2002-01-19 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Yeah, I've seen (and used) that.  But it requires searching.  My idea is to
>put together a list of the simple questions in one place ... much like the
>apache faq ... and also allowing "world input" like the php manual does.

Sorry.. can't resist to reply :)

 From what I've seen it doesn't matter how many faqs minifaqs.. 
whateverfaqs you create.. Some will never learn cause the don't spend 
enough time to understand.. There are more then enough tutorials out there 
for anyone to find.

How to learn PHP, or any other language: tutorials, manuals/books online or 
printed. Spending a LOT of time.. testing.. playing..



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Re: [PHP] Edit program

2002-01-20 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Plesae forgive me for asking and OT question.  Can you please recommend an 
>edit program, (Freely downloadable).

Search the archive.. this really is a FAQ.



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Re: [PHP] How to get the URL into a var?

2002-01-30 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>I am trying to find out which dir the user is browsing. How can I get the
>URL into a var? I tryed path_info, but it only returns the filename.
>Here is an example:
>Should return :
>Is this possible??



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Re: [PHP] Help needed: Failed opening '' for inclusion

2001-11-25 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>To test a new php installation I accessed a page called index.php that
>contains only 

Perhaps you want to:

Not sure if anything else should produce errors..



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Re: [PHP] Infomation wanted

2001-11-26 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>I want to know where can i find a script that will allow a user to login
>every certain time period!
>I just cant get it right!

Dunno if something exists but you could build one yourself or modify an 
existing script..



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Re: [PHP] Printing Reports

2001-11-27 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>As a Newbe to PHP, I need to print reports. I'd like to stay away from PDF 
>but will use it if necessary.

This really is becoming a faq. A search will come up with more information.

Short anwer:
You could write the report to the browser, use a new window if you have to.
PHP=serverside and cannot print on your local printer..

I think you could create a javascript to handle the printing..

If it's from a local source like a MySQL database you could use a report 
generator --> seach the web.. they do exist.. will be a good 
point to start.



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Re: [PHP] PHP shopping cart packages

2001-12-05 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 16:05 5-12-01 -0600, rory o'connor wrote:
>I need a new cart program and would like to use something based in PHP.  I
>was using a CGI paltform written in C, but we had session problems out the
>wazoo when traffic was really high.  I need something that can manage
>sessions with vim and vigor.  I have only see phpshop - which looks nice, but
>I wonder if there are other packages out there that are really good.
>Your thoughts appreciated! is worth to look at.. gets installed within 5 minutes..



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RE: [PHP] Mailling Lists

2001-12-27 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk


>Look into qmail/ezmlm for a good combination, along with the tied & true
>majordomo list manager. I've been running some large mailing lists using the
>ezmlm/qmail combo - which easily saturates a T1 connection running just a
>350 MHz PII.

I'd say mailman. I know is running mailman on a few lists 
I'm subscribed to. mailman is fairly easy to setup.

Majordomo has had quite a few security issues and isn't really easy.

A few large lists I know are running qmail/ezmlm.. lists like BUGTRAQ 
( and the MySQL mailinglist ( are running ezmlm.
If you plan to use a database, I know ezmlm can be used with one.. I think 
I remember it's still considered experimental.



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Re: [PHP] Testing: DON'T Ignore This Message

2001-12-31 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>I agree.  It's a pain to have to click "Reply-to-all" and then strip out 
>the individuals email address (leaving only the address of the 
>list)...other lists that I'm on have the reply-to always pointing back to 
>the list so all you have to do is click "Reply" and you know it will go 
>where it needs to...

u.. I can give you one good reason.. Out Of the Office replies 
don't get to the list.. M$ Lookout is specilized in bombing lists with 
those stupid messages. Seems a complete list with reasons why you shouldn't 
set reply to to the list.. can be found on the web..



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Re: [PHP] Re: Hosting provider...

2002-01-02 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 21:56 2-1-02 +0100, R. Elsenaar wrote:
> 100% Microsoft Free

They are expensive.

But please.. this subject has been beaten till dead.. at least a zillion 
messages should be in the archive.. O well.. a few less :-)



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Re: [PHP] Holy Moly...

2002-01-03 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 17:16 2-1-02 -0900, Julie Hull wrote:
>Could someone please direct a total novice to the best PHP beginner news
>group. Just to many to choose from ~:)

Start by visiting and click on links. You'll find many websites 
with tutorials.. Much better to learn something there before you start 
asking questions easily found there.



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Re: [PHP] I am very new Question

2002-01-07 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>I am extremely new to PHP and I want to have a clickable item that will
>bring up a particular item from the database (i.e a menu) What is the
>proceedure here? Can anyone help me?


Take a look at one or more scriptarchives like

If you want to learn more about PHP please go to the links on 
it will give you several links where you can learn more. Many many tutorials..



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Re: [PHP] SSL Tutorial?

2001-04-02 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 15:34 2-4-01 -0500, Jeff Oien wrote:
>Could anyone point me to some good basic SSL tutorials?



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Re: [PHP] Installation - PHP{3,4}

2001-04-02 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Is there anybody here that would like to help me how to install php with 
>pgsql support ???
>I've tried for last five days

Hmmm, it keeps you busy.. checkout they've got a nice 
tutorial on this.



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Re: [PHP] hosting - key issues

2001-04-02 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>p.s. if there is a faq/tutorial/set of guidelines out there on the web 
>feel free to just send me a link and say RTFM. I've not found anything yet.

Try Has some nice stuff.. Read the HOWTO's..

Install SSH and a secure FTP server with the ability to chroot people.. 
like ProFTPD ( Remove telnet, they can use SSH instead.

Read about MySQL security ( but also some info on

Have a lot of fun..



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Re: [PHP] form-based search

2001-04-02 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>can anyone help me in making a webpage (php) that shows the results of a
>MySQL database search?
>the search must be made using a form...

Take a look at webmonkey

But also on  many scripts can be found to do what you want.



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Re: [PHP] can't connect to mysql

2001-04-04 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

 >Warning:  MySQL Connection Failed: Can't connect to local MySQL 
server >through
>socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (111)

Did you read the FAQ Did you check the archive??

Edit your php.ini to match the location of the mysql.sock



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Re: [PHP] Monthly Drawing Winner!

2001-04-04 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Hehehehe ;)
>How much is that on each of us ?
>And were do we collect this ?

Dunno, but they seem to target quite a few lists.. perhaps we all need to 
honor them with a unsubscribe..
Just clicking the link they provided..
Give their server something to do :-)



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[PHP] stop these messages

2001-04-04 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk


How about these messages from  What have I done to deserve 

Every message I send to this list is followed by one from solfix.. with a 
list of message commands..

Already send a message to their postmaster still getting them.

If someone out there knows more about it.. STOP IT.. It's very annoying..
As far as I know it has nothing to do with the lists they're 
running ezmlm. The messages I'm getting are generated by Xtramail..



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Re: [PHP] stop these messages

2001-04-04 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>I tried about everything to get off those stupid msgs. Try going to
>their STMP server, you'll find out that your email-address is a
>valid user on their system. How funny is that? NOT FUNNY!!!
>I still haven't found anything to make 'm stop.

They use Xtramail.. it's a mailclient..

I know how to stop these messages.. just a matter of using procmail..

One of two things:
- they have created their own list and relay messages
- they fucked up during installation of their Xtramail

Charming.. they are in Istanbul. They can be contacted via
(TEL)212 6621139 (FAX) 212 663 7350



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Re: [PHP] Monthly Drawing Winner!

2001-04-04 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>- I
>know using relays to distribute spam isn't legal, but what about lists?

Most listsoftware (as far as I know) will allow the admin to block 
non-members from sending to a list.. Not completely foolproof.. but it can 
be much help.. certainly if you can add a blacklist to prevent these 
spammers from coming back..



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Re: [PHP] problem: php-document in netscape is oly downloadable

2001-04-06 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Now we can see the php3-documents in the browser(NS4.7).
>In opposition to that the php4-documents are only downloadable.
>Is there any setting that is not described in the manual we have to do
>therewith the browser can show us both types of php?

Do in your httpd.conf for .php3 the same as for .php

Then .php3 will also be parsed.



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Re: [PHP] lowest number in field

2001-04-07 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 17:36 7-4-01 +0100, george wrote:

>  Is it possible to be able to query the DB find the lowest numebr in the
>table and then display it on the page.


Query, sort ASC limit 1 and display it.. should do the job..



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Re: [PHP] bcc, cc limit on recepients?

2001-04-07 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Is there any limit on the number of recepients that a
>bcc or a cc field email can be sent to?
>I have a loop which extracts arounf 400 emails from
>the database and then sends it as email to all the 400
>recepients but the script fails and I get a mysql
>SO is there any limit on the number of recepients?

Hear things like this before.. could be a timeout.. like the maximum time a 
script may run..

Could very well be a maximum on recipients too..

If you do such things on a regular basis you might want to use a 
mailinglist manager.. These things handle bounces all by theirselves



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[PHP] Re: [PHP-DB] Selecting Dates

2001-04-08 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>I'm trying to select records based on dates.
>I have a table with dates in the format 2001-04-08 and I'm using the query:
>SELECT name, description, date_time FROM events WHERE YEAR(date_time) = 2001
>AND MONTH(date_time) = 04 AND DAYOFMONTH(date_time) = 08

WHERE field_holding_date="2001-04-08" should work.



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Re: [PHP] Site search engine suggestion.

2001-05-12 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Any suggestion for a better site search program?

I know quite a few people who really love htdig. Don't know if it's better.

Not sure how good it is handling .php files.

You could give it a try.

THink I remember a search PHP script at or was it freshmeat.. not 
sure about name of location.



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Re: [PHP] Re-directing

2001-05-16 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>I use a little bit of javascript ...
> location = "newURL.php";
>inside the  tags.

ouch. Say I've got javescript disabled.. what happens.. exactly.. nothing. 
I hate clientside cause I can't control it.

If you're hosting on a apache box you could have something like

DirectoryIndex start.php

Should run fine.

Have fun.


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Re: [PHP] Re-directing

2001-05-16 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>If you're hosting on a apache box you could have something like
>DirectoryIndex start.php

Forgot to mention: You can add this to .htaccess



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Re: [PHP] way to protect .php file

2001-05-16 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 12:08 17-5-01 +0700, Kittiwat Manosuthi wrote:
>In a virtual hosting environment, even though a directory permission is
>set to 751, but you still need to leave world-readable permission on
>individual php file that is to be read from a browser.  In a scenario
>where there's another user in the same server who can guess (or even
>get, from URL) the name of php files, he can simply: cd
>/home/user1/html; more thatfile.php.  If thatfile.php contains
>username/pwd to a db, this can lead to a compromise on that db.
>Moreover, many times that db name is the same as username, as well as db
>pwd is the same as user password!

If your ISP installs it this way I'd say find another. Only a complete 
idiot would create the same user and password for MySQL as for the normal 
shell account. Bet they also allow telnet and doesn't have SSH installed.

Use an include for your database connects and put that file outside your 
HTML doc root. If anyone screws up the Apache config your .php files with 
passwords aren't shown to the visitor.



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Re: [PHP] way to protect .php file

2001-05-16 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>and then on another note, why do you have users on a webserver who
>aren't developers???

Cause most people aren't.. but they want to create their own apps.. they 
think it's a computer and it's software so anyone can do it.. right?? Most 
of us know it's a bit harder then that.. oh well.. let them..

Just my Euro 0,02



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Re: [PHP] Unix problem

2001-05-19 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>while ($Directory=readdir($DirHandle)) {
>  $IsFile = is_file($Directory);
>  $IsDir = is_dir($Directory);
>  echo " is file=$IsFile - is dir=$IsDir\n";
> Works fine on Windows box, on a Unix box (RedHat) both
>is_file() and is_dir() return null no matter what the contents of
>$Directory is.

This is a wild guess..
UPPER and lowercase used instead of only upper of only lowercase..
Spaces in file or directory names..



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Re: [PHP] D d d d database?

2001-07-24 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

Take a look at tutorials on .. or a few simular websites.. 
they sould help you..

I'm not sure about inserting data from a flash movie..

You should check this lists archive for more info on this.



At 17:37 23-7-01 -0700, Kyle Smith wrote:
>ok i dont know the first thing about data bases so could someone please 
>guide me through the process of making a score board for a flash game i 
>have made with the variables $name and $score??
>(note: i have hosting at so i have to use myADMIN)
>New address new site
>ICQ: 115852509
>AIM: legokiller666

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Re: [PHP] Security Question

2001-07-25 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>somehow view the code instead of the output of the PHP file.  My question
>is, how do I set up those "functions" mysql_login and mysql_password?  Are
>they just standard functions defined in a header someplace?  Or is this even
>the best, most secure way of handling it?

Include your login and password from an includefile which is outside your 
HTML directory.



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Re: [PHP] hosting

2001-07-27 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>bandwidth/space/pop accounts, I will put up with it, until I can find a
>better host with comparable features, and comparable price.

This kind of cheap ISP will throw as many domains on one box as possible..

Thats how they make profit. No reason to complain if it slows down so now 
and then..

Just my 0,02

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Re: [PHP] Oh and addition to "Emailing Files"

2001-07-28 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 22:15 28-7-01 -0700, Kyle Smith wrote:
>Also how do i make it so that when it sends the email the picture is an 

I just don't get it anymore. First you ask about uploading files and now 
about sending files as attachment?? And this second (this) mail is supposed 
to make something clear??

Please explain what you want to do. Upload or send them via e-mail.. You 
subject is emailing files..

Browsing a few PHP helpsites should make everything more clear. Both 
subject can be found on that kind of website..



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Re: [PHP] Oh and addition to "Emailing Files"

2001-07-29 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 01:37 29-7-01 -0700, you wrote:
>email the file

Read the manual:



>New address new site
>ICQ: 115852509
>AIM: legokiller666
>- Original Message -
>From: "B. van Ouwerkerk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2001 3:09 PM
>Subject: Re: [PHP] Oh and addition to "Emailing Files"
> > At 22:15 28-7-01 -0700, Kyle Smith wrote:
> > >Also how do i make it so that when it sends the email the picture is an
> > >attatchment?
> >
> > I just don't get it anymore. First you ask about uploading files and now
> > about sending files as attachment?? And this second (this) mail is
> > to make something clear??
> >
> > Please explain what you want to do. Upload or send them via e-mail.. You
> > subject is emailing files..
> >
> > Browsing a few PHP helpsites should make everything more clear. Both
> > subject can be found on that kind of website..
> >
> > Bye,
> >
> >
> > B.
> >
> >

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Re: [PHP] Oh and addition to "Emailing Files"

2001-07-29 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>You don't have permission to access /manual/en/function.mail.php on this
>Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an
>ErrorDocument to handle the request.

2 options:
- you tried to get that file from your own server
- someone screwed up the permissions on

I clicked on the link in my original messages and got the online manual page..

> >



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Re: [PHP] Oh and addition to "Emailing Files"

2001-07-29 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 13:30 29-7-01 +0100, John Steele wrote:
> is the correct URL, but the 
> easiest way to access these sort of things is:

The link I send does gives you the manualpage for mail()

Both should work fine.



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Re: [PHP] NuSphere.. what is it???

2001-07-29 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>What's the deal with that NuShere stuff... I visited their website and 
>download a Free version (40MB)...

>what are we paying for here?

I don't know.. Perhaps you pay for the tools.. or because of the fact they 
seem to preconfigure the stuff.. I didn't check their website.

Must be quite some additions they made and tools they added (or they didn't 
bother to zip/gzip/whatever).. I downloaded MySQL, PHP and Apache (all 
latest releases).. that was about 17MB (manuals included)..

You can download everything for free from and a step to step guide to install everything can be found 
at (amongst others)..

So no reason to pay whatever amount to NuSphere.. If you need a 
supportcontract for MySQL you could get one from the creators .. found at
Don't go to since that's NuSphere trying to impersonate the 
creators of MySQL..
For MySQL is the place to be.. all sorts of tools can be 
found there too best of all: it's FREE.



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RE: [PHP] NuSphere.. what is it???

2001-07-30 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>NuSphere added a table type called gemini.
> >From
>"Gemini tables provide row-level locking, robust transaction support, and
>reliable crash recovery."

Transactions.. you don't need Gemini to have transactions.. INNOBASE (might 
be it's called INNODB.. think theres an issue with INNOBASE as name).
According to the manual theres an MySQL way to repair your database.. And 
MySQL AB is going to create a safe replication scema.. according to the 
manual.txt found in 3.23.36 .. that is..

Since Gemini is not included in the free download I wonder why that is 
about 23MB larger than the seperate parts you can download from other 
websites.. Sure.. a few scripts.. but that shouldn't take much space..

>I guess you also pay the easy install (*) and for e-mail/phone support.

lists and are FREE.. Phone support is (in my 
experience) only good for simple problems.. but.. perhaps their support is 
much better than that..

>(*) It takes a few minutes to install and configure MySQL, PHP, Apache,
>Perl and some other stuff.

Uhm, it doesn't take that long to install from source using the 
instructions found on .. but that highly depends on the 
hardware you're using.



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RE: [PHP] Need for dox...

2001-07-30 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 12:36 30-7-01 +0100, Jon Haworth wrote:
>You've already checked the site before asking this, I take it.
>Oh wait...
>Maybe not :-)

H, you could even download them



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Re: [PHP] Need for dox...

2001-07-30 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>I didn't know the site!!!
>many, many thanks.

/me likes to uses a searchengine if /me needs some info on a topic..

Does help you know..



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Re: [PHP] Need for dox...

2001-07-30 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 09:08 30-7-01 -0400, Jeff Lewis wrote:
>No need to get nasty :)  Keep the list friendly, it's better that way ;)


/me is always friendly..

Seriously.. you can get lots of information from searchengines..



Yeah, there are more important things in life then money,
but they won't get out with you if you don't have any.

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Re: [PHP] Admin help please!

2001-07-30 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 08:13 30-7-01 -0500, Erich Kolb wrote:
>How do I contact the administrator of this list?

ezmlm lists? by default something like listname-owner@domain

So.. for php general help thats:

Uhm, this was also in the welcome messages you got when you subscribed.



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Re: [PHP]DB Logic help...

2001-07-30 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

Seen some stuff on freshmeat. Does about what you want.



At 14:27 30-7-01 -0400, Chris Cocuzzo wrote:
>I have a few pages on my website which need to be divided up into different
>columns and rows based on a category in a table. for example, on a links
>page, I have three different columns, one for bands, one for sites, and one
>for other things. I'm storing those things in the table with a category
>field, so that when I output the data, it goes to the right place. However
>I'm a little unsure of the actual code to do this...
>can someone lend me an example or give me some ideas?
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Re: [PHP] Need for dox...

2001-07-30 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>... is there a better search engine than the experience of other people 
>that faced the problem before???

I find it to easy to just start asking questions without doing some 
research on your own.. Your question does show a lack of own initiative.. 
like not clicking documentation on the website..
This is IMHO one of the main reasons why this is such a high volume list..

Typing some keywords (like PHP.. newbie.. lesson) don't cost you much time 
and would have given you quite a few links to follow.. information to 
assimilate.. things to investigate..

I don't want to sound nasty but I find your answer a poor excuse for not 
working on your own problem.. sure.. after searching for hours one might 
give up.. but not so fast..

If you want to know more about sessions you might want to checkout 
webmonkey.. ( .. I think).



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Re: [PHP] Customer info PHP script

2001-07-31 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk


Checkout and (I think).. one of them might 
have something..
If you've got the wrong freshmeat you'll get a lot of meat on your screen.. 
not the one that needs lots of coding ;-)

Or you could code one yourself..



At 15:10 31-7-01 +0200, Kraa de Simon wrote:
>I want to make (technical) information about our customers available to our
>developers though the web.
>Things like phone numbers, addresses, logins, passwords, IP's, dial-up info
>Anyone know a good (open source) PHP script that can do this?
>Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards,
>ICL Nederland B.V.  Simon de Kraa
>e-Applications / Logistic Systems   Systems Architect
>Het Kwadrant 1  Tel. +31 346 598865
>Postbus 4000Fax  +31 346 562703
>The Netherlands mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Progress 9.1b, Roundtable 9.1c, NuSphere Pro Advantage 2.2 @ MS Windows 2000
>5.00.2195 SP 2
>Progress 9.1b @ SCO UnixWare 7.1.1
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Re: [PHP] Make a mailing list

2001-07-31 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

And again..

Read the manual!

Download it and scroll through all files..

Do you really want others to write your code so you can copy and paste it?? 
If you can't find the manual it's on you can even search the 
documentation for the word mail.

One hint for free: additional headers. Take a look at example 4.



At 17:46 31-7-01 -0700, Kyle Smith wrote:
>When i send an email from my server is there any way to change the email 
>address so when its sent instead of saying its from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (my 
>servers email address) to something like 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] or just my normal email address?
>P.S. when you reply to this could you please reply to me instead of the 
>PHP-general list
>New address new site
>ICQ: 115852509
>AIM: legokiller666

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Re: [PHP] Mailing 4 newbies

2001-07-31 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

Check the manual.

It's all there.



At 17:35 31-7-01 -0700, Kyle Smith wrote:
>In a mail script how do i make it so it emails more than one person? Do i 
>make something like this?
>New address new site
>ICQ: 115852509
>AIM: legokiller666

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Re: [PHP] Attitude of B van Ouwerkerk

2001-07-31 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

Let me give just one reply.. I did read them all..

I don't hate Kyle Smith /me rather uses the energy needed to hate in a 
positive way.. Like to write docs for an opensource project. Did a rewrite 

Phil Driscoll.. you win. I'm Dutch. No I don't have time to go a few times 
over my mail just to see if I can put things nicer or just in another way.
Have to develop some applications.. learn new stuff.. review old code to 
make it better.. I keep on learning :-)

I agree with Justin Farnsworth and Scott [gts].. (And a few others..)

I don't think I've got an attitude problem. I don't know everything but I 
do bother to find information before I start asking questions to others who 
need to spend their VALUABLE time on MY problem.
IMHO someone who found and this list to ask his/her question should 
also have clicked on the DOCUMENTATION and downloaded the manual of his/her 
I'd say only ask your question if it's not in the docs (perhaps not 100% 
clear) or in the archive.. Searchengines can be a great source too..
If it's in the archive it will cost less time then to wait for an answer. 
Sure you can look over something even if it's staring in your face.. 
I'm quite sure others will point that out to anyone who send a question..

There's nothing wrong with being a newbie.. the only newbie-problem I 
see/have is the lazy one.. ask ask ask ask without taking the time to read 
the manual or to do a search in the archive. Sure there are newbies who 
read the manual.. get some tutorials.. thats good. They should get all the 
support they need..

Ask yourself.. who has an attitude problem here.. Someone who didn't read 
the manual.. or someone (/me) who wrote to RTFM.
I find it worth mentioning that he finally downloaded the manual..

Enough bandwith and time wasted.



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Re: [PHP] Web site counter

2001-08-01 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Is it possible to make a website counter with a PHP script and a text 
>document? If so can somebody email me a script (unlikely) or send me to a 
>page with a script (yay) and are great sources for scripts..

Be carefull not to use anything you see.. check the code for strange 
things.. like email addresses in strange places..



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RE: [PHP] New Book - Tips?

2001-08-01 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

Security.. how to write safe apps. using PHP..



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Re: [PHP] ad tracking system

2001-08-01 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 11:33 2-8-01 -0500, Jack wrote:
>Hi people,
>I am looking up for the software that can track all views and click though 
>number of all advertising on my sites, has to fit in to my RAQ server 
>though. Is there any advice? Don't mind paying of course.

On the risk of a new "attitude" thread..

Think I did mention and before.. also.. check 
your favorite scriptarchive.. do you know there's a link to PHP archive on use a searchengine.. you'll be amazed with the result..

Just did a quick search and saw several promising hits..

Most of this kind of SW is not very big so it should even fit into your 
RAQ. :-)



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RE: [PHP] Being a SERVER (you cant kill me, im.... DAMN!!)

2001-08-01 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 23:29 1-8-01 -0700, Ralph Guzman wrote:
>Download a NuSphere release. Depending on which you release you choose, for
>the most part these include mySQL, PHP, Apache, and I think Perl. I've found
>the setup to be seamless and very simple even for beginners.

As far as i've seen NuSphere package is running on Linux only.. has been 
reported as being 40Megs.. while the seperate parts are 17Megs only. 
Manuals included..

If you're on Linux then rather download the parts and learn on how to install.. It's easy.. and fun..
A direct link has been provided by another member of this list..

But I think the guy asking this does run on Windooz..



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Re: [PHP] Free PHP/MySQL Web Hosting ?

2001-08-04 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Hello !
>Is there any free PHP/MySQL  Web Hosting without add ? ... or ... at least ,
>I could have the choice to choose  where to place their banner on my pages

Do a search on the archive.. I guess this is one of the most asked questions.



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Re: [PHP] MySQL broken in 4.0.5RC6

2001-04-09 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server
>through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (111) in
>/home/sites/site1/web/intranet/main.php on line 309

This sounds A LOT like the problem when you need to change the location of 
the mysql.sock in your php.ini.. you did check that.. right??

I think Redcrap puts it in another place..

I noticed you compiled php --with-mysql without specifying a location.. You 
SHOULD compile with the location like
--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql or something simular.

You see, the bug you think you have found could as well be a configuration 



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Re: [PHP] MySQL broken in 4.0.5RC6

2001-04-09 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>True...but I used the same php.ini as with php4.0.4pl1, so the location of
>all files is identical.  If I don't specify a location in 4.0.4pl1, why
>should i need one in 4.0.5rc6?

Dunno, I don't have 4.0.5rc6 here, only 4.0.4pl1 so no change to test it.. 
or to take a look at the code.. It's past midnight so I think I'm going to 
catch some sleep before I even think about downloading the latest release.

>But, yes, changing the sock location does
>fix the problem, I just wonder why it is only rearing it's head in the new
>version.  Thanks!

Perhaps the default location in the code has changed in php source.

You could try to recompile 405 with a correct ./configure so that means 
--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql just to see if PHP finds your MYSQL. You need 
to change the line in php.ini back to empty.



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Re: [PHP] what could cause the maximum execution time exceeded?

2001-04-09 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 11:02 10-4-01 -0500, Jacky wrote:
>Hi people
>I ran a PHP page and there was an error said below:
>Fatal error  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in 
>What could cause this??

The rain??!! HOW should we know without some code.. You can post it or 
put it in a .txt file and give us a link..

Uhm.. The problem might be caused by a slow response from the 
databaseserver.. seems to happen if an ISP's server is crowded.
Could also happen if you try to connect to a remote source..



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Re: [PHP] Netscape 4.77 and PHP

2001-04-15 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>I've created a test.php file that dynamically loads HTML.. works totally
>fine in IE 5, but when I test it with Netscape 4.77 -- nothing comes up...
>just a totally blank page.
>Anyone know why this might be happening?

Yes. You made one or more mistakes in the HTML code you're sending to the 
browser. NS is less forgiving then M$ IE.

Just take a closer look at the HTML code..



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RE: [PHP] How to unsubscribe

2001-04-17 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 17:56 17-4-01 +0900, Maxim Maletsky wrote:
>See the footer below...

Yeah, or learn to read headers:

You see..



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[PHP] bounces from messages send to this list

2001-04-19 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk


I'm getting LOTS of bounces whenever I send a message to this list. This is 
the only lists from which I'm experiencing this kind of problems. It's very 
annoying to receive multiple bounces because of one message.

Some are caused by misconfigured mailserver ( is a very good 

Others are caused by people who forget to unsubscribe whenever they get a 
new email addess..

As I said before.. this is the only list I'm experiencing this kind of 
problems.. so clean up if you're one of those people mentioned above.. Or 
unsubscribe until you've got it all figured out..



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2001-04-19 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Hello all, hope that everyone had a nice weekend.
>I'm new to this form. I am about to install mysql, apache, and php on my 
>linux box
>(redhat 7)

WHy do you think people have invented archives for lists like these 
This question has been asked some many times I can't even remember. Same 
question.. same answer.. has a nice tutorial.. and please.. before sending another 
question to this or any other list.. check the archive Or try a 
searchengine, you'll be amazed to see what you can dig up..

Hope you'll enjoy PHP..



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Re: [PHP] Apache, PHP, Windows XP, MSIE 6, Cheese, and Cookies.

2001-04-23 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Choose a flavor of linux, format your HD, install, and run the that server
>like it was meant to run.

If you don't want to kill your Windooz, you could do a dualinstall. I'm not 
sure it will run with XP.. never seen XP.. hope it stays that way :-)
But with W95 it runs like a dream.

Or.. use a cheap Celeronbased computer and create your own in-house testbed 
server.. For most people even an old 486 or Pentium might do the job..



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Re: [PHP] Can I install Lihnux on My Windows 95 machine ?

2001-04-24 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Current my Hard disk space for drive F:\  is 2.92 GB which is just fine 
>for the time being. Do you mean to say that I can increase from 2.9 GB to 
>let us say 4GB by taking it from some other drive may be D:\ ?
>Can you explain some more ?

Partitionmagic is the SW you need to do this. It might be a better solution 
to buy a cheap Celeron based PC and build your Linux server. Buy 2 nics, 
one goes into the server, the other into your current system.

I don't understand why you're having so many partitions. Unless you've got 
a good reason for this I would reinstall the lot with less partitions and 
install Linux as part of the process.

Anyway.. if you don't have any experience with Linux you're going to see 
some problems..



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RE: [PHP] Very important.

2001-04-25 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>I think, removing the guy of the list would help us to avoid meeting the
>virus on this list again.

Come on.. this is a very_old_common_virus. Any half decent AV product 
should keep your system clean from this. Rather warn the person and help 
him to get rid of the virus..

If everyone who send a virus to a list should have been kicked off the 
listadmins would have a daytime job on this..



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Re: [PHP] Very important.

2001-04-25 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>I may have lost several weeks of work to this virus, and I advise you all 
>to watch out, as it was likely sent inadvertantly.

Does the word "backup" ring any bells
Ever hear about "antivirus software"



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Re: [PHP] payment verification...

2001-04-25 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>hello, i'm building an online payment form
>the only thing is that i can't rely on the MOD10 CC validation algo...
>any one knows any company that provides CC validation (checks if account
>exists, and the money is enough to pay the price) ... ?
>I only need a company with such validation issue
>All hints would be appriciated.

Dunno.. I saw a nice article about this on



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Re: [PHP] Can I install Lihnux on My Windows 95 machine ?

2001-04-25 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Also if you are a newbie to linuxget a different machine or be
>prepared to lose data or windows on your present machine.

Never lost any data.. Not even when I still was a newbie..

But it's always a good idea to create backups.



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Re: [PHP] Can I install Lihnux on My Windows 95 machine ?

2001-04-26 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 13:47 26-4-01 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I said be prepared. Not that it would happen.
>Considering the learning curve of linux..I think it is only fair to say
>that mistakes are likely to happen, in particular for a newbie.

Sure.. It can happen.. to be honest.. you don't need to install Linux on a 
windooz box to loose data .. Winbug can already take care of that :-)



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Re: [PHP] a bit off the list but....

2001-05-01 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>It is a bit off the list here but is theer anybody know what is SAP? I 
>mean, is that a script language or OS or a DB software?

SAP is a piece of ERP (=Enterprise Resource Planning) software. You can 
adapt it to fit the companies needs.

For more info visit the SAP and BAAN websites.. they both create ERP software.
Or use your favorite searchengine instead of asking questions to a list.



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Re: [PHP] Emanuel virus

2001-05-02 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Once again, if it got passed to any of you, through me, my apologies. I 
>wouldn't trust my anti-virus software on this, I could find any reference 
>to it at Symantec. Maybe it has another name?
>Feeling like a leper - Miles Thompson

Look for Navidad or W32/Navidad.e

I think you should also look for a antivirus product. It's less expensive 
then reconfigure your system.. A reinstall is a good cleanup though..



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RE: [PHP] Sos

2001-05-07 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Do a source install. Using redhat is no excuse for installing
>PHP+MySQL+Apache from rpms. You will be glad you did it when you're done.
>It's much easier to usually.

Yep.. But before you remove everything.. you might want to check the 
location of your .php files.. they should be outside the cgi-bin and may be 
put amongst the .html files.

The errormessage described can occur if .php files are inside the cgi-bin



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Re: [PHP] Spot the difference?

2001-08-06 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 22:54 5-8-01 -0700, Kyle Smith wrote:
>ok, umm... you got that in pence cause im english just kiddin so
>what resources did you use to learn php?

I think people already told you how and where to obtain the information you 
want. and would be a good start..



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RE: [PHP] magazine-subscription

2001-08-06 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Sorry, I know it wasn't any helpful.
>The reason there are not much of this software is because there's no
>standard for Magazines. Very hard to write something that would satisfy
>every request.

I don't remember finding ANY piece of software that does exactly what I want.
Most of them are proprietary..

I think it would be best to use a mailinglist package like Ezmlm, Mailman 
or any other SW you like.. these provide you with a way to handle bounces 
and send out subscribe messages as soon as someone subscribes..
This might not be an issue when you send to say 50-100 subscribes but it 
does become a problem when handling large lists..



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Re: [PHP] Looking for Portal/Directory code

2001-08-06 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>I've been looking in several places and can't find a good PHP code resource
>site.  The ones I have found have stuff that isn't very good.
>Anyway, I'm looking for a PHP app with MySQL back-end that will do a
>Portal/directory listing like Yahoo or the Open Directory Project.

I remember a few portals can be found on freshmeat.. if you don't like what 
you see just write your own..



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Re: [PHP] crypted source

2001-08-06 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk IIRC it's called zend optimizer..



Who refuses to add a 10 lines signature to his messages

 >now the php source code is totally visible and modificable
>on the web server side.
>does anybody know if exists a way to protect
>the source php files.
>There exists actually a way to not allow the access (read, write, ...)
>to the php source code on the server machine?
>that is
>something like a crypting mechanism
>or a seminterpreter module for php in order
>to hide the source code inside the server ?

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Re: [PHP] Form control

2001-08-06 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Please help me or give me some idea !!!

Few thoughts:

- check the referer
- check the length of the string
- use regular expressions



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RE: [PHP] IP Address

2001-08-07 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Just because you're having a bad day doesn't mean I should. Can you just
>tell me what it is? I don't have those posts.

You don't need those posts to check the archive.

You should find a link on the page where you subscribed.

Checking the archive before you post would help to get less traffic on this 



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Re: [PHP] large commercial websites that use php?

2001-08-08 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>I've seen some posts on this, but since this mailing
>list keeps getting bigger- I wanted to put the
>question out again:
>What large commercial websites use php?

about two weeks ago there was a thread called "Example high-profile PHP sites"

A few links were provided..



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Re: [PHP] PHP Editor

2001-08-08 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>What tool do you recommend to compose PHP pages?
>I am traditionaly an ASP developer and I have always used Ultradev and

Welcome to the club..

If you take a moment to search the archive.. this question has ben answered 
quite a few times in the last month.



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Re: [PHP] PHP Editor

2001-08-08 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 06:19 8-8-01 -0700, Richard Baskett wrote:
>I would have had no clue that there was an archive, so it's good to know.

It's on the same page where you subscribed to this list..



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Re: [PHP] MySQL: Select ALL

2001-08-09 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>  but no luck.

Take a look at one of the tutorials.. Many can be found on the links page 
you can click to on
This will help you to find the info you need and also answer the next 
question you're going to ask.



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Re: [PHP] PHP ext

2001-08-09 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Where in php.ini do you set it so that .html files will also run php?

You don't.

httpd.conf is the place to look. It says something about what Apache has to 
do with .php and .php3 .. so.. add .html



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RE: [PHP] MySQL connection

2001-08-10 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>If I use extention .inc for including my connection-
>variables file then browser attempts to download this file which is
>not better then first. I searched the net on this topic and found a
>LOT of information about this problem and the best that I found is
>here I just want you to be aware of this problem

It's common knowledge that you should NOT put your database user+PW into 
your HTML root. Using .inc means Apache (or whatever kind of server you're 
using) isn't going to parse the file through php.

This has been discussed on this and other php related lists.. just have a 
look in the archive and you'll see..

Don't want to sound nasty harsh or whatever you want to call it but I think 
most tutorials will say something about it. I would suggest you read those 
before you send messages to this or any other list.. The archive is a great 
resource too. Remember.. you're most certainly not the first person who 
uses PHP to connect to MySQL.. most if not all issues you think you have 
found has been seen by others. Searching the archive and reading tutorials 
will keep you from burning bandwith and space for a non-issue.

Have fun.



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Re: [PHP] Printing

2001-08-10 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

> >   I made a system in php and mysql for a corp.
> > This system controls the payment of the customers, so i need to print
> > the quote of each payment. Is there anyway to do this with php?
> > I mean.. Printing quotes from a web browser, besides that i also need
> > something to print from this system, but in this case the monthly
> > resume of each customer's account.
>Using PHP you can't print client-side. Either the user should press
>the print-button (just like elias already mentioned), or you should
>use JavaScript (window.print()).

That's going to be fun if you need to create say 200 reports.. :-)

Lucky you.. a tool exists to pull data out of a MySQL database..

Do a search for.. report or reportgenerator or something like that on the 
mysql list archive. It's found here:
Your question has been answered there..



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Re: [PHP] important linuxtoday article: Will Open Source Lose the Battle for the web?

2001-08-15 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>hmm just read the controversial linuxtoday article


>Comments on the article?

A few. But I saw you can give comments below the article mentioned above. 
Please please please leave this discussion there. It's endless and pretty 
useless. Might attract A LOT of traffic on this list. I don't intend to 
spend any more time on it.



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Re: [PHP] Virtual Servers (apache) and php

2001-08-19 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3
> AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

If those lines aren't you should get your code in your browser.

403 might be a rights issue. Say you created the file you're trying to open 
as root you should chown it to the user under which apache is running.. or 
to another normal user..



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Re: [PHP] Oudoor database website - waypoints - please review

2001-08-19 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 21:07 19-8-01 -0600, WildOutThere wrote:
>I just got done (am still improving) building a website to share waypoints
>and file related.  Database is still thin, but i want to know if the
>features work and are intuitive.

You should figure out by yourself whether it works or not.

Two little remarks:
- view your website with 800x600
- pictures with a size of 77kB are to big



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2001-08-21 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>what is IIS?

Micro$oft Internet Information Server. It's a webserver. IMHO a poor 
alternative for Apache.
If you want to know more about IIS take a look at the M$ website 
( should tell you everything you ever want to know.



WOW.. this sure looks like flamebait :-)
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Re: [PHP] The future of PHP

2001-08-23 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

> > Notice it even gives info on PHP use   :-)
>He would see JSP at 19.9% and PHP at 11.2 and say that proves his point.

Ask the same question to PPL on this list.. I'll bet you see the opposite.

It only proves your favorite kid doesn't understand a thing about statistics.

I think PHP is great.. there is a place for everything.. even for Java :)



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Re: [PHP] POST problem

2001-08-28 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Hi .
>You are  years old.
>This action.php is supposed to print out values one
>enters to the form fields. Right?
>So, my problem is that it doesn't. Instead, it prints
>Hi.You are years old.


Have fun,


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Re: [PHP] PHP and MySQL auth?

2001-08-28 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>Case 2. Without any form of auth, I read the text file and do
> mysql_select_db($the_db_name);
> mysql_query("select * from table");
>and the server response is:
>Error 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
>'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock; (111)

This really is a faq.

Mysql.sock normally lives in /tmp think RH puts it in /var/lib PHP can't 
find it. Might be php.ini looks in /var/lib change it there to match the 
location of you mysql.sock .. also .. check if mysql is running (ps ax | 
grep mysql). If it isn't you can't connect to it.



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Re: [PHP] Im back, oh and....

2001-08-29 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>... could someone give me the name of the best PHP learning book they have 
>read cause I just scored £110!

PHP 4 bible (IDG books), MySQL (NewRiders), several books from Wrox.. read 
the archive several books are mentioned there.

>(yes, it was my birthday on august 16th and im now a whole 14 so i can 
>have my first urine test!)

So you're 14.. does you mom know you're here :-)



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RE: Re: [PHP] Sorry, i need HTML help

2001-08-29 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

At 15:35 29-8-01 +0100, Seb Frost wrote:
>And let's face it.  Compare IE5.5/6 with NS6.  MS owns the market for a 
>damn good reason.

Nice statement.. in the real world M$ stuff is as buggy as software can 
be.. Even PPL on M$ related lists know, and recognize this.. I mean.. 43 
updates/SP's in only 8 months..

The only reason why they own the market is that people are to lazy to 
download and install another browser. Most of them don't even care about 
securityrisks involved. You also need to pay for other browsers.. so if you 
got one for free they'd rather use that one..

Given time NS6x will be a great browser. I happen to like NS but you're 
perfectly free to make your own choice..

Unless I'm not completely wrong here I don't think many PPL has choosen M$ 
IE because of it's technical superiority..



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Re: [PHP] Refreshing php.ini without restart...

2001-08-30 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>i just moved my PHP project from my local PC to the online webserver and I
>will need to do a few adjustments to the server. since the server is used by
>all the employees in the company, there is no chance I can reboot it without
>prior notice... my question: is there any way I can refresh the changes I
>make in php.ini without doing a reboot?

I assume you're running PHP on a Linux box.. You should be able to restart 
apache.. even on NT you could stop and restart the service.



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Re: [PHP] 2 General MySQL Questions

2001-08-31 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>i'm awared that this is not exactly the correct forum for these
>questions.  please humor me this one time:


>if you don't know of a newsgroup, how about a good (digest-capable)
>mailing list? i've tried the MySQL general mailing list, but they don't
>offer a 'digest' option and i can't handle getting hundreds of posts a
>day in my inbox.

Try the list found at it's archive:
Don't forget to check the archive before you post.. Dunno if it's 
digest-capable.. you need to find that one out on your own.

>2) who can refer me to a good intermediate tutorial to better learn
>MySQL syntax?  again, i've been to, but i find the structure &
>format of the site somehow daunting (not as user-friendly as the
>annotated manual at has some good tutorials. Otherwise you could use a 
searchengine and type some words like: mysql tutorial
Should help..

The book MySQL written by Paul DuBois is great..



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RE: [PHP] The future of PHP or my 2 cents

2001-08-31 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>I think with everyone replying to "The future of PHP" e-mails and putting in
>their two cents, we're eventually going to raise that $100,000 in no time.

Yeah.. not to mention the time it takes to read or just download those 

I stopped counting and started hitting the delete button.

Just wondering how long this tread will keep alive.. thought it would be 
dead by now.

It started as "The future of PHP" but seems to become a discussion about 
what is a suitable job for a PHP script.. how to do some marketing for 
PHP.. ISP's not nowing everything about PHP.. and many many other things..

I've got some great ideas for cheap but very effective marketing.. but I'm 
running out of time now.



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RE: [PHP] The future of PHP

2001-09-05 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

>I can tell you that in general, companies in Europe appears to be more 
>open to open-source solutions much more than ones in the US.  Of course, 
>Europe is comprised of lots of different countries, and each country has 
>lots of different companies, so your mileage may vary.

In The Netherlands many people believe M$ creates great products.. I 
stopped fighting, upgrading and patching NT pays the rent :-)

One of the reasons open source might be considered an alternative is the 
fact that M$ products cost 
In Europe M$ products are more expensive then in the US.

I talked with one of my customers about using Linux instead of Novell or 
NT.. he said Linux is to big to be used in a small company.. I don't 
understand him and I even stopped trying to understand.

Just my 0,02



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Re: [PHP] manage a mail archive

2001-09-08 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

You can use MySQL. Take a look at the ezmlm homepage, and check the ezmlm 
mailinglist archive..

Pulling data out of a MySQL table is easy.. if you don't know how, just 
look at some tutorials ( more links can be found at



At 20:28 8-9-01 +, crorepati wrote:
>We are using ezmlm mailing list on our server.
>We want to make the mailing list archive available on our website. How can 
>we do this ?
>any help will be highly appreciable.

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Re: [PHP] Re: manage a mail archive

2001-09-08 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

I pointed you to sources where you can find the information you need.

I don't run ezmlm with mysql support so I would need to look at the docs 
too. I'm very sorry but I don't have enough time to do the dirty work for you.

I'm not even sure about how far ezmlm and MySQL work together.. A friend 
told me he was going to put all messages in a MySQL database but I'm not 
sure if it's a default feature or his own coding.

I suggest you go to the sources mentioned previous and browse a little.



>How do I retrieve the messages from the list archive and how do i store 
>the data in text files/database .
>Pl. help me out.

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