[PHP] Warning: exec(): Unable to fork

2004-04-05 Thread Mark C


I curretly running: PHP 4.3.4 on a windows XP with IIS,
This is the first time developed using a windows platform (normally I use
apache on linux), but I'm trying to run ImageMagick in the background to
resize an image, as a test I'm trying to run the cmd shell, using exec
(I've tried system, exec, passthru), yet they all give this error:

Warning:  exec(): Unable to fork [C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\CMD.EXE /?] in
index.php on line 45

From googleing this would seem a windows specfic problem, but as of yet I
have not found an answer, it seems pretty common on windows.

Has anyone else managed to get around this yet? or can advise on what the
error could be due to?



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[PHP] Forcing Mac's to show download box, rather than inline

2004-04-02 Thread Mark C

I'm trying to server an image(s) up from a php script, this script, checks
for the image and then outputs the required header types, I'm trying to
get the browsers to download the requested image (when they click the
link), rather than display inline.

I've got it working on both Mozilla and IE, perfectly, but on the mac's on
both Safari and IE it displays the image inline.

I'm pretty sure it has to do with the: Content-Disposition: or Content-type:

I'm currenntly using:

header(Pragma: public);
header(Expires: 0);
header(Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
header('Content-type: application/octet-stream');
header( Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=somefile.jpg );
header(Content-Length: .filesize(somefile.jpg));

Coulod anyone advise me on what I would need to add/edit to get the mac to
do this,
I have no problem, outputting different header details, for differnt OS or
brower from the user agent string..

This as mentioned works ok for Mozilla and IE
(not yet tested in in konqueror or Opera)

Thanks in advance

Ever mind The Rule of Three
Three times what thou givest returns to thee.
This lesson well, thou must learn,
Thee only gets what thou dost earn!

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Re: [PHP] Forcing Mac's to show download box, rather than inline

2004-04-02 Thread Mark C

Once upon a time Mark C was quoted as saying:

 I'm trying to server an image(s) up from a php script, this script,
 checks for the image and then outputs the required header types, I'm
 trying to get the browsers to download the requested image (when they
 click the link), rather than display inline.

 I've got it working on both Mozilla and IE, perfectly, but on the mac's
 on both Safari and IE it displays the image inline.

ok, a little update, using the headers below, it opens a download as for
all the browsers on both Mac/Linux/win

header(Pragma: public);
header(Expires: 0);
header(Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0);
header('Content-type: image/jpg');
header(Content-Type: application/octet-stream);
header(Content-Type: application/force-download);
header(Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=.$imageName);
header(Content-Length: .filesize($imageName));

except (there had to be one), as usuall IE fails to do what it is told, on
the Mac only using the code it tries to download an unkown filefile, of
extension application/force-download.

I've tried moving the headers around, removing the
application/force-download, but these headers are the only ones that will
for IE on both win and Mac to download rather than display it inline.

Also on IE in Mac, it's ignoring the filename being sent and saves it as
the script name (again all other browsers do as required).

The file once downloaded can be renamed, and works fine. whilst this is
fine for me, the avaerage person who will be using the site once finished,
probally will not even know how to rename files, so it has to save it


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Re: [PHP] tiff to pdf conversion

2004-04-02 Thread Mark C

Once upon a time Jason Wong was quoted as saying:
 On Friday 02 April 2004 16:39, Brent Clark wrote:

 anyone know of a quick way to convert a tiff file to a pdf format
 file. I was thinking of a shell script.

you could give ImageMagick a try,

convert somefile.tif somefile.pdf



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[PHP] writing a newsletter program in php?

2003-01-22 Thread Mark C

I'm new to php (ok new, try 3 days ;), althought, I'm finding it fun, I 
'm trying to think of a project to do, to get me more into it.

And after having a discussion with a friend and also setting up several 
Mailman mailing lists for people that want to compose HTML mails and 
post them as newsletters, it got me thinking, would I be able to create 
a similar program to mailman in php?

So admins just login to the list. copy and past the html into a text box 
and php then renders it for a preview, then if they like it, they click 
send, this send queries the database and sends it to all the people list 
to receive mail on that list.

I would assume that the sending could be handed off somehow to 

The list front end would also hold list preferances as well, for 
subscribers and admins,
basically I want to mimik Mailman, but in php and be able to render 
previews of mails first, basically it will be a newsletter program, 
rather than a mailing list one, which is where Mailman falls over.



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