Re: RFC 232 (v1) Replace AUTOLOAD by a more flexible mechanism

2000-09-15 Thread Ilya Zakharevich

On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 03:11:47PM -0600, Nathan Torkington wrote:
> Perl6 RFC Librarian writes:
> > This RFC proposes two-stage autoloading: one stage may be registered
> > to act when the symbol is encountered at compile time, the other
> > when the subroutine is called.  Autoloading on the second stage does not
> > I the subroutine, only I it. 
> You have a beautiful mind, Mr Zakharevich.  I'd like to frame it on my
> wall.

I can see that the nail that attaches it to my wall is already shaky...
When it is falls down, feel free to pick it...

> Actually, I think I'd like to see this extended.  I'd like to be able
> to hook into the parser so that when it sees a function call:
>   foo()
> I can have it call my subroutine.
>   foo_handler( $token_stream )
> foo_handler can access the token stream that may or may not be part of
> the argument list, decide what is, and then return the code to be
> executed at runtime (normally just a call to foo()):
>   sub foo_handler {
> return sub { foo() }; # *not* an infinite loop, please
>   }

This is just a user-defined operator (which see on p5p).  You register
foo() as a user-defined operator (with the precedence/etc of a
function call - or of a unary or nullary function).  Then your handler
gets the OP trees for the arguments.

By the way, if you do not need to inspect the argument OP trees at
compile time, you may extend the discussed proposal to allow the
compile-time action to return EITHER prototype, OR a subroutine

Getting arguments at compile time is tricky: you cannot get them
unless you know the prototype already.  RFC18 and user-defined
operators avoid this since they specify the prototype *before* the
call is encountered.

> Context-coercion:
>   sub foo_handler {
> my $token_stream = shift;
> my $arg_1 = $token_stream->next;  # assuming passed as strings?
> return eval "sub { scalar($arg_1) }";

This is the part of my proposal for user-defined-operators: you can
force context for your arguments.  Keep in mind that UDO are at least
partially orthogonal w.r.t. RFC18: they see already compiled trees
(but can modify them if needed), and not the string arguments.

This is the problem with RFC18: you cannot "partially compile"
things.  How many arguments for f() in

  f($a, $b, g my $c, $d);

3 or 4?  This depends on the arity of g().  But you cannot find this
arity until you compile the call frame for g(), and then lexical $c is
already introduced!  So you cannot make f() to be a "comment", just
the act of determining the arguments to f() has side-effects.


RFC 241 (v1) Pseudo-hashes must die!

2000-09-15 Thread Perl6 RFC Librarian

=head1 VERSION 
  Maintainer: Michael Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  Date: 16 September 2000 
  Mailing List: perl6-language 
  Number: ?
  Version: 1 
  Status: Developing (Last Call)
Reply-To: perl6-language

This and other RFCs are available on the web at

=head1 TITLE 
Pseudo-hashes must die! 
=head1 VERSION 
  Maintainer: Michael Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  Date: 16 September 2000 
  Mailing List: perl6-language
  Number: 241
  Version: 1 
  Status: Developing (Last Call)


Pseudo-hashes and the associated fields pragma shoule be removed from
Perl 6.


There are numerous insuperable problems with pseudo-hashes, as
detailed in "Object Oriented Perl" and "Programming Perl, Ed. 3".
They are a noble experiment that many feel has failed.  They should be

Pseudo-hashes have existed since at least May 28th, 1997 when they were
added as patch #2 to what would eventually become 5.004_50.  Two
years, three months and 20 days later they're still considered
experimental, incomplete and loaded with caveats.

Doesn't play well with multiple inheritance
Muddles the behavior of typed variables
Requires significant extra documentation and complication of
hash operations.
Inconsistencies between typed and untyped access.
Pseudo-hashes, unless used very carefully, often turn out slower
than hashes.

Pseudo-hashes were added to solve three problems: restrict keyspace,
reduce memory usage and increase speed of hashes.  There are many RFCs
which address these issues with less caveats.

There has been some discussion on p5p regarding the removal of
pseudo-hashes (and other experimental features) should their
adolescence take too long.  Two major revisions of experimentation was
given as a rough limit to declaring an experiment as a failure.

The extensive development time, continued experimental nature, caveats
and availability of better proposals lead to one conclusion:



Considerable.  Most would be solved by a clever rejigging of the
fields pragma to revert to simple hashes or other Perl 6 features.  A
100% perfect conversion will not be achieved without an inorderinate
amount of work.  Since pseudohashes were an experimental feature, a
less-than-perfect migration is acceptable.  You pays your money and
you takes your chances.  (As a fairly extensive user of pseudohashes,
I'm willing to take the hit.)


Very simple, don't implement it. :) In Perl 5 terms, avhv functions
removed from av.c, pseudo-hash code removed from pp.c, pp_hot.c,
doop.c, mg.c, etc and pseudo-hash documentation caveats
removed from perlref and perlfunc.


Discussion of experation of experimental features.

RFCs which supplant pseudohash functionality.

RFC 188 - Objects : Private keys and methods

RFC 200 - Objects: Revamp tie to support extensibility (Massive tie changes)

RFC 163 - Automatic accessors for hash-based objects

RFC 124 - Sort order for any hash

RFC 122 - types and structures


Re: RFC 236 (v1) Change the way $SIG{__WARN__} and $SIG{__DIE__} are used

2000-09-15 Thread Michael G Schwern

On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 03:36:45AM -, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
> Change the way $SIG{__WARN__} and $SIG{__DIE__} are used

I don't think this is enough to repair $SIG{__WARN__} and
$SIG{__DIE__}.  I know some people out there have some very strong
feelings about these pseudo-signals.  It may even be that we should
kill them and replace them with something better.  Has this yet been


Michael G Schwern  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just Another Stupid Consultant  Perl6 Kwalitee Ashuranse
Sometimes these hairstyles are exaggerated beyond the laws of physics
  - Unknown narrator speaking about Anime

Re: RFC 103 (v2) Fix C<$pkg::$var> precedence issues with parsing of C<::>

2000-09-15 Thread Michael G Schwern

On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 03:24:32AM -, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
> Currently, trying to dynamically assign to unnamed classes is very
> difficult:
>$pkg::$var = $val; # error
>${pkg}::$var = $val;   # nope
>${$pkg::$var} = $val;  # you wish
>${${pkg}::$var} = $val;# sorry
>${"${pkg}::$var"} = $val;  # works, but bleeech :-)

${$pkg.'::'.$var} = $val;
${"$pkg\::$var}   = $val;

Still ugly, but not quite as bad as what you came up with.

> The first part of this RFC, interpolated method calls, was superceded by
> RFC 222: "Interpolation of method calls", by Michael Schwern.

Ooop, didn't even notice and didn't see the discussion.  Let me see if
I missed anything... I didn't discuss class methods as opposed to
object methods.  Will ponder.

> In a perfect world, these should work in Perl 6:
>   $var = 'RaiseError';
>   $DBI::$var = 1 ;   # $DBI::RaiseError = 1

Uh oh.  Symbolic references!!!  These carry enough caveats and are
abused so often (95% of the time you want a hash) that I'd rather they
were left amongst the "hard things possible" section of Perl.

Its a common newbie mistake to do something like this:

$var1 = "this";
$var2 = "that";
$var3 = "wibble";

foreach $num (1..3) {
print ${"var".$num};

Rather than use an array or hash, many people abuse symbolic
references.  It happens frequently enough now, if its make simpler,
the abuses will increase.

>   $pkg = 'Class';
>   $var = 'DEBUG';
>   ${${pkg}::$var} = 1;   # $Class::DEBUG = 1
>   $subpkg = 'Special';
>   $class = $pkg . '::' . $subpkg;
>   require $class;# require Class::Special

Ambiguous.  Consider the following:

$class = "Class::Special";
$file  = "lib/foo/";

require $class;  # want:  load "Class/" from @INC
require $file;   # want:  load "lib/foo/" from @INC

The only way Perl can (currently) know if you're requiring a module or
a literal file is because of the bareword.  Your proposal would
require that all requires be considered modules, which isn't feasible.

You could have require() differenciate by whether or not the EXPR
matches /::/, but that stinks of a special case.  

C isn't that hard, but I wouldn't mind seeing a
more obvious way.

>   $mypkg = 'Some::Package::Name';
>   $ret = $mkpkg::do_stuff(@a);   # is &{"${mypkg}::do_stuff"}(@a) now  

This combines the problems of symbolic references PLUS busting
encapsulation.  Shouldn't be easy.


Michael G Schwern  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just Another Stupid Consultant  Perl6 Kwalitee Ashuranse
Maybe they hooked you up with one of those ass-making magazines.
-- brian d foy as misheard by Michael G Schwern

Re: RFC 232 (v1) Replace AUTOLOAD by a more flexible mechanism

2000-09-15 Thread Glenn Linderman

Nathan Torkington wrote:

> Actually, I think I'd like to see this extended.  I'd like to be able
> to hook into the parser so that when it sees a function call:
>   foo()
> I can have it call my subroutine.
>   foo_handler( $token_stream )
> foo_handler can access the token stream that may or may not be part of
> the argument list, decide what is, and then return the code to be
> executed at runtime (normally just a call to foo()):
>   sub foo_handler {
> return sub { foo() };   # *not* an infinite loop, please
>   }
> The anonymous subroutine returned by the foo_handler() is then inlined
> into the optree.

The above is very, very similar to the effect of defining foo as an
"immediate" sub, per RFC 18.

> Perhaps this is no longer the point at which we think of it as
> autoloading, but rather as part of the compilation process.  Just as
> we can intercept strings and regexes with overloaded strings and
> regexes, this would let us intercept functions.

That's the sense in which RFC was defined.  This is one of the things that has
given FORTH so much extensibility.  I'd vote for RFC 18.  It would also let me
implement RFC 229 as approximately... depending on how the "parameters" to the
immediate sub are dealt with at immediate time (you called it token stream,
and that's probably the right word, or compile time parameters... I think the
need is for the text of the parameters, not the values: call by name not call
by value or reference.)

sub interpolate : immediate { return qq/eval "qq\000"/.join('',@_).qq/"\0"/; }

There  are two kinds of people, those
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Re: RFC 236 (v1) Change the way $SIG{__WARN__} and $SIG{__DIE__} are used

2000-09-15 Thread Uri Guttman

> "MGS" == Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  MGS> On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 03:36:45AM -, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
  >> Change the way $SIG{__WARN__} and $SIG{__DIE__} are used

  MGS> I don't think this is enough to repair $SIG{__WARN__} and
  MGS> $SIG{__DIE__}.  I know some people out there have some very strong
  MGS> feelings about these pseudo-signals.  It may even be that we should
  MGS> kill them and replace them with something better.  Has this yet been
  MGS> discussed?

i have proposed an rfc for the use signal pragma. it would allow for more
than just a simple handler like optional timeouts, private data, method
callbacks, safe delivery, etc. i need to update it and my few other
rfc's soon.


Uri Guttman  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --
SYStems ARCHitecture, Software Engineering, Perl, Internet, UNIX Consulting
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Re: RFC 111 (v3) Here Docs Terminators (Was Whitespace and Here Docs)

2000-09-15 Thread Glenn Linderman

Richard Proctor wrote:

> > Maybe I'm being too simplistic, I don't use tabs anymore.
> >
> Yes you are, the problem comes with mixing editors - some use tabs for
> indented material some dont, some reduce files using tabs etc etc.  [I move
> between too many editors].  Perl should DWIM.  I think that treating tabs=8
> as the default would work for most people, even those who set tabs at other
> values as long as they are consistent - a "use tabs 4" could be used by them
> if they want to get the same behaviour if they mix tabs and spaces.

Yes, but by being simplistic he eliminates the need to invent "use tabs 4".  I
have a don't care on this issue, but I lean towards Michael's assumption being
valid enough... and if people don't mix tabs and spaces it works for any tab size
setting, even the one true tab size setting of 8 characters.

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Re: RFC 111 (v3) Here Docs Terminators (Was Whitespace and Here Docs)

2000-09-15 Thread Glenn Linderman

Certainly I could live with this set of suggestions.  The complete set.  Thanks
Richard and Michael for developing them.

Michael G Schwern wrote:

> I'd say:
> 1) << does what it does now mod RFC 111 (ie. you can put whitespace in the
>terminator, but it doesn't effect anything)
> 2) <<< does (e).
> 3) distribute a collection of dequote() mutations with perl.
> 4) mention the s/// tricks in the documentation (<
> (d) can always be implemented as a simple Perl function (one of the
> many dequote() mutations), (e) cannot.
> I think that'll make everyone happy.
> > [[there is still the tabs debate however]]
> Tabs are easy, don't expand them.  Consider them as a literal
> character.  This assums that the code author is going to use the same
> keystrokes to indent their here-doc text as the terminator, about as
> safe an assumption as any for tabs.

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Re: RFC 71 (v2) Legacy Perl $pkg'var should die

2000-09-15 Thread Michael G Schwern

On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 03:20:23AM -, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
> Perl used to use $pkg'var instead of the modern $pkg::var. This is still
> in Perl 5. It's gotta go.

Aside from "its old", is there any particular reason why $pkg'var
should go?  The only reason I saw was that $hash{a'b} doesn't
DWIM... not exactly a stunning problem.

(Yes, I am the author of D'oh::Year ;)


Michael G Schwern  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just Another Stupid Consultant  Perl6 Kwalitee Ashuranse
An ice cream has its unique frequencyAre you hungry for this ice cream?
Or not? If you are, a certain part of your body is requesting to attract
chemicals from this ice cream. If you don't have the appetite, your body
doesn't need any chemical from the ice cream. Your brain is most conductive
and serves as the middleman.
 --Alex Chiu, Immortality Guy

RFC 236 (v1) Change the way $SIG{__WARN__} and $SIG{__DIE__} are used

2000-09-15 Thread Perl6 RFC Librarian

This and other RFCs are available on the web at

=head1 TITLE

Change the way $SIG{__WARN__} and $SIG{__DIE__} are used

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: 15 Sep 2000
  Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Number: 236
  Version: 1
  Status: Developing


The current method in which C<__WARN__> and C<__DIE__> signal handlers are
used is limited in 2ways:

=over 8

=item It does not allow them to accept robust parameter lists.

=item It does not allow for multiple layers of handlers.



=head2 Parameter Treatment

The current behavior of C and C is to first concatenate the
parameter LIST into a single string, before checking if there is a
user specified signal handler.  Then pass that string as a single
argument to any handler if it exists.

I propose, that a registered signal handler for C<__WARN__> or C<__DIE__>
should be passed the exact same LIST of arguments that the
corresponding warn or die call received.  This would allow complex
programs to use the warn/die signal handling mechanism to for dealing
with complex exception handling, and still recognize low level
warnings / errors from the interpreter.

For example: It is reasonable when developing a large system to want a
mechanism for dealing with "error levels" -- one such approach would
be something like the following...

# use this function EXCLUSIVELY in your code for dealing with
# warnings or errors so that the appropraite acction is taken
sub errorHandle {
my $level = shift;
my @msgs = @_;
if ($config{abort_level} < $level) {
die "Fatal Error ($level): ", @msgs;
if ($config{warn_level} < $level) {
warn "Warning ($level): ", @msgs;
if ($config{log_level} < $level) {
# log something about @msgs
# etc ...

# want to make sure we catch things from interpreter and
# code from CPAN
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { &errorHandler(9,  @_); }
$SIG{__DIE__} =  sub { &errorHandler(11, @_); }

# ...

&validateSomething($someArg) or errorHandle 9, "couldn't validate";

The problem with this, is that it requires you to use the non standard
"errorHandle" function explicitly in your code.  If you are writing a
module that you plan on distributing to others, this is not ideal.

This would be far better, but would require that C<$SIG{__WARN__}>
(and C<$SIG{__DIE__}>) received the same list of parameters that warn (and
die) received...

# want to make sure we catch things from our code, the
# interpreter, or code from CPAN
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
my $level = $config{default_warn_level};
(1 < scalar(@_)) ? $level = shift;
my @msgs = @_;
if ($config{abort_level} < $level) {
die "Fatal Error ($level): ", @msgs;
if ($config{warn_level} < $level) {
warn "Warning ($level): ", @msgs;
if ($config{log_level} < $level) {
# log something about @msgs
# etc ...
$SIG{__DIE__} =  sub { warn $config{default_warn_level}, @_; }

# ...

&validateSomething($someArg) or warn 9, "couldn't validate";

=head2 Nested Handlers

Currently, if a handler is called to deal with C<$SIG{__WARN__}> or
C<$SIG{__DIE__}> then the handler is disabled to prevent infinite
recursion if the handler itself calls C or C.

It seems only logical, that if the current handler has been localized,
and overshadows an outer handler, then calling C or C should
invoke the outer handler -- not the real C or C.  For example...

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print "outer handler: ", @_; };

sub bar {
warn "in bar";

sub foo {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn "foo: ", @_; };


... this script causes "C" to be
written to standard error.  I propose that "C" is more logical output.

This would allow modules to do their own C<__WARN__> and C<__DIE__> handling,
but still propagate the messages out to an application specific




Programming Perl, 2nd Ed -- p139

Programming Perl, 2nd Ed -- p157

Programming Perl, 2nd Ed -- p241

RFC 213 (v2) rindex and index should return true/false values

2000-09-15 Thread Perl6 RFC Librarian

This and other RFCs are available on the web at

=head1 TITLE

rindex and index should return true/false values

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Nathan Torkington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: Sep 12 2000
  Last Modified: Sep 15 2000
  Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Number: 213
  Version: 2
  Status: Developing


index() and rindex() should return C if their
second argument is not a substring of their first
argument.  If the substring occurs at the start of
the first argument, they should return "0 but true".

=head1 CHANGES

 * added "0 but true" suggestion


In perl5, index() and rindex() return -1 if the
substring isn't found.  This seems out of step with
the rest of Perl's functions, which return C
on error.  I propose changing index() and rindex()
to return C if the substring isn't found.

This would also cause warnings to be issued when
programmers use the results of index() or rindex()
assuming the substring was found.

This suggestion doesn't rely on RFC 53, "Built-ins: Merge and
generalize C and C", and works regardless
of whether 53 is accepted or not.

When the substring occurs at the start of the larger
string, the functions should return "0 but true".  This
is exempt from "isn't numeric" warnings, and gives them
useful boolean return values:

  if (index($big_string, $little_string)) {
print "$little_string is in $big_string";

without breaking their existing numeric uses.


The perl526 translator could turn index($a,$b) calls into

  do { my $tmp = index($a,$b);
   if (defined($tmp)) { 0 + $tmp }
   else   { -1   }


RFC 53: Built-ins: Merge and generalize C and C

perlfunc manpage for information on index() and rindex()

RFC 199 (v3) Short-circuiting built-in functions and user-defined subroutines

2000-09-15 Thread Perl6 RFC Librarian

This and other RFCs are available on the web at

=head1 TITLE

Short-circuiting built-in functions and user-defined subroutines

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Garrett Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: 6 Sep 2000
  Last Modified: 15 Sep 2000
  Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Number: 199
  Version: 3
  Status: Developing


Allow built-in functions and user defined subroutines to catch exceptions
and act upon them, particularly those emanating from control blocks. Put
another way, allow blocks to simultaneously exit early with a value.



Currently there is not a practical and flexible way to short-circuit
built-in functions like C and C which take blocks as a parameter.

A prime example that was raised is:

  my $found = grep { $_ == 1 } (1..1_000_000);

Under Perl 5, one would need to write something like:

  eval { grep { $_ ==1 and die "$_\n" } (1..1_000_000) }; 
  chomp(my $found = $@);

Under this current proposal this might be written as:

  my $found = grep { $_ == 1 and return $_ && last grep } (1..1_000_000);

  (or alternatively)

  my $found = grep { $_ == 1 and abort grep $_ } (1..1_000_000);

It is the opinion of the author that while the proposal saves little by
way of typing, that it is minimally an improvement in clarity. Further
this proposal introduces semantics which will make other tasks easier.


=over 4

=item 1

How do you simultaneously exit early and return a value?

  reject the current element and continue
  accept the current element and continue
  reject the current element and abort
  accept the current element and abort
  reject the current element and retry
  accept the current element and retry

=item 2

How do you do that *and* be consistent with existing semantics?



There has been much discussion and ideas exchanged on the best way to 
achieve this. Discussion ranging from specific solutions which would
only apply to the C and C built-ins, to more general ones
such as unifying the exception syntax for loop, code, and bare blocks.
There has also been a vocal contingent protesting that all of the
suggestions attempt to shoehorn too much new functionality into
existing semantics and that no one has yet presented any workable

The current ideas tend to converge around the following three options:

=over 4

=item 1

Grant code blocks their names as labels, and add new keywords
for code block control: C/C/C:

  # short-circuit after first acceptance...
  $found = grep { ($_ == 1) and abort grep $_ } (1..1_000_000);

  # short-circuit after first rejection...
  $found = grep { ($_ == 1) and abort grep } (1..1_000_000);

=item 2

Grant code blocks their own names as labels, and the ability to catch
next/last/redo exceptions which explicitly use those labels.

  # short-circuit after first acceptance...
  @smalls = grep { ($_ == 1) and return $_ && last grep } (1..1_000_000);

  # short-circuit after first rejection...
  @smalls = grep { ($_ == 1) and last grep } (1..1_000_000);

=item 3

The built-in function's operation should catch exceptions thrown from
the block, where the exception thrown is true or false (alternative: 1
or false). Example:

  # short-circuit after first acceptance...
  $found = grep { ($_ == 1) and die 1 } (1..1_000_000);

  # short-circuit after first rejection...
  $found = grep { ($_ == 1)  or die 0 } (1..1_000_000);



Detractors would argue:

=over 4

=item 1

First Proposal: Add code labels and new keywords: C/C/C

=over 4

=item *

Aversion to taking any more new keywords


=item 2

Second Proposal: Add code labels, and let code blocks use
C/C/C syntax which explicitly use those labels.

=over 4

=item *

Too complicated, changes too much, attempts to shoehorn to too many
semantic changes into the existing syntax/keywords


=item 3

Third Proposal: Extend use of C

=over 4

=item *

Built-ins shouldn't catch user-defined exceptions. How do you raise
a serious exception within a control block if you weaken C into 
something that can be automatically caught by built-ins? I.e., no good
support for multi-level exceptions.

=item *

Doesn't provide a very intuitive syntax for doing the same type of
C/C/C control as is available with loop blocks.



The author shares much of detractors opinions for the third proposal, and
would prefer either the first or second to be implemented. The reason I prefer
one of these two is that I believe they are more intuitive, flexible, and 
semantically rich. As such, the remainder of this RFC concern itself with
issues pertaining to the first two proposals.


=head3 Issues common to the first and second proposals:

=over 4

=item *

Built-ins and Subroutines automatically get their name as a label

It might therefore follow that it would be goo

RFC 195 (v2) Retire chop().

2000-09-15 Thread Perl6 RFC Librarian

This and other RFCs are available on the web at

=head1 TITLE

Retire chop().

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Nathan Torkington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: 5 Sep 2000
  Last Modified: 15 Sep 2000
  Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Number: 195
  Version: 2
  Status: Frozen


Remove chop() from the core.  Its purpose is better served by chomp(),
so its remaining applications are few and limited.

=head1 CHANGES

 * Added mention of how per-filehandle autochomping would affect this


chop()'s original purpose was to remove trailing line terminators.
However, chop() is dangerous: it always removes the last character,
and it doesn't care whether the last character is a line terminator
or not.

So chomp() was introduced.  This only removes the value of $/, and if
there's no $/ at the end of the string then it doesn't remove
anything.  This makes it safer: if you don't know whether your string
is chomp()ed or not, you can chomp() it anyway.  With chop() you had
to have a separate explicit test.  chop() also doesn't know about $/
and the different values it might have.

chop() is still occasionally used, but very rarely.  Not enough, in
my opinion, for chop() to stay in the core.  Its functionality might
be available in a library.

If filehandles gain the ability to automatically remove their record
separators, then chomp() will still be needed.


The perl526 translator can simply use


for a chop() action.  If there were a chop() in a standard library
then the conversion would simply be a matter of putting:

  use String::Chop; # or whatever

at the top of any converted program that uses chop().

Implementation in perl6 is very straightforward: don't implement


RFC 58: C changes.

perlfunc manpage for discussion of chomp() and chop()

RFC 135 (v3) Require explicit m on matches, even with ?? and // as delimiters.

2000-09-15 Thread Perl6 RFC Librarian

This and other RFCs are available on the web at

=head1 TITLE

Require explicit m on matches, even with ?? and // as delimiters.

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Nathan Torkington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: August 20, 2000
  Last Modified: 15 Sep 2000
  Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Number: 135
  Version: 3
  Status: Frozen


C and C are what makes Perl hard to tokenize.  Requiring
them to be written C and C would solve this.

=head1 CHANGES

Version 2 of this RFC redirects discussion of this topic to 


Damian Conway's Text::Balanced module does a pretty good job of
tokenizing Perl code.  However, bare C and C require
semantic analyis to distinguish them from division and the hook
(C) operator.

To remove this hassle, and thus permit programs that analyze the
source-code of other programs, I propose requiring that all matches
require an explicit C.


Remove the bare C and C from the grammar :-)  When
converting perl5 programs to perl6, put the C in.


perl6-language message
C<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> by Damian Conway

RFC 103 (v2) Fix C<$pkg::$var> precedence issues with parsing of C<::>

2000-09-15 Thread Perl6 RFC Librarian

This and other RFCs are available on the web at

=head1 TITLE

Fix C<$pkg::$var> precedence issues with parsing of C<::>

=head1 VERSION

   Maintainer: Nathan Wiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: 14 Aug 2000
   Last Modified: 15 Sep 2000
   Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Number: 103
   Version: 2
   Status: Frozen


Currently, trying to dynamically assign to unnamed classes is very

   $pkg::$var = $val; # error
   ${pkg}::$var = $val;   # nope
   ${$pkg::$var} = $val;  # you wish
   ${${pkg}::$var} = $val;# sorry
   ${"${pkg}::$var"} = $val;  # works, but bleeech :-)

The precedence and parsing of the :: operator should be fixed to allow
easy access to anonymous package operations.


The first part of this RFC, interpolated method calls, was superceded by
RFC 222: "Interpolation of method calls", by Michael Schwern.


In a perfect world, these should work in Perl 6:

  $var = 'RaiseError';
  $DBI::$var = 1 ;   # $DBI::RaiseError = 1

  $pkg = 'Class';
  $var = 'DEBUG';
  ${${pkg}::$var} = 1;   # $Class::DEBUG = 1

  $subpkg = 'Special';
  $class = $pkg . '::' . $subpkg;
  require $class;# require Class::Special

  $mypkg = 'Some::Package::Name';
  $ret = $mkpkg::do_stuff(@a);   # is &{"${mypkg}::do_stuff"}(@a) now  

Currently, the precedence of :: does not allow these operations. Some of
the above examples may still require additional braces, but they
shouldn't require the types of contortions currently needed.


Unfortunately, I don't have the time to think this part up yet. :-( I
will gladly contribute to the precedence and parsing rules discussions
that will ensue in the future if this RFC is accepted.


Programming Perl, 2ed, for the ${"${pkg}::$var"} syntax

RFC 222: Interpolation of method calls

Re: RFC 230 (v1) Replace C built-in with pragmatically-inducedC function

2000-09-15 Thread Nathan Wiger

> I loathe the indirect object syntax.

Well that makes one of us! ;-)

> Easy. Put them in a subroutine:
> sub format1 { format $template1, @data };
> sub format2 { print STDERR format $template1, @data };
> # etc.

Gag! Cough! Ack!  :-}

Not trying to be mean, but this doesn't make things easy. As I mentioned
in my previous email, being able to say:

   write STDOUT;

is a *benefit*. It seems your proposal is 90% of the way there if it
just followed suit with the other commonly-used printing functions:

   print $STDERR @stuff;
   printf $STDERR $fmt, @stuff;
   format $STDERR $fmt, @stuff;

Looks pretty consistent to me, and makes things easy too.

Either that, or drop the printing in a void context altogether, and just
tell people they have to say

   print format $fmt, @stuff;

Which I'm ok with too. But partially supporting printing, only to the
default filehandle, I don't think is a good idea. You're gonna end up
with lots of nasty code that way, which this RFC would otherwise


RFC 71 (v2) Legacy Perl $pkg'var should die

2000-09-15 Thread Perl6 RFC Librarian

This and other RFCs are available on the web at

=head1 TITLE

Legacy Perl $pkg'var should die

=head1 VERSION

   Maintainer: Nathan Wiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: 08 Aug 2000
   Last Modified: 15 Sep 2000
   Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Number: 71
   Version: 2
   Status: Frozen


Perl used to use $pkg'var instead of the modern $pkg::var. This is still
in Perl 5. It's gotta go.


See above.


See above.


Damian worried that this would mean would no longer be
portable to Perl 6. He failed to convince other people on the list that
this was actually a bad thing. ;-) (kidding!!)


Camel-3 p. 60 reminded me of this.

Re: RFC 230 (v1) Replace C built-in with pragmatically-induced C function

2000-09-15 Thread Damian Conway

   > >   prints the result to the current filehandle (in a void context).
   > The last one I think needs to be able to work on any filehandle via
   > indirect object syntax, namely:
   >format $FILE  "<<<   [[[   [[",
   >  $title,   $text1,   $text2;

I loathe the indirect object syntax.
There's always:

print $FILE format "<<<   [[[   [[",
$title,   $text1,   $text2;

   > Second, I think there still needs to be a way to store these formats
   > somehow. One nice thing about current Perl formats is being able to
   > declare them once at the top of the script (or module) and then calling
   > write at different points throughout your script.
Easy. Put them in a subroutine:

sub format1 { format $template1, @data };
sub format2 { print STDERR format $template1, @data };
# etc.


Re: RFC 226 (v2) Selective interpolation in single quotish context.

2000-09-15 Thread Michael Fowler

On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 11:25:31AM -0700, Steve Fink wrote:
> I agree. I'd like q/.../ to stick as close to giving me ... as possible.
> I can live with the current 'foo\\bar' having only one backslash in it,
> but I'd rather not have to worry about anything else. I'd vote for
> Glenn's allowing the disabling of interpolation in qq// and <<""
> instead.
> Does it strike anyone else as odd that 'foo\\bar' eq 'foo\bar'?

Not at all.  I can't count the number of times I have railed against bash
for deciding that you cannot escape ' inside ' (e.g. 'foo\'s bar').  Being
unable to escape \ would cause similar grief (e.g. 'foo bar\\').

This is incredibly annoying when doing Perl one-liners especially; one is
forced to use single quotes so that bash doesn't attempt to interpolate
variables itself.  Unfortunately, one can't use single quotes internally
unless you say \047 or its equivalent (which I nearly always have to go look
up), or q{} if you're quoting something.  q{} has saved my sanity more than

Programmer, System Administrator

Re: RFC 226 (v2) Selective interpolation in single quotish context.

2000-09-15 Thread Bart Lateur

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000 11:25:31 -0700, Steve Fink wrote:

>Does it strike anyone else as odd that 'foo\\bar' eq 'foo\bar'?

It's an necessary evil. You need a way to escape the string delimiter,
so that it can be included in the string, for which the backslash is
used. Hence, you need to be a be to escape the backslash as well, or
else you could never incorporate a backslash+delimiter sequence in the

Note that backlash and delimiter are the *only* things for which the
backslash character serves as an escape character:

print q!\'\"\/\!\\!;

print q/\'\"\/\!\\/;


Re: RFC 226 (v2) Selective interpolation in single quotish context.

2000-09-15 Thread Bart Lateur

On Thu, 14 Sep 2000 21:06:24 -0700, Glenn Linderman wrote:

>However, let's look at it the other way.  How about instead of trying to _extend_
>single quote semantics, that instead we find a way of _disabling_ double quote
>semantics?  Let's say within double quotes that \D reverts to single-quote
>semantics with the extension that \E ends them again.

I think I like this better.

There frequently are threads on comp.lang.perl.misc on people that are
opposed to double quotes around strings that don't use any
interpolation, because "the double quotes are a warning flag that there
is something going on in this string" (paraphrased). And they tend to be
slightly disappointed if it turns out to be a false alarm.

Invert this: single quotes are a flag that "this string is safe".

And now, you're going to add a facility that destroys this safe image?
Please, let the programmer in his peace. Let the single quotish strings
remain safe.

OTOH, double quotish strings already *are* intrinsically unsafe. An
option to locally disable interpolation is no extra burden.


Re: RFC 111 (v3) Here Docs Terminators (Was Whitespace and Here Docs)

2000-09-15 Thread Bart Lateur

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000 08:13:26 -0400 (EDT), Eric Roode wrote:

>The here-doc terminators all line up with the perl code. 
>The generated program is nicely indented relative to the left margin.

My sentiments exaclty.

I think I would compare this to normal TV programmes (the code)
interruped by special news flashes (the here docs). Surely you wouldn't
expect the newsreaders to adapt their news reading style to the show
they are interrupting. No: news readers have their own, fixed style,
which is completely independent of what's comes before or after it.

In the same way, the here docs are text flashes, that are completely
independent of the code around it. Text and code just happen to be


Re: RFC 111 (v3) Here Docs Terminators (Was Whitespace and Here Docs)

2000-09-15 Thread Bart Lateur

On Thu, 14 Sep 2000 03:11:54 -0400, Michael G Schwern wrote:

>The current stumper, which involves problems 1, 2 and 3 is this:
>   if( $is_fitting && $is_just ) {
>die   Dulce et decorum est
>  Pro patria mori.
>   }
>I propose that this work out to 
>"The old lie\n  Dulce et decorum est\n  Pro patria mori.\n"
>and always work out to that, no matter how far left or right the
>expression be indented.

I happen to disagree, and here's why. To me, here docs are like *literal
extracts* from text documents that you want to reproduce. *Nothing* is
supposed to be changed about it: the result should be *exactly* what it
is in the here doc, apart from interpolation in double-quotish here

I very often insert (parts of) text files produced by other people, and
I don't want to be forced to indenting all of it, every single line.

However, the same does not count for the here doc terminator. This one
very often trips me up. Since this may not be randomly indented, I lose
sight of my code indentation, and as a consequence I forget closing
braces for blocks etc. Annoying.

Another problem is the trailing whitespace: invisible, yet extremeley
important: there should be none.

Being freed of these two concerns, that boil down to one thing: leading
and trailing whitespace, would be most welcome.

I do not mind having an option of loosing some leading spaces or tabs
for here docs. However, I'm already pretty sure that if this is
optional, I won't ever use it. So please, do not force it down my


Re: RFC 229 (v1) Variable interpolation on demand.

2000-09-15 Thread Glenn Linderman

Simon Cozens wrote:

> sub interpolate {eval "\"@_\""}
> Never say "there is no way". There's *always* a way, and 99% of the time it
> doesn't need to go in core.

Yes.  Well, actually if you carefully read the thread about RFC 111 in which I got
the inspired flash that interpolation of variables might be useful, you'll see that
I knew about this way, and even suggested it.  In fact, I meant to put it in the
IMPLEMENTATION section of the RFC, but sent it too soon, and already have version 2
ready with that change, but was waiting to learn the number, and read the initial
comments to see if any other changes should be made.

This fails if @_ contains ", or the other delimiter if using qq.  Using \000 as a
delimiter is _pretty_ safe, but perl strings are allowed to contain it, and I have
scripts that have strings containing \000 characters.  So really even this is not a
complete solution, if you have a string that happens to contain all the possible
characters, such that no delimiter is possible.

OK, you could rescan and quote the delimiter... that's harder... almost might as
well implement your own quoting.

The other problem with this being a sub is that it wouldn't handle lexical
variables correctly, not knowing their names in the sub.

> --
> "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."
> -- Will Rogers

Thanks for bringing this quote to my attention.  I may use it some.
There  are two kinds of people, those
who finish  what they start,  and  so
on... -- Robert Byrne

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Re: RFC 111 (v3) Here Docs Terminators (Was Whitespace and Here Docs)

2000-09-15 Thread Nathan Wiger

I'm happy with this solution, it seems to address everyone's needs.


Michael G Schwern wrote:
> I'd say:
> 1) << does what it does now mod RFC 111 (ie. you can put whitespace in the
>terminator, but it doesn't effect anything)
> 2) <<< does (e).

Re: RFC 230 (v1) Replace C built-in with pragmatically-induced C function

2000-09-15 Thread Nathan Wiger

First off, nice proposal. :-) I haven't had a change to digest the
entire thing (although I did read it all), but I would like to add a few

> returns the result as a single multi-line string (in a scalar context)
> returns the result as a list of single-line strings (in a list context)
> prints the result to the current filehandle (in a void context).

The last one I think needs to be able to work on any filehandle via
indirect object syntax, namely:

   format $FILE  "<<<   [[[   [[",
 $title,   $text1,   $text2;

Since many people use formats for multiple output streams, and I don't
want to be stuck with a whole bunch of:

   format ... ;

Stuff all over my code.

Second, I think there still needs to be a way to store these formats
somehow. One nice thing about current Perl formats is being able to
declare them once at the top of the script (or module) and then calling
write at different points throughout your script. Now, perhaps the best
way to do this is by sticking your format into a simple string which you
can use later:

   my $STDOUT_FORMAT = q(<<<   [[[   [[);

And then, in your loop code, calling:

   for (@data) {
   ($a, $b, $c) = split;
   format $STDOUT_FORMAT, $a, $b, $c;

Or, for a different filehandle:

   my $STDERR_FORMAT = q(<<<   [[[   [[);

   for (@data) {
   ($a, $b, $c) = split;
   format $STDERR $STDERR_FORMAT, $a, $b, $c;

Which would of course call $STDERR->format($STDERR_FORMAT, $a, $b, $c);

This seems to work for me, but I'd be interested in others' feedback.


Backtracing contexts with self($n) (was Re: RFC 223 (v1) Objects: C pragma)

2000-09-15 Thread Nathan Wiger

> I think such modules are a bad idea, because their functionality is
> typically restricted.

What, you mean like ?! :-)

> This is a benefit?  Forcing multiple authors to use the same 'this' or
> 'self' name across modules is not the perl way

Well, from this logically follows that "forcing" people to use the same
@ARGV or chomp() is not the Perl way, which it obviously is.

This is not "forcing religion", it's Choosing An Interface. It is for
the greater good if we select one way. It changes textbooks to:

  "To get the invocant, simply call self()"


  "The invocant is in whatever you 'use invocant' with, either a
   or subroutine name. By default, it's in $_[0], but this can be named
   whatever you want; for the purposes of our examples we'll use $ME."

Perl is tricky enough already; we don't need even more special cases
when some simple compromise will suffice (see my P.S.).

> Migration is as easy with Damian's proposal.

That was actually my point, but just to do things in reverse: by default
have it in self() (or whatever) and allow the person to *revert* to Perl
5 behavior if they want.

To get off the religion point for a second, one thing that hasn't been
discussed but which I've been pondering heavily is the ability to
backtrace contexts like caller(). Consider how this could be used to go
up levels of chained object calls:

   caller(1) caller(0)
self(1)   self(0)

That is, self(0) (or just "self") would give you a reference pointing to
the object produced by Apache->request, whereas self(1) would give you a
reference to the original Apache class. 

Consider how useful this would be in chained fileobject calls:


Here, self(0) would give you a reference to the dup'ed filehandle, and
self(1) would give you a reference to the original one.

This seems very useful to me, and can't be done without a function.
Comments welcome.


P.S. And speaking of compromise, I don't think anyone is set in stone on
the name self(). If we decide this(), context(), me(), or some other
name is better, I'm fine with that. But I'm fairly certain that we need
a function given that it has to take arguments. ;-)

Re: RFC 199 (v3) Short-circuiting built-in functions and user-definedsubroutines

2000-09-15 Thread David L. Nicol

> The current ideas tend to converge around 

While reading the current rfc199.2 version I imagined another way
to do this.  Instead of adding a new escape, what if we could
fiddle with the looping condition?

Given a grep that works like so:

sub mygrep(&@){
local $index; # must be visible inside filter 
my $filter = shift;
my @result;
for($index = $[; $index =< $#_; $index++){
$_ = $_[$index];
&$filter and push @result, $_
return @result

we could force an early return by altering $index from within &$filter.

I know there has been some discussion of having explicit iterator numbers
within loops, although I can't locate the RFC if there has been one.

Given an explicit iterator attribute inside loops, if that was a lvalue it
could be set to the end of the data, or set back to the beginning for
that matter, to effect a last or a redo.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   perl -e'map{sleep print$w[rand@w]}@w=<>' ~/nsmail/Inbox

Re: RFC 213 (v1) rindex and index should return undef on failure

2000-09-15 Thread Nathan Torkington

Chaim Frenkel writes:
> I would like to have an undef returned.

Ah, I see.  You want subroutines to return undef if they're given it
for any of their arguments.  That'd break the lazy programmer practice
of passing undef expecting it to become "" or 0.  They don't have
warnings on, of course.


RFC 199 (v3) Short-circuiting built-in functions and user-defined subroutines

2000-09-15 Thread Garrett Goebel

=head1 TITLE

Short-circuiting built-in functions and user-defined subroutines

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Garrett Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: 15 Sep 2000
  Version: 3
  Mailing List: perl6-language
  Number: 199
  Status: Developing


Allow built-in functions and user defined subroutines to catch exceptions
and act upon them, particularly those emanating from control blocks. Put
another way, allow blocks to simultaneously exit early with a value.



Currently there is not a practical and flexible way to short-circuit
built-in functions like C and C which take blocks as a parameter.

A prime example that was raised is:

  my $found = grep { $_ == 1 } (1..1_000_000);

Under Perl 5, one would need to write something like:

  eval { grep { $_ ==1 and die "$_\n" } (1..1_000_000) }; 
  chomp(my $found = $@);

Under this current proposal this might be written as:

  my $found = grep { $_ == 1 and return $_ && last grep } (1..1_000_000);

  (or alternatively)

  my $found = grep { $_ == 1 and abort grep $_ } (1..1_000_000);

It is the opinion of the author that while the proposal saves little by
way of typing, that it is minimally an improvement in clarity. Further
this proposal introduces semantics which will make other tasks easier.


=over 4

=item 1

How do you simultaneously exit early and return a value?

  reject the current element and continue
  accept the current element and continue
  reject the current element and abort
  accept the current element and abort
  reject the current element and retry
  accept the current element and retry

=item 2

How do you do that *and* be consistent with existing semantics?



There has been much discussion and ideas exchanged on the best way to 
achieve this. Discussion ranging from specific solutions which would
only apply to the C and C built-ins, to more general ones
such as unifying the exception syntax for loop, code, and bare blocks.
There has also been a vocal contingent protesting that all of the
suggestions attempt to shoehorn too much new functionality into
existing semantics and that no one has yet presented any workable

The current ideas tend to converge around the following three options:

=over 4

=item 1

Grant code blocks their names as labels, and add new keywords
for code block control: C/C/C:

  # short-circuit after first acceptance...
  $found = grep { ($_ == 1) and abort grep $_ } (1..1_000_000);

  # short-circuit after first rejection...
  $found = grep { ($_ == 1) and abort grep } (1..1_000_000);

=item 2

Grant code blocks their own names as labels, and the ability to catch
next/last/redo exceptions which explicitly use those labels.

  # short-circuit after first acceptance...
  @smalls = grep { ($_ == 1) and return $_ && last grep } (1..1_000_000);

  # short-circuit after first rejection...
  @smalls = grep { ($_ == 1) and last grep } (1..1_000_000);

=item 3

The built-in function's operation should catch exceptions thrown from
the block, where the exception thrown is true or false (alternative: 1
or false). Example:

  # short-circuit after first acceptance...
  $found = grep { ($_ == 1) and die 1 } (1..1_000_000);

  # short-circuit after first rejection...
  $found = grep { ($_ == 1)  or die 0 } (1..1_000_000);



Detractors would argue:

=over 4

=item 1

First Proposal: Add code labels and new keywords:

=over 4

=item *

Aversion to taking any more new keywords


=item 2

Second Proposal: Add code labels, and let code blocks use
C/C/C syntax which explicitly use those labels.

=over 4

=item *

Too complicated, changes too much, attempts to shoehorn to too many
semantic changes into the existing syntax/keywords


=item 3

Third Proposal: Extend use of C

=over 4

=item *

Built-ins shouldn't catch user-defined exceptions. How do you raise
a serious exception within a control block if you weaken C into 
something that can be automatically caught by built-ins? I.e., no good
support for multi-level exceptions.

=item *

Doesn't provide a very intuitive syntax for doing the same type of
C/C/C control as is available with loop blocks.



The author shares much of detractors opinions for the third proposal, and
would prefer either the first or second to be implemented. The reason I
one of these two is that I believe they are more intuitive, flexible, and 
semantically rich. As such, the remainder of this RFC concern itself with
issues pertaining to the first two proposals.


=head3 Issues common to the first and second proposals:

=over 4

=item *

Built-ins and Subroutines automatically get their name as a label

It might therefore follow that it would be good to define C to
have the same semantics as C when the label referred to is a
function. Namely to pass @_. 

Re: RFC 226 (v1) Selective interpolation in single quotish context.

2000-09-15 Thread Nathan Torkington

My first preference is for overriding constant strings.

My second preference is to provide a user-defined quoting operator mechanism,
possibly as part of a user-defined operator mechanism.

My third preference is for a new operator.

I personally do not want to see q() screwed with.


Re: RFC 227 (v1) Extend the window to turn on taint mode

2000-09-15 Thread Adam Turoff

On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 01:33:01PM -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> Michael G Schwern wrote:
> > 
> > perl6-internals is probably the wrong forum for this, it was just
> > convenient.  I think Dan's got the right idea, distribute a Taint
> > module with Perl.
> I'm not sure what's happened on -internals, but early on in
> perl6-language I suggested something similar, and Larry dropped some
> major knowledge on me about tainting:
> I'd advise everyone read the above. Adding a $TAINT
> variable/pragma/whatever is, basically, a Bad Idea. 

The hypothetical that was being discussed was in
a different context.

The taint pragma that we were talking about is not about lexical
scoping of taint mode, but rather a sensible place to add taint(),
tainted() and similar functions that need specific knowledge of
core internals.

Of couse, if the core language contains taint() and untainted(), then
this is a trivial discussion.  We were looking at it from an internals
perspective, with the POV that it may not be a core language feature.

taint() and tainted() would work on scalars that may or may not
be coming from a trustworthy source.  untaint() should *not* be
one of these functions, because untainting should remain hard 
(i.e., you should have to think about what you're doing).

This is a discussion that may result in a different RFC altogether.
It came up because RFC 227 discusses tainting.

-language is probably not the right forum for either.  I vote for
starting a new thread in -stdlib.


Re: RFC 232 (v1) Replace AUTOLOAD by a more flexible mechanism

2000-09-15 Thread Nathan Torkington

Perl6 RFC Librarian writes:
> This RFC proposes two-stage autoloading: one stage may be registered
> to act when the symbol is encountered at compile time, the other
> when the subroutine is called.  Autoloading on the second stage does not
> I the subroutine, only I it. 

You have a beautiful mind, Mr Zakharevich.  I'd like to frame it on my

Actually, I think I'd like to see this extended.  I'd like to be able
to hook into the parser so that when it sees a function call:


I can have it call my subroutine.

  foo_handler( $token_stream )

foo_handler can access the token stream that may or may not be part of
the argument list, decide what is, and then return the code to be
executed at runtime (normally just a call to foo()):

  sub foo_handler {
return sub { foo() };   # *not* an infinite loop, please

The anonymous subroutine returned by the foo_handler() is then inlined
into the optree.

This would let us have constants:

  sub foo_handler {
return sub { 42 };


  sub foo_handler {
my $token_stream = shift;
my $arg_1 = $token_stream->next;# assuming passed as strings?
return eval "sub { scalar($arg_1) }";

This would give us the ability to have things with both compile-time
and run-time behaviours, as well as being able to remove run-time
behaviours if we wanted.

Perhaps this is no longer the point at which we think of it as
autoloading, but rather as part of the compilation process.  Just as
we can intercept strings and regexes with overloaded strings and
regexes, this would let us intercept functions.


Re: RFC 227 (v1) Extend the window to turn on taint mode

2000-09-15 Thread Nathan Wiger

Michael G Schwern wrote:
> perl6-internals is probably the wrong forum for this, it was just
> convenient.  I think Dan's got the right idea, distribute a Taint
> module with Perl.

I'm not sure what's happened on -internals, but early on in
perl6-language I suggested something similar, and Larry dropped some
major knowledge on me about tainting:

I'd advise everyone read the above. Adding a $TAINT
variable/pragma/whatever is, basically, a Bad Idea. There's already


a per-filehandle OO untainting mechanism, as Tom shows here:

This may remain the best solution, judging by Larry's remarks.


Re: RFC 227 (v1) Extend the window to turn on taint mode

2000-09-15 Thread Michael G Schwern

On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 04:01:11PM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> >Anyhow, however these extra tainting functions are implemented is fine
> >(as long as they work).  The simplest thing would be to just merge and
> >patch up and distribute it with perl6.
> Yup. I know Tom wanted an all-perl version so there wouldn't be any 
> dependencies on having a C compiler around. I took the XS route mainly 
> because I mistrust indirect methods. (Well, that and I'd written several 
> orders of magnitude more C code for perl than perl code at the point I 
> wrote that...)

If we move it into the core the availablity of C compilers is no
longer an issue.  Having had a taste of the hacks one must do to pull
off an all-perl version, XS seems the simplest route.

PS  I've moved this discussion to perl6-language.  Reply accordingly.


Michael G Schwern  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just Another Stupid Consultant  Perl6 Kwalitee Ashuranse
Sometimes these hairstyles are exaggerated beyond the laws of physics
  - Unknown narrator speaking about Anime

Re: RFC 111 (v3) Here Docs Terminators (Was Whitespace and Here Docs)

2000-09-15 Thread Richard Proctor

On Fri 15 Sep, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 06:38:37PM +0100, Richard Proctor wrote:
> > 1) << removes whitespace equivalent to the terminator (e) this is largely
> > backward complatible as many existing heredocs are unlikely to have white
> > space before the terminator.
> > 
> > 2) <<< removes whitespace equivalent to the smallest whitespace (d)
> > 
> > or are these the options that will satisfy everybody [no but its worth a
> > try]
> > 
> > 1) << Does just what it does now
> > 
> > 2) <<< implements (d) or (e)
> I'd say:
> 1) << does what it does now mod RFC 111 (ie. you can put whitespace in the
>terminator, but it doesn't effect anything)

I was assuming that the terminators changed ala RFC 111 whatever happens

> 2) <<< does (e).

These are equivalent to my second set of options

> 3) distribute a collection of dequote() mutations with perl.

As a module presumably

> 4) mention the s/// tricks in the documentation (< 


> > [[there is still the tabs debate however]]
> Tabs are easy, don't expand them.  Consider them as a literal
> character.  This assums that the code author is going to use the same
> keystrokes to indent their here-doc text as the terminator, about as
> safe an assumption as any for tabs.
> Maybe I'm being too simplistic, I don't use tabs anymore.

Yes you are, the problem comes with mixing editors - some use tabs for
indented material some dont, some reduce files using tabs etc etc.  [I move
between too many editors].  Perl should DWIM.  I think that treating tabs=8
as the default would work for most people, even those who set tabs at other
values as long as they are consistent - a "use tabs 4" could be used by them
if they want to get the same behaviour if they mix tabs and spaces.




Re: RFC 227 (v1) Extend the window to turn on taint mode

2000-09-15 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 03:43 PM 9/15/00 -0400, Michael G Schwern wrote:
>On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 02:00:04PM -0400, Adam Turoff wrote:
> > I'm kinda surfing the edge here.  -T is definately an internals issue,
> > but $TAINT?  taint()?  is_tainted()?
> >
> > I'm not sure if they should be exposed into the language from the
> > internals, or if a superstudly taint.xs in stdlib is more appropriate.
>perl6-internals is probably the wrong forum for this, it was just
>convenient.  I think Dan's got the right idea, distribute a Taint
>module with Perl.

The only reason to do so instead of a built-in is to not snag yet more 
namespace. Dunno if it much matters either way, though the code is probably 
best left outside the really inner core code just to keep down the amount 
of stuff that any one person needs to stuff in their head. :)

>Shall we drag this discussion on over to perl6-language?  (I've CC'd
>it and added a Reply-To.  This is BCC'd to perl6-internals).

Perhaps perl6-stdlib would be an even better place for it, if it's going in 
as part of the standard library.


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: RFC 227 (v1) Extend the window to turn on taint mode

2000-09-15 Thread Michael G Schwern

On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 02:00:04PM -0400, Adam Turoff wrote:
> I'm kinda surfing the edge here.  -T is definately an internals issue,
> but $TAINT?  taint()?  is_tainted()?
> I'm not sure if they should be exposed into the language from the 
> internals, or if a superstudly taint.xs in stdlib is more appropriate.

perl6-internals is probably the wrong forum for this, it was just
convenient.  I think Dan's got the right idea, distribute a Taint
module with Perl.

Shall we drag this discussion on over to perl6-language?  (I've CC'd
it and added a Reply-To.  This is BCC'd to perl6-internals).


Michael G Schwern  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just Another Stupid Consultant  Perl6 Kwalitee Ashuranse
When faced with desperate circumstances, we must adapt.
- Seven of Nine

RFC 232 (v1) Replace AUTOLOAD by a more flexible mechanism

2000-09-15 Thread Perl6 RFC Librarian

This and other RFCs are available on the web at

=head1 TITLE

Replace AUTOLOAD by a more flexible mechanism

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Ilya Zakharevich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: 15 September 2000
  Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Number: 232
  Version: 1
  Status: Developing


This RFC proposes two-stage autoloading: one stage may be registered
to act when the symbol is encountered at compile time, the other
when the subroutine is called.  Autoloading on the second stage does not
I the subroutine, only I it. 


AUTOLOAD interface was created before closures were available.  Because of
this, it combines two actions into one call: it loads the subroutine,
and calls it.

This two actions should be separated.  Additionally, some action may be needed
during compile time.  For example, one may fetch the prototype of the function,
or even call the function, so that its (constant) value may be used in this
and other calls.

[WIth the current implementation I the prototypes should be loaded no
matter what, with significant memory and time overheads.]

When a symbol for an undefined subroutine is seen at compile time, the
C action is invoked.  It should return C if no such symbol
could be autoloaded (so that the symbol may be searched further in the @ISA
tree).  It should return the prototype if the symbol could be found.  This
call may have arbitrary side effects, such as defining the subroutine, or even
calling it (useful for constant XSUBs).

When an undefined subroutine is about to be called, the C action is
invoked.  It should return a reference to a subroutine, or C to signal
that search should be continued further in the @ISA tree.

In both cases, the argument for the action is the name of the subroutine.
If the subroutine has two different names (it was created with one name, and
was imported with a different name), both names are provided.

The C and C subroutines may be registered (both or any one) with
the pragma

  use autoload ':proto' => sub {}, ':load' => sub {};



[The current AUTOLOAD mechanism saves creation of a subroutine frame, since
the actual call to the subroutine may be done via C.  If this is proved
to provide some advantage, AUTOLOAD mechanism may be preserved as well.]





Re: RFC 111 (v3) Here Docs Terminators (Was Whitespace and Here Docs)

2000-09-15 Thread Michael G Schwern

On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 06:38:37PM +0100, Richard Proctor wrote:
> 1) << removes whitespace equivalent to the terminator (e) this is largely
> backward complatible as many existing heredocs are unlikely to have white
> space before the terminator.
> 2) <<< removes whitespace equivalent to the smallest whitespace (d)
> or are these the options that will satisfy everybody [no but its worth a try]
> 1) << Does just what it does now
> 2) <<< implements (d) or (e)

I'd say:

1) << does what it does now mod RFC 111 (ie. you can put whitespace in the
   terminator, but it doesn't effect anything)

2) <<< does (e).

3) distribute a collection of dequote() mutations with perl.

4) mention the s/// tricks in the documentation (< [[there is still the tabs debate however]]

Tabs are easy, don't expand them.  Consider them as a literal
character.  This assums that the code author is going to use the same
keystrokes to indent their here-doc text as the terminator, about as
safe an assumption as any for tabs.

Maybe I'm being too simplistic, I don't use tabs anymore.


Michael G Schwern  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just Another Stupid Consultant  Perl6 Kwalitee Ashuranse
I'm successful because I'm lucky.   The harder I work, the luckier I get.

RFC 230 (v1) Replace C built-in with pragmatically-induced C function

2000-09-15 Thread Perl6 RFC Librarian

This and other RFCs are available on the web at

=head1 TITLE

Replace C built-in with pragmatically-induced C function

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: 15 September 2000
  Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Number: 230
  Version: 1
  Status: Developing


This RFC proposes that Perl's existing C mechanism be replaced
with a standard module based on parts of the Text::Autoformat module.


I can never remember how formats work. The specification syntax is confusing
to me. And I usually don't want the formatted text going straight down some
magical output stream.

It all came to a head when I was building Text::Autoformat. The smart text
recognition was easy -- trying to do the final formatting with C
and $^A was just too painful.

So I created the C subroutine. It uses a template
specification than fits my brain better, it's deeply DWIMical, it's highly
configurable, and it's re-entrant (so you can use a C to format
another C's headers and footers, for example).

I propose that the existing C mechanism be removed from Perl 6
and be replaced with a pragma-induced add-in function, based on
the semantics of C, as described in 
the following sections.

=head2 The C function

The function itself would be called C and would be 
imported with a C pragma.

It takes a format (or "picture" or "template") string followed by one or
more replacement values. It then interpolates those values into each picture
string, and either:

=over 4

=item *

returns the result as a single multi-line string (in a scalar context)

=item *

returns the result as a list of single-line strings (in a list context)

=item *

prints the result to the current filehandle (in a void context).


A picture string consists of sequences of the following characters:

=over 4


Left-justified field indicator. A series of two or more sequential <'s
specify a left-justified field to be filled by a subsequent value.


Right-justified field indicator. A series of two or more sequential >'s
specify a right-justified field to be filled by a subsequent value.


Centre-justified field indicator. A series of two or more sequential ^'s
specify a centred field to be filled by a subsequent value.

=item >>>.

A numerically formatted field with the specified number of digits to
either side of the decimal place. See L below.


Left-justified block field indicator.
Just like a < field, except it repeats as required on subsequent
lines. See below.


Right-justified block field indicator.
Just like a  field, except it repeats as required on subsequent
lines. See below.


Centre-justified block field indicator.
Just like a  field, except it repeats as required on subsequent
lines. See below.

=item ]]].

A numerically formatted block field with the specified number of digits to
either side of the decimal place.
Just like a >>>. field, except it repeats as required on
subsequent lines. See below. 

=item ~

A single character field. Interpolates a single character from a subsequent
data value. Repeats on subsequent lines as required.

=item \

Literal escape of next character (e.g. C<\~> is formatted as a literal '~',
not a one character wide field).

=item Any other character

That literal character.


Hence a typical use of C might look like this:

$formatted = format "<>",
   $aphorism,  "page $page_num";

and might produce an output like this:

page 123

Note that, because every field (except a C<~> field) must be at least
two characters wide, the single C> and C> brackets in the
format string are correctly interpreted as literals.

=head3 Multi-line filling 

As the previous example indicates, any line with a block field continues
interpolation of that field on subsequent lines until all block fields
in the format have consumed all their data. Non-block fields on these
lines are replaced by the appropriate number of spaces.

For example:

$title = "On The Evil That Is Spam";
$text1 = "How many times have you longed to smash...";
$text2 = "...the bedevilment that is spam?";

format "<<<   [[[   [[",
$title,   $text1,   $text2;

# prints:
#   On The Evil   How many times...the be- 
# have you longed   devilment
# to smash...   that is
#   spam

=head3 Hyphenation

As the previous example indicates, within a block field, words are
wrapped whole, unless they will not fit into the field at all, in which
case they are broken and hyphenated. Simple h

Re: 'eval' odd thought

2000-09-15 Thread Bart Lateur

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000 12:01:55 -0400, Mark-Jason Dominus wrote:

>When you translate a script, the translator should translate things so
>that they have the same meanings as they did before.  If it doesn't
>also translate eval, then your Perl 5 scripts will be using the Perl 6
>eval, which isn't what you wanted.

Er... are we talking of the same thing? I should think that P5->P6 would
be a one time operation. A Perl 6 eval that turns a Perl 5 code string
into a Perl 6 code string every time, helps in quickly getting a working
"Perl6" script out of the door, but it's fake. It's takes a pretty hefty
conversion stage every single time. If your P5->P6 translator is slow,
i.e. written in Perl, this would imply a pretty big performace hit. It
also doesn't really help you in *really* converting the eval string to
Perl6. What would help is a debugging mode that prints out the converted
code string, so that the programmer can modify his script so that it
does indeed directly produce this (or a similar) string. From there on,
you no longer need the Perl5->Perl6 translation.


Re: RFC 226 (v2) Selective interpolation in single quotish context.

2000-09-15 Thread Steve Fink

Nathan Wiger wrote:
> Andy Dougherty wrote:
> >
> > How do you turn it off?  I want to keep a way to specify stuff without any
> > interpolation whatsoever. I see the usefulness of this sort of quoting,
> > but I also see the usefulness of being absolutely able to turn all
> > interpolation off.
> Yes, I agree with this point, also raise by Glenn and others. Currently,
> there is very nice semantics in shell-style quoting:
>q//  ==   ''  ==  *NO* interpolation

I agree. I'd like q/.../ to stick as close to giving me ... as possible.
I can live with the current 'foo\\bar' having only one backslash in it,
but I'd rather not have to worry about anything else. I'd vote for
Glenn's allowing the disabling of interpolation in qq// and <<""

Does it strike anyone else as odd that 'foo\\bar' eq 'foo\bar'?

Re: RFC 111 (v3) Here Docs Terminators (Was Whitespace and Here Docs)

2000-09-15 Thread Richard Proctor

On Fri 15 Sep, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> Michael G Schwern wrote:
> > So indenting the terminator and indenting the text are linked.  If you
> > do one, you want to do the other.
> As I and many others have said, that's not necessarily true. I like all
> my code to line up, braces, parens, and all. It enhances readability,
> and is easier to scan.
> Anyways, it seems both your and my needs could be met if we simply added
> a <<< operator that does what you want. Otherwise we're forced to choose
> between two useful alternatives that are both valid. I could see using
> both your and "my" way in many different situations, so we should make
> them coexistant, not mutually exclusive.

There are two current RFCs RFC 111 deals with the terminator - I dont think
anyone is realy debating that at present.

RFC 162 discusses the indenting of heredoc content. 

There are two possible operators, the existing << and the enhanced <<<

There are 5 possible ways of indenting, many of them have no compatibility
problems, some might and hence might benefit from the <<<.

a) No Indenting (status quo - do whatever the current << does.

b) Remove all leading whitespace - Not popular - no longer supported

c) Remove whitespace equivalent to the first line - Not popular - no
longer supported

d) Remove whitespace equialent to the smallest whitespace - a Realistic

e) Remove whitespace equialent to the terminator - a realistic option.

Do the following two options satisfy everybody? [no but its worth a try]

1) << removes whitespace equivalent to the terminator (e) this is largely
backward complatible as many existing heredocs are unlikely to have white
space before the terminator.

2) <<< removes whitespace equivalent to the smallest whitespace (d)

or are these the options that will satisfy everybody [no but its worth a try]

1) << Does just what it does now

2) <<< implements (d) or (e)

[[there is still the tabs debate however]]




Re: RFC 111 (v3) Here Docs Terminators (Was Whitespace and Here Docs)

2000-09-15 Thread Nathan Wiger

Michael G Schwern wrote:
> See, I never understood this.  If you're indenting the terminator, it
> implies you're also indenting the here-doc text.  I mean, this doesn't
> make any sense:
> { { { {
> print < I don't know what their
> gripe is.  A critic is
> simply someone paid to
> render opinions glibly.
> } } } }

Sure it does, as Eric's shown:

   if ( $this < $that )
   while () {
   $record = quotemeta $_;
   if ( $record ) {
($rec, $name, $dob, $address, $joindate, $books)
 = split /\s+/, $record;
 print < So indenting the terminator and indenting the text are linked.  If you
> do one, you want to do the other.

As I and many others have said, that's not necessarily true. I like all
my code to line up, braces, parens, and all. It enhances readability,
and is easier to scan.

Anyways, it seems both your and my needs could be met if we simply added
a <<< operator that does what you want. Otherwise we're forced to choose
between two useful alternatives that are both valid. I could see using
both your and "my" way in many different situations, so we should make
them coexistant, not mutually exclusive.


Re: RFC 226 (v2) Selective interpolation in single quotish context.

2000-09-15 Thread Nathan Wiger

Andy Dougherty wrote:
> How do you turn it off?  I want to keep a way to specify stuff without any
> interpolation whatsoever. I see the usefulness of this sort of quoting,
> but I also see the usefulness of being absolutely able to turn all
> interpolation off.

Yes, I agree with this point, also raise by Glenn and others. Currently,
there is very nice semantics in shell-style quoting:

   q//  ==   ''  ==  *NO* interpolation

If we want a quasi-interpolated environment, I say we add qs// for
"Single quotes with Some interpolation".

I suspect once \I and \E catch on, people are going to be asking for
others, and then pretty soon q// will not be much less interpolated than

I think Perl *needs* a NO interpolation quoting contruct, and q// fits
the bill quite nicely, as-is. I say a new one should be proposed that
can handle these new quasi-interpolated semantics.


an RFC for unbalanced parens/braces?

2000-09-15 Thread Ed Mills

Since there were no objections to cleaning up the error messages on 
unbalanced parens and braces, can we RFC that request?

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Re: 'eval' odd thought

2000-09-15 Thread Mark-Jason Dominus

> eval should stay eval.

Yes, and this is the way to do that.  

When you translate a script, the translator should translate things so
that they have the same meanings as they did before.  If it doesn't
also translate eval, then your Perl 5 scripts will be using the Perl 6
eval, which isn't what you wanted.

Forking multiple socket connections

2000-09-15 Thread webmaster UtopiaNet ISP

My question:

using IO::SOCKET, i need to connect to multiple server at once.

The server side works very well; it only waits for connections over a fixed IP,port.

How can i write the client-side?

Please help me!

Re: RFC 102 (v2) Inline Comments for Perl.

2000-09-15 Thread John Porter

Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
> =head1 TITLE
> Inline Comments for Perl.

Why was this posted again?  I see no CHANGES section.

> An  idea that produces  a paired  feeling would  be to  use one  of the
> paired character pairs, as in "#<"  and ">#".  

#Oh Lord, What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

while (
) {
m#found it?
and print;

O.k, so they're kinda contrived...

> the three paired character  possibilities ("<>", "()", "{}") 

There are four in ASCII; and with Unicode, there will be dozens.

> Because  "#" has been  used to  mean comment,  it seems  that something
> related to "#" should continue to be used to mean comment.

Hm, I thought the idea was to get *away* from #, so as to avoid

> vs
>   $foo = qw/foo bar/ ##;

$foo = qw/foo bar/ qc##;

Uh huh.

John Porter

We're building the house of the future together.

Re: 'eval' odd thought

2000-09-15 Thread Dave Storrs

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, Bart Lateur wrote:

> On Thu, 14 Sep 2000 18:14:49 -0400, Mark-Jason Dominus wrote:
> >The perl 5 -> perl 6 translator should [recursively handle eval]
> Blech, no. eval should stay eval. People are responsible for generating
> Perl6 compatible code, if they construct code as strings on the fly.

I would disagree.  If I'm using a program to translate my code
from one version of Perl to another, I don't want to have to go in and
hand-fix (possibly large) sections of should just _work_.  I'm
with MJD on this one.


Re: RFC 223 (v1) Objects: C pragma

2000-09-15 Thread John Porter

Hildo Biersma wrote:
> I think such modules are a bad idea, because their functionality is
> typically restricted. 

Oh?  Where do you get that idea?

> Altering the language to make that easier seems a
> bad idea to me.

On the contrary: altering *anything* about Perl to make
something easier is quite in keeping with Perl's philosophy.

> >1. By default, pass the invocant via a special var or sub,
> >   either self(), this(), $ME, $THIS, $SELF, or whatever.
> Forcing multiple authors to use the same 'this' or
> 'self' name across modules is not the perl way, 

Well then, forcing multiple authors to use the same C is a
bad idea too.

Look, it's only the difference wbetween

sub meth {
my $self = shift;


sub meth {
my $self = this;

No, I think Nathan has nailed it, spot on, with this proposal.

John Porter

We're building the house of the future together.

Re: RFC 223 (v1) Objects: C pragma

2000-09-15 Thread Philip Newton

On 14 Sep 2000, at 14:18, Nathan Wiger wrote:

> Before you balk at #1 in favor of religious flexibility, please consider
> how unmaintainable Perl code would be if @ARGV, or $AUTOLOAD, or STDERR,
> or @INC, or chomp(), or split(), or any other widely-used variable or
> function was renameable. If you don't shudder at this, I would argue you
> probably don't maintain enough of others' code.

use English;

I remember reading a bit of example code somewhere from someone 
who religiously used English. It was fairly annoying seeing functions 
operate on $ARG instead of $_, and subroutine were passed @ARG


Re: RFC 223 (v1) Objects: C pragma

2000-09-15 Thread John Porter

Graham Barr wrote:
> One of the benefits I was hoping to get from having a variable hold
> the invocant is the ability for the invocant to be undef if the sub
> was not called as a method. 

Um, functions can return undef too, ya know. :-)

John Porter

Re: RFC 229 (v1) Variable interpolation on demand.

2000-09-15 Thread Simon Cozens

On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 05:56:36AM -, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
>   $foo = 'def';
>   $bar = 'ghi';
>   $x = "abc$foo$bar";
>   $y = 'abc$foo$bar';
> There is no  way to turn obtain the  value of $x from the  value of $y.
> In other  words, while  $foo and $bar  were interpolated into  $x, they
> were not interpolated into $y.  It would be nice to get Success! from:
>   $z = interpolate ( $y );
>   print 'Success!"  if $z eq $x;

sub interpolate {eval "\"@_\""}

Never say "there is no way". There's *always* a way, and 99% of the time it
doesn't need to go in core.

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."
-- Will Rogers

Re: RFC 226 (v2) Selective interpolation in single quotish context.

2000-09-15 Thread Andy Dougherty

> Perl6 should allow scalars and arrays to be tagged such that they are
> interpolated in single quotish context.

How do you turn it off?  I want to keep a way to specify stuff without any
interpolation whatsoever. I see the usefulness of this sort of quoting,
but I also see the usefulness of being absolutely able to turn all
interpolation off.

This seems mostly an issue in heredocs (though I appreciate your
generalization to all single quotish contexts.)

I wonder if perhaps it might be possible to combine some of the ideas
from the white-space heredoc discussion and join them to this one and
come up with a nice syntax for a sort of modified here-doc.

Andy Dougherty  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Physics
Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042

Re: RFC 111 (v3) Here Docs Terminators (Was Whitespace and Here Docs)

2000-09-15 Thread Eric Roode

Michael Schwern wrote:
>See, I never understood this.  If you're indenting the terminator, it
>implies you're also indenting the here-doc text.  I mean, this doesn't
>make any sense:
>{ { { {
>print gripe is.  A critic is
>simply someone paid to
>render opinions glibly.
>} } } }
>Right?  You're not going to just indent the terminator because you
>can.  Its going to go along with indenting the text.
>So indenting the terminator and indenting the text are linked.  If you
>do one, you want to do the other.

Don't tell me what I want to do :-)

  $chunk1 = <

text that's in the table cell

  $chunk2 = <

text that's in another table cell

  $chunk3 = <

The here-doc terminators all line up with the perl code. 
The generated program is nicely indented relative to the left margin.

 Eric J. Roode,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   print  scalar  reverse  sort
 Senior Software Engineer'tona ', 'reh', 'ekca', 'lre',
 Myxa Corporation'.r', 'h ', 'uj', 'p ', 'ts';

Re: RFC 226 (v2) Selective interpolation in single quotish context.

On 14 Sep 2000, at 21:06, Glenn Linderman wrote:

> I _like_ the conceptual idea, here.  But I think we need a different kind of
> quoting, not extend single quote semantics.  Single quote semantics are really,
> really, good for exact quoting.  I'm sure you (since you mention VMS) find single
> quote semantics good for escaping all those $ VMS requires.  Well, we who are
> forced to use Windoze find single quote semantics good for escaping all those \
> used in NT file names.  So this proposal as now written blows that away:

This becomes fun with UNC names, which have two backslashes at 
the beginning. But \\ in a single-quoted string becomes one 
backslash, so the filename is 


Re: RFC 226 (v2) Selective interpolation in single quotish context.

On 15 Sep 2000, at 1:10, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:

> With this proposal, the scalar C<$filename> can be tagged to be interpolated
> by the C<\I...\E> pair and the double quotish context replaced by single
> quotish context resulting in the following:

Definitely with this change, you should include a section on 
COMPATIBILITY, noting that people might be using \I in single-quoted 
strings already -- this would break. For example, some misguided 
DOS user with a filename such as C:\INCLUDE\SYS$HEADER\ERRNO.H 
(horribly contrived, I know -- not even sure whether $ is legal in a 
DOS path, but I think it is) might be surprised if he got an error 
message about $HEADER being undef.

What about \Itext\E, where text does not contain a scalar? Is this the 
same as "text"? How about \Ibefore${var}after\E -- is that the same 
as "before${var}after"? Does @foo interpolate inside \I...\E? (With 
join $"?) What about backslashes inside \I...\E (as in the above funny 


Re: RFC 223 (v1) Objects: C pragma

On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 08:10:54PM -, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
> This and other RFCs are available on the web at
> =head1 TITLE
> Objects: C pragma
> =head1 VERSION
>   Maintainer: Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Date: 14 September 2000
>   Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Number: 223
>   Version: 1
>   Status: Developing
> =head1 ABSTRACT
> This RFC proposes that, as in Perl 5, the invocant of a method should be
> normally available to the method as $_[0], but that it can be
> automaticaly stripped from @_ and accessed via either a subroutine
> or a variable, using the C pragma.

One of the benefits I was hoping to get from having a variable hold
the invocant is the ability for the invocant to be undef if the sub
was not called as a method. Sadly this proposal does not address that :(


Re: 'eval' odd thought

On Thu, 14 Sep 2000 18:14:49 -0400, Mark-Jason Dominus wrote:

>The perl 5 -> perl 6 translator should replace calls to 'eval' with
>calls to 'perl5_eval', which will recursively call the 5->6 translator
>to translate the eval'ed string into perl 6, and will then eval the

Blech, no. eval should stay eval. People are responsible for generating
Perl6 compatible code, if they construct code as strings on the fly.

Warning people when converting a script from perl5 to perl6, that a eval
STRING has been found, is a good idea.


Re: RFC 111 (v3) Here Docs Terminators (Was Whitespace and Here Docs)

On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 03:36:10PM -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> See, this is just too inflexible. The main complaint that I've heard has
> been "You can't have leading or trailing whitespace around your
> terminator". This is a very common error made by everyone, and *this* is
> where Perl should DWIM.

See, I never understood this.  If you're indenting the terminator, it
implies you're also indenting the here-doc text.  I mean, this doesn't
make any sense:

{ { { {

Re: RFC 223 (v1) Objects: C pragma

Nathan Wiger wrote:

> >
> > and this may, indeed, be sufficient.
> Remember, this still won't solve the problem of a module whose functions
> can handle both OO and function-oriented calls - and yes, I have many
> that do this. :-)

I think such modules are a bad idea, because their functionality is
typically restricted.  Altering the language to make that easier seems a
bad idea to me.

> Instead, I believe a more sensible approach is the following:
>1. By default, pass the invocant via a special var or sub,
>   either self(), this(), $ME, $THIS, $SELF, or whatever.
>2. Allow this to be reverted to the old Perl 5 way ($_[0)
>   via the "use invocant" (or some similar) pragma.
> This gives you the following benefits:
>1. Code is consistent. You can be assured that whatever the
>   function or variable is named is the same across code.

This is a benefit?  Forcing multiple authors to use the same 'this' or
'self' name across modules is not the perl way, and it won't help you
unless we also demand naming conventions for methods, classes,
variables, parameters, etc.  And then you end up with Java.

>2. Perl 5 to Perl 6 transition is easy - just insert a
>   "use invocant" at the top of the code and it's passed
>   in $_[0] just like it always has been.

Migration is as easy with Damian's proposal.

> Before you balk at #1 in favor of religious flexibility, please consider
> how unmaintainable Perl code would be if @ARGV, or $AUTOLOAD, or STDERR,
> or @INC, or chomp(), or split(), or any other widely-used variable or
> function was renameable. If you don't shudder at this, I would argue you
> probably don't maintain enough of others' code.

That's not a valid argument.  Perl already has multiple different names
for the 'this' or 'self' variable in object methods, and that has not
been a problem so far.  If you go to the trouble of studying somebody
another programmer's object module, picking up whether she uses $ME,
self, or this will take a few seconds at most. Understanding the rest of
the module will take far longer...

As for maintaining other people's code, I do that a lot - and,
typically, indentation, comments and brace style cause me far more
trouble than variable names.
