Re: [SQL] sql-porting-problem oracle to postgresql with UPDATE/IS NOT NULL

2009-07-29 Thread Daryl Richter

On Jul 28, 2009, at 5:10 PM, nha wrote:


Le 28/07/09 14:25, Daryl Richter a écrit :

On Jul 28, 2009, at 5:58 AM, Gau, Hans-Jürgen wrote:

hello list,
i have some problems with an sql-statement which runs on oracle but
not on postgresql (i want update only if result of SELECT is not
empty, the SELECT-queries are identical):

UPDATE table1 t1
   SET ( =
   (SELECT FROM table2 t2,table3 t3, table1 t1
   WHERE t3.field = t2.field
   AND =
   (SELECT FROM table2 t2,table3 t3, table1 t1
   WHERE t3.field = t2.field
   AND =

Try this:

UPDATE table1 t1 [...]
   EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM table2 t2,table3 t3, table1 t1
   WHERE t3.field = t2.field
   AND =


Beyond the solution brought by Daryl Richter, it seems that h is an
unbound alias in the original (and also in the suggested) query. Some
clarification would be helpful for further investigation.

Ahh, you're right.  I didn't even notice that, just reformatted the  
OPs query.


nha / Lyon / France.

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Re: [SQL] sql-porting-problem oracle to postgresql with UPDATE/IS NOT NULL

2009-07-28 Thread Daryl Richter

On Jul 28, 2009, at 5:58 AM, Gau, Hans-Jürgen wrote:

hello list,
i have some problems with an sql-statement which runs on oracle but  
not on postgresql (i want update only if result of SELECT is not  
empty, the SELECT-queries are identical):

UPDATE table1 t1
SET ( =
(SELECT FROM table2 t2,table3 t3, table1 t1
WHERE t3.field = t2.field
(SELECT FROM table2 t2,table3 t3, table1 t1
WHERE t3.field = t2.field

Try this:

UPDATE table1 t1
SET ( =
(SELECT FROM table2 t2,table3 t3, table1 t1
WHERE t3.field = t2.field
EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM table2 t2,table3 t3, table1 t1
WHERE t3.field = t2.field


thanks, hans


Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing  

- Leo Tolstoy

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Re: [SQL] i have table

2006-10-04 Thread Daryl Richter
On 10/4/06 12:20 PM, Aaron Bono [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 10/4/06, Erik Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Aaron Bono wrote:
 On 10/4/06, *Erik Jones* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 There is one non-SQL related reason that I like to be able to order
 columns, at least the way they are displayed whenever the table is
 described:  human comprehension.  For example, I like to group all
 in a table before data, that includes primary as well as foreign
 So, say I'm building on to an existing application and I need to do
 ALTER TABLE on an existing table to add a foreign key to an existing
 table.  I'd like that key to be listed with the other keys, but
 presently that's not possible in a simple way and, to be honest, I
 usually just go without as the process you've described below is too
 prone to user (human) error when dealing with live, sensitive data
 me to want to mess with it.
 Ah, but it is possible... if you use views.
 I recommend you build views and query off them.  Then you can control
 the order the columns will appear.
 Which would be great if I didn't have (many) thousands of lines of code
 that already use the tables.  Besides, this is no where near a 'make or
 break' thing.  It's just a matter of aesthetic preference.

Ah, but it *is* a make or break thing.  I have seen more than one
application crash because some developer didn't understand that columns in a
relation (table) have no defined order.

This (along with its sister axiom that rows have no defined order) is one of
the most commonly misunderstood aspects of relational databases.

 So do it as needed and convert your application slowly.
 I just name my views as table_name_vw so all you have to do is modify your
 queries to hit the _vw instead of just the table.  That shouldn't take much
 time to refactor.
Aaron Bono
Aranya Software Technologies, Inc.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [SQL] i have table

2006-10-03 Thread Daryl Richter
On 10/3/06 6:47 AM, Penchalaiah P. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi ...
 I have one table with 12 fields..
 now I want to add one more field in this table.. but that field has to
 come next to cda_no.. I mean as a 3rd field.. If I am adding that field
 it is coming last field ...

The columns in a relation (table) are not ordered, so this question makes no
sense.  Why do you feel it necessary to have that field next to the other?
 may I know how it is possible to that table...
 Penchal reddy | Software Engineer


I¹m afraid of the easy stuffŠ its always harder than it seemsŠ
-- Bill Hampton, 2006

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [SQL] nested select within a DISCTINCT block

2006-09-14 Thread Daryl Richter
On 9/14/06 1:13 PM, zqzuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, here i have a problem with this task...
 I have a table cancellation which stores cancelled bookings and details of
 charges etc 
 and a table bookings which stores details of bookings, for example:
 cancellation(cancellation_id, booking_id, charge)
 booking(booking_id, customer_id, product_package_id, details)
 in the query, i wish to find, how many customers have booked for each
 product_package_id. if there were 3 bookings for product_package_id=1, and
 all these are cancelled and therefore exist in cancellation, then the query
 result shoud display something like
 package_id,   #of bookings
 1  0
 here are what i tried
 select distinct b.product_package_id,
 count (distinct b.customer_id and not exists (select cc from cancellation cc
 where cc.booking_id=b.booking_id)) from booking as b
 group by b.product_package_id
 and it doesnt work. the syntax within the DISTINCT is wrong, unsurprisingly.
 i also tried 
 select distinct b.product_package_id,
 count (distinct b.customer_id not in (select cc from cancellation cc where
 cc.booking_id=b.booking_id)) from booking as b
 group by b.product_package_id
 it produced incorrect result. ie, for those canceled bookings are also
 counted, producing
 package_id,   #of bookings
 1  3
 which supposed to be
 package_id,   #of bookings
 1  0
 could anyone give any hints please, many thanks !

create table booking(booking_id int, customer_id int, product_package_id
int, details text);

create table cancellation(cancellation_id int , booking_id int, charge

insert into booking values( 1, 1, 1, 'Cxl Booking 1' );
insert into booking values( 2, 2, 1, 'Cxl Booking 2' );
insert into booking values( 3, 2, 1, 'Ok Booking 3' );
insert into booking values( 4, 3, 2, 'Cxl Booking 4' );

insert into cancellation values( 1, 1, 1.00 );
insert into cancellation values( 2, 2, 1.00 );
insert into cancellation values( 3, 4, 1.00 );

select distinct product_package_id,
   ( select count(booking_id)
 from booking b2
b2.product_package_id = b1.product_package_id
and not exists ( select 1 from cancellation c where c.booking_id =
b2.booking_id ) ) as uncancelled_bookings
from booking b1
order by product_package_id;

 product_package_id uncancelled_bookings
 -  ---
 1  1
 2  0

 2 record(s) selected [Fetch MetaData: 2/ms] [Fetch Data: 0/ms]

 [Executed: 9/14/06 5:56:07 PM EDT ] [Execution: 86/ms]


I¹m afraid of the easy stuffŠ its always harder than it seemsŠ
-- Bill Hampton, 2006

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [SQL] Joint a table back on itself?

2006-09-12 Thread Daryl Richter
On 9/12/06 11:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 I have a union query that generates a table with
 directional measurments (a=azimuth, i=depth) at
 various depths (md) down a hole.  The results look
   hole_id  |   md   |   a|   i|e
|n |v
  GND-06-65 |  0 | 90 |-75 |
 795187.927 |  9228405.685 | 3945.199
  GND-06-65 | 19 |  90.37 | -74.42 |
 795192.937315893 | 9228405.66852282 | 3926.87160812059
  GND-06-65 | 28 |  91.18 | -74.49 |
 795195.348994385 | 9228405.63593718 | 3918.20081588081
  GND-06-65 | 37 |  91.04 | -74.53 |
 795197.752173187 |  9228405.5893705 | 3909.52772202531
  GND-06-65 | 46 |  92.38 | -74.56 |
 795200.149282893 | 9228405.51783377 | 3900.85313364721
  GND-06-65 | 55 |  92.86 | -74.55 |
 795202.543576384 | 9228405.40826886 | 3892.17815120329
 The depths ( md column) will always start with
 zero and the intervals will be variable.
 So how can I join this view back onto itself so
 each record is joined to the next record?  Such as:
md1  |   a1   |   i1   |e1|
 n1|v1|   md2  |   a2
  |   i2   |e2|n2|
   0 | 90 |-75 |   795187.927 |
   9228405.685 | 3945.199 | 19 |  90.37
 | -74.42 | 795192.937315893 | 9228405.66852282 |
  19 |  90.37 | -74.42 | 795192.937315893 |
 9228405.66852282 | 3926.87160812059 | 28 |
 91.18 | -74.49 | 795195.348994385 |
 9228405.63593718 | 3918.20081588081
  28 |  91.18 | -74.49 | 795195.348994385 |
 9228405.63593718 | 3918.20081588081 | 37 |
 91.04 | -74.53 | 795197.752173187 |
 9228405.5893705 | 3909.52772202531
  37 |  91.04 | -74.53 | 795197.752173187 |
 9228405.5893705 | 3909.52772202531 | 46 |
 92.38 | -74.56 | 795200.149282893 |
 9228405.51783377 | 3900.85313364721
  46 |  92.38 | -74.56 | 795200.149282893 |
 9228405.51783377 | 3900.85313364721 | 55 |
 92.86 | -74.55 | 795202.543576384 |
 9228405.40826886 | 3892.17815120329
 My reason for wanting this is so I can joint this
 table with a between clause to another table with
 depth measurments recorded along this hole and
 perform a calculation.

Leaving out the extra columns:

create table holes( hole_id text, md int, a decimal );

insert into holes( hole_id, md, a ) values ( 'GND-06-65', 0, 90 );
insert into holes( hole_id, md, a ) values ( 'GND-06-65', 19, 90.37 );
insert into holes( hole_id, md, a ) values ( 'GND-06-65', 28, 91.18 );
insert into holes( hole_id, md, a ) values ( 'GND-06-65', 37, 91.04 );
insert into holes( hole_id, md, a ) values ( 'GND-06-65', 46, 92.38 );
insert into holes( hole_id, md, a ) values ( 'GND-06-65', 55, 92.86 );

select as md1, a.a as a1, as md2, b.a as a2
from holes a
join holes b on b.hole_id = a.hole_id
where = ( select min( ) from holes c where c.hole_id = a.hole_id
and c.a  a.a )
order by,;

 md1 a1 md2 a2
 --  -  --  -
 0   90 19  90.37
 19  90.37  28  91.18
 28  91.18  46  92.38
 37  91.04  28  91.18
 46  92.38  55  92.86

 5 record(s) selected [Fetch MetaData: 8/ms] [Fetch Data: 0/ms]

 [Executed: 9/12/06 2:05:52 PM EDT ] [Execution: 123/ms]

 Phillip J. Allen
 Consulting Geochemist
 The union query is as follows:
 SELECT c.hole_id, 0 AS md, c.collar_azimuth AS a,
 c.collar_dip AS i, c.e_utm AS e, c.n_utm AS n,
 c.elv_utm AS v
 FROM dh_collar AS c
 WHERE (((c.hole_id)='GND-06-65'))
 SELECT s.hole_id, s.depth_m AS md, s.azimuth AS a,
 s.vert_dip AS i, s.XE AS e, s.XN AS n, s.XR AS v
 FROM dh_survey AS s
 WHERE (((s.hole_id)='GND-06-65'))
 UNION SELECT s.hole_id, c.depth_m AS md, s.azimuth
 AS a, s.vert_dip AS i, s.XE AS e, s.XN AS n, s.XR AS v
 FROM dh_collar AS c RIGHT JOIN dh_survey AS s ON
 c.hole_id = s.hole_id
 WHERE (((s.depth_m)=
 SELECT Max(stmp.depth_m) AS MaxOfdepth_m
 FROM dh_survey AS stmp
 GROUP BY stmp.hole_id
 HAVING (((stmp.hole_id)='GND-06-65'))
 )) AND ((s.hole_id)='GND-06-65'));
 ---(end of broadcast)---
 TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Email *my = [ daryl at: @eddl dot: @us ];
Weblog *blog = @²http://itsallsemantics.com²;

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [SQL] Substitute a Character

2006-09-06 Thread Daryl Richter
On 9/6/06 12:53 PM, Judith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello everybody!!

 I have a field type text with folios like this: A98526
 but I want to change de A for a 0 like this: 098526, exists a way to
 do this in a query???

select translate( 'A98526', 'A', '0' );


 1 record(s) selected [Fetch MetaData: 1/ms] [Fetch Data: 0/ms]

 [Executed: 9/6/06 4:18:44 PM EDT ] [Execution: 99/ms]

 Thanks in advanced!!!
 ---(end of broadcast)---
 TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Email *my = [ daryl at: @eddl dot: @us ];
Weblog *blog = @²http://itsallsemantics.com²;

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [SQL] how do I check for lower case

2006-08-10 Thread Daryl Richter
On 8/10/06 4:32 PM, Juliann Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a table with a column, lets call it identifier, that is defined
 as varchar(8) that should never contain lower case letters.  Its a large
 table.  Is there a way to query the table to see if any values in this
 column are lower case and to get a list out?  The user interface
 application that users use prevents them from adding an entry in lower
 case  now, but didn't in earlier version.

select * from table where column ~ '[a-z]'

 ---(end of broadcast)---
 TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
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Hell, there are no rules here-- we're trying to accomplish something.
-- Thomas A. Edison

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [SQL] Advanced Query

2006-06-07 Thread Daryl Richter

On Jun 6, 2006, at 12:32 PM, Andrew Sullivan wrote:

On Tue, Jun 06, 2006 at 09:20:13AM -0700, codeWarrior wrote:
I would hope that your choice to use postgreSQL is because it is  
technology that scales well financially... not because you get a  
warm fuzzy

from all your friends on the mailing lists...

I would hope that the tone of the mailing lists might be maintained
in much the high one demonstrated by such polite, helpful, and
smarter-than-me people as those on the PostgreSQL core team.  I note
that the above troll does not qualify.  I suggest people avoid
feeding it.

update thread set response = response + 1;


Andrew Sullivan  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information security isn't a technological problem.  It's an economics
--Bruce Schneier

---(end of  

TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

self email: ( daryl at: eddl dot: us )

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [SQL] bug with if ... then ... clause in views

2006-01-18 Thread Daryl Richter

On Jan 18, 2006, at 4:18 AM, Emil Rachovsky wrote:

While trying to create some views I stumbled on some
problem with using the if-then clause. Here is a
simple example :

  as select,
  if (true) then d.DocNumber endif from
public.Z_Documents as d;

I get the following error :
 syntax error at or near then at character 72

I don't have a clue what is going on here. Any

I see 2 issues.

1) if *what* is true?
2) AFAIK, there is no IF conditional in SQL.  Perhaps you want CASE?   

  when condition = true then d.doc_number
  else 'Bad Doc'
  documents as d;

Thanks in advance,


Stress rarely has a positive impact on our ability to think.
Never, I'd guess.

-- Ron Jeffries, 2005

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [SQL] constraint and ordered value

2005-12-29 Thread Daryl Richter

On Dec 29, 2005, at 2:16 AM, Bruno Wolff III wrote:

On Wed, Dec 28, 2005 at 00:52:18 +0700,
  David Garamond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is it possible to use only CHECK constraint (and not triggers) to
completely enforce ordered value of a column (colx) in a table? By  

I mean:

1. Rows must be inserted in the order of colx=1, then colx=2, 3,  
and so on;

2. When deleting (or updating), holes must not be formed, e.g. if
there are three rows then row with colx=3 must be the first one  

and then colx=2 the second, and so on.

I can see #1 being accomplished using a NOT NULL + UNIQUE  
constraint and
a CHECK constraint that calls some PL function where the function  
does a
simple checking (new.colx=1 if COUNT(colx)==0, or new.colx=MAX 

But is it possible to do #2 using only constraints?

No. A constraint only applies to one row at a time. If you try to  
work around
this by calling a function that does queries it isn't guarenteed to  
And if you are thinking of calling a function that does a query,  
you aren't

looking at saving time over using triggers.

Also, if you are going to have concurrent updates, you are going to  
need to

do table locking to make this work.

And, finally, you should ask yourself *why* are you doing this, given  
that one of the fundamental properties of a table (relation) is that  
the rows (tuples) are *unordered.*  So much of what makes a  
relational db a wonderful thing for storing data depends on this notion.

If you provide an explanation of what you are trying to model,  
perhaps we can help you find a better schema design.


(setq email '( daryl at eddl dot us ))

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: Fwd: Re: [SQL] Referencing

2005-11-01 Thread Daryl Richter


Quoting Daryl Richter [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Quoting Daryl Richter [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 It's hard to say without knowing more precisely what you are trying to
 model, but I think this push you in the right direction:

 Okay, but references between (output/input) and ACTIVITY tables is 1 
to N.

 And not N to 1 how the example.
 Then the reference field need to be on ACTIVITY (send/buy) table.

Ahh, ok.  In that case I reverse it like so:

-- This table hold everything in common for inputs/outputs
create table transfer(
idserial   primary key

Yes, I think it was what I wanted.
And how I check if a register in Transfer table is only referenciable 
by ONE

table (OR output OR input)?? Would I create a Trigger like:
  IF exists (select 1 from input where transfer_id=NEW.transfer_id) THEN
   Raise Exception 'This activity (transfer) is alread setted to INPUT';
$$ language 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER TG_output_check BEFORE INSERT or 

CREATE or REP...--- and the some function to INPUT ---

Or is there another way to check it?

Thank you again.

Exactly, except for the small change that your trigger declaration needs 
for each row as shown below:

for each row EXECUTE PROCEDURE TG_output_check();


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: Fwd: Re: [SQL] Referencing

2005-10-31 Thread Daryl Richter

 Quoting Daryl Richter [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 It's hard to say without knowing more precisely what you are trying to
 model, but I think this push you in the right direction:

[snipped old schema]

 Okay, but references between (output/input) and ACTIVITY tables is 1 
to N.

 And not N to 1 how the example.
 Then the reference field need to be on ACTIVITY (send/buy) table.

Ahh, ok.  In that case I reverse it like so:

-- This table hold everything in common for inputs/outputs
create table transfer(
idserial   primary key

create table output(
transfer_id   int   primary key  references transfer,
clientinteger, --references clientes,
fiscal_number varchar(30),

create table input(
transfer_id  intprimary key  references transfer,
supplier integer,   -- references suppliers,
employee varchar(30)

create table activity(
   id  serial primary key,
   transfer_id intreferences transfer,
   product_id  integer, --references
   value   money

create table financial(
  id  serial primary key,
  value   money,
  activity_id integer references activity

create view buy
select as input_id,   -- or buy_id, etc. ...
  b.employee, as activity_id,
  transfer a
join  inputb on b.transfer_id =
join  activity c on c.transfer_id =;

If this is still not what you're after and you would like additional 
assistance, it would really help to have at least a few rows of sample 
data.  Good luck!

Daryl Richter
Platform Author  Director of Technology

(( Brandywine Asset Management  )
 ( Expanding the Science of Global Investing  )
 (   ))

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: Fwd: Re: [SQL] Referencing

2005-10-28 Thread Daryl Richter


But the problem is becouse the buy and send tables referencing with other
father table, wich is different.
I shoud not create a spent table to put the buy and send values
becouse the
entire database is more complex than it. look:

create table output(
id serial primary key,
client integer references clientes,
fiscal_number varchar(30),
print_date date,
  create table SEND(
   id serial primary key,
   output integer references input,
   product_id integer,--references
   value money
create table input(
id serial primary key,
supplier integer references suppliers,
employee varchar(30),
  create table BUY(
   id serial primary key,
   input integer references input,
   product_id integer,--references
   value money


create table financial(
  id serial primary key,
  cred_deb smallint,
  value money,
  references integer references ???, ---HERE IS THE PROBLEM, it will
to buy OR send table

How looked, the buy and the send table is identical except the father
references (INPUT or OUTPUT)... Then I shoud not create ONE table (spent) wich
has these informations.
And now my question: Is there a way to references (financial) with two
tables in the some row? Or need I create two diferents rows???

Thanks. (sorry for my english).

It's hard to say without knowing more precisely what you are trying to 
model, but I think this push you in the right direction:

  -- This table takes the place of both SEND and BUY
  create table activity(
 id  serial primary key,
 product_id  integer, --references
 value   money

  create table financial(
id  serial primary key,
value   money,
activity_id integer references activity

  create table output(
idserial primary key,
clientinteger, --references clientes,
fiscal_number varchar(30),
activity_id   integer  references activity

  create table input(
id   serial primary key,
supplier integer,   -- references suppliers,
employee varchar(30),
activity_id  integerreferences activity

And then you do the following:

  create view buy
  select,  as input_id,
activity a
  join  inputb on b.activity_id =;

The SELL view is left as an exercise for the reader.

Daryl Richter
Platform Author  Director of Technology

(( Brandywine Asset Management  )
 ( Expanding the Science of Global Investing  )
 (   ))

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [SQL] Merging lines with NULLs (with example data)

2005-10-25 Thread Daryl Richter

Harald Fuchs wrote:


How can I merge this 


into that:

in a single query???

Try something like that:

  SELECT to_date (tstamp,'-MM-DD') AS gday,
 sum(CASE WHEN proto = 'UDP' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS count_udp,
 sum(CASE WHEN proto = 'TCP' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS count_tcp
  FROM test 
  WHERE tstamp = now() - INTERVAL '$days DAYS'

AND dst_port = $port
  GROUP BY gday
  ORDER BY gday

Or, via a subquery:

select distinct to_date(tstamp,'-MM-DD') as gday,
( select count(id) from test t1 where proto='UDP' and 
to_date(t1.tstamp,'-MM-DD') = to_date(test.tstamp,'-MM-DD') ) as 
( select count(id) from test t1 where proto='TCP' and 
to_date(t1.tstamp,'-MM-DD') = to_date(test.tstamp,'-MM-DD') ) as 

from test
where tstamp = (now() - interval '6 days' )
and dst_port = 2290
order by gday;

Harald's solution is better for your particular case and will almost 
certainly be faster, but subqueries are good to know how to do. :)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Daryl Richter
Platform Author  Director of Technology

(( Brandywine Asset Management  )
 ( Expanding the Science of Global Investing  )
 (   ))

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [SQL] automatic update or insert

2005-10-25 Thread Daryl Richter

tobbe wrote:


I have a little problem.

In a system of mine i need to insert records into table [tbStat], and
if the records exist i need to update them instead and increase a
column [cQuantity] for every update.

I.e. the first insert sets cQuantity to 1, and for every other run
cQuantity is increased.

Regardless of how you implemented it, this seems unwise.  You can never 
know, nor validate, that this quantity is definitely correct.  Why can't 
you just insert another row and then count them?

If this is a transient value you might be ok, but I generally wouldn't 
put it in a DB in that case anyway...

Currently i have implemented this as a stored procedure in the plpgsql
language. This means that in my stored procedure i first do a select to
find out if the row exists or not, then i do a insert or update
depending if the row existed.

Unfortunately, stored procedures seems awfully slow. And i need the
application to go faster.

One solution could be to implement the stored procedure in my program
instead. I think that this will be atleast 50% faster than my stored
procedure, so that would be ok.

However, this has made me thinking. Couldn't this be done directly in

Brgds Robert

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Daryl Richter
Platform Author  Director of Technology

(( Brandywine Asset Management  )
 ( Expanding the Science of Global Investing  )
 (   ))

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [SQL] Design problem : using the same primary keys for inherited

2005-10-14 Thread Daryl Richter

David Pradier wrote:

Most of the inheritance i've seen done in databases retain the parent primary 
as a foreign key and a primary key. That being said, only you and your team can 
decide if more than one object will extend a base class. If you were doing 
something more like this
person - sweepstakes entry
to model a sweepsakes entry is a person, and you allow a person to enter a 
sweepstakes more than once, but to enter a contest the user must provide a 
unique email address, then you could not just use a foreign key as the primary 
key in sweepstakes, since the primary key would disallow multiple entries in 
sweepstakes entry, you would then use a serial data type in both person and 
sweepstakes along with the foriegn key in sweepstakes from person.
The answer depends on the need. Hope that helps.

Thanks Russ, but well...
It doesn't help me a lot. Our needs seem to allow that we use an id as
primary key and foreign key at the same time.
What i fear more is that it be against a good database design practice,
because leading to potential problems.

I give a clearer example :

id_actor serial PRIMARY KEY,
arg1 type1,
arg2 type2

arg3 type3,
arg4 type4

Don't you think it is a BAD design ?
If it isn't, well, it will expand my database practices.

It *is* a bad design.  You should not do this.  After all, how is that 
any different than this?

CREATE TABLE actor_person (
 id_actor serial PRIMARY KEY,
 arg1 type1,
 arg2 type2
 arg3 type3,
 arg4 type4

Furthermore, inheritance is almost certainly the wrong relationship type 
here.  Normally, Actor would be a Role that a Person would be playing:

create table role(
  id serial primary key,-- 1
  name char(20) not null-- Actor

create table person(
  id  serial primary key,   -- 1
  namechar(20) not null,-- David
  role_id int not null references role  -- 1


Daryl Richter
Director of Technology

(( Brandywine Asset Management  )
 ( Expanding the Science of Global Investing  )
 (   ))

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [SQL] SEVEN cross joins?!?!?

2005-10-13 Thread Daryl Richter

Frank Bax wrote:

At 09:00 AM 10/12/05, Daryl Richter wrote:

Richard Huxton wrote:

Frank Bax wrote:


Richard, you've summed it up nicely.

Splitting locations into subsets (like 2,2,3) doesn't work because it is 
possible that low values in one location can be offset by high values in 
another location, and still result in an excellent combo.

The good news is these suggestions got me thinking outside the box.  I 
think I can program a modified brute-force that bypasses large numbers 
of combos early.  It might still be too large/slow, so I'd be interested 
in finding more info about these smarter algorithms in option 2.  
Where do I look?

If you're mathematically inclined, I would first look at using
Lagrangian Relexation, it may be appropriate for your problem:

Greg: my son's the gamer; I'm just trying to help him out.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Daryl Richter
Director of Technology

(( Brandywine Asset Management  )
 ( Expanding the Science of Global Investing  )
 (   ))

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [SQL] SEVEN cross joins?!?!?

2005-10-12 Thread Daryl Richter

Richard Huxton wrote:

Frank Bax wrote:

Are you saying that you WANT to generate a cross-join, score the 
millions of results and then pick the best 10? It's doing what you 
want, but you'd like it to be faster.

Or are you saying that you'd like to avoid the explosion in rows 

In either case - I don't suppose you could provide a real example of 
the query, so we can see exactly what you're trying to do.

There is no best 10.  I currently limit each subselect to 10 items 
so that query will actually run without crashing.  I would like to 
remove the ORDER BY itemid LIMIT 10 mentioned above.  At the end of 
the query I have a LIMIT 100 clause which will stay and produces a 
list of best 100 combos.

Either of your solutions would be acceptable; since avoiding the 
explosion would also make the query faster.  Current calculations 
indicate that running the query without LIMIT 10 in subselect would 
take years to process.

OK - so at the heart of the problem is the fact that you want to search 
a space with 100 billion possible states. There are three main options

1. Brute force and patience - simple and is guaranteed to produce the 
best answers. You can use cursors/multiple queries to manage the 
workload. The disadvantage is that it's probably slower than you'd like.
2. Smarter algorithms - possibly something genetic to work towards local 
maxima. Or, if you'd like to keep it simple, just split your 7 locations 
into 2,2,3 and solve for each separately.
3. Statistical - examine a subset of possible states and accept you'll 
only be able to say almost best to 99% confidence or similar.

I'd be tempted by #2 - there are probably some combinations you can rule 
out, which combined with a split/recombine should reduce the number of 
states to query.

I'll second this recommendation.  The OP is trying to drive a nail with 
a screwdriver.  He needs a program, not a query.

That any help?
  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Daryl Richter
(daryl (at)(brandywine dot com))

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [SQL] changing a column's position in table, how do you do that

2005-09-28 Thread Daryl Richter

Ferindo Middleton Jr wrote:
Is there a way to change the position attribute of a column in a table? 
I have data that I need to import into various tables in my db on a 
consistent basis... I usually us e the COPY ... FROM query but I can't 
control the -order- of the fields my client dumps the data so I would 
like to be able to change the position the columns in my table to be 
able to better align the data to be imported with the format of my 
table. I was thinking I could do something like ALTER TABLE ALTER 
COLUMN ...  or something like that to change the columns position in 
the table but I can't figure out how.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Constantly changing the column order of a table doesn't make sense (and 
is a pain!).

I would suggest setting up a temporary staging table with generic column 
names to take in the input data and then using SQL to move it into its 
permanent location.


We want great men who, when fortune frowns, will not be discouraged.
-- Colonel Henry Knox, 1776

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [SQL] how to do 'deep queries'?

2005-09-27 Thread Daryl Richter

Anthony Molinaro wrote:

that query is 100% correct.
it's just an equijoin (a type of inner join) between 3 tables.
the syntax you show is how queries should be written and is more

representative of what a joins between relations really are:
Cartesian products with filters applied
the ansi syntax, the explicit JOIN ... ON  stuff is (imho) unnecessary,

useful only for outer joins since all the vendors did it differently.

Whether you feel that is unnecessary or not, it *is* the ANSI Standard 
and is thus, by definition, how queries should be written.

In addition to cleaning up the outer join issue, it was added to make 
the *intention* of the query clearer.

Because others are likely to read your query many more times than you 
write it, clarity of intent *is* important.

what you have will work for postgreSQL, I used the syntax you show in my
for every single join recipe except for outjoins.
are you seeing errors?


[original snipped]


We want great men who, when fortune frowns, will not be discouraged.
-- Colonel Henry Knox, 1776

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [SQL] Updating cidr column with network operator

2005-09-27 Thread Daryl Richter

Michael Fuhr wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 26, 2005 at 12:34:59PM +0200, Axel Rau wrote:

Am 26.09.2005 um 02:05 schrieb Michael Fuhr:

On Fri, Sep 23, 2005 at 09:19:25PM +0200, Axel Rau wrote:

I'm sure this would be the cleanest solution but remember networks

Yes, which is why it's a good idea to automatically propogate those
changes to tables that maintain redundant data.

I would not call it redundant but normalized, because network has some
attributes, common to all addresses in the net, 1st of all the netmask.

 An attribute is redundant if it repeats a fact that can be learned
 without it.  If one table contains IP addresses and another contains
 networks, then you can associate IP addresses and networks with a
 join of the two tables; indeed, this is how the fix the network
 column update works.  Having a network column in the address table
 simply repeats what could be learned through the join.

I agree with Michael here.  I think the fundamental problem with your 
schema is that it is possible to have contradictory data between the 
network and address table, always a bad situation.

I would replace with a serial type value and make the cidr a 
separate column, for example:

CREATE TABLE network (
  id  int not null  PRIMARY KEY,
  address cidrnot null,
  attr1   varchar(10) null

CREATE TABLE address (
  id inetPRIMARY KEY,
  networkint NOT NULL
  REFERENCES network

insert into network( id, address, attr1 ) values( 1, '10.1', 'a' );
insert into network( id, address, attr1 ) values( 2, '10.2', 'b' );

insert into address( id, network ) values( '', 1 );
insert into address( id, network ) values( '', 1 );
insert into address( id, network ) values( '', 1 );
-- OOPS!
insert into address( id, network ) values( '', 1 );

-- This will correct the any addresses put in the wrong network
update address
set network = ( select id from network where address )

[additional network stuff snipped]


We want great men who, when fortune frowns, will not be discouraged.
-- Colonel Henry Knox, 1776

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [SQL] Updating cidr column with network operator

2005-09-27 Thread Daryl Richter


Am 27.09.2005 um 16:02 schrieb Daryl Richter: 

An attribute is redundant if it repeats a fact that can be learned 
without it.  If one table contains IP addresses and another contains 
networks, then you can associate IP addresses and networks with a 
join of the two tables; indeed, this is how the fix the network 
column update works.  Having a network column in the address table 
simply repeats what could be learned through the join. 

I agree with Michael here.  I think the fundamental problem with your
schema is that it is possible to have contradictory data between the
network and address table, always a bad situation. 

I would replace with a serial type value and make the cidr a
separate column, for example: 

CREATE TABLE network ( 
 id  int not null  PRIMARY KEY, 
 address cidrnot null, 
 attr1   varchar(10) null 

CREATE TABLE address ( 
 id inetPRIMARY KEY, 
 networkint NOT NULL 
 REFERENCES network 

I agree with Michael too, but I understand him differently: What he says is:

	Get rid of the redundancy, 
which means to me: 
	remove the fk from address to network completly.  
The attribute network is not realy needed because we can always join 
This reduces the necessary logic to keep things consistent. I still can have

my cascaded delete in network, have to do it with a trigger. 
I'm currently looking at performance issues. 

Introducing a synthetic pk in network does not really make things easier. 
Instead I introduced an insert/update trigger which prevents from overlaps 
in network  (which is not as a matter of course for cidr columns, I have

Ok, I guess, but isn't tit true now that you can insert a new address 
row which doesn't belong to any valid network??

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dd.ids_network_update_insert_check() RETURNS
BEGIN   -- check if new net overlapps with existing one 
RAISE EXCEPTION '?Attempt to insert overlapping network %',; 
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; 


Axel Rau, Frankfurt, Germany   +49-69-951418-0 


We want great men who, when fortune frowns, will not be discouraged.
-- Colonel Henry Knox, 1776

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [SQL] how to do 'deep queries'?

2005-09-27 Thread Daryl Richter

Anthony Molinaro wrote:

Whether you feel that is unnecessary or not, it *is* the ANSI Standard

and is thus, by definition, how queries should be written.

 I disagree 100%.  Oracle and db2 introduced window functions years
 Ansi added them. Should we not have used them? It absurd to avoid using
 a feature cuz it's not ansi.

Of course it would be absurd, I have not suggested otherwise.  Joins are 
not a *new* feature.

 Honestly, Don't be a slave to ansi, you miss out on all the great
 vendor specific functionality *that you're already paying for*

it was added to make the *intention* of the query clearer.

 More clearer to whom?

 Certainly not developers who have been working for many years
 using the old syntax.

 The intention of the old syntax is perfect. Realize that the problem is
 not the old syntax, the problem is the watered down database field
 I see this more and more with each interview I conduct looking
 for dba's and developers.

I generally agree with your assessment of the state of database 
knowledge (particularly re developers).  It is, however, the reality we 
live in.

[snipped nostalgia and back-patting]

 I've never worked in a place that used ANSI only syntax and I've never
 had a problem with clarity nor any developers I've worked with.
 So, I don't at all get what you're saying...

 Old style is short and sweet and perfect.
 Ansi dumbed it down, that's the bottom line.
 And for people who've been developing for sometime,
 It's wholly unnecessary.

Well, perhaps you will one day and a developer will hose your server 
with a accidental cross join and then you will understand.

But hopefully not.  ;)


[rest snipped]

Director of Technology

(( Brandywine Asset Management  )
 ( Expanding the Science of Global Investing  )
 (   ))

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [SQL] Updating cidr column with network operator

2005-09-23 Thread Daryl Richter

Axel Rau wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Am 22.09.2005 um 22:26 schrieb Daryl Richter:

Axel Rau wrote:

Thank you for responding, Daryl,
Am 22.09.2005 um 16:45 schrieb Daryl Richter:

Axel Rau wrote:

Hi SQLers,
I have a fk from address to network and try to update the foreign 
key column to point at the network, it belongs to:

CREATE TABLE network (
  id  cidr PRIMARY KEY , -- 'PK, ,IPv4/6 Network address'
CREATE TABLE address (
  id inet PRIMARY KEY  , -- 'PK of IPv4/6 host 

  network cidr NOT NULL-- 'FK to Network table'

I tried (using the WHERE clause to eliminate the addresses were no 
corresponding net exists):


Networks change during time, being diveded or aggregated or you just 
enter wrong data during insert.
With the UPDATE below, I want to correct the addresses to again point at 
the right net. While writing this,
I learn that because of the pk in network, UPDATEs will be difficult to 
accomplish (you may need a temporary net
to park all addresses of a network to be divided, make the change in 
network and use the UPDATE below to

adjust I use net '' as 'UNKNOWN' net or for parking.

I think if you provide some sample data we can figure this out.

Yes, this a goof idea. Playing with small tables let you find quickly 
the right query. Lets start over with a slightly bigger

collection of data:

insert into network( id ) values( '10.1/16' );
insert into network( id ) values( '10.2/16' );
insert into network( id ) values( '10.3/16' );

insert into address( id, network ) values( '', '10.1/16' );
insert into address( id, network ) values( '', '10.1/16' );
insert into address( id, network ) values( '', '10.1/16' );
insert into address( id, network ) values( '', '10.2/16' );
insert into address( id, network ) values( '', '10.2/16' );
insert into address( id, network ) values( '', '10.3/16' );

insert into address( id, network ) values( '', '10.3/16' 
); -- address not in network
insert into address( id, network ) values( '', '10.3/16' 
); -- address not in network

But those are bad inserts, right?

I think that I now see what the problem is -- Why do you have a network 
table at all?  It's redundant.  If you just insert the ids into your 
address table, don't the new PostgreSQL operators give you all the 
information you need?

So, for example, if I inserted the data above and then want to answer 
the question, What are all my 16-bit subnets?

select distinct network( set_masklen( id, 16 ) ) from address;


[rest snipped]


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [SQL] Updating cidr column with network operator

2005-09-22 Thread Daryl Richter

Axel Rau wrote:

Hi SQLers,

I have a fk from address to network and try to update the foreign key 
column to point at the network, it belongs to:

CREATE TABLE network (
  id  cidr PRIMARY KEY , -- 'PK, ,IPv4/6 Network address'

CREATE TABLE address (
  id inet PRIMARY KEY  , -- 'PK of IPv4/6 host address'
  network cidr NOT NULL-- 'FK to Network table'


I tried (using the WHERE clause to eliminate the addresses were no 
corresponding net exists):

But you can't insert a row in address w/o a valid  That's 
what the fk ensures.

Perhaps you could elaborate more?  Are you trying to *put* on the fk and 
you currently have bad data?

UPDATE address
FROM address A, network N

This also makes no sense.  For starters,  is bitwise shift left ...

But this ended up with all network columns pointing at the same net (-:).
Any help would be appreciated.

Axel Rau, Frankfurt, Germany   +49-69-951418-0

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not


We want great men who, when fortune frowns, will not be discouraged.
-- Colonel Henry Knox, 1776

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [SQL] Updating cidr column with network operator

2005-09-22 Thread Daryl Richter

Axel Rau wrote:

Thank you for responding, Daryl,

Am 22.09.2005 um 16:45 schrieb Daryl Richter:

Axel Rau wrote:

Hi SQLers,
I have a fk from address to network and try to update the foreign key 
column to point at the network, it belongs to:

CREATE TABLE network (
  id  cidr PRIMARY KEY , -- 'PK, ,IPv4/6 Network address'
CREATE TABLE address (
  id inet PRIMARY KEY  , -- 'PK of IPv4/6 host address'
  network cidr NOT NULL-- 'FK to Network table'

I tried (using the WHERE clause to eliminate the addresses were no 
corresponding net exists):

But you can't insert a row in address w/o a valid  That's 
what the fk ensures.

Perhaps you could elaborate more?  Are you trying to *put* on the fk 
and you currently have bad data?

The fk requires a corresponding row in network. But my update tries to 
reference the right network, that one where the ip address belongs to.

I'm still not understanding what you're trying to do, perhaps its a 
language issue. :)  Let me try again.

I built your schema and inserted some rows:

insert into network( id ) values( '10.1' );

insert into address( id, network ) values( '', '10.1' );
insert into address( id, network ) values( '', '10.1' );
insert into address( id, network ) values( '', '10.1' );

I then select from network:


and from address:


Why do you now want to update  They are already 
pointing to the right network, aren't they?

I think if you provide some sample data we can figure this out.

UPDATE address
FROM address A, network N

This also makes no sense.  For starters,  is bitwise shift left ...

I'm using 8.0.3 and there are some new operators related to inet and 
cidr data types.

On page 157, I found  as address/network is contained in network.

Finding the net where an address belongs to works as:
SELECT id FROM network WHERE inet '$p_ipSource'  id;

Ahh, ok.  see above.


Axel Rau, Frankfurt, Germany   +49-69-951418-0

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [SQL] showing multiple REFERENCE details of id fields in single

2005-09-16 Thread Daryl Richter

Ferindo Middleton Jr wrote:
Thanks Daryl. The query you wrote works perfectly for the results I was 
trying to get at. I modified it a little because the real thing I needed 
to be able to see is the course_title and not the the id of the courses:

   a.course_title AS class_title,
   c.course_title AS prerequisite_class_title
   classes a
JOINclass_prerequisite_bindings b ON b.class_id =
JOINclasses c ON = b.prerequisite
WHERE = ?;

I don't quite understand how this query is working completely but maybe 
I'll understand after studying it a little longer. Thank you for your help.


No problem at all.  In future, you should try to place your responses in
the body of the reply, it makes it easier for others to read later.

Perhaps if you envision it this way? -
   class_prerequisite_bindings.prerequisite -

As a side note, your db schema would be cleaner if you removed the
unneeded surrogate key id from the class_prerequisite_bindings table,
like so:

create table class_prerequisite_bindings(
   class_id   INTEGER REFERENCES classes(id),
   prerequisite   INTEGER REFERENCES classes(id),
   constraint pk_cpb primary key( class_id, prerequisite )

This will, for example, prevent a class from having duplicate
prerequisite classes.

Good Luck!



We want great men who, when fortune frowns, will not be discouraged.
-- Colonel Henry Knox, 1776

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [SQL] showing multiple REFERENCE details of id fields in single

2005-09-15 Thread Daryl Richter

Ferindo Middleton Jr wrote:
I have a table which has two id fields which REFERENCE data back at 
another table. It's setup like this:

class_prerequisite_bindings(id   SERIAL, class_id INTEGER REFERENCES 
classes(id),   prerequisiteINTEGER REFERENCES classes(id))

The classes table is like this:
classes(idSERIAL, course_titleTEXT, course_codeTEXT)

I have the following query:
SELECT * FROM class_prerequisite_bindings, classes WHERE 
class_prerequisite_bindings.class_id = 64 AND 
class_prerequisite_bindings.class_id =;

If I run the query above, the result will only give me info about the 
class_id field matching id 64 back in the classes table. PROBLEM: I want 
this query to also show the info about the prerequisite field which 
would also have info at the classes table. This query will only show the 
course_title and course_code of the class_id but I need this for the 
prerequisite field as well. I think I need to do a JOIN, but I don't 
understand how. How can I do this?

create table classes(
   course_title   TEXT,
   course_codeTEXT );

insert into classes( course_title, course_code ) values( 'A', 'A1' );
insert into classes( course_title, course_code ) values( 'B', 'B1' );
insert into classes( course_title, course_code ) values( 'C', 'C1' );

create table class_prerequisite_bindings(
   id SERIAL,
   class_id   INTEGER REFERENCES classes(id),
   prerequisite   INTEGER REFERENCES classes(id)

insert into class_prerequisite_bindings( class_id, prerequisite ) 
values( 1, 2 );
insert into class_prerequisite_bindings( class_id, prerequisite ) 
values( 1, 3 );


SELECT AS class_id, AS prerequisite_class
classes a
JOINclass_prerequisite_bindings b ON b.class_id =
JOINclasses c ON = b.prerequisite
WHERE = 1;


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings


We want great men who, when fortune frowns, will not be discouraged.
-- Colonel Henry Knox, 1776

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [SQL] Need help with 'unique parents' constraint

2005-09-14 Thread Daryl Richter

Leif B. Kristensen wrote:

On Sunday 11 September 2005 16:04, Greg Sabino Mullane wrote:

Not just old-fashioned, it's the biological law! (among homo sapiens
anyway). I'd approach this with a trigger, as you can do complex
checks and get back nice customized error messages. A sample script
follows. Hard to tell without seeing your whole schema, but I see no
need for a relation_id primary key if you already have a unique
constraint on child_fk and parent_fk, so I made those into the
primary key for the relations table:

Thank you for an excellent answer. I think I will have to study your 
code for a while. But is it such a bad idea to have a separate column 
for the primary key here? I see that there are two schools on this, 
with diametrically opposed views. For my own part, I feel that it at 
least doesn't hurt to have a surrogate key. Secondly, a single key 
value is easier to reference from another table than a composite key.

Both are true and as another responder has noted, there are times when
surrogate keys are appropriate.

Be aware, though, that the real danger is data integrity.  Should the
alternate key on your composite key get accidentally dropped, invalid
data (logical duplicates) can now be inserted.


We want great men who, when fortune frowns, will not be discouraged.
-- Colonel Henry Knox, 1776

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [SQL] insert only if conditions are met?

2005-08-31 Thread Daryl Richter

Henry Ortega wrote:

Ok. Here's TABLE A

empdate hours   type
JSMITH   08-15-2005   5 WORK
JSMITH   08-15-2005   3 WORK
JSMITH   08-25-2005   6 WORK

I want to insert the ff:
1.) JSMITH08-15-20058VAC
2.) DOE08-16-20058VAC

#1 should fail because there is already 8 hours entered as being
Worked on 08-15-2005 (same date).

Any suggestions?

emp varchar(6) NOT NULL,
datevarchar(10) NOT NULL,
hours   int NOT NULL,
typechar(4) NOT NULL

grant select, insert, update, delete on tablea to public;

insert into tablea( emp, date, hours, type ) values( 'JSMITH', 
'08-15-2005', 5, 'WORK' );
insert into tablea( emp, date, hours, type ) values( 'JSMITH', 
'08-15-2005', 3, 'WORK' );
insert into tablea( emp, date, hours, type ) values( 'JSMITH', 
'08-25-2005', 6, 'WORK' );

create or replace function overtime( varchar, varchar, int, varchar ) 
returns void as '

   insert into tablea( emp, date, hours, type )
  select $1, $2, $3, $4
  from tablea where ( select sum( hours ) from tablea where emp = 
$1 and date = $2 group by emp, date ) + $3 = 8

  select $1, $2, $3, $4
  from tablea where( select sum( hours ) from tablea where emp = $1 
and date = $2 group by emp, date ) is null


select overtime( 'JSMITH', '08-15-2005', 8, 'VAC' );# REJECTED
select overtime( 'JSMITH', '08-16-2005', 8, 'VAC' );# OK
select overtime( 'JSMITH', '08-25-2005', 2, 'WORK' );   # OK

select * from tablea;

On 8/31/05, Ragnar Hafstað  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On Wed, 2005-08-31 at 11:49 -0400, Henry Ortega wrote:

What I am trying to do is
* Insert a record for EMPLOYEE A to TABLE A
the sum of the hours worked by EMPLOYEE A on TABLE A
is not equal to N 

Is this possible?

Sure, given a suitable schema

It is not clear to me, if the hours worked are
to be found in the same table you want to insert
into, or not.


Daryl Richter
Platform Author  Director of Technology
v: 610.361.1000 x202

(( Brandywine Asset Management  )
 ( Expanding the Science of Global Investing  )
 (   ))

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings