Re: [GENERAL] Using the wrong index (very suboptimal), why?

2008-12-23 Thread Shane Wright

> You need to
> look into what the estimated vs actual rowcounts are for just the
> two-column condition (ie, where nid = something AND iid1 = something).
> Getting those estimates to match reality is the key to getting a sane
> plan choice here.

Many thanks - I agree in principle it isn't automatically the worst
decision, however for this data set it unfortunately is :(

Improving the accuracy of the cost estimates is exactly what I'm trying
to achieve, so far I've tried

- increasing the statistics target to the maximum setting with SET
STATISTICS 1000 on columns rid, nid and iid1 of answers, then

- adjusting random_page_cost downwards even more to try to make it
prefer index IO

- increasing cpu_tuple_cost up to 1.0 (from 0.01) to try to discourage
it from processing data rows

- decreating cpu_index_tuple_cost to 0.0005 (from 0.005) to encourage it
to spend more time in index rows.

None of the above had any effect :(

Interestingly, I didn't revacuum between changing the cost figues in the
config file (I did reload).  The cost figures from EXPLAIN did change,
but using the queries below the 'wrong' index always comes up just over
1/3rd more expensive.

Here's a query that matches actual data in the table; it sees the cost
of the 2-column index as much less, but it takes an order of magnitude
longer to run (using nid & iid1 means filtering through around 22,000
rows).  The three queries; first is the one that's used in practise;
against all 3 columns.  The next 2 queries use the two different
combinations of just 2 columns:

emystery=# explain analyse select * FROM answers WHERE rid=668332334 AND
nid=253869913 AND iid1=535292129;

 Index Scan using index_answers_nidiid1 on answers  (cost=0.00..114.14
rows=1 width=60) (actual time=0.168..790.262 rows=1 loops=1)
   Index Cond: ((nid = 253869913) AND (iid1 = 535292129))
   Filter: (rid = 668332334)
 Total runtime: 790.305 ms
(4 rows)

emystery=# explain analyse select * FROM answers WHERE rid=668332334 AND

 Index Scan using index_answers_ridnidiid1 on answers
(cost=0.00..152.49 rows=1 width=60) (actual time=0.120..0.141 rows=18
   Index Cond: ((rid = 668332334) AND (nid = 253869913))
 Total runtime: 0.207 ms
(3 rows)

emystery=# explain analyse select * FROM ecos_answers WHERE
nid=253869913 AND iid1=535292129;

 Index Scan using index_ecos_answers_nidiid1 on ecos_answers
(cost=0.00..114.14 rows=1 width=60) (actual time=0.206..2398.645
rows=21891 loops=1)
   Index Cond: ((nid = 253869913) AND (iid1 = 535292129))
 Total runtime: 2424.769 ms
(3 rows)

What setting should I be tweaking to make the two column index more
expensive?  I thought I would need to either...

- inform the database that there are likely to be a lot of rows that
need filtering (SET STATISTICS [maximum]???)
- tell the database that filtering rows is expensive (cpu_tuple_cost++,
random_page_cost--  ???)

...but both of which I've already triedbut it would seem that from
the EXPLAIN output that the first one is key; it shouldn't think (for
the last example( that it's only going to get 1 row back!) but aside
from increasing SET STATISTICS what other setting is there to inform it
of this?

The only thing I can think that's remaining is to rebuild/replace the
preferred index, that should make it smaller and *if* the index cost
estimates are partly based on # disk pages that should reduce the
perceived cost of using it.  Is this the case?   Even if it does that
still doesn't fix the underlying problem.

Any help appreciated,

Many thanks


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Re: [GENERAL] Using the wrong index (very suboptimal), why?

2008-12-23 Thread Tom Lane
"Shane Wright"  writes:
> Tom,
>> You need to
>> look into what the estimated vs actual rowcounts are for just the
>> two-column condition (ie, where nid = something AND iid1 = something).

> Improving the accuracy of the cost estimates is exactly what I'm trying
> to achieve, so far I've tried

> - increasing the statistics target to the maximum setting with SET
> STATISTICS 1000 on columns rid, nid and iid1 of answers, then
> re-vacuuming

I hope you meant re-analyzing.

> emystery=# explain analyse select * FROM ecos_answers WHERE
> nid=253869913 AND iid1=535292129;
> ---
>  Index Scan using index_ecos_answers_nidiid1 on ecos_answers
> (cost=0.00..114.14 rows=1 width=60) (actual time=0.206..2398.645
> rows=21891 loops=1)
>Index Cond: ((nid = 253869913) AND (iid1 = 535292129))
>  Total runtime: 2424.769 ms
> (3 rows)

Well, here's the problem all right: 1 row estimated vs 21891 actual.
Is there something odd about the joint distribution of these two

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] Using the wrong index (very suboptimal), why?

2008-12-23 Thread Shane Wright
Hi Tom,

>> - increasing the statistics target to the maximum setting with SET
>> STATISTICS 1000 on columns rid, nid and iid1 of answers, then
>> re-vacuuming.
> I hope you meant re-analyzing.

Hehe absolutely yes; I always VACUUM VERBOSE ANALYSE :)

>>  Index Scan using index_answers_nidiid1 on answers
>> (cost=0.00..114.14 rows=1 width=60) (actual time=0.206..2398.645
>> rows=21891 loops=1)
>>Index Cond: ((nid = 253869913) AND (iid1 = 535292129))
>>  Total runtime: 2424.769 ms
>Well, here's the problem all right: 1 row estimated vs 21891 actual.
>Is there something odd about the joint distribution of these two

Good :) - I've been chasing the same thing, albeit not with any luck yet

Shouldn't be anything odd about the data I wouldn't have thought...
There are ~670 million rows.  No nulls in nid, ~6% of iid1 are null
(they will always be null or not null for a given nid.  I.e. rows with a
given nid value will either all be null or all be not null).

nids are randomly selected, there are only ~27000 distinct values, all
between 1 and 9.
iid1s are also random in the same range, ~5 distinct values.  All
the rows for a given value of nid will have one of a small set of
possible iid1 values; usually 5-15 distinct values.  The frequency at
which each nid may occurs is quite uneven; some will be tens of times,
others will be a couple of hundred thousand.  Same applies to
corresponding iid1 values.

(the table stores answers to questions; nid is the question ID, iid1 is
the answer ID [for questions where the user picks from a pre-defined
list] - iid1 is NULL for textual answers.  iid1 values are grouped into
sets of options the user can pick from, defined elsewhere.  These sets
can be shared across questions/nids but not often)

Does the above sound strange?

There aren't any strange errors from the database, autovacuum is enabled
(but not vacuuming the table often enough).  This problem was triggered
this time when I manually vacuumed the table - which cleared a lot of
dead rows (again, I always VACUUM VERBOSE ANALYSE).

A separate installation with a similar data set (actually the same but
older; seems the most comparable) estimated 10 rows returned for the
same query.

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Re: [GENERAL] Using the wrong index (very suboptimal), why?

2008-12-23 Thread Shane Wright

>>  Index Scan using index_answers_nidiid1 on answers
>> (cost=0.00..114.14 rows=1 width=60) (actual time=0.206..2398.645
>> rows=21891 loops=1)
>>Index Cond: ((nid = 253869913) AND (iid1 = 535292129))
>>  Total runtime: 2424.769 ms
>Well, here's the problem all right: 1 row estimated vs 21891 actual.
>Is there something odd about the joint distribution of these two

I should also clarify, there will almost always be many many rows that
match any nid/iid1 pair (for any nid or iid1 value that exists in this
table anyway).  The chance of there actually being only one result is
very small.  Most of the time this will be hundreds/thousands - but will
also be tens of thousands on a regular basis.  A hundred thousand or
more periodically.

Many thanks


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Re: [GENERAL] Copy/delete issue

2008-12-23 Thread Herouth Maoz
Adrian Klaver wrote:

> On Sunday 21 December 2008 1:49:18 am Herouth Maoz wrote:
>> Adrian Klaver wrote:
>>> Are you sure the problem is not in "$datefield" = "*" . That the script
>>> that formats the data file is not correctly adding "*" to the right file.
>>> Seems almost like sometimes the second CMD is being run against the table
>>> that the first CMD should be run on. In other words it is not doing a
>>> complete delete , but a date based one, and you then import duplicate
>>> records.
>> Thanks for your reply. The file containing the tables list is static -
>> it doesn't change from one run to the next (unless I edit it personally).
>> Herouth
> Well something is not static :) You mentioned this happens only with one 
> table. Have you tried running your procedure against that table only?
Well, every time this happens, I re-run the procedure, with all the
lines in the data files up to the given table deleted. And it works.
Then I restore the original data file. And the next day it works. It
only happens once in a while.
>  Just 
> because a DELETE did not error does not mean it succeeded in the way you 
> wanted. You might want to throw a count() in the mix to see if you are really 
> clearing out the table the way you want to.
I wonder if there is a way to use the result of "count()" in \echo...
>  Also is the actual data file static from one run to the next?
If you mean the data file that contains the list of tables, then yes. If
you mean the data in the table itself, then no, the data changes - new
records are added and old ones are updated.
>  Would also help to see the schema for the 
> table involved and maybe a sample of the data, if that is possible.
A sample of the data would be a bit tricky, as this is customers'
private information. But the table schema is:

CREATE TABLE web1010.users
whitelabel_id   NUMERIC(21) NOT NULL,
usernameVARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
passwordCHAR(32)NOT NULL,
perms   VARCHAR(255)NOT NULL,
first_name  VARCHAR(40) NULL,
last_name   VARCHAR(40) NULL,
date_createdTIMESTAMP   NOT NULL,
date_birth  TIMESTAMP   NULL,
city_id NUMERIC(21) NULL,
email   VARCHAR(255)NULL,
subscriptin_id  NUMERIC(21) NULL,
subscriptin_num_of_msg  INTEGER NULL,
subscriptin_date_start  TIMESTAMP   NULL,
subscriptin_sent_datetime   TIMESTAMP   NULL,
subscriptin_credit_left INTEGER NULL,
subscriptin_status  INTEGER NULL,
subscriptin_sent_reference  NUMERIC(21) NULL,
first_time_subscribed   VARCHAR(10) NULL,
sms_credit  INTEGER NULL,
reg_pid NUMERIC(21) NULL,
constraint PK_USERS unique (whitelabel_id,username)

I suppose this doesn't happen with other tables in the process, because
most other tables don't have two unique constraints in them - most only
have the primary key. But still, if everything is deleted from the
table, this should not be an issue...

I might take Dennis Brakhane's advice and replace the DELETE command
with TRUNCATE, as I see no harm in doing so. Nevertheless, DELETE should
either work or fail saying "could not delete because...". Otherwise
PostgreSQL is not a very reliable...



[GENERAL] Donwload 8.4

2008-12-23 Thread Emanuel Calvo Franco
Hi !

There isn't another way to download 8.4devel that isn't
cvs and the last rpm binary?

I mean, i need source code, but in my work i can't
access with cvs because proxy policies.

Sorry for my bad english,

  Emanuel Calvo Franco
Syscope Postgresql Consultant
 ArPUG / AOSUG Member

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Re: [GENERAL] Donwload 8.4

2008-12-23 Thread Scott Marlowe

I think that's the right place.

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 9:09 AM, Emanuel Calvo Franco
> Hi !
> There isn't another way to download 8.4devel that isn't
> cvs and the last rpm binary?
> I mean, i need source code, but in my work i can't
> access with cvs because proxy policies.
> Sorry for my bad english,
> --
>  Emanuel Calvo Franco
> Syscope Postgresql Consultant
> ArPUG / AOSUG Member
> --
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When fascism comes to America, it will be draped in a flag and
carrying a cross - Sinclair Lewis

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Re: [GENERAL] Copy/delete issue

2008-12-23 Thread Adrian Klaver
On Tuesday 23 December 2008 6:43:56 am Herouth Maoz wrote:

> Well, every time this happens, I re-run the procedure, with all the
> lines in the data files up to the given table deleted. And it works.
> Then I restore the original data file. And the next day it works. It
> only happens once in a while.

See next comment.

> >  Also is the actual data file static from one run to the next?
> If you mean the data file that contains the list of tables, then yes. If
> you mean the data in the table itself, then no, the data changes - new
> records are added and old ones are updated.

I should have been more specific. You mentioned you repeat the procedure 5 
minutes or so after a failure.  Is there a change in the actual data between 
those runs?

> >  Would also help to see the schema for the
> > table involved and maybe a sample of the data, if that is possible.
> A sample of the data would be a bit tricky, as this is customers'
> private information. But the table schema is:
> CREATE TABLE web1010.users
> (
> whitelabel_id   NUMERIC(21) NOT NULL,
> usernameVARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
> passwordCHAR(32)NOT NULL,
> perms   VARCHAR(255)NOT NULL,
> first_name  VARCHAR(40) NULL,
> last_name   VARCHAR(40) NULL,
> date_createdTIMESTAMP   NOT NULL,
> date_birth  TIMESTAMP   NULL,
> gender  INTEGER NULL,
> city_id NUMERIC(21) NULL,
> is_active   SMALLINTNOT NULL,
> email   VARCHAR(255)NULL,
> subscriptin_id  NUMERIC(21) NULL,
> subscriptin_num_of_msg  INTEGER NULL,
> subscriptin_date_start  TIMESTAMP   NULL,
> subscriptin_sent_datetime   TIMESTAMP   NULL,
> subscriptin_credit_left INTEGER NULL,
> subscriptin_status  INTEGER NULL,
> subscriptin_sent_reference  NUMERIC(21) NULL,
> first_time_subscribed   VARCHAR(10) NULL,
> sms_credit  INTEGER NULL,
> reg_pid NUMERIC(21) NULL,
> constraint PK_USERS unique (whitelabel_id,username)
> )
> ;
> I suppose this doesn't happen with other tables in the process, because
> most other tables don't have two unique constraints in them - most only
> have the primary key. But still, if everything is deleted from the
> table, this should not be an issue...

In the original post you said the constraint violation was on the PK. Is that 
the case or is it on PK_USERS?

> I might take Dennis Brakhane's advice and replace the DELETE command
> with TRUNCATE, as I see no harm in doing so. Nevertheless, DELETE should
> either work or fail saying "could not delete because...". Otherwise
> PostgreSQL is not a very reliable...

Worth trying. However it does not answer the question of what is going on. 
While it is possible that there is a DELETE bug, I still believe it is  a 
case of  DELETE working in way you are not expecting.

> Thanks,
> Herouth

Adrian Klaver

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[GENERAL] Question about pattern matching

2008-12-23 Thread dimitris . sakellarios


id  Candidate pattern
1   0089258068520
2   008925806852
3   00892580685
4   0089258068
5   008925806
6   00892580
7   0089258
8   008925
9   00892
10  0089
11  008
12  00
13  0



Pls let me know which is the best way to match the
following pattern against this table and Receive id = 8
that is the longest matching pattern from left to right.

Sakellarios Dimitris.

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Re: [GENERAL] Question about pattern matching

2008-12-23 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 9:05 AM,   wrote:
> id  Candidate pattern
> -
> 1   0089258068520
> 2   008925806852
> 3   00892580685
> 4   0089258068
> 5   008925806
> 6   00892580
> 7   0089258
> 8   008925
> 9   00892
> 10  0089
> 11  008
> 12  00
> 13  0
> ---
> 008925700
> Pls let me know which is the best way to match the
> following pattern against this table and Receive id = 8
> that is the longest matching pattern from left to right.

Without getting out the pgsql manual to write the code, I'd basically
append enough 0s to each candidate to pad them out to the same length,
all ending in one or more 0s, except the longest, which wouldn't need
padding.  Then I'd see which one matched.

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Re: [GENERAL] Question about pattern matching

2008-12-23 Thread Scott Marlowe
I should say I'd pad them to match length with the input value.

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Re: [GENERAL] Question about pattern matching

2008-12-23 Thread Craig Ringer wrote:
> idCandidate pattern
> -
> 10089258068520
> 2008925806852
> 300892580685
> 40089258068
> 5008925806
> 600892580
> 70089258
> 8008925
> 900892
> 100089
> 11008
> 1200
> 130
> ---
> 008925700
> Pls let me know which is the best way to match the
> following pattern against this table and Receive id = 8
> that is the longest matching pattern from left to right.

The simplest way would be to select the id of the record with
max(length(pattern)), using a WHERE clause to filter for only matching
patterns by comparing the substring of both pattern and teststr of
length min(length(pattern),length(teststr)) for equality.

Craig Ringer

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Re: [GENERAL] Question about pattern matching

2008-12-23 Thread Julius Tuskenis

Hi, Dimitris

I think simple
WHERE  prm_patern ilike  TABLENAME.candidate_pattern||'%' 
ORDER BY |char_length(|TABLENAME.candidate_pattern) desc
should do the trick. (Provided TABLENAME is not very large of course)

Julius Tuskenis rašė:


idCandidate pattern



Pls let me know which is the best way to match the
following pattern against this table and Receive id = 8
that is the longest matching pattern from left to right.

Sakellarios Dimitris.

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Re: [GENERAL] Question about pattern matching

2008-12-23 Thread Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz
SELECT ... from . WHERE X LIKE pattern || '%' ORDER BY
length(pattern) DESC LIMIT 1;


basic prefix matching for telcos :P


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Re: [GENERAL] Question about pattern matching

2008-12-23 Thread dimitris . sakellarios

thanks alot for your help.


Quoting Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz :

SELECT ... from . WHERE X LIKE pattern || '%' ORDER BY
length(pattern) DESC LIMIT 1;


basic prefix matching for telcos :P


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Re: [GENERAL] Question about pattern matching

2008-12-23 Thread dimitris . sakellarios

Jef thanks alot for your help.
I appreciate that!
It worked fine.


Quoting "Hoover, Jeffrey" :

cameradb_dev=# select id, Candidate_pattern
from all_patterns
where :pattern like Candidate_pattern||'%'
and candidate_pattern between substring(:pattern from 1 for 1) and
order by length(Candidate_pattern) desc
limit 1;

 id | candidate_pattern
  8 | 008925
(1 row)

 note 1: bind (or substitute) your value for :pattern

 note 2: "and candidate_pattern between..." only helps
 if candidate_pattern is indexed, if there aren't
 many rows it is not necessary

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 11:05 AM
Subject: [GENERAL] Question about pattern matching


id  Candidate pattern
1   0089258068520
2   008925806852
3   00892580685
4   0089258068
5   008925806
6   00892580
7   0089258
8   008925
9   00892
10  0089
11  008
12  00
13  0



Pls let me know which is the best way to match the
following pattern against this table and Receive id = 8
that is the longest matching pattern from left to right.

Sakellarios Dimitris.

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Re: [GENERAL] Question about pattern matching

2008-12-23 Thread hubert depesz lubaczewski
On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 06:05:08PM +0200, 
> Pls let me know which is the best way to match the
> following pattern against this table and Receive id = 8
> that is the longest matching pattern from left to right.

check this:
read also the comments

additionally, check this url:

Best regards,


Linkedin:  /  blog:
jid/gtalk: / aim:depeszhdl / skype:depesz_hdl / gg:6749007

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Re: [GENERAL] Question about pattern matching

2008-12-23 Thread Dimitris Sakellarios
Thanks depesz,

It was really helpful


-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Question about pattern matching

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 06:05:08PM +0200,
> Pls let me know which is the best way to match the
> following pattern against this table and Receive id = 8
> that is the longest matching pattern from left to right.

check this:
read also the comments

additionally, check this url:

Best regards,


Linkedin:  /  blog:
jid/gtalk: / aim:depeszhdl / skype:depesz_hdl / gg:6749007

__ NOD32 3693 (20081215) Information __

This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.

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[GENERAL] need some help with pl-pgsql

2008-12-23 Thread justin

have a function written in pgsql   it runs just fine, except its doing
something really stupid.

The function runs just fine till this select statement

Select (wo_wipvalue/wo_qtyord)
into _TotalCost
from wo
where wo_id = pWoid ;

This goes to the work order header table to gets the current value
divided by current qty thats been completed so far, then sticks the
value into _TotalCost variable based on the parameter passed into
variable pWoid.

problem is it returns NULL  which is impossible as i can manually run
the select statement and get the $1.589445

I have no idea how to fix this problem going forward???

and the database is 8.3.5 running Ubuntu 8.0 lts

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[GENERAL] encoding of PostgreSQL messages

2008-12-23 Thread Karsten Hilbert
Hi all !

How can I programmatically detect which encoding a
PostgreSQL server I am trying to connect to sends back
messages -- before I connect (so client_encoding and
the pg_settings table are flat out).

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Re: [GENERAL] encoding of PostgreSQL messages

2008-12-23 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Karsten Hilbert wrote:
> Hi all !
> How can I programmatically detect which encoding a
> PostgreSQL server I am trying to connect to sends back
> messages -- before I connect (so client_encoding and
> the pg_settings table are flat out).

Hmm, isn't client_encoding reported in the startup packet sent by the
server, after auth?

Alvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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Re: [GENERAL] encoding of PostgreSQL messages

2008-12-23 Thread Karsten Hilbert
On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 06:45:17PM -0300, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

> > How can I programmatically detect which encoding a
> > PostgreSQL server I am trying to connect to sends back
> > messages -- before I connect (so client_encoding and
> > the pg_settings table are flat out).
> Hmm, isn't client_encoding reported in the startup packet sent by the
> server, after auth?

That would not quite be enough -- I am talking about
messages reported *during* auth, say

FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"


fe_sendauth: no password supplied

both of which, in other locales, may contain non-ASCII characters.

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Re: [GENERAL] need some help with pl-pgsql

2008-12-23 Thread Adrian Klaver
On Tuesday 23 December 2008 1:04:49 pm justin wrote:
> have a function written in pgsql   it runs just fine, except its doing
> something really stupid.
> The function runs just fine till this select statement
> Select (wo_wipvalue/wo_qtyord)
>  into _TotalCost
>  from wo
>  where wo_id = pWoid ;
> This goes to the work order header table to gets the current value
> divided by current qty thats been completed so far, then sticks the
> value into _TotalCost variable based on the parameter passed into
> variable pWoid.
> problem is it returns NULL  which is impossible as i can manually run
> the select statement and get the $1.589445
> I have no idea how to fix this problem going forward???
> and the database is 8.3.5 running Ubuntu 8.0 lts

Would help to see the whole function. Also make sure you did not name one of 
the variables the same as a column name, this will confuse plpgsql.  Are you 
using the same value for wo_id in the function as in the manual select 

Adrian Klaver

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Re: [GENERAL] need some help with pl-pgsql

2008-12-23 Thread justin

Adrian Klaver wrote:

On Tuesday 23 December 2008 1:04:49 pm justin wrote:

have a function written in pgsql   it runs just fine, except its doing
something really stupid.

The function runs just fine till this select statement

Select (wo_wipvalue/wo_qtyord)
 into _TotalCost
 from wo
 where wo_id = pWoid ;

This goes to the work order header table to gets the current value
divided by current qty thats been completed so far, then sticks the
value into _TotalCost variable based on the parameter passed into
variable pWoid.

problem is it returns NULL  which is impossible as i can manually run
the select statement and get the $1.589445

I have no idea how to fix this problem going forward???

and the database is 8.3.5 running Ubuntu 8.0 lts

Would help to see the whole function. Also make sure you did not name one of 
the variables the same as a column name, this will confuse plpgsql.  Are you 
using the same value for wo_id in the function as in the manual select 

First the funciton has been running for months and never has had a 
problem.  No changes to the database scheme.  Second use variable naming 
scheme completely different from column names.   _ always is the first 
character in variables.  p is always the first character in passed 

Take a look at the screen shot and be in aw as i am

postproduction(pwoid integer, pqty numeric, pbackflush boolean, 
pbackflushoperations boolean, pitemlocseries integer, psuuser text, 
prnuser text, pdate date)

 RETURNS integer AS
   _woNumber TEXT;
   _itemlocSeries INTEGER;
   _parentQty NUMERIC;

   _qty NUMERIC;
   _TotalCost numeric;


   IF (pQty <= 0) THEN
   RETURN 0;
   END IF;

   IF ( ( SELECT wo_status
   FROM wo
   WHERE (wo_id=pWoid) ) NOT IN  ('R','E','I') ) THEN
   RETURN -1;
   END IF;

   --If this is item type Job then we are using the wrong function
   SELECT item_type INTO _check
   FROM wo, itemsite, item
   WHERE ((wo_id=pWoid)
   AND (wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
   AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)
   AND (item_type = 'J'));
   RAISE EXCEPTION 'Work orders for job items are posted when 
quantities are shipped on the associated sales order';

   END IF;

   SELECT formatWoNumber(pWoid) INTO _woNumber;

   SELECT roundQty(item_fractional, pQty) INTO _parentQty
   FROM wo,
   WHERE ((wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
   AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)
   AND (wo_id=pWoid));
   --  Create the material receipt transaction

   IF (pItemlocSeries = 0) THEN
   SELECT NEXTVAL('itemloc_series_seq') INTO _itemlocSeries;
   _itemlocSeries = pItemlocSeries;
   END IF;


   --Lets get Wips Current total cost

   Select (wo_wipvalue/wo_qtyord)
   into _TotalCost 
   from wo 
   where wo_id = pWoid ;

   --Moves WIP into Inventory.
   SELECT postInvTrans( itemsite_id,
   'Receive Inventory from Manufacturing',
   pDate::timestamp ) INTO _invhistid
   FROM wo,
   WHERE ( (wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
   AND (itemsite_costcat_id=costcat_id)
   AND (wo_id=pWoid) );

   --  Increase this W/O's received qty decrease its WIP value
   wo_qtyrcv = (wo_qtyrcv + _parentQty),
   wo_wipvalue = (wo_wipvalue - (_TotalCost*pQty))
   FROM itemsite,
   WHERE ((wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
   AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)
   AND (wo_id=pWoid));

   --  Make sure the W/O is at issue status
   WHERE (wo_id=pWoid);

   RETURN _itemlocSeries;

 COST 100;
ALTER FUNCTION postproduction(integer, numeric, boolean, boolean, 
integer, text, text, date) OWNER TO justin;
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION postproduction(integer, numeric, boolean, 
boolean, integer, text, text, date) TO justin;
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION postproduction(integer, numeric, boolean, 
boolean, integer, text, text, date) TO public;

Re: [GENERAL] need some help with pl-pgsql

2008-12-23 Thread Adrian Klaver

- "justin"  wrote:

> Adrian Klaver wrote:
> Would help to see the
> whole function. Also make sure you did not name one of
> the variables the same as a column name, this will confuse plpgsql. 
> Are you
> using the same value for wo_id in the function as in the manual select
> statement?
> First the funciton has been running for months and never has had a
> problem. No changes to the database scheme. Second use variable naming
> scheme completely different from column names. _ always is the first
> character in variables. p is always the first character in passed
> parameters.
> Take a look at the screen shot and be in aw as i am
> postproduction(pwoid integer, pqty numeric, pbackflush boolean,
> pbackflushoperations boolean, pitemlocseries integer, psuuser text,
> prnuser text, pdate date)
> RETURNS integer AS
> _woNumber TEXT;
> _itemlocSeries INTEGER;
> _parentQty NUMERIC;
> _qty NUMERIC;
> _TotalCost numeric;
> IF (pQty <= 0) THEN
> IF ( ( SELECT wo_status
> FROM wo
> WHERE (wo_id=pWoid) ) NOT IN ('R','E','I') ) THEN
> RETURN -1;
> --If this is item type Job then we are using the wrong function
> SELECT item_type INTO _check
> FROM wo, itemsite, item
> WHERE ((wo_id=pWoid)
> AND (wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
> AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)
> AND (item_type = 'J'));
> RAISE EXCEPTION 'Work orders for job items are posted when quantities
> are shipped on the associated sales order';
> SELECT formatWoNumber(pWoid) INTO _woNumber;
> SELECT roundQty(item_fractional, pQty) INTO _parentQty
> FROM wo,
> itemsite,
> item
> WHERE ((wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
> AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)
> AND (wo_id=pWoid));
> -- Create the material receipt transaction
> IF (pItemlocSeries = 0) THEN
> SELECT NEXTVAL('itemloc_series_seq') INTO _itemlocSeries;
> _itemlocSeries = pItemlocSeries;
> --Lets get Wips Current total cost
> Select (wo_wipvalue/wo_qtyord)
> into _TotalCost
> from wo
> where wo_id = pWoid ;
> --Moves WIP into Inventory.
> SELECT postInvTrans( itemsite_id,
> 'RM',
> _parentQty,
> 'W/O',
> 'WO',
> _woNumber,
> '',
> 'Receive Inventory from Manufacturing',
> costcat_asset_accnt_id,
> costcat_wip_accnt_id,
> _itemlocSeries,
> true,
> _TotalCost,
> pDate::timestamp ) INTO _invhistid
> FROM wo,
> itemsite,
> costcat
> WHERE ( (wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
> AND (itemsite_costcat_id=costcat_id)
> AND (wo_id=pWoid) );
> -- Increase this W/O's received qty decrease its WIP value
> wo_qtyrcv = (wo_qtyrcv + _parentQty),
> wo_wipvalue = (wo_wipvalue - (_TotalCost*pQty))
> FROM itemsite,
> item
> WHERE ((wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
> AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)
> AND (wo_id=pWoid));
> -- Make sure the W/O is at issue status
> wo_status='I'
> WHERE (wo_id=pWoid);
> RETURN _itemlocSeries;
> END;
> $BODY$
> COST 100;
> ALTER FUNCTION postproduction(integer, numeric, boolean, boolean,
> integer, text, text, date) OWNER TO justin;
> GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION postproduction(integer, numeric, boolean,
> boolean, integer, text, text, date) TO justin;
> GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION postproduction(integer, numeric, boolean,
> boolean, integer, text, text, date) TO public;

Hmmm. A couple of suggestions while I ponder this more. For clarity sake decide 
on a case scheme. I start getting twitchy when I see pwoid and pWoid refer to 
the same thing. This depends on case folding being consistent, not something I 
like to count on. Second you might want to put in a few RAISE NOTICE statements 
to see what values are being pulled from the db for wo_wipvalue and wo_qtyord 
and what is being supplied to the WHERE clause for pWoid.

Adrian Klaver

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Re: [GENERAL] need some help with pl-pgsql

2008-12-23 Thread Adrian Klaver
On Tuesday 23 December 2008 3:36:46 pm Adrian Klaver wrote:

> Hmmm. A couple of suggestions while I ponder this more. For clarity sake
> decide on a case scheme. I start getting twitchy when I see pwoid and pWoid
> refer to the same thing. This depends on case folding being consistent, not
> something I like to count on. Second you might want to put in a few RAISE
> NOTICE statements to see what values are being pulled from the db for
> wo_wipvalue and wo_qtyord and what is being supplied to the WHERE clause
> for pWoid.
> Adrian Klaver

SELECT postInvTrans( itemsite_id,
            'Receive Inventory from Manufacturing',
            pDate::timestamp ) INTO _invhistid

Potential issue. I don't see where _invhistid is declared.

Adrian Klaver

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Re: [GENERAL] encoding of PostgreSQL messages

2008-12-23 Thread John DeSoi

On Dec 23, 2008, at 4:24 PM, Karsten Hilbert wrote:

How can I programmatically detect which encoding a
PostgreSQL server I am trying to connect to sends back
messages -- before I connect (so client_encoding and
the pg_settings table are flat out).

I don't think there is a way because you can't get any information  
without authorizing first.

It is also unclear to me how things work in the other direction. When  
authenticating, what if the user or database name have non-ascii  
characters. Are they interpreted in the encoding of the server since  
the client has not established an encoding?

John DeSoi, Ph.D.

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Re: [GENERAL] need some help with pl-pgsql

2008-12-23 Thread justin

Adrian Klaver wrote:

On Tuesday 23 December 2008 3:36:46 pm Adrian Klaver wrote:


Hmmm. A couple of suggestions while I ponder this more. For clarity sake
decide on a case scheme. I start getting twitchy when I see pwoid and pWoid
refer to the same thing. This depends on case folding being consistent, not
something I like to count on. Second you might want to put in a few RAISE
NOTICE statements to see what values are being pulled from the db for
wo_wipvalue and wo_qtyord and what is being supplied to the WHERE clause
for pWoid.

Adrian Klaver

SELECT postInvTrans( itemsite_id,
'Receive Inventory from Manufacturing',
pDate::timestamp ) INTO _invhistid

Potential issue. I don't see where _invhistid is declared.

its declared.  i noticed this function has more variables declared than 
it ever used so i removed them when  posting  to  the list.  I did not 
want anymore confusion so I removed one to many sorry.

This function was completely rewritten several months ago along with a  
allot of other functions so there still allot of clean up to do making 
notes and removing stuff that does not need to be in the function. 

I just can't figure out why in this function it can't find the record. 

This malfunctioning function is called by  ForceCloseWo()  which goes 
through the work order completing any outstanding operations, and 
issuing material so it has to find the record first or it will fail out 
right.  Once all material and operations are marked completed it then 
calls PostProduction() which moves the items out of WIP tables put the 
items into Inventory and does all the accounting stuff.  So i really 
can't figure out what it is doing???

Now On the mixed case.  i come from the Xbase languages specifically 
Foxpro which is case insensitive and a typeless language so i have a few 
really bad habits.  I try to get every thing to match but sometimes 
screw up.   

[GENERAL] Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays

2008-12-23 Thread novice
Hello Peeps,

I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you nice helpful bunch my
warm greetings.  Hope you have a fantastic time and looking forward to
learn more in the new future.

Novice tgurl ;-)

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Re: [GENERAL] need some help with pl-pgsql

2008-12-23 Thread justin

Adrian Klaver wrote:

- "justin"  wrote:


Adrian Klaver wrote:

Would help to see the
whole function. Also make sure you did not name one of
the variables the same as a column name, this will confuse plpgsql. 
Are you

using the same value for wo_id in the function as in the manual select

First the funciton has been running for months and never has had a
problem. No changes to the database scheme. Second use variable naming
scheme completely different from column names. _ always is the first
character in variables. p is always the first character in passed

Take a look at the screen shot and be in aw as i am

postproduction(pwoid integer, pqty numeric, pbackflush boolean,
pbackflushoperations boolean, pitemlocseries integer, psuuser text,
prnuser text, pdate date)
RETURNS integer AS
_woNumber TEXT;
_itemlocSeries INTEGER;

_parentQty NUMERIC;
_TotalCost numeric;


IF (pQty <= 0) THEN

IF ( ( SELECT wo_status
WHERE (wo_id=pWoid) ) NOT IN ('R','E','I') ) THEN

--If this is item type Job then we are using the wrong function
SELECT item_type INTO _check
FROM wo, itemsite, item
WHERE ((wo_id=pWoid)
AND (wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)
AND (item_type = 'J'));

RAISE EXCEPTION 'Work orders for job items are posted when quantities
are shipped on the associated sales order';

SELECT formatWoNumber(pWoid) INTO _woNumber;

SELECT roundQty(item_fractional, pQty) INTO _parentQty
FROM wo,
WHERE ((wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)
AND (wo_id=pWoid));

-- Create the material receipt transaction
IF (pItemlocSeries = 0) THEN
SELECT NEXTVAL('itemloc_series_seq') INTO _itemlocSeries;
_itemlocSeries = pItemlocSeries;

--Lets get Wips Current total cost
Select (wo_wipvalue/wo_qtyord)
into _TotalCost
from wo
where wo_id = pWoid ;
--Moves WIP into Inventory.
SELECT postInvTrans( itemsite_id,
'Receive Inventory from Manufacturing',
pDate::timestamp ) INTO _invhistid
FROM wo,
WHERE ( (wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
AND (itemsite_costcat_id=costcat_id)
AND (wo_id=pWoid) );

-- Increase this W/O's received qty decrease its WIP value
wo_qtyrcv = (wo_qtyrcv + _parentQty),
wo_wipvalue = (wo_wipvalue - (_TotalCost*pQty))
FROM itemsite,
WHERE ((wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)
AND (wo_id=pWoid));

-- Make sure the W/O is at issue status
WHERE (wo_id=pWoid);

RETURN _itemlocSeries;

COST 100;
ALTER FUNCTION postproduction(integer, numeric, boolean, boolean,
integer, text, text, date) OWNER TO justin;
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION postproduction(integer, numeric, boolean,
boolean, integer, text, text, date) TO justin;
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION postproduction(integer, numeric, boolean,
boolean, integer, text, text, date) TO public;

Hmmm. A couple of suggestions while I ponder this more. For clarity sake decide 
on a case scheme. I start getting twitchy when I see pwoid and pWoid refer to 
the same thing. This depends on case folding being consistent, not something I 
like to count on. Second you might want to put in a few RAISE NOTICE statements 
to see what values are being pulled from the db for wo_wipvalue and wo_qtyord 
and what is being supplied to the WHERE clause for pWoid.

Adrian Klaver

I have taken your idea and made sure all the variables all appear the 
same and add raise notice for each portion of the command that is failing.

NOTICE:  _wipvalue: 
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT postProduction(  $1 ,  $2 , FALSE, 
false, 0, Current_User, Current_User,  $3  )"

PL/pgSQL function "forceclosewo" line 66 at SQL statement

NOTICE:  _wipqty: 1.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT postProduction(  $1 ,  $2 , FALSE, 
false, 0, Current_User, Current_User,  $3  )"

PL/pgSQL function "forceclosewo" line 66 at SQL statement

NOTICE:  _wipvalue/_wipqty= 
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT postProduction(  $1 ,  $2 , FALSE, 
false, 0, Current_User, Current_User,  $3  )"

PL/pgSQL function "forceclosewo" line 66 at SQL statement

NOTICE:  pwoid: 6916
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT postProduction(  $1 ,  $2 , FALSE, 
false, 0, Current_User, Current_User,  $3  )"

PL/pgSQL function "forceclosewo" line 66 at SQL statement

NOTICE:  TotalCost: 
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT postProduction(  $1 ,  $2 , FALSE, 
false, 0, Current_User, Current_User,  $3  )"

PL/pgSQL function "forceclosewo" line 66 at SQL statement

So it appears that something is causing _wipvalue to get set to NULL 
somewhere else in the code.  Now when runnin

[GENERAL] How to Import Excel Into PostgreSQL database

2008-12-23 Thread Venkat Rao Tammineni
Dear All,


  I using PosgreSql8.1.I want to import Excel into PostgreSQL database. Is
there any way to import ? .


Please anyone can guide me.


I am waiting for your great response.





Re: [GENERAL] How to Import Excel Into PostgreSQL database

2008-12-23 Thread Julio Cesar Sánchez González

Venkat Rao Tammineni escribió:

Dear All,


  I using PosgreSql8.1.I want to import Excel into PostgreSQL 
database. Is there any way to import ? .


Please anyone can guide me.


I am waiting for your great response.





Try with csv format and think it's going a nothing problem. See 
for example.


Julio Cesar Sánchez González.

Ahora me he convertido en la muerte, destructora de mundos.
Soy la Muerte que se lleva todo, la fuente de las cosas que vendran.

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
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Re: [GENERAL] How to Import Excel Into PostgreSQL database

2008-12-23 Thread Venkat Rao Tammineni
   Thanks a lot.


-Original Message-
From: Julio Cesar Sánchez González
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 1:14 PM
To: Venkat Rao Tammineni
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] How to Import Excel Into PostgreSQL database

Venkat Rao Tammineni escribió:
> Dear All,
>   I using PosgreSql8.1.I want to import Excel into PostgreSQL 
> database. Is there any way to import ? .
> Please anyone can guide me.
> I am waiting for your great response.
> Thanks
> Venkat.
Try with csv format and think it's going a nothing problem. See
for example.


Julio Cesar Sánchez González.

Ahora me he convertido en la muerte, destructora de mundos.
Soy la Muerte que se lleva todo, la fuente de las cosas que vendran.

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