[PHP-DOC] Bug #14255 Updated: setcookie bug (Cookie is destroyed/Inaccessible)

2002-02-03 Thread chris

 ID:   14255
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Analyzed
 Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: Debian 2.2.19
 PHP Version:  4.0.6
 Assigned To:  hholzgra
 New Comment:

A couple of comments.

Kris, in regards to your comment on NOV-27-2001 at 1:48PM, that code
will fail because you cannot set a cookie and give a Location header in
the same HTTP response. Well, you *can*, but your cookie will not be
set. Since the server would not be able to identify the client without
the cookie, you get the unexpected behavior. This is a protocol-level
situation, but is generally *not* considered a bug in HTTP (in case you
got the feeling I was supporting that idea). Basically, PHP gives you
the freedom to specify your own headers in the HTTP response, but you
need to have a clear grasp of what they do to use them.

So, if this example was a clear illustration of the problem you've been
having, it's not a bug in PHP. You can spread that around to others who
are having the same problems.

Also, in regards to the time/date discussion, it is correct to say that
the browser uses the client time (obviously) to determine whether to
send a cookie along with subsequent HTTP requests. It is also correct
to say that the setcookie function uses the server time to set the
expiration date. However, since both are in GMT as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
explained (sorry, I don't know your name), this only matters if both
clocks are considerably out of sync or if the expiration time of the
cookie is extremely small. If this is a concern, consider using
client-side scripting to set the cookie, so that the browser itself
creates the cookie based on its own time. You can create the
client-side script itself using PHP, so that the cookie's value can
still be dynamically generated by your PHP scripts.

Hope that clears a few things up. If this didn't solve your problem,
please post another small example, and I'll try to reproduce your

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-05 06:52:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Timezones do NOT matter. All times are GMT.
>From a HTTP-response: 
Set-Cookie: CookieName=CookieValue; expires=Mon, 28-Jan-02 00:47:45
So the only thing that should be noted is that the time on client and
server should be in sync for correct behaviour.

[2001-11-28 04:39:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ok, stupid me regarding the claim that a zero value
(or a string as parameter, evaluating to zero)
actualy deletes a cookie

it indeed defines the cookie to be a session cookie
which is valid until the browser is closed instead
of until a certain date/time is reached

for the time parameter itself:
the time() function returns the server time
while the browser deciedes when to delete
a cookie by the client time

if client and server are not in sync or live in
different time zones you will get exactly the 
problems you experienced

you either have to use expiration times in the range of days isntead of
hours (as timezone differences can sum up to slightly more than 24
hours in the worst case) or you have to use javascript Date.getTime()
to fetch the client time and transfer it to the server as a base for
expiration dates instead of using the time() function on the server

(will add a note to the setcookie documentation and work through the
notes later, bug type switched to documentation problem for now)

[2001-11-27 14:28:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

IIRC, no time (time=0) means that the cookie will not expire until the
session (read: your browser) has been closed.

Your scripts work fine for me at both Windows 2000 and Debian Linux

[2001-11-27 13:59:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

array(4) { ["xfxdD"]=> string(4) "Blah" ["wingrep"]=> array(4) {
["customer_cookie"]=> string(10) "1150232722" ["customer_id"]=>
string(1) "1" ["customer_name"]=> string(13) "Mr. Wilkinson"
["customer_province"]=> string(2) "BC" } ["titancart"]=> array(1) {
[0]=> string(72) "33a63c7718-component-1715-108.95-1-Adaptec
Fireconnect 4300 3 Port-2.00*" } ["wingrepship"]=> array(7) {
["ship_to"]=> string(18) "Mr. Kris Wilkinson" ["unit_type"]=> string(5)
"SUITE" ["unit_num"]=> string(3) "101" ["street"]=> string(18) "10464
176th Street" ["city"]=> string(8) "Edmonton" ["province"]=> string(2)
"BC" ["postal"]=> string(7) "T5R 3L6" } } 

is what it returns. nothing containing the CustomerCookie
defined previously.

these other values are from original cookies which had the 
"" around the time aspect.

so i'm assuming this means that the value was not stored in a cookie at


[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /ru/appendices migration.xml

2002-02-03 Thread Ivan Kovalenko

tronic  Sun Feb  3 20:22:10 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/ru/appendices   migration.xml 
  Translation done.

Index: phpdoc/ru/appendices/migration.xml
diff -u /dev/null phpdoc/ru/appendices/migration.xml:1.4
--- /dev/null   Sun Feb  3 20:22:10 2002
+++ phpdoc/ru/appendices/migration.xml  Sun Feb  3 20:22:10 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+ Ïåðåõîä îò PHP/FI 2 ê PHP 3
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+   êîòîðûé ÿâëÿåòñÿ áîëåå óñòîé÷èâûì è ëîãè÷åñêè çàâåðøåííûì, ÷åì
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+Ïåðåõîä: ïåðâûé âàðèàíò îòêðûâàþùèõ/çàêðûâàþùèõ òåãîâ
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+   áû áûòü îñóùåñòâëåí áåç óñëîæíåíèÿ ñèíòàêñè÷åñêîãî àíàëèçàòîðà
+   âåðñèè 3.0. Ïîýòîìó ñèíòàêñèñ áûë èçìåíåí:
+Ïåðåõîä: ïðåæíèé ñèíòàêñèñ if..endif
+Ïåðåõîä: íîâûé ñèíòàêñèñ if..endif
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+   äâîåòî÷èÿ âî âñåõ îïåðàòîðàõ êðîìå çàâåðøàþùåãî âûðàæåíèå (endif).
+  Ñèíòàêñèñ while
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+   as well:
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+Ïåðåõîä: íîâûé ñèíòàêñèñ while..endwhile
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+while..endwhile syntax, ðåçóëüòàòîì áóäåò áåñêîíå÷íûé öèêë.
+  Òèïû âûðàæåíèé
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+   Ðàññìîòðèì ñëåäóþùèé ïðèìåð:
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+   ñêðèïò íè÷åãî áû íå ïîêàçàë. Ïðè÷èíîé ýòîãî ÿâëÿåòñÿ òî,
+   ÷òî â PHP 2.0, èç-çà òîãî, ÷òî ëåâàÿ ÷àñòü àðãóìåíòà ÿâëÿëàñü
+   ñòðîêîé, ïðîèñõîäèëî ñòðîêîâîå ñðàâíåíèå, â ðåçóëüòàòå ÷åãî
+   "" íå áûëî ðàâíî "0",
+   è óñëîâèå öèêëà âûïîëíÿëîñü. Â PHP 3.0, êîãäà ñòðîêà
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+   ñðàâíåíèå (ñòðîêà ïðåîáðàçóåòñÿ â öåëî÷èñëåííîå âûðàæåíèå);
+   â ðåçóëüòàòå ÷åãî ïðîèñõîäèò ñðàâíåíèå atoi(""),
+   çíà÷åíèå ÷åãî ðàâíÿåòñÿ 0, è variablelist,
+   ÷òî òàêæå ðàâíÿåòñÿ 0, à, ïîñêîëüêó 0==0,
+   óñëîâèå öèêëà íå âûïîëíÿëîñü è öèêë çàâåðøàëñÿ.
+   Ñóùåñòâóåò ïðîñòîå ðåøåíèå ýòîé ïðîáëåìû. Çàìåíèòå îïåðàòîð while íà:
+  Èçìåíåíèÿ â ñîîáùåíèÿõ îá îøèáêàõ
+   Ñîîáùåíèÿ îá îøèáêàõ â PHP 3.0 îáû÷íî ñîäåðæàò áîëåå òî÷íóþ èíôîðìàöèþ,
+   íåæåëè â 2.0, íî, âìåñòå ñ òåì, âû íå ñìîæåòå áîëüøå óâèäåòü
+   ôðàãìåíò êîäà, ñòàâøèé ïðè÷èíîé âîçíèêíîâåíèÿ îøèáêè; âìåñòî ýòîãî
+   âû áóäåòå ïðîèíôîðìèðîâàíû îá èìåíè ôàéëà è íîìåðå ñòðîêè, âûïîëíåíèå
+   êîòîðîé ñòàëî ïðè÷èíîé ïîÿâëåíèÿ îøèáêè.
+  Íåïîëíîå âû÷è

[PHP-DOC] Re: diff style bug update headers

2002-02-03 Thread Yasuo Ohgaki

Gabor Hojtsy wrote:
> Hi!
> I would like to propose a diff like bug update header style,
> so to use 

MUCH easier to read with diff -u style


Yasuo Ohgaki
Please CC me when you reply to news/list messages.
Do not reply only to me :)

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de/language basic-syntax.xml

2002-02-03 Thread Hakan Kuecuekyilmaz

hakan   Sun Feb  3 17:08:19 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/de/language basic-syntax.xml 
  more typos
Index: phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml:1.7 phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml:1.8
--- phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml:1.7 Sun Feb  3 16:24:24 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml Sun Feb  3 17:08:18 2002
@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@

- PHP unterstützt 'C', 'C++' und  Unix-shell-artige Kommentare. Beispiele:
+ PHP unterstützt 'C', 'C++' und  Unix-Shell-artige Kommentare. Beispiele:
 Dies ist ein   Beispiel.

Obige Ueberschrift wird lauten: 'Dies ist ein Beispiel.'. +

Obige Überschrift wird lauten: 'Dies ist ein Beispiel.'. Man sollte darauf achten, nicht mehrere ´C´-artigen Kommentare ineinander - zu setzen, was vorkommen kann, wenn man große Blocks auskommentiert. + zu setzen, was vorkommen kann, wenn man große Blöcke auskommentiert.

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en preface.xml /en/chapters intro.xml

2002-02-03 Thread Gabor Hojtsy

gobaSun Feb  3 16:50:57 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/en  preface.xml 
/phpdoc/en/chapters intro.xml 
  Modify PHP definition, as requested by Andrei Zmiewski, to reflect
  php.net/index.php and Freshmeat descriptions> Quoting Andrei:
  | Well, I think it should be changed - that's what Freshmeat
  | entry for PHP says (I rewrote it a couple of years ago).
Index: phpdoc/en/preface.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/preface.xml:1.24 phpdoc/en/preface.xml:1.25
--- phpdoc/en/preface.xml:1.24  Mon Dec 17 16:45:16 2001
+++ phpdoc/en/preface.xml   Sun Feb  3 16:50:57 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -7,11 +7,12 @@

 PHP, which stands for "PHP: Hypertext
-Preprocessor", is an open-source HTML-embedded scripting
-language. Much of its syntax is borrowed from C, Java and
-Perl with some unique features thrown in. The main goal of
+Preprocessor" is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose
+scripting language that is especially suited for Web
+development and can be embedded into HTML. Its syntax draws
+upon C, Java, and Perl, and is easy to learn. The main goal of
 the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically
-generated pages quickly, but you can do much more with PHP.
+generated webpages quickly, but you can do much more with PHP.

Index: phpdoc/en/chapters/intro.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/chapters/intro.xml:1.28 phpdoc/en/chapters/intro.xml:1.29
--- phpdoc/en/chapters/intro.xml:1.28   Tue Jan 29 09:53:00 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/chapters/intro.xmlSun Feb  3 16:50:57 2002
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
What is PHP?

-PHP (recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor")
-is an open-source server-side HTML-embedded scripting language.
+PHP (recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext
+Preprocessor") is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose
+scripting language that is especially suited for Web
+development and can be embedded into HTML.

 Simple answer, but what does that mean? An example:

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de/language basic-syntax.xml

2002-02-03 Thread Mark Kronsbein

mk  Sun Feb  3 16:24:25 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/de/language basic-syntax.xml 
  Missing blank
Index: phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml:1.6 phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml:1.7
--- phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml:1.6 Sun Feb  3 15:54:08 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml Sun Feb  3 16:24:24 2002
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
   Möglichkeiten, den HTML-Bereich zu verlassen

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de/language basic-syntax.xml

2002-02-03 Thread Hakan Kuecuekyilmaz

hakan   Sun Feb  3 15:54:09 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/de/language basic-syntax.xml 
  missed on typo
Index: phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml:1.5 phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml:1.6
--- phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml:1.5 Sun Feb  3 15:52:47 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml Sun Feb  3 15:54:08 2002
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
  Der schließende Tag für den PHP-Block schließt eine sofort
  folgende Zeilenschaltung mit ein, falls diese vorhanden
- ist. Außerdem beinhaltet der schließende Tag ein implizietes Semikolon;
+ ist. Außerdem beinhaltet der schließende Tag ein implizites Semikolon;
  Sie müssen also die letzte Zeile eines PHP-Blocks nicht mit einem
  Semikolon beenden.

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de/language basic-syntax.xml

2002-02-03 Thread Hakan Kuecuekyilmaz

hakan   Sun Feb  3 15:52:47 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/de/language basic-syntax.xml 
  added missing sentence
Index: phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml:1.4 phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml:1.5
--- phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml:1.4 Wed Dec 12 15:46:21 2001
+++ phpdoc/de/language/basic-syntax.xml Sun Feb  3 15:52:47 2002
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
   Möglichkeiten, den HTML-Bereich zu verlassen
 4.  <% echo ("Optional können auch Tags im ASP-Stil verwendet werden"); %>
@@ -28,10 +28,11 @@
  Die erste Methode ist nur verfügbar, wenn ´short tags´ 
- aktiviert sind. Dies kann durch die short_tags-Funktion
+ aktiviert sind. Dies kann durch die
+ short_tags-Funktion
  geschehen, durch Aktivieren der 
  short_open_tag- Einstellung in
- der PHP-Konfigurationsdatei oder durch das übergeben der 
+ der PHP-Konfigurationsdatei oder durch das Übergeben der 
  ´--enable-short-tags´-Option an den configure-Befehl 
  beim Kompilieren des PHP-Parsers.
@@ -46,9 +47,12 @@
- Der schließende Tag für den PHP-Block schließt eine sofort folgende
+ Der schließende Tag für den PHP-Block schließt eine sofort
  folgende Zeilenschaltung mit ein, falls diese vorhanden
- ist.
+ ist. Außerdem beinhaltet der schließende Tag ein implizietes Semikolon;
+ Sie müssen also die letzte Zeile eines PHP-Blocks nicht mit einem
+ Semikolon beenden.

[PHP-DOC] new mailing list for CHM Edition only discussions

2002-02-03 Thread Gabor Hojtsy


As I said before, the CHM Edition works reached a stage,
where we need active collaboration, but will mainly
talk about DHTML, CSS, usability, etc. questions not
related to PHP, nor the PHP documentation contents.

This is why I asked Jim Winstead to open a new mailing
list for us. He kindly opened [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for this new thing.

The topic on this list in the short term will include:

 - How to let user set preferences, mirror sites, etc.
 - Skinning of pages (supporting skins inside and outside
   the CHMs)
 - DHTML and CSS compatibility issues
 - ...

For a quick look at how one of the designers, Gonzalo
implemented the skinning possibility for the CHMs, see

plain skin (will be inside the CHM):

fancy skin (will be a skin used from outside the CHM): 

This page uses IE innerHTML techniques to make the skin

This was just a small intro to what are coming,
discussions will follow on php-doc-chm from now on
about this subject.

Ps. CVS commits to the "chm" dir will still go to
the phpdoc list AFAIK.


RE: [PHP-DOC] diff style bug update headers

2002-02-03 Thread Mike Robinson

Makes it much easier to see the difference. Good idea.


> -Original Message-
> From: Gabor Hojtsy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: February 3, 2002 1:04 PM
> Subject: [PHP-DOC] diff style bug update headers
> Hi!
> I would like to propose a diff like bug update header style,
> so to use 
>  ID:   15357
>  Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -Status:   Open
> +Status:   Closed
>  Bug Type: Documentation problem
>  Operating System: Win XP
>  PHP Version:  4.1.0
> Instead of:
> ID:   15357
> Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Old Status:   Open
> Status:   Closed
> Bug Type: Documentation problem
> Operating System: Win XP
> PHP Version:  4.1.0
> IMHO all we can read the diff style easier, and the reporters
> would also understand what was changed for a first look.
> The web interface to bugs are getting easier to use, why not
> improve the mails sent out too ;)
> I'll make the changes if we will come to a decision.
> Goba

[PHP-DOC] diff style bug update headers

2002-02-03 Thread Gabor Hojtsy


I would like to propose a diff like bug update header style,
so to use 

 ID:   15357
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: Win XP
 PHP Version:  4.1.0

Instead of:

ID:   15357
Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Old Status:   Open
Status:   Closed
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: Win XP
PHP Version:  4.1.0

IMHO all we can read the diff style easier, and the reporters
would also understand what was changed for a first look.

The web interface to bugs are getting easier to use, why not
improve the mails sent out too ;)

I'll make the changes if we will come to a decision.


[PHP-DOC] Bug #15357 Updated: Manual entry for array_shift() incorrect

2002-02-03 Thread philip

ID:   15357
Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Old Status:   Open
Status:   Closed
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: Win XP
PHP Version:  4.1.0
New Comment:

Thank you for this report, this has been fixed in CVS and will show up

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-03 12:01:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In the manual entry for array_shift(), this is stated: "This would
result in $fruit having 3 elements left:". But it seems that this
should be "This would result in $stack having 3 elements left:".

BTW: I'm not sure if I should report this kind of problems to this bug
database, but I couldn't think of another way.


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15357&edit=1

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions array.xml

2002-02-03 Thread Philip Olson

philip  Sun Feb  3 12:54:57 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
  array_shift: Fix typo in example, as per bug #15357
Index: phpdoc/en/functions/array.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/functions/array.xml:1.157 phpdoc/en/functions/array.xml:1.158
--- phpdoc/en/functions/array.xml:1.157 Sat Feb  2 10:35:52 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/functions/array.xml   Sun Feb  3 12:54:57 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
   Array Functions
@@ -1582,7 +1582,7 @@
-   This would result in $fruit having 3 elements left:
+   This would result in $stack having 3 elements left:


[PHP-DOC] Bug #15358 Updated: CSS problem: Huge text

2002-02-03 Thread jimw

ID:   15358
Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status:   Open
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: Linux and Windoze
PHP Version:  4.1.1
New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-03 12:33:29] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A fairly large number of pages in the online docs show up with
extremely big font, at least in Netscape 4.7x on both Windooze and X.
The installation->"all 'configure' options" seems to be one of the

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15358&edit=1

[PHP-DOC] Bug #15357: Manual entry for array_shift() incorrect

2002-02-03 Thread manuzhai

Operating system: Win XP
PHP version:  4.1.0
PHP Bug Type: Documentation problem
Bug description:  Manual entry for array_shift() incorrect

In the manual entry for array_shift(), this is stated: "This would result
in $fruit having 3 elements left:". But it seems that this should be "This
would result in $stack having 3 elements left:".

BTW: I'm not sure if I should report this kind of problems to this bug
database, but I couldn't think of another way.

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15357&edit=1
Fixed in CVS:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=15357&r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=15357&r=alreadyfixed
Need backtrace:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=15357&r=needtrace
Try newer version:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=15357&r=oldversion
Not developer issue: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=15357&r=support
Expected behavior:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=15357&r=notwrong
Not enough info: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=15357&r=notenoughinfo

[PHP-DOC] Bug #15354: errr

2002-02-03 Thread mvergoz

Operating system: Linux
PHP version:  4.1.1
PHP Bug Type: Documentation problem
Bug description:  errr

libphp4.a doen't exist in src/modules/php4/libphp4.a but libmodphp4.a
exist, we cannot compile apache 1.3.19...
Edit bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=15354&edit=1
Fixed in CVS   : http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=15354&r=
Fixed in release   : http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=15354&r=
Need backtrace : http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=15354&r=
Try newer version  : http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=15354&r=
Not developer issue: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=15354&r=
Expected behavior  : http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=15354&r=
Not enough info: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=15354&r=

Re: [PHP-DOC] install parts final place and structure ;)

2002-02-03 Thread Gabor Hojtsy

> I like install/ and install/configure makes sense 
> but ini, imho, should be different.  How 
> about making yet another root directory, /ini/.
> Many people look at 'ini' information and never 
> install PHP.  Whether it be used for ini_set, 
> .htaccess or php.ini ... it's not really an install.

configure and ini parts are tied to each other in
many respects. For example configure options determine
what ini options are useable. Think of install+configure+ini
as a group of "setup" related tasks. These are connected
to each other heavily.

All the other parts are related to "usage", these three
ones are related to "setup". Well, actually Zend parts
are related to "develop", but that's another question...

> > If we can make up a table "previous ID", "new ID",
> > process.php can do any changes in links to pages,
> > so as long as ID changes are consequent, we can go
> > on with that too...
> It'd be nice if we could get a list of the most 
> popular terms sent to php.net search box, and 
> have those point directly to useful places in 
> the manual in a similar fashion.  But, that's a 
> different topic and bag of worms :)

Well, I am just implementing a new shortcut function
for php.net pages, to allow people to access pages
without php extensions, like http://www.php.net/docs
http://www.php.net/downloads These types of shortcuts
makes php mailing list replies easier to type, like
"download lates binaries from "php.net/downloads".

I also thought about adding a common list of
shortcut names (like "ini", "windows", "linux",
"macos"). So feel free to suggest such shortcuts.


Re: [PHP-DOC] install parts final place and structure ;)

2002-02-03 Thread Philip Olson

> We stopped at the point to break up install, configure
> and ini docs to seperate small XML files, and put
> them under install/* install/configure/* and install/ini/*.
> This is not the final decision however...

I like install/ and install/configure makes sense 
but ini, imho, should be different.  How 
about making yet another root directory, /ini/.

Many people look at 'ini' information and never 
install PHP.  Whether it be used for ini_set, 
.htaccess or php.ini ... it's not really an install.

> If we can make up a table "previous ID", "new ID",
> process.php can do any changes in links to pages,
> so as long as ID changes are consequent, we can go
> on with that too...

It'd be nice if we could get a list of the most 
popular terms sent to php.net search box, and 
have those point directly to useful places in 
the manual in a similar fashion.  But, that's a 
different topic and bag of worms :)

Philip Olson

Re: [PHP-DOC] install parts final place and structure ;)

2002-02-03 Thread Gabor Hojtsy

> Can you please summarize the proposed changes for 
> install, install.configure and config structures?  Seems 
> I missed a final discussion/conclusion, if one was made.  
> I do see some changes to install.configure structure in 
> CVS but ...
> Another high priority would be to keep old links to 
> these manual pages working.  Am especially concerned 
> with the config.xml ones.

We stopped at the point to break up install, configure
and ini docs to seperate small XML files, and put
them under install/* install/configure/* and install/ini/*.

This is not the final decision however...

If we can make up a table "previous ID", "new ID",
process.php can do any changes in links to pages,
so as long as ID changes are consequent, we can go
on with that too...


Re: [PHP-DOC] install parts final place and structure ;)

2002-02-03 Thread Philip Olson

Can you please summarize the proposed changes for 
install, install.configure and config structures?  Seems 
I missed a final discussion/conclusion, if one was made.  
I do see some changes to install.configure structure in 
CVS but ...

Another high priority would be to keep old links to 
these manual pages working.  Am especially concerned 
with the config.xml ones.

Philip Olson

On Sun, 3 Feb 2002, Gabor Hojtsy wrote:

> Hi!
> It seems the discussion of final install places and
> structures discussion was delayed. Though some of the
> quys in the Hungarian translation group may have some
> time to translate the files, if they were at the "final"
> place in their final structure.
> We cannot do any imporvements on install docs, as
> further proofing the current big install.xml in
> the Hungarian tree just gives us more work, when it
> will be separated...
> IMHO solving this problem is *high priority*.
> It would be vital to add a build system patch
> to support both languages with a single install.xml
> and languages with splitted install.xml (configure.xml,
> ini config parts).
> Goba

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /hu/chapters config.xml

2002-02-03 Thread Gyozo Papp

gerzson Sun Feb  3 06:35:17 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/hu/chapters config.xml 
  sync with EN revision (argc & argv)
Index: phpdoc/hu/chapters/config.xml
diff -u phpdoc/hu/chapters/config.xml:1.18 phpdoc/hu/chapters/config.xml:1.19
--- phpdoc/hu/chapters/config.xml:1.18  Tue Jan 29 13:03:06 2002
+++ phpdoc/hu/chapters/config.xml   Sun Feb  3 06:35:16 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -612,12 +612,29 @@

  A lebegõpontos számok kiírásakor megjelenõ értékes számjegyek.
+ Az argv és argc vátozók deklarálva legyenek-e az aktuális GET kérésben
+ átadott értékekkel.
+ Lásd még: parancssori mód!
+ Ez a beállítás 4.0.0-tól használható, azelõtt mindig be volt kapcsolva.


[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /pt_BR Translators

2002-02-03 Thread Alessander Pery Lopes Thomaz

kappu   Sun Feb  3 06:30:05 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/pt_BR   Translators 
Index: phpdoc/pt_BR/Translators
diff -u phpdoc/pt_BR/Translators:1.25 phpdoc/pt_BR/Translators:1.26
--- phpdoc/pt_BR/Translators:1.25   Sun Jan 13 07:07:24 2002
+++ phpdoc/pt_BR/TranslatorsSun Feb  3 06:30:05 2002
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 cpereiraClaudio Pereira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 andre_aeAndré L F S Bacci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 rarruda Renato Arruda   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+kappu   Alessander P. L. Thomaz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 fileperson  status  Sync 

@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@
 mhash.xml   rarruda done (not reviewed) 1.21

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /hu/functions apache.xml array.xml bc.xml math.xml pcre.xml

2002-02-03 Thread Gyozo Papp

gerzson Sun Feb  3 06:29:43 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/hu/functionsapache.xml array.xml bc.xml math.xml pcre.xml 
  sync with EN revision

Index: phpdoc/hu/functions/apache.xml
diff -u phpdoc/hu/functions/apache.xml:1.10 phpdoc/hu/functions/apache.xml:1.11
--- phpdoc/hu/functions/apache.xml:1.10 Sat Feb  2 10:41:24 2002
+++ phpdoc/hu/functions/apache.xml  Sun Feb  3 06:29:43 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -226,9 +226,12 @@
  Az apache_child_terminate megszünteti azt az Apache 
- processzt, ami az aktuális PHP kérést futtatja. Ezt arra lehet használni, hogy
- megszüntess olyan processzeket, amelyek sok memóriát használtak fel, mivel
- ez memória csak belsõleg  szabadul fel és nem adódik vissza az operációs 
+ processzt, ami az aktuális PHP kérést futtatja. Ezt pl. sok memóriát 
+ fogyasztó processzek leállításra lehet használni, mivel ez memória csak 
+ belsõleg szabadul fel, és az operációs rendszer szintjén nem jelenik meg.
+ Lásd még: exit!

Index: phpdoc/hu/functions/array.xml
diff -u phpdoc/hu/functions/array.xml:1.8 phpdoc/hu/functions/array.xml:1.9
--- phpdoc/hu/functions/array.xml:1.8   Sat Feb  2 10:41:24 2002
+++ phpdoc/hu/functions/array.xml   Sun Feb  3 06:29:43 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -1739,6 +1739,7 @@
 length paraméterek által meghatározott
 sorozatát, és helyébe - ha meg van adva - a
 replacement tömböt illeszti.
+Az eltávolított elemek tömbjével tér vissza.

 Pozitív offset esetén, a törlendõ elemsorozat
@@ -2633,6 +2634,11 @@

+ EXTR_IF_EXISTS és EXTR_PREFIX_IF_EXISTS 4.2.0 verzótól használhatók.

 Az extract megvizsgál minden kulcsot (indexet), hogy
 az lehet-e egy érvényes változónév vagy sem, és hogy ilyen nevû változó
@@ -2684,6 +2690,28 @@
+ Csak akkor írja felül az adott nevû változót, ha az már létezik az 
+ aktuális szimbólimtáblában, egyébként nem csinál semmit. Ez hasznos
+ lehet, ha : érvényes változókat elõre definiálni, majd létrehozni a
+ $_REQUEST tömbön kívül definiált változókat. PHP 4.2.0-tõl használható.
+ Csak akkor hozza létre a toldalékolt nevû változót, ha annak a 
+ toldalék nélküli megfelelõje már létezik már létezik az aktuális 
+ szimbólimtáblában. PHP 4.2.0-tõl használható.

@@ -2692,9 +2720,9 @@

 A prefix csak akkor szükséges, ha az
-EXTR_PREFIX_INVALID értékû. Ha prefixszel ellátott változónév sem érvényes,
-akkor az nem kerül bele a szimbólumtáblába.
+EXTR_PREFIX_INVALID  vagy EXTR_PREFIX_IF_EXISTS értékû. Ha prefixszel ellátott 
+változónév sem érvényes, akkor az nem kerül bele a szimbólumtáblába.

 Az extract a sikeresen beillesztett változók számával
@@ -2750,7 +2778,8 @@

 Asszociatív tömböket kell használni, mert a numerikusan indexeltek nem
-adnak eredményt.
+adnak eredményt, kivéve EXTR_PREFIX_ALL vagy EXTR_PREFIX_INVALID jelzõk

 Lásd még: compact!
Index: phpdoc/hu/functions/bc.xml
diff -u phpdoc/hu/functions/bc.xml:1.10 phpdoc/hu/functions/bc.xml:1.11
--- phpdoc/hu/functions/bc.xml:1.10 Sat Feb  2 10:41:24 2002
+++ phpdoc/hu/functions/bc.xml  Sun Feb  3 06:29:43 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@
-  stringleft 
-  stringright 
- Hozzáadja a left operand-ot a
- right operand-hoz, és visszatér az összeget
+ Hozzáadja a left_operand-ot a
+ right_operand-hoz, és visszatér az összeget
  tartalmazó stringgel. Az elhagyható scale paraméter
  határozza meg az eredményben a tizedes pont utáni számjegyek számát.
@@ -61,19 +61,19 @@
-  stringleft 
-  stringright 
- Összehasonlítja a left operand-ot a
- right operand-al, és az eredményt egészként
+ Összehasonlítja a left_operand-ot a
+ right_operand-al, és az eredményt egészként
  visszaadja. Az elhagyható scale paraméter
  beállítja a tizedes pont utáni számjegyek számát, amely
  felhasználásra kerül az összehasonlításban. A visszatérési érték
- 0, ha a két operandus egyenlõ. Ha a left operand
- nagyobb a right operand-nál, az eredmény
- +1, de ha a left operand kisebb nála, az eredmény -1.
+ 0, ha a két

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /chm .cvsignore

2002-02-03 Thread Gabor Hojtsy

gobaSun Feb  3 06:07:02 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/chm .cvsignore 
  Make diff happy with new line
Index: phpdoc/chm/.cvsignore
diff -u phpdoc/chm/.cvsignore:1.2 phpdoc/chm/.cvsignore:1.3
--- phpdoc/chm/.cvsignore:1.2   Sun Feb  3 06:04:49 2002
+++ phpdoc/chm/.cvsignore   Sun Feb  3 06:07:02 2002
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /chm .cvsignore

2002-02-03 Thread Gabor Hojtsy

gobaSun Feb  3 06:04:49 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/chm .cvsignore 
  Add fancy dir to ingnored ones
Index: phpdoc/chm/.cvsignore
diff -u phpdoc/chm/.cvsignore:1.1 phpdoc/chm/.cvsignore:1.2
--- phpdoc/chm/.cvsignore:1.1   Sun Feb  3 05:37:17 2002
+++ phpdoc/chm/.cvsignore   Sun Feb  3 06:04:49 2002
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de/appendices about.xml

2002-02-03 Thread Egon Schmid

eschmid Sun Feb  3 05:47:13 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/de/appendices   about.xml 
  Only whitespace and 'mißbrauchen' should be 'missbrauchen'.

Index: phpdoc/de/appendices/about.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/appendices/about.xml:1.8 phpdoc/de/appendices/about.xml:1.9
--- phpdoc/de/appendices/about.xml:1.8  Sun Feb  3 05:27:17 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/appendices/about.xml  Sun Feb  3 05:47:13 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- Über das Handbuch
+  Über das Handbuch
-  Formate
-   Das PHP Handbuch wird in diversen Formaten zur Verfügung gestellt. 
-   Diese Formate lassen sich in zwei Gruppen aufteilen: Formate, die online 
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-Einige Verlage haben gedruckte Versionen dieses Handbuchs veröffentlicht. 
-Wir können diese Bücher nicht empfehlen, da sie relativ schnell 
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-   Sie können das Handbuch unter  &url.php;
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+   Formate
+Das PHP Handbuch wird in diversen Formaten zur Verfügung gestellt.
+Diese Formate lassen sich in zwei Gruppen aufteilen: Formate, die
+online lesbar sind und solche, die zum Download bereit stehen.
+ Einige Verlage haben gedruckte Versionen dieses Handbuchs
+ veröffentlicht.  Wir können diese Bücher nicht empfehlen, da sie
+ relativ schnell veraltet sind.
+Sie können das Handbuch unter 
+&url.php; und zahllosen Mirrors online lesen. Sie sollten
+generell immer einen Mirror in Ihrer Nähe verwenden. Sie können
+sich das Handbuch entweder in purem (druckfreundlichen) HTML
+Format oder in einem HTML Format im Design der PHP Website

-  Über die Kommentare (User Notes)
-   Die Kommentare der Benutzer spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Entwicklung des 
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-   in den Text des Handbuchs einzuarbeiten. Und bis die Kommentare eingearbeite

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /chm .cvsignore

2002-02-03 Thread Gabor Hojtsy

gobaSun Feb  3 05:37:17 2002 EDT

  Added files: 
/phpdoc/chm .cvsignore 
  Ignore generated .hh? and .chm files in this directory

Index: phpdoc/chm/.cvsignore
+++ phpdoc/chm/.cvsignore

[PHP-DOC] install parts final place and structure ;)

2002-02-03 Thread Gabor Hojtsy


It seems the discussion of final install places and
structures discussion was delayed. Though some of the
quys in the Hungarian translation group may have some
time to translate the files, if they were at the "final"
place in their final structure.

We cannot do any imporvements on install docs, as
further proofing the current big install.xml in
the Hungarian tree just gives us more work, when it
will be separated...

IMHO solving this problem is *high priority*.

It would be vital to add a build system patch
to support both languages with a single install.xml
and languages with splitted install.xml (configure.xml,
ini config parts).


[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de/appendices about.xml

2002-02-03 Thread Jan Lehnardt

jan Sun Feb  3 05:27:18 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/de/appendices   about.xml 
   - fix typos
Index: phpdoc/de/appendices/about.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/appendices/about.xml:1.7 phpdoc/de/appendices/about.xml:1.8
--- phpdoc/de/appendices/about.xml:1.7  Sun Feb  3 05:22:19 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/appendices/about.xml  Sun Feb  3 05:27:17 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de/appendices about.xml

2002-02-03 Thread Egon Schmid

eschmid Sun Feb  3 05:22:20 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/de/appendices   about.xml 
  Fixed some typos.
Index: phpdoc/de/appendices/about.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/appendices/about.xml:1.6 phpdoc/de/appendices/about.xml:1.7
--- phpdoc/de/appendices/about.xml:1.6  Sat Feb  2 17:09:47 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/appendices/about.xml  Sun Feb  3 05:22:19 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@