Re: [PHP] Multi-Sort -- how to do this?

2009-06-17 Thread Douglas Temple
...Sticking my neck out playing with the big boys (and girls) now...

I assume you've looked at array_multisort() for this, I would think you
could have multiple arrays being sorted with it (I've only ever used it for
2-array sorts). The other option would be to pop all those arrays into a
single array and use array_multisort()'s ability to sort

Otherwise Ashley's solution is another possibility; using the keys in the
sorted $d to dictate where you could place the elements in the other arrays.
I'd say you could do a nifty loop system which says sequentially read the
indices in $d and then make a new temp array that is $a, $b or $c (depending
on which you are sorting) in the sorted order then just name the temp array
as the original (again, I'd say array_multisort() is fancier than this crude
but elegant system).

Finally, why not use quicksort or mergesort for the sorting? Bubblesort is
inefficient for large lists...

RE: RES: [PHP] paging

2009-02-10 Thread Jim Douglas


 Subject: RES: [PHP] paging
 Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 11:33:42 -0200
 MySql or MsSql or other dB?
 -Mensagem original-
 De: tedd [] 
 Enviada em: terça-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2009 11:26
 Para: Jim Douglas;
 Assunto: Re: [PHP] paging
 At 3:26 AM + 2/10/09, Jim Douglas wrote:
 Does anyone have a link to any examples of paging?
 Sure.  -- the code is there
 different examples here:
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RE: [PHP] paging

2009-02-10 Thread Jim Douglas

I saw your site originally.  I have paging working and I also have this example 
 My problem is not getting paging to work, it's getting paging to work 
outputting the results of clicking on the page number to the content pane.  I 
have a CSS that has left, right, header, footer and a content pane.  After I 
click on the drop down it outputs to the content pane just fine.


 Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 08:26:23 -0500
 Subject: Re: [PHP] paging
 At 3:26 AM + 2/10/09, Jim Douglas wrote:
 Does anyone have a link to any examples of paging?
 Sure.  -- the code is there
 different examples here:
 PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] paging

2009-02-09 Thread Jim Douglas

Does anyone have a link to any examples of paging?

I have this example up and running,

have paging working as below, my problem is when I add a CSS style
sheet I now have 4 panes.  How can I direct the paging results to the
content pane?




$con = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'mypassword');

if (!$con)

 {die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());}

mysql_select_db(bar, $con);


if(!isset($start)) {$start = 0;}

$sql2=select * from bars WHERE geog_id = '.$q.';


echo mysql_error();


$eu = ($start - 0); 

$limit = 10;

$this1 = $eu + $limit; 

$back = $eu - $limit; 

$next = $eu + $limit; 

$sql=select * from bars WHERE geog_id = '.$q.' limit $eu, $limit;

$result = mysql_query($sql);

echo table border='0';

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))




echo tr ;

//echo td align=left bgcolor=$bgcolor
id='title'nbsp;font face='Verdana' size='2'A
HREF= . $row['bar_website'] .. $row['bar_name'] .

echo div id='lbBarList' /div;  

echo td align=left bgcolor=$bgcolor
id='title'nbsp;font face='Verdana' size='2'A
HREF= . $row['bar_website'] .. $row['bar_name'] .

  echo /tr;


echo /table;

if($nume  $limit ){ // Let us display bottom links if sufficient records are 
there for paging

  /// Start the bottom links with Prev and next link with page 
numbers /

  echo table align = 'center' width='50%'trtd  align='left' width='30%';

   if our variable $back is equal to 0 or more then only we will display 
the link to move back 

   if($back =0) { 

 print a href='$page_name?start=$back'font face='Verdana' 



echo /tdtd align=center width='30%';



for($i=0;$i  $nume;$i=$i+$limit){

if($i  $eu){

//echo  a href='$page_name?start=$i'font face='Verdana' 
size='2'$l/font/a ;

echo  a href='$page_name?start=$i'font face='Verdana' 
size='2'$l/font/a ;


else { echo font face='Verdana' size='4' color=red$l/font;}



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Re: [PHP] Google Chrome

2008-09-02 Thread Douglas Temple
Beta or not, it's still amazingly fast.
Despite the fact you can't scroll up with the mouse wheel...

Re: [PHP] Google Chrome

2008-09-02 Thread Douglas Temple

'Nuff said.

[PHP] PHP MS-Word plugin

2008-01-10 Thread Douglas Temple
Hi everyone,

I'm pretty sure that this question has been asked to death in the past, but
I'm just curoius as to whether there is a plugin that can edit Microsoft
Office Word documents in PHP. I'm interested in this because I am trying to
put a text watermark on each page, but doing it online, without having to
download the document, watermarking it, and then reuploading it (I won't
deny that I'm lazy). So my question is has this even been done before? I've
had a little search around and nothing exciting has popped out, so I'm
wondering if anyone has used/heard of/made something as daunting as this

Thanks in advance,

[PHP] Problem using PHP with Apache (probably something silly)

2007-01-04 Thread Douglas Temple


First off, I hope everyone had  Happy New Year.

Onto business, I am trying to install PHP 5.2.0 on a WinXP computer, using
Apache 2.2.3 as the web server with MySQL enabled extension. My problem is
that when I start up Apache with the edited httpd.conf file including the
following code:

# For PHP 5 do something like this:
LoadModule php5_module c:/php/php5apache2_2.dll
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

# configure the path to php.ini
PHPIniDir C:/php

And then trying a simple phpinfo() test on it, it gives the following error.

The instruction at 0x007874cd referenced memory at 0x0014. The
memory could not be read.

The dumprep.exe message has the following interesting information:

szAppName: httpd.exe
szModName: php5ts.dll
offset: 000974cd

I'm wondering 3 things:

Has this happened to anyone else when they were trying to install PHP on

Is there any advice people can give me?

Is there any relatively hassle free approach to manually fix this annoying

Thanks in advance,


Re: [PHP] Problems with PHP and MySQL

2005-02-05 Thread Bruce Douglas
disregard if you've already done this...

you might want to do a quick php app with phpinfo, to determine if/what version 
of mysql php sees.. it's quite possible that php isn't seeing/interfacing with 

php needs to not only be built with a version of mysql, but the php.ini file 
also needs to be setup correctly.


-Original Message-
From: Jochem Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Feb 5, 2005 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Problems with PHP and MySQL

Sarah wrote:
 I'm relatively new to PHP, but have already written a few functional 
 web-based scripts. I recently decided to implement a MySQL-based system, 
 but hit the following problem...
 I have PHP version 5.03, and MySQL v 4.19. I downloaded and compiled 
 both, and both work perfectly alone. However, when I run a command-line 
 app to manipulate my database, I get the following error:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ./useradmin -a -u unclebulgaria -p uberwomble
 constructor called
 Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in 
 veep/useradmin on line 16
 Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_close() in /veep/useradmin 
 on line 22

I _think_, given the version of MySQL you are using, you should compile in
and use the mysqli extension iso of the mysql extension.

these to links may help you:

failing that you might want to check this page for an overview of funcs you
can use to determine exactly what is available, with more accuracy than 

var_dump( extension_loaded(mysql),
  get_extension_funcs (mysql),
  get_extension_funcs (mysqli) ); 

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Re: [PHP] Problems with PHP and MySQL

2005-02-05 Thread Bruce Douglas

rather than deal with classes/objs... (at least initially)

just create a simple php/mysql app that sets up the user/passwd/host for the 
db, and see if you can do a successful mysql_connect check the return/error 
codes to see if the call/code works

this will quickly tell you if you actually have php/mysql setup properly...

once you've done this... you can get into the guts of your app, to determine 
where the prob is


-Original Message-
Sent: Feb 5, 2005 7:41 AM
Subject: [PHP] Problems with PHP and MySQL


I'm relatively new to PHP, but have already written a few functional 
web-based scripts. I recently decided to implement a MySQL-based system, 
but hit the following problem...

I have PHP version 5.03, and MySQL v 4.19. I downloaded and compiled 
both, and both work perfectly alone. However, when I run a command-line 
app to manipulate my database, I get the following error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ./useradmin -a -u unclebulgaria -p uberwomble
constructor called

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in 
veep/useradmin on line 16

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_close() in /veep/useradmin 
on line 22

You might think 'Aah! the doofus has forgotten to link MySQL into the 
compiled PHP interpreter'.

However, my phpinfo() page gives the following information:

Configure command:

'./configure' '--with-apxs2=/opt/apache/sbin/apxs' '--prefix=/usr' 
'--sysconfdir=/etc/php5' '--with-dba' '--with-db4' '--with-auth' 
'--with-zlib' '--with-tiff' '--with-jpeg' '--with-mysql=/usr'



MySQL-related data:

MySQL Support   enabled
Active Persistent Links 0
Active Links0
Client API version  4.1.9
MYSQL_INCLUDE   -I/usr/include/mysql
MYSQL_LIBS  -L/usr/lib -lmysqlclient

Directive   Local Value Master Value
mysql.allow_persistent  On  On
mysql.connect_timeout   60  60
mysql.default_host  localhost   localhost
mysql.default_password  wurms   wurms
mysql.default_port  33063306
mysql.default_socketno valueno value
mysql.default_user  wiggly  wiggly
mysql.max_links Unlimited   Unlimited
mysql.max_persistentUnlimited   Unlimited
mysql.trace_modeOff Off

Finally, the client program is:



class UserDB
static $user='wiggly';
static $pass='wurms';
static $db='multimedia_access';

private $m_link;
private $m_live;

function __construct()
print(constructor called\n);
$this-m_link = mysql_connect('localhost', self::$user, 
$this-m_live = mysql_select_db(self::db);

function __destruct()
print(destructor called);

function Add($u, $p)
$H = md5($u, true);
// $R = mysql_query(INSERT INTO users (userkey, user, 
values ($H, $u, $p), $this-m_link);
$S = mysql_real_escape_string(INSERT INTO users (userkey, 
password) values ('$H', '$u', '$p'), $this-m_link);
$R = mysql_query($S, $this-m_link);
if (!$R)
printf(SQL query error during Add operation\n);
return $R;

function Delete($u)
$H=md5($u, true);
$R=mysql_query(DELETE FROM users WHERE userkey=$H);
if ($R)
$R=mysql_query(DELETE FROM iplist WHERE userkey=$H);
if (!$R)
printf(SQL query error during Add operation\n);
return $R;

function Replace($u, $p)
return 0;

function Tabulate()
$R=mysql_query(SELECT user,password FROM TABLE users);
if (!$R)
printf(SQL query error during List operation\n);

[PHP] in need of php code for user management/admin function...

2005-01-27 Thread Bruce Douglas

i'm looking for 'open source' code that can be used in a website for handling 
user registration, user admin functions... does anybody know of a good set of 
functions that can provide this kind of feature set. or, can anybody give me 
opinions regarding apps that you've used that have had this kind of 

as long as the code is open source, i can rip out/recode the functionality that 
i'm looking for...

i'm looking for something that would be mysql based, with the ability to allow 
users to register/login, and have an admin function that allows the admin to 
deny/enable/disable users, as well as track various attributes within the 

if i have the basic shell/structure, i can modify the code to my needs.. 




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[PHP] in need of a directory/listing script/app

2005-01-26 Thread Bruce Douglas

i'm looking for a good app/function/code to allow users to select a given 
item(s) from a list of categories. i'd also like the user to be able to display 
users who have selected a given category from the list...

i can't seem to find an app that has this kind of code incorporated...



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[PHP] ldap functionality

2005-01-25 Thread Bruce Douglas

i'm in need of an app that has/should have directory/user/member functionality. 
i want to setup a process to allow an adim to create different fields and 
categories for a user to enter. think of a company employee database, where you 
have the employe name, and then the various groups/projects the employee might 
belong to...

i'm trying to figure out if there's already an app that you may have run across 
that kind of does this, and if you haven't, what might be the best soln/easiest 
soln to implement.. i've started to research ldap, but i'm not sure that this 
is the best approach (given that i have no experience with ldap!)

i'm open to a php/perl/linux/mysql/apache solution.

searching through php/google hasn't turned up anything as of yet...

if you have any thoughts let me know...



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Re: [PHP] Understanding intval() and types conversion

2005-01-25 Thread Bruce Douglas

you're saying that 7.9 (repeating) is equal to 8.0

i say prove it..  as i recall the numbers might be for all practical purposes 
the same, they are in fact vastly different...

so, prove your assertion...


-Original Message-
From: Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Jan 25, 2005 2:57 PM
Cc: Jordi Canals [EMAIL PROTECTED], PHP List
Subject: Re: [PHP] Understanding intval() and types conversion

 my guess this is a round error issue - never noticed this problem
 this is a problem right? anybody?

You can say it is a round error issue.

You can not say it is a problem.

You simply have to be aware that the float number which you think of as
8.... inside of PHP may well be represented as
7.... down in the guts of the machine.

It may help you feel better about this if you recall from grade school
mathematics, that, in point of fact:
7.999... is EXACTLY equal to 8.000...

Those who doubt this fact are requested to remember how to convert
decimals such as:
to fractions (1/3), and then apply that exact same method to 7.999...

You will quickly find yourself with a fraction (72/9) which is precisely
equal to 8/1 which is 8.

EVERY floating point number, then, that ends in x000... has a second
representation, exactly equal, which ends in (x-1)999...

Bottom line, however you look at it, is that you can NEVER be 100% certain
that a computer's float number will convert to what you expect in an
integer because their internal representation simply does not allow for

This is a feature, not a bug. :-)

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Re: [PHP] Understanding intval() and types conversion

2005-01-25 Thread Bruce Douglas

he didn't.

8.0 = 8.0

7. (repeating) = 7. (repeating)

8.0 != 7. (repeating)

now, if you want to get into conversations with regards to internal binary 
representations because of the limits of the register architecture in 
computers, then i might say the issue is the fact that the algorithms employed 
within the hardware are flawed...

but let's not start screwing with basic math theory

the statement that he uses where he states that there is a limit to the level 
of precision is lazy at best... (from a mathmatical perspective)  or can i 
simply say, 15000 = 14,800 based upon my level of precision


-Original Message-
From: Jochem Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Jan 25, 2005 3:42 PM
To: Bruce Douglas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PHP List
Subject: Re: [PHP] Understanding intval() and types conversion

Bruce Douglas wrote:
 you're saying that 7.9 (repeating) is equal to 8.0
 i say prove it..  as i recall the numbers might be for all practical purposes 
 the same, they are in fact vastly different...
 so, prove your assertion...

he did.

you have to consider the two the same, given that there is always a limit to the
level of precision - the alternative would be to say no 2 numbers are ever 
equal and
that make for boring mathematics.

actually the underlying maths kinda makes my head spin :-)

 -Original Message-
 From: Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Jan 25, 2005 2:57 PM
 To: Jochem Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Jordi Canals [EMAIL PROTECTED], PHP List
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Understanding intval() and types conversion
my guess this is a round error issue - never noticed this problem
this is a problem right? anybody?
 You can say it is a round error issue.
 You can not say it is a problem.
 You simply have to be aware that the float number which you think of as
 8.... inside of PHP may well be represented as
 7.... down in the guts of the machine.
 It may help you feel better about this if you recall from grade school
 mathematics, that, in point of fact:
 7.999... is EXACTLY equal to 8.000...
 Those who doubt this fact are requested to remember how to convert
 decimals such as:
 to fractions (1/3), and then apply that exact same method to 7.999...
 You will quickly find yourself with a fraction (72/9) which is precisely
 equal to 8/1 which is 8.
 EVERY floating point number, then, that ends in x000... has a second
 representation, exactly equal, which ends in (x-1)999...
 Bottom line, however you look at it, is that you can NEVER be 100% certain
 that a computer's float number will convert to what you expect in an
 integer because their internal representation simply does not allow for
 This is a feature, not a bug. :-)

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[PHP] looking for a combination contact application/social networking app

2005-01-22 Thread Bruce Douglas

i'm in need of a glorified contact type application. i want/need to be able to 
users to enter their information into the system, specify what category(s) they 
belong to, be able to see others, rank others, etc...

i also would like to be able to have some form of relational/6-degrees/ryze type
of system so the users can see/find others with similar interests.. 

and of course, i'd like this to be open source!!!

anbody have any ideas, or seen anything closely resembling anything like this.. 
i'd even be willing to look at multiple apps, with the intent of putting them 
as a comprehensive app!!



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Re: [PHP] NT domain info

2005-01-19 Thread Bruce Douglas

i'm not a guru... but this sounds like something that someone should have 
already done (or thought about) in perl. you might find that there's already a 
perl app/solution that gets you close to what you need, that would allow you to 
either use the perl solution, or rewrite what it does in php...

good luck!!


-Original Message-
Sent: Jan 19, 2005 4:13 PM
To: '[php] PHP General List'
Subject: [PHP] NT domain info

Hi NG!

Does anyone here know of a way of getting at the user account information
from a windows domain controller from a Linux box, specifically in PHP?

I was thinking of writing a COM object for the windows box running a simple
socket service for updates, but that seems like an awful lot of coding (not
to mention having to write COM garbage).  Has anyone else here had to tackle
a similar problem, or does anyone know enough about Windows and domain
accounts to be able to point me in the right direction?



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[PHP] XML Filters for illegal characters

2005-01-05 Thread Jones, Douglas 1

I'm wondering if anyone knows of a filter that can take data to be wrapped in 
XML tags and filter this data encoding any illegal XML characters or, if they 
cannot be encoded, remove them.  The problem I have is a database that contains 
text that must be wrapped in XML.  Some of this text has illegal characters in 
it (probably copied from MS Word).  Some of the characters that keep popping up 
are not very frequently used, so I'm hoping whatever filters get suggested, 
they can simply strip out these characters if they cannot encode them.

thanks for your help.

Doug Jones
Co-Op Web Developer

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RE: [PHP] XML Filters for illegal characters

2005-01-05 Thread Jones, Douglas 1
Yes, I have tried htmlentities.  Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be catching 
the characters that are plaguing my program.

Doug Jones
Co-Op Web Developer

-Original Message-
From: John Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 11:32 AM
To: Jones, Douglas 1
Subject: Re: [PHP] XML Filters for illegal characters

Jones, Douglas 1 wrote:
 I'm wondering if anyone knows of a filter 
  that can take data to be wrapped in XML tags
  and filter this data encoding any illegal XML characters

Have you tried htmlentities()?


---John Holmes...

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[PHP] Re: XML Filters for illegal characters

2005-01-05 Thread Jones, Douglas 1
Perhaps I am misunderstanding your problem, so let me ask it another 
way.  Is the problem that you are getting characters entered into the 
database that are encoded in one way (e.g. UTF-8) when you expected the 
characters to be encoded in another way (e.g. ISO-8859-1)?

No, the problem involves characters in the text that are Illegal XML characters 
much like  is an Illegal XML character.  Only, the one the character that my 
software is reporting as illegal is apparently not one that is caught by the 
normal filters (like htmlentities or even some functions specifically coded for 
XML that I found on the website).  I think the problem with the filters 
that I have tried is that they only attempt to change entities that are can be 
encoded to something XML safe.  Ideally, what I want is something that just 
removes the offending character if it cannot make it safe for XML.  So, say  
is made into amp; but an unexpected symbol is simply removed. For example 
(suppose ^ is a symbol that cannot be encode for this example):

input: string
output: stramp;ing

input: str^ing
output: string

I hope this makes things clear.  I think that a function just like htmlentities 
but one that just removes characters that are illegal but can not be fixed 
would be the ideal solution.

If anyone needs further clarification, I would be happy to try to provide it.

Doug Jones
Co-Op Web Developer

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Re: [PHP] Apache Server with php

2005-01-04 Thread Bruce Douglas

i'm not sure of the email/list name.. but there is an apache email list.. if 
you get to the site.. they could help you.. they're actually pretty 
good.. sorry i don't have the name right at my fingers right now!!

good luck...

-Original Message-
From: Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Jan 4, 2005 12:31 PM
To: Ramiro Trevino [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP] Apache Server with php

Ramiro Trevino wrote:
 I am having issues with the installation and configuration of my Apache
 server 2.0.52(win32). All is well when I restart the server with the
 exception of, when I load the following lines.

 I opened up the httpd.conf file and searched for #LoadModule ssl_module
 Directly underneath that line, I added LoadModule php4_module
 My plan was to run PHP as a module for Apache, instead of as a CGI binary
 every time I add this line my server will not restart but I get an error
 stating The requested operation has failed.

 I checked to ensure the path was correct to this dll and all is well. Any

I don't think you are allowed to specify a full path to your DLL.

Copy the php4apache2.dll into the same directory where the SSL DLL is, and
change the LoadModule to match as much as possible.

Actually, if there are *ANY* other *working* Apache modules, use those as
your guideline instead.  You've got SSL commented out, so it's not much of
a guideline to follow, since it's not working (on purpose)

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[PHP] distributed architecture....

2004-12-30 Thread Bruce Douglas

i'm contemplating a project where a number of websites would communicate with 
each other via some network of round robin/distributed servers. Each 'client' 
website/app would be considered to be a 'node' of the overall network, and be 
able to upload/download information to the network. The master servers would 
maintain the information, such that if a request for information came from one 
of the 'client' sites, the master server would shove the information back to 
the client for display. 

the overall goal of the project would be a way of allowing a client site to 
'share/exchange' information with other client sites within the network, and to 
allow the content of a given client site to be influenced by the content of 
other sites within the network...

has anybody heard/seen anything like this...??

in searching google/sourceforge/freenet/etc.. i can't find anything that's 
similar, or that could be used as a starting point for the architecture... the 
closest i can find is the open source gnutella/limeware p2p app structure...



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RE: [PHP] distributed architecture....

2004-12-30 Thread Jones, Douglas 1
I would also suggest that you look into SOAP for this project.  My
office hosts a search program that uses SOAP to go out and search the
databases of remote sites, most of which run architectures completely
different than ours.  It would probably be pretty easy to use SOAP to
get the data off of the master servers (use RPC calls) and it would
probably be pretty simple to upload the data using SOAP as well.

Doug Jones
Co-Op Web Developer
[EMAIL PROTECTED](856) 792-9454

-Original Message-
From: Bruce Douglas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 9:52 AM
Subject: [PHP] distributed architecture


i'm contemplating a project where a number of websites would communicate
with each other via some network of round robin/distributed servers.
Each 'client' website/app would be considered to be a 'node' of the
overall network, and be able to upload/download information to the
network. The master servers would maintain the information, such that if
a request for information came from one of the 'client' sites, the
master server would shove the information back to the client for

the overall goal of the project would be a way of allowing a client site
to 'share/exchange' information with other client sites within the
network, and to allow the content of a given client site to be
influenced by the content of other sites within the network...

has anybody heard/seen anything like this...??

in searching google/sourceforge/freenet/etc.. i can't find anything
that's similar, or that could be used as a starting point for the
architecture... the closest i can find is the open source
gnutella/limeware p2p app structure...



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Re: [PHP] what am I doing wrong? PHP5 on Fedora

2004-12-30 Thread Bruce Douglas
if you want to know/have a rough guide on building/compiling php with 
mysql/mysqli support, the following link should help you out... although it's 
for linux..

it kind of walks you through what you need to do..

hope it helps...


-Original Message-
From: Rory Browne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Dec 30, 2004 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] what am I doing wrong? PHP5 on Fedora

Sorry if you recieved this twice. Head's wreaked today, and I keep
making mistakes, such as posting to a person instead of to the list.

If you're using apache2 then you need to add something along the lines
of --with-apxs to your ./configure line. With apache1.3 it was
--with-apxs=/path/to/apxs. I'm not sure what whether it's still
--with-apxs, or --with-apxs2, but either way you'll probably be
looking for the path to apxs2. Just for your information apxs is the
APache eXtension System.

If you want to use locate, on recently created files, then you should
schedule locate to run updatedb more often. your locate is only as
recent as your last updatedb.

On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 10:39:50 -0500, blackwater dev
 I don't seem to have an apxs directory.  I don't even have an apache
 directory as apachectl resides in /usr/sbin/apachectl
 Of course apache was installed from the fedora install.
 How do I install this against apache?
 On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 10:20:01 -0500, John Nichel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  blackwater dev wrote:
   **First let me say that I am a linux newbie**
   I have installed Fedora 3 on a development box.  I then downloaded the
   php5 source and followed the php documentation:
   # ./configure --with-mysql
   # make
   # make install
  What did you build it against?  You have no webserver type in your
  configure line.  If I'm not mistaken, all you have above  will do is
  build the cli, and not the loadable module.
  John C. Nichel
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[PHP] RE: help with PEAR and SOAP

2004-12-29 Thread Jones, Douglas 1

The code that you gave seems like it would work...only I'm not sure how I can 
reformat the result before it gets sent back to the soap client.  For instance, 
I have a function that simply builds a string containing XML and returns that.  
I wrap this function in a class.  The constructor for this class creates an 
instance of SOAP_Server (from the PEAR SOAP package).  This object is passed 
$this (the class I created to wrap my function) and the service method is 
called from the SOAP_Server class.  After I call the service method, the 
processing is taken care of and the SOAP package calls my function with the 
correct parameters and returns that to the client.  The only place that I would 
really have control over the value getting returned is inside my function.  I 
don't think the conversion of the chars is happening here.  Does PHP 
automatically convert special HTML chars?  If so, is there a way to stop it 
from doing this?  

In my other message, I wasn't really asking for people who have used something 
other than SOAP for returning XML but I was asking if anyone has used an 
implementation of SOAP for PHP other than the one in the PEAR library.  I know 
that there is nusoap and that php has some soap functions that can be compiled 
in, perhaps one of these implementations is better?

The only thing else I can think of is that the PEAR SOAP libraries are doing 
the conversion on the data before it sends it to the client.  Perhaps there is 
a way to tell it to stop this behavior.


Doug Jones
Co-Op Web Developer

-Original Message-
From: Greg Beaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 1:37 AM
To: Jones, Douglas 1
Subject: Re: help with PEAR and SOAP [offlist]

Douglas 1 Jones wrote:
 I have the SOAP PEAR package set up correctly to the point where I can send a 
 request and get a response.  However, my web service is designed to return 
 XML back to the caller.  When I do this, all of the tags have their  and 
  converted to lt; and gt;.  I have spent much time searching the web for 
 an answer to this, but have come up empty handed.  If anyone knows how to 
 solve this that would be great.  Also, if anyone has experience writing a web 
 service in PHP that returns XML I am open to suggestions of approaches other 
 than using the PEAR SOAP package.

Before digging too deeply, be sure you try doing a reverse 
html_specialchars() on the result and see if that doesn't fix your problem.

Something like:
$tr = get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS);
$result = strtr($result, $tr);

As for alternatives to SOAP, perhaps an offlist discussion would work 
better as it doesn't really have anything to do with PHP until you start 
implementing it :).  What kind of information does the web service provide?


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[PHP] help with PEAR and SOAP

2004-12-28 Thread Jones, Douglas 1

I have the SOAP PEAR package set up correctly to the point where I can send a 
request and get a response.  However, my web service is designed to return XML 
back to the caller.  When I do this, all of the tags have their  and  
converted to lt; and gt;.  I have spent much time searching the web for an 
answer to this, but have come up empty handed.  If anyone knows how to solve 
this that would be great.  Also, if anyone has experience writing a web service 
in PHP that returns XML I am open to suggestions of approaches other than using 
the PEAR SOAP package.


Doug Jones
Co-Op Web Developer

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Re: [PHP] Compiling PHP Source guides

2004-12-22 Thread Bruce Douglas
if you want to know/have a rough guide on building/compiling php with 
mysql/mysqli support, the following link should help you out... although it's 
for linux..

it kind of walks you through what you need to do..

hope it helps...


-Original Message-
Sent: Dec 22, 2004 2:10 PM
To: Donald Tyler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP] Compiling PHP Source guides

Quoting Donald Tyler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I did RTFM. The exact page you linked to in fact:



 In order to have these functions available, you must compile PHP with
 support for the mysqli extension.


 That is the whole point of my request. I need a guide explaining *how*
 to compile the PHP Source.

The directions to compile the PHP source *are* on the page at -- you compile it using the
make steps in the directions there.

(But it seems the problem is that you don't recognize those as compilation
instructions, which is understandable if you're a newbie.  The page also says

 Basic Unix skills (being able to operate make and a C compiler)

are a prerequisite, so you probably should find a person you can rely on to
deliver those skills repeatably or teach them to you, which is not something
you really get from a mailing list.  Get a good intor Unix book.  After all,
you wouldn't expect that if you subscribed to a heart surgery mailing list and
said I'm a complete newbie -- can you tell me how to do a quadruple bypass?
someone would step you through it?  Yes, there are differences in degree,
but...!  :)

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Re: [PHP] can I compile php source

2004-12-21 Thread Bruce Douglas
after looking at the msgs on this list for this thread...

i'm curious. if you see an email that you don't want to respond to, why can't 
you simply choose not to respond to it, and ignore the msg.


-Original Message-
From: Paul Aviles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Dec 21, 2004 7:48 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] can I compile php source

some people will never get it.

- Original Message - 
From: Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 10:41 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP] can I compile php source

 no sympathy, reality.
 So, if someone asks how to past the max_upload size limit will you send
 to google or maybe point them to your web site how-to?
 be kind, is free, and people will respect you more.
 Nope, because the question requires more than a yes or no answer. I
 would most likely say something like...
 I am not on this list to earn respect. I am here to learn and where
 possible, teach. And if you want people to be more politically correct
 so no one gets insulted or gets their feelings hurt you have come to
 the wrong place.
 This message has been scanned for viruses and
 dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

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Re: [PHP] can I compile php source

2004-12-21 Thread Bruce Douglas

now guys/ladies.. this was funny! 

and can we move on... !

-Original Message-
From: Matthew Sims [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Dec 21, 2004 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] can I compile php source

 On Wednesday 22 December 2004 01:37, Paul Aviles wrote:
 Guys, this is trivial. It takes the same effort to provide the answer to
 whoever this guy was, than to lecture him on how to think.

 Teach a person to fish ...

 Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates -

You know, I bet that man is getting sick of eating fish all the time.

Teach a man to shoot a cow...

--Matthew Sims

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Re: [PHP] can I compile php source

2004-12-20 Thread Bruce Douglas

and this response was helpful to the guy who asked the original question, 

i mean, aside from showing that you know how to do a link, what did you show


-Original Message-
From: John Nichel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Dec 20, 2004 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] can I compile php source

QT wrote:
 is there any way to compile php source to make binary file for protecting
 source code?
 best regards


--'s all about the Rush

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Re: [PHP] Delivering large files via PHP (300MB)

2004-12-13 Thread Bruce Douglas

you might also look into 'bit torrent'...


-Original Message-
From: Richard Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Dec 13, 2004 11:53 AM
Subject: [PHP] Delivering large files via PHP (300MB)

Hi all,

   Just thought I would pick the collective brain on this one. I have
   a requirement to deliver a large EXE file to customers after they
   order. The file is just under 400 MB in size and, because they have
   just purchased it, I obviously cannot have this file in a public
   location on the web server that someone could browse to.

   I can push the file out quite easily using a modified header and a
   simple script to check if they can download it or not, but with
   such a large file a significant number of web browsers fail to
   obtain the entire EXE before closing - or any other number of
   factors kick into play (their PC resets, ISP disconnects, Windows
   crashes, etc).

   Some browsers support resuming download, but not when the file has
   been sent via the headers I use, also FTP is not an option as I
   cannot create and destroy FTP users on the server easily (or for
   that matter assume the customer knows how to perform FTP

   I'm also aware that it's not such a hot idea to lock-up Apache for
   the time it takes to download the whole file, especially with a
   large number of users doing this.
   So I came up with an idea that I'd like your opinions on: I built a
   small but friendly Windows application (50KB in size) that will
   connect to the web server via HTTPS, check the download credentials
   and if all is ok, it then downloads the file via HTTP in 1MB
   chunks. The file is just a single EXE file sat outside of my web
   root, and the PHP script that serves the file uses fopen() to open
   the file, then fseeks to the required section of it, reads in 1MB
   worth of data, closes the file and then echos this out (after
   suitable headers of course, shown below)

   header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
   header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary');
   header(Content-Length: $total_chunksize);
   header(Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\$chunkname\);

   The Windows app performs various checks on the file segments as
   they download and eventually stitches the whole thing back together
   at the end (there is a resume download feature so you can come
   back to it at a later time if you need, or your ISP disconnects).

   A quick MD5 file integrity check with the server confirms the file has
   downloaded fully.

   I have tested this out on some massive files across a range of PCs
   and Windows installations and it works perfectly, so I'm happy that
   the Windows side of things is correct. But I would be interested to
   hear peoples views on the PHP side of the equation - would it be
   better for Apache to be running PHP scripts that shove out smaller
   1MB chunks as opposed to doing a fpassthru on a 300MB+ file? Or do
   you think there is another more elegant solution?

   I'm aware my app is for Windows only (although I could easily port
   it to OS X), but the files they are downloading are PC games
   anyway, so it's no bad thing in this case.

Best regards,

Richard Davey
-- - PHP Development Services
 I am not young enough to know everything. - Oscar Wilde

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[PHP] problems after installing on new hard-drive

2004-08-17 Thread Hull, Douglas D
I recently had a hard-drive go down in which I was running os x 10.2.x.  I do not 
remember exactly what version of mysql, php etc. I had on it.  I had a small mysql 
database with some php code that worked fine.  Now that I have my new drive I have put 
php 4.3.2, phpmyadmin 2.5.7-pl1, and mysql 4.0 (for os x 10.3.4).  One error was when 
trying to connect to server which is my machine in this case.  But when I ran that 
same code using an include, it worked fine.  After copying the code from my include 
file into where the error was it worked fine as well.  And yep it was definetly the 
same code.  Also, after hitting my submit, there is no data being passed via my post.  
It also gives me an Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach().  As I said all 
this code worked fine on my os x 10.2.x.

Any help would be appreciated,

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[PHP] what file holds my databases

2004-08-04 Thread Hull, Douglas D
Really stupid question.  I set up apache, mysql, phpadmin etc., and started personal 
web sharing of course on my mac and created a couple of databases.  My question is on 
my hard-drive, where and/or what file holds my databases?

Thanks for any help,

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[PHP] load data infile

2004-07-16 Thread Hull, Douglas D
I have a tab delimited file I am trying to load in my database using:

LOAD DATA INFILE '/users/dbs/sites/phpmyadmin/gus/exptab.txt' INTO TABLE datable;

But all it will load is the first record and I have about 2000 records.  There are 20 
columns of data in my 'exptab.txt' file I am loading and there are 20 fields in 

Any ideas, if you could email me directly I would appreciate it, thanks,

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[PHP] using htmlentities with data in textarea

2004-07-13 Thread Hull, Douglas D
As John H told me (which is true) I should  run my words through htmlentities.  I have 
a textarea in a form for individuals to type in a list of words.  From there I place 
these words in an array and then perform calculations and echo the words back out with 
the resulting calculations.  But if one enters:w'   my word ends upw\' I 
have tried using htmlentities in my array and other places (to take the slash out) but 
to no avail.  Here is what I tried when putting my words in my array:

$zchrpos = 0;
$tok = strtok($zwords,  \r);
while ($tok !== FALSE) {
$toks[] = htmlentities(trim($tok));
$tok = strtok( \r);
Any help would be appreciated,

Sorry about the return receipt turned on in previous emails!

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[PHP] placing values in html teaxtarea

2004-07-12 Thread Hull, Douglas D
After doing calculations etc on my data I am wanting to place it in a textarea form in 
html.  I am having trouble getting my data to show up in my texarea.  For example, say 
after all my calculations I my field called $test ends up containing This is a test. 
 Here is what I tried:

textarea name=zoutput rows=20 cols=70 wrap value=? echo $test; ? / 
I can add the $test to input like this but not a textarea.
Name: input type=text name=zfname value=? echo $test; ?/ br
Is this possible?


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[PHP] after submitting, working with data on same page

2004-07-09 Thread Hull, Douglas D
I have my two html textarea fields followed by these two buttons.

form action=?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']? method=post br
input type=submit name=calcentry value=Calc Your Entry / 
input type=submit name=clearentry value=Clear Your Entry / 
I have textarea1 to type words into.  I have textarea2 for my results.  I have people 
type words in textarea1 and after hitting the calcentry button I want to reload the 
same page, go into my:

if ($calcentry) {...}

part of my code and do some calculations with php and mysql and put my output into 
textarea2.  But after submitting and re-loading the page my textarea1 field is empty.  
So my first question is how do I keep the data in textarea1 so when I perform my 
submit I can do some calculations on it etc?  Then how can I place my results into 

So all I want is to type words into a textarea field, reload the same page, do some 
calcs on these words, and place the results into textarea.  So it amounts to having 
the exact same page but now I have my calculated results in the second textarea.  I 
have all my code for calcs etc. and it works fine.

Thanks for any help,

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[PHP] after suubmitting, working with data on same page

2004-07-09 Thread Hull, Douglas D
Just to make it simple this is my whole page for now, when putting words in the 
textarea zwords and hitting calc your entry it never goes into my if statement:


if ($_POST['$calcentry'] == Calc Your Entry) {
echo 'xxx' . $zwords . 'xxx';
textarea name=zwords rows=20 cols=30 wrap /

textarea name=zoutput rows=20 cols=70 wrap /
/textarea BR

form action=?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']? method=post br
input type=submit name=calcentry value=Calc Your Entry / 


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RE: [PHP] after suubmitting, working with data on same page

2004-07-09 Thread Hull, Douglas D
Sorry about that.  It did execute my if but shows nothing for $zwords.  
So my echo shows:   xx
after entering cat and pressing my calc your entry.
How do I get my value(s) I entered in to work with?

 From: Marek Kilimajer
 Sent: Friday, July 9, 2004 1:41 PM
 To:   Hull, Douglas D
 Cc:   Note To Php general List (E-mail)
 Subject:  Re: [PHP] after suubmitting, working with data on same page
 if ($_POST['calcentry'] == Calc Your Entry) {
 Hull, Douglas D wrote:
  Just to make it simple this is my whole page for now, when putting words in the 
  textarea zwords and hitting calc your entry it never goes into my if statement:
  if ($_POST['$calcentry'] == Calc Your Entry) {
  echo 'xxx' . $zwords . 'xxx';
  textarea name=zwords rows=20 cols=30 wrap /
  textarea name=zoutput rows=20 cols=70 wrap /
  /textarea BR
  form action=?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']? method=post br
  input type=submit name=calcentry value=Calc Your Entry / 

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Re: [PHP] Need to refine this:

2004-02-03 Thread Douglas Douglas
Just my two cents :)

$temp = ;
echo table\n;
while ($mydata = mysql_fetch_object($myquery)) {
 if ($temp != $mydata-district) {
 $temp = $mydata-district;
 echo tr bgcolor=\#CC\td$mydata-district/td/tr\n;
 echo tr bgcolor=\#CC\td$mydata-city/td
echo /table\n;

Hope it helps.

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[PHP] Array to string?

2003-10-14 Thread Douglas Douglas
Hello everybody.

Is there any built-in function to convert an array to


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Re: [PHP] Array to string?

2003-10-14 Thread Douglas Douglas
I just found it: implode. Sorry to bother you.

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RE: [PHP] PHP 4.3.3 Install, Errors??

2003-09-26 Thread Adam Douglas
I finally have my installation of PHP 4.3.3 to work, thanks to your help and
a couple other people on IRC. For knowledge sack here's how I resolve the

Installed port/packages of...

gd-1.8.3 (built in library of PHP would not work for me)
zlib (build in. standard part of OpenBSD, /usr/lib/)

To resolve the config: error: fix png.h not found. error I was unable to
do this without making a symbolic link.

cd /usr/local/include; ln -s libpng/*. This would crate a symbolic link of
each file in /usr/local/include/libpng in /usr/local/include.

Than run configure, and everything was just fine.

./configure --with-mysql --with-xml --with-apxs --without-pear
--with-config-file-path=/var/www/conf --with-zlib --with-zlib-dir=/usr
--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local --with-png-dir=/usr/local --with-gd=/usr/local

make install

Thanks for the help!

 Unless you need PEAR, you're fine. Try configuring 
 --without-pear. You should 
 really be doing this anyways unless actually need PEAR.
 Evan Nemerson
 On Thursday 11 September 2003 02:10 pm, Adam Douglas wrote:
  Hi. I have a machine that's been freshly installed with PHP 
 4.1.1. I wanted
  to upgrade it to PHP 4.3.3. So I did the following below as 
 SU and received
  the below errors. Is this something I should be worried 
 about? How can I
  resolve the errors? Never have had this happen before in 
 the past. I ran
  phpinfo() and it shows PHP 4.3.3, but is the install of PHP okay?
  If you require any additional information let me know, thanks!
  # make install
  Installing PHP CLI binary:/usr/local/bin/
  Installing PHP CLI man page:  /usr/local/man/man1/
  Installing PHP SAPI module:   apache
  [activating module `php4' in /var/www/conf/httpd.conf]
  cp libs/ /usr/lib/apache/modules/
  chmod 755 /usr/lib/apache/modules/
  cp /var/www/conf/httpd.conf /var/www/conf/httpd.conf.bak
  cp /var/www/conf/ /var/www/conf/httpd.conf
  rm /var/www/conf/
  Installing shared extensions:
  Installing PEAR environment:  /usr/local/lib/php/
  Parse error: parse error in
 .xml on line
  1 *** Error code 255
  Stop in /usr/files/storage/Software/php-4.3.3 (line 263 of 
  *** Error code 1
  Stop in /usr/files/storage/Software/php-4.3.3 (line 269 of 

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RE: [PHP] How to access a program outside of PHP?

2003-09-11 Thread Adam Douglas
Mmm... okay. I tried that and nothing. Is there no way for me to determine
what the problem is? Error message some place, log file, etc? I do not
understand why this is not work. Even a simple example from the PHP manual
on system() does not work.

 I meant to do this:
 $szPipe = `/htdocs/gs -q
 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
 -sOutputFile=/htdocs/merged.pdf /htdocs/Sep08-113518.pdf
 Backticks is simply the ` sign (usually the character above 
 the tab). 
 Popularly know as `hair on the ear` in my country :-)
 for example if you want to invoke ls from php you just type
 $result = `ls`;
 hey presto the output from ls is now in your $result variable.
 Ohhh okay. Well if you mean to do this, $szPipe = 
 popen(`/htdocs/gs -q
 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
 -sOutputFile=/htdocs/merged.pdf /htdocs/Sep08-113518.pdf
 /htdocs/Sep08-113523.pdf`, r);. This does not seem change 
 anything. If I
 do this with the system() example, I get Warning: system(): 
 Cannot execute
 a blank command in /htdocs/index.php on line 14.

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RE: [PHP] How to access a program outside of PHP?

2003-09-11 Thread Adam Douglas
No I have Safe_Mode = off. I also have error_reporting = E_ALL and
display_errors = on and I have php errors to log to a log file. I have no
log file of php errors nor is there an error being display on the page.

Geez this is frustrating, yeah that's what I figure but you would think
there can be something done about this or at least get some error message to
determine what is going on.

 btw have you checked if you are in safe_mode? in php.ini
 error level can also be set in php.ini
 my guess is that you have a problem in your chroot setup.

 Adam Douglas wrote:
 Mmm... okay. I tried that and nothing. Is there no way for 
 me to determine
 what the problem is? Error message some place, log file, 
 etc? I do not
 understand why this is not work. Even a simple example from 
 the PHP manual
 on system() does not work.
 I meant to do this:
 $szPipe = `/htdocs/gs -q
 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
 -sOutputFile=/htdocs/merged.pdf /htdocs/Sep08-113518.pdf

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[PHP] PHP 4.3.3 Install, Errors??

2003-09-11 Thread Adam Douglas
Hi. I have a machine that's been freshly installed with PHP 4.1.1. I wanted
to upgrade it to PHP 4.3.3. So I did the following below as SU and received
the below errors. Is this something I should be worried about? How can I
resolve the errors? Never have had this happen before in the past. I ran
phpinfo() and it shows PHP 4.3.3, but is the install of PHP okay?

If you require any additional information let me know, thanks!

# make install
Installing PHP CLI binary:/usr/local/bin/
Installing PHP CLI man page:  /usr/local/man/man1/
Installing PHP SAPI module:   apache
[activating module `php4' in /var/www/conf/httpd.conf]
cp libs/ /usr/lib/apache/modules/
chmod 755 /usr/lib/apache/modules/
cp /var/www/conf/httpd.conf /var/www/conf/httpd.conf.bak
cp /var/www/conf/ /var/www/conf/httpd.conf
rm /var/www/conf/
Installing shared extensions:
Installing PEAR environment:  /usr/local/lib/php/

Parse error: parse error in
/usr/files/storage/Software/php-4.3.3/pear/package-Archive_Tar.xml on line 1
*** Error code 255

Stop in /usr/files/storage/Software/php-4.3.3 (line 263 of Makefile).
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/files/storage/Software/php-4.3.3 (line 269 of Makefile).

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[PHP] How to access a program outside of PHP?

2003-09-10 Thread Adam Douglas
Hi. I'm trying to develop a web interface to the ghostscript (gs)
application. I have the ghostscript syntax down perfectly in the console.
Now when I go to try and do it in PHP I get nothing. No errors, nothing just
a blank page with PHP logs turned on and errors turned on.

I'm running Apache with PHP 4.3.3 on OpenBSD 3.3 i386. In my case Apache
(httpd) is chrooted to /var/htdocs/. So I figured I would have to copy
ghostscript and all it's dependencies to /var/htdocs/ at least for it to
work. Still nothing. Here's the code I used below. At this point I do not
know what direction to go to get this to work or if it is even possible.
I've tried exec(), system() and popen() api functions. I get nothing no
results, no errors what so ever. BTW, ghostscript does appear to work fine
in the chrooted directory via the console. At this point the below code is
all I have. The syntax for ghostscript shown below just outputs the data of
the 2 PDF files to the pdfwrite so it will merge them together into a
merged.pdf file. Quite simple actually.

$szPipe = popen(/htdocs/gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
-sOutputFile=/htdocs/merged.pdf /htdocs/Sep08-113518.pdf
/htdocs/Sep08-113523.pdf, r);

I tried resulting to something simple to get this to work. I took the
example from the PHP manual system() page
( In this example is it
suppose to return Last Line of Output:  and Return value: 127? This
occurs with system() and passthru(). I thought it should return the last
line of a ls would show in the console.

Any ideas or direction on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.


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RE: [PHP] How to access a program outside of PHP?

2003-09-10 Thread Adam Douglas
 1) please try $szPipe and see if you get any output.
 2) if you are jailed in /var/htdocs/ your pathname /htdocs/qs 
 is incorrect.
 3) I guess you tried running gs from the jail either as 
 yourself or as 
 please see if nobody or apache (the webserver's user) can run 

1) When I echo out $szPipe I get Resource id #2.
2) Oops, that chrooted in /var/www/. So I thought I should be putting just a
/htdocs/, no?
3)Yes I tried running gs in the console as root works fine and as myself and
that works fine. The user is www that runs httpd. How could I test to see if
www has access? To my understanding such accounts can not be used to log in
with. I have chown the /htdocs/ to be www:.

 Hi. I'm trying to develop a web interface to the ghostscript (gs)
 application. I have the ghostscript syntax down perfectly in 
 the console.
 Now when I go to try and do it in PHP I get nothing. No 
 errors, nothing just
 a blank page with PHP logs turned on and errors turned on.
 I'm running Apache with PHP 4.3.3 on OpenBSD 3.3 i386. In my 
 case Apache
 (httpd) is chrooted to /var/htdocs/. So I figured I would 
 have to copy
 ghostscript and all it's dependencies to /var/htdocs/ at 
 least for it to
 work. Still nothing. Here's the code I used below. At this 
 point I do not
 know what direction to go to get this to work or if it is 
 even possible.
 I've tried exec(), system() and popen() api functions. I get 
 nothing no
 results, no errors what so ever. BTW, ghostscript does 
 appear to work fine
 in the chrooted directory via the console. At this point the 
 below code is
 all I have. The syntax for ghostscript shown below just 
 outputs the data of
 the 2 PDF files to the pdfwrite so it will merge them together into a
 merged.pdf file. Quite simple actually.
 $szPipe = popen(/htdocs/gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
 -sOutputFile=/htdocs/merged.pdf /htdocs/Sep08-113518.pdf
 /htdocs/Sep08-113523.pdf, r);
 I tried resulting to something simple to get this to work. I took the
 example from the PHP manual system() page
 ( In this 
 example is it
 suppose to return Last Line of Output:  and Return value: 
 127? This
 occurs with system() and passthru(). I thought it should 
 return the last
 line of a ls would show in the console.
 Any ideas or direction on how to do this would be greatly 

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RE: [PHP] How to access a program outside of PHP?

2003-09-10 Thread Adam Douglas
  Hi. I'm trying to develop a web interface to the ghostscript (gs)
  application. I have the ghostscript syntax down perfectly 
 in the console.
  Now when I go to try and do it in PHP I get nothing. No 
 errors, nothing
  a blank page with PHP logs turned on and errors turned on.
 Does the Apache user have permission to run this program? PHP 
 runs as the
 Apache user when installed as a module.

It should. I've moved the gs and all dependencies into /var/www/htdocs/.
I've ran it from that location and it seems to work fine. Also I've chowned
the /htdocs/ to be www:www. Should have all the rights it needs.
Apache/HTTPD runs as www.

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Re: [PHP] executing shell commands.

2003-09-10 Thread Douglas Douglas

I'm not sure this could be your problem, but this is
what I see:

$numlin = '/bin/cat 
| /bin/wc -l';

I think you should write it like this:

$numlin = /bin/cat 
| /bin/wc -l;

I had this kind of problem once and my script wasn't
replacing the variable ($system). It was just writing
$system in the string.

Hope this helps.

Regards, Douglas.

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RE: [PHP] How to access a program outside of PHP?

2003-09-10 Thread Adam Douglas
 1) When I echo out $szPipe I get Resource id #2.
 Sorry i was thinking of backticks.  btw have you tried it ? 

Backticks? Is this a PHP API function, I can't find it? That's the thing
here I haven't been able to get things to work and I have no clue what I
should use, exec(), system(), popen(), etc. gs just needs to be run, I do
not require any output back from it other than if I can determine if it's
been ran or not (true/false).

 3)Yes I tried running gs in the console as root works fine 
 and as myself and
 that works fine. The user is www that runs httpd. How could 
 I test to see if
 www has access? To my understanding such accounts can not be 
 used to log in
 with. I have chown the /htdocs/ to be www:.
 can't login yes. but you can try: sudo -u www /htdocs/gs

Okay, tried that and yes it worked.

Any more ideas? Is there any logs I could look at to find out more, I've
looked around but haven't found anything as of yet.

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[PHP] PHP-General List post bounces???

2003-09-10 Thread Adam Douglas
Why do I keep getting this?

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 10:12 AM
 Subject: [ERR] RE: [PHP] How to access a program outside of PHP?
 Transmit Report:
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 402 Local User Inbox Full 

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RE: [PHP] How to access a program outside of PHP?

2003-09-10 Thread Adam Douglas
 Backticks is simply the ` sign (usually the character above the tab). 
 Popularly know as `hair on the ear` in my country :-)
 for example if you want to invoke ls from php you just type
 $result = `ls`;
 hey presto the output from ls is now in your $result variable.

Ohhh okay. Well if you mean to do this, $szPipe = popen(`/htdocs/gs -q
-sOutputFile=/htdocs/merged.pdf /htdocs/Sep08-113518.pdf
/htdocs/Sep08-113523.pdf`, r);. This does not seem change anything. If I
do this with the system() example, I get Warning: system(): Cannot execute
a blank command in /htdocs/index.php on line 14.

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Re: [PHP] PHP vs ASP.NET formal opinions request

2003-08-14 Thread Douglas Douglas
Thanks to everybody for your kind responses.

By the way, I go to the Universidad de El Salvador
(Central America).

In a such poor country like this, Free Software and
Open Source could be the answer to the government's
software needs.

Unfortunately, MS has the monopoly in the government's
software, and our leaders see GNU like We don't have
any support for that. Nobody guarantees us the GNU
software's good performance. With MS we can demand
answers to SOMEBODY. They say that they prefer to pay
to get that warranty.

I know that it's going to be hard, but I'm willing to
fight for what I believe in. Wish me luck :D

Thanks again.

Regards, Douglas.

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[PHP] PHP vs ASP.NET formal opinions request

2003-08-14 Thread Douglas Douglas
Hello everybody.

I've been doing some research about the PHP vs ASP.NET
debate, because I need to justify the use of PHP in my
graduation work.

In my University, people in charge of approving the
graduation works advocate Microsoft's technologies.
They don't believe in the free software movement or
the open source movement. Some guys tried to develop a
system using PHP and those people made them change to
ASP.NET. They say because It's the future. According
to them it's where the money is.

Well, I only have one year using PHP, but I'll try to
fight. I've read a lot of opinions that have been very
useful to me.

I collected a lot of those opinions and printed to
show them to the authorities, but they said that I
needed formal basis (books, scientific journals,
etc.) to justify the use of PHP. They said that they'd
WEBSITES opinions and articles.

I pretend to use this comparison found in the
Microsoft MSDN website:

Can you give me some pointers (websites, names, etc)
where I could find this kind of formal comparison
about both technologies?

I've been looking for some book that covers this
issue. I've also been looking for some magazine
article that I could use.

I'd appreciate any kind of help. Thanks.

Regards, Douglas.

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Re: [PHP] PHP vs ASP.NET formal opinions request

2003-08-14 Thread Douglas Douglas
Thank you for the links Mr. Rees.

I specially liked the one about MS giving $500K to the
Peruvian President.

Thanks to everybody's help I have some BIG
like IBM, Yahoo and Google.

I'm very thankful to all of you.

Regards, Douglas.

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[PHP] Variable variables question?

2003-06-13 Thread Douglas Douglas
Hello everybody.

I have the following class method:

function HTTPValidator($method)
   $this-data = ${'_'.$method};
   $this-rules= array();
   $this-required = array();

data, rules and required are arrays. The parameter
$method can have the values: GET or POST.  I'm trying
to store the superglobal array in the data class
To get the superglobal array ($_GET or $_POST), I try
to build these strings '_'.$method. I'm sure this part
works, PHP builds the string _GET or _POST according
to the $method parameter.
I use ${'_'.$method} to get the contents of the
superglobal. But this piece of code doesn't work. It
seems like PHP doesn't build the $_GET or $_POST
Funny thing, I tried the same code on another script
and worked. Here's that script:

echo 'pre';
echo '/prebrbr';
$method = 'POST';
$data = ${'_'.$method};
echo 'pre';
echo '/prebrbr';

(I even tried to send the $method parameter as '_GET'
and '_POST', and didn't work either).

I'm very confused. Thanks for any help.

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RE: [PHP] Variable variables question?

2003-06-13 Thread Douglas Douglas
Thanks for the answer Mike.

Thanks for the explanation, but I think this is a
different case, isn't? I'm not trying to do this
${$_POST}, I'm trying to make this string $_POST.

And I have another question. Why does this code work?

echo 'pre';
echo '/prebrbr';
$method = 'POST';
$data = ${'_'.$method};
echo 'pre';
echo '/prebrbr';

It does what I want it to do. I use it as the action
of the same form I submitted before and it does print
the superglobal array twice. The difference between
this code and the one that doesn't work is that the
latter is a class method.

What do you think? Thanks again.

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[PHP] reading/writing the value of an UL/LI text value

2003-06-09 Thread Bruce Douglas

I have a question regarding the DOM model. Does anyone know how to write to
the UL/LI text value using the DOM model. I more or less can write to
select/option attributes of the DOM. but I can't figure out how to write
(or read) the text of a UL-LI attribute

I'd like to be able to do something like:

echo = dfdgd;
(of course, using whatever the appropriate doument string would be...)

Any pointers/code samples/web sites would be helpful


(925) 866-2790

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RE: [PHP] creating new mail account on a domain

2003-04-06 Thread Mark Douglas
This is entirely dependant on what mail server you are running, how it's
configured, and what tools you have at your disposal for controlling it
(CLI, web, ...).

If you actually want help with this issue, we're going to need a lot more

-Original Message-
From: Lars Tvedt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2003 12:48 PM
Subject: [PHP] creating new mail account on a domain

How do i create a new mail account on a domain?

My domain is
and I wish to create a new mail account without using the server admin
but rahter using a php script.

Do anyone know how to do this?

any help appreciated.

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RE: [PHP] Quick Sessions ?

2003-04-04 Thread Mark Douglas
Let's ask the dumb questions first:

Is your webserver parsing .html files for PHP?

-Original Message-
From: Anthony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 3:03 PM
Subject: [PHP] Quick Sessions ?

I have an issue.  For some reason I can't pass session data to pages within
different folders.  What I have is a page in like  This page creates session information
and holds it correctly.  The app collects user data and then eventualy sends
a location header to ../index.html - in this file there is php that check
to see if the session data is there and. no longer there!!!  So what
gives?  Can I not pass session info from pages in folders?  I'm not changing
the domain, so I shouldn't loose the cookie I'm lost   Please help
me out :)

- Anthony

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RE: [PHP] php.ini file not being updated with install

2003-04-04 Thread Mark Douglas
If you are using php as a DSO, you need to restart your webserver to load
the new install.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 9:25 PM
Subject: [PHP] php.ini file not being updated with install

Hello Everyone,
I updated php recently in order to add the --with-ldap part.
so my config.nice file now looks like:

'./configure' \
'--with-apache=../apache_1.3.27' \
'--with-mysql=/usr' \
'--with-oci8=/opt/oracle/product/9.2.0' \
'--enable-sigchild' \
'--with-ldap' \

To update php, I ran make clean then the above ./configure line
and then:
make install

Now it looks like my command line php executable has been updated and is
able to connect to ldap.
However if I check out my phpinfo() from the web, it does not show the 
new Build Date.  It still shows all the information from the last time I
complied php and still cannot connect to ldap.

Could anyone please help??

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RE: [PHP] Which PHP version is stable with apache 2.0.39

2003-04-03 Thread Mark Douglas
Something you should note before diving into making PHP work with Apache
2.0.39 - Apache 2.0.45 was recently released, to address a DOS vulnerability
in Apache2 on all platforms. You may want to upgrade (or have your system
administrator upgrade) to Apache 2.0.45.

A second note, when I went from 2.0.39 and PHP 4.2.x to Apache 2.0.43 and
4.3.0, my life became a whole lot easier as PHP and Apache seemed to behave
a lot better together. So beyond upgrading Apache for security reasons, I
would recommend using the latest PHP 4.3.x as well.


-Original Message-
From: Jason Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 8:45 PM
To: Jennifer Goodie; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] Which PHP version is stable with apache 2.0.39


Thank you,  I have followed that link previously and however find it
somewhat confusing.

~These versions of PHP are compatible to Apache 2.0.40 and later. 

~Note: Apache 2.0 SAPI-support started with PHP 4.2.0. PHP 4.2.3 its
known ~to work in conjunction with Apache 2.0.39. Don't try to use this
version of ~PHP with any other version of Apache. We do not recommend to
use PHP 4.2.3 ~along with Apache 2.0.39.

In one part it is saying that it is known to work and then goes on to
say is not recommended. Does anyone know why it is not recommended.



All mentioned versions of PHP will work still with Apache 1.3.x. 

-Original Message-
From: Jennifer Goodie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 4 April 2003 11:25 AM
To: Jason Smith; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] Which PHP version is stable with apache 2.0.39

 -Original Message-
 From: Jason Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 5:22 PM
 Subject: [PHP] Which PHP version is stable with apache 2.0.39
 Need some information as I cant seem to find it in the manual or
 We are running apache 2.0.39 on redhat 7.3 and would like to run PHP
 the same server.
 I am having trouble finding out if there is a stable version that runs
 with Apache 2.0.39
 Any help appreciated

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[PHP] Problems with post data

2003-03-29 Thread Mark Douglas
I'm having problems with my post variables. Here's the page I use to submit

/nbsp;nbsp;INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=Add New Skill Area /BR /BR /

Here's the test2.php page:


This is all very simple, and works on one of my webservers. However, on
another webserver with a practically identical configuration, if I post
testing the result that I get is this:

Array ( [new_area] = testingnew_area=testing ) 

I've spent hours scouring my two configurations, changing options here and
there, and have had zero success in making the problem webserver work.

The server is a dual processor RedHat 8 system running apache 2.0.43, and
php 4.3.1. You can see the phpinfo at (yes htm, not php). Any and
all help is appreciated!

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RE: [PHP] Storing a graphic file in a MySQL database

2003-03-29 Thread Mark Douglas
Here's a good start:

-Original Message-
From: Phil Schwarzmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 7:56 AM
Subject: [PHP] Storing a graphic file in a MySQL database

Where can I find some information on storing a graphic file such as a JPG or
GIF into a MySQL database.  I'm assuming I have to convert it to a binary
format and store it that way.  Or maybe this isn't possible?



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RE: [PHP] Problems with post data

2003-03-29 Thread Mark Douglas
Yes, the webserver that works is running apache2, however it's 2.0.44
instead of 2.0.43... I'm upgrading the broken one now to see if that fixes
the problem.

-Original Message-
From: John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 10:50 AM
To: 'Mark Douglas'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] Problems with post data

I bet the web server that works is not running Apache 2, is it? Either
way, it's an Apache2 and PHP bug. It's in the bug tracker somewhere...
Use Apache 1.3.27 or whatever the latest is...

---John W. Holmes...

PHP Architect - A monthly magazine for PHP Professionals. Get your copy

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Douglas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 7:57 AM
 Subject: [PHP] Problems with post data
 I'm having problems with my post variables. Here's the page I use to
 /nbsp;nbsp;INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=Add New Skill Area /BR
/BR /
 Here's the test2.php page:
 This is all very simple, and works on one of my webservers. However,
 another webserver with a practically identical configuration, if I
 testing the result that I get is this:
 Array ( [new_area] = testingnew_area=testing )
 I've spent hours scouring my two configurations, changing options here
 there, and have had zero success in making the problem webserver work.
 The server is a dual processor RedHat 8 system running apache 2.0.43,
 php 4.3.1. You can see the phpinfo at (yes htm, not php). Any
 all help is appreciated!
 PHP General Mailing List (
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RE: [PHP] Problems with post data

2003-03-29 Thread Mark Douglas
Just an FYI, 2.0.44 still isn't working on this server, while it does on
another... I don't know what to do now, so I'm just going to write code to
deal with this bug.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Douglas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 10:38 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Problems with post data

Yes, the webserver that works is running apache2, however it's 2.0.44
instead of 2.0.43... I'm upgrading the broken one now to see if that fixes
the problem.

-Original Message-
From: John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 10:50 AM
To: 'Mark Douglas'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] Problems with post data

I bet the web server that works is not running Apache 2, is it? Either
way, it's an Apache2 and PHP bug. It's in the bug tracker somewhere...
Use Apache 1.3.27 or whatever the latest is...

---John W. Holmes...

PHP Architect - A monthly magazine for PHP Professionals. Get your copy

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Douglas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 7:57 AM
 Subject: [PHP] Problems with post data
 I'm having problems with my post variables. Here's the page I use to
 /nbsp;nbsp;INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=Add New Skill Area /BR
/BR /
 Here's the test2.php page:
 This is all very simple, and works on one of my webservers. However,
 another webserver with a practically identical configuration, if I
 testing the result that I get is this:
 Array ( [new_area] = testingnew_area=testing )
 I've spent hours scouring my two configurations, changing options here
 there, and have had zero success in making the problem webserver work.
 The server is a dual processor RedHat 8 system running apache 2.0.43,
 php 4.3.1. You can see the phpinfo at (yes htm, not php). Any
 all help is appreciated!
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[PHP] How to remove only the last character?

2003-02-08 Thread Douglas Douglas
Good day.

Is there any PHP function that removes only the last
character of a string and returns the new string?

I'm looking in the manual and I can't find anything.

Until now I'm doing this:


Is this the most efficient way?


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Re: [PHP] How to remove only the last character?

2003-02-08 Thread Douglas Douglas
I want to thank you Ian, Zydox and Nicos.

After Zydox response I checked the manual again and
read this part in the substr function:

If length is given and is negative, then that many
characters will be omitted from the end of string
(after the start position has been calculated when a
start is negative)

Sorry to bother you guys, and thanks again.

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[PHP] php/sendmail/apache/linux...

2003-01-24 Thread Bruce Douglas

I'm sure the question has been answered a 1000 times!!! I'm trying to create
a simple app to send email via PHP, using the mail function.

I'm using RedHat(Linux 8.0 , Sendmail), PHP(4.2.2), Apache (2.0.40).

I'm using the following piece of code:

//test mail
$subject = savannah registration;
$message =  testing mail;
$reply = From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]\r\n
.Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]\r\n;

 to =  . $to . br;

 subject =  . $subject . br;

 msg =  . $message . br;

 reply =  . $reply . br;

 $q1 = mail($to, $subject, $message, $reply);
 return val  =  . $q1 . br;


Pretty simple eh... The problem that I have is that the mail doesn't appear
to get sent. When I look in the /var/spool/clientmqueue directory, I see a
great deal of what look to be error msgs They appear to be telling me
that the mail couldn't be delivered, but I can't tell why

I was able to successfully send a test msg via Sendmail from the command
line by telnet. So I know the Sendmail engine/daemon seems to be
performing... The PHP.ini file appears to be setup correctly, with the
sendmail_path pointing to sendamil.

Any ideas as to what I need to do, or should be checking

Any pointers/assistance would be greatly appreciated.



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[PHP] RE: php/sendmail/apache/linux...

2003-01-24 Thread Bruce Douglas

The following information is what I have...

I created the following PHP app I'm running it from the command line.

#! /usr/bin/php -q
# a.php - test app for the php mail function
$toaddress = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
$subject = test;
$content = Name: www \n
   .E-mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] \n;

$e = mail($toaddress, $subject, $content);

if ($e == False)
echo mail = false\n;
 echo mail = true\n;

The response was:

mail = false


As you can see, the mail app failed.. The information from the
/var/spool/clientmqueue/ dir is:

[root@lserver2 savannah]# more  /var/spool/clientmqueue/dfh0P2qeLE006055

This is a MIME-encapsulated message


The original message was received at Fri, 24 Jan 2003 18:52:40 -0800
from root@localhost

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
(expanded from: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

   - Transcript of session follows -
550 5.1.2 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Host unknown (Name server: [localhost]:
host not found)

Content-Type: message/delivery-status

Reporting-MTA: dns;
Arrival-Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 18:52:40 -0800

Final-Recipient: RFC822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.2
Remote-MTA: DNS; [localhost]
Last-Attempt-Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 18:52:45 -0800

Content-Type: message/rfc822

Return-Path: root
Received: (from root@localhost)
  by (8.12.5/8.12.5/Submit) id h0P2qeLD006055;
  Fri, 24 Jan 2003 18:52:40 -0800
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 18:52:40 -0800
From: root root
Subject: test

Name: www
E-mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



[root@lserver2 savannah]# more  /var/spool/clientmqueue/Qfh0P2qeLE006055
${daemon_flags}c u
H?P?Return-Path: g
H??Received: from localhost (localhost)
  by (8.12.5/8.12.5/Submit) id h0P2qeLE006055;
  Fri, 24 Jan 2003 18:52:46 -0800
H?D?Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 18:52:46 -0800
H?F?From: Mail Delivery Subsystem MAILER-DAEMON
H?x?Full-Name: Mail Delivery Subsystem
H??To: root
H??MIME-Version: 1.0
H??Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status;
H??Subject: Returned mail: see transcript for details
H??Auto-Submitted: auto-generated (failure)

The above files are pretty much greek to me!! Other than telling me it can't
seem to handle the [EMAIL PROTECTED] address... which is odd... As a
test, I changed the email address.. I get the same response...

Is there something that I'm missing that has to be set for this to work

I have Linux Redhat 8.0, PHP 4.2.2...

I have the sendmail RPM and the PHP RPMs from the Redhat 8.0 installation

Any help/assistance will be appreciated



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Brian Schmidt
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 6:04 PM
Subject: RE: php/sendmail/apache/linux...

On Fri, 24 Jan 2003, Bruce Douglas wrote:

 However, as I stated, I'm fairly sure that the Sendmail app is working
 that I was able to send an email from the command line when i did a telnet
 localhost 25

 I'm just not certain as to how to do it through PHP

How about trying something really simple like this. I know it works.
It's part of an HTML form I've used, so you'll need one with a $name,
$email, and $morestuff input section:

  $toaddress = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  $subject = My Subject;
  $mailcontent = Name: .$name.\n
 .E-mail Address: .$email.\n
 .Additional Information: \n.$morestuff.\n;
  mail($toaddress, $subject, $mailcontent);



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lucas Albers
 Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 4:12 PM
 Subject: RE: php/sendmail/apache/linux...

 Test the mailserver with the command

 cat message.txt | mail -f [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 User the Perl sendmail mail wrapper to send the mail.

  --Computer Science Sysadmin, MSU Bozeman
  --admin(AT) 994-3931

  -Original Message

[PHP] a simple getenv question....

2003-01-22 Thread Bruce Douglas

A simple question... In the following code:


$ip = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);

echo  ip = .$ip;

echo  ip =  . getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);

echo  ip =  . getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');

echo  ip = . $REMOTE_ADDR;--


I can only seem to get the last line to display the correct value. It's as
if I can't seem to get/return any of the SERVER environment variables using
the getenv() function

I'm using Apache 2.0.40, PHP 4.2.2 on Linux RedHat 8.0.

I've checked through the PHP.INI file, but couldn't seem to find why this
might be occuring. Any help/assistance would be appreciated.



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RE: [PHP] a simple getenv question....

2003-01-22 Thread Bruce Douglas
phpinfo() returns everything as expected.. but not having the code .. i
don't know what internal method it uses to access the information...

but thanks...


-Original Message-
From: Timothy Hitchens (HiTCHO) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 4:18 PM
To: 'Jim Lucas'; 'Bruce Douglas'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] a simple getenv question

The simplest way to start looking would be phpinfo() page for starters.

Timothy Hitchens (HiTCHO)
Open Source Consulting

 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Lucas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, 23 January 2003 10:15 AM
 To: Bruce Douglas; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [PHP] a simple getenv question

 just copied your code and it worked fine for me.

 system: Apache 1.3.26
 PHP 4.2.2

 I would look into apache 2.0 and the env vars that are
 available from it.

 - Original Message -
 From: Bruce Douglas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 3:57 PM
 Subject: [PHP] a simple getenv question

  A simple question... In the following code:
  $ip = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);
  echo  ip = .$ip;
  echo  ip =  . getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);
  echo  ip =  . getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
  echo  ip = . $REMOTE_ADDR; --
  I can only seem to get the last line to display the correct value.
  It's as if I can't seem to get/return any of the SERVER environment
  the getenv() function
  I'm using Apache 2.0.40, PHP 4.2.2 on Linux RedHat 8.0.
  I've checked through the PHP.INI file, but couldn't seem to
 find why
  this might be occuring. Any help/assistance would be
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RE: [PHP] a simple getenv question....

2003-01-22 Thread Bruce Douglas

Thanks for your input.. but I was trying to get a better understanding as to
why the getenv() function was apparently not returning the SERVER
environment vars.



-Original Message-
From: Timothy Hitchens (HiTCHO) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 4:39 PM
To: 'Bruce Douglas'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] a simple getenv question

Do this:




If what you want is here this just use: $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] etc

You will need to have a look at the source of the output as the rendered
view will look a little strange.

Timothy Hitchens (HiTCHO)
Open Source Consulting

 -Original Message-
 From: Bruce Douglas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, 23 January 2003 10:33 AM
 Subject: RE: [PHP] a simple getenv question

 phpinfo() returns everything as expected.. but not having the
 code .. i don't know what internal method it uses to access
 the information...

 but thanks...


 -Original Message-
 From: Timothy Hitchens (HiTCHO) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 4:18 PM
 To: 'Jim Lucas'; 'Bruce Douglas'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: [PHP] a simple getenv question

 The simplest way to start looking would be phpinfo() page for

 Timothy Hitchens (HiTCHO)
 Open Source Consulting

  -Original Message-
  From: Jim Lucas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, 23 January 2003 10:15 AM
  To: Bruce Douglas; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [PHP] a simple getenv question
  just copied your code and it worked fine for me.
  system: Apache 1.3.26
  PHP 4.2.2
  I would look into apache 2.0 and the env vars that are
 available from
  - Original Message -
  From: Bruce Douglas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 3:57 PM
  Subject: [PHP] a simple getenv question
   A simple question... In the following code:
   $ip = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);
   echo  ip = .$ip;
   echo  ip =  . getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);
   echo  ip =  . getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
   echo  ip = . $REMOTE_ADDR; --
   I can only seem to get the last line to display the
 correct value.
   It's as if I can't seem to get/return any of the SERVER
   the getenv() function
   I'm using Apache 2.0.40, PHP 4.2.2 on Linux RedHat 8.0.
   I've checked through the PHP.INI file, but couldn't seem to
  find why
   this might be occuring. Any help/assistance would be
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Re: [PHP] nested if in a for statement

2002-12-17 Thread Douglas Douglas
I think your error is this:

$userVars = array($nameFirst, $nameLast, $pass,
$pass2, $auth, $dob_year, $dob_month, $dob_day);

for ($i=0; $i = count($userVars); $i++) {
if (empty($userVars[$i])) {
 echo please enter all required info;
You're using eight variables, so $userVars have
indexes like these $userVars[0]=$nameFirst,
$userVars[1]=$nameLast, ... , $userVars[7]=$dob_day
In the for loop you're using $i = count($userVars),
that is $i=8, but you declare $i =0... so the loop is
running nine times 0,1,...,8
The echo that you're seeing is the last run, cause
empty($userVar[8]) is true (there is nothing in that
index) Got it?
Make it $i  count($userVars).
I hope this help you.

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[PHP] Dumb session cookie question?

2002-12-08 Thread Douglas Douglas
Hi all.
I'm sorry about the dumb question, but I've just
expend two hours trying to find the damn cookie and I
couldn't :(
I've read that when you use sessions and configure the
php.ini with session.use_cookies = 1, your sessions
will always send cookies to the client (if the client
accept the cookies)...
Is that right?
I ask because I'm reading my first tutorial about
sessions and it worked fine... but I can't find where
IE6 (Windows XP, Apache 1.3.27) stores those cookies I
used... I want to see the cookie's contents...
So I was wondering if PHP really sends the cookies,
but I also printed the $_SESSION and $_COOKIE arrays
and it displayed the correct information... in
$_COOKIE displayed PHPSESSID == , so I
think there is some cookie somewhere, my question is
where is it?
I'm so confused right now...
Thanks for any help. Sorry again.

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[PHP] callbacks to methods inside a class/object

2002-09-17 Thread Douglas Marsh

Is there a clean way to make use of PHP builtins that use callbacks and 
point those call backs to a method inside the class/object:

A good example would be:


class XMLClass {

  var $parser;

  function XMLClass() {
$this-parser = xml_parser_create();
xml_parser_set_option($this-parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, TRUE);
xml_set_element_handler($this-parser, $this-start, $this-end);
xml_set_character_data_handler($this-parser, $this-data);

  function goodbye() { // a manual destructor
// other things possibly too

  function start($p2, $name, $attr) {
// do things here

  function data($p2, $data) {
// do some more here

  function end($p2, $name) {
// do even more things here

  [... and so on ...]


But since there is no way to set a callback to $this-[function_name] one 
must create a global function that uses a global object and passes things to 
the method inside the class..

Is the a way to address this? or perhaps a better way to deal with callback 
function names?

--Douglas Marsh

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Re: [PHP] 4.04 -- 4.1.2 incompatible

2002-08-20 Thread Douglas Winslow

Petre Agenbag wrote:
 My oh my
 OK, can someone help with this one???
 My original Form conatined the following:
 form action=test.php method=POST enctype=multipart/form-data
 bla, bla
 And then things broke, so, out of curiosity, I removed the enctype=
 part, and now it works/

Another tip you might find useful if you're writing code that outputs a 
FORM that posts to itself, is to echo $PHP_SELF instead of hard-coding 
the target.  If you happen to move your code elsewhere in the future, 
this will save you the time of having to go back and specify a new POST 


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[PHP] domxml

2002-06-16 Thread Douglas


I have a web page with a form. I want the user to be able to use the £ 
symbol in a text field on the form. I then pass the value of the text 
field(the £ symbol) to a DOMXML function which creates a XML string 
which is transformed into XHTML using the XSLT functions.

I have a meta tag defining the encoding of the web page as UTF-8. (So 
the £ symbol is being passed into the DOMXML function in this format? I 
echo it out just before doing this and it displays correctly.)

the DOMXML functions use UTF-8 for input and output. When I echo the XML 
output before passing it to the XSLT functions, I see that it has placed 
a  symbol immediately before the £ symbol.

Why? What is going on?
Any ideas very much appreciated.


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[PHP] seesion_register() with arrays

2002-05-31 Thread Douglas - IG

Hi All,

I´m trying to register into a session an array which has returned from a 
mysql_fetch_array function. But when I call $array it returns empty or something like 

Do you know how can I do this operation?


Here go my scripts:
# script1.php4
$sql = select * from table1;
$result = mysql_query ($sql);
form name=form1 method=post action=test.php4?session_id=?echo session_id();?

while ($array = mysql_fetch_array($result))
session_register (array);

# script2.php4
if (session_is_registered(array))
  while ($array) {
  echo $array[fieldname];
else { echo Errorbr; }

RE: [PHP] Session Initially Does Work

2002-05-02 Thread Adam Douglas

 There is a session problem with 4.1
 If register_globals is ON, then use session_register().
 If it's off, then use $_SESSION[name] = value; and the value will
 automatically be registered.

What kind of session problem? I currently have register_globals set to on. I
am already using session_register().

  Hi. I've run into a problem with my PHP session. I'm running PHP
  4.1.0 on OpenBSD v3.0 using .HTACCESS and mod_mysql. I have 
 a PHP file
  is referenced every time content is requested on the web site (this
  also sets/restores the session). This PHP file includes [include()]
  requested content within. When my session is created I register 6
  The problem comes into play when you want to access one of the 6
  variables on the initial page (after the user logs in). For some
  registered variables are not recognized. I'm accessing the register
  variables using
  $_SESSION[variable_name]. I've also assigned values to these
  funny thing about the whole issue is if you reload/refresh 
 the page or
  something else after the initial page everything works 
 fine. I require
  to work initially because if someone comes in directly using a link
  content will render a error message because the registered 
 variable is
  present for some reason. Oh and yes the cookie to set the session is
  put on the client's machine properly and at the initial page.

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RE: [PHP] Session Initially Doesn't Work

2002-05-02 Thread Adam Douglas

  Alright that's good to hear. In a specific case that I'm having
  this problem
  the main PHP file is including file (content) that refers to
  $_SESSION[nSID_PeopleID] in main. This value is vital in
  rendering the page.
  So it should be there right? Also about removing 
 session_name(), how can I
  do this. It was my understanding that you must call 
 session_name before
  session_start() and session_register(). Is this not correct?
 Ahhh, so that's your problem thenthe include isn't 
 getting the session
 id.  I've never used an include with a session setup before 
 but I would see
 the easiest thing to do be have the include first echo the 
 session id number
 and see if it is actually getting passed or not on the first call
 echo session_id();

Yuppers. I played around with the echo session_id(); and found it was not
getting into the scope of the included file. So I removed all
session_register() and replaced it with $_SESSION['varname'] = 'value'; and
it solve the problem. Your not suppose (not recommended) to use
session_register() anways, right?

Thanks for the help!

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[PHP] Session Initially Does Work

2002-05-01 Thread Adam Douglas

Hi. I've run into a problem with my PHP session. I'm running PHP
4.1.0 on OpenBSD v3.0 using .HTACCESS and mod_mysql. I have a PHP file that
is referenced every time content is requested on the web site (this file
also sets/restores the session). This PHP file includes [include()] the
requested content within. When my session is created I register 6 variables.
The problem comes into play when you want to access one of the 6 registered
variables on the initial page (after the user logs in). For some reason the
registered variables are not recognized. I'm accessing the register
variables using 
$_SESSION[variable_name]. I've also assigned values to these variables. The
funny thing about the whole issue is if you reload/refresh the page or load
something else after the initial page everything works fine. I require this
to work initially because if someone comes in directly using a link certain
content will render a error message because the registered variable is not
present for some reason. Oh and yes the cookie to set the session is being
put on the client's machine properly and at the initial page.

Am I doing something wrong? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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RE: [PHP] Session Initially Does Work

2002-05-01 Thread Adam Douglas

I already have this setup. The session works just not on the initial page
after login.

 Add ? session_start(); ?
 At the top of each page, before anything else is done.

 -Original Message-
 From: Adam Douglas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 3:15 PM
 To: PHP-General (mailing list) (E-mail)
 Subject: [PHP] Session Initially Does Work
   Hi. I've run into a problem with my PHP session. I'm running PHP
 4.1.0 on OpenBSD v3.0 using .HTACCESS and mod_mysql. I have a 
 PHP file that
 is referenced every time content is requested on the web site 
 (this file
 also sets/restores the session). This PHP file includes 
 [include()] the
 requested content within. When my session is created I 
 register 6 variables.
 The problem comes into play when you want to access one of 
 the 6 registered
 variables on the initial page (after the user logs in). For 
 some reason the
 registered variables are not recognized. I'm accessing the register
 variables using
 $_SESSION[variable_name]. I've also assigned values to these 
 variables. The
 funny thing about the whole issue is if you reload/refresh 
 the page or load
 something else after the initial page everything works fine. 
 I require this
 to work initially because if someone comes in directly using 
 a link certain
 content will render a error message because the registered 
 variable is not
 present for some reason. Oh and yes the cookie to set the 
 session is being
 put on the client's machine properly and at the initial page.
 Am I doing something wrong? Any suggestions would be greatly 

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RE: [PHP] Session Initially Does Work

2002-05-01 Thread Adam Douglas

  something else after the initial page everything works fine. I
  require this
  to work initially because if someone comes in directly using a
  link certain
  content will render a error message because the registered 
 variable is not
  present for some reason. Oh and yes the cookie to set the 
 session is being
  put on the client's machine properly and at the initial page.

 When do you set the session cookie?  Keep in mind cookies 
 don't not function
 in the same call they are created so say you create the 
 cookie on page
 A, until the user refreshes page A or goes to page B the cookie won't
 actually be in effect.

Well the cookie is set at the start of the PHP file that gets referenced
each time. I'm not setting any manual cookies just using the default session
cookie set by PHP. Below is all the code I use for the session. Formatting
is kind of goofed up in e-mail but it's there. So even though the cookie is
placed in the client's browser it's not used/session is not used or
recognized until you refresh/reload or go to another page??

-- Code Snippet --

$nSession = session_start();

$szQuery = SELECT WebAccounts.People_ID,
WebAccounts.Security_Level, People.Status_Type_ID, Company.Company_Status_ID
FROM WebAccounts, People, Company 
WHERE WebAccounts.People_ID=People.People_ID AND
People.Company_ID=Company.Company_ID AND User_Name='$REMOTE_USER';
$szDBConn =
mysql_connect(server_address,user_name,password) or die(could not
connect to server for security authentication.);
mysql_select_db(venmar, $szDBConn) or die(could
not connect to venmar for security //   authentication.);
$saResults = mysql_query($szQuery, $szDBConn) or die
(could not query venmar for security authentication.);
$obResults = mysql_fetch_row($saResults);
$nSID_PeopleID = $obResults[0]; $nSID_SecurityLevel
= $obResults[1];$nSID_PeopleStatus = $obResults[2];
$nSID_CompanyStatus = $obResults[3];

$szQuery1 = SELECT PeopleMailing.Country_ID FROM
PeopleMailing, WebAccounts WHERE
WebAccounts.People_ID=PeopleMailing.People_ID AND
$dbConnection = mysql_connect(server_address,
user_name, password) or die(could not connect to server for security
mysql_select_db(venmar, $szDBConn) or die(could
not connect to venmar for security authentication.);
$saResults1 = mysql_query($szQuery1, $szDBConn) or
die (could not query venmar for security authentication.);
$obResults1 = mysql_fetch_row($saResults1);
$nSID_Country = $obResults1[0];

$szQuery1 = SELECT Company.Country_ID FROM
Company, WebAccounts, People WHERE WebAccounts.People_ID=People.People_ID
AND People.Company_ID=Company.Company_ID AND
$saResults1 = mysql_query($szQuery1,
$szDBConn) or die (could not query venmar for security authentication
$obResults1 = mysql_fetch_row($saResults1);
$nSID_Country = $obResults1[0];

if($obResults[2] == 1  $obResults[3] == 1)
if($nSession == 1)




$szQuery = SELECT First_Login,
Last_Login, Creation_Date FROM WebAccounts WHERE User_Name='$REMOTE_USER';
$dbConnection =
mysql_connect(server_address, user_name, password) or die(could not
connect to server for security authentication.);
$dbConnection) or die(could not connect to venmar for security
$saResults = mysql_query($szQuery,
$dbConnection) or die (could not query venmar for security
$obResults =

if($obResults[0] == 00)

RE: [PHP] Session Initially Does Work

2002-05-01 Thread Adam Douglas

 That's correct, although the cookie will remain resident it 
 requires an
 inital page change/refresh.  However after looking at your 
 code I'm not
 convinced that is the problem since the first page of a 
 session creation
 should still be usable with the session as the session ID is 
 still resident
 in memory.  Have you tried running the page w/o the use of 

Alright that's good to hear. In a specific case that I'm having this problem
the main PHP file is including file (content) that refers to
$_SESSION[nSID_PeopleID] in main. This value is vital in rendering the page.
So it should be there right? Also about removing session_name(), how can I
do this. It was my understanding that you must call session_name before
session_start() and session_register(). Is this not correct?

 Also as an FYI $REMOTE_USER is an unsecure variable to use for checking
 authentication.  Basically because a url parameter will overwrite the
 original $REMOTE_USER.

 easiest method (for me anyways) is:

Yes I've never felt good about using REMOTE_USER. I will implement that idea
right now, thanks!

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[PHP] shell_exec() or passthru()

2002-03-23 Thread Douglas


I have a bash script I need to run.
I have tried all the various program execution commands.

My script never completes. It only get 1/4 of the way through.
I have tried running the script in the background.

Any ideas?

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[PHP] shell_exec() or passthru()

2002-03-23 Thread Douglas


I have a bash script I need to run.
I have tried all the various program execution commands.

My script never completes. It only get 1/4 of the way through.
I have tried running the script in the background.

Any ideas?

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RE: [PHP] What is - mean in php?

2002-03-07 Thread Douglas Maclaine-cross

Used in conjunction with classes.

class Foo
var bar;

function Foo($bar)
$this-bar = $bar;

$foo = new Foo(foobar);

echo $foo-bar;  // foobar

For interests sake here's the same in C++ (correct me if I'm wrong it's been
a long time since I used C++ or pointers).

class Foo
char *bar;

function Foo(bar)
{ = bar;

Foo *foo = new Foo(foobar);

cout  (*foo).bar;  // foobar 

// which also works as.

cout  foo-bar;  // foobar

-Original Message-
From: Stephano Mariani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 12:57
To: 'Kearns, Terry'; 'S.Murali Krishna'; 'Jack'
Subject: RE: [PHP] What is - mean in php?

PHP uses - as C++ uses ., since PHP already uses . for strings.

Stephano Mariani

 -Original Message-
 From: Kearns, Terry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, 8 March 2002 12:28 AM
 To: 'S.Murali Krishna'; Jack
 Subject: RE: [PHP] What is - mean in php?
 Because I'm not a hacker on the PHP engine, I don't really know but I
 saw this symbol when learning C++ recently. It is used in C++ as a
 to dereferencing and accessing an objects properties/methods on
 which are on the free store (heap). Normally C++ uses the dot operator
 access methods/properties (eg., but when the object needs
 first be dereferenced, then foo-do() can be used as a shortcut to
 Of course, this doesn't help you at all does it :) But I thought it
was an
 interesting connection to C++ and maybe hints at how PHP internally
 objects. Perhaps it's just a coincidence.
  -Original Message-
  From: S.Murali Krishna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, 4 March 2002 9:48 PM
  To: Jack
  Subject: Re: [PHP] What is - mean in php?
  If you have any Object Oriented Programming experience, then
  you may not had asked this. Its a operator to access methods,
  and variables inside a instance of a class , in which the
  variable before - is the instance of the  class and the
  latter is a method or variable of that class. This is what I
  know, if you have any explanatory docs, pls let me know.
  On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, Jack wrote:
   Dear all
   There is one symbol in PHP that i always see is -, could
  anyone pls
   tell me what is this, and what does that do? Here is the
  statement i
   saw could some pls explain what it means?
   if (!empty($row-usd_period)
   Thx a lot
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RE: [PHP] Need help with a PHP script

2002-03-03 Thread Douglas Maclaine-cross

echo T.$username.$password;

is PHP 2 and earlier proper syntax for PHP 3+ is

echo T+$username+$password;


echo T$username$password;


RE: [PHP] Need help with a PHP script

2002-03-03 Thread Douglas Maclaine-cross

I can't believe I just sent this. For those who care it's the other way

-Original Message-
From: Douglas Maclaine-cross 
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 14:08
Subject: RE: [PHP] Need help with a PHP script

echo T.$username.$password;

is PHP 2 and earlier proper syntax for PHP 3+ is

echo T+$username+$password;


echo T$username$password;


RE: [PHP] Re: regular expressions

2002-02-21 Thread Douglas Maclaine-cross

Use single quotes? I think that stops it from interpreting the regular
expression before hand.

-Original Message-
From: Martin Towell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:32
Subject: RE: [PHP] Re: regular expressions

yeah! remember that php interprets the string first, before it gets to
reg.ex. !! That's some I keep forgetting... lol


-Original Message-
From: Murray Chamberlain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 2:48 AM
Subject: [PHP] Re: regular expressions

I think you have some un-needed code there. But anyway you might need to use
a double backslash infront of the |

If that doesn't work mail me back


German Castro Donoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have a problem with ereg function.
 In php 4.0.5 i use this
 if ( ereg(([0-9][0-9]*)\|(\w\w*),$opcion, $registros) ) {
 and no problem. But, in php 4.1.1 don't work. I think that may be the
 of | character.

 Note: I'm looking for a | in the string. Then i need escape the |

   Any idea for fix it?

 German Castro

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RE: [PHP] I have a PHP and Flash5 Problem.

2002-02-12 Thread Douglas Maclaine-cross


Don't make the mistake I made and overlook what Flash Action Script is
capable of though.


-Original Message-
From: Philip J. Newman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 12:43
Subject: [PHP] I have a PHP and Flash5 Problem.

I know that you can generate images with PHP, is there away of generating
FLASH docs?

Philip J. Newman
Philip's Domain - Internet Project.
Phone: +64 25 6144012

RE: [PHP] Regex function needed

2002-02-07 Thread Douglas Maclaine-cross

$string = ereg_replace([A-Za-z']{1,3}, , $string); // don't forget I'm

I haven't checked but something like this.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Kimsal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 9:59
Subject: [PHP] Regex function needed

Looking for a regex (preg or ereg) to remove
all 1, 2 and 3 character words.

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RE: [PHP] Regex function needed

2002-02-07 Thread Douglas Maclaine-cross

I don't know about preg but how about this monster?

$str = I'm okay now aren't I. Do I work? 'mm;

while(eregi(' [a-z\']{1,3} ', $str)) 
$str = eregi_replace(' [a-z\']{1,3} ', ' ', $str);

while(eregi(' [a-z\']{1,3}([^a-z\' ])', $str)) 
$str = eregi_replace(' [a-z\']{1,3}([^a-z\' ])', '\1', $str);

while(eregi('([^a-z\' ])[a-z\']{1,3} ', $str)) 
$str = eregi_replace('([^a-z\' ])[a-z\']{1,3} ', '\1', $str);

$str = eregi_replace('^[a-z\']{1,3} ', '', $str);
$str = eregi_replace('^[a-z\']{1,3}([^a-z\'])', '\1', $str);

$str = eregi_replace(' [a-z\']{1,3}$', '', $str);
$str = eregi_replace('([^a-z\' ])[a-z\']{1,3}$', '\1', $str);

echo $str;

-Original Message-
From: Edward van Bilderbeek - Bean IT [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 11:09
To: Michael Kimsal; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP] Regex function needed

after some puzzling I came to this:

$str = One as a start. This is or was a test for short words, although an,
should be deleted to.;

$str = preg_replace(array(/\b[A-Za-z']{1,3}\b/,
/[ ]{1}([ ]{1}|[,]{1}|[.]{1}|[:]{1})/), array(, \\1), $str);

print $str;

which means:
first: replace all 1,2 or 3 character occurrences by nothing after that,
replace all spaces that are followed by one comma, or one period, or one :
by that comma, period or :

hope this is what you wanted?


- Original Message -
From: Bas Jobsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 1:10 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Regex function needed

 Op donderdag 07 februari 2002 23:58, schreef Michael Kimsal:
  Looking for a regex (preg or ereg) to remove
  all 1, 2 and 3 character words.

 $string=over deze regex loop ik nu al de hele dag en een uur te piekeren.
 wil niet! of wel! l'a.;
 $string= .$string;
 while (preg_match(/\W\w{1,3}\W/i,$string))
 $string = preg_replace(/\W\w{1,3}\W/i,  , $string);
 echo $string;

 PHP General Mailing List (
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RE: [PHP] How? :)

2002-01-29 Thread Douglas Maclaine-cross

$news = mysql_query(select * from bookmarks ORDER by TNum,AU asc);
$old_TNum = ;
while ($mydata = mysql_fetch_object($news))
  $new_TNum = $mydata-TNum;
  if ($new_TNum != $old_TNum) #when TNum occurs the first time, echo it once
$old_TNum = $new_TNum;
$body .= b.$temp.:/b;
  $body .= li.$mydata-AU./li;

-Original Message-
From: jtjohnston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 14:05
Subject: [PHP] How? :)

Let's say I have two fields TNum and AU.

TNum is a selectoptionBritishoptionAmericanoptionCanadian
AU input name of an author. I want to sort them as follows.


How do I get this to work in this code below?
I want to echo TNum one time only and echo every AU.

$news = mysql_query(select * from bookmarks ORDER by TNum,AU asc);
 while ($mydata = mysql_fetch_object($news))
if (...??) #when TNum occurs the first time, echo it once only.
$body .= b.$mydata-TNum.:/b;
$body .= li.$mydata-AU./li;

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RE: [PHP] Swapping BR for \n... ?

2002-01-29 Thread Douglas Maclaine-cross

Or an even simpler str_replace(\n, BR, $sourcestring);

-Original Message-
From: Jason Murray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 15:14
Subject: RE: [PHP] Swapping BR for \n... ?

 I'm processing a form but all the functions I've found on the 
 web only seem to add the BR after the \n. I need to remove the 
 \n altogether - anyone know how I can kill the \n and put a BR 
 in it's place?

Sounds like you want a simple ereg_replace(\n, BR, $sourcestring);


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Re: [PHP] Re: installing php with apache rpm???

2001-12-27 Thread Duane Douglas

At 10:04 PM 12/26/2001 -0800, Fred wrote:
This guy has some great modular php rpms that will do the trick:


Duane Douglas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  i have an apache rpm installed.  stuff will break if i uninstall it.  how
  do i install php to work with it?

thanks for the link.  unfortunately, the rpm packages there don't work with 
rh linux 7.2.  does anyone have another suggestion?


Duane Douglas
ASP / SQL Server Tutoring and Training

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[PHP] installing php with apache rpm (rh linux 7.2)???

2001-12-27 Thread Duane Douglas

hi gang!

i have an apache rpm installed.  stuff will break if i uninstall it.  how 
do i install php to work with it?


Duane Douglas
ASP / SQL Server Tutoring and Training

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[PHP] Can you fake a onClick?

2001-12-27 Thread Douglas Harter

I have checked the archives and not really found an answer, so here goes.

My form contains a function called CountIt which increments a counter file on the 
site. I mainly use it to count the hits on the page. I also have multiple a links to 
 .zip  .txt files which can be accessed or downloaded.  Is it possible somehow to 
fake an onclick event so that when the user clicks on the link I can use the CountIt 
function to increment a counter for that link?

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