Re: [PHP] Warning: Undefined variable

2002-04-04 Thread Erik Price

Good to hear from you again David,

On Wednesday, April 3, 2002, at 06:28  AM, DL Neil wrote:

> If they are one and the same machine/server, then use 'debug' code to
> reset options at the beginning of dev code (and remove it when the
> routine is 'promoted' to prod).

Excellent idea.  E_ALL for me from now on in development, 
ERROR_REPORTING: 0 in the php.ini.

Whoah -- dozens of errors at the top of my scripts now.  I'm going to 
have to do some research just to find out what all these undefined 
indexes and variables are all about.

> In strongly typed languages, I think there are (?have been historically)
> two objectives in defining variables prior to their use:
> 1 to set aside the storage space, and
> 2 to define the variable type
> 1 in the case of a scalar variable this seems trivial, eg
> Dim intJ As Integer
> In the case of an array or var/set length string, then replication needs
> to be added into the equation for calculating both an individual
> component's address and working out how much storage to set aside, eg
> 2 Somewhat obviously a double-precision floating point number will
> require more space/bytes to store its value than a simple integer.
> However a common error made when programming is that you think a
> variable holds data of a certain type, when in fact you earlier used it
> in some other (very similar, but not quite the same) manner. eg
> //don't use this code
> $User = "Fred";
> later on we do (say) a db call and pull out a row of personal data:
> $query = "SELECT * FROM persTbl WHERE persId = '$User' ";
> //I'm assuming that persId is likely some sort of personnel/membership
> number
> PHP is a 'little ripper' when it comes to quick and dirty usage, because
> you don't have to type a declaration line before using a
> variable/assigning storage (per part (1)) - PHP works it out for
> you/from context, so it can 'very fast' (from a coder's point of view).
> However such does leave one open to the problems described in part (2) -
> which a strongly typed language would flag as an error! To this end,
> some people decide to describe the usage of each variable as part of the
> name. For example I was reading some Microsoft Excel macro/VBA stuff and
> there's talk of intCounter and txtNameEntered - for an integer value and
> the contents of a data-entry form's text box (resp).

This seems like good advice, and I also try to be as descriptive as 
possible.  Most of my variable names are at least ten characters long -- 
not necessarily quick to type, but then I type reasonably quickly and 
it's better for me to have $input_number_invalid = "Bad input" 
than $error (even though you rarely see a variable name that's longer 
than the string it represents!)

> You have gone on to describe how the PHP attitude to typing enables the
> creation of dynamic variables/variable names. This is a really powerful
> feature, and has an important place in certain functions. However it is
> not something I would put into an intro tutorial, because with such
> power comes the potential to greatly expand the size of feet before
> bringing them into close proximity with one's mouth!

I agree wholeheartedly.  And as another person on this list pointed out, 
arrays often will do the job much more efficiently (as there are plenty 
of functions that can let you do various tricks upon arrays).  In this 
case, I needed to generate unique names for HTML form fields, so I had 
to use this hackish method -- I ended up with names like person1, 
person2, address1, address2, etc.

> One of your correspondents pointed out that a really good compromise is
> the associative array - the variable name (array name) stays 'constant',
> but the array argument/pointer can be almost anything as a 'label'. As
> another aside, it is also an 'advance' to know that the various contents
> of an array in PHP do not have to be all the same datatype (as they
> do/did in other languages)! Thus:
> $aPersRow[ "persId" ] = 12345; //integer
> $aPersRow[ "persNm" ] = "Fred"; //string
> $aPersRow[ "persDoB" ] = "1970-01-01"; //date

And, having just gotten comfortable with classes and objects, I'm 
wondering if arrays can contain object references as well -- but I have 
already asked this on this list.  Steve Cayford pointed out that objects 
work as expected for the most part with the exception of chained method 
calls and to be careful with passing by reference vs copy, which is 
useful information.

> In PHP I have found it helpful to do something similar to the M$
> conventions mentioned earlier. I have set myself a set of 'naming
> conventions' for PHP to help accommodate the power of dynamic typing,
> whilst avoiding the potential traps. Here is a range I've grabbed from
> some code I've just been working on:
> $iFrequency = 123; //is an integer
> $aCounter   = array(
> "RowsAdded" => 0, ... ); //is an assoc array (of counters,
> as described earlier)
> $dBirth = "

Re: [PHP] Warning: Undefined variable

2002-04-03 Thread Rasmus Lerdorf

> I got back quite a few responses on this list on the subject of having
> variables that are not defined before they are used.  That's
> interesting -- it's nice to know that I can take shortcuts and conjure
> them up on the fly, but I didn't realize that it was good practice to
> declare the variable before you actually use it in a script.  (I never
> studied programming in any formal sense, as anyone who has seen my
> source code can attest :).

You don't need to declare variables, simply initialize them before using
them in a way that wouldn't auto-initialize.

For example:

   $foo = $i++;

In this case $foo is auto-initialized, but you are incrementing $i without
explicitly initializing it to 0.  This code should be:

   $i = 0;
   $foo = $i++;

It is common sense really.


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Re: [PHP] Warning: Undefined variable

2002-04-03 Thread DL Neil

My two cents' (with allowance for inflation...)

> > If you're distributing code in cyberspace it's a good
> > idea to make it error free too, E_NOTICE or otherwise.

To get the maximum help when coding, and to ensure the minimum of
confusion for your users, I recommend:

1 set the dev server's PHP error setting to catch every single
error/warning msg, and code well (?code Shell)
2 set the prod server to not report any errors except a complete
disaster to the user (?catastrophe theory)

If they are one and the same machine/server, then use 'debug' code to
reset options at the beginning of dev code (and remove it when the
routine is 'promoted' to prod).

> I got back quite a few responses on this list on the subject of having
> variables that are not defined before they are used.  That's
> interesting -- it's nice to know that I can take shortcuts and conjure
> them up on the fly, but I didn't realize that it was good practice to
> declare the variable before you actually use it in a script.  (I never
> studied programming in any formal sense, as anyone who has seen my
> source code can attest :).
> Sometimes I create variables dynamically, such that I could never
> declare/initialize them in any realistic sense -- for instance, I
> have a while loop that executes a number of times equal to the number
> rows pulled from a database query.  And in this while loop, I might
> generate a new variable (assigning it a name like $variable$i, using
> old $i++ trick to give it a unique numeric suffix).
> If I use this trick, does this doom me to never having
> code?  Or is there something that I'm not getting here... The short of
> it is that, as a novice programmer, I'd like to make sure I'm writing
> the most legitimate code that I can.  Thanks for any input on this
> thread, past or future.

In strongly typed languages, I think there are (?have been historically)
two objectives in defining variables prior to their use:
1 to set aside the storage space, and
2 to define the variable type

1 in the case of a scalar variable this seems trivial, eg
Dim intJ As Integer

In the case of an array or var/set length string, then replication needs
to be added into the equation for calculating both an individual
component's address and working out how much storage to set aside, eg

2 Somewhat obviously a double-precision floating point number will
require more space/bytes to store its value than a simple integer.
However a common error made when programming is that you think a
variable holds data of a certain type, when in fact you earlier used it
in some other (very similar, but not quite the same) manner. eg

//don't use this code
$User = "Fred";
later on we do (say) a db call and pull out a row of personal data:
$query = "SELECT * FROM persTbl WHERE persId = '$User' ";
//I'm assuming that persId is likely some sort of personnel/membership

PHP is a 'little ripper' when it comes to quick and dirty usage, because
you don't have to type a declaration line before using a
variable/assigning storage (per part (1)) - PHP works it out for
you/from context, so it can 'very fast' (from a coder's point of view).
However such does leave one open to the problems described in part (2) -
which a strongly typed language would flag as an error! To this end,
some people decide to describe the usage of each variable as part of the
name. For example I was reading some Microsoft Excel macro/VBA stuff and
there's talk of intCounter and txtNameEntered - for an integer value and
the contents of a data-entry form's text box (resp).

You have gone on to describe how the PHP attitude to typing enables the
creation of dynamic variables/variable names. This is a really powerful
feature, and has an important place in certain functions. However it is
not something I would put into an intro tutorial, because with such
power comes the potential to greatly expand the size of feet before
bringing them into close proximity with one's mouth!

One of your correspondents pointed out that a really good compromise is
the associative array - the variable name (array name) stays 'constant',
but the array argument/pointer can be almost anything as a 'label'. As
another aside, it is also an 'advance' to know that the various contents
of an array in PHP do not have to be all the same datatype (as they
do/did in other languages)! Thus:

$aPersRow[ "persId" ] = 12345; //integer
$aPersRow[ "persNm" ] = "Fred"; //string
$aPersRow[ "persDoB" ] = "1970-01-01"; //date

cf INTEGER K(10) setting aside space only for a collection of integers!

One way that I have utilised this technique is to keep a set of counters
for system/logging/reporting purposes in an associative array. The array
element/label is self-documenting, and the ability to pass them all into
a reporting sub-procedure as a single parameter/array name provides an
easy cohesion/grouping!

In PHP I have found it helpful to do something similar t

Re: [PHP] Warning: Undefined variable

2002-04-02 Thread Philip Olson

We are confusing one another :)  I'm not talking 
about declaring variables per se, but rather making 
sure the variable exists before evaluating it.  So:

$var = 'foobar';
if ($var == 'foobar')

That's fine, no need to do declare $var before this 
in PHP. My words here simply mean to make sure it exists 
before comparing it. (let's not talk about oop)

Your example of $var$i is fine, and will work without 
any errors (if I'm following).  Btw, you should use 
arrays versus this method, arrays kick ass. Sure 
doing ${'foo'.$i} or similiar has its purpose but 
usually an array will do (please!).

When in doubt, put error_reporting(E_ALL) on top of your 
script and go to town.

Philip Olson

On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, Erik Price wrote:

> On Tuesday, April 2, 2002, at 03:27  PM, Philip Olson wrote:
> > If you're distributing code in cyberspace it's a good
> > idea to make it error free too, E_NOTICE or otherwise.
> I got back quite a few responses on this list on the subject of having 
> variables that are not defined before they are used.  That's 
> interesting -- it's nice to know that I can take shortcuts and conjure 
> them up on the fly, but I didn't realize that it was good practice to 
> declare the variable before you actually use it in a script.  (I never 
> studied programming in any formal sense, as anyone who has seen my 
> source code can attest :).
> Sometimes I create variables dynamically, such that I could never 
> declare/initialize them in any realistic sense -- for instance, I might 
> have a while loop that executes a number of times equal to the number of 
> rows pulled from a database query.  And in this while loop, I might 
> generate a new variable (assigning it a name like $variable$i, using the 
> old $i++ trick to give it a unique numeric suffix).
> If I use this trick, does this doom me to never having fully-error-free 
> code?  Or is there something that I'm not getting here... The short of 
> it is that, as a novice programmer, I'd like to make sure I'm writing 
> the most legitimate code that I can.  Thanks for any input on this 
> thread, past or future.
> Erik
> Erik Price
> Web Developer Temp
> Media Lab, H.H. Brown

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Re: [PHP] Warning: Undefined variable

2002-04-02 Thread Erik Price

On Tuesday, April 2, 2002, at 03:27  PM, Philip Olson wrote:

> If you're distributing code in cyberspace it's a good
> idea to make it error free too, E_NOTICE or otherwise.

I got back quite a few responses on this list on the subject of having 
variables that are not defined before they are used.  That's 
interesting -- it's nice to know that I can take shortcuts and conjure 
them up on the fly, but I didn't realize that it was good practice to 
declare the variable before you actually use it in a script.  (I never 
studied programming in any formal sense, as anyone who has seen my 
source code can attest :).

Sometimes I create variables dynamically, such that I could never 
declare/initialize them in any realistic sense -- for instance, I might 
have a while loop that executes a number of times equal to the number of 
rows pulled from a database query.  And in this while loop, I might 
generate a new variable (assigning it a name like $variable$i, using the 
old $i++ trick to give it a unique numeric suffix).

If I use this trick, does this doom me to never having fully-error-free 
code?  Or is there something that I'm not getting here... The short of 
it is that, as a novice programmer, I'd like to make sure I'm writing 
the most legitimate code that I can.  Thanks for any input on this 
thread, past or future.


Erik Price
Web Developer Temp
Media Lab, H.H. Brown

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Re: [PHP] Warning: Undefined variable

2002-04-02 Thread Philip Olson

> > Good little programmers define variables before
> > using them, or at least before evaluating them.
> Really?  I'm not arguing with you, I'm curious: I thought that it was a 
> valued feature of newer scripting languages that they do not require 
> declaration of variables.  At least that's what people say when they 
> praise PHP or Python or whichever language allows this.
> Is this "feature" not as desirable as what I had first heard?

If you turn down error reporting then you don't have to 
worry about it, so it depends on you.  So you're correct, 
it is not "required" but still it's nice.  For example, 
if you're debugging a script you'll instantly know that 
you're using a undefined variable somewhere, perhaps a 
typo?  E_NOTICE also applies to non-existent array keys, 
and other things.

If you're distributing code in cyberspace it's a good 
idea to make it error free too, E_NOTICE or otherwise.

Philip Olson

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Re: Re: [PHP] Warning: Undefined variable

2002-04-02 Thread Adam Voigt

PHP does give warnings about undefined array positions if you don't use
quotes around them like $array1[var1] will warning (if warnings are on),
but $array1["var1"] won't. I have never seen (even with error reporting
turned to the maximum setting) PHP throw an error about doing something
like: $robot = findRobot(); or whatever without defining "var $robot;" above
this, so I'm pretty sure it's ok not to define them, and other then organizationally,
it doesn't really serve a purpose since you can't define datatypes (strings, int's,
or any other type can go directly into the same $robot).

Adam Voigt

On Tue, 2 Apr 2002 08:30:59 -0600 , Rick Emery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've used undefined variables for over 30 years...which has caused many
> late-night debugging sessions and much pain.
> Defining and initializing variables is a good thing.  I believe PHP has a
> flag set to warn of use of un-initialized data.
> I do prefer strongly-typed languages, such as C++.  That said, I love the
> power that PHP provides as far as functionality is concerned.
> just my 2 pfennigs...
> -Original Message-
> From: Erik Price [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 8:26 AM
> To: Philip Olson
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Warning: Undefined variable
> On Monday, April 1, 2002, at 11:15  PM, Philip Olson wrote:
> > Good little programmers define variables before
> > using them, or at least before evaluating them.
> Really?  I'm not arguing with you, I'm curious: I thought that it was a
> valued feature of newer scripting languages that they do not require
> declaration of variables.  At least that's what people say when they
> praise PHP or Python or whichever language allows this.
> Is this "feature" not as desirable as what I had first heard?
> Erik
> Erik Price
> Web Developer Temp
> Media Lab, H.H. Brown
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
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RE: [PHP] Warning: Undefined variable

2002-04-02 Thread Rick Emery

I've used undefined variables for over 30 years...which has caused many
late-night debugging sessions and much pain.

Defining and initializing variables is a good thing.  I believe PHP has a
flag set to warn of use of un-initialized data.

I do prefer strongly-typed languages, such as C++.  That said, I love the
power that PHP provides as far as functionality is concerned.

just my 2 pfennigs...

-Original Message-
From: Erik Price [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 8:26 AM
To: Philip Olson
Subject: Re: [PHP] Warning: Undefined variable

On Monday, April 1, 2002, at 11:15  PM, Philip Olson wrote:

> Good little programmers define variables before
> using them, or at least before evaluating them.

Really?  I'm not arguing with you, I'm curious: I thought that it was a 
valued feature of newer scripting languages that they do not require 
declaration of variables.  At least that's what people say when they 
praise PHP or Python or whichever language allows this.

Is this "feature" not as desirable as what I had first heard?


Erik Price
Web Developer Temp
Media Lab, H.H. Brown

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Re: [PHP] Warning: Undefined variable

2002-04-02 Thread Erik Price

On Monday, April 1, 2002, at 11:15  PM, Philip Olson wrote:

> Good little programmers define variables before
> using them, or at least before evaluating them.

Really?  I'm not arguing with you, I'm curious: I thought that it was a 
valued feature of newer scripting languages that they do not require 
declaration of variables.  At least that's what people say when they 
praise PHP or Python or whichever language allows this.

Is this "feature" not as desirable as what I had first heard?


Erik Price
Web Developer Temp
Media Lab, H.H. Brown

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Warning: Undefined variable

2002-04-01 Thread Philip Olson

Good little programmers define variables before 
using them, or at least before evaluating them.

  print $undefined; // E_NOTICE error

The most common use of this is:

  if ($submit) {

To check if a form submit button named submit 
has been submitted.  If not, this does indeed 
evaluate to false BUT also an error of level E_NOTICE 
is created.  So, one might do the following, 
which will never give E_NOTICE:

  if (isset($submit)) {

At any rate, the reason is your error levels 
are different.  Look up the error_reporting 

A function also controls this behavior within scripts, 
it's appropriatly named error_reporting()

So, start programming your code with error_reporting(E_ALL) 
and have fun!

Philip Olson

p.s. Although it's fairly common to create E_NOTICE all over 
the place, it's not a good idea.  More and more people are 
learning to not do that.

On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, kip wrote:

> Hi,
> As i know we don't need to define a variable before in PHP. But i have a
> very strange case. In my server, i hosted a PHP website. When i update the
> server from PHP3 to PHP4, problems came out. Most of the php pages didn't
> work and display many warnings like that :
> "Warning: Undefined variable: variable_name". In fact, nobody has changed
> the code and all of the pages are working property in PHP3 server. So, does
> anyone know what happen? I also contact the hosting company, but they said
> that everything is working fine and they don't know what problem is it.
> Thats why i have no idea how to correct it.
> Thanks.
> Kenny
> -- 
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RE: [PHP] Warning: Undefined variable

2002-04-01 Thread Martin Towell

maybe the reporting of warning is turn off for the php3 installation, but
turned on for the php4 installation.

-Original Message-
From: kip [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 12:21 PM
Subject: [PHP] Warning: Undefined variable


As i know we don't need to define a variable before in PHP. But i have a
very strange case. In my server, i hosted a PHP website. When i update the
server from PHP3 to PHP4, problems came out. Most of the php pages didn't
work and display many warnings like that :
"Warning: Undefined variable: variable_name". In fact, nobody has changed
the code and all of the pages are working property in PHP3 server. So, does
anyone know what happen? I also contact the hosting company, but they said
that everything is working fine and they don't know what problem is it.
Thats why i have no idea how to correct it.


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Re: [PHP] "Warning: Undefined variable" when used locally, but fineon remote server

2001-09-24 Thread Philip Olson

This has to do with error_reporting level setting set in php.ini

  echo $iamnotset;

when E_NOTICE level is on, that will produce a Warning.  Otherwise, it
will not.

I posted something similiar recently, see it here:

On uklinux, either "fix" the code (yeah!) or use the error_reporting()
function to suppress the warnings.  Strange that a free host would have it
on, actually, it's kinda cool :)

Philip Olson

On Mon, 24 Sep 2001, Justin Colson wrote:

> I have recently installed Apache 1.3.2 and PHP 4.0.6 using the instructions
> at on
> a Win98 machine which I will later use as an intranet server (NT workstation
> refuses to detect NT server, and the machine is too slow for Win2k). When I
> run scripts on this instalation that work fine on my free webspace at
>, they return "Warning: Undefined variable: sub" at every
> occurance of my menu system which uses sub as it its main vairable, if i
> specify the variable in the URL that partiular page will work, but only of
> the links
> -- 
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