Re: Production Ready Perl 6?

2011-11-23 Thread Daniel Carrera
I see things differently. I think that the question is Perl 6 
production ready? is a meaningful and fairly important question.

Can I reasonably expect to use Perl 6 in a production environment?

The question has as much (or more) to do with implementations than the 
spec, but that doesn't make the question unimportant. I can use C90 and 
Fortran 95 in a production environment they are supported by stable, 
robust compilers that produce good quality code. I can use most of C99 
and Fortran 2003 in production if I control the compiler.

It is entirely legitimate to ask whether Perl 6 is ready for use in a 
similar sense. Is there at least one implementation that covers enough 
of Perl 6, with enough quality and speed, that one can reasonably expect 
it to work well in production?

The feeling that I get from the discussions in this forum, and I mean no 
offence by this, is that people try to divert the question because they 
do not like the answer. If Perl 6 + implementations had a support 
comparable to C99 or Fortran 2003, I strongly suspect that most people 
would have answered with yes, it is production ready.


On 11/22/2011 10:09 PM, B. Estrade wrote:

Well said. Also, the OP shouldn't confuse Perl 5 (the
interpreter-defined language) with Perl 6 (a language definition for
interpreters/compilers).  The latter benefits from the fact that Perl 5
is whatever perl says it is - for better or worse.

So, asking if Perl 6 is production ready is like asking if
HPF, C++11, ECMA-262 is production ready. It just doesn't make sense
even if the spirit of the question is mostly understood to mean a
production implementation. Language designing and drafting is a
funny thing, and history is wrought with *many* very interesting
languages being designed, but failing to gain enough traction to
elicite a production or (fully implemented) compiler/interpreter. The
exercise itself is still extremely valuable and beneficial to all involved.


On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 12:38:15AM +0400, Richard Hainsworth wrote:

Yet again this thread starts up.

Yet again it will end with no one changing their opinions, their
expectations, or the time-span of their vision.

Personally, I use perl6 in my professional analytical work. I can
express solutions to problems elegantly and with a minimum of work.

I am not entirely concerned with the speed for most things, but that is
the nature of what I do.

When I am concerned with speed, I fall back on perl5 and especially
perl5 routines that interface to optimised libraries.

But I am really frustrated when I go back to perl5 because it feels so
clunky compared to perl6.

Ruby and Python overtaking Perl? So what? Neither of them have as much
coverage as javascript or java, and every time I have to deal with
either of those, I recoil in loathing. Truly I just cannot see why they
should have SO much attention. (No need for a flame war about javascript
or java - it's the way I react to them.)

There are things that are worth doing, and doing well. Implementing
Perl6 belongs to that category of things that have value in themselves.
That is why there are still people still working on Perl6. But if you
cant see the beauty in it, or the progress that has been made, you wont
ever see it. Shame, but that's life.

I have followed Perl6 from the first discussions, the RPCs, the
Apocalypses, Exegeses, Synopses, played with pugs, and rakudo. I have
helped it along with some bug reports and occasional questions and patches.

Sure it's frustrating to be waiting for something and it not to be
there. I waited for Rothfuss's Wise Man's Fear, after reading Name of
the Wind. Now I am waiting for the end of the trilogy and it's
frustrating because Rothfuss hasnt finished it. He is taking the time to
make it what he wants it to be. I want to see how the plots get
resolved. Frustrating, but that's life!

Lets stop asking about 'production ready' releases. And making snarky
remarks when the expected replies come back. It's like asking a
republican about a tax increase. No I am not suggesting a flame war on
politics, but it's another example of asking the wrong question to
someone who already views the world with a different perspective.
Nothing good comes from it, no new light on a subject done to death
already, no change of heart or view by anybody involved. So why do it?

Richard Hainsworth

On 11/22/2011 08:26 PM, Wendell Hatcher wrote:

Thanks, so it isnt production ready like a release which would be an
official release of a new version of perl 5? I have the feeling after well
over 5 years this will never happened. I hope Perl 6 doesnt get seen as a
novelty or toy and people simply never use it if this hasnt already
happened. Ruby is passing Perl by like Python did.

On Nov 22, 2011, at 9:08 AM, Tadeusz So??nierz wrote:

On Tuesday, November 22, 2011 16:59:52 Wendell Hatcher wrote:

Are there people using Perl 6 in production at this time? Is Perl 6
production ready?

Re: Production Release - was Re: Questions for Survey about Perl

2011-01-06 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 3:32 PM, Guy Hulbert wrote:
 On Thu, 2011-06-01 at 14:53 +0100, Daniel Carrera wrote:
 I would be very interested to see something that allowed Rakudo to
 talk to Fortran 95.

 I am going to use Fortran 95 for my thesis work, and maybe I could
 write a module to give Rakudo a basic array language. Nothing fancy

 Is there anything like this for perl5 ?

Yes, PDL. That's the Perl Data Language. And NumPy is the same thing for Python.

 The algorithm was the ruelle-takens algorithm (ca 1979, iirc) to compute
 the fractal dimension of a series.  Application was bioinformatics and
 the journal was a political science one.  Very weird mix.

 Never had a chance to get back to it but I was thinking that an array
 module for perl5 would be useful.  I probably still have the code
 stashed somewhere.

If the algorithm can be expressed largely as array operations, then
PDL should give a speed more in the ballpark of the C version.

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Re: Things to Implement for Rakudo

2011-01-06 Thread Daniel Carrera
Is it possible to explain briefly wht the Rulle-Takens algorithm is?
That web page seems to mainly explain how some fractals like the
Mandelbrot set and the Julia set are generated. Is there a specific,
simple algorithm that we can try to implement in PDL, Perl 5 and Perl

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 3:36 PM, Guy Hulbert wrote:
 Changed the subject so people don't complain ;-)

 On Thu, 2011-06-01 at 09:32 -0500, Guy Hulbert wrote:
 The algorithm was the ruelle-takens algorithm (ca 1979, iirc) to compute
 the fractal dimension of a series.

 Google ( ) found:

 Looks like 1979 is about right.


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Re: Can't download Rakudo Dec 2010 without git

2011-01-04 Thread Daniel Carrera
That's rather annoying. Isn't there a way to fix that?

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 8:25 AM, Moritz Lenz wrote:
 On 01/04/2011 03:19 AM, gvim wrote:
 Does this mean I have no option but to install git in order to keep my Perl 
 6 up to date?

 No. You can download and install a release tarball of parrot, and then
 point rakudo's to the installed parrot. Only if you use the
 --gen-parrot option, git needs to be available.


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Re: Can't download Rakudo Dec 2010 without git

2011-01-04 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 9:38 AM, Jan Ingvoldstad wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 09:30, Daniel Carrera wrote:

 That's rather annoying. Isn't there a way to fix that?

 Yes, install Rakudo Star instead, that bundles a suitable version of Parrot.

Oh, gvim wasn't talking about Rakudo Star?  I assumed he was because I
figure that the alternative to Rakudo Star is pull the Rakudo dev
branch with Git.

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Re: Questions for Survey about Perl

2011-01-03 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 8:13 AM, Gabor Szabo wrote:

 I think it largely depends on who do you ask and I believe there will
 be a huge gap between private people and company people. Or between
 people who are involved in open source development and in-house developers.

I don't see the open source vs in-house point you are trying to make,
but I still agree with the general point that production partly
depends who you ask and what they need it for. For example, I expect
that most companies would tolerate more bugs in a program for internal
use than in a program intended for paying customers.

That said, I tried to give a vague notion in my earlier post.
Production means that the developers have given me some sort of
verbal assurance that the product is reasonably stable and can be
relied on to reasonably work as documented.

 Some kind of an official blessing is needed by most of us. This can
 be Larry for Perl or Patrick for Rakudo or having it
 supplied by our vendor (e.g. Ubuntu, Red Hat or ActiveState).

Yeah, something like that.

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Re: Questions for Survey about Perl

2011-01-03 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 8:27 AM, Gabor Szabo wrote:
 So I'd change that to after a production release of a Perl 6 compiler

 I think I'll include both answers.
 If we learn that people desperately need a 1.0 numbering then the
 Rakudo developers
 can make up their mind to either change the numbering scheme or invest more
 in education of the users. Maybe pointing out that after releasing
 2011.01 you can't release 1.0. :)

Not much chance of educating users. Release numbers have more or
less established standard meanings. It is impossible or impractical
for someone to be educated about the idiosyncratic numbering scheme
of every product they use. That's why there are standards, even if
they are informal. The 1.0 = ready standard is well established in
the FOSS world (it even gets a paragraph in ESR's The Cathedral and
The Bazaar). People are not wrong to expect that 1.0 is the sign
that the product is ready and that 0.x means that it's still in a
state of flux.

FOSS numbering standards go further than that. It is extremely common
that products be numbered X.Y.Z where Y even indicates stable
version and Y odd indicates development version. Perl 5 switched to
this numbering scheme years ago precisely because people were familiar
with it and understood it.

 ps. In Padre I try to stick to the increase by 0.01 and not jump to 1.00.
 It is surprising how many people tell us I'll use Padre once 1.0 is 
 I can't even imagine how many people think the same but don't tell us.

Look at it from my point of view: I don't have time or energy to join
the Padre development list and track its progress in order to decide
for myself if it is ready for use. I certainly don't have the time or
energy or inclination to do that for every single software product I

I will make exceptions for software that has a very long history. I
have no doubt that Emacs and Vi are stable, so I don't care what their
numbering scheme is. But for stuff that is new enough to make me
wonder, I will tend to wait for 1.0.

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Re: Questions for Survey about Perl

2011-01-02 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 5:27 PM, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
 Out of curiosity (because I think it will illuminate some of the difficulty
 Rakudo devs have in declaring something to be a production release):

  - What constitues a production release?

The developers judge that the software is reasonably feature complete,
and more importantly, it is robust enough to use in a production
environment such as a school or company website, where customers will
experience it. It does not mean that it is perfect, or fast. But the
programmer should have a reasonable expectation that it will work
correctly (aka as documented).

  - What was the first production release of Perl 4?

I never saw Perl 4, but I suspect 4.0.

  - What was the first production release of Perl 5?

I suspect 5.0.

  - What was the first production release of Linux?

I suspect 1.0

  - At what point was each of the above declared a production release;
    was it concurrent with the release, or some time afterwards?

IMO, concurrent.

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Re: Questions for Survey about Perl

2011-01-02 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 6:05 PM, Guy Hulbert wrote:
 I think freezing a subset of what you eventually want to have and then
 getting as close as you can on a fairly tight schedule is the best way
 to get buy-in from users.

That is generally what I expect to see in a production release, yes. I
don't think it's a rule, but I expect to see a feature freeze, and a
period where you just look for bugs for the existing feature set, and
then comes the production release.

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Re: Questions for Survey about Perl

2011-01-01 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Gabor Szabo wrote:
 It would be nice to figure out what is the percentage of people who
 don't yet look at Perl 6 because there was not official Perl 6.0
 release or in more general what are the blocking issues for them.
 I just would like to make sure that by asking the question we don't
 strengthen the belief that there ever will be an official Perl 6.0

 So for example:

 I'll start learning Perl 6  (select one or more that fits your opinion)
 *) when Larry Wall declares that Perl 6.0 is ready
 *) after Rakudo 1.0 is released
 *) when the default running perl -v in my Linux distribution will say
 it is version 6.0 or later
 *) After the Learning Perl 6th edition will be published
 *) After DBI and DBD::Mysql is ported
 *) never
 *) I have already started to learn

 What do you think?

I think that's pretty good. Though personally, I can imagine the first
two not being mutually exclusive. That is, if Rakudo 1.0 is released
but Larry Wall hasn't said that Perl 6.0 is ready, I'd scratch my head
and wonder. In turn, if Perl 6.0 is ready and Rakudo hasn't released a
1.0 I might figure that they still need more time.

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Re: Questions for Survey about Perl

2011-01-01 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 12:36 PM, Moritz Lenz wrote:

 Given the current version number scheme (year.month), it's highly
 unlikely that we'll ever see a Rakudo 1.0.

 So I'd change that to after a production release of a Perl 6 compiler

People might be expecting that when Rakudo is ready it would have a
1.0 release. I sure did. Using year + month is nice in a way, but it
means that you don't immediately know if the release is production vs
devel, or whether it's a major vs minor release.

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Re: Announce: Rakudo Star 2010.12 released

2010-12-31 Thread Daniel Carrera
Out of curiosity, is it possible to get Rakukdo to talk to C, C++ or Fortran?

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 8:04 PM, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

 On behalf of the Rakudo and Perl 6 development teams, I'm happy to
 announce the December 2010 release of Rakudo Star, a useful and usable
 distribution of Perl 6.  The tarball for the December 2010 release is
 available from

 Rakudo Star is aimed at early adopters of Perl 6.  We know that
 it still has some bugs, it is far slower than it ought to be, and
 there are some advanced pieces of the Perl 6 language specification
 that aren't implemented yet.  But Rakudo Perl 6 in its current form
 is also proving to be viable (and fun) for developing applications
 and exploring a great new language.  These Star releases are
 intended to make Perl 6 more widely available to programmers, grow
 the Perl 6 codebase, and gain additional end-user feedback about the
 Perl 6 language and Rakudo's implementation of it.

 In the Perl 6 world, we make a distinction between the language
 (Perl 6) and specific implementations of the language such as
 Rakudo Perl.  The December 2010 Star release includes release #36
 of the Rakudo Perl 6 compiler [1], version 2.11.0 of the Parrot
 Virtual Machine [2], and various modules, documentation,
 and other resources collected from the Perl 6 community.

 This release of Rakudo Star adds the following features over the
 previous Star release:
  * New .trans algorithm
  * Configuration improvements
  * More bug fixes

 There are some key features of Perl 6 that Rakudo Star does not
 yet handle appropriately, although they will appear in upcoming
 releases.  Thus, we do not consider Rakudo Star to be a
 Perl 6.0.0 or 1.0 release.  Some of the not-quite-there
 features include:
  * nested package definitions
  * binary objects, native types, pack and unpack
  * typed arrays
  * macros
  * state variables
  * threads and concurrency
  * Unicode strings at levels other than codepoints
  * pre and post constraints, and some other phasers
  * interactive readline that understands Unicode
  * backslash escapes in regex [...] character classes
  * non-blocking I/O
  * most of Synopsis 9
  * perl6doc or pod manipulation tools

 In many places we've tried to make Rakudo smart enough to inform the
 programmer that a given feature isn't implemented, but there are
 many that we've missed.  Bug reports about missing and broken
 features are welcomed at

 See for links to much more information about
 Perl 6, including documentation, example code, tutorials, reference
 materials, specification documents, and other supporting resources.
 An updated draft of a Perl 6 book is available as
 docs/UsingPerl6-draft.pdf in the release tarball.

 The development team thanks all of the contributors and sponsors
 for making Rakudo Star possible.  If you would like to contribute,
 see, ask on the
 mailing list, or join us on IRC #perl6 on freenode.

 Starting with the January 2011 release, Rakudo Star releases will be
 created on a three-month cycle, or as needed in response to important
 bug fixes or improvements.  The next planned release of Rakudo Star
 will be on January 25, 2011.


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Re: Questions for Survey about Perl

2010-12-31 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 7:17 PM, Paul Makepeace wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 23:02, Gabor Szabo wrote:
 We will have questions about usage of Perl 5 and we think there should
 be also questions
 about Perl 6.

 Should Perl 6 be called something else?
   * No
   * Yes, not sure what
   * Yes, []

 Maybe a question on perceived benefits for an alternative name.

 (It's quite apparent this is a very different language at the very
 least syntactically  I'm inclined to join others I've read in saying

That would suggest that Larry Wall is soliciting ideas for a name
change, which is not the case.

I would not that it is not unheard of for a language to change
significantly but keep the name. If you look Fortran 2008 (just to
pick an example I'm familiar with) it looks *nothing* like FORTRAN II.
I'm no expert, but I believe KR's original C language was noticeably
different from C99.

For amusement, below I include the same program in FORTRAN II and
Fortran 90. The program uses Heron's formula for finding the area of a
triangle ('s_formula):

1) FORTRAN II  (note that all the indentations are significant!!!)

  501 FORMAT (3I5)

  799 S = FLOATF (IA + IB + IC) / 2.0
  AREA = SQRT( S * (S - FLOATF(IA)) * (S - FLOATF(IB)) *
 + (S - FLOATF(IC)))

  601 FORMAT (4H A= ,I5,5H  B= ,I5,5H  C= ,I5,8H  AREA= ,F10.2,

2) Fortran 90:

program heron
integer :: a,b,c
real :: s, area

! Read from stdin.
read (*,*) a,b,c

! Compute the area.
s = ( a + b + c)/2
area = sqrt( s * (s-a) * (s-b) * (s-c) )

write (*,*) a,b,c,area
end program

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Re: Questions for Survey about Perl

2010-12-31 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 1:26 AM, Chas. Owens wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 21:39, Xue, Brian wrote:
 I want to adding one more answer about what are people waiting for before 
 start using Perl 6.

 There hasn't an official release of PERL6.0, just Rakudo. I'm afraid of 
 Rakudo is cancelled, I don't want to make my product based on an uncertainty 

 This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what Perl 6 is.  As far
 as I know there will never be a release of Perl 6.0 (it definitely
 won't be PERL6.0).  Perl 6 is a specification and a set of tests.  Any
 program that can pass the test suite and conforms to the specification
 IS a Perl 6.  Right now the program that passes the most tests and
 conforms most closely to the specification is Rakudo.

But Xue still has a valid point that even the Perl 6 spec doesn't exist yet.

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Re: Questions for Survey about Perl

2010-12-29 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Richard Hainsworth wrote:

 there is a big gap between 'i wrote snippets' to 'i wrote modules'. How
 about 'i have written programs to solve real problems' ?

I agree. Although I don't use Perl 6 in production yet, for Perl 5 I
can say that I've never written a module, but I've used it a lot in

In fact... I might even suggest dropping the modules one, because
you might have used Perl 6 in production without ever writing a module
(as I have done for Perl 5). Unless you include toy modules that are
better categorized as code snippets for learning the language, in
which case they rank lower than used Perl to solve real problems.

So I vote for removing the modules one.

I have another question: If you use Perl 6 for your research (e.g.
Masters thesis, PhD thesis, or university research), does that count
as production environment or just real problems?

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Re: Questions for Survey about Perl

2010-12-29 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 10:16 AM, Gabor Szabo wrote:
 So in relation to what Katherine wrote earlier we should have a
 question trying to figure out what are people waiting for before they
 start using Perl 6.

That's an excellent question. Possible answers:

 * I'm waiting for a specific feature to be implemented in Rakudo.
 * Rakudo is too slow.
 * I didn't realize Rakudo was ready for use.
 * Other [ fill in the blank ]

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Re: Q: Is there a reason why I can't do this?

2010-12-28 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 5:27 AM, yary wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 8:50 PM, Daniel Carrera
  So TTIR just means that any two terms must be separated by something,
  an operator (2+5). Which basically is common sense and I'm actually
  surprised to hear that in Perl 5 you could have two terms one after the
  other with nothing in between.

 Very common example from Perl 5:
  print $filehandle Here is a line that goes to some file;

 Note that there is no operator between $filehandle and the string.

Thanks. It's funny... I've done that a thousand times and I didn't think of
it. I just Googled and found the Perl 6 way to print to a file handle:

$filehandle.print(Hello world\n);
$filehandle.say(Hello world);

Looks good.

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Various questions

2010-12-28 Thread Daniel Carrera

I have a few miscellaneous questions:

1)  Does anyone know what a Parcel is?

1 2 3 4.WHAT  = Parcel()
1 2 3 4 ; 2 3 4 ; 5.WHAT  = Parcel()

2) How do you figure out the length of an array? The scalar function
is gone. I tried len, length and size without success.

3) More generally, is there a way to find out what methods are
available? I'm thinking of something like @foo.METHODS and it'd give
me a list of all the methods available in arrays. That would be

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Re: Various questions

2010-12-28 Thread Daniel Carrera

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 12:51 AM, Will Coleda wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 6:32 PM, Daniel Carrera wrote:
 1)  Does anyone know what a Parcel is?

 1 2 3 4.WHAT  = Parcel()
 1 2 3 4 ; 2 3 4 ; 5.WHAT  = Parcel()

 Here's a link to some docs on Parcel:

 You can use: and do a google search in the
 upper RHS (which is what I did just now.)


 Will Coke Coleda

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Q: Code example in Using Perl 6 - methods and spaces.

2010-12-27 Thread Daniel Carrera

After a long absence (been busy) I'm trying to re-learn Perl 6. I'm
reading the book Using Perl 6, from Jonathan S, Moritz, Mäsak, PM
and Jonathan W.:

I tested the first program using the latest release of Rakudo Star.
The first program has the following:

my @sorted = @names.sort({ %sets{$_} }).sort({ %matches{$_} }).reverse;

This works correctly, but it's long and I'd rather format this line like this:

This works correctly, but I was surprised that this doesn't:

my @sorted = @names.sort({ %sets{$_} })
   .sort({ %matches{$_} })

I was surprised when this didn't work. Does anyone know if this is a
bug in Rakudo, or if Perl 6 is really not supposed to have methods
separated by white space like this? The message from Rakudo was not
very informative. It just says Confused at line 28, near my @sorted.

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Re: Q: Code example in Using Perl 6 - methods and spaces.

2010-12-27 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 8:37 PM, Darren Duncan dar...@darrenduncan.netwrote:

 A relevant reading would be I think; what
 you are trying to do may not directly be allowed, though there may be
 workarounds such as by using unspace.

Thanks. The blacklash unspace works.

my @sorted = @names.sort({ %sets{$_} })\
   .sort({ %matches{$_} })\

Though I'm a bit sad that you need that and you can't just separate methods
with spaces.

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Re: Q: Is there a reason why I can't do this?

2010-12-27 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 9:49 PM, Chas. Owens wrote:

 The [conditional operator][1] is now spelled test ?? true !! false not
 test ? true : false.


Now the following code works:

%matches{  $r1  $r2 ?? $p1 !! $p2 }++;

I'm still having trouble with the other alternative:

$r1  $r2 ?? { %matches{$p1}++ } !! { %matches{$p2}++ };

Now the problem is that %matches is empty. I'm not sure why. Maybe you can't
have code blocks inside ?? ... !! ...

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Re: Q: Is there a reason why I can't do this?

2010-12-27 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 10:03 PM, Chas. Owens  { } by itself creates a
lambda (i.e. an anonymous function), so it may

  be that you are returning an anonymous function that never gets
  executed.  Try using parentheses instead of braces.

 Or better yet, don't use anything.  Since ++ has higher precedence
 than ??!!, it doesn't need to any parentheses:

 $r1  $r2 ?? %matches{$p1}++ !! %matches{$p2}++ ;

Ah. That makes sense. I hadn't realized that squiggly brackets were lambdas.
Very cool. To prove that they are lambdas, I confirmed that the following

$r1  $r2 ?? {%matches{$p1}++}() !! {%matches{$p2}++}();

So, in this needlessly complex code, I basically create an anonymous
function and immediately execute it.

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Re: Q: Is there a reason why I can't do this?

2010-12-27 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 10:03 PM, Moritz Lenz wrote:


 my $closure = $r1  $r2 ?? { %matches{$p1}++ } !! { %matches{$p2}++ };
 # invoke it

That's very cool. Perl 6 is a functional language with lambdas and

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Re: Q: Is there a reason why I can't do this?

2010-12-27 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 12:38 AM, Mason Kramer mason.kra...@gmail.comwrote:

 One method-like thing that's come in handy for me as I've tinkered with the
 language is .WHAT.

 { ... }.WHAT

 AFAIK, you can use .WHAT on *any* term, because every term in Perl6 is an
 object that is implemented by a class, and every class has a corresponding
 type object (which is what .WHAT returns for you).

That's cool. Thanks. I notice it works on numbers and string literals:

hello.WHAT   # Str()
3.WHAT # Int()
3.3.WHAT   # Rat()
pi.WHAT# Num()
(1+3i).WHAT# Complex()

But it seems to give very inconsistent results when applied to functions:

print.WHAT  # Bool()
say.WHAT# [blank]
sin.WHAT# [error]

This might not have helped you had you not realized that {%matches{$p1}++}
 is a term.  However, if you keep in mind that TTIAR is always a syntax error
 in Perl6, then if your code is compiling, whatever is between ?? and !! must
 be a single term.

 It's really the TTIAR thing that makes reading Perl6 so incredibly
 predictable, I think.

What is TTIAR?

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Re: Q: Is there a reason why I can't do this?

2010-12-27 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 1:21 AM, Mason Kramer mason.kra...@gmail.comwrote:


 TTIAR = Two Terms In A Row.

 It's always a syntax error in Perl6, unlike Perl 5.

 print, say, and sin as you've used them are not terms, actually.  They're
 expressions which happen to be function calls.  You're calling .WHAT on
 their return values.  This is predictable going forward from TTIAR:

Hmm... I think this will only make sense to me if I ask you to define what a
term is, but I am sure that this term (pun intended) is difficult to
define. In particular, if a number like 5 is a term, then I would think that
the following expression contains four terms:

2  3 ?? 5 !! 6

I figure that 2, 3, 5 and 6 are all terms. Or how about:

print 5 if 4;

I'd think that if 5 is a term, then so is 4.

 The return value of print is True, which has the Bool type. The return
value of say is also True, but I
 think there's some kind of special casing thing going on in the repl,
where the return value of say is
 suppressed.  There's no valid dispatch for sin() with no arguments, so
that one gives you an error.

Indeed, it is. Strange. I would have thought that print, with no arguments,
would give me an error like with sin. And why does print return True?
What's True about it?

 If you want the noun form of these subs, prefix with .



Interesting. I imagine that Multi() means that the function has multiple
definitions. For example, I expect that sin has one implementation for
floats and another for complex numbers.

 But seriously, congrats on breaking .WHAT in 60 seconds flat ;)


Thanks for helping me learn Perl 6. It's a very neat language.

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Re: Q: Is there a reason why I can't do this?

2010-12-27 Thread Daniel Carrera
On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 2:06 AM, Chas. Owens On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at All of
your examples are in fact terms.  A term is a thing that is

 considered one unit.  So, numbers, strings, and variables are all
 obviously terms.  A function or method call that includes parentheses
 is also a term.  But parentheses can create terms out of expressions,
 so, for instance, (5 + 4) is a term (that happens to contain a term,
 an operator, and a another term).  In the [order of operations][1] you
 will find that terms have the highest precedence, this is why (5+5)*2
 is 20, not 15.

You know what I just realized? When you say two terms in a row you don't
mean two terms in the same line but rather, two terms, one right after
the other.

Sounds obvious in hindsight - a line is not a row - but it caught me off
guard, and that's why I got confused. I was thinking of course you can have
two terms in the same line.

So TTIR just means that any two terms must be separated by something, like
an operator (2+5). Which basically is common sense and I'm actually
surprised to hear that in Perl 5 you could have two terms one after the
other with nothing in between.

Yes, Multi() means it is a multimethod.  Multimethods [are routines
 that can have multiple variants that share the same name, selected by
 arity, types, or some other constraints.][3]


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Re: RPN calculator in Perl 6

2009-06-06 Thread Daniel Carrera

Daniel Ruoso wrote:


The objective of the blog was more about the learning + teaching 
experience than anything else.

 % perl 2 2 +
Semicolon seems to be missing at line 2.
String found where operator expected at line 13, near where '+'
(Do you need to predeclare where?)
Array found where operator expected at line 14, near ] 
(Missing operator before  ?)
Scalar found where operator expected at line 14, near @($a
(Missing operator before $a?)
String found where operator expected at line 17, near where '-'
(Do you need to predeclare where?)
Array found where operator expected at line 18, near ] 
(Missing operator before  ?)
Scalar found where operator expected at line 18, near @($a
(Missing operator before $a?)
String found where operator expected at line 21, near where '*'
(Do you need to predeclare where?)
Array found where operator expected at line 22, near *] 
(Missing operator before  ?)
Scalar found where operator expected at line 22, near @($a
(Missing operator before $a?)
Semicolon seems to be missing at line 24.
String found where operator expected at line 25, near where '/'
(Do you need to predeclare where?)
Semicolon seems to be missing at line 28.
String found where operator expected at line 30, near fail 
'Error parsing expression near '

(Do you need to predeclare fail?)
Array found where operator expected at line 33, near ] 
(Missing operator before  ?)
Bareword found where operator expected at line 33, near @*ARGS
(Missing operator before ARGS?)
Operator or semicolon missing before *ARGS at line 33.
Ambiguous use of * resolved as operator * at line 33.
syntax error at line 1, near \.
Missing right curly or square bracket at line 34, at end of line
Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.

Re: RPN calculator in Perl 6

2009-06-06 Thread Daniel Carrera

Daniel Carrera wrote:

 % perl 2 2 +

Tee hee... that should have been perl6. :-)

Ok, try again:

% perl6 2 2+
2 2

Re: the file slurping is not working

2009-06-05 Thread Daniel Carrera

Carl Mäsak wrote:

Aruna ():

I tested the below code on parrot-1.1.0 and it read all the lines in the
file and tested same code on the latest git update (4th June 2009), it
outputs only the first line.

That's what C$file.get does -- it gives you one line per default.
You want C$file.lines.

Then why is it that .get works fine for $*IN?

while $*IN.get - $line {
say $line

Re: the file slurping is not working

2009-06-05 Thread Daniel Carrera

Leon Timmermans wrote:

Then why is it that .get works fine for $*IN?

while $*IN.get - $line {
   say $line

Because you're using a while loop instead of a for loop ;-)

Worse. The code I wrote has a subtle but horrible error. The condition 
will fail as soon as you hit a blank line!!


Re: rakudo-current loop 2-3 orders of magnitude slower than perl 5?

2009-06-04 Thread Daniel Carrera

Fagyal Csongor wrote:
I very much agree with Patrick: an order-of-magnitude speed difference 
compared to Perl5 is kind of the point where many will just stop caring 
about performance and start using Rakudo/Perl6. Actually I expect a 
significant increase in the number of new Perl6ers at around  100x 
slower. (That, and the 10 most important Perl5 CPAN modules ported to 
Perl6 :))

When C bindings are available, you can rewrite the bottlenecks in C. We 
know that 80% of the time is spent in 20% of the code. I suspect that 
that would suffice for early adopters.

I think it would be nice to have some sort of a performance-tracking 
page, with just some very basic Perl5 / Perl6 code and very rough 
measurements. If noone will do that, I will :)

Help me port the Debian shoot out benchmarks to Perl 6. Then you'll have 
the benchmarks you need for your page. If the benchmarks are well 
designed, your page will be not only nice but also useful.


Re: rakudo-current loop 2-3 orders of magnitude slower than perl 5? (Benchmarking Tool?)

2009-06-04 Thread Daniel Carrera

Joshua Gatcomb wrote:

I know these benchmarks have their value, but I am more interested in
real practical code that I have previously written to solve a problem.
I know that the Rakudo code will be slower than the perl 5.

The point of the benchmark is not oh look, it's slower than Perl 5. 
The benchmarks are good for testing a specific aspect of the language, 
so it is easier to isolate *where* the problem is. This is harder on a 
real application.

Benchmarks help you see where the biggest gains are to be found. 
Additionally, they help measure improvement. When Patrick fixed the bug 
with the ++ operator, the K-Nucleotide benchmark went from being the 
slowest (2000x slower than P5) to being the fastest (200x slower).

In fact,
I would expect it to be slower by a consistent factor unless there is
some aspect of that program with a major optimization flaw.

And your expectation would be wrong. In the real world some things are 
faster than others. Remember the 80/20 rule. Benchmarks help you locate 
the 20% of the code that needs the most attention.

As of this moment I have four benchmarks written, and each benchmark 
gives wildly different factors.

I am interested in a tool that can benchmark both perl 5 and perl 6

If you write such a tool, I'd like to try it.


Re: rakudo-current loop 2-3 orders of magnitude slower than perl 5? (Benchmarking Tool?)

2009-06-04 Thread Daniel Carrera

Joshua Gatcomb wrote:

I think you are confusing profiling with benchmarking.  Profiling
helps you identify where a problem is.  Benchmarking helps you compare
two different versions of the same routine.

Whatever. I have a series of programs that test the speed of various 
aspects of the language and these programs are useful for finding the 
places where the most gains are to be found. Picking at one word does 
not alter the value of these programs versus writing a practical 
application like you suggested.

Only true profiling will find it but if I can show 30
programs where Rakudo consistently performs 3 to 5 times slower than
perl 5 and one program that is 30 times slower - which one do you
think @Patrick will be interested in?

I look forward to seeing your profiling code.

The approach I am looking at looks at a wider
cross section of the language where you would expect things to even

I look forward to seeing your code.


Submission for Perl 6 examples

2009-05-27 Thread Daniel Carrera


I thought it would be a good idea to take the benchmarks from the Debian 
language shootout and port them to Perl 6. That would test several 
aspects of the language and later in the future they could be useful 
locate performance problems.

I have only done *one* benchmark so far. The regex-dna benchmarks. You 
use regexes to analyze DNA code. Currently Rakudo is very slow at it, 
but that's not surprising at this stage.


Re: Submission for Perl 6 examples

2009-05-27 Thread Daniel Carrera

Daniel Carrera wrote:

To run the benchmark:

perl6  regex-dna.input

On my computer it takes about 99s to run on Rakudo, compared to 0.18s 
for Perl 5 (the Perl 5 benchmark is included in the .tgz file).
