Re: Two problems groping around in PerlHashes

2002-10-20 Thread Jason Gloudon
On Sun, Oct 20, 2002 at 12:32:24PM +0200, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

 PDD02 specifies the needed methods

The vtable PDD refers to type_keyed returning the type of the *PMC*.  This
isn't accurate given the question. Should we change the PDD ?

 perlhash/array have exists_keyed (but no type_keyed), though the opcodes 
 are missing.

On a tangent:

Shouldn't a Perl Hash be a homogenous data structure, ie. it should contain
just PMCs ?


Re: C# and Parrot

2002-10-20 Thread Bryan C. Warnock
On Sun, 2002-10-20 at 07:39, Leon Brocard wrote:
 Leon Brocard sent the following bits through the ether:
  It looks like the DotGNU weekly IRC meeting will be discussing
  Parrot. Could be interesting:
 It was quite interesting. I managed to make it to the early one and
 Dan to the later one. An annotated and abridged chatlog is available:
 It looks like we're going to need 8,16,32,64 bit types...

Interesting read.  Dan skimmed over this, but what do .NET (and JVM) doe
for floating point numbers?

Are we still targeting a middle ground for C?  (Enough to be able to
parse and handle structs natively, and possibly even make calls

Bryan C. Warnock

RE: Getting started guide v0.4

2002-10-20 Thread Brent Dax
Erik Lechak:
# And in my tinkering around, I compile a lot.  I have also added this 
# handy little perl script that helps.
# I only know that it works on win32 (XP).  I could get it working on 
# linux if anyone is interested.
# Extensions are in win32 speak.  But it uses so it should be 
# somewhat easy to make work for linux if it already does not.  
# Here is a 
# summary of what it does.

Sweet!  Thanks.  This could be very useful if we can set it up to work
on Unices.

# I think I know the answer, but is there a reason why in 
#  'so' 
# maps to '.dll' and 'ar' only maps to 'lib' with no dot?  Does 
# it have to 
# do with 'hello.lib' for windows and 'libhello.a' for linux?

$(AR) is the program you invoke to create a library, IIRC.

C:\Brent\Visual Studio Projects\Perl 6\parrot\parrotlib -?
Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 7.00.9466
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

usage: LIB [options] [files]






@roles=map {Parrot $_} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

Wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in
New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. And radio operates
exactly the same way. The only difference is that there is no cat.
--Albert Einstein (explaining radio)

Re: [perl #18008] t/src/list.t failing.

2002-10-20 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Simon Glover wrote:

-for (i = 0; i  5; i++)
+for (i = 0; i  5; i++) {

I'm wondering, how I could miss this.

Anyway, thank you for the report, fix checked in.


Re: C# and Parrot

2002-10-20 Thread Leon Brocard
Leon Brocard sent the following bits through the ether:

 It looks like the DotGNU weekly IRC meeting will be discussing
 Parrot. Could be interesting:

It was quite interesting. I managed to make it to the early one and
Dan to the later one. An annotated and abridged chatlog is available:

It looks like we're going to need 8,16,32,64 bit types...

Leon Brocard.

 43rd Law of Computing: Anything that can go wr...

Re: Two problems groping around in PerlHashes

2002-10-20 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Clinton A. Pierce wrote:

While working on ...something... I found the need to be able to tell if 
a key exists in a PerlHash.  Here's the kicker, I don't know what kind 
of data's gonna be there: int, float, PMC, or string.

[ snipp ]

exists Px[key], branch

PDD02 specifies the needed methods


perlhash/array have exists_keyed (but no type_keyed), though the opcodes 
are missing.

So once I can tell the key is there, that brings up the second problem: 
what exactly is behind that key?  A PMC?  A native type?  The only thing 
I can think of that would suffice would be to tinker with typeof to make 
it able to recognize the PASM native types (N, I, S) and then to make it 
a keyed op.

We must define and standardize the enum_type_*. list.h has a bunch of 
them, though, when reading PDD02, the values should be negative numbers 
to discern these types from PMCs. hash.h has it's own types, which of 
course should match those in list.h


Re: C# and Parrot (dotgnu meeting)

2002-10-20 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Leon Brocard wrote:
 It looks like the DotGNU weekly IRC meeting will be discussing
 Parrot. Could be interesting:

A condensed summary of the IRC meetings have been posted as :-

Also the full logs are available from


ps: here's my hello world to parrot , a small example compiler that does IL
and *now* parrot.
Check out the treecc AST operation management .
The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: C# and Parrot

2002-10-20 Thread Rhys Weatherley
Bryan C. Warnock wrote:

 Interesting read.  Dan skimmed over this, but what do .NET (and JVM) doe
 for floating point numbers?

The CLI has three floating point types, of which 2 are visible
to C# and a third is used by the engine.  These are float32,
float64, and native float.  The first two have specific
sizes, and are expected to be IEEE compatible.

The third is the native floating point representation for the
underlying machine, which is assumed to have precision greater
than or equal to float64.  The actual size is unspecified by
the standard, and it is OK to set native float == float64.

Floating point operations are always performed in native float,
and then down-graded to float32 or float64 prior to being stored
in a local or object field.

The long and the short of it is that Parrot's FLOATVAL is good
enough for C#'s purposes, with the minor requirement of a
double - float conversion opcode.  Which is essentially a
truncate and then re-extend to FLOATVAL, similar to the
int - short and int - byte cases.



Re: C# and Parrot

2002-10-20 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Bryan C. Warnock wrote:
  It looks like we're going to need 8,16,32,64 bit types...
 Interesting read.  Dan skimmed over this, but what do .NET (and JVM) doe
 for floating point numbers?

IL (Ecma-335)
134.1.1 Floating Point
14   The floating point feature set consists of the user-visible 
 floating-point data types float32 and float64, and
15   support for an internal representation of floating-point numbers.

Float32 -- Single 
Float64 -- Double

And,IIRC the same for JVM as well ?.

 Are we still targeting a middle ground for C?  (Enough to be able to
 parse and handle structs natively, and possibly even make calls

Hmm... would be thinking of something like PInvoke in C# ?
(viz a lot like JNI, but marshalls/unmarshalls args automatically,
 and we've managed to wrap parts of X11 with it).

Or are you thinking about compiling C to Parrot ?
Dan : Consider it both mildly interesting and mildly bemusing :)

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Scratchpad confusion

2002-10-20 Thread Allen Short
The ops described in PDD 6 and docs/parrot_assembly.pod for
scratchpads appear to be subtly different from the ones actually in
core.ops. In particular, i was led astray by the docs referring to the
newpad op and core.ops implementing new_pad. which is it supposed
to be? =)

I started investigating scratchpads because I'm interested in
improving the scheme compiler. I'd agree with Sean O'Rourke's comments
-- the current ops seem too limited; in particular, I dont see how one
would save a scratchpad with a function definition, or modify the
toplevel scratchpad.  Looking beyond Scheme, it appears to me that
other languages would need more flexible handling of scoping as well;
Common Lisp, for example, keeps functions in a separate namespace from
other variables. Being new to Parrot hacking, could someone point me
at the rationale for making scratchpads a special case, rather than a


Description: PGP signature

Two problems groping around in PerlHashes

2002-10-20 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
While working on ...something... I found the need to be able to tell if a 
key exists in a PerlHash.  Here's the kicker, I don't know what kind of 
data's gonna be there: int, float, PMC, or string.

After hunting around in t/perlhash.t I found a few examples of checking for 
keys that don't exist.  They look like:

	new P1, .PerlHash
	set P0, P1[not_there]
	typeof S1, P0

Okay this is cool, except it doesn't work if the hash has mixed types in it 
and the key you're looking for *actually exists*.  For this code:

	new P1, .PerlHash
	set P1[mykey], I0   # So it will exist
	set P0, P1[mykey]

Parrot correctly throws an error:

	Cannot fetch PMC out of non-PMC key!

Correct or not, this is a pain in the butt.  There's no way to grope around 
in a PerlHash unless you already know what keys are there and what type 
they are.

What I think we need is an exists opcode.  And looking at 
classes/perlhash.c it looks like there's a exists function already 
there.  I just can't figure out how to use it in PASM.  There appears to be 
no opcode for it.

Is this something of the PMC API we can expose to PASM programmers?

Can someone gimme a hint of how to make this a real live opcode?  Or, if 
someone can easily turn this on somehow, I think the best API for something 
like exists would be:

	exists Px[key], branch

So once I can tell the key is there, that brings up the second problem: 
what exactly is behind that key?  A PMC?  A native type?  The only thing I 
can think of that would suffice would be to tinker with typeof to make it 
able to recognize the PASM native types (N, I, S) and then to make it a 
keyed op.

Re: perl6 operator precedence table

2002-10-20 Thread Smylers
Mark J. Reed wrote:

 On 2002-10-17 at 22:52:49, Smylers wrote:

  ... I initially misread the bar as an exclamation mark.  I realize
  that this is a sample size of one ...

 Make that a sample size of two.

Well, not really.  (Presumably there are many other people who also read
Larry's mail without any problems.)

 I think the confusion is actually increased by the period; in this
 font (X11 fd:
 misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--20-200-75-75-c-100-iso10646-1), the period
 is notably larger than the dot of the exclamation point, which
 visually reduces the significance of that tiny gap.

Ah yes.  (I'm using a different variant of the same typeface.)  If the
font had got a full-stop-sized dot on the bottom of the exclamation (and
question) mark there wouldn't be a problem.

In which case, I withdraw my objection:

  * Perl has to make a working assumption that, in general, different
characters look different; if they don't, that's the typeface's
problem not Perl's.

If we pander to every possible conflict that might occur in any
typeface, there'll be very few characters left to use.  (For example
in the default Courier font used by 'KEdit' braces look like square
brackets, but we blatantly need to have both of those in the

And xor isn't particularly common, so the scope for confusion would
be limited.

  * I _can_ tell the difference, once I look properly, even in this
font.  I was concerned that those with vision difficulties may not
be able to do so.  But presumably such people will choose more
sensible typefaces (and probably larger ones).

Somebody fairly recently recommended some decent fixed-width typefaces.
I think it may have been MJD, but I can't find the reference right now
(could be at work).


Re: perl6 operator precedence table

2002-10-20 Thread Smylers
Larry Wall wrote:

 $a .! $b  # bitwise xor
 $a ! $b   # logical xor
 ! $b  # logical not
 I like the notion that binary ! means that the two sides are sharing
 one not.  That's the definition of XOR in a nutshell.

I like that too.  It also means that C!! and C.!! become the
equivalence operators for free.  (Technically inverting the right
operand then doing xor, but that's ... um, equivalent.)

However it means that the binary ops become:

  $a || $b  # logical or
  $a .| $b  # bitwise or
  $a  $b  # logical and
  $a . $b  # bitwise and
  $a ! $b  # logical xor
  $a .! $b  # bitwise xor

That makes logical xor look a little inconsistent (it doesn't line up
for a start).

Doubling the exclamation mark would make logical xor fit in better
(though that'd leave three of them in equivalence).

 I also like the idea that ~ is entirely freed up for some other
 nefarious use.

Yeah; how'd that happen?  Seems like not too long ago we were short of
punctuation symbols, and now you've got a spare one lying around.


Re: perl6 operator precedence table

2002-10-20 Thread Me
 Somebody fairly recently recommended some decent fixed-width
 I think it may have been MJD, but I can't find the reference right now
 (could be at work).

Michael Schwern recently suggested Monaco,
Neep or, if you can find them, Mishawaka or ProFont.

I investigated and found this link to be useful:


Re: perl6 operator precedence table

2002-10-20 Thread Smylers
Me wrote:

  Somebody fairly recently recommended some decent fixed-width
  typefaces.  I think it may have been MJD ...
 Michael Schwern recently suggested Monaco, Neep or, if you can find
 them, Mishawaka or ProFont.

Ah, yes.  That's what I was failing to recollect.  (Apologies to both
MJD and Schwern ...)

 I investigated and found this link to be useful:



Character Properties

2002-10-20 Thread Luke Palmer
What's the plan on having properties, or attributes (depending on how
far we're taking it), on individual characters in a string?  I think
it's an essential feature, as Lisp has shown us.  If there's an
argument otherwise, I'm all ears.
