Re: Format an Update with calculation

2018-12-17 Thread Pavel Stehule
út 18. 12. 2018 v 8:15 odesílatel Bret Stern <> napsal:

> My statement below updates the pricing no problem, but I want it to be
> formatted with 2 dec points eg (43.23).
> Started playing with to_numeric but can't figure it out. Lots of examples
> with to_char in the
> manual, but still searching for answer.
> Can it be done?

postgres=# select random();
│  random   │
│ 0.261391982901841 │
(1 row)

postgres=# select random()::numeric(7,2);
│ random │
│   0.67 │
(1 row)



> I want suggested_retail_price to be formatted to 2 decimal points
> UPDATE im_ci_item_transfer
>SET suggested_retail_price=(suggested_retail_price +
> (suggested_retail_price * .13))
> WHERE item_code='0025881P2';
> Feeling lazy, sorry guys

Format an Update with calculation

2018-12-17 Thread Bret Stern
My statement below updates the pricing no problem, but I want it to be
formatted with 2 dec points eg (43.23).

Started playing with to_numeric but can't figure it out. Lots of
examples with to_char in the
manual, but still searching for answer.

Can it be done?

I want suggested_retail_price to be formatted to 2 decimal points

UPDATE im_ci_item_transfer
   SET suggested_retail_price=(suggested_retail_price +
(suggested_retail_price * .13))
WHERE item_code='0025881P2';

Feeling lazy, sorry guys


2018-12-17 Thread Pavel Stehule

út 18. 12. 2018 v 7:11 odesílatel Igor Korot  napsal:

> Hi, ALL,
> I have a following statement:
> IF NOT EXIST( SELECT 1 SELECT 1 FROM pg_proc AS proc, pg_namespace AS
> Unfortunately trying to execute it thru the ODBC interface with:
> ret = SQLExecDirect( m_hstmt, query, SQL_NTS );
> gives syntax error near IF.
> What is the proper way to do that?

IF is only plpgsql statement - so you cannot to call it from SQL

CREATE FUNCTION is not expensive command, and you can replace existing
function by statement


This is usual solution. You cannot to use in SQL IF statement ever in
PostgreSQL - This T-SQL syntax is not supported.

But lot of DDL statements has integrated IF


second solution is using SQL command DO - inside is plpgsql code, and you
can use conditional statement like IF, or other.



> Thank you.


2018-12-17 Thread Igor Korot
Hi, ALL,
I have a following statement:

IF NOT EXIST( SELECT 1 SELECT 1 FROM pg_proc AS proc, pg_namespace AS

Unfortunately trying to execute it thru the ODBC interface with:

ret = SQLExecDirect( m_hstmt, query, SQL_NTS );

gives syntax error near IF.

What is the proper way to do that?

Thank you.

Re: Creating 2D arrays for pg_copy_from, reading tab-delimited text file that contains comma and double quotes

2018-12-17 Thread s400t
Hello Rob,

Thank you for your comments.
As I wrote just a few minutes ago, using a tab delimiter inside the implode as 
suggested by Daniel (and specifying the read length ("0") for the fgetcsv has 
solved this problem.

At one point, I had tried to use the last parameter - enclosure character - in 
your reply, but I got an error, something like,
Warning: pg_copy_from(): Copy command failed: ERROR: missing data for column 
"item1" CONTEXT: COPY test_table, line 1: "1 Denny's orange juice 1,500 
yen" ...

Then Daniel's reply came and I tried that, still made errors here and there 
(removed the read length- but forgot to put it back in subsequent 
tests), and was looking for ways to strip off the leading and trailing 
double quotes while leaving the comma intact.

FF now..

Anyway, crisis averted this time!

Thank you again for taking time to share your thoughts.


- Original Message -
> From: rob stone 
> To:; "" 
> Cc: 
> Date: 2018/12/17, Mon 23:38
> Subject: Re: Creating 2D arrays for pg_copy_from, reading tab-delimted text 
> file that contains comma and double quotes
> Hello,
> On Mon, 2018-12-17 at 21:34 +0900, wrote:
>>  Hello Good People of the Forum!
>>  I am trying to insert some data into a PostgreSQL database using PHP
>>  and struggling to create an array so that pg_copy_from function will
>>  accept and process the data.
>>  I can insert data but not the way I want- my data this case contains
>>  comma, space, double quotes and unpaired double quote.
>>  I need to use Excel to create the data and save it as tab delimited
>>  text file, and then convert encoding to UTF-8 (from Excel's ANSI)
>>  before passing it to the PHP. 
>>  Here is my dummy data in Excel:
>>  rec_no    item1    item2    item3    item4    item5
>>  1    Denny's    orange juice    1,500 yen    "Dear John"    
> 32" TV
>>  Explanation: the first row is header.
>>  The second row is data for each column.
>>  I tried to create variation like apostrophe, space between words,
>>  comma, double quotes and unpaired double quote (32" TV).
>>  When I save that Excel as a tab delimited text file, I get this:
>>  rec_no    item1    item2    item3    item4    item5
>>  1    Denny's    orange juice    "1,500 yen"    
> """Dear John"""  
>>  "32"" TV"
>>  (As seen when I opened that file with Notepad)
>>  Because my data also contains non-ascii, I saved the file with UTF-8
>>  encoding using the Notepad.
>>  Then I created a two-dimensional array with PHP:
>>  1.$file = 'test.txt'; //tab delimited file 
>>  2.$fileRead = fopen($file, 'r');
>>  3.$row = 1;
>>  4.$twoDarray = array();
>>  5.while (($line = fgetcsv($fileRead, 0, "\t")) !== FALSE) { 
> //0 means
>>  I can read row whatever its length
>>  6.    if($row == 1){ $row++; continue; } //skip header
>>  7.    $line = implode(" ",$line). "\n";
>>  8.    $twoDarray[] = $line;
>>  9.}
>>  10.fclose($fileRead);
>>  Then I passed that twoDarray to pg_copy_from.
>>  $con=pg_connect("host=$host dbname=$dbname port=5432 user=$user
>>  password=$password");
>>  11.if (!$con) {
>>  12.    die("Couldn't open..\n");
>>  13.}
>>  14.if (pg_copy_from($con, $tableName, $twoDarray) !== FALSE) {
>>  15.    print "OK!";
>>  16.}
>>  17.else{
>>  18.    print "Not OK.";    
>>  19.}
>>  When I run the program, I have this error:
>>  Warning: pg_copy_from(): Copy command failed: 
>>  ERROR: value too long for type character varying(32) CONTEXT: COPY
>>  test_table, line 1, column rec_no: "1 Denny's orange juice 1,500 
> yen
>>  "Dear John" 32" TV" in testProgram.php line xx.
>>  My table definition is:
>>  CREATE TABLE test_table (
>>  item1 VARCHAR(255),..item2 .. until item5.);
>>  Obviously, my program thinks everything in the data row is for the
>>  first field.
>>  No, no.
>>  How to make it think that 
>>  1 is for the 'rec_no' field,
>>  Denny's is for the 'item1' field, 
>>  orange juice is for the 'item2' field,
>>  1,500 yen is for the 'item3' field,
>>  "Dear John" is for the 'item4' field and 
>>  32" TV is for the 'item5' field?
>>  When I tried removing '0' from line 5, that is, 
>>  while (($line = fgetcsv($fileRead, "\t")) !== FALSE) { 
> //without read
>>  length
>>  I can see data written in the database, but with some extra double
>>  quotes and a missing comma!
>>  That is data was saved as
>>  Denny's,    orange juice,    "1 500 yen",    
> """Dear John""", and 
>>      "32"" TV"
>>  into the respective fields.
>>  I cannot have those extra double quotes, and I cannot have missing
>>  comma in my data. 
> fgetscsv returns an array from reading a record from a text file.
> So  $line = fgetcsv($fileRead, 0, "\t", '"') would 
> use tab as the
> delimiter and remove any enclosure character equal to ".
> I don't use Excel. With Libreoffice you can

Re: Creating 2D arrays for pg_copy_from, reading tab-delimted text file that contains comma and double quotes

2018-12-17 Thread s400t
>and now I can see my data saved in the database without those extra double 
.. and with my comma intact as well.

- Original Message -
> From: "" 
> To: Daniel Verite 
> Cc: "" 
> Date: 2018/12/18, Tue 14:15
> Subject: Re: Creating 2D arrays for pg_copy_from, reading tab-delimted text 
> file  that contains comma and double quotes
> Hello Daniel!
> This afternoon, I tried it again, and yes, your suggestion that I use a tab 
> delimited symbol ("\t") instead of a space for the implode works 
> flawlessly.
> Yesterday, I reported I got "Warning: pg_copy_from(): Copy command failed: 
> ERROR: extra data after last expected..".
> That was because while reading file, I had used this:
>  while (($line = fgetcsv($fileRead, "\t")) !== FALSE) {
> Today, I used this:
>  while (($line = fgetcsv($fileRead, 0, "\t")) !== FALSE) {
> .. and now I can see my data saved in the database without those extra double 
> quotes.
> It made my day!
> Thank you.
> - Original Message -
>>  From: Daniel Verite 
>>  To:
>>  Cc:
>>  Date: 2018/12/18, Tue 00:35
>>  Subject: Re: Creating 2D arrays for pg_copy_from, reading tab-delimted text 
> file  that contains comma and double quotes
>>         wrote:
>>>   When I save that Excel as a tab delimited text file, I get 
> this:rec_no  
>>>   item1    item2    item3    item4    item5
>>>   1    Denny's    orange juice    "1,500 yen"    
>>  """Dear John"""    "32""
>>>   TV"(As seen when I opened that file with Notepad)
>>  This looks good. Fields are properly enclosed and double quotes
>>  in contents are doubled, as expected in CSV.
>>>   5.while (($line = fgetcsv($fileRead, 0, "\t")) !== 
> FALSE) { 
>>  //0 means I can
>>>   read row whatever its length
>>>   6.    if($row == 1){ $row++; continue; } //skip header
>>>   7.    $line = implode(" ",$line). "\n";
>>>   8.    $twoDarray[] = $line;
>>>   ...
>>>   14.if (pg_copy_from($con, $tableName, $twoDarray) !== FALSE) {
>>  It goes wrong at line 7. pg_copy_from() expects lines in the 
>>  COPY "text format" documented at
>>  It implies that:
>>  - since your call to pg_copy_from() doesn't specify a delimiter
>>  it uses tab, not a space, so implode() must be passed a tab,
>>  not a space.
>>  - if there are backslashes in the contents they must be quoted
>>  by doubling them.
>>  - if there are newline or carriage return characters in the contents
>>  they must be replaced by \n and \r respectively, so as to
>>  not be confused with an end of record.
>>  - if there are tabs in the contents they must be replaced by \t.
>>  These replacements can all be done by a single strtr() call in php.
>>  Best regards,
>>  -- 
>>  Daniel Vérité
>>  PostgreSQL-powered mailer: 
>>  Twitter: @DanielVerite

Re: Creating 2D arrays for pg_copy_from, reading tab-delimted text file that contains comma and double quotes

2018-12-17 Thread s400t
Hello Daniel!

This afternoon, I tried it again, and yes, your suggestion that I use a tab 
delimited symbol ("\t") instead of a space for the implode works flawlessly.

Yesterday, I reported I got "Warning: pg_copy_from(): Copy command failed: 
ERROR: extra data after last expected..".
That was because while reading file, I had used this:
 while (($line = fgetcsv($fileRead, "\t")) !== FALSE) {

Today, I used this:
 while (($line = fgetcsv($fileRead, 0, "\t")) !== FALSE) {

.. and now I can see my data saved in the database without those extra double 

It made my day!

Thank you.

- Original Message -
> From: Daniel Verite 
> To:
> Cc:
> Date: 2018/12/18, Tue 00:35
> Subject: Re: Creating 2D arrays for pg_copy_from, reading tab-delimted text 
> file  that contains comma and double quotes
>        wrote:
>>  When I save that Excel as a tab delimited text file, I get this:rec_no  
>>  item1    item2    item3    item4    item5
>>  1    Denny's    orange juice    "1,500 yen"    
> """Dear John"""    "32""
>>  TV"(As seen when I opened that file with Notepad)
> This looks good. Fields are properly enclosed and double quotes
> in contents are doubled, as expected in CSV.
>>  5.while (($line = fgetcsv($fileRead, 0, "\t")) !== FALSE) { 
> //0 means I can
>>  read row whatever its length
>>  6.    if($row == 1){ $row++; continue; } //skip header
>>  7.    $line = implode(" ",$line). "\n";
>>  8.    $twoDarray[] = $line;
>>  ...
>>  14.if (pg_copy_from($con, $tableName, $twoDarray) !== FALSE) {
> It goes wrong at line 7. pg_copy_from() expects lines in the 
> COPY "text format" documented at
> It implies that:
> - since your call to pg_copy_from() doesn't specify a delimiter
> it uses tab, not a space, so implode() must be passed a tab,
> not a space.
> - if there are backslashes in the contents they must be quoted
> by doubling them.
> - if there are newline or carriage return characters in the contents
> they must be replaced by \n and \r respectively, so as to
> not be confused with an end of record.
> - if there are tabs in the contents they must be replaced by \t.
> These replacements can all be done by a single strtr() call in php.
> Best regards,
> -- 
> Daniel Vérité
> PostgreSQL-powered mailer: 
> Twitter: @DanielVerite

Does idle sessions will consume more cpu and ram? If yes,how to control them

2018-12-17 Thread Raghavendra Rao J S V
In my application, the idle sessions are consuming cpu and ram. refer the
ps command output.

How idle session will consume more ram/cpu?

How to control it?

We are using Postgresql 9.2 with Centos 6 os. Please guide me.

[image: image.png]

Raghavendra Rao J S V
Mobile- 8861161425

How to insert bulk data with libpq in C?

2018-12-17 Thread a
May I ask the proper (fast) way of inserting bulk data and if possible, an 
example would be very appreciated.

Please note that the data I would like to insert contains arrays (float8[]).

By the way, my environment is Windows 10, PostgreSQL 11 and compiling with 
Visual Studio 2017.

Re: Alter table column constraint [RESOLVED]

2018-12-17 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 17 Dec 2018, Ron wrote:

Melvin is saying to:
1. create a table named valid_industry,
2. populate it with the valid industries,
3. create an FK constraint on your main table's industry column to 
valid_industry.industry, and then

4. drop the constraint invalid_industry.

  Got it. Hadn't before considered making column check constraints into
separate tables, but now I see the value of doing this.

Thanks, all,


Re: NL Join vs Merge Join - 5 hours vs 2 seconds

2018-12-17 Thread David Rowley
On Tue, 18 Dec 2018 at 09:21, Kumar, Virendra
> I tried query with function dependency statistics but it did not help. I 
> don't see we can create such statistics on table join.

There's mention of why this is the case in the docs in [1]:

" Limitations of Functional Dependencies

Functional dependencies are currently only applied when considering
simple equality conditions that compare columns to constant values.
They are not used to improve estimates for equality conditions
comparing two columns or comparing a column to an expression, nor for
range clauses, LIKE or any other type of condition."


 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Alter table column constraint

2018-12-17 Thread Adrian Klaver

On 12/17/18 12:20 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Mon, 17 Dec 2018, Melvin Davidson wrote:

Yes, you must drop then add the revised constraint. However, from your
statement above, it sounds to me as if you would be better off using A
FOREIGN kEY CONSTRAINT. It makes things a lot simpler.


   I don't follow. Here's the DDL for that column:

industry varchar(24) NOT NULL
     CONSTRAINT invalid_industry
     CHECK (industry in ('Agriculture', 'Business, other', 'Chemicals',
     'Energy', 'Law', 'Manufacturing', 'Mining', 'Municipalities',
     'Ports/Marine Services', 'Transportation')),

and I want to remove Municipalities for the more general Government.

What Melvin suggested was to:

1) Move this ('Agriculture', 'Business, other', 'Chemicals', ..)
into its own table say something like:

CREATE TABLE industry(industry_code varchar PRIMARY KEY, industry_desc 

2) Change the industry field in your existing table to:

industry varchar(24) NOT NULL REFERENCES industry(industry_code) ON 

Where this helps is that in the situation you describe in your original 
post you just change 'Municipalities' to 'Government' in the industry 
table and the referring table automatically gets the change via the ON 



Adrian Klaver

Re: Alter table column constraint

2018-12-17 Thread Melvin Davidson

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 3:32 PM David G. Johnston <> wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 1:20 PM Rich Shepard 
> wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, 17 Dec 2018, Melvin Davidson wrote:
> >
> > > Yes, you must drop then add the revised constraint. However, from your
> > > statement above, it sounds to me as if you would be better off using A
> > > FOREIGN kEY CONSTRAINT. It makes things a lot simpler.
> >
> > Melvin,
> >
> >I don't follow. Here's the DDL for that column:
> >
> > industry varchar(24) NOT NULL
> >  CONSTRAINT invalid_industry
> >  CHECK (industry in ('Agriculture', 'Business, other', 'Chemicals',
> >  'Energy', 'Law', 'Manufacturing', 'Mining', 'Municipalities',
> >  'Ports/Marine Services', 'Transportation')),
> >
> > and I want to remove Municipalities for the more general Government.
> --not tested
> CREATE TABLE industry (
> industry_name text PRIMARY KEY
> );
> CREATE TABLE company (
> company_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
> industry_name text REFERENCES industry (industry_name)
> );
> UPDATE industries SET industry_name = 'Government' WHERE industry_name
> = 'Municipalities';
> -- All records in company have changed now too thanks to the ON UPDATE
> To avoid the effective table rewrite use surrogate keys and turn the
> text into a simple label.  It should still have a UNIQUE index on it
> though as it is your real key.
> David J.

*Melvin Davidson*
*Maj. Database & Exploration Specialist*
*Universe Exploration Command – UXC*
Employment by invitation only!

Re: Alter table column constraint

2018-12-17 Thread Melvin Davidson
So CREATE a table eg:
CREATE TABLE fks_for_tables
( fks_id serial
  fks_values varchar(20),
 CONSTRAINT fks_pkey PRIMARY KEY (fks_id),
 CONSTRAINT fks-unique UNIQUE fks_values

INSERT INTO fks_for_tables
( 'Agriculture'),

Then you can
ALTER TABLE your_table
REFERENCES fks_for_tables(fks_valies);

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 3:20 PM Rich Shepard 

> On Mon, 17 Dec 2018, Melvin Davidson wrote:
> > Yes, you must drop then add the revised constraint. However, from your
> > statement above, it sounds to me as if you would be better off using A
> > FOREIGN kEY CONSTRAINT. It makes things a lot simpler.
> Melvin,
>I don't follow. Here's the DDL for that column:
> industry varchar(24) NOT NULL
>  CONSTRAINT invalid_industry
>  CHECK (industry in ('Agriculture', 'Business, other', 'Chemicals',
>  'Energy', 'Law', 'Manufacturing', 'Mining', 'Municipalities',
>  'Ports/Marine Services', 'Transportation')),
> and I want to remove Municipalities for the more general Government.
> Regards,
> Rich

*Melvin Davidson*
*Maj. Database & Exploration Specialist*
*Universe Exploration Command – UXC*
Employment by invitation only!

Re: Alter table column constraint

2018-12-17 Thread David G. Johnston
On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 1:20 PM Rich Shepard  wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Dec 2018, Melvin Davidson wrote:
> > Yes, you must drop then add the revised constraint. However, from your
> > statement above, it sounds to me as if you would be better off using A
> > FOREIGN kEY CONSTRAINT. It makes things a lot simpler.
> Melvin,
>I don't follow. Here's the DDL for that column:
> industry varchar(24) NOT NULL
>  CONSTRAINT invalid_industry
>  CHECK (industry in ('Agriculture', 'Business, other', 'Chemicals',
>  'Energy', 'Law', 'Manufacturing', 'Mining', 'Municipalities',
>  'Ports/Marine Services', 'Transportation')),
> and I want to remove Municipalities for the more general Government.

--not tested

CREATE TABLE industry (
industry_name text PRIMARY KEY

CREATE TABLE company (
company_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
industry_name text REFERENCES industry (industry_name)

UPDATE industries SET industry_name = 'Government' WHERE industry_name
= 'Municipalities';
-- All records in company have changed now too thanks to the ON UPDATE CASCADE

To avoid the effective table rewrite use surrogate keys and turn the
text into a simple label.  It should still have a UNIQUE index on it
though as it is your real key.

David J.

Re: Alter table column constraint

2018-12-17 Thread Ron

On 12/17/2018 02:20 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Mon, 17 Dec 2018, Melvin Davidson wrote:

Yes, you must drop then add the revised constraint. However, from your
statement above, it sounds to me as if you would be better off using A
FOREIGN kEY CONSTRAINT. It makes things a lot simpler.


  I don't follow. Here's the DDL for that column:

industry varchar(24) NOT NULL
    CONSTRAINT invalid_industry
    CHECK (industry in ('Agriculture', 'Business, other', 'Chemicals',
    'Energy', 'Law', 'Manufacturing', 'Mining', 'Municipalities',
    'Ports/Marine Services', 'Transportation')),

and I want to remove Municipalities for the more general Government.

Melvin is saying to:
1. create a table named valid_industry,
2. populate it with the valid industries,
3. create an FK constraint on your main table's industry column to 
valid_industry.industry, and then

4. drop the constraint invalid_industry.

Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

RE: NL Join vs Merge Join - 5 hours vs 2 seconds

2018-12-17 Thread Kumar, Virendra
Thank you Tom for initial thoughts!

I tried query with function dependency statistics but it did not help. I don't 
see we can create such statistics on table join.


-Original Message-
From: Tom Lane []
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2018 12:02 PM
To: Kumar, Virendra
Subject: Re: NL Join vs Merge Join - 5 hours vs 2 seconds

"Kumar, Virendra"  writes:
> We are using Postgers-XL based on PostgreSQL 10.5 on RHEL7. We have an 
> extreme case of one query which running in 4 hour 45 mins and 33 seconds with 
> Nested Loops Join vs 2.5 seconds when we disable enable_nestloop. The query 
> is given below. I would be happy to share more information if required.

It looks like what's burning you is bad estimates at these joins:

>->  Nested Loop  
> (cost=33681.00..71431.33 rows=1 width=348) (actual time=359.006..926.303 
> rows=37207 loops=3)
>  Join Filter: (se.account_id = 
> a.account_id)
>  ->  Hash Join  
> (cost=33680.71..71298.94 rows=395 width=300) (actual time=358.953..656.923 
> rows=36828 loops=3)
>Hash Cond: ((se.account_id 
> = sh.account_id) AND (se.site_id = sh.site_id))
>  ->  Index Scan using 
> account_p113_account_id_idx on account_p113 a  (cost=0.29..0.32 
> rows=1 width=52) (actual time=0.003..0.005 rows=1 loops=110485)
>Index Cond: (account_id = 
> sh.account_id)
>Filter: (portfolio_id = 
> 113)

I'm guessing that account_id, site_id, and portfolio_id are all highly
correlated, but the planner doesn't know that and thinks the additional
conditions will remove way more rows than they actually do.

In PG10 and later, you can probably fix that by creating
functional-dependency statistics on those pairs of columns.

regards, tom lane

This message is intended only for the use of the addressee and may contain

If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
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Re: Alter table column constraint

2018-12-17 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 17 Dec 2018, Melvin Davidson wrote:

Yes, you must drop then add the revised constraint. However, from your
statement above, it sounds to me as if you would be better off using A
FOREIGN kEY CONSTRAINT. It makes things a lot simpler.


  I don't follow. Here's the DDL for that column:

industry varchar(24) NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT invalid_industry
CHECK (industry in ('Agriculture', 'Business, other', 'Chemicals',
'Energy', 'Law', 'Manufacturing', 'Mining', 'Municipalities',
'Ports/Marine Services', 'Transportation')),

and I want to remove Municipalities for the more general Government.



Re: Alter table column constraint

2018-12-17 Thread Melvin Davidson
>I want to alter a term in a column's constraint to allow only specified
> strings as attributes
Yes, you must drop then add the revised constraint. However, from your
statement above, it sounds to
me as if you would be better off using A FOREIGN kEY CONSTRAINT. It makes
things a lot simpler.

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 3:07 PM Joshua D. Drake 

> On 12/17/18 12:01 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> > On Mon, 17 Dec 2018, Rich Shepard wrote:
> >
> >> I want to alter a term in a column's constraint to allow only specified
> >> strings as attributes and have not found how to do this in the docs
> >> (using
> >> version 10 docs now). There is an alter table command that allows
> >> renaming
> >> a constraint but I've not seen how to modify the constraint itself.
> >
> >   Is the procedure to drop the current check constraint then add the
> > revised
> > one?
> Or the other way around but yes.
> JD
> >
> > Rich
> >
> --
> Command Prompt, Inc. || || @cmdpromptinc
> ***  A fault and talent of mine is to tell it exactly how it is.  ***
> PostgreSQL centered full stack support, consulting and development.
> Advocate: @amplifypostgres || Learn:
> * Unless otherwise stated, opinions are my own.   *

*Melvin Davidson*
*Maj. Database & Exploration Specialist*
*Universe Exploration Command – UXC*
Employment by invitation only!

Re: Alter table column constraint

2018-12-17 Thread Joshua D. Drake

On 12/17/18 12:01 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Mon, 17 Dec 2018, Rich Shepard wrote:

I want to alter a term in a column's constraint to allow only specified
strings as attributes and have not found how to do this in the docs 
version 10 docs now). There is an alter table command that allows 

a constraint but I've not seen how to modify the constraint itself.

  Is the procedure to drop the current check constraint then add the 


Or the other way around but yes.



Command Prompt, Inc. || || @cmdpromptinc
***  A fault and talent of mine is to tell it exactly how it is.  ***
PostgreSQL centered full stack support, consulting and development.
Advocate: @amplifypostgres || Learn:
* Unless otherwise stated, opinions are my own.   *

Re: Alter table column constraint

2018-12-17 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 17 Dec 2018, Rich Shepard wrote:

I want to alter a term in a column's constraint to allow only specified
strings as attributes and have not found how to do this in the docs (using
version 10 docs now). There is an alter table command that allows renaming
a constraint but I've not seen how to modify the constraint itself.

  Is the procedure to drop the current check constraint then add the revised


Alter table column constraint

2018-12-17 Thread Rich Shepard

  I want to alter a term in a column's constraint to allow only specified
strings as attributes and have not found how to do this in the docs (using
version 10 docs now). There is an alter table command that allows renaming a
constraint but I've not seen how to modify the constraint itself.

  Pointer to a reference needed.



Re: Creating 2D arrays for pg_copy_from, reading tab-delimted text file that contains comma and double quotes

2018-12-17 Thread s400t
Hi Daniel,

Thank you for the comments.

I changed my line 7 to this:
$line = implode("\t",$line). "\n";

Now, I get the following.

Warning: pg_copy_from(): Copy command failed: ERROR: extra data after last 
expected column CONTEXT: COPY test_table, line 1: "1    Denny's    orange juice 
   "1    500 yen"    """Dear John""" "32"" TV"" in

- Original Message -
> From: Daniel Verite 
> To:
> Cc:
> Date: 2018/12/18, Tue 00:35
> Subject: Re: Creating 2D arrays for pg_copy_from, reading tab-delimted text 
> file  that contains comma and double quotes
>        wrote:
>>  When I save that Excel as a tab delimited text file, I get this:rec_no  
>>  item1    item2    item3    item4    item5
>>  1    Denny's    orange juice    "1,500 yen"    
> """Dear John"""    "32""
>>  TV"(As seen when I opened that file with Notepad)
> This looks good. Fields are properly enclosed and double quotes
> in contents are doubled, as expected in CSV.
>>  5.while (($line = fgetcsv($fileRead, 0, "\t")) !== FALSE) { 
> //0 means I can
>>  read row whatever its length
>>  6.    if($row == 1){ $row++; continue; } //skip header
>>  7.    $line = implode(" ",$line). "\n";
>>  8.    $twoDarray[] = $line;
>>  ...
>>  14.if (pg_copy_from($con, $tableName, $twoDarray) !== FALSE) {
> It goes wrong at line 7. pg_copy_from() expects lines in the 
> COPY "text format" documented at
> It implies that:
> - since your call to pg_copy_from() doesn't specify a delimiter
> it uses tab, not a space, so implode() must be passed a tab,
> not a space.
> - if there are backslashes in the contents they must be quoted
> by doubling them.
> - if there are newline or carriage return characters in the contents
> they must be replaced by \n and \r respectively, so as to
> not be confused with an end of record.
> - if there are tabs in the contents they must be replaced by \t.
> These replacements can all be done by a single strtr() call in php.
> Best regards,
> -- 
> Daniel Vérité
> PostgreSQL-powered mailer: 
> Twitter: @DanielVerite

Re: NL Join vs Merge Join - 5 hours vs 2 seconds

2018-12-17 Thread Tom Lane
"Kumar, Virendra"  writes:
> We are using Postgers-XL based on PostgreSQL 10.5 on RHEL7. We have an 
> extreme case of one query which running in 4 hour 45 mins and 33 seconds with 
> Nested Loops Join vs 2.5 seconds when we disable enable_nestloop. The query 
> is given below. I would be happy to share more information if required.

It looks like what's burning you is bad estimates at these joins:

>->  Nested Loop  
> (cost=33681.00..71431.33 rows=1 width=348) (actual time=359.006..926.303 
> rows=37207 loops=3)
>  Join Filter: (se.account_id = 
> a.account_id)
>  ->  Hash Join  
> (cost=33680.71..71298.94 rows=395 width=300) (actual time=358.953..656.923 
> rows=36828 loops=3)
>Hash Cond: ((se.account_id 
> = sh.account_id) AND (se.site_id = sh.site_id))
>  ->  Index Scan using 
> account_p113_account_id_idx on account_p113 a  (cost=0.29..0.32 
> rows=1 width=52) (actual time=0.003..0.005 rows=1 loops=110485)
>Index Cond: (account_id = 
> sh.account_id)
>Filter: (portfolio_id = 
> 113)

I'm guessing that account_id, site_id, and portfolio_id are all highly
correlated, but the planner doesn't know that and thinks the additional
conditions will remove way more rows than they actually do.

In PG10 and later, you can probably fix that by creating
functional-dependency statistics on those pairs of columns.

regards, tom lane

Re: conditionally terminate psql script

2018-12-17 Thread Ron

On 12/17/2018 09:01 AM, Jerry Sievers wrote: writes:


many thanks -- too bad I am still using 9.3

Just because your server backend is 9.3 does not rule out using much
newer clients, such as psql.

While technically true, and is useful, many production servers (especially 
ones that must be PCI compliant) heavily restrict who can remotely connect 
to the database, and so superusers are stuck with what's installed, since 
installing new stuff has enough paperwork and bureaucracy to make Kafka weep.

(Of course, if you must be PCI compliant, you should get off 9.3 before the 
auditors drop the hammer on you.)

Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

Re: conditionally terminate psql script

2018-12-17 Thread Jerry Sievers writes:

> Hi,
> many thanks -- too bad I am still using 9.3

Just because your server backend is 9.3 does not rule out using much
newer clients, such as psql.


> Best regards
> Wolfgang
>>> Hi
>>> >> po 17. 12. 2018 v 13:14 odesílatel  napsal:
>>> >> >
>>> >
>>> > Hi,
>>> >
>>> > is there a way to stop execution of a psql script if a select returns some
>>> > rows (or no rows)
>>> > The idea is to add a safety check on data, specifically to select all new
>>> > rows that would conflict
>>> > on a bulk insert, show them and stop
>>> >
>>> >> you need psql from PostgreSQL 10 and higher
>>> >> there is a \if statement
>>> >> Regards
>>> >> Pavel
>>> >> >
>>> > Best regards
>>> > Wolfgang
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >

Jerry Sievers
p: 312.241.7800

NL Join vs Merge Join - 5 hours vs 2 seconds

2018-12-17 Thread Kumar, Virendra
We are using Postgers-XL based on PostgreSQL 10.5 on RHEL7. We have an extreme 
case of one query which running in 4 hour 45 mins and 33 seconds with Nested 
Loops Join vs 2.5 seconds when we disable enable_nestloop. The query is given 
below. I would be happy to share more information if required.

Plan A - NL enabled:


Limit  (cost=78922.65..87812.39 rows=1 width=584) (actual 
time=53476.337..17133622.713 rows=353 loops=1)

   Buffers: shared hit=181422132, temp read=50909275 written=50909273

   ->  GroupAggregate  (cost=78922.65..87812.39 rows=1 width=584) (actual 
time=53476.334..17133622.035 rows=353 loops=1)

 Group Key: sh."row", sh.col

 Buffers: shared hit=181422132, temp read=50909275 written=50909273

 ->  Nested Loop  (cost=78922.65..87812.20 rows=1 width=536) (actual 
time=51768.638..17132518.985 rows=51562 loops=1)

   Join Filter: ((se.account_id = pe.account_id) AND (se.peril_id = 

   Rows Removed by Join Filter: 2403022205

   Buffers: shared hit=181422132, temp read=50909275 

   ->  GroupAggregate  (cost=72432.96..72433.14 rows=1 width=368) 
(actual time=51513.891..52815.004 rows=51567 loops=1)

 Group Key: sh."row", sh.col, se.portfolio_id, se.peril_id, 

 Buffers: shared hit=22235530, temp read=7878 written=7876

 ->  Sort  (cost=72432.96..72432.96 rows=1 width=324) 
(actual time=51513.864..51790.397 rows=111621 loops=1)

   Sort Key: sh."row", sh.col, se.peril_id, 

   Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 36152kB

   Buffers: shared hit=22235530, temp read=7878 

   ->  Nested Loop Semi Join  (cost=34681.42..72432.95 
rows=1 width=324) (actual time=238.805..51120.362 rows=111621 loops=1)

 Join Filter: (a.account_id = se1.account_id)

Buffers: shared hit=22235530, temp read=3359 

 ->  Gather  (cost=34681.00..72431.43 rows=1 
width=348) (actual time=238.757..1085.453 rows=111621 loops=1)

   Workers Planned: 2

   Workers Launched: 2

   Buffers: shared hit=421611, temp 
read=3359 written=3353

   ->  Nested Loop  
(cost=33681.00..71431.33 rows=1 width=348) (actual time=359.006..926.303 
rows=37207 loops=3)

 Join Filter: (se.account_id = 

 Buffers: shared hit=421611, temp 
read=3359 written=3353

 ->  Hash Join  
(cost=33680.71..71298.94 rows=395 width=300) (actual time=358.953..656.923 
rows=36828 loops=3)

   Hash Cond: ((se.account_id = 
sh.account_id) AND (se.site_id = sh.site_id))

   Buffers: shared hit=89803, 
temp read=3359 written=3353

   ->  Parallel Bitmap Heap 
Scan on site_exposure_p113 se  (cost=2447.82..32716.49 rows=15266 
width=276) (actual time=4.980..165.908 rows=36639 loops=3)

 Recheck Cond: (shape 

 Filter: ((portfolio_id 
= 113) AND _st_intersects(shape, 

 Heap Blocks: exact=2704

 Buffers: shared 

 ->  Bitmap Index Scan 
on site_exposure_p113_shape_idx  (cost=0.00..2438.66 rows=109917 width=0) 
(actual time=12.154..12.155 rows=109917 loops=1)

   Index Cond: 
(shape && 

   Buffers: shared 

   ->  Hash  
(cost=28094.08..28094.08 rows=143721 width=28) (actual time=352.223..352.224 
rows=144202 loops=3)


Re: Creating 2D arrays for pg_copy_from, reading tab-delimted text file that contains comma and double quotes

2018-12-17 Thread Daniel Verite

> When I save that Excel as a tab delimited text file, I get this:rec_no   
> item1item2item3item4item5
> 1Denny'sorange juice"1,500 yen""""Dear John""""32""
> TV"(As seen when I opened that file with Notepad)

This looks good. Fields are properly enclosed and double quotes
in contents are doubled, as expected in CSV.

> 5.while (($line = fgetcsv($fileRead, 0, "\t")) !== FALSE) { //0 means I can
> read row whatever its length
> 6.if($row == 1){ $row++; continue; } //skip header
> 7.$line = implode(" ",$line). "\n";
> 8.$twoDarray[] = $line;
> ...
> 14.if (pg_copy_from($con, $tableName, $twoDarray) !== FALSE) {

It goes wrong at line 7. pg_copy_from() expects lines in the 
COPY "text format" documented at

It implies that:
- since your call to pg_copy_from() doesn't specify a delimiter
it uses tab, not a space, so implode() must be passed a tab,
not a space.
- if there are backslashes in the contents they must be quoted
by doubling them.
- if there are newline or carriage return characters in the contents
they must be replaced by \n and \r respectively, so as to
not be confused with an end of record.
- if there are tabs in the contents they must be replaced by \t.

These replacements can all be done by a single strtr() call in php.

Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
PostgreSQL-powered mailer:
Twitter: @DanielVerite

Re: REVOKE to an user that doesn't exist

2018-12-17 Thread Moreno Andreo

Il 12/12/2018 16:01, Tom Lane ha scritto:

The safest way to clean it up manually would be to set the pg_proc.proacl
field for that function to NULL.  If there are other grants about the
function, you could try removing the bad entry, but it would likely be
safer to just re-grant after the upgrade.

Setting the column (and several others from other tables such as 
pg_class) to null made me possible to upgrade the cluster. After the 
upgrade, I issued the necessary GRANTs and everything is up & running on 
Postgres 10 now!

Thanks again


Re: Creating 2D arrays for pg_copy_from, reading tab-delimted text file that contains comma and double quotes

2018-12-17 Thread rob stone

On Mon, 2018-12-17 at 21:34 +0900, wrote:
> Hello Good People of the Forum!
> I am trying to insert some data into a PostgreSQL database using PHP
> and struggling to create an array so that pg_copy_from function will
> accept and process the data.
> I can insert data but not the way I want- my data this case contains
> comma, space, double quotes and unpaired double quote.
> I need to use Excel to create the data and save it as tab delimited
> text file, and then convert encoding to UTF-8 (from Excel's ANSI)
> before passing it to the PHP. 
> Here is my dummy data in Excel:
> rec_noitem1item2item3item4item5
> 1Denny'sorange juice1,500 yen"Dear John"32" TV
> Explanation: the first row is header.
> The second row is data for each column.
> I tried to create variation like apostrophe, space between words,
> comma, double quotes and unpaired double quote (32" TV).
> When I save that Excel as a tab delimited text file, I get this:
> rec_noitem1item2item3item4item5
> 1Denny'sorange juice"1,500 yen""""Dear John"""   
> "32"" TV"
> (As seen when I opened that file with Notepad)
> Because my data also contains non-ascii, I saved the file with UTF-8
> encoding using the Notepad.
> Then I created a two-dimensional array with PHP:
> 1.$file = 'test.txt'; //tab delimited file 
> 2.$fileRead = fopen($file, 'r');
> 3.$row = 1;
> 4.$twoDarray = array();
> 5.while (($line = fgetcsv($fileRead, 0, "\t")) !== FALSE) { //0 means
> I can read row whatever its length
> 6.if($row == 1){ $row++; continue; } //skip header
> 7.$line = implode(" ",$line). "\n";
> 8.$twoDarray[] = $line;
> 9.}
> 10.fclose($fileRead);
> Then I passed that twoDarray to pg_copy_from.
> $con=pg_connect("host=$host dbname=$dbname port=5432 user=$user
> password=$password");
> 11.if (!$con) {
> 12.die("Couldn't open..\n");
> 13.}
> 14.if (pg_copy_from($con, $tableName, $twoDarray) !== FALSE) {
> 15.print "OK!";
> 16.}
> 17.else{
> 18.print "Not OK.";
> 19.}
> When I run the program, I have this error:
> Warning: pg_copy_from(): Copy command failed: 
> ERROR: value too long for type character varying(32) CONTEXT: COPY
> test_table, line 1, column rec_no: "1 Denny's orange juice 1,500 yen
> "Dear John" 32" TV" in testProgram.php line xx.
> My table definition is:
> CREATE TABLE test_table (
> item1 VARCHAR(255),..item2 .. until item5.);
> Obviously, my program thinks everything in the data row is for the
> first field.
> No, no.
> How to make it think that 
> 1 is for the 'rec_no' field,
> Denny's is for the 'item1' field, 
> orange juice is for the 'item2' field,
> 1,500 yen is for the 'item3' field,
> "Dear John" is for the 'item4' field and 
> 32" TV is for the 'item5' field?
> When I tried removing '0' from line 5, that is, 
> while (($line = fgetcsv($fileRead, "\t")) !== FALSE) { //without read
> length
> I can see data written in the database, but with some extra double
> quotes and a missing comma!
> That is data was saved as
> Denny's,  orange juice,   "1 500 yen","""Dear John""", and 
>   "32"" TV"
> into the respective fields.
> I cannot have those extra double quotes, and I cannot have missing
> comma in my data. 

fgetscsv returns an array from reading a record from a text file.
So  $line = fgetcsv($fileRead, 0, "\t", '"') would use tab as the
delimiter and remove any enclosure character equal to ".

I don't use Excel. With Libreoffice you can set the delimiter to the
pipe character and tell it not to use enclosures. So I don't know how
to massage your Excel file so that 32" TV is rendered correctly. 

Secondly, in PHP implode takes an array and turns it into a string with
a specified character used to delimit the values from the array.

I can only suggest that you read the PHP manual, as well as do some
searches for the use of pg_copy_from, although I doubt anything useful
will turn up. 


Re: [External] Re: simple query on why a merge join plan got selected

2018-12-17 Thread Vijaykumar Jain
Thanks a lot Tom, as always :)
We generally do not have so many duplicates in production, so maybe this is
an edge case but I am happy with the explanation and the code reference for
the analysis.
I’ll also play with default statistic target to see what changes by
increasing the value.

On Sun, 16 Dec 2018 at 5:52 AM Tom Lane  wrote:

> Vijaykumar Jain  writes:
> > I was just playing with exploring joins and plans i came across this
> > create table t1(a int);
> > create table t2(a int);
> > insert into t1 select (x % 10) from generate_series(1, 10) x;
> > insert into t2 select (x % 100) from generate_series(1, 10) x;
> > ...
> > select * from t1 join t2 using (a);
> Hm.  This is a fairly extreme case for mergejoining.  In the first place,
> because of the disparity in the key ranges (t1.a goes from 0..9, t2.a
> from 0..99) the planner can figure out that a merge join can stop after
> scanning only 10% of t2.  That doesn't help much here, since we still
> have to sort all of t2, but nonetheless the planner is going to take
> that into account.  In the second place, because you have so many
> duplicate values, most rows in t1 will require "rescanning" 1000 rows
> that were already read and joined to the previous row of t1 (assuming
> t1 is on the left of the join; it's worse if t2 is on the left).
> The planner estimates each of those situations properly, but it looks
> to me like it is not handling the combination of both effects correctly.
> In costsize.c we've got
> /*
>  * The number of tuple comparisons needed is approximately number of
> outer
>  * rows plus number of inner rows plus number of rescanned tuples (can
> we
>  * refine this?).  At each one, we need to evaluate the mergejoin
> quals.
>  */
> startup_cost += merge_qual_cost.startup;
> startup_cost += merge_qual_cost.per_tuple *
> (outer_skip_rows + inner_skip_rows * rescanratio);
> run_cost += merge_qual_cost.per_tuple *
> ((outer_rows - outer_skip_rows) +
>  (inner_rows - inner_skip_rows) * rescanratio);
> where outer_rows and inner_rows are the numbers of rows we're predicting
> to actually read from each input, the xxx_skip_rows values are zero for
> this example, and rescanratio was previously computed as
> /* We'll inflate various costs this much to account for rescanning */
> rescanratio = 1.0 + (rescannedtuples / inner_path_rows);
> where inner_path_rows is the *total* size of the inner relation,
> including rows that we're predicting won't get read because of the
> stop-short effect.
> As far as I can tell, that comment's claim about the number of tuple
> comparisons needed is on-target ... but the code is computing a number
> of tuple comparisons 10x less than that.  The reason is that rescanratio
> is wrong: it should be
> rescanratio = 1.0 + (rescannedtuples / inner_rows);
> instead, so that it's something that makes sense to multiply inner_rows
> by.  In the existing uses of rescanratio, one multiplies it by
> inner_path_rows and needs to be changed to inner_rows to agree with
> this definition, but the other uses are already consistent with this.
> This doesn't make a significant difference if either rescannedtuples
> is small, or inner_rows isn't much less than inner_path_rows.  But
> when neither is true, we can greatly underestimate the number of tuple
> comparisons we'll have to do, as well as the number of re-fetches from
> the inner plan node.  I think in practice it doesn't matter that often,
> because in such situations we'd usually not have picked a mergejoin
> anyway.  But in your example the buggy mergejoin cost estimate is about
> 10% less than the hashjoin cost estimate, so we go with mergejoin.
> The attached proposed patch fixes this, raising the mergejoin cost
> estimate to about 35% more than the hashjoin estimate, which seems
> a lot closer to reality.  It doesn't seem to change any results in
> the regression tests, which I find unsurprising: there are cases
> like this in the tests, but as I just said, they pick hashjoins
> already.
> Also interesting is that after this fix, the estimated costs of a
> mergejoin for this example are about the same whether t1 or t2 is on
> the left.  I think that's right: t2-on-the-left has 10x more rescanning
> to do per outer tuple, but it stops after scanning only 10% of the
> outer relation, canceling that out.
> I'm not sure whether to back-patch this.  It's a pretty clear thinko,
> but there's the question of whether we'd risk destabilizing plan
> choices that are working OK in the real world.
> regards, tom lane
> --


Re: conditionally terminate psql script

2018-12-17 Thread hamann . w

many thanks, I will give it a try tomorrow

Best regards

>> >> On 17.12.2018 16:07, wrote:
>> > Hi, many thanks -- too bad I am still using 9.3
>> >> In this case you can try ON_ERROR_STOP psql variable.
>> Something like this:
>> >> \set ON_ERROR_STOP on
>> >> do $$
>> declare
>>      total bigint;
>> begin
>>      select count(*) into total from pg_class where 1=1;
>>      if total = 0 then
>>      raise exception 'Nothing found.';
>>      end if;
>> >>      raise notice '% records found.', total;
>> end;
>> $$ language plpgsql;
>> >> \echo Continue execution...
>> >> -
>> Pavel Luzanov
>> Postgres Professional:
>> The Russian Postgres Company
>> >> >> 

Re: conditionally terminate psql script

2018-12-17 Thread Pavel Luzanov

On 17.12.2018 16:07, wrote:

Hi, many thanks -- too bad I am still using 9.3

In this case you can try ON_ERROR_STOP psql variable.
Something like this:


do $$
    total bigint;
    select count(*) into total from pg_class where 1=1;
    if total = 0 then
    raise exception 'Nothing found.';
    end if;

    raise notice '% records found.', total;
$$ language plpgsql;

\echo Continue execution...

Pavel Luzanov
Postgres Professional:
The Russian Postgres Company

Re: conditionally terminate psql script

2018-12-17 Thread hamann . w

many thanks -- too bad I am still using 9.3

Best regards

>> Hi
>> >> po 17. 12. 2018 v 13:14 odesílatel  napsal:
>> >> >
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > is there a way to stop execution of a psql script if a select returns some
>> > rows (or no rows)
>> > The idea is to add a safety check on data, specifically to select all new
>> > rows that would conflict
>> > on a bulk insert, show them and stop
>> >
>> >> you need psql from PostgreSQL 10 and higher
>> >> there is a \if statement
>> >> Regards
>> >> Pavel
>> >> >
>> > Best regards
>> > Wolfgang
>> >
>> >
>> >

Re: conditionally terminate psql script

2018-12-17 Thread Pavel Luzanov


is there a way to stop execution of a psql script if a select returns some rows 
(or no rows)
The idea is to add a safety check on data, specifically to select all new rows 
that would conflict
on a bulk insert, show them and stop

Look at \if command in psql (since v10):

select count(*) as total from pg_class where 1 = 1\gset
select :total = 0 as notfound\gset
\if :notfound
   \echo Nothing found.
\echo :total records found.

Pavel Luzanov
Postgres Professional:
The Russian Postgres Company

Re: conditionally terminate psql script

2018-12-17 Thread Pavel Stehule

po 17. 12. 2018 v 13:14 odesílatel  napsal:

> Hi,
> is there a way to stop execution of a psql script if a select returns some
> rows (or no rows)
> The idea is to add a safety check on data, specifically to select all new
> rows that would conflict
> on a bulk insert, show them and stop

you need psql from PostgreSQL 10 and higher

there is a \if statement



> Best regards
> Wolfgang

Creating 2D arrays for pg_copy_from, reading tab-delimted text file that contains comma and double quotes

2018-12-17 Thread s400t
Hello Good People of the Forum!
I am trying to insert some data into a PostgreSQL database using PHP and 
struggling to create an array so that pg_copy_from function will accept and 
process the data.
I can insert data but not the way I want- my data this case contains comma, 
space, double quotes and unpaired double quote.I need to use Excel to create 
the data and save it as tab delimited text file, and then convert encoding to 
UTF-8 (from Excel's ANSI) before passing it to the PHP. 

Here is my dummy data in Excel:rec_no    item1    item2    item3    item4    
1    Denny's    orange juice    1,500 yen    "Dear John"    32" TV
Explanation: the first row is header.The second row is data for each column.I 
tried to create variation like apostrophe, space between words, comma, double 
quotes and unpaired double quote (32" TV).
When I save that Excel as a tab delimited text file, I get this:rec_no    item1 
   item2    item3    item4    item5
1    Denny's    orange juice    "1,500 yen"    """Dear John"""    "32"" TV"(As 
seen when I opened that file with Notepad)
Because my data also contains non-ascii, I saved the file with UTF-8 encoding 
using the Notepad.
Then I created a two-dimensional array with PHP:
1.$file = 'test.txt'; //tab delimited file 
2.$fileRead = fopen($file, 'r');
3.$row = 1;
4.$twoDarray = array();
5.while (($line = fgetcsv($fileRead, 0, "\t")) !== FALSE) { //0 means I can 
read row whatever its length
6.    if($row == 1){ $row++; continue; } //skip header
7.    $line = implode(" ",$line). "\n";
8.    $twoDarray[] = $line;
Then I passed that twoDarray to pg_copy_from.
$con=pg_connect("host=$host dbname=$dbname port=5432 user=$user 

11.if (!$con) {
12.    die("Couldn't open..\n");

14.if (pg_copy_from($con, $tableName, $twoDarray) !== FALSE) {
15.    print "OK!";
18.    print "Not OK.";    
When I run the program, I have this error:Warning: pg_copy_from(): Copy command 
ERROR: value too long for type character varying(32) CONTEXT: COPY test_table, 
line 1, column rec_no: "1 Denny's orange juice 1,500 yen "Dear John" 32" TV" in 
testProgram.php line xx.
My table definition is:CREATE TABLE test_table (
item1 VARCHAR(255),..item2 .. until item5.);
Obviously, my program thinks everything in the data row is for the first 
field.No, no.
How to make it think that 
1 is for the 'rec_no' field,Denny's is for the 'item1' field, 
orange juice is for the 'item2' field,
1,500 yen is for the 'item3' field,
"Dear John" is for the 'item4' field and 
32" TV is for the 'item5' field?
When I tried removing '0' from line 5, that is, 
while (($line = fgetcsv($fileRead, "\t")) !== FALSE) { //without read length
I can see data written in the database, but with some extra double quotes and a 
missing comma!That is data was saved asDenny's, orange juice, "1 500 yen", 
"""Dear John""", and  "32"" TV"into the respective fields.
I cannot have those extra double quotes, and I cannot have missing comma in my 

conditionally terminate psql script

2018-12-17 Thread hamann . w


is there a way to stop execution of a psql script if a select returns some rows 
(or no rows)
The idea is to add a safety check on data, specifically to select all new rows 
that would conflict
on a bulk insert, show them and stop

Best regards

Re: loading jdbc Driver in servlet

2018-12-17 Thread Dave Cramer
On Mon, 17 Dec 2018 at 02:28, Thomas Kellerer  wrote:

> Rob Sargent schrieb am 14.12.2018 um 19:28:
> > Using java 1.8, postgresql-42.1.4.jar, embedded tomcat 9
> >
> > It appears to me that I need to make the call
> > "Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver)" when the entry is in a
> > servlet.  Is this expected, within a servlet, or is this just /post
> > hoc ergo propter hoc /at it finest and I changed something else
> > (wittingly or not).  Same code outside of servlet does not need the
> > forced loading of the class and the manual claims it's not need after
> > java 1.6
> Class.forName() is definitely not needed if the driver's JAR file is
> included in the classloader of the class requesting a connection.
> Where exactly did you put the JDBC driver's jar file?
> And what exactly is your main() method doing?
> If you look at Tomcat's startup script ( or catalina.bat), it's
> obvious that setting up the claspath isn't that straightforward.
> My guess is, that that your main() method does something different
> and does not properly include the driver's jar in the classpath.

Servlet classpath issues are legendary. As Thomas points out setting up the
classpath for a servlet engine is not trivial.

Dave Cramer
