Re: [PHP-DOC] I'm new

2002-05-23 Thread Rafael Martinez

On Thu, 23 May 2002, Jesus M. Castagnetto wrote:
> Rafael Martinez is (was?) heading the spanish
> translation effort.
> I cannot longer find his web site listing the status
> of the translation, all the old links give 404s and
> his current site has no trace of the
> old info. And the site at:
> does not have
> more info either.
> No clue on who is taking care of this nowadays, as I
> had not seen any new translations from the 'es' branch
> of phpdoc in a long time. Hopefully he is still in the
> phpdoc list, although I am cc'ing him just in case
> BTW, I tried contacting him before w/o being
> successful, the email address I had bounced, hopefully
> the one listed on his new site will not ;-) 


I was and I hope I am still heading the spanish translation. In the last 
one and a half year nothing has been done with the translation. I got a new 
job and I did not have the time to work with it, plus that it was 
difficult to get help from others in the final.

I have been working in a new web site with information about the 
traslation and I want to have it online in a week or so (same address as 
before I have started working in the 
traslation again and lets hope that we can have an updated traslation 

Rafael Martinez 

[PHP-DOC] PHP Manul look and feel

2002-05-23 Thread Kenzaburo Ito

Hello all,

I'm building a manual for my own project and I was planning to model it after
the PHP Manual.  I'll rolling it myself as opposed to using all the Docbook
stuff but I intend to follow the layout and look fairly closely.
Does anyone have any objection to this type of use?  I love the online manual
and don't want to break any rules or piss anyone off.

Re: [PHP-DOC] Docs howto

2002-05-23 Thread Philip Olson

The link is posted here:

And Goba is/was working on making 
link to it iirc.  Another link may want to live here:

Philip Olson

On Fri, 24 May 2002, Edin Kadribasic wrote:

> I was wondering why was docs howto hidden in a CVS repository tarbal. Why
> not just publish it on ?
> Edin

[PHP-DOC] Docs howto

2002-05-23 Thread Edin Kadribasic

I was wondering why was docs howto hidden in a CVS repository tarbal. Why
not just publish it on ?


Re: [PHP-DOC] I'm new

2002-05-23 Thread Philip Olson

see also: 

Philip Olson

On Thu, 23 May 2002, Jesus M. Castagnetto wrote:

> Deejay,
> Rafael Martinez is (was?) heading the spanish
> translation effort.
> I cannot longer find his web site listing the status
> of the translation, all the old links give 404s and
> his current site has no trace of the
> old info. And the site at:
> does not have
> more info either.
> No clue on who is taking care of this nowadays, as I
> had not seen any new translations from the 'es' branch
> of phpdoc in a long time. Hopefully he is still in the
> phpdoc list, although I am cc'ing him just in case
> BTW, I tried contacting him before w/o being
> successful, the email address I had bounced, hopefully
> the one listed on his new site will not ;-) 
> --- Deejay World <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi! I'm new in the mailing list. I would like to
> > help on translating parts of
> > the PHP manual into spanish. I've seen something
> > about CVS and so, but I have
> > no idea about what is it or how to use it.
> > 
> > 
> >
> ___
> > Copa del Mundo de la FIFA 2002
> > Disfruta en vídeo de los mejores momentos desde tu
> > ordenador.
> >
> =
> --- Jesus M. Castagnetto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> LAUNCH - Your Yahoo! Music Experience

Re: [PHP-DOC] I'm new

2002-05-23 Thread Jesus M. Castagnetto


Rafael Martinez is (was?) heading the spanish
translation effort.

I cannot longer find his web site listing the status
of the translation, all the old links give 404s and
his current site has no trace of the
old info. And the site at: does not have
more info either.

No clue on who is taking care of this nowadays, as I
had not seen any new translations from the 'es' branch
of phpdoc in a long time. Hopefully he is still in the
phpdoc list, although I am cc'ing him just in case

BTW, I tried contacting him before w/o being
successful, the email address I had bounced, hopefully
the one listed on his new site will not ;-) 

--- Deejay World <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi! I'm new in the mailing list. I would like to
> help on translating parts of
> the PHP manual into spanish. I've seen something
> about CVS and so, but I have
> no idea about what is it or how to use it.
> Copa del Mundo de la FIFA 2002
> Disfruta en vídeo de los mejores momentos desde tu
> ordenador.

--- Jesus M. Castagnetto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Do You Yahoo!?
LAUNCH - Your Yahoo! Music Experience

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc-cs /language control-structures.xml

2002-05-23 Thread Lukas Jelinek

luk Thu May 23 17:07:57 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc-cs/language control-structures.xml 
Index: phpdoc-cs/language/control-structures.xml
diff -u phpdoc-cs/language/control-structures.xml:1.6 
--- phpdoc-cs/language/control-structures.xml:1.6   Thu May  9 17:15:33 2002
+++ phpdoc-cs/language/control-structures.xml   Thu May 23 17:07:57 2002
@@ -1014,73 +1014,75 @@

-Více pøíkladù -- viz dokumentace include.
+Dal¹í pøíklady -- viz dokumentace include.

- Prior to PHP 4.0.2, the following applies: require will 
- always attempt to read the target file, even if the line it's on never executes.
- The conditional statement won't affect require. However, 
- if the line on which the require occurs is not executed, 
- neither will any of the code in the target file be executed.  Similarly, looping 
- structures do not affect the behaviour of require. Although 
- the code contained in the target file is still subject to the loop, the 
- require itself happens only once.
+ U verzí pøed PHP 4.0.2 platí toto: require se v¾dy
+ pokusí pøeèíst pøíslu¹ný soubor, kromì pøípadu, ¾e se øádek s tímto
+ pøíkazem nemù¾e nikdy provést. Podmínìný výraz
+ require neovlivòuje. Av¹ak pokud se øádek, na kterém
+ require le¾í, vùbec neprovádí, nebude se provádìt
+ ani kód v pøíslu¹ném souboru. Podobnì je tomu i v pøípadì cyklù -- ani
+ ty neovlivòují chování require. Pøesto¾e kód
+ obsa¾ený ve vkládaném souboru je stále pøedmìtem opakování, samotné 
+ require se provede pouze jednou.

-See also include, require_once,
+Viz také include, require_once,
 include_once, eval, 
 file, readfile, 
-virtual and include_path.
+virtual a include_path.


-The include statement includes and evaluates
-the specified file.
+Konstrukt include vlo¾í a ohodnotí specifikovaný

- The documentation below also applies to require.
- The two constructs are identical in every way except how they handle
- failure.  include produces a 
- Warning while 
- results in a Fatal Error.
- In other words, use require if you want 
- a missing file to halt processing of the page.  include 
- not behave this way, the script will continue regardless.  Be sure to have an 
- appropriate include_path setting as well.
+ Ní¾e popsané platí i pro require. Tyto dva konstrukty
+ jsou zcela toto¾né, kromì toho, jak zpracovávají chyby.
+ include produkuje
+ Warning (varování), zatímco
+ require skonèí s chybou typu
+ Fatal Error.
+ Jinými slovy, require pou¾ijte tehdy, chcete-li,
+ aby se pøi chybìjícím souboru zastavilo zpracovávání.
+ include se tak nechová, skript bude neru¹enì
+ pokraèovat. Ujistìte se také, ¾e máte v poøádku nastavení
+ include_path.

- When a file is included, the code it contains inherits the
- variable scope of the
- line on which the include occurs.  Any variables available at that line
- in the calling file will be available within the called file, from that
- point forward.
+ Pokud se vlo¾í soubor, potom kód v nìm obsa¾ený dìdí
+ kontext promìnné
+ øádku, kde byl vlo¾en. V¹echny promìnné dostupné na tomto øádku
+ volajícího souboru budou (od této chvíle) dostupné i ve volaném souboru.

-  Basic include example
+  Základní pøíklad -- include
@@ -1088,14 +1090,13 @@

- If the include occurs inside a function within the calling file,
- then all of the code contained in the called file will behave as
- though it had been defined inside that function.  So, it will follow
- the variable scope of that function.
+ Pokud ke vlo¾ení dojde uvnitø funkce ve volajícím souboru, potom se v¹echen
+ kód obsa¾ený ve volaném souboru bude chovat, jako by byl definován
+ uvnitø této funkce -- tedy v rámci kontextu promìnných funkce. 

- Including within functions
+ Vkládání uvnitø funkcí

[PHP-DOC] I'm new

2002-05-23 Thread Deejay World

Hi! I'm new in the mailing list. I would like to help on translating parts of
the PHP manual into spanish. I've seen something about CVS and so, but I have
no idea about what is it or how to use it.

Copa del Mundo de la FIFA 2002
Disfruta en vídeo de los mejores momentos desde tu ordenador.

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/reference/pcre/functions preg-split.xml

2002-05-23 Thread Markus Fischer

mfischerThu May 23 15:34:18 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/en/reference/pcre/functions preg-split.xml 
  - Document the new PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE flag.
Index: phpdoc/en/reference/pcre/functions/preg-split.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/pcre/functions/preg-split.xml:1.2 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/pcre/functions/preg-split.xml:1.2   Wed Apr 17 02:42:49 
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/pcre/functions/preg-split.xml   Thu May 23 15:34:18 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

@@ -57,6 +57,19 @@

+  If this flag is set, for every occuring match the appendant string
+  offset will also be returned. Note that this changes the return
+  value in an array where very element is an array consisting of the
+  matched string at offset 0 and it's string offset
+  into subject at offset 1.
+  This flag is available since 4.3.0.
@@ -81,6 +94,46 @@
+ Splitting a string into matches and their offsets.
+ will yield

[PHP-DOC] Bug #17395: isset not properly documented

2002-05-23 Thread ferguson

Operating system: win98
PHP version:  4.2.1
PHP Bug Type: Documentation problem
Bug description:  isset not properly documented

no where can i find that iset will check for array elements.

eg.   isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['LoginStat'])
if it is set, it will return ture and if it isnt it wont!

I know that this is valubal info to me.


Edit bug report at
Fixed in CVS:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc-fr /reference/outcontrol/functions flush.xml

2002-05-23 Thread Damien Seguy

damsThu May 23 11:28:40 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc-fr/reference/outcontrol/functions   flush.xml 
  Mise a jour avec la version anglaise.
Index: phpdoc-fr/reference/outcontrol/functions/flush.xml
diff -u phpdoc-fr/reference/outcontrol/functions/flush.xml:1.1 
--- phpdoc-fr/reference/outcontrol/functions/flush.xml:1.1  Sun Apr 14 20:35:56 
+++ phpdoc-fr/reference/outcontrol/functions/flush.xml  Thu May 23 11:28:40 2002
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@
  flush vide les buffers de sortie de PHP et
- tous ceux que PHP utilisait (CGI, un serveur web, etc.).
+ tous ceux que PHP utilisait (CGI, un serveur web, etc.). Cette 
+ fonction envoye réellement toutes les données 
+ préparées vers l'utilsateur.

@@ -27,14 +29,24 @@
 jusqu'à ce qu'il soit terminé, avant de transmettre
 les résultats à l'internaute.
-   Même le navigateur peut mettre des informations en cache
-   avant de les afficher. Par exemple, Netscape écrit les
-   textes dand un cache, jusqu'à ce qu'il ait reçu une
-   fin de ligne, ou une balise ouvrante. Il n'affichera
-   pas les tables avant d'avoir reçu la balise fermante
-   .
+  Des modules Apache comme mod_gzip utilisent leur propre bufferisation,
+  ce qui fait que flush n'enverra pas les données 
+  jusqu'au navigateur client immédiatement.
+  Même le navigateur peut réaliser une bufferisation avant
+  de l'afficher. Netscape, par exemple, met en cache le texte
+  jusqu'à ce qu'il recoive une fin de ligne, ou une nouvelle
+  et il ne va effectuer aucun affichage tant que les balises
+   ne seront pas toutes refermées.
+  Certaines versions de Microsoft Internet Explorer ne commençeront 
+  l'affichage de la page qu'aprs avoir reçu 256 octets d'affichage. 
+  Cela vous obligera à envoyer des espaces supplémentaires 
+  pour afficher la page.


[PHP-DOC] Bug #17388: String conversion examples incorrect

2002-05-23 Thread jasonh

Operating system: 
PHP version:  4.2.0
PHP Bug Type: Documentation problem
Bug description:  String conversion examples incorrect

Contains these examples:

  $foo = "10.0 pigs " + 1;// $foo is integer (11)
  $foo = "10.0 pigs " + 1.0;  // $foo is float (11)

But both of these yield float 11.  Which suggests that the following line
of documentation (which is immediately above this set of examples) is also

 "When the first expression is a string, the type of the variable will
depend on the second expression."

Edit bug report at
Fixed in CVS:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:

[PHP-DOC] Bug #17387: String conversion examples poor

2002-05-23 Thread jasonh

Operating system: 
PHP version:  4.2.0
PHP Bug Type: Documentation problem
Bug description:  String conversion examples poor

Contains these examples:

  $foo = 5 + "10 Little Piggies"; // $foo is integer (15)
  $foo = 5 + "10 Small Pigs"; // $foo is integer (15)

What's the point in two practically identical examples next to each other?
 How about making the second one:

  $foo = 5 + "10.2 Small Pigs";  // $foo is float (15.2)

Edit bug report at
Fixed in CVS:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:

[PHP-DOC] Bug #17386: Associativity of assignment operators listed wrongly

2002-05-23 Thread m . ford

Operating system: 
PHP version:  4.1.2
PHP Bug Type: Documentation problem
Bug description:  Associativity of assignment operators listed wrongly

The operators page at /manual/en/language.operators.php lists the the
assignment operators (=, +=, etc.) as being left associative, but they
must logically be right associative. Left associativity would mean that

$a = $b = 0;

was interpreted as:

($a = $b) =0;

which is clearly nonsensical.  Indeed a quick test shows that:

$d = $c += $a += $b += 4;

is interpreted as:

$d = ($c += ($a += ($b += 4)));

which looks like right associativity to me!

(Actually, a little further testing suggests that the assignment operators
need some special annotations, as they don't appear to strictly obey their
stated precedence level.  For example, the statement:

$x = $z + $y = 543;

if interpreted strictly according to the precedence rules should be
equivalent to:

$x = ($z + $y) = 543;

which would be a parse error, but in fact is interpreted as:

$x = $z + ($y = 543);

which may be the "obvious" intention, but had me WTF-ing for a while!!)
Edit bug report at
Fixed in CVS:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:

[PHP-DOC] Bug #17383 Updated: Suspicious note on pg_free_result page

2002-05-23 Thread jan

 ID:   17383
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: N/A
 PHP Version:  4.0CVS-2002-05-23
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS. You can grab a snapshot of the
CVS version at In case this was a documentation 
problem, the fix will show up soon at
In case this was a website problem, the change will show
up on the site and on the mirror sites.
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2002-05-23 09:12:35] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A note on pg_free_result page claims that this function used to be
called pg_field_len(). Somehow I doubt that.

Edit this bug report at

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/reference/pgsql/functions pg-free-result.xml

2002-05-23 Thread Jan Lehnardt

jan Thu May 23 09:18:07 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
   - fix for #17383
Index: phpdoc/en/reference/pgsql/functions/pg-free-result.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/pgsql/functions/pg-free-result.xml:1.2 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/pgsql/functions/pg-free-result.xml:1.2  Wed Apr 17 02:43:19 
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/pgsql/functions/pg-free-result.xml  Thu May 23 09:18:07 
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
-  This function used to be called pg_field_len().
+  This function used to be called pg_freeresult().

[PHP-DOC] Bug #17383: Suspicious note on pg_free_result page

2002-05-23 Thread edink

Operating system: N/A
PHP version:  4.0CVS-2002-05-23
PHP Bug Type: Documentation problem
Bug description:  Suspicious note on pg_free_result page

A note on pg_free_result page claims that this function used to be called
pg_field_len(). Somehow I doubt that.
Edit bug report at
Fixed in CVS:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/faq build.xml

2002-05-23 Thread Simone Cortesi

cortesi Thu May 23 09:12:05 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/en/faq  build.xml 
  adding CDATAs
Index: phpdoc/en/faq/build.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/faq/build.xml:1.16 phpdoc/en/faq/build.xml:1.17
--- phpdoc/en/faq/build.xml:1.16Wed Apr 17 13:42:18 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/faq/build.xml Thu May 23 09:11:57 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
   Build Problems
   Build Problems
@@ -63,11 +63,15 @@
   in non-standard locations by specifying additional flags to pass to
   the C preprocessor and linker, such as:
   If you're using a csh-variant for your login shell (why?), it would be:
@@ -303,26 +307,34 @@
   or /usr/sbin/apxs.
   Open it and check for lines similar to these:
-my $CFG_CFLAGS_SHLIB  = ' ';  # substituted via Makefile.tmpl
-my $CFG_LD_SHLIB  = ' ';  # substituted via Makefile.tmpl
-my $CFG_LDFLAGS_SHLIB = ' ';  # substituted via Makefile.tmpl
   If this is what you see, you have found your problem.  They may 
   contain just spaces or other incorrect values, such as 'q()'.  Change 
   these lines to say:
   The second possible problem should only be an issue on Red Hat 6.1
   and 6.2.  The apxs script Red Hat ships is broken.  Look for this line:
   If you see the above line, change it to this:
Last, if you reconfigure/reinstall Apache, add a make clean 
to the process after ./configure and before 
@@ -341,19 +353,21 @@
   During the make portion of installation, if you encounter 
   that look similar to this:
-microtime.c: In function `php_if_getrusage':
-microtime.c:94: storage size of `usg' isn't known
-microtime.c:97: `RUSAGE_SELF' undeclared (first use in this function)
-microtime.c:97: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
-microtime.c:97: for each function it appears in.)
-microtime.c:103: `RUSAGE_CHILDREN' undeclared (first use in this function)
-make[3]: *** [microtime.lo] Error 1
-make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/master/php-4.0.1/ext/standard'
-make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
-make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/master/php-4.0.1/ext/standard'
-make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
-make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/master/php-4.0.1/ext'
-make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
@@ -362,10 +376,12 @@
  absolutely nothing to do with PHP.  To prove this to yourself, try this
  simple test:
-$ cat >test.c <
-$ gcc -E test.c >/dev/null
   If that spews out errors, you know your include files are messed up. 
@@ -384,7 +400,9 @@
   Either you look at config.nice file, in the source tree of your current PHP
   installation or, if this is not available, you simply run a 
   script. On top of the output the ./configure line, that was 
   to build this PHP installation is shown.