[PHP] new line in forms?

2001-03-11 Thread Jens

You have probably had this question a few times, but can anyone tell me how
to detect "new line's" or breaks in form fealds from both PC and Mac. And
then replacing the "new line" with a  so that I can use it for the web?

Thanks in advance


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[PHP] converting str with \n to one line str??

2001-08-20 Thread Jens

When I use Javascript with PHP i run into one problem. When I get the data i
need from the database it often has a lot of  and \n (new lines) in it.
The  are no problem when converting a string to a Javascript string, but
the \n are. The string has to be all in one line.


var temp = <? echo $temp?> 

This is not working!! But this would :

var temp = '<? echo $temp?>'; 

Can you help me please?

thanks Jens

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[PHP] Re: accessing a mysql column by number

2002-03-28 Thread Jens Lehmann

> Is there a way to access a column in Mysql just by using a number?

Please refer to the MySQL-Documentation. A database doesn't have
any predefined structure, so you're responsible for doing this. Can you
explain why you need this "feature"?

> Like if you had three columns called "column1", "column2", and
> "column3" and I wanted to access column3 just by using the number 3

This could simply be done by using prefixes:

$col = $prefix.$number


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Re: [PHP] Re: accessing a mysql column by number

2002-03-28 Thread Jens Lehmann

Hi Rick,

thanks for correcting me. (numeric order)

I thought he just wants to select one col. (SELECT "3rd column" FROM table
... )

I didn't read your answer because it was not in the same thread (reading the
with MS Outlook Express), because the subject-line changed. Can you suggest
a newsreader which can manage this? I assume this is the wrong place to ask,
if you don't want to answer, please tell me where to find the answer.
(I didn't find it in any FAQs.) Sorry for asking such a stupid question.


> Jens,
> A database does have a structure.  The order in which the columns/fields
> defined is their numeric order.
> Second, mysql_fetch_row() will accomplish what he needs.
> Third, we answered this yesterday.
> -Original Message-
> From: Jens Lehmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 8:18 AM
> Subject: [PHP] Re: accessing a mysql column by number
> > Is there a way to access a column in Mysql just by using a number?
> Please refer to the MySQL-Documentation. A database doesn't have
> any predefined structure, so you're responsible for doing this. Can you
> explain why you need this "feature"?
> > Like if you had three columns called "column1", "column2", and
> > "column3" and I wanted to access column3 just by using the number 3
> This could simply be done by using prefixes:
> $col = $prefix.$number
> Jens
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] gmtime?

2002-05-24 Thread Jens Lehmann

Any reasons why there's no gmtime()-function in PHP? I'd like to hear your

Jens Lehmann

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Re: [PHP] gmtime?

2002-05-24 Thread Jens Lehmann

> Did you see gmdate()?
> http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.gmdate.php

Yes, of course.

I can do time()-date("Z") to have gmtime
(or maybe) something better, but wouldn't it be better to
have gmtime() implemented anyways? Please tell me if I
missed something. Thank you.

Jens Lehmann

PS: date("U") and gmdate("U") return the same results

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Re: [PHP] gmtime?

2002-05-24 Thread Jens Lehmann

> I don't know what gmtime() is supposed to do.  But is gmmktime() similar?

time() returns the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch to the current
local time

gmtime() should return the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch to the
current GM-time

Do you understand now?

gmmktime() does exactly what I want if I don't pass arguments but since
this behaviour is not documented it's probably confusing to a lot of people,
isn't it?

Jens Lehmann

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[PHP] Re: displaying an image with header(... does not work

2002-05-25 Thread Jens Lehmann

> Hi there,
> I am pulling out an image out of a mysql blob field. The image is there, I
> can see it in mysqlfront. So I pull it out of the db store it into a
> variable and then do a:
>  header("Content-type: image/pjpeg");
>  echo $picture;
> I do get a white screen and the browser is loading forever. I can not see
> any error in that. Outputting text works, but not the image.
> Thanx for any help,
> Andy

Don't know if it's a typo, but it must be "image/jpeg" of course. Check your
loops (if any) and your strings (esp. " and '). Maybe it's better to post
the whole
source in this case.


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Re: [PHP] Session question

2002-05-25 Thread Jens Lehmann

> > Just be sure you call session_start() on any page you want to access
> > session variables.
> >
> I have to call this function on each page I use session variable or juste
> once ?

The statement is pretty clear. You've to call it once on each page you want
to access session variables.

> > This assumes the latest version of PHP. The procedure is similar on
> > older versions, you just have to use session_register().
> From wich version session_start() is include ?

Don't know what you want, but session_start() is part of PHP since version


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[PHP] Re: Switch() ?????

2002-05-25 Thread Jens Lehmann

> I have a script that switches.
> switch($pid)
> {
> case 1:
> break;
> case 2:
> break;
> }
> Now I'm doing a check in case 1 and if everything goes well, i want to
> switch directly to case 2 while the script is runny.
> How would i do that ???

Don't write "break;" in case 1.


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[PHP] Re: Function Switch($pid) - NEED HELP

2002-05-25 Thread Jens Lehmann

> I have a script that switches.
> switch($pid)
> {
> case 1:
> break;
> case 2:
> break;
> }
> Now I'm doing a check in case 1 and if everything goes well, i want to
> switch directly to case 2 while the script is runny.
> How would i do that ???

Please don't post the same question several times.


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Re: [PHP] gmtime?

2002-05-25 Thread Jens Lehmann

> I don't know what gmtime() is supposed to do.  But is gmmktime() similar?
> http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.gmmktime.php
> -Kevin

Sorry, my first answer was incorrect. gmmktime() does not do what I want.
Do you have any other suggestion why we need/don't need gmtime()?


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[PHP] Re: Can't get Apache and PHP to run together -each seems to work OK WinME

2002-05-25 Thread Jens Lehmann

Maybe Apache and PHP have problems with the 2MHz-CPU. :-)

I can only guess what may be the problem:

1. You didn't write phpinfo.php correctly.
2. phpinfo.php is in the wrong directory.

I suggest this because if the apache-site comes up correctly and
phpinfo.php does not it _might_ be a directory problem. Please try to
put a test.html-file in your webserver-root and call it in your browser.


>  I am not an advanced user but not incapable.  Please bear with me for
> any amateurishness.
> I am trying to get PHP to work with Apache.
> I have a Windows ME PC, 2Mhz and 512 of RAM.
> I want it only to learn PHP and then test out a few things, using
> MySQL too.
> I downloaded Apache version 1.3.24 and installed it plain and
> simple.It starts up.
> I have also installed PHP version 4.2.1.  I have also a version of
> MySQL loaded (4.0.1) and that sits happily running under a
> WinMySQLAdmin logo in the corner of the screen.
> I carefully followed the help files and looked up articles and books
> for instructions for setting up the config file and have made changes
> to "Apache" so the relevant sections now read like this.
> (There seem only to be a few necessary changes)./
>ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "C:/Program Files/Apache
> Group/Apache/cgi-bin/"
> #
> # "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/cgi-bin" should be changed
> to whatever your ScriptAliased
> # CGI directory exists, if you have that configured.
> #
> AllowOverride None
> Options None
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> ScriptAlias /php/ "C:/PHP/"
> # End of aliases.
> and ..
>  #
> # AddType allows you to tweak mime.types without actually editing
> it, or to
> # make certain files to be certain types.
> #
> AddType application/x-tar .tgz
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php3
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml
> Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php.exe"
> With this done the Apache config tester says the syntax is OK and when
> I access "localhost"  (using IE6) up comes the Apache information page
> saying it is running.
> But when I ask for  "localhost/phpinfo.php"
> (I have a phpinfo function written into a file with that extension)
> I get an error 500 "internal configuration is wrong" message.
> Maybe it is PHP that is wrong?So I have checked all the changes
> needed for installing PHP --- again after reading the php site and
> looking a FAQs etc.
> I mean putting the php4tl file into Windows/System etc and PHP.ini
> into Windows.  (I used the Windows installer anyway and have again
> carefully followed the changes needed to the INI file.)
> Still the problem.
> A PHP FAQ says that if you get a 500 error (internatl config problem)
> it is worth testing with the command line:
> php.exe -i
> so I did this in DOS. Reams of HTML stuff whizzed by.
> According to the FAQ answer this means PHP  is OK.
> So back to Apache.  But that is as above.
> I tried Netscape version 2 and IE6   -   both give the same answer. So
> it is not the browser because I have tried different ones.
> It is not PHP because on the command line that works OK and shows
> PHPINFO stuff.
> It is not Apache because it says it is running in the browser windows
> when you call localhost.
> So - I am being driven slowly nuts with frustration.
> May I ask for any ideas?
> (I should add that I am a rank amateur trying to do all this so please
> take it slowly).
> Regards from
> Adrian Greeman
> Regards from
> Adrian Greeman
> 52 Salterford Road, Tooting, London, SW17 9TF
> Phone  +44 (0)20 8672 9661
> Mobile  +44 (0)780 329 7447
> Fax:  I can receive these
> on the computer
> but only when present
> - please phone first

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[PHP] ini_set('register_globals',0) doesn't work

2002-05-26 Thread Jens Lehmann

I tested ini_set('register_globals',0) and ini_set('register_globals','Off')
for turning register_globals off. It doesn't work and it doesn't produce any
notice, warning or error.

Here's a quick example:




This prints out $test, what it shouldn't do with register_globals turned
I tested this with PHP 4.1.2 and 4.2.1. Even if I start to doubt it is
supposed to work according to the documentation. Can anyone tell
me what I've done wrong?

For some strange reason if I do

echo ini_set('register_globals',0);

it will print "10". For

echo ini_set('register_globals','Off');

it will print "1Off".


PS: ini_set works fine with include_path and error_reporting

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Re: [PHP] ini_set('register_globals',0) doesn't work

2002-05-27 Thread Jens Lehmann

Thank you for answer. I didn't expect ini_set('register_globals','Off') to
work, that's why I had a look at the documentation. There should be
in the table (so it's a mistake in the documentation).

Anyway it may be possible to use this, if the variables are unset. This
is overload of course, because the variables are first set (because of
register_globals="On" in php.ini) and are unset if I call
ini_set('register_globals','Off'), but this could be a nice "feature",
making it easier to work with register_globals="Off" while other
old projects still work. Do you consider this a good idea? Does
anything except performance speak against doing this manually?


> register_globals affects things that happen before PHP parsing begins, so
> by the time you get to your ini_set() it is too late.  So no, that won't
> work.  You need to set it in your php.ini, httpd.conf or .htaccess.
> -Rasmus
> On Sun, 26 May 2002, Jens Lehmann wrote:
> > I tested ini_set('register_globals',0) and
> > for turning register_globals off. It doesn't work and it doesn't produce
> > notice, warning or error.
> >
> > Here's a quick example:
> >
> >  >
> > ini_set('register_globals',0);
> >
> > if(isset($test))
> >   echo "$test";
> >
> > ?>
> > 
> >  
> >  
> > 
> >
> > This prints out $test, what it shouldn't do with register_globals turned
> > off.
> > I tested this with PHP 4.1.2 and 4.2.1. Even if I start to doubt it is
> > supposed to work according to the documentation. Can anyone tell
> > me what I've done wrong?
> >
> > For some strange reason if I do
> >
> > echo ini_set('register_globals',0);
> >
> > it will print "10". For
> >
> > echo ini_set('register_globals','Off');
> >
> > it will print "1Off".
> >
> > Jens
> >
> > PS: ini_set works fine with include_path and error_reporting
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> > To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
> >

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Re: [PHP] gmtime?

2002-05-27 Thread Jens Lehmann

> > -Original Message-
> > From: Jens Lehmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: 24 May 2002 20:31
> >
> > time() returns the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch to
> > the current
> > local time
> >
> > gmtime() should return the number of seconds since the Unix
> > Epoch to the
> > current GM-time
> >
> > Do you understand now?

> Uh, no, actually now I'm more confused!

I can understand that you're confused. :-) Or am I?

> As I understand it, a Unix timestamp is *always* the number
> of seconds since 1-Jan-1970 GMT ("the Unix epoch"), and
> so is always a GMT time.

Imho no, because 1-Jan-1970 GMT is just the "starting point",
the result depends on which timezone your server is located in.
Please correct me if I'm wrong here!

> Any function that converts between local time and a Unix
> timestamp therefore has to take the current timezone (and
> any daylight-savings rules) into account.  This is why there
> are two versions of mktime() and date(), but only one time().
> Cheers!
> Mike


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Re: [PHP] gmtime?

2002-05-27 Thread Jens Lehmann

> > -Original Message-
> > From: Jens Lehmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: 27 May 2002 12:48
> >
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: Jens Lehmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > > Sent: 24 May 2002 20:31
> > > >
> > > > time() returns the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch to
> > > > the current
> > > > local time
> > > >
> > > > gmtime() should return the number of seconds since the Unix
> > > > Epoch to the
> > > > current GM-time
> > > >
> > > > Do you understand now?
> >
> > > Uh, no, actually now I'm more confused!
> >
> > I can understand that you're confused. :-) Or am I?
> >
> > > As I understand it, a Unix timestamp is *always* the number
> > > of seconds since 1-Jan-1970 GMT ("the Unix epoch"), and
> > > so is always a GMT time.
> >
> > Imho no, because 1-Jan-1970 GMT is just the "starting point",
> > the result depends on which timezone your server is located in.
> > Please correct me if I'm wrong here!
> Well, I'm not sure, because I think we're talking at cross purposes.  I'm
*still* not sure what you want gmtime() to achieve that's different from
time(), because, as far as I can see, the two scenarios you describe above
actually return the same value.  Or, to put it another way, because a
timestamp is *always in GMT*, it returns the time since 1-Jan-1970 00:00:00,
full stop, period, end of story.  In other words, timestamps operate in a
single timezone, and it's up to anything else that works with a timestamp to
do the timezone (and daylight-savings) corrections.  (This is also why you
get the anomaly of 23- and 25-hour days in areas which have daylight-savings
> Let's take some detailed examples, and maybe you can explain what you're
trying to get with your gmtime() (and why!):
> In a purely GMT zone, with local time 27-May-2002 12:00:00, the UNIX
timestamp is 1022500800.
> In a nominally GMT zone, but with daylight-savings in effect (such as
British Summer Time!), with local time 27-May-2002 13:00:00, the UNIX time
stamp for this is also 1022500800.
> Likewise, in a GMT+0200 zone, a local time of 27-May-2002 14:00:00 also
gives a timestamp of 1022500800.
> In fact, this same timestamp of 1022500800 also represents all of these
local times:
> 27-May-2002 04:00 -0800
> 27-May-2002 07:00 -0500
> 27-May-2002 17:00 +0500
> 27-May-2002 23:00 +1100
> and even such oddities as:
> 27-May-2002 21:30 (Western Australia / Northern Territory)
> Thus, given the timestamp of 1022500800, it's the job of date() to
determine the correct timezone and daylight-savings offset and apply them
before formatting the output; gmdate() just formats it without applying any
offsets.  Likewise, mkdate() and gmmkdate() translate the other way
respectively with and without timezone correction.
> Forgive me if I've gone on at what seems like excessive length, but I just
wanted to make sure we both know exactly what it is we're talking about!
> Cheers!
> Mike


Thank you for your explanations. I'm a bit sorry for having
asked such a question. The deeper I thought about it the
more confused I was. I see now that there's no sense in a
function like gmtime(). Sorry.


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[PHP] How to find out the Bitsize of the Clients SSL Key ?

2002-06-07 Thread Jens Dinstuehler

Hi again,

how can i find out the keysize of the clients Browser (SSL). We have an area
only for Users who are capable of 128bit SSL. IE 5.5 with only 56-Bits SSL
says that the Server is Down !!

So i have to check the keysize before the user tries to log in, but i fond
no way...


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[PHP] variable declaration in class

2002-06-18 Thread Jens Lehmann

Can anyone explain me why the following code causes
the parse error "... unexpected * ... " ?

class test
var $a = 2*10;

Of course I know why there's a parse error, but I don't
know the reason why PHP doesn't allow this multiplication,
although it allows a statement like e.g. var $a = 20.
I'd be thankful if anyone could enlighten me. I'm using
PHP 4.2. on Win2k.


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[PHP] How does one build a big chat system?

2001-02-09 Thread Jens Kisters

The approaches i've so far using PHP is letting a script run (almost)
infinitely and refresh the output every 500ms or so, but this will
require a httpd-Process to run for every chatter, consuming several MB
per User.

Any other suggestions which will cause less server load?

I don't think that refreshing the page on the clientside is a very clean
solution, it really looks quite ugly.
Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

+++ neue Anschrift +++

rosomm et partner
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[PHP] Decoding E-Mails

2001-02-09 Thread Jens Kisters

We started to build an Online-Mailclient using PHP and dicovered that
there are quite a lot methods of encoding mails, does anyone have
classes to decode MIME / ... (what other common methods are there?)

It would be great to extract Header, plain text, formatted text and
maybe file attachments.
Any hints?

thanks in advance

Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

+++ neue Anschrift +++

rosomm et partner
Agentur für neue Medien GmbH
Dienstleistungszentrum am
Weißen Tor - Eingang B
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Re: [PHP] How does one build a big chat system?

2001-02-09 Thread Jens Kisters

> Grab one of the many java IRC applets from http://freshmeat.net and run
> an irc server on your box. http wasn't designed for this type of thing.

I've seen a lot of Chatsites that run without Clientside Java, it can't be
such a weird approach,
I don't think the admins of the System the chat is going to be run on would
like an irc server on their machines.

Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

+++ neue Anschrift +++

rosomm et partner
Agentur für neue Medien GmbH
Dienstleistungszentrum am
Weißen Tor - Eingang B
Gocher Landstrasse 2
47551 Kleve / Bedburg-Hau

Telefon: 02821 - 97856-20
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Re: [PHP] re:linebreak

2001-02-14 Thread Jens Nedal

Hy there everyone on the board 8), just a new listviewer droppign in.

In case of displaying \n that are stored in a variable or com from a DB or
inptu field you can also use nl2br($var) which automatically converts those
linebreaks to  and so get displayed correctly. Though that will not work
for the tabs.


Ostry & Partner http://www.ostry.com
Hietzingerhauptstr. 145 1130 Vienna, Austria  +43 1 877 74 54-18

on 14.02.2001 6:41 Uhr, Steve Werby at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> "Deependra B. Tandukar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I did with . "\r\n" too is not giving a new line.
> Actually "\n" does create a newline.  If you view the source code of the web
> page from the browser you'll see that it works.  "\n" is not an HTML tag.
> It's not designed to create a newline in the HTML output sent to the
> browser.  As you discovered, the  tag will do that.  Hope that is clear.
> "\n" is typically used in PHP code so that when one looks at the HTML code
> sent to the browser one doesn't have to look at lines of HTML code that
> contain hundreds upon hundreds of characters.
> --
> Steve Werby
> 24-7 Computer Services, LLC
> Tel: 804.817.2470
> http://www.247computing.com/

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[PHP] Change the session timeout within a php-script

2001-01-17 Thread Jens Rehpöhler


is it possible to change the session timeout from within a script. I can't
change it in the *.ini-file because I have not the sufficient access rights.


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Re: [PHP] Change the session timeout within a php-script

2001-01-17 Thread Jens Rehpöhler

I think you understood me wrong. I don't want to change (or limit) the execution
time of a script. I want to change the lifetime of a http session.

Toby Butzon wrote:

> set_time_limit($seconds)


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[PHP] Calling DB2 Stored Procedures

2001-03-09 Thread Jens Kisters

Are there any problems calling DB2's stored procedures from PHP once the
connection to is set up?

Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

rosomm et partner
Agentur für neue Medien GmbH
Dienstleistungszentrum am
Weißen Tor - Eingang B
Gocher Landstrasse 2
47551 Kleve / Bedburg-Hau

Telefon: 02821 - 97856-20
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[PHP] includes slooooooow

2001-03-09 Thread Jens Kisters

Hi, i just finished my first really big project and when it went live
the servers just flipped out, 100% CPU Load.
Removing all includes and pasting all libraries together seemed to do
the trick, CPU went back to normal.

My Question:
What can i do to speed up includes, i hate working on a file with 45 KB
Sourcecode in it.
Not to speak of pasting the libs to every single Script that makes use
of them.

I tested on a system with the Zend Optimizer installed, the Servers
running the live application do not have the encoder, but i noticed the
lags caused by the includes on the test system too.

tks in advance!

Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

rosomm et partner
Agentur für neue Medien GmbH
Dienstleistungszentrum am
Weißen Tor - Eingang B
Gocher Landstrasse 2
47551 Kleve / Bedburg-Hau

Telefon: 02821 - 97856-20
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[PHP] Classes and Kernel CPU Load?

2001-03-10 Thread Jens Kisters

I have Scripts that seem to cause imense Kernel (not user) CPU Load
under Solaris,
could this be caused by using classes?

I already removed use of md5() and crypt() from the scripts no change so
What else could cause an immense increase in Kernel CPU Load?

Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

rosomm et partner
Agentur für neue Medien GmbH
Dienstleistungszentrum am
Weißen Tor - Eingang B
Gocher Landstrasse 2
47551 Kleve / Bedburg-Hau

Telefon: 02821 - 97856-20
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Re: [PHP] isset and multiple selects

2001-03-11 Thread Jens Nedal

on 10.03.2001 10:10 Uhr, Alexander Lohse at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> is it a fact that: If I have multiple select with e.g. "pers[]" as
> name, I cannot check for an isset($pers) if the user left the field
> blank?
> I know it all works with textfields ... But in this case isset()
> seems not work. There is also no entry in HTTP_POST_VARS for that.
> Or might this be a browserspecific problem? (MSIE 5 on Mac)
> Regards,

Hi Alex,

In a multiple select those values are stored in array. That array is you

In $HTTP_POST_VARS this will appear as this array, i.e. pers()
To list the values in the multiple select do this:

while(list($key,$value) = each(pers)) {
echo("$key -> $value");
or instead of echo you can assign those values newly or store them in a
database for example.

all the values look something like this in the array

pers[0] = 1. multiple select
pers[1] = 2. multiple select
pers[2] = 3. multiple select
pers[3] = 4. multiple select

regards, Jens

> Alex

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Re: [PHP] Passing string variable gets cut off

2001-03-11 Thread Jens Nedal

on 11.03.2001 16:16 Uhr, Fates at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> My strings are getting cut off when I pass to destination web page
> Example:
> Assign variable from database
> $subcategory = mysql_result($result,$i,"subcategory");
> Variable $subcategory  is assigned "Graphic Editors" from database
> (notice two words)
> Next I make a link and pass the variables to new page when person clicks
> link
>  href='addupdate.php?category=$category&subcategory=$subcategory
> New page appears
> The value of $subcategory is:  Graphic It cut off everything after
> Graphic, How do I fix that?

Yes, because there is a space in the word you want to submit over the URL.
What you would need to do is:

$subcategory = urlencode($subcategory);

Re: [PHP] Best way to pass SQL TEXT field via a link

2001-03-11 Thread Jens Nedal

Actually the best would be if you would remain in the page so you dont have
to pass any variables along the url but just in a submit form to the current
page. There you could include your addupdate.php with a trigger like
 and just ask that value of that
field in an if-clause. if true just include the addupdate and execute it

Hope that helps, Jens Nedal

on 11.03.2001 18:12 Uhr, Fates at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm trying to update an existing record based on a link that represents
> the record to update.
> I have a link and I am passing variables that were assigned from a SQL
> database to another php form page which will be used to update the
> record. I'm passing variable like so: href='addupdate.php?name=$name&category=$category&description=$etc.
> This works fine for variables that contain values of only a few lines
> but what about passing a couple paragraphs stored in variable
> $description assigned via database value as TEXT.
> Would it be better just to pass the database record ID to the
> destination page and then query the record in the destination form page
> and populate the form with the current values and update the record or
> is there another way I don't know about?

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[PHP] Quotes in inputfields & Reload

2001-03-12 Thread Jens Nedal

Hy everybody,

Well here is the deal (Probably an easy one 8))
I have several inputfields and check if the are valid or have content.
If an error occurs and the page reloads i simply echo the content of the
fields back into the input fields, viola, wonderful.

BUT if there are " eg. Quotes in those fields they suddenly read \" instead
of " as they should 8(

I guess that the parser is doing something to it there since " is a
sensitive char in php. BUT how can i get the content to be reloaded
correctly into the fields again.

Here an example of how those fields look like

tried it like this too, no difference:
" size=40>

thx in advance, Jens Nedal

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Re: [PHP] Mailing List

2001-03-12 Thread Jens Nedal

Seems that such "blasphemy" as unsubscribing is not allowed ;)
Dear heathen, once you sold your soul to PHP you have to payback lifelong,
dont forget that! No escape ;)

Contacting the Admin should do the thing i guess.

regards, Jens Nedal

on 12.03.2001 13:49 Uhr, Harshdeep S Jawanda at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> On Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 11:59:37AM +1030, David Robley wrote:
>>> On Mon, 12 Mar 2001 11:54, Thomas Anderson wrote:
>>>> Ok, I've tried time and time again to unsubscribe from php.net's
>>>> mailing list unisubscribe instructions but it doesn't work. So how do I
>>>> get off the list?
> I suppose you must already have tried sending mail to
> Just one small point: is the email address from which you send off your
> unsubscription request the one at which you receive mail from this list?
> Another point to consider: it may be that you are subscribed to the list using
> a redirecting email address. If that is the case, you'll have to send your
> unsubscription email from that address. Could you check that up?
> --
> Regards,
> Harshdeep Singh Jawanda.

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Re: [PHP] Good Free PHP Editor?

2001-03-13 Thread Jens Nedal

About good editors with FTP inbuilt on the Windows side. Most of the FTP
features are crap! Completly. The only Editor i know that works good with
its inbilt FTP feature is BBEdit, but that again is another platform.

BUT if you want a good combination on Windows side you could use Ultraedit
and FTP-Netdrive. That programm maps FTP-Host to your Explorer and does all
teh upload etc. So you just open and write and thats it. No messing around.

regards, Jens

on 12.03.2001 21:48 Uhr, Angerer, Chad at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Yes I use it with NT and run into occasional memory management problems as
> well.  It is a great editor but has small issues that really can annoy a
> person.  Also the FTP engine blows.  It can be most unpredictable.
> Chad
> -Original Message-
> From: Simon Garner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 2:43 PM
> To: Boget, Chris; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Good Free PHP Editor?
> From: "Boget, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> HomeSite is great. www.allaire.com
>>> - not totally free I'm afraid, but there is an eval version.
>>> - runs under Windows yes
>>> - supports syntax highlighting for lots of languages
>>> including HTML, PHP,
>>> Perl, SQL, ASP (VB/JS).
>>> - can edit multiple files yes
>>> - shows line numbers in gutter on left hand side
>>> - supports regular-expression based search & replace across multiple
>>> files/directories
>>> - nice interface.
>> Has the worst memory management of any software I've ever used.
>> I have to reboot at lest 10 times a day when I use it.  The support
>> forum on their site is filled with complaints on this issue.  Their
> response
>> to this issue was not to fix the memory leak (or whatever it is) but to
>> issue a warning when resources are getting dangerously low to give
>> you the opportunity to save all your work before you reboot.  Beyond
>> that, their stance is "Well, if you don't like it, return it and we'll
> give
>> you a refund".
>> If this wasn't the only piece of software that handled projects the way
>> we needed, we'd have thrown out this piece of garbage software a *long*
>> time ago.
>> Chris
> Running under Win2K I can have HomeSite 4.5.1 open for weeks, working on 10+
> files, without any problems whatsoever.
> However, I used to run it under Win98 and it would crash 1-2 times per
> day...
> Regards
> Simon Garner

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Re: [PHP] Quotes in inputfields & Reload

2001-03-13 Thread Jens Nedal

Ah yeah, thx everybody

That does it and i am a littel pissed since i can go over alllooott of code
now to insert that. BATCH here i come!


on 12.03.2001 17:49 Uhr, PHPBeginner.com at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> hi Jens,
> PHP automatically escape the dangerous characters from the user input on
> form submissions.
> there are several ways to escape that back :
> stripslashes()
> urlencode()
> htmlentities()
> read about these, they will soon become your solutions.
> Sincerely,
> Maxim Maletsky
> Founder, Chief Developer
> PHPBeginner.com (Where PHP Begins)
> www.phpbeginner.com
> -Original Message-
> From: Jens Nedal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 7:24 PM
> Subject: [PHP] Quotes in inputfields & Reload
> Hy everybody,
> Well here is the deal (Probably an easy one 8))
> I have several inputfields and check if the are valid or have content.
> If an error occurs and the page reloads i simply echo the content of the
> fields back into the input fields, viola, wonderful.
> BUT if there are " eg. Quotes in those fields they suddenly read \" instead
> of " as they should 8(
> I guess that the parser is doing something to it there since " is a
> sensitive char in php. BUT how can i get the content to be reloaded
> correctly into the fields again.
> Here an example of how those fields look like
> tried it like this too, no difference:
> " size=40>
> thx in advance, Jens Nedal
> --
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[PHP] Oracle Fulltext indices?

2001-03-13 Thread Jens Kisters

Hi, everybody!

Does Oracle offer a feature similar to MySQL's Fulltext-index?

Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

rosomm et partner
Agentur für neue Medien GmbH
Dienstleistungszentrum am
Weißen Tor - Eingang B
Gocher Landstrasse 2
47551 Kleve / Bedburg-Hau

Telefon: 02821 - 97856-20
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Re: [PHP] Multi-Step Script

2001-03-14 Thread Jens Nedal

on 14.03.2001 5:59 Uhr, Andrew V. Romero at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Is it possible to use different parts of one php script for multiple
> html forms?  I am not seeing how people create multiple pages of html
> forms with each form importing information from the previous form.
> Right now, for each html form page I have, I create one php script to
> handle it but it would be nice to have just one php script in which only
> certain parts execute depending on have variables have assignments.  One
> way I was thinking of doing this is to have the html forms just keep
> posting the information to itself whenever the submit button is hit and
> then using a series of if else statements to evaluate where the program
> is in relationship to the forms, would this type of system work?
> What do you guys do?
> -Andrew V. Romero
> To reply personally, remove all numbers from address.

Like some mentioned, reverse-programming is kinda crucial for error
checking. About FORMS, yes you can have multiple forms aslong as the dont
mismatch, you can even assign names to the forms for them to remain
like  I think it might even be possible to get that
formname and then see what you do with each form. The other way round with
if statements or switches works well though.

Jens Nedal

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Re: [PHP] update two frames at once?

2001-03-14 Thread Jens Nedal

Yes you can and there is even a neater script that does it.
with thise you can update any amount of frames a t the same time.
Just well i got to find it. msg back in a few.

Jens Nedal

on 12.03.2001 22:15 Uhr, Angerer, Chad at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Yes you can.. use Javascript
> Look here.. http://www.virtualgeoff.com/junkyard/frames/multiple/
> Chad
> -Original Message-
> From: Michael George [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 3:06 PM
> Subject: [PHP] update two frames at once?
> Hello al!
> Is it possible to have two frames updated when cliking on one link?  I have
> a
> page that is broken into 4 parts:
> master title
> section title
> d section screen
> i
> r
> .
> what I want is that when a link is clicked on in the directory (the left
> column), I'd like to update the section title *and* the section screen...
> It seemed a cool layout at the time, but I'm thinking this isn't easily
> possible and I might just have to incorporate a section title on the section
> screen...  But before I rewrite it, I thought I'd ask here.
> Thanks!
> -Michael
> P.S. I'd like to commend the regular posters to this list on being SOOO
> informative and patient!  Every small question to this list always
> gets several useful answers, even when I've seen questions asked over
> and again.

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[PHP] Finding linefeeds in Strings

2001-03-29 Thread Jens Kisters

String functions like explode, strpos or str_replace seem to fail when
asked to work with "\n".
What can i do to tokenize or explode a string by linefeeds?

i replaced "\n" by another expression and it seems to work, but i'm
curious if there's a mor elegant solution...


Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

rosomm et partner
Agentur für neue Medien GmbH
Dienstleistungszentrum am
Weißen Tor - Eingang B
Gocher Landstrasse 2
47551 Kleve / Bedburg-Hau

Telefon: 02821 - 97856-20
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[PHP] PHP claims that class was defined twice

2001-05-20 Thread Jens Kisters

Hey there i noticed sometinh quite odd when trying to include a class

There are several classes in the project in question.
Every class resides i a separate file that gets included.

When i call the following method

 function mRenderPrintNav($client) {

//include the class definition
  $menu=new Menu;

PHP complains

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class menu in ..//_common/layernav.cls.php
on line 3

ok i started checking if i include the file twice, ich wrote some chars
before the first http://www.rosomm-partner.de

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Re: [PHP] HTTP_POST_VARS not picking up checkboxes that areunchecked

2001-06-20 Thread Jens Nedal

The thing can do is as follows:

When i want check such empty boxes, i call up the $HTTP_POST_VARS just like
you. BUT what i do next ist that while listing those vars i insert an if
statement like

if (!strstr($key,checkbox_name)) {echo ($error);}

So i do a stringmatch with the key and the name... this way you can check
all checkboxes if the have generic starting like check_01 check_02 so then
you just ask if (!strstr($key,chec)) {echo ($error);}

For strstr function see the manual if you dont know.

Another way is as follows...
And its probably the best!.

You can start putting checkbox values into an array... like this
" value="bla">

cb_ then represents the array and THIS array gets transported within the
$HTTP_POST_VARS or rather exists as long as the page is up or reloaded.

Inside the listing of $HTTP_POST_VARS you then just do another array listing
for the cb_ array like this:

while (list($key, $val) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) {
if (strstr($key,'cb_')) {
while (list($key, $val) = each($cb_)) {
$v_liste.=' '.$val;
$v_user_liste =

The only backdrop is that you would have to initilaize those array elements
with an '' before

Works very nicely for me though.. since most checkbox elements are groups
and get pulled out of a database. So the initializing is generic too ;)

Maybe this helps, regards Jens

on 19.06.2001 1:46 Uhr, Tom Beidler at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have a form with approximately 40 input fields. When a form is posted it
> sends an email and then builds a tab delimited $txt entry for a text file on
> the server.
> The problem is that if a checkbox is not checked, when it's not required, I
> don't get a blank entry in my tab file for the checkbox input. I'm imploding
> my HTTP_POST_VARS variable like so;
> reset($HTTP_POST_VARS);
> while (list($var, $value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) {
> if (is_array($value)){
> $txt .= implode($value, "\t");
> $txt .= "\t";
> }
> else{
> $txt .= "$value\t";
> }
> }
> $txt .= "end\n";
> $flsfile = fopen("text/fls.txt", "a");
> if ($flsfile){
> fputs($flsfile, "$txt");
> fclose($flsfile);
> }
> Is there a way to send a blank value if the checkbox is not set? Should I
> use a completely different strategy? Have I said Thank you enough to Rasmus
> Lerdorf and whomever else was involved in resuscitating the list?
> Thanks Rasmus Lerdorf and all others involved for getting the list back up
> and running.
>>> .>>.>>>.>>>>>.>>>>>>>>>.>>>>>>>>
> Tom Beidler
> Orbit Tech Services
> 805.682.8972 (phone)
> 805.682.5833 (fax)
> http://www.orbittechservices.com/
>>> .>>.>>>.>>>>>.>>>>>>>>>.>>>>>>>>

Re: [PHP] php and flash 5 books?

2001-06-20 Thread Jens Nedal

Could you tell me which book that ist?
Maybe Title author and ISBN Number.

I would be grateful for tha tinformation, thx!

regards, Jens

on 19.06.2001 17:30 Uhr, Jay Paulson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Anyone know of any good books that actually deal with php interfacing with
> flash 5?  I've found one book but just curious if there are others out
> there...
> thanks,
> jay

Re: [PHP] Solution to "headers already sent" error.

2001-06-20 Thread Jens Nedal

Hy there 8)

This one is easy...
The thing  IS that when you use the header statement there is absolutly NO
OUTPUt like echo(); inside the PHP-brackets allowed AND NO OUTPUT allowed
outside the PHP-Brackets, before the first header statement appears!
Not even simple linebreaks or anything!

So watch out for any linebreaks or tabs or spaces outside the php-brackets
before the first header statment or any echo or print inside php-brackets
before the first header-statement.

regards, Jens

on 19.06.2001 0:28 Uhr, Merio, Quinn at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> So, during the time the lists were down, i was banging my head over a
> seemingly impossible error message.
> This was the error message:
> Warning: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent
> What?! I exlaimed.. the first line in my page registered the session
> variable i was using, so what was the deal.  I turned out to be one measly
> little space in front of my  
> If you are registering a session variable, it seems you cant have ANY
> whitespace in the page before you register the session variable.
> Figured i would share that nugget, cus man did it ever drive me nuts, and i
> saw no reference to it at all in the manuals.
> Quinn Merio
> Vice President
> Vir2lAlliance Inc.
> www.vr2a.com

RE: [PHP] edit xml with php?

2001-07-17 Thread Jens Wabnitz

> I am trying to edit this xml-file:

Have a look at: http://ww.phpxml.org/


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RE: [PHP] HTML in XML???

2001-07-18 Thread Jens Wabnitz

> Is there some way to include HTML tags in a XML doc???

Yes, if your HTML is wellformed -> XHTML

> And is there a special php xml newsgroup??



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[PHP] Cannot destroy session cookie

2001-04-18 Thread Jens Kisters

Hi there,
i'm having a little trouble with cleaning up sessions.
I have a login page that sets a certain session variable that is used to
determine wether a user is logged on.
When the user has cookies turned on the application recognizes the
running session an resumes it, that also happens on the login-page,
i'd like to explicitly destroy the session before logging on, i tried
unsetting the session variable, destroying the session, unsetting the
session cookie, but nothing worked, the session is always continued with
the same SessionID.
What can i do to destroy the session?


Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

rosomm et partner
Agentur für neue Medien GmbH
Dienstleistungszentrum am
Weißen Tor - Eingang B
Gocher Landstrasse 2
47551 Kleve / Bedburg-Hau

Telefon: 02821 - 97856-20
Telefax: 02821 - 97856-77

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2001-04-18 Thread Jens Fisch

No. Just point your links to https://www.yoursecureserver.com/dir/page.htm
or, if your SSL is on another port, to

cu, Jens

> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: phpman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. April 2001 22:56
> How do I establish an SSL socket connection with PHP?
> I have PHP compiled in an Apache Mod_SSL server. Do I need to compile PHP
> with
> some sort of open_ssl option? I have --enable-sockets in the command line.
> Please help!!!
> -dave

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Re: [PHP] Cannot destroy session cookie

2001-04-18 Thread Jens Kisters

> Why destroying it "before" a user logs in? Isn't it

In case the user did not log out properly, his session would still be marked
as valid & logged in

> better to start the session "after" a successful login?

starting works fine, restarting is the problem

> And then destroying the session when the user logs out.

You can't count on an explicit logout,
never rely on the users, they just don't act like you want them to ;)

Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

rosomm et partner
Agentur für neue Medien GmbH
Dienstleistungszentrum am
Weißen Tor - Eingang B
Gocher Landstrasse 2
47551 Kleve / Bedburg-Hau

Telefon: 02821 - 97856-20
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[PHP] getting sessions lifetime

2001-04-29 Thread Jens Kisters

Hi there!

Is there a way to determine the session timeout of the currents servers
PHP configuration, e.g. by reading values from the php.ini?

i want to manage the timeout of the session myself, no matter what the
server is set to, i want to try to hit a session page in a hidden frame
just before the session would time out so that there won't be a session

Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

rosomm et partner
Agentur für neue Medien GmbH
Dienstleistungszentrum am
Weißen Tor - Eingang B
Gocher Landstrasse 2
47551 Kleve / Bedburg-Hau

Telefon: 02821 - 97856-20
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[PHP] MySQL fulltext indices and phrase search

2001-05-02 Thread Jens Kisters

Hi there, is there a possibility to use MySQL's MATCH ... AGAINST to
look for a string like "foo bar" ?

if i MATCH keyname AGAINST ('foo bar') i get resuts that match foo or
bar, but not both of them separated by a space.

My guess is that the organization of the index doesn't allow this kind
of search as it's based on single words , but maybe one of you has a
better idea than
to select the rows that contain both and hit those with LIKE '%foo bar%'

Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

rosomm et partner
Agentur für neue Medien GmbH
Dienstleistungszentrum am
Weißen Tor - Eingang B
Gocher Landstrasse 2
47551 Kleve / Bedburg-Hau

Telefon: 02821 - 97856-20
Telefax: 02821 - 97856-77

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SV: [PHP] converting str with \n to one line str??

2001-08-21 Thread Jens Schodt

nl2br is not working in this case. It does put a  with every new line,
but it does not remove the new line. The string will still have the line
changes and it will not work in Javascript.


-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Artwithin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sendt: 20. august 2001 20:09
Til: Jens
Emne: Re: [PHP] converting str with \n to one line str??

use nl2br()

or, alternatively, use a regex to strip out the newlines

hope this helps.

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 11:15
Subject: [PHP] converting str with \n to one line str??

> When I use Javascript with PHP i run into one problem. When I get the data
> need from the database it often has a lot of  and \n (new lines) in
> The  are no problem when converting a string to a Javascript string,
> the \n are. The string has to be all in one line.
> example:
>  I
> am"; ?>
> var temp = <? echo $temp?> 
> This is not working!! But this would :
> var temp = '<? echo $temp?>'; 
> Can you help me please?
> thanks Jens
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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SV: [PHP] converting str with \n to one line str??

2001-08-21 Thread Jens Schodt

$temp = str_replace("\n","test",$temp) is doing the same thing. It is still
a string in several lines if you look in the source :-(


-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Tyler Longren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sendt: 20. august 2001 20:20
Til: Jens
Emne: Re: [PHP] converting str with \n to one line str??

You could use str_replace().

Tyler Longren
Captain Jack Communications

On Mon, 20 Aug 2001 20:15:54 +0200
"Jens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When I use Javascript with PHP i run into one problem. When I get the
> data i
> need from the database it often has a lot of  and \n (new lines) in
> it.
> The  are no problem when converting a string to a Javascript string,
> but
> the \n are. The string has to be all in one line.
> example:
>  I
> am"; ?>
> var temp = <? echo $temp?> 
> This is not working!! But this would :
> var temp = '<? echo $temp?>'; 
> Can you help me please?
> thanks Jens
> -- 
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SV: [PHP] converting str with \n to one line str??

2001-08-21 Thread Jens Schødt

Yes!! This was the solution...
With str_replace you can use an array as the search argument. Like this

$arrReplace = array ("\n","\r");
$temp = str_replace($arrReplace,"",$temp);
$temp = addcslashes($temp,"'"); // just to make sure that the string will
work as my JS string

thanks for the help :-)


-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Sendt: 21. august 2001 09:31
Til: Jens Schødt; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Emne: RE: [PHP] converting str with \n to one line str??

just a thought - \r\n?

try stripping out \r's as well.  windows does \r\n  (carriage return, line
feed) for text, unix only \n's

-Original Message-
From: Jens Schodt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: August 21, 2001 3:20 PM
To: 'Tyler Longren'
Subject: SV: [PHP] converting str with \n to one line str??

$temp = str_replace("\n","test",$temp) is doing the same thing. It is still
a string in several lines if you look in the source :-(


-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Tyler Longren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sendt: 20. august 2001 20:20
Til: Jens
Emne: Re: [PHP] converting str with \n to one line str??

You could use str_replace().

Tyler Longren
Captain Jack Communications

On Mon, 20 Aug 2001 20:15:54 +0200
"Jens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When I use Javascript with PHP i run into one problem. When I get the
> data i
> need from the database it often has a lot of  and \n (new lines) in
> it.
> The  are no problem when converting a string to a Javascript string,
> but
> the \n are. The string has to be all in one line.
> example:
>  I
> am"; ?>
> var temp = <? echo $temp?> 
> This is not working!! But this would :
> var temp = '<? echo $temp?>'; 
> Can you help me please?
> thanks Jens
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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SV: [PHP] converting str with \n to one line str??

2001-08-21 Thread Jens Schødt

Allmost, but you have to look for the \r ass well!
With str_replace you can use an array as the search argument. Like this

$arrReplace = array ("\n","\r");
$temp = str_replace($arrReplace,"",$temp);
$temp = addcslashes($temp,"'"); // just to make sure that the string will
work as my JS string

thanks for the help :-)


-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: David Robley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sendt: 21. august 2001 09:43
Til: Jens Schødt
Emne: Re: [PHP] converting str with \n to one line str??

On Tue, 21 Aug 2001 16:49, Jens Schodt wrote:
> $temp = str_replace("\n","test",$temp) is doing the same thing. It is
> still a string in several lines if you look in the source :-(
> jens
> -Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: Tyler Longren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sendt: 20. august 2001 20:20
> Til: Jens
> Emne: Re: [PHP] converting str with \n to one line str??
> You could use str_replace().
> --
> Tyler Longren
> Captain Jack Communications
> www.captainjack.com
> On Mon, 20 Aug 2001 20:15:54 +0200
> "Jens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > When I use Javascript with PHP i run into one problem. When I get the
> > data i
> > need from the database it often has a lot of  and \n (new lines)
> > in it.
> > The  are no problem when converting a string to a Javascript
> > string, but
> > the \n are. The string has to be all in one line.
> >
> > example:
> >  > I
> > am"; ?>
> >
> > var temp = <? echo $temp?> 
> >
> > This is not working!! But this would :
> >
> > 
> >
> > var temp = '<? echo $temp?>'; 
> >
> > Can you help me please?
> >
> > thanks Jens

Regular expressions? There is an example for ereg_replace in the manual 
that does just this:

$string = ereg_replace ("\n", "", $string);
/* Get rid of any newline characters in $string. */

David Robley  Techno-JoaT, Web Maintainer, Mail List Admin, etc

   "Yes, I have been reading Voltaire," Tom admitted candidly.

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[PHP] Problems benchmarking php Scripts

2001-08-21 Thread Jens Kisters

Hello together,

I have been trying to benchmark the backend scripting for a flash online
game, for this purpose i wrote another PHP Script that uses fopen to
make exactly the same requests the flash movie would make with the same
timing, and writes a log of the game session into a database.
I run this script from the shell of a linux box using the php CGI
binary, and start it for a couple of times,
but somehow i rarely get more than 66 of those benchmark scripts started
simultaneously, neither on one machine, nor on two machines together, so
i guessed it has sth to do with my apache confguration, i set
startservers and min and maxspare childs to a high value to prevent the
httpds from crashing when there are more than 20 to be started in very
short time and set maxrequests per child to 256, but none of these
changes seem to affect the total number of scripts i can run.
The mysql keeps spawning processes of itself and i can still connect to
the database when i get to the max of running benchmark scripts, so
there does not seem to be a limit of some kind there either.

Sometime i get to start a hundred scripts or more, but they disappear in
very short time.
i have the outputs pointed to /dev/null when putting the scripts into
the background (start with &), when i start a single one with output
there are no error messages displayed.

I also noticed when looking at the output of 'top' i see few httpd
processes crashing saying , this happens more rarely when i
heve enough httpds started before i start running the benchmark, but
some still crash, i can't find any messages in log files saying what
happened there.

The benchmark scripts should log errors if there was no response from
the server but i dont get any of those errors in the logs.

thanks in advance

Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

rosomm et partner
Agentur für neue Medien GmbH
Dienstleistungszentrum am
Weißen Tor - Eingang B
Gocher Landstrasse 2
47551 Kleve / Bedburg-Hau

Telefon: 02821 - 97856-20
Telefax: 02821 - 97856-77

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[PHP] Simple Char Swapping in String crashes Webserver

2001-08-30 Thread Jens Kisters

Hey there i just managed something that i never accomplished beforei
kill a httpd process from PHP,
i run the following code

$enc is a string and has an even length

This silly lines of code make the apache child process crash, if i
change it to

it works well.
what the hell is happening here?

i run php 4.04pl1 as apache module under linux.

Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

rosomm et partner
Agentur für neue Medien GmbH
Dienstleistungszentrum am
Weißen Tor - Eingang B
Gocher Landstrasse 2
47551 Kleve / Bedburg-Hau

Telefon: 02821 - 97856-20
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[PHP] Save As doesnt always work

2001-09-07 Thread Jens Kisters

Hello all,

i tried to make the browser save a file by setting headers

In this case the Browser (IE 5.5 W2K) just displays the content,

http request
T4 09/07 11:03:17 Server Data: GET http://iwonttell/
T4 09/07 11:03:17 Server   ausgabe/auswertung.php
T4 09/07 11:03:17 Server   */*{0D}{0A}Accept-Language:
T4 09/07 11:03:17 Server   tion: Basic
T4 09/07 11:03:17 Server   ent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5;
T4 09/07 11:03:17 ServerNT 5.0){0D}{0A}Host:
T4 09/07 11:03:17 Server   onnection: Keep-Alive{0D}{0A}{0D}{0A}

T4 09/07 11:03:18 Server Data: HTTP/1.1 200 OK{0D}{0A}Date: Fri, 07 Sep
2001 0
T4 09/07 11:03:18 Server   9:03:49 GMT{0D}{0A}Server: Apache/1.3.19
T4 09/07 11:03:18 ServerPHP/4.0.5{0D}{0A}X-Powered-By:
T4 09/07 11:03:18 Server   {0A}Content-Disposition: attachment;
T4 09/07 11:03:18 Server
usgabe_2001-09-07{0D}{0A}Content-Description: S
T4 09/07 11:03:18 Server   pielerdaten IAA
Special{0D}{0A}Connection: clos
T4 09/07 11:03:18 Server   e{0D}{0A}Content-Type:
T4 09/07 11:03:18 Server   {0A}2001-09-07;jens;auch;test{0A}

and in this case (other Web-Server) it works (same browser)

http request
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server Data: GET
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server   e/auswertung.php HTTP/1.0{0D}{0A}Accept:
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server   gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg,
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server   application/vnd.ms-excel,
application/msword, a
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server   pplication/vnd.ms-powerpoint,
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server   -Language: de{0D}{0A}Cookie:
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server   bigmama.rep{0D}{0A}User-Agent:
Mozilla/4.0 (com
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server   patible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Serverbigmama{0D}{0A}Proxy-Connection:
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server   {0D}{0A}{0D}{0A}

T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server Data: HTTP/1.1 200 OK{0D}{0A}Date: Fri, 07 Sep
2001 0
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server   9:06:22 GMT{0D}{0A}Server: Apache/1.3.14
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server (SuSE/Linux) mod_throttle/3.0
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server   mod_fastcgi/2.2.2 mod_ssl/2.7.1
OpenSSL/0.9.6 P
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server   HP/4.0.4pl1{0D}{0A}X-Powered-By:
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server   {0D}{0A}Content-Disposition: attachment;
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server   n: Spielerdaten IAA
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server   close{0D}{0A}Content-Type:
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server
T4 09/07 11:06:22 Server   {0A}2001-09-07;jens;test;test{0A}

The only difference i see is htaccess authentication on the second
The PHP Code used to pipe the file through the browser is

 $file=fopen("ausgabe_".strftime("%Y-%m-%d",$time).".csv", "r");
 header("Content-type: text/plain");
 header("Content-Disposition: attachment;
 header("Content-Description: Spielerdaten IAA Special");

Any ideas whats wrong here?

thanks in advance

Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

rosomm et partner
Agentur für neue Medien GmbH
Dienstleistungszentrum am
Weißen Tor - Eingang B
Gocher Landstrasse 2
47551 Kleve / Bedburg-Hau

Telefon: 02821 - 97856-20
Telefax: 02821 - 97856-77

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[PHP] when logic fails, PHP randomly skips execution of lines

2001-09-18 Thread Jens Kisters

Hello everbody,

I have noticed something quite strange,
i have a piece of code that looks like, i removed some of it to make it

there are no statements in the code that would cause the termination of the
method before reaching the last line, no return, die or whatever.

This thing is part of a object method, which is called repeatedly.

There absolutely NO way 'end' could be printed here without 'swp2' being
printed, right, but it does.
Also i have occurences of 'swap' without a matching 'end' or 'swp2', like
(the garbage is the content of '$enc', removing it from the output causes
the error to dissappear)
swp2: ft$rhyuujlnnçm5wi(vkq#ch|ij&fj2

swp2: pkk{lgv"g}|hg%sþf"pk
4;bNmtpmjlÿn5sL)rG"hiMxyjeohf"xgz rn#dnBueoftgvqdsnk5omTqfth
tpmjlÿn5sL)rG"hiMxyjeohf"xgz r
Multiple cases of malfunction in this output,
After 2nd Begin: method was not executed properly, even though script
continued afterwards.
The next Blocks seem to miss either the \n before begin or the \n after end
in the fourth block, swap and end are displayed while swp2 is not

When i start to reduce the code by either removing $enc from the output or
deleting the loops that manipulate the string before, the echos come in the
right order and ammount...

What can i do, nothing crashed so i dont have a gdb backtrace for an bug
I cant provide all the code, neither can i reduce the code without the error
do disappear

The problem occured on
PHP 4.04pl1 on Apache 1.3.x on Linux
PHP 4.04 on Apache 1.3.x on Linux
PHP 4.06 on Apache 1.3.x on W2K


[PHP] Generating UTF Files

2001-09-20 Thread Jens Kisters


I was asked to generate files in UTF-8 Format, where can i find infos on
Is it a multi-byte charset?
How do i use other charset in PHP? can i just switch to another charset and
then make $a="a"; where a is the UTF reprensentation of 'a'?
or will i have to mold bytes together myself using chr() ?


Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

rosomm et partner
Agentur für neue Medien GmbH
Dienstleistungszentrum am
Weißen Tor - Eingang B
Gocher Landstrasse 2
47551 Kleve / Bedburg-Hau

Telefon: 0 28 21 - 9 78 56-20
Telefax: 0 28 21 - 9 78 56-77
Mobil: 0172 - 8 73 11 73