[perl #99462] LTA bug

2011-09-19 Thread Jimmy Zhuo
# New Ticket Created by  Jimmy Zhuo 
# Please include the string:  [perl #99462]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: https://rt.perl.org:443/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=99462 

JimmyZ rakudo: class A { has $!b = 10; method foo() { say self!b }; }; my $b = 
A.new; $b.foo # I think it's a bug
p6eva  rakudo 35ec9c: OUTPUT«Method 'postcircumfix:( )' not found for 
invocant of class 'Mu'␤ in anon at src/gen/Metamodel.pm:3029␤ in method 
dispatch:! at src/gen/CORE.setting:644␤ in method dispatch:! at 
src/gen/CORE.setting:656␤ in method foo at /tmp/FherJzZ4W9:1␤ in anon at …
moritz JimmyZ: should probably read 'Cannot find private method b in class A' 
or so

JimmyZ b: class A { has $!b = 10; method foo() { say self!b }; }; my $b = 
A.new; $b.foo
p6eval b 1b7dd1: OUTPUT«Method '!b' not found for invocant of class 'A'␤ in 
'A::foo' at line 22:/tmp/kH2gKWVHoK␤ in main program body at line 

[perl #74668] [BUG] Adding a parent to a class during 'augment' fails for a strange reason in Rakudo

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
As jnthn noted, there's now a nicer error:

 Parents cannot be added to a class after it has been composed 

[perl #63584] Error Building Rakudo/Parrot on Mac OS X 10.5.6 (mixed perls)

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
Looks like the original issue was diagnosed; I regularly build on darwin with 
no issues.

If this is still an issue on recent rakudos, please let us know.


Will Coke Coleda

[perl #69160] Twin exceptions cause assertion failure and/or unrequested error message

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Wed Sep 16 02:56:54 2009, moritz wrote:
 Thanks for the ticket, it's a very good catch and analysis.
 I have some small comments on it:
 Bruce Gray (via RT) wrote:
  # New Ticket Created by  Bruce Gray 
  # Please include the string:  [perl #69160]
  # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
  # URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=69160 
  Consider these two classes, both faulty in the same way:
   class B0rk { say $.a };
   class Chef { say $.b };

Failure mode changed, and is now more consistent, but worse.

$ ./perl6 -e 'class B0rk { say $.a };'
Null PMC access in find_method('a')

$ ./perl6 -e 'class Chef { say $.b };'
Null PMC access in find_method('b')

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #64846] Rakudo can't handle ::$x() where $x isa Str

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Sun Apr 19 07:18:51 2009, masak wrote:
 moritz_ rakudo: sub foo { say bar }; my $x = 'foo'; ::$x()
 p6eval rakudo df8662: OUTPUT�ResizablePMCArray: Can't pop from an
 empty array! [...]
 moritz_ that looks a bit like a bug
 * moritz_ summons masak
 masak moritz_: oh hai.
 * masak submits

Output is now:

20:39  [Coke] rakudo: sub foo { say bar }; my $x = 'foo'; ::$x()
20:39 +p6eval rakudo b10ef5: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Cannot look up empty name␤»

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #69388] result of $obj.^can make say() silently abort

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Fri Sep 25 09:10:07 2009, moritz wrote:
 class B {
 multi method B_method() {
 say in B::B_method;
 my $obj = B.new();
 say $obj.HOW.can($obj, 'B_method');
 say alive;
 say $obj.^can('B_method');
 say alive;
 Both say() lines with calls to 'can' don't even print the newlines.

Output of this program is now:


Will Coke Coleda

[perl #65396] GC issue in range/postcircumfix:[ ]

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Sun Oct 11 06:45:51 2009, KyleHa wrote:
 On Tue May 05 04:40:41 2009, jn...@jnthn.net wrote:
  ..\..\parrot -G perl6.pbc -e  my @array = (3,7,9,11); say @array[0..1]
  called from Sub 'parrot;Int;succ' pc 5519 (src\classes\Int.pir:83)
  called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6Object;' pc 1272 (src\classes\Object.pir:714)
  called from Sub 'parrot;Int;succ' pc 5519 (src\classes\Int.pir:83)
  called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6Object;' pc 1272 (src\classes\Object.pir:714)
  { repeated many times }
  called from Sub 'parrot;Int;succ' pc 5519 (src\classes\Int.pir:83)
  called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6Object;' pc 1272 (src\classes\Object.pir:714)
  called from Sub 'postfix:++' pc 21516 (src\builtins\op.pir:39)
  called from Sub 'parrot;Range;shift' pc 9493 (src\classes\Range.pir:107)
  called from Sub 'parrot;Range;' pc 9364 (src\classes\Range.pir:47)
  called from Sub 'parrot;List;!flatten' pc 6770 (src\classes\List.pir:228)
  called from Sub 'postcircumfix:[ ]' pc 4416
  called from Sub '_block21' pc 852 (EVAL_21:268)
  called from Sub '_block14' pc 106 (EVAL_21:65)
  called from Sub '!UNIT_START' pc 18218 (src\builtins\guts.pir:386)
  called from Sub 'parrot;PCT;HLLCompiler;eval' pc 949 
  called from Sub 'parrot;PCT;HLLCompiler;evalfiles' pc 1274 
  called from Sub 'parrot;PCT;HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1469 
  called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6;Compiler;main' pc 243078 
 This seems to work now:
 $ ./parrot_install/bin/parrot -G perl6.pbc -e  my @array = (3,7,9,11);
 say @array[0..1]
 I don't see any problem with slice.t either.
 Can this ticket be resolved?

Looks like.

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #65700] Subtyped attributes can be instantiated with impossible values in Rakudo

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Mon Oct 26 14:50:37 2009, KyleHa wrote:
 This is an automatically generated mail to inform you that tests are
 now available in t/spec/S12-subset/subtypes.t

And we now run this test, with no skips or todos. \o/

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #66648] [BUG] Null PMC access when doing EnumType.value in Rakudo

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Tue Jun 16 15:03:41 2009, masak wrote:
 masak rakudo: enum A b c; say A.b
 p6eval rakudo 952fe6: OUTPUT�Null PMC access in get_string() [...]
 * masak submits rakudobug
 masak (yes, I know it should be A::b)

This has a test that is passing (S02-types/enum.t). Fudged remaining test and 
added it to the 
spectest run.

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #70267] [BUG] Null PMC access when calling nextsame in anonymous block in Rakudo

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Fri Nov 13 21:10:30 2009, KyleHa wrote:
 This is an automatically generated mail to inform you that tests are
 now available in t/spec/S06-advanced_subroutine_features/wrap.t

Test is now in  t/spec/S06-advanced/wrap.t
Will Coke Coleda

[perl6/specs] fe723c: rm Conjectural from :D and :U

2011-09-19 Thread noreply
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/perl6/specs

  Commit: fe723c3b27ef3a24152d27ca315e175a656fa565
  Author: Larry Wall la...@wall.org
  Date:   2011-09-19 (Mon, 19 Sep 2011)

  Changed paths:
M S12-objects.pod

  Log Message:
  rm Conjectural from :D and :U

[perl #73122] [BUG] Output disappears when doing certain calls to index using strings with accents in them in Rakudo

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Fri Feb 26 07:06:43 2010, masak wrote:
 pmichaud 14:38 PerlJam rakudo: say index(úuúuùù, úuù);
 pmichaud 14:38 p6eval rakudo 403afe:  ( no output )
 pmichaud I call parrotbug.
 pmichaud code coming up.
 pmichaud http://nopaste.snit.ch/19794  # bug with index op?
 jnthn Parrot FAIL.
 * masak adds this to the RT ticket
 colomon That doesn't explain the missing newline from say, does it?
 masak actually, no.
 colomon rakudo: say index(hello, elf);
 p6eval rakudo 4fc3af:  ( no output )
 masak except that a -1 probably translates into a Failure of some 
 pmichaud fail(Substring '$substring' not found in '{self}') if 
 $result  0;
 colomon Yes, it becomes a fail.
 masak ok, so the bug is actually two bugs.
 masak one Parrot-based, and one having to do with fail
 pmichaud ah, yes.
 pmichaud stringifying the failure causes it to throw the exception
 pmichaud so say() never gets a chance to output the newline.
 masak that's it, then.
 pmichaud that, to me, is not a bug.
 masak I don't see the failure being thrown, either.
 pmichaud yeah, that part is an error
 pmichaud Perhaps the failure is being thrown but we're never seeing 
 the message?
 pmichaud rakudo:  sub foo() { fail 'bar'; 'xyz' };  say foo();
 p6eval rakudo 4fc3af:  ( no output )
 pmichaud parrot bug gets weirder:  http://nopaste.snit.ch/19795
 masak o.O
 masak so, just Unicode strings make the problem occur?
 colomon Though there were Unicode string examples in the backlog 
 there that worked, right?
 colomon It's not just all Unicode strings fail.
 masak ok.
 colomon rakudo: say index(ùuúuù, úuù);
 p6eval rakudo 4fc3af: OUTPUT«2␤»

The original string that caused the issue works now. Needs tests.

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #72816] [BUG] Cannot assign to an undeclared dynamic variable in Rakudo

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Mon Sep 19 20:34:36 2011, coke wrote:
 On Mon Feb 15 00:53:39 2010, masak wrote:
  masak rakudo: my $*x = 42; say $*x.WHAT
  p6eval rakudo 70667a: OUTPUT«Int()␤»
  masak rakudo: $*x = 42; say $*x.WHAT
  p6eval rakudo 70667a: OUTPUT«Cannot assign to readonly
  instr. 'infix:=' pc 15648 (src/builtins/Junction.pir:169)␤»
  * masak submits rakudobug
  masak rakudo: $*x = 42
  p6eval rakudo 70667a: OUTPUT«Cannot assign to readonly
  instr.: 'infix:=' pc 15648 (src/builtins/Junction.pir:169)␤»
  I'm not sure dynamic variables can be assigned to without first
  initialized. I skimmed S02 but didn't find anything mentioning it.
  Anyway, either you can and the error shouldn't be there, or you
  and the error is less than awesome.
 Now says:
 23:34  [Coke] rakudo: $*x = 42; say $*x.WHAT
 23:34 +p6eval rakudo cbdd9b: OUTPUT«Cannot assign to a non-
 container␤  in anon
 at /tmp/meGTbjLflb:1␤  in anon at

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #73412] [BUG] Can't initialize a Str-typed hash variable with a hash or a pair in Rakudo

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Sun Mar 07 10:53:09 2010, masak wrote:
 arnsholt rakudo: my Str %s = {a = 'b'}
 p6eval rakudo 657c16: OUTPUT�get_pmc_keyed() not implemented in
 class '' [...]
 * masak submits rakudobug
 arnsholt rakudo: my %s = {a = 'b'}
 p6eval rakudo c36413:  ( no output )
 masak rakudo: my Str %s
 p6eval rakudo c36413:  ( no output )
 masak rakudo: my Str %s = a = 'b'
 p6eval rakudo c36413: OUTPUT�get_pmc_keyed() not implemented in
 class '' [...]

None of these error with current rakudo. Needs tests.

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #73350] [PATCH] Add p5chomp and add p5chomp and p5chop to tests

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
Sorry about the delay in responding. Thanks for the patch.

These were removed from the spec in 

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #73392] [PATCH] Fix parsing of overflowing numbers with exponent part

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
Sorry about the delay in responding.

These patches no longer apply, so I'm rejecting the ticket.

Thanks for the submittal, we do appreciate it, even if we're slow to respond.

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #71460] [BUG] Null PMC access when accessing an enum element in an enum with double colons in its name in Rakudo

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Sun Dec 20 07:48:08 2009, masak wrote:
 masak rakudo: enum A::B a b c; say b
 p6eval rakudo 8dc189:  ( no output )
 masak locally, 'Null PMC access in type()'.
 * masak submits rakudobug

This already has tests, which are passing un-fudged!

Closing ticket.

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #68136] Rakudo causes a Parrot assertion to fail when a parameterized role does a non-parameterized role

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Sun Aug 02 13:58:12 2009, eternal...@gmail.com wrote:
 This code causes Parrot to fail in a rather spectacular manner:
 role TreeNode[::T] does Positional {
   has TreeNode[T] @!children handles 'postcircumfix:[ ]';
   has T $.data is rw;
 my $tree = TreeNode[Int].new;
 $tree.data = 3;
 $tree[0] = TreeNode[Int].new;
 $tree[1] = TreeNode[Int].new;
 $tree[0].data = 1;
 $tree[1].data = 4;
 .say for $tree.data, $tree[0,1].data;

This now outputs:

Needs tests.

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #66966] [BUG] Supposedly equivalent code doesn't work the same when formatted with different whitespace

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Thu Jun 25 12:53:52 2009, matt-w wrote:
 As far as I'm aware, these should be, semantically, the same:
 role R { }
 class C {
   method a { }
   a := method { } but R;
 role R {}; class C { method a { }; a := method { } but R; }
 However, the first says:
 rtype not set
 in Main (src/gen_setting.pm:3225)
 While the second remains silent.
 I'm not sure I'm supposed to be mixing roles into methods, but as far
 as I'm concerned they're objects, so why not? This particular
 behaviour came to light trying to produce a test case for the 'rtype
 not set' error to help figure out what that is (it comes from inside
 the PAST compiler inside PCT, as far as I can tell, from one of two
 methods in Compiler.pir, but I can't figure out any more than that).

These now both error the same way on rakudo:

$ ./perl6 a.p6 
Cannot use bind operator with this LHS at line 4, near  method { 

$ ./perl6 b.p6
Cannot use bind operator with this LHS at line 1, near  method { 

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #71810] [BUG] multiple declared subs

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Mon Mar 29 05:42:50 2010, moritz wrote:
 broken again in current rakudo. Tests are in

I don't see code in that file that resembles the code in the ticket, nor an RT#.

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #68024] [TODO] Make infix:($op) work

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Tue Mar 30 08:24:48 2010, moritz wrote:
 The infix:{$foo} form is now gone from the spec, but infix:($foo)
 should work, afaict.

23:54  [Coke] rakudo: my $foo=+;infix:($foo)(3,4).say
23:54 +p6eval rakudo cbdd9b: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Symbol 'infix:($foo)' not 
predeclared in anonymous (/tmp/qTMVLz747s:1)␤»

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #60780] Trouble when iteration variables don't add up

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Mon Apr 05 14:21:29 2010, coke wrote:
 On Sun Jan 11 00:21:58 2009, pmichaud wrote:
  On Mon Nov 24 09:12:36 2008, masak wrote:
   masak rakudo: for 1..5 - $a, $b { say $a, $b }
   p6eval rakudo 33137: OUTPUT[12␤34␤StopIteration␤current instr.:
   '_block11' pc 78 (EVAL_15:29)␤]
   I haven't searched the specs or the tests for what should happen, 
   I'm pretty sure this shouldn't throw an exception.
  Stalling this ticket until there's a description of what should happen
  (either in S04 or S07) and tests to match.
 17:17  CokeBot9000 TimToady:
 - I
  would imagine that on the last loop through, a 
 would get
  5, and b would get whatever undef is these days.
 17:18 @TimToady no, it just fails to bind, unless you declare the 
   parameter as optional
 17:19  CokeBot9000 (fails to bind) - just on the last iteration, yes?
 17:20 @TimToady yes, just the last iteration

23:56  [Coke] rakudo: for 1..5 - $a, $b { say $a, $b }
23:56 +p6eval rakudo cbdd9b: OUTPUT«12␤34␤Not enough positional parameters 
got 1 but expected 2␤  in block anon at /tmp/DxYdxC7jfN:1␤  
method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:3690␤  in method reify at 
src/gen/CORE.setting:3595␤  in method reify at 
src/gen/CORE.setting:3595␤  in method gimme…

23:56  [Coke] rakudo: for 1..5 - $a, $b? { say $a, $b }
23:56 +p6eval rakudo cbdd9b: OUTPUT«12␤34␤5Mu()␤»

good enough for tests?

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #69182] [BUG] Ugly interaction between Rat objects and integer overflow

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Fri Apr 30 07:57:00 2010, bbkr wrote:
 This returns NAN now (in my case on 1024th operation)
 perl6 -e 'my $d = 2; my $p = 1; for 1..1024 { print operation $_: ;
 say $p *= ($d-1)/($d); $d *= 2 }'
 operation 1017: 0.288788095086602
 operation 1018: 0.288788095086602
 operation 1019: 0.288788095086602
 operation 1020: 0.288788095086602
 operation 1021: 0.288788095086602
 operation 1022: 0.288788095086602
 operation 1023: 0.288788095086602
 operation 1024: NaN

Here's my current run:
$ ./perl6 -e 'my $d = 2; my $p = 1; while 1 { say $p *= ($d-1)/($d); $d *= 2 }'
Floating point exception
$ echo $?

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #69182] [BUG] Ugly interaction between Rat objects and integer overflow

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Fri Apr 30 07:57:00 2010, bbkr wrote:
 This returns NAN now (in my case on 1024th operation)
 perl6 -e 'my $d = 2; my $p = 1; for 1..1024 { print operation $_: ;
 say $p *= ($d-1)/($d); $d *= 2 }'
 operation 1017: 0.288788095086602
 operation 1018: 0.288788095086602
 operation 1019: 0.288788095086602
 operation 1020: 0.288788095086602
 operation 1021: 0.288788095086602
 operation 1022: 0.288788095086602
 operation 1023: 0.288788095086602
 operation 1024: NaN

Here's my current run:
$ ./perl6 -e 'my $d = 2; my $p = 1; while 1 { say $p *= ($d-1)/($d); $d *= 2 }'
Floating point exception
$ echo $?

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #74820] [BUG] No runtime warning when list-assigning to readonly things in Rakudo

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Mon May 03 04:20:44 2010, moritz wrote:
 Am 03.05.2010 12:30, schrieb Mark J. Reed:
  Huh?  Those are explicitly read-write.  Why is it dying at all?
 Yes. I think masak++ picked up the wrong lines from p6eval:
 @moritz_ rakudo: sub swap($a, $b) { ($a, $b) = ($b, $a) }; swap my
 = 2, my $y = 5;
 +p6eval rakudo c4857a:  ( no output )
 *this* should die.
  On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 9:17 AM, Carl M�sakperl6-bugs-
  # New Ticket Created by  Carl M�sak
  # Please include the string:  [perl #74820]
  # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this
  #URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=74820
  moritz_  rakudo: sub swap($a is rw, $b is rw) { ($a, $b) = ($b,
  }; swap(3, 4) # should that die?
  p6eval  rakudo c4857a:  ( no output )
  moritz_  I'm quite sure it should :/
  masak  aye, me too.
  * moritz_ predicts masak's next line
  * masak does the thing that fulfills that prediction
  masak  rakudo: sub foo($a is rw) { $a = 5 }; foo(42)
  p6eval  rakudo c4857a: OUTPUT�Cannot assign to readonly value
  masak  rakudo: (1, 2) = 3, 4
  p6eval  rakudo c4857a:  ( no output )
  masak  ok, so it's the list assignment that doesn't pick up on

And now it does:

$ ./perl6 foo -e 'sub swap($a, $b) { ($a, $b) = ($b, $a) }; swap my $z = 2, my 
$y = 5;'
Cannot assign to a readonly variable or a value
  in method STORE at src/gen/CORE.setting:3369
  in sub swap at foo:1
  in sub swap at foo:1
  in anon at foo:1
  in anon at foo:1

tests needed.

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #75030] [PATCH] Lexical persistence autoprinting for the REPL

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
Closing ticket as resolved - I don't think we applied the original patch, but 
we have REPL 
autoprinting for some time now.

Thanks for the submission!

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #74112] [BUG] You can hash-index a string in Rakudo

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Fri May 21 06:07:03 2010, bbkr wrote:
 [15:02] bbkr rakudo: say '16'{'%x'} # checking if
 http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=74112 is fixed
 [15:02] p6eval rakudo e6863e: OUTPUT«Method 'postcircumfix:{ }' not
 found for invocant of class 'Str'␤current instr.: '!postcircumfix:{ }'
 pc 14645 (src/builtins/Code.pir:20)␤»
 [15:02] -- ruoso has joined this channel (~ruoso@
 [15:05] bbkr looks like fixed, where tests for such case should go str
 or blocks-and-statements ?
 looks like fixed, but i don't know yet where to put tests.

Slightly different failure these days:

00:10  [Coke] rakudo: say '16'{'%x'}
00:10 +p6eval rakudo cbdd9b: OUTPUT«Method 'at_key' not found for invocant of 
class 'Str'␤  in method postcircumfix:{ } at 
src/gen/CORE.setting:1002␤  in anon at /tmp/MHZjKseyZi:1␤  in 
anon at /tmp/MHZjKseyZi:1␤␤»

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #68738] [BUG] [LHF] say Exception causes seg fault

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Sun Jun 06 10:11:36 2010, lue wrote:
  say Exception;
  eval RONG or say $!.PARROT
  eval RONG or say $!.WHAT
  eval RONG or die $!
 Could not find sub RONG
  eval RONG or say $!.^methods(:local).name.perl
 (exception, , handled, resume, perl, throw, Str, new,
 payload, rethrow)
  eval RONG or $!.resume
 Null PMC access in invoke()
  eval RONG or $!.rethrow
 Could not find sub RONG
  eval RONG or say $!.perl
 The only things that are still interesting is $!.resume and $!.perl.
 Everything else has changed towards the better.

Even better?, now:

 say Exception;
 eval RONG or say $!.PARROT
Method 'PARROT' not found for invocant of class 'Exception'
 eval RONG or say $!.WHAT
 eval RONG or die $!
Could not find sub RONG
 eval RONG or say $!.^methods(:local).name.perl
(Str, throw, rethrow)
 eval RONG or $!.resume
Method 'resume' not found for invocant of class 'Exception'
 eval RONG or $!.rethrow
Could not find sub RONG
 eval RONG or say $!.perl
Could not find sub RONG

Good enough for tests?
Will Coke Coleda

[perl #75646] [BUG] Null PMC access when typing a variable as ::foo in Rakudo

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Wed Jun 09 14:45:50 2010, masak wrote:
 jnthn rakudo: my ::foo $x;
 p6eval rakudo a54677: OUTPUT�Null PMC access in type() [...]
 jnthn masak: You only got a birdie, not a hole in one. :P
 masak jnthn: will update the ticket.
 diakopter hee
 jnthn :-)
 jnthn masak: Yeah, I was looking at it thinking hmm, I know how
 that code works and I'm
 surprised we make it past the declaration :)

Now they say:

00:19  [Coke] rakudo: my ::foo $x; say $x
00:19 +p6eval rakudo cbdd9b: OUTPUT«Cannot call a method on type variable 
foo␤  in 
find_method at src/gen/Metamodel.pm:261␤  in sub say at 
src/gen/CORE.setting:4722␤  in sub say at 
in anon at /tmp/ormgC9k2j3:1␤  in anon at 
00:19  [Coke] rakudo: my ::foo $x;
00:19 +p6eval rakudo cbdd9b:  ( no output )
00:19  [Coke] rakudo: my ::foo $x; say alive
00:19 +p6eval rakudo cbdd9b: OUTPUT«alive␤»

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #75686] [PATCH] - add limit definition to lines sub

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
Sorry it took so long, but, while the patch has bitrotted slightly and won't 
apply, it looks like we 
now have a limit arg anyway.

Thanks for the patches, we'll try to get faster in processing the backload!

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #75810] [PATCH] Multiple bug fixes (list branch)

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Wed Jun 16 09:05:34 2010, ciphertext wrote:
 Apply to branch list, commit ddb39d064c6e334f4d08
 Fixes these bugs:

Sorry, this branch has been deleted.

If these fixes are still relevant, we'd love a patch against the latest (nom) 
branch. Thanks, sorry 
for the delay in processing.

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #73910] [BUG] Strange error when defining a class after 'use' in Rakudo

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Fri Jun 18 07:25:04 2010, masak wrote:
 This seems to have been fixed by now; can't reproduce the error locally.

/still/ fixed. needs tests.

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #75976] strange behavior on double call of 'use Test;'

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Tue Jun 22 16:39:32 2010, cognominal wrote:
 use Test;
 use Test;
 =begin pod
 I would expect the second call to 'use Test' to be a noop.
 More strangely, I get the same redefinition error but  for
 _different_ functions on successive calls of the same program.
 bash 3.2 $ perl6 double_use.pm6
 Multiple declarations of lexical 'skip'
 bash-3.2$ perl6 double_use.pm6
 Multiple declarations of lexical 'isnt'
 bash-3.2$ perl6 double_use.pm6
 Multiple declarations of lexical 'plan'
 =end pod

Exciting new failure mode:

$ ./perl6 foo
Use of uninitialized value in string context
Use of uninitialized value in string context
error:imcc:Multiple declarations of lexical 'diag'

in file '(file unknown)' line 119

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #67778] [BUG] '...' should probably be defined in terms of leave instead of return in Rakudo

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Fri Jun 25 08:15:10 2010, bbkr wrote:
 on Kiev build
 [17:14] bbkr rakudo: class AtestOfSay { ... }; my AtestOfSay $t; say $t;
 [17:14] p6eval rakudo f34e78: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in type()␤  in
 main program body at line 11:/tmp/ATDzL_3KZX␤»

00:35  [Coke] rakudo: class AtestOfSay { ... }; my AtestOfSay $t; say $t;
00:35 +p6eval rakudo cbdd9b: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤The following packages were 
stubbed but not defined:␤AtestOfSay␤␤»

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #75990] Perl6MultiSub.say missing

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Sun Jun 27 16:54:22 2010, pmichaud wrote:
 On Sun Jun 27 16:52:47 2010, pmichaud wrote:
  Are we expecting Perl6MultiSub to be a subclass of Any?
 Note that multisubs stringify just fine, it's the .say method that isn't

Seems to be now:

00:36  [Coke] rakudo: Seq.new.^methods.say 
00:36 +p6eval rakudo cbdd9b: 

Can we test/close this?

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #75918] [BUG] Dying with a custom-made exception only outputs the first character of error message in Rakudo

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Sun Jun 27 22:18:48 2010, pmichaud wrote:
 The problem is not unique to derived classes.  Standard exceptions also
 have the issue as well:
 die Exception.new(Test);# displays T
 The problem appears to be that Exception.new() expects a Parrot
 Exception PMC as an argument, and doesn't know what to do with a string.

00:37  [Coke] die Exception.new(Test); 
00:37  [Coke] rakudo: die Exception.new(Test); 
00:37 +p6eval rakudo cbdd9b: OUTPUT«Default constructor only takes named 
arguments␤  in method new at src/gen/CORE.setting:502␤  in 
anon at 
/tmp/Vb7LIiy8VA:1␤  in anon at /tmp/Vb7LIiy8VA:1␤␤»

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #75700] [BUG] Null PMC access when using the return value of a routine with no statements in Rakudo

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Sun Jun 27 23:27:38 2010, pmichaud wrote:
 The empty statement bug is resolved in 05684c07.  The 'succeed' bug
 looks like it will require a bit more work.

The former outputs Nil, the latter is now:

00:38  [Coke] rakudo: sub foo() { succeed }; say foo
00:38 +p6eval rakudo cbdd9b: OUTPUT«Warning␤0␤»

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #76294] [BUG] Can't implicitly numify Failure in Rakudo

2011-09-19 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Wed Jun 30 07:48:56 2010, masak wrote:
 masak rakudo: say abcd.index(xyz) == 0
 p6eval rakudo aa015a: OUTPUT�Method 'Bridge' not found for invocant
 of class 'Failure' [...]
 masak arnsholt: possible issue :)
 * masak submits rakudobug
 masak rakudo: Failure == 0
 p6eval rakudo aa015a: OUTPUT�Method 'Bridge' not found for invocant
 of class [...]
 * masak is not sure he likes .Bridge :/
 Might be that comparing Failure (or any non-numeric type object, for
 that matter) with any number should give a warning or something, but
 it should not give this error.

It now warns:

00:43  [Coke] rakudo: say abcd.index(xyz) == 0
00:43 +p6eval rakudo cbdd9b: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value in numeric 

Will Coke Coleda