Re: [GENERAL] Sequential vs. random values - number of pages in B-tree

2016-08-18 Thread Francisco Olarte
On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 5:24 PM, Daniel Verite <> wrote:
>> unless you know of an easy way to generate a random permutation on the
>> fly without using a lot of memory, I do not.
> It could be done by encrypting the stream.
> For 32 bits integers:
> For 64 bits integers:

Nearly, probably good enough for tests, but only generates a
pseudorandom permutation if you encrypt 2**32/64 values, not with the
1..1E7 range, it will map them into 1E7 different numbers in the range
2**32/64. I think there are some pseudo-random number generators which
can be made to work with any range, but do not recall which ones right

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Sequential vs. random values - number of pages in B-tree

2016-08-18 Thread Francisco Olarte

On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 1:32 PM, pinker <> wrote:
> create table t01 (id bigint);
> create index i01 on t01(id);
> insert into t01 SELECT s from generate_series(1,1000) as s;
> and random values:
> create table t02 (id bigint);
> create index i02 on t02(id);
> insert into t02 SELECT random()*100 from generate_series(1,1000) as s;

It's already been told that btrees work that way, if you find it
strange read a bit about them, this is completely normal, but ...

... what I come to point is your test is severely flawed. It probably
does not matter in this case, but you are inserting 10M DIFFERENT
VALUES in the first case and only 100 in the second one, which an
average of 100K DUPLICATES of each. This affects btrees too. You could
try using random*1G, or at least 100M, for a better test ( which may
have even worse behaviour, ideally I would just write 10M integers to
a disk file, then shuffle it and compare COPY FROM times from both ) (
unless you know of an easy way to generate a random permutation on the
fly without using a lot of memory, I do not ).

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] SQL help - multiple aggregates

2016-08-18 Thread Francisco Olarte
CCing to the list ( if you are new to this list, messages come from
the sender address, you have to use "reply all" ( at least in my MUA,
web gmail ) to make your replies appear in the list ).

On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 3:03 PM,  <> wrote:
> Hi Francisco,
> thanks a lot. I will give it a try later

Do it, and do not forget to try the straightforward solution ( sume of
cases ) given by Ladislav Lenart above.I normally prefer to do this
kind of things the way I pointed you because the queries are simpler
and normally only the first one takes time, and using count tends to
be the faster way to extract the relevant data ( the rest of my query,
after the first with, is just moving data around for pretty-printing (
or pretty-selecting ).

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] SQL help - multiple aggregates

2016-08-18 Thread Francisco Olarte
On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 10:56 AM,  <> wrote:
> I have a table cv with custid and vendid columns. Every entry represents the 
> purchase of a product
> available from a specific vendor.
> Now, for a set of "interesting" vendors, I would like to select a new table
> custid, c415, c983, c1256
> based upon part queries
> select custid, count(vendid) as c415 from cv where vendid = 415 group by 
> custid

Divide and conquer, first you get the raw data ( so you have what you
need as 'vertical' tagged columns ): ( beware, untested )...

with raw_data as (
 custid, vendid, count(*) as c
from cv
where vendid in (415,983,1256)
group by 1,2;

Then put it in three columns ( transforming it into diagonal matrix ):

, column_data as (
 case when vendid=415 then c else 0 end as c415,
 case when vendid=983 then c else 0 end as c983,
 case when vendid=1256 then c else 0 end as c1256
from raw_data

and then group then ( putting them into horizontal rows ):

 max(c415) as c415,
 max(c983) as c983,
 max(c1256) as c1256
from column_data group by 1;

 I used 0 in else to get correct counts for the case where not al
vendids are present. If you prefer null you can use it, IIRC max
ignores them.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Any reasons for 'DO' statement not returning result?

2016-08-13 Thread Francisco Olarte
On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 11:34 PM, Xtra Coder <> wrote:
> In my particular case I'm more interested in an easy way to create complex
> SELECTs that require usage of variables in the one-time through-away scripts
> (some-time during experiments for implementation of functions, to see
> immediate results of the intermediate code). The easiest way would be
> MsSQL-like when declaring a variable outside of SP actually makes it visible
> globally in current session. In such case I do not need 'DO' at all and this
> is simple. Probably PostgreSQL has another way to make that thing simple.

If you are just interested in avoiding some mistakes, and/or
parametrizing some queries from the command line, psql ( the CLI
program ) has macro expansion with some sql quoting capabilities, see
and be sure to scroll down to "SQL Interpolation" after the built in
variables list and read that. I've used it several times, just
remember it's a macro processor and it's done by psql, not by the

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Corrupted Data ?

2016-08-13 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Adrian:

On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 9:01 PM, Adrian Klaver
<> wrote:
> "Specially if this happens, you may have some slightly bad disks/ram/
> leading to this kind of problems."
> Trying to reconcile that with all the physical machine 1 VMs sharing the
> same RAM and physical disk, but the error only occurring on db3.
> Is the VM hosting db3 setup different from the VMs 1 & 2?

They probably share the disk, bus, ram and disk controllers, but they
surely do not share the disk SECTORS. "Weak" ( nearly failing ) tracks
can give this kind of problems ( although the disk CRC should catch
all odd number of bit errors , but with VMs in the mix who knows where
the messages could end up ).

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Corrupted Data ?

2016-08-12 Thread Francisco Olarte
CCing to the list...

On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 4:10 PM, Ioana Danes <> wrote:
>> given 318220 and 318216 are just a bit away ( 4db08/4db0c ), and it
>> repeats sporadically, have you ruled out ( by having page checksums or
>> other mechanism ) a potential disk read/write error ?
>> > Also the index is correct on db3 as the record in case (with drawid =
>> > 318216) is retrieved if I filter by drawid = 318220
>> Specially if this happens, you may have some slightly bad disks/ram/
>> leading to this kind of problems.
> Could be. I also had some issues with an rsync between db3 and drdb a week
> ago that did not complete for bigger files (> 200MB) and gave me some
> corruption messages. Then the system was revbooted and everything seemed
> fine but apparently it is not.
> I am planning to drop & create the table from a good backup and if that does
> not fix the issue then I will rebuild the server.

I would check whatever logs you can ( syslog or eventlog, smart log,
etc.. ) hunting for disk errors ( sometimes they are reported ). This
kind of problems, with programs as tested as postgres and rsync, tend
to indicate controller/RAM/disk going bad ( in your case it could be
caused by a single bit getting flipped in a sector for the data
portion of the table, and not being propagated either because it
happened after your sync of drdb or because it was synced from the WAL
and not the table, or because it was read from the disk cache ).

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Corrupted Data ?

2016-08-12 Thread Francisco Olarte
On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 3:09 PM, Ioana Danes <> wrote:

> drawid  | 318220
> drawid  | 318216

> Here are the facts I know:
> August 10 @ 11:10
> - The record was created on db1 and replicated to db2 and db3
> August 11 @ 2:30
> - db1, db2 and db3 are in sync (I have a script that compares the data
> for all 3 dbs every night @ 2:30 am)
> August 12 @ 2:30
> - db3 is out of sync because of this field (drawid)
> - drdb (which is PITRed from db3) is in sync with db1 and db2?

given 318220 and 318216 are just a bit away ( 4db08/4db0c ), and it
repeats sporadically, have you ruled out ( by having page checksums or
other mechanism ) a potential disk read/write error ?

> Also the index is correct on db3 as the record in case (with drawid =
> 318216) is retrieved if I filter by drawid = 318220

Specially if this happens, you may have some slightly bad disks/ram/
leading to this kind of problems.

Francisco Olarte.

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2016-08-12 Thread Francisco Olarte

On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 11:00 AM, Alexander Farber
<> wrote:
> but the custom function I am trying to call (from another function) does not
> return one row, but several rows, which I'd like to store into a temp table:

This I know, I wasn't trying to solve the problem. I was just trying
to point that "select" is not the same in plpgsql and in sql, so you
need to read the docs for plpgsql to find how to solve it.

Francisco Olarte.

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2016-08-12 Thread Francisco Olarte
On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 10:41 AM, Alexander Farber
<> wrote:
> why does this syntax fail in 9.5.3 please?

Maybe because...

> $func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

... you are writing pspgsql.

> The doc just

But are looking at the docs for SQL. This kind of languages are
similar to SQL, but not the same. I think

is the proper place to look it up.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Postgres Pain Points: 1 pg_hba conf

2016-08-11 Thread Francisco Olarte
On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 7:04 PM, support-tiger <> wrote:

> #1) pg_hba conf
> Out of the box the md5 setting blocks access. Most "advice" say change to
> "all all trust" and indeed that works.  But that seems a big security issue.

Indeed it is. I do not know where do you get this "advice" from, but
I'll seriously consider blackholing the source.

> Specifying a postgres role, password, and peer does not seem to work.  And
> this approach is problematic if there are many roles or even dynamically
> created roles.

In general this works, in nearly every situation.  If you have
problems, consider explaining it and may be you wil get some

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: [GENERAL] WAL directory size calculation

2016-08-04 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Moreno:

On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 1:07 PM, Moreno Andreo <> wrote:

It's already been answered, but as it seems to be answering a chunk of
my mail...

> Should I keep fsync off? I'd think it would be better leaving it on, right?

Yes. If you have to ask wether fsync should be on, it should.

I mean, you only take it off when you are absolutely sure of where you
are doing, fsync off goes against the D in acid.

You normally only turn it off in counted cases. As an example we have
an special postgresql.conf for full cluster restores, with fsync=off.
Wehen we need it we stop the cluster, boot it with that, restore, stop
it again and reboot with the normal fsync=on config. In this case we
do not mind losing data as we are doing a full restore anyway.

But normally, its a bad idea. As a classic photo caption says,
fsync=off => DBAs running with scissors.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [SPAM] Re: [GENERAL] WAL directory size calculation

2016-07-29 Thread Francisco Olarte

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 10:35 AM, Moreno Andreo
<> wrote:
> After Andreas post and thinking about it a while, I went to the decision
> that it's better not to use RAM but another persistent disk, because there
> can be an instant between when a WAL is written and it's fsync'ed, and if a
> failure happens in this instant the amount of data not fsync'ed is lost. Am
> I right?

With the usual configuration, fsync on, etc.. what postgres does is to
write and sync THE WAL before commit, but it does not sync the table
pages. Should anything bad (tm) happen it can replay the synced wal to
recover. If you use a ram disk for WAL and have a large enough ram
cache you can lose a lot of data, not just from the last sync. At the
worst point you could start a transaction, create a database, fill it
and commit and have everything in the ram-wal and the hd cache, then
crash and have nothing on reboot.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] WAL directory size calculation

2016-07-28 Thread Francisco Olarte
On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 3:25 PM, Moreno Andreo <> wrote:
> Obviously ramdisk will be times faster disk, but having a, say, 512 GB
> ramdisk will be a little too expensive :-)

Besides defeating the purpose of WAL, if you are going to use non
persistent storage for WAL you could as well use minimal level,
fsync=off and friends.

> Aside of this, I'm having 350 DBs that sum up a bit more than 1 TB, and plan
> to use wal_level=archive because I plan to have a backup server with barman.

Is this why you plan using RAM for WAL ( assuming fast copies to the
archive and relying on it for recovery ) ?

Francisco Olarte.

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[GENERAL] Re: pg_basebackup vs archive_command - looking for WAL archive older than archive_command start

2016-07-17 Thread Francisco Reyes

On 07/17/2016 06:35 PM, Francisco Reyes wrote:

Why is the pg_basebackup restore looking for a WAL file that is even 
older than the ones I have, when I turned on WAL archiving before I 
started the pg_basebackup?

Figured it out.. the error is from a secondary slave trying to sync from 
the machine I just restored the pg_basebackup.

Also, why is that one WAL archive named differently with .backup?

Still would be nice to know the above..

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[GENERAL] pg_basebackup vs archive_command - looking for WAL archive older than archive_command start

2016-07-17 Thread Francisco Reyes

I turned on archive_command and have wal archiving going.

I did a pg_basebackup and copied the resulting file from source machine 
to target, yet when I restore I am getting

requested WAL segment 000508AE009B has already been removed

The earliest WAL archives I have are


Why is the pg_basebackup restore looking for a WAL file that is even 
older than the ones I have, when I turned on WAL archiving before I 
started the pg_basebackup?

Also, why is that one WAL archive named differently with .backup?

Normally I restore with pg_basebackup and streaming replication, which 
works well, but lately due to constant network disconnects I have to 
make the pg_basebackup in the source machine and rsync. That is why I 
turned on WAL archiving before starting the base backup since it would 
take some time to copy the base backup file over.

The command I am using to create the base backup is
pg_basebackup  -U UserName -h -D - -P -Ft | gzip > 

Any suggestions?

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Re: [GENERAL] [BUGS] Where clause in pg_dump: need help

2016-07-11 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Adi: ( Is this correct? Adi is what your message uses to mark your replies ).

On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 6:53 PM, Prashanth Adiyodi
<> wrote:
> Hi Franciso, My comments below inline

Got them. Only problem is your MUA does not signal quotes. It looks
like some kind of outlook by the headers it sends, so I assume it is
normal, I will try to correct it.

>> 1.- You have a backup with a series of tables which get inserted WITH a 
>> timestamp.
> Adi-The series of tables may or may not have timestamp
>> 2.- At the end of the day you want to transfer the inserted data, and only 
>> the inserted data, to another server and insert it ther.
> Adi-Exactly., somewhere post midnight I need to transfer the inserted data 
> for the day to another DB.

Then you NEED some kind of marker. The tables WITHOUT timestamp (
point 1 above ) are going to be difficult.

For the discussion I assume you are somehow capable of making a SELECT
query which identifies inserted data for the day, and that either you
do not care about updates/deletions ( not having any is a subset of
this condition ) or you can do a query for those too.

> Adi- I am OK with the copy command, however I am not able to understand (my 
> bad, I am not used to postgres and using for the 1st time) the where clause 
> that should be used to achieve this result.

Well, then your problem is on the queries. You need to be able to
identify the data inserted yesterday. There is no magic way to do it.
You NEED some kind of timestamp column. If you lack this you can use a
trigger to mark them into auxiliary tables or, if you feel
adventurous, you can try to use the xmin/xmax columns ( I would NOT
recommend even trying that, given you are having problems with simple
select queries ).

> I tries using something like the below,
> psql -d my_db -c 'copy (select * from mytab WHERE date_trunc('day',NOW() - 
> interval '1 day') TO STDOUT' -o data1.copy;

Your where expresion is a constant of timestamp type, i.e.,
'2016-07-11 12:00:00+00', where needs a BOOLEAN.

YOU need to be able to identify the inserted rows. YOU know your data
definitions. Ar you able to query them ?

> but this, I am sure has some syntax errors, could you help correct this,

NOT, because I do not know the table structure. Only you can do that.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] pasting a lot of commands to psql

2016-07-08 Thread Francisco Olarte

On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 8:18 PM, Alvaro Herrera <> wrote:
>> You might have better luck with "psql -n", or maybe not.
> I've wished sometimes for a "\set READLINE off" psql metacommand for
> this kind of thing.  It's pretty annoying when the text being pasted
> contains tabs and readline uses to do completion.

Doesn't 'cat | psql ' disable it? I use it with other programs for
these purpose ( as well as things like ls | cat to avoid
colors/wordwrapping, just makes the program see a non-tty on
stidn/stdout ).

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] [BUGS] Where clause in pg_dump: need help

2016-07-08 Thread Francisco Olarte
1.- CCing to the list ( remember to hit reply-all or whatever your MUA
uses for that, otherwise threads may get lost ).

2.- Try to avoid top-posting, it's not the style of the list ( or mine ).

On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 4:43 AM, Prashanth Adiyodi
<> wrote:
> Basically my requirement is, I have a live Db with certain tables and a 
> backup Db at another location (both on postgressql). I need to take a backup 
> of this live DB every night for the previous day (i.e the backup script 
> running on 07/07/2016 will take the backup of the DB for 06/07/2016). This 
> backup will be then transferred to the backup DB server and will be inserted 
> into that DB. From what I have read pg_dump is the solution (similar to 
> export in oracle), do you think of any other approach to get to this 
> objective, have you come across a script or something that already does this,

Your requirement is a bit 'understated'. I assume your problem is:

1.- You have a backup with a series of tables which get inserted WITH
a timestamp.
2.- At the end of the day you want to transfer the inserted data, and
only the inserted data, to another server and insert it ther.

If BOTH servers are postgres, you can do it easily with a series of
COPY commands easily. If the target one is not postgres I would use it
too, but pass the COPY data through a perl script to generate whatever
syntax the target DB needs ( I've done that to go from postgres to sql
server and back using freebcp, IIRC, on the sql server side )

You still can have problems IF you have updates to the tables, or
deletions, or . But
if you just have insertions, copy is easy to do.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] pg_dump fundenental question

2016-07-05 Thread Francisco Olarte
On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 4:54 PM, J. Cassidy <> wrote:
> I have hopefully an "easy" question.
> If I issue the pg_dump command with no switches or options i.e.
> /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_dump -v dbabcd > /data3TB/Backup/dbabcd
> Is their any "default" compression involved or not? Does pg_dump talk to
> zlib during the dump process given that I have not specified any compression
> on the > command line? (see above).

IIRC no options means you are requesting an SQL-script. Those are not
compressed, just pipe them through your favorite compressor. ( In a
later message you stated you were in Linux and had a 324Gb file, and
could head/tail it, have you done so? ).

> Your considered opinions would be much appreciated.

OTOH, with those big backup I would recommend using custom format (
-Fc ), it's much more flexible ( andyou can have the sql script but
asking pg_restore to generate it if you need it, but not the other way
round ).

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] dblink authentication failed

2016-06-27 Thread Francisco Olarte

On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 9:38 AM, Kiss Attila <> wrote:
I'm not expert on dblink but, even supposing it uses libpq and its files:

> # psql –h –U myuser –w remote_db_name
> # ls –la ./.pgpass
> -rw--- 1 postgres postgres 193 jún   24 13:54 ./.pgpass

This '#' seems to indicate you run those commands as root, while the
server typically runs as postgres. Have you checked the commands work
when issued as the server user?

Francisco Olarte.

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2016-06-10 Thread Francisco Olarte
I may be wrong but ...

On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 6:33 PM, Sridhar N Bamandlapally
<> wrote:
> One thing we can restrict to "begin noarchive" transaction block are DELETE
> and SELECT only
> On 10 Jun 2016 21:57, "Sridhar N Bamandlapally" <>
> wrote:
>> This is what I feel will give me solution to maintain production
>> (current+7days) and archive(current+history) without any etl/scheduler

It seems ( to me ) you have a grossly underspecificied ( in the list )
problem and you have invented an even more underspecified keyword to
magically solve it, and expect someone to develop it.

And you haven't even bothered to avoid top posting, which is frowned
upon on this list and makes infering your problems solution even more

If you want to have something like this you'll need to post much more
details on what you are proposing, what are the use cases for the
general public, etc.. Just eyeballing it I would estimate this will
need many pages just to state the problems and the intended semantics
of your proposal.

   Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Switching roles as an replacement of connection pooling tools

2016-05-31 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Melvin:

On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 3:55 PM, Melvin Davidson <> wrote:
> On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 3:45 AM, CN <> wrote:

> Your points make no sense. You can accomplish the same with:
> GRANT ROLE user2 TO user1;

I'm not discussing wether it makes sense, but you do not acomplish the
same. In his case you cannot swict to the other role unless you know
the password for it, in yours you can. Also I suspect he wants it to
work like a login, i.e., if you have N roles and you add another one
he wants it to be like a new login user, and apps/people could have a
set of X role+password combos different for each one. I think it's a
bizarre thing, but not the same as granting some roles to other ( of
course if you have M people and N schemas ( in his example )you can
have M login roles and grant combos of N 'schema roles' to them to
achieve this, but if N is, say, a hundred, and you have a huge M, like
ten thousand, with a different combo for each one, his solution may
make sense ( I do not think such a bizarre case justifies the bug-risk
of including the feature, but it can make sense ) )

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Drop/Re-Creating database extremely slow + doesn't lose data

2016-05-31 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Thalis

On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 3:49 PM, Thalis Kalfigkopoulos <>

> Intention: to drop a database and recreate it.
> Expectation: the newly created db should be empty
> What happens: dropping is fast, creation is slow, and when I reconnect,
> all the data objects are still there.
> Commands (tried both through command line with dropdb/createdb and through
> psql)

​Creation is normally slower then dropping. This is normal, as it is a more
involved process, and normally an unusual one, so I suspect it's being
developed ​thinking more on correctness and verifiability than speed.

Onto the other​ problem. I did not see the drop commands in your examples.
And neither did I see how the / data got to the first dafodb in the
first place. ​And I saw you connect to template1. ¿ Are you aware databases
in postgres are made by copying a template database ? Maybe you modified
the default template database ( this tends to be template1 ) and this is
the reason they are all equal ( read
​, and also think newly created postgres database are never empty, they
have the system catalogs inside them ).

Francisco Olarte.​

Re: [GENERAL] Deleting a table file does not raise an error when the table is touched afterwards, why?

2016-05-30 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Daniel:

On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 5:35 PM, Daniel Westermann
<> wrote:
> I get the file for that table:
> Then I delete the file:

Well, you corrupted the database and invoked undefined behaviour ( not
exactly, but postgres is not designed for this ).

> No issue in the log. This is probably coming from the cache, isn't it? Is
> this intended and safe?

It's probably not intended. It can come from the cache or it can
arrive from the fact that you are running a unix flavour. In unix ( at
the OS level, in the clasical filesystems ) you do not delete a file,
you unlink it ( remove the pointer to it in the directory  ), the file
is removed by the OS when nobody can reach it, which means nobody has
it open an no directory points to it ( so no one else can open it, is
like reference counting ) ( In fact this behaviour is used on purpose
for temporary files, you open it, unlink it and know when you exit,
either normaly or crashing, the OS deletes it ). Postgres has the file
open, and probably does not bother checking wether somebody removed it
under from the directory, as there is no correct behaviour in this
case, so no point in checking it.

> Then I restart the instance and do the select again:
> 2016-05-30 19:25:20.633 CEST - 9 - 2777 -  - @ FATAL:  could not open file
> "base/16422/32809": No such file or directory

As expected.

> Can someone please tell me the intention behind that? From my point of view
> this is dangerous. If nobody is monitoring the log (which sadly is the case
> in reality) nobody will notice that only parts of the table are there.
> Wouldn't it be much more safe to raise an error as soon as the table is
> touched?

If you are going to implement idealised behaviour, prohibiting people
from deleting it would be better.

Any user with minimu knwledge and enouugh privileges can put programs
in states from which they cannot recover, there is not point in
checking every corner case. In fact, if you can remove the file under
the servers feet you can probably alter the running server memory,
which would you think the correct behaviour would be for a 'poke
rand(),rand()' in the server process? It could have triple redundancy
copy of every page and try to vote and detect in each instruction, but
is pointless.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Migrate 2 DB's - v8.3

2016-05-29 Thread Francisco Olarte

Could you please avoid unedited top posts?

On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 7:53 PM, Martín Marqués <> wrote:
> I still don't understand why the OP is getting into so much trouble and
> doesn't upgrade to a newer version like 9.3 or 9.4 (or even 9.5).

Neither do I, but the thing is trying to find the fastest way to move
a single database between two clusters on different machines, or
trying to find a way to do it without downtime, is useful on its own,
whicever the versions are.

> All this hassle to stay on an unsupported postgres is just useless, IMNSHO.

You can ask the OP for the reason to stay in 8.3 directly. Maybe is
something as simple as "I'm the one who pays, you do what I pay you
for.". I've had several of these.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Migrate 2 DB's - v8.3

2016-05-28 Thread Francisco Olarte

On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 12:38 AM, Jeff Baldwin <> wrote:
> Thank you for your time Alan.
> To move the DB,  you are suggesting something like this:
> pg_dump -h dbms11 -U postgres -C mls11 | psql -h localhost -d mls11 -U
> postgres

I'd like to point one thing, you MAY get a little more speed if you
run pg_dump AND psql each in the same host as the DB it's operating on
to minimize latency ( and I would time unix socket vs network first in
case it differs ). ( to do that I would try something like 'ssh dbms11
"pg_dump  mls11 " | psql -d mls11' with all the needed doodahs, and
maybe use something like netcat or socat instead of ssh ). The
rationale being the intermediate dump is just a data stream and not
latency sensitive ( except for the window*latency problem, but you are
not going to hit that on a LAN ), while the dump/restore does DB work
which is more latency sensitive ( I do not know how many RTTs it would
need, specially with blobs, but you can try it ).

¿ How many hours does it take in your tests? Because if you have 1-2
and you can do the dump psql pipe trick, which is quite robust, in 3-4
you may push for it ( arguing it's a simpler an more testable process

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Connections - Postgres 9.2

2016-05-16 Thread Francisco Olarte

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 6:56 PM, Charles Clavadetscher
<> wrote:

> There really is a state 'Idle in transaction'? Good to learn.

Again, IIRC, it was there in the graph legend, orange was Idle, yellow
was Idle in transaction ( not in the data, just in the legend ).

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Connections - Postgres 9.2

2016-05-16 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Lucas

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 4:10 AM, Lucas Possamai <>

> Those IDLE connections, might be because the user/application didn't
> commit the transaction?

​IIRC Those would be 'Idle in transaction' ( which are normally bad if
numerous, unless your app has a reason for them, as they are the ones which
can block things ). Plain 'Idle' are normally connections between
transactions, totally normal if you use poolers, or if your app keeps
connection opens while it does other things ( like preparing for a
transaction ).

Francisco Olarte.

Re: [GENERAL] View not allowing to drop column (Bug or Feature enhancement )

2016-05-16 Thread Francisco Olarte

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 9:46 AM, Sachin Kotwal <> wrote:
>> You need to drop the view before recreating it. Then it works. If you
>> changed the access to the view with grants or revokes, you also neet to
>> recreate them. They are dropped with the view.
> Sorry to say but If we need to drop and replace then what is use of "Create
> OR Replace " syntax?

That is the use case. Create or replace  is for doing
backwards compatible changes without having to worry about what other
things is running concurrently with you. If you make non-backwards
compatible changes the system forces you to drop, so you can see
dependencies and who is using the things before dropping ( unless you
go trigger happy with cascade ).

>>> If its not a bug and a limitation kindly guide me towards any
>>> documentation where it is mentioned.
>> CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW is similar, but if a view of the same name already
>> exists, it is replaced. The new query must generate the same columns that

> If this is the limitation. Is community is planning update this or add this
> feature soon?

IMO you've got it backwards. The limitation IS the feature. In my
case, as an example, I can code every view ( and functions ) in a
script file using create or replace. And when I find a bug / want to
make a backwards compatible improvement I can just edit the script and
fire it again, and this feature insures I do not impact other code if
I inadvertently rename a column, or delete it.

If the feature were to be removed, and backwards-incompatible changes
were allowed, a lot of people will be unhappy.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] View not allowing to drop column (Bug or Feature enhancement )

2016-05-16 Thread Francisco Olarte
On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 8:49 AM, Shrikant Bhende
<> wrote:
> While working on the view I came across an unusual behaviour of the view,
> PostgreSQL do not allows to drop a column from the view, whereas same
> pattern of Create and Replace view works while adding a column.

This is probably because you are using create or replace, which is
normally used to switch things in place and so it needs them to be
compatible with the old ones. A view with an extra column can be used
instead of the old one, but a view with less columns can not. I do not
see the 'not dropping' part as unusual, and the 'can add columns',
well, I see them as a little unusual on a create or replace but I see
the point in hallowing it, so just a little.

> Alter command do not have any option to drop column
> postgres=# alter view vi1

Well, it is a view, not a table. They are basically shorthands for
queries and places to attach triggers, so its normal they do not have
as much management options.

> If its not a bug and a limitation kindly guide me towards any documentation
> where it is mentioned.

Right at the top of create view? :


CREATE VIEW defines a view of a query. The view is not physically
materialized. Instead, the query is run every time the view is
referenced in a query.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW is similar, but if a view of the same name
already exists, it is replaced. The new query must generate the same
columns that were generated by the existing view query (that is, the
same column names in the same order and with the same data types), but
it may add additional columns to the end of the list. The calculations
giving rise to the output columns may be completely different.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Thoughts on "Love Your Database"

2016-05-05 Thread Francisco Olarte
On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 12:34 AM, Vincent Veyron <> wrote:
> I like this quote from Fred Brooks :
> `Show me your code and conceal your data structures, and I shall continue to 
> be mystified. Show me your data structures, and I won't usually need your 
> code; it'll be obvious.'

I remembered it as 'Show me your tables,...", which looks even more
applicable in this list. A quick googgle search for SMYT did in fact
return a link to wikiquote at the top, it says "Show me your
flowcharts and conceal your tables, and I shall continue to be
mystified. Show me your tables, and I won’t usually need your
flowcharts; they’ll be obvious. " from TMMM, so its normal I remember
it that way ( I still own it and reread some chunks every couple of
years. )

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] psql color hostname prompt

2016-04-28 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Steve:

On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 7:09 PM, Steve Crawford
<> wrote:
> The various hacks appear to not deal with the fact that there may be
> multiple instances of postgresql running on different TCP ports or Unix
> connections nor with the fact that the local connection may, in fact, be a
> pooler and not a direct connection to the database.

Because the problems is with the host, the port is solved trivially
with %> and the local socket name is dependent on the listening port.
And, regarding pgbouncer, psql just knows it's talking with someone
who speaks the postgres protocol, it has no way to know what is being
done with the socket.

> As long as we're into hack-land, I'll offer one.
> First, you abuse the custom variables feature in postgresql.conf and add
> something like:

That's a nice trick ( once you peel of the ; before \gset IIRC ) for
the problem of knowing which of your server databases you are
connected to. Low impact and if the database does not have the guc you
can easily know it ( I think knowing the host is not the problem, it
does not matter how many socket redirections, bouncers or other things
you go through your solucion solves the problem ).

> Next you update .psqlrc with something along the lines of:

Just a problem, you need it somewhere where it can be re-executed on
reconnects ( am I the only one who routinely uses \c ? ).

> On the plus side, the custom GUC setting is available to any client, not
> just psql. It also handles multiple PostgreSQL instances and connections
> that are actually routed through a pooler.

Yes, you do not know who you are connected to, but you know which
server istance you end up in, which is nice. I think knowing the
host/path+port is useful for some things, but for the originally
stated problem this seems better.

> On the down side, it is a hack. The method is not in any way guaranteed to
> be future-proof. It leaves an ugly bit of server output at psql startup. It
> requires ensuring that all servers have the variable set appropriately. You
> need to avoid colliding with a custom GUC used by an extension. But perhaps
> it is useful.

Not this hacky, I'll use it in preference to changing the prompt with
scripts ( I'll continue using %M and changing terminal titles, but I'm
too used to it ).

Well seen.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] psql color hostname prompt

2016-04-27 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Cal:

On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 5:20 PM, Cal Heldenbrand <> wrote:
> 2)  %M vs shell call
> %M on when connected to the local machine displays the string "[local]"
> which I didn't like.  I wanted a real hostname to show no matter which
> client/server pair I was using.  Zero chance for mistaken commands on the
> wrong host.  Many times we ssh to a remote server, then run psql locally.

I do this (ssh'ing) too. What I do when it matters ( connecting to
many similar servers at a time ) is to use host connections for
everything ( so %M works, and the overhead of using local ip
connections vs unix domain sockets is nearly zero these days ).

> Perhaps the more elegant route here, is to change psql's behavior with %M
> when connected to the local machine?  (This would also solve point #3)

mmm, strong -1 for this. I would vote for another mechanism, but I
think it must reflect the real connection, after all I can typically
connect to [local],, $(hostname -i)/$(hostname)
and they are different things. A %nice_name would be ok for me, ( and
I think easy to do, just do 'if (local) expand hostname else expand
whatever %M does'. Also, you could precede it by something, or print
it like '[]' without disturbing present %M usage.

> 3)  a forked process for every prompt
> While this also isn't very elegant, it seems to work fine.

Not an elegance concern, and forking is what shells do every time, so
fine for me.

> It would be nice if there was a way to do some kind of templating script
> with the psqlrc file.  Something that would dynamically generate the "\set
> PROMPT" commands on psql startup, rather than calling out to a shell every
> command.  (I'm thinking along the lines of ERB for Ruby, Django for Python,
> etc.)

That can be done with a named pipe ;->  ( or with an alias / function
using getopt to parse the options before forwarding them to psql ).
But, which just \sets $hostname in a var and uses it. )  Anyway, the
problem with this is that if you do \connect to another. You could do
something similar to this using only psql/psqlrc tricks:

cdrs=> \set fecha `date`
cdrs=> \echo :fecha
Wed Apr 27 10:23:22 CEST 2016

Here you would use your script instead of fecha, and interpolate it
using %:fecha: in the prompt.

And now the second step of the trick:
cdrs=> \set recalc '\\set fecha `date`'
cdrs=> \echo :recalc
\set fecha `date`
cdrs=> :recalc
cdrs=> \echo :fecha
Wed Apr 27 10:24:07 CEST 2016
cdrs=> :recalc
cdrs=> \echo :fecha
Wed Apr 27 10:24:16 CEST 2016

Now you can use :recalc if you do connect to have the prompt updated.


> But again, I think the more elegant approach is to alter the %M logic.
> Any thoughts?

At risk of being redundant, not altering %M, another %x better.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Calculating Minkowski distance between two rows

2016-04-25 Thread Francisco Olarte

On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 4:26 PM, Babak Alipour <> wrote:
> That is correct. The function I've written only works when the two tables
> are named table_train and table_test; is it possible to generalize that to
> take in any two tables?

And only when all table_train columns are numbers AND table_test
contains at least all of them AND they are numbers too.

Wouldn't it be easier to use numeric arrays to represent coordinate vectors?

Anyway, I'm not versed in all of this, wbut I would try to make a
function to turn a table record to a numeric array and then write the
numeric array version of the func and call them, divide and conquer.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] psql color hostname prompt

2016-04-25 Thread Francisco Olarte

On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 4:04 PM, Achilleas Mantzios
> Hello, have done that, looked really nice, but unfortunately this resulted
> in a lot of garbled output, in case of editing functions, huge queries, up
> arrows, etc...

Did you  use %[ %] to delimit non-printing sequences as Cal did? I've
tested his prompt ( substituting 'echo tarari' for his sh script ) and
it works fine ( at least in xfce4-terminal / ubuntu / 6 terminal lines
long input line ). I've seen a lot of color prompts worked by
forgetting them ( even when the doc for them specially speaks of color
changes ).
Frnacisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] psql color hostname prompt

2016-04-25 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Cal:

On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 3:55 PM, Cal Heldenbrand <> wrote:
> I whipped up a psqlrc and companion shell script to provide a colored prompt
> with the hostname of the machine you're connected to.  It works for both
> local sockets and remote connections too.

Color may be nice, but as previously pointed it can distort things.

> /usr/local/pgsql/etc/psqlrc
> ==
> -- PROMPT1 is the primary prompt
> \set PROMPT1
> '%[%033[1;31m%]%`/usr/local/pgsql/etc/`%[%033[0m%]
> %n@%/%R%#%x '

And you are exec'ing in every round ( not too big, but I come from a
time of slow forks).

I think psql ( at least in 9.3 didn't bother looking behind ) gives you enough:

cdrs=> \set PROMPT1 %M:%>-%x-%:AUTOCOMMIT:-:PROMPT1
db1:5432--on:-cdrs=> begin;
db1:5432-*-on:-cdrs=> commit;
db1:5432--on:-cdrs=> \c apc -
psql (9.4.7, server 9.3.10)
You are now connected to database "apc" as user "folarte".

And you can color it:

db1:5432--on:-apc=> \set PROMPT1 '%[%033[1;31m%]%M%[%033[0m%]%n@%/%R%#%x '
db1folarte@apc=> -- not a fan of html mail.

lsof may give you longer or more acurate names, but I think std
escapes are enough.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Columnar store as default for PostgreSQL 10?

2016-04-21 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Bráulio:

On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 12:08 PM, Bráulio Bhavamitra
<> wrote:
> And what I keep reading all over the web is many databases switching to
> columnar store (RedShift, Cassandra, cstore_fdw, etc) and having great
> performance on queries in general and giant boosts with big analytics
> queries.

And have you read anything about the drawbacks of columnar? They are
there, but writing about them does not makes the headlines.

> I wonder if there is any plans to move postgresql entirely to a columnar
> store (or at least make it an option), maybe for version 10?

An option may be good ( may, not sure because nothing is free. More
complex code, more bug surface, some time will be eaten managing the
extra complexity, less developer time available for each feature, ...
) , but IMHO a complete move would be bad. Columnar is not that good
for a lot of postgres usages. If columnar were the silver bullet
everybody would be doing it.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Fetching last n records from Posgresql

2016-03-30 Thread Francisco Olarte
could turn the sort into a reverse, but it seems difficult.
Or you could try to use a cursor, goto to the last record, and then
skip N backwards and go fro there, but IMHO it's not worth the
complexity, and, at least in my case, it is slower for 1000 records,
but YMMV

$ begin;
Time: 61.229 ms
$ declare last_1000 scroll cursor for select * from
carrier_cdrs_201603 order by setup;
Time: 61.025 ms
$ move last in last_1000;
Time: 282.142 ms
$ move backward 1000 in last_1000;
MOVE 1000
Time: 61.969 ms
$ fetch all from last_1000;
Time: 248.071 ms
$ close last_1000;
Time: 60.922 ms
$ commit;
Time: 60.814 ms

Note how once you account for my 60ms RTT It's taking 220 ms to go to
the end, and 188 to fetch the result, while:

cdrs=# select * from ( select * from carrier_cdrs_201603 order by
setup desc limit 1000 ) last_1000 order by setup;
Time: 248.566 ms

I can do the select in just 188 too. ( This are just 1000 records, but
without explain analyze a nice chunk of the time is spent sending them
over my 60 ms RTT connection ).

Anyway, try things, measure, post results so we know what happens.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] psql question: aborting a "script"

2016-03-15 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Melvin:

On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 3:57 PM, Melvin Davidson <> wrote:
> What you really want is
> So just
> before any other statements

IIRC you are right with the variable ... BUT .. it is a psql setting,
not a session setting, so he'll probably need to use the \set psql


and also, use on as suggested on the docs, not ON, I'm not sure wether
PSQL is case sensitive.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Unexpected result using floor() function

2016-03-15 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Frank:

On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 6:57 AM, Frank Millman <> wrote:
> 2. As pointed out, there are two forms of the power function.
> test=> select pg_typeof(power(10, 2));
> pg_typeof
> --
> double precision
> test=> select pg_typeof(power(10., 2));
> pg_typeof
> --
> numeric
> I found that adding a decimal point after the 10 is the easiest way to force
> it to return a numeric.
> Putting this together, my solution is -
> test=> select floor(4.725 * power(10., 2) + 0.5);
> floor
> ---

> Can anyone see any problems with this?

I see a problem in it relying in interpretation of constants. From my
experience I would recommend explicit casts, it's just a second longer
to type but much clearer. The problems start with 10 being interpreted
as integer, all the other ones as numeric:

s=> select pg_typeof(10.), pg_typeof(10), pg_typeof(10.E0), pg_typeof(10E0);
 pg_typeof | pg_typeof | pg_typeof | pg_typeof
 numeric   | integer   | numeric   | numeric
(1 row)

This may byte you any day, so I wuld recommend doing

s=> select v, pg_typeof(v) from (select floor(4.725 * power(cast(10.
as numeric), 2) + 0.5)) as aux(v);
  v  | pg_typeof
 473 | numeric
(1 row)
s=> select v, pg_typeof(v) from (select floor(4.725 * power(cast(10 as
numeric), 2) + 0.5)) as aux(v);
  v  | pg_typeof
 473 | numeric
(1 row)

which makes your intention clear.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Suppress decimal point like digits in to_char?

2016-03-14 Thread Francisco Olarte

On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 8:02 PM, Ken Tanzer <> wrote:
>> price:
>> --
>> xx5.45
>> xx1.20
>> 99
>> xx2.40
> I appreciate the comment and explanation.  But your example shows numbers 
> where the trailing 0s are not suppressed.

Yeah, my fault, but 5.45, 1.25, 99.00, 2.45 will create a that kind of
alignment which stronly suggest its .99. Of course it's not printed as
such, but visually it can trick you, that's why decimal points are
never supressed anc softwar has options to align coluns to the decimal

> It seems to me that if you're requesting suppression of trailing 0s, then 
> you're accepting that your numbers aren't going to align in the first place. 
> And so it's hard for me to see how, for example "99." is ever going to be 
> desirable output if suppression is what you're after.

Never desirable for me, but I never use d9, I always do d0, but you are right.

> And just as context on my end, the times I use to_char are generally to merge 
> numbers into a document or some fragment of English text.

For the grouping ',' I see your point, I normally just use defaut
conversion for these as I dislike the grouping.

As I said, I could see a legitimitate case for Dd similar to the 09
stuff, but having so many replace options ( I think you can even do
<trim(trailing '.' from to_char(number, 'FMD99'))>, which is
easier on the eye but fails on locales, as the regexp does ( as a
note, in Spain they are inverted, dot for grouping comma for decimals
) ) I do not think it's a big deal, uglier things are coded by me
continuously nearly via muscle memory.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Suppress decimal point like digits in to_char?

2016-03-14 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Ken:

On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 7:33 PM, Ken Tanzer <> wrote:

> Thanks for all the info and suggestions.  I'll just observe that sure, you 
> can do it with a regex, but I'm still surprised that this can't be done with 
> to_char.

Well, this may be a good enhancement request, add something like
d=decimal point, supressed if alone.

> In particular, one might reasonably choose a format string like 
> 'FM999,999D99' and not realize it will fail on whole numbers.  Is there any 
> particular reason the D is not suppressible in this case, either by default 
> or as an option?  It seems to me if the trailing 0s are suppressed, the 
> decimal should follow suit for whole numbers.

It does not fail, it just works in a diffrent way of what you would
like. Regarding supression, IMO it's a bad thing, it can lead to
misleading results. Imagine it is, and you do a right aligned print (
usual for numbers ) of prices 5.45, 1.20, 99.00, 2.40, and you end up
with ( using x for align )

It would be misleading, I prefer to have xxx99., ugly but clearer IMO
( of course one never supress decimals in prices, so I would use
990D00, but anyway ).

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Suppress decimal point like digits in to_char?

2016-03-14 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi David:

On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 4:22 PM, David G. Johnston
<> wrote:

>> But a right-aligning string output routine needs to be used.

>> Summarising, any combination can be easily done with a single round of
>> replace.

> See also:
> format(formatstr text [, formatarg "any" [, ...] ])

You mean to use it to right align the replaced string ( i.e.
format('%12s',replace(...)) ) or is there a code I do not know off
which can be used to achieve the global result ( I use it but it seems
to be like a restricted sprintf which can not do the supress the zero
stuff ) ?

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] pg_restore fails

2016-03-13 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Karsten..

On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 12:09 AM, Karsten Hilbert
<> wrote:
> I am trying to pg_restore from a directory dump.
> However, despite using
> --clean
> --create
> --if-exists
> I am getting an error because schema PUBLIC already exists.
snip, snip

Have you tried the classic combo pg_restore -l > toc.dat,
your_favorite_editor toc.dat pg_restore -L toc.dat?

I've had great success with that in the past, even splitting the TOC
in several chunks to be able to make adjustements between them, but
I've never used the directory format for ( serious, I've tried all
when learning ) backups.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] multiple UNIQUE indices for FK

2016-03-07 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Rafal:

On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 9:29 AM, Rafal Pietrak <> wrote:
>> be slower ). And you introduce several problems, the naming ones, a
>> very strange foreign-key relationship between kids, the possibility of
>> having a row inserted in the parent.
> No, no. It was OK. the parent table was appropriately "ruled on insert"
> for inherited tables to work as partitions.

But you have to rule a lot, to avoid people inserting into the kids,
anyway, without seeing the whole lot I'm not gonna comment more.

> and the table was called "messages" :)

But it did not contain messages, it contained message-persons relations.

. sniped, too complex without seeing the whole dessign.

>> .
> :) this is a good one!!!
> Actually I'm very, very acquainted with this "XY problem". i.e quite
> often when "end-users" ask me for additional functionality, they (like
> in the XY case) suggest a "technical solution". And (just like you :) I
> always ask: pls tell me what you do "traditionally", e.g "when you are
> currently doing this on paper: how does it go - step by step", then I'll
> find a good IT solution for you.

Well, now you have an url to mail them.

> In case of a complex inter-mangled systems, where a well defined
> "critical point" shows up, it's more efficient to extract the "show
> case" that causes the problem and focus on this, instead of digressing
> on overall design. (which may be flowed, but cannot be rewritten at this
> point).

May be, but for me your solutions are so complex I cannot follow them.

> BTW: using timestamp instead of FK to message_id does not work quite so
> well. To see the problem, ponder a question: what time resolution should
> such timestamp have, to be as robust as FK ... irrespectively of the
> transaction load?

That's irrelevant. Timestamp is a concept, as I told you, it's just a
value whcich defines a full order. Normally the system has a timestamp
source which insures it. If you have not one you can use a cache=1

When in a single process problem like this I normally use an
second timestamp which I autoincrement if repeated, something

get_timestamp_for_id() {
  Locked(mutex) {
  if (last_returned_id >= now) {
   return ++ last_returned_id;
  } else {
   return last_returned_id = now;

This has the nice property that it eventually drops to timestamp after
a burst, so the ID do double service as generation timestamps, but a
single locked counter, a sequence, works as well.

... More snipping.

I cannot recommend more things. The only thing, for easier locating of
a message in a person, cache the last message id in the person ( which
you can use as a lock for updtings ) and just use the next for linking
the chain ( because, as you said, a message can be no longer the last,
so, unless this only happens when you destructively pop the last
message in the chain for a user, you need a full linked list to
recover the previous one ) ( if you determine the new last message by
other means you do not need any of these things, just cache the last
message in each person record, then when you insert a new one you
update each sender / recipient with the last message id at the same
time you insert the records, preferably sorting the ids first to avoid
deadlocks if your concurrency is high, although I suspect you'll need
a linked-list-per-user if it has to be the previous one ).

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] multiple UNIQUE indices for FK

2016-03-05 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Rafal:

On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 11:46 PM, Rafal Pietrak <> wrote:
> W dniu 04.03.2016 o 18:59, Francisco Olarte pisze:
>> Make sender_person_id NOT NULL in messages if you want to insure every
>> message ahs exactly ONE SENDER, leave it out if you want to allow
>> senderless messages. An FK column must either link to a record or be
>> null.
>> Then, if you want to have a msgs-person ''table'' I would use a view:
>> CREATE VIEW msgs_persons as
>> SELECT message_id, sender_person_id as person_id, 'SENDER' as role from 
>> messages
>> SELECT message_id, recipient_person_id as person_id, 'RECIPIENT' as
>> role from recipients
> This was my initial schema .. with the addition of one "super table",
> that the two above (sender_person_id and recipient_person_id) both
> inharited from (to avoid the UNION ALL when selecting everything).

Wuf. I do not like it. I would add a column named sender_person_id to
messages ( to distinguish its role ) and put a recipient_person_id, or
just person_id, in recipients ( the role is clear in that table ) to
avoid problems. Otherwise, what do you call the parent table and the
fields? It's a naming issue, nut I've found the hard way naming is
important in this things. Bear in mind you do only avoid TYPING the
union all when selecting everything ( as inheritance DOES do a union
all, it would have to do it with both kids AND the parent, so it MAY
be slower ). And you introduce several problems, the naming ones, a
very strange foreign-key relationship between kids, the possibility of
having a row inserted in the parent.

> With that layout, the NEXT column worked just fine.

I do not doubt the NEXT column works, I just doubt it's a good thing
on a relational dessign.

> Only then came the requirement to have a "possibly sequence-continues"
> unique ID assigned to every message irrespectively if a particular
> person was a sender or a recipient of that message_id. And I couldn't
> figure out how to implement it across separate (even if inharited) tables.
> So came the concept of single table of messages, with ROLE field and a
> partial unique constraint on sender+sender-message-id ... and I've
> sterted to rewrite the schema, but at certain point I realized that it
> broke the NEXT functionality and I cannot imagine any way to reintroduce
> it into the new table layouts.

Which is exactly the functionality of the NEXT column ? I mean, I see
you have messages with ONE sender and MANY? (Can they be zero? )
recipients. What are you trying to achieve with it? How are you
planning to maintain it in your dessign?

> Now I'm quite stuck here.

I ask these questions because I think we are in a case of .

> BTW: I'm considering your sugestion of replaceing NEXT with the
> timestamp. The primary reason for the NEXT is to be able to fetch a row
> "just preceeding" currently inserted new one AFTER the insert is done
> (in trigger after), so that some elaborated "statistics" get updated in
> that "one before" message record. May be timestap would do instead...

If you are planning on updating the previous row for a message ( or a
person ? ) on a trigger, this smells fishy. You may have a reason, not
knowing what you are exactly planning to do, I cannot tell, but it
sounds really weird.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] multiple UNIQUE indices for FK

2016-03-04 Thread Francisco Olarte
epts the requirement for a unique index
> as FK target column "mandatory performance support", then I fail to see
> real reazon, where *ENY* unique index shouldn't do that role too. They
> are unique (within  domains of their conditions) and by definition yield
> a single row for FK (or nothing); that should be sufficient for the
> engine to keep data consistancy as expected, shouldn't it?

Maybe. I'm not following too much what you try to do here. Either you
are way above my level or you have a mental model of how postgres
should work which does not correspond to how it does.

> Naturally I undestand that there might be some deep reasons for
> exclusion of partial indexed as FK target "selectors" - I'd apreciate
> further explanations. But in case those reasons exist, I'd expect
> workarounds to exist too - like "SQL idioms" - that people normally use
> for cases like these. Would those "generic constraint" be be idiom?

Please, forget anything I said about generic constraint, my fault, I
was trying to express something, failed at it, and do not know how to
fix it.

What I personally do to avoid these kind of problems is to avoid
dessigning something which needs references to a partial index. And
I've been successful at it for a long time. I'm not going to recover
the complete thread to recap on why you exactly are doing these kind
of really advanced things, but I suppose you need them for some reason
and I do not have the resources to study it.

> So as I said before, I'm looking for some guidence here. (I'm really
> emotionally bond to that NEXT field there :)

ON this I cannot help you too much. I do not see what you are trying
to achieve with the NEXT field. These will need more explanations, and
more study, and as I said before, I do not have the available
resources for them.

Sorry for the tme I've taken, but I feel I can not be of any help here.

Best regards.

Francisco Olarte, over & out.

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Re: [GENERAL] multiple UNIQUE indices for FK

2016-03-04 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Rafal:

On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 11:44 AM, Rafal Pietrak <> wrote:
> While doing so I fell onto another problem, to which I cannot find any
> resolve so far.
> 2. but in the original schema I did have an additional field NEXT, which
> allowed me to dasy-chain all messages originating from a particular
> sender, and just one message (the most recent one) did have it a NULL
> there, so it was easy to peek the last message (which is a frequent
> operation).

I do not recall your original schema too well, but IMO doing
linked-lists with database records is not usually a good idea. They
are very procedural and relational is declarative. Normally to peek at
the last message from a chain you just declare your intentions in sql,
typically by having a timestamp column and doing select whatever where
whatelse order by xxx_ts desc limit 1.

> 3. currently, having just partially-unique index on messages-persons
> table for senders, I'm unable to FK (person,role,next) to (person,role,ssn).

This is normally a sympton of your schema not being appropiately normalized.

> Postgres complains, that FK columns MUST have an unconditional unique
> index at its target columns.

I would expect this, a foreign key must uniquely determine a row on
another table, postgres insures this with unconditional unique index.
This is because FK target tables, not indexes. If you are targetting a
conditional index probably you want another type of constraint.

> A) how to get around it?

Do not use FK. Try to use generic constraints. Better , normalize your
schema, IIRC it was not even in 2NF, and this tends to be asking for

> B) why that unique index at the target have to be unconditional? I mean:
> --> if the table was split into two inharited tables (one for
> role-sender, one for role-recepient), the partition table containing
> only role-sender could have a full-unique index and thus could become
> target for FK(sender,next).
> --> so why rdbms cannot treat partial indexes just like that: as if
> those where full-unique-indexes, but only covering part of the data. And
> consequently if there was a 'partial-index-miss', the target key is
> assumed as not present.

> I'd apreciate any help in how should I implement the chaining of rows in
> messages-persons table (like above); and some info on the "theory of
> rdbms" (or clasure in standard specs) which lead to restrictions
> preventing partial indexes as FK targets,

Partial indexes, even indexes in general, are implementation details
in "theory of rdbms". This theory is more matemathics, based on
tuples, sets, and the like.  Normally FK wants unique keys as targets,
the fact that many dbms force a unique index for these is an
implementation detail, you can have a unique constraint by just
scanning the table on every insertion / update, it will be slow but
will work ( and in some cases, like extremely small tables would even
be much better than indexes ).

>From what you write your way of operation reminds me of when I worked
with COBOL and indexed files, you try to use the indexes, directly,
and make the rdbms use them automatically for some ops like you would
do in a one of this systems, but that is not the way rdbms work, they
like to have a declared structure and decide by themselves what to do.
This is nice in that once you write a query you can partition, add
indexes, create views, and let the rdbms work out how to do it, but
imposes some ( some would say a lot ) constraints in how you put your
data in.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] How jsonb updates affect GIN indexes

2016-02-27 Thread Francisco Olarte
CCing to list to maintain context.

On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 12:14 PM, Eric Mortensen <> wrote:
> Thanks Francisco, I had not considered MVCC. If that is true, it would seem
> to me that a GIN index would "always" be less efficient, as it potentially
> would have to update every key's posting tree if a tuple moves, whereas two
> btree indexes would only require modififying two trees.

If you are that worried about performance, maybe your data will be
best served by splitting those fields out of the jsonb or even
splitting the table. As always, measure, identify bottleneck.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] How jsonb updates affect GIN indexes

2016-02-27 Thread Francisco Olarte

On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 11:46 AM, Eric Mortensen <> wrote:
> When a jsonb column is updated, as far as I understand the entire column is
> updated, even though perhaps only one of the keys has a modified value.

Also, bear in mind when a column is updated the tuple is too, and
MVCC treats it similarly to a delete+insert, so it may move around (
as the old version may be needed by some transaction, and not enough
space may be free on the original location ). and every index
reference ( GIN or whatever, to any column ) needs to be updated. I do
not know the details, I just know it's a complex decision, someone
with more knowledge of the internals may give you a more acurate
descriptin if needed.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Why Postgres use a little memory on Windows.

2016-02-20 Thread Francisco Olarte
On Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 7:37 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> It looks like the bitmap heap scan generally returns exactly one row for
> each outer row, which makes me wonder if the BETWEEN couldn't be replaced
> with some sort of equality.

Mm, I'm not good reading explains, but that seems to confirm my
suspicion that gaps partition the id range in non overlapping ranges.

> But that might take some rethinking of the data.

If id is a series, gap defines a range, he can do something with an
auxiliary table, like

select start as a, 0 as b from gaps where status = 'GP'
union all
select id as a,1 as b from data
union all end-1 as a, 2 as b from gaps  where status='gp' -- to end-1
to make intervals half open.
order by a,b

which would give all the ids in a with b=1  surrounded by (0,2) when
valid and by (2,0) when invalid.

and then, with a creative window clause or a small function, filter
that and join with I suppose adding a third c column, null on
b=1 and =b on b=0/2 and selecting the previous non-null in the
sequence could do it, but it's somehow above my window-fu, I'm more of
a code gouy and would do it with two nested loops on a function.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Why Postgres use a little memory on Windows.

2016-02-20 Thread Francisco Olarte
On Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 7:13 PM, Adrian Klaver
<> wrote:
> sym_data d INNER JOIN sym_data_gap g ON g.status = 'GP'
> AND d.data_id BETWEEN g.start_id
> AND g.end_id
> The thing that stands out to me is that I do not see that sym_data and
> sym_data_gp are actually joined on anything.

Yes they are, although the formatting hid it somehow.

It is a classic,  data_gap defines intervals via start+end id over
data, he wants to join every data with the corresponding gap. It is  a
hard optimization problem without knowing more of the data
distributions, maybe the interval types and ginindexes can help him.
When faced with this kind of structure, depending on the data
distribution, I've solved it via two paralell queries ( gap sorted by
start plus end, data sorted by id, sweep them in paralell joining by
code, typical tape-update problem, works like a charm for
non-overlapping ranges and even for some overlapping ones with a
couple of queues  ) . And he seems to want all of the data ( sometime
this goes faster if you can add a couple of range conditions for / gap.start/end_id.

> Also is it possible to see the schema definitions for the two tables?

My bet is on somethink like ~serial primary key,
gap.start/end_id foreign key to that.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] repeated characters in SQL

2016-01-24 Thread Francisco Olarte
On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 7:05 PM,  <> wrote:
> I guess the escape character (which is not needed in, say, Notepad++) threw
> me a bit.

Notepad ++ is, AFAIK,  an editor, it SHOULD (within reason) let you
write any text.

The double quote is needed due to the quoting rules of the language.
You want the regexp engine to see the characters leftp, dot, rightp,
backslash, one. But backslah is the scape character in strings ( in
many languages ), so you need to escape it too.

The same happens in, for example, C and Java. To put those five chars
in a string you need "(.)\\1". If you send "(.)\1" to a C compiler it
will build the string leftp, dot, rightp, SOH=(char)(1). It will
arrive to the backslash when parsing, see it is followed by a digit
less than 8, interpret it as an octal escape, and emit the SOH.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL upgrade 9.3.4 -> 9.3.10

2016-01-12 Thread Francisco Olarte

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 10:28 AM, Dev Kumkar <> wrote:
> I want to upgrade my database from version 9.3.4 to 9.3.10.
> For this task, do I need to upgrade database using pg_upgrade utility?

No, that is a minor release. Minor version upgrades are normally just
install new vesion & restart. In fact we usually install the new
version over the old one and just restart the server ( but YMMV,
specially if you use one of those operating systems which do not let
you delete open files ).

Minor (9.3.4->9.3.10) version normally preserve on disk formats, so
nothing needs to be done.

Mayor ( 9.3.4 -> 9.4.x )  do not, and they normally need either a dump
& restore or a pg_upgrade ( which works like an optimized dump &
restore ).

In any case, read the release notes ( 9.3 docs, at
end, ) for
versions 9.3.5-10, specially the headers, any special instructions
should be contained here, when you read 'A dump/restore is not
required for those running 9.3.X.' it meand you can just install and

> From the details it looks like for minor version upgrade pg_upgrade utility
> is not required.
> "pg_upgrade (formerly called pg_migrator) allows data stored in PostgreSQL
> data files to be upgraded to a later PostgreSQL major version without the
> data dump/reload typically required for major version upgrades, e.g. from
> 8.4.7 to the current major release of PostgreSQL. It is not required for
> minor version upgrades, e.g. from 9.0.1 to 9.0.4."
> Can someone please provide more details here and also what steps needs to be
> done to upgrade to 9.3.10 level?

When postgres changes on-disk formats it bumps the major version.
Normally these used to mean you needed to dump & restore the database,
( Using the NEWER dump/restore utilities, as 9.4 dump/restore know how
to deal with a 9.3 DB, but 9.3 D/R do not even know wether a 9.4
version exists )

pg_upgrade was developed because the on-disk format changes are
tipically minor, and a special program could be made to transform the
data from a version to a later one faster than dumping & restoring,
but is more or less equivalent to doing that. As minor version
upgrades do not need dump/restore, they do not need pg_upgrade either.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Options for complex materialized views sharing most of the same logic?

2015-12-28 Thread Francisco Olarte
On Sun, Dec 27, 2015 at 10:39 PM, Wells Oliver <> wrote:
> I have one view which totals about 60 columns per day. Each day has a "days
> ago" column like so:
> Each of these views is basically a copy of one another for 99% of the code
> (the summing, percentages, etc). The only differences are:
> 1) checks the days_back <= 10
> 2) checks days_back <= 30
> 3) checks days_back <= 60
> 4) does not check days_back
> Is there some easier way for me to maintain the structure of the view
> without copying/pasting it 4 times and making one small tweak? I find myself
> adding/removing columns to these views and I do it 4 times each time.

Without knowing more details I would sugest making number 4 and then
defining 1-3 as select * from v4 wher days_back<=.

And, for the copy/paste stuff, you can do it easily with an script. I
normally would do it in some scripting language but you can even do it
in psql with some creative variable usage, just put the head stuf in a
var, the tail in another one and compose the sentences using them,
simplified example:

s=> \set head 'select version() where 2>1'
s=> \set tail 'and 3>1'
s=> :head :tail;

 PostgreSQL 9.3.10 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc (Gentoo 4.9.3 p1.4, pie-0.6.4) 4.9.3, 64-bit
(1 row)

s=> :head and 0>1 :tail ;
(0 rows)

If posible I would try the composite stuff mentioned first, but one of
these should be enough, in the second case you still recreate the
things, but let the macro processor do the boring stuff.

Francisco Olarte.

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[GENERAL] How to audit non LDAP connections?

2015-12-03 Thread Francisco Reyes
Due to security/audits have moved most users to LDAP. Looking for a way 
to tell if a connection is/is not going through LDAP.

Other than errors, such as bad password, have not found a way to tell if 
a connection is using LDAP or postgresql internal authentication in the 
logs. Tried going through different log variables and setting verbosity 
to max and did not see any indication of LDAP connections.

Long term we plan to only allow remote connections through LDAP in 
pg_hba.conf, but hoping to track down any connection that is not using 
LDAP to have that converted in a controlled fashion vs flipping the 
switch and seeing what breaks.

Postgres 9.3

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Re: [GENERAL] JSONB performance enhancement for 9.6

2015-11-29 Thread Francisco Olarte
On Sun, Nov 29, 2015 at 1:09 PM, Bill Moran <> wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Nov 2015 21:27:51 -0500
>> Currently, if I save a large json document with top level keys of thousands
** LARGE **
> The default storage for a JSONB field is EXTENDED. Switching it to
> EXTERNAL will disable compression. You'll have to insert your data over
> again, since this change doesn't alter any existing data, but see
> if that change improves performance.

Good recomendation, but see if it improves AND if it affects other
queries in the system. Turning off compresion CAN decrease the
eficiency  ( hit ratio ) of the shared buffers and the cache, IIRC (
but worth testing anyway ).

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Convert from hex to string

2015-11-25 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hello Yuriy...

On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 4:47 PM, Yuriy Rusinov <> wrote:
> I have to transform string, encoded to hexadecimal to text, but if I try to
> select encode('Qt is great!', 'hex'); I receive valid and correct results
> 517420697320677265617421
> but if I try to select decode ('517420697320677265617421', 'hex'), I
> receive the same string, such as
> '\x517420697320677265617421, which way I have to do for valid convert
> to/from hexadecimal ?

I seem to recall having answered this a very short time ago, but maybe
it was in the spanish list.

decode/encode are for converting bytes to a string. You need to
convert the string to bytes in a controlled way first ( bear in mind
there are implicit conversions ).

What you want is, given a text:

1.- Convert it to a bytea, in a controlled encoding: convert_to(string
text, dest_encoding name) => bytea
2.- Then encode the bytes in hex: encode(data bytea, format text) => text

then, to revert it you:

3.- Decode the hex string to bytes: decode(string text, format text) => bytea
4.- Convert the bytea, in a controlled encoding, to text:
convert_from(string bytea, src_encoding name) => text

As you see, they are nicelly paired. I see another response which just
does encode , decode+convert_from. This works because the database
does implicit conversions, but I would not recomend it. I cannot try
it because all my databases are UTF-8 but I feel Adrians example would
not work if your database encoding is NOT UTF-8 ( and you use any char
outside of ascii range ).

Look at the docs of the functions, section 9.4 table 9.7 int the 9.4.5 manual.

If you do it this way, you can also choose the encoding, ie, if you
know your data is latin1 you can convert from/to it and save a few
bytes, or you can convert to/from utf8 an insure you can represent
anything. Then you can encode/decode the bytes in whatever sutis you,
hex, as in yuour eample or base64 if you need to save a few bytes.

Types are there for a reason.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Convert from hex to string

2015-11-25 Thread Francisco Olarte
On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 6:22 PM, Adrian Klaver
<> wrote:
>> 1.- Convert it to a bytea, in a controlled encoding: convert_to(string
>> text, dest_encoding name) => bytea
>> 2.- Then encode the bytes in hex: encode(data bytea, format text) => text
>> then, to revert it you:
>> 3.- Decode the hex string to bytes: decode(string text, format text) =>
>> bytea
> Can't this be shortened to:
> aklaver@test=> select convert_to( 'é', 'latin1');
>  convert_to
>  \xe9
> (1 row)
> aklaver@test=> select convert_from( '\xe9', 'latin1');
>  convert_from
> --
>  é
> since convert_to() outputs bytea and convert_from() accepts bytea?

Yes, but he originally asked to convert to hex, I assumed a hex string.

Note you are using hex because this is th default encoding for bytea
output in the database, as the database needs to convert everything to
text to send it to psql to display it and psql sends text which the
database needs to convert to operate.

But if you are using something like, say, java, you would need to bind
convert_to output and convert_from input to a byte[] ( although maybe
jdbc is sending/receivine hex strings in the client encoding, the wire
protocol is transparent to you ), which you can then print however you
like, if you want to bind String with hex encoded data you nide the
encode/decode steps.

>> As you see, they are nicelly paired. I see another response which just
>> does encode , decode+convert_from. This works because the database
>> does implicit conversions, but I would not recomend it. I cannot try
>> it because all my databases are UTF-8 but I feel Adrians example would
>> not work if your database encoding is NOT UTF-8 ( and you use any char
>> outside of ascii range ).
> If you are doing all this in the same database I am not sure how the above
> applies?

You explicitly used convert_from with UTF8, if the database was latin
1 or ebcdic you would have an encoding mismatch, as the text output
routines will convert the input text to bytea using that encoding.

> Would you not just use the database encoding for the src_encoding?

I do not quite understand the question, if you want your
encode-decode-convert_from towork, yes, you use the database encoding
in convert from, but I did not see a 'show client encoding' or similar
thing in your sample.

Anyway, I was assuming the hex conversion was needed for something
more complex than just pasting the data, for that anything can go,
including a \g | perl -pe 'unpack H*'. So I tried to show how the data
flows without relying on any implicit conversion, the
convert_to+encode => decode+convert_from works in any client encoding,
even in a thing like ebcdic.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Convert from hex to string

2015-11-25 Thread Francisco Olarte
Mail pingpong day. ;-)

On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 7:27 PM, Adrian Klaver
<> wrote:

> postgres@latin1_db=# \encoding
> UTF8

This does not matter, as you are sending/receiving hex data, and the
encoding done when sending query results to you gets reverted when you
send queries back to the server.

> postgres@latin1_db=# select convert_from('\xe9', 'latin1');
>  convert_from
> --
>  é
> (1 row)

This DOES matter, you've had to change the query for it to work, you
had to look up ( or know beforehand ) the database encoding and change
it accordingly. . I mean, when you do encode('text',) what you are
really asking for is encode( implicit_text_to_bytea_conversion(text),
), so you save one step, but them you have to change your query to
the 'latin1' encoding you discovered. This is what I meant, you had to
look at the database properties. But if you do an explicit
convert_form with any encoding capable of representing all your data,
like utf-8 which can represent anything,  the database encoding does
not matter. And it should not, proper code should work with any
database encoding. Even more, I can do encode(convert_to(utf8)) in a
latin1 database conecting with any encoding, then send the hex to
convert_from(decode(),utf8) to an ebcdic database use another encoding
( Of course I may need to transcode the hex, but not to the ebcdic,
but to the client encoding been used in teh second case ), ant it
would work as long as all the characters In the source data are
representable in the destination database ( if they are not you are
out luck in any scheme you may think off ).

You cannot encode generically an string to hex unless you define an
encoding. How do you encode '1', "31" or "F1" ? or maybe "0031" or
"3100"? You can do a quick hack, but normally what you want is first
to encode a sequence of characters to a sequence of bytes and then
hex-encode that, as nearly everybody uses the same conversion for
hex-encoding a byte sequence. This means you can have a '0' in a
ebcdic database, transform it to to [0x30] byte array, encode this as
"30" and then transform the later to 00 30 00 10 because you are using
UTF16-BE wire encoding. Encoding is tricky enough without relying on
implicit convertion or on a character being the same as a byte.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Convert from hex to string

2015-11-25 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Adrian:

On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 9:33 PM, Adrian Klaver
<> wrote:
> I will grant you that working with encodings is like working with
> timestamps, explicit is better. The thing I am having a problem with is how
> not knowing the context of the bytea value is different in the implicit vs
> explicit case:

> Granted the above is contrived and bound to fail, but the point is you need
> to know what created the bytea however it got there. Now if you are in
> charge of both ends of the process, then the above is your own fault.
> Otherwise, you are down to detective work on what encoding was used whether
> it was implicit or explicit. As the OP was working in a single context I am
> not seeing the issue in making use of that context to do the heavy lifting.
> For the use cases that you show I agree that a defined
> convert_to/encode/decode/convert_from chain is a best practice and something
> I had not really thought out, so thanks.

Well, I tend to think as a programmer. So I was thinking of the
scenario where you want to get some text from the database and move it
around, and you control all the code. What I was trying to point is
that using explicit all the character sets that matter are in the
database, so I can move it around freely, as I'm the one defining the
queries, while in the implicit case I have to know, or get from the
catalogs, the encoding of the database. I do not know what context the
OP was working and wanted to point he was mixing types. Postgres has a
lot of them, specially to/from text, and I've found the hard way that
lots of implicit conversions are great for one shot programs or
interactive tests, but relying on implicit type conversions for real
production code, put in a source, causes a lot of problems. In a
single session case you can even use implicit conversion + encode and
then paste the result into a convert_from adding quotes and x and it's
going to work, but if you write down that in code you are going to be
confused if something fails later, things like:

cdrs=> select encode('Año','hex');
cdrs=> select convert_from('\x41c3b16f', 'UTF-8');
(1 row)

seem like you are converting back and forth, but then:

cdrs=> select convert_from(encode('Año','hex'), 'UTF-8');
ERROR:  function convert_from(text, unknown) does not exist
LINE 1: select convert_from(encode('Año','hex'), 'UTF-8');

And also, the encode() example will give different results depending
on database encoding. Using explicit charsets and correct types frees
me from it. After all, to make the full round trip a
covert-to+encode+decode+convert-from is needed, and making it explciti
makes things easier.

After all, not everybody knows that all values in the database pass
through a conversion to/from text to be sent to / received from psql,
and that you can use it if you just want the hex digits in the current
database encoding:

cdrs=> select 'Año'::bytea;

(1 row)

But I doubt using cast instead of encode can be recomended.

And for the heavy lifting, you are just saving some keystrokes, which
IMO is a cheap price to pay for having a nearly self documenting
conversion chain.

Anyway, I think people should be told to respect types, and people
should be teach that strings are sequences of characters, that to do
what people think is 'hex encoding' ( two digits per *byte*, no
delimiter ), you need to first transform the string to bytes, then
hex-encode that. Nearly all the encoding problems I see is because
people thing strings are sequences of bytes, which they ceased to be
when multibyte encodings where detected ( and even without them, in
Java and I think some of the windows NT API Strings where sequences of
16 bits thingos, first UCS-2. then UTF16. Once people stop trying to
encode/decode strings directly normally they problems vanish.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Timezone and Brazilian DST

2015-10-28 Thread Francisco Olarte
On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 6:43 AM, Edson Richter <> wrote:
> Configured since first setup. Brazil went DST few days ago.
> Today, executing

> Select now()
> Resulted in
> 2015-10-28 02:45:37-03:00
> I do expect
> 2015-10-28 03:45:37-02:00
> I suspect that Postgres is ignoring the DST change.

Have you checked the timezone definitions are correct in the server
machine? I.e., doing something like this on it:

$ TZ="America/Sao_Paulo" date -R
Wed, 28 Oct 2015 10:09:19 -0200
$ TZ="America/Sao_Paulo" date -R -d '1 month ago'
Mon, 28 Sep 2015 09:09:55 -0300

( I'm not familiar with your distro, but I got bitten by one of those
soem years ago, incorrect timezone definitions )

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Can we make regexp processing more friendly by recognizing "\r\n" as a "newline" for "^$" purposes?

2015-10-18 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi David:

On Sun, Oct 18, 2015 at 7:49 PM, David G. Johnston
<> wrote:
> Other implementation of regular expressions handle "newline" mechanics
> related to "^" and "$" semantically instead of literally.  By that I mean
> that both "\r\n" and "\n" are considered "newlines" instead of just "\n".

Which ones ? AFAIK this kind of thing is usually done by C ( and
related ) runtimes when reading text files.

At least in my machine perl does not do it:

censored:~$ perl -e 'print( ("A\r\n" =~ /A$/) ? "matched\n" : "NO MATCH\n");'
censored:~$ perl -e 'print( ("A\r\n" =~ /A.$/) ? "matched\n" : "NO MATCH\n");'
censored:~$ perl -e 'print( ("A\r\n" =~ /A\s$/) ? "matched\n" : "NO MATCH\n");'

Normally when reading lines in CP/M and related ( MSDOS, Windows ) the
CRT does collapse them ( and sometimes just zaps \r, or collapse any
run, or consider [\r*]\n[\r*] or ). But I normally do not see that
behaviour in regexes.

> If changing behavior is not desirable I would be content with another flag
> that would toggle such behavior.
> In code - both of these subqueries should match whereas presently only the
> first one does.
> SELECT regexp_matches(E'123\n',   E'123$', 'w');
> SELECT regexp_matches(E'123\r\n', E'123$', 'w');
> I don't know if this is server O/S dependent...but I would not expect it to
> be so.

Neither do I ( expect it to be os dep. ) , but I find the current
behaviour correct. I mean, newline stuff is OS dependent, and you
should convert when ingesting data, when matching them it should
already have been converted to whatever the language uses for newlines
( in C and perl that means \n, which needs not be \012, BTW . In unix
\n=\012 on disk, on CP/M it's \015\012 and when I worked with Mac (
before the unixy osX they use now ) it was \015, and I cannot think on
what they can use on EBCDIC machines ).

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] question

2015-10-17 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Anj:

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 10:35 PM, anj patnaik <> wrote:

> I will experiment with -Fc (custom). The file is already growing very
> large.

​I do not recall if you've already provided them, but, how large? I mean,
if you have a large database, backup will take time and ocupy space, you
may be approaching.

As a benchmark, for intellectual satisfaction, the smallest backup you can
get is probably text format and then compress with the more agressive
option of your favorite compressor, but this is normally useless except for
very special cases.

My recomendation will be to use plain Fc for a backup, this is what I do.
Sometimes tweaking the -Z after tests, but normally in my experience the
default level is right. bear in mind DB disk tend to be expensive, backup
disks can be much cheaper and, unless you are keeping a lot of them,
backups are smaller. As an example, we have a server pair ( replicated ),
with a couple short stroked fast disks for the database and a couple
'normal' disks for first line backup in each one. Normal disks are about
ten times database disks, and easily fit 30 backups, so we can  backup to
one of them, copy to the seconds, and replicate to the other in the server
pair, just using Fc. This because backup compress indexes quite well, by
reducing them to a 'CREATE INDEX', and the copy format used inside is
generally more compact than the layout used on disk ( which needs free
space, is framed and lot of other things ) and compresses quite well too.
If you are pressed for backup size, you normally have very special needs or
do not have a properly dimensioned system. But, to say anything more you
will need to provide some numbers ( how big is your database and backups,
how fast are you disks and things like this. In this case maybe hints can
be provided.

> I am running this:
> ./pg_dump -t RECORDER  -Fc postgres |  gzip > /tmp/dump

​In this case gzip is useless. -Fc already uses gzip compression​ at the
member level. Doing it with -Z0 and then gzipping will gain you a bit,
obvously, as it will compress everything as a single chunk ( except if you
manage to hit a pathological case ), but I doubt it will be significant .

As pointed in other places you can use Fc+Z0 and then compress with a
'better' compresor you may get a smaller file, or get it faster, but
remember you'll need to decompress it before restoring ( this does not
happen for text format, as you can do stream restore, but the restore
options for text format are limited, it's an all or nothing approach unless
you are really fluent in stream editors ).

Francisco Olarte.

Re: [GENERAL] question

2015-10-17 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Anj:

On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 3:11 AM, anj patnaik <> wrote:
> My question is for Francisco who replied regarding xz. I was curious what
> options he used. Thanks.

1st, we do not normally top post on this list.

Second, I do not remember the exact options I use. I can look them up,
but they are going to be surely useless ( they are for a custom
process with does several things with files, it uses gzip ( in Fc
backups ), plus xz ( for some files which need to be kept for a long
time and are nearly never needed ), plus lzo ( as I found lzo
compressed temporary files were faster than uncompressed ones ), and a
lot of code. But in the development process we did a full comparison
of several compressor, and found what I stated with bzip2, it was
surpassed in every combination of options by xz ( plain bzip2, plain
xz ).

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] question

2015-10-16 Thread Francisco Olarte
On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 8:27 AM, Guillaume Lelarge
<> wrote:
> 2015-10-15 23:05 GMT+02:00 Adrian Klaver <>:
>> On 10/15/2015 01:35 PM, anj patnaik wrote:
>>> ./pg_dump -t RECORDER  -Fc postgres |  gzip > /tmp/dump
>>> Are there any other options for large tables to run faster and occupy
>>> less disk space?
>> Yes, do not double compress. -Fc already compresses the file.
> Right. But I'd say "use custom format but do not compress with pg_dump". Use
> the -Z0 option to disable compression, and use an external multi-threaded
> tool such as pigz or pbzip2 to get faster and better compression.

Actually I would not recommend that, unless you are making a long term
or offsite copy. Doing it means you need to decompress the dump before
restoring or even testing it ( via i.e., pg_restore > /dev/null ).

And if you are pressed on disk space you may corner yourself using
that on a situation where you do NOT have enough disk space for an
uncompressed dump. Given you normally are nervous enough when
restoring, for normal operations I think built in compression is

Also, I'm not current with the compressor Fc uses, I think it still is
gzip, which is not that bad and is normally quite fast ( In fact I do
not use that 'pbzip2', but I did some tests about a year ago and I
found bzip2 was beaten by xz quite easily ( That means on every level
of bzip2 one of the levels of xz beat it in BOTH size & time, that was
for my data, YMMV  ).

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Best way to sync table DML between databases

2015-10-09 Thread Francisco Reyes

On 10/05/2015 09:46 AM, jimbosworth wrote:

Im not in a position to change the database setup on server A.

Can you have the owners/maintainers do the needed changes to setup 

Or that is 100% out of the question?

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Re: [GENERAL] Test failover for PosgreSql 9.2

2015-09-25 Thread Francisco Reyes

On 09/25/2015 11:20 AM, yuryu wrote:

According to manual I have to kill completely Master and "touch" a trigger
to make Slave new Master.

You don't have to do anything in the master. If you have configured the 
slave to check for a file, then it will become Read Write when that file 
is created.

You can also do
pg_ctlcluster #.# main promote

Where #.# is version like
pg_ctlcluster 9.3 main promote

In the slave you can run this to check if it is in read only 
(replicating) or read write

select pg_is_in_recovery();

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Re: [GENERAL] Dropped connections with pg_basebackup

2015-09-25 Thread Francisco Reyes

On 09/24/2015 04:29 PM, Sherrylyn Branchaw wrote:

I'm assuming based on the "SSL error" that you have ssl set to 'on'.
What's your ssl_renegotiation_limit? The default is 512MB, but setting
it to 0 has solved problems for a number of people on this list,
including myself.

I have also seen instances were ssl_renegotiation_limit=0 helped and I 
already tried that. Did not help in this case.

Perhaps will try some tests with a non SSL connection. These are 
machines in an internal network so it may not be too much a security 
issue to turn off SSL at least during initial sync.

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Re: [GENERAL] Dropped connections with pg_basebackup

2015-09-25 Thread Francisco Reyes

On 09/24/2015 04:34 PM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

Sherrylyn Branchaw wrote:
Moreover, the default has been set to 0, because the bugs both in our
usage and in OpenSSL code itself seem never to end.  Just disable it.

Set it to 0 and did not help.
Likely will move all machines to have it =0 since I have seen some SSL 
errors in logs.

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Fwd: [GENERAL] Convert number to string

2015-09-24 Thread Francisco Olarte
Forgot replying to all, forwarding to the list, sorree for the potential dupes.

Hi Hengky:

On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Hengky Liwandouw
<> wrote:
> I don’t have any idea how can I use postgres function to convert series  of 
> number (currency) to my own string.
> My string : F G H I J K L M N  as the replacement for number : 1 2 3 
> 4 5 6 7 8 9
> Dozens = O
> Hundreds = P
> Thousands = C
> Ten thousands = B
> So…
> 200 = GP
> 2000 = GC
> 1150 = FFJO
> 3 = HB
> Any idea ?

Your example es severely unspecified, how do you translate 1024? and
1002? and 10?

given the numbers in the example you can use a simple trick. 1st
replace using O for 0 via translate ( I'm not using capitals in teh
exmaple for better 0-o contrast ):

# with data(s) as (values('200'),('2000'),('1150'),('3')) select
translate(s,'0123456789','ofghijklmn') from data;
(4 rows)

then replace sequences of 'o' starting with the longer ones:

# with source(s) as (values('200'),('2000'),('1150'),('3'))
, step1(s) as (select translate(s,'0123456789','ofghijklmn') from source)
, step2(s) as (select replace(s,'','b') from step1)
, step3(s) as (select replace(s,'ooo','c') from step2)
, step4(s) as (select replace(s,'oo','p') from step3)
select * from step4;
(4 rows)

clasical trick. But, as I said above, you need to specify it much better.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Convert number to string

2015-09-24 Thread Francisco Olarte
HI Melvin:

On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 2:51 PM, Melvin Davidson <>

> Postgresql has a translate function:

​Did you read the ( quoted at the bottom of the reply you sent ) message
you were replying to? It contained a working sample using exactly this
translate.​ ;->

> You would then need a little further processing to determine the tens,
> hundreds, etc.
> I'll leave that to you to work out, but additional functions of
> strpos(string, substring)
> substr(string, from [, count])
> length(string)

​Do not forget replace, shorter, easier.

Francisco Olarte.​

[GENERAL] Dropped connections with pg_basebackup

2015-09-24 Thread Francisco Reyes
Have an existing setup of 9.3 servers. Replication has been rock solid, 
but recently the circuits between data centers were upgraded and 
pg_basebackup now seems to fail often when setting up streaming 
replication. What used to take 10+ hours now  only took 68 minutes, but 
had to do many retries. Many attempts fail within minutes while others 
go to 90% or higher and then drop. The reason we are doing a sync is 
because we have to swap data centers every so often for compliance. So I 
had to swap master and slave.

Calling pg_basebackup like this:
pg_basebackup -P -R -X s -h  -D  -U replicator

The error we keep having is:
Sep 23 13:36:32  postgres[16804]: [11-1] 2015-09-23 13:36:32 
EDT  [unknown] replicator LOG: SSL error: bad write retry
Sep 23 13:36:32  postgres[16804]: [12-1] 2015-09-23 13:36:32 
EDT  [unknown] replicator LOG: SSL error: bad write retry
Sep 23 13:36:32  postgres[16804]: [13-1] 2015-09-23 13:36:32 
EDT  [unknown] replicator FATAL: connection to client lost
Sep 23 13:36:32  postgres[16972]: [9-1] 2015-09-23 13:36:32 
EDT  [unknown] replicator LOG: could not receive data from client: 
Connection reset by peer

I have been working with the network team and we have even been actively 
monitoring the line, and running ping, as the replication is setup. At 
the point the connection reset by peer error happens, we don't see any 
issue with the network and ping doesn't show an issue at that point in time.

The issue also happened on another set of machines and likewise, had to 
retry many times before pg_basebackup would do the initial sync. Once 
the initial sync is set, replication is fine.

I  tried both "-X s" (stream) and "-X f" (fetch) and both fail often.

Any ideas what may be going on?

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Re: [GENERAL] Table using more disk space than expected

2015-09-23 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Steve:

On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 7:25 PM, Steve Pritchard
<> wrote:
> I thought that autovacuum should recover the free space, however I see now
> from the documentation that it doesn't (and that this is deliberate):

> I'll do a VACUUM FULL, which I expect to reduce table_len.

Full is for when you've done a drastic reduction on a table. Some
tables oscillate in size, grow and shrink and regrow.., those do not
benefit of vacuum full on the long run, because if you have a table
which oscilates between , let's say, 10G and 20G you need 20G of disk
space, if you shrink and fill the rest with other uses server will
crash on next growth ( some very special cases may be different, but
in general if you have free space is because you create/delete, be it
directly or via MVCC updates, so having it there for next usage is not
so bad ).

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] GIN Trigram Index Size

2015-09-14 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Christian:

On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 1:54 PM, Christian Ramseyer <> wrote:
> I agree with your append-only and disposable partition approach, it
> would work a lot better. The idea with using a second schema for
> selective backups is great, I'll totally steal this :)

Feel free. Just remember if you use redirection trigers/rules for
insert into the partitions it may lead to problems ( I do not normally
have them as I either use a partition aware dedicated inserter or zap
the archived tables from rules, as I only insert for the current date,
maintenance updates are done directly in the partitions ).

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] postgresql-ctl systemd failed: permission denied

2015-07-28 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Arnaud...

On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 12:13 PM, arnaud gaboury wrote:
 On Fedora 22
 Jul 28 11:49:57 poppy postgresql-ctl[307]: FATAL:  42501: could not
 open log file /storage/log/postgresql/postgresql-Tue.log: Permission
 Jul 28 11:49:57 poppy postgresql-ctl[307]: LOCATION:  logfile_open,
 Jul 28 11:50:01 poppy postgresql-ctl[307]: pg_ctl: could not start server

 % ls -al /storage/log
 drwxr-xr-x 1 postgres postgres0 Jul 28 11:29 postgresql/

May be stating the obvious, but can you try 'touch
/storage/log/postgresql/postgresql-Tue.log as postgres to see it it
works. Also, doing the ls -al on /storage/log/postgresql, in case it
has a previous read only file for Tue, and may be even a lsattr on the
paths ( listing the fs type will be useful too, maybe Fedora is using
some extended thingies ).

Francisco Olarte.

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2015-07-21 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Rafal:

On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 12:43 PM, Rafal Pietrak wrote:
 W dniu 21.07.2015 o 09:34, Francisco Olarte pisze:
 In this case I think you are mixing vouchers with voucher-numbers. IMO
 you could get a better dessign by using an auxiliary table and not
 nullifying the number after been consumed. Having only 6 digits I
 Hmmm. I don't think so.

 The application just needs to create a unique (for a period of time)
 number, and consume it at certain point. Everything else would be
 implementation burden, which should be kept to minimum.

I see your points, totally opposite opinions, so no point in
discussing it, discard my sugestions as not aplicable SVP.

 This looks a bit like an overkill for the above examples.

It certainly is for your style of dessign, workng target, discard it.

 But I have other thoughts on the use of cryptographic sequences here.

I wouldn't call it that, its misleading. It's just encrypted sequences.

 has the pitfall of being sensitive to out-of-the-sequence poisoning, I
 mean: When another instance of an application starts issuing another
 sequence of vouchers, at certain point those sequences collide and
 applications despite using guaranteed  lack of collisions will have a

Well, if you have aplication instance specific sequences, of course
you have. But in this case even plain unencrypted sequences hae them.

 So the application *will have to have* a re-issuing of an
 INSERT implemented anyway.

Of course, because the only point of using instance specific sequences
instead of serial like you normally do must be having the possibility
of collisions to justify a the existence of a re-issuing code and
exercise it.

 If so, the whole point of using cryptographic
 sequence is missing.

No. The whole point of using a global sequence ( in the db ) is
avoiding collisions, be it encrypted or plain. The whole point of
using crypto is to make it look random. If you use an application
specific cryptographic sequence is because you want colisions (
success, as told above ) which looks random ( success too ).

If you do not want colisions, use a global sequence.

 So, even though this collision is not statistically
 significant, but just its possibility results in that application have
 to take care of re-issuing of an INSERT.

I use to tell people there are three meaninful cardinalities in
computing, zero, one and many. And three probabilities ( NOT
possibilities ), zero, one and other==(0,1). Except in some lucky
domains you have to trat every (0,1) probability as been possible ( in
fact my three probability values map nicely to impossible, possible
and certain ).

 Using database.sequence() function to seed the cypher is not secure enough.

What are you talking about? Where did you get that seeding idea? You
do not seed the cipher, you use the ciphered sequence as voucher. In
fact I've done this with session ids. I use a sequence for the ID and
send the user the ciphered val. When it comes back I just decipher it
and search. I did not have your 6-digit problems, so I just used 128
bit blocks, and it worked nicely. And I did not have any ciphered data
in the DB.

 On the other hand, the ON CONFLICT RETRY has a nice feature for an
 application programmer (like myself) that it leaves us free of the
 implementation of the re-issue of an INSERT. One database-schema
 designer does that for all of us.
 But knowing if that usage scenario is too rare to match the heavy
 lifting the implementation required, is beyond my experience.

Saying OCR is a nice feature is like saying MAGIC RAINBOW OVERDRIVE is
a nice feature for a car. It does not exist, and nobody has described
it with enough detail so people can assses its usefulness or
implementation difficulty. A careful definition of the corner case
will be needed. And even with it you have the possibility of inifinite
colisions ( either due to generating too many 'vouchers' or to sheer
bad luck ( like collisions among application instances ). If you try
to write a nicely wrapped up description of the functionality maybe
someone could see the usefulness and implement it, but I think this is
possible but unlikely.

Francisco Olarte.

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2015-07-21 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Rafal:

On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Rafal Pietrak wrote:
 3. there are methods (like cryptographic random sequence), which
 guarantee no conflicts. So one should resort to that.
 Regarding the last point. Usually, I implement one-time used vouchers as
 rows in table like:
 CREATE TABLE (voucher int not null, consumed bool, expire timestamp not
 null default timestamp_pl_interval(now()::timestamp, '2
 min'::interval),..., unique (voucher,consumed) );
 with CONSUMED column NULLyfied when voucher is used. The entire row of
 consumed voucher is purged after clearence and verification, which
 happen significantly later.

Random as a primary key is considered a bad practice by many people
with much experience, nullyfing it too. Many people even frown on just
changing the primary key ( and one of the reasons for using serial as
keys in many situations is to have a guaranteed not null unchanging
value ).

 Such short lived (when active) voucher is usually just 6-digit long, to
 help people enter it.

Then, random and with a narrow value domain, they make, IMNSHO,  a
really bad  choice for primery keys.

 I don't know much about cryptography, but would a generic encryption
 function (like that indicated by Daniel) have the same waking through
 the entire range-space behavior as the original when that range-space
 is externally (by my application) truncated to those 6 digits? If not,
 would it be as efficient in conflict avoidance as used with original
 32-bit range-space?

An encryption function never has collisions ( do not confuse with a
hash ). If it had you would be unable to decrypt it. The problem is
the value domain for you. i.e., for your example you could choose a
bit stream cipher applied to a 20 bit value. This is a moderately
complex prolem to find or build ( from the classic cryptographic
primitives nearly every language includes ). This will map every
different 20 bit input value to a different 20 bit output value, so
your value domain will be 20 bit numbers, your inputs will be the 10^6
6 digit numbers and the outputs will be 10^6 DIFFERENT 20bit numbers,
of wich you could expect about 4.8% of them ( 2^20-10^6)/10^6 to have
7 digits ( with a leading one in this case ). To solve that problem
you could use 19 digit input/output numbers or try to fin a decimal
cypher which uses exactly 10^6 input digits. If you use a 32 bit block
cypher it will not have collisions, but if you TRUNCATE the 32 bit ~
9.5 digits output to 6 digits, you are no longer encrypting. You may
call it hashing or whatever, but that is NOTt encryption, you would
have collisions.

 Then again. Is it really a good practice to rely on a programmer to
 peek proper/correct encryption helper instead of providing him/her
 with a database-integrated tool for a well defined and not so rare
 usage scenario as random default for UNIQUE/PK column?

Many of us are too old to get caught by this. This question is like
asking Is it good practice to hit a person with a 10 pound hammer in
the head instead of giving a cookie?. There are other options.

IMO NOT modifying a very complex chunk of code ( the server code doing
the inserts and checking the collision cases and acting on them, plus
the parser for insert queries plus  ) and risking all the bugs it
may introduce to help with inserting random pk is good practice. It
doesn't matter if the requesting programmer peeks a bad encryption
methods, keeps his old code for inserting random ids or introduces
bugs in his program, the potential harm to the rest of the users is
too great.

 So my conclusion from this thread is that as this usage scenario does
 not seem to be foreseen by current implementation of ON CONFLICT
 transaction, a workaround exists (like: cryptographic range-walker).
 Being it a workaround, I'd vote for some direct supported of that
 scenario in the future at database level.

Bear in mind your problem is totally ill defined. I mean, you want to
insert a random 6 digits ID, and want the database to keep trying
until it finds an unique one. What should it do if there already are
10^6 records in the db? Stall until a free one is found? abort? This
kind of uses is very narrow, and very difficult to get right , and
normally confined to the application domain. Even if you choose a
totally correct encryption function for collision avoidance, like
identity, you are going to have problems in your scheme.

You are not voting for anything, you need a feature proposal to vote
upon. So far the only one I could extract from this thread is
something which magically solves the current Rafal problem. I would
vote against that.

Francisco Olarte.

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2015-07-21 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Igor:

On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 4:56 PM, Igor Neyman wrote:
 Well, there is a caveat.
 If I create table and couple indexes like this:
 and populate them:
 and then check the size of the indexes:
 for select pg_relation_size('U1') I get  2834432
 while  select pg_relation_size('U2') returns 2285568.
 So, index based on randomly populated column is bigger than the one based on 
 sequentially populated.
 But, on the other hand, after:
 reindex table test_index_size;
 both indexes are of the same size: 2260992.

I would totally expect this. On reindex you get the values from a tree
walk, so both of them come in order, and being a reindex ( where you
know in advance the full set of values, so you can plan ahead where to
put the leaves, how many levels you need and how many splits ) you get
an even bigger advantage from the squential insertion case.

Francisco Olarte.

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2015-07-21 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Alvaro.

On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 4:07 PM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
 Some web research suggests that random sequences are not great for indexes
 because of the resultant keyspace fragmentation. I'm assuming that means
 a low number of nodes in the btree leafs, so an increase in memory usage
 for the index?
 Not sure what type of indexes would be affected by that problem, but I
 don't think Postgres' btrees would be.

I do not know if postgres btrees do it, but I know you can build btree
inserting code in such a way that inserting nodes sequentially leads
to optimally filled leaf pages an denser trees, as an optimization for
an easy and common case, which are better than the normal ones
generated by random insertion. So is not that random are bad, it is
that ordered are very good, or in another way thay are not affected by
a problem, but do not get the advantage.

Francisco Olarte.

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2015-07-21 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Rafal:

On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Rafal Pietrak wrote:
 Regarding the last point. Usually, I implement one-time used vouchers as
 rows in table like:
 CREATE TABLE (voucher int not null, consumed bool, expire timestamp not
 null default timestamp_pl_interval(now()::timestamp, '2
 min'::interval),..., unique (voucher,consumed) );
 with CONSUMED column NULLyfied when voucher is used. The entire row of
 consumed voucher is purged after clearence and verification, which
 happen significantly later.
 Such short lived (when active) voucher is usually just 6-digit long, to
 help people enter it.

In this case I think you are mixing vouchers with voucher-numbers. IMO
you could get a better dessign by using an auxiliary table and not
nullifying the number after been consumed. Having only 6 digits I
tould try:

1.- Add a serial PK column to voucher table if needed to link it with
the rest of the system.
2.- Create an index on voucher where consumed is true.
3.- Add another table, voucher_nums, with columns voucher, order,
used. Populate it with the 10^6 vouchers and a random order value.
Also, this lets you switch to alphanumeric vouchers, or zap the ones
with two consecutive equal digits, or whatever.
4.- Make a function to select a free voucher, you can do 'select from
voucher_nums where not used order by order limit 1¡', if yout put this
into a with clause of an update-returning setting used to true  to you
get a one shot way of getting a free voucher. If you add a partial
index on order where not used, you get a fast way of getting it.
5.- Make another function to free a voucher num, which sets consumed
to true on vouchers, used to false and order to a random number  on

This way you keep the old voucher numbers, and you get no collisions.
If you run for some years, you can see which vouchers have been used,
so you can debug potential problems.

Francisco Olarte.

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2015-07-20 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Daniel:

On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 9:03 PM, Daniel Verite wrote:
 For SERIAL, it's too obvious to guess what is the next one,
 so malicious people could claim access codes or vouchers
 they don't own.

Why don't you use encryption? Specifically only on the external side.
You use a serial in the DB and send the encrypted serial as voucher
code ( this way you do not need to have database resident encryption
). Then when you receive the code in the program you decrypt it and
are done. And having serial in the DB can be good for your internal
operations. Encryption, reversible and colision free, not hashing.

 The constraint is that such codes must be reasonably short, but
 someone who tries to make up one must have a near-zero chance
 of guessing one that actually exists.

If you can live with a little longer voucher  ( it seems you use 10^9
in random ), you can use 2^32, which is just 9.5 digits, and search
for a 32 bit block cipher ( or build it yourself, it's not that hard
using stream ciphers or other tools ).

I also thinks random UUIDs are not ok, not because they are long but
because they are random, and can collide ( encrypted serials can not

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] How to test SSL cert from CA?

2015-07-16 Thread Francisco Reyes

On 07/11/2015 07:32 PM, James Cloos wrote:

FR == Francisco Reyes writes:

Did you include the intermediate cert(s) in the bundle which the server
presents to the client?


And did you confirm that the client trusts the issuer's root?  Some
require explicit configurastion of that.

The client in this case is a program a client of mine runs. I don't have 
access to the program

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Re: [GENERAL] Bounded Zone Offset Query

2015-07-11 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Robert:

On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 6:55 PM, Robert DiFalco wrote:
 I want to do a query from an application that returns all devices who's
 time is between 10am or 10pm for a given instant in time.
 Thanks John, let me revise my original query to give a CORRECT and working
 example, maybe this will help. I've created a query that actually works,
 it's just ugly and I'd like to figure out how to make it like the example
 you gave (i.e. no math on the utc_offset field, just comparisons).
  select *
  from devices d
  where (now() at time zone 'UTC' + make_interval(hours :=
 BETWEEN time '10:00' AND time '22:00';

It seems you have hours in utc-offset, and then you work in seconds in the day.

Your problem to turn it around is the (now+offset) cast to time,
which, working in hours only, is more or less equivalent to
(hours_now+hours_offset+24) mod 24, can materialize into two distinct
utc_offset intervals. I'll try to make an example.

If utc-now is 2:00, and utc-offset goes from -12 to +12, you need to
select -12 to -4 ( which added to 2 are -10 to -2 or 14 - 22)  and 8
to 12 ( which translate to 10-14).

You are going to have this problem even if you use utc-offset 0-24 (
in this case utc-now=2 works, you would use 8 to 20 for utc-offset,
but if utc-now where 20:00 you would need  to query for utc-offset in
0-2 and 14-24 ( which translate to 20-22 and 34-44=10-20 ).

If I were to do this, I would make the host code emit the appropiate
ranges ( either one or two ) as all my machines are NTP synced, so
now() is the same as time(). If You really need the database
timestamps you can do a small function and do it there. If the db is
properly analyzed and indexed on utc-time you can even emit the dual
ranges always. Something like this ( I'll use some placeholders ):

secs_now=utc seconds of now, you can get this casting to times and
doing some fancy stuff, I've tested this:

# select extract('epoch' from (cast(now() at time zone 'UTC' as
time)-'00:00'::time)) as secs_now;
(1 row)

Now, you can use seconds instead of 10:00, 20:00 easily, either use
the above or just multiply by 3600 if your original values are
seconds, that would be 10*3600, 22*3600, let's call them lo_secs and
hi_secs. Given there are 86400=24*3600 secs per day , and assuming
utc-offset is in the range -12..24 ( to cover everything ) you need to

You want to select ( utc_offset*3600 + secs_now + 86400 ) % 86400
between lo_secs and hi_secs.

The +86400 is to bring everything to possitive ( I never do modulus on
negative, behaviour depends on languages ). Anyway. Utc_offset*3600 is
in the range -43200, 86400, secs_now is in 0-86400, so with the
addition the sum range is in 43200-86400*3, so you can get rid of the
modulus operation by doing:

 ( utc_offset*3600 + secs_now + 86400 ) - 0 * 86400 between
lo_secs and hi_secs
or  ( utc_offset*3600 + secs_now + 86400 ) - 1 * 86400  between
lo_secs and hi_secs
or  ( utc_offset*3600 + secs_now + 86400 ) - 2 * 86400  between
lo_secs and hi_secs

Which you can then simplify and turn into conditions on utc-offset:

 ( utc_offset*3600 + secs_now + 86400 ) between lo_secs and hi_secs
or  ( utc_offset*3600 + secs_now  ) between lo_secs and hi_secs
or  ( utc_offset*3600 + secs_now  - 86400 ) between lo_secs and hi_secs

 utc_offsets between (lo_secs-secs_now-86400)/3600 and
or  utc_offsets between (lo_secs-secs_now)/3600   and
or  utc_offsets between (lo_secs-secs_now+86400)/3600 and

Its a little tricky, but can be easily packed into a procedure, and if
the db is properly set up it can get rid of the empty ranges with just
a simple index check. Also, if you start with lo-hours and hi-hours,
you can make it more pallatable by calculating hours-now instead of
secs-now by dividing by 3600 and then you have

 utc_offsets between (lo_hours-hours_now-24) and (hi_hours-hours_now-24)
or   utc_offsets between (lo_hours-hours_now) and (hi_hours-hours_now)
or   utc_offsets between (lo_hours-hours_now+24) and (hi_hours-hours_now+24)

(note, if your utc-offset range is just 24hr instead of 36hr like I've
assumed you can get by with just two conditions, but they are a bit
harder to obtain as you will need to massage the range ( been there,
done this, just not in sql, also, if you are in procedure and
precalculate the ranges for the three between and you know your
utc-offsets ranges you will notice int the 24 hrs range case one of
the three can always be proved empty ( i.e., if your ranges are -12 to
12, one of the three betweens will have hi-limit less than -12 or low
limit greater than 12 )

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] How to test SSL cert from CA?

2015-07-09 Thread Francisco Reyes

On 07/09/2015 03:07 PM, Vick Khera wrote:

On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 10:17 PM, Francisco Reyes wrote:

openssl s_client -connect HOST:PORT -CAfile /path/to/CA.pem

According to this post:

one can not use openssl to test ssl connection to postgresql. True?

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Re: [GENERAL] How to test SSL cert from CA?

2015-07-09 Thread Francisco Reyes

On 07/08/2015 10:52 PM, Tom Lane wrote:

What's the complaint exactly?

The error we are getting is:

The security of this transaction may be compromised. The following SSL 
errors have been reported:

* The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be 

* The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose

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Re: [GENERAL] Backup Method

2015-07-08 Thread Francisco Reyes

On 07/03/2015 08:08 AM, wrote:

I am trying to move away from pg_dump as it is proving too slow.

Have you looked into barman?

Also, another potential approach is to setup replication and to do the 
backups from the slave.

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[GENERAL] How to test SSL cert from CA?

2015-07-08 Thread Francisco Reyes
Have a client using a commercial application. For a year plus we had 
been using a local self signed certificate without issues. As of a few 
weeks ago a change/update to the program is making it complain about the 
self signed cert.

I bought a SSL cert and installed it, but the program is still having 
the issue.

Anyone knows of a way to test the SSL connection such that it validates 
against the CA? Preferably an open source application. Connecting 
through psql works fine on SSL with what I have setup, but the 
application, xtuple, seems to still be having the issue.

The client already wrote to the application support department, but 
still waiting for an answer from them.

If I had a way to at least reproduce the error I could more easily track 
down what I am missing.

Any suggestions?

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Re: [GENERAL] Inserting from multiple processes?

2015-06-29 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Dave:

On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 6:32 AM, Dave Johansen wrote:
 The issue is that the following uses 5 XIDs when I would only expect it to
 us 1:
 SELECT insert_test_no_dup('2015-01-01', 1, 1);


I see.

 It appears that the unique violation that is caught and ignored increments
 the XID even though I didn't expect that to happen. I agree that our
 software was burning XIDs needlessly and Postgres handled this situation as
 best as it could. It also sounds like Postgres 9.5 adds features to support
 this sort of use more efficiently, but the XID incrementing on the unique
 violation seems like it could/should be fixed, if it hasn't been already.

IIRC you were using BEGIN/EXCEPTION, which I think uses a savepoint
internally, which maybe what is burning the xid on every execution (
it probably needs one to implement rollback to savepoint properly ).
I've done a simple test which burns one very time the exception is
raised ( using a division by zero ).

If this is your case you may be able to work around it using a
conditional insert instead of an exception, and as you are using a
function the potential ugliness will remain encapsulated ( it may even
be faster, as the docs explicitly say exception blocks are expensive,
but as usual YMMV depending on the exact query and the collision ratio

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Inserting from multiple processes?

2015-06-27 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Dave:

On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 2:59 AM, Dave Johansen wrote:

 It appears that calling SELECT insert_test_no_dup('2015-01-01', 1, 1)
 cause the XID to increment? I'm not sure if it's only when the exception
 happens or all the time, but if there some way to prevent the increment of
 XID because it's causing problems with our system:

I, personally, would expect an START TRANSACTION to burn an XID, they
are serial, and they need to be allocated to have transaction
ordering, like the thing which happens with the sequences. I assume
the server can have some optimizations ( like delaying XID adquisition
to the first appropiate statement, which I think depends on your
isolation level ), but I would never expect it to not allocate it
before an insert, it needs it to be sent to the table, in case it
succeeds, and has to acquire it beforehand, in case someone needs to
acquire another xid between the time it starts inserting and the time
it succeeds or fail. Some internals expert may shed some light, but
after reading your link it seems your problem is just you do too many
transactions without a vacuum ( also reading your pointed threas it
sees you do vacuum fulls, which seems unneeded ) and expecting
postgres has some kind of magic to avoid burning the xids.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] DB access speeds, App(linux)-PG(linux) vs App(linux) -MSSql(Windows)

2015-06-24 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Dave:

On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 3:44 PM, Gauthier, Dave wrote:
 Hi:  I'm trying to get a 10,000 ft understanding of the difference in DB
 access speeds for two different scenarios...
 Scenario 1: Apps are on linux.  PG DB is on linux (different server than

 Scenario 2: Apps are on linux.  MSSql DB is on Windows (obviously a
 different server)

 The apps are typically perl scripts using Perl DBI.
 I'm thinking that since perl has a DBD driver for PG, that would be faster
 than going through ODBC to get to the MsSQL DB, but I'm not sure about that.
 Any insights/guesses ?

From 10k ft, same speed ( variations due to lack of precision in the
definition of the problem are going to dwarf everything else ).

I assume apps are the same on both, and same network distance. If you
use DBI for both you can discount it. If you use DBI you must use DBD.
DBD::Pg is quite efficient in my measurements, but for the windows
part I do not know what you are using. I'm using Mssql from linux
using freetds ( DBD::Sybase, built with freetds, which is equivalent
to DBD::Pg built with libpq ) and it goes at the appropiate speed ( I
mean, nothing big is going to be gained, optimization time will be
bigger than savings ). You say you use ODBC, but where exactly? You
use ODBC on linux going to mssql using ¿which library? and DBD::ODBC,
or you use remote odbc and an ODBC driver on windows?

In any way, speed differences in your queries may be much bigger than
requester speeds, unless you have a very complex path ( dbd::proxy
going to a windows perl dbiproxy going with DBD::odbc to local mssql ?
). You should time a couple of your queries in real world condition,
and test some loops of null queries ( like select 1 and the mssql
equivalent in autocommit and no autocommit mode for both ), either of
them can win.

Also, someone has already told you that for really fast queries native
may make a difference. It may, but you have to define 'non native'
better. In very fast queries requester differences may be dwarfed by
network roundtrips, and if this is a problem to you, you should look
for optimizing the common path firsts, things like how many roundtrips
each PROTOCOL needs for the small query and other similar. You should
measure before. Requester is not normally going to be your big

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] double precision[] storage space questions

2015-06-12 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Greg:

On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 4:08 PM, greg wrote:
 I cannot find any documentation on the space taken by a double precision
 array. And the few tests I did surprise me.

 Here are a few tries I did to understand
 select pg_column_size(1.1::double precision)  return 8--- as
 select pg_column_size('{}'::double precision[])   return 16  --- ok
 maybe an array header
 select pg_column_size('{1.111}'::double precision[])   return 32  --- I
 expected 16+ sizeof(double) = 24

 select pg_column_size('{1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.0}'::double
 precision[])  return 104 --- I'am lost because I expected 10*16 + 16 = 176.
 It is neither 16+10*8 (96)

That's not a very good set of tests, look at mine ( slightly edited for size );

apc=# select pg_column_size('{}'::double precision[]);
apc=# select pg_column_size('{1.0}'::double precision[]);
apc=# select pg_column_size('{1.0,2.0}'::double precision[]);
apc=# select pg_column_size('{1.0,2.0,3.0}'::double precision[]);
apc=# select pg_column_size('{1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0}'::double precision[]);

Here I already expect 8*n+24, so the data point for 10

apc=# select pg_column_size('{1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.0}'::double

Does not surprise me.

 So what is happening behind the scene, I did not found any documentation.
 Since the queries are done in memory I suppose no compression is going on.
 Furthermore select
 precision[]) return 104 as well. So I discard compression.

You're hunting for wild things, as said in some other places, headers,
special case for dimensionless arrays, it's a classic thing in

 The whole point is that in the application I work on, we store double arrays
 as bytea (using some serialization before storing the data).
 I was very surprised to see that the storage of an array of double take more
 space using double precision[] than serializing it and storing it into a

Not too much, just 20 bytes more per column, unless you play
compression tricks. Unless you have lots of small columns, I doubt
serializing/deserializing it is worth the hassle. Postgres does not
always use the most compact form for storage. In fact I would be
greatly surprised that any database stores an array ( which can be
multidimensional, I do not know if other databases have single
dimensional array types ) in a more compact way than an specialized
serialization format for one dimensional double arrays.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Planner cost adjustments

2015-06-11 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Daniel:

On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Daniel Begin wrote:
 The remaining problem seems related to the statistics of some large tables.
 On one hand, I might increase the statistic target for these tables to 500,
 or even to 1000 and look at the results (but I have doubts it will help). On
 the other hand, I could simply force enable_seqscan to OFF for queries
 dealing with them.

 Still not sure about the best solution but the problem is definitely
 narrower :-)

One somehow unrelated point. IIRC your problems where related to
queries doing joins with selected sets of indexed IDs on a smaller
table which then have to be looked up on some very large tables. ( I'm
not able to follow too well which is which, users on changesets, I'm a
bit lost ). Given your runtimes are always high ( in the seconds
range, so it seems wire speed / latencies are not too much of an issue
) and that selectivity estimates on huge tables are always problematic
and may be thwarting your plans you may be able to get faster results
splitting your query.

 If I read your plans correctly, that would be selecting your 600
users in one query and then preparing the changeset query for a single
user_id, which should be indexed, and looping it for every user. Given
current machines can easily send-receive 600 queries in a second it
may lead to a simpler solution. This mean you're using the DB as a
somehow inteligent plain old indexed file, but sometimes this is the
simpler approach ( heck, some of my code uses algorithms from the tape
era as they were the faster way I could do it ).

I needed to do this in one of my programs, the optimizer kept
selecting bad plans so I did the first query, held the results in
memory, and then prepared and executed in a loop from the app, my
query was selecting a couple thousand values from submillion table,
and joining with a multimillion one, getting a couple hundreds matches
per original value. Splitting it made the queries on the big table
always run indexed and fast ( and as a side bonus avoided duplicating
the parts of the first record in the wire a hundred times, which was
nice since the short table was wide and I only needed 3 short fields
from the second one, and that made the first query run at wire speed
and the second at disk speed ).

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] select count(*);

2015-06-11 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Marc:

On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 4:17 PM, Marc Mamin wrote:
But COUNT(*)
does have meaning - it means the number of rows.
 which rows? :-)

Well, docs could use a little polish there, as the select page says 


Of course, the SELECT statement is compatible with the SQL standard.
But there are some extensions and some missing features.

Omitted FROM Clauses

PostgreSQL allows one to omit the FROM clause. It has a
straightforward use to compute the results of simple expressions:



Some other SQL databases cannot do this except by introducing a dummy
one-row table from which to do the SELECT.

Old time users have grown used to use it without questioning, and I
think it's sometimes needed to call functions, but some words along
the a magic one row zero columns table is used when it is omited,
which is what it seems to be done, would be nice.

And, as I said, * only means the columns in a select, I think on no
from Pg may be generating a fake one row table to satisfy the
requirements ( maybe not, but is one easy way to make this work given
how select is explained to work in the docs ).

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Efficient sorting the results of a join, without denormalization

2015-06-01 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Glen:

On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 1:16 AM, Glen M. Witherington wrote:

 Thanks Francisco, that makes sense. I've started moving my code to that,
 and it eliminates all the performance issues I had.

Happty to hear it. Seems you have a kind of speed-size trade off. If
you can solve it while preserving integrity, great for you.

 I guess I was really hoping there would exist some sort of dereference
 option when indexing, so I could dereference a foreign key, and then
 index on a attribute of that row. E.g. So I could have created an index
 such as:
 deref(deref(mail.folder_id).user_id, created_at)

That is difficult, as it would need a way to force mail.folder.user_id
to be a constant or have a lot of rules/triggers ( manual, automatic
or just plain magic ) to update your indexes. On this cases composite
keys let you use composite indexes to accelerate your queries while
preserving normalization, if you can afford them they are nice. The
big problem comes many times if you try to mix them with ORMs and

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] Efficient sorting the results of a join, without denormalization

2015-05-31 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Glen:

On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 6:43 AM, Glen M. Witherington wrote:
 On Sat, May 30, 2015, at 11:33 PM, David G. Johnston wrote:
 This is one problem with using made up surrogate keys...
 The PK of A is a component of both the PK of B and the PK of C but you throw 
 that information away by using serial fields for PKs instead.  You should 
 have unique indexes on B and C that incorporate the ID from A

 That is quite a strange schema, though isn't it? If you imagine it as

 C = Emails
 B = Folder
 A = User

 Now you're suggesting that even though an email belongs to to a folder,
 which belongs to a user ... each email should also contain contain a
 reference to a user? I guess that's fine, but seems unideal from a
 redundancy perspective

It may seem, and be,  unideal from a redundancy perspective, but keys
are more natural. It means you have user (Glen), folder (Glen, PGlist)
and message (Glen,PGlist,27), different from (Glen,Inbox,27) or (Glen,
PgList,28) or (Francisco,PgList,27) ( Where the 'tuples' I've printed
are the PK values ). This has a lot of advantages, which  you pay for
in other ways, like redundancies, but having composite primary keys
sometimes work in your favor as you can express restrictions with the
relationships and build composite indexes for add hoc queries. In this
case ( an email database ), a serial could be used ( instead of the
name ) for the user and folder PK, but still have very fast, simple
queries from a MUA for things like 'select * from messages where
user_id = Prefetched_id and not read order by timestamp desc limit
100'. Also it will help catch things like mismatching folder ids, or
using the user id as folder id, which are easily made when all the
keys are synthetic and meaningless numbers.

As an example, I have a currency table, with it's serial key
currency_id, and a seller table, which sells just a currency and whose
pk is (currency_id+seller_id), and a rate table with rates
(currency_id, rate_id), and an allowed rates table ( to see which
rates a seller can use ), with primay key (currency_id, seller_id,
rate_id) and foreign keys (currency_id, seller_id) and (currency_id,
rate_id) ( it is more or less a classical example. The composite keys
guarantee I can only allow a seller to sell rates on her currency.

I can also, if needed, build unique indexes on any single id ( they
are all serials, as I have no other candidate keys ), if I need them,
but given the access patterns I normally have all of them, and things
like populating a drop box to allow new rates for a seller are very

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] How to retrieve Comment text using SQL, not psql?

2015-05-31 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi Bob:

On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Bob Futrelle wrote:
 Using pgAdmin3 I've tried this and variations on it.   All are rejected.
 select COMMENT ON TABLE articlestats

pgAdmin3 is a bit complex for me, bot on vanilla psql you can use the switch:


Echo the actual queries generated by \d and other backslash commands.
You can use this to study psql's internal operations. This is
equivalent to setting the variable ECHO_HIDDEN to on.

to learn how it does them, and elaborate from there, Its a nice
resource ( although I fear its queries evolve with versions, but you
can always port them touse the information_schema ( )
which should be a little more stable.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] FW: Constraint exclusion in partitions

2015-05-26 Thread Francisco Olarte
 for the single table approach hands
down ( maybe with an intermediate weekend / nigt time cluster/vacuum
full/analyze if it is insert a lot- select a lot, rinse, repeat )
unless you are appending / updating / deleting a lot. You are in a
case ( big data, medium machine, slow disks ) where the real access
patterns are what is going to determine your strategy, no boilerplate
solution is going to apply there.

Francisco Olarte.

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Re: [GENERAL] MD5 password storage - should be the same everywhere?

2015-05-26 Thread Francisco Reyes

On 05/25/2015 07:58 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:

On 05/25/2015 01:41 PM, Francisco Reyes wrote:
I understood that is just a md5 hash of the password and the username
with the string md5 pre-appended, so it should be the same.

Mistery solved..
Because I usually do script of most of my work for audits I was able 
to track down what happened. Original request was to get data from 
'machine 2', but it was later changed. Found something in the output of 
my script that lead me to believe maybe the roles did not come from 
'machine 2'.

Was able to find the source machine by using
select rolname, rolpassword,rolcanlogin from pg_catalog.pg_authid where 
rolname = 'SomeUser';

Against machines I thought could have been the source and found a 
matching one.

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