[Pharo-project] [OT] Nice simulation

2013-04-24 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Sorry for the off-topic, but the lighthouse in the beginning of* this
* was just too nice not to share :-)


Re: [Pharo-project] help needed

2013-01-30 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On 31 jan 2013, at 01:04, Stéphane Ducasse stephane.duca...@inria.fr wrote:

 What a terrible method……. so ugly.
 There is something fundamentally wrong. 



 This is why we should rewrite MorphTreeMorph.
 On Jan 30, 2013, at 4:13 PM, Usman Bhatti wrote:
 I am trying to look into this issue in Glamour related to morphs:
 The problem is that, in Glamour, one can choose to display first few items 
 instead of the all and then the user can choose to display more. When the 
 selection is set to the items not shown, there is a DNU in 
 PaginatedMorphTreeMorph. Digging this problem, I have encountered this piece 
 of code for which I would require the help of someone knowing Morph. Is 
 someone knowledgable about this piece of code? Here you can find an image 
 with the script to explore the problem: 
 MorphTreeMorph  update:
 update: aSymbol
aSymbol == #selection ifTrue: [^ self listManager 
((aSymbol  isKindOf: Array)and: [aSymbol size  1 and: [aSymbol first 
 == #selectItems and: [aSymbol second isCollection]]])
ifTrue: [^ self selectedItems: aSymbol second].
aSymbol == self nodeListSelector ifTrue: [^ self updateList].
aSymbol == #selectAll ifTrue: [^ self listManager selectAll].
aSymbol == #deselectAll ifTrue: [^ self listManager deselectAll].
((aSymbol isKindOf: Array) 
and: [aSymbol size  1 and: [aSymbol first == self nodeListSelector 
 and: [
aSymbol second == #openPath]]]) allow directed path 
 opening where multiple trees exist
[^(self allNodeMorphs at: 1 ifAbsent: [^self]) 
openPath: (aSymbol allButFirst: 2)].
((aSymbol isKindOf: Array) 
and: [aSymbol size  1 and: [aSymbol first == self nodeListSelector 
 and: [
aSymbol second == #openItemPath]]]) allow directed path 
 opening where multiple trees exist
[^ (self allNodeMorphs at: 1 ifAbsent: [^self]) 
openItemPath: (aSymbol allButFirst: 2)].
((aSymbol isKindOf: Array) 
and: [aSymbol size  1 and: [aSymbol first == self nodeListSelector 
 and: [
aSymbol second == #expandAllFromNode:]]]) 
[^ self expandAllFromNode: aSymbol third].
((aSymbol isKindOf: Array) 
and: [aSymbol size  1 and: [aSymbol first == self nodeListSelector 
 and: [
aSymbol second == #closeItemPath]]]) allow directed path 
 closing where multiple trees exist
[^ (self allNodeMorphs at: 1 ifAbsent: [^self]) 
closeItemPath: (aSymbol allButFirst: 2)].
((aSymbol isKindOf: Array) 
and: [aSymbol notEmpty and: [aSymbol first == #openPath]]) 
[^(self allNodeMorphs at: 1 ifAbsent: [^self]) 
openPath: aSymbol allButFirst].
((aSymbol isKindOf: Array) 
and: [aSymbol size  = 2 and: [aSymbol first = self nodeListSelector 
 and: [
aSymbol second == #expandRoots]]]) 
[^self expandRoots].
((aSymbol isKindOf: Array) 
and: [aSymbol size = 2 and: [aSymbol first = self nodeListSelector]])
ifTrue: [aSymbol second = #expandAll ifTrue: [^ self expandAll].
aSymbol second = #collapseAll ifTrue: [^ self collapseAll]]

Re: [Pharo-project] UITheme builder, change newList list onButtonClick

2013-01-02 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Quick question: what's with all the curly braces? This doesn't look much like 
Smalltalk code to me :-P


On 2 jan 2013, at 10:02, J. P. L. Martín argu...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hello, I'm having trouble to figure out how to do this, I have a simple 
 window with 3 buttons, each button should change the content listed on the 
 list below them but I'm really not sure about how to do it.
 This is the code for the window:
 Abre la ventana principal del Sistema de Gestion Bibleotecaria
 | builder contain |
 builder := UITheme builder.
 contain := builder newColumn: {builder newRow: {
 builder newButtonFor: self action: #onPrestamosClick label: 
 'Prestamos'  help: ''.
 builder newButtonFor: self action: #onMaterialesClick label: 
 'Materiales'  help: ''.
 builder newButtonFor: self action: #onSociosClick label: 'Socios' 
  help: ''}.
 builder newColumn: {
 builder newListFor: self list: nil selected: nil  changeSelected: 
 nil  help: '' }.}.
 (contain  openInWindowLabeled: 'Babel') extent: 600@600.
 How should I define #onLabelClick to set the list to for example: Prestamo 
 Thanks in advance.

Re: [Pharo-project] UITheme builder, change newList list onButtonClick

2013-01-02 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
I wasn't being ironic, I just didn't know. In my 18 years of Smalltalk 
programming, I've managed to avoid coming across that particular syntax before. 
Is it Pharo-specific?


On 2 jan 2013, at 10:12, Frank Shearar frank.shea...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 2 January 2013 09:09, Peter Hugosson-Miller oldmanl...@gmail.com wrote:
 Quick question: what's with all the curly braces? This doesn't look much 
 like Smalltalk code to me :-P
 I don't know how much this is tongue-in-cheek: assuming none ( :) ),
 it's a literal Array assembled by sending messages, as opposed to the
 other kind of literal Array: #(1 (2 3)) = Array with: 1 with: (Array
 with: 2 with: 3).
 On 2 jan 2013, at 10:02, J. P. L. Martín argu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello, I'm having trouble to figure out how to do this, I have a simple 
 window with 3 buttons, each button should change the content listed on the 
 list below them but I'm really not sure about how to do it.
 This is the code for the window:
Abre la ventana principal del Sistema de Gestion Bibleotecaria
| builder contain |
builder := UITheme builder.
contain := builder newColumn: {builder newRow: {
builder newButtonFor: self action: #onPrestamosClick label: 
 'Prestamos'  help: ''.
builder newButtonFor: self action: #onMaterialesClick label: 
 'Materiales'  help: ''.
builder newButtonFor: self action: #onSociosClick label: 
 'Socios'  help: ''}.
builder newColumn: {
builder newListFor: self list: nil selected: nil  
 changeSelected: nil  help: '' }.}.
(contain  openInWindowLabeled: 'Babel') extent: 600@600.
 How should I define #onLabelClick to set the list to for example: Prestamo 
 Thanks in advance.

Re: [Pharo-project] UITheme builder, change newList list onButtonClick

2013-01-02 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Guess it's a bit like the ##(some expression here) of VisualAge Smalltalk? 


On 2 jan 2013, at 10:27, Marcus Denker marcus.den...@inria.fr wrote:

 On Jan 2, 2013, at 10:25 AM, Peter Hugosson-Miller oldmanl...@gmail.com 
 I wasn't being ironic, I just didn't know. In my 18 years of Smalltalk 
 programming, I've managed to avoid coming across that particular syntax 
 before. Is it Pharo-specific?
 It was introduced in Squeak quite early (before 2000).

Re: [Pharo-project] UITheme builder, change newList list onButtonClick

2013-01-02 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Sorry for hijacking the thread, I just wanted to be sure I understood it

So now I think it's a kind of syntactical sugar for a nicer way of writing:

with: (builder newButtonFor: self action: #onPrestamosClick label:
'Prestamos'  help: '')
with: (builder newButtonFor: self action: #onMaterialesClick label:
'Materiales'  help: '')
with: (builder newButtonFor: self action: #onSociosClick label:
'Socios'  help: '')

Does that sound like a good explanation?


On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Frank Shearar frank.shea...@gmail.comwrote:

 On 2 January 2013 09:52, Peter Hugosson-Miller oldmanl...@gmail.com
  Guess it's a bit like the ##(some expression here) of VisualAge

 I think so, but I've only seen ##(foo) in GNU Smalltalk, where it's a
 compile-time literal:


  On 2 jan 2013, at 10:27, Marcus Denker marcus.den...@inria.fr wrote:
  On Jan 2, 2013, at 10:25 AM, Peter Hugosson-Miller 
 oldmanl...@gmail.com wrote:
  I wasn't being ironic, I just didn't know. In my 18 years of Smalltalk
 programming, I've managed to avoid coming across that particular syntax
 before. Is it Pharo-specific?
  It was introduced in Squeak quite early (before 2000).

Re: [Pharo-project] About RBLiteralArrayContainsCommaRule

2012-12-30 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Possibly it's useful as a warning to one who comes from a C-syntax language, 
and might accidentally define a literal array containing some. For example, 
#(1, 2, 3) - not an error, but not (as the perpetrator might believe) an array 
containing three integers ;)

On 30 dec 2012, at 20:48, Stéphane Ducasse stephane.duca...@inria.fr wrote:

 I'm going over all the SmallLint rule and extending their rationale and 
 fixing sometimes their default check.
 Now I'm reading 
^ 'Checks for literal arrays that contain the #, symbol.'
 and I have no idea why this would be a problem. 
 Anybody has an idea?

Re: [Pharo-project] Nautilus and grey out text

2012-12-12 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On 12 dec 2012, at 11:52, Sven Van Caekenberghe s...@stfx.eu wrote:

 On 12 Dec 2012, at 11:20, dimitris chloupis theki...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
 ok I understand now thank you all for the clarifications.
 Very exciting and powerful stuff, the more I learn about pharo and smalltalk 
 the more I love it. 
 Yes, Dimitris, that is the idea. But you have been warned: once you get 
 infected it is hard to go back ;-)

That was the understatement of the year: I went from using Smalltalk in my 
daily job for 15 years, to Java. Two years later and not a day goes by that I 
don't wish I could have carried on using Smalltalk!

How long does it take for the infection to be cured, anyone know?


 One other thing: there is a Pharo-Users mailing list as well, it has less 
 traffic, but the idea is that conversations like the one in this thread (how 
 do I do this or that ? what does this or that mean ?) are better held there.
 Keep on asking questions !
 From: Esteban Lorenzano esteba...@gmail.com
 To: Pharo-project@lists.gforge.inria.fr; dimitris chloupis 
 Sent: Wednesday, 12 December 2012, 12:15
 Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] Nautilus and grey out text
 No, just a method added to a class, and categorized with a special name: 
 On Dec 12, 2012, at 11:11 AM, dimitris chloupis theki...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
 Oh I see, very clever, are those methods traits ? 
 From: Pavel Krivanek pavel.kriva...@gmail.com
 To: Pharo-project@lists.gforge.inria.fr; dimitris chloupis 
 Sent: Wednesday, 12 December 2012, 11:48
 Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] Nautilus and grey out text
 If you have got a package named MyPackage then if some class that is not 
 part of this package has got some methods in categories named like 
 *MyPackage(-Something) (star, package name, optional category) then this 
 methods are bundled together with MyPackage.
 -- Pavel
 On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 10:38 AM, dimitris chloupis theki...@yahoo.co.uk 
 thanks added to my list of things to study :) 
 From: Sven Van Caekenberghe s...@stfx.eu
 To: Pharo-project@lists.gforge.inria.fr; dimitris chloupis 
 Sent: Wednesday, 12 December 2012, 11:33
 Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] Nautilus and grey out text
 On 12 Dec 2012, at 10:25, dimitris chloupis theki...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
 Thanks for the reply , by extension you mean inheritance ? Package A 
 class subclasses package B class ?
 No, it is extension with respect to Monticello/RPackage packaging.
 From: Pavel Krivanek pavel.kriva...@gmail.com
 To: Pharo-project@lists.gforge.inria.fr; dimitris chloupis 
 Sent: Wednesday, 12 December 2012, 11:19
 Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] Nautilus and grey out text
 If a package A adds an exteinson to a class from different package B then 
 the extended class from package B is grayed out and all methods that are 
 not part of the package A too.
 -- Pavel
 On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 10:03 AM, dimitris chloupis theki...@yahoo.co.uk 
 I went through the Nautilus pdf and it seems to explains most of the thing 
 but the grey out text. Any idea why some classess and methods are grey out 
 By the way congratulation to Nautilus author and all people contributing 
 to it , it certainly looks  like a big improvement over the classic system 
 Sven Van Caekenberghe
 Smalltalk is the Red Pill
 Sven Van Caekenberghe
 Smalltalk is the Red Pill

Re: [Pharo-project] Vim Keys?

2012-11-30 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller


On 30 nov 2012, at 19:13, Igor Stasenko siguc...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 30 November 2012 18:23, ☈king rkingd...@sharpsaw.org wrote:
 On 11/30/2012 10:48 AM, Marcus Denker wrote:
 I am sure the Emacs user will be violently against it.
 Actually, that's the thing: Namespacing.
 You could install vi keys on emacs and an emacs user would never notice
 without hitting the Escape key.
 Emacs keys, on the other hand, *do* conflict with existing Pharo bindings.
 Another thing is that I personally think that one of the things that 
 did very early is to not have modes for editing…
 Are editing modes really something people want in 2012?
 Think of modes as a monkey that sits by your keyboard.
 Every time you bop him on the head (that is, you hit Escape), he
 obediently reaches over and holds down a special keyboard modifier for
 you, and continues to do so until you tell him to stop.
 Since bopping him on the head takes no more time than hitting the
 modifier key itself, hitting [Bop],[Key] is always going to be an
 equally concise way of entering a string of commands compared to
 chording [Modifier+Key]. But generally it's more concise, because you
 tend to do big sequences of one or the other: edit a bunch, or input a
 bunch. That is, in real life you do [Bop],[Key],[Key2],[Key],[Key3],
 which is better than
 well, what you explaining here is not just about handling keyboard
 typing, but also
 requires changes in UI (showing command line, black  white color
 scheme, 80x25 text mode ;) ) etc..
 i think, if vi would contest for best obscure editor, i guess it
 would get 1st prize.
 i don't really care why you like it , just can you (or someone else)
 explain me, why you think
 it is best possible way of doing things?
 Since i can't see it.
 What exactly commands/shortcuts you wanna have there?
 And wouldn't it be better to focus UI design towards avoiding the need
 for shortcuts/modes alltogether?
 Also, i going to repeat same over again: we don't need a full-fledged
 text editor(s) in smalltalk IDE.
 In smalltalk you will find yourself rarely need to edit more than 10
 lines of code at time.
 From that perspective, do you think it is wise to invest people's
 energy into that?
 I think it should be a call for those who miss it: if you want it - make it.
 After all, you can run vi/emacs/put your favorite in separate window,
 and can always copy-paste text between, and enjoy your lovely keyboard
 Sorry, maybe i miss something and don't see full picture,
 but i really don't understand what is so cool in having vi/emacs
 shortcuts in pharo..
 The critical point is that users that don't enter command mode would
 never be bothered by it. Users who do stumble upon it could get an
 additional leg up with the help text, and they don't even really have to
 know it's Vi Keys, just that it's a non-chorded interface.
 I know it's radical, but that's how we roll. (Right?)
 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko.

Re: [Pharo-project] about sharing class binding and others

2012-11-18 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 10:40 PM, James Foster smallt...@jgfoster.netwrote:

 I don't see the benefit of the added complexity. As it is now, at compile
 time the reference is not bound to a global but to an Association holding
 the global. If you want to change the value of the global you can do so and
 the method will reference the new value. Also, if you want to do
 name-lookup at runtime you can explicitly code it to do that.

 My objection to always doing run-time name lookup is that I would like to
 be able to create a module that is self-contained and binds to the the
 classes I provide without risking that someone else will replace my
 classes. I would like you to be able to load my module, containing my
 classes and methods, and we both can be confident that your later changes
 (including different classes with the same name) will not impact my classes
 and methods.

 If you want a parameterized module, then the module should be explicitly
 coded to take a parameter and use it explicitly. I think it is not as clear
 to let the module think it is referencing a Point but in fact play a trick
 on it to have it reference a different class.

 - James

 On Nov 16, 2012, at 6:17 PM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

  While I love the idea of sharing the systemDictionary class binding in
 the method to gain immediate update in case of
  change I was questioning myself if we could not gain from not having
 (for example to get parametrized modules).
  The point is that we are not constantly changing classes especially when
 not programming but running program.
  So let us do some experiments:
  CompiledMethod allInstances size
  (CompiledMethod allInstances select: [:each | each classBinding value
 name = #Point]) size
  [CompiledMethod allInstances select: [:each | each classBinding value
 name = #Point]] timeToRun
  this is the best case since classBinding is at a fixed size
  now looking for any reference to Point
  (CompiledMethod allInstances select: [:cm |
cm literals anySatisfy: [:each | each class = Association
and: [each
 key = #Point ]]]) size
134 methods.
  [CompiledMethod allInstances select: [:cm |
cm literals anySatisfy: [:each | each class = Association
and: [each
 key = #Point  timeToRun
  91 ms
  so it looks to me that this sharing is not something that we should not
 changed if needed.
  What do you think?


Re: [Pharo-project] instVarNames vs instVarNamed:

2012-09-23 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
This is weird, I'm not seeing the problem at all!

I've always thought of *#instVarNamed:* as a sibling method to
*#instVarAt:*(which maybe is more obviously an instance method). So
*anAddress instVarNamed: 'street'* would return a Street, just as *anAddress
instVarAt: 2* could. But anAddress, being just an instance, doesn't need to
know about its class definition directly, since it can always ask its class
if it needs to, so for example *anAddress class instVarNames* would return
the names of all the instance variables defined in the Address class.

Now can someone please explain why that is confusing?


On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 10:59 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck 
marianop...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 6:55 PM, Stéphane Ducasse 
 stephane.duca...@inria.fr wrote:

 since groups is an instance variable on the class side

 Nautilus class instVarNames
 -  #('maxSize' 'cachedLastClasses' 'groups')

 ok we get the instance variables

 so it was strange that the class could not find the instance variable
 using instVarNamed:

 Nautilus class instVarNamed: 'groups'
 - error

 I was confused.

 Looks strange to me as well. I would like that it actually works :)


 On Sep 23, 2012, at 5:42 PM, Camillo Bruni wrote:

  On 2012-09-23, at 17:38, Benjamin benjamin.vanryseghem.ph...@gmail.com
  On a class, should answer the inst of the corresponding metaclass
  Like when you ask the inst var of an instance, you get the inst var of
 the corresponding class
  but that works, I don't get it :D
  Nautilus instVarNamed: #maxSize
  Nautilus new instVarNamed: #announcer
  Nautilus class instVarNames includes: #maxSize.
  Nautilus instVarNames includes: #announcer.
  everything fine and symmetrical here...


Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] iPad Dr. Geo 12.10

2012-09-16 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Hej Hilaire!

I've bought the paid version, and it does look pretty nice. As you ask for 
feedback, I thought it would be OK to post it here, apologies to all if it's 
not appropriate!

Never having seen the app before, I was unable to find a help or tutorial 
button within my personal frustration time. May I suggest that first-time 
users be started up in some kind of newbie mode?

I wanted to show this to my kids to demonstrate what amazing things are 
possible with Smalltalk, but for that to work I'd need to at least seem to 
understand it myself ;-)


On 16 sep 2012, at 10:30, Hilaire Fernandes hilaire.fernan...@edu.ge.ch wrote:

 Dr. Geo (aka Dr. Geometry) 12.10 for iPad is available on AppStore. It
 comes in two versions: gratis and paid.
 Compare to the desktop versions, it is almost feature complete: only the
 script and programmed figure can not be created or edited with this
 version. However, sketches including scripts are interpreted and
 rendered correctly on the tablet.
 *Feedbacks* and *rating* are welcome and greatly appreciated!

Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] iPad Dr. Geo 12.10

2012-09-16 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Yes, I think that a beginners video channel would be a great idea!

When I get to the stage of understanding things enough, maybe I'll be able to 
help. I have English as my mother tongue, and my sister is French, and speaks 
excellent English. I'm not promising anything, but it does feel important to me 
at the moment ;-)


On 16 sep 2012, at 12:14, Hilaire Fernandes hilaire.fernan...@edu.ge.ch wrote:

 Hi Peter,
 Interactive geometry software are very specilised software, so you need
 to understand how it works. Tutorial are indeed important.
 My main problem is speaking language.
 I have written documentation in French at
 I can't produce an english documentation with a good quality level.
 We have some video tutorial at
 Some of the video are in French other in English
 But I should set up a Video channel for begginer to get started, it will
 be a great idea. What do you think?
 Next about tutorial button within DrGeo, yes it will be a nice addition.
 It is someting I need to thing about.
 Thanks for your feedback
 Le 16/09/2012 11:53, Peter Hugosson-Miller a écrit :
 Hej Hilaire!
 I've bought the paid version, and it does look pretty nice. As you ask for 
 feedback, I thought it would be OK to post it here, apologies to all if it's 
 not appropriate!
 Never having seen the app before, I was unable to find a help or tutorial 
 button within my personal frustration time. May I suggest that first-time 
 users be started up in some kind of newbie mode?
 I wanted to show this to my kids to demonstrate what amazing things are 
 possible with Smalltalk, but for that to work I'd need to at least seem to 
 understand it myself ;-)
 On 16 sep 2012, at 10:30, Hilaire Fernandes hilaire.fernan...@edu.ge.ch 
 Dr. Geo (aka Dr. Geometry) 12.10 for iPad is available on AppStore. It
 comes in two versions: gratis and paid.
 Compare to the desktop versions, it is almost feature complete: only the
 script and programmed figure can not be created or edited with this
 version. However, sketches including scripts are interpreted and
 rendered correctly on the tablet.
 *Feedbacks* and *rating* are welcome and greatly appreciated!

Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] iPad Dr. Geo 12.10

2012-09-16 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Hehe, AFAIK, frustration time isn't a proper phrase, it's just something
I made up to try and describe the time it takes from starting up a new
program I've never seen before, until it makes me frustrated. In the best
of cases that never happens, and I must say that it's highly personal, and
depends largely on my expectations at the time.

In this case, I had already decided to buy the app, not knowing if I would
have a use for it, just because I like to do things to help the Smalltalk
community in any way that I can. In the back of my mind I also hoped it
might be something I could use with my kids, to show them a bit about
geometry, maths in general, and maybe even Smalltalk. I was not expecting a
beautiful, polished finish, nor much in the way of documentation, but I'd
hoped that, given a few minutes of time, there would be enough clues to be
found by clicking and prodding around, to be able to make it do something

Sadly, during the time I had available during that first look, I didn't
manage to make anything happen at all, and I felt frustrated. I fear that
someone with higher expectations might have become cross at that point, and
that's why I wanted to suggest a tutorial button. Now I know that I just
need to go and watch those demo videos before I try next time :-)

Good luck!


On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 5:01 PM, Hilaire Fernandes 
hilaire.fernan...@edu.ge.ch wrote:


 It will be terribly useful if you describe me where you get your
 frustration time.



 Le 16/09/2012 11:53, Peter Hugosson-Miller a écrit :
  Never having seen the app before, I was unable to find a help or
 tutorial button within my personal frustration time. May I suggest that
 first-time users be started up in some kind of newbie mode?

Re: [Pharo-project] [NativeBoost] Question: zero-based or one-based indexes?

2012-09-03 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
+1 to calling the 0-based stuff *offset*


On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 12:02 PM, Igor Stasenko siguc...@gmail.com wrote:

 ok. so i shall convert them all to 0-based.
 and then carefully look over the code and get rid of 1-based assumption.

 On 3 September 2012 11:58, Luc Fabresse luc.fabre...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi Igor,
   I am also used to the 0-based when dealing with C-stuff.
  2012/9/3 Marten Feldtmann mar...@schrievkrom.de
  Hello Igor,
  0-based - because it's oriented towards C structures (and therefore
  Another way to see this is: it's not an index, its an byte-offset from
  beginning of the memory. Therefore I would not name the parameter as
  something like index, but more like zeroBasedOffset. By the way:
  does it the same way.
  The same problem might occur, when dealing with pointers to array of
  primitive data types in ByteArray or instances of NBExternalAddress.
  Even here I would suggest using zero based index structures - though it
  contrary to Smalltalk typical 0ne-based array index. In VASmalltalk this
  situation is zero-based access and the parameter is not a byte index,
 but a
  data element index. And an index of 0 returns the start of the array
  the first element).
  Am 03.09.2012 02:28, schrieb Igor Stasenko:
  Hi, there
  i added a bunch of accessors to ByteArray and NBExternalAddress which
  having uniform look:
  nbtypeAt: put:
  where types are:
  the problem is that indexes in ByteArray are 1-based,
  but in NBExternalAddress is 0-based.
  And there's already different places in code which following these
  But i feel like this should be uniform (so same piece of code can be
  used for either bytearrays or external addresses),
  to avoid confusion and mistakes.
  i just not sure which one to leave: 1-based or 0-based ?
   From one side, all collections in smalltalk is 1-based..
  but from other side accessing memory at 1-based offset looks also
  What you think?

 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko.

Re: [Pharo-project] On the frontpage of news.ycombinator.com

2012-07-08 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
I tried, but it wouldn't let me log in, and I couldn't see any way of fixing 
that. Maybe I'll have better luck from a real computer later. 


On 8 jul 2012, at 12:12, Sven Van Caekenberghe s...@beta9.be wrote:

 I just voted it up.
 On 08 Jul 2012, at 08:23, Marcus Denker wrote:
 Sunday morning... but nevertheless :-)
 Marcus Denker -- http://marcusdenker.de

Re: [Pharo-project] zip bug [IMPORTANT] probably related to the recent Zip changes

2012-06-11 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 2:58 AM, Sean P. DeNigris s...@clipperadams.comwrote:

... If that's the case, maybe wrap the unzip with a check that
 defaults to the old format if the date is invalid or strange (e.g. year

What's strange about 1962? I happen to think it's a rather nice year ;-)


Re: [Pharo-project] Jenkins status icons

2012-05-02 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
The only coloured icons I've ever seen Jenkins produce are blue, yellow, red 
and grey, blue being all clear and grey disabled. I thought that was the 
standard, but I could be wrong...


On 2 maj 2012, at 21:32, Sean P. DeNigris s...@clipperadams.com wrote:

 How do you get the icon to turn green on a successful build? Jenkins is
 picking up my test report and showing 0 failures, but the icon is blue
 instead of green.
 View this message in context: 
 Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] PharoLauncher for Mac users

2012-04-24 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Bookmarking this for when I get Lion on my personal MBP. It's still stuck
on Snow Leopard for now :-(

But this looks _really_ interesting, great job!


On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 12:29 PM, HwaJong Oh daliot...@gmail.com wrote:


 I want to use Autolayout feature, which requires Lion(Mac OS X 10.7). :-)
 It is such a magic. Morphic may be great with it.

 HwaJong Oh

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Re: [Pharo-project] Poll: What's Your Favorite Programming Language? | Hacker News

2012-03-24 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller

On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 9:22 AM, Sven Van Caekenberghe s...@beta9.bewrote:

 Vote for Smalltalk!


 Registration is non-agressive.

Re: [Pharo-project] Enjoyed the reading..

2012-03-10 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Brilliant! I shared this on Facebook this morning, and three of my nerdy
friends have then shared it further, so there's a lot in that article that
hits home.

Many thanks for the link!


On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 10:37 AM, Ben Coman b...@openinworld.com wrote:

 Off topic... but the following article by Paul Graham has been one of my
 all time favorites for the last few years...

Re: [Pharo-project] Do not feed the trolls

2012-02-20 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Nice try, Dale, but this troll will apparently eat anything - even Wikipedia 
articles :-p


Re: [Pharo-project] Are Objects really hard?

2012-02-15 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 9:50 AM, Marcus Denker marcus.den...@inria.frwrote:

 It is much more interesting to google

Guido Stepken Troll

 Just have a look:


Wow! About 1,030 results, that's pretty impressive. Should we be honoured
to have such a celebrity visiting us?


Re: [Pharo-project] Are Objects really hard?

2012-02-13 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Hey Guido, I thought you said you were leaving us! Just too hard to stay
away, eh? :-)


On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 5:25 PM, Guido Stepken gstep...@googlemail.comwrote:

 Hahaha! You are running Apache Server in Front, caching all I/O, leaving
 no load for Pharo at all, serving static webpages even.

 Tnx 4 your funny comment!

 Have fun, Guido Stepken
 Am 13.02.2012 17:08 schrieb Sven Van Caekenberghe s...@beta9.be:

 On 13 Feb 2012, at 16:32, Guido Stepken wrote:

  Its quite difficult not to say *impossible* to run Pharo even for
 simple tasks within a small vserver account with 256 or 512 MB reserved or
 dynamically assigned memory space.

 This is ridiculous: a current stock Pharo server image (i.e.
 non-stripped) compares favorably with any other dynamic language.


 I am currently running 5 VM's on an AWS EC2 micro instance (613MB RAM, up
 to 2 ECU (1 ECU = the equivalent CPU capacity of a 1.0-1.2 GHz 2007 Opteron
 or 2007 Xeon processor)).

 Setup can also be quite simple:



Re: [Pharo-project] Boolean Logic

2012-02-02 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Because to calculate the result, the block must always be evaluated, so it's a 
bit redundant. 


On 2 feb 2012, at 17:08, Robert Sirois watchl...@hotmail.com wrote:

 Ok, this may be from a simple lack of understanding, but I just have to know 
 Why can I call #or: (Boolean and friends) with a block, but #xor: only takes 
 a Boolean? I would think the paradigm would remain the same and be able to 
 compose operators like #or:, etc.?
 What am I missing? Thanks!

Re: [Pharo-project] Misc. newbie questions

2012-01-06 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On 6 jan 2012, at 06:41, Gerry Weaver ger...@compvia.com wrote:

 2. There appear to be some tool choices in the Pharo image. I would like to 
 be able to create a class and it's methods in an editor in one go. I like 
 being able to see all of the class code at once. Is there a way to do this?  
 I just want to be able to type it all in and accept (evaluate?) all at once.

This is an interesting question to me personally. After 15 years of working 
exclusively in Smalltalk I've recently been forced to start programming in 
Java, where the source code is always (as far as I know) arranged in the way 
you describe. 

This organization just emphasizes the dead and compiled nature of Java (and 
similar languages), compared to the living objects of Smalltalk, where even 
methods are objects, created by sending messages to other objects. Source code 
is relegated to being a mere artifact, which can be saved and organized in any 
way one wishes, and preferably never shows its ugly face to the coder :-p

So my advice is, count yourself lucky that you have the chance to enter the 
world of real, pure, objects. Go with the flow, let your old idioms and 
practices go, and have fun! My Smalltalk years were the best time in my 
professional life, and I am quite envious of anyone that still gets to use 
Smalltalk professionally.

And yes, I really *really* miss a good, object oriented class browser!

Re: [Pharo-project] Slow text input?

2011-11-15 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
I think the troll said he was leaving, so let's just all take a deep
breath, be thankful for that, and move on.

Positive energy is what we need here, feeding trolls drains us more than
one would think, so as far as possible we should just try and ignore them.

Carlo's answer was cool, too ;-)


On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Igor Stasenko siguc...@gmail.com wrote:

 Currently, my Mac running 3 images. And it is hard to tell, but i
 think one of them runs maybe more than month , without hangs, freezes
 Now, why i should trust your words (not backed with anything serious)
 that the software i use is unstable, when
 i using it every day and it works well for me?

 On 15 November 2011 12:18, Guido Stepken gstep...@googlemail.com wrote:
  Ok, if it helps you to understand, that unstable software is quite
 useless for anybody ... will do that!
  Guido Stepken
  Am 15.11.2011 um 12:05 schrieb Marcus Denker marcus.den...@inria.fr:
  On Nov 15, 2011, at 8:00 AM, Guido Stepken wrote:
  I think, programming, refactoring a peace of software has very much to
 do with model theory, Löwenheim-Skolem theory (related to fixed point
  Good programmers migrate code, addon's from one stable, consistent
 state to the other. These stable states are expressed in release numbers.
  What are you doing? Don't know!
  So why don't you then just unsubscribe from the mailinglist?
  We clearly are not up to your standards. And this will not change.
  I think there is no way that we can work constructively together, so
 the best for all is that you just go away.
  and everyone is happy. (you, too!)
  You can refactor according to Skolem, we refactor how we like it, and
 everyone is happy.
  Marcus Denker -- http://marcusdenker.de

 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko.

Re: [Pharo-project] MAC OS upgrade and Pharo compatibility

2011-11-05 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Definitely do a backup, then format the disk and perform a clean install,
then do all the necessary software updates until the machine is completely
up to date. Finally restore your user settings and apps from the backup.
That's my recipe for minimum frustration when dealing with Lion :-)


On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 10:34 PM, Stéphane Ducasse stephane.duca...@inria.fr

 There is no problem for pharo on lion.
 Now do a backup because lion of your machine.
 Lion frustrated me a lot.

 And in general when I see the amount of applications spinning to death on
 normal usage, I think that pharo is doing well.


 On Nov 5, 2011, at 8:09 PM, Dario Trussardi wrote:

i'm interested to upgrade  my MacBook Operating System,  from
 Leopard to Lion version.
I'm not expert about it and i will not  do error.
My question is about Pharo compatibility.
Now i work with Pharo 1.0 #10517 and GemTools 1.0-beta.8.3.
I need to do something or all work fine after upgrade the O/S ?
  P.S. Excuse me if  question is not very very pertinent to Pharo

Re: [Pharo-project] MAC OS upgrade and Pharo compatibility

2011-11-05 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
No, Stef, I'm the same: bugs love me!

I am sooo glad for the excellent backup program SuperDuper. I did the
Lion install two times before it worked OK (third time just like I wrote in
my post above), but the other two times I was very happy to have the backup
to go back to, I can tell you!


On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 10:56 PM, Stéphane Ducasse stephane.duca...@inria.fr

 Yes because I could not update after the first install.
 So I was lucky to have another machine where I could install and update
 **then** migrate.
 I was mad during 3 days.
 Of course for everybody around it worked well but I attrack bugs.
 On Nov 5, 2011, at 10:40 PM, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:

  Definitely do a backup, then format the disk and perform a clean
 install, then do all the necessary software updates until the machine is
 completely up to date. Finally restore your user settings and apps from the
 backup. That's my recipe for minimum frustration when dealing with Lion :-)
  On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 10:34 PM, Stéphane Ducasse 
 stephane.duca...@inria.fr wrote:
  There is no problem for pharo on lion.
  Now do a backup because lion of your machine.
  Lion frustrated me a lot.
  And in general when I see the amount of applications spinning to death
 on normal usage, I think that pharo is doing well.
  On Nov 5, 2011, at 8:09 PM, Dario Trussardi wrote:
 i'm interested to upgrade  my MacBook Operating System,  from
 Leopard to Lion version.
 I'm not expert about it and i will not  do error.
 My question is about Pharo compatibility.
 Now i work with Pharo 1.0 #10517 and GemTools 1.0-beta.8.3.
 I need to do something or all work fine after upgrade the O/S ?
   P.S. Excuse me if  question is not very very pertinent to Pharo

Re: [Pharo-project] scaled decimal question

2011-09-18 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Yeah, but the *big* difference is that asScaledDecimal: 2 is a message sent 
to a Float, whereas the s2 is just part of the literal representation of a 
ScaledDecimal, and *not* a message sent to anything. 


On 18 sep 2011, at 17:59, Stéphane Ducasse stephane.duca...@inria.fr wrote:

 On Sep 18, 2011, at 5:47 PM, Nicolas Cellier wrote:
 2011/9/18 Stéphane Ducasse stephane.duca...@inria.fr:
 For me the problem is that if
   s2 means scaled decimal then I do not understand why 
 asScaledDecimal produce objects with different properties.
 a number is a scaled decimal or not.
 There is a difference between these two:
 (1/10) asScaledDecimal: 2.
 (1/10) asFloat asScaledDecimal: 2.
 That I can understand Float is inexact. No problem with that. 
 Now I do not understand how 0.1s2 relates to the above expressions. 
 asFloat introduces a rounding error.
 Though the result prints 0.1, it is different from (1/10), asFrank
 said, just convert it back asTrueFraction, and you'll see.
 asScaledDecimal: does not undo the rounding error, it just uses 
 If you want to undo the error, you may try (0.1 roundTo: 0.01s2).
 On Sep 18, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Frank Shearar wrote:
 On 17 September 2011 14:06, Peter Hugosson-Miller oldmanl...@gmail.com 
 Probably because Floats are not exact, so the result of #asScaledDecimal: 
 when sent to a Float, differs from what the compiler produces when it 
 parses 0.1s2.
 Sure I guessed that too but I hate this behavior.
 Indeed. In particular, the Floats turn themselves into exact
 representations (Float  #asTrueFraction) - Fractions whose bit
 patterns duplicate the float representation. That means that the
 resulting ScaledDecimals (0.1s2 + 0.2s2 and 0.3s2) have differing
 fraction instvars.
 On 17 sep 2011, at 15:01, Stéphane Ducasse stephane.duca...@inria.fr 
 (0.1 asScaledDecimal: 2) + (0.2 asScaledDecimal: 2) = (0.3 
 asScaledDecimal: 2)
 returns false
 0.1s2 + 0.2s2 = 0.3s2
 returns true

Re: [Pharo-project] scaled decimal question

2011-09-17 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Probably because Floats are not exact, so the result of #asScaledDecimal: when 
sent to a Float, differs from what the compiler produces when it parses 0.1s2. 


On 17 sep 2011, at 15:01, Stéphane Ducasse stephane.duca...@inria.fr wrote:

 (0.1 asScaledDecimal: 2) + (0.2 asScaledDecimal: 2) = (0.3 asScaledDecimal: 2)
 returns false 
 0.1s2 + 0.2s2 = 0.3s2
 returns true

Re: [Pharo-project] Pharo One Click 1.3 LNK file

2011-09-14 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller


On 14 sep 2011, at 08:31, Marcus Denker marcus.den...@inria.fr wrote:

 On Sep 14, 2011, at 8:28 AM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
 On 14 Sep 2011, at 08:19, Marcus Denker wrote:
 The One-Click here:
 Does not use a LNK File, it just has the exe in the main directory. And 
 current VMs.
 (Yes, and the one click on the Build server is out of date... maybe we 
 should remove it for now to have less confusion)
 Yeah, I saw that I had two different versions on my machine, not sure what 
 the most recent was I followed the one on the page,
 The one fresh of the build server should be the latest no ? That is using 
 the LNK file though.
 Latest from the image yes. VMs: no.
 Yes, this is all confusing and needs to be fixed... and the whole Hudson 
 build server needs to be discontinued, ASAP.
 (It's very confusing to have two. We are really good at doing very confusing 
 things... we need to improve that).
 Marcus Denker -- http://marcusdenker.de

Re: [Pharo-project] String mathematical operations

2011-09-06 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
+ '1'


On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Lorenzo Schiavina lore...@edor.it wrote:

 + 1
 - Original Message - From: Nicolas Cellier 
 nicolas.cellier.aka.nice@**gmail.com nicolas.cellier.aka.n...@gmail.com
 Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 2:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] String mathematical operations


 2011/9/6 Igor Stasenko siguc...@gmail.com:

 personally, i prefer a strict-typing behavior when using arithmetics.
 for that reason, i prefer seeing error in

 someString + 4
 4 + someString

 but not automagical conversion.

 On 6 September 2011 13:57, Camillo Bruni camillo.br...@inria.fr wrote:

 We still have a lot of awkward methods on String for doing math:

 String  #* arg
 ^ arg adaptToString: self andSend: #*

 Who is relying on them? I would like to deprecate them all :D
 I guess some binary math selectors might make sense

 String  #* count
 ^ self class new: self size * count streamContents: [ :stream|
 count timesRepeat: [ stream  self ]].


 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko.


Re: [Pharo-project] I am petrified. I don't know what to say ........... (just look at that)

2011-08-12 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
OMFG! :-(((


On 12 aug 2011, at 17:16, Max Leske maxle...@gmail.com wrote:

 Good luck with refactoring *that*…
 On 12.08.2011, at 17:12, Igor Stasenko wrote:
 DiskProxycomeFullyUpOnReload: smartRefStream
Internalize myself into a fully alive object after raw loading from a
DataStream. (See my class comment.) DataStream will substitute the
object from this eval for the DiskProxy.
| globalObj symbol arrayIndex |
symbol := globalObjectName.See if class is mapped to another name
(smartRefStream respondsTo: #renamed)
ifTrue: [
If in outPointers in an ImageSegment, remember original class
See mapClass:installIn:. Would be lost otherwise.
(thisContext sender sender sender sender sender sender 
 sender sender receiver class == ImageSegment
and: [ thisContext sender sender sender sender method == 
 (DataStream compiledMethodAt: #readArray) ])
ifTrue: [
arrayIndex := thisContext sender sender sender sender 
 4.index var in readArray. Later safer to find i on stack
of context.
smartRefStream renamedConv at: arrayIndex put: symbol ].  
 original name
symbol := smartRefStream renamed at: symbol ifAbsent: [ symbol ] 
globalObj := Smalltalk globals
at: symbol
ifAbsent: [
preSelector == nil  (constructorSelector = #yourself)
ifTrue: [
show: symbol , ' is undeclared.'.
(Undeclared includesKey: symbol)
ifTrue: [ ^ Undeclared at: symbol ].
Undeclared at: symbol put: nil.
^ nil ].
^ self error: 'Global ' , symbol , ' not found' ].
ifNotNil: [
hasInterned: preSelector
ifTrue: [ :selector |
[ globalObj := globalObj perform: selector ]
on: Error
do: [ :ex |
ex messageText = 'key not found'
ifTrue: [ ^ nil ].
^ ex signal ] ] ].keep the Proxy if Project 
 does not exist
constructorSelector ifNil: [ ^ globalObj ].
hasInterned: constructorSelector
ifTrue: [ :selector |
[ ^ globalObj perform: selector withArguments: constructorArgs ]
on: Error
do: [ :ex |
ex messageText = 'key not found'
ifTrue: [ ^ nil ].
^ ex signal ] ].args not checked against Renamed
^ nil
 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

Re: [Pharo-project] Pharo 1.3 Seaside 'client' build ?

2011-07-25 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 4:31 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe s...@beta9.bewrote:

PS: Another questions is: is 1.3 'released', if so where are the links on
 the website, where is the 'noise' ?

To paraphrase the famous quote: Pharo code is never released, it escapes!


Re: [Pharo-project] pharo on lion

2011-07-21 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller


On 21 jul 2011, at 08:40, Lukas Renggli reng...@gmail.com wrote:

 Something for Esteban: it would be super cool if the VM had the
 full-screen button in the title bar :-)
 On Thursday, 21 July 2011, Lukas Renggli reng...@gmail.com wrote:
 It worked for me on the GM.
 On Thursday, 21 July 2011, Tudor Girba tu...@tudorgirba.com wrote:
 Is Pharo working Ok on the new OS X Lion? I am asking because I am 
 considering to upgrade.
 Not knowing how to do something is not an argument for how it cannot be 
 Lukas Renggli
 Lukas Renggli

Re: [Pharo-project] Popularity of Smalltalk in Software Industry

2011-05-05 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On 5 maj 2011, at 10:07, Sven Van Caekenberghe s...@beta9.be wrote:

 On 05 May 2011, at 09:58, Toon Verwaest wrote:
 I can tell you that independent of how the industry might perceive the 
 language Smalltalk, learning Smalltalk will make you personally a better 
 software engineer. And this is what the industry does want. You will look at 
 programming from a new angle and this will give you an edge. 
 This is also true for learning other old languages like Scheme or Lisp. As 
 long as you stay within your Java / .NET bubble you will be one in a 
 billion. If you learn Smalltalk, the fact you know something that other 
 people might not makes you more special. The only negative part of learning 
 Smalltalk while working on other types of applications is that you will eat 
 your shoe 95% of the time hating that Java / .NET aren't more evolved and 
 flexible :)
 As it seems that you are already working on a project revolving around 
 Smalltalk, be very happy that you are getting the opportunity to learn it; 
 you'll come out for the better.
 Lastly, don't care too much about popularity within industry. If you take 
 the time to learn the systems for yourself you will probably learn to 
 understand the differences yourself. You are currently also part of industry 
 and obviously don't know Smalltalk well yet; how informed was your decision 
 to not know Smalltalk? You are part of the industry making other people 
 not choose Smalltalk based on your (non-)choice of not using Smalltalk; if 
 they would all think this way! Sheep won't change anything :)
 Very well written, Toon!
 And like you say, there is a danger: Smalltalk is the Red Pill, once you know 
 it and get it, you will never want to go back. 

This is all too true! :-/


 You have been warned.

Re: [Pharo-project] Just starting out

2011-05-04 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Yes, I'm interested too. Sounds reminiscent of the ITAR days of the late 1990s. 
Wonder if I still have that T-shirt...


On 4 maj 2011, at 09:41, Toon Verwaest toon.verwa...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 05/04/2011 07:20 AM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
 this is because they are forced to do so because of a new law in the us 
 about crypto.
 Believe they do not like that.
 What law is that, and why? Sounds interesting :)

Re: [Pharo-project] I am the only one who finds #assert:equals: oppostite to expected?

2011-04-30 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
It feels backwards to me too, in the same way that one plus one equals two 
feels more natural than two equals one plus one.


On 30 apr 2011, at 16:20, Mariano Martinez Peck marianop...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi guys. I always code my tests something like this:
 | universalAnswer |
 universalAnswer := 30.
 universalAnswer := universalAnswer + 11.
 self assert: universalAnswer equals: 42.
 In this case, 42 is the expected and universalAnswer is the actual 
 I feel weird writing like this:
 self assert: 42 equals: universalAnswer.
 I don't know why...but I do..the same as when doing should: []  raise: Error.
 In that case you put the actual first and the expected at the end...
 okthe problem is that assert:equals:  is in fact:   asserts: expected 
 equals: actual  instead of 
 asserts: actual equals: expected
 So, with my test I would receive a description in the debugger that says 
 'Expected 41 but was 42.'
 which is completely the opposite. Of course, if I write my tests in the way I 
 don't like, that is:
  self assert: 42 equals: universalAnswer.
 then i got the correct message 'Expected 42 but was 41.'
 I don't pretend pharo change this because I guess it is standard, and blah 
 blah blah. But senders of #assert:equals: should both, some written as mine 
 (so the message is incorrect for them) and some correct. 
 In addition, I think it is a problem of the selector name. If we could make 
 it clearer, the won't be necessary to confuse actual with expected. 

Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] new mailinglist for tracker mails

2011-04-18 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Many thanks, Marcus!


On 18 apr 2011, at 08:23, Marcus Denker marcus.den...@inria.fr wrote:

 The mails from the google tracker now go to this list:
 in turn, this means the traffic on the pharo-project list should be a bit 
 more managable.
 Marcus Denker  -- http://www.marcusdenker.de
 INRIA Lille -- Nord Europe. Team RMoD.

Re: [Pharo-project] Good reference on time on unit testing?

2011-02-27 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Steven, you're making perfect sense to me, and I think almost everyone here
agrees with you.

Bill's problem (if I've understood him correctly) is that he needs to
convince some pointy-haired-boss-type person, by directing him or her to a
well-respected official statistic that proves what we all know to be
true from experience. Sadly, I think it will be hard to find it :-(


On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 9:04 PM, Steven Baker ste...@stevenrbaker.comwrote:

 I've always felt that test driving code actually results in negative
 time spent on testing. I spend (and everyone I know that tests well
 does as well) a lot less time writing code test-first than I ever
 would writing the same code without the tests first. Also, I spend far
 less time (almost none) manually testing functionality. So TDD results
 in net negative time difference.

 (Apologize if I'm incoherent, the cold and flu drugs are strong in this


 On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 11:51 AM, Norbert Hartl norb...@hartl.name
  On 27.02.2011, at 13:58, Schwab,Wilhelm K wrote:
  Excellent points - I take exception with only one: you assume that all
 developers test - that is sadly not true.  I am involved with a group who
 seem to think that a handful of tests added at the last minute will somehow
 magically fix their problems.
  It seems I wasn't clear on this one. I'm trying to making a point that
 there is no distinction between testing - no testing but between
 testing - writing tests. If you take compilation you test the code for
 syntax and language quirks. If a developer runs the program he develops than
 he is testing already. Testing and running a program is the same form that
 point of view. He takes input parameter and expects output parameter. That
 is testing. The point is just that developers do it manually and that is not
 reproducable. So there is no real difference between manual testing all the
 time and written test case. Only that repeating the testing procedure is
 boring and therefor supposed to be done by a machine. So if developers could
 see that the just need to put the work they already doing into a test will
 ease the work without changing much. They are just changing style and save
 time. That's it. Talking about 100% test coverage and holistic views about
 what the perfect testing could be doesn't help.
  I have no problem arguing that testing (if done well) can/will reduce
 overall development time; the question is how much of that time one should
 expect to devote to writing and maintaining unit and acceptance tests?
  I understand your intention but the view is inapropriate. Coding and
 testing aren't two things. It is something that belongs together (if you
 changed coding style). So that's why it is hard to estimate a time that
 should be spent. To me it is more comparabale to this: We all know
 collections are great. Imagine someone asking you Can anyone recommend a
 good reference on the amount of time one should expect to spend writing code
 that uses collections?. What would you say? There is no answer. That
 doesn't mean you can't solve the problem. But you won't solving it by saying
 It is 38.345 % of the time. If people don't get it you have to convince
 and/or teach them. I had several times where I could show the developer that
 he is gaining time from doing it. That works. Everything else is targeted
 towards excel manipulators.
  From: pharo-project-boun...@lists.gforge.inria.fr [
 pharo-project-boun...@lists.gforge.inria.fr] On Behalf Of Norbert Hartl [
  Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 5:41 AM
  To: Pharo-project@lists.gforge.inria.fr
  Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] Good reference on time on unit testing?
  On 27.02.2011, at 04:52, Schwab,Wilhelm K wrote:
  Hello all,
  Can anyone recommend a good reference on the amount of time one should
 expect to spend writing tests?  I will have to be the messenger (will be
 wearing running shoes just in case...), but I want the message to come from
 a solid source.
  I find that really hard to answer. To me the problem is the question
 itself. I heard the ..amount of time one should expect to spend writing
 tests? so often in companies and I think it was always exactly this phrase.
 While the question is valid it gives the impression there is something that
 decucts time from your normal development work. So the people that are
 asking this question are often managing people that have read something
 about code quality and they want to apply _this_ to their teams.
  The definition over time is troublesome, too. Testing is not easy.
 Everything you read about testing gives you the impression that everyone
 knows how to test and that those developers are just too lazy. And that is
 not true. Most developers I met had problems to see what testing is all
 about. The don't see interfaces as provable promises etc. So if you 

Re: [Pharo-project] Good reference on time on unit testing?

2011-02-26 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller

Couldn't have said it better myself!


On 27 feb 2011, at 08:27, laurent laffont laurent.laff...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 4:52 AM, Schwab,Wilhelm K bsch...@anest.ufl.edu 
 Hello all,
 Can anyone recommend a good reference on the amount of time one should expect 
 to spend writing tests?  I will have to be the messenger (will be wearing 
 running shoes just in case...), but I want the message to come from a solid 
 If you develop the TDD way (which I always do at work) then I would say this 
 question is not valid. Your production code will be there because of tests. 
 In legacy system, new and refactored code will be there because of tests.
 IMHO the questions how much time should I spend writing tests? or how many 
 tests should I write ? are raised when tests are written after. And sadly 
 tests often become a burden in this case and doesn't support the pressure of 
 releases / last minute changes / ...  (I've done it this way almost 10 years 
 ago, not good :)
 In TDD the question is which stories / scenarios do we have to implement ?. 
 It's more a Product owner / customer point of view. 
 The best book on TDD I've read is Dave Astels TDD: a practical guide (Indeed, 
 this one has really changed my mind on how testing should be done, and other 
 books I've read since don't).

Re: [Pharo-project] Smalltalk for engineers

2011-02-05 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Bearded +1


On 5 feb 2011, at 13:02, Geoffroy Couprie geo.coup...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks for advertising my post :)
 On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 8:10 AM, Geert Claes geert.wl.cl...@gmail.com wrote:
 James Robertson spotted this post:
 I was especially interested in the statement you don’t understand what you
 can/should do ...
 Well, we could make a poll to see who is bearded here...
 Working with Smalltalk and Pharo has been a fun journey, and I'm still
 enjoying the ride.
 I especially thank Steph for introducing me to this wonderful platform!

Re: [Pharo-project] Issue 3436 in pharo: #copyFrom: is broken

2011-01-08 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
+100 :-D


On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Stéphane Ducasse

 What we will do is

deprecate copyFrom: from Object - copyStateFrom:
add copyFrom: in Sequenceable
self copyFrom: a to: self size


Re: [Pharo-project] An intuitive (or screwed) #copyFrom:

2011-01-01 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Hehehe. While I was considering whether or not to chip in on this thread,
two thoughts passed through my mind.

The first was that this is one of those annoying silent failures that
Wilhelm would surely pick up on (so I didn't need to bring it up).
The second was that #copyFrom: really should be called #copyStateFrom: to
more accurately reflect what it does, and should be used for.

So now this reply is completely redundant, since Wilhelm also suggested the
same thing, or maybe I should just stop here and write +1 instead :-p


On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 7:39 PM, Schwab,Wilhelm K bsch...@anest.ufl.eduwrote:

 Wow.  In fairness, Dolphin has one or two such oddities.  IIRC, the
 confusion there is that external arrays (DOUBLE, DWORD, etc.) respond to
 #copyFrom:to: in terms of bytes, not elements.

 The problem in this case appears to be that

   'a string with some stuff in it' copyFrom:5

 should blow up because 5 is not a suitable source (a string of some type)
 from which to copy a string's state.  Once it properly reports abuse, we can
 then move on to asking whether we want a copying selector that can be so
 easily confused with copying from an index.  It might be better named

 Sorry to beat the usual drum, but it fits: silent failures need to be
 hunted down and killed.


 From: pharo-project-boun...@lists.gforge.inria.fr [
 pharo-project-boun...@lists.gforge.inria.fr] On Behalf Of Stéphane Ducasse
 Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 1:29 PM
 To: Pharo-project@lists.gforge.inria.fr
 Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] An intuitive (or screwed) #copyFrom:

 HI sebastian

 If I remember correctly you are not the only one bitten by it :) so we
 should do something

 ObjectcopyFrom: anotherObject
Copy to myself all instance variables I have in common with
 anotherObject.  This is dangerous because it ignores an object's control
 over its own inst vars.  

 Now you enumeration is too complex for me :)

  I ask because, if so, situation goes like this:
  A. we think again and decide to do the right thing or we go with the
 alternative which is
  B. we leave it as invalid, as it is right now, and
1. we mislead even to smalltalkers not familiarized to squeak/pharo
2. we rationalize some clever way to see it as a feature even if it
 will mislead everybody (even ourselves in a hurry)
3. we lay a foundation to lightly use protocol that is typically
 used in collections (to do dangerous things like instVar manipulation)
4. we break encapsulation and manipulate extremely primitive things
 in a common sounding selector.
5. we work harder on trying to give the impression that we're
 leaving it like that because we're smarter than the confused people that
 tried to use it (proving to them that we're dumb)
6. we get involved in an unnecessarily complicated way of thinking
 that will complicate unnecessarily our future (guaranteed)
7. we learn how to maintain a screwed attitude in front of people
 trying to use intuition when using pharo
8. we stay comfortable (on the wrong foundation and for the wrong
  That would leave us with this question in the table:
  what is compatible with the Pharo's mission? is it A or B?

 My state of mind is always to make the world better :)

 - did you check the senders to copyFrom:?
sounds ok not so many so we could deprecated it easily

 - did you check in other Smalltalk if this method is used or not?
VW not in Object but in probe something

 - did you check the ansi standard?
I guess that this is not there.

 The finder says:
'if this isn''t broken' . 15 . 'broken'

 no single method, strange but indeed
'if this isn''t broken' . 15 . 20 . 'broken' find copyFrom:to:

 Now what would be a better name



on StringcopyFrom: ?

 Even if I would prefer (but it sucks) StringcopyFromIndex:  but this is
 more coherent with copyFrom: index to: another


Re: [Pharo-project] Dynamic Arrays view index at execution

2010-12-16 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
As Henrik pointed out, foo at 1 won't even compile, let alone return 
anything, because 1 isn't a valid name for a method, and at (without the 
:) doesn't take any arguments. 

To get the first object in an indexable collection, be it String, Array or 
whatever, you use foo at: 1. To get the third object, you use foo at: 3. It 
really is as simple as that.

I usually say that with Smalltalk, if what you're doing feels complicated or 
hard, then you're doing it wrong. Here, you were simply missing the :. 

On 16 dec 2010, at 23:22, flebber flebber.c...@gmail.com wrote:

 Henrik Sperre Johansen wrote:
 Den 16.12.2010 14:48, skrev flebber:
 doing the pharo tutorial and I wanted to know how pharo viewed the
 array at index 3(seems smalltalk starts at 1 not 0)
 From the xample simple enough
 { (2+3) . (6*6) . 'hello', ' Stef'} size. 3
 from the strings example we found index by
 'ProfStef' at: 1. $P
 so I thought { (2+3) . (6*6) . 'hello', ' Stef'} at 3. would let me know
 what the array was evaluated to after execution but it doesn't. Is it
 confused because it doesn't know whether I want the third array element
 the third character?
 Led me to wonder the correct way if doing this, so that I could evaluate
 array 1 * 2.
 { (2+3) . (6*6) . 'hello', ' Stef'} at 1 * at 2. 180
 What do you mean?
 The dynamic array is created with three elements,
 5 (2+3) at index 1,
 36 (6*6) at index 2, and
 'hello Stef' ('hello', ' Stef') at index 3.
 at: 3 thus returns the string.
 at 3 is invalid, as it is basically 2 method calls, array does not
 understand a message called #at, and #3 is an invalid selector anyways.
 For your second expression, writing
 ({ (2+3) . (6*6) . 'hello', ' Stef'} at: 1) * (at: 2)  would not work,
 as you're missing the receiver for the second at: call.
 you'd need to do something like:
 array := { (2+3) . (6*6) . 'hello', ' Stef'}.
 (array at: 1) * (array at: 2). 180
 Yes so simply if at 1 returns the first element of a string, what returns
 the third element of dynamic array, do you have to assign a varaible for the
 array to be able to retrieve elements?
 View this message in context: 
 Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Re: [Pharo-project] good news of the year

2010-12-11 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Yay! Congrats to Igor, and Pharo! :-)


On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 2:18 AM, Tudor Girba tudor.gi...@gmail.com wrote:



 On 11 Dec 2010, at 20:34, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:

  Very exciting!  Good luck  congrats, Igor.  I can't wait to bask in all
  improvements :)
  View this message in context:
  Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk mailing list archive at Nabble.com.


 From an abstract enough point of view, any two things are similar.

Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] 1.2 Dev Packages are loading :)

2010-12-08 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Hehehe, I sure recognize that pattern, since I've done it myself on occasion: 
copy/paste error when writing accessors. You write the getter first, save it, 
then edit it to create the setter...


On 9 dec 2010, at 07:35, Stéphane Ducasse stephane.duca...@inria.fr wrote:

 I do not understand
 model: aModel 
 such kind of methods are the solution.
 To me it looks like a hack or a design problem
 On Dec 9, 2010, at 2:58 AM, Guillermo Polito wrote:
 Sorry, It'll fail until Issue 3385 in pharo: TextEditor doest not understand 
 #model gets fixed. :S
 On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 8:48 AM, Marcus Denker marcus.den...@inria.fr wrote:
 On Dec 8, 2010, at 10:25 AM, Marcus Denker wrote:
 On Dec 7, 2010, at 8:42 PM, Guillermo Polito wrote:
 Ok, I've done some fixes to OB and OC, and committed them to 
 PharoTaskForces as a temporary solution.
 To load current configuration:
 Gofer it squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
  package: 'ConfigurationOfPharo';
 (ConfigurationOfPharo project version: '1.2-beta2') load.
 Can Hudson help us in building Dev images?
 Yes, will set up a build for 1.2 today.
 I have set one up that takes 1.2 core, runs updates and then tries to build 
 It is failing right now.
 Marcus Denker  -- http://www.marcusdenker.de
 INRIA Lille -- Nord Europe. Team RMoD.

Re: [Pharo-project] Popularity or not of smalltalk?

2010-12-07 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
+10^27 (That's hellaplus ;-))

Best and most positive rant I've heard in a long time!


On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 2:26 AM, Eliot Miranda eliot.mira...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hear hear!!

 (specific responses below)

 On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 5:21 PM, Jimmie Houchin jlhouc...@gmail.comwrote:

 On 12/7/2010 5:38 PM, csra...@bol.com.br wrote:


 Hope that additional to the fun, we can converge to an understanding how
 can we increase Smalltalk popularity.

 OTOH, I made the reference as a sample, I did not intend to have this as
 all encompassing list of issues nor start a thread about comparisons with
 other languages.

 As I said earlier, what is 'trivial' or 'intuitive' for some is
 'maverick' or 'bizarre' for others, it is in the eyes of the beholder... ;-)

 My main message is more around this: although Smalltalk was a very
 advanced technology when its inception, present status have almost all of
 its characteristics embedded in present technology.  Even, when newer
 concepts as xUnit have started in Smalltalk, the _concept_ was absorbed in
 mainstream technologies so again we're stuck with small delta between what
 Smalltalk does 'better' than the incumbent technologies we would like to

 I can't help but disagree with this most strenuously.

 Almost nothing has touched Smalltalk's advanced technology. They don't
 have the world view or paradigm for doing so. They are languages that
 operate in dead cycles. They have dead processes and do dead post mortem
 debugging. Yuck!  (yes, I know that was redundant. :)

 I am not a computer scientist or trained programmer. I am a creative guy
 who is a businessman. I find Smalltalk empowering. I also use Python when
 necessary, but Squeak/Pharo is my preferred language. I find myself
 infinitely more productive in Smalltalk than in Python. Operating in a live
 environment is incredibly empowering, enabling and productive. Where else
 can I find this. C, C++, C#, Java, Python, Ruby, VB, nope, none...

 Demonstrating large scale Smalltalk projects have been canceled does not
 prove Smalltalk's inferiority, nor that the competition (should one choose
 to refer to them as such) has caught up or passed us. Especially when said
 project was not canceled for technical reasons but political ones and for
 software that was/is demonstrably inferior to the already existing Smalltalk
 software. But what it does prove is that Smalltalk has been and can be
 effectively deployed for large scale projects where someone has the courage
 or political will to choose something different than the status quo

 The decisions of PHBs (Pointy Haired Bosses, Dilbert) does not invalidate
 anything about Smalltalk. After all their primary motivation is job
 security, not project success. No one ever got fired for choosing, MS, Java,
 IBM, Oracle, etc...

 The biggest weakness for Smalltalk or at least our open source version in
 Squeak/Pharo IMHO is its integration, cooperation or access story to certain
 outside systems and technologies. And I speak as an end user who cannot
 develop a plugin, or use Alien or FFI and program in C.  In my situation for
 example. I have to interface to either a Windows dll or to a Java library to
 access financial servers. No choice. So I must choose a technology which can
 interface their technology. In my case, I chose to use Python to interface
 the Windows dll. I have written a minimal Python app which accesses the dll
 and thus the servers to access the data and my accounts. But the business
 logic I am writing in Pharo. The Python app simply provides my Pharo app the
 data and executes the actions directed by the Pharo app.

 Indeed.  An immature FFI, lack of dll options etc.  Integration is indeed
 one of the biggest weaknesses.  But we're making progress here.  So things
 may be different in months, if not years.

 I would that I could have interfaced the dll (or Java library) directly
 from Pharo. But despite that obstacle I am choosing to write my app in
 Pharo. Most in this business are using VB/C#/Java. They do not provide the
 flexibility or productivity that I have in Pharo/Smalltalk. They do not
 enable the small guy like me as well as Pharo/Smalltalk. Yes, this is my
 opinion. But guess what. This is a Pharo mailing list populated by people
 who are for and proponents of Smalltalk. If we favored other languages and
 environments we would be there. Many of those on the this list are also
 pretty dog gone expert in the other technologies as well. They did not make
 their decisions out of ignorance. What I don't understand is that if you are
 so convinced that the advantages of Smalltalk are so minimal and of no
 consequence, then why are you here?

 I would like to see Pharo/Squeak bridge the gap to be able to interface
 system components or other business libraries. I would like to be able to
 use Pharo/Squeak anywhere I could use Python. I would like to see that there
 are fewer and fewer technical 

Re: [Pharo-project] Teleplace is hiring...

2010-12-06 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Great news to hear that there *are* Smalltalk jobs out there after all! :-)
But, still none in Sweden (yet) :-(

Good luck finding the right person (or persons)!


On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 11:51 PM, Eliot Miranda eliot.mira...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi All,

 Are you eager to work on cutting-edge business communications technology?
  Are you passionate about UI design?  Do you have significant experience
 implementing innovative user interfaces in Smalltalk?  Do you and your peers
 consider yourself a strong Smalltalk programmer?  If so, Teleplace is hiring
 and looking for someone just like you.  Please send resumes to Stephen
 Ceplenski st...@teleplace.com, Andreas Raab andreas.r...@teleplace.com
 or myself, Eliot Miranda el...@teleplace.com.


Re: [Pharo-project] Issue 3270 in pharo: fix xor: to work with blocks and booleans

2010-11-29 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller


On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Peter van Rooijen pe...@vanrooijen.comwrote:


 I don't get why it should work with blocks, since evaluation
 of the exclusive OR operation cannot be short-circuited.
 Therefore there is no reason to ever use a block as an argument.

 #and: and #or: take a block as an argument precisely because
 for 50% of the receivers (i.e., false and true, respectively)
 it is known in advance that the value of the expression in the
 argument block is irrelevant, so it would be at least wasteful
 to evaluate it.

 But this reasoning does not apply to #xor:.

 I think it is simply a user mistake when a block is provided
 as argument, where a boolean is required.

 It's an understandable mistake (that I've made myself ;) since xor:
 has such similarities to or: that you automatically want to start
 a block unless you're really thinking about what you're doing.

 So, I don't see the bug. Thus, I don't see the fix. I do see
 obscure code (aBoolean value)and wasted time because of the
 extra message send.

 Apologies if this is a late response, I unly just saw the issue mentioned.

 Cheers, Peter

 On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 18:55:41 +0100, ph...@googlecode.com wrote:

  Status: Fixed
 Owner: marcus.denker
 Labels: Milestone-1.2

 New issue 3270 by marcus.denker: fix xor: to work with blocks and booleans

 ... so that it works like or: (calling #value on the argument. This means
 it will continue to work with booleans, too).

XOr.1.cs  903 bytes

Re: [Pharo-project] permutations / combinations implementation

2010-11-15 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Hi Doru!

I did a lot of work with permutations and combinations a few years back when I 
was writing code to help me solve the challenges in Simon Singh's The Code 

It probably isn't comprehensive (and it's all in VisualAge Smalltalk), but I 
expect it might provide a large chunk of what you're looking for. I could try 
and find it for you, if you like. 


On 15 nov 2010, at 10:55, Tudor Girba tudor.gi...@gmail.com wrote:

 Is there an implementation of permutations and combinations of a collection?
 Presenting is storytelling.

Re: [Pharo-project] [Idiom] 'myfile.txt' asFileName readStream contents

2010-10-30 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
The result you got is what I would have expected too.


On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 12:50 PM, Hannes Hirzel hannes.hir...@gmail.comwrote:


 Randal Schwartz writes in his blog

 about streams citing Derek Williams   http://derekwilliams.us/?p=1411

 He gives the following as an example of elegant syntax of Smalltalk

'myfile.txt' asFileName readStream contents

 This does not work in Squeak nor in Pharo.

 It produces a ReadStream on the contents of the _String_  'myfile.txt'.
 i.e. the ByteString with 10 elements.




Re: [Pharo-project] [Idiom] 'myfile.txt' asFileName readStream contents

2010-10-30 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Sure, but when you send #readStream to a String, then you'll always get a
ReadStream on that String.

Perhaps there is a similarly-named method like #asReadFileStream that he
meant to write instead (and that is just a guess, since I have no way of
checking at the moment)


On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Hannes Hirzel hannes.hir...@gmail.comwrote:

 Surely, but not what Randal implies in terms of streams I suppose

 The idiom implies that a file stream is created and that I get the
 content of a file -- not the content of the file name.


 On 10/30/10, Peter Hugosson-Miller oldmanl...@gmail.com wrote:
  The result you got is what I would have expected too.
  On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 12:50 PM, Hannes Hirzel
  Randal Schwartz writes in his blog
  about streams citing Derek Williams   http://derekwilliams.us/?p=1411
  He gives the following as an example of elegant syntax of Smalltalk
 'myfile.txt' asFileName readStream contents
  This does not work in Squeak nor in Pharo.
  It produces a ReadStream on the contents of the _String_  'myfile.txt'.
  i.e. the ByteString with 10 elements.

Re: [Pharo-project] Compiler pedantic about ifNotNil: argument

2010-10-11 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
I think this discussion has diverged a lot from the original question, which
is to do with the compiler being too pedantic.

#ifNotNil: and friends are the selectors of methods which just happen to
give the compiler an opportunity for a nice optimization, in the case when
the argument that follows is a literal block. In all other cases they can be
treated as message sends. If the compiler starts to impose limitations on
the language just because some magic selectors can be treated specially,
then IMO it is not behaving as it should.

Smalltalk is beautiful because it is so simple: everything is an object, and
all processing is done by sending messages to objects. Of course, in the
interests of speed, we can write a compiler that actually does something
different under the covers, like causing a branch in the byte codes instead
of sending a message, and of course the cases when that can be done need to
be clearly defined. But that does not mean that these magic selectors should
be allowed to pose limitations on how they can be used, because then we no
longer have Smalltalk, we have Smalltalk-- instead.

Now, the above discussion is orthogonal to the questions of what is good
style, what is readable, maintainable, understandable to newbies, etc, etc.
Those questions are IMO just as important, but they should have nothing do
do with what the compiler is supposed to do. If the compiler is being too
pedantic, then it should be fixed. Then we can start discussing good style
without mixing apples and oranges together.


On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 5:03 PM, Stéphane Ducasse stephane.duca...@inria.fr

 I think that for typing in a transcript experessions when you want to
 experiment with something
 selectors are fun but not in method body. But I know that this is not a
 really good argument. Just feeling.
 May be we get trapped in our way of thinking.

  I personally don't like the ifTrue:ifFalse: related changes, though it's
 a logical change. I probably won't use that feature though. But I like the
 monadic block - keyword selector substitution. Maybe the best is to add a
 setting/preference to the compiler.

 Pharo-project mailing list

Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] Cecinestpasunepomme best squeaksource package name!

2010-09-13 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
LOL! Nice with a little Magritte humour ;-)

On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 11:18 AM, stephane ducasse stephane.duca...@free.fr


 Cecinestpasunepomme best squeaksource package name!


 Pharo-project mailing list

Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] Can't file in *.st exports

2010-08-19 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Pardon me for being blunt, Robert, but we're going to need a bit more to go on 
than some sort of weird system error.

Could you please attach a file that you tried to file in, and maybe a 
screenshot of the error? It would certainly increase your chances of getting 
some help ;-)


On 19 aug 2010, at 17:11, Robert Sirois watchl...@hotmail.com wrote:

 There's some sort of weird system error when I try to fileIn a *.st file 
 (like a class method). It asks me to CR for a debugger or any key to 
 restart. I ended up having to force quit.
 This is in the latest 1.1 one-click.
 Pharo-project mailing list

Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] Can't file in *.st exports

2010-08-19 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Better :-) The attached image is of a stack trace that shows where the error
occurs, which is certainly helpful!

During the execution of ArrayedCollection#mergeSortFrom:to:by:, the
message #clone is sent to an instance of Array, and the message is not
understood, which means that there is no method called #clone in the Array
class or any of its superclasses.

So the question is, why is the message being sent, when no corresponding
method exists on the receiver? One possibility is that there is an error in
the method where the #clone message is being sent, or that the missing
method just hasn't been filed in yet. The next step would probably be to
look at the file being filed in, and see what methods it contains. Perhaps
it depends on another file that needs to be filed in first?


2010/8/19 Robert Sirois watchl...@hotmail.com

  No problem, Pharo's driving me crazy today hehe.

 It says: *** system error handling failed *** (see attached image).


  From: oldmanl...@gmail.com
  Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 17:33:03 +0200
  To: Pharo-project@lists.gforge.inria.fr
  Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] Can't file in *.st exports

  Pardon me for being blunt, Robert, but we're going to need a bit more to
 go on than some sort of weird system error.
  Could you please attach a file that you tried to file in, and maybe a
 screenshot of the error? It would certainly increase your chances of getting
 some help ;-)
  On 19 aug 2010, at 17:11, Robert Sirois watchl...@hotmail.com wrote:
   There's some sort of weird system error when I try to fileIn a *.st
 file (like a class method). It asks me to CR for a debugger or any key to
 restart. I ended up having to force quit.
   This is in the latest 1.1 one-click.
   Pharo-project mailing list
  Pharo-project mailing list

 Pharo-project mailing list

Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] little pictures of you :)

2010-08-12 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Looks simple enough :-)



On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 4:32 AM, Serge Stinckwich 
serge.stinckw...@gmail.com wrote:

 2010/8/11 Miguel Enrique Cobá Martínez miguel.c...@gmail.com:
  El mié, 11-08-2010 a las 14:09 +0200, laurent laffont escribió:
  +1 to pictures in website.
  +1 to pictures in website
  -1 to facebook or external sites, but...
  maybe gravatar.com could be used



 Serge Stinckwich
 UMI UMMISCO 209 (IRD/UPMC), Hanoi, Vietnam
 Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk

 Pharo-project mailing list

Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] little pictures of you :)

2010-08-11 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Indeed: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=103975957018 Only 26 members
at the moment, surely we can do better ;-)


On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 1:27 PM, Adrian Lienhard a...@netstyle.ch wrote:

 Wouldn't Facebook do exactly this?


 On Aug 11, 2010, at 12:47 , Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

  Hi guys
  the pharo web site does not support that yet :)
  but I would love to have some pictures of you because this is not that
 fun to talk daily with people
  when we do not even know their faces so we could start to build a pharo
 fun community.
  Let me know what you think.
  Pharo-project mailing list

 Pharo-project mailing list

Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] little pictures of you :)

2010-08-11 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Hehe, I just added you ;-)

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 11:37 PM, Germán Arduino gardu...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm the opposite, I use Facebook and all my data is there.

 Pics, sites, twitter, etc.


 2010/8/11 Geert Claes geert.wl.cl...@gmail.com:
  Norbert Hartl wrote:
  I just left facebook and I'm not willing to get into this again.
  +1 I tried but closed my Facebook account too.
  ps. you can add a picture on your account on the forum.world.st Nabble
  forums, but ideally these profile photo should probably go in the member
  profiles of the next/improved Squeak/Pharo Source
  View this message in context:
  Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
  Pharo-project mailing list

 Pharo-project mailing list

Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] Where is everyone? Watching the world cup?

2010-06-21 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Same here, nothing since Wednesday, so I assumed it was the football :-p

Still now it's working again for me, so whatever the real problem was, it
appears to have been fixed.

Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] issue 2512 - PNG Tests failure

2010-06-05 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Hmmm, weren't these the tests that failed in 1.0 if you ran all the tests in
one go? I know they were in the neighbourhood anyway, since I spent some
time trying to chase them down, and recognise those method names from then.

Maybe Torsten knows a bit more about them, since he was the one that put me
on the trail...


2010/6/5 Fabrizio Perin fabrizio.pe...@gmail.com


 the following tests fail:


 They were both green in Pharo 1.0. Also the current implementation of 
 class has been file in into the last Squeak trunk image and they are
 green. So the last modifications on the the PNG package cause those methods



 Pharo-project mailing list

Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] #and:and:and: deprecated on 1.1, why?

2010-05-26 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Thanks, Lucas!

I like nice clear concise lists of logical reasons like this :-)

Not that I disagree with Stef in any way at all, but can you think of
reasons - other than the historical ones - why #value:value:value: and
friends are to be preferred over #valueWithArguments: ?


On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Lukas Renggli reng...@gmail.com wrote:

  not right to me. I wanted to express the feeling that, for me, the one
  of the best things about Smalltalk is its readability in difference to
  C, which is very fast. The »new compiler optimize« both, anyway.

 - The New Compiler does not yet work.

 - The optimized #and:and:and: code never decompiled correctly.

 - The exact semantics of #and:and:and: is not clear without knowing
 how it is implemented.

 - There are subtle semantic differences between a and: [ b ] and: [ c
 ] and: [ d ] and a and: [ b and: [ c and: [ d ] ] ] if the
 conditions have side-effects.

 - The #and:and:and: constructs are very confusing to newbies, I have
 seen that numerous times.

 - The use of #and:and:and: doesn't shorten code.

 - #and:and:and: is not necessary from a language point of view.

 - And most important for me: #and:and:and: is incompatible with the
 rest of the world.


 Lukas Renggli

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Re: [Pharo-project] how to simply double a ' inside string

2010-05-04 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Oscar, you should think of the question as: what is the simplest piece of
code that could take your string ('', which has two quotes in it) and
return a new one with four quotes in it instead of two?


On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 10:33 AM, Oscar Nierstrasz os...@iam.unibe.chwrote:

 s := ''.
 s size - 2

 works fine for me. am i missing something?

 - on

 On May 3, 2010, at 22:54 , Schwab,Wilhelm K wrote:

  First, try #printString - it might do the job for you.  Failing that, you
 can do something like
  | out |
  out := WriteStream on:String new.
  self do:[ :c |
   c = $' ifTrue:[ out nextPut:$' ].
   out nextPut:c.
  ^out contents.
  I'll be interested to see all of the better ways to do this.
  -Original Message-
  From: pharo-project-boun...@lists.gforge.inria.fr [mailto:
 pharo-project-boun...@lists.gforge.inria.fr] On Behalf Of Stéphane Ducasse
  Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 3:48 PM
  To: Pharo Development
  Subject: [Pharo-project] how to simply double a ' inside string
  Does anybody know how to double a ' inside a string?
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Re: [Pharo-project] how to simply double a ' inside string

2010-05-04 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Nice! :-D Follows the KISS principle perfectly!


On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Oscar Nierstrasz os...@iam.unibe.chwrote:

 Ah!  Now, I get it.

 What about this?

 '' join: ( split: 'don''t') - 'dont'

 Not as efficient as using a stream, but pretty simple.

 - on

 On May 4, 2010, at 10:54 , Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:

  Oscar, you should think of the question as: what is the simplest piece
 of code that could take your string ('', which has two quotes in it) and
 return a new one with four quotes in it instead of two?
  On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 10:33 AM, Oscar Nierstrasz os...@iam.unibe.ch
  s := ''.
  s size - 2
  works fine for me. am i missing something?
  - on
  On May 3, 2010, at 22:54 , Schwab,Wilhelm K wrote:
   First, try #printString - it might do the job for you.  Failing that,
 you can do something like
   | out |
   out := WriteStream on:String new.
   self do:[ :c |
c = $' ifTrue:[ out nextPut:$' ].
out nextPut:c.
   ^out contents.
   I'll be interested to see all of the better ways to do this.
   -Original Message-
   From: pharo-project-boun...@lists.gforge.inria.fr [mailto:
 pharo-project-boun...@lists.gforge.inria.fr] On Behalf Of Stéphane Ducasse
   Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 3:48 PM
   To: Pharo Development
   Subject: [Pharo-project] how to simply double a ' inside string
   Does anybody know how to double a ' inside a string?
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Re: [Pharo-project] what expectedfailures expected to do?

2010-04-21 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
I'm trying to follow along with this discussion, but now I feel really
stupid :-(

I've been using SUnit since 1998 (when it was still called
BeckTestingFramework), and ever since expected failures showed up, I've
never understood them. So I wonder if some kind guru-like person
could please explain to me what they are useful for? I mean, to my way of
thinking, if one writes a test that is expected to fail, then why not invert
the test and call it a success instead?

for example:

  self should: [answer = 42]

...as an expected failure could simply be re-written as

  self should: [answer ~= 42]

...right? No, obviously I've missed something really obvious and important,
and that's why I'm asking the question now. Please be gentle ;-)


On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Stéphane Ducasse 
stephane.duca...@inria.fr wrote:

 We should have a look at what adrian did now the problem is that
 understanding a large set of changes is more difficult than a couple of
 simple ones.
 If somebody want to help we are open.

  I think Adrian Kuhn did that in his SUnit work. I also remember he also
 introduced a difference between expectedFailures and expectedErrors.
  On 21 Apr 2010, at 10:16, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
  On Apr 21, 2010, at 9:51 AM, Adrian Lienhard wrote:
  Yea, I agree, the GUI is suboptimal.
  I still think, though, that treating this case as a failure is correct.
 For instance, consider the case where you had added a workaround to a known
 bug and when the bug is fixed you need to remove the workaround again. Maybe
 it even leads to a wrong behavior now that the bug is gone. In this case you
 really want to know that the test does not fail anymore.
  Now I have the impression that expectedFailures should be like passes,
 failed, errors: a state of the tests.
  In any case, I think that tagging methods as expected failures should
 be done with pragmas and not with #expectedFailures. Like this it would also
 be much easier to understand what's going on when you have a failure in this
 test although all assertions pass.
  On Apr 21, 2010, at 08:22 , Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
  On Apr 20, 2010, at 11:20 PM, Adrian Lienhard wrote:
  Yes, if a test that is expected to fail does not fail, this is
 treated as a failure. I think that makes sense.
  well it depends about the scenario.
  you put on expectedfailures something that gets in your way now, so
 after if it works even better.
  of course you should get notified that the test is green while
 expected it to failed.
  Now it leads to a UI problem where you have a failure that passes so
 when you click on it nothing happens: no debugger.
  And you can wonder why the hell do I have a failure when my tests
  So I think that this implementation of expectedFailures is a hack.
  On Apr 20, 2010, at 21:57 , Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
  I tagged some tests as expected failures and I got a strange
  On the the tests which was passing was listed under the failures.
  When I renamed the method without updating the expected failures my
 bar was green.
  So expected failures really expect that the tests failed? We cannto
 have green tests in there?
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Re: [Pharo-project] what expectedfailures expected to do?

2010-04-21 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Thanks for answering, Doru!

So if I've understood you correctly, expected failures are useful when one
wants to give some code to someone else, with all the tests running green,
but at the same time let that person know that some specific tests are
really still red, but known about. In other words, are they simply a way of
documenting work in progress, and not for production code?


On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Tudor Girba tudor.gi...@gmail.com wrote:


 The idea behind this is that you can use unit tests to document things you
 have not done yet, or bugs that you know about but you do not want to spend
 time working on right now.

 Simply reverting the assertion in your test does make the test runner
 green, but it fails to document the intention, and a newcomer might get to
 the false conclusion that the answer is not 42. By marking the test as
 expected failure, you make the test runner green, but you also explicitly
 say that the answer should be 42, but the machine is not quite perfect yet.


 On 21 Apr 2010, at 11:06, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:

  I'm trying to follow along with this discussion, but now I feel really
 stupid :-(

 I've been using SUnit since 1998 (when it was still called
 BeckTestingFramework), and ever since expected failures showed up, I've
 never understood them. So I wonder if some kind guru-like person could
 please explain to me what they are useful for? I mean, to my way of
 thinking, if one writes a test that is expected to fail, then why not invert
 the test and call it a success instead?

 for example:

  self should: [answer = 42]

 ...as an expected failure could simply be re-written as

  self should: [answer ~= 42]

 ...right? No, obviously I've missed something really obvious and
 important, and that's why I'm asking the question now. Please be gentle ;-)


 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Stéphane Ducasse 
 stephane.duca...@inria.fr wrote:
 We should have a look at what adrian did now the problem is that
 understanding a large set of changes is more difficult than a couple of
 simple ones.
 If somebody want to help we are open.

  I think Adrian Kuhn did that in his SUnit work. I also remember he also
 introduced a difference between expectedFailures and expectedErrors.
  On 21 Apr 2010, at 10:16, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
  On Apr 21, 2010, at 9:51 AM, Adrian Lienhard wrote:
  Yea, I agree, the GUI is suboptimal.
  I still think, though, that treating this case as a failure is
 correct. For instance, consider the case where you had added a workaround to
 a known bug and when the bug is fixed you need to remove the workaround
 again. Maybe it even leads to a wrong behavior now that the bug is gone. In
 this case you really want to know that the test does not fail anymore.
  Now I have the impression that expectedFailures should be like passes,
 failed, errors: a state of the tests.
  In any case, I think that tagging methods as expected failures should
 be done with pragmas and not with #expectedFailures. Like this it would also
 be much easier to understand what's going on when you have a failure in this
 test although all assertions pass.
  On Apr 21, 2010, at 08:22 , Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
  On Apr 20, 2010, at 11:20 PM, Adrian Lienhard wrote:
  Yes, if a test that is expected to fail does not fail, this is
 treated as a failure. I think that makes sense.
  well it depends about the scenario.
  you put on expectedfailures something that gets in your way now, so
 after if it works even better.
  of course you should get notified that the test is green while
 expected it to failed.
  Now it leads to a UI problem where you have a failure that passes so
 when you click on it nothing happens: no debugger.
  And you can wonder why the hell do I have a failure when my tests
  So I think that this implementation of expectedFailures is a hack.
  On Apr 20, 2010, at 21:57 , Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
  I tagged some tests as expected failures and I got a strange
  On the the tests which was passing was listed under the failures.
  When I renamed the method without updating the expected failures my
 bar was green.
  So expected failures really expect that the tests failed? We cannto
 have green tests in there?
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Re: [Pharo-project] what expectedfailures expected to do?

2010-04-21 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:34 AM, Tudor Girba tudor.gi...@gmail.com wrote:

 Basically yes.

 It's not just for giving it to someone else, but also for yourself. The
 idea is to quickly notice when tests change color (from green to red), so
 instead of remembering how many failed before and comparing with the current
 number of failures, you simply mark them as expected failures and your bar
 becomes green.

Thanks, I think I get it now.

So really, I shouldn't expect to see any expected failures in Pharo 1.0, but
since Pharo 1.1 is still in alpha, it would be OK to have some there until
it's ready for release.



 On 21 Apr 2010, at 11:28, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:

  Thanks for answering, Doru!

 So if I've understood you correctly, expected failures are useful when one
 wants to give some code to someone else, with all the tests running green,
 but at the same time let that person know that some specific tests are
 really still red, but known about. In other words, are they simply a way of
 documenting work in progress, and not for production code?


 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Tudor Girba tudor.gi...@gmail.com

 The idea behind this is that you can use unit tests to document things you
 have not done yet, or bugs that you know about but you do not want to spend
 time working on right now.

 Simply reverting the assertion in your test does make the test runner
 green, but it fails to document the intention, and a newcomer might get to
 the false conclusion that the answer is not 42. By marking the test as
 expected failure, you make the test runner green, but you also explicitly
 say that the answer should be 42, but the machine is not quite perfect yet.


 On 21 Apr 2010, at 11:06, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:

 I'm trying to follow along with this discussion, but now I feel really
 stupid :-(

 I've been using SUnit since 1998 (when it was still called
 BeckTestingFramework), and ever since expected failures showed up, I've
 never understood them. So I wonder if some kind guru-like person could
 please explain to me what they are useful for? I mean, to my way of
 thinking, if one writes a test that is expected to fail, then why not invert
 the test and call it a success instead?

 for example:

 self should: [answer = 42]

 ...as an expected failure could simply be re-written as

 self should: [answer ~= 42]

 ...right? No, obviously I've missed something really obvious and
 important, and that's why I'm asking the question now. Please be gentle ;-)


 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Stéphane Ducasse 
 stephane.duca...@inria.fr wrote:
 We should have a look at what adrian did now the problem is that
 understanding a large set of changes is more difficult than a couple of
 simple ones.
 If somebody want to help we are open.

  I think Adrian Kuhn did that in his SUnit work. I also remember he also
 introduced a difference between expectedFailures and expectedErrors.
  On 21 Apr 2010, at 10:16, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
  On Apr 21, 2010, at 9:51 AM, Adrian Lienhard wrote:
  Yea, I agree, the GUI is suboptimal.
  I still think, though, that treating this case as a failure is
 correct. For instance, consider the case where you had added a workaround to
 a known bug and when the bug is fixed you need to remove the workaround
 again. Maybe it even leads to a wrong behavior now that the bug is gone. In
 this case you really want to know that the test does not fail anymore.
  Now I have the impression that expectedFailures should be like passes,
 failed, errors: a state of the tests.
  In any case, I think that tagging methods as expected failures should
 be done with pragmas and not with #expectedFailures. Like this it would also
 be much easier to understand what's going on when you have a failure in this
 test although all assertions pass.
  On Apr 21, 2010, at 08:22 , Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
  On Apr 20, 2010, at 11:20 PM, Adrian Lienhard wrote:
  Yes, if a test that is expected to fail does not fail, this is
 treated as a failure. I think that makes sense.
  well it depends about the scenario.
  you put on expectedfailures something that gets in your way now, so
 after if it works even better.
  of course you should get notified that the test is green while
 expected it to failed.
  Now it leads to a UI problem where you have a failure that passes so
 when you click on it nothing happens: no debugger.
  And you can wonder why the hell do I have a failure when my tests
  So I think that this implementation of expectedFailures is a hack.
  On Apr 20, 2010, at 21:57 , Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
  I tagged some tests as expected failures and I got a strange
  On the the tests which was passing was listed under the failures.
  When I renamed the method without updating the expected

Re: [Pharo-project] what expectedfailures expected to do?

2010-04-21 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Stéphane Ducasse stephane.duca...@inria.fr

 On Apr 21, 2010, at 11:47 AM, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:

  On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:34 AM, Tudor Girba tudor.gi...@gmail.com
  Basically yes.
  It's not just for giving it to someone else, but also for yourself. The
 idea is to quickly notice when tests change color (from green to red), so
 instead of remembering how many failed before and comparing with the current
 number of failures, you simply mark them as expected failures and your bar
 becomes green.
  Thanks, I think I get it now.
  So really, I shouldn't expect to see any expected failures in Pharo 1.0,
 but since Pharo 1.1 is still in alpha, it would be OK to have some there
 until it's ready for release.

 in a perfect world now in pharo we have tests that are red and we could not
 fixed easily.

Ah, OK. I guess it's really a question of perception. The world in which I
work is a bit different from the wonderful world of Pharo (no sarcasm
intended!), in that we can't ship *anything* unless *all* our tests are
green. The concept of expected failures just has no place, because as long
as there are failures we still have work to do.

I can understand Doru's description of an expected failure as a kind of
bookmark, to be added and discarded during the day, but I get a bit nervous
that the sight of too much green might make me miss the fact that I'm not
finished yet :-p

  On 21 Apr 2010, at 11:28, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:
  Thanks for answering, Doru!
  So if I've understood you correctly, expected failures are useful when
 one wants to give some code to someone else, with all the tests running
 green, but at the same time let that person know that some specific tests
 are really still red, but known about. In other words, are they simply a way
 of documenting work in progress, and not for production code?
  On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Tudor Girba tudor.gi...@gmail.com
  The idea behind this is that you can use unit tests to document things
 you have not done yet, or bugs that you know about but you do not want to
 spend time working on right now.
  Simply reverting the assertion in your test does make the test runner
 green, but it fails to document the intention, and a newcomer might get to
 the false conclusion that the answer is not 42. By marking the test as
 expected failure, you make the test runner green, but you also explicitly
 say that the answer should be 42, but the machine is not quite perfect yet.
  On 21 Apr 2010, at 11:06, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:
  I'm trying to follow along with this discussion, but now I feel really
 stupid :-(
  I've been using SUnit since 1998 (when it was still called
 BeckTestingFramework), and ever since expected failures showed up, I've
 never understood them. So I wonder if some kind guru-like person could
 please explain to me what they are useful for? I mean, to my way of
 thinking, if one writes a test that is expected to fail, then why not invert
 the test and call it a success instead?
  for example:
  self should: [answer = 42]
  ...as an expected failure could simply be re-written as
  self should: [answer ~= 42]
  ...right? No, obviously I've missed something really obvious and
 important, and that's why I'm asking the question now. Please be gentle ;-)
  On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Stéphane Ducasse 
 stephane.duca...@inria.fr wrote:
  We should have a look at what adrian did now the problem is that
 understanding a large set of changes is more difficult than a couple of
 simple ones.
  If somebody want to help we are open.
   I think Adrian Kuhn did that in his SUnit work. I also remember he also
 introduced a difference between expectedFailures and expectedErrors.
   On 21 Apr 2010, at 10:16, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
   On Apr 21, 2010, at 9:51 AM, Adrian Lienhard wrote:
   Yea, I agree, the GUI is suboptimal.
   I still think, though, that treating this case as a failure is
 correct. For instance, consider the case where you had added a workaround to
 a known bug and when the bug is fixed you need to remove the workaround
 again. Maybe it even leads to a wrong behavior now that the bug is gone. In
 this case you really want to know that the test does not fail anymore.
   Now I have the impression that expectedFailures should be like passes,
 failed, errors: a state of the tests.
   In any case, I think that tagging methods as expected failures should
 be done with pragmas and not with #expectedFailures. Like this it would also
 be much easier to understand what's going on when you have a failure in this
 test although all assertions pass.
   On Apr 21, 2010, at 08:22 , Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
   On Apr 20, 2010, at 11:20 PM

[Pharo-project] Hints and clues for a Pharo newb

2010-04-21 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Hi all,

So it's time for me to stop lurking and do some stuff. However, although I
am an experienced Smalltalk programmer (VisualAge Smalltalk continuously
since 1995), I am a complete newb when it comes to Pharo and Squeak, it's
hard to find my way around, and it's going to take me some time to get up to

I'm working on a small improvement to the testing framework, using ideas
that I have found to be very useful in my daily job over the past 15 years.
Note that I am doing this from scratch, so that I don't accidentally steal
anything that I've done in my work, but I know how it all works in
VisualAge, so I feel sure that I'll eventually be able to find the
corresponding classes and methods in Pharo.

What I would like are a few hints, clues and nudges in the right direction
for scenarios and questions that I will describe in this thread. What I
*don't* want are full-blown solutions, because then I won't learn anything.
I hope that some kind souls will be able to give me a little help in the
beginning that will eventually bring me up to speed and let me be

So to start with, one scenario and one question:

1) I want to find or write a method on Process that will print a stack trace
onto a supplied Stream. Ideally I'd like to be able to decide the start and
stop depth of the trace, so for example if I know that the top 4 stack
frames will always be uninteresting, I would want to be able to write
something like this:

  Processor activeProcess printStackFrom: 5 to: 15 on: aStream.

2) What *exactly* is thisContext? It appears to be a reserved word in
Pharo, just like the familiar self, super, true, false, nil that
are always reserved in Smalltalk. I'd also like to get an idea of what it's
good for, and if anyone can describe it in terms of something that is in
VisualAge, that would be nice too :-)

BTW, if this is not the appropriate place for a thread like this, then
please tell me where I should put it (politely, of course :-p)

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Re: [Pharo-project] FFI in 1.1

2010-04-20 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Stef, I like how you're thinking, but your list raises one question in  
my mind: how do you propose to load anything into Mini without a  
Compiler? Sorry if that's a stupid question, but I need to know :-p


On 20 apr 2010, at 08.59, Stéphane Ducasse stephane.duca...@inria.fr  

The question is what we call core.
I think that core should contain less and less but pharo should  
contain infrastructure and FFI or Alien

are infrastructure.

If you look at my answer to German on Re: [Pharo-project] Really  
Important message (tm)

April 16
You can see that with a fast loading package mechanism then we could  
really introduce in Pharo-Core (= what we have now)
infrastructure package to produce Pharo and works on making a real  
core. FFI does not belong to this core=mini but

to Pharo from my point of view

Mini + FFI + Tools + IDE + Compiler = PharoCore
Pharo + Sounds + Morphic examples + archiview = Pharo

Note that the belonging of one package to group is not automatically  

This is why metacello is key and a metacelloRepository.


I wouldn't include neither FFI or Alien FFI in neither PharoCore  
or PharoDev



That's only my opinion.

Maybe Stef should tell us more about why he thinks it should be  


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Re: [Pharo-project] FFI in 1.1

2010-04-20 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On 20 apr 2010, at 09.13, Stéphane Ducasse stephane.duca...@inria.fr  

On Apr 20, 2010, at 9:06 AM, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:

Stef, I like how you're thinking, but your list raises one question  
in my mind: how do you propose to load anything into Mini without  
a Compiler? Sorry if that's a stupid question, but I need to know :-p

In my coolest dream: socket + object serializer like in some  
versions of S# of dan simmons.

Aha! Très très cool! :-D

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Re: [Pharo-project] Inserting halts using pragmas?

2010-04-12 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 11:11 AM, Lukas Renggli reng...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi,  can we inserts halt's into methods without modifying source code,
 using pragmas maybe?

 This has nothing to do with pragmas. Pragmas do not change execution
 behavior of a compiled method. Also pragmas are in the source code, so
 you cannot add them without changing the source.

 There was some work on annotations by Marcus, this goes more into the
 direction you are looking for.

 What I would do is to replace a compiled method with a custom object
 that implements #run:with:in: and that opens a debugger at the right

Yes, that's more or less how VisualAge does it. See DbgBreakpointedMethod,
a variable Subclass of CompiledMethod.



 Lukas Renggli

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Re: [Pharo-project] About getting HashedCollection (another dream happening)

2010-04-12 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Igor Stasenko siguc...@gmail.com wrote:

 Oh.. again..
 @Ralph: if you don't want sets with nils, just don't put them there.
 Why this isn't obvious for you?
 Take a Squeak , which already supporting nils in sets.
 Have you seen ANY reported breakage of existing code because of this?

 On 12 April 2010 05:25, Levente Uzonyi le...@elte.hu wrote:
  On Sun, 11 Apr 2010, Ralph Boland wrote:
  Hi levente/igor
  this hashedCollection is still on my radar. Now I was wondering if I
  should  work first on Set with nil or HashedCollection.
  Any idea/suggestion?
  I think moving Dictionary out from under Set is a great idea.
  However I am not convinced having a class HashedCollection
  to share common code between Set and Dictionary is worth it.
  I would just tolerate the code duplication because these classes
  are so important.  Given that Squeak is going to support
  I don't see your point here. In Squeak that would mean duplicating 17 + 9
  methods (instance/class side) + the two instance variables for no reason.
  HashedCollection though, I would hate to see yet another difference
  between Pharo and Squeak. I expect that the difference is unlikely
  to break code shared between Pharo and Squeak though.
  I was always against allowing the addition of nil to sets.
  This change means that every time I accidentally add nil to a set
  the error will go undetected and will be difficult to track down once
  the problem is discovered.
  Collections are still not ment to be bug detectors... Btw, do you notice
  you add nil as a key to a Dictionary? (or add nil to an
  My solution to escape this change in my code will be to subclass
  Set and any of its subclasses that I use and add code in the subclasses
  to test for addition of nil and report an error when it happens.
  This will allow bugs to show up sooner.
  You can (ab)use PluggableSet if you really need this by adding the nil
  to the hashBlock.
  An alternative is just to modify Set itself by adding a test for
  adding nil to a set and then reporting an error.  This change will break
  down of course once there are instances of actually adding nil to a set
  in Squeak/Pharo.
  Are there any such occurrences is Squeak 4.1?
  Who knows, nil can be everywhere: #(1 2 nil) asSet.
  Now that this feature will be in Squeak 4.1, however, we again have
  the problem of divergence of code between Pharo and Squeak.  The
  problem won't be there immediately but eventually this feature
  will actually be used in Squeak.
  Of course the issue here is how often it is useful to allow
  addition of nil to a Set.  For the approximately 100,000 lines of
  code I have written in Smalltalk the answer is 0 explaining my
  opposition to this change.  For some others though the answer
  must be different.
  For me this change will delay my moving my code from Squeak
  3.10 to 4.1+ (and might even tempt me to move to Pharo :-)).
  Note that I use Sets and Dictionaries a lot.  When my Squeak project
  runs 80% of the time is spent on  Set/Dictionary operations.
  You could have added nil as a key to a Dictionary and that went
  Ralph Boland
  Pharo-project mailing list
  Pharo-project mailing list

 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

 Pharo-project mailing list

Heh, well I understand Ralph's point quite well, since I know that in the
project I'm working on there are places in the code that depend on the fact
that sets can't contain nil. So the following would break if VisualAge added
that possibility:

#( 1 2 3 4 nil 6 7 nil) asSet asArray
 = #(1 2 3 4 6 7)

I'm not deciding one way or the other which way is right, just adding an

Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] About getting HashedCollection (another dream happening)

2010-04-12 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 2:06 PM, Igor Stasenko siguc...@gmail.com wrote:

 2010/4/12 Peter Hugosson-Miller oldmanl...@gmail.com:
  On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Igor Stasenko siguc...@gmail.com
  Oh.. again..
  @Ralph: if you don't want sets with nils, just don't put them there.
  Why this isn't obvious for you?
  Take a Squeak , which already supporting nils in sets.
  Have you seen ANY reported breakage of existing code because of this?
  On 12 April 2010 05:25, Levente Uzonyi le...@elte.hu wrote:
   On Sun, 11 Apr 2010, Ralph Boland wrote:
   Hi levente/igor
   this hashedCollection is still on my radar. Now I was wondering if I
   should  work first on Set with nil or HashedCollection.
   Any idea/suggestion?
   I think moving Dictionary out from under Set is a great idea.
   However I am not convinced having a class HashedCollection
   to share common code between Set and Dictionary is worth it.
   I would just tolerate the code duplication because these classes
   are so important.  Given that Squeak is going to support
   I don't see your point here. In Squeak that would mean duplicating 17
   methods (instance/class side) + the two instance variables for no
   HashedCollection though, I would hate to see yet another difference
   between Pharo and Squeak. I expect that the difference is unlikely
   to break code shared between Pharo and Squeak though.
   I was always against allowing the addition of nil to sets.
   This change means that every time I accidentally add nil to a set
   the error will go undetected and will be difficult to track down once
   the problem is discovered.
   Collections are still not ment to be bug detectors... Btw, do you
   you add nil as a key to a Dictionary? (or add nil to an
   My solution to escape this change in my code will be to subclass
   Set and any of its subclasses that I use and add code in the
   to test for addition of nil and report an error when it happens.
   This will allow bugs to show up sooner.
   You can (ab)use PluggableSet if you really need this by adding the nil
   to the hashBlock.
   An alternative is just to modify Set itself by adding a test for
   adding nil to a set and then reporting an error.  This change will
   down of course once there are instances of actually adding nil to a
   in Squeak/Pharo.
   Are there any such occurrences is Squeak 4.1?
   Who knows, nil can be everywhere: #(1 2 nil) asSet.
   Now that this feature will be in Squeak 4.1, however, we again have
   the problem of divergence of code between Pharo and Squeak.  The
   problem won't be there immediately but eventually this feature
   will actually be used in Squeak.
   Of course the issue here is how often it is useful to allow
   addition of nil to a Set.  For the approximately 100,000 lines of
   code I have written in Smalltalk the answer is 0 explaining my
   opposition to this change.  For some others though the answer
   must be different.
   For me this change will delay my moving my code from Squeak
   3.10 to 4.1+ (and might even tempt me to move to Pharo :-)).
   Note that I use Sets and Dictionaries a lot.  When my Squeak project
   runs 80% of the time is spent on  Set/Dictionary operations.
   You could have added nil as a key to a Dictionary and that went
   Ralph Boland
   Pharo-project mailing list
   Pharo-project mailing list
  Best regards,
  Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
  Pharo-project mailing list
  Heh, well I understand Ralph's point quite well, since I know that in the
  project I'm working on there are places in the code that depend on the
  that sets can't contain nil. So the following would break if VisualAge
  that possibility:
  #( 1 2 3 4 nil 6 7 nil) asSet asArray

  #( 1 2 3 4 nil 6 7 nil) asSet
 in squeak before adding sets-with-nils you won't see such code ,
 because this will throw an error.
 And so, nobody used it in that way before.
 I mean, there is no code in old squeak codebase which putting nils
 into sets intentionally.
 So, either you intentionally puting nils there - and its completely OK,
 or you intentionally do not putting them (as all old code does) -
 which is also , completely OK.

   = #(1 2 3 4 6 7)
  I'm not deciding one way or the other which way is right, just adding an

Re: [Pharo-project] who is maintaining shout?

2010-04-07 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
I absolutely agree with Torsten. Here's one I made myself for VaSt, and I've
been using it for 8 years now:

[image: PehuTextEnhancer.png]

Note (whatever you might think of all the other fonts and colours) that the
comments are green ;-)


On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 4:39 PM, Torsten Bergmann asta...@gmx.de wrote:

 Stef wrote
 Because I would like to change the default color of comments.
 Green is really ugly for the release.

 Please no! This is subject to personal taste.

 In most text editors and IDE's I know the comments are always
 green by default independent from language.

 So I would keep it since this is what is common in developer
 tools. If you want you can have your own. So shout is already
 what most users may expect. Please keep it.


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Re: [Pharo-project] Having fun with booleans

2010-03-05 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On 5 mar 2010, at 09.33, Fernando olivero olive...@lu.unisi.ch wrote:

 The problem is the side effects, is suddenly Booleanand: stops to  
 be lazy.
 Possibly evaluating blocks that shouldn't be evaluated.

No, but there is one subtle difference anyway: both #and: and #or:  
will return a Boolean (the receiver) if the block argument isn't  
executed, whereas #ifTrue: and #ifFalse: will return nil in that case.  
So if you do something with the return value, then the bytecode will  
be different for sure.

But it's academic anyway: the use of #and: and #or: gives the reader a  
very strong hint that the argument block (if executed) is supposed to  
return a Boolean, so to use it purely for branching in the code could  
be seen as misleading.



 On Mar 5, 2010, at 8:22 AM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

 I just realized, that one can completely avoid using ifTrue/ifFalse
 branches, but use #or: and #and: instead.

 a  b ifTrue: [ ... ]
 could be written as:
 a  b and: [ ... ]

 a  b ifFalse: [ ... ]
 could be written as:
 a  b or: [ ... ]

 a  b ifTrue: [ self foo ] ifFalse: [ self bar ]
 could be written as:

 a  b and: [ self foo]; or:[ self bar ]


 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

 Pharo-project mailing list

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Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] Having fun with booleans

2010-03-05 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On 5 mar 2010, at 10.17, Henrik Johansen  
henrik.s.johan...@veloxit.no wrote:

 Den 05.03.2010 10:08, skrev Peter Hugosson-Miller:
 On 5 mar 2010, at 09.33, Fernando olivero olive...@lu.unisi.ch  

 The problem is the side effects, is suddenly Booleanand: stops to
 be lazy.
 Possibly evaluating blocks that shouldn't be evaluated.

 No, but there is one subtle difference anyway: both #and: and #or:
 will return a Boolean (the receiver) if the block argument isn't
 executed, whereas #ifTrue: and #ifFalse: will return nil in that  
 So if you do something with the return value, then the bytecode will
 be different for sure.

 But it's academic anyway: the use of #and: and #or: gives the  
 reader a
 very strong hint that the argument block (if executed) is supposed to
 return a Boolean, so to use it purely for branching in the code could
 be seen as misleading.


 I like that argument turned on its head, namely that ifTrue: ifFalse:
 gives the reader a very strong hint that the argument blocks are used
 purely for branching, thus using them to (eventually) return a boolean
 can be seen as misleading :)

 i.e. I tend to prefer to use Igors and: example for code I often see  

 a  b ifTrue: [... a couple of actions, then returning true or  
 false ...]
ifFalse: [^false]

And I'm definitely with you on that score! In fact it's how I decide  
which method to use :-)




 On Mar 5, 2010, at 8:22 AM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

 I just realized, that one can completely avoid using ifTrue/ifFalse
 branches, but use #or: and #and: instead.

 a  b ifTrue: [ ... ]
 could be written as:
 a  b and: [ ... ]

 a  b ifFalse: [ ... ]
 could be written as:
 a  b or: [ ... ]

 a  b ifTrue: [ self foo ] ifFalse: [ self bar ]
 could be written as:

 a  b and: [ self foo]; or:[ self bar ]


 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

 Pharo-project mailing list

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Re: [Pharo-project] about code formatting in pharo

2010-03-04 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 10:08 AM, Lukas Renggli reng...@gmail.com wrote:

  Strange to see how subjective it is...
  My brain is well trained to rectangle blocks and I arrive to the
  opposite conclusions on each point.

 I agree 100% with all that Doru wrote. These patterns have been
 successfully used for almost a decade in open-source projects like
 Seaside, Moose, Magritte, Mondrian, Pier, Glamour, PetitParser,
 Grease, OmniBrowser, SqueakSource, ...

Indeed, it appears to be very subjective, with clearly stated arguments for
both sides, so it's doubtful there will ever be consensus on this.

FWIW, I agree 100% with everything Eliot wrote (although I admit he piqued
my curiosity with the mention of the trailing period :-p


 Lukas Renggli

 Pharo-project mailing list

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Re: [Pharo-project] [squeak-dev] #ensure: issues

2010-03-04 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
In case anybody is interested, I tried Henrik's example in VAST:

| proc |
proc := [[Transcript show: 'Start!']
 [Transcript show: 'Finish!'.
 Processor yield]]
proc resume.
Processor yield.
proc suspend.
proc terminate.

on my machine it prints: Start!Finish!


On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Stéphane Ducasse

 btw henrik

 does VW have the same behavior?


 On Mar 4, 2010, at 11:38 AM, Henrik Johansen wrote:

  FWIW, this quote from the following discussion on Squeak-dev distills
 what I was trying (but failing) to demonstrate:
  We shouldn't stop trying to support well-behaved ensure blocks properly.
  Because if we don't then ensure
  becomes entirely random. Or can anyone here explain why it would be
  reasonable to expect that this version works:
  p := [[Processor yield] ensure:[Transcript show: 'finished']] fork.
  Processor yield.
  p terminate.
  but this one doesn't:
  p := [[] ensure:[Processor yield. Transcript show: 'finished']] fork.
  Processor yield.
  p terminate.
  (we're using yield here to denote any kind of process switch) If the
  only thing that determines whether an ensure block is executed is a
  process switch, then we basically have random, non-predictable unwind
  handling. Which is a problem that is entirely unrelated to whether the
  unwind block is itself well-behaved or not. 
  In a book with chapters discussing topics such as ensure and processes,
 (based on Pharo 1.0 which is unlikely to contain any fixes for such an
 issue), it deserves at least a mention.
  Den 03.03.2010 15:33, skrev Levente Uzonyi:
  On Wed, 3 Mar 2010, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
  On Mar 2, 2010, at 10:33 PM, Levente Uzonyi wrote:
  On Tue, 2 Mar 2010, Henrik Sperre Johansen wrote:
  PS. For the not-so-faint-of-heart, open a Transcript and try
  proc := [[Transcript show: 'Start!'. ] ensure: [Transcript show:
  'Finish!' Processor yield.]] newProcess.
  proc resume.
  Processor yield.
  proc suspend.
  proc terminate.
  Why don't we get it printing?
  Forgot a . there, supposed to be
  proc := [[Transcript show: 'Start!'. ] ensure: [Transcript show:
  'Finish!'. Processor yield.]] newProcess.
  proc resume.
  Processor yield.
  proc suspend.
  proc terminate.
  on my machine it prints:
  The problem occurs because Transcript  #endEntry (sent from #show:)
  takes a while to execute, so the process (proc) prints 'Start!', but
  it gets terminated before execution reaches #resetContents (#reset in
  Squeak). So 'Start!' is still in the stream. Then our process executes
  #ensure: block and it prints 'Start!' and 'Finish!' too.
  Thanks for the explanation levente!
  But I'm still dizzy :) why Transcript show: 'Finish' would also print
 'start' ?
  Transcript is just a stream. #show: is just a combination of
 #nextPutAll: and #endEntry. #endEntry displays the contents of the stream
 and when that's done it removes everything from the stream with
 #resetContents. #resetContents is never executed, because the process is
 terminated before that. So the contents of the stream are kept and displayed
 again later.
  There's worse problem with #ensure: and #terminate is that, a process
 executing an #ensure: block can be terminated. If you evaluate this code:
  | process stage1 stage2 stage3 counter |
  stage1 := stage2 := stage3 := false.
  counter := 0.
  process := [
  [ stage1 := true ] ensure: [
  stage2 := true.
  100 timesRepeat: [ counter := counter + 1 ].
  stage3 := true ] ] newProcess.
  process resume.
  Processor yield.
  process suspend.
  process terminate.
  1000 milliSeconds asDelay wait.
  { stage1. stage2. stage3. counter } explore
  you will find that stage1 and stage2 is reached as expected, but
 stage3 is not and counter is less than 100. That's because the forked
 process started evaluating the #ensure: block, but it was terminated by our
  Is this the expected behavior when sending #terminate to a process
 which is evaluating an #ensure: block?
  Balázs  Levente
  Pharo-project mailing list
  Pharo-project mailing list
  Pharo-project mailing list

 Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] Having fun with booleans

2010-03-04 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Hehe, it wouldn't surprise me if some of those examples would compile  
to the same byte codes. Have you tried decompiling to see what you get?


On 5 mar 2010, at 08.22, Igor Stasenko siguc...@gmail.com wrote:

 I just realized, that one can completely avoid using ifTrue/ifFalse
 branches, but use #or: and #and: instead.

 a  b ifTrue: [ ... ]
 could be written as:
 a  b and: [ ... ]

 a  b ifFalse: [ ... ]
 could be written as:
 a  b or: [ ... ]

 a  b ifTrue: [ self foo ] ifFalse: [ self bar ]
 could be written as:

 a  b and: [ self foo]; or:[ self bar ]


 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

 Pharo-project mailing list

Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] about code formatting in pharo

2010-03-03 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Really? That's the first time I've ever seen a lonely left bracket like
that, in all my 15 years of Smalltalk experience!

So for me personally, Beck's rule 3 is the one that looks better.


On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 10:19 AM, Adrian Lienhard a...@netstyle.ch wrote:

 I don't like Beck's rule 3. Rectangular Block:

 b ifTrue:
[self clearCaches.
self recomputeAngle]

 I prefer (and this is how most other people format blocks in my

 b ifTrue: [
self clearCaches.
self recomputeAngle ]


 On Mar 3, 2010, at 10:03 , Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

  On Mar 3, 2010, at 9:26 AM, Torsten Bergmann wrote:
  Gary wrote:
  The answer is that the code is formatted when viewing, from,
  unformatted code. Should please everyone.
  Looks like in Squeak the rules from Ward Cunningham are now used for
 pretty print:
  I love them!
  we should point the wiki to this page!!!
  See Compiler-cmm.131.mcz in Squeak.
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Re: [Pharo-project] Substrings for strings?

2010-02-19 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
location := 5.
length := 3.
result := 'Foo Bar Baz' copyFrom: location to: position + length - 1

2010/2/20 Nathan Tuttle nathan.tut...@gmail.com

 I can't find any method that allows me to take a substring out of a string
 my location and length.

 Anyone know?

 Pharo-project mailing list

Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] Substrings for strings?

2010-02-19 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller

On 20 feb 2010, at 02.44, Nathan Tuttle nathan.tut...@gmail.com wrote:

Thank you very much!

...says he, generously ignoring my copy/paste error.

Seriously, when will I learn not to post untested code in an email, no  
matter how trivial it seems at the time? Still, at least I spelled the  
method name correctly :-p.


2010/2/19 Peter Hugosson-Miller oldmanl...@gmail.com
location := 5.
length := 3.
result := 'Foo Bar Baz' copyFrom: location to: position + length - 1

2010/2/20 Nathan Tuttle nathan.tut...@gmail.com
I can't find any method that allows me to take a substring out of a  
string my location and length.

Anyone know?

Pharo-project mailing list


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Re: [Pharo-project] Pharo changing the game

2010-02-12 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Stéphane Ducasse 
stephane.duca...@inria.fr wrote:

 another point, what about automatic initialize?
 At one point in the past VW (eliot) was really for introducing it in VW
 since it would not cost
 anything in presence of the JIT.
 Dolphin people did it on Model but they told me that if they could they
 would remove it.
 and this is a really important change to lower the entry level and burden
 of newcomers.

 Now because of compatibility we have to code without it for me this is a

I know this is probably a stupid question, but rather than miss something
important, I'll take that risk :-p

What do you mean by automatic initialize?

Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] Pharo changing the game

2010-02-12 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 3:33 PM, Stéphane Ducasse stephane.duca...@inria.fr

 Hi Peter

 there is no stupid question! Only people afraid to ask.
 Stupidity is when you ask three times the same question.
 In this list we can ask all the stupid question we want.

 So thanks for taking the risk :)

 automatic initialize= calling automatically initialize when calling new

 avoid to have to all the time write

 Box classnew
^ super new initialize ; yourself

 kind of desastrous for newbies. You know after two lectures you have to
 nearly explain metaclasses, and deep super + method lookup...

 In Squeak 3.7 we got a chance to have an agreement to have

 Behavior new
^ self basicNew initialize
^ self
 and some shortcuting behavior on array to speed up the system.
 it makes so many things much much nicer.

 On Feb 12, 2010, at 3:15 PM, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:

  On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Stéphane Ducasse 
 stephane.duca...@inria.fr wrote:
  another point, what about automatic initialize?
  At one point in the past VW (eliot) was really for introducing it in VW
 since it would not cost
  anything in presence of the JIT.
  Dolphin people did it on Model but they told me that if they could they
 would remove it.
  and this is a really important change to lower the entry level and burden
 of newcomers.
  Now because of compatibility we have to code without it for me this is
 a drawback.
  I know this is probably a stupid question, but rather than miss something
 important, I'll take that risk :-p
  What do you mean by automatic initialize?
  Pharo-project mailing list

 Pharo-project mailing list

Thanks, Stef, Cesar

So you're still talking about having the message #initialize being
explicitly sent from within the #new method, right up there on Behavior. I
definitely like this arrangement: one of the first things I always do is to
implement #new that way, as far up as I can in the domain object hierarchy.

For a moment there I imagined you meant some behind-the-scenes-magic, and
that the #initialize send would not be explicit anywhere in the code. Now I
can relax again ;-)

Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] For those who use Nabble ....

2010-01-27 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Stéphane Ducasse 
stephane.duca...@inria.fr wrote:

 We are more than a fork!


Absolutely! At the very least, we are a Phork! :-p
Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] Time for a new election in squeak.org soon

2010-01-14 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
 PS. I still consider Pharo and Squeak to be highly intertwined
 communities so input from Pharons/Pharaos/Pharooosies/p... ah, what are
 you guys called? :) ...is also welcome.

Hmmm... Pharies maybe ;-)
Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] Time for a new election in squeak.org soon

2010-01-14 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
On 14 jan 2010, at 21.33, Igor Stasenko siguc...@gmail.com wrote:

 2010/1/14 Eliot Miranda eliot.mira...@gmail.com:

 On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 12:04 PM, Martin McClure mar...@hand2mouse.com 

 Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:

 PS. I still consider Pharo and Squeak to be highly intertwined
 communities so input from Pharons/Pharaos/Pharooosies/p...  
 ah, what
 you guys called? :) ...is also welcome.

 Hmmm... Pharies maybe ;-)


 ...now if we were still using initials instead of full names I would
 look for who had the initials tut...

 I wish we had more Cleos in the community

 Programming was never been popular among Cleos.
 I can count all of womans, who i knew seem  to do some programming
 using only my single hand fingers ;)

Yes, and it's a crying shame!

Still, on Tuesday I'll be holding a course to introduce a couple of  
colleagues to Smalltalk, and one of them is a Sussie. I'll be sure and  
mention this community on my course, so fingers crossed that I can get  
her interested!


 Pharo-project mailing list

 Pharo-project mailing list

 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

 Pharo-project mailing list


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Re: [Pharo-project] About moving tmp closer their use

2010-01-04 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
I remember the first time I ever tried Squeak all those years ago, this was
the first thing that bit me - not being able to declare temporary variables
within the blocks that use them. I was so used to doing that from VisualAge.

So, I vote in favour of the change :-)

On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Igor Stasenko siguc...@gmail.com wrote:

 My own preference is a balance between being readable and efficient.
 At first, i care above anything to make my code readable.
 And I think that, being properly formatted, declaring temps in blocks
 scope not makes code less readable.
 Also, i think that keeping variables close to desired scope, will
 instead could help improving code readability.

 But i must say, we should learn  teach developers to write code short
  consise, or at least attempt to (following a well known smalltalk
 practice - 1/2 lines per method).
 Then we wouldn't need to choose, what way of declaring temps is better ;)

 2010/1/4 Stéphane Ducasse stephane.duca...@inria.fr:
  Hi guys
  in squeak a week ago nicolas pushed a cool (from my taste) changes that
 refactored the complete
  system so that |temp| declaration would be at the scope where they are
  This is not clear that this is an optimisation but I like the fact that
  are defined at the right place.
  Now it may lead to code that is a bit less readable in the sense that
 your temps
  are not systematically listed at the beginning of the method but
 occasionally in the closures
  that use them.
  From my hackish lisping state of mind I like it now what do you prefer?
  Pharo-project mailing list

 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

 Pharo-project mailing list

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Re: [Pharo-project] Gofer git

2009-12-14 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Hmmm... Examples 6 and 7 look the same to me, care to explain further?


On 14 dec 2009, at 09.11, Lukas Renggli reng...@gmail.com wrote:

 The latest version of Gofer should be more stable. I've rewritten most
 internal implementation details, the tests should run faster and they
 do not depend on an external repository anymore. Most of the core
 functionality is now tested, not just things that are easy to test. I
 did the following changes:

 1. I've renamed #addPackage: and #addVersion: to #package: and
 #version:. The #add: caused some confusion and people asked me what
 was done at this point. Since this is just a plain specification of a
 package or a version it is now called like that. It is also shorter.

 2. Gofer doesn't support any longer to work on different repository
 groups in one operation. I've never used it and it made the
 implementation more complicated than necessary. The order in which
 things are defined in Gofer doesn't matter anymore. The following
 specification would try to operate on the packages Seaside2.8a1,
 Scriptaculous and RSRSS2 in the repositories of Seaside and rsrss.

Gofer new
squeaksource: 'Seaside';
package: 'Seaside2.8a1';
package: 'Scriptaculous';
squeaksource: 'rsrss';
package: 'RSRSS2'

 The above snipped is the same as the one below (which is the preferred
 way of writing it):

Gofer new
squeaksource: 'Seaside';
squeaksource: 'rsrss';
package: 'Seaside2.8a1';
package: 'Scriptaculous';
package: 'RSRSS2'

 3. Gofer prefers to load versions from faster repositories. The
 package-cache and local file-directories have higher priority than
 remote repositories.

 4. Gofer implicitly declares the local package cache as a repository.
 To disable this, send the message #disablePackageCache to the Gofer

 5. Gofer throws errors if a repository is not reachable. To disable
 this, send the message #disableRepositoryErrors to the Gofer instance.
 The example below will silently load the latest Seaside version from
 the package-cache, if the remote repository is not reachable (network
 error, squeaksource down, invalid repositor):

Gofer new
squeaksource: 'Seaside';
package: 'Seaside2.8a1';

 6. The following command fetches all versions of SomePackage into the
 local package-cache that are not downloaded yet:

Gofer new
squeaksource: 'repository';
package: 'SomePackage';

 7. The following command commits all versions of SomePackage into the
 remote repository that are not uploaded yet:

Gofer new
squeaksource: 'repository';
package: 'SomePackage';

 8. Gofer has better support for FTP repositories:

Gofer new
url: 'ftp://wtf-is-ftp.com/code';

 9. And local directories:

Gofer new
directory: '/home/renggli/repository';

 10. And local directories with subdirectories:

Gofer new
directory: '/home/renggli/repository/*';

 With all this new functionality there might be bugs :-)


 Lukas Renggli

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Re: [Pharo-project] linked in pharo group :)

2009-12-08 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Thanks Stef!

Kind of like Facebook in a suit, isn't it? ;-)


On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Stéphane Ducasse

 You can register :)
 Not sure that this is useful but may be fun :)


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Re: [Pharo-project] newinspector?

2009-11-26 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Rather than a mode for inspecting dictionaries, wouldn't it be better  
to have a subclass, say DictionaryInspector, which could be selected  
as needed by means of an #inspectorClass method. Then, if more  
specializations turn up, they could be added in the same way.

Just a thought that struck me.


On 26 nov 2009, at 20.01, Stéphane Ducasse stephane.duca...@inria.fr  

 Ok I will check.
 may be we can have a mode that does not provide object  
 interpretation (for dict we would only see
 tally and array not the dictionary, ...).


 On Nov 26, 2009, at 7:40 PM, Adrian Lienhard wrote:

 Just yesterday, I asked Frederic to remove the class and method
 entries that add a lot of the noise and are most often not needed. He
 committed a new version with these changes.

 But from Stef's analysis it seems there is a bit more needed to make
 this inspector fly... And a really good inspector is key!

 Another item to add to Stef's list: what is the point of the item
 Keys? I can see the keys of the dictionary already by opening
 Elements. So this seems superfluous.

 I wonder why inspecting a dictionary could not be reduced to the
 information that is actually of interest, namely the keys and their
 values. So when opening a dictionary, the subtree would directly
 display the keys in the left pane (no array, tally, Keys, Elements).
 If a key is selected, its value is printed in the right pane.
 Expanding a key would dive into its associated value. Actually, I
 think what I described here is more or less the behavior of the old
 explore tool.


 On Nov 26, 2009, at 18:39 , Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

 Hi guys

 again I did a demo of smalltalk and the newInspecotr got in my way.
 I tried to analyze what did not work:
- apparently the refresh does not work. Does change in instance
 variables get refreshed in the inspector?

 I try to understand what get in my way in general.
- when an object has few instance variable I think that it is  
 in the sea of trees.

- I think that the | class is not useful at the top level.
May be just having Class: and the class Name is enough no need  
 the |
May be the Class : ByteString should appear after the Elements:

- the | methods to be useful should be sorted by category

 in the screenshot
Why do I see the instance variable of the  dictionary (array and
 tally) I find that confusing?
Because I get elements and at the same time the instance  

I do not understand why some lines are bold and other blue

When we click on connectInfo I see on the right pane
- size : 5
[#host] : a SocketAddress (size: 24)
[#loginMethod] : #zork
[#password] : nil
[#port] : 110
[#user] : 'stephane.ducasse'
But I cannot modify anything.

What is the point to have Elements expanded in the left pane  
 when I
 get the contents by clicking on the instance
variable and getting the contents on the right.

Then Keys should probably close to Elements.

I do not see the point to have | for individual method
I do not understand why we see Elements and ByteCode
I get a DNU when I click on Elements of a method BTW

Screen shot 2009-11-26 at 6.14.31
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Re: [Pharo-project] About end of line convention

2009-11-19 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Exactly! +100

FWIW, this us the behaviour of Textpad, my favourite Windoze text  


On 20 nov 2009, at 01.49, Martin McClure mar...@hand2mouse.com wrote:

 IMO, a useful behavior for a text file editor is to:

 * On open, detect the line end convention of the file and remember it.
 This is not too hard to do as long as the file is in fact a text file
 (if it's a binary file you shouldn't be using a text editor on it).

 * On save, save in the same line end convention that the file  

 * On save as provide the opportunity to change the line end  
 as well as the file name.

 * New files should default to the platform's line end convention, but
 again be overridable on save.



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Re: [Pharo-project] x4 difference between #to:do: and #timesRepeat - bug ?

2009-11-13 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Results for VisualAge (just FYI):

| count |
count := 0.
[1 to: 1000 do: [:i | count :=count + 1]] timeToRun.  151702

| count |
count := 0.
[1000 timesRepeat: [count := count + 1]] timeToRun.   139971

(results are in microseconds)

So maybe there's a case for inlining #timesRepeat: (or making a clear
comment that it is much slower in Pharo)

Just my $0:02


On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 9:59 AM, Marcus Denker den...@acm.org wrote:

 On Nov 13, 2009, at 9:51 AM, Cédrick Béler wrote:

  I noticed quite a difference between the two method who looks the same
 to me. Is it normal ?

 Normal. to:do: is lnlined (compiled as jumps in the bytecode), whereas
 timesRepeat: is a message
 send with a closure activation.


 fun is the difference between:

(1 to : 1) do:
1 to: 1 do:

 one is compiled to jumps, the other not and in addition creates a temp


  I use a rc image (haven't tested in squeak). And it's the same on windows
 and linux.
  count := 0.
  [1 to: 1000 do: [:i | count :=count + 1]] timeToRun. 677
  count := 0.
  [1000 timesRepeat: [count := count + 1]] timeToRun 2571
  If not normal, I'll open a issue.
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Re: [Pharo-project] x4 difference between #to:do: and #timesRepeat - bug ?

2009-11-13 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
+1 for making an inlined version of #timesRepeat:

Sometimes speed matters, and for someone coming from an environment where
it's faster than #to:do: it might not be so easy to detect where the
unexpected time penalty came from.

Unfortunately, I'm not sufficiently familiar with the Compiler/Decompiler to
volunteer to do it myself :-p

And to answer Cédrick's question, browsing senders of a method should tell
you if it's inlined of not. In VA there are no senders of #timesRepeat: or
#to:do, although both are used extensively.

In case anyone is interested, here is the complete list of inlined methods
in VA

#== #~~ #and: #ifFalse: #ifFalse:ifTrue: #ifTrue: #ifTrue:ifFalse: #isNil
#not #notNil #or: #timesRepeat: #to:do: #whileFalse: #whileTrue:

How does it compare to Pharo?


2009/11/13 Cédrick Béler cdric...@gmail.com

 Thanks all.

 Interesting. I saw by using tallySends that:

 This simulation took 6.0 seconds.
 1 SmallInteger(Integer)timesRepeat:

 11 UndefinedObjectDoIt
 1 SmallInteger(Integer)timesRepeat:
   1 UndefinedObjectDoIt

 This simulation took 3.0 seconds.

 1 UndefinedObjectDoIt

 I guess this is one consequence of being inlined.

 This makes ask another questions:

 -how to know what's inlined, what method have suche properties (a comment
 would be cool, so if we had to choose...) ?
 -how to add Compiler inlining rules (as it's easy ;) ) ?
 -why not inlining timesRepeat: (as I guess we don't really change it often)


 ps: the result is slow because I used a 5 year old (at least) computer :).
 I think I got a 10x difference in a 2 year one...

 2009/11/13 Nicolas Cellier nicolas.cellier.aka.n...@gmail.com

 There is also a difference between:

 [self atEnd ifTrue: [^nil].
 self next.
 true] whileTrue.


 [self atEnd ifTrue: [^nil]
 self next] repeat.

 Warning: it's quite easy to add Compiler inlining rules, a bit tougher
 to add corresponding Decompiler tricks.

 2009/11/13 Marcus Denker den...@acm.org:
  On Nov 13, 2009, at 9:51 AM, Cédrick Béler wrote:
  I noticed quite a difference between the two method who looks the
 same to me. Is it normal ?
  Normal. to:do: is lnlined (compiled as jumps in the bytecode), whereas
 timesRepeat: is a message
  send with a closure activation.
  fun is the difference between:
 (1 to : 1) do:
 1 to: 1 do:
  one is compiled to jumps, the other not and in addition creates a temp
  I use a rc image (haven't tested in squeak). And it's the same on
 windows and linux.
  count := 0.
  [1 to: 1000 do: [:i | count :=count + 1]] timeToRun. 677
  count := 0.
  [1000 timesRepeat: [count := count + 1]] timeToRun 2571
  If not normal, I'll open a issue.
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Re: [Pharo-project] Underscore assignments

2009-11-04 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 9:25 AM, Lukas Renggli reng...@gmail.com wrote:

 I wonder if we should throw a deprecated message in Pharo 1.0 when
 somebody tries to compile a method with an underscore assignment? I
 would like to make it possible to use underscore characters in
 selectors and identifiers in Pharo 1.1.


 Lukas Renggli

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Re: [Pharo-project] [update] 1.0 #10439

2009-11-03 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
I guess this should be 10493, right?


On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Adrian Lienhard a...@netstyle.ch wrote:

 - remove tests that depend on current font choice
 - Issue 1331: DNU upon file-in of changeset
 - Issue 1398: Seaside loading via ScriptManager broken


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Re: [Pharo-project] Assignment operator in new core packages

2009-09-30 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Isn't there a test case for this, or similar coding customs? In my day job
we have some, and they are most useful for detecting misses like that.

If anyone thinks it's a good idea I could write one, then this kind of
problem shouldn't turn up again the future.


2009/9/30 Torsten Bergmann asta...@gmx.de

 Classes like SHA1 (now included in core) use _ again instead
 of :=

 Shouldnt we clean up such packages?

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