Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-12-16 Thread Rory Campbell-Lange
On 29/11/03, Randal L. Schwartz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Well, since I need 2.5 ideas per month for the three columns I'm still
 writing, I'm certainly in a position to write nice things about PG,
 although I always have to work it in from a Perl slant.
 Actually, I'm sure that any of the magazines I'm in would appreciate
 an additional article or two from me.
 If you can think of something that fits in 2000 words or so (or 4000
 if it needs part 1 and 2), and can have a Perl wrapper, I'd appreciate
 some inspiration.

Hi Randal

I think I may have an idea for an article which would address a common
problem for people writing database client interfaces:

The problem is simply explained.

Problem title:

The page of pages problem (!)

The problem:

You want to return a subset of a large number items using some
fairly complex search criteria. You want to make only one database
call, benefit from a cached query, and don't want to have all the
rows in memory. How do you get the total count of pages for the
relevant search criteria?

Why is this relevant?

Moving logic that is inherent to the database to the database
provides a potentially rich yet simple interface to database
queries that can benefit a number of client applications.

Typically this sort of query would be written as at least two
dynamically generated queries in the client program that has to be
parsed by the backend before it is executed. By using functions we
can hide complex joins behind simple field names, and provide
flexible (if limited) search capabilites, as well as caching and
sensible error messages.


Using Postgres one can construct a function and then do either

   SELECT * from function fn_explore($searchstring, $limit, $offset);
function fn_explore() 
searchterm ~* 'test'

What is cool about the second format is that (if the function
returned a type 'explore_result' as below), your PHP/Perl programmer
can at their interface do something like 

'... where id  1 AND author IN ('james', 'bill')...'

However I don't know how you get back the total rows in this case,
also maybe the caching effects are minimised?

Type definition:

CREATE TYPE explore_result as (
id INTEGER,   -- some sort of row id
total  INTEGER,   -- total rows for query
author VARCHAR,
image  BYTEA
Not needed unless search is done outside db.
, searchterm VARCHAR

Sketch function definition:

fn_explore (integer, integer, integer) RETURNS setof explore_result
AS '
searchstring  ALIAS for $1;
offsetter ALIAS for $2;
limiter   ALIAS for $3;
resulter  explore_page%rowtype;

  variable verifation section chopped

FOR resulter IN
n_id  as id,
LOJ.pagetotal as total
pers.t_name   as author,
image.b_contents  as image
need searchterm returned if we are doing search outside
the database
, COALESCE(t_title || '' '' || t_text,  ) as searchterm

- self join on db LOJ for unoffset, unlimited row count
   refer to searchterm stuff below
/* note, if we are doing a search outside of the
 * function and t_title or t_text could be empty then we
 * need to coalesce to an empty string
 * COALESCE(t_title || '' '' || t_text,  ) as searchterm
 searchstring ~ t_title || '' '' || t_text
dt_modified DESC




LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Rory Campbell-Lange 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-12-04 Thread Alex Satrapa
Chris Travers wrote:
  Here is a paper I have written for the purposes of providing some
  additional educational material for the MySQL crowd.
Here's my contribution:

Why I choose PostgreSQL (PostgreSQL in 21 Seconds)

I choose referential integrity, meaning my lookups always work.

I choose stored procedures, meaning all my developers - Windows or Unix, 
Perl, C++ or Java - can access the database in the same way, using the 
same locking, with the same checking and cleaning

I choose subselects and outer joins, which allow me to build complex 
queries to get exactly the information I want from the database, rather 
than wasting my time munging data in my code. Even better, I can put 
those common queries into stored procedures, so other developers can get 
the same results as I do!

I choose partial indexes, so lookups on NULL fields are just as fast if 
not faster.

I choose a user community that believes getting the results right is 
more important than getting them quickly.

I choose getting the right results, right now!

I choose funny capitalisation, and a name that can't be pronounced!

I choose PostgreSQL.

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Re: Triggers, Stored Procedures, PHP. was: Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-12-01 Thread Rick Gigger
I used it first because

1) someone suggested it and I didn't know any better
2) install, setup, maintanance and using it is easier than breathing.  You'd
be surprised how much of a difference it makes to a newbie to not have to do
things like vacuum regularly and the ability to change a column type (I'm
not saying this is a good idea, just that it seemed nice at the time), stuff
like that.
3) their online documentation was great, learning how to do new stuff was
fast and easy
4) It SEEMED to work fine (I say seemed because I never had anything happen
to me like an int overflow problem)
5) For the type of work I started off with I didn't badly need the features
that mysql lacks

I'm betting that this is the case with many mysql users.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2003 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: Triggers, Stored Procedures, PHP. was: Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL
Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

 Rod K [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Paul Thomas wrote:
  Much of the populatity of MySQL seems to stem from PHPs out-of-the-box
  support for it.

  This is incorrect.  The embedded mysql client library was not added
  PHP4.0 RC1.  PHP's popularity existed long before this.  The real
  causing the popularity of MySQL was it's ubiquity among hosting
  and the virtual non-existence of PG in that arena.  If PG had been more
  friendly to shared hosting environments, perhaps this situation wouldn't
  have arisen.

 You are both engaging in the most blatant form of historical
 revisionism.  Of course PHP's support for MySQL didn't drive MySQL
 adoption --- it was the other way around, PHP adapted to MySQL because
 that was what was out there.  I think friendly to shared hosting
 environments is a made-up reason as well.  The real reason PG lost
 mindshare to MySQL in the early web days is that at the time, PG was
 hard to install, somewhat buggy, and poorly documented.  (Which was not
 surprising considering that none of these mattered much in its original
 academic environment.)  MySQL didn't do much, maybe, but what it could
 do it did pretty well and without install/learning curve hassles.  We
 had mostly caught up on those criteria by perhaps 7.1 or 7.2, but the
 mindshare gap remains.

 regards, tom lane

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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: Triggers, Stored Procedures, PHP. was: Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-12-01 Thread Rick Gigger
Note: I am a php developer and I love it, but...

In dealing with web applications and frontends to database or
even just a dynamic web site PHP has every bit the power and ability that
Java does and the development time is way down.

Uh, how about threads.  I know that you don't need them much but it sure
be nice to be able to do background processing.

If you need more power
IMO Python is the way to go.

I am not that familiar with pything, not to get off topic here but what you
can do in
python that you can't do in PHP?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-12-01 Thread Rick Gigger
Here is a link to the sql for smarties book:

by Joe Celko

Has some cool ways of handling trees in sql

- Original Message - 
From: Chris Travers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 5:49 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

 Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and CommentsRegarding the
 learning curve issue, maybe people can recommend their favorite books.  I
 recommend SQL Unleashed (I forget the author), pub. Samms.  SQL For
 Smarties also gets recommended often around here, but again, I don't know
 the author (or in this case, even the publisher).  Maybe there are others
 too that people can recommend.

 As for the paper-- I think your title is good (PostgreSQL - Ideal for any
 application development), and I will have to look at how to organize it.
 wanted to cover the following topics:
 1)  Different types of databases, and what is meant by Object Relational
 2)  Enterprise-ready features (Views, Stored Proceedures, Subselects,
 3)  RDBMS tasks and how these features fit in.

 Perhaps a followup paper could be written as a basic treatise in database

 The other issues I am seing here involve finding a suitable venue for
 publication.  Any suggestions here are welcome also.

 Best Wishes,
 Chris Travers

 ---(end of broadcast)---
 TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-11-30 Thread Chris Travers
  Now many
 consultant/developer/sys-admins like myself are going to client site on
 a contract (this is especially true in the UK, I can't speak for
 anywhere else) and finding complex stocktrading systems, inventory
 systems, CRM systems, and others, all written in PHP backed by MySQL.

I started the CRM system I am developing on MySQL before realizing it was
the wrong choice.  Part of it is simple because people have heard of the
software and don't have the time/stamina/patience to do proper research into
the benefits of alternatives.  There is also a learning curve when going
from MySQL to a more standards-compliant RDBMS like PostgreSQL.  Heck, I
found that going from PostgreSQL to Firebird give me headaches :-P  And
these RDBMS's have most of the same features!

 Whether this is right or wrong, good choice or bad choice is not what
 I'm interested in debating.   The point is that when these systems where
 architected, the developers used MySQL not because they were dumb, but
 because many of them develop awesome code and can get around most
 problems in the code, with a little ingenuity.  Many simply do not have
 the insight into the potential benefits of *proper* RDBMS can offer.

I would actually venture to say that many of them are using the RDBMS as a
sort of object-persistance store, and not really trying to use the
*relational* features of the software.  They might as well be using Berkeley
DB 4.  I know that is how I started with MySQL.

What most of these programmers do not understand is that an RDBMS is not
simply a search-engine for stored persistant objects, but is actually a
fully-featured information storage management system.  With the right
features, this information can be stored, queried, presented in another
form, etc. all while ensuring that the stored information is EXACTLY what
was intended. The tasks that the RDBMS handles include data storage,
integrity enforcement, and data presentation.  Most MySQL programmers only
use it for data storage.  Sadly, this is about all MySQL is good for, and
hence the barrier to learning how to USE a REAL RDBMS are a bit higher
because of the prevalence of the likes of MySQL and MS Access.

 The second scenario, is with admin systems, written by people like
 myself for companies, whether they be simple or complex systems, that
 are intended as a temporary work around to an immediate problem.
 In a very short space of time the stop-gap application you had written
 to sort out the immediate problem quickly becomes a core business
 application (I recently returned to a site after not being there for two
 years and the temporary address book/ email system that I knocked up in
 an afternoon was not only still being used, but now relied upon heavily).

But again, if you start with the right tools, it is easier to modify later
to adapt to changing needs.  I think that this is one of the messages we
should be presenting.  With updateable views, different applications can
even have access to different presentations of the data.

 So on to my point, MySQL guys will happily say Hey, we're not saying
 that the features MySQL is missing aren't important, and we're working
 towards them, but in the meantime these issues can be worked around like
 this.  and happily play the whole thing down.  Many LAMP developers
 aren't aware of the benefits of stored procedures, of triggers and other
 good stuff. Like myself, if they were aware how much easier life could
 be if these things were accessible to them, they'd probably be converts

Agreed completely.  Now we just have to sell the PostgreSQL solution.  Here
is what the MySQL people will say (and we need good evidence to counter):
1:  MySQL is faster.
2:  MySQL has more community support.
3:  MySQL has replication as part of its core distribution.  MySQL's
replication is better tested...

 There is not enough emphasis put on the basic importance of these
 functions in PG.  Someone needs to standup and say Hey, look how this
 can simplify your programming lives  until I started using
 Druid/Postgres, I had no idea why I needed triggers or what a cascade
 effect did, or why I might want one.

The basic issue is that many programmers are not taught to value information
management systems, such as RDBMS's.  These programmers are interested only
in the data storage issues of the database, and not on how to use it to
manage the information stored therein. Changing this may take a lot of
effort.  Also, using an RDBMS to its full extent rubs some OO programmers
the wrong way because it strikes them as violating rules of OO design.  Of
course, then why not use an OO database? ;-)

 The Linux  community has grown  at least in part because it has
 educated  potential users and journo's to its benefits.  I believe if
 the PG advocacy team did the same, then it would attract many more
 serious LAMP developers.

I agree.  But it will take some time to sell, and will require some

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-11-30 Thread Tony
Title: Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

Comments within:

Chris Travers wrote:

 Now many
consultant/developer/sys-admins like myself are going to client site on
a contract (this is especially true in the UK, I can't speak for
anywhere else) and finding complex stocktrading systems, inventory
systems, CRM systems, and others, all written in PHP backed by MySQL.

I started the CRM system I am developing on MySQL before realizing it was
the wrong choice.  Part of it is simple because people have heard of the
software and don't have the time/stamina/patience to do proper research into
the benefits of alternatives.  There is also a learning curve when going
from MySQL to a more standards-compliant RDBMS like PostgreSQL.  Heck, I
found that going from PostgreSQL to Firebird give me headaches :-P  And
these RDBMS's have most of the same features!


It's the learning curve part that I'm finding difficult, not because
it's a too complicated, but because I can't find a good source of
information to learn from. I'm sure I'll get flamed for this, but I
seem to be unable to find information on proper design principle,
including where and when to use triggers, stored procs, etc, etc, that
isn't 20 years old already. In the liquid world of IT, I find it
worrying (perhaps incorrectly) learning from a book written 14 years

Whether this is right or wrong, good choice or bad choice is not what
I'm interested in debating.   The point is that when these systems where
architected, the developers used MySQL not because they were dumb, but
because many of them develop awesome code and can get around most
problems in the code, with a little ingenuity.  Many simply do not have
the insight into the potential benefits of *proper* RDBMS can offer.

I would actually venture to say that many of them are using the RDBMS as a
sort of object-persistance store, and not really trying to use the
*relational* features of the software.  They might as well be using Berkeley
DB 4.  I know that is how I started with MySQL.



  What most of these programmers do not understand is that an RDBMS is not
simply a search-engine for stored persistant objects, but is actually a
fully-featured information storage management system.  With the right
features, this information can be stored, queried, presented in another
form, etc. all while ensuring that the stored information is EXACTLY what
was intended. The tasks that the RDBMS handles include data storage,
integrity enforcement, and data presentation.  Most MySQL programmers only
use it for data storage.  Sadly, this is about all MySQL is good for, and
hence the barrier to learning how to USE a REAL RDBMS are a bit higher
because of the prevalence of the likes of MySQL and MS Access.

Indeed, and I believe that the lack of education with regards to this
(or even available information presented at the right level)
perpetuates the issue, along with the mis-information put forward by
MySQL that these aspects aren't really all that important anyway.

The second scenario, is with admin systems, written by people like
myself for companies, whether they be simple or complex systems, that
are intended as a temporary work around to an immediate problem.
In a very short space of time the stop-gap application you had written
to sort out the immediate problem quickly becomes a core business
application (I recently returned to a site after not being there for two
years and the temporary address book/ email system that I knocked up in
an afternoon was not only still being used, but now relied upon heavily).

But again, if you start with the right tools, it is easier to modify later
to adapt to changing needs.  I think that this is one of the messages we
should be presenting.  With updateable views, different applications can
even have access to different presentations of the data.

So on to my point, MySQL guys will happily say "Hey, we're not saying
that the features MySQL is missing aren't important, and we're working
towards them, but in the meantime these issues can be worked around like
this."  and happily play the whole thing down.  Many LAMP developers
aren't aware of the benefits of stored procedures, of triggers and other
good stuff. Like myself, if they were aware how much easier life could
be if these things were accessible to them, they'd probably be converts


Agreed completely.  Now we just have to sell the PostgreSQL solution.  Here
is what the MySQL people will say (and we need good evidence to counter):
1:  MySQL is faster.
2:  MySQL has more community support.
3:  MySQL has replication as part of its core distribution.  MySQL's
replication is better tested...

1. Let's do apples to apples, NOT apples to Oranges as has been done
many times in the past. It would be far more useful IMHO to put
forward a &

Re: Triggers, Stored Procedures, PHP. was: Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-11-30 Thread Paul Thomas
On 29/11/2003 16:24 Jason Tesser wrote:
A programmer that doesn't document stuff needs to find a new job :-)
Agreed. So you're replaced him and inherited a documentation-free 
application. How many favours has he done you by squirrelling away section 
of business logic in the database?

This is more of an issue with management.  Anyone who does database apps
for on any kind of a large scale will tell you that views, triggers,
are essential.  I am currently in teh process of writing a complete
for the college I develop for.  Finance, accounting, pos, registration,
student tracking etc...
I've worked on stuff for some of the largest companies in the world if 
that counts. Mind you, I've been in the business 24 years (18 of those as 
an independent consultant) so maybe I'm just a newbie :)

For your accounting, take a look at SQL-Ledger ( It 
might save you months of effort.

You might not have understood me or I am not understanding you.
It feels like we're 2 people divided by a common language...

Paul Thomas
| Thomas Micro Systems Limited | Software Solutions for the Smaller 
Business |
| Computer Consultants |   |

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-11-29 Thread Oliver Elphick
On Sat, 2003-11-29 at 04:37, cnliou wrote:
  MySQL cannot even handle sub-queries yet.
 Ohh! Really?
 Allow me to pay my highest respect to the genius mySQL 
 I completely have no clue on how to construct any single 
 tiny database on a DBMS having no sub-query capability.
 Being too dumb, I solicit mySQL programmers' help by showing 
 me employee FOO's birthday and his/her latest job title 
 effective on or before 2003-1-1 from the following tables:
 CREATE TABLE t1 (employee TEXT,BirthDay DATE);
 CREATE TABLE t2 (employee TEXT,EffectiveDate DATE,JobTitle 
 And make the result like this:
 FOO  1980-1-1   programmer
 Please do not give me the answer that you will merge these 
 two tables to form one like this:
 CREATE TABLE t1 (employee TEXT,BirthDay DATE,EffectiveDate 
 DATE,JobTitle TEXT);

I have great trouble following your meaning, but I think you are talking
about joining two tables in a query:

   SELECT t1.employee, t1.birthday, t2.jobtitle
 FROM t1, t2
WHERE t1.employee = t2.employee;

That is not the same as using a sub-query:

   SELECT employee
 FROM t1
WHERE birthday  (
  SELECT MIN(effectivedate)

  (select employees who were born after the longest-serving employee
   started work.)
Isle of Wight, UK
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
 Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who 
  shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean 
  hands, and a pure heart...Psalms 24:3,4 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-11-29 Thread Tony
HI All,

I'm glad that this thread prompted some thoughtful response.   I think 
one of my main points I was trying to make, Jason hit the nail on the 
head.  The article to which I was referring uses a great example which I 
have experienced many times before, but in order to grasp this, PHP et 
al, must be thought of as a scripting language which crosses many 
corporate boundries, and it is easy to assume that it's primary use 
(simple web site back ends) are the only thing to discuss.  But the 
situation has changed enourmously since the release of PHP v4.  Now many 
consultant/developer/sys-admins like myself are going to client site on 
a contract (this is especially true in the UK, I can't speak for 
anywhere else) and finding complex stocktrading systems, inventory 
systems, CRM systems, and others, all written in PHP backed by MySQL.  
Whether this is right or wrong, good choice or bad choice is not what 
I'm interested in debating.   The point is that when these systems where 
architected, the developers used MySQL not because they were dumb, but 
because many of them develop awesome code and can get around most 
problems in the code, with a little ingenuity.  Many simply do not have 
the insight into the potential benefits of *proper* RDBMS can offer.   
Had they had the benefit of such knowledge the code they have written 
would be faster (in DB) and more legible. Sadly often the developers are 
the only source of DBA for some of these companies.

The second scenario, is with admin systems, written by people like 
myself for companies, whether they be simple or complex systems, that 
are intended as a temporary work around to an immediate problem.  
In a very short space of time the stop-gap application you had written 
to sort out the immediate problem quickly becomes a core business 
application (I recently returned to a site after not being there for two 
years and the temporary address book/ email system that I knocked up in 
an afternoon was not only still being used, but now relied upon heavily).

So on to my point, MySQL guys will happily say Hey, we're not saying 
that the features MySQL is missing aren't important, and we're working 
towards them, but in the meantime these issues can be worked around like 
this.  and happily play the whole thing down.  Many LAMP developers 
aren't aware of the benefits of stored procedures, of triggers and other 
good stuff. Like myself, if they were aware how much easier life could 
be if these things were accessible to them, they'd probably be converts too.

There is not enough emphasis put on the basic importance of these 
functions in PG.  Someone needs to standup and say Hey, look how this 
can simplify your programming lives  until I started using 
Druid/Postgres, I had no idea why I needed triggers or what a cascade 
effect did, or why I might want one. 

The Linux  community has grown  at least in part because it has 
educated  potential users and journo's to its benefits.  I believe if 
the PG advocacy team did the same, then it would attract many more 
serious LAMP developers.

Like Linux vs. Windows, PG has an awful lot going for it in respect to 
MySQL, so why not crow about it.  It needs to be pointed at a crowd that 
are DB novices, they need to be told why PG is worth the time/knowledge 
investment, because anyone who reads the MySQL site, will come away with 
the impression that the Trigger, Stored Procs, and other things are a 
luxurious overhead not necessary for getting the job done.

I'd gladly help out with such a paper, but find myself in the sad 
position of my prose being open to attack due to my newbieness in the DB 
world and not able to speak authoratatively on the subject.

Have a think, I'd like to know if others agree.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-11-29 Thread Unihost Web Hosting
Further to this post, what might actually work is to convince O' Reilly 
(since they have PostgreSQL book/s) to do some articles like they have 
for PG, but making full use of the PG database.  For instance, building 
a simple data-warehouse using PG.  Articles that show off an OSS 
product/project in a clearly enterprise light in a step-by-step 
fashion.  There have been so many articles on DB design using MySQL.  
How about an article on DB design using all the functionality of a real 

Just a few thoughts.



Tony wrote:

HI All,

I'm glad that this thread prompted some thoughtful response.   I think 
one of my main points I was trying to make, Jason hit the nail on the 
head.  The article to which I was referring uses a great example which 
I have experienced many times before, but in order to grasp this, PHP 
et al, must be thought of as a scripting language which crosses many 
corporate boundries, and it is easy to assume that it's primary use 
(simple web site back ends) are the only thing to discuss.  But the 
situation has changed enourmously since the release of PHP v4.  Now 
many consultant/developer/sys-admins like myself are going to client 
site on a contract (this is especially true in the UK, I can't speak 
for anywhere else) and finding complex stocktrading systems, inventory 
systems, CRM systems, and others, all written in PHP backed by MySQL.  
Whether this is right or wrong, good choice or bad choice is not what 
I'm interested in debating.   The point is that when these systems 
where architected, the developers used MySQL not because they were 
dumb, but because many of them develop awesome code and can get around 
most problems in the code, with a little ingenuity.  Many simply do 
not have the insight into the potential benefits of *proper* RDBMS can 
offer.   Had they had the benefit of such knowledge the code they have 
written would be faster (in DB) and more legible. Sadly often the 
developers are the only source of DBA for some of these companies.

The second scenario, is with admin systems, written by people like 
myself for companies, whether they be simple or complex systems, that 
are intended as a temporary work around to an immediate problem.  In a 
very short space of time the stop-gap application you had written to 
sort out the immediate problem quickly becomes a core business 
application (I recently returned to a site after not being there for 
two years and the temporary address book/ email system that I knocked 
up in an afternoon was not only still being used, but now relied upon 

So on to my point, MySQL guys will happily say Hey, we're not saying 
that the features MySQL is missing aren't important, and we're working 
towards them, but in the meantime these issues can be worked around 
like this.  and happily play the whole thing down.  Many LAMP 
developers aren't aware of the benefits of stored procedures, of 
triggers and other good stuff. Like myself, if they were aware how 
much easier life could be if these things were accessible to them, 
they'd probably be converts too.

There is not enough emphasis put on the basic importance of these 
functions in PG.  Someone needs to standup and say Hey, look how this 
can simplify your programming lives  until I started using 
Druid/Postgres, I had no idea why I needed triggers or what a cascade 
effect did, or why I might want one.
The Linux  community has grown  at least in part because it has 
educated  potential users and journo's to its benefits.  I believe if 
the PG advocacy team did the same, then it would attract many more 
serious LAMP developers.

Like Linux vs. Windows, PG has an awful lot going for it in respect to 
MySQL, so why not crow about it.  It needs to be pointed at a crowd 
that are DB novices, they need to be told why PG is worth the 
time/knowledge investment, because anyone who reads the MySQL site, 
will come away with the impression that the Trigger, Stored Procs, and 
other things are a luxurious overhead not necessary for getting the 
job done.

I'd gladly help out with such a paper, but find myself in the sad 
position of my prose being open to attack due to my newbieness in the 
DB world and not able to speak authoratatively on the subject.

Have a think, I'd like to know if others agree.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Triggers, Stored Procedures, PHP. was: Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-11-29 Thread Paul Thomas
On 28/11/2003 17:10 Jason Tesser wrote:

I completely disagree.  I do a lot of programming with PHP and the
of Postgres come in handy.  Let me give you an example of just some
basic things.  Triggers!  Why should I have to write insert and update
triggers in the logic (PHP) if I can handle it at the database level.
is 10x as fast as the language.  Better to handle what you can at the
level. Same with views and stored procedures.
Stored procedures can be a 2-edged sword. They can lead to business logic
being scattered between the persistence layer and the business layer.
Thats not good for maintaining the application 3 years down the line.
Triggers can also cause maintenance problems. Its so easy to forget/fail
to document that inserting a record into table x causes column y of table
z to be updated. Be careful how and where you use these features as they 
can come back to bite you!

MySQL cannot even handle
sub-queries yet. I also use Python for standalone interfaces to the data.
Why should I not be able to use the same views and triggers etc  in there
that I use for my web apps.  PHP is quite powerful if used correctly.
You are, of course, free to do whatever want. But if you have to use 
features of the database to compensate for inadequacies in your 
programming language maybe you should be using another language?

Java has its own issues and I am not sure it is as far supiour as you
are claming it is.  But that is not for this dscussion.
I'm not aware of any issues with Java (unless you mean Swing ;)). 
MySQL may be more
popular with (cheap) web hosting places but that doesn't mean it is the
or that Postgres wouldn't serve better even in this area.  I am glad
to see the article written for PHP mag as Postgres would help alot of PHP
guys that are using MySQL.
Much of the populatity of MySQL seems to stem from PHPs out-of-the-box 
support for it. With the MySQL client library license change, this 
situation will probably change. There was a long thread about this earlier 
this year. Check the archives.

Paul Thomas
| Thomas Micro Systems Limited | Software Solutions for the Smaller 
Business |
| Computer Consultants |   |

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
 subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
 message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: Triggers, Stored Procedures, PHP. was: Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-11-29 Thread Rod K

Paul Thomas wrote:

 On 28/11/2003 17:10 Jason Tesser wrote:
  MySQL cannot even handle
  sub-queries yet. I also use Python for standalone interfaces to
 the data.
  Why should I not be able to use the same views and triggers etc
  in there
  that I use for my web apps.  PHP is quite powerful if used correctly.

 You are, of course, free to do whatever want. But if you have to use
 features of the database to compensate for inadequacies in your
 programming language maybe you should be using another language?

This doesn't even make sense in the context of Jasons remark.

  Java has its own issues and I am not sure it is as far supiour as you
  are claming it is.  But that is not for this dscussion.

 I'm not aware of any issues with Java (unless you mean Swing ;)).
  MySQL may be more
  popular with (cheap) web hosting places but that doesn't mean it is the
  or that Postgres wouldn't serve better even in this area.  I am glad
  to see the article written for PHP mag as Postgres would help
 alot of PHP
  guys that are using MySQL.

 Much of the populatity of MySQL seems to stem from PHPs out-of-the-box
 support for it. With the MySQL client library license change, this
 situation will probably change. There was a long thread about
 this earlier
 this year. Check the archives.

This is incorrect.  The embedded mysql client library was not added until
PHP4.0 RC1.  PHP's popularity existed long before this.  The real culprit
causing the popularity of MySQL was it's ubiquity among hosting providers
and the virtual non-existence of PG in that arena.  If PG had been more
friendly to shared hosting environments, perhaps this situation wouldn't
have arisen.  Blaming PHP for this situation (and your other comments) show
extreme prejudice.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send unregister YourEmailAddressHere to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Triggers, Stored Procedures, PHP. was: Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-11-29 Thread Chris Travers
From: Paul Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Stored procedures can be a 2-edged sword. They can lead to business logic
 being scattered between the persistence layer and the business layer.
 Thats not good for maintaining the application 3 years down the line.
 Triggers can also cause maintenance problems. Its so easy to forget/fail
 to document that inserting a record into table x causes column y of table
 z to be updated. Be careful how and where you use these features as they
 can come back to bite you!

It is all how you organize your app.  Stored proceedures are extremely
useful when they represent a unified API for accessing parts of the
database.  Word of advice:  Keep the database self-contained.  If all you
want is object persistance, then why non use Berkeley Database?  It is even
transactional.  The point of having an RDBMS is to provide more flexibility
than a simple persistance store.  When used sensibly, stored proceedures are
extremely simplifying, not the other way arround.

  Why should I not be able to use the same views and triggers etc  in
  that I use for my web apps.  PHP is quite powerful if used correctly.

 You are, of course, free to do whatever want. But if you have to use
 features of the database to compensate for inadequacies in your
 programming language maybe you should be using another language?

I don't think Jason was compensating for weaknesses in the language-- I
think that he was asking why he woudln't want to build into the database the
universal functions accessed by multiple applications.  And he would be
right in trying to do so.

Let me give you an example:  One of the large projects I maintain is HERMES
(  Hermes relies on its own user and
permissions catalogs in order to provide a consistant administrative
interface across database managers and simplify the task of assigning
permissions to users and groups.  The differences in syntax can them be
handled in wrapper layers, etc.

However, it makes sense to try to wrap these catalogs using stored
proceedures so that third-party apps don't necessarily need to be aware of
the structure of the catalogs when assigning permissions.  This way, too,
the db users' catalog and the user catalog in the RDBMS can be guaranteed to
be in sync.  It will also allow me eventually to directly enforce
permissions using triggers rather than rely on the RDBMS model (useful in
shared hosting environments).

  Java has its own issues and I am not sure it is as far supiour as you
  are claming it is.  But that is not for this dscussion.

 I'm not aware of any issues with Java (unless you mean Swing ;)).

Every language has issues.  This is not the time or place for a
development environemnt holy war ;-)  But--- PHP and Python all the way ;-)

 Much of the populatity of MySQL seems to stem from PHPs out-of-the-box
 support for it. With the MySQL client library license change, this
 situation will probably change. There was a long thread about this earlier
 this year. Check the archives.

Putting the cart before the horse.  MySQL is far easier to administer in a
shared hosting environment.  Maybe one of these days, I will put together a
package for managing PostgreSQL accounts in this way.  If there is interest,
please email me off-list and we can get started.  I don't expect MySQL's
dominance to change until we can offer an easy-to-administer alternative for
these environments.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-11-28 Thread Paul Thomas
On 27/11/2003 09:19 Tony wrote:
Hi All,

I've just been reading an article in PHP Architect magazine 
( which is the cover story for October called 
Migrating from MySQL to PostgreSQL.   I must say that this is a highly 
compelling article, especially for me, and is aimed at programmers that 
aren't necessarilly SQL experts or DBAs.  For instance, like many PHP 
Web developers who use MySQL instead of flat files to store stuff! 
Instead of using a DB as a powerful tool.  This article presents reasons 
as to why a more standards compliant DB is good for programmers, and why 
in some cases MySQL can be less of a friend to programmers than perhaps 

I honestly believe that if the advocates of PostgreSQL wrote an article 
or case study along the lines of this article, it would go a long way to 
attracting many more programmers.  In my experience all of the articles 
and tutorials are written from the perspective of why PG is a better DB 
as a DB.  Rather than emphasise aspects like PG is great because you 
can move complicated code like this insert complicated PHP/Perl code 
here . normally dealt programatically to your DB which can be both 
faster and applied to any other programmers (VB, Java) that you are 
sharing the important enterprise data with.  I've not seen anything in 
articles aimed at PHP/MySQL users saying, Hey, look at how these 
triggers can make your life s much easier or  Hey, look at how 
cascading can save you oh so much coding or Hey look at all this 
programmatical logic that can be put into queries just by writing your 
own functions

I have recently compared the PostgreSQL users to the Debian users (meant 
as a complement) by the fact that they are in general highly 
knowledgable of thier own subject and peripheral subjects too.  They are 
passionate and well versed, and happy to nudge people in the direction 
of enlightenment without spoonfeeding them.  But in the same way, the 
advocacy (IMHO) falls into the same boat as Debian.  There is a certain 
self-assuredness that PostgreSQL is a far superior product and if 
someone can't see how obvious that is then maybe PG isn't for them (a 
little harsh I know  but I'm trying to illustrate a point).

My point is that there are thousands, tens of thousands of programmers 
out there, that need to know why and how PG is so great.  My eyes have 
now been fully opened by this article, and got rid of my nagging feeling 
that there was something great about PG that I Just wasn't grasping, 
and couldn't put my finger on.   Maybe the advocacy team should be 
aiming for all those programmers that desperately need PG, but don't 
know it yet, and probably don't have time to garner enough DB experience 
to understand why they need it!
Maybe there's not such a need for the advanced features of PostgreSQL 
amongst PHP programmers as you seem to believe. Most of the PHP stuff I've 
seen is read-only content display stuff and that doesn't really require a 
top-notch RDBMS; a more limited database should also be up to the job. For 
complex transactional web applications, J2EE/Model II is a far superior 
technology to scripts/Model I and that means a different target audience 
for the apps where PostgreSQL can offer those essential extra features. 
Whilst most J2EE developers will be using Oracle/DB2/MSSQL as their 
back-end, the awareness of PostgreSQL seems quite high and, in the few 
usenet groups I monitor, I don't recall anyone being flamed for 
recommending PostgreSQL over MySQL. Maybe seasoned, professional 
developers don't like being told that they're crap programmers just 
because they ask for something as fundamental as referential integrity!

Coming to your point about advocacy, I certainly don't recognize what you 
describe. Of course the members of the advocacy group believe in the 
quality of PostgreSQL (a view shared by most of the subscribers to list). 
What I think you need to bear in mind is that PostgreSQL is a genuinely 
open-source product _not_ a commercial product in GPL clothing like MySQL. 
The developers and advocates are not making $xx per box shifted or trying 
to seduce users down a supposedly free path into their licensed software 
lair. That has a big effect on advocacy. Instead of smarmy marketing types 
who rely on spread FUD and misinformation about every product they 
consider a competitor, we have a group of people acting with honesty and 
integrity. Welcome to the real world of open source :-)

Paul Thomas
| Thomas Micro Systems Limited | Software Solutions for the Smaller 
Business |
| Computer Consultants |   |

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-11-28 Thread Jason Tesser

huge snip

 Maybe there's not such a need for the advanced features of PostgreSQL 
 amongst PHP programmers as you seem to believe. Most of the PHP stuff I've 
 seen is read-only content display stuff and that doesn't really require a 
 top-notch RDBMS; a more limited database should also be up to the job. For 
 complex transactional web applications, J2EE/Model II is a far superior 
 technology to scripts/Model I and that means a different target audience 
 for the apps where PostgreSQL can offer those essential extra features. 
 Whilst most J2EE developers will be using Oracle/DB2/MSSQL as their 
 back-end, the awareness of PostgreSQL seems quite high and, in the few 
  usenet groups I monitor, I don't recall anyone being flamed for 
 recommending PostgreSQL over MySQL. Maybe seasoned, professional 
 developers don't like being told that they're crap programmers just 
 because they ask for something as fundamental as referential integrity!

I completely disagree.  I do a lot of programming with PHP and the features
of Postgres come in handy.  Let me give you an example of just some 
basic things.  Triggers!  Why should I have to write insert and update
triggers in the logic (PHP) if I can handle it at the database level.  Sql
is 10x as fast as the language.  Better to handle what you can at the database
level.  Same with views and stored procedures.  MySQL cannot even handle 
sub-queries yet. I also use Python for standalone interfaces to the data.  
Why should I not be able to use the same views and triggers etc  in there
that I use for my web apps.  PHP is quite powerful if used correctly.
Java has its own issues and I am not sure it is as far supiour as you
are claming it is.  But that is not for this dscussion.  MySQL may be more
popular with (cheap) web hosting places but that doesn't mean it is the best
or that Postgres wouldn't serve better even in this area.  I am glad
to see the article written for PHP mag as Postgres would help alot of PHP guys that 
are using MySQL.

another snip

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-11-28 Thread cnliou

 MySQL cannot even handle sub-queries yet.

Ohh! Really?
Allow me to pay my highest respect to the genius mySQL 
I completely have no clue on how to construct any single 
tiny database on a DBMS having no sub-query capability.

Being too dumb, I solicit mySQL programmers' help by showing 
me employee FOO's birthday and his/her latest job title 
effective on or before 2003-1-1 from the following tables:

CREATE TABLE t1 (employee TEXT,BirthDay DATE);
CREATE TABLE t2 (employee TEXT,EffectiveDate DATE,JobTitle 

And make the result like this:

FOO  1980-1-1   programmer

Please do not give me the answer that you will merge these 
two tables to form one like this:

CREATE TABLE t1 (employee TEXT,BirthDay DATE,EffectiveDate 
DATE,JobTitle TEXT);


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-11-28 Thread Chris Travers
Jason Tesser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I completely disagree.  I do a lot of programming with PHP and the
 of Postgres come in handy.  Let me give you an example of just some
 basic things.  Triggers!  Why should I have to write insert and update
 triggers in the logic (PHP) if I can handle it at the database level.  Sql
 is 10x as fast as the language.  Better to handle what you can at the
 level.  Same with views and stored procedures.  MySQL cannot even handle
 sub-queries yet. I also use Python for standalone interfaces to the data.
 Why should I not be able to use the same views and triggers etc  in there
 that I use for my web apps.  PHP is quite powerful if used correctly.

I guess I am coming at this from the other direction:  MySQL is popular and
many people use it for lightweight stuff.  Partly this may be because better
tools exist for providing hosted solutions, and this is an area we could
improve (automatically adding entries to the pg_hba.conf, etc.-- may have to
look into doing this).

THe real problem I see is that this keeps PHP from being an ideal skill for
developing enterprise applications.  The features you are mentioning are
extremely helpful, even necessary, when you have many applications working
against the same database.  The triggers, etc. can give you some consistant
business logic, and you can use views to present information to the
applications in a way that is natural for them.

In essence, my point is that for single-use databases, MySQL isn't all that
bad (aside from consistancy issues).  However, the popularity of the LAMP
development environment holds PHP back from being a serious corporate
development environment, IMO.

 Java has its own issues and I am not sure it is as far supiour as you
 are claming it is.  But that is not for this dscussion.  MySQL may be more
 popular with (cheap) web hosting places but that doesn't mean it is the
 or that Postgres wouldn't serve better even in this area.  I am glad
 to see the article written for PHP mag as Postgres would help alot of PHP
 guys that are using MySQL.

Again, I think that the most important benefit would be lowering the barrier
to entry of serious development.  You can start with
Linux/Apache/PostgreSQL/PHP for a simple site, and then use your knowledge
better to develop more serious applications.  But the critical issue to
resolve is to make available a tool or set of tools to manage shared hosting
environments in an easier way.  I would be happy to try to generate such a
set of tools.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-11-27 Thread Tony
Hi All,

I've just been reading an article in PHP Architect magazine 
( which is the cover story for October called 
Migrating from MySQL to PostgreSQL.   I must say that this is a highly 
compelling article, especially for me, and is aimed at programmers that 
aren't necessarilly SQL experts or DBAs.  For instance, like many PHP 
Web developers who use MySQL instead of flat files to store stuff! 
Instead of using a DB as a powerful tool.  This article presents reasons 
as to why a more standards compliant DB is good for programmers, and why 
in some cases MySQL can be less of a friend to programmers than perhaps 

I honestly believe that if the advocates of PostgreSQL wrote an article 
or case study along the lines of this article, it would go a long way to 
attracting many more programmers.  In my experience all of the articles 
and tutorials are written from the perspective of why PG is a better DB 
as a DB.  Rather than emphasise aspects like PG is great because you 
can move complicated code like this insert complicated PHP/Perl code 
here . normally dealt programatically to your DB which can be both 
faster and applied to any other programmers (VB, Java) that you are 
sharing the important enterprise data with.  I've not seen anything in 
articles aimed at PHP/MySQL users saying, Hey, look at how these 
triggers can make your life s much easier or  Hey, look at how 
cascading can save you oh so much coding or Hey look at all this 
programmatical logic that can be put into queries just by writing your 
own functions

I have recently compared the PostgreSQL users to the Debian users (meant 
as a complement) by the fact that they are in general highly 
knowledgable of thier own subject and peripheral subjects too.  They are 
passionate and well versed, and happy to nudge people in the direction 
of enlightenment without spoonfeeding them.  But in the same way, the 
advocacy (IMHO) falls into the same boat as Debian.  There is a certain 
self-assuredness that PostgreSQL is a far superior product and if 
someone can't see how obvious that is then maybe PG isn't for them (a 
little harsh I know  but I'm trying to illustrate a point).

My point is that there are thousands, tens of thousands of programmers 
out there, that need to know why and how PG is so great.  My eyes have 
now been fully opened by this article, and got rid of my nagging feeling 
that there was something great about PG that I Just wasn't grasping, 
and couldn't put my finger on.   Maybe the advocacy team should be 
aiming for all those programmers that desperately need PG, but don't 
know it yet, and probably don't have time to garner enough DB experience 
to understand why they need it!

Sadly the PHP Architect article is not free, I bought the electronic 
magazine for about $2, but believe it's worth every penny and more.

Just my 2 cents.

Apologies if the PG articles ARE out there and please notice that my 
comments do not say that they don't exist, but that I have never seen them.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
 joining column's datatypes do not match