, get it up there and let the 
world take a crack at it.

Random thought: Could Devel::Cover be automatically run against all 
modules in CPAN, with ratings posted on right next to the usual 
test results?

As others have already pointed out, this is not a good idea, because a 
module's overall coverage rating conceals as much as it reveals.  Among 
other things, unless you write your documentation in Pod::Coverage's 
default format (which is used by Devel::Cover in its default setting), 
you will get a lousy POD coverage rating, which in turn will bring down 
your distro's overall rating.  Text::Template, to cite one example, is 
well documented but not written in the Pod::Coverage-correct format, so 
its documentation gets rated zilch.  Devel::Cover -- like coverage 
analysis in general -- is a diagnostic tool.  That's why it's in the 
Devel:: TLNS.  It's not like, which is more focused on 
the question of whether a distro successfully built or not on a wide 
variety of OSes.

Jim Keenan

Re: Test::* Modules, Devel::Cover, Phalanx [was Test::Output 0.05]

2005-03-04 Thread Andy Lester
At least as originally proposed by project leader Andy Lester, Phalanx 
was supposed to focus on *non-core*,
Not exactly.  I just figured it's easier for teams to submit tests back 
to individual authors than back to Perl itself.  Also, those patches 
are more likely to get out into the mainstream, than having to get put 
into bleadperl and then into 5.8.x.

the single most difficult thing has nothing to do with code, tests or 
coverage; it's getting the author to give you feedback once you've 
submitted your proposed revisions.)
It's funny, because the FIRST most difficult thing was getting anyone 
to write any code.  That was a year ago.

Now, your observation is unfortunately so.  For example, did 
some great work on HTML::Tree (I think) and gave the patches to Sean 
Burke, but Sean has yet to do anything with them.  As an author who has 
lots of modules that he maintains, I totally understand why that might 

Andy Lester = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = = AIM:petdance