Re: [HACKERS] MySQL Compatibility WAS: postgresql.conf settings autoconfiguration

2009-08-27 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Dear all,

Just a quick message about postgresql.conf auto-configuration.

When MySQL users test PostgreSQL, they load their data and run simple
SQL queries. If postgresql.conf is configured with default values, it
may produce slow results. 

Would there be a way for postgresql.conf to auto configure?

This is how MySQL works. Nothing is configurable. And people love it. So
why not implement a simple auto configuration mechanism which would set
basic parameters.

autotune_profile='web site';
autotune_profile='dedicated SQL server';


Kind regards,

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

Re: [HACKERS] MySQL Compatibility WAS: 8.5 release timetable, again

2009-08-27 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Le mercredi 26 août 2009 à 15:51 -0700, Josh Berkus a écrit :
 I doubt this would be an accurate description of all Drupal

My opinion was : 

Before adding replication to PostgreSQL, it would be better to support a
basic set of MySQL syntax seems relevant:

DELETE FROM table1, table2 FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON ...
UPDATE table1, table1 SET, WHERE
INNER JOIN table2 ..., 
etc ...

There is not much to add to PostgreSQL, but it seems relevant.

Otherwise, replicating some MySQL SQL syntax will not work. 

As you know, people willing to use PostgreSQL replication are possibly
already MySQL replication users. So if they test and PostgreSQL fails,
this is too bad.

Drupal was only an example, I did not mean to criticize all Drupal
developers. Just to say they focus on PHP and not SQL. They don't have
time to port MySQL code. Besides, they are very nice people.

So I apologize for this short (false) focus.

Bye, Jean-Michel

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

Re: [HACKERS] MySQL Compatibility WAS: 8.5 release timetable, again

2009-08-27 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Le jeudi 27 août 2009 à 14:27 -0500, Jaime Casanova a écrit :
 the point was that if we simply were saying: hey! mysql can interpret
 this, make postgres do the same then we could end up with a lot of
 broken stuff... just because mysql users think is wonderful to not
 have to write sane code...

Not MySQL in general. Only the subset which helps and seems reasonable.
Bye, JM

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

Re: [HACKERS] 8.5 release timetable, again

2009-08-26 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Le mercredi 26 août 2009 à 01:36 -0600, Rick Gigger a écrit :
 One possible reason that replication is more critical now than it
 a year ago is the rise in cloud computing.  The ability to fire up  
 instances on demand is much more useful when some of those boxes can  
 be database servers and those databases servers can replicate the  
 primary database and start doing something useful.  As far as I can  
 tell this one feature alone is the one thing that makes it hard to  
 convince people to migrate away from Mysql despite it's demonstrable  
 inferiority in many other areas.

I think you should have a deep look at
these two manuals that I wrote for Drupal:

Guidelines for writing MySQL and PostgreSQL compliant SQL


Quidelines for writing SQL efficient code:

I have been using PostgreSQL since 1998. I took part in the development
of pgAdmin 1 and pgAdmin 2. I am very proud of the PostgreSQL community,
but I think it should fix some important issues in the domain of SQL
compliance and compatibility.

When reading developers comments on Drupal web site, it seems that there
is deep misunderstanding between developers and SQL databases. I would
say that 1% of developers know database technology. For example, most
Drupal developers think that an INNER JOIN is faster than a LEFT JOIN.

The reality of facts is that developers will not even test PostgreSQL
and stop using it after the first SQL warning or error.

So I would recommend focussing on usability.

Then you can work on replication and materilized views. You probably
know that a cloud requires several computers. With materialized view, a
single computer can perform 100 times better. I see plenty of of
possibilities to improve speed using materialized views.

But first and firstly ... focus on usability. Then make a pre-release of
a PostgreSQL 8.4.2 release or so ... We need to wipe out this MySQL
issue once for all.

If there is a compat MySQL mode or functions, then include it in core.
This is too important for PostgreSQL success.

Why MySQL usability is achieved add materialized views and MySQL is dead
in the performance statistics, beaten 99% by PostgreSQL.

Kind regards, 

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

Re: [HACKERS] PostgreSQL does CAST implicitely between int and a domain derived from int during SELECT query

2009-08-26 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Le mercredi 26 août 2009 à 10:07 -0400, Andrew Dunstan a écrit :
 Isn't that cast effectively a no-op?

What is no-op in English (I am French, pardon my English).
I will update table definition in 5 minutes.

Stay tuned.

Kind regards,

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

[HACKERS] PostgreSQL does CAST implicitely between int and a domain derived from int during SELECT query

2009-08-26 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Dear friends,

Thank you for your previous answers. I am running into a systemic
problem using Drupal under PostgreSQL 8.4

Drupal relies heavily on a domain derived from int:

CREATE DOMAIN int_unsigned
  AS integer
   CONSTRAINT int_unsigned_check CHECK ((VALUE = 0));

Analysing slow queries, I noticed that PostgreSQL 8.4 would cast data
from int4 to int_unsigned.

Details and query plan:
Some queries range between 400ms and 700ms.

The problem is that Drupal send 300 SQL queries per page. Of course
these queries are cached in PHP. But not solving it makes it difficult
to run a Drupal site under heavy load.

What do you think? Is this because of the constraint or is this a
possible feature missing in PostgreSQL. What solution do you recommend
to solve this problem? Is there a way to use a custom type? Should we
convert the schema to int and add local constraints?

A lot of SQL code hanging around could be impacted and this seems like a
serious issue to me. So it seems difficult to convert all these
applications. For usability, it should be better to avoid cast between
int and int_unsigned.

Kind regards,

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

Re: [HACKERS] PostgreSQL does CAST implicitely between int and a domain derive from int during SELECT query

2009-08-26 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Le mercredi 26 août 2009 à 09:16 -0500, Kevin Grittner a écrit :
 Please repost with that the pgsql-performance list


Kind regards, JMP

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

Re: [HACKERS] 8.5 release timetable, again

2009-08-26 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Le mercredi 26 août 2009 à 09:30 -0500, Kevin Grittner a écrit :
 It's not clear to me what you feel is needed.  That could mean many

Dear Kevin,

I rarely post on Hackers, so I will try to explain:
* I use PostgreSQL since 1998.
* I took part in the development of pgAdmin 12.
* I love PostgreSQL and I believe MySQL sucks. Recently I was forced to
use MySQL for project and the database sometimes stops
responding sending nothing or crap. I believe that if you use MySQL in
your company for a paid work, you can die of a heart attack.

But at the same time:
* I rewrote very long and tedious queries from PHPBB. Maybe 100 of them.
They are now part of PhpBB3. I drove all queries below 30 ms and this
enables PhpBB to scale easily. I consider this is my work.
* I think Drupal queries presently have performance problems. If I
wanted, I would be able to drive down Drupal web site, using a
collection of simple queries on projects, forum and comments. But I
don't of course.

This is why I wrote and

Everytime I try a new Drupal module under PostgreSQL, I run into tiny
SQL problems ranging from error to performance drop. The most
problematic problem is

To fix a problem, I need to open a thread on Drupal web site and wait
for the maintainer to discuss and commit.

To give an example, Drupal includes a query optimizer written in PHP,
which sometimes adds DISTINCT to queries. In the forum, some
incredible query fetches 22000 rows, copies the rows to an arrays and
then computes the array. This allows to display previous and next

But we are not going to change the world of MySQL users, which believe
they know SQL programming and in reality are complete beginners, who
like to boast about farms and replication, just like Windows users like
to collect Adobe products on DVDs and discuss with friends about them.

IMHO for what I know from the porting work (I worked heavily on PHPBB3
and now Drupal), the first goal is to achieve compatibility with issues
mentioned there: and add mysql compat
functions in PostgreSQL core without breaking existing code.

Then I can insure that 99% of MySQL compatibility problems will be

When this is achieve, we will be able to start education of developers.
And this will take another decade.

To win over MySQL, the best is to work on materialized views. There are
very good articles available from hackers. Why not port to C.
Materialized which which update when the data is needed would be

Then we can convince Drupal hackers to add views in the schema. The
trick would be that MySQL would support normal views, whereas we would
also support materialized. We can do the same with nearly all available
frameworks: PhpBB, etc ...

Web apps are 95% of PostgreSQL possible users.

Kind regards,

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

Re: [HACKERS] 8.5 release timetable, again

2009-08-26 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Dear Kevin

 So when you talk about focusing on usablility improvements you mean
 that priority should be given to supporting MySQL-specific syntax
 extensions and ensuring that there are no queries where the MySQL
 optimizer comes up with a more efficient plan than PostgreSQL?

Yes. PostgreSQL should be able to run MySQL code quoted here:

This is a prerequisite for people to be willing to test and adopt
PostgreSQL. People are not willing to debug frameworks like Drupal and
port them to PostgreSQL. We are quite alone and lost.

 One concern I have is that you don't mention PostgreSQL configuration
 in your performance advice, and I seem to remember you said that you
 didn't tune your postgresql.conf file beyond boosting the
 shared_buffers setting.  If that's true, you might be somewhat
 surprised with the performance improvements if you tweak just a few
 other settings.

shared_buffer 24M.

Kind regards,

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

Re: [HACKERS] MySQL Compatibility WAS: 8.5 release timetable, again

2009-08-26 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
 Second, we're not going to support MySQL's *bugs* and *bad design
 decisions* which is what lazy developers actually want; they want
 something exactly the same as MySQL, including bugs.  If they want
 they can use MySQL.  We are not MySQL, and trying to out-MySQL MySQL
 stupid, just as it would be to copy Oracle exactly.

I understand what you mean. 

To tell you how lazy MySQL people are is my last experience in the
Drupal world. In short, on my devel server, Drupal previous/next link
display SQL script returns 21.000 rows. 

Of course, it should return only two rows. 

The 21.000 rows are then processed step by step by a PHP script. 

I open a bug and one of Drupal core developers answers: 
Jean-Michel, this is a friendly warning, please change your behavior.
This is getting really annoying. 

In fact, this core developer does not like the way I try to explain how
to use databases. I wrote two tutorials:

The truth is that Drupal core developers do not believe fixing the
prev/next link script is important. They don't care for SQL and don't
understand the relationship between SQL queries and CPU cycles.

Read this page:

This performance issue was known for several months and these MySQL
developers did not even fixed it.

Finally, I escalated to the founder of the Drupal community to ask him
to integrate a proper SQL Previous/Next script into Drupal.

Their last answer: Holy crap jmpoure, this is not how the community
works. We don't beg to Dries.


 Now, there are things which MySQL does better which we should fix,
 because they are real problems for our users who already like
 PostgreSQL.  These include simple replication, upgrade in place,
 maintenance, covering indexes, MERGE, etc.  But we'll do these because
 they make *Postgres* better, not because MySQL has them.

After reading my story, I hope we can agree that noone is going to port
any MySQL code to PostgreSQL ever. This demands too much intellectual
efforts. Many people will migrate from DB2 and Oracle to PostgreSQL. But
no MySQL developer is going to use PostgreSQL if he needs to modify SQL
queries. I don't want to be offensive, but I really believe it.

So we should support a minimal set of MySQL SQL instructions. 

After several years of porting MySQL code to PostrgeSQL, I believe that
this limited list is enough:

This is quite a straightforward need. Without this list of issues,
PostgreSQL may never be able to run popular products developed under
MySQL. Think of all commercial and free software projects. The impact of
MySQLisms are huge. I can only compare it to Windows vs. GNU/Linux or
FreeBSD. This is what comes in mind first.

We are not leaving in a perfect world and there no reason to achieve
perfectness. So let's support this list, please:

Kind regards,

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

Re: [HACKERS] MySQL Compatibility WAS: 8.5 release timetable, again

2009-08-26 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Le mercredi 26 août 2009 à 22:06 +0100, Greg Stark a écrit :
 With your current approach you're likely to get dismissed out of hand,
 not unlike what I can well believe happened in the Drupal world. 
This is the case.

 would be unfortunate because I think there are 2 or 3 real
 improvements hidden in your list.

Then explain I don't have your skills.


Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

Re: [HACKERS] MySQL Compatibility WAS: 8.5 release timetable, again

2009-08-26 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Le mercredi 26 août 2009 à 16:56 -0400, Alvaro Herrera a écrit :
 Have you tried Drupal 7?  It's said to have many of these corrected.
 Maybe you should stop wasting your time with 6.x.

I am running a large community on the Net and people would like to
migrate our framework to Drupal. We agreed to.

I already assembled 30 modules to develop a complete service. 

But it does not scale very well as my testings show that queries are
slow. I wrote SQL guides to inform the Drupal community. It seems that
Drupal developers do not make a relationship between database and CPU
time or memory usage. Therefore Drupal PHP cache is filled with SQL
queries. At it demands more and more memory.

I am probably going to migrate to Drupal 6.x in a few days and I will
fix queries by hand in case of problems. This is what happened when we
migrated to PhpBB.

Bye, Jean-Michel

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée


2009-08-25 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
 With proper foreign keys and ON DELETE CASCADE, why would supporting
 such syntax even be necessary?

Porting existing abstraction layers from ANSI JOINs to ON DELETE CASCADE
is complicated.

 What I don't get is why this is such a usability issue.  Subqueries in
 DELETE FROM work perfectly well, and provide more flexibility than
 users know what to do with.

The ANSI syntax allows deleting one or several tables at once.
Subqueries are not supported by MySQL on DELETE.

Again, this is a usability issue to gain market shares and happy users
againts MySQL.

Kind regards,

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée


2009-08-22 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Dear Friends,

First, thank you very much for considering a fix on the GROUP BY issue.
I am starting a new thread about another issue:

It seems that DELETE cannot understand INNER JOINS and needs HAVING. 

Read: (main message)

I don't see why PostgreSQL would not be able to run queries like:

FROM history AS h 
INNER JOIN term_node AS tn ON (h.nid = tn.nid) 
INNER JOIN term_data AS td ON (td.tid = tn.tid) 
WHERE h.uid = 2067 AND td.vid = 2

Ultimately, why not allow:

DELETE h, tn
FROM history AS h 
INNER JOIN term_node AS tn ON (h.nid = tn.nid) 
INNER JOIN term_data AS td ON (td.tid = tn.tid) 
WHERE h.uid = 2067 AND td.vid = 2

IMHO this would improve compliance towards other database systems. To me
this seems to be in the reasonable scope of compatibility.

Kind regards,

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

[HACKERS] Feedback about Drupal SQL debugging

2009-08-21 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Dear friends,

I have been using PostgreSQL since 6.3 releases and I am a real fan. 
Of course, I never use nor trust MySQL to deliver data.

Now I use Drupal 6.3 with PostgreSQL 8.4. 

I loose a lot of time correcting Drupal SQL.
You may be interested in my developer feedback.

I gathered some real examples here: Guidelines for writing MySQL and
PostgreSQL compliant SQL =

This page gathers most frequent problems that Drupal users and
developers encounter when using PostgreSQL.

I would be delighted to have your feedback.
Could some issues reasonably be fixed for a better Drupal support?

Kind regards,

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

Re: [HACKERS] Feedback about Drupal SQL debugging

2009-08-21 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
 I've registered for the Drupal site so that I can fix and/or expand
 of your items.

Thanks. I corrected the index on dual fields page.

 If you want to discuss Drupal  PostgreSQL again, please post on the
 pgsql-advocacy list or the pgsql-php mailing lists.  pgsql-hackers
 the best place to get people to help you.

I would prefer no, please. This post is made to understand what needs to
be done at PostgreSQL level for better Drupal supports.

As written previously, Drupal developers write MySQL code. Some of this
code is not portable, okay.

 BTW, why don't we have a multi-argument version of CONCAT()?  In 8.4,
 would be possible ... I should add it to mysqlcompat library.

yes. In PostgreSQL core ...

PostgreSQL requires all non-aggregated fields to be present in the GROUP
BY clause (I fixed 10 such issues in Drupal code).

Why can't PostgreSQL add the required field automatically? Could this be
added to PostgreSQL to-do-list?

Kind regards,

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

Re: [HACKERS] XML index support

2008-06-28 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Thank you all for these kind answers. Cheers, JMP

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[HACKERS] XML index support

2008-06-27 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Dear friends,

You may know me as I worked a long time ago on pgAdmin I with Dave.

As this is an XML related question and XML is quite new, I am posting
on hackers ML. If any solution is being developped, please inform us.

We would like to develop a free REST database (real-estate standard)
based on a PostgreSQL schema. This is a free solution for free data
also, released under BSD or GPL license. We are charity. 

This is supposed to a killer application, so we need to drive down
queries to 3ms to 5ms to allow hundreds of simultaneous queries. 

Php will probably be part of the package.

What is in your opinion the best way to achive this :
* develop a traditional databe and implement materialized views in PL
* implement the new XML type with some index (GIST) designed for
PostgreSQL. Which one?
* write triggers behind XML tables to pullulate a traditionnal database,
add indexes and query traditionnal database.

Kind regards,

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[HACKERS] XML index support

2008-06-27 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Dear friends,

You may know me as I worked a long time ago on pgAdmin I with Dave.

As this is an XML related question and XML is quite new, I am posting
on hackers ML.

We would like to develop a free REST database (real-estate standard)
based on a PostgreSQL schema. This is a free solution for free data
also, released under BSD or GPL license. We are charity. 

This is supposed to a killer application, so we need to drive down
queries to 3ms to 5ms to allow hundreds of simultaneous queries. 

Php will probably be part of the package.

What is in your opinion the best way to achive this :
* develop a traditional databe and implement materialized views in PL
* implement the new XML type with some index (GIST) designed for
PostgreSQL. Which one?
* write triggers behind XML tables to pullulate a traditionnal database,
add indexes and query traditionnal database.

Kind regards,

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Re: [HACKERS] Postgresql Materialized views

2008-01-14 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Dear Friends,

I hope that this flame war can stop, as it is useless.

The logic of free software is that developers pick-up issues, based on
their skills and interest. The power of the cummunity is to gather very
talented developers from all over the planet. Freedom is the logic and
there is no need to drive the community. In the end, PostgreSQL relies
on the knownledge of talented developers.

When posting this thread, I hope that a talented developer would some
day pick-up the materialized view issue and work on it, during a process
of discussion. 

In a few days, I will post some precise statistics on how much
MATERIALIZED VIEW could boost a 400.000 posts PhpBB 3.0 forum. I will
write the required PL trigger, test them and install them on my server.

Then each individual is able to decide whether materiazed views are
important or not. This is my definition of freedom. Freedom of choice.

I don't ask for more.
Now, I hope that the list can return to a more peaceful state.

Kind regards,
Jean-Michel Pouré

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [HACKERS] Postgresql Materialized views

2008-01-13 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
 In fairness to Jean-Michel, he has spent hundreds of hours in the past
 doing just that and far more for the pgAdmin users in the community -
 I'm sure we can excuse him for asking for what many do think would be
 a useful feature in the hopes that someone listening might just decide
 to pick it up.
 In the meantime though - have you tried rolling your own materialised
 views with some triggers Jean-Michel? I have good results doing that
 in the past.

Dear friends,

For of all, thanks for picking up my message and replying. 

I agree with Dave Page and others that it is hard to find contributors
for a Free project. When writing 2% of pgAdmin2 code, I noticed that you
could count 10.000 end-users for ONE developper. 

This is why I usually offer a bounty for any kind of feature. 

Two months ago, my last bounty for a Kdenlive feature (100€), but no-one
aggreed to receive the money after developing the feature, probably
because there were dozens of contibutors (people writing code on top of
someone else code).

But the power of PostgreSQL is to be a real community, like Xorg or
Apache. This makes all the difference. This was the heart of my message.

This being said, our behind the scene needs are:
* We are a non-profit organisation based in France, providing
real-estate listing services.
* We are going to spend 2000€ buying two servers (Phantom 4-die + 8GB 2U
servers), running on Debian: one for PostgreSQL, the other for Apache2.
* We plan to launch the first virtual real-estate agency managed by a
free community.
* We are going to use a mixture of PhpBB 3.0, Drupal and a custom
* We plan to handle thousands of simultaneous users.

So ...

Based on my current logs, I know that I may have to buy and run a web
farm. Which I do not want, because it implies extra hosting costs. 


I know that ONE PostgreSQL database can handle 1000 simultaneous
queries, when using server-side code. 

I wrote a small PostgreSQL query optimization HOWTO :
Pardon me if some information is not accurate. 

I tried my best to educate PhpBB developers choosing the right technology. 
PostgreSQL... Now, I am going to write the requested server-side code for PhpBB 
Then I will benchmark queries on our large server.

In the end I hope that someone will be willing to pick-up this
MATERIALIZED VIEW issue, so that any applications running 
on PostgreSQL can benefit from lightning speed.

If someone is willing to receive a bounty, please contact me.

Being a non-profit organisation, I can ask money to contributors on our web 
This will not be any kind of large sum of money, something between 100€ and 

Kind regards and happy new year.
Jean-Michel Pouré

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[HACKERS] Postgresql Materialized views

2008-01-12 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Dear Friends,

In my past development projects, I always used the concept of
Materialized VIEW to speed-up SELECTs over INSERTs.

You are well aware of Jonathan Gardner preliminary work:

When do you plan to add MATERIALIZED VIEWS to PostgreSQL?
This would be major improvement ni the case of Web applications.

I run a 400.000+ message board using PhpBB 3.0. After optimization, some
queries still need 30 millisecond to run. With Materialized views, it
should be possible to drive these queries to 1 millisecond. This means
that in some situations a PostgreSQL backend could handle 10 times more

My database handles 10 to 20 queries every second. There are 100 selects
for 1 INSERT. But my database could well handle over 500 queries a
second using materialized views.

At my level, here are my plans:

1) Publish some long query LOGs from my database, longuer than 30

2) Write some PL code to demonstrate the interest in Materialized Views.
Publish benckmarks showing time improvement, like 1 milisecond. 30x

3) Then wait for someone on Hackers mailing list to pick-up this
important issue and integrate Materialized views in PostgreSQL schema
and SQL language.

Any information and discussion about materialized views is welcome.

Please pick-up this important issue for developpers. There is no need to
concentrate on complex issues, when handling materialized views could
boost somme web apps. by a factor of 10 or more.

Kind regards and happy new year.
I hope that 2008 will be the year of materialized views.

Jean-Michel Pouré

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[HACKERS] Materialized Views in PostgreSQL

2005-09-12 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Dear friends and all,

Johnathan Gardner did a wonderful job on materialized views:

Are there any plans to integrate materialized views written in plain C in the 
future. This can help gain a lot of time in Web applications.

For example, Web CMS or even forums have 99% SELECT queries.
Being able to use materialized view would boost speed.

Kind regards,

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

[HACKERS] Materialized Views in PostgreSQL

2005-09-12 Thread Jean-Michel Pouré
Dear friends and all,

Johnathan Gardner did a wonderful job on materialized views:

Are there any plans to integrate materialized views written in plain C in the 
future. This can help gain a lot of time in Web applications.

For example, Web CMS (or even forums) have 99% SELECT queries.
Being able to use materialized view would boost speed.

Kind regards,

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster