Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 02:46, David Harkness wrote:
 To address the OP, I would agree with skipping trim on both the user name
 and password. If it's a copy-paste error, they will try again.

They do try again: copying and pasting in the exact same manner. It
keeps happening.

 If you want
 to get fancy, warn when the password starts with or ends with spaces if it
 comes back incorrect, but I think that's probably going to be so rare as not
 to be worth the extra effort.

I've changed it to warn client-side (javascript) if there are leading
or trailing spaces in the the username only:
Your username [begins||ends] with an errant space. Please reenter
your credentials more carefully.
I hope that they figure out to check their passwords as well.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 06:51, Paul M Foster wrote:
 I agree that users should not use weak passwords, but not everyone goes 
 everywhere with a vault. I am more then capable of memorizing 20 or so 16-32 
 character full set passwords.

 And so you assume everyone can do that? I can remember maybe 5 of the
 passwords I regularly need. (I rarely repeat passwords for different
 sites.) In addition, some passwords have been *assigned* to me and
 cannot readily be changed (and are usually difficult to remember). Many
 of the rest I so seldom use that it would be silly to try to remember
 them. Particularly when I do have a password-locked file I can use to
 record them for me.

Exactly. Even Lifehacker is now assigning passwords since the Gawker
exploit. Lifehacker users cannot choose their own passwords anymore,
they are assigned passwords.

 Under the circumstances I described, I have yet to hear in what way
 copying and pasting passwords compromises security of anything by
 itself. Please enlighten me.

I think this is the underwear rule: never leave passwords/underwear
out in the open where everyone can see them. Also, change them

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 07:00, David Hutto wrote:
 Correct me if I'm wrong, but If you initially type the username and
 password into a file, and you have, in my paranoid scenario, a
 keylogger you don't know about, it get's logged, but also, i assume it
 would get logged if you typed it in as well, on the site, or that
 someone could lift the password if given the authority on your system,

There is little us as serverside programmers can do when the user's
system is already compromised. However, securing the password down the
wire is certainly our job.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Omega -1911
 Well, let's see. My system sits behind a firewall. No external services
 are advertised to the internet. All internal addresses are non-routable.
 I do not use or have any wifi. The system sits in my home office. I use
 a Debian Linux system and practice very safe computing. I often
 investigate little-known sites before surfing to them, and never accept
 temptations to click on ads. In fact, I have my /etc/hosts file set up
 to block the vast majority of ad servers (I see a fraction of the ads
 most people see). I never download content of questionable origin, nor
 accept it from others without investigating it first. I have a root kit
 detector installed, which I periodically use. I'm the only person who
 uses this computer. No one who enters this space is more knowledgeable
 than I am about computers (= not capable of hacking a computer).

Hi Paul - I am interested in knowing how you prevent intrusion with
your firewall when it is a known fact that post 9/11 companies that
develop such leave ports open for Big Brother as required. Remember
Green Lantern, Carnivore and the like are roaming around and used
by various agencies. Even though a firewall reports that the ports are
blocked, they aren't.

Limiting surfing to only trusted sites does limit vulnerability, but
for the last couple of years, Google, Yahoo, Fbook, Youtube are
compromised by hackers installing Antivirus 2009, Antivirus 2010,
etc. viruses.

With a long list of sites improperly setting cookies, passwords and
usernames are easily compromised when a person visits other sites.
Most importantly,   how do you verify that the Internet Service
provider has not been compromised? Using SSL to pass passwords is
still not 100 percent safe as people may think because the real
problem lies in what and where the web site stores your information on
the server.

How do you thwart these possible and other  intrusion nodes?

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Re: [PHP] Static content at runtime

2010-12-29 Thread knl
On Tue, 28 Dec 2010 23:25:57 -0600
Donovan Brooke wrote:

 and btw, I found that Billy Hoffman article
 to be inaccurate in many of his assertions.

Would you mind sharing in what ways you found his assertions inaccurate?

Kind regards, 

 D Brooke
 PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 11:20, Omega -1911 wrote:
 Hi Paul - I am interested in knowing how you prevent intrusion with
 your firewall when it is a known fact that post 9/11 companies that
 develop such leave ports open for Big Brother as required. Remember
 Green Lantern, Carnivore and the like are roaming around and used
 by various agencies. Even though a firewall reports that the ports are
 blocked, they aren't.

 Limiting surfing to only trusted sites does limit vulnerability, but
 for the last couple of years, Google, Yahoo, Fbook, Youtube are
 compromised by hackers installing Antivirus 2009, Antivirus 2010,
 etc. viruses.

 With a long list of sites improperly setting cookies, passwords and
 usernames are easily compromised when a person visits other sites.
 Most importantly,   how do you verify that the Internet Service
 provider has not been compromised? Using SSL to pass passwords is
 still not 100 percent safe as people may think because the real
 problem lies in what and where the web site stores your information on
 the server.

 How do you thwart these possible and other  intrusion nodes?

A different password on each potentially-weak site? Lasspass is great
for this. You can then export and print your Lastpass data, put it on
a removable media, or access it via web access.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Omega -1911
Hi Doran - that may partially work, but what happens on the site's level? If
the site is hacked, millions of passwords are stolen. All of the hard work
put forth to protect your pc becomes useless. I think it has to be a two way
street ... On a shared host, security and the ability to capture passwords
is easily compromised.

[PHP] Printing PDF

2010-12-29 Thread Steve Staples

I have an app that needs to be created, and it is all running on linux.
I am sure I shoulnd't really write it using PHP, but it's kinda what I
know, and am familiar with... so I am thinking about doing with PHP.

Anyway, for simplicity sake, i am creating a pdf through php (no
problems there) and it needs to be printed.  I've never done printing on
linux, but is there an easy way to send the pdf print job via command
lines to the local (or network) printer?

a friend of mine said postscript or cups, but I am not familiar with
them, so I thought I would ask you GURU's here :)

thank in advance!


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Re: [PHP] Printing PDF

2010-12-29 Thread Greg Bair
On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 10:36:30 -0500
Steve Staples wrote:

 I have an app that needs to be created, and it is all running on
 linux. I am sure I shoulnd't really write it using PHP, but it's
 kinda what I know, and am familiar with... so I am thinking about
 doing with PHP.
 Anyway, for simplicity sake, i am creating a pdf through php (no
 problems there) and it needs to be printed.  I've never done printing
 on linux, but is there an easy way to send the pdf print job via
 command lines to the local (or network) printer?
 a friend of mine said postscript or cups, but I am not familiar
 with them, so I thought I would ask you GURU's here :)
 thank in advance!
You could use the lpr command.  Info here :


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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Paul M Foster
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 04:20:58AM -0500, Omega -1911 wrote:

  Well, let's see. My system sits behind a firewall. No external services
  are advertised to the internet. All internal addresses are non-routable.
  I do not use or have any wifi. The system sits in my home office. I use
  a Debian Linux system and practice very safe computing. I often
  investigate little-known sites before surfing to them, and never accept
  temptations to click on ads. In fact, I have my /etc/hosts file set up
  to block the vast majority of ad servers (I see a fraction of the ads
  most people see). I never download content of questionable origin, nor
  accept it from others without investigating it first. I have a root kit
  detector installed, which I periodically use. I'm the only person who
  uses this computer. No one who enters this space is more knowledgeable
  than I am about computers (= not capable of hacking a computer).
 Hi Paul - I am interested in knowing how you prevent intrusion with
 your firewall when it is a known fact that post 9/11 companies that
 develop such leave ports open for Big Brother as required. Remember
 Green Lantern, Carnivore and the like are roaming around and used
 by various agencies. Even though a firewall reports that the ports are
 blocked, they aren't.

Carnivore was an email sniffing program. I can't find a reference to
Green Lantern as it relates to computer hacking. As for the well
known fact that companies leave ports open for the government, it must
be well known to people other than me. Such claims are sometimes true,
sometimes specious. I'd have to see real evidence first. (Don't get me
wrong-- I wouldn't be surprised.) And ports which show blocked but
aren't? How does that work? Do routers use some sort of port knocking

Beyond all this, the context you're citing is the government snooping on
me. The government could seize my computer and have the NSA break my
best encryption in probably minutes flat. And they'd have... what? My
password to My password to the Javascript mailing list?
Seriously? If the government wants my stuff, they can sit an NSA van
outside my house and read the E-M vibrations off my windows or somesuch.
I'm really not concerned for two reasons: 1) If they want my stuff, they
can get it any time wihout my permission; 2) There's not a blessed thing
I can do about it; 3) There isn't anything they'd be very interested in,
trust me. I rather doubt they're going to snag my credit card numbers
and charge a bunch of stuff at Walmart.

Also, I have it from people who know much more about network security
than I do that penetrating a LAN like mine (which is pretty standard) is
nearly or completely impossible *unless* a user on the inside does
something stupid.

 Limiting surfing to only trusted sites does limit vulnerability, but
 for the last couple of years, Google, Yahoo, Fbook, Youtube are
 compromised by hackers installing Antivirus 2009, Antivirus 2010,
 etc. viruses.

Antivirus 2009 and 2010 are generally not harmful when it comes to
snagging user information. That's not what they're meant to do. They are
scareware designed to get you to buy software from the company to clean
fake virus infections. If Yahoo and the like have their servers
compromised because of this software, then they're running Windows on
internet servers, which is a bone-headed move anyway. Moreover, if the
admins for these servers see warnings because of this, then they should
do research before simply believing what some software tells them about
their servers. (Although, considering the tech knowledge of a lot of
Windows server admins, anything is possible.)

And, as I mentioned, I run Linux. If I saw some silly virus warning
about my computer, I'd laugh. It's not unheard of, but generally you'd
have to do something stupid to get infected with a virus under Linux.
After laughing, I'd run a rootkit check. And yawn.

 With a long list of sites improperly setting cookies, passwords and
 usernames are easily compromised when a person visits other sites.
 Most importantly,   how do you verify that the Internet Service
 provider has not been compromised? Using SSL to pass passwords is
 still not 100 percent safe as people may think because the real
 problem lies in what and where the web site stores your information on
 the server.

How do I know my ISP isn't compromised? Well, how the hell would
*anyone* know that? You wouldn't. It's completely within the realm of
possibility that my ISP would open, decrypt and read every packet I send
through them. Like the government, I doubt my ISP is going to snag my
credit card numbers and start charging things at Walmart. Can you
imagine the PR debacle if a respected major national ISP/telephone
company was caught grabbing sensitive user information and using it for
nefarious purposes? And can you imagine what their rates with Mastercard
and Visa would go to if such breaches were found in their
infrastructure? I deal with 

Re: [PHP] Static content at runtime

2010-12-29 Thread Richard Quadling
On 28 December 2010 17:18, wrote:

 I am currently looking into improving a system that (like many systems)
 generate static content at runtime.

 I have always been against generating static content at runtime and
 believe static content should be generated by a cronjob or manually at
 some idle time (if possible).

 This will provide real static content (no PHP at all) that doesn't need
 to be checked every time a request is made hence a huge performance
 benefit is achieved.

 A nice article on the issue:

 Quote: The moral of the story is never make the user pay for your
 laziness. Do not use the application tier of a website to dynamically
 generate static content at runtime. Instead do it at publishing time or
 even do it in a daily or hourly cron job. This approach allows you all
 the advantages of using application logic without drastically reducing
 the very web performance you were trying to improve in the first place!

 Sometimes however many pages are linked together and when working with
 a system with hundreds or thousands of pages re-creating a lot of
 content each night perhaps isn't always the best way to do things.
 Especially if the content needs to be updated right away and can't wait
 for the nightly cronjob to do its business.

 To illustrate with a simple example..

 A blog system with a menu that displays how many posts exists in each

 - Home
 - About
 - Tech (412)
 - News (2030)


 When a new page is added to the News category every single page in the
 system needs to get updated in order for the menu to display the new
 number (2031).

 Some use a compromise to include only changing items (like the menu
 in the above example), but that would mean using PHP and not serving
 pure static content.

 Others use ugly solutions like frames.

 Care to share your experiences and recommendations on the issue?

 Kind regards

 Kim N. Lesmer

As mentioned, using
is going to be the simplest way to deal with semi static data.

When a new post is added, you update the text file (posts.txt), making
sure you handle all the locking so that 2 posts at the same time don't
end up as only 1 increment.

If you find that the locking is taking too much time (which would
indicate a lot of new posts simultaneously), only update the file if
you can get an exclusive lock. By the time you've failed, a few more
posts will have gone in and the file will have been unlocked at some
stage and then updated.

For something like a post count, I wouldn't consider this to be too
important to be kept 100% accurate. As long as the only usage is to
display to the user. If you need a realtime update, then the DB can
provide it along with an AJAX refresh of the span id=postCount /
element. If needed.

For things like CSS and JS, these tend to be static and should
probably be stored combined/minified/gzipped. Here is an old article I
used to help me get rid of the JS and CSS loading on my servers :

So, a page load will get 1 HTML, 1 CSS and 1 JS call to the server.
The CSS and JS will be client side cached. For the first hit, the CSS
and JS will be minified and gzipped, so lowering your bandwidth usage.

I've never tried it, but I think you can also do something similar for
images. Rather than 1 request per image, 1 image per page request (or
fewer images per page request).

So, that deals with a lot of request issues that the server is no
longer needing to deal with on every single page.

The server side includes for the semi-static text.

Richard Quadling
Twitter : EE : Zend
@RQuadling : :

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Re: [PHP] Static content at runtime

2010-12-29 Thread Richard Quadling
On 29 December 2010 16:34, Richard Quadling wrote:
 On 28 December 2010 17:18, wrote:

 I am currently looking into improving a system that (like many systems)
 generate static content at runtime.

 I have always been against generating static content at runtime and
 believe static content should be generated by a cronjob or manually at
 some idle time (if possible).

 This will provide real static content (no PHP at all) that doesn't need
 to be checked every time a request is made hence a huge performance
 benefit is achieved.

 A nice article on the issue:

 Quote: The moral of the story is never make the user pay for your
 laziness. Do not use the application tier of a website to dynamically
 generate static content at runtime. Instead do it at publishing time or
 even do it in a daily or hourly cron job. This approach allows you all
 the advantages of using application logic without drastically reducing
 the very web performance you were trying to improve in the first place!

 Sometimes however many pages are linked together and when working with
 a system with hundreds or thousands of pages re-creating a lot of
 content each night perhaps isn't always the best way to do things.
 Especially if the content needs to be updated right away and can't wait
 for the nightly cronjob to do its business.

 To illustrate with a simple example..

 A blog system with a menu that displays how many posts exists in each

 - Home
 - About
 - Tech (412)
 - News (2030)


 When a new page is added to the News category every single page in the
 system needs to get updated in order for the menu to display the new
 number (2031).

 Some use a compromise to include only changing items (like the menu
 in the above example), but that would mean using PHP and not serving
 pure static content.

 Others use ugly solutions like frames.

 Care to share your experiences and recommendations on the issue?

 Kind regards

 Kim N. Lesmer

 As mentioned, using
 is going to be the simplest way to deal with semi static data.

 When a new post is added, you update the text file (posts.txt), making
 sure you handle all the locking so that 2 posts at the same time don't
 end up as only 1 increment.

 If you find that the locking is taking too much time (which would
 indicate a lot of new posts simultaneously), only update the file if
 you can get an exclusive lock. By the time you've failed, a few more
 posts will have gone in and the file will have been unlocked at some
 stage and then updated.

 For something like a post count, I wouldn't consider this to be too
 important to be kept 100% accurate. As long as the only usage is to
 display to the user. If you need a realtime update, then the DB can
 provide it along with an AJAX refresh of the span id=postCount /
 element. If needed.

 For things like CSS and JS, these tend to be static and should
 probably be stored combined/minified/gzipped. Here is an old article I
 used to help me get rid of the JS and CSS loading on my servers :

 So, a page load will get 1 HTML, 1 CSS and 1 JS call to the server.
 The CSS and JS will be client side cached. For the first hit, the CSS
 and JS will be minified and gzipped, so lowering your bandwidth usage.

 I've never tried it, but I think you can also do something similar for
 images. Rather than 1 request per image, 1 image per page request (or
 fewer images per page request).

 So, that deals with a lot of request issues that the server is no
 longer needing to deal with on every single page.

 The server side includes for the semi-static text.

 Richard Quadling
 Twitter : EE : Zend
 @RQuadling : : (In
russian, but Google Chrome happily translated this into readable

Richard Quadling
Twitter : EE : Zend
@RQuadling : :

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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Paul M Foster
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 11:06:15AM +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 06:51, Paul M Foster wrote:


  Under the circumstances I described, I have yet to hear in what way
  copying and pasting passwords compromises security of anything by
  itself. Please enlighten me.
 I think this is the underwear rule: never leave passwords/underwear
 out in the open where everyone can see them. Also, change them

Wait... what? I should change my underwear frequently? Um... be right


Paul M. Foster

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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Nicholas Kell

On Dec 29, 2010, at 10:40 AM, Paul M Foster wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 11:06:15AM +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 06:51, Paul M Foster wrote:
 Under the circumstances I described, I have yet to hear in what way
 copying and pasting passwords compromises security of anything by
 itself. Please enlighten me.
 I think this is the underwear rule: never leave passwords/underwear
 out in the open where everyone can see them. Also, change them
 Wait... what? I should change my underwear frequently? Um... be right

I change my underwear once a month, whether it needs it or not.
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Re: [PHP] Printing PDF

2010-12-29 Thread Paul M Foster
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 10:36:30AM -0500, Steve Staples wrote:

 I have an app that needs to be created, and it is all running on linux.
 I am sure I shoulnd't really write it using PHP, but it's kinda what I
 know, and am familiar with... so I am thinking about doing with PHP.
 Anyway, for simplicity sake, i am creating a pdf through php (no
 problems there) and it needs to be printed.  I've never done printing on
 linux, but is there an easy way to send the pdf print job via command
 lines to the local (or network) printer?
 a friend of mine said postscript or cups, but I am not familiar with
 them, so I thought I would ask you GURU's here :)

The big problem here is that the site is on the server and the printer
is on the client (most likely). Normally if you provide a link to a PDF
in a webpage, the user/client downloads that PDF and the browser tries
to open it in whatever program it thinks is good for that (like XPDF
under Linux). The program in which it opens the PDF will have an option
to print the file. I've been printing invoices, checks and reports out
of my corporate system for years this way.


Paul M. Foster

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Omega -1911
Those were some pretty confident statements there. You doubt the government
would want to hack your computer... Well, the U.S. tries to prevent over 1
million attacks per day as documented and has admitted to having been
breached more often than not... !!! But as someone who let's just say has
prior knowledge, I personally would not want your password unless I needed
to do some social engineering but rather hijack your connection to hide my
nefarious intent.

No, your yahoo login info wouldn't be of much use, but your bank login info
would be there are many who trade account info multiple times on private
networks for a few dollars at a time. Your login and account info doesn't
mean much to them, but a few hundred passwords can make thousands daily.

Why not store passwords inside of programs like snow?

With your pc being stealth, maybe you could help the government with how you
do it?

Carnivor can do more. Trust me. Programs like SamInside create an
interesting computer environment as well.

Re: [PHP] Printing PDF

2010-12-29 Thread Steve Staples
On Wed, 2010-12-29 at 11:49 -0500, Paul M Foster wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 10:36:30AM -0500, Steve Staples wrote:
  I have an app that needs to be created, and it is all running on linux.
  I am sure I shoulnd't really write it using PHP, but it's kinda what I
  know, and am familiar with... so I am thinking about doing with PHP.
  Anyway, for simplicity sake, i am creating a pdf through php (no
  problems there) and it needs to be printed.  I've never done printing on
  linux, but is there an easy way to send the pdf print job via command
  lines to the local (or network) printer?
  a friend of mine said postscript or cups, but I am not familiar with
  them, so I thought I would ask you GURU's here :)
 The big problem here is that the site is on the server and the printer
 is on the client (most likely). Normally if you provide a link to a PDF
 in a webpage, the user/client downloads that PDF and the browser tries
 to open it in whatever program it thinks is good for that (like XPDF
 under Linux). The program in which it opens the PDF will have an option
 to print the file. I've been printing invoices, checks and reports out
 of my corporate system for years this way.

actually... it is a localized app (it should be more of a C++ or Java
(or even Python), but I know PHP more weller than the others... and
there is also a few other things they want... so right now, it will be
on the local machine, but down the road, it will be on a server, but
it is all on the local intranet, so the printers will be accessible.
this is not a world app, just internal.

I can create the PDF's no problem, it is just how to send the created
pdf to the printer to print (it is a label printer, printing 3x5 labels)

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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread tedd

At 4:06 PM -0500 12/28/10, Daniel Brown wrote:

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 16:05, Dotan Cohen wrote:

 Did you know that when you type 'brown1' we see it as **? Your
 system does that automatically.

That's how I see it, too.  It took me fourteen years to realize
that my password wasn't just six asterisks

Damn! Now, I have to change my password. Maybe I'll change it to *1

But seriously, I teach my students to find something that they can 
remember that doesn't appear in their personal data (i.e., tel 
number, address, SS, DOB, whatever).

I suggest using a phrase such as An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor 
Away and combining it with a favorite number (i.e.,  18) producing 
a password of AAADKTDA18.

Additionally, one can also make access to their data a bit more 
secure by changing their user id to something not personal either, 
such as mightymouse.

As for trimming passwords and user id's, I have always done that with 
an explanation of what characters are allowed/required in a password 
-- leading/trailing spaces are not. From my perspective, if a user 
provides a space before/after their password, then thay have made a 
mistake and it's automatically trimmed regardless. As such, the 
practice either way does not affect anything -- it works both ways.

This is from experience in dealing with users (10k db's) complaining 
that their user ID and/or password has somehow changed because they 
entered JohnDoe, johndoe, and finally johnDoe and couldn't access 
their account only to find that their user ID was actually jdoe. I 
don't want to complicate my life further by allowing leading/trailing 
spaces into the mix.

BTW -- One of my banks told me that my user id had to be uppercase, 
but when I entered my user id in lowercase, it worked. There should 
be consistency between what the user is told and what is practiced.

Make your life simpler.




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[PHP] How to send a GPG signed EMail with a PDF attached?

2010-12-29 Thread Michelle Konzack

currently I am searching  for  a  solution  but
found nothing I need.

OK, I can write a string, mimeencode the PDF and send  it  using  exec()
and 'sendmail -t'.  Also I could use another exec() call to GPG sign the

But is there a more PHP NATIVE solution?

I mean one without a bunch of exec() calls and I am trying to get rid of
this crap in all of my scripts (~1.700.000 lines of code in total).

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack

# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ##
   Development of Intranet and Embedded Systems with Debian GNU/Linux

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Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,

Description: Digital signature

Re: [PHP] Printing PDF

2010-12-29 Thread Richard Quadling
On 29 December 2010 17:24, Steve Staples wrote:
 I can create the PDF's no problem, it is just how to send the created
 pdf to the printer to print (it is a label printer, printing 3x5 labels)

What type of printer? Some printers require their own language and
won't have any sort of PS, PCL, Esc/2 or GDI support.

I've worked with industrial printers which take strings of plain text
to do page layout/description. You load template layouts into the
printer and can use them.

Completely useless under normal circumstances.

If the printer is something like an Epson TM-L90 (thermal label
printer with barcode support), then sending it a PDF isn't possible as
it doesn't have PS support. It is much easier to send it the string of
codes to have the barcode generated within the label.

On Windows, the drivers deal with all of this stuff. I've no idea on Unix.

The exact model of the printer would help.

Richard Quadling
Twitter : EE : Zend
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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread tedd

At 11:06 AM +0200 12/29/10, Dotan Cohen wrote:

Also, change them {passwords} frequently.

I've always wondered about that -- if your password works, then why 
change it? Where's the logic in that?

From my perspective, it looks like Hey, the crackers have not been 
able to crack this, so let's give them another chance. That doesn't 
sound logical.

There are things we think are right, but is this practice supported 
in some way that's provable?




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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread tedd

At 11:57 AM -0500 12/29/10, Omega -1911 wrote:

Why not store passwords inside of programs like snow?

Maybe yellow snow, but never in something permanent.

My advice -- memorize your passwords -- don't commit them to storage.

I have a list of passwords committed to memory that fall into three 
groups (i.e., high, medium, and low security).

1. Bank accounts and financial data is high.

2. Mailing list and non-financial organizations (web sites) are medium.

3. Everything else is low.

If I should die, my family knows where my important accounts are and 
will have the legal authority to access those. Everything else, like 
my contribution to mankind, will pass without fanfare and fade within 
a couple of hours.




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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Joshua Kehn
On Dec 29, 2010, at 12:37 PM, tedd wrote:

 At 11:06 AM +0200 12/29/10, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 Also, change them {passwords} frequently.
 I've always wondered about that -- if your password works, then why change 
 it? Where's the logic in that?
 From my perspective, it looks like Hey, the crackers have not been able to 
 crack this, so let's give them another chance. That doesn't sound logical.
 There are things we think are right, but is this practice supported in some 
 way that's provable?

An attacker manages to obtain the hashes and starts an attack. You change your 
password. The attacker now has to restart the attack.

Changing your passwords prevents an attack from continuing past the length of 
time between password changes. 

Also if they _have_ managed to crack the password changing it forces them to 
crack it again, thus also limiting the time the account is compromised.



Joshua Kehn |

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[PHP] File-Upload per Drag-N-Drop?

2010-12-29 Thread Michelle Konzack

my users have an Online-File-Store with nearly anything  they  need  but
one feature is missing:  Drag-D-Drop.

I like to implement Drag-D-Drop so users can Drag a file  from  a  File-
Manager and Drop it on the Upload-Icon in my Webinterface.

Can someone tell me HOW THIS WORKS?

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack

# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ##
   Development of Intranet and Embedded Systems with Debian GNU/Linux

itsyst...@tdnet France EURL   itsyst...@tdnet UG (limited liability)
Owner Michelle KonzackOwner Michelle Konzack

Apt. 917 (homeoffice)
50, rue de Soultz Kinzigstraße 17
67100 Strasbourg/France   77694 Kehl/Germany
Tel: +33-6-61925193 mobil Tel: +49-177-9351947 mobil
Tel: +33-9-52705884 fix


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,

Description: Digital signature

Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Daniel P. Brown
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 11:57, Omega -1911 wrote:
 Those were some pretty confident statements there. You doubt the government
 would want to hack your computer... Well, the U.S. tries to prevent over 1
 million attacks per day as documented and has admitted to having been
 breached more often than not... !!! But as someone who let's just say has
 prior knowledge, I personally would not want your password unless I needed
 to do some social engineering but rather hijack your connection to hide my
 nefarious intent.

Is that how it works out there in Indianapolis, David Chapman?
Because, to the rest of the world, this whole diatribe just sounds
plain silly.

 No, your yahoo login info wouldn't be of much use, but your bank login info
 would be there are many who trade account info multiple times on private
 networks for a few dollars at a time. Your login and account info doesn't
 mean much to them, but a few hundred passwords can make thousands daily.

Wow.  Good thing folks don't use their Yahoo! email accounts for
password reminders, I guess.

Just wow.  Pfft.

/Daniel P. Brown
Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
(866-) 725-4321

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] File-Upload per Drag-N-Drop?

2010-12-29 Thread Daniel P. Brown
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 13:23, Michelle Konzack wrote:

 my users have an Online-File-Store with nearly anything  they  need  but
 one feature is missing:  Drag-D-Drop.

 I like to implement Drag-D-Drop so users can Drag a file  from  a  File-
 Manager and Drop it on the Upload-Icon in my Webinterface.

 Can someone tell me HOW THIS WORKS?

That's more of a frontend question to which you and your
six-million-line signature should check Google to find the answer.
Don't get me wrong, Michelle, we've always tried to help out even with
off-topic questions, but this is really pushing it a bit too far with
all of the non-PHP questions you've been asking lately.

/Daniel P. Brown
Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
(866-) 725-4321

PHP General Mailing List (
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RE: [PHP] File-Upload per Drag-N-Drop?

2010-12-29 Thread Tommy Pham
 -Original Message-
 From: Michelle Konzack []
 Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 10:23 AM
 To: PHP - General
 Subject: [PHP] File-Upload per Drag-N-Drop?
 my users have an Online-File-Store with nearly anything  they  need  but
 one feature is missing:  Drag-D-Drop.
 I like to implement Drag-D-Drop so users can Drag a file  from  a  File-
 Manager and Drop it on the Upload-Icon in my Webinterface.
 Can someone tell me HOW THIS WORKS?

This sounds like RIA = Rich Internet Application.  Try google'ing for it.
YMMV depends on platform  technology supported.


 Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
 Michelle Konzack
 # Debian GNU/Linux Consultant
Development of Intranet and Embedded Systems with Debian GNU/Linux
 itsyst...@tdnet France EURL   itsyst...@tdnet UG (limited liability)
 Owner Michelle KonzackOwner Michelle Konzack
 Apt. 917 (homeoffice)
 50, rue de Soultz Kinzigstraße 17
 67100 Strasbourg/France   77694 Kehl/Germany
 Tel: +33-6-61925193 mobil Tel: +49-177-9351947 mobil
 Tel: +33-9-52705884 fix
 Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,

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RE: [PHP] How to send a GPG signed EMail with a PDF attached?

2010-12-29 Thread Tommy Pham
 -Original Message-
 From: Michelle Konzack []
 Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 9:34 AM
 To: PHP - General
 Subject: [PHP] How to send a GPG signed EMail with a PDF attached?
 currently I am searching  for  a  solution  but
 nothing I need. naturally may not have all possible solutions.  Thus, the
existence of search engines like google.  Try keywords 'php mime encode


 OK, I can write a string, mimeencode the PDF and send  it  using  exec()
 'sendmail -t'.  Also I could use another exec() call to GPG sign the
 But is there a more PHP NATIVE solution?
 I mean one without a bunch of exec() calls and I am trying to get rid of
 crap in all of my scripts (~1.700.000 lines of code in total).
 Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
 Michelle Konzack
 # Debian GNU/Linux Consultant
Development of Intranet and Embedded Systems with Debian GNU/Linux
 itsyst...@tdnet France EURL   itsyst...@tdnet UG (limited liability)
 Owner Michelle KonzackOwner Michelle Konzack
 Apt. 917 (homeoffice)
 50, rue de Soultz Kinzigstraße 17
 67100 Strasbourg/France   77694 Kehl/Germany
 Tel: +33-6-61925193 mobil Tel: +49-177-9351947 mobil
 Tel: +33-9-52705884 fix
 Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,

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Re: [PHP] Static content at runtime

2010-12-29 Thread Donovan Brooke wrote:

On Tue, 28 Dec 2010 23:25:57 -0600
Donovan  wrote:

and btw, I found that Billy Hoffman article
to be inaccurate in many of his assertions.

Would you mind sharing in what ways you found his assertions inaccurate?

Kind regards,


D Brooke

Well sure.. I have some time.. it's the holidays. ;-)

I don't entirely agree with the premise first of all... I think serving 
dynamic content at runtime works well 90% (loose figure) of the time and 
ultimately creates a system that is easy to troubleshoot and maintain, 
and which always has realtime accurate data.

I should first preface my comments that I am not against a publishing 
system, nor a caching system when the project needs, or 
growth/performance needs, would require (or could benefit from) it.. 
however, I also believe that those requirements are a small portion of 
the projects/jobs out there these days.

The author says:
Since the web server is not serving a static file, there will be no 
Last-Modified header sent by default. That means no conditional GETs and 
no 304 responses which means lots of bandwidth consumption.

That is not quite accurate.. a programmer can force http headers.

PHP, like virtually all application tiers, produces a chucked response. 
This is because the web server has no idea what the content length will 
be because it is dynamically generated. Dynamically generated chunked 
responses will not send the Accept-Range header. This means no pausing 
or resuming or error recovering. The entire resource must be re-downloaded.

First, I think he means Accept-Ranges header.. and as in my previous
comment, a programmer can manipulate http headers... which makes some of 
his other reasoning not quite accurate.

Lastly he proceeds on to illustrate a dynamic resource 
(|b.js|c.js), apparently, as a
a reason why serving dynamic content is not as good as serving static 
content (for security reasons). At this point, it's really just him 
showing off his ability to spot hackable code I think. ;-) My answer to

that is that it has nothing to do with runtime code vs. published static
content, and everything to do with the noob programmer who decided to
make a hackable get request a part of their app.

Overall, to me that article may provoke some good thought.. but I would 
treat it like Rush Limbaugh.. don't buy into all of it.


D Brooke

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: How to send a GPG signed EMail with a PDF attached?

2010-12-29 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello Tommy Pham,

Am 2010-12-29 10:38:39, hacktest Du folgendes herunter: naturally may not have all possible solutions.  Thus, the
 existence of search engines like google.  Try keywords 'php mime encode

Already done and it returns 56.000 results where  the  first  500  where
notvery useful.

But I found via the gnupgp site gpg_encrypt() and now I changed my setup
to let users upload there public key and  then  they  get  the  invoices
crypted.  Otherwise as normal EMail or alternative as SMail.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack

# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ##
   Development of Intranet and Embedded Systems with Debian GNU/Linux

itsyst...@tdnet France EURL   itsyst...@tdnet UG (limited liability)
Owner Michelle KonzackOwner Michelle Konzack

Apt. 917 (homeoffice)
50, rue de Soultz Kinzigstraße 17
67100 Strasbourg/France   77694 Kehl/Germany
Tel: +33-6-61925193 mobil Tel: +49-177-9351947 mobil
Tel: +33-9-52705884 fix


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,

Description: Digital signature

[PHP] Re: File-Upload per Drag-N-Drop?

2010-12-29 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello Tommy Pham,

Am 2010-12-29 10:33:30, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
 This sounds like RIA = Rich Internet Application.  Try google'ing for it.

This was the missing keyword.  Thanks.

Found DHTML and posibility  for  a  flash/gnash app  which  support  the
Drag-N-Drop.  If has only to create a normal fileupload where  the  rest
is handled as usual by PHP. Now have to check, whether gnash support it.

 YMMV depends on platform  technology supported.

Hmmm, if I see and it woks on Linux the same
as on MacOS X as on Windows or BeOS.


Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack

# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ##
   Development of Intranet and Embedded Systems with Debian GNU/Linux

itsyst...@tdnet France EURL   itsyst...@tdnet UG (limited liability)
Owner Michelle KonzackOwner Michelle Konzack

Apt. 917 (homeoffice)
50, rue de Soultz Kinzigstraße 17
67100 Strasbourg/France   77694 Kehl/Germany
Tel: +33-6-61925193 mobil Tel: +49-177-9351947 mobil
Tel: +33-9-52705884 fix


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,

Description: Digital signature

Re: [PHP] Re: File-Upload per Drag-N-Drop?

2010-12-29 Thread Robert Cummings

On 10-12-29 02:54 PM, Michelle Konzack wrote:

Hello Tommy Pham,

Am 2010-12-29 10:33:30, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:

This sounds like RIA = Rich Internet Application.  Try google'ing for it.

This was the missing keyword.  Thanks.

Found DHTML and posibility  for  a  flash/gnash app  which  support  the
Drag-N-Drop.  If has only to create a normal fileupload where  the  rest
is handled as usual by PHP. Now have to check, whether gnash support it.

YMMV depends on platform  technology supported.

Hmmm, if I see  and it woks on Linux the same
as on MacOS X as on Windows or BeOS.


Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
 Michelle Konzack

You can get a nice multi upload in flash, but you cannot get drag and drop.

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Re: [PHP] Re: File-Upload per Drag-N-Drop?

2010-12-29 Thread Robert Cummings

On 10-12-29 03:02 PM, Robert Cummings wrote:

On 10-12-29 02:54 PM, Michelle Konzack wrote:

Hello Tommy Pham,

Am 2010-12-29 10:33:30, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:

This sounds like RIA = Rich Internet Application.  Try google'ing for it.

This was the missing keyword.  Thanks.

Found DHTML and posibility  for  a  flash/gnash app  which  support  the
Drag-N-Drop.  If has only to create a normal fileupload where  the  rest
is handled as usual by PHP. Now have to check, whether gnash support it.

YMMV depends on platform   technology supported.

Hmmm, if I see   and it woks on Linux the same
as on MacOS X as on Windows or BeOS.


Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
  Michelle Konzack

You can get a nice multi upload in flash, but you cannot get drag and drop.

I should add that I don't know about Silverlight or whatever is the 
flavour of the week, but I believe you can do drag and drop with Java 
applets, but they'll require popup acceptance of the security privileges 
necessary to allow drag and drop.

E-Mail Disclaimer: Information contained in this message and any
attached documents is considered confidential and legally protected.
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copying, and distribution are prohibited unless authorized.

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Re: File-Upload per Drag-N-Drop?

2010-12-29 Thread Bastien Koert
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Robert Cummings wrote:
 On 10-12-29 03:02 PM, Robert Cummings wrote:

 On 10-12-29 02:54 PM, Michelle Konzack wrote:

 Hello Tommy Pham,

 Am 2010-12-29 10:33:30, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:

 This sounds like RIA = Rich Internet Application.  Try google'ing for

 This was the missing keyword.  Thanks.

 Found DHTML and posibility  for  a  flash/gnash app  which  support  the
 Drag-N-Drop.  If has only to create a normal fileupload where  the  rest
 is handled as usual by PHP. Now have to check, whether gnash support it.

 YMMV depends on platform   technology supported.

 Hmmm, if I see   and it woks on Linux the same
 as on MacOS X as on Windows or BeOS.


 Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
      Michelle Konzack

 You can get a nice multi upload in flash, but you cannot get drag and

 I should add that I don't know about Silverlight or whatever is the flavour
 of the week, but I believe you can do drag and drop with Java applets, but
 they'll require popup acceptance of the security privileges necessary to
 allow drag and drop.

 E-Mail Disclaimer: Information contained in this message and any
 attached documents is considered confidential and legally protected.
 This message is intended solely for the addressee(s). Disclosure,
 copying, and distribution are prohibited unless authorized.

 PHP General Mailing List (
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Flex has some as well



Cat, the other other white meat

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Re: [PHP] Printing PDF

2010-12-29 Thread Steve Staples
On Wed, 2010-12-29 at 17:36 +, Richard Quadling wrote:
 On 29 December 2010 17:24, Steve Staples wrote:
  I can create the PDF's no problem, it is just how to send the created
  pdf to the printer to print (it is a label printer, printing 3x5 labels)
 What type of printer? Some printers require their own language and
 won't have any sort of PS, PCL, Esc/2 or GDI support.
 I've worked with industrial printers which take strings of plain text
 to do page layout/description. You load template layouts into the
 printer and can use them.
 Completely useless under normal circumstances.
 If the printer is something like an Epson TM-L90 (thermal label
 printer with barcode support), then sending it a PDF isn't possible as
 it doesn't have PS support. It is much easier to send it the string of
 codes to have the barcode generated within the label.
 On Windows, the drivers deal with all of this stuff. I've no idea on Unix.
 The exact model of the printer would help.

I am currently unaware of the printer model, I am mostly working at
building a quote for them.   I suppose I should get the make/models of
what they are going to be using... and hope to hell that they are
compatible.  I do know that the printer has a custom formatted label, so
I hope that there is some drivers or wahtever availble to linux that i
can send the PDF to it to print... looks like this will be some trial
and error (err... research and development?).   The printing is the only
real trivial part of the whole thing.

maybe i should just make this all a greenscreen app, using windows .bat
scripting :)

thanks for all your insight, and once i get some more information, and
after googleing some, if i have MORE questions, i'll be back!!

hope everyone's holidays (if you celebrated any over the last few weeks)
were good, and the new year treats you well!


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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Omega -1911
Sound silly? Why Daniel? It's all documented and public knowledge. What I
thought was silly was a entire thread about which ASCII combination was
best.. convert to a higher range above the 255 character range...

There is NOTHING I have mentioned that you or anyone can call a lie. Google
or are great resources. You forte is php... what security
certs doyou hold that contradict my previous email?
On Dec 29, 2010 1:22 PM, Daniel P. Brown

 On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 11:57, Omega -1911 wrote:
  Those were some pretty confident statements there. You doubt the
  would want to hack your computer... Well, the U.S. tries to prevent
over 1
  million attacks per day as documented and has admitted to having been
  breached more often than not... !!! But as someone who let's just say
  prior knowledge, I personally would not want your password unless I
  to do some social engineering but rather hijack your connection to
hide my
  nefarious intent.

Is that how it works out there in Indianapolis, David Chapman?
 Because, to the rest of the world, this whole diatribe just sounds
 plain silly.

  No, your yahoo login info wouldn't be of much use, but your bank login
  would be there are many who trade account info multiple times on
  networks for a few dollars at a time. Your login and account info
  mean much to them, but a few hundred passwords can make thousands daily.

Wow.  Good thing folks don't use their Yahoo! email accounts for
 password reminders, I guess.

Just wow.  Pfft.

 /Daniel P. Brown
 Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
 (866-) 725-4321

Re: [PHP] Printing PDF

2010-12-29 Thread David Hutto
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 3:13 PM, Steve Staples wrote:
 On Wed, 2010-12-29 at 17:36 +, Richard Quadling wrote:
 On 29 December 2010 17:24, Steve Staples wrote:
  I can create the PDF's no problem, it is just how to send the created
  pdf to the printer to print (it is a label printer, printing 3x5 labels)

 What type of printer? Some printers require their own language and
 won't have any sort of PS, PCL, Esc/2 or GDI support.

 I've worked with industrial printers which take strings of plain text
 to do page layout/description. You load template layouts into the
 printer and can use them.

 Completely useless under normal circumstances.

 If the printer is something like an Epson TM-L90 (thermal label
 printer with barcode support), then sending it a PDF isn't possible as
 it doesn't have PS support. It is much easier to send it the string of
 codes to have the barcode generated within the label.

 On Windows, the drivers deal with all of this stuff. I've no idea on Unix.

 The exact model of the printer would help.

 I am currently unaware of the printer model, I am mostly working at
 building a quote for them.

Welcome to being a software developer.

 I suppose I should get the make/models of
 what they are going to be using... and hope to hell that they are
 compatible.  I do know that the printer has a custom formatted label, so
 I hope that there is some drivers or wahtever availble to linux that i
 can send the PDF to it to print... looks like this will be some trial
 and error (err... research and development?).   The printing is the only
 real trivial part of the whole thing.

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] File-Upload per Drag-N-Drop?

2010-12-29 Thread Michael Shadle
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Daniel P. Brown wrote:

    That's more of a frontend question to which you and your
 six-million-line signature should check Google to find the answer.
 Don't get me wrong, Michelle, we've always tried to help out even with
 off-topic questions, but this is really pushing it a bit too far with
 all of the non-PHP questions you've been asking lately.

a) +1 - this isn't php-general anymore this feels like
michelle-development-requests (with a horribly long signature) - but I
don't mean to be harsh.

b) HTML5 should be what you want, at some point very soon.

Silverlight isn't fully cross platform
Java is your most universal applet language
fFash has odd issues, but would be second best
but HTML5, that's going to address it all.

Google for plupload it has all the different upload applet types and
tries to determine which one will be best for you. has the client side
and server side pieces included.

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] File-Upload per Drag-N-Drop?

2010-12-29 Thread
On a slight tangent, but is that signature why I'm not able to read any of 
michelles emails on my phone? For some reason, only her emails get stuck and 
won't download, so I have to wait til someone else replies.

To answer the question on this, I've not yet seen a cross platform answer to 
this question; only several different platform dependent solutions from one 
vendor to handle each main OS.


- Reply message -
From: Michael Shadle
Date: Wed, Dec 29, 2010 21:38
Subject: [PHP] File-Upload per Drag-N-Drop?
To: Michelle Konzack
Cc: PHP - General

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Daniel P. Brown wrote:

    That's more of a frontend question to which you and your
 six-million-line signature should check Google to find the answer.
 Don't get me wrong, Michelle, we've always tried to help out even with
 off-topic questions, but this is really pushing it a bit too far with
 all of the non-PHP questions you've been asking lately.

a) +1 - this isn't php-general anymore this feels like
michelle-development-requests (with a horribly long signature) - but I
don't mean to be harsh.

b) HTML5 should be what you want, at some point very soon.

Silverlight isn't fully cross platform
Java is your most universal applet language
fFash has odd issues, but would be second best
but HTML5, that's going to address it all.

Google for plupload it has all the different upload applet types and
tries to determine which one will be best for you. has the client side
and server side pieces included.

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Printing PDF

2010-12-29 Thread Paul M Foster
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 12:24:14PM -0500, Steve Staples wrote:

 On Wed, 2010-12-29 at 11:49 -0500, Paul M Foster wrote:
  On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 10:36:30AM -0500, Steve Staples wrote:
   I have an app that needs to be created, and it is all running on linux.
   I am sure I shoulnd't really write it using PHP, but it's kinda what I
   know, and am familiar with... so I am thinking about doing with PHP.
   Anyway, for simplicity sake, i am creating a pdf through php (no
   problems there) and it needs to be printed.  I've never done printing on
   linux, but is there an easy way to send the pdf print job via command
   lines to the local (or network) printer?
   a friend of mine said postscript or cups, but I am not familiar with
   them, so I thought I would ask you GURU's here :)
  The big problem here is that the site is on the server and the printer
  is on the client (most likely). Normally if you provide a link to a PDF
  in a webpage, the user/client downloads that PDF and the browser tries
  to open it in whatever program it thinks is good for that (like XPDF
  under Linux). The program in which it opens the PDF will have an option
  to print the file. I've been printing invoices, checks and reports out
  of my corporate system for years this way.
 actually... it is a localized app (it should be more of a C++ or Java
 (or even Python), but I know PHP more weller than the others... and
 there is also a few other things they want... so right now, it will be
 on the local machine, but down the road, it will be on a server, but
 it is all on the local intranet, so the printers will be accessible.
 this is not a world app, just internal.
 I can create the PDF's no problem, it is just how to send the created
 pdf to the printer to print (it is a label printer, printing 3x5 labels)

I have heard of (and seen) some Javascript code which can be embedded
in a PDF to make it print without the need for what I described. But I
don't recall where I saw it. Might have been on this list, so you could
check the archives.


Paul M. Foster

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Daniel P. Brown
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 15:16, Omega -1911 wrote:
 Sound silly? Why Daniel? It's all documented and public knowledge. What I
 thought was silly was a entire thread about which ASCII combination was
 best.. convert to a higher range above the 255 character range...

 There is NOTHING I have mentioned that you or anyone can call a lie. Google
 or are great resources. You forte is php... what security
 certs doyou hold that contradict my previous email?

Aside from involvement with the now-defunct Federal agency, the
National Infrastructure Protection Center, training by the FBI's
Regional Computer Forensic Laboratories, accreditation as the first
private-sector mobile computer forensic investigation laboratory in
the tri-state area, multiple computer security certifications, and
about fourteen years of professional network and computer security
service to multiple public and private sector entities, I suppose not

I was pleased earlier, however, to learn about your interest in
helping others by creating a venue for them to sell their own homemade
pornographic DVDs at such a low price, but then disappointed to learn
that your grasp of Perl and site management wasn't yet up to par.
Hacking didn't work out all that well over the last couple of years
either, but you could probably go, what, just a thousand feet or so to
hire one of the kids from Ben Davis high school to help out.  Pay them
a fair wage, though I mean, with your home last appraised at
$122,100 (on the 27th of July, 2007, so you might want to see if it's
appreciated more in value by now), we know you can afford to pay
better than minimum.  Heck, if they'd pave your street as well as your
driveway is sealed, that alone might help improve the value, at least
a little bit.  Which would be fine --- I mean, you already get the
benefits of better insurance, consider how close you are to that fire
hydrant.  (You know the one I mean, that little bluish-green one when
you turn right out of your driveway and cross the street.)

Speaking of blue-green, I love that picture of Javen.  Was that
done right on his iPhone, or did he do it on the computer before
uploading it?  Pretty cool either way, just like his name.  I'm just
not sure if it's pronounced with a J or an H sound.  I mean,
Arthur's name is easy enough, but I honestly am confused by Javen's
(except when he spells it out like James Vencent).  It's no surprise
that he's an intelligent kid, though, being born at the autumnal
equinox and all (and even before sunrise that morning).

That aside, you might be right.  Perhaps my qualifications don't
quite justify my opinion in contradicting anything you have to say.  I
mean, being contracted to trace people all over the world can
sometimes be almost as fun as knowing what tools to use to find out
who they are in the first place.  Still, one shouldn't spend so much
time doing just one thing, which is why we both enjoy programming.

Regardless, it doesn't matter, and I see no reason to get into any
kind of flame war --- especially with one of the famous Six Hounds
from the Darkside of Hell.  Anyway, sorry for being ten days late, but
happy birthday, Chap.  It was good getting to know you.  And, as the
Ques know, friendship is essential to the soul.

/Daniel P. Brown
Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
(866-) 725-4321

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Omega -1911
AHHH... Searching by by an email is REALLY what you call hacking? Oh
wait, you said that with all your knowledge in forensics you can find
people all over the world. Thank God for Go0GlE.

( - -
[29/Dec/2010:10:19:50 -0800] GET /quick_calendar.php HTTP/1.1 302
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.10 (KHTML,
like Gecko) Chrome/8.0.552.224 Safari/534.10

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 5:32 PM, Daniel P. Brown wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 15:16, Omega -1911 wrote:
 Sound silly? Why Daniel? It's all documented and public knowledge. What I
 thought was silly was a entire thread about which ASCII combination was
 best.. convert to a higher range above the 255 character range...

 There is NOTHING I have mentioned that you or anyone can call a lie. Google
 or are great resources. You forte is php... what security
 certs doyou hold that contradict my previous email?

    Aside from involvement with the now-defunct Federal agency, the
 National Infrastructure Protection Center, training by the FBI's
 Regional Computer Forensic Laboratories, accreditation as the first
 private-sector mobile computer forensic investigation laboratory in
 the tri-state area, multiple computer security certifications, and
 about fourteen years of professional network and computer security
 service to multiple public and private sector entities, I suppose not

    I was pleased earlier, however, to learn about your interest in
 helping others by creating a venue for them to sell their own homemade
 pornographic DVDs at such a low price, but then disappointed to learn
 that your grasp of Perl and site management wasn't yet up to par.
 Hacking didn't work out all that well over the last couple of years
 either, but you could probably go, what, just a thousand feet or so to
 hire one of the kids from Ben Davis high school to help out.  Pay them
 a fair wage, though I mean, with your home last appraised at
 $122,100 (on the 27th of July, 2007, so you might want to see if it's
 appreciated more in value by now), we know you can afford to pay
 better than minimum.  Heck, if they'd pave your street as well as your
 driveway is sealed, that alone might help improve the value, at least
 a little bit.  Which would be fine --- I mean, you already get the
 benefits of better insurance, consider how close you are to that fire
 hydrant.  (You know the one I mean, that little bluish-green one when
 you turn right out of your driveway and cross the street.)

    Speaking of blue-green, I love that picture of Javen.  Was that
 done right on his iPhone, or did he do it on the computer before
 uploading it?  Pretty cool either way, just like his name.  I'm just
 not sure if it's pronounced with a J or an H sound.  I mean,
 Arthur's name is easy enough, but I honestly am confused by Javen's
 (except when he spells it out like James Vencent).  It's no surprise
 that he's an intelligent kid, though, being born at the autumnal
 equinox and all (and even before sunrise that morning).

    That aside, you might be right.  Perhaps my qualifications don't
 quite justify my opinion in contradicting anything you have to say.  I
 mean, being contracted to trace people all over the world can
 sometimes be almost as fun as knowing what tools to use to find out
 who they are in the first place.  Still, one shouldn't spend so much
 time doing just one thing, which is why we both enjoy programming.

    Regardless, it doesn't matter, and I see no reason to get into any
 kind of flame war --- especially with one of the famous Six Hounds
 from the Darkside of Hell.  Anyway, sorry for being ten days late, but
 happy birthday, Chap.  It was good getting to know you.  And, as the
 Ques know, friendship is essential to the soul.

 /Daniel P. Brown
 Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
 (866-) 725-4321

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Daniel P. Brown
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 18:20, Omega -1911 wrote:
 AHHH... Searching by by an email is REALLY what you call hacking? Oh
 wait, you said that with all your knowledge in forensics you can find
 people all over the world. Thank God for Go0GlE.

Please don't top-post.

Never said I was hacking.  And yes, I did see that infinite
redirect-loop you call a website (well, multiple, since they all
direct there).  And again, yes, I used Google (among other things).
However, for the rest of your statement (which you didn't even quote
properly), you're confusing two different jobs.

Anyway, you were the one who claimed I said your email was a lie.
Go back a few messages and you'll see I never even insinuated that at
all.  I meant your attempt to show your conspiracy-theory-driven
opinion as fact was silly.  The rest of it may well have been valid,
but - my apologies - I just honestly couldn't bear to keep reading it.

If you're otherwise unconvinced that I had no intent on any kind
of arguments or personal attacks, or if you'd like to continue with
your agenda, please shoot me an email off-list, where it belongs.
Even worse than anything else so far would be the two of us clogging
up everyone else's inbox.

/Daniel P. Brown
Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
(866-) 725-4321

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Mujtaba Arshad

   I was pleased earlier, however, to learn about your interest in
helping others by creating a venue for them to sell their own homemade
pornographic DVDs at such a low price, but then disappointed to learn
that your grasp of Perl and site management wasn't yet up to par.

Lol what.

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 6:20 PM, Omega -1911 wrote:

 AHHH... Searching by by an email is REALLY what you call hacking? Oh
 wait, you said that with all your knowledge in forensics you can find
 people all over the world. Thank God for Go0GlE.

 ( - -
 [29/Dec/2010:10:19:50 -0800] GET /quick_calendar.php HTTP/1.1 302
 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.10 (KHTML,
 like Gecko) Chrome/8.0.552.224 Safari/534.10

 On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 5:32 PM, Daniel P. Brown wrote:
  On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 15:16, Omega -1911 wrote:
  Sound silly? Why Daniel? It's all documented and public knowledge. What
  thought was silly was a entire thread about which ASCII combination was
  best.. convert to a higher range above the 255 character range...
  There is NOTHING I have mentioned that you or anyone can call a lie.
  or are great resources. You forte is php... what security
  certs doyou hold that contradict my previous email?
 Aside from involvement with the now-defunct Federal agency, the
  National Infrastructure Protection Center, training by the FBI's
  Regional Computer Forensic Laboratories, accreditation as the first
  private-sector mobile computer forensic investigation laboratory in
  the tri-state area, multiple computer security certifications, and
  about fourteen years of professional network and computer security
  service to multiple public and private sector entities, I suppose not
 I was pleased earlier, however, to learn about your interest in
  helping others by creating a venue for them to sell their own homemade
  pornographic DVDs at such a low price, but then disappointed to learn
  that your grasp of Perl and site management wasn't yet up to par.
  Hacking didn't work out all that well over the last couple of years
  either, but you could probably go, what, just a thousand feet or so to
  hire one of the kids from Ben Davis high school to help out.  Pay them
  a fair wage, though I mean, with your home last appraised at
  $122,100 (on the 27th of July, 2007, so you might want to see if it's
  appreciated more in value by now), we know you can afford to pay
  better than minimum.  Heck, if they'd pave your street as well as your
  driveway is sealed, that alone might help improve the value, at least
  a little bit.  Which would be fine --- I mean, you already get the
  benefits of better insurance, consider how close you are to that fire
  hydrant.  (You know the one I mean, that little bluish-green one when
  you turn right out of your driveway and cross the street.)
 Speaking of blue-green, I love that picture of Javen.  Was that
  done right on his iPhone, or did he do it on the computer before
  uploading it?  Pretty cool either way, just like his name.  I'm just
  not sure if it's pronounced with a J or an H sound.  I mean,
  Arthur's name is easy enough, but I honestly am confused by Javen's
  (except when he spells it out like James Vencent).  It's no surprise
  that he's an intelligent kid, though, being born at the autumnal
  equinox and all (and even before sunrise that morning).
 That aside, you might be right.  Perhaps my qualifications don't
  quite justify my opinion in contradicting anything you have to say.  I
  mean, being contracted to trace people all over the world can
  sometimes be almost as fun as knowing what tools to use to find out
  who they are in the first place.  Still, one shouldn't spend so much
  time doing just one thing, which is why we both enjoy programming.
 Regardless, it doesn't matter, and I see no reason to get into any
  kind of flame war --- especially with one of the famous Six Hounds
  from the Darkside of Hell.  Anyway, sorry for being ten days late, but
  happy birthday, Chap.  It was good getting to know you.  And, as the
  Ques know, friendship is essential to the soul.
  /Daniel P. Brown
  Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
  (866-) 725-4321

 PHP General Mailing List (
 To unsubscribe, visit:


Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Omega -1911
Etiquette went out the window a while ago. As Rambo said, He drew
first blood... If you could not PROVE ME WRONG, you could have kept
your mouth shut. You jumped in head first. And you have YET to prove
me wrong. Then to throw off the subject, you resort to telling the
world who you believe I am... That's what kids do as a last resort.
Now take your ball and run home. First, COULD YOU PLEASE PROVE ME
WRONG? You have open doors and windows (if you know what I mean...)


On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 6:29 PM, Daniel P. Brown wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 18:20, Omega -1911 wrote:
 AHHH... Searching by by an email is REALLY what you call hacking? Oh
 wait, you said that with all your knowledge in forensics you can find
 people all over the world. Thank God for Go0GlE.

    Please don't top-post.

    Never said I was hacking.  And yes, I did see that infinite
 redirect-loop you call a website (well, multiple, since they all
 direct there).  And again, yes, I used Google (among other things).
 However, for the rest of your statement (which you didn't even quote
 properly), you're confusing two different jobs.

    Anyway, you were the one who claimed I said your email was a lie.
 Go back a few messages and you'll see I never even insinuated that at
 all.  I meant your attempt to show your conspiracy-theory-driven
 opinion as fact was silly.  The rest of it may well have been valid,
 but - my apologies - I just honestly couldn't bear to keep reading it.

    If you're otherwise unconvinced that I had no intent on any kind
 of arguments or personal attacks, or if you'd like to continue with
 your agenda, please shoot me an email off-list, where it belongs.
 Even worse than anything else so far would be the two of us clogging
 up everyone else's inbox.

 /Daniel P. Brown
 Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
 (866-) 725-4321

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Daniel P. Brown
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 18:38, Omega -1911 wrote:
 Etiquette went out the window a while ago. As Rambo said, He drew
 first blood... If you could not PROVE ME WRONG, you could have kept
 your mouth shut. You jumped in head first. And you have YET to prove
 me wrong. Then to throw off the subject, you resort to telling the
 world who you believe I am... That's what kids do as a last resort.
 Now take your ball and run home. First, COULD YOU PLEASE PROVE ME
 WRONG? You have open doors and windows (if you know what I mean...)

Like I said off-list.  I'll happily keep the conversation
going between us, but I sure won't continue to bother others just
because that's what you feel like doing for whatever reason.

/Daniel P. Brown
Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
(866-) 725-4321

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread TR Shaw

On Dec 29, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Joshua Kehn wrote:

 On Dec 29, 2010, at 12:37 PM, tedd wrote:
 At 11:06 AM +0200 12/29/10, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 Also, change them {passwords} frequently.
 I've always wondered about that -- if your password works, then why change 
 it? Where's the logic in that?
 From my perspective, it looks like Hey, the crackers have not been able to 
 crack this, so let's give them another chance. That doesn't sound logical.
 There are things we think are right, but is this practice supported in 
 some way that's provable?
 An attacker manages to obtain the hashes and starts an attack. You change 
 your password. The attacker now has to restart the attack.
 Changing your passwords prevents an attack from continuing past the length of 
 time between password changes. 
 Also if they _have_ managed to crack the password changing it forces them to 
 crack it again, thus also limiting the time the account is compromised.

Gosh. Think about it. Lets not take the your machine is compromised case 
and/or your password is moronic and/or you are not passing your password 

So the threat is external. Now there are 2 types of external: one in house and 
one on the 'net.

The one in house is simply detected by an IDS like snort looking for very rapid 
login attempts. Slow walkers are no risk at all. Further if your password is 
computationally hard your GigE LAN is not fast enough to support cracking a 
computationally hard password before you retire.  So there is no threat that 
your computationally hard password will be cracked so your password is safe.

For a 'net threat, the bandwidth is even more constrained so you could live 9 
lives and still not have your computationally hard password cracked. Further, 
log checking at the firewall and on internal machines can easily detect 
cracking attempts.  I detect about 4 per day on our mailserver looking for pop 
logons and about 25 a day against ssh where we don't even use passwords. ftp is 
not used.

So an external threat against your machine as defined above, is not a risk.

So now lets look at the case where there is malware on your machine which will 
try to brute force your computationally hard password and is smart enough to 
use your graphics engine to increased computational power.  Folks at MIT and 
Carnegie Mellon have already numerically proved that a 12 character password is 
not crackable using brute force in any reasonable timeframe. In fact an 8 
character one has strength of years. I would contend that using that much power 
will make its existence known to you and coupled with the fact that you restart 
your computer every now and again and that you run an antivirus periodically 
that will eventually find it even if you don't notice the slow down.

As you can see, cracking a password on your machine is so fruitless that no one 
would even try to since if you have access to the machine a keylogger, for 
example, is faster and more reliable. To thwart this you might want to run 
tripwire or equivalent and institute exfiltration detection.

The big problem today is that security people in IT and security wannabee's 
quote cracking numbers not based in the real world but mathematically based on 
quasi real preconditions. They and some crazy guys who I know at Microsoft 
along with some NIST guys are pushing 12 character minimums of upper, lower, 
numbers and specials, changed every 60 days and no reuse for 2 years in 
business settings. They say this will make the corporate machines safe. This is 
utter BS. And, in fact, makes corporate networks even more vulnerable due to 
the fact that people can't remember all these password so they write them down 
or make them relatively easy thus increasing social engineering break-in 

The best solution is to select a computationally hard password and then don't 
change it unless you have to. I also recommend that you select another that is 
different and use it for all 'net based logins with a extension concatenated 
for each service.

This comment about if they _have_ managed to crack the password changing it 
forces them to crack it again, thus also limiting the time the account is 
compromised is ridiculous.  First, I assume you really mean stealing rather 
than cracking for the reasons above.  Notwithstanding the fact that the site 
broken into should immediately lock down all accounts. Whats to say that the 
bad guys brake-in right after you have changed your password and they are not 
noticed. You are still at risk until you change it maybe 30, 60 90, 120 days 
later. So what is the real good of changing password routinely?  Nada!  The 
probability that your change matches the threat is miniscule.  It just make 
people feel good. In fact ,if the bad guys broke in to a financial system they 
wouldn't steal your password; they would institute immediate bank transfers. 
Not only would they; they 

[PHP] Regex for telephone numbers

2010-12-29 Thread Ethan Rosenberg

Dear List -

Thank you for all your help in the past.

Here is another one

I would like to have a regex  which would validate that a telephone 
number is in the format xxx-xxx-.



MySQL 5.1  PHP 5  Linux [Debian (sid)] 

PHP General Mailing List (
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RE: [PHP] Regex for telephone numbers

2010-12-29 Thread admin
I suggest you try javascript.

Richard L. Buskirk

-Original Message-
From: Ethan Rosenberg [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 7:12 PM
Subject: [PHP] Regex for telephone numbers

Dear List -

Thank you for all your help in the past.

Here is another one

I would like to have a regex  which would validate that a telephone 
number is in the format xxx-xxx-.



MySQL 5.1  PHP 5  Linux [Debian (sid)] 

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] Regex for telephone numbers

2010-12-29 Thread Simon J Welsh
On 30/12/2010, at 1:12 PM, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:

 Dear List -
 Thank you for all your help in the past.
 Here is another one
 I would like to have a regex  which would validate that a telephone number is 
 in the format xxx-xxx-.
 MySQL 5.1  PHP 5  Linux [Debian (sid)] 
 PHP General Mailing List (
 To unsubscribe, visit:


Also, have a look at the phoneNumber method in the relevant Validate PEAR 

Simon Welsh
Admin of

Who said Microsoft never created a bug-free program? The blue screen never, 
ever crashes!

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

RE: [PHP] Regex for telephone numbers

2010-12-29 Thread admin
Also remove your stupid Email filter.
If you need a email filter, you should not be on this list or learn to setup
rules one.

Richard L. Buskirk

-Original Message-
From: Ethan Rosenberg [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 7:12 PM
Subject: [PHP] Regex for telephone numbers

Dear List -

Thank you for all your help in the past.

Here is another one

I would like to have a regex  which would validate that a telephone 
number is in the format xxx-xxx-.



MySQL 5.1  PHP 5  Linux [Debian (sid)] 

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Regex for telephone numbers

2010-12-29 Thread Josh Kehn

On Dec 29, 2010, at 7:12 PM, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:

 Dear List -
 Thank you for all your help in the past.
 Here is another one
 I would like to have a regex  which would validate that a telephone number is 
 in the format xxx-xxx-.
 MySQL 5.1  PHP 5  Linux [Debian (sid)] 
 PHP General Mailing List (
 To unsubscribe, visit:

You can't, phone numbers are more complex then that. You could use 
\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4} to match that basic pattern for all numbers though.


Sent from my iPod
PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Bastien

On 2010-12-29, at 5:32 PM, Daniel P. Brown wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 15:16, Omega -1911 wrote:
 Sound silly? Why Daniel? It's all documented and public knowledge. What I
 thought was silly was a entire thread about which ASCII combination was
 best.. convert to a higher range above the 255 character range...
 There is NOTHING I have mentioned that you or anyone can call a lie. Google
 or are great resources. You forte is php... what security
 certs doyou hold that contradict my previous email?
Aside from involvement with the now-defunct Federal agency, the
 National Infrastructure Protection Center, training by the FBI's
 Regional Computer Forensic Laboratories, accreditation as the first
 private-sector mobile computer forensic investigation laboratory in
 the tri-state area, multiple computer security certifications, and
 about fourteen years of professional network and computer security
 service to multiple public and private sector entities, I suppose not
I was pleased earlier, however, to learn about your interest in
 helping others by creating a venue for them to sell their own homemade
 pornographic DVDs at such a low price, but then disappointed to learn
 that your grasp of Perl and site management wasn't yet up to par.
 Hacking didn't work out all that well over the last couple of years
 either, but you could probably go, what, just a thousand feet or so to
 hire one of the kids from Ben Davis high school to help out.  Pay them
 a fair wage, though I mean, with your home last appraised at
 $122,100 (on the 27th of July, 2007, so you might want to see if it's
 appreciated more in value by now), we know you can afford to pay
 better than minimum.  Heck, if they'd pave your street as well as your
 driveway is sealed, that alone might help improve the value, at least
 a little bit.  Which would be fine --- I mean, you already get the
 benefits of better insurance, consider how close you are to that fire
 hydrant.  (You know the one I mean, that little bluish-green one when
 you turn right out of your driveway and cross the street.)
Speaking of blue-green, I love that picture of Javen.  Was that
 done right on his iPhone, or did he do it on the computer before
 uploading it?  Pretty cool either way, just like his name.  I'm just
 not sure if it's pronounced with a J or an H sound.  I mean,
 Arthur's name is easy enough, but I honestly am confused by Javen's
 (except when he spells it out like James Vencent).  It's no surprise
 that he's an intelligent kid, though, being born at the autumnal
 equinox and all (and even before sunrise that morning).
That aside, you might be right.  Perhaps my qualifications don't
 quite justify my opinion in contradicting anything you have to say.  I
 mean, being contracted to trace people all over the world can
 sometimes be almost as fun as knowing what tools to use to find out
 who they are in the first place.  Still, one shouldn't spend so much
 time doing just one thing, which is why we both enjoy programming.
Regardless, it doesn't matter, and I see no reason to get into any
 kind of flame war --- especially with one of the famous Six Hounds
 from the Darkside of Hell.  Anyway, sorry for being ten days late, but
 happy birthday, Chap.  It was good getting to know you.  And, as the
 Ques know, friendship is essential to the soul.
 /Daniel P. Brown
 Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
 (866-) 725-4321
 PHP General Mailing List (
 To unsubscribe, visit:

Wow, dan! That was awesomely funny! And it's not even Friday yet!

Bastien Koert
Sent from my iPhone
PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Omega -1911
I know something funnier... Let's wait for Dani's response.

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 7:28 PM, Bastien wrote:

 On 2010-12-29, at 5:32 PM, Daniel P. Brown 

 On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 15:16, Omega -1911 wrote:
 Sound silly? Why Daniel? It's all documented and public knowledge. What I
 thought was silly was a entire thread about which ASCII combination was
 best.. convert to a higher range above the 255 character range...

 There is NOTHING I have mentioned that you or anyone can call a lie. Google
 or are great resources. You forte is php... what security
 certs doyou hold that contradict my previous email?

    Aside from involvement with the now-defunct Federal agency, the
 National Infrastructure Protection Center, training by the FBI's
 Regional Computer Forensic Laboratories, accreditation as the first
 private-sector mobile computer forensic investigation laboratory in
 the tri-state area, multiple computer security certifications, and
 about fourteen years of professional network and computer security
 service to multiple public and private sector entities, I suppose not

    I was pleased earlier, however, to learn about your interest in
 helping others by creating a venue for them to sell their own homemade
 pornographic DVDs at such a low price, but then disappointed to learn
 that your grasp of Perl and site management wasn't yet up to par.
 Hacking didn't work out all that well over the last couple of years
 either, but you could probably go, what, just a thousand feet or so to
 hire one of the kids from Ben Davis high school to help out.  Pay them
 a fair wage, though I mean, with your home last appraised at
 $122,100 (on the 27th of July, 2007, so you might want to see if it's
 appreciated more in value by now), we know you can afford to pay
 better than minimum.  Heck, if they'd pave your street as well as your
 driveway is sealed, that alone might help improve the value, at least
 a little bit.  Which would be fine --- I mean, you already get the
 benefits of better insurance, consider how close you are to that fire
 hydrant.  (You know the one I mean, that little bluish-green one when
 you turn right out of your driveway and cross the street.)

    Speaking of blue-green, I love that picture of Javen.  Was that
 done right on his iPhone, or did he do it on the computer before
 uploading it?  Pretty cool either way, just like his name.  I'm just
 not sure if it's pronounced with a J or an H sound.  I mean,
 Arthur's name is easy enough, but I honestly am confused by Javen's
 (except when he spells it out like James Vencent).  It's no surprise
 that he's an intelligent kid, though, being born at the autumnal
 equinox and all (and even before sunrise that morning).

    That aside, you might be right.  Perhaps my qualifications don't
 quite justify my opinion in contradicting anything you have to say.  I
 mean, being contracted to trace people all over the world can
 sometimes be almost as fun as knowing what tools to use to find out
 who they are in the first place.  Still, one shouldn't spend so much
 time doing just one thing, which is why we both enjoy programming.

    Regardless, it doesn't matter, and I see no reason to get into any
 kind of flame war --- especially with one of the famous Six Hounds
 from the Darkside of Hell.  Anyway, sorry for being ten days late, but
 happy birthday, Chap.  It was good getting to know you.  And, as the
 Ques know, friendship is essential to the soul.

 /Daniel P. Brown
 Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
 (866-) 725-4321

 PHP General Mailing List (
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 Wow, dan! That was awesomely funny! And it's not even Friday yet!

 Bastien Koert
 Sent from my iPhone

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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Joshua Kehn
On Dec 29, 2010, at 6:52 PM, TR Shaw wrote:

 On Dec 29, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Joshua Kehn wrote:
 On Dec 29, 2010, at 12:37 PM, tedd wrote:
 At 11:06 AM +0200 12/29/10, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 Also, change them {passwords} frequently.
 I've always wondered about that -- if your password works, then why change 
 it? Where's the logic in that?
 From my perspective, it looks like Hey, the crackers have not been able to 
 crack this, so let's give them another chance. That doesn't sound logical.
 There are things we think are right, but is this practice supported in 
 some way that's provable?
 An attacker manages to obtain the hashes and starts an attack. You change 
 your password. The attacker now has to restart the attack.
 Changing your passwords prevents an attack from continuing past the length 
 of time between password changes. 
 Also if they _have_ managed to crack the password changing it forces them to 
 crack it again, thus also limiting the time the account is compromised.
 Gosh. Think about it. Lets not take the your machine is compromised case 
 and/or your password is moronic and/or you are not passing your password 
 So the threat is external. Now there are 2 types of external: one in house 
 and one on the 'net.
 The one in house is simply detected by an IDS like snort looking for very 
 rapid login attempts. Slow walkers are no risk at all. Further if your 
 password is computationally hard your GigE LAN is not fast enough to support 
 cracking a computationally hard password before you retire.  So there is no 
 threat that your computationally hard password will be cracked so your 
 password is safe.
 For a 'net threat, the bandwidth is even more constrained so you could live 9 
 lives and still not have your computationally hard password cracked. Further, 
 log checking at the firewall and on internal machines can easily detect 
 cracking attempts.  I detect about 4 per day on our mailserver looking for 
 pop logons and about 25 a day against ssh where we don't even use passwords. 
 ftp is not used.
 So an external threat against your machine as defined above, is not a risk.
 So now lets look at the case where there is malware on your machine which 
 will try to brute force your computationally hard password and is smart 
 enough to use your graphics engine to increased computational power.  Folks 
 at MIT and Carnegie Mellon have already numerically proved that a 12 
 character password is not crackable using brute force in any reasonable 
 timeframe. In fact an 8 character one has strength of years. I would contend 
 that using that much power will make its existence known to you and coupled 
 with the fact that you restart your computer every now and again and that you 
 run an antivirus periodically that will eventually find it even if you don't 
 notice the slow down.
 As you can see, cracking a password on your machine is so fruitless that no 
 one would even try to since if you have access to the machine a keylogger, 
 for example, is faster and more reliable. To thwart this you might want to 
 run tripwire or equivalent and institute exfiltration detection.
 The big problem today is that security people in IT and security wannabee's 
 quote cracking numbers not based in the real world but mathematically based 
 on quasi real preconditions. They and some crazy guys who I know at 
 Microsoft along with some NIST guys are pushing 12 character minimums of 
 upper, lower, numbers and specials, changed every 60 days and no reuse for 2 
 years in business settings. They say this will make the corporate machines 
 safe. This is utter BS. And, in fact, makes corporate networks even more 
 vulnerable due to the fact that people can't remember all these password so 
 they write them down or make them relatively easy thus increasing social 
 engineering break-in opportunities.
 The best solution is to select a computationally hard password and then don't 
 change it unless you have to. I also recommend that you select another that 
 is different and use it for all 'net based logins with a extension 
 concatenated for each service.
 This comment about if they _have_ managed to crack the password changing it 
 forces them to crack it again, thus also limiting the time the account is 
 compromised is ridiculous.  First, I assume you really mean stealing rather 
 than cracking for the reasons above.  Notwithstanding the fact that the site 
 broken into should immediately lock down all accounts. Whats to say that the 
 bad guys brake-in right after you have changed your password and they are not 
 noticed. You are still at risk until you change it maybe 30, 60 90, 120 days 
 later. So what is the real good of changing password routinely?  Nada!  The 
 probability that your change matches the threat is miniscule.  It just make 
 people feel good. In fact ,if the bad guys broke in to a financial 

[PHP] Re: [PHP-DB] Re: [PHP] Regex for telephone numbers

2010-12-29 Thread Karl DeSaulniers

Hi Ethan,
Could you do a string compare and check at certain characters for a  

check the second character to see if it is a dash for 1-800...
if that is not a dash, check the fourth character for a dash, 469-9...
then the other places  where dashes would be based on those two  
You may have to investigate how international numbers would work and  
adjust appropriately, but for the US, that should work.

Then just send an error message when it isn't like you want.


On Dec 29, 2010, at 6:27 PM, Josh Kehn wrote:

On Dec 29, 2010, at 7:12 PM, Ethan Rosenberg  

Dear List -

Thank you for all your help in the past.

Here is another one

I would like to have a regex  which would validate that a  
telephone number is in the format xxx-xxx-.



MySQL 5.1  PHP 5  Linux [Debian (sid)]

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You can't, phone numbers are more complex then that. You could use  
\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4} to match that basic pattern for all numbers though.


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Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

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[PHP] Re: [PHP-DB] Re: [PHP] Regex for telephone numbers

2010-12-29 Thread Karl DeSaulniers

You could also help them out a little with something like..

$phone = str_replace((, , $phone);
$phone = str_replace(), -, $phone);



On Dec 29, 2010, at 6:27 PM, Josh Kehn wrote:

On Dec 29, 2010, at 7:12 PM, Ethan Rosenberg  

Dear List -

Thank you for all your help in the past.

Here is another one

I would like to have a regex  which would validate that a  
telephone number is in the format xxx-xxx-.



MySQL 5.1  PHP 5  Linux [Debian (sid)]

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You can't, phone numbers are more complex then that. You could use  
\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4} to match that basic pattern for all numbers though.


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Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

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2010-12-29 Thread TR Shaw
IPV6 support needs to be incorporated ASAP as the network is moving fast that 
way. We are adding IPV6 this year yet all network functions 
( still are only IPV4.  

Given the transition pain to come, early IPV6 support would help ease the 

Any ideas on timeframe?

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Re: [PHP] Re: [PHP-DB] Re: [PHP] Regex for telephone numbers

2010-12-29 Thread Alexis
Why not have three separate fields for each part, as that way you don't 
need to bother about how the user separates them, as trust me, if they 
can break it, they will.
I have found it is best to always limit the amount of free entry you 
permit a user, as that will drastically cut back in data entry validation.


On 29/12/10 17:46, Karl DeSaulniers wrote:

Hi Ethan,
Could you do a string compare and check at certain characters for a dash?
check the second character to see if it is a dash for 1-800...
if that is not a dash, check the fourth character for a dash, 469-9...
then the other places where dashes would be based on those two characters.
You may have to investigate how international numbers would work and
adjust appropriately, but for the US, that should work.
Then just send an error message when it isn't like you want.


On Dec 29, 2010, at 6:27 PM, Josh Kehn wrote:

On Dec 29, 2010, at 7:12 PM, Ethan Rosenberg

Dear List -

Thank you for all your help in the past.

Here is another one

I would like to have a regex which would validate that a telephone
number is in the format xxx-xxx-.



MySQL 5.1 PHP 5 Linux [Debian (sid)]

PHP General Mailing List (
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You can't, phone numbers are more complex then that. You could use
\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4} to match that basic pattern for all numbers though.


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Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

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Fwd: Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Alexis

What has any of this got to do with PHP!!!

If the moderator is reading this can they please out a stop to it at
once, as it appears to have got way out of control.

Thanks and a Happy New year to one and all

On 29/12/10 16:38, Omega -1911 wrote:

Etiquette went out the window a while ago. As Rambo said, He drew
first blood... If you could not PROVE ME WRONG, you could have kept
your mouth shut. You jumped in head first. And you have YET to prove
me wrong. Then to throw off the subject, you resort to telling the
world who you believe I am... That's what kids do as a last resort.
Now take your ball and run home. First, COULD YOU PLEASE PROVE ME
WRONG? You have open doors and windows (if you know what I mean...)


On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 6:29 PM, Daniel P. Brown  wrote:

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 18:20, Omega  wrote:

AHHH... Searching by by an email is REALLY what you call hacking? Oh
wait, you said that with all your knowledge in forensics you can find
people all over the world. Thank God for Go0GlE.

Please don't top-post.

Never said I was hacking.  And yes, I did see that infinite
redirect-loop you call a website (well, multiple, since they all
direct there).  And again, yes, I used Google (among other things).
However, for the rest of your statement (which you didn't even quote
properly), you're confusing two different jobs.

Anyway, you were the one who claimed I said your email was a lie.
Go back a few messages and you'll see I never even insinuated that at
all.  I meant your attempt to show your conspiracy-theory-driven
opinion as fact was silly.  The rest of it may well have been valid,
but - my apologies - I just honestly couldn't bear to keep reading it.

If you're otherwise unconvinced that I had no intent on any kind
of arguments or personal attacks, or if you'd like to continue with
your agenda, please shoot me an email off-list, where it belongs.
Even worse than anything else so far would be the two of us clogging
up everyone else's inbox.

/Daniel P. Brown
Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
(866-) 725-4321

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Regex for telephone numbers

2010-12-29 Thread Daniel P. Brown
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 19:12, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:
 Dear List -

 Thank you for all your help in the past.

 Here is another one

 I would like to have a regex  which would validate that a telephone number
 is in the format xxx-xxx-.

Congrats.  People in Hell would like ice water.  Now we all know
that everyone wants something.  ;-P

Really, this isn't a PHP question, but rather one of regular
expressions.  That said, something like this (untested) should work:


$numbers = array(

foreach ($numbers as $n) {
echo $n.(validate_phone($n) ? ' is ' : ' is not ').'a valid
US/Canadian telephone number.'.PHP_EOL;

function validate_phone($number) {

return true;

return false;

/Daniel P. Brown
Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
(866-) 725-4321

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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Nicholas Kell

On Dec 29, 2010, at 6:37 PM, Omega -1911 wrote:

 I know something funnier... Let's wait for Dani's response.
 On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 7:28 PM, Bastien wrote:
 On 2010-12-29, at 5:32 PM, Daniel P. Brown 
 On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 15:16, Omega -1911 wrote:
 Sound silly? Why Daniel? It's all documented and public knowledge. What I
 thought was silly was a entire thread about which ASCII combination was
 best.. convert to a higher range above the 255 character range...
 There is NOTHING I have mentioned that you or anyone can call a lie. Google
 or are great resources. You forte is php... what security
 certs doyou hold that contradict my previous email?
Aside from involvement with the now-defunct Federal agency, the
 National Infrastructure Protection Center, training by the FBI's
 Regional Computer Forensic Laboratories, accreditation as the first
 private-sector mobile computer forensic investigation laboratory in
 the tri-state area, multiple computer security certifications, and
 about fourteen years of professional network and computer security
 service to multiple public and private sector entities, I suppose not

Even funnier yet - bottom post like you were asked. And to really bust your 
gut, this thread has gone on far too long off topic.

I believe that the person you are referring to as Dani, is in fact Daniel. I 
don't, nor would I ever start to call you Omeggie just to get under your skin.

Use your prestigious fraternity flaunting email and message Daniel directly to 
continue arguing. 

I'm not trying to be rude, but I do believe it is in the best interest of the 
list to kill this thread. Dotan, please chime in if your problem hasn't been 
solved. I will, as I am sure the rest of the list will be happy to help if it 

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Re: Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Daniel Brown
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 20:04, Alexis wrote:

 What has any of this got to do with PHP!!!

 If the moderator is reading this can they please out a stop to it at
 once, as it appears to have got way out of control.

 Thanks and a Happy New year to one and all

What moderator?  It's an open list, and - if anything - you're
contributing to the continuance of the subject.

/Daniel P. Brown
Network Infrastructure Manager
Documentation, Webmaster Teams

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Omega -1911
 I see you Waving your pom poms...
I guess it was ok for Dani to say  I'm just
not sure if it's pronounced with a J or an H sound.  I mean,
Arthur's name is easy enough, but I honestly am confused by Javen's
(except when he spells it out like James Vencent).

First, that is assuming a lot... on Dani part. Second, don't dwell on
Thanks and now, back to the cheerleader section you go..

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 8:05 PM, Nicholas Kell wrote:

 On Dec 29, 2010, at 6:37 PM, Omega -1911 wrote:

 I know something funnier... Let's wait for Dani's response.

 On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 7:28 PM, Bastien wrote:

 On 2010-12-29, at 5:32 PM, Daniel P. Brown 

 On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 15:16, Omega -1911 wrote:
 Sound silly? Why Daniel? It's all documented and public knowledge. What I
 thought was silly was a entire thread about which ASCII combination was
 best.. convert to a higher range above the 255 character range...

 There is NOTHING I have mentioned that you or anyone can call a lie. 
 or are great resources. You forte is php... what security
 certs doyou hold that contradict my previous email?

    Aside from involvement with the now-defunct Federal agency, the
 National Infrastructure Protection Center, training by the FBI's
 Regional Computer Forensic Laboratories, accreditation as the first
 private-sector mobile computer forensic investigation laboratory in
 the tri-state area, multiple computer security certifications, and
 about fourteen years of professional network and computer security
 service to multiple public and private sector entities, I suppose not

 Even funnier yet - bottom post like you were asked. And to really bust your 
 gut, this thread has gone on far too long off topic.

 I believe that the person you are referring to as Dani, is in fact Daniel. I 
 don't, nor would I ever start to call you Omeggie just to get under your skin.

 Use your prestigious fraternity flaunting email and message Daniel directly 
 to continue arguing.

 I'm not trying to be rude, but I do believe it is in the best interest of the 
 list to kill this thread. Dotan, please chime in if your problem hasn't been 
 solved. I will, as I am sure the rest of the list will be happy to help if it 

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Re: [PHP] Re: Do you trim() usernames and passwords?

2010-12-29 Thread Mujtaba Arshad

Perfect way to describe how the members on this list are behaving right now.

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 8:17 PM, Omega -1911 wrote:

  I see you Waving your pom poms...
 I guess it was ok for Dani to say  I'm just
 not sure if it's pronounced with a J or an H sound.  I mean,
 Arthur's name is easy enough, but I honestly am confused by Javen's
 (except when he spells it out like James Vencent).

 First, that is assuming a lot... on Dani part. Second, don't dwell on
 Thanks and now, back to the cheerleader section you go..

 On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 8:05 PM, Nicholas Kell
  On Dec 29, 2010, at 6:37 PM, Omega -1911 wrote:
  I know something funnier... Let's wait for Dani's response.
  On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 7:28 PM, Bastien wrote:
  On 2010-12-29, at 5:32 PM, Daniel P. Brown wrote:
  On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 15:16, Omega -1911 wrote:
  Sound silly? Why Daniel? It's all documented and public knowledge.
 What I
  thought was silly was a entire thread about which ASCII combination
  best.. convert to a higher range above the 255 character range...
  There is NOTHING I have mentioned that you or anyone can call a lie.
  or are great resources. You forte is php... what
  certs doyou hold that contradict my previous email?
 Aside from involvement with the now-defunct Federal agency, the
  National Infrastructure Protection Center, training by the FBI's
  Regional Computer Forensic Laboratories, accreditation as the first
  private-sector mobile computer forensic investigation laboratory in
  the tri-state area, multiple computer security certifications, and
  about fourteen years of professional network and computer security
  service to multiple public and private sector entities, I suppose not
  Even funnier yet - bottom post like you were asked. And to really bust
 your gut, this thread has gone on far too long off topic.
  I believe that the person you are referring to as Dani, is in fact
 Daniel. I don't, nor would I ever start to call you Omeggie just to get
 under your skin.
  Use your prestigious fraternity flaunting email and message Daniel
 directly to continue arguing.
  I'm not trying to be rude, but I do believe it is in the best interest of
 the list to kill this thread. Dotan, please chime in if your problem hasn't
 been solved. I will, as I am sure the rest of the list will be happy to help
 if it hasn't.

 PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Hot Topics

2010-12-29 Thread Daniel Brown
First, I have to admit that what I did was wrong.  I had assumed
(ASS-umed) that the other party in a discussion under a different
thread would understand and appreciate the irony of my email in reply
to his inappropriate message.  Those of you who were barraged with the
fallout know what I mean.  Unfortunately, it was not well-received by
the other person, which led to even further flaming and trolling.
While I had tried both on- and off-list to urge the other party to
move the discussion from the public forum to a private, one-on-one
conversation, it was ignored and actually seemed to exacerbate the
situation.  For my part in that, I just wanted to send my general
apologies to those bombarded with an unnecessary and somewhat
illogical series of emails.  If being married has taught me anything,
it's that it's better to just apologize and move on, regardless of
who's right or wrong.  And if being married has taught me anything
else, it's that, at least in this house, I'm always wrong.  So
sorry for the unnecessary banter.

Moving on, those of you who have been on the list for several
years may recall when I was running the ListWatch and PostTrack
system, which would send a weekly summary of the list's activities at
the time.  Before stopping it (it was on a server that burned out, and
I just never put it back online), I had added a topic tracker as well,
which would give the percentage of activity for a given topic, as well
as the ratio of its discussion versus all messages to the list.
Several people have asked if/when it would be coming back online, so
I'm contemplating bringing it back beginning with the first week of
January (next week).  Does anyone have any thoughts on that, or any
ideas for other interesting metrics they'd like to see?  I'm
particularly interested in the opinions of folks who recall the old
system, but any opinions and ideas are more than welcome.

If you'd rather send it to me directly instead of on the list, feel free.

Happy early New Year, all.

/Daniel P. Brown
Network Infrastructure Manager
Documentation, Webmaster Teams

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] Hot Topics

2010-12-29 Thread Jason Pruim
Weren't you playing with the possibility of including the amount of actual code 
written as well? 

Always thought that would be pretty cool :) 

And as someone who is married as well I agree with what you said. Sometimes 
it's easier to just say you're sorry then fighting even when you know you're 

Jason Pruim

On Dec 29, 2010, at 9:22 PM, Daniel Brown wrote:

First, I have to admit that what I did was wrong.  I had assumed
 (ASS-umed) that the other party in a discussion under a different
 thread would understand and appreciate the irony of my email in reply
 to his inappropriate message.  Those of you who were barraged with the
 fallout know what I mean.  Unfortunately, it was not well-received by
 the other person, which led to even further flaming and trolling.
 While I had tried both on- and off-list to urge the other party to
 move the discussion from the public forum to a private, one-on-one
 conversation, it was ignored and actually seemed to exacerbate the
 situation.  For my part in that, I just wanted to send my general
 apologies to those bombarded with an unnecessary and somewhat
 illogical series of emails.  If being married has taught me anything,
 it's that it's better to just apologize and move on, regardless of
 who's right or wrong.  And if being married has taught me anything
 else, it's that, at least in this house, I'm always wrong.  So
 sorry for the unnecessary banter.
Moving on, those of you who have been on the list for several
 years may recall when I was running the ListWatch and PostTrack
 system, which would send a weekly summary of the list's activities at
 the time.  Before stopping it (it was on a server that burned out, and
 I just never put it back online), I had added a topic tracker as well,
 which would give the percentage of activity for a given topic, as well
 as the ratio of its discussion versus all messages to the list.
 Several people have asked if/when it would be coming back online, so
 I'm contemplating bringing it back beginning with the first week of
 January (next week).  Does anyone have any thoughts on that, or any
 ideas for other interesting metrics they'd like to see?  I'm
 particularly interested in the opinions of folks who recall the old
 system, but any opinions and ideas are more than welcome.
If you'd rather send it to me directly instead of on the list, feel free.
Happy early New Year, all.
 /Daniel P. Brown
 Network Infrastructure Manager
 Documentation, Webmaster Teams
 PHP General Mailing List (
 To unsubscribe, visit:

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Re: [PHP] Hot Topics

2010-12-29 Thread Daniel Brown
On Dec 29, 2010 11:48 PM, Jason Pruim wrote:

 Weren't you playing with the possibility of including the amount of actual
code written as well?

Yeah, that was in for a few weeks, but I believe it was Robert Cummings
who went out of his way to show its imperfections. Maybe we should
incorporate a syntax checker to show parse errors for the week, too.  ;-P

 Always thought that would be pretty cool :)

 And as someone who is married as well I agree with what you said.
Sometimes it's easier to just say you're sorry then fighting even when you
know you're right.

Or when you top-post.  Prune, Prune, Prune /me shakes head.

[PHP] issues with 'stream_socket_client()' and/or 'pfsockopen()'

2010-12-29 Thread Hong Yu


I am involved in a project, which has a C++ server side, and a web PHP 
client side.  We wish to develop consistent php socket connection with the 
C++ server side.  Therefore we have been trying to use either 
'stream_socket_client()' or 'pfsockopen()' in our PHP code.

However, we have hit obstacles in using either 'stream_socket_client()' or 
'pfsockopen()', as described in the following:

For example, by using the php calls 'socket_create()', 'socket_connect()', 
'socket_write()', and 'socket_read()', our php program is able to send a 
particular client enquiry, and then get back server data of 4196 bytes 
through socket connection.

However, if instead, we use the php calls 'stream_context_create()', 
'stream_socket_client()', 'fwrite()', and 'fread()', we will almost always 
get back incomplete server response data, say 2500 bytes, through the socket 

And the similar problems if we use the php calls 'pfsockopen()', 'fwrite()', 
and 'fread()'.

Such problems are first found on windows, and then on Linux.

We would very much appreciate it if any suggestions on using 
'stream_socket_client()' or 'pfsockopen()' correctly and successfully, and 
further on implementing persistent php client socket successfully.  Thanks a 


Hong Yu

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Re: [PHP] Hot Topics

2010-12-29 Thread Robert Cummings

On 10-12-30 12:36 AM, Daniel Brown wrote:

On Dec 29, 2010 11:48 PM, Jason  wrote:

Weren't you playing with the possibility of including the amount of actual

code written as well?

 Yeah, that was in for a few weeks, but I believe it was Robert Cummings
who went out of his way to show its imperfections. Maybe we should
incorporate a syntax checker to show parse errors for the week, too.  ;-P

Hmmmpf... I never go out of my way :)

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