[PHP] Searching MySQL tables with LIKE

2001-02-07 Thread James, Yz

Hi Guys,

Just a quick question.  I've been using an sql query like this (using

$sql = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE
$search_criteria LIKE '%$search_input%' ORDER by $search_criteria

At the moment, if the search criteria was "First_Name" and the text
($search_criteria) was "ch", the returned query contains any name containing
"ch".  The trouble is, if the name you are after is Chris , you might
get a result like:

id 1 CHris etc etc
id 2 RiCHard etc etc
id 3 CHris etc etc

In other words, it seems to be sorting where the instance of the CH comes in
id number rather than alphabetically.  Is there a way of making the query
(using wildcards or without) if someone types in "a", the list will return
alphabetically with, like:


I'd explain more, but I really have to go.  Sorry.  Hope you can help, as
most of you often do :)


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Re: [PHP] ? for the Reg Ex people

2001-02-07 Thread James, Yz

look up eregi_replace and preg_replace


Gotta run


"Jason Bryner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm making a small script that imports HTML pages and I need to do
> some string replacement. I need to replace add a url to all the 'HREF'
> links and images, but if someone could just give me an example of how
> to replace and append the HREF part, I think I can figure it out. It needs
> find all the variations of HREF, such as 'HREF = "', href="', 'href =',
> So it
> needs to be space and capitalization carefree. THANKS TO ANYONE
> Jason Bryner
> --
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Re: [PHP] Getting MIME-type of file

2001-02-08 Thread James, Yz


Assuming that then input variable for the file is "file":


The returned results would be:
$file = the name of the temporary file on the server.

$file_name = The actual name of the file uploaded (ie pic.jpg)

$file_size = the size of the file, in bytes.

$file_type = the MIME type (yay) of the file.

So, if you uploaded a Jpeg to your server, you could echo each of those
variables to get info on them.

You can also specify what files you want / don't want... Something like this
might do it:

$allowed_types = array("image/gif","image/pjpeg","image/jpeg");

if (!in_array($file_type/* Our type of file */,$allowed_types) {
echo "You uploaded $file_name.  Unfortunately, we don't allow files with
the MIME type, $file_type.";
} else {
echo "You uploaded $file_name, which has a MIME type of $file_type.
Your file was $file_size.  Thanks :)";

Of course, you will have to do more extensive checking, and write some code
to unlink invalid file types, together with auto-rename if you expect, for
example, a lot of people to be uploading membership details:  If they
include a pic, out of two people uploading a picture, say "tobias.jpg", one
of them is going to be disappointed;  One file will overwrite the other if
put into the same directory :)

Also, you'll probably want to set a maximum files size.

$max_file_size = "102400"; /* in bytes (100Kb in this example) */

if ($file_size > $max_file_size) {
echo "Your file's too big!";

Hope this helps.


> After a lot of searching on the mailing list and different resources I
> come up with... nothing.
> My question:
> Can I get the MIME-type of a file using PHP?
> (image/gif, text/plain, application/octet-stream, ect.)
> Thanks,
> // Tobias
> --
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Re: [PHP] Quick Directory Question

2001-02-08 Thread James, Yz

You're missing something simple, I think.

/*  Use these variables in each of the pages you need them, or stick them in
a config include */
$files_above_root = "/home/pages/www";
$files_below_root = "/home/pages";

/* reference includes similar to this method */

or in another subdirectory below the www root:

Zap.  That should do it :)


> I can use "$DOCUMENT_ROOT/includes/" to refer to my includes folder if it
> is at the top of my web directory. This works consistently no matter where
> about in the site I call it from.
> Is there a similar easy way to refer to a folder that is placed outside
> web tree (above the web directory) for security? The only way I seem able
> to do it is using "../../../includes/", for example, which naturally
> depends on how deep in the website I am.
> FTFM me if I have missed something built in and obvious.
> Andy Clarke
>Andy Clarke
>   78 West Kensington Court, Edith Villas,
>  London, England  W14 9AB
> phone:  44 (0)20 7602 3382
>   mobile:  07947 418177
>   Freelance Lingo/PHP Programmer
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Re: [PHP] Getting MIME-type of file

2001-02-08 Thread James, Yz

> Oops, I forgot to mention the most important part...
> I need to get the MIME-type (or something that can identify the
> file-extension) from a file ALREADY on the server, not posted through a
> form.
> I.e. How do I get the MIME-type of "tobias.zip" in my folder?
> I already know how to get the MIME-type from a form...
> Thanks for the nice snippets though. They might come in handy in the

Just knocked this together.  It doesn't confirm whether or not the files are
actually valid MIME types (like .zip).  For instance, you could upload a
text files, rename it to .zip and it will list it (if you change the
following $required_types variable I've put in here:


Looking MIME types?

Here is a listing of the directory I want to be looking in and all of the
files in it.  If the files are listed below, they're the ones I want to




Note that this probably isn't the best way to go about things, but I've had
a quick root through the file() functions, and could find nothing (though I
didn't look too hard) quick and easy.

Have fun.

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Re: [PHP] radiobutton

2001-02-08 Thread James, Yz

If someone's updating a form, and I want their last settings to appear in a
the correct radio button, I use this:


So, on a form with a Radio button asking which you prefer, the one that
they've voted for before is the default button to be checked.

Oh, and I know that's probably messy :)

If you want to get the results, you'd print

The user liked !


I have sometging like this:

how I know if some user choose some radiobutton???
I tried if($opt1) , but without success


Miguel Loureiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >

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Re: [PHP] security help

2001-02-08 Thread James, Yz

Make sure that the .htpasswd file is BELOW the public files root.  That way,
it can't be accessed through a browser, unless the person who has written
the file to try and read the .htpasswd has uploaded their file to the server
it resides on, and has permission to access that low level directory.  They
can't read files in a directory route, unless they're in the directory:  So
a URL reference won't work.  If you've uploaded the .htpasswd to /www/admin
They could do an include for:




Rather than


Hope that's of some use to you.

""Thor M. Steindorsson"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Should this be possible?
> I know this isn't an issue with php, but since I used php to do this, I
> figured maybe someone here has encountered the same thing, and knows how
> help.
> Is this something that can be fixed by making some changes on the linux
> server?
> By using this:
>  echo "";
> include("/home/someuser/www/admin/.htaccess");
> echo "";
> ?>
> I can see what .htpasswd file is used, and then I can simply change the
> to display that particular password file, then take the encrypted
> and decrypt it to gain access to that protected area.
> I have a feeling this is a permissions issue on the Linux server...
> Can anyone point me in the right direction with this?
> --
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Re: [PHP] security help

2001-02-08 Thread James, Yz

In addition,

(if using .htaccess) They would only be able to read the .htpasswd from
public directory if they had first authorised themselves.  The browser will
prompt them to identify before it allows files from a protected directory to
be included.


> Make sure that the .htpasswd file is BELOW the public files root.  That
> it can't be accessed through a browser, unless the person who has written
> the file to try and read the .htpasswd has uploaded their file to the
> it resides on, and has permission to access that low level directory.
> can't read files in a directory route, unless they're in the directory:
> a URL reference won't work.  If you've uploaded the .htpasswd to
> They could do an include for:
>  include(http://www.yoursite.com/admin/.htpasswd);
> ?>
> ..So:
> /home/myfiles/.htpasswd
> Rather than
> /home/myfiles/publicwwwfiles/.htpasswd
> Hope that's of some use to you.
> James.
> ""Thor M. Steindorsson"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Should this be possible?
> > I know this isn't an issue with php, but since I used php to do this, I
> > figured maybe someone here has encountered the same thing, and knows how
> to
> > help.
> > Is this something that can be fixed by making some changes on the linux
> > server?
> >
> > By using this:
> >
> >  > echo "";
> > include("/home/someuser/www/admin/.htaccess");
> > echo "";
> > ?>
> >
> > I can see what .htpasswd file is used, and then I can simply change the
> code
> > to display that particular password file, then take the encrypted
> password,
> > and decrypt it to gain access to that protected area.
> >
> > I have a feeling this is a permissions issue on the Linux server...
> > Can anyone point me in the right direction with this?
> >
> >
> > --
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> >
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Re: [PHP] To The Hacker: CodeBoy

2001-02-08 Thread James, Yz

Many hackers now go about their business to notify (or even test)
administrators whether or not they've been up to no good.  It's possible
that you've mis-construed what he was up to.

Nevertheless, your complaints should really go to the correct authorities
(your server, the "hacker" and if necessary, beyond that), as opposed to
questions, which might include "I've got a security problem with PHP, what
can I do about it?"


> The hackers name is Jonathan Sharp.  He is a
> regular member of this mailing list.  I do
> believe that people here would like to know they
> have a hacker on their hands, don't you think?
> It would appear the friendly Jonathan has another
> side to himself...
> Codeboy:
> Jonathan Sharp
> Director of Technology - Imprev Inc.
> Renwick Development Group - Flyerware
> --- James Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Today I noticed an entry in my database with
> > the
> > > username "codeboy" and the password "hacked"
> > in
> > > one of the authorization tables I have
> > created.
> > > I am shocked that someone could be so
> > malicious
> > > and insensitive!  I am programming locally; I
> > > realize there may be some security
> > > vulnerabilities during this time, but when I
> > go
> > > live with my network this will not be the
> > case.
> > > If any further attempts are made to hack into
> > my
> > > system I will clearly take the time to
> > retaliate
> > > against you.  Let this be your only warning.
> > >
> >
> > This is not the place to take these issues up.
> > Please email privatly and
> > complain to the appropriate authrities, the
> > PHP-General list is not the
> > place for this.
> >
> > James
> > --
> > James Moore
> > PHP QA Team
> >
> =
> =
>  [ rswfire ]
>   http://rswfire.swifte.net/
>   http://profiles.yahoo.com/rswfire
> =
> __
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Re: [PHP] [Newbie] PHP Variables

2001-02-08 Thread James, Yz

// Index.php file.

//  Page header

// Page footer

...  Difficult to tell what's going wrong with just a url.


> I thought you can pass variables in PHP as in CGI.
> http://www.xy.com/index.php?contents=HOME
> contents should be available as variable, but it does not seem to work.
> anyone has an idea why not?

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Re: [PHP] security help

2001-02-08 Thread James, Yz

> > In addition,
> >
> > (if using .htaccess) They would only be able to read the .htpasswd from
> > public directory if they had first authorised themselves.  The browser
> > prompt them to identify before it allows files from a protected
directory to
> > be included.
> >
> James,
> are you sure about this? Afaik, no user authentication applies to PHP
> include() calls. This would require PHP to integrate much closer with
> Apache than I think it does (and makes sense).

Hi Ben,

I'm not positive, (btw, what does Afaik mean?), but I'd assume any request
to files that are inside a directory that has an htaccess file would be
ignored by anything until the username and password have been included (I've
used a PHP include on files before, which refer to files such as jpegs and
gifs that reside in a protected directory, and I've run into the problem of
having to authenticate before the images are displayed).

There's a good chance I'm wrong, but I'll be sure to double check tomorrow

On another note, I seem to have problems with opendir() and readdir() (which
one of the two I'm not sure).  A simple script I've written will list all
files in a directory I specify on one server, yet the same script (with the
document root changed accordingly) will return  nothing with the other.
Both servers are running the same version of PHP (4.02).  It's probably
something simple I've missed, though I'm sure that the CHMOD settings are
the same, and I'm getting no script errors.  Any ideas?


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Re: [PHP] ftp_fput

2001-02-08 Thread James, Yz

I've no idea what's wrong with this, and I'm a little tired to try and look
into it, but omit any username / password / server info from anything you
post anywhere that's accessible publicly! ;)


""Marisol Díaz E."" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
008301c09225$4ce07e80$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:008301c09225$4ce07e80$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

Please help me

I don't knowk that is wrong, in this code, for ftp_fput
Don't copy the archive, when copy the archive , this has other extension,
and the size is 0kb.


Marisol Díaz E.

Marisol Díaz E.
Gerente de Aplicaciones Internet
Tecnopro Cía. Ltda. www.tecnopro.net
Pinta 236 y Rabida Edf. Alcatel of. 301

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Re: [PHP] To The Hacker: CodeBoy

2001-02-08 Thread James, Yz

> > Whatever, James.
> Also, consider this word :
> sue
> As well as :
> defamation of character
> And also   :
> Libel and Slander
> And lastly :
> Spoof
> All should be considered before posting anything anywhere.  Especially a
> public mailing list.  It's important to be careful with this sort of
> thing, even if it's blindingly true ...

True, but none of which are applicable to me, as I've not slandered, defamed
or spoofed anything or anyone.  As far as hacking is concerned, I wouldn't
know my arse from my elbow :)


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Re: [PHP] To The Hacker: CodeBoy

2001-02-08 Thread James, Yz

> Your momma pays full commission!
> (sorry, couldn't resist)

It's OK, I get referral fees :)

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[PHP] returning multiple variables from a function?

2001-02-12 Thread James, Yz

Hrms.  Got a small problem.

I'm now using functions on a regular basis, but I've come to another
sticking point with them:  returning multiple variables from the function...

Here's a really quick example (nothing to do with what I intend to use the
functions for):

function CUP ($connection,$username,$password) {

if (($username) && ($password)) {
$sql = "SELECT username, password FROM table
WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password'";
$result = etc etc
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

if ($num != 0) {
$valid = "yes";

return $valid;


$correct_user = CUP ($connection,$username,$password);

Now, if the user is correct, I'd get a return of

$correct_user = "yes";

What if I wanted to "return" more than one variable from the function?  And
how would I assign it a name?  Like the actual variable, or is that just not

I've tried
return $var1,$var2;
But got an error.

As always, tia :)


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[PHP] case sensitivity checking?

2001-02-15 Thread James, Yz

Hi Guys,

Just a quick question.  If I have a user database, with joe_bloggs as a
user, what would I need to do to make sure that his login details matched
the case sensitivity in a MySQL database?  Say if he logged in as
JOE_BLOGGS, could I return an error?  I'm guessing this is going to turn
into some complicated regex that mashes my brain.

Oh, another thing.  Anyone know of any tools like PHP MyAdmin for
PostGresSQL ?


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Re: [PHP] case sensitivity checking?

2001-02-15 Thread James, Yz

> make the login field BINARY.

Thanks! ;)


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[PHP] Finding the? in $REQUEST_URI?page=blah

2001-02-16 Thread James, Yz

I really wouldn't ask this if I wasn't completely exausted, but the last
thing I feel like doing just now is reading up on this when someone can
probably answer it in a matter of seconds.

OK, I've an error handling page.  Basically, I want to split (that might
even be one of the functions I'll have to use) this sort of url:




I'm using :

header("location: error.php?page=$REQUEST_URI");

When echoing the request_uri back on the error page, it omits the error.php?
bit, so I get:


The reason I want to do this is so that I can use a re-login form that will
submit to the page the user has badly logged into, so if they logged in to
main.php, the request_uri would be something like:


Which I'd want to rebuild on the error page, into a form, like:


Can anyone help?

Thankees :)


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Re: [PHP] splitting up contents of a test box

2001-02-16 Thread James, Yz

If each of the scrolling lines is separated by something regular, like a
carriage return, or a line break, tab (etc), you could use explode(); and
have the values returned as an array.


> I have a form that contains a scrolling text box.  When I display the
> contents of the text box, say in variable $form[mytextbox], it displays
> all on one line (or wraps at end of line).  As the ending character of
> each line will vary, does anyone know of away to split the lines up so
> that I can display the text box contents line by line?
> Thanks,
> Don
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[PHP] Simple REGEX?

2001-02-17 Thread James, Yz

Hi guys,

I'd like to restrict the characters a client is inputting to a database.

I already have a system that'll exclude certain characters.  Alpha Numerics
are permitted, together with the underscore and spaces.  Is there a
collective expression for the following characters? :


Because I'd like to allow those too.  And I'm useless with RegEx.

Thanks as always,

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Re: [PHP] How to delete session variables

2001-02-20 Thread James, Yz

I thought that session variables (unless set to cookie as well) WERE
destroyed at the end of a session?  As in when the user closes the browser?

Hrms.  Maybe not.

Anyway, don't know about when the window is closed, but you could have a
log-out page that uses session_destroy();


> I would like the session variable to be deleted when the user closes their
> browser. Any ideas on how this is done.
> Ryan Conover
> --
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[PHP] Maximum queries from a database?

2001-02-25 Thread James, Yz

Hi all,

I'm a little concerned as to how many times some of the scripts I've been
working on are querying a database:  Some are making up to 4 or 5 queries
each.  Should this give me any cause for concern?

I've only ever been unable to connect to the database once (other than
through script error), and that's when I was using a persistent connection.
So, I guess my question is, is there a recommended maximum number of queries
I should be working around? (MySQL).


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[PHP] Table looking odd as a result of while loop?

2001-02-26 Thread James, Yz

Hi all,  This is probably something dumb I'm missing, but I am using the
following code:

echo "\n";

echo "\n";
$photocount = 0;

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
 $smallpic = $row['smallpic'];

 if (($photocount % 3) == 2) {
 echo "\n\n";

 echo "$smallpic\n";


echo "\n";

echo "";

and it's outputting a table like this:




(There are currently 8 pics that have been uploaded).  As you can see that
the first row has returned just two columns.  I'd like the photos to be
displayed in rows of three, and if there are only 8 pictures (or any othe
number that's not directly divisible by three) to be displayed on the last
row.   At the moment it's doing it "upside down."  Any ideas?

And I know, I'm going to have to force an extra cell for it to display

Thanks as always,

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[PHP] while loop and modulus?

2001-02-27 Thread James, Yz

OK, using this code:

echo "\n";

$photocount = 0;

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
 $smallpic = $row['smallpic'];

 echo "$smallpic\n";

 if (($photocount % 3) == 2) {
 echo "\n\n";


echo "\n";
echo "";


And 8 photos in the table, I'm getting this output:




Great, except it's missing an end cell, and after a few hours fiddling about
with code last night, I still didn't get any further in working out how I
was going to echo a table cell even if data's missing.  So, any help would
be appreciated.

Apologies for what're probably "easy" questions.  I slog away at work all
day, come back hoping to get something productive done on this, and the
ol'brain won't take it.  Frustrating, to say the least.


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[PHP] Two little questions

2001-01-14 Thread James, Yz

OK, this will be laughably easy for you guys.

I want to write a function (until now, I have been heavily repeating code,
but it's time to trim everything down.)

The function basically needs to check that username and password have been
entered, and then check them against mysql data.  All I am unsure of is the
format for the function...  is it like this:

function CUP (
if ((!$alias) || (!$password)) {
header("Location: login.php");

And reference it later with CUP(); ?  Don't worry about the MySQL side of
things, I just need to know how to lay out the function.  Oh and if I can
put anything I want in the function.

Also, if I wanted to perform a search of a column in a mysql table for
"places", would the Syntax be something like this:

$sql = " SELECT * FROM table_name
WHERE place = LIKE \"$searched_word\" ";


Thanks in Advance,


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Re: [PHP] Two little questions

2001-01-14 Thread James, Yz

> Then you must 'get' the global variables (like $name):
> $name = "mOrP";
> function print_name()
> {
> global $name;
> echo $name;
> }
> print_name();
> But it's better to work with the function arguments:
> $name = "mOrP"
> function print_name($name_arg)
> {
> echo $name_arg;
> }
> print_name($name);

Ah, I see, so would something like this work:

$alias = "James";
$password = "MyPassword";

function check_alias_password($alias_arg, $password_arg)
if ((!$alias_arg) || (!$password_arg)) {
header("Location: login.php");

check_alias_password($alias, $password);


function check_alias_password()
global $alias, $password;
if ((!$alias) || (!$password)) {
header("Location: login.php");


work? Or would the last example need to be globals (variables) instead of

> Hope it helps,

It does, and your help is greatly appreciated ;)


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[PHP] Searching a MySQL database?

2001-01-14 Thread James, Yz

Can anyone tell me what I would use to query a MySQL database in a search?

If the search field, was for example, a variable like "town", would the
results page use something like this? :

$sql = " SELECT * FROM table_name
WHERE towns = \"$town\" ";

I remember seeing someone post something like this:

$sql = " SELECT * FROM table_name
WHERE towns LIKE \"$town\" ";

so if the search word is not EXACTLY like a row in the database, it may
return results to partial words.

Thanks in advance,


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[PHP] Another q, this time eregi_replace

2001-01-14 Thread James, Yz

I'd like to be able to trim out some html tags, but only certain ones.  I've
used eregi_replace before and have some replacements running on some

Some of the help pages and user notes on the quick reference functions have
given me good examples of how to go about it.  One thing I'm interested in,
though, is the syntax that's used to determine what the link URL is and the
link name...  I think I saw it as:

//0 for the URL and then //1 for the link.  Like this (poor code, I
dunno whether I've even got the right delimiters):


I'd like to strip out everything but the link name, so if someone inputs:


It replaces it with:


Thanks, again.  I seem to be asking a lot of questions today, hehe ;)


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Re: [PHP] Searching a MySQL database?

2001-01-14 Thread James, Yz

> You've basically got it... the advantage of LIKE is that you can add
> wildcards to specify what can be different...
> towns = '$town'
> ...and...
> towns LIKE '$town'
> ...are essentially the same without the % wildcard character. Thus,
> towns = '$town'
> ...is much different than...
> towns LIKE '%$town%'

How different are they?  I'm not even sure what a wildcard is?

And thanks ;)


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Re: [PHP] Another q, this time eregi_replace

2001-01-14 Thread James, Yz

Sweet!  Thanks ;)

> > I'd like to strip out everything but the link name, so if someone
> >
> > http://www.php.net">PHP!
> >
> > It replaces it with:
> >
> > PHP!
> >
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Re: [PHP] Searching a MySQL database?

2001-01-14 Thread James, Yz

> Here are some queries of the above table with their results
> bases='Ft. Worth' returns record 1
> bases LIKE '%Worth%' returns record 1
> bases LIKE '%Ft.%' returns 1 & 2
> bases LIKE '%' returns all records (in this case, 1 & 2)
> See?

That makes perfect sense.  Thank you!

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[PHP] Basic SQL syntax

2001-01-15 Thread James, Yz

OK, I got a simple search page working (thanks to all of you who helped me).

Another simple question for you.  If I had a search  and the data to be
searched needs to be determined by check boxes, How would I write the sql>?
Like this?

$sql = "SELECT * FROM table
  WHERE town LIKE '%$search_data%' OR street LIKE '%$search_data%' ";

Is "OR" even the correct syntax?  Here's how I tried it, which didn't give
any results.

(Where reference is the id number (or map reference) and search_data is the
text field for users to tpye the query.

if ($reference != "")
$search_reference = "OR id LIKE '%$reference%'";

$sql = "SELECT * FROM table
  WHERE town LIKE '%$search_data%' $search_reference";

$result = @mysql_query($sql,$connection)
 or die (mysql_error());

$num = mysql_num_rows($result);


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Re: [PHP] Basic SQL syntax

2001-01-15 Thread James, Yz

""Johannes Janson"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
93vs9u$osj$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:93vs9u$osj$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> try this:
> $sql = "SELECT * FROM table
>   WHERE town LIKE '%$search_data%' ";
> if ($reference != "")
>   $sql .= "OR whatever";

Ah, so you can constantiate (right word?) the query?

Cool, Thanks ;)


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Re: [PHP] Basic SQL syntax

2001-01-15 Thread James, Yz

> > Ah, so you can constantiate (right word?) the query?
> I don't know what you mean by 'constantiate', but glad to hear it worked

It did, thank you ;)

Someone pointed out where I'd gone wrong with the word privately:

>> Ah, so you can constantiate (right word?) the query?

> concatenate :)

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Re: [PHP] password()

2001-01-15 Thread James, Yz

Have a look at the base64_encode / decode stuff.  I stumbled across an
example there just this afternoon.

It's available in the user contributed notes of the Quick Reference section
for those functions at http://www.php.net


""Jason Jacobs"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi.  I use password() to excrypt my passwords when I'm adding users to my
> mysql database.  I'm wondering if there's a function to use to un-encrypt
> (for a web interface to change the password, and so the admin who is
> user info can see what it is).  Thanks for any help.
> Jason
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Re: [PHP] How to escape from a function?

2001-01-16 Thread James, Yz

> And I have one more question, what is the meaning of 'or'?
> e.g.
> $db=mysql_connect("localhost","root","password") or die ("could not
> connect");

One more thing, which is important to me as a newbie (as I most certainly
am), you can make a custom error message for the die error; which is
important to me seeing as it happens a lot ;)

if you want to see what the error is (for use with MySQL), use

or die (mysql_error());

or use a message which will display nicely to users, if you're re-writing
something which is already online and in use (not recommended).

$error = "\n\nWe encountered an

$error .= "\n";

$error .= "We encountered an error!  Please go back to our http://www.site.com\">site!\n\n";

$error .= "\n";

$error .= "";

Then, you would use something like:

 $connection = mysql_connect("localhost","username","password")
or die ($error);

If this is blatantly obvious to you, please ignore it, but at one time not
too long ago, it was helpful to me.  There's probably a lot neater way of
doing things too ;)


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[PHP] Outputting specific HTML for tag.

2001-01-22 Thread James, Yz

Hey all.  well, here's (probably) an easy question from me again (surprise

Here goes:  I'm putting together a photo gallery for some friends of mine
who own a nightclub, and who want to update photos themselves. I know
there are scripts available to do the job, but I'd like to have a go at my

Most of the stuff I can handle, but I just need to know what code I might
use for returning table cells correctly.  Let's say, for example, there are
5 photos that need returning to one of the photo pages, and I have the
photos in rows of three;  Obviously, there'd be an empty table cell.  And
I'm not sure exactly how I get the results back into rows correctly
anyway...  Bullet points and whole table rows are fine, but table cells?

Anyway, here's how I might've started writing the code, if I hadn't realised
I should ask for help first ;) :


while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

$row = $photo['photo'];

$table .= "$photo"
$table .= "$photo";


$table .= "";

//  End Crap programming.


So.  Any takers?  :)


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[PHP] Importing MS Access into MySQL?

2001-01-29 Thread James, Yz

Hey all,

I heard somewhere (I think) that it's possible to import a Microsoft Access
file (when saved as a delimited text file) into a MySQL table  Just
wondering whether or not this is true, and if it is, where I might find a
tutorial / some literature on how I might go about doing it.

Thanks, as always, in advance :)


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[PHP] void function();

2001-01-30 Thread James, Yz

Hi there all,

Very dumb question  I just read one of the quickref functions, and the
in-built function is referenced as being :

void function(integer);

What does the void mean?  And how would I use the function?  I just get a
parse error when I use the function with the "void" in it and the "called to
undefined function" (even with an integer) when I omit the "void."

I'm not completely brain dead as to not understand what  the word "void"
means, but the more I'm reading through things, the more confused and sorry
for myself I'm getting ;)  I just guess I could do with having it explained
to me in plain English.

Thanks in advance,


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[PHP] Variables within functions, out?

2001-02-01 Thread James, Yz

Hey guys.  Can I firstly say, thanks to all of you who helped me out with my
last question about importing MS Access databases into MySQL...  It helped

However, I have another question.

Firstly, I've strayed away from writing many of my own functions, because
they give me the fear.  But the code on the pages I am creating has forced
me to wake up...  I really sould think about cutting back on code.

SO, anyway, to cut to the chase, my question is this:  If I write a
function, which performs checks and assigns variable based on these checks,
how do I get the assigned variables from within the function?  For example
(this is more than likely VERY wrong), something like this:


File that would update / insert information to a MySQL database:

Even when I KNOW that I have included correct values, the $birthday variable
never shows up outside the function.  It's probably something simple I'm
missing, as in most cases ;)

Thanks for your patience,


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Re: [PHP] Retrieve HTML page

2001-02-01 Thread James, Yz

In addition to what's been mentioned, check out the :

readfile, fread and fgets functions...


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Re: [PHP] PHP Hosting

2001-02-03 Thread James, Yz

I believe http://www.f2s.com allow you to use PHP and provide you with a
MySQL database.


> Can anyone receommend free MySQL hosting with PHP. Or if you can find such
> hosting on NT, that would be nice.

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[PHP] Querying MySQL using 'AND' / 'OR'

2001-02-03 Thread James, Yz

Hi Guys,

Quick question..  I've managed to write a function (thanks to help from
people earlier in the week) which queries an admin table.

There are currently four fields in the table;  id, username, password, and
'site', where the 'site' means a subdirectory of my site that the particular
admin user is allowed acces to change things in

Now, each 'site' user is allowed access to only their site, but, being the
owner of all the 'sites', my field contains the word "all."  So, I used this
to determine whether the user (when logged in) is firstly an administrator,
and secondly what area of the site they're responsible for:

$sql = "SELECT * FROM table
WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password' AND site =
'theirsite' OR site = 'all'";

Now, as you can probably see, the table is querying whether the table has a
row with fields:

username, password, site OR

Just a row with the field containing "all."

So, without writing some if statements, is there any way of rewriting that
$sql check so that it checks whether the user is an admin of either the
individual subdirectory, or all of the sites?  Like

username: foo  password: bar site: all


username: foo  password: bar site: subdirectory

.  Hope that makes sense, and thanks in advance for any help :)


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[PHP] Automating tasks in PHP?

2001-02-05 Thread James, Yz

Hi all.  This is, what might turn out to be a stupid question  But I'll
ask it anyway ;)

Is there any way of automating tasks in php scripts, WITHOUT having them
open?  Ie, having some method or other to send out an email automatically,
once a week, as a newsletter, based on data / criteria from a database?

Thanks for your patience,

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Re: [PHP] htaccess

2001-02-05 Thread James, Yz

This is a good one:



> there was a really good .htaccess tutorial posted to the list a while
> back...anyone remember the address?
> ~kurth
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[PHP] Problems with string replacement

2001-03-11 Thread James, Yz

Hello all,

Well, I'm having problems again.  This time with string replacement.  I'd
like people to be able to write notes on one of the site's I'm helping with,
and would like them to be able to use Bold, Italic, Underline and 
tags.  I tried using striptags(); but that would strip anything within
double quotes too.  So I've gotten around it by converting the message
string to htmlspecialchars and then using ereg_replace around the tags I'd
like to allow, ie:

$message = ereg_replace("","", $message);

Where I'm struggling is with the a href tags, though.  I've been using this:

$message = eregi_replace("()(.*)(<\/a>)", "\\4", $message);

which would change a string containing:
http://www.php.net" target="_blank">PHP!

Great.  But, there's a problem.  If someone uses:
http://www.php.net" target="_blank">PHP!http://www.php.net" target="_blank">PHP Again!
it returns:
http://www.php.net" target="_blank">PHP!/a>

Re: [PHP] Problems with string replacement

>> Well, I'm having problems again.  This time with string replacement.
>> I'd like people to be able to write notes on one of the site's I'm
>> helping with, and would like them to be able to use Bold, Italic,
>> Underline and  tags.  I tried using striptags(); but that would
>> strip anything within double quotes too.  So I've gotten around it by

> huh? strip_tags works fine for me.

> echo strip_tags ('Hello http://foo/">bar
> "world"there', ' ');

> creates

> 'Hello http://foo/">bar "world"there'

True, but then it doesn't:
-Open the link in a new window
it does:
-remove all content between "and".

Of course, I could replace quote marks with htmlspecialchars/entities or
using manual string replacement, but then it'd render all tags using quote
marks invalid.

See the problem? ;)


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Re: [PHP] Incrementing dates

Hiya Martin.

You'd probably be better working around a database solution to your needs,
but I am a bit drunk (and probably can't sensibly attempt to answer your
question properly), but it got me thinking, so I decided to have a play with
date incrementations.  If anyone has any comments on this, I'd like to hear
them (there's probably a simpler way around what I have done).  Here's the


And here's the code that powers it:


 $actual_date = $actual_date + (3600 * 24);





- Original Message -
From: "Martin Skjöldebrand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2001 11:06 PM
Subject: [PHP] Incrementing dates

> How do I increment dates past the turn of the month (or year)?
> Say I've got a booking of equipment A for the 28 April to 5 May and want
> add each instance to a calendar (mysql table).
> Can I increment the variable (format 2001-04-28) holding the date
> ($txtDate++) somehow so that it doesn't add the 31, 32 and 33 of April?
> Martin S.
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Re: [PHP] Directory - exist or not ? :)

Hi There,


""Scream"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
9drq8v$ngb$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9drq8v$ngb$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi,
> I've got a one simple question. How I can check directory exist or not ?
> Plz, help me :) TIA !
> --
> regards, - scream ->> scream(at)w.pl
>  ICQ#46072336 ||| GG#480681 
> <<< Artificial Reins Productions >>>
> --
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Re: [PHP] coding for 'no match found'

Or, try count() in the sql statement..

I think that's faster than:

Can't be sure where I read it, but still :)

Ack! 1.20am.  Bedtime.


""Johnson, Kirk"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> See http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-num-rows.php
> Kirk
> > -Original Message-
> > From: midget2000x [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 3:00 PM
> > Subject: [PHP] coding for 'no match found'
> >
> >
> > This is a simple yet fundamental programming question I am
> > hoping somebody will
> > have the patience to explain...
> >
> > I have a mysql database with the "email" field as the key.
> > Before inserting an
> > new record to it I want to check if there is already a record
> > with that e-mail.
> >  This I can do fine.  But this script needs to also handle
> > delete requests,
> > which I can also do fine, but I need to code for the instance
> > that there is a
> > delete request for an e-mail record that does not exist.  How
> > can I figure out
> > if after my 'while' loop is finished checking the database it
> > has not found a
> > match (so i can inform the requester as such)?
> >
> > Here's the code I have so far...
> >
> > $email_check_query = "SELECT email FROM
> > $tablename WHERE email = '$email'";
> > $email_check_result = mysql_query($email_check_query);
> > while($email_query_data =
> > mysql_fetch_array($email_check_result)) {
> > $db_email = $email_query_data["email"];
> > //if match, it's an update or delete
> >  if ($email==$db_email) {
> > if ($op=="delete") {
> > $action="del";
> > echo "delete
> > request";
> > }
> > else {
> > $action = "upd";
> > echo "update
> > request";
> > }
> > }
> > } //end while loop
> >
> >  ---
> > providing the finest in midget technology
> >
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Re: [PHP] Uploading files

Hello Diego,

You need to use copy()

If the form input is like this: file: 
Send this
Will only let you upload a file of less than 1kb if you program around that
(1024 bytes in a Kb). Setting to 102400 would give you a max upload size of
100 Kb.

So, simply:

You can of course test whether the file being uploaded is a type you want,
like "image/jpeg" from the $file_type.

Hope this helps.


"Diego Pérez Rández" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi to all:
> I don`t konw very well php. I do examples everyday and solve some
> problems. But in other i need help.
> Today i want to upload a file. I have the form that you can find in
> the php manual.
>   Send this
>   file:   value="Send File">
> My problem is that i don´t know how to programe the php program that
> upload the file. I do a lot of examples, but not work.
> Can someone give me help.
> Thanks.
> Best regards, Diego
> --
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Re: [PHP] include and include-virtual


Those are SSI calls (Server Side Includes, for use with .shtml files).



I've never used these, but in PHP4 there are also:

(double check that I have gotten those function names right).

If you REALLY need to use something like exec cgi, I guess you could create
an shtml file with the command in, then include() or require() the shtml


"Christian Dechery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> What is the main difference between:
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[PHP] Re: get a screen resolution

Hi Marc,

This is one for JavaScript, methinks.

Screen detection

Your browser resolution is

 pixels, so it's therefore recommended you view the site using this
resolution (or whatever's closes to it).

"Marc van Duivenvoorde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm trying to make a small browser and screen resolution script for my
> site, the browser part isn't a problem, but I can't find a function for
> screen resolutions, does anyone know whether such a function exists.
> Thanks,
> Marc van Duivenvoorde

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[PHP] Running PHP as a cron job....

Hi all,

This is probably going to sound incoherant, but

Do I have to do anything (other than change the permissions of a php file)
to get it to run as part of a cron job?  I created an extremely simple file
that should just send a blank email to me (using mail()).  I got an email
from the cron daemon saying, "bad token", or something like that, yet when
executed through a browser, the script behaves as it should.

Do I have to write the php scripts differently to how I would if they were
to be displayed in a browser?

Neeed...Slp ;)


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Re: [PHP] Running PHP as a cron job....

Hi Ben,

When running it as a normal PHP file, I get the cron daemon emailing me
stuff like:

automation/mail.php: ?: No such file or directory
automation/mail.php: =: command not found
automation/mail.php: =: command not found
automation/mail.php: line 7: syntax error near unexpected token
automation/mail.php: line 7: `mail("emailaddress@takenout", "mail test",
"$mailcontent", "$sender");'

When running it with the Perl style line at the top (as you suggested) I
get, "no such file or directory."

The script is Chmodded to 755 in both cases.  And I saved it as a .php and
.cgi file (with the root to bin/php in it).  God knows what I'm doing wrong


> How are you executing the script?  Does it come by and run 'php
> yourscript.php' or does the script have a shebang ('#!/usr/bin/php') in
> it?  I've found that works well... just put that as the first line, and
> it behaves as a shell script (after you make it executable, of course)
> Ben
> -Original Message-
> From: James, Yz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 3:39 PM
> Subject: [PHP] Running PHP as a cron job
> Hi all,
> This is probably going to sound incoherant, but
> Do I have to do anything (other than change the permissions of a php
> file)
> to get it to run as part of a cron job?  I created an extremely simple
> file
> that should just send a blank email to me (using mail()).  I got an
> email
> from the cron daemon saying, "bad token", or something like that, yet
> when
> executed through a browser, the script behaves as it should.
> Do I have to write the php scripts differently to how I would if they
> were
> to be displayed in a browser?
> Neeed...Slp ;)
> Cheers,
> James.
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[PHP] Re: Running PHP as a cron job....

Thanks for all of your help on this.  My host admin have informed me that
php is installed only for the web, and not as a cgi, so that's what was
going wrong (it wasn't down to my own naievity afterall.)

So, it's time to learn perl (or bash).

Thanks again for all your comments and help.


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[PHP] Re: how to hide dbconnect file if its in published directory?

Hi Noah,

if you make the include file a .php file, then the browser will parse the
code as a blank page whether or not they choose to look at the file, or
try to fopen(etc) it.  Problem solved ;)  At least I think that's


"Noah Spitzer-Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hey guys,
> I come for advice once again. Say i have a file dbconnect.inc which
> connects to my database. Now if this file is located in a directory
> accessible for to the web is there anyway that if someone types in that
> i can detect it being accessed, instead of included, and redirect them
> elsewhere?
> Thanks guys!
> - Noah

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[PHP] Re: Pass variables with PHP_SELF?

Hi David,

If you know that the first form has been submitted, you could pass the
variables through hidden variables:



Should work..  And it's often better going through the POST method
rather than the GET method (particularly if you want to restrict the user
from tampering with the variables).


"David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> How do you pass a variable that was passed from one form to another form
> and then to PHP_SELF?   The first part works fine: I passed a variable
> from one form to another page with a form using
> blah.php?id=$id&songsinalbum=$songsinalbumbut when someone submits
> the second form the value of $songsinalbum is not passed when using
> PHP_SELF. Do I have to pass to another page? I want to use PHP_SELF

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Re: [PHP] Simple (??) control structure problem

Hi Christopher,

Why not use nl2br() and trim() ?

$string = trim($string); // Clear any unwanted white space (trailing and
$string = nl2br($string); // Add line breaks where necessary

echo "$string"; // Voila


"Christopher Kaminski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm trying to write a simple weblog script, but I've encountered a
> perplexing problem.  I'm sure I'm overlooking something simple.
> I'm trying to take  form input, parse it, and wrap it in 
> The problem is removing extra carriage returns.  I'm sure there's a
> with the "if ($sentence != ' ')", but I don't know what the right
> conditional statement is.  No matter what I put in there, it keeps
> processing any extra blank lines and putting an extra pair of ""
> in.  Granted, this doesn't effect the way the page is displayed.  For
> correctness sake, I'd rather not have them in there.
> Here's the simple page I threw together to illustrate the problem:
>  if ($submit) {
> $funk = explode("\n", $paragraph);
> foreach ($funk as $key => $sentence) {
> if ($sentence != ' ')) {
> $funk[$key] = "" . $sentence . "\n";
> echo $funk[$key];
> }
> }
> } else {
> ?>
> Text:
>  }
> ?>
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris

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[PHP] Re: Why wont this work?

Hi Dan,

try changing:
$tempfile = fopen ("$filedir" . "/" . "$filename" . ".html", "r") or die
$tempfile = fopen ($filedir . "/" . $filename . ".html", "r") or die

for starters ;)


"Dan Krumlauf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news_publish.php
> ***
>  function DoTemplate() {
> $filedir = func_get_arg(0);
> $filename = func_get_arg(1);
> $news = func_get_arg(2);
> $tempfile = fopen ("$filedir" . "/" . "$filename" . ".html", "r") or die
> ("Failed to open template file $filename");
> while($templine=fgets($tempfile, 4096) ) {
>  $templine = preg_replace("/()(.*?)(<\/NEWS>)/i","\\1$news\\2",
> $templine));
>  print ($templine);
>  }
>  fclose ($tempfile);
> }
> $template_dir="/php/work/boz";
> $template_filename="news";
> DoTemplate($template_dir,$template_filename);
> ?>
> **
> news.html
> ***
>  No Title
> This is some text
> Results in
> Parse error: parse error in /php/work/boz/news_publish.php on line 8

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[PHP] Re: limiting lines

Hiya Dan,

If you're expecting new lines, you could do this:

$length = explode("\n", $message);

if (sizeof($length) > 55) {
// error

And also limit the number of characters, using strlen()


"Dan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I would like to run a variable of unlimited length through a filter that
> would limit its length to 55 lines (ie limiting it's length to less than 1
> printed page).  Does anyone know of an easy way to do this?
> thanks.
> Regards,
> Dan Barber
> Mojolin
> ---
> Mojolin: The Open Source/Linux Employment Site
> http://www.mojolin.com

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[PHP] Re: Types of table....

Hello Steve,

well, you should have the table set, at the very least, something like this:

UserId - INT, Primary Key, Auto increment
RealFName - varchar(20)
UserName - Varchar (20)
PassWord - Varchar (12)

The length of the fields is optional, and you should perform checks on the
username and password to confirm that they don't contain irregular
characters that might give you problems in the future.

I'd do something like this (on signup):

if (!preg_match("/^[[:alnum:]_]+$/", $username)) {

-That'd check if the username contained alphanumeric characters and the
underscore ("_") character.  I'd take out the underscore for the password.

Having the first and last name in separate columns will allow you to perform
more informal greets to the user when you use this - Hello $RealFName, how
are you?

Look up column types in the MySQL manual at mysql.com for more detailed info


"Steve Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

I am still a newbie, and have no idea how to use phpMyAdmin yet, and don't
really know much about MySQL databases and setting up tables.

My Question:What table type should i use for a users REAL NAME,
USERNAME, PASSWORD, how long should i set these to, and should i have
anything else clicked while in the process??



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Re: [PHP] another REGEX question

Hi Julian,

personally, I'd take out both tags, using something like:

$str = preg_replace("/<\/?p.*?>/i", "", $str);

Which gets rid of:

Or any case insensitive matches.  That's probably just me though ;)


"Julian Simpson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> $str = eregi_replace(']*>', ' ', $str); worked!
> thanx guys
> Julian
> >At 5:19 PM -0400 8/2/01, Jack Dempsey wrote:
> >>Try
> >>$str = preg_replace("", " ",$str);
> >>
> >>jack
> >
> >
> >Or
> > $str = eregi_replace(']*>', ' ', $str);
> >
> >This matches  >DOESN'T include a >, then the trailing >.
> >
> >Preg functions are faster, though. And, if you're interested in
> >little speed tweaks, use single quotes - ' - rather than double
> >quotes - " - here. With double quotes, PHP searches the quoted string
> >for variables or escape characters to replace.
> >
> > -steve
> >
> >>
> >>-Original Message-
> >>From: Julian Simpson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >>Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 5:16 PM
> >>Subject: [PHP] another REGEX question
> >>
> >>I have a string can look like either of the following:
> >>some stuff
> >>some stuff
> >>
> >>I want to use eregi_replace to take out the first p tag whether it be
> >> or  with a space
> >>
> >>I assumed that $str = eregi_replace ("", " ",$str);
> >>but it matches the entire string and thus turns the whole string into
> >>one space.
> >>aparently regex will match the biggest possible match rather than the
> >>smallest
> >>my question is how do i get it to match the smallest.
> >>
> >>thanx in advance..
> >>
> >>Julian
> >>
> >
> >
> >--
> >+-- Factoid: Of the 100 largest economies in the world, 51
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> >| Steve Edberg   University of California, Davis
> >| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Computer Consultant
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[PHP] SQL - Select rand() ?

Hi Guys,

If I wanted to retrieve just one field randomly from a MySQL table, would I
just use something like:

"SELECT RAND(id) FROM table  LIMIT 0,1" ?

I suppose the best thing for me to do would be to try it, but I am fast
losing the will to stay awake ;)

Thanks, as always,


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[PHP] SQL Select Unique() ?

Hi Guys,

Is there a method of extracting rows from a MySQL table Uniquely (as in only
once) ?. For example, when a user performs a search, using two words,
it may return the same row twice if the search is spread over two or more
SQL "selections".  An example:

If hypothetical row 129 is a Public House, but the public house doubles up
as a restaurant, a search like this might return the same result twice.
Here is our hypothetical pub:

id = 129
name = The Blue Bell Inn
category = Public House
description = The Blue Bell Inn is a hypothetical pub, in the heart of rural
England.  Why not visit, have a drink and perhaps even dine in our fine
Restaurant area.

The user might perform the search, searching by "category" OR by
"description".  So if they typed "Public House / Restaurant" as the query,
the following would occur:

$sql = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE category LIKE 'Public House / Restaurant'
OR description LIKE 'Public House / Restaurant'";

Surely that would bring the same row back twice.  Is there any way of
selecting from the table just once, without having to restrict the search
facility to something like:

"SELECT * FROM table WHERE category LIKE '%$searchtext%'";

as opposed to having the "OR" in as well?

Thanks, as always,


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Re: [PHP] text formatting

Hi George,

Yes.  Use nl2br(); which converts line breaks (\n) to html break tags
().  You're better doing it when you pull data out of your database
rather than doing it as it goes in (if you're using a database in the first

Format is as follows
$string = nl2br($string);


>   I have a text area which the client types information into, but is it
> possible to format the text for example if the user hits enter ,then it
> place a line break  there,
> george
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Re: [PHP] simple querying mysql in a WML card problem :(

Hi Sandeep,

The  tag looks like this in wml: 

Have you escaped the doublequotes correctly in your double quoted "echo" 's?

Make sure that the database doesn't contain ampersands, or dollar signs, or
some of the foreign lettering (like é), as they are illegal characters in
wml (well, the dollar sign is used for variables, like PHP, but WML can't
accept them as part of a string as PHP does).

Ways to work around:

$string = ereg_replace("&", "", $string);


$string = ereg_replace("&", "&", $string);

To get a dollar, use two dollars:

$string = ereg_replace("$", "$$", $string);

That's about as much I can suggest, without actually playing with the script
myself  And I am too tired for that. :)


"Sandeep Hundal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> hi all!
> i'm trying to get simple 2 line results from mysql in a wml card, but
> i can't seem to manage it. here's my code:
>  header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml");
> header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
> header("Pragma: no-cache");
> echo ("");
> ?>
>  "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml";>";
>  include ("db.php");
> $query1 = "SELECT club FROM table WHERE day='monday' ";
> echo "
> ";
> $result1 = mysql_query($query1);
> if ($result1) {
> echo " $day ";
> while ($r1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {
> extract($r1);
> echo "$clubdetails ";
> }
> }
> mysql_free_result($result1);
> echo " 
> ";
> ?>
> simple? yet all it seems to give m is :
> ; = mysql_query( if ( { echo "
> ; while ( = mysql_fetch_array( { extract( echo "
> ; } }mysql_free_result( "
> -
> in my emulator (WinWAP).
> Any help greatly appreciated!
> /sandeep
> Do You Yahoo!?
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[PHP] SQL Query time?

Hi all,

I have seen a few pages that echo the time it's taken to execute an SQL
query, like "The results in the database were returned in 0.3 seconds."
Anyone know if there's a built in function to display this, and if there is,
what it is?  My more-than-useless-ISP seems to have taken an aversion to
allowing me to surf tonight without disconnecting me.


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Re: [PHP] String delimeters, arg!

Hi Nick,

to delete a cookie, simply use set_cookie("cookie_name"); without appending
any values.

Possible solutions for the \t and \n :

For \n to , use:
$string = nl2br($string);

Not sure whether or not there a similar function for \t, though you could
perhaps use some method to replace \t with   * 4.  I'm not sure
something like:

$string = ereg_replace("\t", "", $string);

would be too clever, just in case someone typed \t rather than ereg_replace
/ preg_replace recognising it as a Tab.

It's getting too late to do any serious thinking. :)


""Nick"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Hello PHP'ers

I am having a problem with string delimiters. For some reason no matter what
I do I can not get them to process correctly!!
For example,


That outputs:
yes no

What am I doing wrong?! Is there something I need to set in the php.ini
file? I would like to be able to type \n instead of  repeatidly!

Also, when working with cookies, if I have a cookie that is set by,

if (!isset($cookies)) {
//Set Cookies
$cookie_user = setcookie ("username", $row["user"], time()+86400, "/",
$cookie_pass = setcookie ("password", $row["pass"], time()+86400, "/",
$cookie_step = setcookie ("step", "1", time()+86400, "/", "localhost");
$cookies_set = setcookie ("cookies", "y", time()+86400, "/", "localhost");

Is there a way to unset the cookie? Perhaps by,
$cookie_set = setcookie ("cookies","");

Thanks for your time,


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[PHP] MySQL select rand() with weighting?

Hi Guys,

Does anyone know how to select one field randomnly from a MySQL table
against a weighting column in the same row the field is selected from?

For example, "SELECT id, url, image FROM table ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 1".

And have a column like "weighting" where values between 1 and 100 are held -
The larger values making it more likely that they're going to get pulled
out.  So say I have three rows in the table, one "weighing" 100, the others
weighing 50, the one weighhing 100 stands a better chance of being selected

I know I've not explained this too well, but hopefully *someone* will know
what I'm rambling on about ;)

Thanks as always,


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Re: [PHP] mysql_trouble (check fast!)

Hi Fredrik,

Always check whether or not the required variables are there BEFORE querying
the database.  And make sure that the negatives are dealt with first.
That's my opinion.  I'd probably also check whether the original username /
password is in the database before proceeding.  Probably more work on the
db's part than needed, but still.  Gotta make sure everything's correct:


""FredrikAT"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
9d9jll$fic$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9d9jll$fic$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> $na_pw is the active password...
> ..if pw is blank or wrong i want to output a error message...
> ...iknow that I could do if (empty($na_pw) and $na_pw <> $pw), but then I
> would have to send another query to MySQL..
> I thought that q_updateresult would say (when i echo) 0 when password is
> bad, but it echos 1.
> Any tips?
> $q_updatequery = "UPDATE brukerinfo SET navn=\"$ny_navn\",
> pw=PASSWORD('$ny_pw') WHERE brukerID=\"$id\" and pw=PASSWORD('$na_pw')\n";
> $q_updateresult = mysql_db_query ($db, $q_updatequery);
> -
> Fredrik A. Takle
> --
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[PHP] Re: Text area ...

Hi Kok,

use nl2br();

$string = nl2br($string);
echo $string;

See the manual for full details.


"Coconut Ming" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> hi..
> Did you feel it is strange alignment when you output the same thing
> again in PHP...
>  I mean the line break... For example I enter the following text and the
> order of text as below
>  I
>  AM
>  A
>  so... I store it when I output it again.. It is display as I AM A
>  the line break or [enter] key just does not detected... Anyone know
> any  solution for this? thanks for helping.
>  Sincerely
>  Kok Ming

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[PHP] Re: What's the difference between echo and print?

Hi Phil,

Print returns a boolean true / false value as functions do, as well as any
output, whereas echo doesn't.  Have a look through the archives.. This is
quite a popular question, and it wasn't long ago when it was last asked.


"Phil Latio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> What's the difference between echo and print?
> I believed they were the same.

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[PHP] Re: getting an auto increment value immediately after insert

Hi Matt,


See the manual for more info.


"Garman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello:
> I'm inserting some information into a MySQL database via a PHP script.  A
> handful of various information is put into the database via the "INSERT
> INTO..." SQL command.  Each entry has a unique, auto increment field that
> as an index number for that entry.  I can't seem to figure out a clean and
> simple way to get that index number immediately after an insert.
> Granted I have a lot of field information that I could use in a very
> SELECT statement's WHERE clause.  And the chances of that information
> identical to another is virtually zero.  However, I would like something a
> more "elegant," i.e., a function like "mysql_get_inserted_row ()".
> If anyone has any suggestions, they would be sincerely appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Matt

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[PHP] Help with linux / apache / php

Hi all,

I'll apologise right away - this is more or less completely off topic,
though it is remotely connected with PHP (so that's my excuse).

At the moment, the company I work for is hosted on a co-located server.  We
have one main domain and many sub domains.  Here's how they are (roughly set


The document trees are like this:

/home/mainsite/www // main dir
/home/mainsite/www/sub1 //sub 1
/home/mainsite/www/sub2 // sub2

We have just (in the last month or so) leased a cobalt raq all for our own
use.  Great.  However, the sites using this box are setup and maintained
using a web interface that comes as default with the box.  when setting up
sites (subs or otherwise), it adds sites (and you have to specify users for
those sites) with directory trees like this:


Obviously, this causes problems (like for the php scripts that are running
on the current setup, where files are included / required as a part of the
main directory, and out of the document root (/home/mainsite/includes might
be an example)).

So, I'd like to learn how to use linux (bearing in mind that I have very
limited experience of unix based systems).  I can perform the very basic
commands, but would like to learn how to use / mainpulate the box through
shell access rather than over a web interface (which ultimately, I'm
assuming, will give me more flexibility - for example, I'd rather know how
to install the latest version of php onto the server following the
installation instructions than to attempt to do it through another medium).

I've bought a couple of books and hope to delve into them in the course of
the weekend and the next few weeks to come.  I'm assuming that one of the
first steps would be to install linux on my home machine and get a feel for
it (currently I'm running windows ouch).

So, here come the questions.
Where can I find the latest version of linux?  I have had a brief look at
freshmeat.net and linux.com, but didn't find any download sections (I didn't
look too hard, for reasons soon to be explained).

If I install linux, can I still use windows as a secondary OS (perhaps
running over the top of linux?)

If I can run windows as well as linux, am I best formatting my main drive,
installing linux, then windows?

Is the httpdconf file one of the main files i need to confifure for sites,
or are there many others (I've read a little about setting users up in vi
and will read more on that, but are there mounds of files that you need to
configure when setting up a new virtual site?)

I'm sorry about asking what's probably obvious to most of you, but that's
part of my reasoning behind asking on here - most of you will probably be
familiar with this stuff.  Another reason for asking here is that I don't
know of any other relevant alt groups.

I'm sure these questions have been asked many times before, but it really
has been "one of those weeks", and I'm about fit to drop dead of exhaustion
(not your problem, I know, but the sympathy vote might work ;)) - I've had a
quick look through the archives and other sources, but the mounds of text
that surround the basic questions I'm asking are (in my dazed state) making
me even more dizzy.

Lastly, thanks for reading.  Any advice any of you can give, or any basic
pointers you might have, are greatly appreciated. Please cc any replies.

Thanks and goodnight,

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Re: [PHP] local time v.s. server time

Hi Joe,

GMT isn't affected by daylight savings (altough in the UK we are using
British Summer Time at the moment, which is GMT +1), so that's the constant
you can work from if you're not experiencing daylight savings schemes where
you are.  I have written out an example for you below.

We get the Y-m-d H:i:s format of time using gmdate() (which Mysql likes).
We convert that lot to a timestamp.  The function I've created takes two
arguments: whether to add or take time from the timestamp that is generated,
and the offset in hours.  So, to emulate what Mysql's now() function does,
you can do something like this

And you should get correct datetime formats for your timezone into your
table (providing you have put your correct offset from GMT).

Hope this helps.


"Joe Sheble )" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Alas, I don't have this luxury since it's not my server, but one that is
> hosted with a web hosting provider.  They control the setup and
> configuration of the machines... since it's a shared server I doubt I'll
> convince them to set the timezone to my location, thus throwing everyone
> else on the same server out of whack...
> I can use the putenv() function though for use in PHP and then when saving
> the date and time into mySQL actually use the PHP date and time functions
> instead of the mySQL Now() function...
> Where would I find the TZ codes to use for my area?
> thanx
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Don Read [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 8:39 PM
> > To: Joe Sheble (Wizaerd)
> > Cc: General PHP List
> > Subject: RE: [PHP] local time v.s. server time
> >
> >
> >
> > On 25-Aug-2001 Joe Sheble \(Wizaerd\) wrote:
> > > My website is hosted with a provider, and there is a three hour
> > difference
> > > in timezones, so when saving date and times to the database,
> > they reflect
> > > the server time and not my own local time.  The clincher is I
> > know I could
> > > do some time math and just substract 3 hours, but I live in
> > Arizona, so we
> > > do not go through daylight savings time.  So right now it's a three
> > > difference, but when the time change happens, I'll only be two
> > hours behind.
> > >
> > > Because of this, what is the best method to get my local date and time
> > > entered into the database instead of the server date and time??
> > >
> >
> > In my case the server is in Atlanta, but I have to sync with my
> > credit-card
> > processor on the left coast.
> >
> > So first i start the database (MySQL) on Pacific time with:
> > -
> > export TZ
> > /usr/local/bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql > /dev/null &
> >
> > 
> > To make PHP date/time functions jive, during initialization:
> >
> >
> >putenv('TZ=PST8PDT');  // Server on Pacific time
> >
> > No matter that i'm in Texas (CST), everything is now reported on Pac
> >
> > Regards,
> > --
> > Don Read   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > -- It's always darkest before the dawn. So if you are going to
> >steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.
> >
> >

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[PHP] Re: parsing a string

Hey John,
something like this might work:

", $string);

echo $string;



"John A. Grant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm reading some HTML text from a file and echoing it to
> stdout. The HTML text contains  but I would rather
> have the server do the work of looking up the image size.
> I know how to lookup the image size with getimagesize().
> My problem is in coming up with a good format for embedding
> a reference to the image in the text and then writing the code
> to parse it.
> So instead of this:
> here is some text  alt="this is a bird"> and here is more text and another
> image  alt="this is a plane"> and more text
> I would like to have something like this:
> here is some text [bird.gif,this is a bird] and here
> is more text and another image [plane.gif, this is a plane]
> and more text
> Crossing line boundaries is not an issue - each text string
> is complete. I need to be able to dump out the string until I
> see a reference to an image, then extract the name and alt text,
> handle it (by emitting ) and continue to echo text from
> the string until I encounter another image reference.
> My problem is in coming up with a syntax for this and then
> to write the code to extract the information.
> In the above example, I'm using the syntax:
> [filename,text]
> but it's conceivable that the HTML text might also contain
> [some plain text not related to images]
> so I thought about some of these:
> {filename,alt text} - not good, text might contain {plain text]
> @filename, alt text@
> img(filename,alt text)
> Using the same @ delimiter at each end might make it easier
> to use explode() to split the text.  But perhaps img(filename,text)
> is more elegant, but it might need more skills than I have in using
> regex to recognize it and extract it.  Also I need to figure out how
> to extract and echo the plain text around it.
> Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks.
> --
> John A. Grant  * I speak only for myself *  (remove 'z' to reply)
> Radiation Geophysics, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa
> If you followup, please do NOT e-mail me a copy: I will read it here

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[PHP] Re: Re:Date->TimeStamp

Hi Daniel,

Try this:

Should work ok.


"Daniel Harik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I've tried this code:
> $timea = explode(" ",$timepostsed);
> $timea1 = explode("-",$timea[0]);
> $timea2 = explode(":",$timea[1]);
> $timestamp =
> mktime($timea2[0],$timea2[1],$timea2[2],$timea1[1],$timea1[2],$timea1[0]);
> But it return "-1"

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[PHP] Re: strip HTML

The easiest way would be to use strip_tags(), though you could craft your
own regular expression.



"Gary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello All,
>   How would I strip all HTML before the info in inserted to MySQL? The
> info is sent with a form. We Have one person that insist on using HTML.
> Gary

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[PHP] Re: Using Logical OR operator in IF statement???

Hi Brad,

This worked for me:

.. but I'd tend to go for a regex as a solution to what you're after,
which involves less code:

Just my thoughts...


"Brad Melendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello,
> Ok, this works:
> if (substr($sString,(strlen($sString)-1)!="-")) {
> print "You can't have a dash at the end of your string.";
> }
> and this works:
> if (substr($sString,0,1)!="-") {
> print "You can't have a dash at the beginning of your string.";
> }
> But, this doesn't work for any case:
> if ((substr($sString,(strlen($sString)-1)!="-")) or
> (substr($sString,0,1)!="-")) {
> print "you can't have a dash at the beginning or end of your string.";
> }
> What could be wrong?  I've used a logical OR operator in the middle of an
> statement like this before, but for some reason, this just isn't working.
> Anyone got any ideas?  I suppose I can just evaluate this with two
> IF statements, but it seems like I shoud be able to do it in one and
> duplicate code.  Thanks very much in advance.
> .Brad

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