[PHP] 404 Header Problems

2005-07-13 Thread Scott Taylor

I'm trying to issue a 404 header on one of my pages.  But it does not 
redirect.  I figured, with many function calls before it, that it might 
be outputting something to the screen before the header() command was 
issued.  So, I tried issuing a 404 header from a new page, consisting of 
this code:

header(HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found);

header(HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found);

But neither of these work.  Notice how there should also be no ouput to 
the screen before the header is closed.

I've also tried:

|header(Status: 404 Not Found);

which gives the same results.  The results are this: an output of 
htmlhead/head/html.  I'm on a large shared server, and my guess 
is that when there is a bug with some code in php, the server chooses to 
ouput this instead of the actual error code(s).  I've experienced this 
many times when I upload a page and there is a simple syntax error such 
as one semi-colon missing from a statment.  This is probably so that the 
server doesn't get hacked.

If I try to issue both commands, in either order, I get this:

Not Found

The requested URL /cgi-sys/php.cgi/testing_server/404_error.php was not 
found on this server.

Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while 
trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Sowhat's going on here?  Am I to conclude that the 404 header does 
not work, and that I should just use a Redirect: header() to my 404 page?

Best Regards,

Scott Taylor

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Re: [PHP] Extra byte added to PDF streaming file

2004-07-27 Thread Scott Taylor
Larry E. Ullman wrote:
I've seen cases where extra buffer content gets added to the 
downloaded file. The problem was fixed by deleting any existing 
buffer before sending the file to the client. Not sure that will 
solve the problem but it's worth a shot.

How does one delete an existing buffer?  ob_end_flush();?

I just figured this out myself, and after doing so, I checked my email. 
I suppose I could have saved my self some trouble...

For future reference, you should normally reply to the entire PHP 
list, not just to the person replying to your message. That way you're 
not imposing upon a person trying to help and you're not waiting for 
that one person to respond.

Yes, I was just about to post my answer to whole list.  Thank you very much!
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[PHP] Extra byte added to PDF streaming file

2004-07-26 Thread Scott Taylor
I'm using this code to stream a PDF file:
$file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . /file.pdf;

function simple_streamfile($file)
   $fp = fopen($file, 'rb');
   // send the right headers
   header(Content-Type: application/pdf);
   header(Content-Length:  . filesize($file));
   // dump the file and stop the script
It appears as though some readers (such as adobe acrobat) can read this 
file fine yet others (such as the program gv in *NIX) cannot read it.

The reason for this is that somehow a hex 0A is added before the inital 
%PDF-1.2 which marks the start of the PDF file causing some readers to 
not recognize it as a PDF file.  Is there anything in this code which 
could possibly (always) cause an extra byte (0A) to be added before the 
real start of the file?   And no, the file is not corrupted (I've 
already tried that) - this only happens when it goes through this 
script, and not loaded directly as example.com/file.pdf.

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[PHP] Encrypting passwords from page to page -mcrypt question

2004-07-15 Thread Scott Taylor
I would like to go from page to page, submitting the password through a 
GET query string.  Of course I wouldn't want to do this unencrypted.  So 
is mcrypt the best option? 

When submitting the data, would I also need to sumit the IV as well as 
the encrypted data?  Or am I completely off base with this one?  Should 
I also base64_encode() this data when passing it?

Scott Taylor
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[PHP] Re: Odd Refresh Error

2004-07-12 Thread Scott Taylor

* Thus wrote Scott Taylor:
Some people are complaining that when the visit one of my pages that the 
pages refeshes over and over again.  One person said that it was only 
when he typed something in on one of the forms.  How could an error like 
this be caused?  Could this be a bug in a browser?

More like a End User malfunction.
Or that your form submision is causing an infinite redirect loop of
some sort.
-- The infinite loop is what I thought at first too, but wouldn't this 
show up on all browsers and not just netscape 7.1? What does End User 
malfunction mean? That people don't know how to use their browsers/the 
internet? I wouldn't doubt that this is the case unless I didn't have so 
many people come to me with this - probably there have been at least 5-7 
people who have reported this. Scott

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[PHP] odd refresh error

2004-07-10 Thread Scott Taylor
Some people are complaining that when the visit one of my pages that the 
pages refeshes over and over again.  One person said that it was only 
when he typed something in on one of the forms.  How could an error like 
this be caused?  Could this be a bug in a browser?

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[PHP] problem with downloading some pdf's

2004-07-09 Thread Scott Taylor

I've gotten this one report of having a problem downloading a PDF:
I have tried twice, both times its starts to download but stops about 
half way or three-quarters the way complete. I get a error message that 
the download was not completed. When I go to look at the message there 
is just numbers. I have tried to download again but the numbers show 
up and it won't let me try again.

This only happens for this person with one file - the rest of the files 
work fine.  I am streaming the file with this code:

// will return FALSE if the file is not found
// will not return anything if the file is found because the headers should
// have already been sent.
function streamfile($file)
   if (file_exists($file))
   $extension = strtolower(stristr($file, .));
   if ($extension == .php || $extension == .html || $extension 
== .htm || $extension == .shtml) {
   include ($file);
   else if ($extension == .txt)
   ? include($file);?
   else {

   // a switch would be perfect here,
   // but it just didn't work last time...it was always
   // taking the 'default:' case
   if ($extension == .doc){$type = application/msword;}
   else if ($extension == .pdf){$type = application/pdf;}
   else if ($extension == .exe){$type = 
   else if ($extension == .ppt){$type = 
   else if ($extension == .xls){$type = 
   else if ($extension == .xml){$type = text/xml;}
   else if ($extension == .zip){$type = application/zip;}
   else if ($extension == .txt){$type = text/plain;}
   else {

   header(Content-Type:  . $type);
   header(Accept-Ranges: bytes);
   header(Content-Length: .filesize($file));
   header(Content-Disposition: attachment; 
   $fp = fopen($file, 'rb');
   $buffer = fpassthru($fp);
   return TRUE;

   return FALSE;

Anyone have any ideas?  It would be appreciated.
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[PHP] Re: opening Adobe pdf's

2004-06-22 Thread Scott Taylor
Thus Curt Zirzow  I wrote:
   header(Content-Type:  . $type);
   header(Accept-Ranges: bytes);

Becareful sending this header.  The client can get confused and
send special headers requesting a partial file, while also
expecting different results than the whole file.

Which header?  The Accept-Ranges header?  Should I just not include it?

   header(Content-Length: .filesize($file));
   header(Content-Disposition: attachment; 
   $fp = fopen($file, 'rb');
   $buffer = fread($fp, filesize($file));

You'll be much better off if you use fpassthru here. This fread
could kill you're machine's memory.


I switched my code to look like this:

/*old code:
fp = fopen($file, 'rb');
$buffer = fread($fp, filesize($file));
print $buffer;
$fp = fopen($file, 'rb');
$buffer = fpassthru($fp);
Yet in IE if I choose to 'open' the file instead of saving it, it asks me that question twice.  I'm wondering if that will cause an error on an older version of i.e. or any other browser.  

On php.net, it gave this code:
|// open the file in a binary mode
$name = .\public\dev\img\ok.png;
$fp = fopen($name, 'rb');
// send the right headers
header(Content-Type: image/png);
header(Content-Length:  . filesize($name));
// dump the picture and stop the script

basically the same code, but without an fclose(); could this be doing it?
Best Regards, and thank you so much for the help,
Scott Taylor
PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] opening Adobe pdf's

2004-06-21 Thread Scott Taylor
On my site I use  these two blocks of code to open protected files.  I 
can open the files fine, and so can plenty of others.  The problem is 
that at least one person complained that they couldn't open the file.  
This is what they had to say:

It opened Adobe, then an
Adobe Reader window opened that stated There was an error opening this
document.  This file cannot be found.
So that must mean that the streamfile($file) function (see below) did not return false, 
otherwise the message would have been file was not found.  please send [EMAIL 
Does someone know what's going on here?  Since I am not experincing this problem first 
handed, I really have no clue.  Also, shouldn't this person get prompted if he wants 
to save it or open it with Adobe Acrobat?
Best Regards,
Scott Taylor
if (isset($_SESSION['email']))
   $file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . /subscribers/archive/ . 
   if (streamfile($file) == FALSE)
   include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . /nonindex_header.shtml);
   div id=headlineh1File not found/h1/div
   div id=mainpThe File was not found.  Please send a 
an email with error code 1000 - file not found./p/div
   include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . /footer.shtml);

in subscriber_functions.php:
// will return FALSE if the file is not found
// will not return anything if the file is found because the headers should
// have already been sent.
function streamfile($file)
   if (file_exists($file))
   //find the extension.  hopefully there are no directories with 
periods in them!
   $extension = stristr($_POST['file'], .);
   $extension = strtolower($extension);   
   //now it streams the file
   if ($extension == .php)
   else if ($extension == .html || $extension == .htm || 
$extension == .shtml)

   // a switch would be perfect here,
   // but it just didn't work last time...it was always
   // taking the 'default:' case
   if ($extension == .doc){$type = application/msword;}
   else if ($extension == .pdf){$type = application/pdf;}
   else if ($extension == .exe){$type = 
   else if ($extension == .ppt){$type = 
   else if ($extension == .xls){$type = 
   else if ($extension == .xml){$type = text/xml;}
   else if ($extension == .zip){$type = application/zip;}
   else if ($extension == .txt){$type = text/plain;}
   else {

   header(Content-Type:  . $type);
   header(Accept-Ranges: bytes);
   header(Content-Length: .filesize($file));
   header(Content-Disposition: attachment; 
   $fp = fopen($file, 'rb');
   $buffer = fread($fp, filesize($file));
   print $buffer;
   return FALSE;

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[PHP] sessions cookies

2004-06-19 Thread Scott Taylor
How exactly do sessions work?  I've heard that if cookies are disabled 
that a session will then pass it's variables in the url (through GET).  
Yet when I manually disable cookies none of my pages work (because the 
$_SESSION variables do not seem to be working). 

Any ideas?
Best Regards,
Scott Taylor
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[PHP] virtual() include path problems

2004-03-15 Thread Scott Taylor
I've been trying to use virtual to include a .shtml file that is outside 
of my current directory (one level up).  I've tried the following:

a) virtual(../header.shtml);
b) virtual($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . /header.shtml);

b  c should be equivalent, because $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] should be 
the same as /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/miningstocks.com/httpdocs.  With 
that in mind, both bc do not work at all.  But a does work.  Is virtual 
not supposed to use absolute paths?  The documentation on php.net 
doesn't say either way, but for the include() fuction it says that it 
should work...

Best Regards,

Scott Taylor

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[PHP] odd acrobat reaction to streaming files

2004-03-10 Thread Scott Taylor
I have been using a php file to stream pdf (and various other sorts of 
files)... Here's my code.

   if ($extension == .doc){$type = application/msword;}
   else if ($extension == .pdf){$type = application/pdf;}
   else if ($extension == .exe){$type = 
   else if ($extension == .ppt){$type = 
   else if ($extension == .xls){$type = 
   else if ($extension == .xml){$type = text/xml;}
   else if ($extension == .zip){$type = application/zip;}
   else if ($extension == .txt){$type = text/plain;}
   else {

   header(Content-type:  . $type);
   header(Accept-Ranges: bytes);
   header(Content-Length: .filesize($file));

And so this worked perfectly well when I did something like this:  
loadfile.php?file=name.pdf (where name.pdf is the file I am loading and 
loadfile.php is the name of the script).  But 
loadfile.php?file=directory/name.pdf (when launching Adobe acrobat) 
would give me the error 'File Does not begin with '%PDF' .

I was able to add this header line:

   header(Content-Disposition: attachment; 

which forced the user to be prompted if he wanted acrobat to be loaded 
or to save the file.  Both options worked flawlessly. 

So why did it not work before I added this header line?  Is it a flaw in 
Adobe Acrobat?

Best Regards,

Scott Taylor

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[PHP] time delay function?

2004-03-09 Thread Scott Taylor
I am wondering if there is a time delay function, one that will cause 
the program to be inactive for a number of seconds (something like 
delay(10) ).  I am doing this because I am setting up a mass mailing 
program (this is not spam), and I don't want to be targeted as spam.

Best Regards,

Scott Taylor

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Re: extra breaks in sent out emails

2004-03-07 Thread Scott Taylor
Thank you Ben.  Using either str_replace(\n, , $string); or 
str_replace(\r, , $string); solves the problem.  My guess is that 
when I submit the data there is both the \r and the \n in there (for 
there showed 2 white space characters in between the broken text 
lines).  My guess is that the server converts all \r's into \n's, and 
for this reason when a piece of mail goes out it has two breaks instead 
of one.

Best Regards, and thank you for the help,

Scott Taylor

Ben Ramsey wrote:

Scott Taylor wrote:

What I really don't understand is why there are any line breaks at 
all, because the trim is supposed to take out all \r  \n 's.  Is 
there another type of line break?

trim() actually only strips whitespace (including \r and \n) from the 
beginning and ending of strings.  See http://www.php.net/trim for more 

If you want to completely remove line breaks from your string, use 
str_replace() to do something like: str_replace(\n, , $string); 
and str_replace(\r, , $string);  See http://www.php.net/str-replace

Finally, have you tried echoing $body just before the message is sent 
so that you can see exactly what is being sent to the mail() function?

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[PHP] extra breaks in sent out emails

2004-03-06 Thread Scott Taylor
I am entering some text into a webpage, then using $_POST on the next 
page to recieve it.  It then should email the $_POST to an email 
address.  The problem that I am encountering is that I am getting an 
extra line break on every line.

If I enter

into the textarea (which is the variable through POST) and do a 
character count it only shows 3 - the a, the \n, the b.  Yet in the 
email address it comes out as:



Why is this?

BTW: I am on a windows computer but the server is a unix server.

Best Regards,


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[PHP] Re: extra breaks in sent out emails

2004-03-06 Thread Scott Taylor
on Page One

   form action=pagetwo.php method=post
   textarea cols=100 rows=40 name=email_body
On Page Two:

   $to = $row['email_address'];
   $body = stripslashes(trim($_POST['email_body']));
   mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);

What I really don't understand is why there are any line breaks at all, 
because the trim is supposed to take out all \r  \n 's.  Is there 
another type of line break?

Best Regards,

Scott Taylor

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] path problems

2004-01-28 Thread Scott Taylor
Yes, the error I get is a pop-up box saying This is not a valid %PDF file

Here is my code:

   $file_two = 'archive/newsletters/Dec03PostPress.pdf';   
   //now view the PDF file
   header(Content-Type: application/pdf);
   header(Accept-Ranges: bytes);
   header(Content-Length: .filesize($file_two));

Now I would think that I wasn't using the correct headers or that the 
file didn't exist or something of that nature, but since I get no error 
with the full url, I have more or less figured it was problem with 
loading a file from the local file system instead of the file itself 
being corrupt, etc.

Thanks for the help,

Scott Taylor

- Edwin - wrote:

On Tue, 27 Jan 2004 20:22:46 -0500
Scott Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I understand all of the file size ones.  What I really don't
understand is why neither of the following examples work:
/* example 1 */
/* where $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] =
/usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs */$file =
$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/archive/newsletters/Dec03.pdf';
/* example 2 */
$file = 'archive/newsletters/Dec03.pdf';

How does it not work?

Errors, anything?


- E -
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Re: [PHP] path problems

2004-01-28 Thread Scott Taylor
Stuart wrote:

Scott Taylor wrote:

   $file_two = 'archive/newsletters/Dec03PostPress.pdf';

Try replacing this line with...

$file_two = 

As my first posts states, I've tried that.  And no, that doesn't work 

And on another note:  the exact error is File does not begin with 
'%PDF-'   I believe this would be the same error you would obtain if 
your tried opening a non-pdf file in adobe acrobat.

Best Regards,


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[PHP] path problems

2004-01-27 Thread Scott Taylor

I have the following file:  http://domain.com/archive/newsletters/Dec03.pdf

For some reason this works:  filesize('archive/newsletters/Dec03.pdf');
but this does not: filesize('/archive/newsletters/Dec03.pdf');
nor does this filesize('http://domain.com/archive/newsletters/Dec03.pdf');
For some reason this works:  
but this does not: readfile('/archive/newsletters/Dec03.pdf');
nor does this: readfile('archive/newsletters/Dec03.pdf');

Can someone explain this to me?

Thanks for all the help,

Scott Taylor

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] path problems

2004-01-27 Thread Scott Taylor
I understand all of the file size ones.  What I really don't understand 
is why neither of the following examples work:

/* example 1 */
/* where $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs */
$file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/archive/newsletters/Dec03.pdf';
/* example 2 */
$file = 'archive/newsletters/Dec03.pdf';

Thanks for the help so far,

Best Regards,


-Original Message-
From: Scott Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 12:34 PM
Subject: [PHP] path problems

I have the following file:
For some reason this works:  filesize('archive/newsletters/Dec03.pdf');
but this does not: filesize('/archive/newsletters/Dec03.pdf');
nor does this
For some reason this works:  
but this does not: readfile('/archive/newsletters/Dec03.pdf');
nor does this: readfile('archive/newsletters/Dec03.pdf');

Can someone explain this to me?

Thanks for all the help,

Scott Taylor


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Re: [PHP] authentication problems!

2004-01-21 Thread Scott Taylor
Do you mean using

$file = '/protected/file.pdf';

or using an absolute path on the server?

Best Regards,


Re: [PHP] authentication problems!
Wed, 21 Jan 2004 14:24:11 +1100
Yeah, i think i mentioned the same thing(or was going to :/ )

you should be able to use the local filesystem, and reffer to it relatively!
and then you can stream it and you wont need any authentication, and noone
will be able to directly link to the file
-- Luke Jason Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

On Wednesday 21 January 2004 05:49, Scott Taylor wrote:

Please trim your posts!


 Of course there is not problem if the user is entering the information
 him or her self.  But just using this code:

 $file = 'http://miningstocks.com/protected/Dec03PostPress.pdf';

 //now view the PDF file
 header(Content-Type: application/pdf);
 header(Accept-Ranges: bytes);
 header(Content-Length: .filesize($file));

 from a PHP page where no authentication has occured does not work at


Did you not read my reply to your previous thread about this? Use a local
filesystem path to read the file.
Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates - www.gremlins.biz
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design  Hosting * Internet  Intranet Applications Development *
Search the list archives before you post
A dirty mind is a joy forever.
-- Randy Kunkee

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[PHP] authentication problems!

2004-01-20 Thread Scott Taylor
I am about at my wits end trying to find a good solution to this 
problem.  I've asked various portions of this question to this mail list 
and still have not found exactly what it is I am looking for, but here 
it goes.

I'm looking for a way to protect my files (this would be pdf files, 
image files, etc...other things then text/php files) so that for someone 
to see a current file they will have to enter in their email address and 
name.  Seems fairly simple, and yet I can not figure out how to do it.  
I've been told of the following alternatives:

Protect the files with HTTP auth (basic, or use SSL if very paranoid), 
then, after entering the info into a database:

1. just link to http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/protect/file.pdf 
(either directly using html, or use headers).  The problem:  if using 
HTML, the username  password is easily seen.  If using headers, this 
does not work (it is not seen as a PDF file) - my best guess is that the 
auth headers get passed along and so it does not work.  Of course, I can 
load a PDF using headers if the file is not in a protected directory 
without any problems at all.  But then again it wouldn't be protected to 
begin with.

1.b. It was later suggested that I could link to 
http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/protect/file.pdf and use an apache 
rewrite statement to change every protected file to exclude the username 
 password. But I've posted to an apache group and they have said that 
this CAN NOT be done.

2.  link to something outside of my httpdocs directory.  Unfortunately, 
I am on a shared server and do not have a private folder (or at least my 
_private directory which is contained with httpdocs will not work - I 
get the same problem that I do with authentication - it does not 
recognize the file as a PDF at all).

3.  use a prebuilt class (such as snoopy or Emanuel Lemos).  This looks 
as though it is the only option available to me at this time, but It 
doesn't look as though it as a good one as it will add a lot of code to 
something that seems as though it should be VERY simple, and it means 
that I will have to go through the documentation to use this.

If anyone has any ideas it will be much appreciated.

Scott Taylor

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] authentication problems!

2004-01-20 Thread Scott Taylor

by using HTML I meant, typing the address in to the broswer as 
http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/protected/file.pdf or as using the 
HTML: a 
href=http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/protected/file.pdfLink.../a 
or using the header:  header(Location: 
http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/protected/file.pdf);

also, there is no problem retrieving a pdf after passing http basic 
authentication (I just double checked this on a client's site and was 
appropriately prompted with a pdf handling dialog box after I 

Of course there is not problem if the user is entering the information 
him or her self.  But just using this code:

   $file = 'http://miningstocks.com/protected/Dec03PostPress.pdf';
   //now view the PDF file
   header(Content-Type: application/pdf);
   header(Accept-Ranges: bytes);
   header(Content-Length: .filesize($file));

from a PHP page where no authentication has occured does not work at all.

Let me say, if this is not clear, that I do not want unique usernames 
and passwords for users.  I want one username and password that WILL 
NEVER BE SEEN by the user. 

The way that I had planned was to keep ONE username and password which 
would allow access to all the files in a MySql database.  After the user 
entered his name and email address, the username and password would be 
fetched off the database, and then authentication would occur with this 
username and password and the user would be served the file.  The 
authentication would be completely transparent to the user.  But the 
different ways to authenticate transparent to the user either do not 
work or reveal the username and password (making it pointless to even 
protect the files in the first place).

Best Regards,

Scott Taylor


there are a couple of different ways to do this.

the http basic approach will work just fine.  with http basic the 
id/pw are passed in the headers in an encoded string, so i'm not 
certain about your:

 if using HTML, the username  password is easily seen


also, there is no problem retrieving a pdf after passing http basic 
authentication (I just double checked this on a client's site and was 
appropriately prompted with a pdf handling dialog box after I 

now, http basic assumes that the id/pw are in a file/database/etc. the 
password is generally encrypted (des or md5) but can be in clear text. 
so, for this to work, you'd probably need some type of registration 
page that will store the id/pw info that the apache server will query 
against. [i strongly recommend using a database, not a file, due to 
file locking issues.]

other approaches to this general issue include a URL mapping scheme. 
e.g., the public URL would drive the user through a one-time 
email/name collection process. when the user passes that they are 
served the document from the actual storage location. they can be done 
in a way that the true document URL is never shown.  obviously you'd 
have to do this in a way that would give the fake URL as a .pdf so 
that the client will handle things correctly.

-- Original Message --

From: Scott Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 03:17:21 PM -0500
Subject: [PHP] authentication problems!
I am about at my wits end trying to find a good solution to this
problem.  I've asked various portions of this question to this mail list
and still have not found exactly what it is I am looking for, but here
it goes.
I'm looking for a way to protect my files (this would be pdf files,
image files, etc...other things then text/php files) so that for someone
to see a current file they will have to enter in their email address and
name.  Seems fairly simple, and yet I can not figure out how to do it.
I've been told of the following alternatives:
Protect the files with HTTP auth (basic, or use SSL if very paranoid),
then, after entering the info into a database:
1. just link to http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/protect/file.pdf
(either directly using html, or use headers).  The problem:  if using
HTML, the username  password is easily seen.  If using headers, this
does not work (it is not seen as a PDF file) - my best guess is that the
auth headers get passed along and so it does not work.  Of course, I can
load a PDF using headers if the file is not in a protected directory
without any problems at all.  But then again it wouldn't be protected to
begin with.
1.b. It was later suggested that I could link to
http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/protect/file.pdf and use an apache
rewrite statement to change every protected file to exclude the username
 password. But I've posted to an apache group and they have said that
this CAN NOT be done.
2.  link to something outside of my httpdocs directory.  Unfortunately,
I am on a shared server and do not have a private folder (or at least my
_private directory which is contained

Re: [PHP] Re: alternative to protecting files through http auth.

2004-01-17 Thread Scott Taylor
Re: [PHP] Re: alternative to protecting files through http auth.
Sat, 17 Jan 2004 05:08:29 +0800
On Saturday 17 January 2004 04:03, Scott Taylor wrote:

Alternately, if you aren't able to create directories or access files
outside the DocumentRoot for your site, you can create an unbrowsable
storage directory protected with a .htaccess file.  If the filesystem
permissions are correct, your PHP script will be able to read content

from that directory, because PHP code isn't subject to .htaccess rules.

It actually does not work. 

Could you explain what, exactly, does not work?

I am trying to load a PDF file.  I've tried
to load it from a protected directory loading it with headers, but this
fails if the protection is on.  Does this make sense to you?

The above outlines a scheme which is workable. Could you describe the steps 
you took to implement said scheme which lead you to the conclusion that It 
actually does not work ?

Yes, sorry. Here is the code: $file = 
'http://miningstocks.com/protected/archive/Dec03PostPress.pdf'; //now 
view the PDF file header(Content-Type: application/pdf); 
header(Accept-Ranges: bytes); header(Content-Length: 
.filesize($file)); readfile($file); I can send the rest if necessary. 
You can see the results yourself of this: 
http://miningstocks.com/enteremail.php (just enter [EMAIL PROTECTED] for an email 
address). Yet, when I have changed the $file to hold a path that is not 
protected through http auth. it works perfectly fine and loads the file. 
Best Regards, Scott

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Re: alternative to protecting files through http auth.

2004-01-16 Thread Scott Taylor
Paul Chvostek wrote:

On Wed, Jan 14, 2004 at 04:17:06PM -0500, Scott Taylor wrote:

Is there no other way to protect your (non PHP) files than through 
authentication?  I've been trying to set up a system that will protect 
files.  Those trying to access the files would only be able to do so 
after entering their email address.  So I set up a form that submits the 
email to my database.  But then the problem is: how to access the files?

Put the files in a directory somewhere outside the DocumentRoot of the
web site in which the PHP code lives.  Have the PHP code do whatever
authentication you want (even if it's just collecting an email
address), and upon success, use file() or readfile() or include() or
file_get_contents() or equivalent to pull the file contents from their
location on the server.
Alternately, if you aren't able to create directories or access files
outside the DocumentRoot for your site, you can create an unbrowsable
storage directory protected with a .htaccess file.  If the filesystem
permissions are correct, your PHP script will be able to read content
from that directory, because PHP code isn't subject to .htaccess rules.

It actually does not work.  I am trying to load a PDF file.  I've tried 
to load it from a protected directory loading it with headers, but this 
fails if the protection is on.  Does this make sense to you? 

Unfortunately, I do not have access to the .htaccess file (I am on a 
shared server where I am not the administrator) and I can not store 
documents outside of my http document directory.

Scott Taylor

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] simple mod_rewrite question

2004-01-16 Thread Scott Taylor

What is the simplist way to do change 
http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/protected/archive/$file to 
http://miningstocks.com/protected/archive/$file  where $file is a 
variable (indicating any file in that directory or any subdirectory)?

Best Regards and thank you for all the help,

Scott Taylor

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] alternative to protecting files through http auth.

2004-01-14 Thread Scott Taylor

Is there no other way to protect your (non PHP) files than through 
authentication?  I've been trying to set up a system that will protect 
files.  Those trying to access the files would only be able to do so 
after entering their email address.  So I set up a form that submits the 
email to my database.  But then the problem is: how to access the 
files?  I could just use http://username:password/test.com/test.jpg 
method, but then what would be the point of trying to protect the files 
in the first place?  It would simply be the same as with holding the 
link to begin with.   So is there an alternative to using http basic 
authentication to protect files?  Or is there a simple way to 
authenticate the pages themselves without using something like Manuel 
Lemos' PHP HTTP class?

Best Regards,

Scott Taylor

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] Re: alternative to protecting files through http auth.

2004-01-14 Thread Scott Taylor
Paul Chvostek wrote:

On Wed, Jan 14, 2004 at 04:17:06PM -0500, Scott Taylor wrote:

Is there no other way to protect your (non PHP) files than through 
authentication?  I've been trying to set up a system that will protect 
files.  Those trying to access the files would only be able to do so 
after entering their email address.  So I set up a form that submits the 
email to my database.  But then the problem is: how to access the files?

Put the files in a directory somewhere outside the DocumentRoot of the
web site in which the PHP code lives.  Have the PHP code do whatever
authentication you want (even if it's just collecting an email
address), and upon success, use file() or readfile() or include() or
file_get_contents() or equivalent to pull the file contents from their
location on the server.
Alternately, if you aren't able to create directories or access files
outside the DocumentRoot for your site, you can create an unbrowsable
storage directory protected with a .htaccess file.  If the filesystem
permissions are correct, your PHP script will be able to read content
from that directory, because PHP code isn't subject to .htaccess rules.

Thank you very much.  That is exactly what I was looking for.

Best Regards,

Scott Taylor

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] view outputed headers?

2004-01-11 Thread Scott Taylor
What is the easiest way to view the headers that a PHP page has put 
out?  I've seen the |var_dump(headers_list()); on php.net but this 
always gives me an error (such as: |

bFatal error/b:  Call to undefined function:  headers_list() in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/a.com/httpdocs/my/page.php/b on line b79/bbr

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] http authentication through PHP

2004-01-10 Thread Scott Taylor

What is the easiest way to access a page that is protected by HTTP basic 
authentication through PHP? In other words, I have a PHP page that will 
get the username and  password off a database and will then login 
through HTTP authentication to access a second page (say an HTML page).

Best regards,

Scott Taylor

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] newbie question about header()

2003-12-21 Thread Scott Taylor

I am simply trying to redirect users from one page to another.  Yet when 
I use this code I get the following error:

*Warning*: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by 
(output started at 
on line *9*


header('Location: http://www.slashdot.org/'); /* Redirect browser */
/* Make sure that code below does not get executed when we redirect. */

I know the workaround with the meta tag (meta http-equiv=REFRESH 
content=0; URL=http://www.slashdot.org/;, but I just don't understand 
what I am doing wrong here.  I'm sure someone here knows

Thank you in advance,

Scott Taylor
PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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