Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Hartmut Holzgraefe

Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
>>> I guess the original reason why PHP has case insensitive
>>> class/function  names is consistency with HTML standard.
>>> If so, XHTML _is_ case sensitive, we should go for case
>>> sensitive names.
> Question is, PHP is going to be nice to other
> web related technology or not.
> I hope most of users answer 'yes' for this :)

XHTML being case sensitive was no design decision, it just 'happend'
as XML is (and the decision whether XHTML tags should be upper or
lower case took quite some time)

for XML the decision to be case sensitive made sense, for XHTML it
doesn't (or does it have any TAG/Tag/tag variants in it?), it just
hat to be so to be XML compliant

php doesn't have to be XML compliant, so i can't see the point in
the XHTML argument

regarding other "web related technology" (i don't really like the
term 'technology' in this context, but that is a different story)
IMHO case preservation is all we need

i'm not very familiar with current Java coding style/guidelines,
but from what i remember nobody really made use of the fact
that java IS case sensitive
but i *do* remember that we did curse badly about having to
remember where to use this long forgotten shift key when typing
class and method names

Hartmut Holzgraefe  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +49-711-99091-77

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Refcount in var_dump()

2002-02-08 Thread Yasuo Ohgaki

Derick Rethans wrote:
> On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
>>If dump_internals() is going to be enabled only for DEBUG build,
>>could you make it a module?
>>It's much easier for me to load/unload module rather than swithing
> A module for one function would be waaay too much of an overkill.
> Derick

I agree, but it's okay for debug function, IMO ;)

Yasuo Ohgaki

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14222 Updated: PHP Crashes with weird output often

2002-02-08 Thread dave

 ID:   14222
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Apache related
 Operating System: Windows XP Pro
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

run apache in single process mode eg:

apache -X

It's probably a bug in the duplicatesocket

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-07 14:11:49] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi I have the same problem I use Win XP and I'm sure that's this is
reason - few days ago I have Win Me same configuration Apache/PHP/MySQL
- on XP I have:
pages are loaded properly from localhost - from internet address: ie
loads, nn doesn't (it stops but it do  not show any message - just 10%
of 10kB in status bar - and so for 30 min).
I have rather small page - an online store - without graphics nearly
but it communicate with MySQL - so I build a select and when it returns
too many rows (or i want more products on page) - the page do not load
(even in IE) and I get: Server unreachable.
Where can I get alarmed when the bug would fix? Where can I read more
about it?

[2002-01-21 17:38:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

update to newest version ?
do you mean one in the cvs repository ? i tried everything: apache
1.3x, apache 2.0 beta and php version 4.05, 4.06, 3.x and 4.11 (the
latest official) --- and - i must run php as an apache-module because i
use gd-lib. besides - gd lib does not work correctly (gives jpegs with
only 16 colors) after version 4.05 of php. is this because now there is
an extra feature in gd-lib where you must provide bit-depth ? 

my resume: apache without php works fine, php in cgi-mode works fine --
so there must be an os-related bug in the interface wich allows using
the php-dll as an apache - module. maybe an buffer-problem?

i tried the following: i took a normal html-page, tried this with
apache --> works fine. then simply renamed it to *.php - strange
code-output - the normal html but fragmented with weird-passages, they
change after every reload.

[2002-01-19 21:52:17] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please update PHP version :)

[2002-01-19 14:37:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I ALSO HAVE THIS PROBLEM !! I tried several combinations of apache (
1.3x, 2.0beta) and php (4.06, 4.11) and i get too this weird output.
and the output is irregular if i reload.
i have windows xp german too. this is defenitly a problem caused by
windows xp, scince my old configuration under winnt worked fine , but
after updating to xp some files fail. it looks like it depends on the
php file size, not on the code in the php file. example: - try with netscape, as iexplorer
not even loads the page.
hope this problem gets fixed soon, as i cannot go back to nt neither

greetz from germany!!
(wish i could use linux...)

[2002-01-11 08:30:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've a similar probleme with Apache 3.2.22, PHP 4.1.0 and mysql. I
obtain a page correctly generated when i call it from localhost but it
seem that don't work on the net (Cannot display... or the source of
page is not correct some data from mysql database are mixed with the
source, and sometime there's a another HTTP-header in the middle of the

I don't understand why because, if i call the page by the internet
address from the server it's work at 100%. I try the same page from a
another computer on the LAN, and it's seem work at 60%, sometime i met
the same mistakes that there was via internet.

So if you can help me !

Thx !

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Yasuo Ohgaki

Hartmut Holzgraefe wrote:
> Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
 I guess the original reason why PHP has case insensitive
 class/function  names is consistency with HTML standard.
 If so, XHTML _is_ case sensitive, we should go for case
 sensitive names.
> [...]
>> Question is, PHP is going to be nice to other
>> web related technology or not.
>> I hope most of users answer 'yes' for this :)
> XHTML being case sensitive was no design decision, it just 'happend'
> as XML is (and the decision whether XHTML tags should be upper or
> lower case took quite some time)

It not my point :)
As I said it's just my guess.

Yasuo Ohgaki

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15428 Updated: Session does not allow to update variables

2002-02-08 Thread m_t

 ID:   15428
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Session related
 Operating System: FreeBSD
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

function check_session()
global $SEID, $lang, $vars;
if( !(session_is_registered('lang')) )
global $basket;
if (!session_is_registered('basket') || $basket==null || $basket=="")
/* this funstion is used to store in a session data about every
article, the call is always the same, but after a first call it saves
data, on a second call it adds data to an array but does not update
data in a session, on PHP 4.0.4 and 4.0.6 it works perfect under
freeBSD and Linux */

function add()
global $art_name, $size, $qty, $model_number, $color, $customer_id,
$maxqty, $ek_price, $vk_price, $program, $vars, $magras, $la_type,
$program_n, $color_n, $season, $size_names, $lafirm, $collection_name;
global $basket, $max_qtys;
//walking in a busket for checking an existance of the same artikel
 global $$tmpn;
if (check_digit($$tmpn) && $$tmpn!=0)
 if($tmp['ID'] == $model_number && $tmp['size'] ==
$size_names[$magras][$ki] && $tmp['color'] == $color)
$basket[$i]['qty']+= $$tmpn;
$exists = true;

if ($exists != true)
  global $$tmpn;
   if(check_digit($$tmpn) && $$tmpn != 0)
$qty_real=min($max_qtys[($size_names[$magras][$ki])], $$tmpn);
"ID" => $model_number,
"name" => $art_name, 
"size" => $size_names[$magras][$ki], 
"qty" => $qty_real,
"maxqty" => $max_qtys[($size_names[$magras][$ki])],
"color" => $color,
"program" => $program,
"customer" => $customer_id,
"ek_price" => "$ek_price",
"vk_price" => "$vk_price",
"magras" => $magras,
"program_n"=> $program_n,
"color_n"=> $color_n,
"agent" => $vars['username'],
"season"=> $season,
array_push($basket, $tmp);//echo $tmp['ID']." ".$basket[1]['ID'];


ini params:

; Handler used to store/retrieve data.
session.save_handler = files

; Argument passed to save_handler.  In the case of files, this is the
; where data files are stored. Note: Windows users have to change this

; variable in order to use PHP's session functions.
session.save_path = /tmp

; Whether to use cookies.
session.use_cookies = 0

; Name of the session (used as cookie name). = SEID

; Initialize session on request startup.
session.auto_start = 0

; Lifetime in seconds of cookie or, if 0, until browser is restarted.
session.cookie_lifetime = 0

; The path for which the cookie is valid.
session.cookie_path = /

; The domain for which the cookie is valid.
session.cookie_domain =

; Handler used to serialize data.  php is the standard serializer of
session.serialize_handler = php

; Percentual probability that the 'garbage collection' process is
; on every session initialization.
session.gc_probability = 3

; After this number of seconds, stored data will be seen as 'garbage'
; cleaned up by the garbage collection process.
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440

; Check HTTP Referer to invalidate externally stored URLs containing
session.referer_check =

; How many bytes to read from the file.
;session.entropy_length = 0

; Specified here to create the session id.
;session.entropy_file =

;session.entropy_length = 16

;session.entropy_file = /dev/urandom

; Set to {nocache,private,public} to determine HTTP caching aspects.
session.cache_limiter = nocache

; Document expires after n minutes.
session.cache_expire = 180

; use transient sid support if enabled by compiling with
session.use_trans_sid = 1

url_rewriter.tags =

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-07 21:14:02] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Short complete script and session realated ini settings are needed.
Could you post them here?


[PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Yasuo Ohgaki

Andi Gutmans wrote:
> At 07:58 AM 2/7/2002 +0100, Stig S. Bakken wrote:
>> After careful consideration on the CS issue I must say I agree with John
>> here.  The _only_ case where I feel CS is a problem, is when dealing
>> with other environments.  But the price for changing this today is
>> simply too high.  It should have been done in PHP 3.0.  We have other BC
>> issues to soak our brains in.

Why not in PHP5? PHP5 breaks BC badly with new name space
support, anyway. Obviously, main concern for PHP5 is not
compatibility, not like PHP4. Right?

>> HOWEVER, I would like to suggest one compromise: storing class names
>> (and maybe function names) exactly as they were spelled in the
>> definition, and have get_class() etc. return that version instead of the
>> lowercased one.  This would at least make us able to expose interfaces
>> with the intended case.

Hmm. I vote -1 for this.
It just does not make sense to store original(case sensitive)
names while langage ignores case. It's also confusing, lead
to case sensitivity BC problem anyway just like with case
sensitive function/names.

BTW, this is one the case that automatic case conversion
for case sensitive name is difficult...

>> -1 from me on case sensitivity in ZE2, +1 on storing "pretty names"
> I agree and I'll try and check if pretty names can be handled.
> Andi

If we don't come to conclusion, even if there is serious problem
with ini switch, I vote +1 for case sensitivity ini switch for
the sake of PHP future. We may clean up the ini entry with PHP6.

Yasuo Ohgaki

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[PHP-DEV] Patch for case insensitive ZendEngine1 and convert tool

2002-02-08 Thread Yasuo Ohgaki

Since it's very easy to make the patch, I made it.

This patch make ZE1 case sensitive except
constant. Just for playing with case sensitivity.

While you are in php source root.
patch -p0 < case_insensitive_zend.diff

I also attached Andrei's conversion tool.

 > I wrote something like this a couple of months ago. The extension
 > tarball is attached (it has a sample script that converts studlyCaps
 > function names to normal_ones). Usage:
 > php -q tokenizer.php < input.php > output.php
 > -Andrei

PS: I didn't test this patch. It's just
for playing with case insensitive Zend.
Have fun ;)

Yasuo Ohgaki

Index: Zend/zend_API.c
RCS file: /repository/Zend/zend_API.c,v
retrieving revision 1.107
diff -u -r1.107 zend_API.c
--- Zend/zend_API.c 2002/01/06 15:21:08 1.107
+++ Zend/zend_API.c 2002/02/08 09:46:17
@@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@
zend_class_entry *register_class;
char *lowercase_name = zend_strndup(class_entry->name, 
-   zend_str_tolower(lowercase_name, class_entry->name_length);
+/* zend_str_tolower(lowercase_name, class_entry->name_length); */
class_entry->type = ZEND_INTERNAL_CLASS;
class_entry->parent = NULL;
@@ -1302,7 +1302,7 @@
return 1;
lcname = estrndup(Z_STRVAL_P(callable), Z_STRLEN_P(callable));
-   zend_str_tolower(lcname, Z_STRLEN_P(callable));
+/* zend_str_tolower(lcname, Z_STRLEN_P(callable)); */
if (zend_hash_exists(EG(function_table), lcname, 
retval = 1;
@@ -1338,7 +1338,7 @@
return 1;
lcname = estrndup(Z_STRVAL_PP(obj), 
-   zend_str_tolower(lcname, 
+/* zend_str_tolower(lcname, 
+Z_STRLEN_PP(obj)); */
lcname, Z_STRLEN_PP(obj) + 1, (void**)&ce);
} else {
@@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@
if (ce) {
lcname = estrndup(Z_STRVAL_PP(method), 
-   zend_str_tolower(lcname, 
+/* zend_str_tolower(lcname, 
+Z_STRLEN_PP(method)); */
(zend_hash_exists(&ce->function_table, lcname, Z_STRLEN_PP(method)+1))
retval = 1;
Index: Zend/zend_builtin_functions.c
RCS file: /repository/Zend/zend_builtin_functions.c,v
retrieving revision 1.112
diff -u -r1.112 zend_builtin_functions.c
--- Zend/zend_builtin_functions.c   2002/02/02 19:46:48 1.112
+++ Zend/zend_builtin_functions.c   2002/02/08 09:46:18
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
   ce = Z_OBJCE_PP(arg);
else if (Z_TYPE_PP(arg) == IS_STRING) {
-   zend_str_tolower(Z_STRVAL_PP(arg), Z_STRLEN_PP(arg));
+/* zend_str_tolower(Z_STRVAL_PP(arg), Z_STRLEN_PP(arg)); */
zend_hash_find(EG(class_table), Z_STRVAL_PP(arg), Z_STRLEN_PP(arg)+1, 
(void **)&ce);
@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@
lcname = estrndup(Z_STRVAL_PP(class_name), Z_STRLEN_PP(class_name));
-   zend_str_tolower(lcname, Z_STRLEN_PP(class_name));
+/* zend_str_tolower(lcname, Z_STRLEN_PP(class_name)); */
if (only_subclass)
ce = Z_OBJCE_PP(obj)->parent;
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@
lcname = estrndup((*class_name)->value.str.val, (*class_name)->value.str.len);
-   zend_str_tolower(lcname, (*class_name)->value.str.len);
+/* zend_str_tolower(lcname, (*class_name)->value.str.len); */
if (zend_hash_find(EG(class_table), lcname, (*class_name)->value.str.len+1, 
(void **)&ce)==FAILURE) {
@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@
ce = Z_OBJCE_PP(class);
else if (Z_TYPE_PP(class) == IS_STRING) {
-   zend_str_tolower(Z_STRVAL_PP(class), Z_STRLEN_PP(class));
+/* zend_str_tolower(Z_STRVAL_PP(class), Z_STRLEN_PP(class)); */
zend_hash_find(EG(class_table), Z_STRVAL_PP(class), 
Z_STRLEN_PP(class)+1, (void **)&ce);
@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@

[PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Andi Gutmans

At 06:55 PM 2/8/2002 +0900, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
>Andi Gutmans wrote:
>>At 07:58 AM 2/7/2002 +0100, Stig S. Bakken wrote:
>>>After careful consideration on the CS issue I must say I agree with John
>>>here.  The _only_ case where I feel CS is a problem, is when dealing
>>>with other environments.  But the price for changing this today is
>>>simply too high.  It should have been done in PHP 3.0.  We have other BC
>>>issues to soak our brains in.
>Why not in PHP5? PHP5 breaks BC badly with new name space
>support, anyway. Obviously, main concern for PHP5 is not
>compatibility, not like PHP4. Right?

I still don't quite see why it breaks BC badly. It does not and no way near 
the case sensitive change.
Don't give me hypothetical examples of breakage but if you were to check 
how many scripts break because of name spaces and how many because of case 
sensitivity you'd see they aren't in the same league.


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[PHP-DEV] CVS Account Request: wenz

2002-02-08 Thread Christian Wenz

The Java extension does not seem to get updated any longer. I am one of the 
contributors to Egon's German PHP book (and author of several other books that cover 
PHP) and am especially the author of the Java chapter. On some systems I have been 
quite lucky with the extension, on some others I can reproduce the crashes many others 
are reporting. 
First of all I'd like to update the documentation to more recent versions of JDK; 
furthermore I might even get the time to take a closer look at the sources.
I was referred to this page by Wolfgang Drews.


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[PHP-DEV] How to take user's MAC addresses?

2002-02-08 Thread Ilhan Emre Inam

I am working on LAN system. I need to take user's IP and MAC addresses. I 
managed to take IP addresses easily, but I cannot take user's MAC addresses. I 
am using Red Hat Linux, Php 4.0, and apache.
In shortly how can I take user's computers MAC addresses.
Have a nice day...

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[PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Yasuo Ohgaki

Andi Gutmans wrote:
> At 06:55 PM 2/8/2002 +0900, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
>> Andi Gutmans wrote:
>>> At 07:58 AM 2/7/2002 +0100, Stig S. Bakken wrote:
 After careful consideration on the CS issue I must say I agree with 
 here.  The _only_ case where I feel CS is a problem, is when dealing
 with other environments.  But the price for changing this today is
 simply too high.  It should have been done in PHP 3.0.  We have 
 other BC
 issues to soak our brains in.
>> Why not in PHP5? PHP5 breaks BC badly with new name space
>> support, anyway. Obviously, main concern for PHP5 is not
>> compatibility, not like PHP4. Right?
> I still don't quite see why it breaks BC badly. It does not and no way 
> near the case sensitive change.
> Don't give me hypothetical examples of breakage but if you were to check 
> how many scripts break because of name spaces and how many because of 
> case sensitivity you'd see they aren't in the same league.
> Andi

Name space BC problem is "bad", since script may misbehave
without proper error message where to fix.
It's a bad BC problem since it's harder to fix/notice.
In some cases, it seems works well while it's not.

Case sensitive name is also "bad" since it will break
most scripts. However, it's reatively easy to fix/notice.

Both of them are "bad" BC problem.

For me, case sensitive name BC problem is better
than name space BC problem, since there will be
appropriate errors for BC problem.

It may not the case for others, though...
Yasuo Ohgaki

Script as follows will be executed w/o any error
and gives totally wrong result.

This is really "bad" BC problem, is't this?

   else {
  // use standard rate function
  return compute_rate();

function compute_rate() {
   // do a little different rate calc here
   return $some_rate;


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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12680 Updated: mail() is sent with incorrect timezone

2002-02-08 Thread daniel

 ID:   12680
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Mail related
 Operating System: Windows NT 4.0 SP6
 PHP Version:  4.0.6
 New Comment:

I'm running 4.1.1 on a W2k/IIS5, the bug is not fixed, in which relase
was the bug fix included?

- daniel

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-30 21:05:50] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Where can I find out when this bug fix is going to be released? Also
where can I find out which bug fixes where included in previous



[2001-11-30 04:29:27] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fixed in CVS

[2001-08-10 11:01:14] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This happens with just PHP.  As I said, I can directly connect to port
25 and manually enter SMTP commands to send an email (see second mail
header sample).  The timezone correctly shows -0500 for CDT.  The time
listed in the PHP-created email shows the time correctly, but doesn't
show the timezone correctly (see first mail header sample).

[2001-08-10 10:45:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

something similar has been reported as a bug in 4.0 and was
assigned to hholzgra.  I don't know if it has been fixed.

Suspended until I can contact him and see if he's fixed it.

If anybody else knows anything about this, second opinion is

[2001-08-10 10:36:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This happens with just PHP.  As I said, I can directly connect to port
25 and manually enter SMTP commands to send an email (see second mail
header sample).  The timezone correctly shows -0500 for CDT.  The time
listed in the PHP-created email shows the time correctly, but doesn't
show the timezone correctly (see first mail header sample).

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Built-in SOAP based Web Services support(wasRe:PHP 5)

2002-02-08 Thread Lukas Smith

Sounds like a great plan.
WSDL generation is a big plus as well.
One thing about WSDL. Maybe this should be a separate thing ... or
seperateable. WSDL does not require SOAP and is also quite useable with
XML-RPC or actually another other messaging system. So it would be great
if there could be a WSDL extension that can interface with any number of
messaging extensions.

So I am anxious to see the results.
I don't know the names of the authors of the other soap/xml-rpc
implementations but it would probably be a good idea to talk to them as
well. Then again duplicate efforts might result in some interesting
ideas being developed seperately.

Best regards,
Lukas Smith
 DybNet Internet Solutions GbR
 Alt Moabit 89
 10559 Berlin
 Tel. : +49 30 83 22 50 00
 Fax : +49 30 83 22 50 07 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> -Original Message-
> From: brad lafountain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 10:12 PM
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Built-in SOAP based Web Services
> 5)
> Hello all who have been following this thread..
> I just found it.. i have been working on a php/soap extension
> for a while now.. and it's nearing completion..
> it's is fully functional right now im just adding "options" and
> features. It's damn fast too :) i benchmarked it agains some other
> soap implementations and it beat all of them.
> i already have a sourceforge project... no files up yet tho :(
> i will be releasing it probally within the month.. dependign on how
> much time i have.
> stuff i want to implement:
> registery - services that get loaded up on startup of php
> full wsdl support - bindign wsdl's to servers and validation of wsdl
> client
> also auto generation of wsdl's
> here are some short examples of clients and servers
> //simple example
>  $soap_obj = new
> $ret = $soap_obj->hello();
> ?>
>  $server = new SoapServer("urn:hello");
> $server->addfunction("hello");
> $server->handle();
> function hello()
> {
>return "hello from soap";
> }
> ?>
> //simple session example
>  $soap_obj = new
> $ret = $soap_obj->hello();
> $ret = $soap_obj->hello();
> $ret = $soap_obj->hello();
> $ret = $soap_obj->hello();
> ?>
>  $server = new SoapServer("urn:hello");
> $server->addfunction("hello");
> $server->handle();
> function hello()
> {
>return "hello from soap (you called me $counter times);
> }
> ?>
> //making persistant objects on a remote server
>  $soap_obj = new
> $soap_obj->load();
> $array = $soap_obj->get_values();
> ?>
>  $server = new SoapServer("urn:hello");
> $server->set_class("test", SOAP_PERSISTANCE_SESSION);
> $server->handle();
> class test
> {
>   function load()
>   {
> for($i = 0; $i < 0; $i++)
>$this->data[] = "data $i";
>   }
>   function get_values()
>   {
> return $this->data;
>   }
> }
> // using xml schema non standerd types
>  $soap_obj = new
> $time = $soap_obj->get_date_time();
> ?>
>  $server = new SoapServer("urn:hello");
> $server->add_function("get_date_time");
> $server->handle();
> function get_date_time()
> {
>   return new SoapVar(time(), XSD_DATETIME);
> }
> ?>
> __
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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15110 Updated: session_start()

2002-02-08 Thread fabian

 ID:   15110
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

I share a server with a couple of other sites using php and I'm the
only one using mysql to store sessions. By storing all my sessions in a
table, both empty and not, I get a measure of how many sessions my site
has started. This gives me a rough idea of how many vistors I have at a
specfic time, just by counting the rows in the table. Further on, I
differ logged in users by counting those who have the a flag
registered. This gives me fast and rough stats of how many users that
are visisting the site and how many of them who are logged in.
Now, when I get the empty sessions all mixed up with the other sites ut
gets way too rough. I have thought of a couple of possible solutions
with by always registering a variable to session but it makes it more
ineffcient than before.

I think you get the picture. Maybe you have a simple soloution, if so
please share =). I've gotta go now. Have a nice weekend.

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 02:19:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What is the big problem here exactly? I fail to understand why this is
important for you.


[2002-02-07 05:40:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ah well, since I'm the only one complaining I guess no one will do
anything about it. For me it's back to 4.0 because I really used the
previous way it worked. =/


[2002-02-07 04:00:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is due to implementation difference by nature. "files" save
handler creates session file when _open_ is called. In contrust,
database storage with "user" save handler, there is not need to create
session record when open or read is called. If session is started by
there is no data to save, _write_ is not called for both user and files
handler, but there will be empty sesson data file since it's already

I think this behavior is reasonable. If user don't like certain save
handler behavior, user should use other or implement one by themself.

For example, "session_pgsql" save handler does not even use
"gc_probability" for performance reason. It performs GC with specified
time interval. It also does not return session data when data is

I mean all save handlers does not work exactly the same way ;)

[2002-02-07 03:43:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Well, it still stores the session-keys as files when they´re empty,
just not when I want it in a table. I use this to differ my sites
sessions from other sites on the server and I when I had all
sessions(empty or not) in a table I used it for "right" now stats. Now
I get empty session as files with the session key as name and the
sessions with data in my table. This makes it impossible for me to
count how many sessions belong to my site because I'm not the only one
using the server. So WHY are empty sessions stored as files and full
sessions as files when I store them as files BUT when I store the
sessions in a table I get the empty ones in files, along with the other
sites', and the sessions with variables which belong to my site, turn
up in the table as they're supposed to. I WANT all the sessions in ONE
place... =( *going back to 4.0...*

[2002-02-06 19:58:30] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I would say it's a design. As you said, it does not make any sense
store session does not have any value.

I make this report to documentation problem, since this behavior is
better to be documented.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Marko Karppinen

> Hmm. I vote -1 for this.
> It just does not make sense to store original(case sensitive)
> names while langage ignores case. It's also confusing, lead
> to case sensitivity BC problem anyway just like with case
> sensitive function/names.

Case preservation makes very much sense in a case-insensitive environment.
Just look at file system implementations from Apple and Microsoft, where,
believe it or not, a lot of thought has gone into this issue.

I had a private chat with Jason Greene about this, and I came out with the
understanding that the .NET/SOAP interop issues mentioned here earlier by
Markus and Jason are actually issues with PHP not preserving case rather
than with PHP not being fully case-sensitive.

And since Andi promised to take a shot at making case preservation happen,
it seems like we are on our way to better interoperability without too much
BC hassles.


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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15446: memory leak with xmldoc

2002-02-08 Thread jparneodo

Operating system: RedHat7.1
PHP version:  4.1.1
PHP Bug Type: DOM XML related
Bug description:  memory leak with xmldoc

Use a small xml string and start this code
and look at your memory server, I've 150Mb
before the end of the loops :-(
Of course, I've the same result with a few loops
an big xml data.

echo "loop $j:$i\n";

Is it a memory leak?
Or a feature to add like xmldocfree()?

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Built-in SOAP based Web Services support(wasRe:PHP 5)

2002-02-08 Thread Björn Schotte

* Lukas Smith wrote:
> I don't know the names of the authors of the other soap/xml-rpc
> implementations but it would probably be a good idea to talk to them as
> well.

Have a look at - seems to be one
of the best SOAP/WSDL/UDDI implementations and will be the
core of ActiveState's PHP web services component.

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[PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Andi Gutmans

At 07:59 PM 2/8/2002 +0900, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
>Andi Gutmans wrote:
>>At 06:55 PM 2/8/2002 +0900, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
>>>Andi Gutmans wrote:
At 07:58 AM 2/7/2002 +0100, Stig S. Bakken wrote:

>After careful consideration on the CS issue I must say I agree with John
>here.  The _only_ case where I feel CS is a problem, is when dealing
>with other environments.  But the price for changing this today is
>simply too high.  It should have been done in PHP 3.0.  We have other BC
>issues to soak our brains in.
>>>Why not in PHP5? PHP5 breaks BC badly with new name space
>>>support, anyway. Obviously, main concern for PHP5 is not
>>>compatibility, not like PHP4. Right?
>>I still don't quite see why it breaks BC badly. It does not and no way 
>>near the case sensitive change.
>>Don't give me hypothetical examples of breakage but if you were to check 
>>how many scripts break because of name spaces and how many because of 
>>case sensitivity you'd see they aren't in the same league.
>Name space BC problem is "bad", since script may misbehave
>without proper error message where to fix.
>It's a bad BC problem since it's harder to fix/notice.
>In some cases, it seems works well while it's not.

The question is how often does this breakage actually happen in real life 
and not theoretically on the mailing list.


>Case sensitive name is also "bad" since it will break
>most scripts. However, it's reatively easy to fix/notice.
>Both of them are "bad" BC problem.
>For me, case sensitive name BC problem is better
>than name space BC problem, since there will be
>appropriate errors for BC problem.
>It may not the case for others, though...
>Yasuo Ohgaki
>Script as follows will be executed w/o any error
>and gives totally wrong result.
>This is really "bad" BC problem, is't this?
>compute_rate() {
>   // do standard rate calc here
>   return $some_rate;
>class A() {
>function get_rate($is_class_specific_rate) {
>   if (%is_class_specific_rate) {
>  // compute class specific rate
>   return $this->compute_rate();
>   }
>   else {
>  // use standard rate function
>  return compute_rate();
>   }
>function compute_rate() {
>   // do a little different rate calc here
>   return $some_rate;
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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15447: Seemingly without some reason, the data of the session disappear.

2002-02-08 Thread ftpd

Operating system: WINDOWS 98 SE
PHP version:  4.1.1
PHP Bug Type: Session related
Bug description:  Seemingly without some reason, the data of the session disappear.

Hello. I would like to ask him to go open this bug. Seemingly without some
reason, the data of the session
disappear. I go ties the directory where the session files are stored
and they don't simply exist more. I was already accompanying the moments
from the creation of the file ties the hour that the same disappears.
The times the process doesn't last more than 1 minute and other more
than 10 min. I am using php 4. 1. 1, Apache 1. 3. 20, win98 SE 4. 1.
 (with all of the available updatings in the My lan works in speed of 10/100 Mbit. The
file php. ini is one copies of the php. ini-dist, only with alterations
in the path of the creation of the session files. The remaining
continues original. The path is that d:/php/sessiondata. If possible I
would like his help for the solution of this problem. Sorry for my
terrible english.
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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15446 Updated: memory leak with xmldoc

2002-02-08 Thread mfischer

 ID:   15446
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Duplicate
 Bug Type: DOM XML related
 Operating System: RedHat7.1
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

That's a feature request and actually a duplicate (don't know the # of
the other report). There was even a patch supplied (but last time I
tested [=months ago ;)]) I had some problems with it.

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 06:17:13] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Use a small xml string and start this code
and look at your memory server, I've 150Mb
before the end of the loops :-(
Of course, I've the same result with a few loops
an big xml data.

echo "loop $j:$i\n";

Is it a memory leak?
Or a feature to add like xmldocfree()?

Edit this bug report at

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15448: Part of Apache installation howto disappeared

2002-02-08 Thread pikkumyy

Operating system: Linux
PHP version:  4.1.1
PHP Bug Type: Documentation problem
Bug description:  Part of Apache installation howto disappeared

On "Manual / Installation / Servers: Apache on Unix" there used to be
sections such as:

  11. cd ../apache_1.3.x
  12. for PHP 3: ./configure -activate-module=src/modules/php3/libphp3.a
  for PHP 4: ./configure --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a
  13. make
  14. make install

These seem to have disappeared.
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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15449: Bug running PHP Mod@ Win XP

2002-02-08 Thread miguelangelos

Operating system: Windows XP
PHP version:  4.1.1
PHP Bug Type: Apache related
Bug description:  Bug running PHP Mod@ Win XP

We use compaq notebooks with XP Home Edition :oP (native conf)for
demonstration of our web app.

The config: 
Apache 1.3.22
PHP 4.1.0 - apache module

When running a simple phpinfo(); one of two appear to happen:
1- a bogus dns error
2- page keep reloading not interpreting the code - some kind of buffer

This can get realy weird if the code get's more complicated.

I can't reproduce this in any other box (98,2000 Server or Professional,

launching Apache in debug (-X) mode seems to handle the problem for now.

Any hint?
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Expected behavior:
Not enough info:

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15449 Updated: Bug running PHP Mod@ Win XP

2002-02-08 Thread miguelangelos

 ID:   15449
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Apache related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  4.1.1

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Yasuo Ohgaki

Marko Karppinen wrote:
> Yasuo:
>>Hmm. I vote -1 for this.
>>It just does not make sense to store original(case sensitive)
>>names while langage ignores case. It's also confusing, lead
>>to case sensitivity BC problem anyway just like with case
>>sensitive function/names.
> Case preservation makes very much sense in a case-insensitive environment.
> Just look at file system implementations from Apple and Microsoft, where,
> believe it or not, a lot of thought has gone into this issue.
> I had a private chat with Jason Greene about this, and I came out with the
> understanding that the .NET/SOAP interop issues mentioned here earlier by
> Markus and Jason are actually issues with PHP not preserving case rather
> than with PHP not being fully case-sensitive.

It will be confusing PHP preserve case for other while
internally case insensitve...

Therefore, -1 for this :)

> And since Andi promised to take a shot at making case preservation happen,
> it seems like we are on our way to better interoperability without too much
> BC hassles.

If get_class() or like returns names with case preserved,
it breaks BC. I expect additional parameter for all of
these functions if it really implemented.

I hope not, since it's a additional memory and performance loss...
Yasuo Ohgaki

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15110 Updated: session_start()

2002-02-08 Thread yohgaki

 ID:   15110
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

If you have your own save handler functions, you can do what ever you
want with you functiions. 

For example, if session is new (no record in your DB when read is
called), just insert it when close is called.

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 05:48:50] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I share a server with a couple of other sites using php and I'm the
only one using mysql to store sessions. By storing all my sessions in a
table, both empty and not, I get a measure of how many sessions my site
has started. This gives me a rough idea of how many vistors I have at a
specfic time, just by counting the rows in the table. Further on, I
differ logged in users by counting those who have the a flag
registered. This gives me fast and rough stats of how many users that
are visisting the site and how many of them who are logged in.
Now, when I get the empty sessions all mixed up with the other sites ut
gets way too rough. I have thought of a couple of possible solutions
with by always registering a variable to session but it makes it more
ineffcient than before.

I think you get the picture. Maybe you have a simple soloution, if so
please share =). I've gotta go now. Have a nice weekend.

[2002-02-08 02:19:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What is the big problem here exactly? I fail to understand why this is
important for you.


[2002-02-07 05:40:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ah well, since I'm the only one complaining I guess no one will do
anything about it. For me it's back to 4.0 because I really used the
previous way it worked. =/


[2002-02-07 04:00:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is due to implementation difference by nature. "files" save
handler creates session file when _open_ is called. In contrust,
database storage with "user" save handler, there is not need to create
session record when open or read is called. If session is started by
there is no data to save, _write_ is not called for both user and files
handler, but there will be empty sesson data file since it's already

I think this behavior is reasonable. If user don't like certain save
handler behavior, user should use other or implement one by themself.

For example, "session_pgsql" save handler does not even use
"gc_probability" for performance reason. It performs GC with specified
time interval. It also does not return session data when data is

I mean all save handlers does not work exactly the same way ;)

[2002-02-07 03:43:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Well, it still stores the session-keys as files when they´re empty,
just not when I want it in a table. I use this to differ my sites
sessions from other sites on the server and I when I had all
sessions(empty or not) in a table I used it for "right" now stats. Now
I get empty session as files with the session key as name and the
sessions with data in my table. This makes it impossible for me to
count how many sessions belong to my site because I'm not the only one
using the server. So WHY are empty sessions stored as files and full
sessions as files when I store them as files BUT when I store the
sessions in a table I get the empty ones in files, along with the other
sites', and the sessions with variables which belong to my site, turn
up in the table as they're supposed to. I WANT all the sessions in ONE
place... =( *going back to 4.0...*

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Andi Gutmans

At 09:06 PM 2/8/2002 +0900, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
>Marko Karppinen wrote:
>>>Hmm. I vote -1 for this.
>>>It just does not make sense to store original(case sensitive)
>>>names while langage ignores case. It's also confusing, lead
>>>to case sensitivity BC problem anyway just like with case
>>>sensitive function/names.
>>Case preservation makes very much sense in a case-insensitive environment.
>>Just look at file system implementations from Apple and Microsoft, where,
>>believe it or not, a lot of thought has gone into this issue.
>>I had a private chat with Jason Greene about this, and I came out with the
>>understanding that the .NET/SOAP interop issues mentioned here earlier by
>>Markus and Jason are actually issues with PHP not preserving case rather
>>than with PHP not being fully case-sensitive.
>It will be confusing PHP preserve case for other while
>internally case insensitve...
>Therefore, -1 for this :)

It won't be confusing. You are just -1 because you want case sensitivity. 
How will it confuse you? The only thing it will allow is to support 
interoperability. It wouldn't confuse people writing PHP code.
I don't mind you being against case insensitivity. You can have whatever 
opinion you want but it doesn't mean you need to find bad reasons :)

>>And since Andi promised to take a shot at making case preservation happen,
>>it seems like we are on our way to better interoperability without too much
>>BC hassles.
>If get_class() or like returns names with case preserved,
>it breaks BC. I expect additional parameter for all of
>these functions if it really implemented.

Stig answered this one.

>I hope not, since it's a additional memory and performance loss...

There is no chance in hell you'd notice the additional memory :) And the 
performance difference would be negligible because what can be done at 
compile-time is already done in ZE2.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Hartmut Holzgraefe

Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
> It will be confusing PHP preserve case for other while
> internally case insensitve...
exactly as confusing as the file systems 90+% of computer users
(Win+MacOS that is) are used to ...

Hartmut Holzgraefe  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +49-711-99091-77

Wir stellen für Sie aus auf der CeBIT 2002 und freuen uns
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[PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Yasuo Ohgaki

Andi Gutmans wrote:
>> Name space BC problem is "bad", since script may misbehave
>> without proper error message where to fix.
>> It's a bad BC problem since it's harder to fix/notice.
>> In some cases, it seems works well while it's not.
> The question is how often does this breakage actually happen in real 
> life and not theoretically on the mailing list.

Then we have different priority for BC problems :(
BC _with_ error is not as bad as BC _without_ error for me.
Yasuo Ohgaki

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Andi Gutmans

At 09:20 PM 2/8/2002 +0900, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
>Andi Gutmans wrote:
>>>Name space BC problem is "bad", since script may misbehave
>>>without proper error message where to fix.
>>>It's a bad BC problem since it's harder to fix/notice.
>>>In some cases, it seems works well while it's not.
>>The question is how often does this breakage actually happen in real life 
>>and not theoretically on the mailing list.
>Then we have different priority for BC problems :(
>BC _with_ error is not as bad as BC _without_ error for me.

Theoretically I agree but if BC _without_ error happens very rarely then I 
don't think it's that bad. In any case, we could always have an E_MIGRATION 
for people migrating.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Andi Gutmans

At 01:15 PM 2/8/2002 +0100, Hartmut Holzgraefe wrote:
>Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
>>It will be confusing PHP preserve case for other while
>>internally case insensitve...
>exactly as confusing as the file systems 90+% of computer users
>(Win+MacOS that is) are used to ...



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[PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Yasuo Ohgaki

Andi Gutmans wrote:
> At 09:20 PM 2/8/2002 +0900, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
>> Andi Gutmans wrote:
 Name space BC problem is "bad", since script may misbehave
 without proper error message where to fix.
 It's a bad BC problem since it's harder to fix/notice.
 In some cases, it seems works well while it's not.
>>> The question is how often does this breakage actually happen in real 
>>> life and not theoretically on the mailing list.
>> Then we have different priority for BC problems :(
>> BC _with_ error is not as bad as BC _without_ error for me.
> Theoretically I agree but if BC _without_ error happens very rarely then 
> I don't think it's that bad. In any case, we could always have an 
> E_MIGRATION for people migrating.

I personally prefer to have E_DEBUG, E_INFO and clean up error
level for functions. There about 2300 php_error/zend_error :)

I'll happily contribute for it.

Error like compatibility info (migration)
Error useful for debugging script but not appropriate
for production scripts.
Error that can be a bug in script but may be ingored.
Error taht cannot be ignored. (Error must be handled)
Fatal error.

Yasuo Ohgaki

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Yasuo Ohgaki

Hartmut Holzgraefe wrote:
> Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
>> It will be confusing PHP preserve case for other while
>> internally case insensitve...
> exactly as confusing as the file systems 90+% of computer users
> (Win+MacOS that is) are used to ...

To use file system as a user, there is no logic required.
(I mean control structures are not needed to use files)
I guess Java/C/C++ is very popular and serious programmers
know at least one of them. Chances are high that new users
get confused by PHP after learnning Java/C/C++.
I think students learn Java/C/C++ in a university rather
than PHP :)


We can say "Get to used to it! It's the PHP way", though.

Anyway, if we stay in with current case insensitive names,
I  think we should not have case preserved names for other

If we are willing to be nice to other technology, we
should go for case sensitive names, IMHO.

This is my opinion, others have other opinions :)

Yasuo Ohgaki

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Separating Bug report emails to own list.. Re: Re[3]: [PHP-DEV] Suggestion:

2002-02-08 Thread Zeev Suraski


At 04:06 AM 2/8/2002, Jani Taskinen wrote:

> Just wanted to let you know that I'm doing exactly that.
> Filtering that annoying noise to other folder. :)
> Which I unfortunately don't have time to read atm.
> And I actually have turned my coat on this issue and I'm
> in favor for separating the bug emails to own list.
> Two good reasons:
> - People who don't want to read them filter them out anyway
> - It makes php-dev easier to follow
> - The php-dev@ archive (e.g. in web) becomes easier to browse
>   and search for discussions
> The php-bugs@ list should be a read-only list where anyone
> with cvs account should be subscribed (by default).
> It being read-only forces any replies to be send to php-dev@
> where more intense discussion over the issues in the reports
> should take place anyway.
> --Jani
>On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, l0t3k wrote:
> >Daniel,
> >we've had that conversation before, and the consensus then (which makes
> >sense), is that part of the price of being a developer is ensuring that bugs
> >are resolved in a timely manner. to split the list would make it less likely
> >that a bug gets reviewed (after all its more sexy to create features than to
> >debug them). how that works in actual practice, i dont know. i review bug
> >reports periodically, but i suppose others can just as well filter them
> >out...
> >
> >Daniel Lorch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Maybe a solution would be to split PHP-Dev into PHP-Bugs and keep
> >> PHP-Dev for *real* topics such as case sensitivity/PHP5 and other
> >> questions which are about PHP language design. This would keep the
> >> "noise" out of here. Comments?
> >>
> >> --  Daniel Lorch
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Hartmut Holzgraefe

Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
> To use file system as a user, there is no logic required.
> (I mean control structures are not needed to use files)
> I guess Java/C/C++ is very popular and serious programmers
> know at least one of them. Chances are high that new users
> get confused by PHP after learnning Java/C/C++.
> I think students learn Java/C/C++ in a university rather
> than PHP :)

how many ut these make actualy *use* of the case sensitivity
these languages provide (other than cpp #define CONSTANT)?

> Anyway, if we stay in with current case insensitive names,
> I  think we should not have case preserved names for other
> technology.

could you elaborate on that?
either i am completely stupid or this argument
is complete nonsens ...

> If we are willing to be nice to other technology, we
> should go for case sensitive names, IMHO.

it is not about being nice to other technologies
(once again, i don't like the term technology in this
  context), it is about being compatible with external
interfaces while being nice to users meeting their
expectations regarding bc and convenience

Hartmut Holzgraefe  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +49-711-99091-77

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Separating Bug report emails to own list.. Re: Re[3]: [PHP-DEV] Suggestion:

2002-02-08 Thread Andi Gutmans

-1 :) For the reasons mentioned every six months when this matter is raised.

At 02:49 PM 2/8/2002 +0200, Zeev Suraski wrote:
>At 04:06 AM 2/8/2002, Jani Taskinen wrote:
>> Just wanted to let you know that I'm doing exactly that.
>> Filtering that annoying noise to other folder. :)
>> Which I unfortunately don't have time to read atm.
>> And I actually have turned my coat on this issue and I'm
>> in favor for separating the bug emails to own list.
>> Two good reasons:
>> - People who don't want to read them filter them out anyway
>> - It makes php-dev easier to follow
>> - The php-dev@ archive (e.g. in web) becomes easier to browse
>>   and search for discussions
>> The php-bugs@ list should be a read-only list where anyone
>> with cvs account should be subscribed (by default).
>> It being read-only forces any replies to be send to php-dev@
>> where more intense discussion over the issues in the reports
>> should take place anyway.
>> --Jani
>>On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, l0t3k wrote:
>> >Daniel,
>> >we've had that conversation before, and the consensus then (which makes
>> >sense), is that part of the price of being a developer is ensuring that 
>> bugs
>> >are resolved in a timely manner. to split the list would make it less 
>> likely
>> >that a bug gets reviewed (after all its more sexy to create features 
>> than to
>> >debug them). how that works in actual practice, i dont know. i review bug
>> >reports periodically, but i suppose others can just as well filter them
>> >out...
>> >
>> >Daniel Lorch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> Maybe a solution would be to split PHP-Dev into PHP-Bugs and keep
>> >> PHP-Dev for *real* topics such as case sensitivity/PHP5 and other
>> >> questions which are about PHP language design. This would keep the
>> >> "noise" out of here. Comments?
>> >>
>> >> --  Daniel Lorch
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>>PHP Development Mailing List 
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>PHP Development Mailing List 
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Separating Bug report emails to own list.. Re: Re[3]:[PHP-DEV] Suggestion:

2002-02-08 Thread Jani Taskinen

Do you filter these? :)
I didn't do that before, but now that I am doing it, it makes
following php-dev@ a LOT easier.


On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Andi Gutmans wrote:

>-1 :) For the reasons mentioned every six months when this matter is raised.
>At 02:49 PM 2/8/2002 +0200, Zeev Suraski wrote:
>>At 04:06 AM 2/8/2002, Jani Taskinen wrote:
>>> Just wanted to let you know that I'm doing exactly that.
>>> Filtering that annoying noise to other folder. :)
>>> Which I unfortunately don't have time to read atm.
>>> And I actually have turned my coat on this issue and I'm
>>> in favor for separating the bug emails to own list.
>>> Two good reasons:
>>> - People who don't want to read them filter them out anyway
>>> - It makes php-dev easier to follow
>>> - The php-dev@ archive (e.g. in web) becomes easier to browse
>>>   and search for discussions
>>> The php-bugs@ list should be a read-only list where anyone
>>> with cvs account should be subscribed (by default).
>>> It being read-only forces any replies to be send to php-dev@
>>> where more intense discussion over the issues in the reports
>>> should take place anyway.
>>> --Jani
>>>On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, l0t3k wrote:
>>> >Daniel,
>>> >we've had that conversation before, and the consensus then (which makes
>>> >sense), is that part of the price of being a developer is ensuring that
>>> bugs
>>> >are resolved in a timely manner. to split the list would make it less
>>> likely
>>> >that a bug gets reviewed (after all its more sexy to create features
>>> than to
>>> >debug them). how that works in actual practice, i dont know. i review bug
>>> >reports periodically, but i suppose others can just as well filter them
>>> >out...
>>> >
>>> >Daniel Lorch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>> >> Hi,
>>> >>
>>> >> Maybe a solution would be to split PHP-Dev into PHP-Bugs and keep
>>> >> PHP-Dev for *real* topics such as case sensitivity/PHP5 and other
>>> >> questions which are about PHP language design. This would keep the
>>> >> "noise" out of here. Comments?
>>> >>
>>> >> --  Daniel Lorch
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>>PHP Development Mailing List 
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>>PHP Development Mailing List 
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Separating Bug report emails to own list.. Re: Re[3]: [PHP-DEV] Suggestion:

2002-02-08 Thread Andi Gutmans

At 03:04 PM 2/8/2002 +0200, Jani Taskinen wrote:

>Do you filter these? :)
>I didn't do that before, but now that I am doing it, it makes
>following php-dev@ a LOT easier.

I do :) But I still think that people subscribed to php-dev@ need to not 
only enjoy upsides but also the downsides of receiving the bug reports in 
hope that more people will look at them.
By the way, if you're filtering them then what do you care? It's no biggy 
to deal with another n mails if they are filtered.


PHP Development Mailing List 
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[PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Andi Gutmans

At 01:42 PM 2/8/2002 +0100, Stig S. Bakken wrote:
>On Fri, 2002-02-08 at 13:38, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
> > Andi Gutmans wrote:
> > > At 09:20 PM 2/8/2002 +0900, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
> > >
> > >> Andi Gutmans wrote:
> > >>
> >  Name space BC problem is "bad", since script may misbehave
> >  without proper error message where to fix.
> >  It's a bad BC problem since it's harder to fix/notice.
> >  In some cases, it seems works well while it's not.
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> The question is how often does this breakage actually happen in real
> > >>> life and not theoretically on the mailing list.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Then we have different priority for BC problems :(
> > >> BC _with_ error is not as bad as BC _without_ error for me.
> > >
> > >
> > > Theoretically I agree but if BC _without_ error happens very rarely then
> > > I don't think it's that bad. In any case, we could always have an
> > > E_MIGRATION for people migrating.
> > >
> >
> > Great!
> > I personally prefer to have E_DEBUG, E_INFO and clean up error
> > level for functions. There about 2300 php_error/zend_error :)
> >
> > I'll happily contribute for it.
> >
> > E_INFO:
> > Error like compatibility info (migration)
> > E_DEBUG:
> > Error useful for debugging script but not appropriate
> > for production scripts.
> > Error that can be a bug in script but may be ingored.
> > Error taht cannot be ignored. (Error must be handled)
> > Fatal error.
>Good idea.  E_DEBUG may be a good alternative to php_printf().  Heh.

Fine tuning errors is probably a good idea. E_PEDANTIC?


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Separating Bug report emails to own list.. Re: Re[3]: [PHP-DEV] Suggestion:

2002-02-08 Thread Edin Kadribasic

> Do you filter these? :)
> I didn't do that before, but now that I am doing it, it makes
> following php-dev@ a LOT easier.

I filter bug reports to a separate folder as well. (cyrus + sieve rocks). I
noticed an interesting thing. Not only did reading php-dev become much
easier, but reading my virtual php-bug list is very nice as well. It is
possible to quickly scan the reports for the your area of interest (and hope
that's not session module :).

So +1 from me.


PHP Development Mailing List 
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Separating Bug report emails to own list.. Re: Re[3]: [PHP-DEV] Suggestion:

2002-02-08 Thread Zeev Suraski

At 03:13 PM 2/8/2002, Andi Gutmans wrote:
>At 03:04 PM 2/8/2002 +0200, Jani Taskinen wrote:
>>Do you filter these? :)
>>I didn't do that before, but now that I am doing it, it makes
>>following php-dev@ a LOT easier.
>I do :) But I still think that people subscribed to php-dev@ need to not 
>only enjoy upsides but also the downsides of receiving the bug reports in 
>hope that more people will look at them.

I think that the only time this actually has any meaning is with people 
whose email software isn't bright enough to filter it.  Otherwise, I'm 
pretty sure everyone filters it anyway.

php-dev is full of people who aren't actually developing, but are just 
interested in watching the development trends.  Forcing them to see the 
bugs isn't going to do anything in any level - either they'll ignore it, or 
filter it out, because they can't do anything about it anyway.

We both know that just receiving the bug reports doesn't have any meaning 
if you're not willing to actually spend time working on them.

I don't think it's that important (that's my last post on this thread :), 
but it does look kind of odd that instead of just separating the lists, we 
tell people 'filter them!'


PHP Development Mailing List 
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[PHP-DEV] RE: [Zend Engine 2] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Ford, Mike [LSS]

One corollary to becoming case-sensitive for function names needs to be considered: a 
standard should be defined for module/extension function names (even if it's as simple 
as "all lower case no underscores"!), and EVERY module/extension must be checked for 
conformance before release of a case-sensitive PHP.  Otherwise, poor saps like me who 
use several modules, some only occasionally, will have fits trying to remember which 
convention each module uses (for example, "I know it's OCIPConnect, but is it 
yazconnect, yazConnect, yaz_connect, Yaz_Connect, ...?").  It's bad enough already 
with inconsistency of underscores (OCIPConnect but yaz_connect, according to the 
manual), but throw in variations of case convention and it would be a complete 



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning & Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Beckett Park
Tel: extn 4730Fax: extn 3211 

PHP Development Mailing List 
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Separating Bug report emails to own list.. Re: Re[3]: [PHP-DEV] Suggestion:

2002-02-08 Thread Andi Gutmans

At 03:15 PM 2/8/2002 +0200, Zeev Suraski wrote:
>At 03:13 PM 2/8/2002, Andi Gutmans wrote:
>>At 03:04 PM 2/8/2002 +0200, Jani Taskinen wrote:
>>>Do you filter these? :)
>>>I didn't do that before, but now that I am doing it, it makes
>>>following php-dev@ a LOT easier.
>>I do :) But I still think that people subscribed to php-dev@ need to not 
>>only enjoy upsides but also the downsides of receiving the bug reports in 
>>hope that more people will look at them.
>I think that the only time this actually has any meaning is with people 
>whose email software isn't bright enough to filter it.  Otherwise, I'm 
>pretty sure everyone filters it anyway.
>php-dev is full of people who aren't actually developing, but are just 
>interested in watching the development trends.  Forcing them to see the 
>bugs isn't going to do anything in any level - either they'll ignore it, 
>or filter it out, because they can't do anything about it anyway.
>We both know that just receiving the bug reports doesn't have any meaning 
>if you're not willing to actually spend time working on them.
>I don't think it's that important (that's my last post on this thread :), 
>but it does look kind of odd that instead of just separating the lists, we 
>tell people 'filter them!'

I believe that in the scenario where php-dev@ is sent bug reports as 
opposed to people having to subscribe separately to php-bugs@ the amount of 
people reading bug reports in the first case will be bigger than in the 
second. This is because I believe there is a % of people who would read bug 
reports if they received them but wouldn't actively subscribe to the bug 
reports list.


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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15450: PHP module restarts when using many oracle statements (OCI8)

2002-02-08 Thread gladbach

Operating system: solaris 2.6
PHP version:  4.0.6
PHP Bug Type: Reproducible crash
Bug description:  PHP module restarts when using many oracle statements (OCI8)

We are using Iplanet Webserver 4.1SP7. Most of the times PHP works fine,
only when running scripts that have several Oracle calls (all of them
select, insert,delete) the module or the webserver (yet unknown) crashes.
The webserver restarts and the enduser gets an error screen (Internet
explorer) or a popup 'page contains no data' (Netscape Navigator). The
strange thing that happens is, when we lower the number of calls to
Oracle, the problems disappears ?! Any clues ?

PHP compiled with the following options:
--with-ldap=/opt/local-software/ldapclient --without-mysql --enable-libgcc
Edit bug report at
Fixed in CVS:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:

PHP Development Mailing List 
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[PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Andi Gutmans

At 02:20 PM 2/8/2002 +0100, Stig S. Bakken wrote:
>On Fri, 2002-02-08 at 14:14, Andi Gutmans wrote:
> > At 01:42 PM 2/8/2002 +0100, Stig S. Bakken wrote:
> > >On Fri, 2002-02-08 at 13:38, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
> > > > Andi Gutmans wrote:
> > > > > At 09:20 PM 2/8/2002 +0900, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >> Andi Gutmans wrote:
> > > > >>
> > > >  Name space BC problem is "bad", since script may misbehave
> > > >  without proper error message where to fix.
> > > >  It's a bad BC problem since it's harder to fix/notice.
> > > >  In some cases, it seems works well while it's not.
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>> The question is how often does this breakage actually happen in 
> real
> > > > >>> life and not theoretically on the mailing list.
> > > > >>
> > > > >>
> > > > >> Then we have different priority for BC problems :(
> > > > >> BC _with_ error is not as bad as BC _without_ error for me.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Theoretically I agree but if BC _without_ error happens very 
> rarely then
> > > > > I don't think it's that bad. In any case, we could always have an
> > > > > E_MIGRATION for people migrating.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Great!
> > > > I personally prefer to have E_DEBUG, E_INFO and clean up error
> > > > level for functions. There about 2300 php_error/zend_error :)
> > > >
> > > > I'll happily contribute for it.
> > > >
> > > > E_INFO:
> > > > Error like compatibility info (migration)
> > > > E_DEBUG:
> > > > Error useful for debugging script but not appropriate
> > > > for production scripts.
> > > > E_NOTICE
> > > > Error that can be a bug in script but may be ingored.
> > > > E_WARNING
> > > > Error taht cannot be ignored. (Error must be handled)
> > > > E_ERROR
> > > > Fatal error.
> > >
> > >Good idea.  E_DEBUG may be a good alternative to php_printf().  Heh.
> >
> > Fine tuning errors is probably a good idea. E_PEDANTIC?
>A lot of errors that are E_NOTICE today would definitely be better off
>as E_PEDANTIC.  Undefined array indexes come to mind.  What else?
>E_INFO may be a bit vague (and probably attract a lot of "misc"
>errors).  What about E_COMPAT for compatibility issues?

Do you see E_PENDANTIC and E_NOTICE as much different? Can we differentiate 
between them?

PHP Development Mailing List 
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Separating Bug report emails to own list.. Re: Re[3]:[PHP-DEV] Suggestion:

2002-02-08 Thread Jani Taskinen

Exactly same for me. I should have started doing this a long time ago..


On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Edin Kadribasic wrote:

>> Do you filter these? :)
>> I didn't do that before, but now that I am doing it, it makes
>> following php-dev@ a LOT easier.
>I filter bug reports to a separate folder as well. (cyrus + sieve rocks). I
>noticed an interesting thing. Not only did reading php-dev become much
>easier, but reading my virtual php-bug list is very nice as well. It is
>possible to quickly scan the reports for the your area of interest (and hope
>that's not session module :).
>So +1 from me.

PHP Development Mailing List 
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Casesensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Marko Karppinen

>> A lot of errors that are E_NOTICE today would definitely be better off
>> as E_PEDANTIC.  Undefined array indexes come to mind.  What else?
>> E_INFO may be a bit vague (and probably attract a lot of "misc"
>> errors).  What about E_COMPAT for compatibility issues?
> Do you see E_PENDANTIC and E_NOTICE as much different? Can we differentiate
> between them?

I think that one of the levels should explicitly state that extra cpu or
memory resources can be used to produce the output.

For example (and this is not really a well thought out suggestion),
preg_replace() could test if it is being used for simple replaces that
str_replace() could manage as well and if so throw an E_PERFORMANCE notice
or some such.

These kinds of tests are so expensive that they can't be switched on even in
an E_ALL environment. But it might be an useful way for script writers to
get usage feedback from PHP and extension authors.


PHP Development Mailing List 
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Andi Gutmans

At 02:39 PM 2/8/2002 +0100, Stig S. Bakken wrote:
>On Fri, 2002-02-08 at 14:30, Andi Gutmans wrote:
> > At 02:20 PM 2/8/2002 +0100, Stig S. Bakken wrote:
> > >On Fri, 2002-02-08 at 14:14, Andi Gutmans wrote:
> > > > At 01:42 PM 2/8/2002 +0100, Stig S. Bakken wrote:
> > > > >On Fri, 2002-02-08 at 13:38, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
> > > > > > Andi Gutmans wrote:
> > > > > > > At 09:20 PM 2/8/2002 +0900, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >> Andi Gutmans wrote:
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > >  Name space BC problem is "bad", since script may misbehave
> > > > > >  without proper error message where to fix.
> > > > > >  It's a bad BC problem since it's harder to fix/notice.
> > > > > >  In some cases, it seems works well while it's not.
> > > > > > >>>
> > > > > > >>>
> > > > > > >>> The question is how often does this breakage actually 
> happen in
> > > real
> > > > > > >>> life and not theoretically on the mailing list.
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >> Then we have different priority for BC problems :(
> > > > > > >> BC _with_ error is not as bad as BC _without_ error for me.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Theoretically I agree but if BC _without_ error happens very
> > > rarely then
> > > > > > > I don't think it's that bad. In any case, we could always have an
> > > > > > > E_MIGRATION for people migrating.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Great!
> > > > > > I personally prefer to have E_DEBUG, E_INFO and clean up error
> > > > > > level for functions. There about 2300 php_error/zend_error :)
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I'll happily contribute for it.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > E_INFO:
> > > > > > Error like compatibility info (migration)
> > > > > > E_DEBUG:
> > > > > > Error useful for debugging script but not appropriate
> > > > > > for production scripts.
> > > > > > E_NOTICE
> > > > > > Error that can be a bug in script but may be ingored.
> > > > > > E_WARNING
> > > > > > Error taht cannot be ignored. (Error must be handled)
> > > > > > E_ERROR
> > > > > > Fatal error.
> > > > >
> > > > >Good idea.  E_DEBUG may be a good alternative to php_printf().  Heh.
> > > >
> > > > Fine tuning errors is probably a good idea. E_PEDANTIC?
> > >
> > >A lot of errors that are E_NOTICE today would definitely be better off
> > >as E_PEDANTIC.  Undefined array indexes come to mind.  What else?
> > >E_INFO may be a bit vague (and probably attract a lot of "misc"
> > >errors).  What about E_COMPAT for compatibility issues?
> >
> > Do you see E_PENDANTIC and E_NOTICE as much different? Can we 
> differentiate
> > between them?
>Well, E_PENDANTIC is more specific, its use should be limited to really
>strict warnings, just like in C compilers.  Just move those errors from
>E_NOTICE to E_PEDANTIC and leave the remaining E_NOTICEs as they are.
>Or are you saying you see less point in having E_NOTICE with E_PEDANTIC?

Yeah that's what I meant but I think you're right. We can use E_PENDATIC 
for *really* pedantic messages. It'd be actually interesting to find all 
sorts of places which could do with this.


PHP Development Mailing List 
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RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Ford, Mike [LSS]

> -Original Message-
> From: Andi Gutmans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 08 February 2002 13:46
> At 02:39 PM 2/8/2002 +0100, Stig S. Bakken wrote:
> >On Fri, 2002-02-08 at 14:30, Andi Gutmans wrote:
> > > At 02:20 PM 2/8/2002 +0100, Stig S. Bakken wrote:
> > > >On Fri, 2002-02-08 at 14:14, Andi Gutmans wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Fine tuning errors is probably a good idea. E_PEDANTIC?
> > > >
> > > >A lot of errors that are E_NOTICE today would definitely 
> be better off
> > > >as E_PEDANTIC.  Undefined array indexes come to mind.  What else?
> > > >E_INFO may be a bit vague (and probably attract a lot of "misc"
> > > >errors).  What about E_COMPAT for compatibility issues?
> > >
> > > Do you see E_PENDANTIC and E_NOTICE as much different? Can we 
> > differentiate
> > > between them?
> >
> >Well, E_PENDANTIC is more specific, its use should be 
> limited to really
> >strict warnings, just like in C compilers.  Just move those 
> errors from
> >E_NOTICE to E_PEDANTIC and leave the remaining E_NOTICEs as they are.
> >Or are you saying you see less point in having E_NOTICE with 
> Yeah that's what I meant but I think you're right. We can use 
> for *really* pedantic messages. It'd be actually interesting 
> to find all 
> sorts of places which could do with this.

Could this be called E_STRICT?  E_PEDANTIC seems too prone to mistyping (witness it's 
spelt 3 different ways above!), and E_STRICT seems to be as good a name for what it's 



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning & Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Beckett Park, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730  Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 

PHP Development Mailing List 
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Separating Bug report emails to own list.. Re: Re[3]:[PHP-DEV] Suggestion:

2002-02-08 Thread Jani Taskinen

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Andi Gutmans wrote:
>I believe that in the scenario where php-dev@ is sent bug reports as
>opposed to people having to subscribe separately to php-bugs@ the amount of
>people reading bug reports in the first case will be bigger than in the
>second. This is because I believe there is a % of people who would read bug
>reports if they received them but wouldn't actively subscribe to the bug
>reports list.

Don't forget the archives. Now searching php-dev@ archive (in the web)
for some discussions is pretty hard since most of it is bug reports.


PHP Development Mailing List 
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RE: [PHP-DEV] Separating Bug report emails to own list.. Re: Re[3]: [PHP-DEV] Suggestion:

2002-02-08 Thread James Cox

Someone suggested having php-bugs set up, and anyone with the relevant karma
would automatically be on it. if it was closed subscribtion/unsubscription,
then when someone gives karma, they also subscribe the person to that list.

Perhaps that's a solution, to seperate it. Yes, filters are good, we all use
them... but it's the other places which that doesn't help, like the online

PHP Development Mailing List 
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[PHP-DEV] CVS Account Request: tal

2002-02-08 Thread Tal Peer

I want to help translating the PHP doc into Henbrew (phpdoc).

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15389 Updated: slow ldap connect

2002-02-08 Thread martin

 ID:   15389
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: LDAP related
 Operating System: w2k advanced server
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

yes, i've tried to connect with the ldap addressbook of groupwise 6
(connect in less than 1 sec) and a java ldap browser (connect in less
than 2 sec).

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-07 17:33:17] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Have you tried to connect to the LDAP server with something
else than PHP? Some other LDAP client, or even telnet to
the LDAP port? One possibility is that the LDAP server
spends some time trying to lookup the clients hostname in
order to check access or log the name.

[2002-02-06 18:17:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

".($end-$start)." Sekunden";

[2002-02-06 18:05:27] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you have a small script for me to test, that I can run as a
non-administrator user on the NDS. I might be able to check it.


[2002-02-06 17:51:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i tried this on 3 different machines (1x nt4 ws; 1x w2k ws; 1x w2k

of course it can be that it is the novell server that causes the delay
but since this is a high performance machine (>1000 clients) i haven't
thought about that yet.

everything is connected via switched 100mbit (or better) full duplex.

do you have experiences with php ldap and nds?

[2002-02-06 07:36:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Are you sure this is a problem with PHP and not with your network?
Try connecting to the server with another client.


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Separating Bug report emails to own list.. Re: Re[3]: [PHP-DEV] Suggestion:

2002-02-08 Thread Andi Gutmans

At 02:16 PM 2/8/2002 +, James Cox wrote:
>Someone suggested having php-bugs set up, and anyone with the relevant karma
>would automatically be on it. if it was closed subscribtion/unsubscription,
>then when someone gives karma, they also subscribe the person to that list.
>Perhaps that's a solution, to seperate it. Yes, filters are good, we all use
>them... but it's the other places which that doesn't help, like the online

This is a good suggestion.


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RE: [PHP-DEV] Separating Bug report emails to own list.. Re: Re[3]: [PHP-DEV] Suggestion:

2002-02-08 Thread Jani Taskinen

Yeah, this was on my original email too.. :)
(being mandatory for anyone with cvs access..and the archive thing)


On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Andi Gutmans wrote:

>At 02:16 PM 2/8/2002 +, James Cox wrote:
>>Someone suggested having php-bugs set up, and anyone with the relevant karma
>>would automatically be on it. if it was closed subscribtion/unsubscription,
>>then when someone gives karma, they also subscribe the person to that list.
>>Perhaps that's a solution, to seperate it. Yes, filters are good, we all use
>>them... but it's the other places which that doesn't help, like the online
>This is a good suggestion.

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15451: bindtextdomain not work

2002-02-08 Thread choiks

Operating system: windows 2000 server
PHP version:  4.1.1
PHP Bug Type: IIS related
Bug description:  bindtextdomain not work

my windows box is
CPU : PII 400
O/S : Windows 2000
Web Daemon : IIS 5.0
PHP Version : 4.1.1 binary
Zend Optimizer : 1.2.0

i try to use horde and chora that used by

but error message appear.

Error Message :
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: bindtextdomain() in
F:\htdocs\horde\lib\Lang.php on line 91

Edit bug report at
Fixed in CVS:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15432 Updated: fopen does not work with password-protected URLs

2002-02-08 Thread mqm

 ID:   15432
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: HTTP related
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:  4.1.0
 New Comment:

This is the response from the Linksys to PHP:

HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Linksys BEFSR41/BEFSR11/BEFSRU31"
Content-type: text/html
Expires: Thu, 13 Dec 1969 10:29:00 GMT
Pragma: no-cache

401 Authorization Required
401 Authorization Required
This server could not verify that you are authorized to access.
Either you supplied the wrong credentials(e.g., bad password),
or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-07 22:49:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Since you can sniff traffic, can you inspect the HTTP response as well?
Perhaps your LinkSys web server software is asking to upgrade to
HTTP/1.1 (since "upgrading" your request's declared version appeared to
solve it).

If not, it might at least reveal some sort of HTTP response code that
is causing problems for PHP.

[2002-02-07 19:02:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The problem seems to be the HTTP/1.0

If I telnet to port 80 and manually send the headers below, it all

GET /Status.htm HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic eDpjYW5hZGFv
User-Agent: PHP/4.1.0

Maybe the Linksys does not like the HTTP/1.0 line.

[2002-02-07 19:00:38] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For those who can't read hexdump/ascii together:


GET /Status.htm HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic eDpjYW5hZGFv
User-Agent: curl/7.9.2 (win32) libcurl 7.9.2 (OpenSSL 0.9.6b)
Pragma: no-cache
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*


GET /Status.htm HTTP/1.0
Authorization: Basic eDpjYW5hZGFv
User-Agent: PHP/4.1.0

[2002-02-07 18:07:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I used a sniffer to compare teh HTTP request from PHP (which fails) to
the one from CURL (which works). Here's it:

PHP request & start of reply:

S/RPacket  Offset  Hex 
S  0x0001  0x  47 45 54 20 2F 53 74 61-74 75 73 2E 68
74 6D 20GET /Status.htm 
S  0x0001  0x0010  48 54 54 50 2F 31 2E 30-0D 0A   
S  0x0002  0x  41 75 74 68 6F 72 69 7A-61 74 69 6F 6E
3A 20 42Authorization: B
S  0x0002  0x0010  61 73 69 63 20 65 44 70-6A 59 57 35 68
5A 47 46asic eDpjYW5hZGF
S  0x0002  0x0020  76 0D 0A   -
S  0x0003  0x  48 6F 73 74 3A 20 31 39-32 2E 31 36 38
2E 33 2EHost: 192.168.3.
S  0x0003  0x0010  31 0D 0A   -
S  0x0004  0x  55 73 65 72 2D 41 67 65-6E 74 3A 20 50
48 50 2FUser-Agent: PHP/
S  0x0004  0x0010  34 2E 31 2E 30 0D 0A 0D-0A  

R  0x0005  0x  48 54 54 50 2F 31 2E 31-20 34 30 31 20
41 75 74HTTP/1.1 401 Aut
R  0x0005  0x0010  68 6F 72 69 7A 61 74 69-6F 6E 20 52 65
71 75 69horization Requi
R  0x0005  0x0020  72 65 64 0D 0A 57 57 57-2D 41 75 74 68
65 6E 74red..WWW-Authent
R  0x0005  0x0030  69 63 61 74 65 3A 20 42-61 73 69 63 20
72 65 61icate: Basic rea
R  0x0005  0x0040  6C 6D 3D 22 4C 69 6E 6B-73 79 73 20 42
45 46 53lm="Linksys BEFS
R  0x0005  0x0050  52 34 31 2F 42 45 46 53-52 31 31 2F 42
45 46 53R41/BEFSR11/BEFS
R  0x0005  0x0060  52 55 33 31 22 0D 0A 43-6F 6E 74 65 6E
74 2D 74RU31"..Content-t
R  0x0005  0x0070  79 70 65 3A 20 74 65 78-74 2F 68 74 6D
6C 0D 0Aype: text/html..

CURL request & piece of reply:

S/RPacket  Offset  Hex 
S  0x0001  0x  47 45 54 20 2F 53 74 61-74 75 73 2E 68
74 6D 20 GET /Status.htm 
S  0x0001  0x0010  48 54 54 50 2F 31 2E 31-0D 0A 41 75 74
68 6F 72 HTTP/1.1..Author
S  0x0001  0x0020  69 7A 61 74 69 6F 6E 3A-20 42 61 73 69
63 20 65 ization: Basic e
S  0x0001  0x0030  44 70 6A 59 57 35 68 5A-47 46 76 0D 0A
55 73 65 DpjYW5hZGFv..Use
S  0x0001  0x0040  72 2D 41 67 65 6E 74 3A-20 63 75 72 6C
2F 37 2E r-Agent: curl/7.
S  0x0001  0x0050  39 2E 32 20 28 77 69 6E-33 32 29 20 6C
69 62 63 9.2 (win32) libc
S  0x0001  0x0060  75 72 6C 20 37 2E 39 2E-32 20 28 4F 70
65 6E 53 url 7.9.2 (OpenS

[PHP-DEV] Bug #15451 Updated: bindtextdomain not work

2002-02-08 Thread derick

 ID:   15451
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: IIS related
 Operating System: windows 2000 server
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

The bug system is not the appropriate forum for asking support
questions. For a list of a range of more appropriate places to ask
for help using PHP, please visit

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 09:32:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

my windows box is
CPU : PII 400
O/S : Windows 2000
Web Daemon : IIS 5.0
PHP Version : 4.1.1 binary
Zend Optimizer : 1.2.0

i try to use horde and chora that used by

but error message appear.

Error Message :
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: bindtextdomain() in
F:\htdocs\horde\lib\Lang.php on line 91

Edit this bug report at

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[PHP-DEV] move_uploaded_file(), copy() permissions problem

2002-02-08 Thread Andrew Sitnikov

Hello php-dev,

  Some functions like move_uploaded_file(), copy() creating file with 0777 permissions.

  I thing that copy() must copy permissions too, or if this behavior is
  - features, this must be documented.

Best regards,
 Andrew Sitnikov 
 GSM: (+372) 56491109

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15438 Updated: include_once fails when comparing output to a value

2002-02-08 Thread sander

 ID:   15438
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Filesystem function related
 Operating System: FreeBSD
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

RTM! You can't include_once check for succes on include/include_once.
include(_once) is not a function.

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-07 17:21:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When trying to check if include_once succeeded i came up the following
bug (i believe):

if( include_once("test1.php") == false ) {
   print "Failed to include file";

Warning: Failed opening '' for inclusion
(include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /usr/home/michael/www/bug.php
on line 6

Removing '== false' removes the problem.

My configuration is:
FreeBSD 4.5
Apache 1.3.22
PHP 4.1.1

Configure options:  './configure' '--with-mysql' '--with-apxs'

Edit this bug report at

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[PHP-DEV] CVS Account Request: jaxler

2002-02-08 Thread jenya axler

Translating the documentation to hebrew
i need access to phpdoc

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15448 Updated: Part of Apache installation howto disappeared

2002-02-08 Thread alindeman

 ID:   15448
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

This is intended.  The installation uses apxs.  This is a description
of apxs..

"apxs is a tool for building and installing extension modules
 for  the  Apache  HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server.
 This is achieved by building a Dynamic Shared  Object  (DSO)
 from  one  or  more source or object files which then can be
 loaded into the Apache server under runtime via the  LoadMo-
 dule directive from mod_so.

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 06:44:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On "Manual / Installation / Servers: Apache on Unix" there used to be
sections such as:

  11. cd ../apache_1.3.x
  12. for PHP 3: ./configure
  for PHP 4: ./configure
  13. make
  14. make install

These seem to have disappeared.

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #11618 Updated: session and form data

2002-02-08 Thread alindeman

 ID:   11618
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Analyzed
 Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: linux 2.2.16-22
 PHP Version:  4.0.4
 New Comment:

Ok. Try telnetting to that page "telnet 80"  Type:

HEAD /thepage.php HTTP/1.1

Obviously replace thepage.php and with your actual site. 
See what the headers are (especially the "Pragma:" or "Cache-Control"

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-07 22:41:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To answer the most recent question from alindeman (I apologize, but I
do not know your name):

The mention of nocache isn't exactly just HTTP/1.0, however the Pragma
header in fact is unique to HTTP/1.0 and was only included in HTTP/1.1
to maintain backwards compatibility. No directives exist for this
header except nocache.

HTTP/1.1 introduces the Cache-Control header, and with it comes many
available directives. In fact, nocache is still one of these. I'm
honestly not sure how the session_cache_limiter is implemented at the
protocol level, but I can try to figure it out if it would be helpful
to you.


Though from your brief account I would say that you have now chosen the
most appropriate value for session_cache_limiter (assuming it affects
the value of the Cache-Control header), I would suggest learning more
about it so that you feel more confident in your implementation. To
briefly answer your question, however, public basically declares that
the content may be cached by anything. Private has a bit more unclear
definition to me (you might find more clarification in your research),
but it basically allows caching but not in a shared cache. An example
of a shared cache would be a proxy that many people are connected to,
so the content might be considered a bit too sensitive to be
accidentally returned to another user.

Hope that helps. Thanks for all your help guo_feng.


[2002-02-07 19:33:35] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wasn't "nocache" a HTTP/1.0 thing?  Is "must-revalidate" the HTTP/1.1
equivilant?  Can anybody verify this 
so that I can do something with the docs.

[2001-06-23 06:35:20] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

reclassified as documentation problem.
This should be explained better in the manual.

[2001-06-22 12:57:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have solve the problem when I set session.cache_limiter 
But I don't why!Can somebody tell me?

[2001-06-22 12:46:30] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


echo "bbb:".$bbb

When I set the session_cache_limiter = nocache ,that I submit my form
,and I can get the correct session.
But when I click then back link ,I lost the data in the form .
So I change the session_cache_limiter = private or public. That when I
back I can got the data in the form. And I have a new problem,I need
check the session in my program when the different user login(I check
use status using session ) ,
When I login use different user ,the session I got is not correct. And
I found I can't destroy the session.What shall I do?

What is the different about nocache,private,public?

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15441 Updated: Cookie is set to %00 instead of erased

2002-02-08 Thread paul . lists

 ID:   15441
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
-Bug Type: HTTP related
+Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: Solaris 7
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

On the documentation page it says:

"When deleting a cookie you should assure that the 
expiration date is in
the past, to trigger the removal mechanism in your 

However, since the first delete cookie example doesn't have 
any value for the "expire" argument, it is implied that if 
called with only the variable name, PHP will automatically 
assure that the expiration date is in the past.

The code you provided works, of course.  There is 
definately a difference in the way that PHP 4.1.x handles 
this than previous versions.

I guess this is now a documentation problem. From the 
setcookie documentation, under setcookie() delete examples, 
the first listed is:

setcookie ("TestCookie");

Which in PHP 4.1.x just sets the cookie to %00 as the 
original bug stated.  I suggest removing that example.

Also the function definition should no longer suggest that 
setcookie only requires one argument.

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 00:51:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>From the setcookie page.

"When deleting a cookie you should assure that the expiration date is
in the past, to trigger the removal mechanism in your browser."

Try this
setcookie($username_cookie, '', time()-3600);


[2002-02-08 00:26:56] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using PHP 4.1.x, the following code, which is intended to 
delete a cookie, instead replaces the value with %00 (ascii 
entity null?)

Cookies are set with the following:


Cookies are deleted with the following:


Yes, the $username_cookie and $password_cookie variables 
have values.

The above is case (a) in the documentation, the simplest 

I've tried this on all the systems I have access to.

Solaris 7, PHP 4.1.0
Red Hat 7.1, PHP 4.1.1

Not Affected: 
Red Hat 7.1, PHP 4.04pl1
Mac OS X 10.1.2, PHP 4.0.6
Solaris 7, PHP 4.06

One affected system that I've used is on a web host 
(, who just very recently moved to PHP 4.1.0 
from 3.0.9, Solaris 7).  The other is on the freshly setup 
intranet server at my employer (Linux 4.1.1).

Here's the configuration line (Solaris 7, PHP 4.1.0):

 './configure' '--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' '--with-
curl=/root/src/curl/curl-7.9.3' '--with-xml' '--with-

And the one from Red Hat 7, PHP 4.1.1:

'./configure' '--prefix=/usr/local' '--with-apache=/usr/
local/src/apache/Apachetoolbox-1.5.50/apache_1.3.22' '--
enable-exif' '--enable-track-vars' '--with-calendar=shared' 
'--enable-safe-mode' '--enable-magic-quotes' '--enable-
trans-sid' '--enable-wddx' '--enable-ftp' '--with-gd=/usr/
local' '--with-zlib' '--enable-gd-native-tt' '--with-t1lib=
/usr/local' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' '--with-png-dir=/usr' '-
-with-zlib-dir=/usr' '--with-ttf' '--with-freetype-dir=/
usr' '--with-imap=/usr/local' '--with-openssl=/usr' '--
with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' '--with-pgsql' '--with-ldap'

The same code works in previous versions of PHP to 4.1, as 
indicated above.  I've tried the code in three different 
browsers so I don't think it is browser dependent.

The actual piece of code is part of a larger system.  I can 
give you the code or access to one of the servers if 

Thanks in advance.

Paul Burney
Concord Consortium and UCLA GSE&IS

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[PHP-DEV] Porter Stemming Algorithm

2002-02-08 Thread Benjamin Benson

I noticed that someone named "J Smith" offered a Porter word stemming 
algorithm to the list back in November 2001.  I was unable to find this 
persons address.  Does anyone know where I can find a PHP Porter 
routine?  Preferrably one which does not require rebuilding my distribution 
of PHP.

: Benjamin Graham Benson

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14898 Updated: $HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'] error

2002-02-08 Thread a1593

 ID:   14898
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Summary:  $HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'] error
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: HTTP related
 Operating System: linux slackware8
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

it is better to say that this is an improvement to make the upload
function can treat mulit-byte codes like BIG5. there is a explanation
in my first post.  

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-07 22:52:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is this a patch proposal? I don't see any bugs...

[2002-01-11 06:24:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

anyway, i hope this is the final post about this issue.
s = strrchr(filenamebuf, '\\');
while (!(*tmps==NULL)) {
  if (!(*tmps>0 && *tmps<160)) {//looks like a chinese word
if (!*(tmps+1)==NULL) tmps++;
  } else {
if (*tmps=='\\') s=tmps;

[2002-01-09 03:42:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

---code modified--
//s = strrchr(filenamebuf, '\\');
char *tmps;
s=filenamebuf; // set initial value 
for (tmps=filenamebuf;*tmps;tmps++) {
  if (*tmps<0){// *tmps>127, looks like 2 bytes of chinese code
if (!*(tmps+1)) tmps++;
  if (*tmps=='\\') s=tmps;
--code modified end ---

[2002-01-08 09:37:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

the following code works well for chinese double-byte checking.
---code modified--
//s = strrchr(filenamebuf, '\\');
char *tmps;
for (tmps=filenamebuf;*tmps;tmps++) {
  if (*tmps<0){// *tmps>127, looks like 2 bytes of chinese code
if (!*(tmps+1)) tmps++;
  if (*tmps=='\\') s=tmps;
--code modified end --- 

[2002-01-07 22:48:48] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

the fix is too rough and can't handle all chinese words, it need more
efforts to check. i will do it in a few days.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15452: undefined reference to `dn_skipname'

2002-02-08 Thread zaino

Operating system: SunOS 5.8 SPARCstation-20
PHP version:  4.1.1
PHP Bug Type: Compile Failure
Bug description:  undefined reference to `dn_skipname'

<=== modules
gcc -c  -I./os/unix -I./include   -DSOLARIS2=280 -I/local/httpd/src/php
-I/local/httpd/src/php/main -I/local/httpd/src/php/main -I/local/httpd/
src/php/Zend -I/local/httpd/src/php/Zend -I/local/httpd/src/php/TSRM
-I/local/httpd/src/php/TSRM -I/local/httpd/src/php -DUSE_EXPAT
at-lite -DNO_DL_NEEDED `./apaci` modules.c
gcc -c  -I./os/unix -I./include   -DSOLARIS2=280 -I/local/httpd/src/php
-I/local/httpd/src/php/main -I/local/httpd/src/php/main -I/local/httpd/
src/php/Zend -I/local/httpd/src/php/Zend -I/local/httpd/src/php/TSRM
-I/local/httpd/src/php/TSRM -I/local/httpd/src/php -DUSE_EXPAT
at-lite -DNO_DL_NEEDED `./apaci` buildmark.c
gcc  -DSOLARIS2=280 -I/local/httpd/src/php -I/local/httpd/src/php/main
-I/local/httpd/src/php/main -I/local/httpd/src/php/Zend -I/local/httpd/s
rc/php/Zend -I/local/httpd/src/php/TSRM -I/local/httpd/src/php/TSRM
-I/local/httpd/src/php -DUSE_EXPAT -I./lib/expat-lite -DNO_DL_NEEDED
  -o httpd buildmark.o modules.o  modules/php4/libphp4.a 
modules/standard/libstandard.a  main/libmain.a  ./os/unix/libos.a 
ap/libap.a  li
-R/local/httpd/mysql/lib -R/local/httpd/pgsql/lib  -L/usr/local/l
ib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.8/2.95.3 -L/local/httpd/mysql/lib
-L/local/httpd/pgsql/lib -Lmodules/php4 -L../modules/php4
-lmodphp4  -lpam  -ldl -lpq -lmysqlclient -lcrypt -lresolv -lresolv -lm
-ldl -lsocket  -lsocket -lgcc -lcrypt   -lsocket -lnsl -lpthread
modules/php4/libphp4.a(dns.o): In function `zif_getmxrr':
/local/httpd/src/php/ext/standard/dns.c:293: undefined reference to
/local/httpd/src/php/ext/standard/dns.c:299: undefined reference to
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `target_static'

Edit bug report at
Fixed in CVS:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15432 Updated: fopen does not work with password-protected URLs

2002-02-08 Thread shiflett

 ID:   15432
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: HTTP related
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:  4.1.0
 New Comment:

There's the problem. Your LinkSys "web server" did not like the way PHP
was passing the authorization information. However, since it used the
exact same Authorization header as your browser's request, there is no
good reason why the response should demand a username/password, since
they were sent successfully in the initial request.

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 09:33:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is the response from the Linksys to PHP:

HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Linksys BEFSR41/BEFSR11/BEFSRU31"
Content-type: text/html
Expires: Thu, 13 Dec 1969 10:29:00 GMT
Pragma: no-cache

401 Authorization Required
401 Authorization Required
This server could not verify that you are authorized to access.
Either you supplied the wrong credentials(e.g., bad password),
or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials

[2002-02-07 22:49:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Since you can sniff traffic, can you inspect the HTTP response as well?
Perhaps your LinkSys web server software is asking to upgrade to
HTTP/1.1 (since "upgrading" your request's declared version appeared to
solve it).

If not, it might at least reveal some sort of HTTP response code that
is causing problems for PHP.

[2002-02-07 19:02:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The problem seems to be the HTTP/1.0

If I telnet to port 80 and manually send the headers below, it all

GET /Status.htm HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic eDpjYW5hZGFv
User-Agent: PHP/4.1.0

Maybe the Linksys does not like the HTTP/1.0 line.

[2002-02-07 19:00:38] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For those who can't read hexdump/ascii together:


GET /Status.htm HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic eDpjYW5hZGFv
User-Agent: curl/7.9.2 (win32) libcurl 7.9.2 (OpenSSL 0.9.6b)
Pragma: no-cache
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*


GET /Status.htm HTTP/1.0
Authorization: Basic eDpjYW5hZGFv
User-Agent: PHP/4.1.0

[2002-02-07 18:07:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I used a sniffer to compare teh HTTP request from PHP (which fails) to
the one from CURL (which works). Here's it:

PHP request & start of reply:

S/RPacket  Offset  Hex 
S  0x0001  0x  47 45 54 20 2F 53 74 61-74 75 73 2E 68
74 6D 20GET /Status.htm 
S  0x0001  0x0010  48 54 54 50 2F 31 2E 30-0D 0A   
S  0x0002  0x  41 75 74 68 6F 72 69 7A-61 74 69 6F 6E
3A 20 42Authorization: B
S  0x0002  0x0010  61 73 69 63 20 65 44 70-6A 59 57 35 68
5A 47 46asic eDpjYW5hZGF
S  0x0002  0x0020  76 0D 0A   -
S  0x0003  0x  48 6F 73 74 3A 20 31 39-32 2E 31 36 38
2E 33 2EHost: 192.168.3.
S  0x0003  0x0010  31 0D 0A   -
S  0x0004  0x  55 73 65 72 2D 41 67 65-6E 74 3A 20 50
48 50 2FUser-Agent: PHP/
S  0x0004  0x0010  34 2E 31 2E 30 0D 0A 0D-0A  

R  0x0005  0x  48 54 54 50 2F 31 2E 31-20 34 30 31 20
41 75 74HTTP/1.1 401 Aut
R  0x0005  0x0010  68 6F 72 69 7A 61 74 69-6F 6E 20 52 65
71 75 69horization Requi
R  0x0005  0x0020  72 65 64 0D 0A 57 57 57-2D 41 75 74 68
65 6E 74red..WWW-Authent
R  0x0005  0x0030  69 63 61 74 65 3A 20 42-61 73 69 63 20
72 65 61icate: Basic rea
R  0x0005  0x0040  6C 6D 3D 22 4C 69 6E 6B-73 79 73 20 42
45 46 53lm="Linksys BEFS
R  0x0005  0x0050  52 34 31 2F 42 45 46 53-52 31 31 2F 42
45 46 53R41/BEFSR11/BEFS
R  0x0005  0x0060  52 55 33 31 22 0D 0A 43-6F 6E 74 65 6E
74 2D 74RU31"..Content-t
R  0x0005  0x0070  79 70 65 3A 20 74 65 78-74 2F 68 74 6D
6C 0D 0Aype: text/html..

CURL request & piece of reply:

S/RPacket  Offset  Hex 
S  0x0001  0x  47 45 54 20 2F 53 74 61-74 75 73 2E 68
74 6D 20 GET /Status.htm 
S  0x0001  0x0010  48 54 54 50 2F 31 2E 31-0D 0A 41 75 74
68 6F 72 HTTP/1.1..Author
S  0x0001  0x0020  

[PHP-DEV] Bug #15453: PhP fails to find mcrypt API

2002-02-08 Thread leon_zilber

Operating system: HP-UX 11.i
PHP version:  4.1.1
PHP Bug Type: *Configuration Issues
Bug description:  PhP fails to find mcrypt API

I had some problems trying to link mcrypt module with PhP 4.1.1.
After sometimes, I figured that the PhP configure command incorrectly adds
mcrypt library to the LIBS
//Original code
#  -L$MCRYPT_DIR/lib
# $LIBS"

// modify like this:
LIBS=$LIBS" -lmcrypt"

Hope this helps,
Edit bug report at
Fixed in CVS:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15454: GMP problems with php 4.1.1

2002-02-08 Thread sama

Operating system: Linux Red Hat 7.2
PHP version:  4.1.1
PHP Bug Type: Math related
Bug description:  GMP problems with php 4.1.1


 I'm tried to use gmp on php 4.1.1 but, when I added a big number on
the gmp_init function, the function retuned me zero. So, I return back to
4.0.6 and the gmp_init fuction returned the correct number. 
  I think there is something wrong with gmp on php 4.1.1.
 Roberto Samarone Araujo
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Fixed in CVS:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15426 Updated: PHPSESSID appended causes error

2002-02-08 Thread shiflett

 ID:   15426
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Session related
 Operating System: Windows 98
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

It looks like you have two problems then:

1) Your banner server probably doesn't care what the PHPSESSID is.
2) You're still incorrectly passing the PHPSESSID on the URL. Again,
this must be in the query string as I showed you originally.

Your link that your JavaScript is writing out (which again is entirely
unnecessary) is malformed. This *will* cause an error, and there's
nothing PHP can do to save you there. :)

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 02:45:48] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

original code is


and if in this code inserted PHPSESSID



and this insertion causes error

[2002-02-08 02:41:14] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

no :o)

this JavaScript i cute from one from BannerExchange system that i use
on my pages

but if PHPSESSID inserted this code not work and causes error

 - full code is -"; width=468
height=60 scrolling='no' frameborder=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0>";
border=0 width=468 height=60 alt='Ukrainian Internet Advertising Centre

[2002-02-07 23:15:58] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Why are you using JavaScript to write out a simple link? This just
causes confusion when you're trying to explain a bug.

To add PHPSESSID to your links, you want to place it in the query
string. So, make your link look like this:


Hope that helps!


[2002-02-07 07:03:26] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When i start IE and load any my pages, i have error
code on first start, but only in on first start
PHPSESID added to all my lnks

in original -


but in source i have


and this causes error

i have change in php.ini
 session.use_trans_sid = 1
 session.use_trans_sid = 0
but this is not work

i have change in php.ini
url_rewriter.tags =
 url_rewriter.tags = ""
but this is not work too

on Linux-server i have recompile without option -enable-trans-sid and
this work fine, but i dont find way to fix this problem on my

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Porter Stemming Algorithm

2002-02-08 Thread Alexander Wirtz

Hello Ben,

>I noticed that someone named "J Smith" offered a Porter word stemming 
>algorithm to the list back in November 2001.  I was unable to find this 
>persons address.  Does anyone know where I can find a PHP Porter 
>routine?  Preferrably one which does not require rebuilding my distribution 
>of PHP.

I got my routine from

Btw.: You should ask this kind of questions on the php-general list next
time, as the purpose of this list is development _of_ PHP.

Kind regards,

| Alexander Wirtz   | eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| PDF Class for PHP ||

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15438 Updated: include_once fails when comparing output to a value

2002-02-08 Thread derick

 ID:   15438
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Bogus
+Status:   Open
-Bug Type: Filesystem function related
+Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: FreeBSD
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

Actually you can check if an include failed or not like this, but I
think the parser gets confused if you use the '== false'.
Making this a scripting engine problem.


Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 09:48:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RTM! You can't include_once check for succes on include/include_once.
include(_once) is not a function.

[2002-02-07 17:21:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When trying to check if include_once succeeded i came up the following
bug (i believe):

if( include_once("test1.php") == false ) {
   print "Failed to include file";

Warning: Failed opening '' for inclusion
(include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /usr/home/michael/www/bug.php
on line 6

Removing '== false' removes the problem.

My configuration is:
FreeBSD 4.5
Apache 1.3.22
PHP 4.1.1

Configure options:  './configure' '--with-mysql' '--with-apxs'

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Chuck Hagenbuch

Quoting Yasuo Ohgaki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> It just does not make sense to store original(case sensitive)
> names while langage ignores case. It's also confusing, lead
> to case sensitivity BC problem anyway just like with case
> sensitive function/names.

It's more confusing, IMHO, to punish people who are otherwise consistent by 
making them check for a different classname than they are using (the lowercase 
version). That is _very_ unintuitive.


Charles Hagenbuch, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"What was and what may be, lie, like children whose faces we cannot see, in the
arms of silence. All we ever have is here, now." - Ursula K. Le Guin

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15415 Updated: [VOTE] case sensitive function/class names for PHP5

2002-02-08 Thread joey

 ID:   15415
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: ANY
 PHP Version:  PHP 5.0
 New Comment:


Previous Comments:

[2002-02-07 13:32:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[2002-02-07 02:14:46] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[2002-02-07 02:12:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Since Andi said that in Zend Engine 2.

Looks like most people does not care about this issue, then case
function/class/constants for PHP5, IMO. 

So fat, it seems subscribers are nice people who don't cheat :)

[2002-02-07 01:44:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[2002-02-07 01:19:14] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As I said before: Voting is of nu use anyway, so why vote? It won't be
changed although some people would like it.


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15451 Updated: bindtextdomain not work

2002-02-08 Thread choiks

 ID:   15451
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: IIS related
 Operating System: windows 2000 server
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

By php manual, php 4.1.1 support bindtextdomain() function.

but php 4.1.1 ISAPI mode not support bindtextdomain().

Error Message :
Fatal error: Call to undefined
function: bindtextdomain() in F:\htdocs\horde\lib\Lang.php
on line 91

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 09:40:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The bug system is not the appropriate forum for asking support
questions. For a list of a range of more appropriate places to ask
for help using PHP, please visit

[2002-02-08 09:32:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

my windows box is
CPU : PII 400
O/S : Windows 2000
Web Daemon : IIS 5.0
PHP Version : 4.1.1 binary
Zend Optimizer : 1.2.0

i try to use horde and chora that used by

but error message appear.

Error Message :
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: bindtextdomain() in
F:\htdocs\horde\lib\Lang.php on line 91

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14731: Additional info

2002-02-08 Thread Michael Kunze

Hi all,

I'm using an Olympus E-10 DC and can confirm the same problems as others
have reported on the list. The exif extension works indeed if the cases
TAG_JPEGQUAL and TAG_MACRO are commented out...very funny, as these are
Olympus specific cases...

It would be really nice if someone would come up with a fix for these
issues. I could provide sample images on request.



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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15451 Updated: bindtextdomain not work

2002-02-08 Thread sander

 ID:   15451
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: IIS related
 Operating System: windows 2000 server
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

RTFM: bindtextdomain requires Gettext.

The bug system is not the appropriate forum for asking support
questions. For a list of a range of more appropriate places to ask for
help using PHP, please visit

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 11:20:58] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

By php manual, php 4.1.1 support bindtextdomain() function.

but php 4.1.1 ISAPI mode not support bindtextdomain().

Error Message :
Fatal error: Call to undefined
function: bindtextdomain() in F:\htdocs\horde\lib\Lang.php
on line 91

[2002-02-08 09:40:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The bug system is not the appropriate forum for asking support
questions. For a list of a range of more appropriate places to ask
for help using PHP, please visit

[2002-02-08 09:32:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

my windows box is
CPU : PII 400
O/S : Windows 2000
Web Daemon : IIS 5.0
PHP Version : 4.1.1 binary
Zend Optimizer : 1.2.0

i try to use horde and chora that used by

but error message appear.

Error Message :
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: bindtextdomain() in
F:\htdocs\horde\lib\Lang.php on line 91

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14222 Updated: PHP Crashes with weird output often

2002-02-08 Thread rburkat

 ID:   14222
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Apache related
 Operating System: Windows XP Pro
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

I also have this problem.  Using latest patches with XP Pro, PHP, and
I have not isolated it yet but it has to do with larger amounts of
print/echo output being delivered from a php page.  Meaning, if my code
displays 10 "news" items (slashdot style page) it works, then if I
display say 15 it starts to behave irregularly.  This has been observed
as a localhost access on to the server on the same computer and also
accessing the server running from a different computer on the net.
When the problem occurs the browser continually reloads this same page
and never finishes. (this noticed when accessing the server through ie6
on xp) When accessing the problem page via mozzila from linux station I
notice that the page gets just cut off.
Anyway I'll try to isolate further.

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 04:03:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

run apache in single process mode eg:

apache -X

It's probably a bug in the duplicatesocket

[2002-02-07 14:11:49] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi I have the same problem I use Win XP and I'm sure that's this is
reason - few days ago I have Win Me same configuration Apache/PHP/MySQL
- on XP I have:
pages are loaded properly from localhost - from internet address: ie
loads, nn doesn't (it stops but it do  not show any message - just 10%
of 10kB in status bar - and so for 30 min).
I have rather small page - an online store - without graphics nearly
but it communicate with MySQL - so I build a select and when it returns
too many rows (or i want more products on page) - the page do not load
(even in IE) and I get: Server unreachable.
Where can I get alarmed when the bug would fix? Where can I read more
about it?

[2002-01-21 17:38:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

update to newest version ?
do you mean one in the cvs repository ? i tried everything: apache
1.3x, apache 2.0 beta and php version 4.05, 4.06, 3.x and 4.11 (the
latest official) --- and - i must run php as an apache-module because i
use gd-lib. besides - gd lib does not work correctly (gives jpegs with
only 16 colors) after version 4.05 of php. is this because now there is
an extra feature in gd-lib where you must provide bit-depth ? 

my resume: apache without php works fine, php in cgi-mode works fine --
so there must be an os-related bug in the interface wich allows using
the php-dll as an apache - module. maybe an buffer-problem?

i tried the following: i took a normal html-page, tried this with
apache --> works fine. then simply renamed it to *.php - strange
code-output - the normal html but fragmented with weird-passages, they
change after every reload.

[2002-01-19 21:52:17] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please update PHP version :)

[2002-01-19 14:37:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I ALSO HAVE THIS PROBLEM !! I tried several combinations of apache (
1.3x, 2.0beta) and php (4.06, 4.11) and i get too this weird output.
and the output is irregular if i reload.
i have windows xp german too. this is defenitly a problem caused by
windows xp, scince my old configuration under winnt worked fine , but
after updating to xp some files fail. it looks like it depends on the
php file size, not on the code in the php file. example: - try with netscape, as iexplorer
not even loads the page.
hope this problem gets fixed soon, as i cannot go back to nt neither

greetz from germany!!
(wish i could use linux...)

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15441 Updated: Cookie is set to %00 instead of erased

2002-02-08 Thread cnewbill

 ID:   15441
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: Solaris 7
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 10:00:26] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On the documentation page it says:

"When deleting a cookie you should assure that the 
expiration date is in
the past, to trigger the removal mechanism in your 

However, since the first delete cookie example doesn't have 
any value for the "expire" argument, it is implied that if 
called with only the variable name, PHP will automatically 
assure that the expiration date is in the past.

The code you provided works, of course.  There is 
definately a difference in the way that PHP 4.1.x handles 
this than previous versions.

I guess this is now a documentation problem. From the 
setcookie documentation, under setcookie() delete examples, 
the first listed is:

setcookie ("TestCookie");

Which in PHP 4.1.x just sets the cookie to %00 as the 
original bug stated.  I suggest removing that example.

Also the function definition should no longer suggest that 
setcookie only requires one argument.

[2002-02-08 00:51:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>From the setcookie page.

"When deleting a cookie you should assure that the expiration date is
in the past, to trigger the removal mechanism in your browser."

Try this
setcookie($username_cookie, '', time()-3600);


[2002-02-08 00:26:56] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using PHP 4.1.x, the following code, which is intended to 
delete a cookie, instead replaces the value with %00 (ascii 
entity null?)

Cookies are set with the following:


Cookies are deleted with the following:


Yes, the $username_cookie and $password_cookie variables 
have values.

The above is case (a) in the documentation, the simplest 

I've tried this on all the systems I have access to.

Solaris 7, PHP 4.1.0
Red Hat 7.1, PHP 4.1.1

Not Affected: 
Red Hat 7.1, PHP 4.04pl1
Mac OS X 10.1.2, PHP 4.0.6
Solaris 7, PHP 4.06

One affected system that I've used is on a web host 
(, who just very recently moved to PHP 4.1.0 
from 3.0.9, Solaris 7).  The other is on the freshly setup 
intranet server at my employer (Linux 4.1.1).

Here's the configuration line (Solaris 7, PHP 4.1.0):

 './configure' '--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' '--with-
curl=/root/src/curl/curl-7.9.3' '--with-xml' '--with-

And the one from Red Hat 7, PHP 4.1.1:

'./configure' '--prefix=/usr/local' '--with-apache=/usr/
local/src/apache/Apachetoolbox-1.5.50/apache_1.3.22' '--
enable-exif' '--enable-track-vars' '--with-calendar=shared' 
'--enable-safe-mode' '--enable-magic-quotes' '--enable-
trans-sid' '--enable-wddx' '--enable-ftp' '--with-gd=/usr/
local' '--with-zlib' '--enable-gd-native-tt' '--with-t1lib=
/usr/local' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' '--with-png-dir=/usr' '-
-with-zlib-dir=/usr' '--with-ttf' '--with-freetype-dir=/
usr' '--with-imap=/usr/local' '--with-openssl=/usr' '--
with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' '--with-pgsql' '--with-ldap'

The same code works in previous versions of PHP to 4.1, as 
indicated above.  I've tried the code in three different 
browsers so I don't think it is browser dependent.

The actual piece of code is part of a larger system.  I can 
give you the code or access to one of the servers if 

Thanks in advance.

Paul Burney
Concord Consortium and UCLA GSE&IS

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12682 Updated: res://c:\windows\system\shdoclc.dll/dnserror.htm

2002-02-08 Thread hrcastro

 ID:   12682
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Any
 Operating System: windows ME
 PHP Version:  4.0.6
 New Comment:

I can´t get any page from the web , allways appears : connecting with
the site
and c:\windows\system\SHDOCLC.DLL/dnserror.htm
please help me!

Previous Comments:

[2001-08-09 18:53:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Call your helpdesk!

[2001-08-09 18:26:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i had to format my hard drive 
when i got back online i get
this error res://c:\windows\system\shdoclc.dll/dnserror.htm
i cant  get on any page, need help
anything will be helpful


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[PHP-DEV] RE: [Zend Engine 2] Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Harald Radi

Hash: SHA1

> >
> >Good idea.  E_DEBUG may be a good alternative to php_printf().  Heh.
> Fine tuning errors is probably a good idea. E_PEDANTIC?

what i mentioned earlier and still want to see is an E_EXTENSION for errors that are
not related to script errors but errors occuring in extensions. (like SQL errors, Java 
SOAP timeouts :), ...).

i would also appreciate if i could specify multiple log files with different error 


Version: PGP 7.0.4


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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15415 Updated: [VOTE] case sensitive function/class names for PHP5

2002-02-08 Thread diogo

 ID:   15415
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: ANY
 PHP Version:  PHP 5.0
 New Comment:


Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 11:09:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[2002-02-07 13:32:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[2002-02-07 02:14:46] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[2002-02-07 02:12:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Since Andi said that in Zend Engine 2.

Looks like most people does not care about this issue, then case
function/class/constants for PHP5, IMO. 

So fat, it seems subscribers are nice people who don't cheat :)

[2002-02-07 01:44:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15455: date() fails with negative timestamps

2002-02-08 Thread dgw

Operating system: Windows 2000
PHP version:  4.1.1
PHP Bug Type: Date/time related
Bug description:  date() fails with negative timestamps

Simple to reproduce, only on windows:

$date = mktime(0,0,0,5,5,1965);
echo date('d-m-Y', $date);

This happens with timestamps before 01/01/1970 that results in a negative
number (like birth dates, for example).

Edit bug report at
Fixed in CVS:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:

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[PHP-DEV] CVS Account Request: bs

2002-02-08 Thread Benjamin Schulz

Bugfixing, Documentation

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12682 Updated: res://c:\windows\system\shdoclc.dll/dnserror.htm

2002-02-08 Thread sander

 ID:   12682
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Any
 Operating System: windows ME
 PHP Version:  4.0.6
 New Comment:

The bug system is not the appropriate forum for asking support
questions. For a list of a range of more appropriate places to ask
for help using PHP, please visit

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 13:39:02] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can´t get any page from the web , allways appears : connecting with
the site
and c:\windows\system\SHDOCLC.DLL/dnserror.htm
please help me!

[2001-08-09 18:53:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Call your helpdesk!

[2001-08-09 18:26:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i had to format my hard drive 
when i got back online i get
this error res://c:\windows\system\shdoclc.dll/dnserror.htm
i cant  get on any page, need help
anything will be helpful


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[PHP-DEV] CVS Account Request: denim

2002-02-08 Thread Drid Naim

i need pear - to work with php and upgrade my skills
- if i have any questions - can i contact u ?
- now what i need to work with PEAR - from where 
i can downlaod it ?

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15442 Updated: end of .inc file gets deleted

2002-02-08 Thread torben

 ID:   15442
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Performance problem
 Operating System: Windows Me
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to "Open".

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 01:37:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

After so many characters in a .inc file, the end of the file begins to
be deleted. It just cuts it, and leaves my html batterd up. Anyone know
how to fix this?

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15456: Can´t send mails but can receive some

2002-02-08 Thread cegri

Operating system: WIN2000
PHP version:  4.1.1
PHP Bug Type: Mail related
Bug description:  Can´t send mails but can receive some


I have this problem too.
I can receiving email but i can´t sending with smtp.
The smtp server ist correct. I tryed any variations in the
config.php but it still doesn´t work.
My server is a Apache.
I have read in the phpinfo.php on my server that´s the with=smtp
registry not exist. So i have downloaded the
Ubeumiau-Php mail-script. It doesn´t work again. It was the same


Greetings from Berlin


Edit bug report at
Fixed in CVS:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15279 Updated: RETURNTRANSFER and CUSTOMREQUST do not play well together

2002-02-08 Thread robert

 ID:   15279
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: cURL related
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:  4.1.1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15455 Updated: date() fails with negative timestamps

2002-02-08 Thread derick

 ID:   15455
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Date/time related
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

It's a limitation in windows' date routines. I'm afraid we can little
do about it for now.


Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 14:45:09] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Simple to reproduce, only on windows:

$date = mktime(0,0,0,5,5,1965);
echo date('d-m-Y', $date);

This happens with timestamps before 01/01/1970 that results in a
negative number (like birth dates, for example).

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15456 Updated: Can´t send mails but can receive some

2002-02-08 Thread derick

 ID:   15456
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Mail related
 Operating System: WIN2000
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

The bug system is not the appropriate forum for asking support
questions. For a list of a range of more appropriate places to ask
for help using PHP, please visit

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 15:26:02] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I have this problem too.
I can receiving email but i can´t sending with smtp.
The smtp server ist correct. I tryed any variations in the
config.php but it still doesn´t work.
My server is a Apache.
I have read in the phpinfo.php on my server that´s the with=smtp
registry not exist. So i have downloaded the
Ubeumiau-Php mail-script. It doesn´t work again. It was the same


Greetings from Berlin


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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15457: session_start() segfaults when using mm as handler

2002-02-08 Thread waboring

Operating system: linux 2.4.8
PHP version:  4.1.1
PHP Bug Type: Session related
Bug description:  session_start() segfaults when using mm as handler

Every time I call session_start() w/ mm as the serializer/handler php
segfaults.  W/ apache 1.3.23

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 1024 (LWP 16616)]
0x4028f1ba in php_session_decode (val=0x8149afc "\204Ì\217*", vallen=0)
at session.c:457
457 if (PS(serializer)->decode(val, vallen TSRMLS_CC) ==
(gdb) bt
#0  0x4028f1ba in php_session_decode (val=0x8149afc "\204Ì\217*",
at session.c:457
#1  0x4028f530 in php_session_initialize () at session.c:524
#2  0x402905a6 in php_session_start () at session.c:890
#3  0x40291f1b in zif_session_start (ht=0, return_value=0x8145494,
return_value_used=0) at session.c:1264
#4  0x402237ed in execute (op_array=0x814540c) at ./zend_execute.c:1590
#5  0x40234a50 in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, retval=0x0, file_count=3)
at zend.c:814
#6  0x40247602 in php_execute_script (primary_file=0xb450) at
#7  0x402421de in apache_php_module_main (r=0x813b474,
at sapi_apache.c:90
#8  0x402430cc in send_php (r=0x813b474, display_source_mode=0,
"/home/waboring/devel/current/php/fo/test/session_test.php") at
#9  0x40243145 in send_parsed_php (r=0x813b474) at mod_php4.c:590
#10 0x080742e7 in ap_invoke_handler (r=0x813b474) at http_config.c:517
#11 0x0808993b in process_request_internal (r=0x813b474) at
#12 0x080899b0 in ap_process_request (r=0x813b474) at http_request.c:1324
#13 0x080807e2 in child_main (child_num_arg=0) at http_main.c:4565
#14 0x08080a57 in make_child (s=0x80dac44, slot=0, now=1013189975)
at http_main.c:4724
#15 0x08080b08 in startup_children (number_to_start=1) at
#16 0x080811b0 in standalone_main (argc=1, argv=0xb884) at
#17 0x08081a1f in main (argc=1, argv=0xb884) at http_main.c:5401
#18 0x400c15b0 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/

my config
./configure \
--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
--with-mysql=/usr \
--with-oci8=/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7 \
--enable-sigchild \
--with-mcrypt \
--with-gd=/usr \
--with-png-dir=/usr \
--with-jpeg-dir=/usr \
--with-zlib-dir=/usr \
--enable-sysvsem \
--enable-sysvshm \
--enable-trackvars \
--with-xml \
--with-zlib \

Edit bug report at
Fixed in CVS:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15457 Updated: session_start() segfaults when using mm as handler

2002-02-08 Thread waboring

 ID:   15457
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Session related
 Operating System: linux 2.4.8
 PHP Version:  4.1.1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15457 Updated: session_start() segfaults when using mm as handler

2002-02-08 Thread wboring

 ID:   15457
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Session related
 Operating System: linux 2.4.8
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

I have also tried this with the latest cvs as of 1:02pm PST,
and it still happens.

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 15:43:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Every time I call session_start() w/ mm as the serializer/handler php
segfaults.  W/ apache 1.3.23

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 1024 (LWP 16616)]
0x4028f1ba in php_session_decode (val=0x8149afc "\204Ì\217*",
at session.c:457
457 if (PS(serializer)->decode(val, vallen TSRMLS_CC) ==
(gdb) bt
#0  0x4028f1ba in php_session_decode (val=0x8149afc "\204Ì\217*",
at session.c:457
#1  0x4028f530 in php_session_initialize () at session.c:524
#2  0x402905a6 in php_session_start () at session.c:890
#3  0x40291f1b in zif_session_start (ht=0, return_value=0x8145494,
return_value_used=0) at session.c:1264
#4  0x402237ed in execute (op_array=0x814540c) at
#5  0x40234a50 in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, retval=0x0,
at zend.c:814
#6  0x40247602 in php_execute_script (primary_file=0xb450) at
#7  0x402421de in apache_php_module_main (r=0x813b474,
at sapi_apache.c:90
#8  0x402430cc in send_php (r=0x813b474, display_source_mode=0,
"/home/waboring/devel/current/php/fo/test/session_test.php") at
#9  0x40243145 in send_parsed_php (r=0x813b474) at mod_php4.c:590
#10 0x080742e7 in ap_invoke_handler (r=0x813b474) at http_config.c:517
#11 0x0808993b in process_request_internal (r=0x813b474) at
#12 0x080899b0 in ap_process_request (r=0x813b474) at
#13 0x080807e2 in child_main (child_num_arg=0) at http_main.c:4565
#14 0x08080a57 in make_child (s=0x80dac44, slot=0, now=1013189975)
at http_main.c:4724
#15 0x08080b08 in startup_children (number_to_start=1) at
#16 0x080811b0 in standalone_main (argc=1, argv=0xb884) at
#17 0x08081a1f in main (argc=1, argv=0xb884) at http_main.c:5401
#18 0x400c15b0 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/

my config
./configure \
--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
--with-mysql=/usr \
--with-oci8=/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7 \
--enable-sigchild \
--with-mcrypt \
--with-gd=/usr \
--with-png-dir=/usr \
--with-jpeg-dir=/usr \
--with-zlib-dir=/usr \
--enable-sysvsem \
--enable-sysvshm \
--enable-trackvars \
--with-xml \
--with-zlib \

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15279 Updated: RETURNTRANSFER and CUSTOMREQUST do not play well together

2002-02-08 Thread torben

 ID:   15279
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: cURL related
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

What happens if you try with a valid HTTP request, or just 
'GET', as the custom response? The script you gave below 
didn't work for me either, but did if I did either of:

  $request = "GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";


  $request = "GET";

Can you try that and report back?


Previous Comments:

[2002-01-29 11:53:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When using curl to request a page, if I just set RETURNTRANSFER
curlopt, things work as expected (output is dumped into a variable). If
I just set CUSTOMREQUEST, thinks work as expected (output is dumped to
stdout). However, if I set RETURNTRANSFER and CUSTOMREQUEST at the same
time, I get no output. The request is made, according to my apache
logs, but I get nothing. Here is some demo code:

curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $request);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

echo trim( curl_exec($c) );



That is an example of a request that will not work. Comment either one
of the "curl_setopt" lines out and it will.



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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15279 Updated: RETURNTRANSFER and CUSTOMREQUST do not play well together

2002-02-08 Thread robert

 ID:   15279
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: cURL related
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

Sure. Here are some very simple runs and results. I do not think that
any request will ever work.




curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $request);

$data = curl_exec ($curl);

echo $data . "\r\n";








curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

$data = curl_exec ($curl);

echo $data . "\r\n";



403 Forbidden

You don't have permission to access /
on this server.

Apache/1.3.22 Server at Port 8080





curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $request);

$data = curl_exec ($curl);



403 Forbidden

You don't have permission to access /
on this server.

Apache/1.3.22 Server at Port 8080


Previous Comments:

[2002-02-08 16:26:29] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What happens if you try with a valid HTTP request, or just 
'GET', as the custom response? The script you gave below 
didn't work for me either, but did if I did either of:

  $request = "GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";


  $request = "GET";

Can you try that and report back?


[2002-01-29 11:53:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When using curl to request a page, if I just set RETURNTRANSFER
curlopt, things work as expected (output is dumped into a variable). If
I just set CUSTOMREQUEST, thinks work as expected (output is dumped to
stdout). However, if I set RETURNTRANSFER and CUSTOMREQUEST at the same
time, I get no output. The request is made, according to my apache
logs, but I get nothing. Here is some demo code:

curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $request);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

echo trim( curl_exec($c) );



That is an example of a request that will not work. Comment either one
of the "curl_setopt" lines out and it will.



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[PHP-DEV] Bug #4256 Updated: MySQL query produces 'not a valid MySQL-Link resource'

2002-02-08 Thread chang

 ID:   4256
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: MySQL related
 Operating System: Solaris 2.7
 PHP Version:  4.0 Release Candidate 1
 New Comment:

Bug is still here. I am using Solaris 8 php 4.1.1.

Previous Comments:

[2000-05-30 16:56:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reporter says bug is gone in release versions.

[2000-05-27 16:58:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What does
print gettype($dbh);

Does this work if you do not specify the handler?

[2000-04-26 20:05:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My config:
Apache 1.3.12
Solaris 2.7
MySQL 3.22.14-gamma

The following code produces this warning:
"Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in
/home/mdg1/public_html/newlook/bogus.php on line 6"

When using an older version of Apache/PHP3, the script works just
fine... so I've ruled out any MySQL permission problems or other such

Interestingly enough, the MySQL log shows that the data *WAS* fetched
from the dB, but for some reason you can't get access to the result in

The code in question:


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity: Conclusion(?)

2002-02-08 Thread Jason Greene

On Fri, 2002-02-08 at 06:16, Andi Gutmans wrote:
> At 09:06 PM 2/8/2002 +0900, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
> >Marko Karppinen wrote:
> >>Yasuo:
> >>
> >>>Hmm. I vote -1 for this.
> >>>It just does not make sense to store original(case sensitive)
> >>>names while langage ignores case. It's also confusing, lead
> >>>to case sensitivity BC problem anyway just like with case
> >>>sensitive function/names.
> >>Case preservation makes very much sense in a case-insensitive environment.
> >>Just look at file system implementations from Apple and Microsoft, where,
> >>believe it or not, a lot of thought has gone into this issue.
> >>I had a private chat with Jason Greene about this, and I came out with the
> >>understanding that the .NET/SOAP interop issues mentioned here earlier by
> >>Markus and Jason are actually issues with PHP not preserving case rather
> >>than with PHP not being fully case-sensitive.
> >
> >It will be confusing PHP preserve case for other while
> >internally case insensitve...
> >
> >Therefore, -1 for this :)
> It won't be confusing. You are just -1 because you want case sensitivity. 
> How will it confuse you? The only thing it will allow is to support 
> interoperability. It wouldn't confuse people writing PHP code.
> I don't mind you being against case insensitivity. You can have whatever 
> opinion you want but it doesn't mean you need to find bad reasons :)
> >>And since Andi promised to take a shot at making case preservation happen,
> >>it seems like we are on our way to better interoperability without too much
> >>BC hassles.
> >
> >If get_class() or like returns names with case preserved,
> >it breaks BC. I expect additional parameter for all of
> >these functions if it really implemented.
> Stig answered this one.
> >I hope not, since it's a additional memory and performance loss...
> There is no chance in hell you'd notice the additional memory :) And the 
> performance difference would be negligible because what can be done at 
> compile-time is already done in ZE2.
> Andi

If you are already thinking about storing the case sensitive name for
the class/function why not follow Rasmus's suggestion for calling the
exact case function first, then look for a case insens match. 

search case preserved function_table
if not found {
search lowercase function_table
if not found die with "Unknown function"

There is no performance penalty unless you mix case. There is of course
the extra memory needed for 2 tables.

Jason T. Greene
Internet Software Engineer


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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15458: mysql_pconnect return boolean

2002-02-08 Thread chang

Operating system: Solaris 8
PHP version:  4.1.1
PHP Bug Type: MySQL related
Bug description:  mysql_pconnect return boolean

$con = mysql_pconnect($db_Hostname, $db_UserName, $db_Password) ||
die("Can't Connect to Database: ".mysql_error());

print gettype($con);
print $con;

The connection is okay, no error is given. PHP generates an error if the
username or password is incorrect. 
Variable $con supposed to be a link, but instead its a boolean with the
value true(1). Just for info, other php scripts work fine in conjuction
with mysql. but for this script I need to have seperate links, instead of
de default last one.

Compile options: --with-mysql
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Fixed in CVS:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15458 Updated: mysql_connect return boolean

2002-02-08 Thread chang

 ID:   15458
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Summary:  mysql_pconnect return boolean
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: MySQL related
 Operating System: Solaris 8
 PHP Version:  4.1.1

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