On Tue, 30 Mar 2010, Philip Olson wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> As most of us know, PHP 6 has disappeared. It used to be 5.3+unicode
> but now it's unknown and certainly not worth mentioning in the PHP
> manual (at least, as a version that introduces features/changes).
> With that said, let's talk about what to do. First:
>  $ egrep --exclude=\*.svn\* -r -n "PHP 6" * |wc -l
>  > 105
> Or, better than grep ;)
>  $ ack "PHP 6" * |wc -l
>  > 105
> Around 13 are in versions.xml, and 51 in ini.xml. We must handle this as a 
> case-by-basis because not all of these features are unicode specific, and 
> even those that are may [or may not] be in the next PHP version for all we 
> know... nobody really knows. Our options:
>  (a) Remove or comment out the docs (a sad thought)
>  (b) Make guesses as to which PHP version they'll be in (5.4 is likely for 
> many, but easily wrong)
>  (c) Move them to an appendix (doesn't feel right)
>  (d) Write "Future PHP Release" or similar until we know (seems okay)
>  (e) ...
> I lean towards (d) for most cases. Thoughts?

  call it "PHP NG", with a huge early disclaimer that you're not sure
what the number will be.


Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

            Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:                                          http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:                                       http://twitter.com/rpjday

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