Re: [PERFORM] planner with index scan cost way off actual cost, advices to tweak cost constants?

2006-03-20 Thread Guillaume Cottenceau

Thanks for your answer.

 On 17 Mar 2006 11:09:50 +0100, Guillaume Cottenceau
  Reading the documentation and postgresql list archives, I have
  run ANALYZE right before my tests, I have increased the
  statistics target to 50 for the considered table; my problem is
  that the index scan cost reported by EXPLAIN seems to be around
  12.7 times higher that it should, a figure I suppose incompatible
  (too large) for just random_page_cost and effective_cache_size
 It's not surprising you have a high cost for an index scan which is
 planned to return and returns so much rows. I really don't think the
 planner does something wrong on this one.

My point is that the planner's cost estimate is way above the
actual cost of the query, so the planner doesn't use the best
plan. Even if the index returns so much rows, actual cost of the
query is so that index scan (worst case, all disk cache flushed)
is still better than seq scan but the planner uses seq scan.

 AFAIK, increasing the statistics target won't do anything to reduce
 the cost as the planner estimation for the number of returned rows is
 already really accurate and probably can't be better.

Ok, thanks.
  Of course real queries use smaller date ranges.
 What about providing us the respective plans for your real queries?
 And in a real case. It's a bad idea to compare index scan and seqscan

The original query is more complicated and sometimes involves
restricting the resultset with another constraint. I am not sure
it is very interesting to show it; I know that best performance
would be achieved with an index on the date column for the shown
query, and an index on the date column and the other column when
doing a query on these..

 when your data have to be loaded in RAM.

What do you mean? That I should not flush disk cache before
timing? I did so to find the worst case.. I am not sure it is the
best solution.. maybe half worst case would be? but this depends
a lot on whether the index pages would stay in disk cache or not
before next query.. which cannot be told for sure unless a full
serious timing of the real application is done (and my
application can be used in quite different scenarios, which means
such a test is not entirely possible/meaningful).

 Before doing so create an index on the date column to have the most
 effective index possible.

Yes, as I said, I know that doing this would improve a lot the
queries. My point was to understand why the cost of the index
scan is so inaccurate compared to actual cost. Adding an index
on the date column enlarges the data by 100-150M so I'd rather
save this if possible.

  - I then tried to tweak random_page_cost and effective_cache_size
following advices from documentation:
  SET random_page_cost = 2;
 random_page_cost is the way to go for this sort of thing but I don't
 think it's a good idea to have it too low globally and I'm still

Thanks, I suspected so.

 thinking the problem is that your test case is not accurate.


Guillaume Cottenceau

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[PERFORM] data doesnt get saved in the database / idle in transaction

2006-03-20 Thread Ksenia Marasanova

I have a  strange problem with my Postgres application. The problem is
that the data entered in the application never reaches the database,
although the record id (serial) is generated, and the record can be
retrieved again, and be modified. Multiple records can be added and
modified. But when i check the data with psql, the record is not
The application uses persistant database connection, and when i check
the status of the connection, it shows: idle in transaction.  I am
pretty sure that every insert is being committed with explicit
commit() . It always worked before weird.

thanks for any hints

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] data doesnt get saved in the database / idle in transaction

2006-03-20 Thread Qingqing Zhou

Ksenia Marasanova [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

 The application uses persistant database connection, and when i check
 the status of the connection, it shows: idle in transaction.  I am
 pretty sure that every insert is being committed with explicit
 commit() . It always worked before weird.

Try to use the following command to see what commands reach the server:

set log_statement = all;


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [PERFORM] Best OS Configuration for Dual Xeon w/4GB

2006-03-20 Thread Jim C. Nasby
On Fri, Mar 17, 2006 at 05:00:34PM -0600, Scott Marlowe wrote:
  last pid:  5788;  load averages:  0.32,  0.31,  0.28
   up 127+15:16:08 13:59:24
  169 processes: 1 running, 168 sleeping
  CPU states:  5.4% user,  0.0% nice,  9.9% system,  0.0% interrupt, 84.7% 
  Mem: 181M Active, 2632M Inact, 329M Wired, 179M Cache, 199M Buf, 81M Free
  Swap: 4096M Total, 216K Used, 4096M Free
  14501 pgsql   2   0   254M   242M select 2  76:26  1.95%  1.95% 
   5720 root   28   0  2164K  1360K CPU0   0   0:00  1.84%  0.88% top
   5785 pgsql   2   0   255M 29296K sbwait 0   0:00  3.00%  0.15% 
   5782 pgsql   2   0   255M 11900K sbwait 0   0:00  3.00%  0.15% 
   5772 pgsql   2   0   255M 11708K sbwait 2   0:00  1.54%  0.15% 
 That doesn't look good.  Is this machine freshly rebooted, or has it
 been running postgres for a while?  179M cache and 199M buffer with 2.6
 gig inactive is horrible for a machine running a 10gig databases.

No, this is perfectly fine. Inactive memory in FreeBSD isn't the same as
Free. It's the same as 'active' memory except that it's pages that
haven't been accessed in X amount of time (between 100 and 200 ms, I
think). When free memory starts getting low, FBSD will start moving
pages from the inactive queue to the free queue (possibly resulting in
writes to disk along the way).

IIRC, Cache is the directory cache, and Buf is disk buffers, which is
somewhat akin to shared_buffers in PostgreSQL.
Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pervasive Software  http://pervasive.comwork: 512-231-6117
vcard:   cell: 512-569-9461

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[PERFORM] Migration study, step 1: bulk write performance optimization

2006-03-20 Thread Mikael Carneholm
Ok, here's the deal:

I am responisble for an exciting project of evaluating migration of a 
medium/large application for a well-known swedish cartruck manufacturer from a 
proprietary DB to Postgres. The size of the database is currently about 50Gb, 
annual growth depending on sales, but probably in the 30-50Gb range.

Migrating the schema was easily done, mostly involving a search/replace of some 
vendor specific datatypes. The next step is to migrate the data itself, and for 
this we have written a Java app relying on JDBC metadata to map the tables in 
the source schema to the target schema. The goal right now is to find the set 
of parameters that gives as short bulk insert time as possible, minimizing 
downtime while the data itself is migrated.

The machine used for the study is a Dell PE2850, 6GB memory, 1xXEON 3.0GHz/2MB 
cache, internal SCSI 0+1 raid (currently 4x36GB 1rpm striped+mirrored, two 
more 146GB 15000rpm disks will arrive later). Not sure about the brand/model of 
the raid controller, so I'll leave that for now. File system is ext3(I know, 
maybe not the optimal choice but this is how it was when I got it) with a 8k 
block size. The OS currently installed is CentOS4.

Until the new disks arrive, both the OS itself, pg_xlog and the data reside on 
the same disks. When they arrive, I will probably move the data to the new 
disks (need two more to get raid 0+1, though) and leave the OS + pg_xlog on the 
1rpm disks. Mounting the 15000rpm data disks with the noatime option (this 
is safe, right?) and using a 16kb block size (for read performance) will 
probably be considered as well.

NOTE: this machine/configuration is NOT what we will be using in production if 
the study turns out OK, it's just supposed to work as a development machine in 
the first phase whose purpose more or less is to get familiar with 
configurating Postgres and see if we can get the application up and running (we 
will probably use a 64bit platform and either a FC SAN or internal raid with a 
battery backed cache for production use, if all goes well).

The first thing I did when I got the machine was to do a raw dd write test:

# time bash -c (dd if=/dev/zero of=/opt/bigfile count=1310720 bs=8k  sync)
1310720+0 records in
1310720+0 records out

sys 0m51.347s

(10*1024)Mb/~141s = ~75.5Mb/s

As a simple benchmark, I created a simple table without PK/indexes with 1k wide 

create table iotest.one_kb_rows
the_col char(1024) not null

To fill the table, I use this simple function:

create or replace function iotest.writestress(megs integer) returns void as $$
char_str char(1024) := repeat('x', 1024);
 for i in 1..megs loop
  for j in 1..1024 loop
  insert into one_kb_rows(the_col) values (char_str);
  end loop;
 end loop;
language plpgsql;

Then, I tested how long it takes to write 10Gb of data to this table:

iotest= \timing
Timing is on.

iotest= select writestress((10*1024));

(1 row)

Time: 379971.252 ms

This gives that 10Gb takes ~380s = ~27Mb/s (with fsync=off), compared to the 
raw dd result (~75.5Mb/s).

I assume this difference is due to: 
- simultaneous WAL write activity (assumed: for each byte written to the table, 
at least one byte is also written to WAL, in effect: 10Gb data inserted in the 
table equals 20Gb written to disk)
- lousy test method (it is done using a function = the transaction size is 
10Gb, and 10Gb will *not* fit in wal_buffers :) )
- poor config
- something else? 

I have tried to read up as much as possible on Postgres configuration (disk 
layout, buffer management, WAL sync methods, etc) and found this post regarding 
bgwriter tweaking: - which 
explains the bgwriter config below.

All params in postgresql.conf that are not commented out:
max_connections = 100
superuser_reserved_connections = 2
shared_buffers = 16000  
bgwriter_lru_percent = 20   
bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 160 
bgwriter_all_percent = 10   
bgwriter_all_maxpages = 320 
fsync = off 
wal_sync_method = open_sync 
wal_buffers = 128   
checkpoint_segments = 3 
log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log' 
log_rotation_age = 1440  
log_line_prefix = '%m: ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ' 
lc_messages = 'C'   
lc_monetary = 'C'   
lc_numeric = 'C'
lc_time = 'C'   

fsync can safely be kept off during data migration as we are able to restart 
the procedure without losing data if something goes wrong. Increasing 
chekpoint_segments to 8/16/32 only increased the insert time, so I kept it at 
the default. I will increase shared_buffers and effective_cache_size as 

[PERFORM] Query Feromance

2006-03-20 Thread Marco Furetto


Can I Increment the perfomance of execution query?

Where is the instrument to analyze the query runnnig for create a Index 
query for a single optimize that?


Marco Furetto Berri

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [PERFORM] Migration study, step 1: bulk write performance optimization

2006-03-20 Thread Craig A. James

Mikael Carneholm wrote:

I am responisble for an exciting project of evaluating migration of a
medium/large application for a well-known swedish cartruck manufacturer
... The goal right now is to find the set of parameters that gives as
short bulk insert time as possible, minimizing downtime while the data
itself is migrated.

If you haven't explored the COPY command yet, check it out.  It is stunningly 
fast compared to normal INSERT commands.

pg_dump and pg_restore make use of the COPY command.  Since you're coming from 
a different vendor, you'd have to dump the data into a COPY-compatible set of 
files yourself.  But it will be worth the effort.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] Migration study, step 1: bulk write performance

2006-03-20 Thread Csaba Nagy

I've just recently passed such an experience, i.e. migrating from
another vendor to postgres of a DB about the same size category you

I think you got it right with the fsync turned off during migration
(just don't forget to turn it back after finishing ;-), and using tables
without indexes/foreign keys. In our case recreating all the
indexes/foreign keys/other constraints took actually longer than the raw
data transfer itself... but it's possible that the process was not tuned
100%, we are still learning how to tune postgres...

What I can add from our experience: ext3 turned out lousy for our
application, and converting to XFS made a quite big improvement for our
DB load. I don't have hard figures, but I think it was some 30%
improvement in overall speed, and it had a huge improvement for heavy
load times... what I mean is that with ext3 we had multiple parallel big
tasks executing in more time than if we would have executed them
sequentially, and with XFS that was gone, load scales linearly. In any
case you should test the performance of your application on different FS
and different settings, as this could make a huge difference.

And another thing, we're still fighting with performance problems due to
the fact that our application was designed to perform well with the
other DB product... I think you'll have more work to do in this regard
than just some search/replace ;-)


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] Best OS Configuration for Dual Xeon w/4GB

2006-03-20 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Mon, 2006-03-20 at 08:45, Jim C. Nasby wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 17, 2006 at 05:00:34PM -0600, Scott Marlowe wrote:
   last pid:  5788;  load averages:  0.32,  0.31,  0.28  
  up 127+15:16:08 13:59:24
   169 processes: 1 running, 168 sleeping
   CPU states:  5.4% user,  0.0% nice,  9.9% system,  0.0% interrupt, 84.7% 
   Mem: 181M Active, 2632M Inact, 329M Wired, 179M Cache, 199M Buf, 81M Free
   Swap: 4096M Total, 216K Used, 4096M Free
   14501 pgsql   2   0   254M   242M select 2  76:26  1.95%  1.95% 
5720 root   28   0  2164K  1360K CPU0   0   0:00  1.84%  0.88% 
5785 pgsql   2   0   255M 29296K sbwait 0   0:00  3.00%  0.15% 
5782 pgsql   2   0   255M 11900K sbwait 0   0:00  3.00%  0.15% 
5772 pgsql   2   0   255M 11708K sbwait 2   0:00  1.54%  0.15% 
  That doesn't look good.  Is this machine freshly rebooted, or has it
  been running postgres for a while?  179M cache and 199M buffer with 2.6
  gig inactive is horrible for a machine running a 10gig databases.
 No, this is perfectly fine. Inactive memory in FreeBSD isn't the same as
 Free. It's the same as 'active' memory except that it's pages that
 haven't been accessed in X amount of time (between 100 and 200 ms, I
 think). When free memory starts getting low, FBSD will start moving
 pages from the inactive queue to the free queue (possibly resulting in
 writes to disk along the way).
 IIRC, Cache is the directory cache, and Buf is disk buffers, which is
 somewhat akin to shared_buffers in PostgreSQL.

So, then, the inact is pretty much the same as kernel buffers in linux?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [PERFORM] Migration study, step 1: bulk write performance optimization

2006-03-20 Thread PFC
using a 16kb block  size (for read performance) will probably be  
considered as well.

	Hm, this means that when postgres wants to write just one 8k page, the OS  
will have to read 16k, replace half of it with the new block, and write  
16k again... I guess it should be better to stick with the usual block  
size. Also, it will have to read 16k every time it rally wants to read one  
page... which happens quite often except for seq scan.

NOTE: this machine/configuration is NOT what we will be using in  
production if the study turns out OK, it's just supposed to work as a  
development machine in the first phase whose purpose more or less is to  
get familiar with configurating Postgres and see if we can get the  
application up and running (we will probably use a 64bit platform and

Opteron xDDD

	Use XFS or Reiser... ext3 isn't well suited for this. use noatime AND  

It's safe to turn off fsync while importing your data.
For optimum speed, put the WAL on another physical disk.

	Look in the docs which of maintenance_work_mem, or work_mem or sort_mem  
is used for index creation, and set it to a very large value, to speed up  
that index creation. Create your indexes with fsync=off also.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [PERFORM] Query Feromance

2006-03-20 Thread Reimer


Could you give us the query you would like to improve performance?

- Original Message - 
From: Marco Furetto [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 11:59 AM
Subject: [PERFORM] Query Feromance


Can I Increment the perfomance of execution query?

Where is the instrument to analyze the query runnnig for create a Index 
query for a single optimize that?


Marco Furetto Berri

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [PERFORM] Migration study, step 1: bulk write performance optimization

2006-03-20 Thread Dave Cramer
Others are reporting better performance on 8.1.x with very large  
shared buffers. You may want to try tweaking that possibly as high as  
20% of available memory

On 20-Mar-06, at 9:59 AM, Mikael Carneholm wrote:

Ok, here's the deal:

I am responisble for an exciting project of evaluating migration of  
a medium/large application for a well-known swedish cartruck  
manufacturer from a proprietary DB to Postgres. The size of the  
database is currently about 50Gb, annual growth depending on sales,  
but probably in the 30-50Gb range.

Migrating the schema was easily done, mostly involving a search/ 
replace of some vendor specific datatypes. The next step is to  
migrate the data itself, and for this we have written a Java app  
relying on JDBC metadata to map the tables in the source schema to  
the target schema. The goal right now is to find the set of  
parameters that gives as short bulk insert time as possible,  
minimizing downtime while the data itself is migrated.

The machine used for the study is a Dell PE2850, 6GB memory, 1xXEON  
3.0GHz/2MB cache, internal SCSI 0+1 raid (currently 4x36GB 1rpm  
striped+mirrored, two more 146GB 15000rpm disks will arrive later).  
Not sure about the brand/model of the raid controller, so I'll  
leave that for now. File system is ext3(I know, maybe not the  
optimal choice but this is how it was when I got it) with a 8k  
block size. The OS currently installed is CentOS4.

Until the new disks arrive, both the OS itself, pg_xlog and the  
data reside on the same disks. When they arrive, I will probably  
move the data to the new disks (need two more to get raid 0+1,  
though) and leave the OS + pg_xlog on the 1rpm disks. Mounting  
the 15000rpm data disks with the noatime option (this is safe,  
right?) and using a 16kb block size (for read performance) will  
probably be considered as well.

NOTE: this machine/configuration is NOT what we will be using in  
production if the study turns out OK, it's just supposed to work as  
a development machine in the first phase whose purpose more or less  
is to get familiar with configurating Postgres and see if we can  
get the application up and running (we will probably use a 64bit  
platform and either a FC SAN or internal raid with a battery backed  
cache for production use, if all goes well).

The first thing I did when I got the machine was to do a raw dd  
write test:

# time bash -c (dd if=/dev/zero of=/opt/bigfile count=1310720  
bs=8k  sync)

1310720+0 records in
1310720+0 records out

sys 0m51.347s

(10*1024)Mb/~141s = ~75.5Mb/s

As a simple benchmark, I created a simple table without PK/indexes  
with 1k wide rows:

create table iotest.one_kb_rows
the_col char(1024) not null

To fill the table, I use this simple function:

create or replace function iotest.writestress(megs integer) returns  
void as $$

char_str char(1024) := repeat('x', 1024);
 for i in 1..megs loop
  for j in 1..1024 loop
  insert into one_kb_rows(the_col) values (char_str);
  end loop;
 end loop;
language plpgsql;

Then, I tested how long it takes to write 10Gb of data to this table:

iotest= \timing
Timing is on.

iotest= select writestress((10*1024));

(1 row)

Time: 379971.252 ms

This gives that 10Gb takes ~380s = ~27Mb/s (with fsync=off),  
compared to the raw dd result (~75.5Mb/s).

I assume this difference is due to:
- simultaneous WAL write activity (assumed: for each byte written  
to the table, at least one byte is also written to WAL, in effect:  
10Gb data inserted in the table equals 20Gb written to disk)
- lousy test method (it is done using a function = the transaction  
size is 10Gb, and 10Gb will *not* fit in wal_buffers :) )

- poor config
- something else?

I have tried to read up as much as possible on Postgres  
configuration (disk layout, buffer management, WAL sync methods,  
etc) and found this post regarding bgwriter tweaking: http:// -  
which explains the bgwriter config below.

All params in postgresql.conf that are not commented out:
max_connections = 100
superuser_reserved_connections = 2
shared_buffers = 16000
bgwriter_lru_percent = 20
bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 160
bgwriter_all_percent = 10
bgwriter_all_maxpages = 320
fsync = off
wal_sync_method = open_sync
wal_buffers = 128
checkpoint_segments = 3
log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log'
log_rotation_age = 1440
log_line_prefix = '%m: ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) '
lc_messages = 'C'
lc_monetary = 'C'
lc_numeric = 'C'
lc_time = 'C'

fsync can safely be kept off during data migration as we are able  
to restart the procedure without losing data if something goes  
wrong. Increasing chekpoint_segments to 8/16/32 only increased the  
insert time, so I kept it at the default. I will 

Re: [PERFORM] 1 TB of memory

2006-03-20 Thread Vivek Khera

On Mar 17, 2006, at 8:55 AM, Merlin Moncure wrote:

I like their approach...ddr ram + raid sanity backup + super reliable
power system.  Their prices are on jupiter (and i dont mean jupiter,
fl) but hopefully there will be some competition and the invetible

Nothing unique to them.  I have a 4 year old SSD from a now out-of- 
business company, Imperial Technology.  Initially we bought it for  
about $20k with 1GB of RAM.  Subsequently upgraded to 5GB for another  
$20k.  The speed is wicked fast even with just ultra2 SCSI (4  
channels).  The unit has the same battery backup to disk stuff  
(although it only does the backup at power fail).

At one time they quoted me about $80k to upgrade it to a full 32MB  
that the unit supports.  I passed.

For my use it was worth the price.  However, given the speed increase  
of other components since then, I don't think I'd buy one today.   
Parallelism (if you can do it like Luke suggested) is the way to go.

And no, I have not run a database on one of these... though I am  
tempted to...

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [PERFORM] 1 TB of memory

2006-03-20 Thread Vivek Khera

On Mar 17, 2006, at 5:07 PM, Scott Marlowe wrote:

Open Source SSD via iSCSI with commodity hardware...  hmmm.  sounds  

a useful project.

sh!  don't give away our top secret plans!

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[PERFORM] Auto performance tuning?

2006-03-20 Thread Orion Henry

I have to say I've been really impressed with the quality and diversity 
of tools here to increase performance for PostgreSQL.  But I keep seeing 
a lot of the same basic things repeated again and again.  Has anyone 
looked into a smart or auto-adjusting resource manager for postgres? 

Consider for instance you set it to aggressively use system resources, 
then it would do things like notice that it needs more work mem after 
profiling a few thousand queries and adds it for you, or that a specific 
index or table should be moved to a different spindle and does it in the 
background, or that query plans keep screwing up on a particular table 
so it knows to up the amount of stastics it keeps on that table.

Is this a crazy idea or something someone's already working on?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PERFORM] Best OS Configuration for Dual Xeon w/4GB Adaptec RAID 2200S

2006-03-20 Thread Vivek Khera

On Mar 17, 2006, at 5:11 PM, Kenji Morishige wrote:

In summary, my questions:

1. Would running PG on FreeBSD 5.x or 6.x or Linux improve  

FreeBSD 6.x will definitely get you improvements.  Many speedup  
improvements have been made to both the generic disk layer and the  
specific drivers.  However, the current best of breed RAID controller  
is the LSI 320-x (I use 320-2X).   I have one box into which this  
card will not fit (Thanks Sun, for making a box with only low-profile  
slots!) so I use an Adaptec 2230SLP card in it.  Testing shows it is  
about 80% speed of a LSI 320-2x on sequential workload (load DB, run  
some queries, rebuild indexes, etc.)

If you do put on FreeBSD 6, I'd love to see the output of diskinfo - 
v -t on your RAID volume(s).

2. Should I change SCSI controller config to use RAID 10 instead of 5?

I use RAID10.

3. Why isn't postgres using all 4GB of ram for at least caching  
table for reads?

I think FreeBSD has a hard upper limit on the total ram it will use  
for disk cache.  I haven't been able to get reliable, irrefutable,  
answers about it, though.

4. Are there any other settings in the conf file I could try to tweak?

I like to bump up the checkpoint segments to 256.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [PERFORM] 1 TB of memory

2006-03-20 Thread Merlin Moncure
  I like their approach...ddr ram + raid sanity backup + super reliable
  power system.  Their prices are on jupiter (and i dont mean jupiter,
  fl) but hopefully there will be some competition and the invetible

 Nothing unique to them.  I have a 4 year old SSD from a now out-of-
 business company, Imperial Technology.  Initially we bought it for
 about $20k with 1GB of RAM.  Subsequently upgraded to 5GB for another
 $20k.  The speed is wicked fast even with just ultra2 SCSI (4
 channels).  The unit has the same battery backup to disk stuff
 (although it only does the backup at power fail).

you may or may not be intersted to know they are back in business :).

 For my use it was worth the price.  However, given the speed increase
 of other components since then, I don't think I'd buy one today.
 Parallelism (if you can do it like Luke suggested) is the way to go.

Thats an interesting statement.  My personal opionion is that SSD will
ultimately take over the database storage market as well as most
consumer level devices for primary storage. except perhaps for very
large databases (1tb).  Hard disk drives will displace tapes for
backup storage.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PERFORM] Best OS Configuration for Dual Xeon w/4GB

2006-03-20 Thread Alex Hayward
On Mon, 20 Mar 2006, Jim C. Nasby wrote:

 No, this is perfectly fine. Inactive memory in FreeBSD isn't the same as
 Free. It's the same as 'active' memory except that it's pages that
 haven't been accessed in X amount of time (between 100 and 200 ms, I
 think). When free memory starts getting low, FBSD will start moving
 pages from the inactive queue to the free queue (possibly resulting in
 writes to disk along the way).

 IIRC, Cache is the directory cache, and Buf is disk buffers, which is
 somewhat akin to shared_buffers in PostgreSQL.

I don't believe that's true. I'm not an expert in FreeBSD's VM internals,
but this is how I believe it works:

Active pages are pages currently mapped in to a process's address space.

Inactive pages are pages which are marked dirty (must be written to
backing store before they can be freed) and which are not mapped in to a
process's address. They're still associated with a VM object of some kind
- like part of a process's virtual address space or a as part of the cache
for a file on disk. If it's still part of a process's virtual address
space and is accessed a fault is generated. The page is then put back in
to the address mappings.

Cached pages are like inactive pages but aren't dirty. Then can be either
re-mapped or freed immediately.

Free pages are properly free. Wired pages are unswappable. Buf I'm not
sure about. It doesn't represent that amount of memory used to cache files
on disk, I'm sure of that. The sysctl -d description is 'KVA memory used
for bufs', so I suspect that it's the amount of kernel virtual address
space mapped to pages in the 'active', 'inactive' and 'cache' queues.

  Alex Hayward

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [PERFORM] Best OS Configuration for Dual Xeon w/4GB Adaptec

2006-03-20 Thread Miguel

Vivek Khera wrote:

On Mar 17, 2006, at 5:11 PM, Kenji Morishige wrote:

In summary, my questions:

1. Would running PG on FreeBSD 5.x or 6.x or Linux improve  performance?

FreeBSD 6.x will definitely get you improvements.  Many speedup  
improvements have been made to both the generic disk layer and the  
specific drivers.  However, the current best of breed RAID controller  
is the LSI 320-x (I use 320-2X).   I have one box into which this  
card will not fit (Thanks Sun, for making a box with only low-profile  
slots!) so I use an Adaptec 2230SLP card in it.  Testing shows it is  
about 80% speed of a LSI 320-2x on sequential workload (load DB, run  
some queries, rebuild indexes, etc.)

If you do put on FreeBSD 6, I'd love to see the output of diskinfo - 
v -t on your RAID volume(s).

Not directly related ...
i have a HP dl380 g3 with array 5i controlled (1+0), these are my results

shiva2# /usr/sbin/diskinfo -v -t /dev/da2s1d
   512 # sectorsize
   218513555456# mediasize in bytes (204G)
   426784288   # mediasize in sectors
   52301   # Cylinders according to firmware.
   255 # Heads according to firmware.
   32  # Sectors according to firmware.

Seek times:
   Full stroke:  250 iter in   1.138232 sec =4.553 msec
   Half stroke:  250 iter in   1.084474 sec =4.338 msec
   Quarter stroke:   500 iter in   1.690313 sec =3.381 msec
   Short forward:400 iter in   0.752646 sec =1.882 msec
   Short backward:   400 iter in   1.306270 sec =3.266 msec
   Seq outer:   2048 iter in   0.766676 sec =0.374 msec
   Seq inner:   2048 iter in   0.803759 sec =0.392 msec
Transfer rates:
   outside:   102400 kbytes in   2.075984 sec =49326 kbytes/sec
   middle:102400 kbytes in   2.100510 sec =48750 kbytes/sec
   inside:102400 kbytes in   2.042313 sec =50139 kbytes/sec

is this good enough?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [PERFORM] Best OS Configuration for Dual Xeon w/4GB

2006-03-20 Thread Luke Lonergan

On 3/20/06 12:52 PM, Miguel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i have a HP dl380 g3 with array 5i controlled (1+0), these are my results

Another known bad RAID controller.  The Smartarray 5i is horrible on Linux
- this is the first BSD result I've seen.
 Seek times:
 Full stroke:  250 iter in   1.138232 sec =4.553 msec
 Half stroke:  250 iter in   1.084474 sec =4.338 msec

These seem OK - are they access times or are they actually seek times?
Seems like with RAID 10, you should get better by maybe double.

 Transfer rates:
 outside:   102400 kbytes in   2.075984 sec =49326 kbytes/sec
 middle:102400 kbytes in   2.100510 sec =48750 kbytes/sec
 inside:102400 kbytes in   2.042313 sec =50139 kbytes/sec
 is this good enough?

It's pretty slow.  How many disk drives do you have?

- Luke

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [PERFORM] Best OS Configuration for Dual Xeon w/4GB Adaptec

2006-03-20 Thread Miguel

Luke Lonergan wrote:


On 3/20/06 12:52 PM, Miguel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


i have a HP dl380 g3 with array 5i controlled (1+0), these are my results

Another known bad RAID controller.  The Smartarray 5i is horrible on Linux
- this is the first BSD result I've seen.


Seek times:
   Full stroke:  250 iter in   1.138232 sec =4.553 msec
   Half stroke:  250 iter in   1.084474 sec =4.338 msec

These seem OK - are they access times or are they actually seek times?

i dont know, how can i check?

Transfer rates:
   outside:   102400 kbytes in   2.075984 sec =49326 kbytes/sec
   middle:102400 kbytes in   2.100510 sec =48750 kbytes/sec
   inside:102400 kbytes in   2.042313 sec =50139 kbytes/sec

is this good enough?
It's pretty slow.  How many disk drives do you have?


I have 6 ultra a320 72G 10k discs


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [PERFORM] Best OS Configuration for Dual Xeon w/4GB

2006-03-20 Thread Luke Lonergan

On 3/20/06 1:12 PM, Miguel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i dont know, how can i check?

No matter - it's the benchmark that would tell you, it's probably access
time that's being measured even though the text says seek time.  The
difference is that seek time represents only the head motion, where access
time is the whole access including seek.  Access times of 4.5ms are typical
of a single 10K RPM SCSI disk drive like the Seagate barracuda.

 Transfer rates:
outside:   102400 kbytes in   2.075984 sec =49326 kbytes/sec
middle:102400 kbytes in   2.100510 sec =48750 kbytes/sec
inside:102400 kbytes in   2.042313 sec =50139 kbytes/sec
 I have 6 ultra a320 72G 10k discs

Yah - ouch.  With 6 drives in a RAID10, you should expect 3 drives worth of
sequential scan performance, or anywhere from 100MB/s to 180MB/s.  You're
getting from half to 1/3 of the performance you'd get with a decent raid

If you add a simple SCSI adapter like the common LSI U320 adapter to your
DL380G3 and then run software RAID, you will get more than 150MB/s with less
CPU consumption.  I'd also expect you'd get down to about 2ms access times.

This might not be easy for you to do, and you might prefer hardware RAID
adapters, but I don't have a recommendation for you there.  I'd stay away
from the HP line.

- Luke 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [PERFORM] Best OS Configuration for Dual Xeon w/4GB Adaptec

2006-03-20 Thread Miguel

Luke Lonergan wrote:

Transfer rates:
  outside:   102400 kbytes in   2.075984 sec =49326 kbytes/sec
  middle:102400 kbytes in   2.100510 sec =48750 kbytes/sec
  inside:102400 kbytes in   2.042313 sec =50139 kbytes/sec


I have 6 ultra a320 72G 10k discs

Yah - ouch.  With 6 drives in a RAID10, you should expect 3 drives worth of
sequential scan performance, or anywhere from 100MB/s to 180MB/s.  You're
getting from half to 1/3 of the performance you'd get with a decent raid

If you add a simple SCSI adapter like the common LSI U320 adapter to your
DL380G3 and then run software RAID, you will get more than 150MB/s with less
CPU consumption.  I'd also expect you'd get down to about 2ms access times.

This might not be easy for you to do, and you might prefer hardware RAID
adapters, but I don't have a recommendation for you there.  I'd stay away
from the HP line.


This is my new postgreql 8.1.3 server, so i have many options (in fact, 
any option) to choose from, i want maximum performance, if i undestood 
you well, do you mean using something like vinum?
i forgot to mention that the 6 discs are in a MSA500 G2 external 
storadge, additionally  i have two 36G a320 10k in raid 10 for the os 
installed in the server slots.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [PERFORM] Best OS Configuration for Dual Xeon w/4GB

2006-03-20 Thread Luke Lonergan

On 3/20/06 1:51 PM, Miguel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i forgot to mention that the 6 discs are in a MSA500 G2 external
 storadge, additionally  i have two 36G a320 10k in raid 10 for the os
 installed in the server slots.

I just checked online and I think the MSA500 G2 has it's own SCSI RAID
controllers, so you are actually just using the 5i as a SCSI attach, which
it's not good at (no reordering/command queueing, etc).  So, just using a
simple SCSI adapter to connect to the MSA might be a big win.

- Luke 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PERFORM] Best OS Configuration for Dual Xeon w/4GB

2006-03-20 Thread Miguel

Luke Lonergan wrote:


On 3/20/06 1:51 PM, Miguel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


i forgot to mention that the 6 discs are in a MSA500 G2 external
storadge, additionally  i have two 36G a320 10k in raid 10 for the os
installed in the server slots.

I just checked online and I think the MSA500 G2 has it's own SCSI RAID

Yes, it has its own redundant controller,

so you are actually just using the 5i as a SCSI attach, which
it's not good at (no reordering/command queueing, etc).  So, just using a
simple SCSI adapter to connect to the MSA might be a big win.

I will try a LS320 and will let you know if i got any performance gain,
thanks for your advises


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] Best OS Configuration for Dual Xeon w/4GB Adaptec RAID 2200S

2006-03-20 Thread Vivek Khera
If you do put on FreeBSD 6, I'd love to see the output of  
diskinfo - v -t on your RAID volume(s).

Not directly related ...
i have a HP dl380 g3 with array 5i controlled (1+0), these are my  

is this good enough?

Is that on a loaded box or a mostly quiet box?  Those number seem  
rather low for my tastes.  For comparison, here are numbers from a  
Dell 1850 with a built-in PERC 4e/Si RAID in a two disk mirror.  All  
numbers below are on mostly or totally quiet disk systems.

512 # sectorsize
73274490880 # mediasize in bytes (68G)
143114240   # mediasize in sectors
8908# Cylinders according to firmware.
255 # Heads according to firmware.
63  # Sectors according to firmware.

Seek times:
Full stroke:  250 iter in   0.756718 sec =3.027 msec
Half stroke:  250 iter in   0.717824 sec =2.871 msec
Quarter stroke:   500 iter in   1.972368 sec =3.945 msec
Short forward:400 iter in   1.193179 sec =2.983 msec
Short backward:   400 iter in   1.322440 sec =3.306 msec
Seq outer:   2048 iter in   0.271402 sec =0.133 msec
Seq inner:   2048 iter in   0.271151 sec =0.132 msec
Transfer rates:
outside:   102400 kbytes in   1.080339 sec =94785  
middle:102400 kbytes in   1.166021 sec =87820  
inside:102400 kbytes in   1.461498 sec =70065  

And for the *real* disks  In the following two cases, I used a  
Dell 1425SC with 1GB RAM and connected the controllers to the same  
Dell PowerVault 14 disk U320 array (one controller at a time,  
obviously).  For each controller each pair of the mirror was on the  
opposite channel of the controller for optimal speed.  disk 0 is a  
RAID1 of two drives, and disk 1 is a RAID10 of the remaining 12  
drives.  All running FreeBSD 6.0 RELEASE.  First I tested the Adaptec  
2230SLP and got these:

512 # sectorsize
36385456128 # mediasize in bytes (34G)
71065344# mediasize in sectors
4423# Cylinders according to firmware.
255 # Heads according to firmware.
63  # Sectors according to firmware.

Seek times:
Full stroke:  250 iter in   2.288389 sec =9.154 msec
Half stroke:  250 iter in   1.657302 sec =6.629 msec
Quarter stroke:   500 iter in   2.756597 sec =5.513 msec
Short forward:400 iter in   1.205275 sec =3.013 msec
Short backward:   400 iter in   1.249310 sec =3.123 msec
Seq outer:   2048 iter in   0.412770 sec =0.202 msec
Seq inner:   2048 iter in   0.428585 sec =0.209 msec
Transfer rates:
outside:   102400 kbytes in   1.204412 sec =85021  
middle:102400 kbytes in   1.347325 sec =76002  
inside:102400 kbytes in   2.036832 sec =50274  

512 # sectorsize
218307231744# mediasize in bytes (203G)
426381312   # mediasize in sectors
26541   # Cylinders according to firmware.
255 # Heads according to firmware.
63  # Sectors according to firmware.

Seek times:
Full stroke:  250 iter in   0.856699 sec =3.427 msec
Half stroke:  250 iter in   1.475651 sec =5.903 msec
Quarter stroke:   500 iter in   2.693270 sec =5.387 msec
Short forward:400 iter in   1.127831 sec =2.820 msec
Short backward:   400 iter in   1.216876 sec =3.042 msec
Seq outer:   2048 iter in   0.416340 sec =0.203 msec
Seq inner:   2048 iter in   0.436471 sec =0.213 msec
Transfer rates:
outside:   102400 kbytes in   1.245798 sec =82196  
middle:102400 kbytes in   1.169033 sec =87594  
inside:102400 kbytes in   1.390840 sec =73625  

And the LSI 320-2X card:

512 # sectorsize
35999711232 # mediasize in bytes (34G)
70311936# mediasize in sectors
4376# Cylinders according to firmware.
255 # Heads according to firmware.
63  # Sectors according to firmware.

Seek times:
Full stroke:  250 iter in   0.737130 sec =2.949 msec
Half stroke:  250 iter in   0.694498 sec =2.778 msec
Quarter stroke:   500 iter in   2.040667 sec =4.081 msec
Short forward:400 iter in   1.418592 sec =3.546 msec
Short backward:   400 iter in   0.896076 sec =2.240 msec
Seq outer:   2048 iter in   0.292390 sec =0.143 msec
Seq inner:   2048 

Re: [PERFORM] update == delete + insert?

2006-03-20 Thread Jim Buttafuoco
go with design 1, update does = delete + insert.

-- Original Message ---
From: Craig A. James [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon, 20 Mar 2006 14:49:43 -0800
Subject: [PERFORM] update == delete + insert?

 I've seen it said here several times that update == delete + insert.  On 
 the other hand, I've noticed that 
 alter table [add|drop] column ... is remarkably fast, even for very large 
 tables, which leads me to wonder 
 whether each column's contents are in a file specifically for that column.
 My question: Suppose I have a very wide set of data, say 100 columns, and 
 one of those columns will be 
 updated often, but the others are fairly static.  I have two choices:
 Design 1:
create table a (
  id integer,
  frequently_updated  integer);
create table b(
  id integer,
  infrequently_updated_1 integer,
  infrequently_updated_2 integer,
  infrequently_updated_3 integer,
  ... etc.
  infrequently_updated_99 integer);
 Design 2:
create table c(
  id integer,
  frequently_updated  integer,
  infrequently_updated_1 integer,
  infrequently_updated_2 integer,
  infrequently_updated_3 integer,
  ... etc.
  infrequently_updated_99 integer);
 If update == delete + insert is strictly true, then Design 2 would be 
 poor since 99 columns would be moved 
 around with each update.  But if columns are actually stored in separate 
 files, the Designs 1 and 2 would be 
 essentially equivalent when it comes to vacuuming.
 ---(end of broadcast)---
 TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend
--- End of Original Message ---

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [PERFORM] Best OS Configuration for Dual Xeon w/4GB Adaptec

2006-03-20 Thread Miguel

Vivek Khera wrote:

If you do put on FreeBSD 6, I'd love to see the output of  diskinfo 
- v -t on your RAID volume(s).

Not directly related ...
i have a HP dl380 g3 with array 5i controlled (1+0), these are my  

is this good enough?

Is that on a loaded box or a mostly quiet box?  Those number seem  
rather low for my tastes.  For comparison, here are numbers from a  
Dell 1850 with a built-in PERC 4e/Si RAID in a two disk mirror.  All  
numbers below are on mostly or totally quiet disk systems.

My numbers are on totally quiet box, i've just installed it.

512 # sectorsize
73274490880 # mediasize in bytes (68G)
143114240   # mediasize in sectors
8908# Cylinders according to firmware.
255 # Heads according to firmware.
63  # Sectors according to firmware.

Seek times:
Full stroke:  250 iter in   0.756718 sec =3.027 msec
Half stroke:  250 iter in   0.717824 sec =2.871 msec
Quarter stroke:   500 iter in   1.972368 sec =3.945 msec
Short forward:400 iter in   1.193179 sec =2.983 msec
Short backward:   400 iter in   1.322440 sec =3.306 msec
Seq outer:   2048 iter in   0.271402 sec =0.133 msec
Seq inner:   2048 iter in   0.271151 sec =0.132 msec
Transfer rates:
outside:   102400 kbytes in   1.080339 sec =94785  
middle:102400 kbytes in   1.166021 sec =87820  
inside:102400 kbytes in   1.461498 sec =70065  

Umm, in my box i see better seektimes but worst transfer rates, does it 
make sense?
i think i have something wrong, the question i cant answer is what 
tunning  am i missing?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [PERFORM] Best OS Configuration for Dual Xeon w/4GB Adaptec RAID 2200S

2006-03-20 Thread Vivek Khera

On Mar 20, 2006, at 6:04 PM, Miguel wrote:

Umm, in my box i see better seektimes but worst transfer rates,  
does it make sense?
i think i have something wrong, the question i cant answer is what  
tunning  am i missing?

Well, I forgot to mention I have 15k RPM disks, so the transfers  
should be faster.

I did no tuning to the disk configurations.  I think your controller  
is either just not supported well in FreeBSD, or is bad in general...

I *really* wish LSI would make a low profile card that would fit in a  
Sun X4100...  as it stands the only choice for dual channel cards is  
the adaptec 2230SLP...

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [PERFORM] Best OS Configuration for Dual Xeon w/4GB Adaptec

2006-03-20 Thread Miguel

Vivek Khera wrote:

On Mar 20, 2006, at 6:04 PM, Miguel wrote:

Umm, in my box i see better seektimes but worst transfer rates,  does 
it make sense?
i think i have something wrong, the question i cant answer is what  
tunning  am i missing?

Well, I forgot to mention I have 15k RPM disks, so the transfers  
should be faster.

I did no tuning to the disk configurations.  I think your controller  
is either just not supported well in FreeBSD, or is bad in general...


I guess you are right, i made a really bad choice, i better look at dell 
next time,



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [PERFORM] update == delete + insert?

2006-03-20 Thread Tom Lane
Craig A. James [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I've seen it said here several times that update == delete + insert.  On 
 the other hand, I've noticed that alter table [add|drop] column ... is 
 remarkably fast, even for very large tables, which leads me to wonder whether 
 each column's contents are in a file specifically for that column.

No.  The reason drop column is fast is that we make no attempt to
remove the data from existing rows; we only mark the column's entry in
the system catalogs as deleted.  add column is only fast if you are
adding a column with no default (a/k/a default NULL).  In that case
likewise we don't have to modify existing rows; the desired behavior
falls out from the fact that the tuple access routines return NULL if
asked to fetch a column beyond those existing in a particular tuple.

You can read about the storage layout in

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [PERFORM] Migration study, step 1: bulk write performance optimization

2006-03-20 Thread Tom Lane
Craig A. James [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 If you haven't explored the COPY command yet, check it out.  It is stunningly 
 fast compared to normal INSERT commands.

Note also that his benchmark is testing multiple INSERTs issued within
a loop in a plpgsql function, which has got nearly nothing to do with
the performance that will be obtained from INSERTs issued by a client
(especially if said INSERTs aren't prepared and/or aren't batched into

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [PERFORM] update == delete + insert?

2006-03-20 Thread Jaime Casanova
On 3/20/06, Craig A. James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've seen it said here several times that update == delete + insert.  On 
 the other hand, I've noticed that alter table [add|drop] column ... is 
 remarkably fast, even for very large tables, which leads me to wonder whether 
 each column's contents are in a file specifically for that column.

 My question: Suppose I have a very wide set of data, say 100 columns, and 
 one of those columns will be updated often, but the others are fairly static. 
  I have two choices:

 Design 1:
create table a (
  id integer,
  frequently_updated  integer);

create table b(
  id integer,
  infrequently_updated_1 integer,
  infrequently_updated_2 integer,
  infrequently_updated_3 integer,
  ... etc.
  infrequently_updated_99 integer);

 Design 2:
create table c(
  id integer,
  frequently_updated  integer,
  infrequently_updated_1 integer,
  infrequently_updated_2 integer,
  infrequently_updated_3 integer,
  ... etc.
  infrequently_updated_99 integer);

 If update == delete + insert is strictly true, then Design 2 would be 
 poor since 99 columns would be moved around with each update.  But if columns 
 are actually stored in separate files, the Designs 1 and 2 would be 
 essentially equivalent when it comes to vacuuming.


design 1 is normalized and better
design 2 is denormalized and a bad approach no matter the RDBMS

update does delete + insert, and vacuum is the way to recover the space

Jaime Casanova

What they (MySQL) lose in usability, they gain back in benchmarks, and that's
all that matters: getting the wrong answer really fast.
   Randal L. Schwartz

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [PERFORM] Best OS Configuration for Dual Xeon w/4GB

2006-03-20 Thread Mark Kirkwood

Mark Kirkwood wrote:

I think Freebsd 'Inactive' corresponds pretty closely to Linux's 
'Inactive Dirty'|'Inactive Laundered'|'Inactive Free'.

Hmmm - on second thoughts I think I've got that wrong :-(, since in 
Linux all the file buffer pages appear in 'Cached' don't they...

(I also notice that 'Inactive Laundered' does not seem to be mentioned 
in vanilla - read non-Redhat - 2.6 kernels)

So I think its more correct to say Freebsd 'Inactive' is similar to 
Linux 'Inactive' + some|most of Linux 'Cached'.

A good discussion of how the Freebsd vm works is here:

In particular:

FreeBSD reserves a limited amount of KVM to hold mappings from struct 
bufs, but it should be made clear that this KVM is used solely to hold 
mappings and does not limit the ability to cache data.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

[PERFORM] Perfomance test figures

2006-03-20 Thread Amit Soni
Hi All,I want tocompare performance of postgresql database with some other database.Somebody must have done some performance testing. Can you pls. share that data (performance figures) with me? And if possible pls. shareprocedure also, that how you have done the same?Thanks In Advance,  -Amit