[PHP] Re: using strcmp()

2003-03-16 Thread Justin Garrett
Anthony Ritter wrote:
The following test script for the function strcmp() is from page 114 -115 of
PHP (Hungry Minds).
I'm getting a parse error on line 6.

Using PHP 4.1.1 / MS Win 98 / Apache Server.

Many thanks...
Tony Ritter
// using strcmp()
$result=strcmp($firstword, $secondword)
if ($result=1)
  $statement=comes after;
else if ($result=-1)
  $statement=comes before;
  $statement=is the same as;
echo The word b$firstword/b $statement;

You were missing a semicolon:

$result=strcmp($firstword, $secondword);

Justin Garrett

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[PHP] Re: Does PHP supports threads?

2003-02-27 Thread Justin Garrett
PHP does not support threading.  Depending on what you're trying to do you
may find the process control functions useful

Justin Garrett

C. F. Scheidecker Antunes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hello all,

 I have a few scripts writen and I wonder if PHP does support threads
 like a Java Program.

 What I mean is, with Java I can have multiple threads of tasks running
 at the same time and
 I would like to know if I could accomplish the same with PHP although
 the books I have and the
 documentation do not seem to answer me this question.

 Does anyone know anything about it?

 This is a though question.

 Thanks in advance.

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[PHP] Re: line number

2003-02-25 Thread Justin Garrett

Justin Garrett

Jacob R Chandler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
What function can I use to find out the current line number?

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[PHP] Re: Problems with SQL queries in PHP script

2003-02-08 Thread Justin Garrett

Justin Garrett

Mike Hilty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I am running into an issue where when a user inputs an apostrophie '
 into the textarea section of my form, it will generate an error in the SQL
 I have narrowed down the issue to this snippet of code:

 $insertQuery = INSERT INTO changeLog(vendorNumber, newVendorNumber,
 oldName, newName, changedBy, dateChanged, comments)


 The thing that is causing this issue is the use of apostrophies to
 designate my variables in the SQL query.  How do I rewrite this to avoid
 this issue?


 Mike Hilty

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[PHP] Re: question about quote and double-quoted strings

2003-02-08 Thread Justin Garrett

Just the way ' and  are defined.  understands more escape sequences then

Justin Garrett

Duncan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 i am just adding some mail() functions to my script and had to realize,
 that this:

 $email_from = 'From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]\r\nReply-To:
 mail($_POST['email'],'Your account details','You can login with your
 account details\r\nusername: '.$_POST['username'].'\npassword:
 '.$_POST['password'].'\n\nhere: http:///index.php',$email_from);

 will make the email include the \r\n instead of adding a line feed, but
 this works just fine:

 $email_from = From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]\r\nReply-To:
 mail($_POST['email'],'Your account details',You can login with your
 account details\r\nusername: .$_POST['username'].\npassword:
 .$_POST['password'].\n\nhere: http:///index.php,$email_from);

 Why is there this difference in the normal-  double-quoted string, i
 though it would only affect included variables, where one shows them and
 the other would need them to be added via '.' ?

 ...just curious :)


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[PHP] Re: Data Structures

2003-02-08 Thread Justin Garrett
You'd create a linked list in PHP just like you would in most languages,
however IMHO it's best just to stick with PHP arrays.  They grow dynamically
and are so easy to work with.

There is an ADT extension scheduled for PHP5

Justin Garrett

Laborda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Does anyone know where can I find information about data structures
 implemented in PHP. I need to find something about Linked Lists,
 in PHP.. If anyone has any info, I'd appreciate it. I've tried to google
 out but I can't find anything. Thanks.


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[PHP] Re: Class Interfaces

2003-02-08 Thread Justin Garrett
Nope.  You're stuck with straight single inheritance for now.

Justin Garrett

Laborda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


 I have a question.. Does PHP have support for Class Interfaces
 What in Java would be:

 public interface MyInterface {
 final String aString = Str;
 final String oString = String;
 void aFunction(String inter, double face);

 ? If not, how can I do this?.. Thanks a lot.


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[PHP] Re: mysql auto increment question

2003-02-07 Thread Justin Garrett

Justin Garrett

Van Andel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
I have an application that updates two MySQL database tables.  One table has
an auto_increment id field.  I need to use this id to link to an entry in
the other table.  Is there an easy way to find out what the auto_incremented
number is so I can use it to update the other table?

Robbert van Andel

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[PHP] Re: instantiating objects

2003-02-06 Thread Justin Garrett

Examples 1 and 4 are equivalent
Example 2 assigns a reference of the new object to $form
Example 3 assigns the value from the DB class method connect() to $dbh
(could be an object or some other value)
Example 5 is the same as 3 except that it assigns a reference of the value
returned from the Mail class method factory() to $mail_object.

Justin Garrett

Beau Hartshorne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm just starting to use PEAR, and have seen several ways of
 instantiating the PEAR objects:

 $form = new HTML_QuickForm();
 $form = new HTML_QuickForm();
 $dbh = DB:connect(dsn);
 $dbh = new DB();
 $mail_object = Mail::factory('sendmail', $params);

 Can anyone explain (or point to dome docs that explain) what the
 differences are, and when I should be using which method to work with
 PEAR objects?

 Thank you,


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[PHP] Re: passing variables and functions between a base class and subclass

2003-02-06 Thread Justin Garrett

class base {
var $a;

function hello(){
echo hello;

class sub extends base {

function hi(){
$this-a = hi;

$foo = new sub;
echo $foo-a;

Justin Garrett

Electroteque [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 hi there sorry about the long subject , but i have not mastered yet how to
 pass funtcions and variables between a base and subclass , i cant seem to
 access variables properly between the bass class and subclass and
 from the subclass in the base class ?

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[PHP] Re: Include directoive on PHP.

2003-02-06 Thread Justin Garrett
Edit php.ini and add the pear directory to your include_path
use ini_set to set your include_path in your script:

Justin Garrett

Harring Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

   I would like to include some of the files ( tabel.php, etc ) from PEAR
on my
 scripts - Do I have to hardcode the installation path ? or is there a
 that tells the preprocessor to look on the right place (Like in c)?

  Thanks in advance.


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[PHP] Re: php headers already sent error.

2003-02-06 Thread Justin Garrett

Justin Garrett

Chris Winters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Welll to start I had everything running FINE (MySQL, Apache, and PHP)
 I installed STUPID Zend Studio for PHP. After their 30 day trial expired,
 uninstalled it and everything just went downhill.

 After re installing everything, I have these errors left over. Now the
 is already on production server running (but with Linux). Im on a win2K
 (dont laugh)- BUT before it worked.

 I have no idea what this means since Im new to apache and PHP installs.

 Thanks for any help in for what to check

 Notice: Constant false already defined in c:\www\html\defines.php on line

 Notice: Constant true already defined in c:\www\html\defines.php on line 5

 Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output
 started at c:\www\html\defines.php:4) in c:\www\html\index.php on line 9

 Warning: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output
 started at c:\www\html\defines.php:4) in c:\www\html\index.php on line 89

 Warning: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output
 started at c:\www\html\defines.php:4) in c:\www\html\index.php on line 89


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[PHP] Re: OOP confused

2003-02-05 Thread Justin Garrett
class one{
var $prev;

class two{
var $head;

function two(){
$this-head = new one();
$this-head-prev = NULL;

Change prev which is in head which is in this to NULL.

Justin Garrett

Michael P. Carel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
004001c2cd77$6af2e220$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:004001c2cd77$6af2e220$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Hi to all;

 Just a little question about OOP. I'm just confused with the symbol  '-'
 In the article that i've red :

 #this reads change the value of the variable $head within this class to

 #how do i read this line

 I'm just confused with this line, i can't translate the class file that

 Thanks in advance.


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[PHP] Re: New as of today

2002-08-29 Thread Justin Garrett

Look at fgets and explode.  Depending on the format of your txt file you can
use a combination of fgets and explode to get your desired results.


If each picture name is on a separate line then the following will work:

while (!feof($zFile)){
$buffer = fgets($zFile, 4096);
echo a href=test.php$buffer/abr;

Justin Garrett

Stu9820 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Im new to PHP (came from ASP).  I'm trying to make pictures (.jpgs) come
 of a folder and display on a page.  Here is my code so far:

 $fileLoc = Bid2002/pictures.txt;
 $zFile = fopen($fileLoc, r);
 $zContents = fread($zFile, filesize($fileLoc));
 echo a href=test.php$zContentsbr/a;

 I dont have database support on the server i use (school server).  I have
 the picture names in a text file and i want to pull out the name of
 from the text file and make it pull out of the picture folder.  Is there
 easier way to do this?  Or is this the best way.  ASP is very because you
 loop through the file and I thought I could do it with php but it ends up
 one big link.  Thanks in advance.

 UWG Student

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[PHP] Re: AOL problem with remote IP address

2002-08-28 Thread Justin Garrett

Yup, AOL's proxy servers do this.

Justin Garrett

Joseph Szobody [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
In a portion of a website, I have implemented user authentication and
management using sessions. When a user first logs in, the $REMOTE_ADDR is
stored is a session variable SESSION['ip']. On each of the protected pages,
a header.php is included with the following code:

if ($SESSION['ip'] != $REMOTE_ADDR){
  header(Location: error.php?err=2);

As you can see, this is an attempt to see if someone is trying to hijack a
session. The problem is, AOL doesn't like this. Whenever an AOL user logs
into the website, the session starts successfully, but when the user goes to
a protected page, he's redirected to error.php?err=2. For some reason, the
IP address appears to be changing.

Is this a known issue with AOL? Is the IP really changing from page to page?
That seems weird. Any way around this, or must I stop using this security


: Joseph Szobody :
Computers are like airconditioners: They stop working properly if you open

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Re: [PHP] AOL problem with remote IP address

2002-08-28 Thread Justin Garrett

AOL uses load balancing proxy servers which means every new page load could
come from a different IP address.

A quick google search brought up this article that mentions it:

Read the section on 'Effects of Dynamically Changing IP addresses'

Justin Garrett

Justin French [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I haven't heard about address' changing midway through a session (ie,
 without reconnecting), but it's worth pointing out that there will be a
 other reasons why this isn't a good idea:

 1. if they have to reconnect, they're near guaranteed to have a new IP

 2. with most big ISPs, all users may *appear* to have the same IP... so
 of them could hijack the session?

 The only way to test if IPs ARE changing is to get/borrow an AOL account,
 and create a page which you can refresh 30 times over an hour, looking at
 the IP address' each time.  That should confirm/deny the problem.

 But I wouldn't be relying on a remote IP for anything... they're too

 Justin French

 on 29/08/02 7:29 AM, Joseph Szobody ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

  In a portion of a website, I have implemented user authentication and
  management using sessions. When a user first logs in, the $REMOTE_ADDR
  stored is a session variable SESSION['ip']. On each of the protected
pages, a
  header.php is included with the following code:
  if ($SESSION['ip'] != $REMOTE_ADDR){
  header(Location: error.php?err=2);
  As you can see, this is an attempt to see if someone is trying to hijack
  session. The problem is, AOL doesn't like this. Whenever an AOL user
logs into
  the website, the session starts successfully, but when the user goes to
  protected page, he's redirected to error.php?err=2. For some reason, the
  address appears to be changing.
  Is this a known issue with AOL? Is the IP really changing from page to
  That seems weird. Any way around this, or must I stop using this

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[PHP] Re: Need example of Next 5

2002-08-26 Thread Justin Garrett

ECTSELECT * FROM table LIMIT 5,5;  # Retrieve rows 6-10
SELECT * FORM table LIMIT 10,5; # Retrieve rows 11 - 15Justin GarrettPax
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


 I am looking for an example in php/MySql dealing with Next 5  type of
 queries ..does anyone have any links?

 Thank you for your help

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[PHP] Re: Need example of Next 5

2002-08-26 Thread Justin Garrett

Let's try that again.

SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 5,5;   # get rows 6 - 10
SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 10,5  # get rows 11 - 15

Justin Garrett


 I am looking for an example in php/MySql dealing with Next 5  type of
 queries ..does anyone have any links?

 Thank you for your help

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[PHP] Re: Only show certain files in directory

2002-08-25 Thread Justin Garrett

There are several regular expression and string matching functions you could


Justin Garrett

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I am showing a directory of files and I don't what all the files to
 show on the screen. I was able to get the . and the .. not to show
 with what I have below but there are some other files in there that look
 like this mylist.confg. I don't want them to show in the directory
 list. I tried  $files != *.config  but this did not work .
 Anybody have an suggestions

 if ($handle = opendir('/path/to/list/directory')) {
 while (false !== ($files = readdir($handle))) {
  if ($files != .  $files != ..) {
   echo $files;

 Best regards,
  rdkurth  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[PHP] Re: yesterday's day of week

2002-08-17 Thread Justin Garrett

Get the current timestamp and subtract a day's worth of seconds.

date('D', time() - 24 * 60 * 60);


Kenton Letkeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have been able to get yesterdays date
 eg. $yesterday = date('d')-1;  result is 17
 but am having trouble getting yesterdays day of the week.
 eg. $yesterday = date('D')-1;  result is -1
 eg. $yesterday = date('l')-1;  result is -1

 Is there something I am missing?  I cannot find the documentation on this.

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[PHP] Re: Upgraded to PHP 4.2.2 and completely lost all GET and POST variables

2002-08-16 Thread Justin Garrett


As of version 4.2 register_globals defaults to off.  You can turn it on in
your php.ini file, but it is recommended to use the new super global arrays


James Daily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 RE: phpsecurityadmin-2002-07-24.zip and PHP 4.2.2

 PLATFORM: win 98

 BACKGROUND: in order to use the above classes i had to
 upgrade to PHP 4.2.2

 PROBLEM: when i upgraded to 4.2.2, all my old scripts
 lost the GET or POST info being passed.

 COMMENTS: everything except the phpsecurityadmin classes
 worked as expected under PHP 4.0.

 after upgrade, phpsecurityadmin classes work but any old
 scripts that are accepting data from previous page via
 GET or POST do not.

 i can manually parse the GET query string, but this is foolish
 and time consuming.

 it's as if the automatic variables are not getting assigned
 the data being passed.

 QUESTION: has anybody else run across this and
 what was the resolution?

 James Daily
 Phone : 816 943 9891
 Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (or hit reply button)
 Web   : http://tellmama.com/
 4 2  1000
 ( cos(ø - r) - sin ø ) * ( r  - 2r  cos(2ø + 2.4) + 0.9) + 0.62r)  0

 Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.
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[PHP] Re: !== (was Re: [PHP] how many files are in a directory)

2002-08-14 Thread Justin Garrett

Here is an example that might help.

$a = 1;

echo '1';

if($a == true)
echo '2';

if($a === true)
echo '3';

The first and second conditional statements execute but the third doesn't.
This is because $a evaluates to true but is not of type 'boolean'.  === and
!== not only compare value but type as well.

Justin Garrett

Chris Boget [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  // Note that !== did not exist until 4.0.0-RC2

 I took a quick look at the docs to find out what !== meant
 (because I'd never seen it before).  I'm not sure I understand
 what it's use is.  Could someone explain why you would use
 it and for what purpose?
 I couldn't really infer from the example that was included in
 the previous message.


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[PHP] Re: ClibPDF

2002-03-04 Thread Justin Garrett



Include cpdflib support (requires cpdflib = 2). DIR is the cpdfllib install
directory, defaults to /usr.

Justin Garrett

Don [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
news:000c01c1c3d5$03b92440$[EMAIL PROTECTED];
Does any one know how I use ClibPDF with PHP?  I assume I have to recompile
PHP with a switch but I can't find anyting in the docs.


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[PHP] Re: Using strings in switches

2002-02-05 Thread Justin Garrett

Try it.

But to answer your question, yes.  Don't forget to put quotes around your
strings in the case statements.

case beesly:

Phantom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 The manual shows that you can use switches with numeric values but is it
 also possible to use strings?  Is this possible?  If not, what can I
 do?  Just a bunch of if statements?

 if (isset($Name)) {
  switch ($Name)
  case Homer Simpson:
  echo DO'Hp;
  case Fred Flinstone:
  echo Yabba Dabba Dop;
echo Do not know youp;

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Re: [PHP] relative path vs. INCLUDE() !!!!!

2001-12-24 Thread Justin Garrett

There is also include_path in the php.ini file.

Bogdan Stancescu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 This is a kind of a shit happens answer -- ummm... nope,  there's no
 workaround. The only workaround is providing a global path variable and
use that
 for all pages, but you probably already thought about that. Sorry for the
 news on Christmas! :-)


 Arcadius A. wrote:

  Hello !
  I've just made a nice navavigation  bar for my website 

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[PHP] Re: How to use Clibpdf

2001-11-03 Thread Justin Garrett

Clibpdf is not complied by default as a Shared Object.  Once you compile it
in you should just be able to use it.


Carlo loiudice [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm trying to install Clibpdf, but when I compile
 the source code, It doesn't seem to be a .so library.
 So when I say in php.ini to load the extension, it
 give me an error.


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[PHP] Re: Problem redirecting

2001-10-27 Thread Justin Garrett

From the manual:

Remember that the header() function must be called before any actual output
is sent, either by normal HTML tags blank lines in a file, or from PHP.

This is the cause of your error.  Something is sending output before your
call to header();

Justin Garrett

Don [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
000c01c15f67$1a06ad80$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:000c01c15f67$1a06ad80$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

I have a form which when submitted, calls an html page which contains PHP
code.  Within that code, I wish to redirect my users to another page under
certain conditions.  So, in my code, I have the following lines:

Header(  Location:http://www.mydomain.com/mypage.html;);

However, when the above is run, I get the following error generated:

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output
started at /usr/local/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/htdocs/mypage.html:7) in
../phpscript/general/formmail.php on line 100

Does anyone know what this error means?


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[PHP] Re: cant redeclare class.....

2001-10-20 Thread Justin Garrett

Move include(class.jm_sms.php) outside of the loop.

Justin Garrett

Sagar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi all,

 I'm using jm_sms class in mysql
 dowhile($myrow=mysql_fetch_array($result)) loop.
 the class is running fine for the first time. But when it is called for
 second time i'm
 getting an error saying cant redeclare the class. How to make this class
 work within
 a loop.

 i'm attaching the files if u want to look inside.

 any help is highly appreciated.



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[PHP] Re: how many day between the two time format

2001-09-30 Thread Justin Garrett

If both times are UNIX timestamps

$seconds_per_day = 60 * 60 * 24;
$dif = $today - $last_day;
$days = (int)($dif / $seconds_per_day);

Justin Garrett

Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 i want to check about how many day between the two time format
 $last_day=time format;
 echo $between_day is the between day...

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[PHP] Re: Troublesome complex fetching from database

2001-09-30 Thread Justin Garrett

Try the following to organize your results.  You'll have to check the table
names and typos etc.

$sql = SELECT schooltypes.schooltypes,
FROM   schooltypes,
   WHERE schooltypes.typeid = schools.typeid
   AND  schools.schoolid = teachers_schools.schoolid
   AND  teacher_schools.tuserid = teachers.tuserid;

$result = /* perform query */;

while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)){

$data[$row-schooltypes][$row-schoolname][] = $row-tuserid


/* organize */

for(reset($data); $school_type = key($data); next($data)){
echo $school_typebrbr;
$schools = $data[$school_type];
for(reset($schools); $school_name = key($schools); next($schools)){
echo $school_namebrbr;
$teachers = $data[$school_type][$school_name];
$count = count($teachers);
for($i = 0; $i  $count; $i++){
echo $teachers[$i]br;

Justin Garrett

Kath [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
002601c149f3$7dec4000$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:002601c149f3$7dec4000$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Quite an interesting quandry I have.

 What I have is this:

 Table schooltypes:
 (typeid is a unique# iding the type, schooltypes is the type of school,
 Elementary School or High School)

 | typeid | schooltypes |

 Table schools:
 (typeid is the type the school falls under, schoolid is the unique# iding
 the school, schoolname is the general name like Park Shore High School)

 | typeid | schoolid | schoolname |

 Table teachers:
 (tuserid is their unique id, salutation is the Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr, last
 is well, duh :))

 | tuserid | salutation | last name |

 Table teachers_schools:
 (tuserid is the teacher's id, next to the school they are assigned to.
 the possiblity for a teacher assigned to more than one school (hello,
 cutbacks and skeleton budgets)).

 | tuserid | schoolid |

 What I need to be able to do is list all this information as such:

 School type:

 + School 1
 - Teacher and their Teacher ID
 - Teacher and their Teacher ID

 + School 2
 - Teacher and their Teacher ID
 - Teacher and their Teacher ID
 - Teacher and their Teacher ID

 + School 3
 - Teacher and their Teacher ID
 - Teacher and their Teacher ID

 Another School Type:

 + School 5
 - Teacher and their Teacher ID
 - Teacher and their Teacher ID

 + School 7
 - Teacher and their Teacher ID
 - Teacher and their Teacher ID

 Currently, I AM able to list the school type and the school correctly.
 However, when I come to listing the teachers in the school, every teacher
 listed under every school, some more than one time.

 Any ideas/code snips on how to do this?

 In what direction should be I solving this?

 Going from type-school-teachers assigned-teacher info?

 Or teachers assigned-teacher info-schools-type?

 Right now I am doing the first, sorta.

 - k

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[PHP] Re: displaying certain columns

2001-09-30 Thread Justin Garrett

$result = mysql_db_query($dname, $sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_object($result);

echo $row-field_name;

Justin Garrett

Melih Onvural [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 i have a database and it randomly selects one piece of data from a table
 quotes, but it will only print the quote when I include the row that it's
 picked with. I have my SELECT statement at

 $sql = SELECT $dbrow FROM $dbtable ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1;

 and then to display the result

 $result = mysql_db_query($dbname, $sql)

 then in the code,

 print td $result /td;

 what do i need to add? (the result is Resource id #3)

 thank you,

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[PHP] Re: Making variable global / accessing variable

2001-09-30 Thread Justin Garrett

Maybe something similar to this?

function test($td){

$global = global \$$td._error, \$$td._ok;;

$set = \$$td._error = \ERROR\; \$$td._ok = \OK\;;

echo $foo_error $foo_ok;

Justin Garrett

Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 How can I make a variable, which name I give to a function, global in
 this function?

 I want to make something like:

 function MyFunc($sVarName)
 {GLOBAL [$sVarName]_error, $sVarName_ok;

 So if $sVarName = sHello, I want to access $sHello_error and
 $sHello_ok in this function.

 Any idea how I can make this variable gloabl and whats the easyst way to
 access this var then?


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Re: [PHP] Re: Making variable global / accessing variable

2001-09-30 Thread Justin Garrett

But how would you use this to create new global variables with $td as the

$td = foo;

then we want new global variables

$foo_error and $foo_ok created.

Justin Garrett

Jason G. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 function MyFunction($td)
  global $$td;
  echo $$td; // echos 3
  $$td = 5;

 $billybob = 3;
 file://Now $billybob = 5

 -Jason Garber

 At 10:25 PM 9/30/2001 -0400, you wrote:

 I have used:
 global $$td;
 in the past with success...
 -Jason Garber
 At 07:38 PM 9/30/2001 -0700, Justin Garrett wrote:
 Maybe something similar to this?
 function test($td){
  $global = global \$$td._error, \$$td._ok;;
  $set = \$$td._error = \ERROR\; \$$td._ok = \OK\;;
 echo $foo_error $foo_ok;
 Justin Garrett
 Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   How can I make a variable, which name I give to a function, global in
   this function?
   I want to make something like:
   function MyFunc($sVarName)
   {GLOBAL [$sVarName]_error, $sVarName_ok;
   So if $sVarName = sHello, I want to access $sHello_error and
   $sHello_ok in this function.
   Any idea how I can make this variable gloabl and whats the easyst way
   access this var then?
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 At 10:25 PM 9/30/2001 -0400, Jason G. wrote:

 I have used:
 global $$td;
 in the past with success...
 -Jason Garber
 At 07:38 PM 9/30/2001 -0700, Justin Garrett wrote:
 Maybe something similar to this?
 function test($td){
  $global = global \$$td._error, \$$td._ok;;
  $set = \$$td._error = \ERROR\; \$$td._ok = \OK\;;
 echo $foo_error $foo_ok;
 Justin Garrett
 Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   How can I make a variable, which name I give to a function, global in
   this function?
   I want to make something like:
   function MyFunc($sVarName)
   {GLOBAL [$sVarName]_error, $sVarName_ok;
   So if $sVarName = sHello, I want to access $sHello_error and
   $sHello_ok in this function.
   Any idea how I can make this variable gloabl and whats the easyst way
   access this var then?
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