Re: [JDBC] [BUGS] BUG #7766: Running a DML statement that affects more than 4 billion rows results in an exception

2013-01-11 Thread Kris Jurka

On Fri, 11 Jan 2013, Stefan Reiser wrote:

 What about returning Statement.SUCCESS_NO_INFO as it says in
 It seems better to report no number at all rather than a number (INT_MAX) that
 is known to be wrong.

What about Statement.executeUpdate?  It has provision for returing a 
batch execution response code.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [JDBC] [BUGS] BUG #7766: Running a DML statement that affects more than 4 billion rows results in an exception

2013-01-11 Thread Kris Jurka

On Fri, 11 Jan 2013, Dave Cramer wrote:

 Ok, I've pushed this fix into master

You've made any failure to parse the affected row count return 
SUCCESS_NO_INFO.  Shouldn't you change the integer parsing to a long 
parsing and only modify the response if the value is  INT_MAX while still 
throwing an exception if we get something that is truly undecipherable?

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] JDBC Driver can't read UUID from database

2012-06-11 Thread Kris Jurka

On Mon, 11 Jun 2012, Dean Schulze wrote:

 Out of curiosity why didn't the driver map the Postgresql UUID to a Java

The example I gave of calling getString must return a String and not 
another type.  With a recent JDBC Driver and Java version, calling 
getObject will return a UUID object.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] JDBC Driver can't read UUID from database

2012-06-06 Thread Kris Jurka

On Tue, 5 Jun 2012, Dean Schulze wrote:

 I'm using Hibernate (3.6 and 4.0) with Postgresql 9.1.  Our tables have
 UUIDs in them and your driver is trying to convert UUIDs to longs:

This is a hibernate mapping problem, not a JDBC Driver problem.  If you 
have a plain ResultSet and call getString() on a UUID field, it will 
certainly work.  Mapping the UUID to BLOB or CLOB is incorrect.  I'm not 
sure why your attempt to map it to a String didn't work, but you are 
not convincing Hibernate to use a plain getString call.

Kris Jurka
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Re: [BUGS] BUG #6445: PreparedStatement.setObject(1,java.util.String)

2012-02-08 Thread Kris Jurka

On Wed, 8 Feb 2012, wrote:

 The following bug has been logged on the website:
 Bug reference:  6445
 PostgreSQL version: 8.4.3
 I have a table in PostgreSQL database
   id numeric(6),
   name character varying(120),
   email character varying(120)
 I am using PreparedStatement so that i can insert data into newtest table
 INSERT INTO NewTest (ID,NAME,EMAIL ) values (?,?,? )
 Actual query fired -INSERT INTO NewTest (ID,NAME,EMAIL ) values ('1','Rajesh
 ','' )
 Please note I am reading data from an excel sheet and
 datacell[eachCell].getContents() is of type String..prepareStatement
 setObject is complaining that I am sending String datatype which cannot be
 casted to bigint or numeric,but that is the job of setObject right to decide
 the target datatype and cast accordingly..please reply any
 solution..Parameter to setObject(can be anything) so I cannot cast the data
 to appropriate format before sending the data

It is not the job of setObject to determine the correct conversion to the 
column type.  The setObject javadoc says, The JDBC specification 
specifies a standard mapping from Java Object types to SQL types. The 
given argument will be converted to the corresponding SQL type before 
being sent to the database.  So it is solely looking at the Java type of 
the object passed to it and converting that to a SQL type.  So you pass it 
a String and it converts it to a varchar which is appropriate.  If you 
want setObject to do a conversion to a different type, that is the reason 
for the additional setObject variant which takes a target sql type to 
convert to, but that doesn't help your situation where you don't know what 
the target type is.

The Postgresql JDBC driver offers three possible workarounds.

1) Use getParameterMetaData to try and determine the target types.

2) Use setObject(int, Object, Types.OTHER) to indicate that you don't know 
that the Java type you are passing is correct.

3) Use the stringtype=unspecified URL parameter to indicate that all 
String bindings may not really be strings.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #6293: JDBC driver performance

2011-11-16 Thread Kris Jurka

On Tue, 15 Nov 2011, Teun Hoogendoorn wrote:

 The following bug has been logged online:
 Bug reference:  6293
 PostgreSQL version: 9.1
 Description:JDBC driver performance
 Using the postgresql-9.1-901.jdbc3.jar driver instead of
 postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc3.jar drops performance dramatically. 
 I think it has something to do with using ResultSetMetaData in Java. The
 postgres log shows me hundreds of identical query's when retrieving the
 ResultSetMetaData for a single query. I'm not using an ORM framework, just
 simple JDBC calls.

The 9.1 JDBC driver was changed to try and fetch all metadata for the 
entire resultset in one query instead of potentially issuing multiple 
queries for each column.  So this change was supposed to improve things.

Looking at the code, the caching pattern has changed slightly, so now it's 
important to hold onto the same ResultSetMetaData instance.  That is you 
need to do:

ResultSet rs = ...
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
for (int i=1; irsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) {
// good
// bad

The driver should probably be changed to hand back the same 
ResultSetMetaData instance each time instead of a new one for each 
MetaData call.

Does this explain your problem?  If not, can you provide more details on 
how you access and use ResultSetMetaData?

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #6292: java.sql.PreparedStatement.setNull() throws PSQLException

2011-11-16 Thread Kris Jurka

On Mon, 14 Nov 2011, David Pinheiro wrote:

 Bug reference:  6292
 PostgreSQL version: 8.4
 Description:java.sql.PreparedStatement.setNull() throws
 I'm trying to make:
 org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column number_column is of type
 integer but expression is of type character varying
 Hint: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.
 My code is something like:
 if (String.valueOf(input_field) == null){
  statement.setNull(1, java.sql.Types.NULL);
 } else {
  statement.setObject(1, valor);

I don't think your problem is with setNull, I think your problem is 
actually with the setObject branch of your if statement.  If the 
valor variable is a String, the JDBC driver is assigning it a string 
type.  You may want to do setObject(1, valor, Types.INTEGER) or 
convert it prior to doing the setObject call to an appropriate 
numeric type.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #5961: JDBC Driver acceptURL does not check 'jdbc:postgresql:'

2011-04-01 Thread Kris Jurka

On 4/1/2011 1:34 AM, DI Martin Handsteiner wrote:

Here a working test case:

Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty(user, sa);
properties.setProperty(password, );
properties.put(shutdown, Boolean.TRUE);

Connection hsqlConnection =

The method acceptsUrl should not only check, if it finds some suitable
It should also check, if the url is ment for postgresql.
In my opinion it should look like:

It turns out that DriverManager.getConnection does not call acceptsUrl 
at all.  It just tries to connect with each registered driver in turn. 
Apparently acceptsUrl is only used for DriverManager.getDriver.  So 
changing acceptsUrl (which I maintain works just fine) won't help anything.

What's happening here is that the DriverManager tries to use the 
postgresql Driver to establish a connection to the given URL, but it 
ends up choking on the provided Properties before it can bail out 
because it is not the correct URL.  You should not use the Hashtable 
inherited Properties.put method to insert non-string data into a 
properties object because all keys and values should be Strings.  If you 
get rid of properties.put(shutdown, Boolean.TRUE), it works just fine.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #5961: JDBC Driver acceptURL does not check 'jdbc:postgresql:'

2011-03-31 Thread Kris Jurka

On Thu, 31 Mar 2011, Martin Handsteiner wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  5961
PostgreSQL version: 9.0 Build 801
Description:JDBC Driver acceptURL does not check 'jdbc:postgresql:'

JDBC Driver acceptURL does not check 'jdbc:postgresql:'

I'm not sure what check you want it to make.  It is a valid JDBC 
connection string.  Testing here shows that it falls back from a v3 to a 
v2 protocol connection when a database name is not provided, but it does 
still seem to work.

We have to connect to several Databases on the server. Due to the wrong
implementation of acceptURL in the Postgres jdbc driver, connecting to any
other database is impossible.

I'm not sure what you mean.  If you don't provide a database name, how do 
you expect it to connect to different databases?

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #5961: JDBC Driver acceptURL does not check 'jdbc:postgresql:'

2011-03-31 Thread Kris Jurka

On 3/31/2011 8:50 AM, DI Martin Handsteiner wrote:

thank you very much for your fast response.

The problem with the current implementation of acceptsURL in the the
postgres driver is, that it also returns true if the connection url is like:


That is the reason, why connections to other databases than postgres are not
possible, if you use also a postgres driver.

I understand what your problem description is now, but I'm not seeing 
that in a simple test case here.  Can you provide the actual URLs that 
make the attached code accept a non-postgresql URL?

Kris Jurka
import java.sql.Driver;

public class Conn {

	public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
		String urls[] = {


		Driver driver = new org.postgresql.Driver();
		for (String url : urls) {
			System.out.println(url +  =  + driver.acceptsURL(url));

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #5948: JDBC wrond insert of timestamp data

2011-03-25 Thread Kris Jurka

On Fri, 25 Mar 2011, yuriy.tereschuk wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  5948
PostgreSQL version: postgresql90
Operating system:   Linux Fedora 14
Description:JDBC wrond insert of timestamp data

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column datetime is of type
timestamp without time zone but expression is of type character varying
 Hint: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.

JDBC version postgresql90-jdbc-9.0.801-1PGDG.f14.i686

You are most likely setting the timestamp value by using setString or 
setObject with a string value on a PreparedStatement.  This is indicating 
to the driver that you want the parameter to have a string (varchar) type. 
This is not correct for a timestamp.  You should use setTimestamp or 
setObject with a third parameter indicating that the value is a timestamp. 
If you are unable to change your application for some reason, you can 
adjust the driver's binding behavior by using the stringtype=unspecified 
connection parameter described here:

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #5943: jdbc client doesn't omit pg_toast_temp tables from schema views

2011-03-24 Thread Kris Jurka

On Wed, 23 Mar 2011, Daniel Ceregatti wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  5943
Logged by:  Daniel Ceregatti
Email address:
Description:jdbc client doesn't omit pg_toast_temp tables from
schema views

In the file org/postgresql/jdbc2/ is the

sql = SELECT nspname AS TABLE_SCHEM FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE
nspname  'pg_toast' AND nspname !~ '^pg_temp_' ORDER BY TABLE_SCHEM;

Using Data Tools Platform in eclipse I was able to see all the
pg_toast_temp_XXX schemas in the schema view.

This has already been fixed in CVS and will be in the next set of 

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #5753: Existing Functions No Longer Work

2010-11-16 Thread Kris Jurka

On Tue, 16 Nov 2010, Korry Douglas wrote:

Vince - is there any chance that you were using a non-standard PostgreSQL 
distribution or driver before?  Like something from EnterpriseDB?  It may be 
that a third-party JDBC driver was doing some behind-the-curtains work on 
your behalf.

The stock JDBC driver does have support for refcursors, so that it will do 
FETCH ALL FROM it and return a ResultSet object instead of just a string 
if you call getObject on a refcursor value.  This thread is too confusing 
with random snippets, assertions, and differences between pgadmin, psql, 
and other interfaces to tell what's really going on.  The behavior of the 
JDBC driver shouldn't have changed between releases either, but this may 
explain the differences seen between pgadmin and the user's application.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #5637: JDBC driver method setClob always uses getAsciiStream()

2010-09-03 Thread Kris Jurka

On Thu, 2 Sep 2010, Jochen Terstiege wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  5637
Description:JDBC driver method setClob always uses getAsciiStream()

Using driver: postgresql-8.4-701.jdbc3.jar

The method setClob() in the AbstractJdbc2Statement calls the method
getAsciiStream() on the provided Clob.
This leads to problems if the given Clob contains an UTF-8 encoded string.

Should the driver call getCharacterStream() instead? Can this problem be
solved in a different way?

The issue here is that postgresql doesn't have a real Clob type on the 
server, only a Blob type (and even that has some quirks).  So the JDBC 
driver allows you to retrieve a large object as either a Blob or a Clob. 
This means that the data the driver gets is a simple binary stream with 
no encoding information.

The JDBC driver uses getAsciiStream because it returns an InputStream 
which does not have to deal with encoding conversion which could fail 
because it doesn't know the source data's encoding.  This is 
important so that it can faithfully reproduce an arbitrary PG Clob. 
Your complaint is that this doesn't work when passed a non-PG Clob.  I 
suppose we could try to inspect the Clob to determine if it was a PG Clob 
or not and choose different methods based on that determination.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [JDBC] [BUGS] JDBC: 2 bugs: Getting a smallint array actually gets an integer array and return type of a boolean array is bit.

2010-06-29 Thread Kris Jurka

On Mon, 28 Jun 2010, Saneesh Apte wrote:

	One is minor: the base type of a boolean[] is java.sql.Types.BIT 
instead or java.sql.Types.BOOLEAN.  At the very least shouldn't these be 
aliases for the same type?

These are aliases for the same type.  I believe we accept either BOOLEAN 
or BIT as equivalent in all cases.  We default to BIT for historical 
reasons because it was defined first in the JDBC2 spec while BOOLEAN came 
around in the JDBC3 version.

And secondly the returned type from a smallint[] is an Integer[]
instead of a Short[].

The JDBC spec says that the result of getObject on a Types.SMALLINT value 
should return Integer, so we have followed that for array types as well. 
The spec contains this historical note:

The JDBC 1.0 specification defined the Java object mapping for the
SMALLINT and TINYINT JDBC types to be Integer. The Java language
did not include the Byte and Short data types when the JDBC 1.0
specification was finalized. The mapping of SMALLINT and TINYINT
to Integer is maintained to preserve backwards compatibility

For more information see table B-3 in the JDBC4.0 spec.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #5501: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver has inappropriate import

2010-06-12 Thread Kris Jurka

On Sat, 12 Jun 2010, Dave Jarvis wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  5501
PostgreSQL version: 8.4.4
Description:PostgreSQL JDBC Driver has inappropriate import

postgresql-jdbc-8.4-701.src/org/postgresql/gss/ package does not exist
   [javac] import;
   [javac]  ^

Remove the import line (the class is not used). You should not rely on Sun's
internal packages.

This has already been fixed in CVS.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] Re: BUG #5490: Using distinct for select list causes insert of timestamp string literal to fail

2010-06-04 Thread Kris Jurka

On Fri, 4 Jun 2010, Farid Zidan wrote:

Here is actual statements I am running and like I said they work for all 9+
DBMSs (I use ODBC and{fn user()} is the ODBC cross-dbms syntax for the
current user ID):

'2010-04-30 00:00:00',
'2010-04-30 00:00:00',
{fn user() }

If you're into using standard ODBC escapes for portability, shouldn't you 
be using {ts '2010-04-30 00:00:00'}?

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] Possible bug with BYTEA and JDBC

2010-02-14 Thread Kris Jurka

On Sat, 13 Feb 2010, Gregory Kotsaftis wrote:


I followed the steps in the blob tutorial and tried to test the BYTEA 

The 8.5/9.0 release has changed the default bytea output format and the 
8.4 JDBC driver does not support it.  You've got a couple of options:

1) Change the bytea format back to the 8.4 supported format.  Set 
bytea_output = escape in your postgresql.conf.

2) Build the JDBC driver from CVS which does support the new format.

3) Use an 8.4 server.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #5269: postgres backend terminates with SIGSEGV

2010-01-12 Thread Kris Jurka

On Tue, 12 Jan 2010, Tom Lane wrote:

preparing something as trivial as a ROLLBACK is pretty silly so nobody 
does it.

Actually the JDBC driver has been preparing BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK 
since the 8.0 release.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #5099: When MetaData is acquired, it becomes an SQL error.

2009-12-07 Thread Kris Jurka

On Wed, 7 Oct 2009, konishi wrote:

Bug reference:  5099
PostgreSQL version: 8.4.1
Description:When MetaData is acquired, it becomes an SQL error.

In sample source and sample db
when used postgresql-8.4-701.jdbc3.jar is error
when used postgresql-8.3-603.jdbc3.jar is no error

The error disappears when prepared.getParameterMetaData() row delete.

String url = jdbc:postgresql://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:5432/test;
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, postgres, test);
   String sql = insert into test(filename,upddate) values(?,?);
   PreparedStatement prepared = con.prepareStatement(sql);
   System.out.println(ParameterMetaData[ +
prepared.getParameterMetaData() + ]);
   prepared.setString(1, 0);
   prepared.setTimestamp(2, new
}catch(Exception e){

error message:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't change resolved type for param: 1
from 1043 to 25

I have applied a fix to CVS for this problem and it will be included in 
the next release.

For the 8.4 release an optimization was added to avoid re-describing a 
statement if we already had the type information available by copying the 
resolved type information from the query to the provided parameters.  Its 
goal was just to overwrite parameters without a type (unknown), but it was 
actually overwriting all types which could change the query's desired 
behavior.  In this case a safeguard to prevent that change was throwing 
the exception noted.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #5197: JDBC: selecting oid results in Exception

2009-11-20 Thread Kris Jurka

On Thu, 19 Nov 2009, Joseph Shraibman wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  5197
Description:JDBC: selecting oid results in Exception

query: select oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c;

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Bad value for type int : 2148618421

Java doesn't have an equivalent for unsigned types, so the JDBC driver 
internally tries to fit it into a signed int by using the negative values. 
Unfortunately that's failing and it's not what the user wants for this 
case.  I imagine the user really wants to get a Long back from this.  I'm 
going on vacation next week, but when I return, I'll make that happen.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #5177: Concurrency problem in AbstractJdbc23PooledConnection

2009-11-18 Thread Kris Jurka

On Tue, 10 Nov 2009, Mauro Molinari wrote:

Bug reference:  5177
PostgreSQL version: 8.3.8
Description:Concurrency problem in AbstractJdbc23PooledConnection

Hello, we're using PostgreSQL JDBC3 driver 8.3-605 to connect to a 8.3.8
Postgres instance. Our application has a JTA-XA transaction infrastructure
managed by Spring and using JBoss Transactions as a JTA implementation.
We're using a connection pool of our own to pool XA connections on top of
which there's JBoss Transactions transactional driver that is managing
connections. Our connection pool infrastructure creates a PGXADataSource
from which it gets new XA connections.

In this scenario, sometimes happens that the PostgreSQL driver fails with
the following exception:

 at $Proxy5.close(Unknown Source)

Looking at the JDBC driver source code, it seems a concurrency problem,
because at row 304-305 the variable con is checked against null.

What is actually happening here is that our code is closing a connection
used to read some data from the DB. This read operation is executed outside
any transaction, so JBoss Transactions is honouring the connection close
request by first calling calling close on the XA connection (and this is
causing the XA connection to be given back to our pool); after that, because
of the actual JDBC connection reports false on isClosed(), JBoss
Transactions is also calling close() on it too... and this generates the
NullPointerException given above.

Looking at the AbstractJdbc23PooledConnection it seems there's no
synchronization at all between isClosed() and close(). My suspect is that in
the previous scenario something like this happens:
1. thread 1: close() is invoked
2. thread 2: isClosed() returns false
3. thread 2: close() is invoked

At operation 2., isClose returns false, while it should return true because
a close request has already been made on thread 1. Anyway, there should be
no problem at all to call close repeatedly on the same connection (as the
JDBC contract states), so the NullPointerException should not happen in any

Attached is a test case which reproduces this problem easily.

Thanks in advance and please let me know how I can monitor this bug report
(is there any bug tracking system for PostgreSQL?).

There is no bug tracker for postgresql in general.  The JDBC driver does 
have a bug tracker, but the mailing list is where most of the action 

Kris Jurkaimport java.sql.*;
import javax.sql.XAConnection;

import org.postgresql.xa.PGXADataSource;

public class XaCloseTest {

public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
PGXADataSource ds = new PGXADataSource();

XAConnection xaconn = ds.getXAConnection();

Handle h = new Handle();
h.conn = xaconn.getConnection();

for (int i=0; i5; i++) {
Closer c = new Closer(h);

Opener o = new Opener(xaconn, h);

private static class Handle {
public Connection conn;

private static class Closer extends Thread {
private final Handle _h;

public Closer(Handle h) {
_h = h;

public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
} catch (SQLException sqle) {

private static class Opener extends Thread {
private final XAConnection _xaconn;
private final Handle _h;

public Opener(XAConnection xaconn, Handle h) {
_xaconn = xaconn;
_h = h;

public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
_h.conn = _xaconn.getConnection();
} catch (SQLException sqle) {



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Re: [BUGS] pgsql-jdbc/pgsql-odbc

2009-11-18 Thread Kris Jurka

On Wed, 18 Nov 2009, Tom Lane wrote:

Robert Haas writes:

I see that there's been no response to bugs #5194, #5187, #5051.
Should we consider adding a message to the bug reporting page that
suggests emailing the relevant list directly for JDBC/ODBC bugs?

+1.  Either that or somebody takes responsibility for forwarding
bug reports, which might be nicer but I don't know who would want
to do it.

I do read -bugs and try to follow up on all JDBC bug reports.  Notably 
none of the above referenced bug numbers are JDBC problems.  I think the 
problem is trying to determine what projects in the entire postgresql 
ecosystem deserve special mention on the bug reporting page.

Surely there must be at least one ODBC person subscribed to -bugs.  What 
about just asking them to be more responsive even if they don't have a 

Kris Jurka

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Re: [JDBC] [BUGS] BUG #5058: [jdbc] Silent failure with executeUpdate()

2009-09-26 Thread Kris Jurka

On Thu, 17 Sep 2009, Joseph Shraibman wrote:

[when passing a multi-statement sql string to executeUpdate, if a 
statement after the first is a select, it is silently not fully


Running queries in executeUpdate is not allowed.  If you pass a plain 
select to executeUpdate it complains:  stmt.executeUpdate(SELECT 1);

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: A result was returned when none was 

The problem here is that we don't complain if it's not the first part of a 
multi-part statement.  stmt.executeUpdate(/* */; SELECT 1) does not

produce an error, but should, which I believe is the bug in this case.

Since the JDBC driver knows it's going to complain if it sees a query 
result during executeUpdate, it wants to avoid the possibility of the user 
issuing a query which returns a giant dataset and having to process that 
just to error out anyway.  So it passes the statements to the server with 
an additional instruction to say, I just want the first row back at this 
time.  That way if it is a big query result we'll only get one row 
instead of the whole thing.  The server can implement this by either 
holding the whole resultset on the server or, as in this case, partially 
executing the query and returning control to the driver to see if it wants 
to continue executing it.  So your select is only partially executed, 
getting run for only one row of the joa table rather than the whole 
thing as you are expecting.

I intend to change the driver to error out in this case.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #4638: Bug with Geometry in Array

2009-03-02 Thread Kris Jurka

On Mon, 2 Mar 2009, Dr. Björn Weitzig wrote:

I can't find any modified JDBC driver, only the JDBC extension
postgis.jar (your link), which I use und which doesn't help. postgis.jar
seems to be an add-on to the default JDBC driver, not an replacement.
I use postgis_1.3.5.jar with postgresql-8.3-603.jdbc3.jar

Right, postgis.jar is just an addon, and it's really a bug in the main 
JDBC driver.  I have put in a fix for this bug into the JDBC driver for 
the next release.  I've put up a copy of it here, and it should fix things 
for you.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #4617: JDBC Drivers 8.2/8.3 return no ResultSet

2009-01-16 Thread Kris Jurka

On Thu, 15 Jan 2009, Raymond L. Naseef wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  4617
PostgreSQL version: 8.3  7.4
Operating system:   FreeBSD
Description:JDBC Drivers 8.2/8.3 return no ResultSet

Below is query using temporary table instead of IN to greatly improve
performance.  This worked in older JDBC driver, but no longer does.  The
following were checked, making no difference:

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: No results were returned by the 

create temporary table lookup_username (username varchar) on commit drop;
insert into lookup_username values ('naseef');
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lookup_username_idx
ON lookup_username
USING btree

SELECT enp.username, trim(enp.full_name)
FROM egr_nis_person as enp
JOIN lookup_username as lu
ON lu.username = enp.username
WHERE enp.start_date  now() + interval '30 seconds'
AND enp.end_date  now() + interval '30 seconds';

What's happening here is that you are actually issuing four commands, not 
a single query.  The newer drivers will return a status for each command 
executed, and won't just give you the final select result.  For 
multi-command statements you should use Statement.execute() and then 
getResultSet or getUpdateCount until getMoreResults is false.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #4598: flaw in hashCode() method implementation of Connection class in postgresql-8.3-604.jdbc3.jar

2009-01-06 Thread Kris Jurka

On Tue, 30 Dec 2008, Radu Buzila wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  4598
driver: postgresql-8.3-604.jdbc3.jar)
Description:flaw in hashCode() method implementation of Connection
class in postgresql-8.3-604.jdbc3.jar

[Pooled connections' hashCode method doesn't work after the connection
 is closed failing with a NullPointerException]

Fixed in CVS.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #4488: jdbc : DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys no result

2008-12-31 Thread Kris Jurka

On Mon, 29 Dec 2008, davidsarmstrong wrote:

I get the same error. I've verified the table name and the primary key. The
interesting part is, it seems to work in cases where the primary key is a

All I can say is the same as before, it works for me.  If you can post a 
complete test case I'd be happy to look at it, but there's not much else I 
can do.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #4586: Supporting of Binary instead Bytea for Primary Keys

2008-12-17 Thread Kris Jurka

On Wed, 17 Dec 2008, Miroslav Nachev wrote:

Thank you very much. How can I map PostgreSQL UUID to JPA Hibernate with
annotations? Serializable or BigInteger or byte[] or java.util.UUID?

The server uuid type is already mapped to java.util.UUID in recent JDBC 
driver versions:

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #4586: Supporting of Binary instead Bytea for Primary Keys

2008-12-17 Thread Kris Jurka

Miroslav Nachev wrote:

I try to use it but I have the following exception:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown entity: java.util.UUID

at psqluuidtest.Main.persist(
at psqluuidtest.Main.main(

Surely you want to persist a TestTable1 instance, not the uuid itself.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #4488: jdbc : DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys no result

2008-10-21 Thread Kris Jurka

On Tue, 21 Oct 2008, Marcel Petavy wrote:

Bug reference:  4488
PostgreSQL version: 8.2.4
Operating system:   Windows XP
Description:jdbc : DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys no result

If I try to query the primary key via JDBC driver
postgresql-8.3-603.jdbc4.jar DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys I get not

create table test (id integer not null primary key(id))

ResultSet rs = connection.getMetaData(null,null,test);

rs gives no rows.

It definitely does work, perhaps your table is really TEST instead of 
test?  If you still believe it's a driver problem, please post a 
complete test case that shows the exact create table command and java code 
calling getPrimaryKeys.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] Deadlock condition in driver

2008-10-18 Thread Kris Jurka

On Wed, 21 May 2008, Kris Jurka wrote:

On Wed, 21 May 2008, Daniel Migowski wrote:

I came across a deadlock condition in the JDBC driver that rises when very 
large queries, containing thousends of statements are send to the server 
with statement.execute().

We already consider this case for batch execution and break the batch into an 
internal size that we expect is safe from deadlock.  It looks like we should 
be doing the same for these one query batches.  I'm not sure how tough that 
will be, but I'll take a look.

I've committed a fix to CVS for this problem, and it should fix your case, 
but will not fix all deadlocks as a move to NIO or threading would.

For more details, see:

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #4483: setAutoCommit false shouldn't be necessary for fetchSize to work

2008-10-17 Thread Kris Jurka

On Thu, 16 Oct 2008, David Smiley wrote:

Bug reference:  4483
Description:setAutoCommit false shouldn't be necessary for fetchSize
to work

No matter what is going on internally within the JDBC driver, I don't
believe disabling autoCommit should be necessary to benefit from the
fetchSize hint (i.e. cursors).  As long as the user code hasn't iterated to
the end of the resultSet yet, the semantics of autoCommit are irrelevant.

Unless the cursor has been opened WITH HOLD, the cursor will be closed at 
transaction end.  So to be able to fetch data from the cursor you must not 
have autocommit on.  Since the JDBC driver uses protocol level cursors 
(portals), it doesn't even have the option of specifying WITH HOLD.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] Deadlock condition in driver

2008-05-22 Thread Kris Jurka

Previously we did not want to move to nio to be able to support older JDK 
versions, but with the next major release we're ready to drop that 
support.  If you have this code, I'd certainly be interested in looking at 
it.  One of the big drawbacks of breaking up a single execute call into 
multiple batches is that in autocommit mode you would get one transaction 
per batch instead of the previous behavior of one transaction for the 
whole execute call.

Kris Jurka

On Thu, 22 May 2008, Richard Evans wrote:

We hit this problem and modified the driver to use non-blocking IO to fix it. 
You lose some of the more unusual features of the driver (such as switching 
the socket after open), but it does fix the blocking.

Richard Evans

On Wed, 21 May 2008, Daniel Migowski wrote:

I came across a deadlock condition in the JDBC driver that rises when very 
large queries, containing thousends of statements are send to the server 
with statement.execute().

We already consider this case for batch execution and break the batch into 
an internal size that we expect is safe from deadlock.  It looks like we 
should be doing the same for these one query batches.  I'm not sure how 
tough that will be, but I'll take a look.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] Deadlock condition in driver

2008-05-21 Thread Kris Jurka

On Wed, 21 May 2008, Daniel Migowski wrote:

I came across a deadlock condition in the JDBC driver that rises when very 
large queries, containing thousends of statements are send to the server with 

We already consider this case for batch execution and break the batch into 
an internal size that we expect is safe from deadlock.  It looks like we 
should be doing the same for these one query batches.  I'm not sure how 
tough that will be, but I'll take a look.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] Re: BUG #4123: Statement.setQueryTimeout does not work with Postgres Java Driver

2008-04-24 Thread Kris Jurka

On Wed, 23 Apr 2008, valgog wrote:

Is it possible to implement the setStatementTimeout() as somethig

s = c.prepareStatement(SELECT set_config('statement_timeout',
neededTimeoutInMilliseconds, false); );

Not really.  This sets a global timeout for all queries while the JDBC API 
specifies that it is per-Statement.  Also this only protects against long 
running queries.  Recently there was some discussion on the JDBC list 
about soft vs hard timeouts and it seemed the conclusion was that people 
wanted setQueryTimeout to protect against things like the network 
connection dropping that statement_timeout can't do.

In many cases statement_timeout is an adequate substitute for 
setQueryTimeout, but not in the general case that the JDBC driver must 

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #4123: Statement.setQueryTimeout does not work with Postgres Java Driver

2008-04-22 Thread Kris Jurka

On Tue, 22 Apr 2008, Amit Mujawar wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  4123
PostgreSQL version: 8.1
Description:Statement.setQueryTimeout does not work with Postgres
Java Driver

I am using PostgreSQL through JDBC
PostgreSQL ??? 8.1, Driver - org.postgresql.Driver 8.1-408.jdbc3

I suspect there is a problem with JDBC driver implementation for
setQueryTimeout API.

setQueryTimeout is not implemented at all.  Newer drivers (8.3+) will 
throw an exception telling you that if you try to call setQueryTimeout 
while older drivers silently accept the value and do nothing.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [BUGS] setseed accepts bad seeds

2008-03-10 Thread Kris Jurka

On Mon, 10 Mar 2008, Tom Lane wrote:

I'd be inclined to leave the mapping alone and just insert a warning
(or hard error) for inputs outside the range -1 to 1.

Here's a patch that errors out for out of range values.

Kris JurkaIndex: doc/src/sgml/func.sgml
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/func.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.423
diff -c -r1.423 func.sgml
*** doc/src/sgml/func.sgml  6 Mar 2008 18:49:32 -   1.423
--- doc/src/sgml/func.sgml  10 Mar 2008 06:11:55 -
*** 828,834 
!entryset seed for subsequent literalrandom()/literal calls 
(value between 0 and 1.0)/entry
--- 828,834 
!entryset seed for subsequent literalrandom()/literal calls 
(value between -1.0 and 1.0)/entry
Index: src/backend/utils/adt/float.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/float.c,v
retrieving revision 1.153
diff -c -r1.153 float.c
*** src/backend/utils/adt/float.c   1 Jan 2008 19:45:52 -   1.153
--- src/backend/utils/adt/float.c   10 Mar 2008 06:11:55 -
*** 1684,1691 
float8  seed = PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(0);
!   int iseed = (int) (seed * MAX_RANDOM_VALUE);
srandom((unsigned int) iseed);
--- 1684,1695 
float8  seed = PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(0);
!   int iseed;
+   if (seed  -1 || seed  1)
+   elog(ERROR, setseed parameter %f out of range [-1,1], seed);
+   iseed = (int) (seed * MAX_RANDOM_VALUE);
srandom((unsigned int) iseed);
Index: src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c,v
retrieving revision 1.435
diff -c -r1.435 guc.c
*** src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c10 Mar 2008 03:22:29 -  1.435
--- src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c10 Mar 2008 06:11:55 -
*** 1849,1855 
!   0.5, 0.0, 1.0, assign_random_seed, show_random_seed
--- 1849,1855 
!   0.5, -1.0, 1.0, assign_random_seed, show_random_seed

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #3965: UNIQUE constraint fails on long column values

2008-02-18 Thread Kris Jurka

On Mon, 18 Feb 2008, Bruce Momjian wrote:

Juho Saarikko wrote:

While I didn't test, I'd imagine that this would also mean that any attempt
to insert such values to an already unique column would fail.

Works here in 8.3:

test= insert into test values (repeat('a', 5) || 'b');

This only works because it gets toasted before being put in the index. 
Since you've selected something real compressible, you can fit 50k chars 
into it.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3894: JDBC DatabaseMetaData.getTables is inconsistently case-sensitive with schema name

2008-02-12 Thread Kris Jurka

On Tue, 12 Feb 2008, Adam Hardy wrote:

Because this rules out certain important features of the JPA framework such 
as native SQL queries, you may want to prioritize this issue. I will have to 
use Oracle or mySQL until PostgreSQL can rectify things.

I wouldn't expect postgresql to change anytime soon.  Could you explain in 
more detail what you can't use and why the JPA side couldn't be fixed to 
support postgresql?

You could also consider always quoting all identifiers in both database 
creation scripts and queries.  This guarantees that the database won't 
mess with the case of the object although it can be a pain to type if you 
writing a lot of queries by hand.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3894: JDBC DatabaseMetaData.getTables is inconsistently case-sensitive with schema name

2008-02-01 Thread Kris Jurka

On Fri, 1 Feb 2008, Adam Hardy wrote:

it seems to me from what you just said that PostgreSQL server and JDBC driver 
require the schema name to be lower case deliberately, and that any given 
name that is not all lower case is converted to lower case by the server or 
the driver. Am I correct?

Anything that is not quoted is converted to lowercase.  This is contrary 
to the SQL spec (it says to convert it to uppercase), but that's unlikely 
to change anytime soon.  A JDBC app can portably detect this case by 
checking DatabaseMetaData.storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() and adjusting the 
other metadata calls appropriately.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3897: plJava dll still doesn't load

2008-01-24 Thread Kris Jurka

On Wed, 23 Jan 2008, David Gradwell wrote:

Bug reference:  3897
PostgreSQL version: 8.3rc2
Operating system:   Windows Server 2003
Description:plJava dll still doesn't load

I've successfully installed plJava on postgres 8.2.6 using Kris Jurka's
version at  Note that I failed to
get the standard distribution download to work.

8.2.6 will not be repackaged, so the official fix will be in 8.2.7 which 
has not yet been scheduled.

I've now tried to get plJava running on 8.3rc2 (having failed on rc1 -
already reported) using the pljava.dll and pljava.jar in the distribution.

I checked with the windows installer guys and they say they've got the 
updated pljava in RC2 and have tested it to ensure that it works.  What 
they put in RC2 is the repackaged pljava for 8.3rc1 I put up here:

So it wouldn't hurt to try the above, but I don't have great hopes that it 
will change things for you unless something got lost along the way.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3894: JDBC DatabaseMetaData.getTables is inconsistently case-sensitive with schema name

2008-01-23 Thread Kris Jurka

On Tue, 22 Jan 2008, Adam Hardy wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  3894
Description:JDBC DatabaseMetaData.getTables is inconsistently
case-sensitive with schema name

create schema DEV;

but then DatabaseMetaData.getTables(null, DEV, %, new String[]
{TABLE}) returned an empty resultset.

However giving it the schema name dev returns the full resultset.

This is by design.  While SQL provides case folding and quoting rules 
those are not the same as the JDBC driver's rules.  In SQL an unquoted 
identifier is case folded while quoted identifiers are not.  To provide 
the most straightforward mapping for the JDBC driver, we require an exact 
match because quoting in Java String objects isn't the same as SQL.  It 
would be odd to say getTable(..., \Dev\,...) to imply that you wanted 
a case sensitive match.  Even odder would it be to do a search for a 
schema with a quote in it's name using SQL identifier rules in Java code.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3801: max_fsm_pages postgresql.conf default != guc.c default

2007-12-06 Thread Kris Jurka

On Thu, 6 Dec 2007, Reece Hart wrote:

This seems to directly say that the commented out settings are the
default values, and furthermore that one must restart to get the
indicated default back. Based on your evidence, it seems that the
postgresql.conf comment for max_fsm_pages needs revising to indicate
that the m_f_p default is determined at initdb-time.

Yes, the commented out values are the defaults, but after initdb 
max_fsm_pages is not commented out, which is why I'm suggesting you or 
some other admin modified your file.  Try this test:

$ ./tmp/82/bin/initdb -D fsmtest  fsmlog 21

$ grep max_fsm fsmlog
selecting default shared_buffers/max_fsm_pages ... 24MB/153600

$ grep max_fsm_pages fsmtest/postgresql.conf
max_fsm_pages = 153600  # min max_fsm_relations*16, 6 bytes each

So you can see max_fsm_pages is not commented out, so it is not the true 
default (2).

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3800: Java/Postgres PreparedStatement returns stale data

2007-12-05 Thread Kris Jurka

On Wed, 5 Dec 2007, Michael Han wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  3800
PostgreSQL version: 8.2
Description:Java/Postgres PreparedStatement returns stale data

PROBLEM :  Java/Postgres Returns Stale data when underlying Table View is

Prior to the 8.3 release, prepared plans don't notice when underlying 
objects change.  Aside from waiting for 8.3, the only workaround is to 
prevent the JDBC driver from reusing the same server plan.  By default 
the JDBC driver reuses the server plan after the 5th execution, and you 
can adjust this by the prepareThreshold URL parameter.  You can disable 
plan reuse by adding prepareThreshold=0.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3801: max_fsm_pages postgresql.conf default != guc.c default

2007-12-05 Thread Kris Jurka

On Thu, 6 Dec 2007, Reece Hart wrote:

Bug reference:  3801
PostgreSQL version: 8.2.5
Description:max_fsm_pages postgresql.conf default != guc.c default

The guc.c hardwired default for max_fsm_pages is 2. In postgresql.conf
(and .sample), the default is claimed to be 1638400. I don't know which is

You need to consider the units.  guc.c is in number of pages, while 
postgresql.conf is in kB.  Since the page size is 8192, these are 

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3801: max_fsm_pages postgresql.conf default != guc.c default

2007-12-05 Thread Kris Jurka

On Wed, 5 Dec 2007, Reece Hart wrote:

On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 23:20 -0500, Kris Jurka wrote:

You need to consider the units.  guc.c is in number of pages, while
postgresql.conf is in kB.  Since the page size is 8192, these are

I did consider that, but I'm not certain that it's that simple. Here's

Actually what I said earlier was completely bogus, please ignore.  I just 
looked at the two numbers and essentially made up an answer (even though 
that answer was off by a factor of 10).  Here's something hopefully more 

max_fsm_pages for the initial postgresql.conf is determined at initdb time 
as it depends on the shared_buffers settings it picks for the machine:

src/bin/initdb/initdb.c says:

#define FSM_FOR_BUFS(nbuffers)  ((nbuffers)  1000 ? 50 * (nbuffers) : 

so the actual default at initdb time can be set as high as nbuffers * 50, 
where the max shared_buffers is 4096.  So the default max_fsm_pages for a 
beefier machine will be 204800 which is what you will find in 

The fact that you have a commented out value in your postgresql.conf does 
not mean it is the default.  I'd guess someone set that themself.  Try 
initdbing a fresh data dir and seeing what the actual default is.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3751: Conversion error using PreparedStatement.setObject()

2007-11-18 Thread Kris Jurka

On Fri, 16 Nov 2007, Lance J. Andersen wrote:

The table in this case that needs to be looked at is B-5, not B-4 which i 
believe you are referring to.  The expectation of setObject(int/String, 
Object, int)  is that you are sending the value to the backend as the SQL 
Type specified for the 3rd parameter, in this case a BIT.

I would expect that the driver can do the conversion in this case because i 
have the table created with a BIT(1) column and the backend supports both BIT 
and BOOLEAN. of the JDBC 3.0 and of  the JDBC 4.0 spec tries to make 
this clear that an explicit conversion is required.

For the JDBC 4.1 spec, i plan to add additional clarifications, but i would 
expect the setObject() call in the test to succeed based on the current spec.

No part of the spec says anything about the server or SQL Type that a Java 
type or JDBC type maps to, so your whole argument is predicated on the 
fact that java.sql.Types.BIT must match up with the server side bit type, 
but my contention is that it doesn't.  The current 2003 sql spec does not 
have bit types at all, but the previous versions did.  The 1999 spec has a 
bit type, but it is a bit string which is what the postgresql server 
side type implements, not a single bit.  The best mapping for a bit string 
to a Java type is java.util.BitSet, not java.lang.Boolean.

Just because bit can be made to work doesn't make it the best option. 
Particularly our concern arises from what to do when returning meta data.

Can you describe this in more detail as I have not noticed a problem via 
ResultSetMetaData or DatabaseMetaData.getColumns()  as the columns indicate 
they are a BIT with the correct precision.

SELECT '1'::bit || '1'::bit;

SELECT '1'::bit(1) UNION ALL SELECT '11'::bit(2);

CREATE TABLE bittable (a bit(1), b bit(2));
SELECT COALESCE(a, b) FROM bittable;

CREATE TABLE bittable2 (a bit);
SELECT a FROM bittable2;

None of these ResultSets will contain length information sufficient to let 
you know if you have bit(1) or bit(N) data.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3751: Conversion error using PreparedStatement.setObject()

2007-11-15 Thread Kris Jurka

Lance J. Andersen wrote:

Thank you for your time, but i think there is still a driver issue here:

If i use the same  types as i sent in the email and execute

select * from  bit_in_min(1::bit)

I have no problems and the table is correctly updated.

This would lead me to believe that the driver has a problem with 
correctly mapping the setObect() of the String to a BIT which is 
required conversion by the JDBC spec.

According to our reading of the JDBC spec java.sql.Types.BIT and BOOLEAN 
are equivalent.  So it doesn't make sense to map BIT to one server type 
and BOOLEAN to another.  When thinking about Types.BIT it's easy to see 
a server type named bit and assume it's a match, but for the semantics 
of Types.BIT, we think boolean is a better match.

Just because bit can be made to work doesn't make it the best option. 
 Particularly our concern arises from what to do when returning meta 
data.  Consider a table that has columns a bit(1), b bit(2).  While a 
does have boolean semantics because it's limited to a length of 1, b is 
not.  Returning b as Types.BIT would be a mistake.  Driving this 
decision solely on the length attribute is not good because the server 
will not give you the length information in certain circumstances and 
all you'll have is the raw bit type name.  This is why we've chose to 
use boolean as the server type for Types.BIT + BOOLEAN.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3751: Conversion error using PreparedStatement.setObject()

2007-11-15 Thread Kris Jurka

On Thu, 15 Nov 2007, Lance Andersen wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  3751
PostgreSQL version: 8.2.x
Description:Conversion error using PreparedStatement.setObject()

A PreparedStatement.setObject(1, 1, Types.Bit) will fail with the
following Exception:

This is not a great test case.

1) It doesn't contain the definition of the Drivers class so it doesn't 
compile.  The whole drivers class and dumping metadata is needless 
complication for a simple test case.

2) It doesn't contain the definition of the bit_tab table, so it doesn't 

3) The error is actually coming from stmt.executeUpdate(Min_Insert), not 
a PreparedStatement.

So where does that leave us?

1) The raw insert fails.  INSERT INTO bit_tab (1,0,null) fails because 1 
gets typed as an integer and there are no implicit or assignment casts 
from integer to bit.  You would need to say, '1' so it comes in untyped 
and converted to bit, or be explicit about the type with a cast, saying

1::bit or CAST(1 AS bit).

2) There might be a problem with bit conversion in prepared statements, 
but we didn't get that far.

Other notes:

In PG the bit type is really for multiple bits, not a single 
bit.  Consider SELECT 77::bit(8) results in 01001101.  It's more 
likely that you want to use boolean as the type instead although it 
doesn't have any casts that will help you out in this situation either.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3751: Conversion error using PreparedStatement.setObject()

2007-11-15 Thread Kris Jurka
The test runs for me when I change all of the underlying types from bit 
to boolean:

create table Bit_Tab (MAX_VAL boolean, MIN_VAL boolean, NULL_VAL boolean 

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION Bit_In_Min (MIN_PARAM boolean) returns void as
'begin update Bit_Tab set MIN_VAL=MIN_PARAM; end;' language 'plpgsql' ;

Kris Jurka

Lance J. Andersen wrote:
Sorry Bad, Cut and paste.  This test is a strip down of much larger 
test.  The reason the metadata is there as this gets run from a 
framework which exercises JDBC drivers from all of the major vendors 
which is also the reason for the Drivers class.

As far as the INSERT,  i did not look at the postgresql docs in enough 
detail  probably given that it works against all of the other vendors 
who support BIT data types, so my mistake.

Here is the the entire scenario:

The table is created as

create table Bit_Tab (MAX_VAL bit(1), MIN_VAL bit(1), NULL_VAL bit(1) 

and the stored procedure via

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION Bit_In_Min (MIN_PARAM bit(1)) returns void as 
'begin update Bit_Tab set MIN_VAL=MIN_PARAM; end;' language 'plpgsql' ;

even if i change the insert as you suggest, to

insert into Bit_Tab values('1', '0', null )

it still fails

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column min_val is of type 
bit but expression is of type boolean






   at com.sun.jdbc.samples.BitTest.testSetObject48(
   at com.sun.jdbc.samples.BitTest.runTest(
   at com.sun.jdbc.samples.BitTest.main(
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 2 seconds)

The failure now is on cstmt.executeUpdate() which i would infer either 
the driver is not doing the proper conversion or the function is having 

The test is validating that a String can be sent as a BIT and returned 
as a Boolean per the JDBC specifcation.


Kris Jurka wrote:

On Thu, 15 Nov 2007, Lance Andersen wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  3751
PostgreSQL version: 8.2.x
Description:Conversion error using PreparedStatement.setObject()

A PreparedStatement.setObject(1, 1, Types.Bit) will fail with the
following Exception:

This is not a great test case.

1) It doesn't contain the definition of the Drivers class so it 
doesn't compile.  The whole drivers class and dumping metadata is 
needless complication for a simple test case.

2) It doesn't contain the definition of the bit_tab table, so it 
doesn't run.

3) The error is actually coming from stmt.executeUpdate(Min_Insert), 
not a PreparedStatement.

So where does that leave us?

1) The raw insert fails.  INSERT INTO bit_tab (1,0,null) fails because 
1 gets typed as an integer and there are no implicit or assignment 
casts from integer to bit.  You would need to say, '1' so it comes in 
untyped and converted to bit, or be explicit about the type with a 
cast, saying

1::bit or CAST(1 AS bit).

2) There might be a problem with bit conversion in prepared 
statements, but we didn't get that far.

Other notes:

In PG the bit type is really for multiple bits, not a single bit.  
Consider SELECT 77::bit(8) results in 01001101.  It's more likely 
that you want to use boolean as the type instead although it doesn't 
have any casts that will help you out in this situation either.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3722: PSQLWarning missing call to super in CTOR

2007-11-06 Thread Kris Jurka

On Tue, 6 Nov 2007, Henning Nitschke wrote:

Bug reference:  3722
PostgreSQL version: 8.2
Operating system:   Java
Description:PSQLWarning missing call to super in CTOR

public PSQLWarning(ServerErrorMessage err)
 super(err.toString()); // == missing
 this.serverError = err;

Why is this necessary?  Since PSQLWarning overrides both getMessage and 
toString, why is the super call needed?

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [BUGS] creating a table with a serial column sets currval

2007-10-18 Thread Kris Jurka

On Thu, 18 Oct 2007, Kris Jurka wrote:

jurka=# create table t (c serial);
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence t_c_seq for serial 
column t.c

jurka=# select currval('t_c_seq');
(1 row)

I would expect it to say that currval wasn't set like so:

Looks like any alter sequence command will do this.  The serial case uses 
alter sequence owned by under the hood which exposes this.  The problem is 
that altering the sequence puts it into the SeqTable cache list when it 
really shouldn't be.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[BUGS] creating a table with a serial column sets currval

2007-10-18 Thread Kris Jurka

jurka=# create table t (c serial);
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence t_c_seq for serial 
column t.c

jurka=# select currval('t_c_seq');
(1 row)

I would expect it to say that currval wasn't set like so:

jurka=# create sequence myseq;
jurka=# select currval('myseq');
ERROR:  currval of sequence myseq is not yet defined in this session

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

Re: [BUGS] creating a table with a serial column sets currval

2007-10-18 Thread Kris Jurka

On Thu, 18 Oct 2007, Tom Lane wrote:

Looks like any alter sequence command will do this.  The serial case uses
alter sequence owned by under the hood which exposes this.  The problem is
that altering the sequence puts it into the SeqTable cache list when it
really shouldn't be.

It's not that it gets put in the cache, it's that read_info gets called
(setting elm-increment).  I think we probably should clean this up by
creating a separate flag in that struct that explicitly says currval is
valid, which would be set by nextval(), setval() (because historically
it's acted that way), and I guess ALTER SEQUENCE RESTART WITH (for
consistency with setval()).

Personally I think setval should only set validCurrval and the last_value 
if iscalled = true.  If is_called = false I think it should retain the 
previous last_value if any until the next nextval call.

jurka=# create sequence s;
jurka=# select nextval('s');
(1 row)

jurka=# select setval('s',5, false);

(1 row)

jurka=# select currval('s');
(1 row)

Should return 1 instead of 5.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3675: Crash on xpath function with 2 parameters

2007-10-13 Thread Kris Jurka

On Sat, 13 Oct 2007, Jeremy Palmer wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  3675
PostgreSQL version: 8.3b1
Operating system:   WinXP SP2
Description:Crash on xpath function with 2 parameters

The following query crashes the backend:

SELECT xpath('/my:a/text()', 'my:a

This patch avoids the double free of xpathcomp and fixes things for me.

Kris JurkaIndex: src/backend/utils/adt/xml.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/xml.c,v
retrieving revision 1.47
diff -c -r1.47 xml.c
*** src/backend/utils/adt/xml.c 23 Sep 2007 21:36:42 -  1.47
--- src/backend/utils/adt/xml.c 13 Oct 2007 17:27:17 -
*** 3184,3189 
--- 3184,3191 
xpathobj = xmlXPathCompiledEval(xpathcomp, xpathctx);
+   xpathcomp = NULL;
if (xpathobj == NULL)
ereport(ERROR, (errmsg(could not create XPath 
object))); /* TODO: reason? */

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3589: /etc/init.d/postgresql reload doesn't reflect /etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf log_statement

2007-08-30 Thread Kris Jurka

On Thu, 30 Aug 2007, Magnus Hagander wrote:

There's your problem right there: it does *not* mean that the default
setting would be effective. It means that the setting won't be changed.
Remove the comment and set it to false, and it'll work.
(if you restart the server instead of reload it *will* fall back to the
default, which isn't very consistent)

This is a known problem (though arguably not actually a bug) but it's far
from trivial to fix which is why it hasn't been fixed yet.

Actually this will be fixed in 8.3:

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [BUGS] JDBC-Interface - Behaviour on Update, Insert or Delete returning ResultSets - Inconsistency to Console ODBC

2007-08-18 Thread Kris Jurka

On Sat, 18 Aug 2007, Otto Weichselbaum wrote:

While using views calling functions on INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE via
according rules, I noticed an inconsistent behaviour of the
JDBC-interface of postgres;
 an INSERT-, UPDATE- or DELETE-statement producing tuples as return-value
(in our case through rules calling functions but although via the
'RETURNING'-clause of a single INSERT- or UPDATE-statement) is returning
the expected number of tuples when called via the console (even through
pgAdmin) or via ODBC
when called via JDBC only an 'UpdateCount' of 0 is returned;
debugging to protocol-level showed, that the postgreSQL-server does not
even differ between a 'simple' UPDATE or one returning tuples;

I believe this differing results you are seeing is based upon whether the 
query is executed using the simple or extended query protocol.  The JDBC 
driver always uses extended query protocol when speaking to a V3 protocol 
capable server.  Another workaround you can use is adding 
?protocolVersion=2 to your URL to make it use the V2 protocol and simple 
query execution.

It works with the simple query protocol because you send the server a 
query and then loop retrieving any number of results that are returned. 
The extended query protocol is designed around single query gives a 
single result, so it isn't really prepared to handle the update count 
and results at the same time.

Kris Jurka
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3544: SQLException from JDBC driver

2007-08-17 Thread Kris Jurka

On Thu, 16 Aug 2007, Scott Harper wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  3544
PostgreSQL version: 8.1.9
Operating system:   Debian Linux (2.6.18-4-486)
Description:SQLException from JDBC driver

I have installed PostgreSQL 8.1 via the Debian package manager (APT) --
installed the package postgresql-8.1.

We are running Sun Java 5, Apache 2, and Tomcat 5.5.

From the discussion at, I have

determined that I should be using the 8.1-410 JDBC 3 driver.

I downloaded the driver, and it is bundled into my servlet's war file in

When the servlet makes the DriverManager.getConnection() call, the following
exception is thrown:

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Something unusual has occured to cause
the driver to fail. Please report this exception.

This exception is most likely caused by a permission denied error because 
you are running the tomcat server with a security policy.  The driver 
should be placed in $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib instead of a war file.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3480: JDBC driver: getIndexInfo() returns quotes around quoted column names

2007-07-23 Thread Kris Jurka

On Mon, 23 Jul 2007, Andrei Badea wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  3480
Description:JDBC driver: getIndexInfo() returns quotes around quoted
column names

The DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo() method returns quotes around quoted
column names, unlike the getColumns() method. To reproduce run the following
statement in a database named test and the public schema:

Fixed in CVS for 8.1, 8.2, and HEAD.

Thanks for the test case.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3278: PSQLException when using setBinaryStream via JDBC

2007-05-14 Thread Kris Jurka

On Mon, 14 May 2007, jeffrey zhao wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  3278

When I run the following program, I got an exception as following:

ps.setBinaryStream(2, fis, file.length());
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Method
ement.setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, long) is not yet implemented.

Is the method setBinaryStream really not yet implemented?

JDBC4 added a setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, long) method which has not 
been implemented yet.  JDBC2 offers setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int) 
which is implmented.  So you'll need to cast the last parameter to an 
integer to make it work with the current driver.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

[BUGS] setseed accepts bad seeds

2007-04-11 Thread Kris Jurka

Why doesn't setseed complain when given a seed value outside of its 
expected range?  The documentation claims that 0 - 1 should be used, 
but shouldn't it actually be -1 - 1 to get the full range of the seed? 
If passed a value outside this range you always get the same value which 
isn't going to produce a good random number stream.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [BUGS] setseed accepts bad seeds

2007-04-11 Thread Kris Jurka

On Wed, 11 Apr 2007, Tom Lane wrote:

Kris Jurka [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Why doesn't setseed complain when given a seed value outside of its
expected range?

Why should it complain?  The use of the value is totally unspecified

Because the user is likely using it incorrectly.  I'm not sure what you 
mean by totally unspecified.  The documentation[1] states:

set seed for subsequent random() calls (value between 0 and 1.0)

When a user calls setseed(5), setseed(500), or setseed(-500) they get the 
same seed value each time which is surely not what they intended.  At 
minimum I think it should raise a warning.

Also I think that documentation should be corrected to indicate that 
vaules -1 to 1 are the correct seed value range or it should it should map 
0-1 to the entire seed space, not just half of it as is currently done. 
The decision of which change to make is unclear because it's a change to 
either the call signature or to the generated values for a given user 
supplied seed.

Kris Jurka


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [BUGS] setseed accepts bad seeds

2007-04-11 Thread Kris Jurka

On Wed, 11 Apr 2007, Tom Lane wrote:

It's not really possible to use it incorrectly, AFAICS.  Any value you
might pass to it will result in a specific new seed value.  Nowhere is
there any guarantee of what the mapping is, and it's obviously
impossible to guarantee that the mapping is one-to-one, so any user
assumptions about what a specific seed value might mean seem broken

Then please consider this patch which checks the range and maps the 
provided value to the entire seed space.

Kris JurkaIndex: src/backend/utils/adt/float.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/float.c,v
retrieving revision 1.149
diff -c -r1.149 float.c
*** src/backend/utils/adt/float.c   27 Feb 2007 23:48:08 -  1.149
--- src/backend/utils/adt/float.c   11 Apr 2007 18:48:42 -
*** 1783,1790 
float8  seed = PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(0);
!   int iseed = (int) (seed * MAX_RANDOM_VALUE);
srandom((unsigned int) iseed);
--- 1783,1800 
float8  seed = PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(0);
!   int iseed;
!   if (seed  0 || seed  1)
!   elog(WARNING, setseed parameter %f out of expected range 
[0,1], seed);
!   /* 
!* map seed range from [0, 1] to [-1, 1] to get the
!* full range of possible seed values.
!   seed = 2 * (seed - 0.5);
+   iseed = (int) (seed * MAX_RANDOM_VALUE);
srandom((unsigned int) iseed);

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

Re: [BUGS] BUG #3106: A problem with escaping table name pattern for DatabaseMetaData.getColumns()

2007-03-06 Thread Kris Jurka

On Sun, 4 Mar 2007, Valery Meshkov wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  3106
PostgreSQL version: 8.2.3
Description:A problem with escaping table name pattern for

I am seeing a problem in the JDBC driver postgresql-8.2-504.jdbc3.jar with
getting columns of the table 'A_B'.  I am escaping  '_'  with the escape
value returned by DatabaseMetaData.getSearchStringEscape(), which in my case
is   (standard_conforming_strings is off).  When I pass the resulting
table name 'A\\_B' to DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() the number of
backslashes doubles again, resulting in 4 backslashes in the select

The problem is that there is a different search string escape depending on 
whether you plan to interpolate it into a query or pass it as a parameter 
to a PreparedStatement.  The getSearchStringEscape method is assuming 
you're going to interpolate it into a query and returns the doubled 
version.  getColumns is assuming you're passing a parameter that it 
then interpolates and must escape itself.

The fact that the javadoc for getColumns has a see also for 
getSearchStringEscape implies to me that our implementation is wrong and 
it shouldn't return the doubled version and anyone interpolating text into 
a query must escape it appropriately including the search string escape.

I'll put a fix for this into the next release.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2856: Jdbc 4 connector running on JDK 1.6 should

2007-01-05 Thread Kris Jurka

On Fri, 5 Jan 2007, Steve Langridge wrote:

At the present time, I am not really interested in actually using the client 
info data at all - I really just need the getClientInfo() and setClientInfo() 
to rather not raise a not-implemented exception.  With the JDBC 3 driver 
under Java 1.5, there were no problems, so I presume these methods were 
implemented - it is now a real hassle since when running under Java 1.6, one 
has to use the JDBC 4 driver.

These methods are new in JDBC 4 which is why it wasn't a problem with JDBC 
3.  I understand that all you want is not to error, but I don't think 
that's appropriate behavior for all users.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2856: Jdbc 4 connector running on JDK 1.6 should

2007-01-04 Thread Kris Jurka

On Fri, 22 Dec 2006, Steve Langridge wrote:

Bug reference:  2856
PostgreSQL version: 8.2
Description:Jdbc 4 connector running on JDK 1.6 should not raise
exception for getClientInfo/setClientInfo

When using the Jdbc 4 driver running on Java 1.6, it would be preferable if
the methods getClientInfo() and setClientInfo() returned silently, instead
of raising an exception about not being implemented.  When running on
Glassfish with Toplink Essentials, the app server log gets filled with these
exceptions for every access from a JDBC connection pool (when using the

I'm not sure it's legal to simply ignore the fact that the method is not 
implemented.  I think at minimum we'd need to keep the client info data in 
the Connection object even if we don't send it to the database.  This 
would make it look like it was working to the JVM there just wouldn't be a 
way to get at it on the database side.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[BUGS] multiple SRFs in SELECT clause.

2006-11-27 Thread Kris Jurka

I'm getting some odd results when running two generate_series calls in a 
SELECT.  When the two calls return the same number of rows you get that 
many rows out:

# SELECT generate_series(1,3), generate_series(1,3);
 generate_series | generate_series
   1 |   1
   2 |   2
   3 |   3
(3 rows)

When the row counts differ you get the least common multiple number of 

# SELECT generate_series(1,4), generate_series(1,2);
 generate_series | generate_series
   1 |   1
   2 |   2
   3 |   1
   4 |   2
(4 rows)

I was personally expecting a cross join between them that would be 
equivalent to

# SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,4) a, generate_series(1,2) b;
 a | b
 1 | 1
 1 | 2
 2 | 1
 2 | 2
 3 | 1
 3 | 2
 4 | 1
 4 | 2
(8 rows)

Tested on 8.1.3 and CVS HEAD.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2628: jdbc2

2006-09-26 Thread Kris Jurka

On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, viniciusasousa wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  2628
PostgreSQL version: 8.0

I has problem:


locatorsUpdateCopy is not part of the JDBC2 spec, but was added in JDBC3. 
So you'll need to download the JDBC3 version.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2636: JDBC error behaviour incorrect

2006-09-26 Thread Kris Jurka

On Mon, 18 Sep 2006, Kiren Pillay wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  2636
PostgreSQL version: 8.1.4
Operating system:   Windows
Description:JDBC error behaviour incorrect

try {
DBActions db=DBActions.getInstance();

  rs = 
  while ( {
  // Testing
values.put(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2));
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
  logger.error(Could not load application parameters , 
catch (Exception e){
catch (Throwable e){
/*finally {

  DBConnection.close(rs, ps);

In this code, the program gets to the executeQuery part with no exception.
When it gets to the part, the code jumps to the finally block.
This is non-deterministic behaviour as the code seems to have thrown an
exception, but even the catch Throwable part does not catch the error.

Isn't it just likely that returned false?

The database being connected to is a restore from another database. The fact
is this database restore could be incorrect, but how can I find the actual
cause of the problem. Is there a way to increase the logging so that I can
figure out the problem here.

The driver can be started given a URL connection parameter ?loglevel=2 
that will print out a fair amount of protocol information.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2593: Improper implimentation of SQLException

2006-08-29 Thread Kris Jurka

On Sun, 27 Aug 2006, Igor Urisman wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  2593
PostgreSQL version: 8.1.3
Description:Improper implimentation of SQLException

The vendor error code is returned in getSQLState(), instead of getError().
At least this is the case for 23505 (ERROR: duplicate key violates unique
constraint ...)

Postgresql does not have specific vendor error codes and always returns 0 
for SQLException.getErrorCode().  Postgresql uses standard SQL State 
values only.  These often have characters in them so they cannot also be 
returned as the vendor error code.

Perhaps the problem is that this page is referring to error codes when a 
more careful reading shows that it is really talking about sql state 

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2559: why jdbc-driver AbstractJdbc2ResultSetMetaData.

2006-08-04 Thread Kris Jurka

On Tue, 1 Aug 2006, flash.xu wrote:

Bug reference:  2559
PostgreSQL version: 8.1.4
Description:why jdbc-driver AbstractJdbc2ResultSetMetaData.
getTableName(int column)  return 

I'm using jdbc3 8.1 to build my java project.But when I use
ResultSetMetaData class to get table'name,the result is !
I check the jdbc8 8.1's source code,and found the
AbstractJdbc2ResultSetMetaData. getTableName(int column)  return .
Instead, the method of getBaseTableName() return the real table'name.
Similar,the method ofgetColumnName()return the column'lable,but the method
ofgetColumnName() return the real column'name.
please show why?thanks.
My project has been used Oracle and Mysql.It's my first to use  PostgreSQL.

Please see the thread Wrong column names in ResultSetMetaData

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [BUGS] The column index is out of range in PostgreSQL + resolve

2006-08-04 Thread Kris Jurka

On Mon, 31 Jul 2006, Murali Doss wrote:

SQL Query is running perfect from PG Admin but it gives error The
column index is out of range  when running through java
application.Please advise me how to solve this issue.

This error message has nothing to do with the query execution, but rather 
the fetching of results from the ResultSet.  I imagine you are using one 
of the ResultSet.getXXX() methods using an improper column index.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2514: (jdbc driver) Multiple inlined statements with

2006-07-06 Thread Kris Jurka

On Wed, 5 Jul 2006, Gilles wrote:

Bug reference:  2514
Description:(jdbc driver) Multiple inlined statements with mixed
updates and queries return wrong results

When issuing this:
statement.execute(SELECT 2;UPDATE foo SET d='babar' where i=1; SELECT 3);
The 2 result returned is wrong. This seems to be a ResultSet containing the
same values as the first RS (it should be an update count)

Fixed in CVS for 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2dev.  It was mistakenly retaining some 
state from the first SELECT when issuing the update.  I've put up a 
temporary jar file here if you need a fix before the next official 

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [BUGS] Fwd: [JDBC] Diffrence between 8.0.3 and 8.1.3

2006-07-05 Thread Kris Jurka

On Wed, 5 Jul 2006, Yann PICHOT wrote:

When i use this SQL request : SELECT col1, cast(' ' as varchar(3)) as mycol
FROM mytable, getColumnDisplaySize return -5.
When i use this SQL request : SELECT col1, cast(' ' as varchar(3)) as mycol,
getColumnDisplaySize return 3 

OK, I misunderstood your test case and was only looking at the second 
version which works.  As you noted earlier the server is responding with a 
different typmod value, so this is not a JDBC problem, but a server 
regression and I've forwarded this on to the -bugs list.  To summarize for 

In 8.0 SELECT ' '::varchar(3) FROM tab retained the typmod value 
specified in the query, but in 8.1 it is lost and -1 is used instead.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2084: Add WIN1253 to CLIENT_ENCODING encodings

2006-06-14 Thread Kris Jurka

On Wed, 14 Jun 2006, Bruce Momjian wrote:

Added to TODO list.

Already done.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2420: NetBSD doesn't need float8-small-is-zero regression

2006-05-05 Thread Kris Jurka

Bruce Momjian wrote:
Thanks for the feedback.  

Patch attached, so NetBSD = 3.0 will not use float8-small-is-zero.

The buildfarm seems to think this is a bad idea.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2297: plpgsql function causes disconnect sometimes

2006-03-05 Thread Kris Jurka

On Thu, 2 Mar 2006, bernd wrote:

Bug reference:  2297
PostgreSQL version: 8.1.3
Description:plpgsql function causes disconnect sometimes

I'm trying to make some admin functions that I can use to revoke privileges
from users. The functions are all stored in a schema called admin. Here are
the functions:

I reported this here:

and it was fixed here:

This will be in 8.1.4 when released.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[BUGS] plpgsql functions crash cvs

2006-03-01 Thread Kris Jurka

eKol in #postgresql reported a problem with a plpgsql function crashing 
the server.  I tested the attached against 8.2cvs as of this morning 
and got this stacktrace:

#0  plpgsql_xact_cb (event=XACT_EVENT_COMMIT, arg=0x0) at pl_exec.c:4521
#1  0x0046f43d in CallXactCallbacks (event=XACT_EVENT_COMMIT)
at xact.c:2618
#2  0x0047138b in CommitTransaction () at xact.c:1534
#3  0x00472be7 in CommitTransactionCommand () at xact.c:2184
#4  0x0058ecde in finish_xact_command () at postgres.c:2017
#5  0x00590475 in exec_simple_query (
query_string=0x8f8f28 select admin.fn_revoke_all('public');)
at postgres.c:1041
#6  0x005917ab in PostgresMain (argc=4, argv=0x8bb360,
username=0x8bb320 jurka) at postgres.c:3231
#7  0x00566a18 in ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:2917
#8  0x00567861 in PostmasterMain (argc=3, argv=0x89b830)
at postmaster.c:980
#9  0x005250de in main (argc=3, argv=0x3e8) at main.c:254



create or replace function admin.fn_show_functions(text)
returns setof text as $$
v_schema alias for $1;
v_schema_oid oid;
v_function pg_catalog.pg_proc%rowtype;
v_function_arg text;
v_function_name_and_args text;
select into v_schema_oid oid
from pg_catalog.pg_namespace
where nspname = v_schema;

if found then
for v_function in select * from pg_catalog.pg_proc
where pronamespace = v_schema_oid
v_function_name_and_args := v_function.proname || '(';

for i in 0..(v_function.pronargs - 1)
select into v_function_arg typname
from pg_catalog.pg_type
where oid = v_function.proargtypes[i];

if v_function_arg is not null then
v_function_name_and_args := v_function_name_and_args || 
v_function_arg || ', ';
end if;
end loop;

v_function_name_and_args := trim(trailing ', ' from 
v_function_name_and_args := v_function_name_and_args || ')';

return next v_function_name_and_args;
end loop;
end if;

language plpgsql;

create or replace function admin.fn_revoke_all(text)
returns void as $$
v_user alias for $1;
v_schema record;
v_obj record;
v_current_db text;
-- Second, revoke on functions, tables, and views from
-- user schemas.
for v_schema in select nspname AS name FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname NOT 
LIKE 'pg%' AND nspname NOT LIKE 'info%'
perform admin.fn_revoke_all_functions_from(v_user,; 
end loop;

language plpgsql;

create or replace function admin.fn_revoke_all_functions_from(text, text)
returns void as $$
v_user alias for $1;
v_schema alias for $2;
v_obj record;
for v_obj in select * from admin.fn_show_functions(v_schema) as name
--raise notice 'revoking function %',;
execute 'revoke all on function ' ||
quote_ident(v_schema) || '.' ||
replace(, '(', '(') || ' from ' ||
end loop;
language plpgsql;

SELECT admin.fn_revoke_all('public');
-- Sometimes doesn't crash on the first attempt
SELECT admin.fn_revoke_all('public');
SELECT admin.fn_revoke_all('public');
SELECT admin.fn_revoke_all('public');

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2250: JSTL parameterized queries inserting numeric

2006-02-10 Thread Kris Jurka

On Thu, 9 Feb 2006, Ian Moore wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  2250
PostgreSQL version: 8.0.3
Description:JSTL parameterized queries inserting numeric values

When using the JSTL via JDBC, there is the option to write INSERT/UPDATE
statements with parameters in JSP's.
There is only two types the data parameters can be, a date or a character
varying string.
In most databases, if a character varying string is provided that contains a
numeric value, and this is used to insert/update a numeric field, the driver
will attempt a type conversion to the numeric value of the string and report
errors only if the string is not a valid . However trying this in JSTL,
which only provides support for text or date parameters results in the
following error:

ERROR: column  is of type integer but expression is of type 

Your options are to rewrite your query like:
INSERT INTO mytable (intcol) VALUES (CAST(? AS int))

or you may use the 8.2dev driver and add ?stringtype=unspecified to your 

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2249: unsupported frontend protocol

2006-02-09 Thread Kris Jurka

On Thu, 9 Feb 2006, Satheesh wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  2249
PostgreSQL version: 7.3.2
Description:unsupported frontend protocol

iam having database server postgres version 7.3.2 and jboss 4.x as 
webserver, while executing the application iam getting an error message 
of FATAL:Unsupported Front end Protocol. This makes my application to 
execute slowly. plz help me. Tahnks in Advance

When using a new JDBC driver with an old server version it first tries to 
connect with the v3 protocol and then falls back to the v2 protocol if 
that fails.  To tell the driver you want a v2 protocol from the start add 
?protocolVersion=2 to your URL.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[BUGS] database level client_encoding setting check

2006-01-31 Thread Kris Jurka

When setting the default client_encoding for another database the validity 
of the conversion is checked using the current database's server encoding, 
not the targets.

jurka=# create database utf8 with encoding='utf8';
jurka=# create database win1251 with encoding='win1251';
jurka=# \c utf8
You are now connected to database utf8.
utf8=# alter database win1251 set client_encoding to 'mule_internal';
ERROR:  conversion between mule_internal and UTF8 is not supported
utf8=# alter database win1251 set client_encoding to 'latin1';
utf8=# \c win1251
FATAL:  conversion between LATIN1 and WIN1251 is not supported
Previous connection kept

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2220: PostgreSQL-JDBC 8.1-404 fails to compile with

2006-01-29 Thread Kris Jurka

On Sun, 29 Jan 2006, Bernhard Rosenkraenzer wrote:

Bug reference:  2220
Description:PostgreSQL-JDBC 8.1-404 fails to compile with ecj

PostgreSQL-JDBC 8.1-404 fails to compile (ecj bytecode compiler w/ gij 4.1

This is because the driver dynamically decides what version of the driver 
to build (JDBC2, JDBC3, or JDBC3 w/ generics) at runtime based on the 
current JVM.  You are running ant with a 1.5 JVM, but ecj's default 
-source argument is 1.4, so it's trying to build 1.5 code, but 
interpreting it as 1.4 code which cleary fails.  Adding source=1.5 in 
the javac tag in build.xml fixes this, but that's not a general 
solution because it clearly won't be able to build other versions.  Do you 
have a better solution for runtime determination or specification of the 
version we should try to build.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [BUGS] date overflows

2005-12-05 Thread Kris Jurka

On Sat, 3 Dec 2005, Michael Fuhr wrote:

On Sat, Dec 03, 2005 at 07:53:23PM -0500, Kris Jurka wrote:

I'm seeing some date input overflows here.

Yep, I noticed this a few days ago while looking at another problem.
I probably should have started a new thread.

This seems to fix it.

Kris JurkaIndex: doc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.163
diff -c -r1.163 datatype.sgml
*** doc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml  22 Oct 2005 19:33:57 -  1.163
--- doc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml  5 Dec 2005 08:30:22 -
*** 1360,1366 
  entry4 bytes/entry
  entrydates only/entry
  entry4713 BC/entry
! entry32767 AD/entry
  entry1 day/entry
--- 1360,1366 
  entry4 bytes/entry
  entrydates only/entry
  entry4713 BC/entry
! entry5874897 AD/entry
  entry1 day/entry
Index: src/backend/utils/adt/date.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/date.c,v
retrieving revision 1.122
diff -c -r1.122 date.c
*** src/backend/utils/adt/date.c15 Oct 2005 02:49:28 -  1.122
--- src/backend/utils/adt/date.c5 Dec 2005 08:30:22 -
*** 97,102 
--- 97,107 
+   if (!IS_VALID_JULIAN(tm-tm_year, tm-tm_mon, tm-tm_mday))
+   ereport(ERROR,
+errmsg(date out of range: \%s\, str)));
date = date2j(tm-tm_year, tm-tm_mon, tm-tm_mday) - 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

[BUGS] date overflows

2005-12-03 Thread Kris Jurka

I'm seeing some date input overflows here.   I tested on CVS HEAD 
without --enable-integer-datetimes and 7.4.9 and 8.0.4 with 
--enable-integer-datetimes, so it appears to have been around for a 

jurka=# select '23456-01-01'::date;
(1 row)

jurka=# select '14824-01-01 BC'::date;

(1 row)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2060: Issue with Data base connection

2005-11-23 Thread Kris Jurka

kalisetty manideep wrote:

[Backend reports too many open connections]

But I am 100% sure that its not the issue with the

Do you know any Postgresql - JDBC driver, which is not
from Postgresql development group. I think JDBC driver
is not closing the connection even though I am closing
the connection.

I have no reason to believe that and you certainly haven't shown that.

Please refer to the DBACCESS file attached.

All this shows is the Connection being opened, not closed.

I've implemented an idea I got from rupa in #postgresql a while ago 
about a way of logging leaked connections.  I've added some code to the 
Connection's finalize() method that prints some logging information if 
the Connection was not closed.  This is enabled by using the new 
logUnclosedConnections URL parameter.

See the attached code for an example.  I've put up a new jar that 
contains this here:
import java.sql.*;

public class OpenConn {

	public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {

	private static void leakConnection() throws Exception {
		Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5810/jurka?logUnclosedConnections=true,jurka,);


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2060: Issue with Data base connection

2005-11-21 Thread Kris Jurka

On Mon, 21 Nov 2005, Manideep Kalisetty wrote:

Bug reference:  2060
Email address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PostgreSQL version: 7.2.2
Description:Issue with Data base connection

I am using postgresql-8.1dev-402.jdbc3.jar JDBC driver and websphere
application server. Even though I am successfully closing connections, the
error message I am receivng is Backend start-up failed: FATAL 1:  Sorry,
too many clients already. Please refer to the Exception report below:

Well, something is leaving connections open.  Checking the results of 
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity; will tell you what database and username 
they are connected to which may help.  While this code doesn't appear to 
be using a connection pool, perhaps you have another application that is 
using a pool that is configured to open too many connections?  Still, the 
most likely cause is a coding error failing to close connections.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2036: 8.1 JDBC busted date with INTERVAL update

2005-11-21 Thread Kris Jurka

On Fri, 11 Nov 2005, Reuben Pasquini wrote:

Bug reference:  2036
Description:8.1 JDBC busted date with INTERVAL update

Something like this would work with the postgres-7.4
jdbc3.jar driver, but fails with the shown error with
postgres-8.1 jdbc3.jar driver.
Running with a non-prepared statement works
with 8.1.
I'm running 8.1 server on linux, jdk1.5.
Not sure if this is a bug, or intentional.

s_query = UPDATE cue.proc SET dt_started = now() - INTERVAL ? WHERE pk=5;
x_stmt = x_conn.prepareStatement ( s_query );
x_stmt.setString ( 1, 0 seconds );

This is a known limitation of server side prepared statements (which were 
added in the 8.0 JDBC driver).  You may not use the syntax INTERVAL ?, 
but must instead use CAST(? AS INTERVAL) or ?::interval.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [BUGS] [JDBC] BUG #1780: JDBC driver setNull throws for BLOB and CLOB

2005-08-01 Thread Kris Jurka

On Mon, 1 Aug 2005, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

 Just tested it with build 312 and the original problem went away. Now  
 I am seeing a new problem with null BLOBs only:
 java.sql.SQLException: ERROR: column blob_col is of type bytea but  
 expression is of type oid

bytea is not the correct type to use when storing Blobs.  You need to use 
oid as the underlying type, or if you want to use bytea you need to use 
setBytes or setNull(x, Types.BINARY).

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [BUGS] BUG #1780: JDBC driver setNull throws for BLOB and CLOB

2005-07-22 Thread Kris Jurka

On Fri, 22 Jul 2005, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

 Bug reference:  1780
 PostgreSQL version: 8.0.1
 Description:JDBC driver setNull throws for BLOB and CLOB columns
 Whenver I call PreparedStatement.setNull(int, int) on BLOB or CLOB columns,
 an exception below occurs. Driver version: postgresql-8.0-310.jdbc3.jar. But
 looks like latest CVS version has the same problem. 

This has been fixed in CVS for the 8.0 and development drivers, we just 
haven't done a release in nearly three months.  I'll put out a release 
this weekend unless there are any other outstanding fixes I'm unaware of.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [JDBC] [BUGS] BUG #1780: JDBC driver setNull throws for BLOB

2005-07-22 Thread Kris Jurka

On Fri, 22 Jul 2005, Kris Jurka wrote:

 On Fri, 22 Jul 2005, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
  Whenver I call PreparedStatement.setNull(int, int) on BLOB or CLOB columns,
  an exception below occurs. Driver version: postgresql-8.0-310.jdbc3.jar. But
  looks like latest CVS version has the same problem. 
 This has been fixed in CVS for the 8.0 and development drivers, we just 
 haven't done a release in nearly three months.  I'll put out a release 
 this weekend unless there are any other outstanding fixes I'm unaware of.

Actually looking more closely, this was fixed in build 311 which is
available, but we should still put out a new release for other fixes.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [BUGS] BUG #1721: mutiple bytes character string comaprison

2005-06-19 Thread Kris Jurka

On Sun, 19 Jun 2005, Tom Lane wrote:

 Chii-Tung Liu [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  PostgreSQL version: 8.0.3
  Operating system:   Windows XP SP2
  When compare two UTF-8 encoded string that contains Chinese words, the
  result is always TRUE
 Sorry, but UTF-8 encoding doesn't work properly on Windows (yet).
 Use some other database encoding.

Shouldn't we forbid its creation then?  At least a strongly worded 
warning?  We see these complaints too often.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send unregister YourEmailAddressHere to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

[BUGS] plpython regression test leaves /tmp/plpython file

2005-06-17 Thread Kris Jurka

The plpython regression test leaves a file /tmp/plpython around after the 
tests have completed running.  This causes a subsequent failure if the 
tests are run with another user running the database because a permission 
denied error will be returned when trying to write the /tmp/plpython file.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [BUGS] BUG #1661: JDBC DatabaseMetaData.getExportedKeys() returns

2005-05-17 Thread Kris Jurka

On Wed, 11 May 2005, Pavel Krupets wrote:

 Bug reference:  1661
 PostgreSQL version: 8.0.2
 Description:JDBC DatabaseMetaData.getExportedKeys() returns invalid
 If I ask getExportedKeys(null, bc4jgen_test_04, table_03) to return
 exported foreign keys it will return 'fk_table_05_2_table_03' key. But this
 key isn't exported. table_05 does not references table_03's primary key,
 just a unique one! Please check javadocs excerpts below.

I guess we consider this a feature, not a bug.  Otherwise there is no way
to retrieve foreign key information for foreign keys to unique
constraints.  If you've got a concrete reason why this is a bad thing
please let us know.  The javadoc does indeed say primary key, but I don't 
see why including unique ones as well is a problem.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [BUGS] BUG #1656: ResultSetMetaData.getColumnDisplaySize()

2005-05-10 Thread Kris Jurka

On Tue, 10 May 2005, Sergio Lob wrote:

 Bug reference:  1656
 PostgreSQL version: 8.0.1
 Description:ResultSetMetaData.getColumnDisplaySize() returns value
 ResultSetMetaData.getColumnDisplaySize() returns value -1 for several
 columns of answer set generated by DatabaseMetaData.getTables() method.

ResultSetMetaData.getColumnDisplaySize() returns -1 for any column that
has an unknown size.  Consider the REMARKS column of getTables().  This
data comes from the system's pg_description.description column which is of
type text.  There is no defined length for this, so we have decided to
return -1.

 Additionally, I don't understand why the data type of column 1 is described
 as OTHER, as opposed to all the other columns, which are of type VARCHAR
 (attained through ResultSetMetaData.getColumnType() method).

TABLE_CAT is generated by an untyped SELECT NULL, we should probably
cast this to name, or report the currently connected database name here.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send unregister YourEmailAddressHere to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [BUGS] set returning function

2005-05-09 Thread Kris Jurka

On Mon, 9 May 2005, Dennis Bjorklund wrote:

 [ I can call sql or C SRFs without FROM, but not plpgsql.]

Trying this in pltcl (while knowing nothing about tcl and the docs not 
mentioning any srf support) shows:

CREATE FUNCTION tclset() RETURNS SETOF int AS 'return 0' LANGUAGE pltcl;

SELECT * FROM tclset();   -- works

SELECT tclset(); -- goes into an infinite loop

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [BUGS] BUG #1640: Using JDBC, multiple statements do not return

2005-04-30 Thread Kris Jurka

On Fri, 29 Apr 2005, Kevin Self wrote:

 Bug reference:  1640
 PostgreSQL version: 8.0.2
 Description:Using JDBC, multiple statements do not return results if
 select follows insert,delete or update
 When attempting to perform a multi-statement command through the JDBC
 Statement.execute() or the Statement.executeQuery() function, the database
 does not return any result set if the select statement follows an insert,
 update or delete. This ability is required for atomic record inserts for
 auto-generated keys that must be returned to the caller, since postgreSQL
 does not support RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS as an option, and calling the
 sequence ahead of time to obtain the value is not possible.

There is no atomicity from issuing them in the same query.  This is 
guaranteed by the sequence for the entire session.

If you do what to do this it should be written as:

Statement.execute(INSERT ...; SELECT currval('myseq'));
ResultSet rs = Statement.getResultSet();

The javadoc for execute() says it should return true if the first result 
is a ResultSet object the first result is an update count, not a 
ResultSet.  You need to move to the next result, which is actually a 

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [BUGS] V2 protocol - 8.1 server

2005-04-23 Thread Kris Jurka

With the promised files this time.

On Sat, 23 Apr 2005, Kris Jurka wrote:

 The 8.1 server doesn't work when issuing queries using the v2 protocol, 
 notably the isnull bitmask in the DataRow message is incorrect.  I suspect 
 the problem is with this commit:
 I've attached the tcpdump output from establishing a connection with the 
 JDBC driver using the V2 protocol to a 7.4 and an 8.1 server.  In the 7.4 
 server after the 'D' message is c0 while 8.1 has 00 as the next byte.
 Kris Jurka
 ---(end of broadcast)---
 TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend
 22:20:05.430250 IP localhost.51539  localhost.postgresql: S 
2034505391:2034505391(0) win 32767 mss 16396,sackOK,timestamp 3743595316 
0,nop,wscale 2
0x:  4500 003c ad9b 4000 4006 8f1e 7f00 0001  E..[EMAIL 
0x0010:  7f00 0001 c953 1538 7944 16af    .S.8yD..
0x0020:  a002 7fff 86d4  0204 400c 0402 080a  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
0x0030:  df22 bb34   0103 0302..4
22:20:05.430304 IP localhost.postgresql  localhost.51539: S 
2038983743:2038983743(0) ack 2034505392 win 32767 mss 16396,sackOK,timestamp 
3743595316 3743595316,nop,wscale 2
0x:  4500 003c  4000 4006 3cba 7f00 0001  E..[EMAIL 
0x0010:  7f00 0001 1538 c953 7988 6c3f 7944 16b0  .8.Sy.l?yD..
0x0020:  a012 7fff 06a4  0204 400c 0402 080a  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
0x0030:  df22 bb34 df22 bb34 0103 0302..4..4
22:20:05.430345 IP localhost.51539  localhost.postgresql: . ack 1 win 8192 
nop,nop,timestamp 3743595316 3743595316
0x:  4500 0034 ad9d 4000 4006 8f24 7f00 0001  [EMAIL 
0x0010:  7f00 0001 c953 1538 7944 16b0 7988 6c40  .S.8yD..y.l@
0x0020:  8010 2000 cfc2  0101 080a df22 bb34  ..4
0x0030:  df22 bb34..4
22:20:05.457987 IP localhost.51539  localhost.postgresql: P 1:297(296) ack 1 
win 8192 nop,nop,timestamp 3743595344 3743595316
0x:  4500 015c ad9f 4000 4006 8dfa 7f00 0001  [EMAIL 
0x0010:  7f00 0001 c953 1538 7944 16b0 7988 6c40  .S.8yD..y.l@
0x0020:  8018 2000 ff50  0101 080a df22 bb50  .PP
0x0030:  df22 bb34  0128 0002  6a75 726b  ..4...(jurk
0x0040:  6100         a...
0x0070:        6a75 726b  jurk
0x0080:  6100         a...
22:20:05.458485 IP localhost.postgresql  localhost.51539: . ack 297 win 8192 
nop,nop,timestamp 3743595344 3743595344
0x:  4500 0034 d774 4000 4006 654d 7f00 0001  [EMAIL 
0x0010:  7f00 0001 1538 c953 7988 6c40 7944 17d8  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
0x0020:  8010 2000 ce62  0101 080a df22 bb50  .bP
0x0030:  df22 bb50..P
22:20:05.462500 IP localhost.postgresql  localhost.51539: P 1:16(15) ack 297 
win 8192 nop,nop,timestamp 3743595348 3743595344
0x:  4500 0043 d776 4000 4006 653c 7f00 0001  [EMAIL 
0x0010:  7f00 0001 1538 c953 7988 6c40 7944 17d8  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
0x0020:  8018 2000 fe37  0101 080a df22 bb54  .7T
0x0030:  df22 bb50 5200  004b  732f 371a  ..PRK..s/7.
0x0040:  0f42 5a  .BZ
22:20:05.462556 IP localhost.51539  localhost.postgresql: . ack 16 win 8192 
nop,nop,timestamp 3743595348 3743595348
0x:  4500 0034 ada1 4000 4006 8f20 7f00 0001  [EMAIL 
0x0010:  7f00 0001 c953 1538 7944 17d8 7988 6c4f

Re: [BUGS] jdbc driver return wrong medata values

2005-04-15 Thread Kris Jurka

On Thu, 14 Apr 2005, Xavier Maysonnave wrote:

 While analysing the index structures of a metadata table with the 
 following statement :
 ResultSet parts = dbMeta.getIndexInfo(aCatalog, aMetaSchema, 
 aTable, false, false);
 if (parts != null) {
 try {
 while ( {  
 String indexName = parts.getString(6);
 String columnName = parts.getString(9);
 short position= parts.getShort(8);
 String direction = parts.getString(10);
 boolean unique  = parts.getBoolean(4);
 } finally {
 While controling the result with pgadmin III it appears that :
 - Unique Index have a returned boolean unique set to false :
 - this value should apply to Non Unique Index
 - Non Unique Index have a returned boolean unique set to true :
 - this value should apply to Unique Index

If you check the javadoc for getIndexInfo you will see column four is 
actually NON_UNIQUE not unique.

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [BUGS] BUG #1525: wrong time when getting timestamp from date

2005-03-04 Thread Kris Jurka

On Fri, 4 Mar 2005, François LECOMTE wrote:

 Bug reference:  1525
 PostgreSQL version: 8.0.1
 Description:wrong time when getting timestamp from date field
 Problem when getting a Java Timestamp object on a DATE database field.
 With driver pg74jdbc3.jar : hours, minutes, seconds and millis have zero
 values (ex : 2003-09-10 00:00:00.0) in the Timestamp object, no problem.
 With driver postgresql-8.0-310.jdbc3.jar (same database, same table, same
 record) : we get 1 hour and zero minutes, seconds and millis ! (2003-09-10
 Maybe UTC time ? but suerly a bug...

There is a known bug in the 8.0 jdbc driver when the client and server are 
in different timezones.  Is that the case here?

Kris Jurka

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

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