[PHP-DEV] Bug #15427 Updated: Online and offline documentation completely different!

2002-02-07 Thread goba

 ID:   15427
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: WindowsXP
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

As you can see include is not a function. It is a control structre. Why
do you consider it an error to be not
included in the function index, as you found it in the
control structures section, and not under "Function
reference", where the functions are documented?

Also what method do you used for searching in the
offline and online versions? What format you use
of our various offline format possibilities?

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-07 09:12:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

online and offline versions are generated from
the same xml source and at the same time, 
so you should not see any difference in the 
content (although the design may be different)

where do you download from?
mybe there's an old file hidden somewhere
we are not aware of?

[2002-02-07 08:30:26] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1. Searching for the 'include'-function in the english offline
in the index file:///c%7C/.../php_manual_en/index.functions.html: it's
not present.

2. Searching in the online documentation (costing telephone ticks):
it's present under 
'control structures': http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.include.php
valuable information on how to use the include function.

3. Searching in the offline documentation under 'control structures': I
get a
completely worthless page with differences for the include function
between PHP3
and 4, not about how to use the include function.

We need good offline documentation! When will the online and offline 
documentation be the same so we can download it??? 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15427&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #13794 Updated: Unclear to PHP novice: minimum necessary config for "hello"

2002-02-07 Thread goba

 ID:   13794
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Summary:  Unclear to PHP novice: minimum necessary config for
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: RH Linux 7.0 / Apache / Netscape
 PHP Version:  4.0.6
 New Comment:

IMHO, the submitter is talking about
http://php.net/tut.php [which is IMHO soon
to be integrated to the manual].


Previous Comments:

[2002-02-06 12:26:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Which page is this? I'm looking for a URL here

[2001-10-23 01:30:26] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Suggested change to introductory tutorial:

Section is "Your first PHP-enabled page"


Create a file named hello.php and in it ...

Suggested update:

Create a file named "hello.php" in your server web directory and in it


This program is extremely simple ...

Suggested update: add following sentence, preceding current.

Use your browser to access the file with your web access URL, ending
with the "/hello.php" file reference.

[2001-10-23 01:05:50] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Situation: old, used programmer just learning Linux PHP by himself.
Took several hours to figure
 out simplest possible example execution. Main confusion: what example
file / content goes where,
 then how to access testfile, then defining and matching several Apache
file extensions (PHP,
 PHP3, PHP4).

Have two PHP books, your tutorial, your manual, and your examples.
Never found explicit directions
 on where PHP content could appear (so at first associated "Hello
World" attempts with browser side
 HTML.) (What I was trying was browser "open page" to access local PHP

Your tutorial does say "server web directory", but not clearly enough
(to a PHP novice) that this is the 
only place (for "Hello World".) (with access through a browser URL

The last few hours were spent learning a little about Apache's AddType
and LoadType, then getting
 testfile extensions to match Apache definitions (the http://bugs.php.net/?id=13794&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15093 Updated: $_FILES and other global array are not documented

2002-01-18 Thread goba

ID: 15093
Updated by: goba
Status: Duplicate
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: All
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

The changes are already in the predefined variables
section, but as you can see, the manual was built
-05-01-2002- last time. We have an automated
build process, and we have some problems with it right
now, so the online manuals are not updated for some
weeks now.


Previous Comments:

[2002-01-17 21:23:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is being worked on, thanks for the report. :)

[2002-01-17 21:21:48] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The $_FILES array is the worst of these.  Its existence can be deduced
only by looking at the naming scheme of the new arrays versus the old
one (or typing $_FILES in Google!), but it'd be nice to see this nifty
new feature documented.  I figure the main reason people people still
use $postvar instead of $HTTP_POST_VARS['postvar'] is because of
lazyness, so at least $_POST['postvar'] will help wrangle them in the
right direction.  Maybe.

Anyways... here are a couple of places where it would have been nice to
see some info.






Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15093&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15075 Updated: non-breaking spaces are ignored

2002-01-17 Thread goba

ID: 15075
Updated by: goba
Status: Bogus
Old Bug Type: Website problem
Bug Type: URL related
Operating System: Linux 6.2
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

& is used as a separator for variables in URLs. Treating   as a
space was a misfeature of PHP 3 if this
worked with it. & is a delimiter.

And this is not a php.net website problem at all.
This is an "URL related" problem.


Previous Comments:

[2002-01-17 16:06:13] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The & doesn't work - IE and Netscape both do not recognize it.  I
tried    and   &  and &nbsp;
Maybe there is something more that I need to do.

Since this is being used as part of a variable value in PHP there must
be something else.  It worked before the upgrade.

Any ideas are welcome

[2002-01-17 13:39:50] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Use & instead of & in href's (see urlencode/urldecode).

[2002-01-16 17:14:14] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just updated PHP from 3.0 to 4.1 but now it won't recognize the
non-breaking space ( ) in passing a value to a variable.

We are using this for a form and it enters the information into the
form.  We need the   because our users use both Netscape and
Internet Explorer.

This worked before but doesn't work now.


course is one variable and date is another

Is there a reason that the non-breaking space would quit working.

Thanks for any help!

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15075&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15007 Updated: New superglobals not documented

2002-01-13 Thread goba

ID: 15007
Updated by: goba
Status: Open
Bug Type: Website problem
Operating System: N/A
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

Please use "_SERVER" as your search term. $ may be special
for htdig.

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-12 17:09:53] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This appears to be a website problem, not a documentation problem. 
Searching for '$_SERVER' results in matches for 'server', over 2000 of
them.  If this was a documentation problem, zero results would exist.

This is a website problem/feature request.

[2002-01-12 16:55:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reclassified, reopened.

[2002-01-12 16:46:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I appreciate you're working on the _* documentation, but the problem
remains there is no way to search for "$_SERVER" and get results that
contain the exact string

[2002-01-12 16:35:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

yes, we are aware of this, and documentation people are working on
documentation for _* global variables.


[2002-01-12 15:33:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've seen the new "$_SERVER" (for example) variable arrays mentioned,
as replacements for the old $HTTP_SERVER_VARS (I think) array, but I
wasn't able to easily find any pages that mention them.  I therefore
put $_SERVER (no quotes) in the search box, and got pages with the word
"server", not "$_SERVER" so I tried entering "$_SERVER" (a quoted
string), which produced the same results.

1.  It appears there is no way to find pages with the exact text
$_SERVER using this search system.
2.  Discussion of $_SERVER (and $POST, $_ENV, etc.) arrays needs to be
findable in the documentation.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15007&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14909 Updated: Allows access to ANY file

2002-01-07 Thread goba

ID: 14909
Updated by: goba
Status: Open
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: Windows
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

Georg, our security section has a link to that CERT
advisory for quite a long time now. I have added a
warning and a link to the particular security page
to that setup instruction page for Apache windows.

Please give better instructions for CGI setups
under windows if you can. A setup, where PHP
sritps are portable, so no #!c:\php\php.exe type
of method is doable...

Maybe James can find another way. The Apache doc
only documents the methods we have in the install
and security chapters...


Previous Comments:

[2002-01-07 09:46:58] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Actually, our documentation tells win32 users to install that way. I'm
investigating a better method right now, and will patch the
documentation in a short while.

I knew i forgot to do something after i updated my win32 last week!

[2002-01-07 09:41:20] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unbelievable, why do you set your cgi-binary in the document root

See http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-1996-11.html

[2002-01-07 09:34:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well you should have already heard about this but I'll report it anyway
becoz we all need a fix very fast! Well when you do this:
http://www.example.com/php/php.exe?c:\winnt\repair\sam   (this is an
example, you can view any file) it will return the files contents! This
happens with ANY windows versions...i don't think it affects linux. Also
this will return the install path of PHP:
could you please get a path/new vesion out ASAP! This is extremly

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14909&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14772 Updated: some links are missing (cosmetic error)

2001-12-30 Thread goba

ID: 14772
Updated by: goba
Status: Open
Old Bug Type: Website problem
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: n/a
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

This is a docu prob.

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-30 08:50:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is only a little thing. On the function page for "socket_get_status", the 
references to related functions at the button are not hyperlinked. It's the line "See 
also accept_connect(), bind(), connect(), listen(), and strerror()." Fix when you can. 
Thanks. - Dan

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14772&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14771: license date a php image in package

2001-12-30 Thread goba

Operating system: Windows
PHP version:  4.1.1
PHP Bug Type: *General Issues
Bug description:  license date a php image in package

Please add 2001 and 2002 to the LICENSE file in the
win distro, and change php4.gif to be php.gif, without
any version num on the picture and in the file name.
See http://www.php.net/download-logos.php, we have
no logos with version nombers downloadable, so
it would be good to have that logo without a version no.

Edit bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=14771&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14734 Updated: new superglobals ($_SERVER, etc.) not documented

2001-12-28 Thread goba

ID: 14734
Updated by: goba
Status: Open
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: Win XP
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

Tested again. Yes you are right. It would be good
to have it listed only in _SERVER, as the other vars.

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-28 10:29:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's printed in _SERVER too (apache 1.3.22/php 4.1.0).

[2001-12-28 10:17:17] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just a note: in the PHP 4.1.0 phpinfo() output, all the
predefined vars are printed as _SERVER and _ENV members,
except PHP_SELF, it is printed alone, and not in any
array. This must be corrected!

[2001-12-28 10:05:28] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Valid point. I'm reopening this as a documentation problem.

[2001-12-28 10:01:35] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All,

Thanks for the replies. The docs tell me that using globally registered vars presents 
a security risk and is being turned off in future versions anyway, so it's quite 
necessary to get accustomed to it.

Using $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] must be the way to go.

However, where to find proper documentation on these 'new' vars ? I can't find them, 
only some pages mentioning they exist.. 

[2001-12-28 09:56:13] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The correct way would be to use $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ; this is guaranteed to work with 
and without register_globals = off.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14734&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14734 Updated: new superglobals ($_SERVER, etc.) not documented

2001-12-28 Thread goba

ID: 14734
Updated by: goba
Status: Open
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: Win XP
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

Just a note: in the PHP 4.1.0 phpinfo() output, all the
predefined vars are printed as _SERVER and _ENV members,
except PHP_SELF, it is printed alone, and not in any
array. This must be corrected!

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-28 10:05:28] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Valid point. I'm reopening this as a documentation problem.

[2001-12-28 10:01:35] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All,

Thanks for the replies. The docs tell me that using globally registered vars presents 
a security risk and is being turned off in future versions anyway, so it's quite 
necessary to get accustomed to it.

Using $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] must be the way to go.

However, where to find proper documentation on these 'new' vars ? I can't find them, 
only some pages mentioning they exist.. 

[2001-12-28 09:56:13] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The correct way would be to use $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ; this is guaranteed to work with 
and without register_globals = off.

[2001-12-28 09:34:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Then don't turn register_globals off.  Turning off register_globals gets rid of all 
the globals.  If you still want some, leave it turned on, but simply set your 
variables_order directive in your php.ini file to reflect which globals you want.  For 
example, if you want environment and server variables, set it to "ES"

[2001-12-28 09:31:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When using PHP with track_vars On and register_globals Off (recommended setting), PHP 
doesn't know the built-in system and environment vars anymore.

For example, $PHP_SELF becomes and unknow variable.

This is really annoying.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14734&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14732 Updated: Broken links in global.ent

2001-12-28 Thread goba

ID: 14732
Updated by: goba
Status: Open
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: all
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

Please commit that little script into phpdoc into the
scripts directory. We have some scripts there to test
XML files, such as the entities.php or dbtags.php. It
would be nice to make this test from time to time.

To answer your current bug report, I have not time
currently to skim through these addresses and find
the right, so anybody with sufficient time, or
who knows some of the right links would be welcome :)


Previous Comments:

[2001-12-28 08:04:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


just wrote a little script and checked global.ent

url.adabas: unknown host (www.adabas.com)
url.hyperwave-proto: document not found 
url.iicm: unknown host (iicm.edu)
url.iptc: document not found or unreachable 
url.ldap.ldapworld: document not found or unreachable 
url.libiconv: document not found 
url.malinimg: document not found 
url.mersenne.twister: unknown host (www.scp.syr.edu)
url.nis: document not found 


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14732&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14660: license date list not complete

2001-12-22 Thread goba

Operating system: n/a
PHP version:  4.1.0
PHP Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
Bug description:  license date list not complete

Viewing the LICENSE file in the PHP 4.1.0 windows .zip
distribution, I have seen a missing 2001 date problem:

  The PHP License, version 2.02
Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 The PHP Group. All rights reserved.

It is quickly going to be a missing 2002 too :))

Edit bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=14660&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14424 Updated: is_readable returns error if file does not exist.

2001-12-12 Thread goba

ID: 14424
Updated by: goba
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: Suse linux 7.2
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

This is what we call an accidental problem. Things like
this can happen in such a big project as PHP.


Previous Comments:

[2001-12-12 11:37:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is fixed in CVS long time ago. The change didn't make it to 4.1.0


[2001-12-12 10:17:27] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So that is what you call downwards compatible?
I build a site under 4.0.6, it works fine.
There is an update to PHP, my sites break.

[2001-12-12 06:40:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So what's the problem? is_readable now returns an error, which is IMHO fine. The only 
problem is that it's not documented. Changing to docu prob.

[2001-12-11 08:22:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Code example:
if (is_readable("foo")) {
echo "file exists.";
} else {
echo "file does not exist.";

Error message:
Warning: stat failed for foo (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in 
/home/xxx/public_html/is_readable.php on line 3

Configure options:
./configure --with-apache=/home/xxx/apache_1.3.22 --with-mysql=/usr/local 
--with-gd=/usr/local --with-zlib-dir=/usr/local --with-png-dir=/usr 
--with-jpeg-dir=/home/xxx/jpeg-6b --with-xpm-dir=/usr/X11R6  --with-ttf  --with-curl

Seems similar to is_file() bug. Problem does not occur on older versions (i.e. 4.0.6).

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14424&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14367 Updated: browscap not well documented

2001-12-06 Thread goba

ID: 14367
Updated by: goba
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: win 98
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

Erm, the user notes are also worth reading :)

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-06 17:57:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OK, this is not included in one single page. You need
to dig some :)

See the manual page:

| In order for this to work, your browscap
| configuration file setting must point to the
| correct location of the browscap.ini file. 

See that browscap is actually a link to the
configuration section, where you can find again
what setting to alter (name: browscap).

Read on:
| For more information (including locations from
| which you may obtain a browscap.ini file),
| check the PHP FAQ at http://www.php.net/FAQ.php. 

OK, I have checked it for you and found:

Visit this page and read the FAQ entry.

It is worth to read on using our links :))

There are some PHP distributions with included
browscap.ini, and as you can see in php.ini,
it is included with IIS/PWS. Currently the
browscap.ini is not in the download...

But we provided a link where you can get it :)


[2001-12-06 17:43:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As far as i can see, there is no documentation for getting the browscap.ini to work on 
a win98 running apache. As i was looking at the documentation, i also saw a general 
lack of documentation on the browscap.ini file on more then one platform.

when looking up the get_browser, it was not clear that a file had to be downloaded in 
addition to the php download and it was not clear that the file had to be configured 
and installed on the system running php. This is not a big problem, but while i was 
trying to get help on installing my browscap.ini file i found none.

I cant get get_browser to work because i cant figure out how to install the 
browscap.ini file. Is it possible? If it its not possible it would have been nice to 


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14367&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14367 Updated: browscap not well documented

2001-12-06 Thread goba

ID: 14367
Updated by: goba
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: win 98
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

OK, this is not included in one single page. You need
to dig some :)

See the manual page:

| In order for this to work, your browscap
| configuration file setting must point to the
| correct location of the browscap.ini file. 

See that browscap is actually a link to the
configuration section, where you can find again
what setting to alter (name: browscap).

Read on:
| For more information (including locations from
| which you may obtain a browscap.ini file),
| check the PHP FAQ at http://www.php.net/FAQ.php. 

OK, I have checked it for you and found:

Visit this page and read the FAQ entry.

It is worth to read on using our links :))

There are some PHP distributions with included
browscap.ini, and as you can see in php.ini,
it is included with IIS/PWS. Currently the
browscap.ini is not in the download...

But we provided a link where you can get it :)


Previous Comments:

[2001-12-06 17:43:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As far as i can see, there is no documentation for getting the browscap.ini to work on 
a win98 running apache. As i was looking at the documentation, i also saw a general 
lack of documentation on the browscap.ini file on more then one platform.

when looking up the get_browser, it was not clear that a file had to be downloaded in 
addition to the php download and it was not clear that the file had to be configured 
and installed on the system running php. This is not a big problem, but while i was 
trying to get help on installing my browscap.ini file i found none.

I cant get get_browser to work because i cant figure out how to install the 
browscap.ini file. Is it possible? If it its not possible it would have been nice to 


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14367&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14336 Updated: Numbering-fault on http://www.php.net/manual/en/pcre.pattern.syntax.php

2001-12-06 Thread goba

ID: 14336
Updated by: goba
Old Status: Bogus
Status: Closed
Old Bug Type: Website problem
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: Any
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

Sorry for me, I forgot to close this bug.
The bugs was there, but I have corrected it in CVS.
Reclassifying as a documentation problem, and closing it
(not bogus).

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-06 06:22:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't see what's wrong.

[2001-12-04 06:44:29] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On the page http://www.php.net/manual/en/pcre.pattern.syntax.php  bullet point 3-10 
have double numbering

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14336&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14339 Updated: no parse_str function on-site ???

2001-12-04 Thread goba

ID: 14339
Updated by: goba
Old Summary: functions available in the xml source do not show up in the online manual
Status: Assigned
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: irrelevant
PHP Version: 4.1.0
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

Erm, Hartmut you are actually not right...

iis and pcntl.xml is not added to manual.xml[.in], so they are not showing up, and 
those two yp functions are  ommented out in nis.xml with a comment that they are not 

So the conclusion is that _only_ that parse_str is affected.

Maybe Jade has an undocumented feature called parse-str and it cant handle that id...

Sidenote: The IIS and PCNTL authors need to be asked whether they would like to put in 
their functions to manual.xml, or just playing some more before it is ready to be 
added... I don't know...

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-04 13:41:49] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

... :( 

forget about the iis_* functions (not documented)
and the pcntl_* stuff (documented but not included
in manual.xml)

but at least yp_errno and yp_err_string are definetly

[2001-12-04 13:36:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry making traffic, it was only my stupid Windows ME.

There many people working for php.net. But the source of the PHP manual should be the 

I have now looked over the history of en/functions/strings.xml and found only 
parse_str() but no parse_url(). Hartmut, could it possible, that you have branched out 
the parse_url() function :) If parse_str() isn´t visible in the online manual, we are 
using wrong tools. 

I know this is not a place to start discussions about books. Which book are you using? 
Please mail per PM to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[2001-12-04 13:35:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Egon: repeating off-topic facts doesn't help at all

both jade and openjade on my local system do not
generate the parse_str() page, to

and there are even more functions affected:

- iis_add_server
- iis_get_dir_security
- iis_get_script_map
- iis_get_server_by_comment
- iis_get_server_by_path
- iis_get_server_rights
- iis_remove_server
- iis_set_app_settings
- iis_set_dir_security
- iis_set_script_map
- iis_set_server_rights
- iis_start_server
- iis_start_service
- iis_stop_server
- iis_stop_service
- parse_str
- pcntl_fork
- pcntl_signal
- pcntl_waitpid
- pcntl_wexitstatus
- pcntl_wifexited
- pcntl_wifsignaled
- pcntl_wifstopped
- pcntl_wstopsig
- pcntl_wtermsig
- yp_err_string
- yp_errno

[2001-12-04 13:24:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am one [EMAIL PROTECTED] I can say, that the problem is not at php.net, Jade our 
XML->HTML generator program cannot generate that function.parse-str.php named HTML 
file used in the online manual to show the documentation. This may be an undocumented 
thing in the Jade program. This is why this function is listed at zend.com and in the 
XML file, but not in the online manual at php.net.

Strange thing though that there is a 


but no


I don't know how often the zend.com manual is updated,
but I think not that often as the php.net one (daily)...

[2001-12-04 13:13:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Look at the two functions at http://zend.com/phpfunc/p.php. Both functions have valid 
links to the online manual.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14339&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14339 Updated: no parse_str function on-site ???

2001-12-04 Thread goba

ID: 14339
Updated by: goba
Status: Assigned
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: irrelevant
PHP Version: 4.1.0
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

I am one [EMAIL PROTECTED] I can say, that the problem is not at php.net, Jade our 
XML->HTML generator program cannot generate that function.parse-str.php named HTML 
file used in the online manual to show the documentation. This may be an undocumented 
thing in the Jade program. This is why this function is listed at zend.com and in the 
XML file, but not in the online manual at php.net.

Strange thing though that there is a 


but no


I don't know how often the zend.com manual is updated,
but I think not that often as the php.net one (daily)...

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-04 13:13:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Look at the two functions at http://zend.com/phpfunc/p.php. Both functions have valid 
links to the online manual.

[2001-12-04 13:10:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It never even occurred to me to try www.zend.com.

I've been spoiled by the semming user-friendliness at www.php.net (not to mention the 
easy to remember URL...) but I finally found the function in my print (paper) PHP 

Who works on the www.php.net?  Anybody here who can just fix it?  Isn't it an obvious 
and easy thing to fix, if all the text is already on the Zend website?

[2001-12-04 13:04:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

for some strange reason openjade totaly ignores
this function ... 
needs further investigation, but not today ... :(

[2001-12-04 12:39:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Egon, these are links to the ZEND online manual!

Please stay on topic ...

[2001-12-04 12:26:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Look at the two functions at http://zend.com/phpfunc/p.php. Both functions have valid 
links to the online manual.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14339&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #10172 Updated: get_class() doesn't return lowercase for DomX objects

2001-11-22 Thread goba

ID: 10172
Updated by: goba
Status: Open
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: RH 7.0
PHP Version: 4.0 Latest CVS (04/04/2001)
New Comment:

OK, but this docfix was right, as this is the current
case, and it should be documented. If this patch goes
throuh, and it arrives in some version, we can add
a note, that this strange behaviour existed till eg.
4.1.0 and it is corrected after that release...

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-22 16:52:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I *really* don't think this should be a documentation fix, I think the get_class() 
function needs to be changed to always return lowercase.

Here is the required patch:

cmv@vincent:/usr/local/sources/php4/Zend$ diff -u zend_builtin_functions.c 
--- zend_builtin_functions.cThu Nov 22 16:49:26 2001
+++ NEW.zend_builtin_functions.cThu Nov 22 16:51:30 2001
@@ -458,7 +458,8 @@
zval **arg;
zend_class_entry *ce;
+   char *lcname;
if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS()!=1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &arg)==FAILURE) {
@@ -467,7 +468,10 @@
ce = Z_OBJCE_PP(arg);
-   RETURN_STRINGL(ce->name, ce->name_length, 1);
+   lcname = estrndup(ce->name, ce->name_length);
+   zend_str_tolower(lcname, ce->name_length);
+   RETURN_STRINGL(lcname, ce->name_length, 1);
 /* }}} */

- Colin

[2001-11-22 16:04:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Seems strange.  Docs have been updated to reflect current 
behavior.  Changing status to 'feedback'.

[2001-11-22 11:08:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, I suppose it is a documentation problem of sorts ... but my preference would be 
for the get_class() function to be consistent, regardless of whether the class is 
user-defined or extention-defined.

Any reason why this shouldn't be consistent?

- Colin

[2001-11-21 19:35:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

get_class() only returns user defined classes in lowercase.

Classes defined in extensions are returned in their original notation.

Making this a documentation problem.

[2001-04-04 20:41:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

get_class() is documented to return the class/object name in lowercase.

This isn't the case for DomText, DomDocument, etc. objects.  In these cases, 
get_class() returns the StudyCaps version of the object name.

- Colin

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=10172&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14091 Updated: Problem with main example on the "MySQL Functions" page

2001-11-17 Thread goba

ID: 14091
Updated by: goba
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: RHL 6.1
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

You are right, mysql_fetch_array() uses MYSQL_BOTH by default. I have just corrected 
the example, and
added some comments, so it works OK...

Do not expect it to show up in a day, as the HTML
generation from XML is done daily.

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-17 06:07:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On the "LV. MySQL Functions" page of the PHP Manual, there is a piece of example code, 
demonstrating how to connect to MySQL, send a query and output the result of that 
query.  The part I'm concerned about goes like this:

print "\n";
while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
print "\t\n";
while(list($col_name, $col_value) = each($line)) {
print "\t\t$col_value\n";
print "\t\n";
print "\n";

When I reproduced this example, something went wrong.  Specifically, every value was 
printed twice.  I'll elaborate on that - If my source table looked like this:

id   name

Then the above code produced:

1  1  blah blah
2  2  foo  foo
3  3  bar  bar

My guess is that, because mysql_fetch_array supplies BOTH associative and numerical 
indexes, using the "while(list = each)" format references two key/value pairs for 
every one.

When I used mysql_fetch_assoc instead of mysql_fetch_array, the example worked 
perfectly.  I assume that it would also work if you specified MYSQL_ASSOC or MYSQL_NUM 
for mysql_fetch_arry, but I haven't tested it.

Feel free to email me if you need more detailed information.


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14091&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #13780 Updated: At least missleading errormessage and possible a bug.

2001-10-22 Thread goba

ID: 13780
Updated by: goba
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: 
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

Ups, forget to Bugusify...

Previous Comments:

[2001-10-22 03:49:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This IS in the docuemtation, and clearly explained.
See: http://www.php.net/variables


| Variable names follow the same rules as other
| labels in PHP. A valid variable name starts
| with a letter or underscore, followed by any
| number of letters, numbers, or underscores.

>From the examples list on the same page:

| $4site = 'not yet'; // invalid; starts with a number

There is nothing more we can do about this IMHO.

[2001-10-21 13:48:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is not a bug, but should be in the manual. Changing category.


[2001-10-21 13:32:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This error message is reported on your page :

Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_VARIABLE' or `'$'' in ** on line 

At first i thougt this was because i was "making" a 2 dimentional array or because i 
was doing somthing wrong in the query to MySQL but i found out the hard way that this 
was not the case.  To reproduce this error is pretty easy, the only ting you have to 
do is this :

... just this will trigger it, to fix this error just do :

Apparently if you have a digit as the first char in a variable you will get this error 

It would of been nice if i could have found some information about this, but instead i 
sat for "two" days trying to figure out how i screewd up the Multidimensional array or 
the Query.


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=13780&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #13780 Updated: At least missleading errormessage and possible a bug.

2001-10-22 Thread goba

ID: 13780
Updated by: goba
Status: Open
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: 
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

This IS in the docuemtation, and clearly explained.
See: http://www.php.net/variables


| Variable names follow the same rules as other
| labels in PHP. A valid variable name starts
| with a letter or underscore, followed by any
| number of letters, numbers, or underscores.

>From the examples list on the same page:

| $4site = 'not yet'; // invalid; starts with a number

There is nothing more we can do about this IMHO.

Previous Comments:

[2001-10-21 13:48:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is not a bug, but should be in the manual. Changing category.


[2001-10-21 13:32:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This error message is reported on your page :

Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_VARIABLE' or `'$'' in ** on line 

At first i thougt this was because i was "making" a 2 dimentional array or because i 
was doing somthing wrong in the query to MySQL but i found out the hard way that this 
was not the case.  To reproduce this error is pretty easy, the only ting you have to 
do is this :

... just this will trigger it, to fix this error just do :

Apparently if you have a digit as the first char in a variable you will get this error 

It would of been nice if i could have found some information about this, but instead i 
sat for "two" days trying to figure out how i screewd up the Multidimensional array or 
the Query.


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=13780&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #13778 Updated: Layout defect...

2001-10-21 Thread goba

ID: 13778
Updated by: goba
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: 
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

If you view it with Internet Explorer on Windows, you
need to scroll at least 300% of the screen width
to see the right side of the table of user notes. This seems to be abnormal...


Previous Comments:

[2001-10-21 11:12:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There is no layout defect.

[2001-10-21 11:02:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is still an issue.

- James

[2001-10-21 11:01:53] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I cant see what change to layout.inc.php/shared-manual.inc.php caused this to happen. 
Perhaps Colin could have a look, seems to me the tables arnt quite correct.

- James

[2001-10-21 10:44:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Btw. i can fix this. I have CVS access. But i will first ask here for approval. :)

[2001-10-21 10:41:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There is one.
There is no linebreak. Some lines goes long to the right side.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #13263 Updated: Website Problem

2001-09-12 Thread goba

ID: 13263
Updated by: goba
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Reproducible crash
Operating System: Windows NT Server
PHP Version: 4.0.4
New Comment:

And DO NOT classify the reopened bug as a Website problem, as it is not the problem of 


Previous Comments:

[2001-09-12 06:17:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not enough information to work on, please reopen this bugreport including the smallest 
possible script that causes this problem and a list of extensions you have loaded in 
your php.ini. 


- James

[2001-09-12 05:46:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For the past few days I am facing the problem on my website When I run a PHP script it 
gives the following error "PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 0DF04D15".

Can anyone pls. find a solution to it.

Phil Systems Ltd.,

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #13124 Updated: PDF Documentation Error

2001-09-04 Thread goba

ID: 13124
Updated by: goba
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: Windows 2000
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

It is now corrected in CVS. Will show up in no more than two days online in HTML docs. 
You need to wait more for updated PDFs.


Previous Comments:

[2001-09-04 06:56:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There is an error on page 378 of the most recent documentation (manual-en.pdf).

The variable $user is constantly referred to, although in the FTP connection script, 
the variable $ftp_user_name is used.



Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=13124&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12822 Updated: Inconsistant label for Image functions

2001-08-18 Thread goba

ID: 12822
Updated by: goba
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: n/a
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

Thanks for the spot. Now it is corrected.
It will be online tomorow.


Previous Comments:

[2001-08-17 20:59:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The functions dealing with image manipulation are referred to as "Image Functions" 
both at http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php and 
http://www.php.net/manual/en/funcref.php.  Yet on the sidebar were all the function 
groups are listed, it is labeled "Graphics".  Should be consistant be labeled "Image" 
or "Images". 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=12822&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12750 Updated: No echo call in example code

2001-08-15 Thread goba

ID: 12750
Updated by: goba
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: N/A
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

You are right. Echo is added now. Thanks for the spot.


Previous Comments:

[2001-08-14 22:34:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On the manual page:

The following code lacks an "echo" in function C (shown in square brackets).
class A {
  function A() {
echo "I am the constructor of A.\n";
class B extends A {
  function C() {
[should have echo here?] "I am a regular function.\n";
// no constructor is being called in PHP 3.
$b = new B;

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=12750&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12731 Updated: Broken Links On your Site

2001-08-14 Thread goba

ID: 12731
Updated by: goba
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: NT4
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

The FAQ is a bit outdated now. This link is now updated
in CVS, it will be online tomorow. Use this link
instead: http://cvs.php.net/co.php/php4/INSTALL?r=1.20


Previous Comments:

[2001-08-14 02:30:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Making this a documentation problem.


[2001-08-14 02:28:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On this page of yours http://www.php.net/manual/en/faq.installation.php

I tried to follow the instructions in the INSTALLATION file located in the 

But the link is broken.

And also some links on that page are broken also.

Please fix that as soon as possible, I need to follow the installation file.


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=12731&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12190 Updated: Differnt versions (4.0.4 and 4.0.6) have different character case rules

2001-07-20 Thread goba

ID: 12190
Updated by: goba
Status: Feedback
Old Bug Type: Website problem
Bug Type: Variables related
Operating System: MS NT 4.0 build 1381
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

this IS NOT a website bug. I can't understand
why kerrorr have submitted this as a website

Previous Comments:

[2001-07-20 07:48:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

reproducing code would be helpfull...

[2001-07-16 11:39:20] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am not sure if this is a bug or a feature or what, but for feedback purposes, 
herewith my tale of sorrow and angst.

We had version 4.0.4 installed on our NT server (4.0 build 1381, Microsoft-IIS/4.0) 
when it crashed last week (from a surfeit of scratch files in C:/TEMP - we don't know 
why yet, but we have our suspicions) and this led our sysop to a rebuild of the 
system.  Whilst doing that, we installed version 4.0.6 using the Win32 installer.  
This led to one of our scripts - located in an include file "footer.incl" which takes 
a META tag defined in the calling PHTML file


and breaks it apart and displays it.  The script broke under 4.0.6 because the 
footer.incl file referenced the variable thus:

 $datevar = $datearr["date_of_last_modification"];

Changing that to follow the capitalization of the variable name as in the META 
statement (i.e. to read Date_of_last_modification) fixed the problem.  However, for 
some reason, some pages on our server started hanging the server. Apparently, the 
problem pages do nothing more than display static information and call the same four 
include files as other similar pages which appeared to work fine.  Since this was the 
second day of down time, we decided to resolve it by copying version 4.0.4r over the 
existing installation.  (Why does 4.0.6 have an installer and 4.0.4 didn't?)

That resolved the hanging problem but the date routine broke again.  This time 
changing the code in the include file back to all lower case worked!?!

We will change all of our meta tags to all lowercase to work around this - which 
should work. But the question I have is what are the rules of character case?  I've 
been hunting around in my reference material but haven't found an answer.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=12190&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #11945 Updated: ignore

2001-07-10 Thread goba

ID: 11945
User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
Operating System: ugly bug
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

just testing

Previous Comments:

[2001-07-07 12:33:09] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

please ignore

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #11945 Updated: ignore

2001-07-08 Thread goba

ID: 11945
Updated by: goba
Old Status: Bogus
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
Operating System: ugly bug
PHP Version: 4.0.6

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #11650 Updated: Test Doc Bug

2001-07-08 Thread goba

ID: 11650
Updated by: goba
Old Status: Bogus
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: PHPOS :)
PHP Version: 4.0.6

Previous Comments:

[2001-06-25 05:30:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is about what I wanted, though I didn't know it myself yet :)

Bogusfied this one.

[2001-06-25 04:34:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just testing the new doc bug feature.
If it works, all doc bugs will be cc-ed
to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, to
the doc people.

Just ignore this bug report.

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #11945 Updated: ignore

2001-07-07 Thread goba

ID: 11945
Updated by: goba
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
Operating System: ugly bug
PHP Version: 4.0.6
Assigned To: 

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #11945: ignore

2001-07-07 Thread goba

Operating system: ugly bug
PHP version:  4.0.6
PHP Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
Bug description:  ignore

Edit bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=11945&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #11833 Updated: Unsufficient docs

2001-07-02 Thread goba

ID: 11833
Updated by: goba
Status: Open
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating system: 
PHP Version: 4.0.6
Assigned To: 

$PHP_SELF is not an environment variable, nor a server variable, it is a special PHP 
variable, so it wont be registered in any arrays you listed

Previous Comments:

[2001-07-02 06:53:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There isn't enough information, from which assosiative array we can acces to 
predefined variables, when register globals is not set. Espesially $PHP_SELF isn't in 
$HTTP_ENV_VARS but $HTTP_SERVER_VARS, which mean not intuos (in my opinion) 



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[PHP-DEV] Bug #10953 Updated: PHP WinHelp bug

2001-06-30 Thread goba

ID: 10953
Updated by: goba
Status: Open
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating system: 
PHP Version: 4.0.5
Assigned To: 

I can't reproduce your problems on my PC. Is this still a problem with the actual chms?

Previous Comments:

[2001-05-18 09:20:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Inside PHP WinHelp Index click on [+]-"Appendixes" book opened it; but next click 
don't close it and next clicks change icon to firing book, closed folder, opened 
folder etc. That is this? I'm surprised.

In addition of this books "Migrating from ...", "PHP development" etc (six books A-F) 
must be INSIDE "Appendixes", don't outside of it.

Any comments?


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[PHP-DEV] Bug #11762 Updated: bad example

2001-06-29 Thread goba

ID: 11762
Updated by: goba
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating system: 
PHP Version: 4.0.5
Assigned To: 

OK, as you suggested dates are printed now. You can see, that nearly all files are 
autogenerated daily (dispite what I said before) except the CHM version (and the temp 
unavailable PDF). We will update the CHM versions soon.

Anyway, this way the full table listing is **UGLY**. Is there anybody with a better 
layout tip?

Ps. I used the RFC date type date('r", $changed) to be world wide compatible (though 
it is very long...).

Previous Comments:

[2001-06-29 12:36:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There will be some date info also on that page. I'll do it ASAP. It was on my todo 
list for a week now. Well, dates are much important, but sizes are also usable, when 
you need to choose from .zip or .tar.gz, while your zip program handles both of them.

It is true, that PDFs, CHMs and Palm docs are behind, but just because we have no 
**automated** process to do it. Everything else is automated (text and HTML). This is 
also on our __long time__ todo list to implement some automated CHM generation on Unix 
(it is not easy to do :).


[2001-06-28 17:59:26] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm planning to update the CHM versions soon now, as lots of things have been changed.
I hope I can do it this weekend.



[2001-06-28 17:22:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My apologies.. I responded before I realized that the mailing lists are 12-14 hrs 
behind.  I didn't think to read the bug report on the page to make sure no one 
responded to it already.


[2001-06-28 17:21:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I believe that the PDF and CHM version of the module always lag behind due to the 
amount of work it takes to package them up.  If you are ever in doubt, please check 
the online html manual first.  You can visit it directly at: http://php.net/manual/


[2001-06-28 14:32:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
thx for replying, thx 
btw, in http://www.php.net/docs.php
doucument list
file size? may not need if file is small enough
file size for compare and decide whether to download ?
why not show an document last update date?
or document version will be better :P
just suggestion, may not post as a reply here


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long.  To view the rest of the 
comments, please view the bug report online.

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #11762 Updated: bad example

2001-06-29 Thread goba

ID: 11762
Updated by: goba
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating system: 
PHP Version: 4.0.5
Assigned To: 

There will be some date info also on that page. I'll do it ASAP. It was on my todo 
list for a week now. Well, dates are much important, but sizes are also usable, when 
you need to choose from .zip or .tar.gz, while your zip program handles both of them.

It is true, that PDFs, CHMs and Palm docs are behind, but just because we have no 
**automated** process to do it. Everything else is automated (text and HTML). This is 
also on our __long time__ todo list to implement some automated CHM generation on Unix 
(it is not easy to do :).

Previous Comments:

[2001-06-28 17:59:26] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm planning to update the CHM versions soon now, as lots of things have been changed.
I hope I can do it this weekend.



[2001-06-28 17:22:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My apologies.. I responded before I realized that the mailing lists are 12-14 hrs 
behind.  I didn't think to read the bug report on the page to make sure no one 
responded to it already.


[2001-06-28 17:21:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I believe that the PDF and CHM version of the module always lag behind due to the 
amount of work it takes to package them up.  If you are ever in doubt, please check 
the online html manual first.  You can visit it directly at: http://php.net/manual/


[2001-06-28 14:32:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
thx for replying, thx 
btw, in http://www.php.net/docs.php
doucument list
file size? may not need if file is small enough
file size for compare and decide whether to download ?
why not show an document last update date?
or document version will be better :P
just suggestion, may not post as a reply here


[2001-06-28 11:29:28] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Not necessarily. Latest should always be the online manual.
And the VERY latest is in CVS. :)


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long.  To view the rest of the 
comments, please view the bug report online.

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #11650 Updated: Test Doc Bug

2001-06-25 Thread goba

ID: 11650
Updated by: goba
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating system: 
PHP Version: 4.0.6
Assigned To: 

Now I hope it will work with the corrected
patch from Jeroen.

Previous Comments:

[2001-06-25 05:30:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is about what I wanted, though I didn't know it myself yet :)

Bogusfied this one.


[2001-06-25 04:34:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just testing the new doc bug feature.
If it works, all doc bugs will be cc-ed
to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, to
the doc people.

Just ignore this bug report.


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[PHP-DEV] Bug #10437: casting is not consistent

2001-04-22 Thread goba

Operating system: win2k
PHP version:  4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type: Strings related
Bug description:  casting is not consistent

Casting is not consistent with doubles:

$foo = "5.31abc";

$foo2 = (double) $foo;
$foo3 = $foo + 0;

The first gives 5.31 the second gives 5,
although it should notice the full 5.31 number
in the string.

Edit Bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=10437&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0 Bug #9320 Updated: ?> is always the last (even in strings!!!)

2001-02-17 Thread goba

ID: 9320
User Update by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
Description: ?> is always the last (even in strings!!!)

It is bug, bug and bug!!!

See the manual :

| The "one-line" comment styles actually only
| comment to the end of the line or the current
| block of PHP code, whichever comes first.

The thing echoed should not mean the end of
the block: 

1: ";
3: ?>

The block starts on line 1 and ends
on line 3. I think we can agree on this.

BUT: the PHP parser thinks that the end of
code is on line 2, but this is just
one thing echoed, and not meant to be
parsed by this PHP parser...

The end of block is on line 3.

This is not documented!

Previous Comments:

[2001-02-17 13:02:28] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is not a bug, but documented behaviour.


[2001-02-17 12:14:46] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
See this code:


This works good. And prints:

which it should print.

Then using a comment:


This prints: 



The ?> is recognized in the string, although
it should not be recognized I think!!!

This is a problem if you generate php pages,
as Smarty does for expample... (phpinsider.com)


Full Bug description available at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=9320

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[PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0 Bug #9320: ?> is always the last (even in strings!!!)

2001-02-17 Thread goba

Operating system: win2k
PHP version:  4.0.3pl1
PHP Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
Bug description:  ?> is always the last (even in strings!!!)

See this code:


This works good. And prints:

which it should print.

Then using a comment:


This prints: 



The ?> is recognized in the string, although
it should not be recognized I think!!!

This is a problem if you generate php pages,
as Smarty does for expample... (phpinsider.com)

Edit Bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=9320&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0 Bug #9099: please include one browscap.ini

2001-02-04 Thread goba

Operating system: win2k
PHP version:  4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Bug description:  please include one browscap.ini

The browscap.ini was there in the 4.0.3pl1
version, but is missing from the 4.0.4pl1
windows zip distribution.

It was a great idea to put browscap.ini
in the distribution, so please do not drop it

Edit Bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=9099&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0 Bug #9098: gd crashes Apache

2001-02-04 Thread goba

Operating system: win2k
PHP version:  4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type: GD related
Bug description:  gd crashes Apache

I am using Win Apache (as a win2k service)
with PHP as a module. If I use
extension=php_gd.dll in php.ini Apache
craches when I manually start the service.

If I insert another extension, but not gd
(eg. java), it starts up correcly and shows
the java extension in the phpinfo() list.

Edit Bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=9098&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0 Bug #9097: browscap is not working again

2001-02-04 Thread goba

Operating system: win2k
PHP version:  4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
Bug description:  browscap is not working again

My programs using browscap.ini worked well
with 4.0.3pl1, but now with 4.0.4pl1 the same
error occurs as in PHP 4.0.0. No information
is returned by get_browser().

The ini setting is properly set.

I am using Win Apache, PHP in module.

Edit Bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=9097&edit=1

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