Re: [PLUG] Setting ADSL Bandwidth

2011-07-28 Thread Rich Shepard
On Wed, 27 Jul 2011, Rich Shepard wrote:

 if you have a fujitsu, that implies frame relay and i don't know that it
 can go past 1.5m.  you may need to get converted to atm (westel boxes,

   Thank you. I'll check with aracnet/spiritone.

   Sure enough, I need a new 'modem' (bridge). Verizon/Frontier was supposed
to have upgraded my circuit and bridge last year, but I'm not the only one
they didn't do. Aracnet sent me the new tiny bridge so we'll make the switch
Monday or Tuesday; when I can no longer get on the 'Net I'll swap hardware.

Thanks for the pointer, Joe!

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Setting ADSL Bandwidth

2011-07-27 Thread Joe Pruett
if you have a fujitsu, that implies frame relay and i don't know that it
can go past 1.5m.  you may need to get converted to atm (westel boxes,
last i looked) to get the higher speed.  also, the isp has to update
things on their end to send traffic to you at the higher speed, but i'd
guess they are on top of that.

On 07/24/2011 09:00 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:
 On Sun, 24 Jul 2011, Bill Barry wrote:

 Have you tried rebooting your modem?

I had not. I just power cycled it (an old Fujitsu model without a power
 switch so I pulled the plug, paused, reset the plug). No difference.


 PLUG mailing list

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Setting ADSL Bandwidth

2011-07-27 Thread Rich Shepard
On Wed, 27 Jul 2011, Joe Pruett wrote:

 if you have a fujitsu, that implies frame relay and i don't know that it
 can go past 1.5m.  you may need to get converted to atm (westel boxes,


   Thank you. I'll check with aracnet/spiritone.

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Setting ADSL Bandwidth

2011-07-25 Thread Rich Shepard
On Mon, 25 Jul 2011, Mike Connors wrote:

 Assuming of course, the copper infrastructure from your modem to the telco
 is actually capable of supporting that b-width speed you requested.


   I requested 3M/768K because my location will not support the maximum of
7M/768K. Aracnet checked with Frontier (on line) to find the maximum for

 But at the very least, if they told you the change shouldn't take more
 than 48 hrs, as a matter of good customer service they should've
 communicated to why it's taken over a week.

   I've had excellent service from Aracnet for more than a dozen years so I
assume they've not had a response to their follow up ticket with Frontier or
I would have been informed.

   Frontier does not impress me. When they installed FIOS cable a year or two
ago, they ran the cable to my neighbor's house in the middle of the strip
between their driveway and mine. Directly under the trunks of a couple of
sweet gum trees that we had cut down a couple of months ago. When the stump
grinder went to work (assuming the cable was off to the side; apperently he
did not call for locator service), the fiber optic cable got chewed up. The
replacement crew admitted it was originally poorly placed; the stump grinder
said he had never cut a cable in the 20 years he's been in business. When
the next-to-last Frontier crew came to re-route the newly installed
replacement fiber, the did put it deep and against the edge of my neighbor's
driveway ... and broke their drain pipe from house gutters to the street.
So, another Frontier crew was called out to replace the drain pipe.

   Since Frontier's technical service business model seems to be based on the
Keystone Kops, I should not be surprised the banswidth upgrade has not yet
been accomplished.

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Setting ADSL Bandwidth

2011-07-24 Thread Rich Shepard
On Sun, 24 Jul 2011, Bill Barry wrote:

 Have you tried rebooting your modem?


   I had not. I just power cycled it (an old Fujitsu model without a power
switch so I pulled the plug, paused, reset the plug). No difference.


PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Setting ADSL Bandwidth

2011-07-24 Thread Russell Senior
 Robert == Robert Munro writes:

Robert On Sun, 24 Jul 2011 06:16:47 -0700 (PDT) Rich Shepard wrote:
  Last Monday I upgraded my Aracnet account to the maximum bandwidth
 that Frontier reports for my location (3M down, 768K up). The
 change was supposed to take no longer than 48 hours. It is now a
 week and my bandwidth has not incresed (according to
 Isn't such a change a matter of a few keystrokes by the Telco?
 Aracnet/SpiritOne tech support sent Frontier a query on Thursday
 but has not had a response since then. I'm trying to understand
 where the problem might be.

Robert Aracnet/SpiritOne is your ISP and Frontier (formerly Verizon,
Robert perhaps) is the ILEC (telco) or maybe it's a CLEC or DLEC,
Robert leasing your circuit from a telco (like Qwest, for example)
Robert and reselling that to your ISP.

Robert In my admittedly limited experience (as Speakeasy is my ISP,
Robert and Covad is the CLEC under the telco, Qwest), provisioning an
Robert ADSL line takes a lot longer than 48 hours. That work must be
Robert scheduled by the companies and that can take more than one
Robert week, perhaps up to two or three weeks.

Robert As I understand it, your telco pair terminates in a local
Robert telco office, where the voice bandwidth is split off to the
Robert POTS circuits, and higher frequency ADSL bandwidth is
Robert terminated at the local DSLAM (essentially, a rack of ADSL
Robert cards hooked to an edge router, sitting on a fast link).

Robert If the ILEC (or CLEC/DLEC) that owns your ADSL card at the
Robert DSLAM has to switch that out for a faster one, that could
Robert account for a provisioning delay, such as you seem to be
Robert experiencing.

Robert I only know this because Speakeasy made the entire process
Robert transparent, both when I initially ordered my ADSL line and
Robert again later, as I moved.  It showed me the work orders,
Robert schedules and confirmations of work done.

Robert You now know everything I do about ADSL provisioning (well,
Robert except for fact that apparently the backhaul on my line uses
Robert ATM from my DSLAM to Speakeasy's Seattle POP, which sort of
Robert blew my mind when I heard that).

Robert Perhaps Aracnet/SpiritOne will share its record of orders,
Robert etc., to the ILEC/CLEC/DLEC with you. That's what I'd ask for,
Robert if I had the problem.

Robert This sort of thing makes me hesitate to think about changing
Robert my ISP, or even ordering a higher speed link. I can't afford
Robert my ADSL link to fail, though I might consider a backup or a
Robert dual-homed setup for reliability.


Russell Senior, President
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