[PHP-DOC] A thought or two on the early part of the PHP manual.

2010-05-02 Thread Robert P. J. Day
  a note i made to myself a while back when first going thru the  
online PHP manual, so i thought i'd put it out there and let others  
ignore it at their leisure.

  i find the order of the two early sections -- getting started and  
installation and configuration -- a bit backwards since that earlier  
section assumes that PHP is, somehow, running to some extent as it  
gives the reader some samples to test.

  as an alternative, it would seem to make more sense to have the  
installation chapter first, but start it off with a prelim section  
along the lines of, is PHP already installed and can i skip the rest  
of this chapter?  because i'm guessing that numerous linux distros  
will, if the web server is installed, also have PHP installed and  
ready to go.  so before getting into *any* installation, it would save  
the reader a pile of time to have a quick checklist of what to look  
for to verify that PHP is on the system and behaving properly.

  and, to that end, a bit more complicated, but it might be worth  
expanding on what might or might not be installed depending on what  
you want to use PHP for.  for instance, the manual currently talks  
about PHP being used for 3 purposes:

  * server-side (web) scripting
  * command line scripting
  * desktop (GUI) applications

but depending on what you want it for, you may not have to install  
everything.  for instance, if you want only command-line scripting, on  
fedora, you need install only the php-cli package, and so on.  so  
one could write a short section explaining that, for which one would  
have to verify only that, on linux, you have the php utility  

  if you wanted to go further and do server-side web scripting, then  
there are more packages to install and verify.  you get the idea.

  in any event, it would seem to make more sense to start things off  
by just asking the reader to look at his/her current system, run some  
commands to see what's there and, if they're lucky, conclude that  
they're all set to go and can skip the rest of the install chapter.



[PHP-DOC] Hello world in PHP

2010-04-30 Thread Robert P. J. Day
  probably about to embarrass myself but i'm looking at the PHP  
manual page Your first PHP-enabled page, which suggests this as an  
initial PHP program:

  titlePHP Test/title
 ?php echo 'pHello World/p'; ?

but if i enter, then browse to that page, i get as browser output:

hi world

'; ?

  um ... what's with those trailing characters?  did i just do  
something hideously dumb?  misconfiguration?


Re: [PHP-DOC] Hello world in PHP

2010-04-30 Thread Robert P. J. Day

Quoting Philip Olson phi...@roshambo.org:

On Apr 30, 2010, at 7:35 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

 probably about to embarrass myself but i'm looking at the PHP   
manual page Your first PHP-enabled page, which suggests this as   
an initial PHP program:

 titlePHP Test/title
?php echo 'pHello World/p'; ?

but if i enter, then browse to that page, i get as browser output:

hi world

'; ?

 um ... what's with those trailing characters?  did i just do   
something hideously dumb?  misconfiguration?

Aside from the amazing mind reading ability of PHP to know you   
wanted 'hi' instead of 'hello', my guess is you do not have PHP   
enabled (at least, for the file extension you're using).

  first part was cut and paste error, argh.  and, yes, i embarrassed  
myself as i was ssh'ed into the wrong test box which didn't even have  
the PHP package installed.  and that, people, is the danger of  
drinking decaf.  never forget it.


Re: [PHP-DOC] Hello world in PHP

2010-04-30 Thread Robert P. J. Day

Quoting Daniel Brown danbr...@php.net:

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 10:47, Robert P. J. Day   
rpj...@crashcourse.ca wrote:

 first part was cut and paste error, argh.  and, yes, i embarrassed myself
as i was ssh'ed into the wrong test box which didn't even have the PHP
package installed.  and that, people, is the danger of drinking decaf.
 never forget it.

Incidentally, the closing remarks regarding decaf caused me to
spit a mouthful of regular coffee onto my keyboard as I laughed (and
subsequently choked a bit).  Alas, the true definition of irony.

  hmmm ... apparently, it's not as simple as i thought.  i'm on a  
test, fresh install of fedora 13 beta, i've installed apache 2 and  
started it, i've done a

  # yum install php

and i can see:

# rpm -qa *php*

  i created /var/www/html/phpinfo.php which, unsurprisingly, simply  
runs phpinfo(), i've checked that there is a  
/etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf file, i've verified that there is a shared  
object /usr/lib64/httpd/modules/libphp5.so ... and yet, when i browse  
to localhost's phpinfo.php, i see only (verbatim):


httpd -M verifies that, yes, php5_module is loaded.  so, again, what  
have i done stupidly?  and even if it's a trivial solution, i'm going  
to verify that a fresh install of fedora 13 with both httpd and php  
doesn't support php, which is just weird.


p.s.  at this point, this clearly belongs on the main php list but,  
since i started it here, i might as well finish it here.

Re: [PHP-DOC] Hello world in PHP

2010-04-30 Thread Robert P. J. Day

Quoting Robert P. J. Day rpj...@crashcourse.ca:

Quoting Daniel Brown danbr...@php.net:

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 10:47, Robert P. J. Day
rpj...@crashcourse.ca wrote:

 first part was cut and paste error, argh.  and, yes, i embarrassed myself
as i was ssh'ed into the wrong test box which didn't even have the PHP
package installed.  and that, people, is the danger of drinking decaf.
 never forget it.

   Incidentally, the closing remarks regarding decaf caused me to
spit a mouthful of regular coffee onto my keyboard as I laughed (and
subsequently choked a bit).  Alas, the true definition of irony.

  hmmm ... apparently, it's not as simple as i thought.  i'm on a
test, fresh install of fedora 13 beta, i've installed apache 2 and
started it, i've done a

  # yum install php

and i can see:

# rpm -qa *php*

  i created /var/www/html/phpinfo.php which, unsurprisingly, simply
runs phpinfo(), i've checked that there is a /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf
file, i've verified that there is a shared object
/usr/lib64/httpd/modules/libphp5.so ... and yet, when i browse to
localhost's phpinfo.php, i see only (verbatim):


httpd -M verifies that, yes, php5_module is loaded.  so, again, what
have i done stupidly?  and even if it's a trivial solution, i'm going
to verify that a fresh install of fedora 13 with both httpd and php
doesn't support php, which is just weird.

  *sigh*.  never mind, just restarting apache seemed to do it.  maybe  
i'll just start my weekend now.


Re: [PHP-DOC] User commentary in docs

2010-04-06 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Tue, 6 Apr 2010, Rich Bowen wrote:

 A few of us on the Apache HTTP Server documentation team are
 investigating what it would take to add a user commentary system to
 the Apache HTTPD docs, like that used on the PHP docs. What software
 is used for that? Is it easily reusable in other places? Where can I
 get some more info about it?

  please reconsider that idea.  as it is, there's simply too much
nonsense that's been added by users at the PHP docs site.  here's an


if you look closely at that page, it's simply a ***table of
contents***, fer cryin' out loud.  nevertheless, numerous commenters
found it necessary to expound on it.  for what conceivable purpose?

  if you want to support user commentary, the only sane way is to
regularly peruse those comments, trash the garbage, and incorporate
the reasonable comments into the documentation proper.  just leaving
the comments there in perpetuity is, IMHO, a terrible idea.


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

Re: [PHP-DOC] User commentary in docs

2010-04-06 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Tue, 6 Apr 2010, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

 Robert, you could pitch in and help clean up and incorporate the
 comments then.  I am sure Dan and the others would appreciate the

 There is simply too much user feedback and too few volunteers to get
 them all into the documentation in a timely manner.  We found long
 ago that the best alternative was to have a quick way to get rid of
 bad comments and let the majority of stuff through because there
 really is some good contents in there.

 You may not like them, but I can tell you that the huge majority of
 feedback we get on them is positive.  Almost everywhere I go, no
 matter where it is in the world, the user comments in the
 documentation is something people say they love about PHP.

  sorry, that last post of mine came across as unnecessarily harsh,
and i apologize.  sure, after i dig out from under my current project,
i can probably help out.  and, yes, there are the occasional gems of
advice, no doubt about it.  but you do appreciate my original
observation regarding pages like this:


the fact that readers *can* comment should not suggest that they
*must* comment.  and, more importantly, they should try to comment on
the appropriate page so that their comment makes sense.


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

Re: [PHP-DOC] What to do with PHP 6

2010-03-31 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Tue, 30 Mar 2010, Philip Olson wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 As most of us know, PHP 6 has disappeared. It used to be 5.3+unicode
 but now it's unknown and certainly not worth mentioning in the PHP
 manual (at least, as a version that introduces features/changes).
 With that said, let's talk about what to do. First:

  $ egrep --exclude=\*.svn\* -r -n PHP 6 * |wc -l

 Or, better than grep ;)

  $ ack PHP 6 * |wc -l

 Around 13 are in versions.xml, and 51 in ini.xml. We must handle this as a 
 case-by-basis because not all of these features are unicode specific, and 
 even those that are may [or may not] be in the next PHP version for all we 
 know... nobody really knows. Our options:

  (a) Remove or comment out the docs (a sad thought)
  (b) Make guesses as to which PHP version they'll be in (5.4 is likely for 
 many, but easily wrong)
  (c) Move them to an appendix (doesn't feel right)
  (d) Write Future PHP Release or similar until we know (seems okay)
  (e) ...

 I lean towards (d) for most cases. Thoughts?

  call it PHP NG, with a huge early disclaimer that you're not sure
what the number will be.


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

Re: [PHP-DOC] random observations on online PHP manual

2010-03-22 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Mon, 22 Mar 2010, Richard Quadling wrote:

 On 21 March 2010 14:15, Robert P. J. Day rpj...@crashcourse.ca wrote:

   i wasn't suggesting reproducing the entire command-line section.
   i was more thinking along the lines of something early in the
  installation section, maybe a very first section, how can you
  tell if you have PHP installed already?  if people are truly
  beginners, they may not even *know* if PHP is on their system.  so
  a simple sequence of commands they can run, with a rationale for
  them, such as:
   $ type php            # is it here and where is it?
   $ php -v              # what version is it?
   $ php -m              # what modules are loaded?
   $ php -h              # get general help
  not only would this get a new reader at least typing a few
  commands, but you can recommend that if they *do* need to install,
  they can re-use this list as a sanity check to verify the install
  went well. you might also mention that when they eventually ask
  for help, people will ask them these very questions, what version
  are you running? what modules are loaded?

 For windows, the type php isn't the same command.

 Windows type is similar to cat.

 Assuming that PHP _is_ in the path, then, at the command line ...


 will produce output of ...


  i'm aware it wouldn't work the same way under windows, i was just
trying to propose a simple sanity test someone could run to verify
that PHP seemed to be installed and working properly.  naturally, you
can tweak that text accordingly.

  and regarding installation, i would *strongly* encourage readers to
install from packages if they can, leaving downloading and building
the source as a last resort only.  virtually every OS these days
should have PHP and related packages ready to go.


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

Re: [PHP-DOC] random observations on online PHP manual

2010-03-22 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Mon, 22 Mar 2010, Christopher Jones wrote:

 On 03/22/2010 04:42 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

 and regarding installation, i would *strongly* encourage
  readers to install from packages if they can, leaving downloading
  and building the source as a last resort only.  virtually every OS
  these days should have PHP and related packages ready to go.

 Some commonly used server platforms (e.g. RH Linux) favor keeping
 compatibility and don't ship current PHP releases.  Installing from
 packages is often not the most appropriate choice - unless you like
 using PHP 4.3.9.

 Chris (who builds PHP RPMs and whose company sells Linux support)

  that's why i qualified with that with, if they can.  but even with
centos/RHEL, PHP 5.3-related packages are extremely easy to come by.
it may be that you have to look for the generally-approved repos (in
this case, http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/5/, among others),
but they're easily findable.

  i stand by my position that having to download, configure and build
from source should still be listed as a last resort for most sane,
mainstream linux distros.


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

[PHP-DOC] install page for openbsd could use some updating

2010-03-22 Thread Robert P. J. Day



that page seems stuck on PHP 4.  some quick googling shows that
phpxs isn't even available since PHP 4.3:


and there's a whole openbsd page devoted to PHP 5:



Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

Re: [PHP-DOC] random observations on online PHP manual

2010-03-21 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sat, 20 Mar 2010, Philip Olson wrote:

 On Mar 20, 2010, at 8:00 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

   ... extends the feature set adding SimpleXML and XMLReader support.
   - is there a reason to mention XMLReader but not XMLWriter?  (what
 *is* the state of XML support in PHP these days?  must keep

 That section is a bit outdated and easily forgotten. Please file a
 bug report about this being outdated.


is that the proper format?


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

[PHP-DOC] building svn checkout of manual: BuildOptionsParser.php error

2010-03-21 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  a short report on the latest attempt to checkout and build the
manual from SVN.  checkout worked fine, i installed phd, then ran
build.sh, several lines of what looked like reasonable output, then:

[09:25:09 - E_USER_ERROR  ]
Invalid Package
$ Couldn't get a file descriptor referring
to the console

  am i just missing a required package?  if so, that should be
mentioned in the comments section of the build.sh script.  or did i
just do something dumb?


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

Re: [PHP-DOC] random observations on online PHP manual

2010-03-21 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sat, 20 Mar 2010, Philip Olson wrote:

 On Mar 20, 2010, at 8:00 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

  * very early on, i might be tempted to have a short section
  explaining how readers can examine the current state of PHP on
  their system, mostly from the command line.  when i was starting
  out, i was thrilled to discover php -m.  a short page walking
  readers through something like:
   $ php --help
   $ php -v
   $ php -m
   $ php -i
  and so on would probably not hurt, and it's something they could
  do with no further background, just to verify that they have a
  working and properly-configured PHP setup.

 Sounds useful, and the command line part was restructured recently
 so sections like this can be easily found (and pointed to) without
 getting lost.

  - http://php.net/manual/features.commandline

 So early on, this can be referenced. It's difficult to know where a
 tutorial should go but we lean towards having them within their
 specific topics, as opposed to being lumped together in the Getting
 Started tutorial. Although there really aren't many tutorials
 currently, eventually a tutorial index feels useful.

  i wasn't suggesting reproducing the entire command-line section.  i
was more thinking along the lines of something early in the
installation section, maybe a very first section, how can you tell if
you have PHP installed already?  if people are truly beginners, they
may not even *know* if PHP is on their system.  so a simple sequence
of commands they can run, with a rationale for them, such as:

  $ type php# is it here and where is it?
  $ php -v  # what version is it?
  $ php -m  # what modules are loaded?
  $ php -h  # get general help

not only would this get a new reader at least typing a few commands,
but you can recommend that if they *do* need to install, they can
re-use this list as a sanity check to verify the install went well.
you might also mention that when they eventually ask for help, people
will ask them these very questions, what version are you running?
what modules are loaded?


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

Re: [PHP-DOC] building svn checkout of manual: BuildOptionsParser.php error

2010-03-21 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sun, 21 Mar 2010, Hannes Magnusson wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 14:27, Robert P. J. Day rpj...@crashcourse.ca wrote:
   a short report on the latest attempt to checkout and build the
  manual from SVN.  checkout worked fine, i installed phd, then ran
  build.sh, several lines of what looked like reasonable output, then:

 svn up and try again, there were couple of bugs in that script :]
 See http://svn.php.net/viewvc?view=revisionrevision=296477

  just svn uped, at rev 296477, same error:

[11:17:36 - E_USER_ERROR  ]
Invalid Package
[rpj...@localhost phpdoc-en]$ Couldn't get a file descriptor referring
to the console

  this is on a reasonably up-to-date version of fedora 12.


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

Re: [PHP-DOC] building svn checkout of manual: BuildOptionsParser.php error

2010-03-21 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sun, 21 Mar 2010, Hannes Magnusson wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 14:27, Robert P. J. Day rpj...@crashcourse.ca wrote:
   a short report on the latest attempt to checkout and build the
  manual from SVN.  checkout worked fine, i installed phd, then ran
  build.sh, several lines of what looked like reasonable output, then:

 svn up and try again, there were couple of bugs in that script :]
 See http://svn.php.net/viewvc?view=revisionrevision=296477

  just FYI:

$ pear remote-list -c doc.php.net
Channel doc.php.net Available packages:
Package  Version
PhD  1.0.0
PhD_Generic  1.0.0
PhD_PHP  1.0.0
PhD_PEAR 1.0.0
PhD_GeSHi11x 1.0.0
PhD_IDE  -n/a-


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

Re: [PHP-DOC] building svn checkout of manual: BuildOptionsParser.php error

2010-03-21 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sun, 21 Mar 2010, Hannes Magnusson wrote:

 Do note that I added the phd_php package as a requirement in the
 comments in build.sh

  ah, quite right.  but why not just enhance the build.sh script to
make it bulletproof, along the lines of:


# svn co http://svn.php.net/repository/phpdoc/modules/doc-en
# pear install doc.php.net/phd
# pear install doc.php.net/phd_php
# cd doc-en

pear info doc.php.net/PhD  /dev/null 21
if [ $?  0 ] ; then
echo You need to install the PEAR package PhD first, exiting.

pear info doc.php.net/PhD_PHP  /dev/null 21
if [ $?  0 ] ; then
echo You need to install the PEAR package PhD_PHP first, exiting.

... etc etc ...



Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

[PHP-DOC] svn co and build of PHP manual could be clearer

2010-03-20 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  in order to stay on top of things, i thought i'd svn co the
development stream of the PHP manual, but it seems that doing that
could be more clearly explained.

  starting here:


there is no mention whatsoever about doing an svn checkout of the
manual -- how to do that is buried partway down in the page here:


it really should be mentioned on that first page, no?  also, once i do
the checkout:

  $ svn checkout http://svn.php.net/repository/phpdoc/en/trunk ./phpdoc-en

there's nothing in that checkout that tells me how to configure and
build the manual.  i look in vain for a README or Makefile or
configure script.  a little searching and i eventually end up here:


where, curiously, the PHP section link at the bottom refers back to
itself.  how odd.  eventually, i follow the link labelled
Documentation Howto over there on the right, looking for build
instructions, but i still don't see them.  i see directions for how to
edit and validate XML files, but is there a single page with
instructions for how to simply generate the manual HTML?


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

[PHP-DOC] random observations on online PHP manual

2010-03-20 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  (my technical editor streak coming to the fore, representing just
some thoughts on reading up to but not including the language
reference so far.)

* it's not clear what version of PHP the online manual refers to.  i
would *guess* that it's the output of a fairly recent build of the
doc trunk, but it wouldn't hurt to make that explicitly clear at the
beginning somewhere.

* not sure if this is covered further into the manual than i've read
so far, but i learned quickly that on some versions of linux (in my
case, fedora), a *lot* of the PHP modules and extensions have been
packages as yum-installable packages.  a lot of the PEAR packages as
well.  i'm wondering if that's worth mentioning fairly early on for
readers running particular linux distros.

* http://www.php.net/manual/en/intro-whatis.php

  Don't be afraid [of?] reading the long list of PHP's features.

* http://www.php.net/manual/en/intro-whatcando.php

  You can make a PHP script to run it without any server or browser.

  - that's a really awkward sentence

  ... extends the feature set adding SimpleXML and XMLReader support.

  - is there a reason to mention XMLReader but not XMLWriter?  (what
*is* the state of XML support in PHP these days?  must keep

* very early on, i might be tempted to have a short section explaining
how readers can examine the current state of PHP on their system,
mostly from the command line.  when i was starting out, i was thrilled
to discover php -m.  a short page walking readers through something

  $ php --help
  $ php -v
  $ php -m
  $ php -i

and so on would probably not hurt, and it's something they could do
with no further background, just to verify that they have a working
and properly-configured PHP setup.

* http://www.php.net/manual/en/configuration.file.php

  - it might be worth telling the reader about php --ini here, and
perhaps other ini-related php CLI options.  i found the above comment
really useful early on.


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

Re: [PHP-DOC] random observations on online PHP manual

2010-03-20 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sat, 20 Mar 2010, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

   - it might be worth telling the reader about php --ini here, and
 perhaps other ini-related php CLI options.  i found the above
 comment really useful early on.

  bah ... i meant the above command, not comment.


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

Re: [PHP-DOC] svn co and build of PHP manual could be clearer

2010-03-20 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sat, 20 Mar 2010, Philip Olson wrote:

 The trouble with only downloading en/ (due to the incorrect svn
 checkout reference), you're missing the doc-base/ directory that the
 HOWTO refers to. So all the scripts, the README, but most
 importantly the configure.php script... you had no chance! :)

  that's what i had immediately assumed but, as you obviously realize,
i was simply working off of what i read here:


later this weekend, i'll svn up and see what it takes to build the
docs from the checkout.


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

Re: [PHP-DOC] svn co and build of PHP manual could be clearer

2010-03-20 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sat, 20 Mar 2010, Philip Olson wrote:

 On Mar 20, 2010, at 9:04 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

  On Sat, 20 Mar 2010, Philip Olson wrote:
  The trouble with only downloading en/ (due to the incorrect svn
  checkout reference), you're missing the doc-base/ directory that the
  HOWTO refers to. So all the scripts, the README, but most
  importantly the configure.php script... you had no chance! :)
   that's what i had immediately assumed but, as you obviously realize,
  i was simply working off of what i read here:
  later this weekend, i'll svn up and see what it takes to build the
  docs from the checkout.

 Yeah, thanks for discovering this most unfortunate bug. And you may
 as well delete that checkout because it'll never contain the proper
 structure. Eventually svn.php will update because it's fixed in SVN,
 and mirrors update about every hour. Or, checking out doc-base/ next
 to en/ works too.

  will do.  i assume the eventually proper instructions for checking
out the manual will be something like:

  1) check out generic doc-base infrastructure, followed by
  2) check out subdir of language of interest

or something like that.


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

Re: [PHP-DOC] random observations on online PHP manual

2010-03-20 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  first short reply before i must dash for a bit ...

On Sat, 20 Mar 2010, Philip Olson wrote:

 On Mar 20, 2010, at 8:00 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

  it's not clear what version of PHP the online manual refers to.
  i would *guess* that it's the output of a fairly recent build of
  the doc trunk, but it wouldn't hurt to make that explicitly clear
  at the beginning somewhere.

 It includes the build date on the opening page although not the SVN
 revision it's based on. I vaguely remember someone asking to insert
 the SVN revision before and a little brain storming on how took
 place but ... maybe one day.

  i don't think you need to be precise, it's just not clear whether
the online manual closely tracks the svn repo, or whether it simply
represents the latest *official* release (5.3.2), or what.  just
something simple in the preface clarifying that in general would be
useful -- no need to get it to the svn revision level.


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

Re: [PHP-DOC] random observations on online PHP manual

2010-03-20 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sat, 20 Mar 2010, Philip Olson wrote:

 On Mar 20, 2010, at 8:00 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

  * not sure if this is covered further into the manual than i've
  read so far, but i learned quickly that on some versions of linux
  (in my case, fedora), a *lot* of the PHP modules and extensions
  have been packages as yum-installable packages.  a lot of the PEAR
  packages as well.  i'm wondering if that's worth mentioning fairly
  early on for readers running particular linux distros.

 A section within install/ that details the situation with linux
 distributions would probably be useful, as long as it's written to
 not require frequent updates. There is a section specific to Debian
 but I don't think every distro needs one... thoughts on making it

  i don't think it requires much, maybe something as simple as:


a number of linux distributions have already pre-built a large
number of PHP, PEAR and PECL packages that are available through their
standard repositories.  for instance, on fedora linux (and other
distros that are yum based), it's a simple matter to search for
relevant packages, using one or more of:

  # yum search php
  # yum search pear
  # yum search pecl

then install the packages you want with

  # yum install list of desired packages


  i don't see needing any more than the above.


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday

[PHP-DOC] Re: [PEAR-DOC] DocBook tags: literal versus firstterm

2010-02-25 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Thu, 25 Feb 2010, Richard Quadling wrote:

... snip ...

 firstterm : This element marks the first occurrence of a word or term
 in a given context.  (TDG)

 That certainly sounds like the tag to be used.

 The example TDG has is ...

 article xmlns='http://docbook.org/ns/docbook'
 titleExample firstterm/title

 paraIn an firsttermObject Oriented/firstterm programming language,
 data and procedures (called glosstermmethods/glossterm) are
 bound together.


 So, the tag is good and it is supported as part of the Generic package
 which both the PEAR and PHP PhD packages extend.

  i can submit a patch that adjusts a number of those tagged terms.
can someone explain the proper svn diff incantation to post, along
with the proper subject line, etc?

  i'm familiar with the concept of submitting patches, having
submitted quite a number of them to the linux kernel mailing list.  i
just need to know the proper recipe for submitting them here.
if there's a web page that explains that, all i need is the link.


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:  http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:   http://twitter.com/rpjday