Re: [PHP] Re: Multithreading for OOP PHP

2012-11-03 Thread Joe Watkins

On 31/10/2012 13:46, Alex Nikitin wrote:

Hey guys (and/or gals),

I have heard this question entirely too many times, I think at some point
Rasmus just stopped responding to it. The real reason that PHP is not
threaded has nothing to do with PHP internal or extension thread safety,
the reason is more to the extent that it doesn't make sense to add
threading to PHP, it will only increase code and model complexity and
create more points of failure, but again the reason is not this, the reason
is that it doesn't make sense in PHP's native environment to add threading
in the first place. Natively PHP is summoned by a web server, yes you can
call PHP in CLI, but that's not it's point market, PHP is first and
foremost a server-side language for the web and it is ran by a web server
such as Apache or Nginx or IIS(i wouldn't know why you would use IIS, but
it could be). All of these web servers (maybe with exception of IIS, i
wouldn't know) work pretty much on the same principal, you have the main
process that spawns a bunch of worker threads (this is adjustable in
configuration, but is typically 1 per cpu thread). These threads are what
actually process the requests and call PHP, meaning that if multiple
threads are processing multiple requests, multiple instances of PHP will be
called. This is why adding threading to PHP makes absolutely no sense, why
would you spawn threads in something that is already being called by a
thread? Don't get me wrong, threads spawning other threads is a solution,
but it is a solution on massively parallel architectures, such as the
GPGPUs that can handle over a thousand threads, and it is a solution for an
entirely different problem, namely costly conditional statements; PHP on
the other hand runs on a general purpose processor that already cache
thrashes and runs into issues with instruction pipelines in parallel
execution, adding more threads to it would do nothing for performance (or
make it worse), make for more complex code and introduce new issues, like
for example how do you test threaded code, debugging, messaging, etc, which
will introduce new places where php apps fail, new security concerns, etc,
and I think we are far from having current issues fixed...

Want to parallelize your PHP execution? Learn to love curl_multi :)

In this case, fix the program, not the programming language. Just my $0.02

-- Alex
The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer
is doing until it’s too late.  ~Seymour Cray

You're very wrong.

Adding threading doesn't increase complexity at all, the fact is, that 
people are coming up with horrible ways to execute what they should be 
executing in threads. It's 2012, my mobile phone has a dual core 
processor !! All that adding threading does is allow those people 
bending over backwards - using horrible hacks just to do two things at 
once - to do things properly.

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Re: [PHP] PHP Threading on Windows

2012-09-14 Thread Joe Watkins

On 14/09/2012 04:42, tamouse mailing lists wrote:

On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 9:32 PM, admin wrote:

It has been suggested:
 That because php does not support PCNTL threading on Windows that
multiple services of php are an alternative.

I am interested in this theory, if anyone is currently working on a project
that (forks) processes off to another instance or service of PHP on windows
please let me know.
In some of my latest development I have some rather large processes that
consume the single instance of PHP, threading these off would be ideal.

$tmpsrv=win32_query =win32_create_service(array(
'params' = __FILE__. install,
'service' = 'Name_of_the_service',
'display' = 'Name of service to be displayed in the service list'

Any windows php developers have ideas, comments on this suggestion?

I'm interested in the answer to this as well.

Windows Download on downloads page, it's a couple of days behind. Keep 
watching ... enough to get you started ...

Sorry if this gets sent twice, the news server or my internet connection 
dropped out ...


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Re: [PHP] PHP Threading on Windows

2012-09-14 Thread Joe Watkins

On 14/09/2012 04:42, tamouse mailing lists wrote:

On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 9:32 PM, admin wrote:

It has been suggested:
 That because php does not support PCNTL threading on Windows that
multiple services of php are an alternative.

I am interested in this theory, if anyone is currently working on a project
that (forks) processes off to another instance or service of PHP on windows
please let me know.
In some of my latest development I have some rather large processes that
consume the single instance of PHP, threading these off would be ideal.

$tmpsrv=win32_query =win32_create_service(array(
'params' = __FILE__. install,
'service' = 'Name_of_the_service',
'display' = 'Name of service to be displayed in the service list'

Any windows php developers have ideas, comments on this suggestion?

I'm interested in the answer to this as well.

Windows Download on downloads page, it's a couple of days behind. Keep 
watching ... enough to get you started ...

Sorry if this gets sent twice, the news server or my internet connection 
dropped out ...


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Re: [PHP] php-cli-shebang

2011-06-08 Thread Joe Francis
why not using php.exe instead of php-cgi.exe as a parser ?

On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 7:42 AM, Lists wrote:

 Lists wrote:

 Windows Server 2003
 PHP fastcgi 5.2

 O.K. '-q' is quiet mode (no header info), which works better when not using
 the -f flag when calling the script (it appears).

 anyway, I solved my issues with a work around, so no worries.



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Re: [PHP] Help needed with php.ini

2011-06-06 Thread Joe Francis
I remember that there's 2 php.ini in Fedora, one is for SAPI like apache or
other CGIServer, and another is for CLI.

Can you confirm that you edited  a right config file?

On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 4:55 AM, Camilo Sperberg wrote:

 On 05-06-2011, at 10:31, Adam Tong wrote:

  I can't set correctly the error display and reporting properties. I
  don't know what i'm doing wrong.
  Here is the section that i modified in php.ini:
  display_errors = On
  ;   Default Value: On
  ;   Development Value: On
  ;   Production Value: Off
  display_startup_errors = On
  ;   Default Value: Off
  ;   Development Value: On
  ;   Production Value: Off
  error_reporting = E_ALL | E_STRICT
  ;   Default Value: E_ALL  ~E_NOTICE
  ;   Development Value: E_ALL | E_STRICT
  ;   Production Value: E_ALL  ~E_DEPRECATED
  And here is the output of phpinfo():
  doc_rootno valueno value
  docref_extno valueno value
  docref_rootno valueno value
  error_append_stringno valueno value
  error_logno valueno value
  error_prepend_stringno valueno value
  error_reporting22527 22527
  I'm using a default installation (using yum) of php on Fedora14. This
  is my development environment, and want to see all the errors on
  standard output.
  Thank you
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 Have you modified the example values instead of the ones mid-way php.ini?
 If so, scroll down to check. The latest settings should override the
 previous one.

 Have you restarted apache with service httpd restart or /etc/init.d/httpd
 restart? (or apachectl restart)

 In your php script or htaccess file, do you override those values?

 Sent from my iPhone 5 Beta [Confidential use only]
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[PHP] a shortcut to set variable

2011-04-12 Thread Joe Francis
eh, I just want to get a shortcut like

$id = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : 0;

BTW, I'm using PHP5.3+, thanks bros.

Powered By Francis™.
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Re: [PHP] PHP Email Question

2010-09-29 Thread Joe Jackson

I am trying the following snippet as Bostjan  suggested, and an email is
getting sent when I submit the form however in the body of the email I am
getting none of the form data in the body of the email.  All I am getting is
the letter 'z' ?  Also in the from field of the email this is showing as my
email address and not the email address of the user who has sent the form

Any ideas on where I am going wrong with this snippet?  Any advice would be
much appreciated

$msgContent = Name: . $values['name'] .\n;
$msgContent .= Address: . $values['address'] .\n;
$msgContent .= Telephone: . $values['telephone'] .\n;
$msgContent .= Email Address: . $values['emailaddress'] .\n;
$msgContent .= Message: . $values['message'] .\n;

function ProcessForm($values)
mail('', 'Website Enquiry', $msgContent, From:
\{$values['name']}\ {$values['emailaddress']});

 // Replace with actual page or redirect :P
echo htmlheadtitleThank you!/title/headbodyThank

[PHP] PHP Email Question

2010-09-19 Thread Joe Jackson

Sorry for the simple question but I am trying to get my head around PHP.  I
have a sample PHP script that I am trying to use to send a php powered email
message.  The snippet of code is shown below

mail('', 'Subject', $values['message'], From:
\{$values['name']}\ {$values['emailaddress']});

This works fine, but how can I add in other fields to the email that is

For example in the form there are fields called, 'emailaddress',
'telephone', 'address' and 'name' which I need to add into the form along
with the message field

Also with the formatting how can I change the format of the email to

Name: $values['name'],
Address: etc


[PHP] Error in Building an XML File

2009-03-09 Thread Joe Harman

I am using PHP to build an XML file, but I keep on getting an XML
error when open the file in Google Chrome.
This page contains the following errors:

error on line 30 at column 318: Entity 'iuml' not defined
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

is this something to do with document encoding?

I am using these as headers for the script



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Re: [PHP] Error in Building an XML File

2009-03-09 Thread Joe Harman
On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 9:53 AM, Bob McConnell wrote:
 From: Joe Harman

 I am using PHP to build an XML file, but I keep on getting an XML
 error when open the file in Google Chrome.

 This page contains the following errors:

 error on line 30 at column 318: Entity 'iuml' not defined
 Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.


Okay, Thanks... appears the problem is that I have foreign language
entities in my HTML... Ugh

I am sure this is not really the most efficient way to do this, but I
tried using the following to get rid of these, but it appears that it
just converts them to this i¿½...

$search = 
$replace = 
$decode_string = str_replace($search, $replace,

I am going to read up some more on sanitizing HTML


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[PHP] XML RSS installation

2008-12-01 Thread Joe Schoemann
I previously had my web page hosted on a shared Apache server. The web hosts
installed the PEAR modules on the system for me.

I have now decided to go to Godaddy who have a shared Linux server.

They do not install PEAR modules and I have to do myself.

I found the go-pear.php program and managed to get it to install PEAR, but
the XML_RSS was not included.

I scratched around further and found there is a file called
XML_RSS-0.9.10.tar which I have downloaded to my PC.

I can upload it to my web site with FTP but I don't know where to put it or
what to do with it.

I have been at this for 3 days now and need some help, what must I do now to
get the RSS working. 


Yours truly,



[PHP] operators as callbacks?

2008-11-29 Thread Joe
Is it possible to use a PHP operator as a callback? Suppose I want to add two
arrays elementwise, I want to be able to do something like this:
 array_map('+', $array1, $array2)
but this doesn't work as + is an operator and not a function.

I can use the BC library's math functions instead:
 array_map('bcadd', $array1, $array2)
but that is an ugly hack that might break if the library is not available.

I can create an anonymous function:
 array_map(create_function('$a, $b', 'return $a + $b;'), $array1, $array2)
but that seems really unnecessarily verbose.

Is there any simple clean way to do it? Thanks,

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Re: [PHP] Recursive Directory Listing

2008-11-05 Thread Joe Schaeffer
 I would say to do that with CSS, not building it into the output.

That's actually how I've got things set up now -- I just rarely trust
the house-of-cards that is nested lists in CSS (and I've gone and
complicated things with first-child selectors all over the place)!

Thanks, all, for the great help!


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Re: [PHP] Recursive Directory Listing

2008-11-04 Thread Joe Schaeffer

 Here is a simplified recursive version of your above statement.

 $dir = '.';
 function displayDir($dir='.') {
$show = FALSE;
$results = glob($dir.'/*');
foreach ( $results AS $entry ) {
if ( is_dir($entry)  !in_array($entry, array('.', '..')) ) {
$dirs[] = $entry;
$show = TRUE;
if ( $show ) {
echo 'ul';
foreach ( $dirs AS $entry ) {
echo 'li', basename($entry);
echo '/li';
echo '/ul';
 Hope this helps
 Jim Lucas

Excellent, Jim. Thanks very much for your help.

At the risk of straying too far from the original
subject/call-for-help, is there a way to flag the *first* time the
function runs through a ul creation? Though my design doesn't call
for it now, I could see the value of styling the first level
separately than the sub-directories.

Again, thanks very much!

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Re: [PHP] Recursive Directory Listing

2008-10-31 Thread Joe Schaeffer
Thanks, all, for pointing me to the SPL iterators. i've been hunting
around and i've managed to come up with a working script. I know it
could be better, though. I know this is terribly inefficient -- a lot
of manual repetition and no recursion. Here's what I've got,
commenting my concerns:
// start from the current directory
$dirs = new DirectoryIterator('./');
//open master ul
echo 'ul';
foreach ( $dirs as $dir )
// only get dirs, exclude . and ..
// seems like this should be a function...
if (($dir-isDir()) AND ($dir != '.') AND ($dir != '..'))
// begin each qualifying dir with an li
echo 'li' . $dir;
// don't close the li, check again, one level deeper
// here's where i'm missing recursion, i think...
$subDirs = new DirectoryIterator('./' . $dir .'/'); 

if ($subDirs-valid())
// second verse, same as the first...
echo 'ul';
foreach ($subDirs as $subDir)
if (($subDir-isDir()) AND ($subDir != 
'.') AND ($subDir !='..'))
// i could manually add another 
level check, i guess...?
echo 'li'. $subDir . '/li';
// close second list
echo '/ul';
//close first-level item
echo '/li';   
//close master ul
echo '/ul';

this will work for me, but it's bloated, i know. and it's rendering
unnecessary ul / in the code wherever there isn't a subdirectory (i
can't get a hasChildren() check to work properly. I'd appreciate any

I've been referring to the SPL documentation in the manual off, and the examples at if there are any others out
there, i'd be happy to keep digging!

On 10/30/08, Jochem Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joe Schaeffer schreef:

  Well, that makes things much easier (and that should teach me to rely
   on a 5-year-old O'Reilly book...)! Thanks for the help!
   I'm able to display all the contents of the correct dirs and subdirs,
   but I'm struggling with my implementation. Since I'm trying to nest
   unordered lists, I can't seem to 'catch' sub-directories to nest it
   within their parent li tags (and then close the corresponding ul
   when necessary. Before I spend time trying to figure out how to chain
   the iterators or mine the returned arrays, is it fair to ask if this
   approach is even possible?

 sure, RecursiveIteratorIterator or DirectoryTreeIterator both have
  a getDepth() method which might come in useful.

  alternatively you could subclass either and define the beginChildren() and
  endChildren() methods to output the open/close UL tags.

  have a hunt around here:

   Again, thanks for the point in the right direction!
   On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 1:30 PM, Jochem Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Joe Schaeffer schreef:
   New to PHP development, new to the list; searched the archives but
   didn't find an answer (or at least nothing i could successfully
   I have a (readable) directory structure like so:
   I need to display those directories in nested html lists (marked up
   with css). Using PHP on the above, I'd like to produce the following
   I'm able to display one level deep (cats, dogs, horses), but not nest
   the lists accordingly. Since this is for a navigation structure,
   obviously I'll have anchors in the li/li lines. They'll be
   formatted like so
   href=index.php?section=dogschapter=colliesverse=some .
   Some details about my environment:
   1) no files will be in the /navigation (or sub) dirs, but i'd
   (ideally) like to define a depth, to prevent 3-4 levels of
   2) I can successfully exclude dirs (. and .. and anything else I define)
   3) the actual PHP script probably won't be in the /navigation
   directory, so I'll need a defined starting path (ie, $root =
   /site/docs/includes/navigation/ or somesuch...).
   4) no database access (otherwise this whole contraption wouldn't be an 
   Any help is greatly appreciated

[PHP] Recursive Directory Listing

2008-10-30 Thread Joe Schaeffer
New to PHP development, new to the list; searched the archives but
didn't find an answer (or at least nothing i could successfully

I have a (readable) directory structure like so:


I need to display those directories in nested html lists (marked up
with css). Using PHP on the above, I'd like to produce the following


I'm able to display one level deep (cats, dogs, horses), but not nest
the lists accordingly. Since this is for a navigation structure,
obviously I'll have anchors in the li/li lines. They'll be
formatted like so
href=index.php?section=dogschapter=colliesverse=some .

Some details about my environment:
1) no files will be in the /navigation (or sub) dirs, but i'd
(ideally) like to define a depth, to prevent 3-4 levels of
2) I can successfully exclude dirs (. and .. and anything else I define)
3) the actual PHP script probably won't be in the /navigation
directory, so I'll need a defined starting path (ie, $root =
/site/docs/includes/navigation/ or somesuch...).
4) no database access (otherwise this whole contraption wouldn't be an issue...)

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you in advance.

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Re: [PHP] Recursive Directory Listing

2008-10-30 Thread Joe Schaeffer
Well, that makes things much easier (and that should teach me to rely
on a 5-year-old O'Reilly book...)! Thanks for the help!

I'm able to display all the contents of the correct dirs and subdirs,
but I'm struggling with my implementation. Since I'm trying to nest
unordered lists, I can't seem to 'catch' sub-directories to nest it
within their parent li tags (and then close the corresponding ul
when necessary. Before I spend time trying to figure out how to chain
the iterators or mine the returned arrays, is it fair to ask if this
approach is even possible?

Again, thanks for the point in the right direction!

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 1:30 PM, Jochem Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joe Schaeffer schreef:
 New to PHP development, new to the list; searched the archives but
 didn't find an answer (or at least nothing i could successfully

 I have a (readable) directory structure like so:


 I need to display those directories in nested html lists (marked up
 with css). Using PHP on the above, I'd like to produce the following


 I'm able to display one level deep (cats, dogs, horses), but not nest
 the lists accordingly. Since this is for a navigation structure,
 obviously I'll have anchors in the li/li lines. They'll be
 formatted like so
 href=index.php?section=dogschapter=colliesverse=some .

 Some details about my environment:
 1) no files will be in the /navigation (or sub) dirs, but i'd
 (ideally) like to define a depth, to prevent 3-4 levels of
 2) I can successfully exclude dirs (. and .. and anything else I define)
 3) the actual PHP script probably won't be in the /navigation
 directory, so I'll need a defined starting path (ie, $root =
 /site/docs/includes/navigation/ or somesuch...).
 4) no database access (otherwise this whole contraption wouldn't be an 

 Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you in advance.

 RecurisiveDirectoryIterator and FilterIterator classes from SPL is something 
 that will get you home.
 the archives and the intertubes offer examples (etc) on how to use these.


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[PHP] Action on 'Require' Fatal Error

2008-07-09 Thread Joe Harman
is there a way to call a function or do a header(Location: page.php) when
a fatal error is detected from using a the require statement

Joe Harman

[PHP] Retrive a ID or Class value from a form input field

2008-06-09 Thread Joe Harman

is there any way to get more field information other than just the
value of a field when a form is submitted???

 input name=email type=text id=email size=30 maxlength=120
class=theClass value= /

type, size, class, etc.


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Re: [PHP] Retrive a ID or Class value from a form input field

2008-06-09 Thread Joe Harman
I was just writing a form validation script... I know that there is
ton of them out there... and i know that there are some different
methods of doing it... but i want to assign class names to each field
like class=req:email... not sure if that is the right way to do it,
but i thought it would make thing neat and tidy

Thanks for all your input

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Jim Lucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Lucas wrote:

 Jim Lucas wrote:

 Joe Harman wrote:


 is there any way to get more field information other than just the
 value of a field when a form is submitted???

  input name=email type=text id=email size=30 maxlength=120
 class=theClass value= /

 type, size, class, etc.


 Yes, but that would be a Javascript question.

 Google for a javascript method called getAttribute()

 Man, what a day.

 I should have said it like this.

 No, but in javascript, before the form is submitted, you can.


 Let me ask this.  Why would you want to do this?

 Jim Lucas

   Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
   and some have greatness thrust upon them.

 Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare

Joe Harman

SCP Performance Parts Warehouse
3475 High Ridge Blvd
High Ridge, MO 63049
Office : (636) 677-1320
Cell : (269) 277-0717

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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP Web Apps OpenID

2008-05-07 Thread Joe Harman
Yeah, after reading some about it yesterday and using it on some
sites, I like that it sort of simplifies some things for the end
user... it really fits sites like social networking stuff well.. I am
considering using this for our ecommerce site, it only becomes useful
though for repeat visitors though... which is what I want to make it
easy convienent for those repeat customers

thanks for your input guys

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 4:04 AM, Colin Guthrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Joe Harman wrote:

  I am curious here if any of you are considering or already using
  OpenID or Windows CardSpace? Does anyone see this being a big deal???
  from a users stand point it seems like a big hassle to get started
  with it and I'm not sure if it would scare people away or not? any
  I've been looking at some PHP scripts out there for OpenID... does
  anyone have one to recommend???

  With a bit of an upcoming rewrite of some of our user handling code, I
 fully intend to support OpenID. I really like the idea and want to promote
 it as much as possible.


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Joe Harman

SCP Performance Parts Warehouse
3475 High Ridge Blvd
High Ridge, MO 63049
Office : (636) 677-1320
Cell : (269) 277-0717

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] PHP Web Apps OpenID

2008-05-06 Thread Joe Harman
Hey Ya'll!

I am curious here if any of you are considering or already using
OpenID or Windows CardSpace? Does anyone see this being a big deal???
from a users stand point it seems like a big hassle to get started
with it and I'm not sure if it would scare people away or not? any

I've been looking at some PHP scripts out there for OpenID... does
anyone have one to recommend???

Joe Harman

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[PHP] Help with preg_match_all regex for alt tags

2008-04-29 Thread Joe Harman
Hey y'all ... i am having alittle trouble with this regex for finding
ALT tags for images...

Here is my statement

preg_match_all('alt[^]*?.*?[^]'si, $output, $alt_tags);


[other html code]... img src=images/race-parts_wheels-tires.jpg
vspace=2 border=0 alt=Wheel  Tire Acc / ...[other html code]

I am currently getting

alt=Wheel  Tire Acc /

I want this result

alt=Shopping Cart 

Thanks for your help
Joe Harman

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Re: [PHP] mysql_connect slowness

2008-04-29 Thread Joe Harman
Hi Waynn!

have you ever tried using

1. sql_cache

I use this alot... although you have to have mysql cache enable in the
sql config file... your webhost can tell you if it is on or not

2. make indexes for your tables

here is a good article
a great admin program to use is Navicat... it's very easy to make your
indexes there...

Hopefully those 2 suggestions speed up things a little! :o) let us
know if it works


On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 12:14 AM, Waynn Lue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Our site has been slowing down dramatically in the last few days, so
  I've been trying to figure out why.  I ran some profiling scripts on
  our site and saw that we're spending between 3-9 seconds on
  mysql_connect.  Then I connected to our db and saw that there were
  over 100 connections at the time, most of them sleeping.  Is this
  because we don't close mysql connections until the end of script

  How do people generally structure their code to minimize the time they
  keep mysql connections open?  Currently all db connections go through
  one file, which gets included at the top of the file.  One other
  question, is it better to open one connection, then re-use it later,
  or just continually open and close per db call?


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[PHP] Making an array from delimited data

2008-04-28 Thread Joe Harman
I have some data that I pull from a database that is in the following format:

Gauge Style: Auto Meter Pro-Comp
Tachometer Usage: Standard
Gauge Series: Analog
Gauge Range: 0-11,000 rpm
Gauge Diameter (in): 5 in.
Gauge Diameter (mm): 127.00mm
Sweep: Full sweep

I want the array to end up like this
$data['Gauge Style'] = Auto Meter Pro-Comp
$data['Tachometer Usage'] = Standard
$data['Gauge Series'] = 0-11,000 rpm

I know I can use explode on on set of data... but up do you do it line by line?

Thanks for your help

Joe Harman

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Re: [PHP] Re: Making an array from delimited data

2008-04-28 Thread Joe Harman
this is the complete data that was initially submitted through a textarea field.

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 2:56 PM, Shawn McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Joe Harman wrote:

  I have some data that I pull from a database that is in the following
  Gauge Style: Auto Meter Pro-Comp
  Tachometer Usage: Standard
  Gauge Series: Analog
  Gauge Range: 0-11,000 rpm
  Gauge Diameter (in): 5 in.
  Gauge Diameter (mm): 127.00mm
  Sweep: Full sweep
  I want the array to end up like this
  $data['Gauge Style'] = Auto Meter Pro-Comp
  $data['Tachometer Usage'] = Standard
  $data['Gauge Series'] = 0-11,000 rpm
  I know I can use explode on on set of data... but up do you do it line by
  Thanks for your help

  The following is one field from the db, or each line is a field or what?

  Gauge Style: Auto Meter Pro-Comp
  Tachometer Usage: Standard
  Gauge Series: Analog
  Gauge Range: 0-11,000 rpm
  Gauge Diameter (in): 5 in.
  Gauge Diameter (mm): 127.00mm
  Sweep: Full sweep


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Joe Harman

SCP Performance Parts Warehouse
3475 High Ridge Blvd
High Ridge, MO 63049
Office : (636) 677-1320
Cell : (269) 277-0717

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Re: [PHP] Re: Making an array from delimited data

2008-04-28 Thread Joe Harman
Thanks guys... that help me out a lot... i was thinking too hard on ... LOL

have a great day!

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 3:01 PM, Nathan Nobbe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 1:58 PM, Joe Harman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  this is the complete data that was initially submitted through a textarea

 just to clarify my example assumes $dbData is a single string.  if the info
 you posted is getting stored in a single field it should work just fine.


Joe Harman

SCP Performance Parts Warehouse
3475 High Ridge Blvd
High Ridge, MO 63049
Office : (636) 677-1320
Cell : (269) 277-0717

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[PHP] Confused about handling bytes

2007-05-20 Thread Joe Veldhuis
While I'm sure this is a stupid question and the solution will be 
obvious to everyone here, this is confusing me.

I'm trying to control a device over a serial port using a PHP script, 
and one of the things I need to do is read a 26-byte string from an 
EEPROM, using a command that returns two bytes at a time, and write 
similar strings using a similar command. For example, to read the first 
two bytes of one such string beginning at address 0x484, I would send:

04 84 00 00 BB

Here's the code I've written so far:

$string = 1; //which of 200 strings I want to read
$base = pack(H*,dechex((($string-1)*hexdec(0x1a))+hexdec(0x484))); 
//calculate the base address of the string (the first starts at 0x484)

for($i=0;$i  13;$i++) { //iterate 13 times (26 bytes / 2 bytes at a time)
dio_write($serial,$base.\x00\x00\xbb,5); //send the command
$output[] = dio_read($serial,1);  // read first byte
$output[] = dio_read($serial,1); // read second byte
$base = pack(H*,dechex(hexdec(bin2hex($base))+2)); //increment address

There are two things wrong with this. First, the final line isn't doing 
what it's supposed to. Instead of adding 2 to the value of $base each 
time, It's producing a pattern like this:

0x484, 0x486, 0x73, 0x73, 0x73, 0x488, 0x48a, 0x48c, 0x48e, 0x490, 0x74, 
0x74, 0x74

Second, the format of $base doesn't seem to be handled correctly in line 
4 of the above code. Given a value of 0x484, this line should write the 
bytes 04 84, but it is obviously not doing so, given the response I 
get from the device (it sends FF FF instead of the expected value at 
that address, which I get when I remove the variable and manually 
specify the address).

What are the solutions to these problems?

-Joe Veldhuis

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Re: [PHP] Form verification

2006-11-01 Thread Joe Wollard


On 11/1/06, Ron Piggott (PHP) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am wondering if any of you know what it is called when letters come up
for the user to key in for
form entry verification.  Ron

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Re: [PHP] Query question

2006-10-28 Thread Joe Wollard

Agreed, this should go to a MySQL list. But in the spirit of helping I think
the following should give you a good starting point.

SELECT `year`, COUNT(`year`) AS `count` FROM `tbl` GROUP BY `year` ASC

On 10/28/06, Ed Lazor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Use the mysql list :)

On Oct 28, 2006, at 3:01 PM, Beauford wrote:


 I have a MySQL database with a date field and a bunch of other
 fields. The
 date field is in the format - 01/01/2006. What I want to do is
 query the
 database and create a table that shows just the year and how many
 of the year there is. I have been taxing my brain for a simple
 solution, but
 just not getting it. Any suggestions?


 Example output.

 Year  Count

 2002  5
 2003  8
 2004  9
 2005  15
 2006  22

 ps - I get this information sent to me and I can't change any of
 the data. I
 just enter it in the db and then hopefully do the query on it.

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Re: [PHP] Query question

2006-10-28 Thread Joe Wollard

Look into the MySQL YEAR() function to extract the year from a specific
Start here:

On 10/28/06, Beauford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I posted this here as I figured I would need to manipulate this using PHP.
The code below doesn't quite work because the date is in the format of
05/05/2006. So I am getting totals for each date, not each year. I need
totals for each year, regardless of the day or month. This is why I
I'd need to use PHP to maybe put it in an array first or something.


-Original Message-
From: Joe Wollard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: October 28, 2006 10:30 PM
To: Ed Lazor
Cc: Beauford; PHP
Subject: Re: [PHP] Query question

Agreed, this should go to a MySQL list. But in the spirit of helping I
the following should give you a good starting point.

SELECT `year`, COUNT(`year`) AS `count` FROM `tbl` GROUP BY `year` ASC

On 10/28/06, Ed Lazor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Use the mysql list :)

 On Oct 28, 2006, at 3:01 PM, Beauford wrote:

  I have a MySQL database with a date field and a bunch of other
  fields. The date field is in the format - 01/01/2006. What I want to
  do is query the database and create a table that shows just the year
  and how many instances of the year there is. I have been taxing my
  brain for a simple solution, but just not getting it. Any
  Example output.
  Year  Count
  2002  5
  2003  8
  2004  9
  2005  15
  2006  22
  ps - I get this information sent to me and I can't change any of the
  data. I just enter it in the db and then hopefully do the query on

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2006-10-25 Thread Joe Wollard

...and if you wanted to go an extra step you could try an alternate
syntax of the exact same code:

   foreach (range(1, 31) as $day)
   print 'option value=' . $day . '' . ($selected_day_of_month
== $day ? ' selected' : '') . '' . $day . '/option';

Either way, Stut is correct. Don't type this out 31 times unless you
really really really like to type. ;-)
- Joe

On 10/25/06, Stut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ron Piggott (PHP) wrote:
 I am creating a form right now.  I am using the html SELECT tag.

 SELECT NAME=day_of_month

 The most number of days in a month is 31

 I want the output to be OPTION SELECTED## based on the value of
 $selected_day_of_month variable.  For the days of the month where the
 number is not selected the output I am desiring is


 to be generated through PHP code

 I already have a value the user submitted in a variable named
 $selected_day_of_month from being stored in a mySQL table

 Does anyone know how to do this in a few commands?  I am wanting to

 if ( $selected_day_of_month == 1 ) }
 } ELSE {

 if ( $selected_day_of_month == 2 ) }
 } ELSE {



Dang that's painful!! Try this...

 foreach (range(1, 31) as $day)
 print 'option value='.$day.'';
 if ($selected_day_of_month == $day)
 print ' selected';
 print ''.$day.'/option';


I added a value to the options (you knew that was missing right?).
Obviously you need to output the select ... and /select outside this


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Re: [PHP] RE:[PHP] Client Computer Registration

2006-10-03 Thread Joe Harman

Hey Rahul...

I have seen this also... It's sort of neat and annoying all at the
same time... I am just wondering if it's just a false sense of
security to get more people to use there online banking... although I
did read through their FAQs about this and they are saying they have
been required by the FFIEC (Federal Financial Institutions Examination
Council) to increase security... although computer registration
remains optional... i would guess this is probably just a cookie... i
am not sure about this, but will firefow run activex stuff??? if it
won't I think you could eliminate the activex possiblity i do know
that this site uses JSP as it's scripting language.

Have a great day, hope i was able to help in atleast a little way

On 10/3/06, Wesley Acheson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

They could also be doing something like giving the client an SSH key
to download, I've heard of this situation in a bank before.

Though it does seem more likely that their just using cookie based
From: Rahul S. Johari [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 08:07:35 -0400
Subject: [PHP] Client Computer Registration

I saw this at the Key.Com website for Keybank Customers. When you go to
their website to login to view your account, they ask you to register your
computer for the first time. Once your computer is registered, you can
access the account using that computer. You can choose to Not register that
computer and you won¹t be able to access the account using that computer in

What exactly are they doing?
Can PHP record the MAC Address of the NIC in the computer? Or are they just
recording the IP and creating an IP based filteration?

I¹m looking to implement a similar security system for one of my

Any advice?

Rahul S. Johari
Supervisor, Internet  Administration
Informed Marketing Services Inc.
500 Federal Street, Suite 201
Troy NY 12180

Tel: (518) 687-6700 x154
Fax: (518) 687-6799

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Joe Harman
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Re: [PHP] MySQLDump and master/slave Behavior

2006-10-03 Thread Joe Wollard
1. mysqldump will only keep the connection open for as long as it  
needs it. Once your calling script is allowed to continue mysqldump  
has either exited successfully or with an error, but either way the  
connection should no longer be active.

2. I don't think that would be a good idea. 30 minutes should buy you  
enough time, but if the system is getting slammed or some other  
unforeseeable event happens that makes the system slow down to a  
crawl then you run the risk of breaking your backup process. The bulk  
of the execution time in your script is almost certainly with your  
tar command. The 'j' option is telling it to use the bzip2 algorithm  
for compression, which is a very high compression level, but takes a  
long time to obtain compared to other compression algorithms. In  
short, I don't think anything that you're doing is going to cause any  
data loss as long as mysqldump isn't locking the slave database for a  
huge amount of time.

As an aside, this isn't really PHP related so much as it is MySQL or  
even *nix shell commands related, you might try a MySQL list for  

On Oct 3, 2006, at 10:29 AM, David Giragosian wrote:

Howdy Guys,

I have a PHP backup script running as a cronjob that has an exec 
line followed a bit later by an exec(tar -cjf) line. The backup  
script runs
against a slave db in the wee hours, and the master gets a  
continuous stream
of inputs at the rate of about 18,720 per day. Obviously as the  
grows in size, the script takes longer and longer to run. Right  
now, after
about 15 months of operation,  it's taking about 40 minutes to  
complete. But
I did a test yesterday, and the mysqldump part only takes about 2  
minutes to


Even though I've never lost data, my concern is that since master- 
syncing is blocked while the script runs, I just might lose  
something if

there's a buffer overrun or something like that.

So, Question 1 is: does mysqldump's connection to the slave db  
exist for the
entire script execution time, or just for the length of time of its  
execution? I imagine if I used mysql_connect() in the script that  
it would
be for the entire length of the script execution, but mysqldump  
makes its

own connection, so I'm just not sure about this.

Question 2: Should I, just to be on the safe side, break out the  
code into its own scipt, and run it, say, 30 minutes before the tar  

Thanks for your time,


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Re: [PHP] PHP5 object construct

2006-09-22 Thread Joe Wollard

On 9/22/06, Chris Boget [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I read about a feature of PHP5 OOP that is something like this in a book or
a magazine a while back.  But now I don't remember exactly how this works
and I can't find any reference to it in the online docs.  The basic idea is
something along these lines:

class MyClass {

  private $bob;
  public $Bob {
set( $var ) {
  $this-bob = $var;

get() {
  return $this-bob;


Could someone point me to the relevant section of the docs that discusses


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Re: Re: [PHP] PHP5 object construct

2006-09-22 Thread Joe Wollard

well, perhaps I'm not seeing what it is that you're looking for. The
page I sent you is a basic introduction to classes and OOP in PHP,
which based on the example that you've provided seemed like what you
wanted. It seems obvious that you want to learn more about OOP, but
are you trying to find a specific 'bob' example or would you just like
some help understanding OOP? What is the end result you're hoping to
get out of the list?.Google also provided these results, which
might help you if a specific example is what you're looking for:

Feel free to help us help you ;-)

On 9/22/06, Chris Boget [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I read about a feature of PHP5 OOP that is something like this in a book
 a magazine a while back.  But now I don't remember exactly how this works
 and I can't find any reference to it in the online docs.  The basic idea
 something along these lines:

 class MyClass {

   private $bob;
   public $Bob {
 set( $var ) {
   $this-bob = $var;

 get() {
   return $this-bob;


 Could someone point me to the relevant section of the docs that discusses

Any particular place on that page I should be looking?  I've read it several
times and didn't see anything like the above.  The closest thing I saw were
actual methods called setBob() and getBob(), which isn't exactly what I'm
looking for...


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Re: Re: Re: [PHP] PHP5 object construct

2006-09-22 Thread Joe Wollard

ok, so if we were talking Java, perhaps you are looking for
information that allows you to build 'accessor' and 'mutator' methods?
If so, then your example should work (syntax aside). Here's another
'test' example that I just whipped up and tested that shows you can
use any method name you wish.

class test {

 private $thing;

 function setThing($val) {
   $this-thing = $val;

 function getThing() {
   return $this-thing;


$t = new test;

// Show that thing is empty
print $t-getThing() . \n;

// Set thing to 'Thing'

// show that thing contains 'Thing'
print $t-getThing() . \n;

If I'm still on the wrong path I apologize. I probably shouldn't be
trying to provide advice on cold medicine ;-)

On 9/22/06, Chris Boget [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 well, perhaps I'm not seeing what it is that you're looking for.

No, I'm not sure you are.  Take a look at my sample code again.  Pay
particular attention to how both $bob and $Bob are defined.

class MyClass {

  private $bob;

  public $Bob {
set( $var ) {
  $this-bob = $var;

get() {
  return $this-bob;



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Re: [PHP] Error: Cannot load /usr/local/apache2/modules/ into server: /usr/local/apache2/modules/ cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied

2006-09-20 Thread Joe Wollard

Since Fedora is popular, can I assume that's what you're running? Even
if it's not I'll bet it's a Linux distro that's employing SELinux.
11,500 web pages agree ;-)

On 9/20/06, Kelly McCoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am getting the error

Cannot load /usr/local/apache2/modules/ into server:
/usr/local/apache2/modules/ cannot restore segment prot after
reloc: Permission denied

When I try to load Apache.

Running PHP 4.4.4, Apache 2.0.59, and mysql 4.1.21

All installations have gone smoothly; I just have not been able to start
apache because of the error.

Thanks for any help.


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Re: [PHP] Just say hello

2006-09-15 Thread Joe Wollard

Hi AraDaen, and welcome to the list ;-)

On Sep 15, 2006, at 7:32 AM, AraDaen wrote:

Hi from Spain. This is my first post and im sure it wont be last :)


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Re: [PHP] How to skip browser's Warning?

2006-09-13 Thread Joe Wollard
Easiest way: change your search form's method to GET instead of POST  
- I'm sure you're not passing enough parameters to the search results  
page to actually need to use POST.

On Sep 13, 2006, at 11:44 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Could somebody explain to me what to do to skip this message I'm  

after I search for some products on my page, got the list of products,
selected a detailed view of the product and click on the Back  
button of

the browser to see again list of found products (result page):
The Page you are trying to view contains POSTDATA that has expired  
cache. If you resend the data, any action the form carried out such  
as a
search or online purchase) will be repeated. To resend the data,  
click OK.

Otherwise, click Cancel.

Thanks for any help.


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Re: [PHP] Accessing .mdb Ms Access file from Linux without ODBC

2006-09-07 Thread Joe Wollard
I think kOffice can read mdb files on Linux - maybe that would be a  
good starting point for research. Perhaps they have built a kind of  
API to allow other programs to do the same..then again, maybe not  
- but like I said, it's some place to start.

On Sep 7, 2006, at 7:57 AM, Fourat Zouari wrote:

it's a PHP question : how can we access Ms Access mdb files without  

On 9/7/06, Angelo Zanetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Fourat Zouari wrote:

 Hello all,
 I need to create a script that can open a connection to a  
given .mdb

 (Microsoft Access) and do some light selects on it, anyway ...
 The problem that i wont create an ODBC instance, i wont and cant  
 ODBC support on the server for the unique purpose of doing that  
on the

 I'm seeking how to do such thing on a Linux env (no COM) and  

 googling, i found that AdoDB doesnt do it (?) and PDO didnt got a
 for that (?)
 Any helpers around ? thanks

what does this have to do with PHP?


Angelo Zanetti
Systems developer

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*Mobile:*   +27 (0) 72 441 3355
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Re: [PHP] parse text file

2006-07-23 Thread Joe Wollard


Use the file() function, it will read a file then return each line as
a new element in an array.

- Joe

On 7/23/06, Benjamin Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

how would I read a file one line at a time:

if($lines  $alllines){
$newline .= $lines;

something like that, I'm cofused on if I use fread, something  which
will do one line at a time?

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Re: [PHP] Basic PHP knowledge test

2006-07-20 Thread Joe Wollard
To refine that a bit, you may want to give them some code that has  
been intentionally broken (simple things for the entry level  
position, such as missing semicolons or curly braces etc) and watch  
to see how they go about discovering the parse errors. To me, it  
would be better to hire someone that can solve problems quickly, not  
someone who can simply tell you what a piece of code is doing. Just a  
thought though - good luck!


On Jul 20, 2006, at 7:20 AM, Finner, Doug wrote:

My advice, give the candidates problems and see how they solve them.

Even if they don't finish, you get an idea of how they think.


I like this idea!

Do you expect them to be able to work with code written by others?  If
so, hand them some of your existing code (good examples and not so  

and ask them to figure out what it does and recommend changes.

I really really like the 'give them a problem and have them solve it'


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Re: [PHP] PHP LDAP - Single Sign On

2006-06-28 Thread Joe Wollard
well, I'm sure that if you really wanted to try to write your own  
auth module in PHP you could theoretically do so - but in lieu of  
that there is an open source apache module that you might want to  
look into called mod_ntlm

keep in mind that all this does is ask the browser for the current  
users creds after a handshake. IE is the only one that I know of that  
will gleefully hand out that info without asking the user - all the  
other browsers that I've tested ask you if that's ok with you first  
(as it should be)

On Jun 28, 2006, at 8:07 AM, Jay Blanchard wrote:

thanks for the response, i can see how this works  (i think) for basic
authentication with user input,but what i really need is to actually
retrieve the logged on user name after a user has logged into windows.
i.e.  the user name that the http client passes to the apache mod has
been captured not from user input, but from say a piece of code that
picks up the user name when the user logs in.

Probably less to do with php now that i come to think of it, but  


Ah...I see now. Several have asked this question, let me rephrase and
see if this makes better sense

How can one capture the login user name from a Windows logon? ASP  
can do

it, but can it be done with PHP as one would do with PHP_AUTH_USER?

IIRC I don't think that it is possible with PHP.

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Re: [PHP] New install platform

2006-06-25 Thread Joe Wollard

For a simple OS X install you can either modify the existing
Apache/PHP install and add MySQL or use entropy's package from

On 6/25/06, Grae Wolfe - PHP [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It has become evident that I need some form of local testing environment
so that I can figure out what is wrong with one of my $sql statements.
  Can anyone tell me what the easiest platform is to set up a PHP/MySQL
system?  I have a PC and a Mac on OS X, and with the use of VirtualPC I have
the ability to load most flavors of Linux as well.
  I hate to have to go through this to test a single error, but if anyone
can help with this, I would truly appreciate it.

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Re: [PHP] templating

2006-06-22 Thread Joe Wollard
IMHO I would go with Smarty as it has excellent documentation and  
would fit almost anything that the project would require. I also  
think it would be a cleaner way of templating than using str_replace 
() over and over again. For what it's worth, I use Smarty on almost  
all of my projects, large and small. I find that once you learn it  
you can use it to develop new sites rather quickly.

...and it's not like using a nuke to kill a fly - Smarty only loads  
the files it needs as it needs them instead of loading everything -  
so it's quite fast really.

- Joe

On Jun 22, 2006, at 7:10 AM, Ryan A wrote:


A pal of mine needed some help on his project, he is
using a header and footer file to template his
project... but its gotten a bit complicated as he has
a few dynamic parts in the header and footer files, so
I told him to go with a proper templating method of
templating the whole page rather than includ()ing the
top and bottom.

After having a better look at his scripts, I am just
not sure if something big (like SMARTY for instance)
would be good for him. He just needs maybe 5 template
pages, same pages, different color.

Searching google I see literally hundreds of
templating solutions can anyone recommend a simple
one or should I tell him to just use str_replace() for
tags like: {{menu_here}} {{header_here} etc?
Something like SMARTY would be like using a nuke to
kill a fly (IMHO) esp since this project will not
expand to anything much bigger or complicated.


- The faulty interface lies between the chair and the keyboard.
- Creativity is great, but plagiarism is faster!
- Smile, everyone loves a moron. :-)

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Re: [PHP] Processing HTML in mail form

2006-06-21 Thread Joe Wollard
(sorry for the duplicate response Parathaban, forgot to reply to the  

Look at example 4 from

   $headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . \r\n;
   $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . \r\n;

That should get you started.

On Jun 20, 2006, at 9:41 PM, Prathaban Mookiah wrote:


I am not sure if I understood your problem correct. But the way I  

it, you want the mail to be displayed as:

F-namn: J
L-namn: R
Birth: 12
Address: 34
Zip: 56
City: 78
Phone: 90
Desc: N
Hair: hair
Make: makeup

Am I correct? If that is the case, I guess you should use '\n'  
instead of




-- Original Message ---
From: Jonas Rosling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PHP Lists
Sent: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 23:56:47 +0200
Subject: [PHP] Processing HTML in mail form

I've done the following code bellow for an e-mail form. But it
handles the HTML tags as text. Is there anyway to get the HTML tags
processed to form the mail?



$subject = 'Intresseanmalan';

$forname = stripslashes($forname);

$lastname = stripslashes($lastname);

$date_of_birth = stripslashes($date_of_birth);

$post_address = stripslashes($post_address);

$zip_code = stripslashes($zip_code);

$city = stripslashes($city);

$phone = stripslashes($phone);

$mail = stripslashes($mail);

$description = stripslashes($description);

$hairdresser = stripslashes($hairdresser);

$makeup = stripslashes($makeup);

$text = 'F-name: '.$forname.'br'.
'L-name: '.$lastname.'br'.
'Birth: '.$date_of_birth.'br'.
'Address: '.$post_address.'br'.
'Zip: '.$zip_code.'br'.
'City: '.$city.'br'.
'Phone: '.$phone.'br'.
'Mail: '.$mail.'br'.
'Desc: '.$description.'br'.
'Hair: '.$hairdresser.'br'.
'Make: '.$makeup;

mail('[EMAIL PROTECTED]',$subject,$text,From: $forname
$lastname $mail);


The mail looks like this when recived:

F-namn: JbrL-namn: RbrBirth: 12brAddress: 34brZip:
56brCity: 78brPhone: 90brMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]brDesc: NbrHair:
hairbrMake: makeup

Thanks in advance // Jonas

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--- End of Original Message ---

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2006-06-20 Thread Joe Wollard
If you're not sure you should probably stick with mysql_connect() -  
otherwise you could end up bogging down mysql with way more  
connections than you need if you're not careful.

On Jun 20, 2006, at 12:34 PM, Juanjo Pascual wrote:

How can i know which of both is better to use each time?

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Re: [PHP] ldap_connect allways returns true even if logically it shouldn't?

2006-06-19 Thread Joe Wollard
I believe the manual says that ldap_connect doesn't actually make the  
connection but rather it just simply sets up the connection  
parameters. The actual connection doesn't happen until ldap_bind is  

 - or so I recall reading some where ;-)

On Jun 19, 2006, at 9:06 AM, Steve Turnbull wrote:


I have this code (PHP5) as part of a class to do some LDAP stuff...

public function connect()
$this-ds = @ldap_connect( $this-server, $this-port ); ###
This seems to return true no matter waht
if ( $this-ds ) {
// A successful connection was made
$this-message .= 'A successful connection was made to the
LDAP server: b' . $this-server . /bbr /br / \n;
} else {
// The connection was not successful
$this-message .= 'It was not possible to connect to the
LDAP server: b' . $this-server . /bbr / \n;
$this-message .= 'LDAP Error Message: ' .
ldap_error( $this-ds ) . br / \n;
$this-message .= 'LDAP Error Number: ' .
ldap_errno( $this-ds ) . br / \n;

As you can see, I am expecting a return value of true only if the
ldap_connect makes a successful connection. However, even if I pass
values which should make a false, it gives a true.

What am I missing out on here - could any one tell me why true is  



Steve Turnbull

Digital Content Developer
YHGfL Foundation

t 01724 275030

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2006-06-03 Thread Joe Wollard

(sorry for the dup kartikay, forgot to hit reply to all;-)
So is the file going from server to server or from a client machine to the
server? It sounds like server to server - which if that's the case you can
use headers_list() to see what your server is going to be sending out to the
other server ( -
otherwise you can use the get_headers() function
see what headers the client sent you along with the file.


On 6/3/06, kartikay malhotra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all!

I use HTTP POST to upload a file. I've a PHP script running on the server.
Are HTTP headers passed with this request? How can I see the headers
to the server?


Re: [PHP] .htaccess - change index.php to

2006-06-03 Thread Joe Wollard

If you don't want to change the names of the files themselve from .php to
.abc then you'd need to use something like mod_rewrite for apache's HTTPD.
I'm not entirely certain as to how you'd do this, but I've included what I
normally use to hide index.php in the url. If possible I'd put this in
httpd.conf instead of .htaccess - there are performance concerns that may be
involved there. Anyway, I hope this gets you started or sparks an idea from
another list member.

Directory /var/www/html/
 RewriteEngine on
 RewriteBase /

 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
 RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L,QSA]

On 6/3/06, Labunski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


What should I change in .htaccess, so that visitors will see
instead of index.php.
I just wanna hide file's extension.


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Re: [PHP] Paged Results Set in MySQL DB with one result

2006-05-12 Thread Joe Henry
On Friday 12 May 2006 12:01 pm, tedd wrote:

 It shouldn't be blank.
 There should be a Next/Previous button -- isn't there?
 If so, then click Next
 If not, please tell me.

Works:  Suse Linux 10.x/Firefox 1.0.7
Windows XP/Firefox
Mac OS 10.4.6/Safari 2.0.3

Works sort of:  Suse Linux 10.x/Konquerer 3.4.2 
=  (first page loads but 
next/previous buttons produce no results)
Windows XP/Internet Explorer 6.0.x
=  (first page loads but 
next/previous buttons produce no results)

Blank:  none that I tested

Don't have Firefox on the Mac box. I just clicked the next/previous buttons a 
few times, so take it for what's it's worth.

Thanks to you Tedd. Made me realize I should upgrade my Linux Firefox.

Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] remove html tags in text?

2006-05-11 Thread Joe Henry
On Thursday 11 May 2006 9:51 am, Bing Du wrote:
 Any functions that can help remove all the HTML tags in it?  What about
 just removing selected tags, like b/b?

Looks like strip_tags() will do the trick for you:
Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] BDC to ASCII Conversion

2006-05-11 Thread Joe Henry
On Thursday 11 May 2006 10:08 am, Jim Moseby wrote:
 In dog we trust 

Am partial to Dog is my co-pilot
Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] question about using temporary named pipe in the string for system

2006-05-10 Thread Joe Henry
On Wednesday 10 May 2006 4:02 pm, Ginger Cheng wrote:
 Hello, PHP gurus,
  I have a command that I want to run using system function. The
 command exploits temporary named pipes in the place of temporary files.

my command is

 paste   (cut -f1  file1)  (cut -f2  file2) final_file

   It works perfectly well if I just type it in my interactive
 shell.  But if I do a

 $cmd =  paste   (cut -f1  file1)  (cut -f2  file2) final_file;

   I got the syntax error msg as
 sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('.   I have tried
 to 'escapeshellcmd' the  command and run it in system, then I got

 paste: invalid option -- f
 Try `paste --help' for more information.

  Also tried exec.  I really want to take advantage of the
 temporary named pipes so I don't have to worry about the temporary files
 generated.  I've been googling around without much help.  Could anyone
 plz give me some hint? Thanks a lot

Think you might want the shell_exec() command instead.

Joe Henry

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2006-05-08 Thread Joe Henry
On Monday 08 May 2006 12:52 pm, Ryan A wrote:
 Ok, the last time this happened I think it was either
 Jay B or John Holmes (the dude!) who claimed the
 prize...this time, hands off, its mine...

 615,960.00. I'm rich bearch!

Think we should split it equally among all PHP-general subscribers. That would 
be, like, a latte or beer each. Yippee!

Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] List of sessions

2006-05-04 Thread Joe Wollard

If you store your sessions in a database then your could gain a little mode
control over your session, but I think what you're asking is if there's a
way to tell if a user has closed the browser thus killing the session on
their side. If that's what you're asking then the answer is not going to lie
strictly with PHP as the server has no way to ping a user's browser. A quick
hack off the top of my head might be to find a creative way of using the
onBeforePageUnload() (or w/e it is) javascript function along with frames.

Anyway, you can check out for more details on how to use a database
for session storage:

- Joe

On 5/4/06, Tony Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, I mean visitors of site. They can open it in several windows or in
several browsers. I understand that each browser on a machine will be a
session (in simple explanation). And for all of them I create some info in
database. Then they close browser. I must clean up unused info.
That's why I want to query alive sessions. Or query their death time
I thought of something like





On 5/4/06, Gerry D [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can you have more than 1 session?

 On 5/2/06, Tony Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Good day,
  Does anybody know how to get a list of current sessions?
  I need to clear some database rows that where associated with some
  Can it be done without probing of maxlifetime?

Re: [PHP] Sanity checker?

2006-05-03 Thread Joe Henry
On Tuesday 02 May 2006 6:14 pm, Ezra Nugroho wrote:
 Does anyone know of any tools to test the sanity of your php code?

This sounds an awful lot like the Halting Problem to me, which isn't solvable.
Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] SQL query to array?

2006-04-26 Thread Joe Wollard

Seems to me like you've just done it! Here's another way of doing it that
will utilize mysql_fetch_assoc() to allow your query to dictate the elements
of the array. Keep in mind, I haven't tested this, but since I'm not
entirely sure what you are asking the list, I'll offer it anyway ;-)

/* connection stuff here...*/
$sql = SELECT sortteri,jouk_id,jouk_nimi FROM x_table ORDER BY sortteri
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$num = mysql_num_rows($result);
$Team = null; //We'll fill this up later - gotta love PHP ;-)

// loop over each row in the result set
for($i=0; $i$num; $i++){
$tmp = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

// loop over each column in the current row
while(list($key, $val) = each($tmp))
   $Team[$key][$i] = $val;
// display the contents of the $Team array

On 4/26/06, William Stokes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Can someone please help me to put the results of a query to an array.
 done this before:

 $sql = SELECT sortteri,jouk_id,jouk_nimi FROM x_table ORDER BY sortteri
 $result = mysql_query($sql);
 $num = mysql_num_rows($result);
 $cur = 1;

 //create empty array that contains an array before loop
 $arr = array(Team = array());

 while ($num = $cur) {
 $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
 $id = $row[jouk_id];
 $srt = $row[sortteri];
 $nimi = $row[jouk_nimi];

 //append values to the array
 $arr = array(Team$cur = array(0 = $id, 1 = $srt, 2 = $nimi));



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Re: [PHP] Php function to Set focus On A form Field

2006-04-26 Thread Joe Wollard
PHP can't do that for you but Javascript can. Here's roughly 3 million (no
joke) examples of what you'd like to accomplish:

On 4/26/06, marvin hunkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 is there any php or java script function, where i can embed into my php or
 html file, to set focus on to the first form field, like a text box, to go
 to that field first, and not to go to the link or button first.
 if there are any tips, tricks, or links or code examples, how to fix this
 let me know.
 cheers Marvin.

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Re: [PHP] Using linkDisplayFields of FormBuilder

2006-04-26 Thread Joe Henry
On Tuesday 25 April 2006 4:36 pm, Tom wrote:
  instead we recommend emailing
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] where you are more likely to get answer.

You found the PHP-general list instead of the Pear-general list. Here's a link 
to the Pear mailing list page:

Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] CMS for Auto Parts

2006-04-23 Thread Joe Wollard
I could be off here, but I think he's talking about using XML to transfer
data back and forth between the flash app and the PHP app. That's just me
reading between the lines though. Maybe I'm taking too much from PHP/XML
should be used with a client-side Web GUI to upload images, part no.,
descriptions and inv[...]

Even so, I can't really offer anything that specifically does what's needed.
I'd think the easiest way to go about it (aside from building it yourself)
would be to pick an existing AJAX + PHP framework and modify it to work with
FLASH as the front end instead of JavaScript.

- Just a thought.

On 4/23/06, John Hicks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 CK wrote:
  On Apr 22, 2006, at 1:26 PM, John Hicks wrote:
  CK wrote:
  I've been commissioned to design a web application for auto parts
  sales. The Flash Front end will communicate with a MySQL DB via PHP.
  In addition, PHP/XML should be used with a client-side Web GUI to
  upload images, part no., descriptions and inventory into the DB; a
  Product Management System.
  I am curious as to how you plan to using XML for the client's back
  end? (I don't see any reason to use it.)
  Using XML to keep an inventory dynamically, was the thought. The XML
  file would be updated with each entry, then could be imported into a

 If you are storing your inventory in an XML document, then what are you
 using the MySQL database for?

  After Googling the returned queries have been slim, any leads on
  more specific examples?

 What specifically are you looking for and how are you googling for it?


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Re: [PHP] Preg_match() regex

2006-04-21 Thread Joe Henry
On Friday 21 April 2006 9:44 am, Jeff wrote:
 Regex pattern question here.  I need to match on Foo-F00, Foo-foo,
 foo-Foo.  I know in perl you can use the /i to specify case
 insensitive matching.  Is there any such switch that can be used in
 preg_match() in PHP?
Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] strange php url

2006-04-21 Thread Joe Wollard
I believe Kevin is on the right track there. To expand a bit, you can use
$_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] with these urls instead of $_GET to make use of the
data it contains

example for url


You can then parse this string, (generally by using the '/' character as a
deliminator) and extract the data. MediaWiki even provides information
(can't think of where at the moment) on how to use Apache's mod_rewrite to
hide index.php thus making the url even cleaner:

- Joe

On 4/21/06, Kevin Kinsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 could anyone tell me why the following url doesn't
 generate a page not found ?

 you can try with a longer url after the last .php.
 I tried with ../manual instead of manual and this produces a 404.
 I checked with because my own site does the same and I
 wanted to be sure it didn't come from my config.
 Nicolas Figaro


 The other thing that could happen is they could be
 using something like the Apache mod_rewrite (some
 info at among others) which
 can dynamically change the requested URL to a more
 standard URL before sending back to the user.
 Something like this:
 Could be turned into something like:
 But to the user requesting the page, it'll always look like the first
 Forgive me if I got any syntax or capability of mod_rewrite wrong,
 never used it myself just know that's the general sort of thing that it

 Pretty good thoughts, there.  Some years ago, Tim Perdue
 (of PHPBuilder and SourceForge fame) had a popular
 article on Search Engine Friendly URL's (or some such),
 in which he described use of the Apache ForceLocal
 directive to make a site just One Big Script, parsing
 the slashed portions of the query string as variables
 (instead of GET, a la ?section=manterm=foo) so that
 the browser appears to be accessing documents in subfolders,
 but it's really just telling the server to grab a page with certain
 values defined in the URI.

 It sure looks like a possibility of this or similar magic in
 this case.  Of course, I could be way off my tree...

 Kevin Kinsey

 Byte your tongue.

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Re: [PHP] strange php url

2006-04-21 Thread Joe Wollard
No arguments here ;-). For what it's worth, I've used this technique just to
simply clean up the url's a bit. With that in mind, I usually don't need to
do a terrible amount of scrubbing because I'm using the variables in the url
more for navigation. So tells my
script to display a form that will allow the user to edit
customer 1234, if the first sections of $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] isn't exactly
what I'm expecting then I moce on to whatever the default action is (except
of course for the customer id at the end). Really this isn't any different
than in
terms of security. If I'm wrong someone please let me know as I do use this
technique quite a bit.

- Joe


 You could do that... a poor man's mod_rewrite might involve something
 like this and making the main PHP parsing script your 404 page.. so no
 matter where you went on a page, the 404 redirect to your PHP script would
 parse the request (or would you get the post-redirected URL? in which case
 you'd have to get the 'referrer' maybe?  not sure..).

 Sounds like it could have some security issues too much
 power to the user and what they enter in the URL being used as variable
 data..   definitely would want to scrub that input hard.


 = = = Original message = = =

 I believe Kevin is on the right track there. To expand a bit, you can use
 $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] with these urls instead of $_GET to make use of the
 data it contains

 example for url
 echo $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];


 You can then parse this string, (generally by using the '/' character as a
 deliminator) and extract the data. MediaWiki even provides information
 (can't think of where at the moment) on how to use Apache's mod_rewrite to
 hide index.php thus making the url even cleaner:

 - Joe

 Sent by ePrompter, the premier email notification software.
 Free download at

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Re: [PHP] Re: no offense to Rasmus... are you kidding me

2006-04-20 Thread Joe Henry
On Thursday 20 April 2006 1:18 am, Richard Lynch wrote:
 Is 5 longer than 4?

Size doesn't matter. At least that's what I've been told. ;)
Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] Pushing PHP Into The Web 2.0 Generation

2006-04-18 Thread Joe Henry
On Tuesday 18 April 2006 10:50 am, Jay Blanchard wrote:

 And his mailing list name is James Crane, he signs of as M.T. which
 stands for Matt Todd.

 I call shenanigans.

My nominee for best analogy from the article:

 Much like the artists and writers of the early twentieth century when they 
realized that the weapons and machines were dehumanizing war, making it far 
too easy to kill, web designers and developers realized that there was a need 
for a social, human revolution within the sterile, synthetic arena of the 
web. Hence, the Web 2.0 Movement was born.

Web development and war in the same sentence. Killer!
Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] PHP Post forms

2006-04-14 Thread Joe Henry
On Thursday 13 April 2006 8:44 pm, Stephen Johnson wrote:
 On 4/13/06 7:40 PM, Gary E. Terry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Quite possibly a stupid question, but here goes.
  I have a form that is a list of jobs. On that list is a
  checkbox. The form field is named 'changedate'.
  I also have a hidden field called 'JobID'.
  What I am trying to accomplish is if a checkbox is
  checked, when the form is submitted, I want all of
  the JobID's to be updated by an SQL query.
  But it seems to me that $_POST will only contain
  the last JobID in the form, no matter what. Am I correct
  on this?
  Is what I am trying to accomplish not possible with a
  form post?
  I think I remember doing something similar with Cold Fusion
  years ago, but I have never attempted this with PHP.
  Any suggestions?

 You need to pass the checkboxes as an array value with the JobID as the

 Then on the other side, you can run through the list of JobID's and see
 which ones need to be updated.

If I'm understanding what you're asking, you have an array of checkboxes whose 
values you want passed to you PHP via the $_POST array. The HTML form syntax 
would be something like:
input type=checkbox name=array[] value=... /
input type=checkbox name=array[] value=... /
input type=checkbox name=array[] value=... /

Then in your PHP script, $_POST['array'] will hold an array of the checkbox 

Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] interview

2006-04-13 Thread Joe Henry
On Thursday 13 April 2006 11:13 am, Robert Cummings wrote:
 On Thu, 2006-04-13 at 12:56, Wolf wrote:
  How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood??

 Canadian, American, or Other woodchuck?

monty python
Leave or we shall taunt you a second time!
/monty python

Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] I am not able to download domxml for PHP5

2006-04-11 Thread Joe Wollard

From your command line, try:

pecl install domxml

You'll need to be root to do so, but as long as you have PECL/PEAR
installed this should give you domxml. Remember to restart your web
server after doing so.

- Joe

On 4/11/06, Oz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please help, I am not able to download domxml for PHP5
 I have tried this location,

 I get a message file not found.

 is there a mirror site.


 Please also mail response to

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Re: [PHP] I am not able to download domxml for PHP5

2006-04-11 Thread Joe Wollard
Of course you said you're running PHP5so that won't work.
According to the site it would be best for you to use the DOM that
comes pre compiled with PHP.

Sorry about the mix up on my part.

On 4/11/06, Joe Wollard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From your command line, try:

 pecl install domxml

 You'll need to be root to do so, but as long as you have PECL/PEAR
 installed this should give you domxml. Remember to restart your web
 server after doing so.

 - Joe

 On 4/11/06, Oz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Please help, I am not able to download domxml for PHP5
  I have tried this location,
  I get a message file not found.
  is there a mirror site.
  Please also mail response to
  PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Argument passed by reference?

2006-04-10 Thread Joe Henry
On Friday 07 April 2006 5:06 pm, tedd wrote:
 At 1:52 PM -0500 4/6/06, Chris Boget wrote:
 The way I understand it, pass by reference in php is determined in
 the function definition and not the function call. Something like:
 You used to be able to pass by reference at run time.  But I see that is
 no longer allowed... :|  So I guess that makes my question moot.
 Thanks for your help.


 Please forgive my ignorance, but when did that happen?


I'm not sure when this happened. I'm fairly new to php, myself. Maybe someone 
else could answer that?
Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] mod_rewrite q's: syntax?

2006-04-10 Thread Joe Wollard

I'm not an expert on the topic by any stretch of the imagination, but I seem
to recall reading that it's best to move everything into httpd.conf for
performance reasons. You may want to investigate that, but otherwise I don't
see anything wrong with what you're doing.

On 4/10/06, Micky Hulse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, I added this to the end of my .htaccess:

 # Set the index page:
 RedirectMatch ^/$

 Seems to work well, but I am still concerned about
 pitfalls/optimization/consolidation... er, perfection? ;)

 TIA, Cheers,

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Re: [PHP] Need MySql Help Please

2006-04-10 Thread Joe Wollard

As much as we try to keep this list PHP-only I think it's hard to
ignore the ties between PHP and MySQL. Most of us learned both
technologies simultaneously. Still, you may want to put [OT] on your
future email subjects to indicate that the question is 'off topic'.

On the matter of MySQL's command line: From what I can see on it looks like when you
download the Windows binaries you don't get the option of just
downloading the client or just downloading the server - you are
downloading both (someone correct me if I'm wrong) in the 'essentials'
package. I'd imagine that when you run the installer it gives you an
option to install the server / client packages. As long as you told
the installer to give you the server and client both then you should
be in good shape. All you should need to do is make sure that A) the
MySQL binary (probably C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server
5.0\bin\mysql) is in your PATH environment variable and that B) the
server is running (which from the sounds of things, it is). If it's in
your path you should be able to start the client shell by simply
typing mysql -u marvin -p or similar.

You also might check out MySQL's documentation on running MySQL from
the command line in Windows

Good luck!
- Joe

On 4/11/06, marvin hunkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 any mysql gurus out there using a tool called EasyPHP 1-8?
 i am using a my sql tutorial, and says needs the command line interface, so
 can run my sql commands from the dos prompt.
 have got the PHP MYSQL ADMIM to load into the easy php 1-8, gui interface.
 and when i type http://localhost/mysql/ it loads the browser, but would like
 the command line interface for version 5.0 of the my sql databaser admin
 now if any good soul, who uses my sql, or my sql admin, or easy php, can
 show me how to set up the command line interface for Easy Php 1-8, then let
 me know.
 have tried looking on the net, and looking in the documentation, and
 folders, but cannot seem to set it up.
 okay if any one can help me out, let me know.
 cheers Marvin.
 ps: need this info, as doing the tutorial towards the database assignment
 for my course.

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Re: [PHP] microtime questions

2006-04-07 Thread Joe Wollard

The only way that I can even think of this as being possible is if you call
microtime() instead of microtime(true). The former will return 'msec sec'
separated by a space which can produce a negative number because you've
essentially got two different types of measurements there. IMHO PHP should
probably throw out an error when two strings are used in a mathematical way
- in this case (without the TRUE arg) here is a possible equation that could
be evaluated.

  0.15290800 1144430717
- 0.86641600 1144430716

PHP evaluates this to -0.713508 (or 0.15290800 - 0.86641600) It's negative
because we're not talking about msecs from the same second - it ignores the
seconds and only pays attention to the microseconds. So if you're using
microtime(true) how can this happen on your machine? Well, off the top of my
head I think you should verify that your machine (or your hosting service)
is running PHP5 || . IF not, and error reporting is turned off, then you'll
get a negative number from time to time since the seconds are being ignored. has an example of how to emulate microtime(true) on
PHP  5

Hope that helps!

On 4/7/06, Brad Bonkoski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How is the CPU not in question?  Does this script run on air?
 It may not be YOUR CPU, but it is still a CPU bound by the sceduling
 algorithm of the Operating System, so the time differentials are too be

 tedd wrote:

  At 12:24 PM -0400 4/7/06, Brad Bonkoski wrote:
  as for your first question...
  Know that PHP/Apache does not have free reign to your CPU, so the
  times could be different based on the scheduling going on in the OS
  As for the second one...
  No idea why you would get a negative number, I just copied and ran
  from the command line and did not encounter 1 negative time for about
  30 runs
  Do you get negative times if you run it from the command line as well?
  Thanks for looking.
  My questions are with regard to what happens on the site, not via my
  command line. As such, my command line and my CPU are not involved.
  Can you answer the questions as they pertain to the site in question?

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Re: [PHP] microtime questions

2006-04-07 Thread Joe Wollard
I just realized that I could check your version, and it appears that we've
found the problem. You're running PHP 4.3.10, so I'd suggest using the non
PHP5 work around on's site.

- Joe

On 4/7/06, Joe Wollard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 The only way that I can even think of this as being possible is if you
 call microtime() instead of microtime(true). The former will return 'msec
 sec' separated by a space which can produce a negative number because you've
 essentially got two different types of measurements there. IMHO PHP should
 probably throw out an error when two strings are used in a mathematical way
 - in this case (without the TRUE arg) here is a possible equation that could
 be evaluated.

   0.15290800 1144430717
 - 0.86641600 1144430716

 PHP evaluates this to -0.713508 (or 0.15290800 - 0.86641600) It's negative
 because we're not talking about msecs from the same second - it ignores the
 seconds and only pays attention to the microseconds. So if you're using
 microtime(true) how can this happen on your machine? Well, off the top of my
 head I think you should verify that your machine (or your hosting service)
 is running PHP5 || . IF not, and error reporting is turned off, then you'll
 get a negative number from time to time since the seconds are being ignored. has an example of how to emulate microtime(true)
 on PHP  5

 Hope that helps!

 On 4/7/06, Brad Bonkoski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How is the CPU not in question?  Does this script run on air?
  It may not be YOUR CPU, but it is still a CPU bound by the sceduling
  algorithm of the Operating System, so the time differentials are too be
  tedd wrote:
   At 12:24 PM -0400 4/7/06, Brad Bonkoski wrote:
   as for your first question...
   Know that PHP/Apache does not have free reign to your CPU, so the
   times could be different based on the scheduling going on in the OS
   As for the second one...
   No idea why you would get a negative number, I just copied and ran
   from the command line and did not encounter 1 negative time for about
   30 runs
   Do you get negative times if you run it from the command line as
   Thanks for looking.
   My questions are with regard to what happens on the site, not via my
   command line. As such, my command line and my CPU are not involved.
   Can you answer the questions as they pertain to the site in question?
  PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] how to run 'periodic'

2006-04-07 Thread Joe Wollard

It sounds like you need to run this as a job through crond. I'm not sure
what the OSX version is (maybe they have a port of crond?) but you could set
that up to execute the specific code, as root, whenever you want. As far as
I can think, and maybe Chris Shifflet can confirm/deny this, you shouldn't
be running into any additional security issues by executing the script as
root - As long as it's running through the CLI version of PHP. Just make
sure it's only executable by root and then root should be the only one
allowed to create that mammoth ;-)

- Joe

On 4/6/06, Frank Arensmeier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have written a script which outputs a rather large ZIP file ( 200
 MB ) by collecting a large amount of PDF files and html pages. When
 the script is done, the available amount of free memory has decreased
 by about 20 - 30%. Running 'periodic' on my machine ( Apple Xserve G5
 with Mac OS 10.4 server) restores the available memory to a more
 proper size.

 The question is: how can I execute 'periodic daily|weekly|monthly'
 from my script? Is this possible at all? I know that 'periodic' needs
 root. And all PHP code is executed as www user which doesn't have
 root privileges. Would I compromise my servers security when granting
 root privileges to a script that executes 'periodic' (which could be
 called from the script that outputs the ZIP archive)?


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Re: [PHP] Parse Error on SQL Insert

2006-04-07 Thread Joe Henry
On Friday 07 April 2006 1:37 pm, Tom Chubb wrote:
 $insertSQL = INSERT INTO cars (model, `year`, details, price, image1,

Not sure if this is your problem, but those look like backticks around year 
instead of single quotes. Should there even be quotes there?

Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] Parse Error on SQL Insert

2006-04-07 Thread Joe Henry
On Friday 07 April 2006 1:56 pm, Chrome wrote:
 Backticks (`) encapsulate table or database names

 I was thinking maybe if the array references were encapsulated in curly
 braces {}:

 $_POST['model'] to {$_POST['model']}

 Of course if the field in the DB isn't numeric this would be



 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Henry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 07 April 2006 20:53
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Parse Error on SQL Insert

 On Friday 07 April 2006 1:37 pm, Tom Chubb wrote:
  $insertSQL = INSERT INTO cars (model, `year`, details, price, image1,

 Not sure if this is your problem, but those look like backticks around year
 instead of single quotes. Should there even be quotes there?

 Joe Henry

 PHP General Mailing List (
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 __ NOD32 1.1475 (20060406) Information __

 This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.

Good to know. Thanks.

Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] microtime questions

2006-04-07 Thread Joe Wollard

I think Brad was just making some observations, he wasn't trying to be rude.
When he said that the time differentials are too be expected. I think he
was just answering the question of why the exact same FOR loop could
possibly take different amounts of time to execute under the same conditions
in the script; not necessarily why it was providing negative values.

On your original issue, were you able to make use of the example function on The documentation there along with what I posted
should hopefully clear things up for you as to why microtime() is reliable,
and that it doesn't return a pure float that should be used in equations. It
seems as though you knew that, but as I said before the way that you're
using microtime() is not valid with the version of PHP your host is using.

Please let us know if you'd like more clarification on this. There are a lot
of people on this list, so someone will have the answer that you need. ;-)

- Joe

On 4/7/06, tedd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 At 12:51 PM -0400 4/7/06, Brad Bonkoski wrote:
 How is the CPU not in question?  Does this script run on air?

 I did not say that. I said that it was not MY CPU that was involved
 and it isn't.

 It may not be YOUR CPU, but it is still a CPU bound by the sceduling
 algorithm of the Operating System, so the time differentials are too
 be expected.

 Negative times are expected? Incorrect times are expected? What's the
 point of microtime if you can't reply on it?

 Please explain.


 --- previous ---

 tedd wrote:
 At 12:24 PM -0400 4/7/06, Brad Bonkoski wrote:
 as for your first question...
 Know that PHP/Apache does not have free reign to your CPU, so the
 times could be different based on the scheduling going on in the
 OS kernel.
 As for the second one...
 No idea why you would get a negative number, I just copied and ran
 from the command line and did not encounter 1 negative time for
 about 30 runs
 Do you get negative times if you run it from the command line as well?
 Thanks for looking.
 My questions are with regard to what happens on the site, not via
 my command line. As such, my command line and my CPU are not
 Can you answer the questions as they pertain to the site in question?


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2006-04-06 Thread Joe Wollard
On 4/5/06, Ray Hauge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello World! wait, not coding... (sorry, long night)

 Okay, I finally finished hashing out all the logic for a very complex set
 rules to determine what type an application should be set to.  I won't
 you with the details of it, but the question is...

 I have 57 if/elseif/else statements because of all the different
 criteria.  Is
 it considered better programming practice to use if/elseif/else statements
 over a switch(true) case (true  false || true || false) syntax?

 Basically, I'm not too happy with the readability of the code, but I'm
 that at this point there's not much I can do...

 code snippet:

 if($numFFELP  1  count($FFELP_Lenders)  1  $numFFELP == $numTotal){
 $retVal = array(TRUE, 'A');
 }elseif($numFFELP  0  $enumFFELP  0  count($FFELP_Lenders)  1 
 $enumFFELP + $numFFELP == $numTotal){
 $retVal = array(TRUE, 'A');
 }elseif($numFFELP  0  $numCONS  0  count($FFELP_Lenders)  1 
 $numFFELP + $numCONS == $numTotal){

 Any suggestions?

 Ray Hauge
 Programmer/Systems Administrator
 American Student Loan Services

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Without seeing more code it's hard to say which would be better for you to
use, but based on the snippet you've provided it looks like an if block is
the only thing that will work for you. The main perk to using switch over if
statements is speed (Google can back this up). The reason it's faster is
because it's simpler by design and is able to jump directly to the case that
evaluates to true, whereas an if statement needs to evaluate every if/elseif
condition until it finds one that evalutates to true.

In your example you're passing the $FFELP_Lenders variable through count()
multiple times. One way to speed things up would be to cache the results of
count($FFELP_Lenders) in a separate var so that the entire $FFELP_Lenders
array isn't being counted potentially 50+ times - unless of course you're
manipulating it later in the code.

You can also clean up this code a bit by removing other redundancies. In the
example below we're only evaluating $numFFELP one time. If it is not greater
than 1 then everything inside that block that depends on $numFFELPS being 
1 will be skipped - getting you one step closer to the speed of a switch

// Cache the number of elements in the
// $FFELPS_Lenders array
$numFFELP_Lenders = count($FFELP_Lenders);

if($numFFELP  1) {

  // At this point we know $numFFELP is greater than one
  if ($numFFELP_Lenders  1  $numFFELP == $numTotal)
   $retVal = array(TRUE, 'A');
}else {

  // From here on out we know that $numFFELP
  // is greater than 0. If it's not this block of code
  // will be completely ignored.
  if($enumFFELP  0  $numFFELP_Lenders  1  $enumFFELP + $numFFELP ==
   $retVal = array(TRUE, 'A');
  }elseif($numCONS  0  $numFFELP_Lenders  1  $numFFELP + $numCONS ==
// Rob says Wh!!11!!!11one1!

It's been a long night for me as well so I hope this makes as much sense to
me in the morning as I think I does right now ;-)


2006-04-06 Thread Joe Wollard
On 4/6/06, Robert Cummings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 2006-04-06 at 02:29, Joe Wollard wrote:
  The main perk to using switch over if
  statements is speed (Google can back this up). The reason it's faster is
  because it's simpler by design and is able to jump directly to the case
  evaluates to true, whereas an if statement needs to evaluate every
  condition until it finds one that evalutates to true.

 I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say WRONG!

 Run yourself a benchmark.

 | InterJinn Application Framework - |
 | An application and templating framework for PHP. Boasting  |
 | a powerful, scalable system for accessing system services  |
 | such as forms, properties, sessions, and caches. InterJinn |
 | also provides an extremely flexible architecture for   |
 | creating re-usable components quickly and easily.  |

um. Did you just stick you tounge out at me? (jk) Actually, Rob brings up a
good point. switch statements are not always faster. Here's an example from - note that it
says that in certain circumstances switch may be faster than an if.

In a switch statement, the condition is evaluated only once and the result
is compared to each case statement. In an elseif statement, the condition is
evaluated again. If your condition is more complicated than a simple compare
and/or is in a tight loop, a switch may be faster.

Thanks for making me research that one Rob - I learned something there, and
Ray I hope that helps.

Re: [PHP] simple regex query

2006-04-06 Thread Joe Henry
On Thursday 06 April 2006 6:19 am, Angelo Zanetti wrote:
 Hi guys

 Been tryin to figure out regex and have found some tutorials but some have
 made things clear and others have confused me.

 Anyway for a simple query, if I just wanted to check that a variable has
 only text and numeric characters would I do something like this (i want it
 to fail if it finds a symbol eg: + - {  etc...):

 echo  REG result:  . preg_match('/[a-zA-Z0-9]*/', '{d-fg');

 however this resolves to true because there are normal characters
 (alphabetical characters) so how do I make the expression fail because of
 the { and - characters in the string?

 You can also list which characters you DON'T want -- just use a '^' as the
 first symbol in a bracket expression (i.e., %[^a-zA-Z]% matches a string
 with a character that is not a letter between two percent signs). But that
 would mean that I would have to list each symbol I dont want and that would
 be undesireable as it would be better to list exactly what the acceptable
 characters are.

 Can anyone give me some insight as to where I'm going wrong?




I found an AJAX regex tester the other day. It'll check PCRE, Posix, and 
Javascript. Don't know how useful this is, but thought I'd throw it into this 

Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] Argument passed by reference?

2006-04-06 Thread Joe Henry
On Thursday 06 April 2006 12:24 pm, Chris Boget wrote:
 Is there a way to test to see if a function argument was passed by
 reference instead of by value?


The way I understand it, pass by reference in php is determined in the 
function definition and not the function call. Something like:

function foo ($bar) {

Here's a link to that section of the php manual:

Hope that helps.
Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] Download image in PHP

2006-04-05 Thread Joe Henry
On Wednesday 05 April 2006 7:16 am, mbneto wrote:

 If all you want to do is this as a suggestion (altough not php
 related) you could call wget from your php script to fetch this image
 without having to worry with other things.

 Something like this

 exec ('/path/to/wget');

 Of course you'd have to check if everything went fine.

 On 4/5/06, Russell Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have an image library on one site that I want to be able to access from
  another, but I actually want the image downloaded and cached to the new
  site (so that it doesnt keep taxing the image server).
  I allow the file() command to pull from other sites, can I do this with
  just the file(';); - or how would i do this?

You might want to look at CURL, too.
Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] Sessions and Frames

2006-04-05 Thread Joe Wollard
I agree with Richard on this one. Frames should really be avoided if for no
other reason than they cause headaches like the one you have right now. ;-)

If you can't avoid them, keep it simple - just store the ID in one place,
like a session cookie. Doing so will make sure that if the session ID gets
changed in one frame it will still be correct in all of the other frames.

- Joe

On 4/5/06, Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, April 5, 2006 1:02 pm, Shaun wrote:
  I have a site that uses frames. The frameset loads another site (both
  on the
  same server) in the lower frame window. Every time the page changes in
  lower frame the session id changes, how can I stop this happening?

 You might be able to reduce the occurence by doing start_session() in
 the top frame as well.

 However, the browser is free to fetch the two frames in parallel, and
 that means you could sometimes end up with different sessions in each.

 This is a really good reason to just abandon frames, as if there
 weren't enough others already...

 That said, in the FRAMESET page, you can do start_session() and pass
 it down into the FRAME URLs:

   $session_id = session_id();
   FRAME SRC=...PHPSESSID=?php echo $session_id? ...
   FRAME SRC=...PHPSESSID=?php echo $session_id? ...

 You will need to get the right variable name, or you may even need to
 do like this in the FRAME pages:

   $session_id = $_GET['PHPSESSID'];
   session_id($session_id); //SET the session ID to what's passed in

 The caveat, though, is that you are now exposing your session ID in
 the URLs, which is not so good for security reasons.

 If it's over SSL, it's fine.

 If it's not, and if security matters, then you either need to move to
 SSL or abandon frames.

 You should abandon frames anyway...

 Like Music?

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Re: [PHP] Re: mysql_fecth_array() and function call as parameter

2006-04-03 Thread Joe Wollard

Try TO_DAYS(curdate()) instead - if not you can't say we didn't try! ;-)

If that doesn't work you may want to try a MySQL list.

- Joe

On 4/3/06, Paul Goepfert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I included the or die function on the end of my query statement.  When
 I tested this on my web page I got the following error

 Query2 Failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '(curdate())' at
 line 1

 When this code executed:

 $query2 = mysql_query(SELECT dayNum FROM Days WHERE dayNum =
 day(curdate())) ;

 I can't see where the error is.  Can anyone see the error?

 The table name is correct because I have another drop down box that
 gets all dates in the table and outputs it with no error.  I also
 tested the above SQL statement on a local copy of mysql (version
 5.0.18-nt) and it worked with out any errors.  And this code works on
 a different web server. Mysql client version 3.23.49.  However it does
 not work on mysql client version 3.23.54.  Also both php versions are
 the same.


 On 4/3/06, Jon Drukman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Paul Goepfert wrote:
   function determineDay ()
 $return = ;
 $query1 = mysql_query(SELECT months FROM Month WHERE
 m_id =
 $query2 = mysql_query(SELECT dayNum FROM Days WHERE
 dayNum =
 $query3 = mysql_query(SELECT year FROM Year WHERE year
 = year(curdate()));
  always Always ALWAYS check the error return!!!
  $query1 = mysql_query(SELECT months FROM Month WHERE m_id =
  month(curdate())) or die(query1 failed:  . mysql_error());
  do this religiously on every single mysql_query.  in fact, write a
  wrapper function to do it for you - that's what i do.
   If anyone can find my error please let me know.  I have looked at this
   for about an hour and I can't figure it out.
  you probably could have saved an hour by checking the error code.

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Re: [PHP] microsoft PHP ?

2006-04-02 Thread Joe Wollard
Just as long as everyone knows that everything I said was all in good fun.
Next time I'll be sure to use sarcasam just to be sure nothing is taken
the wrong way ;-)

On 4/2/06, Chris Shiflett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Joe Wollard wrote:
  I made fun of Chris and Rasmus specifically because I
  know they're on this list.

 I appreciate being considered important enough to make fun of.

 Thanks! :-)


Re: [PHP] microsoft PHP ?

2006-04-02 Thread Joe Wollard
el-oh-el. See, I forgot already. Good lookin' out Matt!

On 4/2/06, Matt Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 oops forgot the first sarcasam .. oh well! :(

 Matt Richards wrote:
  Joe Wollard wrote:
Just as long as everyone knows that everything I said was all in
  good fun./sarcasam
Next time I'll be sure to use sarcasam just to be sure nothing is
  taken the wrong way ;-)
  Joe Wollard wrote:
  Just as long as everyone knows that everything I said was all in good
  fun. Next time I'll be sure to use sarcasam just to be sure nothing
  is taken the wrong way ;-)
  On 4/2/06, *Chris Shiflett* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Joe Wollard wrote:
   I made fun of Chris and Rasmus specifically because I
   know they're on this list.
  I appreciate being considered important enough to make fun of.
  Thanks! :-)

Re: [PHP] microsoft PHP ?

2006-04-01 Thread Joe Wollard
Leave poor Zouari alone! I for one think that Microsoft buying Zend would be
the best thing to happen to PHP, EVAR! This Rasmus guy didn't even mean for
PHP to be what it is, he just wanted something simple and now look at it.
It's WAY to complex for an unorganized bunch of hobbyists to maintain. I'm
personally looking forward to the way they'll clean things up. Who knows,
maybe once they've got PHP under control we won't need these security
'experts' like Chris Shifflett any more because would be hackers won't be
able to see the source code, which of course means they won't be able to
find vulnerabilities. You guys just need to give up on this open source
hippie dream and let Microsoft change things for the better - who cares if
Stephen King thinks they are working in conjunction with the Crimson King
and that they might build robots that will someday take over the world and
more or less 'suck the s-m-r-t' out of 50% of the worlds twins? He looks
creepy anyway.

 - and a happy April fool's to all ;-)

On 4/1/06, Matt Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Zouari Fourat: lol, bet you feel silly now :)

 Stut wrote:
  Zouari Fourat wrote:
  :) Gerry not that funny ;)
  I was affraid :o from the news
  Rule #1 on the Internet... Never trust any news without a link to an
  official source
  Rule #2 on the Internet... Never trust anything you read on April 1st

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Re: [PHP] microsoft PHP ?

2006-04-01 Thread Joe Wollard
Sheesh Stut, I thought the - and a happy April fool's to all ;-) would be
enough. Of course I'm joking, why would I be on this list if I didn't like
open source and PHP in general? Besides, I made fun of Chris and Rasmus
specifically because I know they're on this list. They both know they

On 4/1/06, Kevin Kinsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Stut wrote:

  Joe Wollard wrote:
  Leave poor Zouari alone! I for one think that Microsoft
  buying Zend would be the best thing to happen to PHP, EVAR!
  This Rasmus guy didn't even mean for PHP to be what it is, he
  just wanted something simple and now look at it. It's WAY to
  complex for an unorganized bunch of hobbyists to maintain. I'm
  personally looking forward to the way they'll clean things up.
  Who knows, maybe once they've got PHP under control we won't
  need these security 'experts' like Chris Shifflett any more because
  would be hackers won't be able to see the source code, which of
  course means they won't be able to find vulnerabilities. You guys just
  need to give up on this open source hippie dream and let Microsoft
  change things for the better - who cares if Stephen King thinks
  they are working in conjunction with the Crimson King and that
  they might build robots that will someday take over the world
  and more or less 'suck the s-m-r-t' out of 50% of the worlds
  twins? He looks creepy anyway.
   - and a happy April fool's to all ;-)

  Troll, I warnest thee, BEGONE!!! 
   \/ \  //\
\|\___/|  /   \//  \\
 /0  0  \__  ///  | \ \
/ /  \/_///   |  \  \
@_^_@'/   \/_   //|   \   \
//_^_/ \/_ // |\\
 ( //) |\///  | \ \
   ( / /) _|_ /   )  //   |  \ _\
 ( // /) '/,_ _ _/  ( ; -.|_ _\.-~.-~~~^-.
   (( / / )) ,-{_  `-.|.-~-.   .~ `.
 (( // / ))  '/\  / ~-. _ .-~  .-~^-.  \
 (( /// ))  `.   {}   /  \  \
   (( / )) .~-.\\-' .~ \  `. \^-.
  ///...\ _ -~
 `.  ^-`  ^-_
///-._ _ _ _ _ _ _}^ - - - - ~ ~-- ,.-~


  Here's assuming that was a joke so I won't get into the factual
  errors. I wonder how Zend and the other core developers will
  feel about being referred to as an unorganized bunch of hobbyists.

 Well, I'm not sure about your LOCALE and cultural referents,
 but from where I'm sitting I could freakin' *see* the sarcasm
 tags on that one ... or maybe it's just my MUA.  ;-)

 As an aside, to prevent further potential misunderstanding,
 there's one on my ASCII art as well :-D


 Disclose classified information only when a NEED TO KNOW exists.

Re: [PHP] Can output_buffering be set in a script?

2006-03-30 Thread Joe Henry
On Thursday 30 March 2006 9:02 am, Todd Cary wrote:
 I do not have access to the php.ini file and I need to have
 output_buffering turned on.  Can this be done within a script?

 Thank you


That link should get you started.

Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] White label with PHP?

2006-03-30 Thread Joe Henry
On Wednesday 29 March 2006 9:52 am, Merlin wrote:
 white label solution

Can someone enlighten me as to what this means? Thanks.
Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] IP Address Filtering

2006-03-29 Thread Joe Harman
if you really want to mess with them.. only show the user with the
NULL IP address all the spam posts.. .make them think that they've
been successful

On 3/29/06, Rahul S. Johari [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I¹ve run into a slight problem. We maintain a Guestbook for our company¹s
 website. Lately we have been getting a lot of ³Spam² entries into the

 I added a snippet into the PHP Script  a field in the mySQL database to
 record the IP Address of posters. However, for the SPAM posts, it records
 ³Null² instead of an IP Address. I¹m using $REMOTE_ADDR to records the IP.
 It records IP Addresses of any genuine poster... But NULL for the spam

 What else can I do to block the SPAM entry? Is there some other Unique
 Identifier that I can record of the Spam poster and then block him?


 Rahul S. Johari
 Coordinator, Internet  Administration
 Informed Marketing Services Inc.
 500 Federal Street, Suite 201
 Troy NY 12180

 Tel: (518) 687-6700 x154
 Fax: (518) 687-6799

Joe Harman
* My programs never have bugs, they just develop random features.

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Re: [PHP] IP Address Filtering

2006-03-29 Thread Joe Harman
Good thing I don't have kids!

On 3/29/06, Kevin Kinsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joe Harman wrote:

 if you really want to mess with them.. only show the user with the
 NULL IP address all the spam posts.. .make them think that they've
 been successful
 Freaking hilarious idea!!

 Remind me not to let my kids play with yours.  :-D

 Of course, there's probably not any Real People(tm)
 behind these addys.

 Kevin Kinsey

 Sentient plasmoids are a gas.

Joe Harman
* My programs never have bugs, they just develop random features.

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Re: [PHP] private $foo

2006-03-28 Thread Joe Henry
On Tuesday 28 March 2006 1:12 pm, Jochem Maas wrote:

 class Foo
   private $foo = 'foo';

   function __get($k)
   if (isset($this-{$k})) {
   return $this-{$k};

   throw new Exception(non existing property!);

   function __set($k, $v)
   if (isset($this-{$k})) {
   $this-{$k} = $v;

   throw new Exception(non existing property!);

 $f = new Foo;
 echo $f-foo,\n;
 $f-foo = bar;
 echo $f-foo,\n;

Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought you couldn't use the  $f-foo to access 
private variables from outside a class?
Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] where php at?

2006-03-27 Thread Joe Henry
On Monday 27 March 2006 12:31 pm, tedd wrote:
 At 1:19 PM -0600 3/27/06, Jay Blanchard wrote:
 Where do I type in which php?
 At the command line on the host.

 Aarrrg -- no disrespect meant.

 I'm totally and absolutely clueless and frustrated. It must be my age
 because I haven't seen a command line since my Apple][ days -- let
 alone one while doing web work.

 I'm sitting in front of my computer accessing my remote web site via
 ftp (GoLive) writing code and trying to set up a cron job using
 cpanel to run that code.

 Now, I have no idea of where I should type in which php  -- I've
 tried putting it in my cpanel cron jobs command to run box, but
 that doesn't do anything.

 Does anyone have any reference material of where a command line of
 the host is?




Hey Tedd,

Do you have ssh access to your remote server from your local machine? If you 
do, then that would be where you'd run the command which php.

On Linux/Mac OS X, you can ssh via a terminal. On Windows, a program like 
PuTTY will do the trick.

Link for PuTTY download (just in case):

Syntax for ssh:
ssh user account@hostname/IP

Once you have an ssh session open to your remote server, running which php 
will return the remote path for php.

Hope that helps.
Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] IE quirk

2006-03-17 Thread Joe Henry
With IE, it's not a quirk. It's a feature.

On Thursday 16 March 2006 3:31 pm, Jay Blanchard wrote:
 I created a small bannering program. It works great in Firefox. But I
 have a problem with IE.
 If I place the banner on a different domain than the bannering program,
 Ex:   has img tag calling from

 I use a session to keep track of the banner that is displayed, have even
 tried using cookies directly.

 Works great in firefox, problem with IE is first time vising, clicking on the img does not work, apparently, the
 session was never start/recorded when retrieving the image. However, if
 I go back to, it then works fine, I can go anywhere,
 as long as I don't close the browser, works.

 Why would IE not be recording the session info on the first visit?
 Firefox does it just fine.

 Anyone run into this?

 When using session_start() to begin a session this session will remain
 open until the page has finished loading or it is explicitly terminated.

 You can lose the session however if the the page contains a reference to
 img src= with name and id references (which may be used if the image
 is referencing a dynamic image, called by javascript)  This seems to
 casue IE6 to refresh the page session id and hence loose the session.

Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] What am I missing?

2006-03-07 Thread Joe Henry
On Tuesday 07 March 2006 11:45 am, Gustav Wiberg wrote:

 form name=frmMan
 echo $frmIDManufacturer;?frmModel=?php echo $frmIDModel;?
 method=post input type=text size=30 name=frmManufacturerName
 input type=submit value=ok

You could try using an absolute rather than a relative path:

Joe Henry

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Re: [PHP] Downloading very large files

2006-02-13 Thread Joe Wollard

Not sure how you're using fread, but here's a slightly modified version of
what's in the manual that might help:
$handle = fopen(/var/dump/vids/test.mpg, rb);
while (!feof($handle)) {
  print fread($handle, 8192);

 If my understanding of this code is correct you won't be trying to load the
entire file into memory and you're not trying to store the file in a
variable. All that this should do is give the client the file in 8KB chunks
- which is much easier on the overall load your script will add to the
system and will probably run faster since it's not as taxing.

Again I've never had to write a script that matches your conditions but I
hope this helps.

-Joe W. - theCore

On 2/13/06, Jonathan Duncan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thank you for the input.  For now we are just using PHP to create symbolic
 links to the video files and the links are removed when they are done
 viewing the video.  We are open to other suggest still, but for now, this
 fills our needs and bypasses putting so much stress on PHP as to put
 hundreds of mb of files through it.

 Why secure?  A combination of all those reason.


 On Mon, 13 Feb 2006, Rory Browne wrote:

  I've seen this problem many times before, but I'm not sure what solution
  Possible solutions:
  Encrypt the file, make it publicly available, and then give the right
  the encryption key.
  Put it behind a .htaccess file allowing only the IP of the correct
 person -
  remove the .htaccess entry after a certain lengh of time.
  Why are the videos secure? Copyright? Privacy? Bandwidth?
  On 2/13/06, Jonathan Duncan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have an application that delivers files to the client browser.  These
  files a very large video files.  250mb+ each.  I have two options:  1)
  could have PHP deliver the file with fread, or 2) I could have PHP
  present a link to the file.  However, for security purposes, I would
  rather not have the actual files available.  I suppose I could have PHP
  create temporary symbolic links on the file system that link to the
  in question and then remove the links, thus requiring the users to go
  through an authentication process to retrieve files that are assigned
  Anyway, downloading such large files causes PHP to balk with size
  limitation errors.  I could increase the size limit and memory limit
  settings in php.ini, but for file sizes that large, is it
  Are there best practice limits on these settings:  max_input_time,
  memory_limit, max_execution_time, etc.?

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