Perl on Win32: any possibility to emule read_password

2005-05-25 Thread ericv
Hi folks,
the question is very simple: the function read_password does not work on Win 
32 platforms.
I have been searching for a solution everywhere i knew about, without success.
how could I achieve my goal, that is exactly to input a password without 
curious people to see
what is written ?
Thanks in advance

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Re: Perl on Win32: any possibility to emule read_password

2005-05-25 Thread $Bill Luebkert
ericv wrote:
 Hi folks,
 the question is very simple: the function read_password does not work on 
 Win 32 platforms.
 I have been searching for a solution everywhere i knew about, without success.
 how could I achieve my goal, that is exactly to input a password without 
 curious people to see
 what is written ?

Guess what Eric, I have no idea what you're talking about.

What's read_password ?  Part of some of your code, maybe a function
in a Perl module, some C code maybe ?  Please be a little more explcit
since there are ways to accept input without echoing, we just need to
know what you're talking about - web page, commandline, GUI window ?

  ,-/-  __  _  _ $Bill LuebkertMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: Perl on Win32: any possibility to emule read_password

2005-05-25 Thread ericv
ok Bill,
I am talk about the function read_password which is part of the Term module.
It apparently works in all other platforms ( unix, etc...) but is know not to 
work on Win32 ( and i confirm that!)
I am working on a command line script, and need to input a password from the 
console, and obviously
i would avoid to show it explicitly.
Any ideas ?

-Original Message- 
From: $Bill Luebkert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wed 5/25/2005 2:09 PM 
To: ericv 
Subject: Re: Perl on Win32: any possibility to emule read_password

ericv wrote:
 Hi folks,
 the question is very simple: the function read_password does not 
work on Win 32 platforms.
 I have been searching for a solution everywhere i knew about, without 
 how could I achieve my goal, that is exactly to input a password 
without curious people to see
 what is written ?

Guess what Eric, I have no idea what you're talking about.

What's read_password ?  Part of some of your code, maybe a function
in a Perl module, some C code maybe ?  Please be a little more explcit
since there are ways to accept input without echoing, we just need to
know what you're talking about - web page, commandline, GUI window ?

  ,-/-  __  _  _ $Bill LuebkertMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (_/   /  )// //   DBE CollectiblesMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / ) /--  o // //  Castle of Medieval Myth  Magic
-/-' /___/__/_/_ (My Perl/Lakers stuff)

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Re: Perl on Win32: any possibility to emule read_password

2005-05-25 Thread $Bill Luebkert
ericv wrote:

 ok Bill,
 I am talk about the function read_password which is part of the Term module.
 It apparently works in all other platforms ( unix, etc...) but is know not to 
 work on Win32 ( and i confirm that!)
 I am working on a command line script, and need to input a password from the 
 console, and obviously
 i would avoid to show it explicitly.
 Any ideas ?

Yes - don't use read_password if it doesn't work.  I don't know about
the 'Term' module, but you can use Term::ReadKey module:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Term::ReadKey;  END { ReadMode ('restore'); }   # just in case

$| = 1; # unbuffer stdout

my $pwd = '';

# echoes * for each char and allows correction

binmode STDIN;
print Password: ;

ReadMode ('cbreak');
while (defined (my $ch = ReadKey ())) {
last if $ch eq \x0a or $ch eq \x0d;
if ($ch eq \x08) {# backspace
print \b \b if $pwd;  # back up 1
chop $pwd;
if ($ch eq \x15) {# ^U
print \b \b x length $pwd;# back 1 for each char
$pwd = '';
$pwd .= $ch;
print '*';
ReadMode ('restore');

print \n;
print Password entered was $pwd\n;

# This will also work, but it's not as functional and doesn't echo *'s:

# print Password: ;
# ReadMode ('noecho');
# my $pwd = ReadLine ();
# chomp $pwd;
# ReadMode ('restore');


You can also use a less portable Win32 solution (haven't verified lately) :

use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32::Console;

$| = 1; # unbuffer stdout

my $debug = 0;
my $key = '';
my $passwd = '';
my $prompt = Type password followed by ENTER: ;
my $prompt2 = try again: ;

my $IN = new Win32::Console (STD_INPUT_HANDLE) or die $!;
print $prompt;
$IN-Flush ();  # optionally flush input

while (1) {

my @e = $IN-Input();
print Event='@e'\n if $debug;

next if ($e[0] != 1 or $e[1] != 0); # not keybd key up

my $key = chr ($e[5]);
print key=$key '$e[5]'\n if $debug;

if ($key =~ /[\r\n]/) { # EOL
if (length $passwd  0) {
print \n;
} elsif ($e[5] == 8 and ($e[6] == 8 or $e[6] == 0)) {   # BS or DEL
$passwd =~ s/^(.*).$/$1/;
print \b \b;
print 1 passwd=$passwd , length $passwd, \n if $debug;
} elsif ($e[6] == 8 and $e[5] == 21) {  # ^U
$passwd = '';
print 2 passwd=$passwd , length $passwd, \n if $debug;
} elsif ($e[6] == 8 and ($e[5] == 4 or $e[5] == 26)) {  # ^D or ^Z
} elsif ($e[6] == 0 or $e[6] == 16) {   # regular key
next if $e[5] == 0;
$passwd .= $key;
print 3 passwd=$passwd , length $passwd,   if $debug;
print *;
print \n if $debug;
} else {
print ? passwd=$passwd , length $passwd, \n if $debug;
print Illegal key\n;

print passwd=$passwd\n if $debug;

$IN-Flush ();
#$IN-Free ();  # don't free or you lose STDOUT
#undef $IN;


  ,-/-  __  _  _ $Bill LuebkertMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (_/   /  )// //   DBE CollectiblesMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Perl on Win32: any possibility to emule read_password

2005-05-25 Thread Alexander Apprich

Hi Eric,

ericv wrote:

ok Bill,
I am talk about the function read_password which is part of the Term module.

It apparently works in all other platforms ( unix, etc...) but is know not to 
work on Win32 ( and i confirm that!)
I am working on a command line script, and need to input a password from the console, and obviously

i would avoid to show it explicitly.
Any ideas ?

TermReadkey works on Win32. Not as well as on Linux/Unix, but it works.
Not pretty but it works too :-D

[EMAIL PROTECTED] scripts $ cat

use strict;
use warnings;
use Term::ReadKey;

my $name;
my $password;

print Your name?: ;
$name = GetInput();
print Your password: ;
$password = GetInput(passwd);
print \n;

sub GetInput {
  my $token;
  $_ = shift;
  ReadMode('noecho') if defined $_  ( $_ eq passwd );
  while ( not defined ( $token = ReadLine(0) ) ) {
# No key pressed yet
  ReadMode('normal') if defined $_  ( $_ eq passwd );
  chomp $token;
  return $token




	-Original Message- 
	From: $Bill Luebkert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Wed 5/25/2005 2:09 PM 
	To: ericv 
	Subject: Re: Perl on Win32: any possibility to emule read_password

ericv wrote:
 Hi folks,
	 the question is very simple: the function read_password does not work on Win 32 platforms.

 I have been searching for a solution everywhere i knew about, without 
	 how could I achieve my goal, that is exactly to input a password without curious people to see

 what is written ?

Guess what Eric, I have no idea what you're talking about.

What's read_password ?  Part of some of your code, maybe a function
in a Perl module, some C code maybe ?  Please be a little more explcit
since there are ways to accept input without echoing, we just need to
know what you're talking about - web page, commandline, GUI window ?

  ,-/-  __  _  _ $Bill LuebkertMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (_/   /  )// //   DBE CollectiblesMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / ) /--  o // //  Castle of Medieval Myth  Magic
-/-' /___/__/_/_ (My Perl/Lakers stuff)

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