Re: [PHP-DOC] Anonymous functions is equal to lambda not closure

2010-02-24 Thread Keryx Web

2010-02-23 13:44, Hannes Magnusson skrev:

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 13:07, Keryx  wrote:

Re this page:

Closures (as described on that page) in PHP are actually closures.
We already have lambda functions..

Unless scope is inherited a function (anonymous or not) is not a closure.

Lambda does not return anything (of value) when I search the manual. 
Are you refering to create_function()?

That is just another, older and more awkward, way of doing lambda.

Back to the page we are discussing:

This code example...

echo preg_replace_callback('~-([a-z])~', function ($match) {
return strtoupper($match[1]);
}, 'hello-world');
// outputs helloWorld

...has no closure in sight at all. Just an anonymous function. Lambda.

It is not until example 3 that we have a closure.

Anyway, using closure as a *synonym* to anonymous function is not 
correct from a computer science perspective and it is confusing for 
anyone using both PHP and JavaScript - and who isn't these days?

I think the better way to simply rename the chapter from 'anonymous
functions' to 'closures' - but then we risk people that dont know what
a closure is will never click it.
A *lot* of people that use PHP have no idea what 'closure' is, but a
'anonymous function' sounds interesting to them, hence getting them to
click it and discover closures.

It is especially the newbies I am worried about - it is after all my day 
job to train them. I do not mind them discovering closures, it is just 
that they should not be confused about what a closure really is.

Keryx Web (Lars Gunther)

[PHP-DOC] Anonymous functions is equal to lambda not closure

2010-02-23 Thread Keryx Web


Re this page:

Outside the world of PHP nobody seem to be using the word closure as if 
it was a synonym to anonymous function.

I will provide some examples:

...MyFunc has BECOME a closure. A closure is a special kind of object 
that combines two things: a function, and the environment in which that 
function was created.


blockquote cite=;
Two one sentence summaries:
* a closure is the local variables for a function - kept alive 
after the function has returned, or
* a closure is a stack-frame which is not deallocated when the 
function returns. (as if a 'stack-frame' were malloc'ed instead of being 
on the stack!)


blockquote cite=;
A closure takes place when a function creates an environment that binds 
local variables to it in such a way that they are kept alive after the 
function has returned. A closure is a special kind of object that 
combines two things: a function, and any local variables that were 
in-scope at the time that the closure was created.


(Re 2nd sentence: I don't know if this is the original or if MDC is.)

See also JavaScript, The Definitive Guide, by David Flanagan, (5th ed) 
section 8.8.4 on page 143f:

This combination of code and scope is known as a closure in the 
computer science literature (p.144 - the word this refers to inner 
functions keeping outer functions data even after return as discussed 
previously by DF.)

It has been my job for a few years to evaluate books on JavaScript and I 
have read more than 10 published between 2005 and 2009. They are very 
consistent in their usage of the word closure.

To top things off, it seems that I am in agreement with the editors on 

The term closure is often mistakenly used to mean anonymous function. 
This is probably because most languages implementing anonymous functions 
allow them to form closures and programmers are usually introduced to 
both concepts at the same time. These are, however, distinct concepts.


Computer science savvy people, like Douglas Crockford, tend to call 
anonymous functions lambda. Sometimes (C# et al) they are called lambda 
expressions. However, lambda might not be a 100 % fit either from a 
computer science perspective, but it sure is a lot better fit than closure.

I think that the PHP community perhaps calls anonymous functions 
closures because it is one word less to say and type, and we might need 
a single word term to use.

Therefore I'd suggest a rewrite of the manual page.

First paragraph, suggested text:

Anonymous functions, also known as lambda, allow the creation of 
functions which have no specified name. They are most useful as the 
value of callback  parameters, but they have many other uses.

Second paragraph introduces a problem, since it would references a 
misnamed internal class. I'd suggest that is made anonymous!

Anonymous functions can also be used as the values of variables; PHP 
automatically converts such expressions into instances of the 
corresponding internal class. Assigning an anonymous function to a 
variable uses the same syntax as any other assignment, including the 
trailing semicolon:

Third paragraph, suggested text:

Lambda functions may also inherit variables from the parent scope, in 
which case they are called closures.

Fourth paragraph cannot be changed of course, until the internal Closure 
class has been appropriately renamed.

Keryx Web (Lars Gunther)

Re: [PHP-DOC] A small suggestion to the CSS

2009-01-08 Thread Keryx Web

Hannes Magnusson skrev:

On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 09:03, Nilgün Belma Bugüner


Index: xhtml.php
RCS file: /repository/phd/formats/xhtml.php,v
retrieving revision 1.84
diff -u -r1.84 xhtml.php
--- xhtml.php   3 Jan 2009 12:55:22 -   1.84
+++ xhtml.php   8 Jan 2009 07:58:11 -
@@ -802,11 +802,11 @@
public function format_methodparam_parameter($open, $name, $attrs) {
if ($open) {
if (isset($attrs[PhDReader::XMLNS_DOCBOOK][role])) {
-return ' tt class=parameter referenceamp;$';
+return ' itt class=parameter referenceamp;$';
-return ' tt class=parameter$';
+return ' itt class=parameter$';
-return /tt;
+return /tt/i;

Lars would slap you with his semantic wand if this gets committed.

The CSS changes earlier in this thread are fine with me if someone
wants to commit.


Indeed. That i-element serves only a presentational cause and therefore 
should be handled by CSS.

A good rule of thumb when it comes to (X)HTML is to be very reluctant 
about adding tags or attributes, and very eager to strip them out.

Lars Gunther

Re: [PHP-DOC] A small suggestion to the CSS

2009-01-08 Thread Keryx Web

Kalle Sommer Nielsen skrev:

font-family: Consolas, Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace;

This just came in on Sitepoint:

Page 2 has the monospace stack:

It may be a bot over the top, so this is my suggestion for a commit:

font-family: Consolas, Andale Mono WT, Andale Mono, Lucida 
Console,  Monaco, Courier New, Courier, monospace;

Lars Gunther

Re: [PHP-DOC] Proper markup is not a burden. Was XHTML.

2009-01-07 Thread Keryx Web

Hannes Magnusson skrev:

(a) using the target attribute to open links (also in user notes) in a new
window, which requires the frameset DTD. This should really be avoided. Most
users find such behavior annoying.

I find it really annoying clicking on links that don't open another
domain in new tabs. There is nothing more natural then to add target
to links leading away from the current site. Common courtesy if you
ask me.

I am relying on research done by Jacob Nielsen and other gurus in the 
usability and accessibility crowd.

input type=image
id=changeLangImage alt= /

Missing alt-text. Should be something like change language (i.e.
describing function, not looks.) This is *not* a decorative image.

Fine. Fixed. Firefox doesn't display the value though.

Correct. Neither will Opera, Chrome, Safari or any other decent browser. 
Alt text is not supposed to be displayed as a tooltip, since it is 
intended to be shown (or spoken or felt through braille, etc) for users 
that do not see the image. MSIE got this wrong and it has been killing 
accessibility on the web ever since. MSIE is cleaning up their act, though.

(Want a tooltip? Use the title attribute! Want to shut down the tooltip 
in MSIE? img alt=foo title=)

(d) Notes are marked up as blockquotes. They are not quotes.

Ouh? The user said these things, why is that not a quote?

I was not referring to user submitted notes, but to the inline notes in 
the boxes of the actual manual.


(e) Headings in the notes are marked up with the b-element, when they really
should be headings. This is bed and breakfast markup. b + br where a
heading is the right element fir the job.

You mean the smallUser Contributed Notes/smallstrongpage-name/strong?

Once again I was referring to the notes in the actual manual, but it 
will apply to user notes as well.

Minor gripes:

(a) Anorectic anchors:

a name=87685/a
div class=note

Should be shortened to:

div id=87685 class=note

Browser don't support it. They don't even support a name=... /...
and IDs cannot be integers, but names can :)

Stupid me, not noting that the ids were integers!

div id=_87685 class=note

Is however legal and will work in all browsers. Is that an option?

(b) The strong element is used to produce bold text, even though no emphasis
is intended. When the heading is repeated above the user contributed notes
it should be marked up as a heading. Not using strong.

Users that contribute notes should not be put in bold using strong either.

In fact HTML 5 *recommends* using the b element for exactly such usage:

Confusing. This back and forth is annoying. Make up your mind people.

There was a time back in 2003/4 when people started to discover 
standards in a big way, when developers like me stopped using b and 
i since they were unsemantic, and instead used strong and em, 
even though we still only intended to get a bold or italic effect. Or 
perhaps we used this monstrosity

span style=font-weight: boldword/span

since the span element was unsemantic by nature.

There even exist quite a lot of posts on the internet saying that b 
and i were deprecated in HTML 4.01 transitional and dropped in 4.01 
strict. Or even more confusingly that they are allowed in HTML but 
disallowed in XHTML, even though XHTNML 1.0 and HTML 4.01 share exactly 
the same vocabularies!

The pendulum simply swung to far.

HTML 5 WG and WHATWG have discussed b and i and the large majority 
agrees that they have a valid use, indicating alternate voice or mood, 
since that really is what people generally are intending - when they are 
not abusing the elements to create headers...

Anyway, strong is really emphasized. Screen readers will almost shout. 
em is normal emphasis, and screen readers will speak a bit louder than 
usual. Braille terminals might provide emphasis through tactile means. 
using strong and em when no emphasis is intended will really hurt 

(d) Redundant classes?
em class=emphasis When is em not used to denote emphasis?

This is application generated markup. It *must* to be possible to
distinguish docs/generated markup to regular markup.

Would it not be easier to put that once and for all on the containg 
element? E.g. div class=generated

I'll add one more place where markup can be reduced. On pages such as we have a redundant 
span-elements in the dt and perhaps also the dl elements. Why not apply 
the class directly to dt and dd?

Lars Gunther

[PHP-DOC] A small suggestion to the CSS

2009-01-07 Thread Keryx Web

As the title says:

Line 12-14:

code, pre, tt {
font-family: Consolas, Courier New, Courier, monospace;

Added Consolas, which will benefit anyone using Vista, Offive 2007 or 
have downloaded the fonts, perhaps through the ppt-viewer.

Consolas really is a superb monospace font ad it is becoming ubiquitous. 
Courier New is one of the ugliest in existence.

A nice font for Linux might be DejaVu Sans Mono, but other are perhaps 
more qualified to recommend one.

Lars Gunther

Re: [PHP-DOC] Proper markup is not a burden. Was XHTML.

2008-12-30 Thread Keryx Web

Hannes Magnusson skrev:

Long long long long post, which I haven't read fully yet.
Just wanted to clarify few things you seem to have misunderstood.

In order not to burden this list with irrelevant stuff, I've discussed a 
few things with Hannes in private emails. There was some confusion, 
mainly coming from different usage of terms.


When I talk about being strict, I refer to using a strict DTD in the 
Doctype, i.e. HTML 4.01 strict or XHTML 1 strict.

We agree that there is no speed penalty in browsers for being strict.


When I talk about XHTML sent with an XML MIME header, usually 
application/xhtml+xml, I call that true XHTML.

We agree that Firefox before version 3.0 did not render true XHTML 
incrementally, and that MSIE = 8.0 and most probably 9.0 won't handle 
it at all.

We agree that true XHTML is unusable PhD, now and for all foreseeable 

So what flavor should PhD use? (My personal opinion follows.)

Currently it uses XHTML 1.0 transitional according to its DTD, sent out 
as text/html, in accordance with the infamous appendix C of the XHTML 
spec, that allows it - as a transitional measure.

I recommend HTML 5 - using that subset of elements and attributes that 
is supported by todays browsers. To start with only one single change is 
needed. Shortening the Doctype to:


Google is already doing this on some of their pages. I am doing it for 
all my new projects.

It will trigger standards mode in all current and future browsers. It 
will also put MSIE 8+ in super standards mode, and not the awful MSIE 
7 compatibility mode.

To check whether the markup is acceptable, one does not look for *valid* 
code according to the DTD, but for *conformant* code, according to a 
conformance checker.

Being HTML 5 conformant should be a long term goal. It is not an 
immediate need. IMHO.

Lars Gunther

Re: [PHP-DOC] Proper markup is not a burden. Was XHTML.

2008-12-26 Thread Keryx Web

Politics at the top. Useful criticism at the bottom...

Hannes Magnusson skrev:

Right. As I see HTML5 it is simply a how to deal with errors
appendix for browser vendors.

A point that I tried to correct. It is much, much more than that. It 
includes new elements and attributes, it deprecates all presentational 
markup still left in (X)HTML with the strict flavor (good  bye rows 
and cols on textarea - finally!), it provides API:s and DOM bindings, etc.

PHP's documentation should perhaps not move to HTML 5 (yet). But not for 
that reason.

There is no such concept as valid web page implemented on the web
today. doesn't send out correct headers and neither or validate.

a. Yes there is. E.g. Google makes a plethora of services besides its 
main search page, where validation is part of the development process.

In fact, Ian Hickson, editor of the HTML 5 spec, works for Google!

b. Most invalidness comes from CMS-vendors doing a crappy job. Often 
because they think front end dev is beneath them. Many developers are 
craving better CMS's in this regard and if PHP can lead the way it will 
benefit the language greatly. All mailing lists and fora on web design 
and front end dev are littered with questions like where can I find an 
CMS that produces good markup!

c. One could also argue that there is no such thing as well written 
PHP-code implemented on the web today... Since *most* of it is crappy!

The web is a tagsoup. We try to use as semantically correct markup as
we can, but there is no way in h3ll everyone can write strictly valid
pages. We shouldn't need doctors degree in markup to write web pages.

C'mon, it isn't that hard! There are plenty of things in PHP-land that 
are much harder to learn.

And if someone has a specific markup related question for the manual, I 
am willing to answer them. Just CC me since I am mostly lurking on this 

What PhD does is to convert extremely semantically correct XML to
(x)html(-ish) markup, injecting eRDF (and some microformats) semantics
where it can to further improve the semantics. There is no way we can
possibly make all pages valid.

PEAR requires all code to follow certain conventions. So does almost 
every other well established app. Why isn't that considered impossible 
or unnecessary?

Besides, there are tools to help us. CodeSniffer and Tidy. JSLint and Etc.

In fact, PhD is already quite well on the way to have really good HTML.

As long as the browsers understand
the markup and present it relatively alike then I am satisfied. I
really do not see the point in wasting hours (and performance) in
working around block elements inside inline elements, or nested
paragraph tags.

Valid and semantic code is not only about rendering. It is about ease of 
maintenance, ease of finding and fixing errors, ease of enhancements.

And I seriously doubt that anyone can provide a case where correct 
markup degrades performance - where the markup is the culprit. Right now 
Google, Yahoo and others spend lots of time investigating web 
performance. No expert on this belittles the importance of semantic and 
valid code!

Browsers have implement this since the beginning.
With HTML5 the invalid markup will become consistently rendered in
the browsers and that is all we need; consistent rendering.

Isn't that the defense of a PHP developer who dislikes using patterns, 
coding standards, etc? It works - that is all I need.

Let's also remember that even though HTML specifies how browsers should 
treat non conforming markup, no browser yet follows the HTML 5 parsing 
rules. (Mozilla has started their work, hiring Henri Sivonen to lead it, 
but they are far from finished.) PhD users will not benefit from this 
particular part of HTML 5 for many years yet. In todays browsers invalid 
HTML really do cause unpredictable results. (Valid code do cause that as 
well, though, because of browser bugs... But to sligthly lesser degree.)

And what about accessibility? Consistent rendering for normally 
sighted users on a PC or Mac is not the same as fully working for people 
using assistive devices, small screens, etc.

I'm not saying that I'd veto patches to fix PhD rendering, but at the
cost of massive performance degradation or hours of work... really?
Should we really bother?

Once again: Massive performance degradation? Not true.

Lets rather spend some time on researching the various RDF
vocabularies that we can implement using RDFa or eRDF, or even
microformats, we would gain so much more on that.

And having POSH markup as a foundation will very much *help* 
implementing microformats and RDF!

Separating design from content by removing all presentationally oriented 
 elements and attributes and switching to strict DTD (or perhaps HTML 
5) is not anything that will prevent PhD from using additional goodies.


BTW, checking a few random pages in the manual, there are 


2008-12-25 Thread Keryx Web

Hannes Magnusson skrev:

I don't think nesting p tags are a problem in html5.
AFAICT it requires serious willpower to create invalid html5 markup.

HTML  introduces a new concept: conformant. It distinguishes between 
what browsers should be able to handle (including bad markup) and what 
authors are required to do (write good markup).

Todays browsers already handle badly written HTML. The new stuff is 
basically just an effort to make them handle it in a consistent manner, 
not only as to what graphical result they display, but to what DOM they 
will produce internally.

I.e. it is very easy to create non conforming HTML 5.

pfoo divbar/div zoo/p

Not conformant. The div will close the paragraph. The intended remainder 
of the paragraph ( zoo) will not be part of it. Neither styles or 
DOM-manipulation will apply to it. The text will be a sibling node to 
the paragraph. The end tag will simply be discarded.

This is non-conforming markup. An HTML 5 validor, such as the one being 
written by Henri Sivonen ( will complain. In fact, 
HTML 5 does __not__ lessen the rules on validation. Au cointraire: The 
rules as tightened up. The following is illegal:


One must not mix block elements and inline elements or plain text, as 
children to a block element.

Lars Gunther

Re: [PHP-DOC] Suggested text for the Tidy example

2008-01-08 Thread Keryx Web

Hannes Magnusson skrev:

Is that text copypaste from that book? If so, we can't use it.
If not, cool!

You may use it. I am the humble author.

I saw one typo:
 Notice that the dfn and em tags now are correctly nested
Should be:
Notice that the span and em tags now are correctly nested

(In my experience back-end devs usually know too little about good front 
end code and I only suggested a way for the manual to be even better 
than the O'Reilly book...)

If I'd like to check out from the CVS using Eclipse using the 
team-extension, what would the settings be?
Repository path: 

Password: (clear)

Connection type: pserver
Default port

Lars Gunther

(BTW, I've had trouble getting XDebug to work correctly in Eclipse. If 
someone could help me through IRC or some other IM I'd be willing to pay 
up to 50 USD for that. Answer off list, of course!)

[PHP-DOC] Suggestions about Front End code examples

2007-12-05 Thread Keryx Web


Today I polluted the internals list with an off topic remark about Front 
End code quality. I quote myself:

[Off topic rant]
I am constantly amazed that some PHP-wizards, whose knowledge of 
back-end development clearly shows in how many ways I must still be 
considered an newbie, are very unaware about what has been going in on 
the front end this century, with regards to accessibility, standards, 
unobtrusive scripting, semantic (X)HTML, CSS-based design, etc.


Now, things might improve if the manual nudged people in the right 
direction. I am not thinking about teaching HTML or CSS, but doing the 
small right things in all examples.

E.g. This page:

The HTML in An introductory example should have a DOCTYPE. And always 
a strict version of either HTML 4.01 or XHTML.

I will in a separate mail submit text that may improve this page:

Lars Gunther

[PHP-DOC] Suggested text for the Tidy example

2007-12-05 Thread Keryx Web

Page in question:

Suggestions (summary):

1. Change the example to use a strict doctype, and include the output 
from the script.

2. Explain what has happened

3. Give another example where a different type snippet is corrected

4. Explain what has happened

5. Give a third example where valid, but un-semantic, code will not be 
made semantic, to show how one still needs to consider proper usage, 
even though tidy is being used. (The chapter on Tidy in PHP Cookbook by 
O'Reilly gives a really faulty explanations in this regard.)

Suggested text:

The script above will output:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN;
html xmlns=;
a html document

Notice how the missing doctype and missing XHTML-tags have been added, 
in this particular example the head, title and body-tags. The result is 
well formed XHTML. Indentation has also been added.

However, in this example Tidy still fails to produce entirely 
dfnvalid/dfn XHTML 1.0 strict, since any text in the body must be 
inside a block-level element, and tidy will not guess what block-element 
it should use. But Tidy can give a warning about issues like these. 
Adding the line echo $tidy-errorBuffer would produce the following 

line 1 column 1 - Warning: missing !DOCTYPE declaration
line 1 column 7 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in head elements
line 1 column 7 - Warning: inserting missing 'title' element

Example 2

[Code to be cleaned follows, same script in PHP]

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN;
html xmlns=;
titleA second example/title
  Badly spannested em class=fooand/span missing tags./p

This script will output:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN;
html xmlns=;
  A second example
  Badly spannested em class=fooand/em missing tags./span

Notice that the dfn and em tags now are correctly nested, and that 
quotation marks have been added to the attribute value. The missing 
closing tag for the em-element has been added as well. This code will 
now validate.

Example 3

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN;
html xmlns=;
titleA third example/title
pabbrValid/abbr, but citemisused/cite use of HTML/p
centerWell formed, but font face=Verdanaunsemantic/font
$html = ob_get_clean();

$tidy = new tidy;
$config = array(
   'indent' = true,
   'output-xhtml'   = false,
   'doctype'= 'strict',
   'drop-font-tags' = true,
   'wrap'   = 200);
$tidy-parseString($html, $config, 'utf8');
echo $tidy;

This code will output:

  A third example
  abbrValid/abbr, but citemisused/cite use of HTML
/pWell formed, but unsemantic HTMLbr

In this example we converted XHTML to HTML 4.01. Tidy can be used for 
conversions in either direction. The namespace attribute was removed. 
The elements center and font, now obsolete and better replaced with CSS, 
have been removed from the markup, thanks to the setting 
drop-font-tags. Notice that Tidy will not drop these elements unless 
this explicitly has been mentioned in the settings, even though they 
have been completely removed from HTML 4.01 strict and XHML 1.0 strict 
and later. Tidy will not deduce such behavior from the doctype chosen. 
Tidy can remove some unsemantic markup, but it cannot check that an 
author has used (X)HTML elements properly from a semantic point of view.

Even so, this extension is a powerful tool to check for most and correct 
some markup errors.


English question: Is it A HTML doc or AN HTML doc (one speaks HTML 
with a vowel sound first...)

[PHP-DOC] Ctype and PHP 6

2007-11-26 Thread Keryx Web

Hi again!

And please forgive a relative newbie on the list for asking dumb questions.

Am I correct in assuming that the ctype-family of functions neither is 
nor will be available with Unicode support in PHP 6?

If so, it should perhaps be stated in the manual that these functions 
are not future proof. (Perhaps they even should start spitting out an 
E_DEPRECATED error in PHP 5.3?)

As in:

 [ Note: Builtin support for CTYPE will be removed in PHP 6 ]

Lars Gunther

[PHP-DOC] Documentation updates as RSS

2007-11-26 Thread Keryx Web

Hi again!

I tried the site and Google to no avail. Here is my question:

Can I get all updates to the manual as an RSS or ATOM feed? Or do I have 
to implement my own?

Lars Gunther

[PHP-DOC] Base 64

2007-11-18 Thread Keryx Web

Hi again!

The manual does not explain if there is any difference whatsoever between:

base64_decode and imap_base64


base64_decode and imap_binary

a. Is there?

b. It should - IMHO - give some advice on this issue.

Lars Gunther

[PHP-DOC] The Swedish manual lags behind

2007-11-04 Thread Keryx Web

Hi all!

1. Please do not take this as some kind of bashing. I do respect that 
all work on PHP is done by volunteers and that time is hard to find for 
us all. Even so for me. I do not have the time to contribute to the 
manual right now. I will lurk on this list and maybe things might change 
in the future, though.

2. However, I do find it annoying that I constantly have to remind my 
students never to use the Swedish version of the manual, which basically 
is not a translated, but an outdated version(!) of the English one.



Is there a way to automatically update the (not so) Swedish version? Or 
may I suggest that it be dropped? As it is right now i think it adds 
more confusion than value.

Since the PHP website identifies my language preference (or maybe uses 
some geo-ip system) I constantly find myself on the Swedish language 
version of the manual and have to change version manually (OK, so it's 
just one click, but i have to do it often. And my students keep 
forgetting to do it.)

Lars Gunther

Re: [PHP-DOC] The Swedish manual lags behind

2007-11-04 Thread Keryx Web

Sean Coates skrev:
The point that seems to be bothering him is a toss-up between exactly 
what this thread is about and killing off old translations that may or 
may not have some valuable translated content (plus the fact that it 
looks nice to have a ton of translations).

A badly done translation quickly makes things look less nice...

the compromise might be too keep the introduction, that really is 
translated and redirect the rest to the up to date English version.

If the encoding issues get solved, that is!


The heading should read: Komma igång i.e. with LATIN SMALL LETTER A 
WITH RING ABOVE Unicode point 00E5

And please do clearly mark some translations as partial!

BTW, Sean, i enjoy the podcast!

Lars Gunther

P.S. I suspect that the main reason there is no real demand for a 
Swedish translation, is that we tend to be very proficient in the 
English language. We do not dub movies or TV-shows. On my last (and 
only) visit to California everyone kept asking me if I was from England. 
I've got many friends who can tell similar stories.