[PHP] Re: [PHP-DEV] [PHP] PHP 5.5.0 final has been released!

2013-06-21 Thread Martin Amps
I second this - great to see both finally available. Fantastic release!

Martin Amps | CIO
iCracked | Redwood City, CA

On Jun 21, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Julian jswprog.mailingli...@gmx.at wrote:

 Awesome work and the new design for the php.net website is also nice ;)
 Am 20.06.2013, 23:22 Uhr, schrieb Julien Pauli jpa...@php.net:
 The PHP Development Team would like to announce the immediate release of
 PHP 5.5.0. This release includes a large number of new features and bug
 A separate release announcement is also available. For changes in PHP
 5.5.0 since PHP 5.4, please consult the PHP 5 ChangeLog.
 Release Announcement: http://www.php.net/release_5_5_0.php
 Thanks to all contributors that made this new version available.
 David Soria Parra  Julien Pauli
 PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP] HTML id attribute and arrays

2010-12-19 Thread Martin C

How should I follow the HTML specification while having the passed
parameters automatically converted to arrays in PHP?

The name attribute, not the id attribute, is used as the key when
submitting form values.

The name and id attributes do not have to be the same.

Thank you, I thought it should be the same (for same reason, maybe 
compatibility between XHTML and HTML). But could not find anything on 
the net which states this. So my memories might be corrupted :)

Based on first tests, it works (but have not checked the W3C validator yet).



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Re: [PHP] HTML id attribute and arrays

2010-12-19 Thread Martin C

How should I follow the HTML specification while having the passed
parameters automatically converted to arrays in PHP?

The name attribute, not the id attribute, is used as the key when
submitting form values.

The name and id attributes do not have to be the same.

Thank you, I thought it should be the same (for same reason, maybe 
compatibility between XHTML and HTML). But could not find anything on 
the net which states this. So my memories might be corrupted :)

Based on first tests, it works (but have not checked the W3C validator yet).



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Re: [PHP] HTML id attribute and arrays

2010-12-19 Thread Martin C

The name and id attributes do not have to be the same.

Thank you, I thought it should be the same

You're probably thinking of:

The id and name attributes share the same name space. This means that
they cannot both define an anchor with the same name in the same
document. It is permissible to use both attributes to specify an
element's unique identifier for the following elements: A, APPLET,
FORM, FRAME, IFRAME, IMG, and MAP. When both attributes are used on a
single element, their values must be identical.

Confusing, the name attribute on a form field (input, textarea,
select, etc) is different to the name attribute on a a or form
element, so this rule does not apply to it.

Thank you, Benjamin, for clarification. This sounds like the source of 
my (bogus) feeling.


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[PHP] HTML id attribute and arrays

2010-12-17 Thread Martin C


PHP converts x[a]=b parameter of the HTTP request as an array named x 
with its item named a set to value b. So, it seems possible to have the 
following (X)HTML code:

input type=text name=x[a] id=x[a] value=b /
Unfortunatelly, HTML specification does not allow neither [ nor ] 
inside the id attribute. Specifically:

* Must begin with a letter A-Z or a-z
* Can be followed by: letters (A-Za-z), digits (0-9), hyphens (-), 
underscores (_), colons (:), and periods (.)

* Values are case-sensitive

How should I follow the HTML specification while having the passed 
parameters automatically converted to arrays in PHP?

Thank you for any tips,


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[PHP] Re: Zip files: generate text file in archive on the fly

2010-10-17 Thread Justin Martin

On 10-10-17 03:55 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:

I need to provide a download of a zip archive containing three files.
This is fairly straightforward in PHP so long as one is working with
files that already exist. However, I need to customise one of the
files (a simple text file) with the user name and other info before
zipping. I see no mention of this in the fine manual, and even
googling has led me nowhere. Ideas? Am I missing something obvious?


The solution to this seems to be as simple as grabbing the contents of 
the file using ZipArchive::getFromName (or equivalent), deleting that 
file in the archive, modifying the contents, then writing the file using 

Were ZipArchive::getStream able to handle write operations, I imagine 
you could modify it this way, but reading the file in for modification 
is much less issue-laden.

I haven't tested it, but you could also simply try using 
ZipArchive::addFromString without deleting the file first. It may just 
overwrite the file.

Justin Martin

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[PHP] Re: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of XXXXX bytes exhausted

2010-10-17 Thread Justin Martin

On 10-10-15 04:42 PM, Julien Jabouin wrote:


I have an issu with a script launched by cron.

In fact, although i setup php memory_limit to high value (1G or 2Go),
i have the same issue.

By example  with 2G :

Output from command /usr/bin/php5 -d memory_limit=2G -f
/home/test/www/cron.php ..

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried
to allocate 266257 bytes) in
/home/test/www/app/code/local/Ess/M2e/Model/M2eConnector.php on line

And with 1G :

Output from command /usr/bin/php5 -d memory_limit=1G -f
/home/test/www/cron.php ..

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried
to allocate 267717 bytes) in
/home/test/www/app/code/local/Ess/M2e/Model/M2eConnector.php on line

Result is the same...
Do you know why ?

This is my php version :
/usr/bin/php5 -v
PHP 5.2.6-1+lenny4 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Nov 22
2009 01:50:58)
Copyright (c) 1997-2008 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Zend Technologies
 with the ionCube PHP Loader v3.3.20, Copyright (c) 2002-2010, by
ionCube Ltd., and
 with Zend Optimizer v3.3.9, Copyright (c) 1998-2009, by Zend Technologies

On a Debian Lenny, 64 bits version.

It would seem that your script is gobbling memory somewhere. Perhaps 
you've entered an infinite loop which is simply tacking additional 
elements onto an array constantly.

Without seeing the script itself, it's hard to say quite what the 
problem might be, but what's evident is that your script is eating memory.

Justin Martin

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[PHP] Binary data unpacking

2010-10-16 Thread Justin Martin

Hello everyone,

For the past while, I've been working on a class for reading in, 
modifying and writing out NBT-format files. This particular format is 
used for the game Minecraft, as some of you may know.

Attached is my work so far on this, which is coming close to being a 
working solution to reading the files in. As well, attached is an 
example NBT for testing the script.

The specification for the NBT format can be found at 

The issue which I'm having is that PHP's pack and unpack function for 
binary data does not seem to be complete. Or, at least, it's missing 
certain functionality which is necessary for what I'm trying to do.

It may be a matter of misunderstanding on my part, but I would have 
expected the pack and unpack function to be able to handle every 
combination of endianness, signing and machine-specific sizing of each type.

Currently, I'm stuck in reading in the TAG_INT type of the NBT format, 
which is a 32-bit signed short, big-endian, as per the specification. 
There does not seem to be a packing format code for this data type.

How might I go about this? Am I simply missing something about binary 
data, or is PHP's pack/unpack functionality indeed lacking? And, if the 
pack and unpack functions are indeed lacking, is it possible to handle 
binary data without those functions?

Justin Martin
attachment: nbt.class.php
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[PHP] Addendum: Binary data unpacking

2010-10-16 Thread Justin Martin

Sorry, I had forgotten that attachments weren't accepted on the list.

My code can be found at http://pastebin.com/6nmR67c3.

The test NBT can be found via the NBT specification link.

Justin Martin

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Re: [PHP] Re: zip and mac safari

2010-10-09 Thread Martin Reuter
It works in other browsers and it works when storing it and unzipping in a 
terminal on OSX. I think it is probably a safari unzipped bug (not sure what 
tool safari chooses to automatically unzipped without asking).
the weird thing is that some people report it works, so maybe they don't store 
directories or the use a different header for sending the file?
If someone has a working solution let me know.

Best Martin

On Oct 8, 2010, at 17:18, TR Shaw ts...@oitc.com wrote:

 I don't have any problem in this regard.
 On Oct 8, 2010, at 11:09 AM, Nathan Rixham wrote:
 M. Reuter wrote:
 does anyone know how to use a php script to zip a folder (with a
 subfolder) so that safari can open it and not decompresses forever?
 if it works in other browsers, and not in safari, then it's either a big in 
 safari, in which case report it with an offending zip file - or it's a big 
 in PHP / your zipping process which is handled gracefully by other browsers 
 but not by safari, in which case report it too.
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[PHP] /status page of php-fpm 5.3.3

2010-08-10 Thread Martin Minka
I am using PHP 5.3.3 compiled as PHP-FPM.
My Apache is using mod_fastcgi to connect to PHP-FPM and everything works as

Unfortunately I don't know how to forward request http://localhost/status to
PHP-FPM so that I will see the status page of PHP-FPM.
I found only NGINX configuration
Could you pls. help me to fix this configuration ?

FastCgiExternalServer /opt/php-5.3.3/bin/www -socket /dev/shm/fpm-www.socket
-idle-timeout 900
ScriptAlias /php-bin/ /opt/php-5.3.3/bin/
Directory /var/www
IfModule mod_fastcgi.c
FilesMatch \.php$
SetHandler php-fastcgi
Action php-fastcgi /php-bin/www

I was trying something like:
Location /status
SetHandler php-fastcgi
Action php-fastcgi /php-bin/www

[PHP] Re: PHP: inexplicable behaviour of pre- and post-increment operators

2010-03-01 Thread Martin Zvarík


Dne 27.2.2010 5:01, clanc...@cybec.com.au napsal(a):

A week ago Dasn asked a question about converting arrays, and I quoted one 
possible way of
achieving his task, using the operation:

$i = 0; while ($i  $k) { $b[$a[$i++]] = $a[$i++];  }

I added the comment that I have always been wary of using statements like this 
because I
was unsure when the incrementing would occur, so I tried it.

I received several CC e-mails replying to this post, including one rather 
critical comment
to the effect that pre-and post-increment were all quite simple, and I really 
ought to
learn the fundamentals before I started trying to do anything elaborate.

I posted a reply to these e-mails, but as neither they, nor my reply, or any 
discussion ever appeared in the discussion group I will repost this reply.  (I 
did have a
power failure at this time, so it is conceivable that any follow-up was lost as 
a result
of a glitch in my mailer, but I think it is more likely that there was a glitch 
in the
discussion group server.)

Unfortunately things aren't nearly as simple as this writer believes. The rule 
I have
always used is that if you use the same variable as an index on both sides of 
an assign
statement it is not safe to change the value of the index within the statement. 
While I
have achieved the result I wanted in the example above (using PHP 5.1.6 -- 
there is no
guarantee it would work with other implementations of PHP) the results of doing 
this in
the general case can be quite inexplicable.

The particular case which prompted my comment was the one where you want to 
copy part of
one array into the corresponding elements of another array.  In accordance with 
my rule, I
normally write:

$i = 0; $j=count($a); while ($i  $j) { $b[$i] = $a[$i]; ++$i; }

It is tempting to try to put the increment into the assignment statement. 
Clearly the
value of $a[$i] has to be read before it can be written to $b[$i], so the 
expression would be:

while ($i  $j) { $b[$i++] = $a[$i]; }   A.

However if you try this, you get $b[1] = $a[0], and so on. But if you try the 

while ($i  $j) { $b[$i] = $a[$i++]; }   B.

You get $b[0] = $a[1], and so on (as you would expect).

Out of curiosity, I then tried:

$i = -1; $j=count($a) - 1; while ($i  $j) { $b[$i] = $a[++$i]; }C

This gave the desired result, and seemed moderately logical. However when I 

$i = -1; $j=count($a) - 1; while ($i  $j) { $b[++$i] = $a[$i]; }D

This gave exactly the same result.  It is quite impossible to explain the 
results in cases
A and D from the definitions of the pre-and post-increment operator, so I think 
I will
stick to my safe rule!

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Re: [PHP] Re: My experience with the Forms Generation and Validation class

2009-11-24 Thread Martin Scotta

Here you both have a really good oportunity.
You have contacted each other and say a lot, try to make something of this!

Think on what you have done, design your idea, diagram a new set of classes,
propose an implementation, work together and write the best form generation
tool for all the community.

You know you can do it!

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 11:54 PM, Manuel Lemos mle...@acm.org wrote:

 Hello Anonymous complainer,

 on 11/22/2009 09:23 AM LinuxManMikeC said the following:
  Just like to share my real world experience with Manuel Lemos'
  formsgeneration library.
  At work early this summer we had a project under a tight deadline that
  needed unified form creation, processing, and error reporting.  I had
  seen Manuel promoting his formsgeneration class on the mailing list
  and thought I'd look into it to help keep the project within the
  deadline.  I read some positive reviews and comments, the demos looked
  promising, and the interface seemed good enough.  Little did I know
  the headaches I was in for.  I found the configuration structures and
  interface to be extremely cumbersome, not to mention terribly
  documented.  The interface seems quite inefficient and in most cases
  its easier just to throw together a form and validation code by hand.
  Usage was often convoluted, and due to the poor documentation I spent
  half my effort trying to decipher the interface.  And it was difficult
  to customize in several areas.  While it can work well enough in
  several simple cases, in my opinion it is too cumbersome for any
  significant form processing project, especially in the business world.
   I ended up wasting a week of work using the formsgeneration class and
  had to redo the project making my own form utility code from scratch
  as I went (which took just as much time and actually worked as
  intended).  Granted I did make the mistake of not giving myself enough
  evaluation time before the project.  I just want caution others to
  carefully evaluate this code before deciding to use it in their
  projects, especially since Manuel seems so eager to promote his code
  (and his web site) whenever the opportunity arises.  And in general,
  to be cautious and take your time when evaluating any 3rd party code
  for production use.

 There seems to be a misunderstanding. I am not eager to promote my code.
 I just look forward to have my classes tested by as many people as
 possible, so I get as many bug reports and feature improvements as

 The fact is that I developed this and many other packages for my own
 purposes. Nowadays I could not live without them because they make me
 several orders of magnitude more productive than if I had to do it edit
 HTML code mannually as you said you did.

 Anyway, maybe this surprises you, but I like criticism. Especially
 constructive criticisms from people that are able to give specific
 examples of what they do not like, instead of making vague claims as you

 I like constructive criticism because it helps me making my code better,
 more useful to others and ultimately to myself. That is why I publish my
 work as Open Source.

 Unfortunately you did make any constructive criticism. There seems to be
 no way to improve my work because you were not specific to what exactly
 you find cumbersome, even less what you would different to make it less

 I never claimed it would be perfect for everybody. What is good and
 productive for some, maybe hard and difficult for others, especially if
 you try to learn all by yourself and never ask for help.

 The class has a support forum where you can ask questions and always get
 a response so you never get stuck.


 Anyway, I don't know if you ever asked for help because you are using an
 anonymous identity here. Actually, I wonder why you bother to write a
 special message anonymously just campaign against the forms class. It
 makes me wonder if you have other reasons to do it that you may not be
 revealing unrelated with the class.

 Anyway, I am not upset. I am just sorry that you made many criticisms
 without giving real examples to demonstrate your points. That way it
 will not be helpful to anybody.


 Manuel Lemos

 Find and post PHP jobs

 PHP Classes - Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP

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Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Multiple file upload

2009-11-11 Thread Martin Scotta
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 12:09 PM, Matthew Croud m...@obviousdigital.comwrote:

 Dear lords of PHP,

 I have a working image upload script that meets all my needs,
 My question is I need to upload multiple images using the same form,

 This is the PHP part I have so far, largely taken from a book:

 $file_dir = /public_html/uploads;
 foreach($_FILES as $file_name = $file_array) {
echo path: .$file_array[tmp_name].br/\n;
echo name: .$file_array[name].br/\n;

$UploadName = $file_array[name];

if (is_uploaded_file($file_array[tmp_name])) {
 $file_dir/.$file_array[name]) or die (Couldn't copy);
echo file was moved!br/;

 Lets say the HTML from that sends data to this script has 3 upload forms
 that get send to $_FILES, would I access the data by modifying the following
 line from the above example:
 foreach($_FILES[' UPLOADIMAGE1 '] as $file_name = $file_array) {

 foreach($_FILES[' UPLOADIMAGE2 '] as $file_name = $file_array) {

 foreach($_FILES[' UPLOADIMAGE3 '] as $file_name = $file_array) {

 Thanks for reading!
 Matt Cheezoid

 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Your foreach does exactly what you are asking.

foreach($_FILES as $file_name = $file_array)

The keys in $_FILES are the input type=file / in your form.
If you have 3 files... then count( $_FILES ) should be 3

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Suppress Right-Click and Hide hover URL

2009-11-09 Thread Martin Scotta
On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 4:37 PM, Ashley Sheridan 

 On Mon, 2009-11-09 at 11:33 -0800, Don Wieland wrote:

  Hi gang,
  Is there a javascript to Suppress Right-Click and Hide hover URL?  I
  as trying to get this to work with no luck:
  a href=\aInlet_Proc_Area.php?id={$row1['id']}proc=delete\
  onMouseOver=\javascript:window.status=''; return true;\ onClick=
  \javascript:return confirm('Are you sure you want to REMOVE the
  assoication of this Area with this Inlet?')\\Remove/a
  Please let me know if this can be tweaked to work...
  Don Wieland
  D W   D a t a   C o n c e p t s
  Direct Line - (949) 305-2771
  Integrated data solutions to fit your business needs.
  Need assistance in dialing in your FileMaker solution? Check out our
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 There's no absolute way to stop the right click menu other than develop
 completely in Flash, but I find this works quite well:

 body oncontextmenu=return false;

 The way you are hiding the actual link URL will work for people who
 navigate solely with their mouse, but you might want to add an onfocus()
 handler in there as well for people who tab between links.

 At the end of the day though, none of this will stop someone from
 viewing your source code for the link, or using a browser plugin like
 Firebug to determine what it is.


Why I will let you to hide things on my browser?
The browser is mine...

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Assignment in Conditional - How are they evaluated?

2009-10-29 Thread Martin Scotta
On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Mark Skilbeck markskilb...@gmail.comwrote:

 How is the following evaluated:

 if ($data = somefunc()) ...

 Ignoring the 'assignment inside condition' arguments, is the return value
 of somefunc() assigned to $data, and then $data's value is evaluated (to
 true or false), or is the actual assignment tested (does the assignment
 fail, etc)?

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The code is interpreted this way...

$data = somefunc();
if ($data)

Martin Scotta

Fwd: [PHP] Assignment in Conditional - How are they evaluated?

2009-10-29 Thread Martin Scotta
On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Robert Cummings rob...@interjinn.comwrote:

 Ashley Sheridan wrote:

 On Thu, 2009-10-29 at 13:58 +, Mark Skilbeck wrote:

  How is the following evaluated:

 if ($data = somefunc()) ...

 Ignoring the 'assignment inside condition' arguments, is the return value
 of somefunc() assigned to $data, and then $data's value is evaluated (to
 true or false), or is the actual assignment tested (does the assignment
 fail, etc)?

 I believe that it determines if the return value of somefunc() is
 non-false. It will have the added benefit then that you can use the
 return value afterwards if it was, for example, not true, but a string
 or something instead.

 I do this all the time... an example is the following:


 if( ($user = get_current_user()) )
// Yay, we have a user... do something.
echo $user-name();
// Handle no current user.
echo 'Anonymous';


 Application and Templating Framework for PHP

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There is a situation when common-sense can fail...

if( $a  $b = do_something() )

The problem here is the precedence between  and =
The correct sentence will be...

if( $a  ($b = do_something()) )

C coders knows this behaviour very well.

 Martin Scotta

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Re: UrlRewrite htaccess confusion

2009-10-29 Thread Martin Scotta
You can use a regexp for search and replace in your files.


The problem is those values are variables on the code.

As Shawn said, it is easier to provide some function to create links.If you
need to change all links you only change the function and the work is done.


On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 2:31 PM, Shawn McKenzie nos...@mckenzies.netwrote:

 Shawn McKenzie wrote:
  Rob Gould wrote:
  You are indeed correct!  Absolute URLs for everything, images, css,
  javascript, and links fixed the issue.  Took me forever to change every
  link in the whole site, but it's happy now.  Seems like there ought to
  be an easier way.
  There is an easier way.  The logic depends upon your app, but create a
  function that builds and optionally echos URLs for you.  It can work out
  the base url or you can do that when you initialize your app and define
  it as a constant.  It can be as simple or as complex as you need.
  a href=?php makelink($file, $arrayOfVars); ?Something/a
  -- or --
  echo 'a href=' . makelink($file, $arrayOfVars) . 'Something/a';

 Or the simplist approach is to define at constant at app initialization
 and use it:

 echo 'a href=' . BASEURL .


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Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] [php] INSERT and immediately UPDATE

2009-10-28 Thread Martin Scotta
On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Allen McCabe allenmcc...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hey everyone, I have an issue.

 I need my (employee) users to be able to insert shows into the our MySQL
 database and simultaneously upload an image file (and store the path in the

 I have accomplished this with a product-based system (adding products and
 uploading images of the product), and accomplished what I needed because
 product name was unique; I used the following statements:

 $prodName = $_POST['prodName'];
 $prodDesc = $_POST['prodDesc'];
 $prodPrice = $_POST['prodPrice'];

 $query2  = INSERT INTO product (pID, pName) VALUES (NULL, '$prodName');;
 $result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die(mysql_error());

 $query  = SELECT pID FROM product WHERE pName = '$prodName';;
 $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
 $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) or die (mysql_error());

 $prodID = $row['pID'];

 I had to select the new product to get the product id to use in the new
 unique image name.

 The problem I am facing now, is that with the shows that my users add will
 have multitple show times; this means non-unique titles. In fact, the only
 unique identifier is the show id. How can I insert something (leaving the
 show_id field NULL so that it is auto-assigned the next ID number), and
 immediately select it?

 PHP doesn't seem to be able to immediately select something it has just
 inserted, perhaps it needs time to process the database update.

 Here is the code I have now (which does not work):

 $query2  = INSERT INTO afy_show (show_id, show_title, show_day_w,
 show_month, show_day_m, show_year, show_time, show_price, show_description,
 show_comments_1, show_seats_reqd) VALUES (NULL, '{$show_title}',
 '{$show_day_w}', '{$show_month}', '{$show_day_m}', '{$show_year}',
 '{$show_time}', '{$show_price}', '{$show_description}',
 '{$show_comments_1}', '{$show_seats_reqd}');;
  $result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die(mysql_error());

  $query3 = SELECT * FROM afy_show WHERE *show_id = '$id'*;;
  $result3 = mysql_query($query3) or die('Record cannot be located!' .
  $row3 = mysql_fetch_array($result3);
  $show_id = $row3['show_id'];

 How do I select the item I just inserted to obtain the ID number??

mysql_insert_id http://ar.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-insert-id.php
mysqli-insert_id http://ar.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.insert-id.php

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] How to Get the Sub Classes of a Parent Class

2009-10-27 Thread Martin Scotta
On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 9:30 PM, Raymond Irving xwis...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Hi Martin,

 This works great but I was hoping that I didn't have to loop through
 get_declared_classes to find the sub class.

 Is there a way to get the subclasses using Reflection? For example:

 $r = new ReflectionClass($name);

 Many Thanks

 *From:* Martin Scotta martinsco...@gmail.com

 *To:* Raymond Irving xwis...@yahoo.com
 *Cc:* David Otton phpm...@jawbone.freeserve.co.uk; PHP-General List 
 *Sent:* Mon, October 26, 2009 8:34:05 PM

 *Subject:* Re: [PHP] How to Get the Sub Classes of a Parent Class

 On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 10:22 PM, Raymond Irving xwis...@yahoo.comwrote:

 This works if you know the name of the class. What I'm looking for is a
 way to get one of the sub classes and initialize it dynamically.

 From: David Otton phpm...@jawbone.freeserve.co.uk
 To: Raymond Irving xwis...@yahoo.com
 Cc: PHP-General List php-general@lists.php.net
 Sent: Sun, October 25, 2009 10:25:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] How to Get the Sub Classes of a Parent Class

 2009/10/25 Raymond Irving xwis...@yahoo.com:

  I want to automatically initialize a specific sub class when the php
 page is loaded.
  I'm looking for a solution for php 5.1+ or anything that's optimized for

 You may be able solve this with a simple class_exists() (pseudo-code

 if(class_exists($var)) {
$class = new $var;
 } else {
$class = new FourOhFour;

 This script only works for loaded classes .
 If your script has autoloader then there is no way to know the declared
 classes before you declare them.

 error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );

 Class Foo {}

 Class Bar extends Foo {}
 Class Baz extends Foo {}

 Class Beer extends Bar {}
 Class Pier extends Bar {}

 function get_subclasses($class)

 $sub = array();

 foreach(get_declared_classes() as $name )
 $rClass = new ReflectionClass($name);

 if( $rClass-isSubclassOf( $class ))
 $sub[] = $name;

 return $sub;

 print_r( get_subclasses( 'Foo' ));
 print_r( get_subclasses( 'Bar' ));

 Martin Scotta

Hi Raymon

I think your main problem here is that you do not know which class you will
This can lead to undefined behaviour.

Maybe you need to re-analyse your solution.

 Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Array

2009-10-24 Thread Martin Scotta
On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 7:59 AM, Ashley Sheridan

 On Sat, 2009-10-24 at 06:57 -0400, Ron Piggott wrote:

  The following line gives me an error message when there aren't any
  values in the array --- how do I accommodate this?
  Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
  foreach ($_SESSION['order'] AS $key = $value ) {

 Do an isset() on $_SESSION['order'] first to determine if the variable
 even exists, then do is_array() to determine if it's an array or not
 before trying to iterate it. My guess is that $_SESSION['order'] isn't
 an array all the time.


foreach works with array and instances.
Unless the class implements Transversable, it's public properties are used
on the loop.

foreach($object as $prop = $value )
//php translates the foreach into something like this...
foreach(get_object_vars($object) as $prop = $value )

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] how call a variable in a text

2009-10-22 Thread Martin Scotta
On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Thodoris t...@kinetix.gr wrote:

 I don't think it is about readability:

 $arr[3] = 'test';
 $test = 3;

 //This prints $test
 echo This doesn't work: $$arr[3];

 //This prints 3
 echo This works: ${$arr[3]};

 Using the same type way as before in this thread.

 Above example is a classic one where readability and maintainability deal
 well together.

 First of all everything works as expected but obviously you need to know
 what you need.

 It is ambiguous to write $$arr[3] ... what do you expect?]

 No I don't think it is. It produces $test and if this is what you need
 echo it works nice :-) .

  Did you mean the variable derived by $arr[3]?
 echo This works: {$$arr[3]};
 since curly brackets make the meaning of the expression explicit, it will
 be 3 indeed.

 What is the less ambiguous, readable, easy to maintain, way to obtain that

 echo This works: {${$arr[3]}};

 If our aim is to get the variable with name equal to the value of $arr[3]

 Can you see now why I am talking about good practice? Zero ambiguity, and
 that's how I like to code


 Although I totally  agree with the way of thinking and it is my style as

 But I though that the point of the thread was to present ways of putting
 vars inside strings...


PHP knows that before $ and {} there is a variable name so, this is
completely correct for PHP

?php // tested on PHP 5.2.6, is this correct on PHP = 5 ?

$name = 'Martin';
$var = 'name';

echo $name {$name} ${name} ${ 'name' } ${$var} {$$var} ${${ 'var' }}
// am I missing any other way here?

// this is non-sense, but funny :)
$a = 'b';
$b = 'c';
$c = 'd';
$d = 'e';
$e = 'a';

$swap = 'a';

for($i=0,$e=rand(1, 100); $i$e; ++$i)
$swap = ${ $swap };

echo $swap, PHP_EOL;

I feel ${ $var } safer for developers than $$var because I feel it more
$$var can be interpreted by a typo for somebody, while with ${ $var } there
is no doubt what was the coder intent.

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] How to pronounce PHP code over the phone?

2009-10-16 Thread Martin Scotta
First ask him/her for an email address, and then while you are over the
phone send the text by email.
This way the other can *instantaneously* read and both of you can talk about
the code.

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Ashley Sheridan

 On Fri, 2009-10-16 at 18:01 +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:

   Wow! Here goes:
   Open-bracket, dollar item hypen greater-than, get service id, no all
 one word but with a capital S and I. Open and close brackets, question mark,
 dollar item again, then a hyphen and greater-than, that get service id and
 brackets bit again, exactly the same as last time; yes, capital S and I
 again. Colon, no the colon is the one with two dots, not dot and comma.
 Dollar item again, then hypen, greater-than, get id, with a capital I. Nope,
 no service bit this time. Now, open bracket and two closing brackets (I
 assumed the final two on your example were typos?!). now a semi-colon, yes
 the one with the comma.
   That's pretty much how I could foresee me telling someone this on the
 phone, but to be honest, I'd really prefer an email ;)
  So it really involves mentioning each character. I was hoping that
  there would be a shared language for constructs such as - and the
  Dotan Cohen

 Not that I know of, and trying to explain any sort of code over the
 phone is just going to lead to a disaster down the line!


Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Insult my code!

2009-10-07 Thread Martin Scotta
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 8:06 AM, Eric Bauman baum...@livejournal.dk wrote:

 On 7/10/2009 7:25 PM, David Otton wrote:

 2009/10/7 Eric Baumanbaum...@livejournal.dk:

  Any thoughts would be much appreciated!

 One observation. Model isn't a synonym for Database Table - models
 can be anything that encapsulates business logic. Requiring all your
 models to inherit from Model is probably a bad idea.

 Thank-you for responding.

 Out of curiosity, why is this a bad idea? Is it also bad for views 


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It's about responsibilities.
A Model should encapsulate business logic, and business logic and
persistence has nothing in common.
Maybe you can code a loader/persister object and let your models rely on it
to handle the instances?
This way you can decouple you business logic from the data persistence,
allowing you to change one of them without introducing bugs into the other.
Suppose you need to change your Database engine = change the
You need to add/remove/modify some new rules in your business logic =
change the models

Why don't you allow the view to use the model?
This way you have...
# the controller is responsible to instantiate the model(s) and view(s)
# the model is responsible for the business logic
# the view is responsible for the presentation

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] FILTER_VALIDATE_INT - newbie question

2009-10-07 Thread Martin Scotta
Are you using the == operator or === ?
maybe that's the problem

the function could return false or 0. You need to use the === operator

if( false !== ( $value = filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)))
echo 'I need an Integer';
echo 'Thanks for the Int';

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Ben Dunlap bdun...@agentintellect.comwrote:

  Also, I think you're getting confused over the zero with exactly what
  you are asking PHP to do. filter_var() returns true if the filter
  matches. If the 0 match is returned as a false, then filter_var() will

 filter_var() actually returns the filtered data if the filter matches,
 and FALSE if it doesn't. That's the whole point of the filter_XXX
 functions; to pass a tainted value through a filter and get a clean,
 safe value out the other end:

$tainted = get_user_input();
$clean = filter_var($tainted, [FILTER_CONSTANT]);
// now use $clean and never touch $tainted again

 From the original code above, it looks like the OP was
 misunderstanding the use of filter_var() and expecting it to return a


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Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Whacky increment/assignment logic with $foo++ vs ++$foo

2009-10-06 Thread Martin Scotta
On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Paul M Foster pa...@quillandmouse.comwrote:

 On Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 08:51:17AM -0400, Bob McConnell wrote:

  From: Joost [mailto:joost.t.h...@planet.nl]
   Daevid Vincent wrote:
   From: Ben Dunlap [mailto:bdun...@agentintellect.com]
   $a = $a++;
  I just think this is an ambiguous line of code that wasn't thought
  through. The presence of the postfix operator makes the result
  undefined, no matter what language you are using. It will be an accident
  if you get the results you are expecting.

 The behavior of the ++ operator is the invention of Kernighan and Ritchie.
 I don't imagine they ever foresaw anyone doing something as silly as

 a = a++;

 except under the rarest of circumstances.


 Paul M. Foster

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No matter how silly it can looks like (a = a++) it is still completely valid
code and it SHOULD run without problems.
If we analyse any portion of code (like a simple assigment) out of context
it'll always looks like this, just silly (in this case it's really really

One point here, that nobody mention, is the side effect.
++$i has a totaly different side effect than $i++

Sometimes you don't need the side effect but in other situations it really
Does these behaves exactly?
for($i=0; $i10; ++$i)
for($i=0; $i10; $i++)

There is no side effect on the incremental section because the result is not

and what about these?
$array[ $index++ ] = $elem;
$array[ ++$index ] = $elem;

You can read more about the side effect at

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Re: Class variable value lost

2009-09-09 Thread Martin Scotta
On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 12:58 PM, Sumit Sharma sumitp...@gmail.com wrote:

 What I have done is declared one User class in a separate file and created
 its object there only. After this included this file in all other file
 are using its object. So the object is creating only once and included in
 every other file only once. Now when I over write its variable it value get
 lost when I send the user in other file.

 The confusion is if I have created only one object of a class and used the
 same object through out the site how its value can get lost and I think
 is a separate issue than setting $_SESSION variables.

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Ashley Sheridan a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk
 Date: Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 9:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: Class variable value lost
 To: Shawn McKenzie nos...@mckenzies.net
 Cc: Sumit Sharma sumitp...@gmail.com, PHP General Mailing List 

 On Wed, 2009-09-09 at 10:36 -0500, Shawn McKenzie wrote:
  Sumit Sharma wrote:
   I have developed a listing site which is totally class based. Now when
   authenticates a user login and set appropriate class variables to true
   set user info in user class variables, value of all the set variables
   lost when I forward the user to members page. When I check the the
   other page it is set to the default value of the class. Please help.
  You needs to pass the object to the next page.  Look into sessions.
 The object only exists for that instance of the script, so when the user
 navigates to the next page, the object is freed up from the memory.
 There are a couple of ways you could get round this:

 * don't navigate away from the page, and use AJAX calls to update
   parts of the page for the user (bad imho, as it relies on
 * use sessions like Shawn recommended

 If you use sessions, you can store the objects themselves as variables
 into the session. You should be careful with this, as you may not want
 too many sessions open with large objects in them as, depending on your
 server setup, sessions could last quite a while, and there may also be a
 limit on the amount of memory reserved for sessions.


Unless you store the object state your application will not be able to
remember it.

There is a design pattern specially designed for this, the Memento Pattern (

There are many ways to persist an object: sessions, xml, text files,
Pick the one that fits better and you'll be fine.

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Overwrite value of true or false in PHP

2009-09-07 Thread Martin Scotta
On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Bobby Pejman bpej...@gmail.com wrote:


 I noticed that the following returns a 1.

 echo (12) ? True : False

 I was under the impression that true/false are of type boolean and not int.
  But in php anything other than 0 translates to true, meaning a 1.  What I
 am trying to achieve is for a 1 to be a 1 and a true or false to be a true
 and false respectively and I do not want to put quotes around the word
 true/false either because then it is no longer a boolean but string.

 Is it possible to overwrite php's true/false and declare them as boolean?
  You often see in C++, some use Define().


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Yes *true* and *false* are booleans.
PHP convert natively different types to boolean in order to help write
sentences like this

if( $object )

while( $data = mysql_fetch_assoc( $resource ) )
print_r( $data );

But we you try to print a boolean variable PHP convert it to string: true
becomes '1' and false becomes ''. That's why you can't just echo a boolean
variable to see the value, but you can rely on var_dump to show this.

$bool = true;
echo $bool;
var_dump( $bool );

$bool =! $bool;
echo $bool;
var_dump( $bool );

As other languages PHP as an special operator for checking types while
comparing values.

$a = 'false';
$b = true;

   $a == $b, # -- true
   $a === $b # -- false

This happens because values are converted before comparison so, 'false'
becomes true.
PHP converts everything different to an empty string as *true*
This also affect any type of variable.

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Overwrite value of true or false in PHP

2009-09-07 Thread Martin Scotta
On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 4:19 PM, Ashley Sheridan 

 On Mon, 2009-09-07 at 19:14 +, Bobby Pejman wrote:
  I noticed that the following returns a 1.
  echo (12) ? True : False
  I was under the impression that true/false are of type boolean and not
 int.  But in php anything other than 0 translates to true, meaning a 1.
  What I am trying to achieve is for a 1 to be a 1 and a true or false to be
 a true and false respectively and I do not want to put quotes around the
 word true/false either because then it is no longer a boolean but string.
  Is it possible to overwrite php's true/false and declare them as boolean?
  You often see in C++, some use Define().
 The statement you gave does return a boolean value, but what you are
 doing is printing the resulting value out. PHP converts the boolean to
 the nearest printable value, which will be a 1 or 0. If you want it to
 output the value 'True' or 'False' then you need to output a string


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I think php convert the boolean variable to string before print its content.

That's why...

echo true; # prints '1'
echo false; # does not prints anything, or prints ''

$bool = false;
(string) $bool,
(int) $bool

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] how to strip empty lines out of a txt using preg_replace()

2009-09-04 Thread Martin Scotta
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Ralph Deffke ralph_def...@yahoo.de wrote:

 the problem is some have got \t\n
 some are just \n\n\n

 using PHP_EOL is a must

 I thing must be something with the /../sm attributes to the regex, spend
 like half an hour, but didn't get it, I'm running against a dead line,
 doesn't seem to be that easy if regex is not the everydays need u have

 Ashley Sheridan a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk wrote in message
  On Fri, 2009-09-04 at 15:28 +0200, Ralph Deffke wrote:
preg_replace( /^\s*$/m, , $somestring)
   does not take empty lines out
   Ashley Sheridan a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk wrote in message
On Fri, 2009-09-04 at 14:58 +0200, Ralph Deffke wrote:
 Hi all, I'm a bit under stress, maybe somebody knows the regex on a
 using PHP_EOL would be great.


The regex that would match a line containing only whitespace would
like this:
  Are the lines actually whitespace, or are they actually br/ tags that
  are inserting lines to format the page for HTML display?

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The PHP_EOL is system dependent. If you want a solution that works on every
type of file you have to code it yourself. Here you have a function made
some time ago.
Maybe you can improve it.

If you want the result as a text format you can implode( PHP_EOL, $buffer )
Hope this helps you.

function explode($code)
$lines = array();
$buffer = '';

for($i=0, $len = strlen($code); $i$len; ++$i)
switch( $code{$i} )
case \r:
case \n:
if( $i+1 == $len )
break 2;

if( \r == ($next = $code{ $i+1 }) || \n == $next )

$lines[] = $buffer;
$buffer = '';
$buffer .= $code{$i};

if( '' !== $buffer );
$lines[] = $buffer;

return $lines;

Martin Scotta

[PHP] Array references - how to unset() ?

2009-09-02 Thread Martin Zvarík

$ARR = array(
 'a' = array('b' = 'blah')

function set($key)
   global $ARR;

   foreach ($key as $i = $k) {
if ($i == 0) {
   $sourcevar = $ARR[$k];
   } else {
   $sourcevar = $sourcevar[$k];

// unset($sourcevar); // will cancel the reference - we want to 
unset the ['b'], but how?

$sourcevar = null; // will set it NULL, but won't unset...

foreach ($ARR ... // I could run a cleanup, that would go through all of 
the array and unset what is NULL, but I would need to use REFERENCES 
again!! array_walk_recursive() is also worthless... any ideas?


set( array('a', 'b') );

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Re: [PHP] Array references - how to unset() ?

2009-09-02 Thread Martin Zvarík

Robert Cummings napsal(a):

Martin Zvarík wrote:

$ARR = array(
  'a' = array('b' = 'blah')

function set($key)
global $ARR;

foreach ($key as $i = $k) {
 if ($i == 0) {
$sourcevar = $ARR[$k];
} else {
$sourcevar = $sourcevar[$k];

 // unset($sourcevar); // will cancel the reference - we want to 
unset the ['b'], but how?

$sourcevar = null; // will set it NULL, but won't unset...

foreach ($ARR ... // I could run a cleanup, that would go through all 
of the array and unset what is NULL, but I would need to use 
REFERENCES again!! array_walk_recursive() is also worthless... any 


set( array('a', 'b') );

unset( $ARR[$k] )


Thanks for reply, but I want to:


Imagine I have this:

$KEYS = array('a', 'b', 'c');

And I want to:


It's probably impossible, unless I do something dirty like this:

list($rootA, $rootB, $rootC) = $KEYS;

if (isset($rootC)) unset($x[$rootA][$rootB][$rootC]);
elseif (isset($rootB)) unset($x[$rootA][$rootB]);
elseif (isset($rootA)) unset($x[$rootA]);

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Re: [PHP] Array references - how to unset() ?

2009-09-02 Thread Martin Zvarík

AHA !!!

OMG... how come I did not see that!?

Instead this:
$array = $array[$final];


3 AM in the morning... that must be the reason! .)


This is possible. You're just not giving enough consideration to your 
exit strategy :)


function unset_deep( $array, $keys )
$final = array_pop( $keys );

foreach( $keys as $key )
$array = $array[$key];

unset( $array[$final] );

$value = array
'a' = array
'b' = array
'c' = 'C',
'd' = 'D',
'e' = 'E'

$keys = array('a', 'b', 'c');
unset_deep( $value, $keys );

print_r( $value );



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Re: [PHP] LoginShare | How to authenticate once, and login to different websites

2009-09-01 Thread Martin Scotta
On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 2:22 AM, Behzad behzad.esl...@gmail.com wrote:

 Dear list,

 i'm trying to integrate two php-driven web applications, which both
 require the user to authenticate using a username and a password.

 Consider a situation where the user has logged-in to the 1st application.
 clicks over a hyper-link, which directs her to the 2nd application. The
 is to automatically authenticate the user on the 2nd application as well.

 i'm wondering how?
 Is it secure to store the username and password in the $_SESSION, and
 share the session between the two applications?

 Please let me know what do you think.

 Thank you in advance,

The best approach to shared sessions are, commonly, database driven, but
this can vary depending on your site/network topology.

If the two sites are in the same server (and the server is unique) you can
share sessions, but this is risky, so you have to develop with this issue in
mind, let's say avoid things like this.

$_SESSION[ 'something' ] = $somewhat; # you can be, probably, breaking the
other app

If you have more than just one web server, or you are planning to scale it
later, then the database driven fits better.
You need to share a cookie between both sites, often the session_id, and
store the user-session info in a table.
If the user logs-in -no matter in which site- an entry on the user-session
table is set with the cookie and the user id.
When the user logs-out this entry is removed, and the user is not able to
navigate to private areas in both sites.

Avoid doing things like a form-post from SiteA to SiteB. This kind of things
only make holes to your application security system.
User credentials MUST not be handled at client-side. Keep them safetily at
server-side where you are who decide which action should be taken.

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] IRC and English

2009-09-01 Thread Martin Scotta
On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 9:44 AM, tedd tedd.sperl...@gmail.com wrote:

 At 9:06 PM -0400 8/31/09, Paul M Foster wrote:

 I'm sorry, but is anyone else annoyed by people who attempt to use IRC
 jargon on mailing lists? For example, substituting u for you. Oddly
 enough, I'm seeing this primarily in foreign language posters, not in
 native English speakers. It's often accompanied by English so broken I
 don't even bother trying to decypher it, and sometimes an *attitude*
 (after which, I blacklist the poster).

 Am I the only one? It's okay if I am. Just wondering.



 u r not the only 1. I h8 that 2!

 l8er  :)


 http://sperling.com  http://ancientstones.com  http://earthstones.com

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Yo estoy de acuerdo en que respetar el idioma es importante, aunque claro,
redactando sobre la computadora tiene ciertos beneficios. Yo, por ejemplo,
evito utilizar acentos.

Entiendo que pueda molestarles el hecho de las comunes abreviaturas. Eso es
lo malo del lenguaje. Es de todos y, al mismo tiempo, de nadie. Nadie puede
cambiarlo individualmente, sólo se puede mutar a través de su uso por parte
la población, éste va cambiando día a día.

Lamentablemente, a mi modo de ver, los mas jóvenes son quienes incurren en
este tipo de acciones, y no se reduce solamente al ingles, creo que este
fenómeno se da tambien en otros lenguajes (supongo) impulsado por la
deficiencia de los métodos de ingreso de texto de dispositivos moviles.

¿Por que utilizo el español? Después de todo hay una lista para ello.
El mundo en internet esté en ingles y yo, como hispano-hablante debi pasar
por un proceso de varios años para poder lograr entender, hablar y luego
redactar en ingles. ¿pasaron ustedes por el mismo proceso para participar en
esta lista?

Aqui somos muchos, de diferentes paises y culturas, lo importante -a mi modo
de ver- es la comunicación, no el medio o la forma. Con lo cual esta
recriminación carece totalmente de sentido.

Es realmente triste que en una lista de un lenguaje de codigo abierto que
pregona la libre participación y el mutuo beneficio a través de compartir
conocimiento se realize semejante acotación; aunque mucho mas triste es que
una persona oficialmente perteneciente a dicha comunidad se sume a dicho

Please do not reply that It's a English based list.
Or is it allowed  to discriminate here?

As a non-english speaker I feel very uncomfortable with this thread.

With the best intentions for the community, sincerely yours,

Martin Scotta
Spanish Speaker

Re: [PHP] Error when execute header('location: otherpage.php') after email been sent out. Any Workaround?

2009-08-28 Thread Martin Scotta
On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 9:36 AM, Floyd Resler fres...@adex-intl.com wrote:

 Another solution would be to use JavaScript.  In your process.php script
 you could do this:
 script language=javascript

 Not strictly a PHP solution but it works.

 Take care,

 On Aug 28, 2009, at 5:34 AM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:

  On Fri, 2009-08-28 at 17:32 +0800, Keith wrote:

 I have a user sign up page that collects sign up information from user
 This form will then be submitted to another process.php page for setting
 the user account and send email to the user.
 After the email been sent out, the user will be directed back to homepage
 with header(location: index.php).
 However, error happen with warning: [Cannot modify header information -
 headers already sent by...]
 Any workaround for this?

 Thanks for help!

 You don't need a workaround. The header(Location...) thing will only
 work if you have not sent any content to the browser yet. That includes
 even a single space or newline.

 It looks like in your process.php page, something is being output to the
 browser. Are you able to do a code dump of that page?


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Actually there aren't a safe way to make a redirect. Every technique relies
on the client-side to perform the redirection.

We have 4 alternatives (correct me if I miss anything) to do a safe

   1. header Location
   2. meta tag refresh
   3. javascript
   4. the user

We will try every one in the given order...

Let's suppose we want to redirect the client to $url...


header( 'Location: '. $url ); # redirect by http header (1)


!-- redirect by meta tag (2) --
meta http-equiv=refresh content=2;url=?php echo $url? /

script type=text/javascript/*![CDATA[*/
// redirect by javascript (3)
window.location = '?php echo $url ?';

pYou are about to be redirected to ?php echo $url? in 2
!-- redirect by user (4) --
a href=?php echo $url?
Click here if your browser do not redirect automatically
?php exit; ?

It's recommended that your use a common redirect method in your site, this
is not mandatory but it is a good practice.

This simple script also helps to prevent session problems under some evil
web-server by closing the session before any output.

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Error when execute header('location: otherpage.php') after email been sent out. Any Workaround?

2009-08-28 Thread Martin Scotta
On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 10:39 AM, Ashley Sheridan

 On Fri, 2009-08-28 at 10:34 -0300, Martin Scotta wrote:
  Actually there aren't a safe way to make a redirect
  We have 4 alternatives (correct me if I miss anything) to do a safe

 Erm wtf?!

 The best bet is always going with a header() redirect. The only time
 I've seen that fail is when the developer of the PHP script has made a
 mistake. The browser should always honor this type of redirect, and you
 have none of the issues with Javascript turned off, browser plugins
 blocking redirects, or stupid users etc.


What you are is truth if it only applies to computer browsers.
There are many clients where the Location header don't work.

Curl is a good example, you can determine to follow the Redirect or just
skip it.
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, false)

Another example could be mobile phones, especially wml based, do not follow
a redirection and you have to provide a click here to redirect link and
relies on the user to follow the redirection.

Do not trust that your client is always a browser. It could be anything that
can open a connection and send a request.

Also you can't know who is at the other side. The client can provide fake
UA, IP, everything... or can't send anything but the need to make a valid

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Re: Best way to test for form submission?

2009-08-28 Thread Martin Scotta
what about a simple

if( count( $_POST ))

All you need is to check a form submission

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 10:55 AM, Eric blueray2...@yahoo.com wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Adam Jimerson vend...@charter.net
 To: php-general@lists.php.net
 Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 11:21 AM
 Subject: [PHP] Re: Best way to test for form submission?

  On 08/27/2009 11:09 PM, Adam Jimerson wrote:
  This question might give away the fact that I am a php noob, but I am
  looking for the best way to test for form submission in PHP.  I know in
  Perl this can be done with
  if (param)
  but I don't know if that will work with PHP.  I have read the Learning
  PHP 5 book and the only thing that was mentioned in the book was the use
  of something like this
  print pHello .$_POST['username']./p;
  Sorry copied and pasted the wrong line (long day)
  if (array_key_exists('username',$_POST))

 Here is another way

 if (isset($_POST['username'])   $_POST['username'] != '')
 { ...

  I'm sure that this is not the best/recommended way to do this but I'm
  hoping someone here will point me in the right direction.
  PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Re: Best way to test for form submission?

2009-08-28 Thread Martin Scotta
On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 1:59 PM, Ben Dunlap bdun...@agentintellect.comwrote:

  Well, as far as I'm aware $_SERVER isn't reliable from server to server.
  That said, I've never had a problem using it.

 Thanks -- I just looked it up and the manual says: There is no
 guarantee that every web server will provide any of these; servers may
 omit some, or provide others not listed here. That said, a large
 number of these variables are accounted for in the » CGI 1.1
 specification, so you should be able to expect those.

 So I guess it wouldn't make sense to rely on anything in $_SERVER if
 you're building an app for widespread use; e.g., CodeIgniter, as
 mentioned above.

  tend to use the $_REQUEST array instead of $_POST or $_GET. You get the
  benefit of being able to work with both arrays (as well as $_SESSION and
  $_COOKIE) without any drawbacks.

 For now I'm inclined against $_REQUEST, since it's not yet supported
 by filter_input(). I think filter_input() is the bee's knees and I've
 stopped touching $_POST or $_GET directly since I discovered it.


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When the request is PUT your $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] detection will fail,
but the $_POST will be populated.

I think the best way is by count( $_POST )  0 but this only applies for
application/x-www-form-urlencoded forms.
Other content-type will not populate the $_POST and therefore need to be
validated by other method.

PHP provides non-yet-standard HttpRequest class that can handle this

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Sockets (reading)

2009-08-27 Thread Martin Scotta
On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 5:36 PM, Philip Thompson philthath...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Aug 26, 2009, at 2:47 PM, Bob McConnell wrote:

  From: Philip Thompson

 On Aug 26, 2009, at 11:56 AM, Bob McConnell wrote:

 From: Philip Thompson

 During a socket read, why would all the requested number of bytes


 get sent? For example, I request 1000 bytes:

 $data = @socket_read ($socket, 2048, PHP_BINARY_READ);

 This is actually in a loop, so I can get all the data if split up.
 for example, here's how the data split up in 3 iterations (for 1000

 650 bytes
 200 bytes
 150 bytes

 But if I can accept up to 2048 bytes per socket read, why would it
 pull all 1000 bytes initially in 1 step? Any thoughts on this would

 greatly appreciated!

 Because that's the way TCP/IP works, by design. TCP is a stream
 protocol. It guarantees all of the bytes written to one end of the
 will come out the other end in the same order, but not necessarily in
 the same groupings. There are a number of buffers along the way that
 might split them up, as well as limits on packet sizes in the various
 networks it passed through. So you get what is available in the last
 buffer when a timer expires, no more, and no less.

 If you have serialized data that needs to be grouped in specific
 your application will need to keep track of those blocks,


 or splitting the streamed data as necessary. You could use UDP which
 does guarantee that packets will be kept together, but that protocol
 doesn't guarantee delivery.

 Thank you for your input.

 Is it guaranteed that at least 1 byte will be sent each time? For
 example, if I know the data length...

 $input = '';

 for ($i=0; $i$dataLength; $i++) {
// Read 1 byte at a time
if (($data = @socket_read ($socket, 1, PHP_BINARY_READ)) !==
 false) {
$input .= $data;

 return $input;

 Or is this a completely unreasonable and unnecessary way to get the

 While I have written a lot of code to manage sockets over the years, and
 coded a UDP/IP stack, I have never done it in PHP. And unfortunately, I
 don't have time to experiment right now. My boss is waiting for the next
 product release from me.

 Getting one byte at a time is somewhat wasteful, as it requires more
 system calls than necessary. That's a lot of wasted overhead.

 Whether you always get one or more bytes depends on a number of factors,
 including whether the calls PHP uses are blocking or non-blocking, plus
 there may be ways to switch the socket back and forth.

 Have you tried doing a Google search on the group of PHP functions you
 expect to use. That should come up with some sample code to look at.

 Bob McConnell

 I agree that one byte at a time is wasteful. I'm sure others haven't
 implemented something along these lines, but I wrote a much more efficient
 way to make sure I grab all the data of a known length...

 function readSocketForDataLength ($socket, $len)
$offset = 0;
$socketData = '';

while ($offset  $len) {
if (($data = @socket_read ($socket, $len - $offset,
 PHP_BINARY_READ)) === false) {
return false;

$offset += strlen ($data);
$socketData .= $data;

return $socketData;

 If not all the data is obtained on a read, it will loop until the amount of
 data is the same as the length requested. This is working quite well.

 Thanks Bob and the others!


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socket related:
Does this solution work on both, blocking and non-blocking sockets ?
And what about different read method?

solution related:
Does strlen works fine with binary data?
Does this snippet work for sending/receiving multibytes strings?

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Re: How to output a NULL field?

2009-08-27 Thread Martin Scotta
On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 9:37 AM, David Stoltz dsto...@shh.org wrote:

 You're a genius - that works!

 -Original Message-
 From: Bastien Koert [mailto:phps...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 2:02 PM
 To: Andrew Ballard
 Cc: Shawn McKenzie; php-general@lists.php.net; David Stoltz
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: How to output a NULL field?

 One option then, might be to format the result with SQL using a CASE
 WHEN THEN statement or ISNULL / IFNULL to set it to empty string



 Cat, the other other white meat

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Let me do this simple question... is your Sql Server legal? Then use it.

If not, why don't you migrate to an open source alternative? there are a lot
of DB you can use, and if you use an open source alternative then it's
legal, that's mean you, or your client, do not have to pay for use it.

I'm not going to say *that* DB is better that *this* other, this is a matter
of taste.

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] __destruct() not called ! we shot us in the foot try the script

2009-08-25 Thread Martin Scotta
__destruct is called only when the object is detroyed.
The object is destroyed only when there is no references to it.


error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );
header( 'Content-Type: text/plain' );

class Foo
function __destruct()
echo __METHOD__, PHP_EOL;

$a = new Foo;
$b = $a; #  try the script without this line or commented
unset( $a ); # no destructor called
echo '--', PHP_EOL;
unset( $b ); # destructor called!

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 8:40 PM, Ralph Deffke ralph_def...@yahoo.de wrote:

 well I would call this an error in the first view , and some of u where
 right! and the stuff with the refernce counter seems to be right as well.

 however I can't see a reason for it as 5.x works through refernces. so
 unsetting a REFERENCE to the object does not destroy it.

 How to destroy the object then?


 abstract class a {
  public function __construct(){
echo constructingbr;
  public function __destruct(){
echo destructingbr;

 class b extends a{

  public function doSomething(){
echo I'm doing ...but the reference c to the object is unset()br;


 $c = new b();

 $d = $c ;   // works
 $f[] = $c ; // works

 class e {
  public static $m;

  public static function setM( $m ){
self::$m = $m;

 $o = new e();
 e::setM( $c ); // works

 echo unsetting ...br;
 unset( $c );


 echo script ending now ...br;


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Martin Scotta

[PHP] DOMNode children iteration (was Re: array() returns something weird)

2009-08-25 Thread Martin Scotta
-- Forwarded message --
From: Martin Scotta martinsco...@gmail.com
Date: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] DOMNode children iteration (was Re: array() returns
something weird)
To: webmas...@strefarytmu.pl

Fatal error: Call to a member function getAttribute() on a non-object in
testme.php on line *121*

I'm using a Apache/2.2.3 (Win32) PHP/5.2.6
Is the script correctly? I have removed the  in the loop and the script
returns the attached file.

It looks like a bogus bug?

2009/8/24 Szczepan Hołyszewski webmas...@strefarytmu.pl

 Hi Lars and list!

 New facts about the strange bug initially diagnosed as array() returning

 Firstly, the issue is not really about array() returning null, but about
 blown UndefinedBehavior(TM) progressively trashing local variables. It just
 happened that I noticed it first with a variable to which array() had been
 assigned just before things began breaking.

 Secondly, I proudly present the culprit: things break when I iterate over a
 DOMNode's children *by reference* using firstChild and nextSibling:

for($child=$node-firstChild; $child; $child=$child-nextSibling)


 No problems if iteration is done by value or by DOMNodeList (childNodes,


 I still consider this a bug because it destablizes PHP. After the evil loop
 has finished, things happen that should never happen, like a variable being
 NULL immediately after being assigned array().

 I attach a demonstration. It is a self-contained commented script that you
 execute from command line. Also attached is output on my machine.

 Best regards,
 Szczepan Hołyszewski

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Martin Scotta

Martin Scotta
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Re: [PHP] session variables - help

2009-08-14 Thread Martin Scotta
On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 12:25 PM, Allen McCabe allenmcc...@gmail.comwrote:

 Thank you all for your responses.


 I like the ii option better, mostly because I already have most of that in
 place (ie. order posts to process, and process has editable fields and
 hidden fields with the remaining complimentary values).
 Martin suggested I use the following code for my update script (which is
 posted to via the process page):


 foreach($_POST as $key = $value)
if( '0' == $value || '' == $value )
/*if*/ session_is_registered( $key ) 
session_unregister( $key );


 I am not following the logic on the above code very well, but is this
 a better option? And is not session_*whatever deprecated? The reason I am
 using $_SESSION is because it seems that php 6 will use solely this method,
 and it currently works with php 5. The other reason I am using it is so
 I can keep the variables stored elsewhere for whenever I need them; I don't
 want to have to juggle all the information with POST and hidden inputs
 unless it will work seamlessly, and be ready for update at a later date (if
 I move to using a database to store show information, or when php 6 is

 Keep in mind that once I get the update feature working, I need the process
 page to have a final submit button that will insert the order into a
 database table AND send a notification email to myself (and an email to the
 user). Am I setting myself up for failure with this udate order option? I
 ask because the update feature relies on a form, and are not forms limited
 to one submit button?

 Thanks all for your patience! I will work on this today and write back with
 any further questions I can't figure out on my own. And if anyone has any
 advice I will be checking my email regularly.

 On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 7:52 AM, Ford, Mike m.f...@leedsmet.ac.uk wrote:

   -Original Message-
   From: Allen McCabe [mailto:allenmcc...@gmail.com]
   Sent: 14 August 2009 06:58
   Here is some more complete code:
   [code = order_process.php]
   foreach($_POST as $k=$v) {
   include(afyshows.php); //CONTAINS ARRAYS FOR SHOW ENTITIES;
   . . .
   /pform name=update action=update_order.php method=post 
  Er wait, no! Sessions and hidden form fields are generally alternative
  solutions to the same problem -- you shouldn't be putting the same values
  both in the session and in hidden form fields.  In this case, I'm
  to suspect that the hidden fields are the better solution, but there is a
  certain amount of personal preference in this.
input type=hidden name=School  id=School value=?php
   $_SESSION['School']; ? /
input type=hidden name=Grade id=Grade value=?php
   $_SESSION['Grade']; ? /
input type=hidden name=Address id=Address value=?php
   $_SESSION['Address']; ? /
input type=hidden name=City id=City value=?php
   ? /
input type=hidden name=State id=State value=?php
   $_SESSION['State']; ? /
input type=hidden name=Zip id=Zip size=9 value=?php
   $_SESSION['Zip']; ? /
input type=hidden name=Contact id=Contact value=?php
   $_SESSION['Contact']; ? /
input type=hidden name=Phone id=Phone value=?php
   $_SESSION['Phone']; ? /
input type=hidden name=Fax id=Fax value=?php
   $_SESSION['Fax']; ?
input type=hidden name=Email id=Email value=?php
   $_SESSION['Email']; ? /
   . . .
   function findTotalCost($b, $c) {
$total = $b * $c;
return $total;
   function writeResultRow($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f) {
if($a != '') {
 echo \ntr\n\t;
 echo td'.$b./tdtd.$c./tdtd.$d./td;
 echo td.$e./tdtdnbsp;/tdtdinput type='text'
   name='.$a.' id='.$a.' size='2'
 echo /tr;
   //SETS $Total_show_01 to PRICE * QUANTITY
   $Total_show_01 = findTotalCost($shows['show_01']['price'],
   $Total_show_01_fmtd = number_format($Total_show_01, 2, '.', '');
   writeResultRow($_SESSION['show_01_qty'], $shows['show_01']['title'],
   $shows['show_01']['date'], $shows['show_01']['time'],
   //ABOVE LINES REPEATED FOR ALL 38 ENTITIES (show_01 to show_38)
   . . .
   input  name=updates id=updates  type=submit value=Update/
  If I'm reading what you want to do correctly, it seems to me there are
  obvious approaches to this:
  (i) Have a single form which posts back to itself, showing all the show
  information and requested quantities and calculated result fields

Re: [PHP] Re: ini files as config - hidden

2009-08-14 Thread Martin Scotta
2009/8/14 Ben Dunlap bdun...@agentintellect.com

 2009/8/14 João Cândido de Souza Neto j...@consultorweb.cnt.br:
  I think a good solution is to put the ini file out of your html folder so
  only your scripts can read it.

 I agree, and I try to do the same, but I've noticed that most
 open-source CMSes I've looked at (Drupal, Joomla, Textpattern, CMS
 Made Simple) have always stored database credentials inside of
 DocumentRoot, by default.

 Not sure if this is a compromise to allow ease-of-use by
 less-technical users, or if my insistence on putting this sort of file
 outside of DocumentRoot is just paranoia (and not the good kind).

 I'd definitely be interested to hear how others on the list approach
 this problem.

 And that's only one part of the equation, if you're on a
 shared-hosting platform. Are you, or do you have your own server?


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A workaround to this is to simple let the browser get the ini as a php file.
What? are you insane? no. it is really easy.

1) Name your ini files .php so, database.ini will be database.php
2) Put in the top of your script this line

;?php exit;?

So, when the file is opened as an ini file the semilcolon indicates that
it's a comment.
But, when the browser call for this file... php just exit's in the first

Our data will be safe as long as the first line will remains there.

Martin Scotta


2009-08-14 Thread Martin Scotta
Hi all!

I'm making a class for handling different things depending on what web
server are you running PHP.

Can you tell me  the output of this script and your environment?


It'll be useful to me to have different values, especially from Windows or

( Please reply this in private, so we keep the list clean, then I'll send
the full list )

Is there any documentation about the possible value of PHP_SAPI?
I was surfing the web and found this list, but I don't know if it complete:

aolserver, apache, apache2filter, apache2handler, caudium, cgi, cgi-fcgi,
cli, Continuity, embed, isapi, milter, nsapi, phttpd, pi3web, roxen, thttpd,

should I look at php source-code for these values?

Martin Scotta

[PHP] literal strings vs variable strings

2009-08-13 Thread Martin Scotta
Hi all.

Is this going to save me anything?

?php # literal
foreach($items as $item)
   if( 'something' == $item-something() )
 return true;

?php # variable
$something = 'something';
foreach($items as $item)
   if( $something == $item-something() )
 return true;

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Re: Re: Re: Design Patterns

2009-08-13 Thread Martin Zvarík

Ralph Deffke napsal(a):


OOP is the best ever inventet !

see my comments on this list, I will also come up with an pure oop
opensource OMS very soon.

I just think a dam big pattern catalog like this one is like an elephant
chacing mice. I mean I can think of customers asking for a documentation of
course of the page u created for them calling the next day asking wher the
hell are the code for the page are documented in the 1000 pages of
documentation u had to give them.

I can think of two of my largest customers with their intranet application
with 23000 members and more then 5 hits during working hours where I
startet sweating while figting for every 1ms.

I'm thinking of people with even more hits a day, they even dont start using
so I dont know if thats the right way to blow up with includes  and
thousands of classes.

I deeply and completely agree.


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Re: [PHP] design pattern

2009-08-13 Thread Martin Scotta
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 4:04 PM, Ralph Deffke ralph_def...@yahoo.de wrote:

 so guys

 why u don't discuss Martins outcome?
 is there no advice, idears?
 isn't there a need for it?
 nobody want to use it?



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I was following the entirely conversation, I must admit I wasn't expecting
such thread.

It is not common to see design patterns applied to PHP applications and, is
more common to don't see PHP applications. They are just scripts. Many
scripts in a simple folder puts together to do the dirty work.

Of course there are many kicking-ass PHP Applications, but they are a
minimum portion compared to old-fashioned scripts.

So, how do we start writing good quality PHP Applications? That's a very
good question, and I don't know the answer, but I think by talking about
design patterns we are in a good way.

It's true that using design patterns the code will run slower, but it'll be
flexible, maintable, and the most important: simple.
After all that's what we are looking for, something really simple that make
our life as developers happier every day. How do you explain the crescent
number of php frameworks for rapid development?

PHP core team has taken OOP seriously.
Do you note the new SPL objects? The core team creates those objects using
many designs patterns.
By example the RecursiveDirectoryIterator and it's family use the decorator
Also features such as late static binding were added because a design

I think there will be some separation in the community, those who will
stay using scripts and those who will use heavily OOP. I do not know who the
dark side will be, xD

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Calendar Problem

2009-08-12 Thread Martin Scotta
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Robert Cummings rob...@interjinn.comwrote:

 tedd wrote:

 At 4:08 PM -0400 8/11/09, Robert Cummings wrote:

 tedd wrote:

 Hi gang:

 I want to show the dates for all Fridays +-30 days from a specific date.

 For example, given today's date (8/11/2009) the Fridays that fall +-30
 days are July 17, July 24, July 31, Aug 7, Aug 14, Aug 21, Aug 28, and Sept

 I'm curious, how would you guys solve this?


 $fridays = array();
 for( $i = -30; $i = 30; $i++ )
$mod = $i  0 ? $i : '+'.$i;

$time = strtotime( $mod.' day' );

if( date( 'D', $time ) == 'Fri' )
$fridays[] = date( 'Y-m-d', $time );

 print_r( $fridays );




 That's slick -- you never let me down with your simplicity and creativity.

 My solution was to find the next Friday and then cycle through +-28 days
 (four weeks) from that date, like so:

 $fridays = array();

 for( $i = 1; $i = 7; $i++ )
$time = strtotime( $i . ' day' );
if( date( 'D', $time ) == 'Fri' )
   $start = 28 - $i;
   $end = 28 + $i;

 for( $i = -$start; $i = $end; $i += 7 )
$time = strtotime( $i . ' day' );
$fridays[] = date( 'Y-m-d', $time );

 print_r( $fridays );

 Your solution had 61 iterations (for loop) while mind had only 21, so
 mine's a bit faster. Here's the comparison:


 But I'll use your solution -- it's more elegant.

 Thanks for the code,


 I think Shawn McKenzie's is the best. It seems his would take at most 12

 Application and Templating Framework for PHP

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Hi all

This is my point of view.
I try to stay the most legible and simple as possible.

@tedd: can you benchmark this script too? usualy legibility  performance


$fridays = array(); # I'll store the friday here
$day = strtotime('-1 month', time() ); # let's start at one month ago

while( 5 != date('w', $day)) # advance to a friday
$day = strtotime('+1 day', $day);

# I'll stop when $day where ahead one month from today
$end = strtotime( '+1 month', time() );

$friday[] = date('Y-m-d', $day); # store the friday
$day = strtotime('+1 week', $day); # advance one week
} while( $day  $end );

# job's done!
print_r( $friday );

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Re: Is select_db necessary?

2009-08-12 Thread Martin Scotta
 Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Ralph Deffke ralph_def...@yahoo.de wrote:

 I agree totally, are we not dicussing speed issues all the time? and then
 recommend a code doing an unessesary job on every call?

 an ANSI selct db in the sql forces any database to run the internal select
 db because there would be no check if the databse is the current one.
 because, databasedevelopers can espext some smartness of us, the
 programmers. its a lot off stuff to do for the database to select a
 database. for shure, the database leafs that IN OUR hand to avoid to force
 time consuming server resources.


 Colin Guthrie gm...@colin.guthr.ie wrote in message
  'Twas brillig, and Jay Blanchard at 12/08/09 13:53 did gyre and gimble:
   Jay Blanchard wrote:
   SELECT a.foo, a.bar
   FROM myDatabase.myTable a
   WHERE you set other conditions here
   All that is required is that you establish a connection to a server.
   If I recall correctly, this will cause issues with replication in
   MySQL... insofar as you perform amodifying query.
   You're correct with regards to queries that modify on replicated
   systems. If all you're doing is gathering data then this will work just
   fine, is somewhat self-documenting (especially in lengthier code
   containers), and very flexible. It also leaves the selection in the
   database's hands, and as we almost always say, let the database do the
   work when it can.
  I'm interested to know why you consider this to be very flexible and how
  this leaves the selection in the database's hands?
  If I were to implement this and they try some destructive testing/demo
  on a sacrificial database, I'd have to use a whole other server instance
  (as all the queries would hardcode in the db name).
  Is it not more flexible if you omit the table name in every single query
  and specify it once in your bootstrap/connection code? Thus doing tests
  on other dbs etc. is a pretty simple switch of the connection code.
  Also telling the db engine what database you want to use in every query
  is not, IMO, leaving the selection in the the database's hands.
  Just curious as to the rationale here :)
  Colin Guthrie
  Day Job:
 Tribalogic Limited [http://www.tribalogic.net/]
  Open Source:
 Mandriva Linux Contributor [http://www.mandriva.com/]
 PulseAudio Hacker [http://www.pulseaudio.org/]
 Trac Hacker [http://trac.edgewall.org/]

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 To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php


$link = mysql_connect( /* settings */);
mysql_select_db( 'database', $link);
$result = mysql_query( 'SELECT * FROM table', $link );

What SQL was sent to the database?

Looking at bin logs I've found this.

1. use database = mysql_select_db
2. use database: SELECT * FROM table = mysql_query

The DB is usually a common bottle-neck for most applications.
You can have several webservers, but can't do that with the DB... of course,
you can have multiples slaves but just 1 master.

is this the best way to send queries?
What's the better and faster way?

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Calendar Problem

2009-08-12 Thread Martin Scotta
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 12:07 PM, tedd tedd.sperl...@gmail.com wrote:

 At 9:50 AM -0500 8/12/09, Shawn McKenzie wrote:

 tedd wrote:

  Your solution had 61 iterations (for loop) while mind had only 21, so
  mine's a bit faster. Here's the comparison:


  But I'll use your solution -- it's more elegant.

  Thanks for the code,


 Actually, if you refresh your page you have different winners.  When I
 first visited the page yours was fastest by approximately .001, but on
 refresh yours is slower by .001. You need to execute the test let's say
 100 or 1000 times or more (more is better) and take either the average
 or I would say the minimum.


 But of course -- no one try is definitive, you need many.

 For example, I wrote a script to show that PHP's rounding function had an
 upward bias, which it does, but it took thousands of iterations to see it.
 Not worth the effort to correct.

 In any event, it's interesting to see how we all approached the problem
 from different directions.



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Well, this was a nice experiment.
What do we must learn about this? performance  legibility
Stuart solutions look that's the faster, but in the other hand Shawn's
solution 2 looks the most legible (so far).

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Re: Is select_db necessary?

2009-08-12 Thread Martin Scotta
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Ralph Deffke ralph_def...@yahoo.dewrote:

 what are telling the logs on that code?


 $link = mysql_connect( /* settings */);
 mysql_select_db( 'database', $link);
 $result = mysql_query( 'SELECT * FROM table', $link );
 $result = mysql_query( 'SELECT * FROM anothertable', $link );
 $result = mysql_query( 'SELECT * FROM anothertable', $link );
 $result = mysql_query( 'SELECT * FROM anothertable', $link );
 $result = mysql_query( 'SELECT * FROM anothertable', $link );
 $result = mysql_query( 'SELECT * FROM table', $link );

 would be interesting to see.

 I personaly woudn't spend the time on logs, a computer is logical, I try to
 be logical, and I would
 try to create code which is logical speedy. I expect the database kernel
 programmer the same.

 I think then we are on the secure side.


 *Von:* Martin Scotta martinsco...@gmail.com
 *An:* Ralph Deffke ralph_def...@yahoo.de
 *CC:* php-general@lists.php.net
 *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, den 12. August 2009, 16:18:01 Uhr
 *Betreff:* Re: [PHP] Re: Is select_db necessary?

 Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Ralph Deffke ralph_def...@yahoo.de wrote:

 I agree totally, are we not dicussing speed issues all the time? and then
 recommend a code doing an unessesary job on every call?

 an ANSI selct db in the sql forces any database to run the internal select
 db because there would be no check if the databse is the current one.
 because, databasedevelopers can espext some smartness of us, the
 programmers. its a lot off stuff to do for the database to select a
 database. for shure, the database leafs that IN OUR hand to avoid to force
 time consuming server resources.


 Colin Guthrie gm...@colin.guthr.ie wrote in message
  'Twas brillig, and Jay Blanchard at 12/08/09 13:53 did gyre and gimble:
   Jay Blanchard wrote:
   SELECT a.foo, a.bar
   FROM myDatabase.myTable a
   WHERE you set other conditions here
   All that is required is that you establish a connection to a server.
   If I recall correctly, this will cause issues with replication in
   MySQL... insofar as you perform amodifying query.
   You're correct with regards to queries that modify on replicated
   systems. If all you're doing is gathering data then this will work
   fine, is somewhat self-documenting (especially in lengthier code
   containers), and very flexible. It also leaves the selection in the
   database's hands, and as we almost always say, let the database do
   work when it can.
  I'm interested to know why you consider this to be very flexible and how
  this leaves the selection in the database's hands?
  If I were to implement this and they try some destructive testing/demo
  on a sacrificial database, I'd have to use a whole other server instance
  (as all the queries would hardcode in the db name).
  Is it not more flexible if you omit the table name in every single query
  and specify it once in your bootstrap/connection code? Thus doing tests
  on other dbs etc. is a pretty simple switch of the connection code.
  Also telling the db engine what database you want to use in every query
  is not, IMO, leaving the selection in the the database's hands.
  Just curious as to the rationale here :)
  Colin Guthrie
  Day Job:
 Tribalogic Limited [http://www.tribalogic.net/]
  Open Source:
 Mandriva Linux Contributor [http://www.mandriva.com/]
 PulseAudio Hacker [http://www.pulseaudio.org/]
 Trac Hacker [http://trac.edgewall.org/]

 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php


 $link = mysql_connect( /* settings */);
 mysql_select_db( 'database', $link);
 $result = mysql_query( 'SELECT * FROM table', $link );

 What SQL was sent to the database?

 Looking at bin logs I've found this.

 1. use database = mysql_select_db
 2. use database: SELECT * FROM table = mysql_query

 The DB is usually a common bottle-neck for most applications.
 You can have several webservers, but can't do that with the DB... of
 course, you can have multiples slaves but just 1 master.

 is this the best way to send queries?
 What's the better and faster way?

 Martin Scotta

Mysql only stores the SQL in the log when the query affect something in the
So, SELECTS do not appear in the binlog.

That said, this is the script I have runned

$link = mysql_connect( /*settings*/ );
mysql_select_db('devtool', $link);

mysql_query( 'TRUNCATE TABLE dev_activities', $link );
mysql_query( 'TRUNCATE TABLE dev_files', $link );
mysql_query( 'INSERT INTO dev_activities VALUES (1, 1)', $link );
mysql_query( 'INSERT INTO dev_files VALUES (1, 1)', $link );
mysql_query( 'INSERT INTO dev_activities VALUES (2, 2)', $link );
mysql_query( 'INSERT INTO dev_files VALUES (2, 2

[PHP] Design Patterns

2009-08-12 Thread Martin Scotta
Hi all!

I've written a little Design Patterns Catalog in PHP.
The patterns where taken from GoF: *Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable
Object-Oriented Software* (ISBN

This catalog includes (for each pattern):

   1. general description
   2. class responsibilities
   3. UML
   4. structural source
   5. documentation
   6. implementation example

Also I've upload the documentation into my site for online purposes.

I don't know if I can send files attached through this list... so, if you
want a copy just reply to this message.

Any bug, comment, or anything you like to say is welcome!

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Re: Design Patterns

2009-08-12 Thread Martin Scotta
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 6:27 PM, Ralph Deffke ralph_def...@yahoo.de wrote:

 it would help if u would tell us what u want to accomplish with this


 Martin Scotta martinsco...@gmail.com wrote in message
  Hi all!
  I've written a little Design Patterns Catalog in PHP.
  The patterns where taken from GoF: *Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable
  Object-Oriented Software* (ISBN
  This catalog includes (for each pattern):
 1. general description
 2. class responsibilities
 3. UML
 4. structural source
 5. documentation
 6. implementation example
  Also I've upload the documentation into my site for online purposes.
  I don't know if I can send files attached through this list... so, if you
  want a copy just reply to this message.
  Any bug, comment, or anything you like to say is welcome!
  Martin Scotta

 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

I have uploaded the files into mi site.

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] how to say inverse your value (to a boolean)?

2009-08-11 Thread Martin Scotta
On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 10:09 AM, tedd tedd.sperl...@gmail.com wrote:

 At 8:46 AM -0400 8/11/09, tedd wrote:

 At 4:16 PM -0600 8/10/09, John Butler wrote:

 quick Q:
 I have this inside a foreach{}  that I want to alternate between on and
 off so I can alternate the background-color of my tr's.

 $tableRowBGcolorBoolCounter != $tableRowBGcolorBoolCounter; //-boolean on
 and off

 I am looking thru' docs and books, but can't remember (nor find now) in
 PHP how to say inverse your value (to a boolean).

 TIA! -G


 Here's my solution:




 However, my solution (after reading others) is for an alternating row color
 (a boolean operation).

 The problem was NOT making every third row a different color or making
 every row a different color. Those problems would require different

 There is nothing wrong with embedding php within html, which is really a
 misnomer because it's the php interpreter that's sending the resultant html
 to the browser. It is not sending php snip-its for the browser to handle.
 So, embedding code such as:

 tr class=row?php echo($i++  1);?

 Is a valid statement that works. It would be nice if you initialize the $i
 value, but it will work either way.

 My solution, provided via the above link, is a valid solution.



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A change request just came in - the interaction designer wants every
third line to have a grey background, instead of every second line.

# before was $styles = array( 'even', 'odd' );
# after new requirements it is...
$styles = array( 'white', 'white', 'gray' );
foreach($items as $item)
printf( 'li class=%s%s/li', current( $styles ), $item );

next( $styles ) or  reset( $styles );

The simplest solution is always the best choice.
This provides maintainability and flexibility to changes ( that we don't
know yet )

Martin Scotta

[PHP] Single quoted strings (was: ereg_replace to preg_replace translation)

2009-08-11 Thread Martin Scotta
On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Ford, Mike m.f...@leedsmet.ac.uk wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: m a r k u s [mailto:queribus2...@hotmail.com]
  Sent: 11 August 2009 15:34
  I see that from PHP 5.3.0 ereg_replace() function is deprecated and
  throws a warning.
  I would like to use the preg_replace() function as an alternative of
  ereg_replace() function but...
  can't undestand the \n#[^\n]*\n expression.
  $sql = ereg_replace(\n#[^\n]*\n, , $sql);

 Generally the only change you need to make for transition from ereg to preg
 (for simple expressions, anyway) is the addition of pattern delimiters. So
 the above becomes, for example:

  $sql = preg_replace(|\n#[^\n]*\n|, , $sql);

 Although I would argue that those \ characters should be escaped (and
 should have been even for ereg), so the more correct version of this is:

  $sql = preg_replace(|\\n#[^\\n]*\\n|, , $sql);


 Mike Ford,
 Electronic Information Developer, Libraries and Learning Innovation,
 Leeds Metropolitan University, C507, Civic Quarter Campus,
 Woodhouse Lane, LEEDS,  LS1 3HE,  United Kingdom
 Email: m.f...@leedsmet.ac.uk
 Tel: +44 113 812 4730

 To view the terms under which this email is distributed, please go to

 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

You can use a single quote string (instead of escape the \n)
The result is the same, but is more legible.

$sql = preg_replace('|\n#[^\n]*\n|', '', $sql);

Personally I try to not use double quoted.
PHP parses single quoted very much faster.

# for this
echo Hi, $name, wellcome $home;

# I use
echo 'Hi, ', $name, ', wellcome ', $home;

# or
printf( 'Hi, %s, wellcome %s', $name, $home );

And of course, this is a matter of taste!

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] reason for a Notice:.. on one site but not another? (Same code.)

2009-08-10 Thread Martin Scotta
Why do you all always use isset?
Why do you don't use array_key_exists instead? is it a more semantic


$key = 'UserWishesDateRange'; # just to make statement shorter
if( array_key_exists($key, $_POST )  'T' == $_POST[$key] )
echo ' the key exists... and it is a T '';

*isset*: Determine if a variable is set and is not NULL*
array_key_exists: *Checks if the given key or index exists in the array

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 1:42 PM, John Butler

  If you switch it around you'll get a notice because the IF evaluates
 from left to right.  So you just want to make sure you check isset()

 This would throw a notice:

 if($_POST['UserWishesDateRange']  == 'T' 
 isset($_POST['UserWishesDateRange'])) {

 Aha!  That must be what I tried and was still getting the notice!
  Interesting that it works (without notice) if we check against the isset ()
 one first.   It makes if() look more intelligent that I would think... as if
 it saying, good now that we've established that the var isset, now is it
 also equal to '___'., as opposed to just, is var set, and is var equal to

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] reason for a Notice:.. on one site but not another? (Same code.)

2009-08-10 Thread Martin Scotta
This intelligence is given by the laziness of the  operator.

$res = a()  b(); # if a() is false then b() does not evaluate
$res = a()  b(); # b() evaluates no matter a()'s result

so, order matters.

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 3:29 PM, Andrew Ballard aball...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Ralph Deffkeralph_def...@yahoo.de
  this is not intelligence its just pure math. the '' says if BOTH
  expressions are true then the whole expression is true.
  so if the first one is false, the whole is false, why checking the next
  in the underlaying C it would be something like this
  if ( expression == false ) return false;
  if ( expression == false) return false;
  return true;

 That's logically correct, and while PHP does implement this
 short-circuit logic, not all languages do. In that regard, I
 appreciate what John meant by saying it makes it look more
 intelligent. Some languages evaluate each of the conditions to their
 respective boolean results before evaluating the logical operators.


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Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] how to say inverse your value (to a boolean)?

2009-08-10 Thread Martin Scotta
You can do this...

for( $b=true; your-statement; $b = !$b )

I usually use this solution

$types = array( 'one', 'two' );
foreach( $list as $item ) # -- your set of (many) items
echo current( $types ); # -- this prints the current class
# code
next( $types ) or reset( $types ); # and this do the magic

Hey! look, this solution can work with more than 2 types...
try it with many types: $types = array( 'one', 'two', three', 'four' );

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 7:16 PM, John Butler

 quick Q:
 I have this inside a foreach{}  that I want to alternate between on and off
 so I can alternate the background-color of my tr's.

 $tableRowBGcolorBoolCounter != $tableRowBGcolorBoolCounter; //-boolean on
 and off

 I am looking thru' docs and books, but can't remember (nor find now) in PHP
 how to say inverse your value (to a boolean).

 TIA! -G

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Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] how to say inverse your value (to a boolean)?

2009-08-10 Thread Martin Scotta

$dr = !$dr

if you want

Notice: Undefined variable: dr

All variables MUST be initialized before using.
If you PHP does not complains about it you should read about error_reporting

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 8:18 PM, Daevid Vincent dae...@daevid.com wrote:

 NO! For the love of God and all that is holy, don't do that accumulator /
 mod hack.
 That's so 1980's. And why make the CPU do all that math for every

 Just do this. It's quick and simple:

.dataRow1 { background-color: #DFDFDF; }
.dataRow2 { background-color: #FF; }

 foreach ($foo_array as $foo) {
   ?tr class=?= ($dr = !$dr) ? dataRow1 : dataRow2 ?td?= $foo

 No need to initialize $dr as by default PHP will make it a boolean false,
 then each itteration, it will toggle true/false and substitute the CSS

  -Original Message-
  From: Jim Lucas [mailto:li...@cmsws.com]
  Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 4:03 PM
  To: John Butler
  Cc: PHP-General List
  Subject: Re: [PHP] how to say inverse your value (to a boolean)?
  John Butler wrote:
   quick Q:
   I have this inside a foreach{}  that I want to alternate
  between on and
   off so I can alternate the background-color of my tr's.
   $tableRowBGcolorBoolCounter != $tableRowBGcolorBoolCounter;
   on and off
   I am looking thru' docs and books, but can't remember (nor
  find now) in
   PHP how to say inverse your value (to a boolean).
   TIA! -G
  $arr = range(1, 10);
  $i = 0;
  foreach ( $arr AS $row ) {
$row_color = ( ( $i++ % 2 ) ? 'green' : 'red');
echo $row_color;
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Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Displaying user data and picture

2009-08-06 Thread Martin Scotta

take a look at the comments sections, there are a lot of examples of
how to send an image to a browser, only think that instead of a file
your are using a blob database field

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Ralph Deffkeralph_def...@yahoo.de wrote:
 hi there,

 u want help? break down ur question to the point, none is going to downlod
 unknown zips searching for the spot.

 its fun to help, but its for free, so make it easier for us to help u

 u r lucky that i'm sick at the moment and a bit bored, but anyway i'm not
 downloading a zip.

 however, the most common error for newbies on that issue is, that thex don't
 pay attention to the fact that a browser treats a picture as a separate file
 to download. u can store pictures in a databas, and a blob field in mysql is
 the right thing, however u have to have a little php scrip, however with a
 .png extention to get the browser displaying the picture.

 u have to tell apache that a .png (or jpeg, gif etc) extention is to be
 parsed by the php interpreter where u then can place ur database retrival of
 the picture. in that script u then have to make shure ur are sending the
 right header out.

 to give u all the details is worth some time and time is money. the amount
 of documentation to figure out the details is not small. start with some w3c
 and rfc standard to get the clue.


 nashrul anas_a...@yahoo.com wrote in message

 I am new to php...
 I try to make a php page that displays form submitted data and image.
 are 3 php files,
 tampil_tamu_admin.php, edit_tamu.php and display_img.php.
 The user lists are displayed in the tampil_tamu_admin.php, and when the
 clicks one record, it shows edit page (edit_tamu.php) that display user
 and picture. (edit_tamu.php file includes img tag that calls
 with user id)
 The problem is the user data is displayed but the image is not
 How can I display this image ?

 The codes are attached

 Thanks http://www.nabble.com/file/p24839092/guest-book.rar guest-book.rar
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 View this message in context:
 Sent from the PHP - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Martin Scotta

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Re: [PHP] PHP 6 and MySQL 5 for Dynamic Web Sites Book

2009-08-06 Thread Martin Scotta
On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 1:59 PM, Eddie Drapkin oorza...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Tony
 Marstont...@marston-home.demon.co.uk wrote:
  Eddie Drapkin oorza...@gmail.com wrote in message
  Does no one see the inherent issues in buying a book about a
  not-feature-complete version of the language?
  PHP 6 does not exist yet, and no hosting companies provide it as an
  so describing existing versions of PHP as not-feature-complete is a bit
  As the book is simply an update to his original version which was
  in 2003, and again in 2005, it is about using PHP and MySQL to build a
  dynamic web site, and as such every version is still perfectly valid and
  useful to the novice programmer.
  This not a book which is supposed to describe every possible feature
  the PHP language as it is not necessary to use every possible feature in
  order to build a dynamic website.
  Tony Marston
  PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
  To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

 I meant that PHP6 was not feature-complete in that the spec of
 PHP6 will change before it's released.  We don't know at this point
 what will or will not be included in PHP6 and writing a book about an
 incomplete version of the language seems silly.

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That probably seems silly to you... but there are authors (and editors) who
thinks writing a book about the last version of PHP is a good business, and
don't care if the language is full featured or even released

It is up to you to read the book or not.

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] PHP 6 and MySQL 5 for Dynamic Web Sites Book

2009-08-06 Thread Martin Scotta
You all are speaking about the same...
But there is a good point you all are missing...

It has non sense to read a book about php6... but what about to sell a php6
Hey! we are up to today! All the php5 book's are outdated. That's probably
what editors thought when they decide to edit that book.

Anyway... I'll like to read a book of how php6 was born, what was the
challenges, and how the community have worked to get this product in the

There must be someone that has anything to say about this? That'll be a very
interesant book to read

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 4:33 PM, Eddie Drapkin oorza...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 3:22 PM, Ashley Sheridana...@ashleysheridan.co.uk
  On Thu, 2009-08-06 at 20:16 +0100, Tony Marston wrote:
  Don't be so pedantic. PHP 6 does not exist in a live, production-ready
  version. It is still under development and has not even reached the beta
  stage. Anyone who writes a book which documents the features of PHP 6 is
  being very premature as those features may change at any moment. The
  features will not be frozen until the first GA release.
  Tony Marston
  Ashley Sheridan a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk wrote in message
   On Thu, 2009-08-06 at 17:24 +0100, Tony Marston wrote:
   PHP 6 does not exist yet,
   Funny, that's not what the PHP site says:
  What I'm trying to say is that writing a book is not premature, as the
  feature list is likely not to change much, if at all. So what makes you
  think it is premature of the authors?
  PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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 I'd be surprised if the feature stays the same at all.  Just take a
 look at http://wiki.php.net/summits/pdmnotesmay09 and see what they're
 cooking up.  Like I said before, PHP6 isn't feature-complete, and I
 don't suspect it's near it either, so it's definitely way premature to
 write a book on PHP6 and silly to buy one.

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Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Warning: OutsourcingRoom.com

2009-08-05 Thread Martin Scotta
Nobody can actually do anything. This happen all the time.

Sites like facebook or myspace send invitations to all your mail's
contacts, but that's not the problem. What I can't understand is why
do they do pre-signup just you for the easy of you.
I have _created_ an account just to edit my personal data, that's nonsense!!!

If you give your contact info you are allowing this kind of issues,
but if you don't... well, you can't use internet if you don't.

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 10:56 AM, Ashley
Sheridana...@ashleysheridan.co.uk wrote:
 On Wed, 2009-08-05 at 09:54 -0400, Eric Butera wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 3:06 AM, Ashley Sheridana...@ashleysheridan.co.uk 
  On Tue, 2009-08-04 at 20:49 -0700, Steve wrote:
  Daniel Brown wrote:
       Just as a heads-up, in case you guys weren't yet aware 
       Elance.com was the victim of an SQL injection attack earlier this
   summer (they apparently missed our billions of threads on sanity).
   According to their folks, only names, company names, phone numbers,
   and email addresses were taken.  Whether or not that's true, I don't
   know, but that's beyond the scope of this warning.
       The most recent attempt to get more of your personal information
   comes from a (*possibly* legitimate) website named
   OutsourcingRoom.com.  If you have been a member of Elance, you may
   have already received the message from OSR that claims that you signed
   up with them, and gives you a username and password.  Now, I'm not
   here to tell you guys and gals what to do, but taking the facts into
   account - the stealing of private information by breeching the
   security of a competitor - it's entirely up to you as to whether or
   not you'll consider OSR a trustworthy business.  Chances are, they'll
   not only charge you for using the service, but will also be so kind as
   to reuse (or redistribute) your private and financial information,
   should you be willing to give it to them.
       We've already received numerous hits on our network for
   OutsourcingRoom.com and one or two other shoddy attempts to gain more
   information.  Today the emails seem to have picked up significantly,
   and appear to be not only valid, but professionally-crafted.
   Thankfully, we were anticipating such, after being alerted to the
   attack by Elance themselves.  Perhaps a bit embarrassing for them, but
   it was a good move to mitigate the damage post-fact, in my opinion.
       That's it.  Just trying to keep everyone from getting scammed and
   screwed.  For more information, check Google, as always.  ;-P
  I got that email. I was wondering what that was about. Thanks for the 
  Well, I try not to give out my details to too many people each month,
  and this month they were beat to it by a nice fellow in Nigeria who I'm
  helping out by letting him put some money into my account. Next month I
  had originally planned to invest in those berrys everyone is talking
  about and some watches, and then after that, I need to update my account
  details on Ebay (I forgot I even had an account with them!) as they keep
  asking me to go and do it because of a security update they've made.
  Ho hum...
  PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
  To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

 Har har.  This was not a mindless 411 scam.  It is a bit different
 when an actual site people use gets hacked and their personal
 information stolen.  I too received one of these emails and it was
 very convincing.  It has my exact username from the Elance site and
 was crafted in such a way that it seems this new site was a partner
 with Elance somehow.


 Is there nothing that anybody can actually do about this? Where is the
 new company based? Are there laws in that country about this sort of


 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Martin Scotta

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] Warning: OutsourcingRoom.com

2009-08-05 Thread Martin Scotta
What we can do is make a Report Web Forgery for this site.
If you use Firefox there is an option in the help menu.

Also you can report to search engines like Google or Yahoo (that's what I did)

well... in this thread we are doing something

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Ashley
Sheridana...@ashleysheridan.co.uk wrote:
 On Wed, 2009-08-05 at 11:10 -0300, Martin Scotta wrote:
 Nobody can actually do anything. This happen all the time.

 Sites like facebook or myspace send invitations to all your mail's
 contacts, but that's not the problem. What I can't understand is why
 do they do pre-signup just you for the easy of you.
 I have _created_ an account just to edit my personal data, that's nonsense!!!

 If you give your contact info you are allowing this kind of issues,
 but if you don't... well, you can't use internet if you don't.

 On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 10:56 AM, Ashley
 Sheridana...@ashleysheridan.co.uk wrote:
  On Wed, 2009-08-05 at 09:54 -0400, Eric Butera wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 3:06 AM, Ashley 
  Sheridana...@ashleysheridan.co.uk wrote:
   On Tue, 2009-08-04 at 20:49 -0700, Steve wrote:
   Daniel Brown wrote:
    Just as a heads-up, in case you guys weren't yet aware 
    Elance.com was the victim of an SQL injection attack earlier this
summer (they apparently missed our billions of threads on sanity).
According to their folks, only names, company names, phone numbers,
and email addresses were taken.  Whether or not that's true, I don't
know, but that's beyond the scope of this warning.
    The most recent attempt to get more of your personal information
comes from a (*possibly* legitimate) website named
OutsourcingRoom.com.  If you have been a member of Elance, you may
have already received the message from OSR that claims that you 
up with them, and gives you a username and password.  Now, I'm not
here to tell you guys and gals what to do, but taking the facts into
account - the stealing of private information by breeching the
security of a competitor - it's entirely up to you as to whether or
not you'll consider OSR a trustworthy business.  Chances are, they'll
not only charge you for using the service, but will also be so kind 
to reuse (or redistribute) your private and financial information,
should you be willing to give it to them.
    We've already received numerous hits on our network for
OutsourcingRoom.com and one or two other shoddy attempts to gain more
information.  Today the emails seem to have picked up significantly,
and appear to be not only valid, but professionally-crafted.
Thankfully, we were anticipating such, after being alerted to the
attack by Elance themselves.  Perhaps a bit embarrassing for them, 
it was a good move to mitigate the damage post-fact, in my opinion.
    That's it.  Just trying to keep everyone from getting scammed and
screwed.  For more information, check Google, as always.  ;-P
   I got that email. I was wondering what that was about. Thanks for the 
   Well, I try not to give out my details to too many people each month,
   and this month they were beat to it by a nice fellow in Nigeria who I'm
   helping out by letting him put some money into my account. Next month I
   had originally planned to invest in those berrys everyone is talking
   about and some watches, and then after that, I need to update my account
   details on Ebay (I forgot I even had an account with them!) as they keep
   asking me to go and do it because of a security update they've made.
   Ho hum...
   PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
   To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
  Har har.  This was not a mindless 411 scam.  It is a bit different
  when an actual site people use gets hacked and their personal
  information stolen.  I too received one of these emails and it was
  very convincing.  It has my exact username from the Elance site and
  was crafted in such a way that it seems this new site was a partner
  with Elance somehow.
  Is there nothing that anybody can actually do about this? Where is the
  new company based? Are there laws in that country about this sort of
  PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
  To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

 Martin Scotta

 Nicely said, but doesn't answer the question.

 Sites like that will send out emails all the time as invites, because
 they have the permission of whoever they are sending the emails on
 behalf of, hence why they can access the contacts list.

 This is a different situation, where the site was hacked, and the
 company is not only sending out invite links to all the email

Re: [PHP] navigation include not functioning

2009-08-05 Thread Martin Scotta
I think you are looking for something like this:

$page = array_key_exists( 'page', $_GET ) ? GET['page'] : 'index';

Then you MUST sanitize the $page variable.

I often use the querystring to wrapp the module you are requesting:

www.example.org/?path/to/molude (note that .htaccess is required)

# the you can access by
echo $path = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 2:19 PM, Allen McCabeallenmcc...@gmail.com wrote:

 When I load my site, default.php loads ( displaying:
 http://uplinkdesign.hostzi.com/ in the browser as expected). $thisPage is
 set to about via:

 if (!isset($thisPage)) {
  } else {
  $thisPage = addslashes($_GET['page']);

 in the head tags.

 I am seeing this:

 The first 2 includes work just fine, loading to proper middle section and
 proper right-hand-side page content, the navigation include also loads, but
 all the of tabs (background images) are the currentpage image, as opposed
 to not, as they should be (the the exception of the About Us background

 It seems that $thisPage is equal to all four values, so all the if
 statements within navigation tell PHP to load the current page image for all
 4 links.

 Does this help?
 On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 10:10 AM, Jerry Wilborn jerrywilb...@gmail.comwrote:

 I'm having trouble understanding your description of the problem.  Can you
 tell us what you're seeing and what you expect to see?
 Jerry Wilborn

 On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Allen McCabe allenmcc...@gmail.comwrote:

 I am trying to generate pages by importing content in includes, and using
 navigation include to tell PHP to replace a $thisPage variable which all
 includes use ?php include('phpincludes/' . $thisPage . '.php') ?

 The idea behind it (I know tons of people do it, but I'm new to this
 concept), is to have a 'layout' page where only a variable changes using
 $_GET on an href (index.php?page=services or index.php?page=about) to load
 the new 'pages'.

 All my links are displaying the current page state, and links are not
 building around the link text (hrefs are built conditionally with if
 $thisPage != services then build the link, otherwise leave it as normal
 text). Same thing with the background image behind the link text (to
 indicate a page's current position). If the condition is not true, all the
 links (except the true current 'page') are supposed reload index.php and
 pass a variable to itself to place into $thisPage using
 href=index.php?page= (after which I have a variable which stores about
 or services within the if statement near the link text.

 If this sounds like something you are familiar with (former issues and
 whatnot) please let me know what I'm doing wrong. I would be happy to give
 you any code you want to look at (index.php or navigation.php, whatever).

 Thanks again for your help PHP gurus!

Martin Scotta

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] navigation include not functioning

2009-08-05 Thread Martin Scotta
 a predefined list of all modules which
 can be included.

 Else, there is some nasty things like:
 (infinity recurssion)

 (inclusion of malicious script)
 and so on.

 On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 10:10 AM, Jerry Wilborn jerrywilb...@gmail.com



  I'm having trouble understanding your description of the problem.  Can

 tell us what you're seeing and what you expect to see?
 Jerry Wilborn

 On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Allen McCabe allenmcc...@gmail.com

 I am trying to generate pages by importing content in includes, and

 navigation include to tell PHP to replace a $thisPage variable which
 includes use ?php include('phpincludes/' . $thisPage . '.php') ?

 The idea behind it (I know tons of people do it, but I'm new to this
 concept), is to have a 'layout' page where only a variable changes
 $_GET on an href (index.php?page=services or index.php?page=about) to
 the new 'pages'.

 All my links are displaying the current page state, and links are not
 building around the link text (hrefs are built conditionally with if
 $thisPage != services then build the link, otherwise leave it as
 text). Same thing with the background image behind the link text (to
 indicate a page's current position). If the condition is not true, all
 links (except the true current 'page') are supposed reload index.php
 pass a variable to itself to place into $thisPage using
 href=index.php?page= (after which I have a variable which stores
 or services within the if statement near the link text.

 If this sounds like something you are familiar with (former issues and
 whatnot) please let me know what I'm doing wrong. I would be happy to
 you any code you want to look at (index.php or navigation.php,

 Thanks again for your help PHP gurus!

Martin Scotta

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] dynamically naming PHP vars on the fly?

2009-08-05 Thread Martin Scotta
You can use variable variables


$nombre = 'Martin';
$name = 'nombre';

echo $$name; # === Martin

You can make more complicated statements with this technique.

$var1 = 'apple';
${ 'Fruit_' . $var1 } = 'organic';
echo $Fruit_apple; // here you are

When your statements are complex use the ${ statement } syntax.
I often use this for hidden global variables.

${ 'try to use this variable directly' } = 'something';

print_r( get_defined_vars() ); # [try to use this variable directly]
= something

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 7:17 PM, Govindagovinda.webdnat...@gmail.com wrote:
 HI all

 One thing I have been working around but now would love to just do it
 finally (and save workaround/longer code hassle) is when:

 I need to be able to create a variable (name it, and assign it a value)
 whose name is built up from a fixed string concatenated with another string
 which comes from the  value of another (already set) variable.


 I want to do this:
 (I am just assuming it won't work; I haven't even tried it yet)

 echo $Fruit_apple; // I want this to return organic

 Or how are you guys dynamically naming PHP vars on the fly?

 John Butler (Govinda)

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Martin Scotta

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[PHP] PHP 5.2.9 + NCurses

2009-07-30 Thread Martin Scotta
Hi all

I have start a shell script and I want to use ncurses.
It was a quite difficulty to get it working, but now I'm done to start
to develop.

I have already search on sf.net and phpclasses and found a couple, but
I'm looking more stable or with a better OO design.

Do you know any set of classes that handle ncurses easily?

Martin Scotta

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[PHP] PHP as Language

2009-07-24 Thread Martin Scotta
Hi all

Is there a formal definition for the php language?
Where I can found it?

I've STW with no results.

Martin Scotta

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Re: unsetting a referenced parameter in a function

2009-07-23 Thread Martin Scotta
I think he is confusing the unset semantic.
Unset just destroy a variable, but not the content of it.

Take a look at the output of this simple script:
function avoid_global_scope()
$a = 'foo';
var_dump( get_defined_vars() );
$b = $a;
var_dump( get_defined_vars() );
unset( $a );
var_dump( get_defined_vars() );
unset( $b );

This is the output in my apache2 / php 5.2.6... but yours MUST be the same

array(1) {
  [a]=  string(3) foo
array(2) {
  [a]=  string(3) foo
  [b]=  string(3) foo
array(1) {
  [b]=  string(3) foo

Note in the second array both variables was converted to references.
But in the third b is just a common variable.

This behaviour is cause by how PHP handles the references?

1) $a = 'foo';
Here we have an string 'foo' and a variable a which points to the string.

2) $b = $a;
Now we have anothe variable b which refers to _contents_ of variable a
Variable a is converted to a reference to it contents

3) unset( $a );
When a is destroyed only b refers to 'foo', PHP handles b as a common

3) unset( $b );
When b is destroyed PHP notes that no one is referencing 'foo'... so, it's
removed too.

Remember... unset destroy variables, not it's content.

class Foo
public static $last;

function __construct()
self::$last = $this;

$a = new Foo;

$a = null;
unset( $a );

var_dump( Foo::$last instanceof Foo ); # bool(true)

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 9:35 AM, Shawn McKenzie nos...@mckenzies.netwrote:

 Tom Worster wrote:
  On 7/22/09 6:09 PM, Shawn McKenzie nos...@mckenzies.net wrote:
  Tom Worster wrote:
  though the manual is perfectly clear that this should be expected, i
 was a
  bit surprised that the result of the following is 42
  function foo($a) {
$a = 42;
$a = 'meaning';
  normally i would expect unset() to free some memory. but in this
 example it
  doesn't and has a different behavior: it releases foo's reference to
  global $a, allowing the next line to define a local $a.
  i think i'd have preferred compile error.
  Well, you unset the reference and then you assigned 'meaning' to a local
  function variable $a.  Why would you get a compile error?
  when you state it in those terms (which are clearly correct) i wouldn't.
  but if the way i think is unset() destroys the specified variables (as
  manual puts it) then i expect that the specified variable would be
  destroyed, not the reference.
  so, as i said, i was a bit surprised when the variable wasn't destroyed.
  once i understood what was happening, i thought it a bit confusing to
  such scope-dependent differences in behavior of a language element.
 It might be easier to understand if you don't use the same var names:

 function foo($arg) {
  $arg = 42;
  $arg = 'meaning';

 $a = 0;


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Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Renaming all variables in a repository

2009-07-23 Thread Martin Scotta
function toCamelCase( $string )
return  str_replace( ' ' , '', ucwords( strtolower( strtr($string, '_',
' ') ) ));

echo toCamelCase( 'this_is_not_properly_written' );

You can use this simplest function to translate a string to camelCase.

The process could be...
1) parse by PHP
2) translate tokens to camelCase
3) writte the file with changes

You can easily parse a php file using http://php.net/token_get_all

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Eddie Drapkin oorza...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hey all,
 we've got a repository here at work, with something like 55,000 files
 in it. For the last few years, we've been naming $variables_like_this
 and functions_the_same($way_too).  And now we've decided to switch to
 camelCasing everything and I've been tasked with somehow determining
 if it's possible to automate this process.  Usually, I'd just use the
 IDE refactoring functionality, but doing it on a
 per-method/per-function and a per-variable basis would take weeks, if
 not longer, not to mention driving everyone insane.

 I've tried with regular expressions, but I can't make them smart
 enough to distinguish between builtins and userland code.  I've looked
 at the tokenizer and it seems to be the right way forward, but that's
 also a huge project to get that to work.

 I was wondering if anyone had had any experience doing this and could
 either point me in the right direction or just down and out tell me
 how to do it.

 Thanks so much

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Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Re: newbie question - php parsing

2009-07-22 Thread Martin Scotta
This is how I'd write this snippet

if ( 'Home' !== ( $title = the_title('','',FALSE)))
echo 'h2 class=entry-header',

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 6:31 PM, Lenin le...@phpxperts.net wrote:

 Ted Turner http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/t/ted_turner.html
 Sports is like a war without the killing.

 2009/7/23 Shane Hill shanehil...@gmail.com

  2009/7/22 João Cândido de Souza Neto j...@consultorweb.cnt.br
   You made a mistake in your code:
   ?php the_title(); ?
   must be:
   ?php echo the_title(); ?
  ?= the_title(); ?

 Short tag and not recommended as its deprecated now, would be void at PHP

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Re: unsetting a referenced parameter in a function

2009-07-22 Thread Martin Scotta
On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 9:27 PM, Tom Worster f...@thefsb.org wrote:

 On 7/22/09 6:09 PM, Shawn McKenzie nos...@mckenzies.net wrote:

  Tom Worster wrote:
  though the manual is perfectly clear that this should be expected, i was
  bit surprised that the result of the following is 42
  function foo($a) {
$a = 42;
$a = 'meaning';
  normally i would expect unset() to free some memory. but in this example
  doesn't and has a different behavior: it releases foo's reference to the
  global $a, allowing the next line to define a local $a.
  i think i'd have preferred compile error.
  Well, you unset the reference and then you assigned 'meaning' to a local
  function variable $a.  Why would you get a compile error?

 when you state it in those terms (which are clearly correct) i wouldn't.

 but if the way i think is unset() destroys the specified variables (as
 manual puts it) then i expect that the specified variable would be
 destroyed, not the reference.

 so, as i said, i was a bit surprised when the variable wasn't destroyed.
 once i understood what was happening, i thought it a bit confusing to have
 such scope-dependent differences in behavior of a language element.

 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RTM: http://php.net/unset

The behavior of *unset()* inside of a function can vary depending on what
type of variable you are attempting to destroy.

If a globalized variable is *unset()* inside of a function, only the local
variable is destroyed. The variable in the calling environment will retain
the same value as before *unset()* was called.

/ ... /

If a variable that is PASSED BY REFERENCE is *unset()* inside of a function,
only the local variable is destroyed. The variable in the calling
environment will retain the same value as before *unset()* was called.

I think the manual is very clear about unset.

Martin Scotta

[PHP] Re: file_set_contents() do several times?

2009-07-20 Thread Martin Zvarík

David Otton napsal(a):
 2009/7/20 Martin Zvarík mzva...@gmail.com:
 $i = 0;
 do {
   $r = file_put_contents('file.txt', 'content');
 } while($r === false  $i  3);

 if ($r === false) die('error');


 Makes sense? or is it enough to do it just once?

 Assuming 'content' changes, and this is the cut-down example...

 $r = file_put_contents('file.txt', 'content', FILE_APPEND);

 There's a small overhead in opening/closing the file three times
 instead of one, but I doubt that's going to be an issue for you.

I am not appending anything, just ensuring that it will be written (and 
giving it max. 3 tryes).

=== Martin Scotta replied:

In my experience file_put_contents never fails, except about file 
permissions, but this is not the case.


Thanks for your replies.


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[PHP] file_set_contents() do several times?

2009-07-19 Thread Martin Zvarík

$i = 0;
do {
   $r = file_put_contents('file.txt', 'content');
} while($r === false  $i  3);

if ($r === false) die('error');


Makes sense? or is it enough to do it just once?

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Re: [PHP] Exception not being caught

2009-07-16 Thread Martin Scotta
There are many examples of error_handlers at

The handler only have to cast the error to exception.

YOu can write a simple handler or a fully featured one, but the essence is
the same...

function errorHandler(/*args*/)
$e = new Exception( $message, $code );
throw $e;

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 8:42 AM, David Otton 
phpm...@jawbone.freeserve.co.uk wrote:

 2009/7/15 Weston C west...@gmail.com:

  class A { }
  $a = new A();   // Ayn would be proud, right?
  try {
 echo a is ,$a,\n;
  } catch(Exception $e) {
 echo \nException Caught: ;
 echo $e, $n;
  This does not run as expected. I'd think that when the implicit string
  conversion in the try block hits, the exception would be thrown,
  caught by the catch block, and relayed.
  Instead you don't ever see the words exception caught and you get
  Catchable fatal error: Object of class A could not be converted to
  If it's catchable, why isn't it caught in my example?

 It's not an exception, it's a fatal error. Fatal errors are caught
 by error handling functions, not by catch blocks.

 Consequence of having (at least) two separate error handling
 mechanisms in the same language.

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Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Sub Menu System?

2009-07-16 Thread Martin Scotta
you can make the menu based on the files.
Open the directory, read the files and save some sort of cache that use
the site.

When you need to move something, just delete the cache an let php do the

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 9:55 AM, David Stoltz dsto...@shh.org wrote:


 I'm developing a rather large site in PHP. The main horizontal nav bar
 never changes, no matter how deep you are in the site. However, on the
 left side is a vertical sub-menu system. This menu is proving to be a
 real pain to program. I have it limited the menu system to 3 levels:

  |___Secondary pages
   |___Tertiary pages

 For each level, and each folder, I have a file called subnav.php, which
 contains the links for that page. It has its own code to determine the
 page it's on, and highlight the appropriate menu item.

 The problem is when I need to move pages, or add pages, it's proving to
 be a REAL PAIN to maintain this type of structure.

 Does anyone know of any off-the-shelf product that can create/maintain a
 sub-menu system like this?

 I don't mind starting over at this point, but I'm hoping there is
 something I can just purchase, so I can concentrate on the rest of the
 sitehopefully the menu system would support PHP and ASP.

 Thanks for any information!

 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Alphabetical pagination (RESOLVED)

2009-07-16 Thread Martin Scotta
On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 12:01 PM, Miller, Terion 
tmil...@springfi.gannett.com wrote:

 One question I still have...I had help with this script of course and I'm
 confused with the %s what does it do?

 On 7/16/09 9:53 AM, Martin Scotta martinsco...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Andrew Ballard aball...@gmail.com
 On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Miller,
 Teriontmil...@springfi.gannett.com wrote:
  Here is what finally worked:
 = isset($_GET['letter']) ? $_GET['letter'] : A;
  //alphabetical pagination links
echo 'div align=centerb';
  foreach(range('A','Z') as
 $c){  ($letter ==
: printf('a href=?letter=%s%s/anbsp;',$c,$c);
echo /b/divp;

  //Show all restaurants that start with $letter
$sql = SELECT * FROM restaurants WHERE name LIKE
  $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
 align=left width=100b%s/bbr%s/br%s/br/divhr color=#000

  Thanks again everyone!!


 I hope that isn't your final answer. This has SQL injection written
 all over it since you are neither validating that $letter is actually
 a letter, nor are you escaping it before passing it off to MySQL.

 $letter = isset($_GET['letter']) ? $_GET['letter'] : 'A';

 if (!preg_match('/^[A-Z]$/i', $letter) {
$letter = 'A';
   Rather than setting $letter to 'A' and continuing,
   you could generate an error if you end up in here
   so you can let the user know that what they passed
   was invalid.



 In this case, it should be safe to use $letter directly in the query
 without passing it through mysql_real_escape_string() since it should
 only contain a single harmless alphanumeric letter, but it wouldn't
 hurt (and may still be a good idea) to go ahead and escape the value
 in the query anyway just in case something in your code changes later
 that might cause some cruft to slip in.


 My point of view:

 # i'll use constants for these values
 assert( ord('A') == 0x41 );
 assert( ord('Z') == 0x5A );

 # 1. get the ascii code of the 1st character or from A=0x41
 $letter = ord( array_key_exists('letter', $_GET) ? strtoupper(
 $_GET['letter']{0} ) : 'A' );

 # 2. different solutions
 # 2.a check if it is range ussing = ussing constants (faster)
 $letter = chr( 0x41= $letter  $letter = 0x5A ? $letter : 0x41 );

 # 2. different solutions
 # 2.b check if it is range min/max and with constants (faster)
 $letter = chr( min( max(0x41, $letter), 0x5A) );

 I'd use the 2.b but this has different behaviour when $letter  Z (should
 this ever happen?)
 In the other hand I think it is the faster one.

printf has it's own mini-syntax.
This was implemented in C.
PHP's printf syntax is very similar, but with some cool add-ons


The detailed description of format are here: http://php.net/sprintf

Martin Scotta

[PHP] Add php.net to my browser search box

2009-07-16 Thread Martin Scotta
Hi all!

I'd like to add php.net to my browser search box.
Most browser can do it by looking at some XML provided by the site.

The HTML must contain a simple link tag like this
link rel=search type=application/opensearchdescription+xml
href=http://php.net/osd.xml; /

and osd.xml should be something like this
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
DescriptionQuick search in PHP.net!/Description
Tagsphp quick search/Tags
Image height=16 width=16 type=image/x-icon
Url type=text/html method=GET template=

I know php.net use method=POST, but it's quite easy to provide a GET

is this the correct place for posting this?

Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Invalid Argument why?

2009-07-16 Thread Martin Scotta
foreach iterates over an array or a object (see Traversable ).
If you pass anything different he complains


if( !is_scalar( $collection ) )
foreach( $collection as $element )
print_r( $element );

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 4:53 PM, Kyle Smith kyle.sm...@inforonics.comwrote:

 Miller, Terion wrote:

 Why is this an invalid argument?

  foreach(($row['inType']) as $inType){

 echo $inType,'br';}

 I am trying to output results from a data base that may have multiple
 results for the same name

 So trying to use an array and foreach that is the right track ...right?

 Looks like you meant to do something like this:

 // Always better to be plural when you have an array.
 $rows = whatever_your_rows_come_from();

 foreach($rows as $row)
   $inType = $row['inType'];
   echo $inType . 'br /';


Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Alphabetical pagination

2009-07-15 Thread Martin Scotta
SET @letter := 'B';
SELECT name FROM table WHERE SUBSTRING(name, 1) == @letter;
SELECT name FROM table WHERE name like concat(@letter, '%');

I don't know a faster way to do it

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 12:57 PM, Ashley
Sheridana...@ashleysheridan.co.uk wrote:
 On Wednesday 15 July 2009 16:46:53 Andrew Ballard wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Ashley

 Sheridana...@ashleysheridan.co.uk wrote:
  On Wednesday 15 July 2009 16:21:22 tedd wrote:
  At 12:38 PM -0700 7/14/09, Miller, Terion wrote:
  I am trying to make a page that displays a-z like a b c d e etc as
   links then when you click open one it reloads itself and shows only
   the query results that go with that letter...i'm not getting itI
   get a page that says ARRAY over and over...
  What I have so far:
  Why not have MySQL sort the data instead of using php?
  For example (from memory -- use with caution)
  SELECT name FROM restaurant ORDER BY name DESC LIMIT $offset, 1
  Then just change the offset to go up and down the list.
  http://sperling.com  http://ancientstones.com  http://earthstones.com
  You could do what Tedd suggested, but use MySQL to actually limit the
  results it returns you by using a like clause, i.e. WHERE `somefield`
  LIKE 'a%'.
  *ducks to avoid people throwing things at him. I know it's slow!*

 Why would that be slow? Using LIKE isn't always a bad thing. In this
 case, the LIKE condition begins with a constant rather than a
 wildcard, so it should perform well. It can even benefit from an index
 on `somefield` if one exists.

 I only see a couple issues with tedd's query:

 1) As written, it only returns one row. To get it to return a list,
 you'd have to call it repeatedly inside a for...loop where $offset
 increments begins at some value and increments/decrements to an ending
 value. But then he did say from memory -- use with caution. The
 general idea is correct.

 2)  It implements numeric pagination, which is usually based on a
 fixed number of rows per page. The OP wanted alphabetical pagination
 (like an address book) with each page containing all entries that
 begin with the selected letter.


 I just had a query doing the same thing one time, and that did take it's time
 (about 2-3 seconds) but it did have a few million records to look at, so I
 can understand why it was slow!

 And it was on MSSQL, with no indexes set up :( I nearly cried when I saw what
 I was dealing with!


 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Martin Scotta

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Re: I have an idea

2009-07-15 Thread Martin Scotta
On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 4:55 AM, Carlos Medinai...@simply-networks.de wrote:
 Martin Scotta schrieb:


 Do you noted that all the discussion here are about problems, bugs, or
 just urgent pleaaase help me
 I have an idea. It is not really THE idea... but it is.
 What happen if tell this idea to the community? I don't know, so,
 let's take a look.

 PHP is a great language. You can do a lot of things with him, even
 have fun with it.
 My idea is to make a simple game where your have to write some AI to
 beat the other players AI

 The idea, as simple as it looks, is really difficult to implement
 specially about security

 so, do you like me idea?

 Hi Martin,
 i think is a good idea. How do you think to implement this?

 Carlos Medina

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Well, that's is exactly the main problem.

First I think that users must provide a set of classes to participate.
Then there will be some matches between the classes.

The problem here is the security, you are allowing to execute arbitrary code!

So, if the user classes can be executed remotely this issue is solved,
maybe using webservices...
This also free the user to implement the AI in PHP but has a great
limitation for the players.
Not all player has the resources / knowledge to set a webservice...

Another approach can be create some sort of scripting language. This
can be parsed / translated by PHP and all solved... but this will not
be a PHP game.

I want players to write the AI using PHP but, if possible, not restricting to it

Martin Scotta

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] I have an idea

2009-07-15 Thread Martin Scotta
On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Govindagovinda.webdnat...@gmail.com wrote:
 PHP is a great language. You can do a lot of things with him, even
 have fun with it.
 My idea is to make a simple game where your have to write some AI to
 beat the other players AI

 The idea, as simple as it looks, is really difficult to implement
 specially about security

 so, do you like me idea?

 -- Martin Scotta

 sorry if this is getting OT:

 Martin, I wrote a really fun and charming remake of a great that 2 others
 wrote in the 1980's.  My version has really fun graphics and sounds.  I used
 visual basic as that is what I had then on my then windows laptop, without
 internet, literally in the mountains in north India where we only had
 electricity a couple hours per day, let alone no internet.  It is a simple
 but very fun strategy game with more depth than say checkers (by far!),  but
 less complex/daunting than say chess.  It has 2-player option, but writing
 the AI for the various levels of difficulty when playing against the
 computer was the most challenging and fun part of the project.  I often
 thought of taking it the next step and doing just what you propose here.   I
 don't know what is LISP, but I assume that post meant to say that PHP is not
 the best language for this.  (?)  I say, so?  If you know PHP, (and what,
 AJAX to go with it?)  then you can do it, and HAVE FUN, regardless that it
 is very inefficient way to do it.
 For myself I can't afford to take time for that much programming fun, just
 now..  but let me know in case you (or anyone) would like a copy of that
 game.. it may give you some ideas, not to mention it is perfect fun for
 unwinding at the end of a day of coding.  Takes 5 minutes to play.  The
 expert level is not at all easy to beat!  ;-)
 (for windows 98--Vista.    Windows-7 I don't know... I use Mac when I have
 a choice.)


That's the idea. You will have fun programming the AI and looking how
it match between others.

I'd like to see your game, do you still have it?

Martin Scotta

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] I have an idea

2009-07-15 Thread Martin Scotta
On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 12:29 PM, teddtedd.sperl...@gmail.com wrote:
 At 1:21 AM -0300 7/15/09, Martin Scotta wrote:


 Do you noted that all the discussion here are about problems, bugs, or
 just urgent pleaaase help me
 I have an idea. It is not really THE idea... but it is.
 What happen if tell this idea to the community? I don't know, so,
 let's take a look.

 PHP is a great language. You can do a lot of things with him, even
 have fun with it.
 My idea is to make a simple game where your have to write some AI to
 beat the other players AI

 The idea, as simple as it looks, is really difficult to implement
 specially about security

 so, do you like me idea?


 Here's an AI (rule based) php game:


 Get your AI to beat mine.  :-)



 http://sperling.com  http://ancientstones.com  http://earthstones.com

nice game tedd, I played it a lot of times and still can't beat it.
Also I have pass the link about 2 weeks ago in the office... and the
AI always wins

quite frustrating, but really entertained

Martin Scotta

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[PHP] boolean vs int comparison

2009-07-15 Thread Martin Scotta
I always have doubts about comparison between boolean and integers.
Lets PHP shows hows is that he does.

The results where:
false$int === true / $int !== 0
false =  $int === true
false$int === false
false =  $int === false / $int !== 0
false ==  $int === false / $int !== 0
false === $int === false
false !=  $int === true / $int !== 0
false !== $int === true
true $int === false
true  =  $int === true / $int !== 0
true $int === false / $int !== 0
true  =  $int === true
true  ==  $int === true / $int !== 0
true  === $int === false
true  !=  $int === false / $int !== 0
true  !== $int === true

?php # the script I used

function bol2string($boolean)
 return $boolean ? 'true' : 'false';

$results = array();

foreach(array(false, true) as $boolean)
foreach(array('  ', '= ', '  ', '= ', '== ', '===', '!= ', '!==') as
for($i=-1; $i1; ++$i)
'$value =' . (
$_test = bol2string($boolean) . ' ' . $test . ' ' . $i
) . ';'
$results[ $boolean][ $test ][ $i ] = $value;

foreach($results as $boolean = $_boolean)
foreach($_boolean as $test = $_test)
echo bol2string($boolean) , $boolean ? '  ': ' ' ,
$test ,' $int === ' , bol2string($_test[-1]),
$_test[0] !== $_test[-1] ? ' / $int !== 0' : '' ,
Martin Scotta

Re: [PHP] Need Help.

2009-07-14 Thread Martin Scotta

How are you to delete my history?
The fact that you develop a website does not allow you to take the
control of my browser.

But you can avoid the history to be populated by using javascript

a href=lalalal.html onclick=document.location.replace(this.href)
 Click to lalalal

The replace() method loads a new page, specified by URL, in the
current browser window.
The new page replaces the previous page's position in the history list.

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 5:51 AM, kranthikranthi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Girish,

 1. You cannot modify the browser Back button (any thing on the
 client's computer for that matter).
 2. I strongly oppose the use of Cookies for tracking the user login,
 due to security reasons. Cookies are saved on the client's computer
 and he/she can easily modify the information present. But that is
 impossible with sessions.

 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Martin Scotta

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Scope of Variables and use of global and this-var

2009-07-14 Thread Martin Scotta
do you need to use global?
IMO you should use just 1 global variable, thats is what I call entry point

My scripts looks like...

require_once 'loader.php';
$foo = new Foo();

This way you can develop faster and do maintenance better avoiding
problems with third-party.

Here you have some rules for remember how to access

you want a $var from outside and you are outside an object or
function? = use the $var
you want a $var from outside you are inside an object or function? =
global $var o $GLOBALS['vars'] (better to pass it as arg)
you want a $var from an object and you are inside the same object? =
use $this-var (better $this-getVar() )
you want a $var from an object and you are inside other object? = use
$object-getVar() or Class::getVar()

It is a good practice to declare the object members as protected and
provide s/getters for each member (when your design allow it). Also
you can overload by using the __get, __set and __call
It is really easy to make an automagic object

Class AutoMagic
protected $_vars = array();

function __get(/*string*/$name)
return isset( $this-{ $name } ) ? $this-_vars[ 
strtolower($name) ] : null;

function __set(/*string*/$name,/*mixed*/$value)
return $this-_vars[ strtolower($name) ] = $value;

function __isset(/*string*/$name)
return array_key_exists( strtolower($name), $this-_vars );

function __unset(/*string*/$name)
if( isset( $this-{ $name } ))
unset( $this-_vars[ strtolower($name) ] );

function __call(/*string*/$method,array $args)
$type = strtolower( substr( $method, 0, 3 ) );
$property = substr( $method, 3 );

switch( $type )
case 'get':
return $this-{ $property };

case 'set':
if( !array_key_exists(0, $args) )
trigger_error( 'Bad call in ' . 
get_class($this) . '::' . $method
.'. Method needs an argument' );

return $this-{ $property } = $args[0];

case 'has':
return isset( $this-{ $property } );

case 'del':
unset( $this-{ $property } );
trigger_error( 'Bad call in ' . get_class($this) . '::' . 
$method );

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 10:01 AM, Darren
Karstensdarrenkarst...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Oh and if one class uses methods in another class  do I instansiate a
 new object of the other class  I have seen use of OtherClass::Method
   is this better method of $obj = new OtherClass()  use

 The :: is used to access static methods of a class. Static methods can
 be used without creating an instance of the class because they dont
 use any of the classes member variables.
 For example say you have a class with a function for calculating the
 area of a rectangle:
 class SomeMathFunctions {
    public function calculateRectangle($width, $height) {
        return $width*$height;

 To use this function you would need to first create an instance of the
 class then call the method using the normal - :
 $funcs = new SomeMathFunctions();
 $area = $funcs-calculateRectange(10,15);

 But if you create the function as static by using  public static
 function calculateRectangle($width, $height) { 
 then you can access the method by using just 1 call:
 $area = SomeMathFunctions::calculateRectange(10,15);

 So for creating utility functions its better to use static methods
 since you dont get the overhead of creating a new instance of the

 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Martin Scotta

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Re: [PHP] Need Help.

2009-07-14 Thread Martin Scotta
I know... this is not for a php thread... but...

If you look at the HTML the a tag is made completely unobtrusive.
The link will still working without javascript.

This is the original tag (with javascript)
 a href=lalalal.html onclick=document.location.replace(this.href)
 Click to lalalal

This is how the browser looks it without javascript
 a href=lalalal.html
 Click to lalalal

I've said it is not for a php thread

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 10:29 AM, Bob McConnellr...@cbord.com wrote:
 From: Martin Scotta


 How are you to delete my history?
 The fact that you develop a website does not allow you to take the
 control of my browser.

 But you can avoid the history to be populated by using javascript

 a href=lalalal.html onclick=document.location.replace(this.href)
      Click to lalalal

 That would prevent me from navigating the site since I won't enable
 JavaScript in my browser until I have trust in your website not to allow
 any installation of malware on my computer. That trust must be earned by
 you, since trust is not associative. Yes, there are a lot of sites that
 I can't visit because of that. Right now I won't even enable JS for
 either my bank or credit card issuer since neither has demonstrated the
 knowledge, desire or ability to protect their servers or my browser.

 Bob McConnell

Martin Scotta

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] [GD] Image errors

2009-07-14 Thread Martin Scotta
$immagine = $tipo($this-updir.$id.'.png');

$tipo is undefined

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Il pinguino
volantetuxs...@codeinside.it wrote:
 Hi to all

 I get a problem processing an image with GD libraries.

 This is my function

   public function showPicture($id) {
       header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
       $mime = mime_content_type($this-updir.$id.'.png');
       $type = explode('/',$mime);
       $type = 'imagecreatefrom'.$type[1];
       $immagine = $tipo($this-updir.$id.'.png');

 If i commentize the header function i get a lot of strange simbols (such
 as the code of a jpeg image!) but no errors.
 The result of this code is a blank page. In Firefox the title sets to
 picture.php (JPEG image) and if i right-click it and click on
 Proprieties i get 0px × 0px (resized as 315px × 19px).

 P.S.: I get the same result when I write $immagine =

 (Sorry for my english)

 Thanks in advance,

 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Martin Scotta

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] [GD] Image errors

2009-07-14 Thread Martin Scotta
He is calling the function by variable

something like this

$func = 'var_dump';

$func( new Foo );

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 1:30 PM, Ashley
Sheridana...@ashleysheridan.co.uk wrote:
 On Tue, 2009-07-14 at 13:27 -0300, Martin Scotta wrote:
 $immagine = $tipo($this-updir.$id.'.png');

 $tipo is undefined

 On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Il pinguino
 volantetuxs...@codeinside.it wrote:
  Hi to all
  I get a problem processing an image with GD libraries.
  This is my function
    public function showPicture($id) {
        header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
        $mime = mime_content_type($this-updir.$id.'.png');
        $type = explode('/',$mime);
        $type = 'imagecreatefrom'.$type[1];
        $immagine = $tipo($this-updir.$id.'.png');
  If i commentize the header function i get a lot of strange simbols (such
  as the code of a jpeg image!) but no errors.
  The result of this code is a blank page. In Firefox the title sets to
  picture.php (JPEG image) and if i right-click it and click on
  Proprieties i get 0px × 0px (resized as 315px × 19px).
  P.S.: I get the same result when I write $immagine =
  (Sorry for my english)
  Thanks in advance,
  PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
  To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

 Martin Scotta

 Also, it doesn't look like you're actually doing anything with $type


Martin Scotta

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] [GD] Image errors

2009-07-14 Thread Martin Scotta
On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Ashley
Sheridana...@ashleysheridan.co.uk wrote:
 On Tue, 2009-07-14 at 13:41 -0300, Martin Scotta wrote:
 He is calling the function by variable

 something like this

 $func = 'var_dump';

 $func( new Foo );

 On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 1:30 PM, Ashley
 Sheridana...@ashleysheridan.co.uk wrote:
  On Tue, 2009-07-14 at 13:27 -0300, Martin Scotta wrote:
  $immagine = $tipo($this-updir.$id.'.png');
  $tipo is undefined
  On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Il pinguino
  volantetuxs...@codeinside.it wrote:
   Hi to all
   I get a problem processing an image with GD libraries.
   This is my function
     public function showPicture($id) {
         header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
         $mime = mime_content_type($this-updir.$id.'.png');
         $type = explode('/',$mime);
         $type = 'imagecreatefrom'.$type[1];
         $immagine = $tipo($this-updir.$id.'.png');
   If i commentize the header function i get a lot of strange simbols 
   as the code of a jpeg image!) but no errors.
   The result of this code is a blank page. In Firefox the title sets to
   picture.php (JPEG image) and if i right-click it and click on
   Proprieties i get 0px × 0px (resized as 315px × 19px).
   P.S.: I get the same result when I write $immagine =
   (Sorry for my english)
   Thanks in advance,
   PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
   To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
  Martin Scotta
  Also, it doesn't look like you're actually doing anything with $type

 Martin Scotta

 Bottom post ;)

 $type = explode('/',$mime);
 $type = 'imagecreatefrom'.$type[1];

 $immagine = $tipo($this-updir.$id.'.png');

 I'm not sure you understood what I meant. line 2 above $type is assigned
 to the string 'imagecreatefrom'.$type[1];

 Now I assume that was to be used later in some sort of eval() statement,
 but its never called again, so the line really does nothing.


Mmmm, No

$type = explode('/',$mime); # type is array
$type = 'imagecreatefrom'.$type[1]; # type is a string

He is actually re-assigning the var ussing the content of the var.
Sounds crazy, but I use this method a lot, it helps to keep the scope clean.

Martin Scotta
ps. tipo is type in Spanish

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] [GD] Image errors

2009-07-14 Thread Martin Scotta
Why are you ussing GD?
All you need is output the image to the browser?

try this... I didn't test/run this code, but it may work...

public function showPicture( $id ) {
  header('Content-type:' . mime_content_type( $this-updir . $id .
'.png' ) );
  readfile( $this-updir . $id . '.png' );

hey, look, just 2 lines!

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 2:20 PM, Ashley
Sheridana...@ashleysheridan.co.uk wrote:
 On Tue, 2009-07-14 at 14:16 -0300, Martin Scotta wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Ashley
 Sheridana...@ashleysheridan.co.uk wrote:
  On Tue, 2009-07-14 at 13:41 -0300, Martin Scotta wrote:
  He is calling the function by variable
  something like this
  $func = 'var_dump';
  $func( new Foo );
  On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 1:30 PM, Ashley
  Sheridana...@ashleysheridan.co.uk wrote:
   On Tue, 2009-07-14 at 13:27 -0300, Martin Scotta wrote:
   $immagine = $tipo($this-updir.$id.'.png');
   $tipo is undefined
   On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Il pinguino
   volantetuxs...@codeinside.it wrote:
Hi to all
I get a problem processing an image with GD libraries.
This is my function
  public function showPicture($id) {
      header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
      $mime = mime_content_type($this-updir.$id.'.png');
      $type = explode('/',$mime);
      $type = 'imagecreatefrom'.$type[1];
      $immagine = $tipo($this-updir.$id.'.png');
If i commentize the header function i get a lot of strange simbols 
as the code of a jpeg image!) but no errors.
The result of this code is a blank page. In Firefox the title sets to
picture.php (JPEG image) and if i right-click it and click on
Proprieties i get 0px × 0px (resized as 315px × 19px).
P.S.: I get the same result when I write $immagine =
(Sorry for my english)
Thanks in advance,
PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
   Martin Scotta
   Also, it doesn't look like you're actually doing anything with $type
  Martin Scotta
  Bottom post ;)
  $type = explode('/',$mime);
  $type = 'imagecreatefrom'.$type[1];
  $immagine = $tipo($this-updir.$id.'.png');
  I'm not sure you understood what I meant. line 2 above $type is assigned
  to the string 'imagecreatefrom'.$type[1];
  Now I assume that was to be used later in some sort of eval() statement,
  but its never called again, so the line really does nothing.

 Mmmm, No

 $type = explode('/',$mime); # type is array
 $type = 'imagecreatefrom'.$type[1]; # type is a string

 He is actually re-assigning the var ussing the content of the var.
 Sounds crazy, but I use this method a lot, it helps to keep the scope clean.

 It's not crazy, I do it a lot, but he *does nothing with it* after that,
 and the scope of the variable is limited to the function.


Martin Scotta

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] I have an idea

2009-07-14 Thread Martin Scotta

Do you noted that all the discussion here are about problems, bugs, or
just urgent pleaaase help me
I have an idea. It is not really THE idea... but it is.
What happen if tell this idea to the community? I don't know, so,
let's take a look.

PHP is a great language. You can do a lot of things with him, even
have fun with it.
My idea is to make a simple game where your have to write some AI to
beat the other players AI

The idea, as simple as it looks, is really difficult to implement
specially about security

so, do you like me idea?

Martin Scotta

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] RFC/Survey for Our Newer Folks (Including Lurkers)

2009-07-13 Thread Martin Scotta
That's exactly how I inlist here.

I usually follow threads and even sometime reply

I've here about 90 days (I suppose)

The list is really interesting, but I was expecting more ninja threads.
I know this list is wide open to anyone, ninja or newby, but I was
expecting more.

Anyway I'm really happy to be part of.

ps. top-posting xD

On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 4:54 AM, Ashley
Sheridana...@ashleysheridan.co.uk wrote:
 I was using the php.net website for ages for syntax reference, saw the mailing
 list and figured why not. No amazing story, but now you're all stuck with
 me :p


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Martin Scotta

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] runtime access to static variable

2009-07-10 Thread Martin Scotta
On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 4:25 PM, Madbreaksnab...@vektral.com wrote:

 Jack Bates-2 wrote:

 How do I access a static variable when I do not know the name of the
 class until runtime?

 Why not just:

 eval('$staticVal = '.get_class($myClass).'::staticVarName;');

 ...now the value is in $staticVal.

 Or am I missing something here?  No need to tell me eval is evil  ;)
 View this message in context: 
 Sent from the PHP - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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if you need to access to a class constant use the built-in function

if( defined( get_class($myClass) .'::THE_CONST' ) )
constant( get_class($myClass) .'::THE_CONST' );

They are very helpful

Martin Scotta

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Obeying the rules (was Simple login form with cookies)

2009-07-09 Thread Martin Scotta
Hi all

I haven't read any post from here.
I want to read PHP threads.

is this going somewhere? I think not.

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 4:13 PM, teddtedd.sperl...@gmail.com wrote:
 At 2:38 PM -0400 7/9/09, Bob McConnell wrote:

 It will be even more interesting to see if anyone on this list pays any
 attention to him in the future.

 Bob McConnell


 You won't have to wonder about me.  I've already set email filters to trash
 any incoming from him.

 A *few* on this list don't appreciate is that there are many of us who
 donate our time freely in an attempt to help others. We do this without any
 compensation nor profitable credit. We all come from various skill levels,
 diverse backgrounds, and each usually provide an unique solution and
 perspective to the problem presented. In short, what we have to say matters.

 What I offer is pretty basic as compared to the truly great ones on this
 list (i.e., Daniel, Stuart, Rob, et all). I feel privileged that my humble
 offerings are even permitted, but I think my contribution is to answer the
 more obvious questions thereby freeing the more knowledgeable to answer the
 more difficult ones.

 However, when I see a debate over such minor points, I can't help but note
 the waste of time and talent and thus the reason for my post. I just hope
 that the other contributors on this list fully understand the value of their
 contribution and spend their time and talents where they are appreciated and
 not waste them on such nonsense.



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 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Martin Scotta

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Simple login form with cookies

2009-07-08 Thread Martin Scotta
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM your-table WHERE username = \''. $username .'\'
and passwd = md5( concat( \'' . $username .'\', \'@\', \'' . $password

I use this solution because md5 run faster in Mysql

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Andrew Ballardaball...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 11:05 PM, Michael A. Petersmpet...@mac.com wrote:
 Carl Furst wrote:

 $salt = 'someglobalsaltstring'; # the salt should be the same salt used
 when storing passwords to your database otherwise it won't work
 $passwd = crypt($_GET['passwd'], $salt);

 I personally use the username and the salt.
 That way two users with identical passwords have different hashes.

 With large databases, many users will have the same password, there are some
 that are just commonly used. The hackers know what they are, and if they get
 your hash dump, they try their list of commonly used passwords against the
 user names that have the common hashes.

 By using the username as part of the salt, you avoid that issue because
 identical passwords will have different hashes.

 It does mean the password has to be reset if you allow them to change their
 login name.

 The password does not need to be reset. You could require that they
 provide the password again (even though they are already
 authenticated) on the same form with the new username. Then you can do
 the same encrypt/compare that you do for authentication, and if it
 matches you just update the username and the hash at the same time.


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Martin Scotta

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Lookup domain in directories VS database

2009-07-05 Thread Martin Zvarík

Imagine you are hosting 10.000 subdomains.


you create directories like:

s/some-subdomain.freehosting.com/ (this includes CONF.php, where you 
store some basic infos)

Everytime visitor hits the page you do:


if (!isset($CONF)) die('such a subdomain does not exist');


Everytime visitor hits the page you connect  search in a MySQL table 
having 10.000 rows with each domain name and a text field (export_var()) 
that has some parameters you need.


What's better?

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