Re: [PHP] Re: PHP as Application Server

2012-09-27 Thread Maciej Liżewski
to Matijn Woudt: you are right there should be something like: public
void synchronized increment(), but that is not the point. Sure there
are disadvantages and other problems but what Alessando is saying is
I would not use cure for cancer even if it existed because it can
introduce other problems like overpopulation. There are cases when
application server adds much overhead that is not needed and there
are cases when it simplifies your tasks a lot. So from his mail the
only problem I can see is memory leaks, and I am not talking about
leaks in application because they can be caught in tests and fixed,
but mostly leaks in poorly wriiten PHP core and modules. Other like
session hijacking are not real problems (other languages somehow
managed it to work) or not so big in face of some other advantages
(like restarting application after change).

Robert Williams points that the main problem is with PHP programmers
who tend to ignore many aspects of multithreaded programming and PHP
helps them in that by hiding all threading aspects. There are still
people who can understand that and take profit from this knowlege.

The memory is also not such problem. I did some quite large PHP
projects and whole source code event if it were loaded in memory use
only few megabytes (event 100mb is not a problem). And am talking
about holding parsed structures in memory not the source files.
Applications I am talking about are mostly targeted to maximize
throughput and they are the only ones on server. In such cases *any*
speed improvement is worth attention.

I am not forcing anybody to use application server approach, but
rather like Robert said - good to have choice and decide on my own if
I want to write simple scripts or stateful application. The only
problem is that I do not have that choice not considering changing
language... at least I do not have such choice for now :)

2012/9/26 Robert Williams
 On 9/26/12 10:18, Matijn Woudt wrote:

Writing scripts for an application server requires a much deeper
understanding of threads and computer internals,so as a result it
probably increases error rate.

 Well... yes and no. PHP's architecture pretty much keeps you from having
 to mess with thread management, but it does so by shifting the burden to a
 higher level, either process management of multiple PHP processes or
 thread management within the context of the HTTP server. If your
 application is sufficiently simple, that shift may be enough to keep you
 from having to worry about the problem. For most applications, however,
 it's still a concern. In some ways, this can make things worse, simply
 because PHP programmers tend to be oblivious of the potential problems,
 whereas the typical C# or Java programmer has at least some awareness of
 the various traps that await them.

 As an example, I see PHP code *all the time* that is wide open to
 concurrency issues with the database. Most code just assumes it's the only
 code doing updates, but unless the server is set up to serialize requests,
 that's an invalid assumption. Recently, more folks have started to address
 this by using database transactions, but this is often done in ignorance
 of what isolation level is being used and what the impact of that is upon
 the code - which can just make things worse. Even when there is that
 awareness, there are database concurrency issues with which transactions
 can't help. (Of course, people who are aware of isolation levels also tend
 to be aware of other concurrency issues.) The point is, if you have
 multiple things running in parallel, whether that be threads within your
 application or entirely separate physical servers running multiple copies
 of your application, you have to deal with concurrency issues. It's a
 necessary evil of parallel programming, and no mere technological solution
 (language, database, whatever), now or in the future, can fully overcome
 it. Well, maybe an AI engine somewhere in the chain, but that's about it,
 and that's not coming anytime soon.

 Incidentally, another advantage of PHP's share-nothing approach that
 hasn't been mentioned is relatively easy scalability. In a shared pool
 architecture, the easiest way to scale is typically vertically, that is,
 adding RAM, faster drives, etc. This is fine, but you can only scale
 vertically to a certain point, which you can usually hit pretty quickly.
 With PHP's share-nothing approach, you can still scale vertically, but you
 can almost as easily scale horizontally by adding more servers that each
 run merrily in their own worlds, with the primary added coordination logic
 being in the areas of communicating with the database and the data cache,
 something the application should be designed with, anyway. In contrast,
 the shared approach requires added logic, somewhere, to coordinate the
 sharing amongst the pools of all that data that the application takes for
 granted is always available at low cost.


[PHP] Re: PHP as Application Server

2012-09-27 Thread Alessandro Pellizzari
Il Thu, 27 Sep 2012 12:28:00 +0200, Maciej Liżewski ha scritto:

 Sure there are
 disadvantages and other problems but what Alessando is saying is I
 would not use cure for cancer even if it existed because it can
 introduce other problems like overpopulation.

Uhm, no.

I see it as I would not use chemio if I could remove the cancer with 
laser therapy.

They are two ways to solve the same problem, and I think the non-
application-server way is the best.
It is similar to the Unix way: many small pieces tied together to reach a 
The application server is more like the Windows way: one big piece to 
reach a goal.

I understand sometimes the application server can be easier or fit 
better, but I think most of the times it is the wrong solution, 
in PHP, but not exclusively.


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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP as Application Server

2012-09-27 Thread Sebastian Krebs

Once again I didn't read it completely (maybe I will do so), but my 2ct:

I recently played with Ruby and Python and of course with their application
server (at least a little bit). My experience was, that it is less fun as
it sounds in the first place compared to a well designed
webserver-interpreter-stack (and of course common OS-specific stuff for
CLI). In my eyes it is good the way it is: Let PHP do it's job and let
more intelligent tools do the other things, like spawning
request-handling processes.

Not saying, that I'm against an application, but I currently don't miss it
:) On the other side someone must maintain it and someone must make sure,
that it is secure and efficient. This resources should not taken from the


2012/9/27 Alessandro Pellizzari

 Il Thu, 27 Sep 2012 12:28:00 +0200, Maciej Liżewski ha scritto:

  Sure there are
  disadvantages and other problems but what Alessando is saying is I
  would not use cure for cancer even if it existed because it can
  introduce other problems like overpopulation.

 Uhm, no.

 I see it as I would not use chemio if I could remove the cancer with
 laser therapy.

 They are two ways to solve the same problem, and I think the non-
 application-server way is the best.
 It is similar to the Unix way: many small pieces tied together to reach a
 The application server is more like the Windows way: one big piece to
 reach a goal.

 I understand sometimes the application server can be easier or fit
 better, but I think most of the times it is the wrong solution,
 in PHP, but not exclusively.


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[PHP] Re: PHP as Application Server

2012-09-26 Thread Jim Giner

On 9/26/2012 5:58 AM, Maciej Liżewski wrote:


Maybe this topic have been already on board, but I could not find nothing
in google, so my question to PHP maintaneers (and other users too) is:

Why there is no possibility to run PHP in application server way among
other SAPI modules and other possibilities to run PHP? PHP would encounter
great performance boost and became more enterprise :) Just look at Ruby
which is slow as hell compared even with PHP.

By application server I mean scenario when there is statefull application
on server side not only by session mechanizms but all classes definitions
maintained in memory (no need to load class definition on every request),
static class members (and their changes) persistent, background threads,
etc. This way any op-code cachers won't be necessary...

sounds great, huh? others have it already, so why doesn't PHP? are there
any cons? problems too hard to solve (one can be memory leaks, thread safe
coding, etc)? I mean it - I am realy curious why there is no such
possibility and is there any hope we could get it?

TIA for any answers on this topic.

Thirty+ years as a professional application designer, developer and 
manager and I don't have a clue about what you are proposing.  I must 
have been in a different world.  :)

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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP as Application Server

2012-09-26 Thread Maciej Liżewski
Well.. many things changed during last 30 years. Cobol is not
mainstream, we have got OOP, Java, Python, Ruby, Google and other
great things :)

I am talking about stateful application server. There are plenty
examples in other programming languages: Java has Jetty, Tomcat, Ruby
On Rails, Python and Passenger WSGI.
All of them have one common thing: application persist in memory
between requests. Even for interpreted languages (such Ruby) - this
has advantage of loading sources only once, parse it only once and
initialize memory structures for those definitions only once. On the
opposite - PHP loads EVERY single resource on every request. This is
why it needs op-code cachers, accelerators etc.
Another advantage of using stateful application servers is that you
can simply keep gloabal state of your application (global variables,
static object properties) in memory. It simplifies many tasks which in
PHP require sessions, writing files with serialized data and
deserialize them on every request...

Just imagine such scenarios:
now PHP acts like this on every request:
 1. locate resources (source files in this case), parse and load them
(possibly with op-code cache)
 2. initialize global context ($_SERVER, $GLOBALS, $_POST, $_GET, etc)
 3. run code
 4. destroy all resource and free memory for next request

persistent application servers load resources only on startup (or when
needed) and keep them in memory until programatically freed or until
end of application (server shutdown). So every request looks like
 1. initialize global context
 2. run already parsed code

is that makes whole thing clear?

Another nice example - simple counter. In PHP you have to:
1. read file with counter
2. increment value
3. write serialized value to file
...on every request.

in Java (for example) you just write class:
class Counter {
  static private counter = 0;

  public void increment() {

and because class definition persists in application server - static
member is maintained between requests and whole things works as

2012/9/26 Jim Giner
 On 9/26/2012 5:58 AM, Maciej Liżewski wrote:


 Maybe this topic have been already on board, but I could not find nothing
 in google, so my question to PHP maintaneers (and other users too) is:

 Why there is no possibility to run PHP in application server way among
 other SAPI modules and other possibilities to run PHP? PHP would encounter
 great performance boost and became more enterprise :) Just look at Ruby
 which is slow as hell compared even with PHP.

 By application server I mean scenario when there is statefull
 on server side not only by session mechanizms but all classes definitions
 maintained in memory (no need to load class definition on every request),
 static class members (and their changes) persistent, background threads,
 etc. This way any op-code cachers won't be necessary...

 sounds great, huh? others have it already, so why doesn't PHP? are there
 any cons? problems too hard to solve (one can be memory leaks, thread safe
 coding, etc)? I mean it - I am realy curious why there is no such
 possibility and is there any hope we could get it?

 TIA for any answers on this topic.

 Thirty+ years as a professional application designer, developer and manager
 and I don't have a clue about what you are proposing.  I must have been in a
 different world.  :)

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[PHP] Re: PHP as Application Server

2012-09-26 Thread Alessandro Pellizzari
Il Wed, 26 Sep 2012 17:23:35 +0200, Maciej Liżewski ha scritto:

 persistent application servers load resources only on startup (or when
 needed) and keep them in memory until programatically freed or until end
 of application (server shutdown). 

You don't mention the downsides:

- every application must be structured to not overwrite session data (you 
risk saving one user's data in another user's space)

- when changing even a single line in your code, you must restart 
(shutdown and start up) the whole app, closing all user connections and 
possibly losing all session data, forcing users to relogin.

- memory leaks are much more problematic

- you must manage threads, somehow, sometime.

Application servers have (IMHO) very little advantages (counters, and?) 
and a lot of disadvantages.

All (or nearly all) the advantages of application server have been 
superseded in PHP (precompiled caches, memcache, gearman, ... nodephp :) 
without losing its advantages (you can change a single file in the app 
and the precompiled cache auto-updates. You risk less with memory leaks, 

Yes, some things are easier in Java (threading, syncronizing, etc.) but 
you can always write abstraction classes to do that for you.

I don't think I would use a PHP application server, even if it existed.


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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP as Application Server

2012-09-26 Thread Jim Giner

On 9/26/2012 11:23 AM, Maciej Liżewski wrote:

Well.. many things changed during last 30 years. Cobol is not
mainstream, we have got OOP, Java, Python, Ruby, Google and other
great things :)

I am talking about stateful application server. There are plenty
examples in other programming languages: Java has Jetty, Tomcat, Ruby
On Rails, Python and Passenger WSGI.
All of them have one common thing: application persist in memory
between requests. Even for interpreted languages (such Ruby) - this
has advantage of loading sources only once, parse it only once and
initialize memory structures for those definitions only once. On the
opposite - PHP loads EVERY single resource on every request. This is
why it needs op-code cachers, accelerators etc.
Another advantage of using stateful application servers is that you
can simply keep gloabal state of your application (global variables,
static object properties) in memory. It simplifies many tasks which in
PHP require sessions, writing files with serialized data and
deserialize them on every request...

Just imagine such scenarios:
now PHP acts like this on every request:
  1. locate resources (source files in this case), parse and load them
(possibly with op-code cache)
  2. initialize global context ($_SERVER, $GLOBALS, $_POST, $_GET, etc)
  3. run code
  4. destroy all resource and free memory for next request

persistent application servers load resources only on startup (or when
needed) and keep them in memory until programatically freed or until
end of application (server shutdown). So every request looks like
  1. initialize global context
  2. run already parsed code

is that makes whole thing clear?

Another nice example - simple counter. In PHP you have to:
1. read file with counter
2. increment value
3. write serialized value to file
...on every request.

in Java (for example) you just write class:
class Counter {
   static private counter = 0;

   public void increment() {

and because class definition persists in application server - static
member is maintained between requests and whole things works as

2012/9/26 Jim Giner

On 9/26/2012 5:58 AM, Maciej Liżewski wrote:


Maybe this topic have been already on board, but I could not find nothing
in google, so my question to PHP maintaneers (and other users too) is:

Why there is no possibility to run PHP in application server way among
other SAPI modules and other possibilities to run PHP? PHP would encounter
great performance boost and became more enterprise :) Just look at Ruby
which is slow as hell compared even with PHP.

By application server I mean scenario when there is statefull
on server side not only by session mechanizms but all classes definitions
maintained in memory (no need to load class definition on every request),
static class members (and their changes) persistent, background threads,
etc. This way any op-code cachers won't be necessary...

sounds great, huh? others have it already, so why doesn't PHP? are there
any cons? problems too hard to solve (one can be memory leaks, thread safe
coding, etc)? I mean it - I am realy curious why there is no such
possibility and is there any hope we could get it?

TIA for any answers on this topic.

Thirty+ years as a professional application designer, developer and manager
and I don't have a clue about what you are proposing.  I must have been in a
different world.  :)

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Sounds to me like you'd need more hardware to support such a concept.  I 
realize that memory can be mapped to disk to avoid the need to have HUGE 
amounts of ram in your server(S!) but with ever-increasing processor 
speed, is it really necessary to go this route?

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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP as Application Server

2012-09-26 Thread Matijn Woudt
On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 5:23 PM, Maciej Liżewski wrote:
 in Java (for example) you just write class:
 class Counter {
   static private counter = 0;

   public void increment() {

And here's where things go wrong.. You assume ++ is an atomic
operation, but in Java that's not true for static variables (it is for
local, but what does it matter?)
So you might end up with a race condition here where the counter will
only be incremented once when there are two or more threads. You need
a mutex or semaphore to make sure there's only one thread
reading/writing the counter at the same time (though volatile would
work here too probably).

Writing scripts for an application server requires a much deeper
understanding of threads and computer internals,so as a result it
probably increases error rate.

I think Alessandro explained the rest of the downsides pretty clearly.

- Matijn

Ps. Please bottom-post on this mailing list

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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP as Application Server

2012-09-26 Thread Robert Williams
On 9/26/12 10:18, Matijn Woudt wrote:

Writing scripts for an application server requires a much deeper
understanding of threads and computer internals,so as a result it
probably increases error rate.

Well... yes and no. PHP's architecture pretty much keeps you from having
to mess with thread management, but it does so by shifting the burden to a
higher level, either process management of multiple PHP processes or
thread management within the context of the HTTP server. If your
application is sufficiently simple, that shift may be enough to keep you
from having to worry about the problem. For most applications, however,
it's still a concern. In some ways, this can make things worse, simply
because PHP programmers tend to be oblivious of the potential problems,
whereas the typical C# or Java programmer has at least some awareness of
the various traps that await them.

As an example, I see PHP code *all the time* that is wide open to
concurrency issues with the database. Most code just assumes it's the only
code doing updates, but unless the server is set up to serialize requests,
that's an invalid assumption. Recently, more folks have started to address
this by using database transactions, but this is often done in ignorance
of what isolation level is being used and what the impact of that is upon
the code - which can just make things worse. Even when there is that
awareness, there are database concurrency issues with which transactions
can't help. (Of course, people who are aware of isolation levels also tend
to be aware of other concurrency issues.) The point is, if you have
multiple things running in parallel, whether that be threads within your
application or entirely separate physical servers running multiple copies
of your application, you have to deal with concurrency issues. It's a
necessary evil of parallel programming, and no mere technological solution
(language, database, whatever), now or in the future, can fully overcome
it. Well, maybe an AI engine somewhere in the chain, but that's about it,
and that's not coming anytime soon.

Incidentally, another advantage of PHP's share-nothing approach that
hasn't been mentioned is relatively easy scalability. In a shared pool
architecture, the easiest way to scale is typically vertically, that is,
adding RAM, faster drives, etc. This is fine, but you can only scale
vertically to a certain point, which you can usually hit pretty quickly.
With PHP's share-nothing approach, you can still scale vertically, but you
can almost as easily scale horizontally by adding more servers that each
run merrily in their own worlds, with the primary added coordination logic
being in the areas of communicating with the database and the data cache,
something the application should be designed with, anyway. In contrast,
the shared approach requires added logic, somewhere, to coordinate the
sharing amongst the pools of all that data that the application takes for
granted is always available at low cost.

Having said all that, there are many advantages and disadvantages to both
approaches. And honestly, I would love to have the option of a shared
approach with PHP, since that architecture simply works better as a
solution to certain problems. Assuming the shared-nothing model continues
on, it would make PHP that much more well-rounded. In that respect, the
added option isn't that different from the addition of OOP: we now have
the great ability to use procedural code where it makes sense, and to use
OOP code where it makes sense. Where neither is a perfect fit, you can
choose the one that creates the least personal pain. It's a wonderful
choice to have.

Robert E. Williams, Jr.
Associate Vice President of Software Development
Newtek Businesss Services, Inc. -- The Small Business Authority

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