New Win32 help format

2001-12-13 Thread ryddler

Hello perl-win32-users,

This is an excerpt from the Activestate change logs for
build 630:

The style and content of the included online documentation
has been extensively revised. On Windows, all the
documentation is now provided in fully searchable HTML Help
format. Documentation in conventional HTML format continues
to be included only for Unix platforms, and can also be
downloaded separately.

The new HTML help format is great, and even allows you to
browse through OLE type libraries looking for constants and


My questions are...

1. Where can the downloaded separately conventional HTML help
be downloaded? The changelog makes no mention of an URL, nor does
the Activestate web site provide any clues that I can find.

2. Can I add to the new HTML help? Can installed modules be 
inserted? Or do I have to look in one place for the core 
documentation and another for user installed modules? 

Best regards,

Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

Re[2]: New Win32 help format

2001-12-13 Thread ryddler

Hello Mark,

Thursday, December 13, 2001, 11:35:02 AM, you wrote:

EMC Active has a module called ActivePerl-HTML that will generate the TOC in
EMC HTML format.  The newest version of PPM updates the HTML help when a new
EMC module is installed or removed.

EMC It would be nice if the Win32 help was updated too.  Not sure if there's
EMC a way to do it.

Yes, I am familiar with the tools of which you speak...

I emailed the list with a script that traverses the lib and site
directories and creates the html pod for you and then calls
ActivePerl::DocTools::WriteTOC() to update the current TOC.

If you missed it (it was when the list was choking a few days back and
I never received it myself) I posted it on perlmonks some time ago at

BTW, this script will convert all the core module pod as well as the
siye modules you have installed that contain pod, so it will almost
give me the conventional HTML help I was asking about, but it
doesn't have the nice framed layout (and stylesheets) we've all grown
accustomed to having. And not all the links line up quite right (e.g.
the Components directory is absent with out the AS help) It is, however,
nice for updating the existing HTML help system after installation
of new modules that don't update the POD themselves.

I would love to be able to extend the capabilities of the script to
include updating the Win32 HTML help. Maybe there's a way... Maybe
there *will* be a way ;)

Best regards,

Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

Re: package

2001-11-11 Thread ryddler

Hello venkat,

Saturday, November 10, 2001, 10:09:28 AM, you wrote:

va Hi,

va Thanks  Patterson for your response. 
va One more question:
va When I tried to run one of the examples in the book, I
va am getting an erro message  sying that 
va Can not find package'
va I downloaded and installed Tcl/Tk  latest version and
va then tried again.
va Still I am getting the same problem. When I searched
va for the package the way you suggested, I could
va not find it on my system. I don't know what I should
va do to get that package.

va Can somebody help me please?

va Thanks in advance.

va Venkat Atluri.

It sounds to me like you are confused about the Tk being referenced
here. There is a Tk module for perl that has nothing to do with the
Tcl/Tk installation you mentioned above.

Try installing Tk using CPAN, or if you are on a Win32 platform and
using ActivePerl I recommend PPM instead (I've never gotten Tk to
build successfully using CPAN)

Best regards,

Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

Re: what editor do you use?

2001-06-26 Thread ryddler

Gotta put in a plug for my favorite, EditPlus, found at:

just a few benefits... manages projects, paste in cliptext clips,
syntax highlighting (editable addins for more languages), global regex
search and replace (plus searching drives for files using regexen),
built-in web browser, run scripts from within editor (captured or
command window), and many more...

DT All-
DT It occurs to me now that I seem to be spending much of my day writing
DT Perl that I need a better programming environment than Notepad.
DT What do you use?
DT Thanks,
DT Deb

Best regards,

Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

Re: win98 crash

2001-06-07 Thread ryddler

Hello Tom,

Tuesday, June 05, 2001, 7:10:04 PM, you wrote:

TN I am trying to run Komodo under windows. As soon as I load a perl
TN script, the entire system crashes?

TN Any thoughts?

TN Tom Noack

TN ___
TN Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

I experienced this problem while running Norton Antivirus Corporate
Edition realtime scanning. The machine would just reboot whenever I
tried to open a script in Komodo. It also occurred running certain
scripts, as well as compiling some programs. I submitted a bug report
to both Komodo and Norton. Norton, of course, replied that programmers
should turn off realtime scans every time they compile a program...
(not very convenient for perl developers, eh?) Therefore, realtime
scans are permanently disabled on my machine...

Best regards,

Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

Re: [OLE] Access is denied - Excel, IE, etc.

2001-06-02 Thread ryddler

Hello david,

Wednesday, May 30, 2001, 4:42:30 PM, you wrote:

dcn I can't seem to get anything to work via Win32::OLE
dcn Here's the type of error I get:
dcn $usernow=DCarter
dcn Win32::OLE(0.1501) error 0x80070005: Access is denied
dcn in PROPERTYPUT Visible at line 23
dcn Win32::OLE(0.1501) error 0x80070005: Access is denied
dcn  in GetIDsOfNames of Workbooks at line 25
dcn Can't call method Add on an undefined value at line 25.
dcn Win32::OLE(0.1501) error 0x80070005: Access is denied
dcn  in GetIDsOfNames of Quit at line 0
dcn eval {...} called at line 0
dcn eval {...} called at line 0

I just pulled my hair out over a very similar scenario with the local
web-server user. It likely *is* a security issue, and I think your
answer will be using dcomcnfg to change the necessary permissions
for automation objects. Take a look at this link:

Take care to make sure if you change the settings that you include
*ALL* users who might need to run the application you alter. Once I
had configured the web-server user I mentioned above, I couldn't run
the scripts with admin access for testing and development anymore
until I went back in and configured myself with permissions ;)

Best regards,

Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

Re: PerlScript Engine

2001-04-23 Thread ryddler

AR I had been using VBScript and JScript for my ASP coding on the server-side.
AR Does anybody have any idea if the PerlScript engine is as robust as the
AR Microsoft Scripting engines for ASP coding and if it can be safely used for
AR ASP coding. 

AR I am tempted to raise this poser, as I found that ordinary Perl-ASP pages
AR seem to work in my Win NT machine, whereas ADO related pages just shoot up
AR Memory usage to 100%, thereby croaking the machine itself. However the
AR VBSCript and JScript counterparts seem to work fine. I am using Personal Web
AR SErver with MDAC 2.6 on my Win NT MAchine.

In addition to the advice Justin gave, I'd suggest that with
Perlscript in ASP you can also use DBI as an alternative to ADO.

Also you might experiment with adding:

use ASP qw(:strict);

To the beginning of your page. Make sure it's ASP, not Win32::ASP which
I had no end of trouble using. Adding into your pages allows
you to use regular print statements instead of the $Response-write()
syntax. It also gives you the param('form_element') syntax you may be
familiar with from using in CGI scripts.

Best regards,

Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

Re[2]: image loading from perl

2001-04-17 Thread ryddler


TCOM print "Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=myboundary\n\n";
TCOM print "--myboundary\n";

TCOM and then close the boundary.
TCOM But IE seems to have a problem with that and says that I cannot load
TCOM the file due to security reasons. Netscape doesn't have any problem with that.
TCOM What I still don't understand is why IE is doing this.
TCOM anyway thanks for the tip

What you are referring to here is "server-push" and you are correct,


because IE doesn't support it. Stop pulling out your hair over it.
If you want to send out a banner you will have to use the code that
Bill outlined, but you won't be able to refresh your banners with IE
unless you devise another method.

Best regards,

Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

Re: ppm install goes out of memory

2001-04-17 Thread ryddler

RB Just so you know, I did downloaded and installed ActivePerl 5.6 in the
RB beginning. But a friend told me to stick with 522 so I uninstalled it and
RB installed that 522 version instead. I don't know if some configuration of
RB the 5.6 version was still in the regestry and currupted my 522 version.

I have seen in the past where the uninstall *does not* remove the
install directory, aand many files are left behind. I ran into
problems with incompatable binaries when moving forward from the 522
to the 6xx series. Try uninstalling the 522 again, manually remove the
install directory, and reinstall after you have cleaned out the old

Best regards,

Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

Re: Working with templates

2001-04-03 Thread ryddler

Hello Brian,

Tuesday, April 03, 2001, 7:48:16 AM, you wrote:

BS I'd like to extend the use of templates a bit further by allowing the use of
BS embedded files - sort of like what you get using SSI on a webserver.  This

Have you looked at Template::Toolkit?

Here's a snip from the docs of some of the syntax...
INSERT- insert a file without any processing
[% INSERT legalese.txt %]

INCLUDE   - process another template file/block, localising vars
[% INCLUDE template %]
[% INCLUDE template  var = val, ... %]


Best regards,

Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

Re: Problems with Win32-OLE-0.1402 and Win32-OLE-0.1403

2001-02-27 Thread ryddler

Hello Wolfgang,

Monday, February 26, 2001, 10:28:58 AM, you wrote:

HW Hi,

HW I sent already a mail concerning this problem. I am writing aagain to give
HW some
HW precisions.
HW I am using ActivePerl build
HW ActivePerl-
HW I have test these two packages 

HW Win32-OLE-0.1403
HW Win32-OLE-0.1402

HW using the following code .

HW ##

HW use strict;

HW use Win32::OLE;

HW my($outlook) = Win32::OLE-GetActiveObject('Outlook.Application')
HW || Win32::OLE-new('Outlook.Application', sub

HW my($namespace) = $outlook-GetNamespace("MAPI");

HW my($folder) = $namespace-GetDefaultFolder(6);
HW my($count);
HW foreach (in $folder-Items) {  $count++;  }

HW ##

The problem here is not with your OLE or your Perl install, but
rather the syntax you used. Win32 OLE is a strange beast at best,
but with a little digging you can find your way around. It appears
to me the end result you are after is the count of the items in the
inbox of Outlook. Rather than iterating though and counting each item:

foreach (in $folder-Items) {  $count++;  }

try this instead:

print sprintf "%s\n", $folder-{'Items'}-Count;

When in doubt, try printing the variable you are trying to access, to
find out what it contains. You may be surprised to find it looks
nothing like you expect.

Best regards,

Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

Re[2]: PerlScript Installation

2001-02-24 Thread ryddler

I have a suspicion that this might be related to "Windows Scripting
Host" (or WSH) which comes standard with win98 and above, but required IE 3.0
or above to be installed to run vbscript or javascript on win95
machines. There is a separate install of the WSH and more info
available at:

You might try running the setup for WSH (linked on the above page) and try
running a perlscript again. It might require reinstalling Perl after
the WSH is installed. This is all speculation and educated guess, so I
don't know for sure if this will clear up your problem, but I think
its worth a try...

S Hi Sean,
S We seem to have drawn a blank on this.
S I have now got perlscript working on my 98 using Apache web server - but I
S really don't know if it is available using Personal Web Server ( which I
S gather is different to Peer Web Services ? ). I wouldn't discount the
S possibility of being able to use perlscript on 95 (as mentioned, I've got it
S working on 98 ) but you may need a different server.
S Surely someone on this list can write something more authoritative than my
S offerings ??

S Incidentally, my initial problem was one of  server config. It appears that
S there was no problem installing perlscript with active perl on windows - nor
S should that aspect be a problem for you. Perlscript is probably there
S already and you just have to configure a server to deal with it.

S Cheers,
S Rob

Best regards,

Perl-Win32-Users mailing list