RE: Chomp to trim '\r'

2003-10-08 Thread Beckett Richard-qswi266
  Why not use chop? That removes the last character.
 Yes, it certainly does even if the last character is not a 
 \r character.
 So to do the work of one good regex substitute operator as 
 Lee suggested
 you would have to determine some how (a regexp match operator?, a
 substring to get the last character followed by a compare to see if it
 was a \r, etc.). Those two distinct operations combined 
 with a separate
 compare step  should be evaluated as an alternative to using a single
 substitute operator which will remove the last character if it is
 there and tell you if it did or didn't remove a \r. Hmmm, which of
 those seems like the better alternative? Do I want my script to
 use four or five obtuse op codes to perform a minor function point or
 do I want to use just one elegant operator do accomplish the exact
 same minor function point?

Oh. I thought all the lines ended in a \r. Sorry.

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Re: Chomp to trim '\r'

2003-10-08 Thread Sisyphus
Lee Goddard wrote:

Why not use a regular expression?

I can't find an answer to that question - and, judging by the responses 
so far received, nor can anyone else !!


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Re: WWW::Mechanize question

2003-10-08 Thread mail admin

- Original Message -
From: $Bill Luebkert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: mail admin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 9:03 AM
Subject: Re: WWW::Mechanize question
{$res = $ua-click(); # retrieve the content)
I found funny looking URL {$ur1) and  repeated get;
this URL probably holds packed responses from 1-st form params
my $rr=$res-{_headers};
my %ha=%$rr;
my $ur1;
if (/(.)URL\=/){$ur1=$';};
$res = $ua-get($ur1);

after this $res contains needed  page !

 mail admin wrote:

  In browser I see login form ;
  after filling login  passwd and clicking submit button I see html page.
  here is the code snippet:
  use WWW::Mechanize;
  my $agen=WWW::Mechanize-new();
  my $url=...
  die can't get start page: ,$agen-response-status_line unless
  my $uri=$agen-uri;
  print uri=$uri\n;
  my $fm1=$agen-current_form();
  my $logi=...
  my $pwd=...;
  #$agen-set_fields('login'=$logi  'passwd'=$pwd);
  print uri=$uri\n;
  What is next step ?
  how I am to access html form (which I see in browser after clicking

 # get first page (I'm using a cookie jar to handle any cookies)

 my $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies-new(File = $cookiefile, autosave = 1);
 $ua = new WWW::Mechanize;
 $res = $ua-get($url);
 if (not $res-is_success) {
 die Error retrieving first page: $!;

 # now fill in the third form on the page (change the 3 to the correct form
 # on your page

 $ua-field('login', $login);
 $ua-field('password', $password);
 $res = $ua-click(); # retrieve the content
 if ($res-is_success) {
 my $content = $res-content(); # do something with content (parse it)
 } else {
 die Error retrieving form page: $!;

   ,-/-  __  _  _ $Bill LuebkertMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  (_/   /  )// //   DBE CollectiblesMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   / ) /--  o // //  Castle of Medieval Myth  Magic
 -/-' /___/__/_/_ (My Perl/Lakers stuff)

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TK positioning viewable area of scrolled rotext

2003-10-08 Thread Beckett Richard-qswi266

I am using a scrolled rotext widget with 2 lines as a status bar, so that
the user can scroll backwards over the messages.

How do I make the widget display the bottem of the scrolled area, rather
than the top?


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Filling an input file field

2003-10-08 Thread Barry Dancis
Hi --

I am using formbuilder with template toolkit and ie6. One of my fields
is of type=file but IE6 won't let me set its value using
values = $file_name. Is there any way to set it with formbuilder and still
have the nice file search input? Do I have to write my own file browser?
Have a text field filled by formbuiler and a file field that on change also
fills the text field? Some other method?



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Re: Chomp to trim '\r'

2003-10-08 Thread Carl Jolley
On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, Sisyphus wrote:

 Lee Goddard wrote:

  Why not use a regular expression?

 I can't find an answer to that question - and, judging by the responses
 so far received, nor can anyone else !!


You know that in perl TAMTOWTDI. However usually there
are some ways that are more-or-less equivalent and then there
are ways that only a veteran of several obfuscated perl contests
could appreciate.

 All opinions are my own and not necessarily those of my employer 

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RE: TK positioning viewable area of scrolled rotext

2003-10-08 Thread Lynn. Rickards
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
 Beckett Richard-qswi266
 Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 6:52 AM
 Subject: TK positioning viewable area of scrolled rotext
 I am using a scrolled rotext widget with 2 lines as a status 
 bar, so that
 the user can scroll backwards over the messages.
 How do I make the widget display the bottem of the scrolled 
 area, rather
 than the top?

$t-see('end') ? - works on text widget.

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Re: Chomp to trim '\r'

2003-10-08 Thread Richard Morse
On Wednesday, October 8, 2003, at 12:52 AM, Carl Jolley wrote:

Anyway that's why binmode is a Windows-only function. A common
mis-conception among windows perl'ers is that somehow binmode
is needed to properly handle a binary/non-text mode file.
To the best of my knowledge, binmode isn't a Windows-only function.  
It's just that the most common operating systems besides windows don't 
make distictions between text and binary files, so it isn't useful on 
*nix and its variants.  Apparently some older operating systems did 
make such a distinction (some made others as well), and it would be a 
necessary call on those systems.

Further, I think you do need binmode to handle non-text files properly. 
 Even sysread/read will stop reading a text-mode file when they hit the 
control-D character (I had this happen to me) -- you have to put the 
file in binary mode to continue reading past the character.


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Re: Chomp to trim '\r'

2003-10-08 Thread Will of Thornhenge

Carl Jolley wrote:

After all, all binmode is, is a way
to turn off perl's default way of handling the \r for you.
It's your way of saying to perl Thanks, but no thanks for your
offer of assistance, For this file, I can handle this issue without
your help.

While this is true within the context of this discussion (newline 
conversions), binmode does other things that can also be very important. 
For instance, I found out several years ago that it was necessary to use 
binmode when opening some Word97 files in Perl scripts (under Win98), or 
some of the files would be truncated in the proprietary MS header. As I 
recall, the specific problem was a \000 byte early in the header that 
Perl would treat as an eof (unless binmode was in use), but I understand 
that binmode also turns off Perl's default handling of embedded Ctrl-Z 
and other control characters.

So I'm not disagreeing with you, but simply pointing out that whenever 
the input file is in a proprietary format that mixes text with binary 
segments, binmode is something to think about. At least under Windows, 
DOS, and related OSs.

And then there's the whole disciplines thing that can be done with 
binmode (or a 3 argument open). But I don't go there; it is my fervent 
hope that Perl 6.0 will fix up all that stuff before I have to deal with 
any multibyte unicode data.  :-)

Will Woodhull
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sub() or eval() ?

2003-10-08 Thread Burak Grsoy
Which one is better (equal?)? why?

%some_hash = (
blah = sub { bleh() },
foo  = sub { $bar - $baz / 100 },



%some_hash = (
blah = 'bleh()',
foo  = '$bar - $baz / 100',

eval { $some_hash{foo} };

Well... I'm curious about sub()...
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Re: How to skip unwanted columns in CSV file?

2003-10-08 Thread Richard Morse
On Monday, October 6, 2003, at 07:01 AM, Carl Jolley wrote:

On Fri, 26 Sep 2003, Ken Cornetet wrote:

I suppose you could get fancy and use DBI and DBD-CSV.

Why complicate a simple task? Unless of course, you're trying to
deliberatly make life difficult for the next person who will have
to maintain your code. Unnecessary fancy is rarely appreciated
by other than the party of the first part OTOH, simplistic elegance
is widely admired.
Yes, but in this case there may be a reason to use modules.  If the 
files that his is parsing have text data other than numbers it can get 
very complicated to parse CSV files.  As I recall, CSV does allow 
commas to be included in text strings -- so first, you have to figure 
out where the strings are (ie, break on the '' character, then 
determine which are opening and closing quotes, and which may just be 
quotes inside a string, via escaping or duplicating), then you can 
figure out where the columns are.  This is why I prefer tab-delimited, 
because I can think of _very_ few situations where a tab character is 
valid data.  However, if he is going to use CSV, using a module which 
has dealt with all of the special cases may make sense.

In addition, by bulding around DBI, if he suddenly needs to start 
getting input from some other data source, he may find it much easier 
to modify his code...


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Multiple 'do' calls

2003-10-08 Thread Electron One
I have three questions and would really appreciate any help.

1. I am running a perl script that calls other perl scripts etc. All using 
the 'do'
method. Apparently these perl scripts have gotten so long that after a
certain amount of  'do' commands, the script crashes.
Is there a way to extend this, and make it able to call multiple 'do' calls
 than it currently can handle?

2. When I run Multiple 'do' calls , after the third or fourth 
the error reporting seems to crap out. Is there a way to improve the error
reported of multiple 'do' calls?

3. How do I change directories inside of a perl script such that 'do' calls(inside that same perl script) inside the new directory, not the one that originally called 
the first perl script?

I am running on a Win2K system.

Thanks for all your help. 

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Re: could not ODBC Sam-Test because -1044[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] N

2003-10-08 Thread tanman

Check perldoc win32::odbc. Try (UNTESTED):
$DSN='DSN=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=c:\temp\db1.mdb'
$db=new Win32::ODBC($DSN) or die ...
Also note the distinction between double quotes (") and single quotes (') which you've confused in your code.

- Original Message -
Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2003 9:26 pm
Subject: could not ODBC Sam-Test because -1044[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] N

 This assignment:   $DriverType = 'Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)';  $DSN = "Sam-Test";  $Dir = "c:\temp";  $DBase = "db1.mdb";  .  .  .  LN27 - $db=new Win32::ODBC($DSN) or die "could not ODBC $DSN  because ",  Win32::ODBC::Error()," \n";   Produces the following error message:   "Use of uninitialized value in die at c:\cgi-bin\perl\  line 27.  could not ODBC Sam-Test because -1044[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access  Driver] N  ot a valid file name."   What is the probable cause of this error ?   ___  Perl-Win32-Users mailing list  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To unsubscribe:  

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RE: Capturing the output of a system() command

2003-10-08 Thread Erich C. Beyrent
 Am I able to capture the output of a system call?
 Currently, I route the output to a temporary file,
 then read the contents in when the call is done.
 I'd rather not make a temp file.

Hi there,

Here is what I do:

my $cmd = `base64 -e ASCIIFILE -`; 

 open(APP, $cmd 21 |) or die Cannot run the command: $!\n; 
 while (APP)
  $output .= $_;
 close (APP);
 print \n;


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Re: could not ODBC Sam-Test ...

2003-10-08 Thread Eric Promislow
For those who found the earlier response hard to read due to
raw HTML, the quick answer is that you've specified that the directory
is 'c:\tabab' by using double-quotes.  Change

$Dir = c:\temp;


$Dir = 'c:\temp';

so Perl won't treat the '\' as an escape character.

- Eric

Blame me for having to type the backslash in DOS - Paul Allen, Wired 2.08

On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 12:04:06PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Subject: could not ODBC Sam-Test because -1044[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access 
 Driver] N
 Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 20:26:13 -0500
 This assignment:
 $DriverType = 'Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)';
 $DSN = Sam-Test;
 $Dir = c:\temp;
 $DBase = db1.mdb;
 LN27  -  $db=new Win32::ODBC($DSN) or die could not ODBC $DSN because ,
 Win32::ODBC::Error(), \n;
 Produces the following error message:
 Use of uninitialized value in die at c:\cgi-bin\perl\ line 27.
 could not ODBC Sam-Test because -1044[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access
 Driver] N
 ot a valid file name.
 What is the probable cause of this error ?
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Win32::GUI crashing, burning.

2003-10-08 Thread Eric Hillman
Weird problem here...  I've been trying to move to Win32::GUI from Tk,
and I can't even get as far as Hello World without perl crashing with
a Perl.exe generated errors and will be closed by Windows Dr. Watson

The error I'm getting happens when I try to add pretty much any widget.
For example, right now I'm trying to do something like:

my $text = Hello World;
$main-AddLabel(-text = $text);

Looking at it with the debugger, it appears that the error occurs as I'm
going through Win32::GUI::WindowProps-FETCH($self, $key), with $key =
-font.  Going by the tutorials I'm reading, there ought to be a
default value, but perl crashes on FETCH returning Undef.

Even weirder, when I defined a font, it died trying to process $key =
-handle, which went through just fine before -- it doesn't even get as
far as -font.

The only thing I could think of is maybe it had something to do with the
fact that I had Cygwin's perl on this box as well, so I uninstalled
that, and reinstalled the Win32::GUI module.  Still no dice.

Any ideas?  Am I missing something important here?

Eric Hillman
Sr System Administrator
Balogh Becker, LTD.

here's the code:

use strict;
use Win32::GUI;
use vars qw( $main );

$main = Win32::GUI::Window-new(-name = 'Main', -text = 'Perl',
-width = 200, -height = 200);

my $text = Hello World;
my $textfont = Win32::GUI::Font-new(-name = Comic Sans MS,
 -size = 24);
$main-AddLabel(-text = $text,  # - If I comment this out,
-font = $textfont); #the program works.
Win32::GUI::Dialog( );

sub Main_Terminate {

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RE: Win32::GUI crashing, burning.

2003-10-08 Thread Tobias Hoellrich
Try naming all your gui-objects and it'll do wonders:

$main-AddLabel(-text = $text, -name = foobar);


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
 Behalf Of Eric Hillman
 Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 4:56 PM
 To: Perl-Win32
 Subject: Win32::GUI crashing, burning.
 Weird problem here...  I've been trying to move to Win32::GUI
 from Tk, and I can't even get as far as Hello World without 
 perl crashing with a Perl.exe generated errors and will be 
 closed by Windows Dr. Watson popup.
 The error I'm getting happens when I try to add pretty much
 any widget. For example, right now I'm trying to do something like:
 my $text = Hello World;
 $main-AddLabel(-text = $text);
 Looking at it with the debugger, it appears that the error
 occurs as I'm going through 
 Win32::GUI::WindowProps-FETCH($self, $key), with $key = 
 -font.  Going by the tutorials I'm reading, there ought to 
 be a default value, but perl crashes on FETCH returning Undef.
 Even weirder, when I defined a font, it died trying to
 process $key = -handle, which went through just fine before 
 -- it doesn't even get as far as -font.
 The only thing I could think of is maybe it had something to
 do with the fact that I had Cygwin's perl on this box as 
 well, so I uninstalled that, and reinstalled the Win32::GUI 
 module.  Still no dice.
 Any ideas?  Am I missing something important here?
 Eric Hillman
 Sr System Administrator
 Balogh Becker, LTD.
 here's the code:
 use strict;
 use Win32::GUI;
 use vars qw( $main );
 $main = Win32::GUI::Window-new(-name = 'Main', -text = 'Perl',
 -width = 200, -height = 200);
 my $text = Hello World;
 my $textfont = Win32::GUI::Font-new(-name = Comic Sans MS,
  -size = 24);
 $main-AddLabel(-text = $text,  # - If I comment this out,
 -font = $textfont); #the program works.
 Win32::GUI::Dialog( );
 sub Main_Terminate {
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Re: Win32::GUI crashing, burning -- fixed!

2003-10-08 Thread Eric Hillman
Tobias Hoellrich wrote:
 Try naming all your gui-objects and it'll do wonders:
 $main-AddLabel(-text = $text, -name = foobar);
 Yay!  Thanks a million.
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2003-10-08 Thread David Byrne

I have a question that probably easy to many...

How can I get rid of the newline at the end of $line
(which transfers to $remainder after splitting)?

foreach $filename (@filelist) {  
foreach $line (INPUT) {
  my ($gene,$remainder) = split(/\t/,$line,2);
  chomp ($remainder);
  $genedex{$gene} .= $remainder\t;

I've tried substituting, chomping, but the newline
remains.  It's gotta be something obvious...
Thank you very much,

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RE: gone

2003-10-08 Thread Wagner, David --- Senior Programmer Analyst --- WGO
 Subject: gone
 I have a question that probably easy to many...
 How can I get rid of the newline at the end of $line
 (which transfers to $remainder after splitting)?
If it is not off your system and you are getting the data from Unix, then 
their end of line and the end of line for Windows are different. So when you do chomp, 
chomp uses the variable $/ and what it has for doing the chomp. Otherwise if win to 
win, does not make sense. Chomp works like a champ at what it does.

Wags ;)
 foreach $filename (@filelist) {
 foreach $line (INPUT) {
   my ($gene,$remainder) = split(/\t/,$line,2);
   chomp ($remainder);
   $genedex{$gene} .= $remainder\t;
 I've tried substituting, chomping, but the newline
 remains.  It's gotta be something obvious...
 Thank you very much,
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RE: [SPAM] gone

2003-10-08 Thread Craig Cardimon
I would try: 


This should replace every newline with nothing, globally.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
David Byrne
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 4:09 PM
Subject: [SPAM] gone


I have a question that probably easy to many...

How can I get rid of the newline at the end of $line
(which transfers to $remainder after splitting)?

foreach $filename (@filelist) {  
foreach $line (INPUT) {
  my ($gene,$remainder) = split(/\t/,$line,2);
  chomp ($remainder);
  $genedex{$gene} .= $remainder\t;

I've tried substituting, chomping, but the newline
remains.  It's gotta be something obvious...
Thank you very much,

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