Re: Kernel Panic

2022-08-22 Thread Michael via PLUG-discuss
I spoke too soon. It boot into busybox this morning. So it is looking like
it is the hard drive after all. One mor operating system to try before I
buy the new hard drive. I was told arch works best so (while not arch)
manjaro is what I will try. I tried to install arch but it failed while I
was installing it.

On Mon, Aug 22, 2022 at 5:12 AM Michael  wrote:

> okay, here is a little update. I installed 20.3 and ran it like two days
> with no busybox error. I then update the operating system (not
> dist-upgrade) and the next boot gave the hardware splashscreen and then it
> went black. So I can live with the computer but can't update it. Oh well.
> It will only be for a year!
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 6:30 PM Matthew Gibson via PLUG-discuss <
>> wrote:
>> eh. Just pointed you in the right direction. Good luck in your
>> distro-hop.
>> Matthew
>> On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 3:28 PM Michael via PLUG-discuss <
>>> wrote:
>>> Thanks so much for taking the time out of your day to teach me how I
>>> should have looked into the error  and you solved my problem. So I’ll
>>> distro hop till I find something that doesn’t panic.
>>> On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 5:21 PM Matthew Gibson via PLUG-discuss <
>>>> wrote:
 Taking a peek at a quick internet search for the keywords "initramfs
 zstd compression" and perusing the listings with the knowledge that Michael
 is using Mint21 (I'm assuming it's similarly labeled following it's parent
 of Ubuntu) it seems likely that there is an issue with the compression
 being run on that particular hardware. Then I found this article by
 Phoronix which gives added weight to the theory that it is a compression
 problem: Ubuntu Rethinking Its Initramfs Compression Strategy -

 It's likely that Mint22 or even Ubuntu21.xx LTS will not have the same
 problem. That's just my theory though. Use at your own discretion.

 As for this little jewel of disdain ridden text: "Who ever needed init
 system support before systemd?" Literally anyone who wasn't familiar with
 the technology and didn't RTFM.

 Just the thoughts of a Gentoo-Juvenile-now-Fedora-Adult.
 Michael, Hope you find a solution you like for your woes.
 Steve, Stay Sassy friend.


 On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 1:13 AM Steve Litt via PLUG-discuss <> wrote:

> On Tue, 2022-08-16 at 19:47 +, T Zack Crawford via PLUG-discuss
> wrote:
> >
> > You could go to a distro which has something other than systemd for
> init,
> Yes yes yes yes, YES!!!
> > but recognize  you will be missing some features (which could
> probably be done
> > with something else), the daemon services will be written and
> managed differently,
> s/differently/better/ in the case of the runit init system.
> > and there are a lot fewer people available for support.
> Who ever needed init system support before systemd?
> > Unfortunately, a bit of FLOSSware is written with the assumption
> you're using
> > systemd.
> Who needs Gnome and the Snap packager anyway?
> > I tried Artix for a hot minute but decided ultimately it wasn't for
> me because
> > either a) I am dependent on the distributers to maintain their
> repositories which
> > are often missing packages for configuring daemon services or b) I
> would be
> > compiling packages for myself and writing my own init scripts.
> Try Void Linux. All major software, and even some minor software, is
> supported. Void
> uses the Runit init system. With runit, writing your own init scripts
> (called run
> scripts) is trivial --- easier than writing a systemd Unit File.
> Note that the s6 init system is a little more complicated and
> featureful, but what I
> said about runit is true of s6 too.
> SteveT
> A happy Void and Runit user for 7 years
> ---
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Re: Opportunity

2022-08-22 Thread David Schwartz via PLUG-discuss
The question that was posed morphed into something about the value of CS 
degrees today. I don’t think they’re worth the time or cost to get one. Keith 
keeps trying to make my skills sound like I’m some kind of super-hero or 
something. Thanks, but things took  weird turn around 2004 and nobody seems to 
care much today.

Early in my career (mostly in the 1980’s), the dominant attitude was, “Hey, you 
have a CS degree! You can learn anything!” Nobody cared much if I knew stuff 
already or not, they just expected me to LEARN NEW THINGS QUICKLY. For example, 
I left Intel after 5-1/2 years and went to work with Moto on the team porting 
Unix System V Rel 3 to the 68020; I had never seen or heard of Unix or C prior 
to that. After PC/MS-DOS hit the scene, the shells in Unix seemed like a breath 
of fresh air! Given the attitudes in hiring today, there’s no way in hell I’d 
be hired for that job even though I was great at it! (FWIW, I got laid-off at 
both Intel and Moto.)

I went out on my own in the 90’s and was the primary architect and developer at 
four startups. The amount of research I had to do for them probably came close 
to qualifying for a couple of PhDs. I absolutely LOVED it, but the politics 
SUCKED. Two of the companies were imploded due to the egos of the investors; 
one had the life snorted out of it because of the founder’s drug habit; and one 
came so close to succeeding, but got unexpectedly bought up by Computer 
Associates who put our software on a shelf in a back room because they didn’t 
understand what made it different from other software they were already 
marketing. (The founders tried valiantly to acquire it back from CA for over a 
year, with no success. It was seen as worthless to CA, but they saw it as a 
threat if it were to fall into competitor’s hands.)

In 2000 I took a job at the ASU BioDesign Institute and worked there for around 
4 years. While I was there, I did get to take advantage of lots of my 
compiler-related knowledge because it turned out that half of the work I did 
involved writing import parsers for whatever crazy data files Biologists 
working on their Master’s Degrees created. They maybe had one programming 
class, and they were expected to write all of the software needed to support 
their Master’s thesis. The software I worked on needed to be able to import 
EVERY data file format that someone at some university somewhere in the world 
published as part of their thesis that was of interest to other researchers 
anywhere in the world.

Pretty much all of the work I’ve been hired to do since then (2005+) was based 
entirely on the fact that I had 10+ years working with Delphi. (It could have 
been COBOL or FORTRAN.) Nobody gave a rat’s ass about my education, background, 
patents, or any of that. Nobody really cared what I had to say except as it 
related to customer-specific programming requests that affected their 
Delphi-based apps. 

At one place, something I was totally capable of doing in a few months was 
out-sourced at great expense to a team of peole at some company that spend over 
a year and finally gave up ... and the other guy on the team finished. (I had 
taken another job by then.) At another place, I found some patterns that turned 
up over 100 bugs in code that was easy to see once the code patterns were 
pointed out; but I was basically was fired because I kept trying for 6 months 
to fix them and was repeatedly told that only bugs reported by the customer can 
be fixed. Seriously. They were more concerned with getting ISO-900x and CMMI 
Level-3 certification than ensuring their code was bug-free. To them, their 
PROCESS was more important than the PRODUCT it was used to manage.

I’ve been hired several times and told EXPLICITLY that one of the main reasons 
they were hiring me was to keep their asses out of the fire by letting them 
know if there was anything I might find them doing that was seriously in need 
of attention. I found plenty of things at different places, and nobody wanted 
to hear about ANY of it. 

At a few places, the code blew up and I was blamed. I later learned that a lot 
of contractors are hired specifically as “fall guys” for known problems that 
are about to blow up. Being able to blame the contractors gets the managers 
off-the-hook and their bosses then extend their budgets and schedules in ways 
they refused to do previously. Turns out this is an old game in the world of 
engineering contract work. Remember when the Space Shuttle Challenger blew up 
during launch? A lot of the people trying to alert upper management about the 
potential problem were … contractors.

I am honestly fed up with how software companies are being run since the whole 
"dot-com meltdown” in 2000. 

All of this is to say, I don’t think a CS degree has been worth the paper it’s 
printed on since 2004 or so.

Compiler design is just a one-semester class. That, along with things like 
Database Design, Formal Automata Theory, Finite Math 

Re: Opportunity

2022-08-22 Thread Steve Litt via PLUG-discuss
On Mon, 2022-08-22 at 15:35 +, der.hans via PLUG-discuss wrote:
> Am 22. Aug, 2022 schwätzte greg zegan via PLUG-discuss so:

> Community college won't get you all the way to CS or EE, but you can get a
> bunch of the non-domain specific classes that way.

You wouldn't believe all I learned at Santa Monica Community College (SMC) in 
1980's. Most important, I learned the program architecture tool of that era,
functional decomposition. At SMC I learned to design both Cobol and Pascal 
using functional decomposition. And by learning Pascal, I had a leg up learning 
Python, Perl, Java, Javascript, and pretty much every language that can be used

SMC taught me systems analysis, the art, science and procedure of querying for 
requirements, incorporating them into the design, planning the project, writing 
specs, and implementing them in code. As a freelancer, this gave me a huge
advantage, because I could dig down to what the user/customer REALLY wanted, 
them whether it was feasable within time/budget constraints, and then deliver 

I don't know if community colleges are still as good, and I suspect California
community colleges are the best, and SMC is among the best of them, but my
experience tells me that a few courses at a community college can jumpstart your

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Re: Opportunity

2022-08-22 Thread Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss

On 2022-08-21 17:50, Steve Litt via PLUG-discuss wrote:

On Sun, 2022-08-21 at 07:08 -0700, wrote:

I think the Universities
will dry up.  

I   H O P E   S O !

M E   T O O ! ! !

Degree discrimination really frosts my petunias. Very little of the
programming I've
done or seen done couldn't be done by a fairly bright person, perhaps
with 3 or 4
programming courses in junior college. To me, the higher education
system is class
warfare, plain and simple. And I have a BSEE degree.

I would agree, especially PHP.  I think some make PHP more difficult 
than it needs to be.

I first looked at college in 1978 and that year it was $275 a semester
at the University of Arizona. I ended up going to junior college and 

was $100 my first semester the spring of 1979.

I took programming and business courses at Santa Monica Community 
College, for

$20/course. My income tripled, so both the state of California and I
laughed all the
way to the bank.


When I was first exposed to programming in 1983 a bachelor's degree 

required to be a programmer. I think that requirement is long gone.  I
think employers are looking for just skills.

1983 was the tail end of the glass house, IBM Mainframe era, which was 
almost a
monopsany. By 1985, with DBASE, Turbo Pascal, and the rise of 
affordable 286's,
the Kitchen Table Programmer made his or her move, running circles 
around the

mainframe programmers on minis or micros.

Interesting observation.  I started programming on dBaseII in 1986.  A 
manager gave me an Otrona Attache portable computer telling me 
I was the only one who had any computer experience.  At that time I was 
working on an Associates degree in programming.

In 1986 I bought a Commodore 64 and the next year I bought an 8088 
garage clone that has 2 360M floppies and 640K of RAM.  A couple years 
later I got a Seagate ST-225 hard drive, which as I recall, was all of 
20MB and cost somewhere around $300.

I followed the dBase clones all the way to 2000.

I was exposed to Turbo Pascal in junior college and at the university.

But still, many employers screen out the
non-degreed. They claim it's because the graduate at least proved 
he/she could

complete something. But all too often, what a college degree proves is
you didn't
have to spend all your time supporting your family as a kid. By the
way, 1984 was
when I busted into professional programming: Whitesmith Pascal on a
PDP11/23 running
TSX multitasking over RT/11. The next year I started professional
programming in C.


I think self study is big today.  

Huge. And also these inexpensive online courses.

And if the economy does crash I'm
thinking that the next generation of programmers will be self thought
and might just be more inclined to be using Linux.

LOL, depends on the severity of the crash. If it's too bad the guy
knowing how to
grow crops, sanitize water, and buy/sell stuff will be on top.

I've heard that.  Don't think I'll become a farmer in my old age

But yeah, if it's
only like 1982 or 2008-2009, and there aren't enough rich kids to fill 

programming positions and they don't import hordes of H1-B's, then
yeah, self taught
will be more of a thing. By the way, it's already doable: I've seen
folks do it here
in Orlando.

Incidentally, I've seen a formula used, time and time again, for 

programmers to succeed hugely:

1) Learn the technology to a level of plausible expertise.

2) Network, network, network.

3) Get yourself installed as a presenter at multiple 

4) Network, network, network.

5) Lowball your way into getting your first client.

6) Network, network, network.

7) Whipsaw multiple clients to raise your rates.

8) Network, network, network.

9) Rinse, lather, repeat.


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Re: Opportunity

2022-08-22 Thread der.hans via PLUG-discuss

Am 22. Aug, 2022 schwätzte greg zegan via PLUG-discuss so:

moin moin,

Hello,  Good question.  Where can you get a good CS degree on a budget?India? 
Europe? North America?thanks,Greg

MIT and some other universities have put their courseware online and
available for no cost. If you want the degree, you have to apply for and
pay for the program, but the knowledge is supposed to be sweat equity.

There are also MOOC ( multi something something courses ) for no or little
cost. MOOC might also be what MIT is using. They were invested in
something like that.

ASU has online degree programs. There's probably an in state discount for
Arizona residents. There is for the in person programs.

There's also the option of working for a university and getting free
tuition. I know several people who've done that. I think ASU also gives
spouse and children classes as well.

Community college won't get you all the way to CS or EE, but you can get a
bunch of the non-domain specific classes that way.

In town we also have UAT, but I don't think it's on the inexpensive side
of the scale.

In Europe many of the universities are essentially no cost in at least
several countries if you can qualify as a citizen or other class
elligible. Getting in might be difficult, or it might not. It's been a
while since I've looked at it.



   On Monday, August 22, 2022 at 07:27:37 AM MST, Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss 

On 2022-08-22 00:17, David Schwartz via PLUG-discuss wrote:

Not sure what good a CS degree is these days. Seems like all anybody
caress about today is “at least 3 years hands-on experience with xyz
and abc” to get hired for stuff.

I consider a CS degree as an engineer.  Those who follow this path can
do things the rest of us cannot do like create parsers, compilers, and
interpreters. Am I wrong?

I'm a programmer.  I do not have the skills of a CS degree holder.  You
(David) can do lots of neat things that I cannot.  I think your niche is
smaller if you want to do engineering class work.

I had a love/hate relationship with IT for a long time because I
struggled to find adequate W2 employment. I had to become a freelancer
to rise to my potential, and that could be a book.

I bet you could spend a couple months learning Kotlin, put up a website
and do freelance Kotlin development.

I have read articles that say freelancing will take over the world in
the future.  As companies start to realize they only need a core of
employees supplemented by freelancers, then that will become the norm.

It has been my experience that small businesses mostly hire freelancers
and have no IT staff.

I read an article today that was saying how Google has been working
hard to replace Java in the Android ecosystem with Kotlin. I’m sure
Java will be with us a long time, but learning Kotlin could open some
doors in the not-too-distant future.

Five years later, Google is still all-in on Kotlin

It’s been just over five years since Google first announced that it
would make Kotlin, the
statically typed language for the Java Virtual Machine first developed
by JetBrains, a first-
class language for writing Android apps at Google I/O 2017. Since
then, Google took this a
step further by making Kotlin its preferred language for writing
Android apps in 2019 — and
while plenty of developers still use Java, Kotlin is quickly becoming
the default way to build
apps for Google’s mobile operating system.

I suspect that when Google announces the first version of Android
written in Kotlin, it will open a huge demand for Kotlin programmers
with even 6 months of experience with it.

-David Schwartz

On Aug 21, 2022, at 7:08 AM, Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss

On 2022-08-19 10:41, Steve Litt via PLUG-discuss wrote:
On Thu, 2022-08-18 at 15:52 -0700, Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss
You provide a bunch to think about.
What does this have to do with Linux?  We are on a Linux list and I
would guess most are not going to retool.
I'm 66 and do not think I will retool, so I am looking at some
things that might make my life better while we enter a period of
I am a PHP programmer and I know less about Linux than I would like
For me the opportunities have to be in the realm of LAMP/LEMP.
PHP is so ingrained that it will be around for decades.  Eventually
will go the way of COBOL... AND COBOL is still around.  I think a
could make a career being a COBOL developer.
So I think the question is what are the opportunities for the Linux
admins and the associated technologies?
What I'm personally doing is developing a Troubleshooters.Com [1]
subsite in
preparation to teach online HTML/CSS classes to people who:
1) Understand that HTML, DOM and CSS are the basis of web
presentation, regardless
of higher layer tools used,
2) Want a teacher instead of just taking a programmed online course,
3) Don't want 

Re: Customize Apache2 directory list

2022-08-22 Thread Jim via PLUG-discuss

Thank you James and Matt for your help.  This will work.

On 8/21/22 17:22, Matt Graham via PLUG-discuss wrote:

On 2022-08-21 16:43, James Mcphee via PLUG-discuss wrote:

On Sun, Aug 21, 2022 at 2:42 PM Jim wrote:

Today I got Apache2 running on it to serve music to my android
phone so could listen when I'm out in the yard.   It works but
the size of the text in the directory listing is really small.  How can
I enlarge the size of the text?    I looked online but didn't find
anything that  made sense.  Some sites said to use a css file.

It's slightly more complicated than it should be, but read on.

If you're using the apache indexes page, you can add an
IndexStyleSheet directive.

This will not do what you want without extensive fiddling.  I found a 
better solution, or at least a hacked-together starting point, by 
cannibalizing and simplifying the Apaxy github project. I had to put 
these lines into the  where my default vhost lives:

IndexStyleSheet /indexcss/style.css
HeaderName /indexcss/header.html
ReadmeName /indexcss/footer.html
IndexOptions +Charset=UTF-8 +FancyIndexing +FoldersFirst +HTMLTable 
+IconsAreLinks +IgnoreCase +NameWidth=* +SuppressDescription 
+SuppressRules +XHTML -SuppressHTMLPreamble

Then you can see how it looks at . You 
probably will need to copy the example code and change the stuff 
around for your needs since it may not be large enough. Editing the 
style.css , header.html , and footer.html files will get you lots of 
stuff.  The entire project not the hacked-together trimmed down 
version is of course at , and it has 
more features including javascript.

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Re: Opportunity

2022-08-22 Thread greg zegan via PLUG-discuss
 Hello,  Good question.  Where can you get a good CS degree on a budget?India? 
Europe? North America?thanks,Greg
On Monday, August 22, 2022 at 07:27:37 AM MST, Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss 

On 2022-08-22 00:17, David Schwartz via PLUG-discuss wrote:
> Not sure what good a CS degree is these days. Seems like all anybody
> caress about today is “at least 3 years hands-on experience with xyz
> and abc” to get hired for stuff.

I consider a CS degree as an engineer.  Those who follow this path can 
do things the rest of us cannot do like create parsers, compilers, and 
interpreters. Am I wrong?

I'm a programmer.  I do not have the skills of a CS degree holder.  You 
(David) can do lots of neat things that I cannot.  I think your niche is 
smaller if you want to do engineering class work.

I had a love/hate relationship with IT for a long time because I 
struggled to find adequate W2 employment. I had to become a freelancer 
to rise to my potential, and that could be a book.

I bet you could spend a couple months learning Kotlin, put up a website 
and do freelance Kotlin development.

I have read articles that say freelancing will take over the world in 
the future.  As companies start to realize they only need a core of 
employees supplemented by freelancers, then that will become the norm.

It has been my experience that small businesses mostly hire freelancers 
and have no IT staff.

> I read an article today that was saying how Google has been working
> hard to replace Java in the Android ecosystem with Kotlin. I’m sure
> Java will be with us a long time, but learning Kotlin could open some
> doors in the not-too-distant future.
> Five years later, Google is still all-in on Kotlin
> [2]
> It’s been just over five years since Google first announced that it
> would make Kotlin, the
> statically typed language for the Java Virtual Machine first developed
> by JetBrains, a first-
> class language for writing Android apps at Google I/O 2017. Since
> then, Google took this a
> step further by making Kotlin its preferred language for writing
> Android apps in 2019 — and
> while plenty of developers still use Java, Kotlin is quickly becoming
> the default way to build
> apps for Google’s mobile operating system.
> I suspect that when Google announces the first version of Android
> written in Kotlin, it will open a huge demand for Kotlin programmers
> with even 6 months of experience with it.
> -David Schwartz
>> On Aug 21, 2022, at 7:08 AM, Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss
>>  wrote:
>> On 2022-08-19 10:41, Steve Litt via PLUG-discuss wrote:
>> On Thu, 2022-08-18 at 15:52 -0700, Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss
>> wrote:
>> David,
>> You provide a bunch to think about.
>> What does this have to do with Linux?  We are on a Linux list and I
>> would guess most are not going to retool.
>> I'm 66 and do not think I will retool, so I am looking at some
>> simple
>> things that might make my life better while we enter a period of
>> chaos.
>> I am a PHP programmer and I know less about Linux than I would like
>> to.
>> For me the opportunities have to be in the realm of LAMP/LEMP.
>> PHP is so ingrained that it will be around for decades.  Eventually
>> it
>> will go the way of COBOL... AND COBOL is still around.  I think a
>> person
>> could make a career being a COBOL developer.
>> So I think the question is what are the opportunities for the Linux
>> admins and the associated technologies?
>> What I'm personally doing is developing a Troubleshooters.Com [1]
>> subsite in
>> preparation to teach online HTML/CSS classes to people who:
>> 1) Understand that HTML, DOM and CSS are the basis of web
>> presentation, regardless
>> of higher layer tools used,
>> 2) Want a teacher instead of just taking a programmed online course,
>> 3) Don't want to pay the price of coming to a face to face class.
> Very nice!! Based on what I am reading and hearing I think there will
> be continued demand for this type of learning.  I think the
> Universities will dry up.  It might take a while.  Looks like a year
> at ASU is almost $13,000
> [3]  Who can afford
> that?
> I first looked at college in 1978 and that year it was $275 a semester
> at the University of Arizona. I ended up going to junior college and
> it was $100 my first semester the spring of 1979.
> By 1990 UofA was just over $1000 a semester. 4 times what it was just
> 12 years prior.
> When I was first exposed to programming in 1983 a bachelor's degree
> was required to be a programmer. I think that requirement is long
> gone.  I think employers are looking for just skills.
> I think self study is big today.  And if the economy does crash I'm
> thinking that the next generation of programmers will be self thought
> and might just be more inclined to be using Linux.

Re: Opportunity

2022-08-22 Thread Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss

On 2022-08-22 00:17, David Schwartz via PLUG-discuss wrote:

Not sure what good a CS degree is these days. Seems like all anybody
caress about today is “at least 3 years hands-on experience with xyz
and abc” to get hired for stuff.

I consider a CS degree as an engineer.  Those who follow this path can 
do things the rest of us cannot do like create parsers, compilers, and 
interpreters. Am I wrong?

I'm a programmer.  I do not have the skills of a CS degree holder.  You 
(David) can do lots of neat things that I cannot.  I think your niche is 
smaller if you want to do engineering class work.

I had a love/hate relationship with IT for a long time because I 
struggled to find adequate W2 employment. I had to become a freelancer 
to rise to my potential, and that could be a book.

I bet you could spend a couple months learning Kotlin, put up a website 
and do freelance Kotlin development.

I have read articles that say freelancing will take over the world in 
the future.  As companies start to realize they only need a core of 
employees supplemented by freelancers, then that will become the norm.

It has been my experience that small businesses mostly hire freelancers 
and have no IT staff.

I read an article today that was saying how Google has been working
hard to replace Java in the Android ecosystem with Kotlin. I’m sure
Java will be with us a long time, but learning Kotlin could open some
doors in the not-too-distant future.

Five years later, Google is still all-in on Kotlin

It’s been just over five years since Google first announced that it
would make Kotlin, the
statically typed language for the Java Virtual Machine first developed
by JetBrains, a first-
class language for writing Android apps at Google I/O 2017. Since
then, Google took this a
step further by making Kotlin its preferred language for writing
Android apps in 2019 — and
while plenty of developers still use Java, Kotlin is quickly becoming
the default way to build
apps for Google’s mobile operating system.

I suspect that when Google announces the first version of Android
written in Kotlin, it will open a huge demand for Kotlin programmers
with even 6 months of experience with it.

-David Schwartz

On Aug 21, 2022, at 7:08 AM, Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss

On 2022-08-19 10:41, Steve Litt via PLUG-discuss wrote:
On Thu, 2022-08-18 at 15:52 -0700, Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss
You provide a bunch to think about.
What does this have to do with Linux?  We are on a Linux list and I
would guess most are not going to retool.
I'm 66 and do not think I will retool, so I am looking at some
things that might make my life better while we enter a period of
I am a PHP programmer and I know less about Linux than I would like
For me the opportunities have to be in the realm of LAMP/LEMP.
PHP is so ingrained that it will be around for decades.  Eventually
will go the way of COBOL... AND COBOL is still around.  I think a
could make a career being a COBOL developer.
So I think the question is what are the opportunities for the Linux
admins and the associated technologies?
What I'm personally doing is developing a Troubleshooters.Com [1]
subsite in
preparation to teach online HTML/CSS classes to people who:
1) Understand that HTML, DOM and CSS are the basis of web
presentation, regardless
of higher layer tools used,
2) Want a teacher instead of just taking a programmed online course,
3) Don't want to pay the price of coming to a face to face class.

Very nice!! Based on what I am reading and hearing I think there will
be continued demand for this type of learning.  I think the
Universities will dry up.  It might take a while.  Looks like a year
at ASU is almost $13,000 [3]  Who can afford

I first looked at college in 1978 and that year it was $275 a semester
at the University of Arizona. I ended up going to junior college and
it was $100 my first semester the spring of 1979.

By 1990 UofA was just over $1000 a semester. 4 times what it was just
12 years prior.

When I was first exposed to programming in 1983 a bachelor's degree
was required to be a programmer. I think that requirement is long
gone.  I think employers are looking for just skills.

I think self study is big today.  And if the economy does crash I'm
thinking that the next generation of programmers will be self thought
and might just be more inclined to be using Linux.

If what I am hearing and reading is that the economy is going to crash
and inflation is going to stay at 10% for the next 10 years, I think
the world will look and feel a lot different 10 or 12 years from now.

So doing what you are doing, Steve, should pay dividends for years.


Re: T-Mobile Home Internet via ethernet connection tip

2022-08-22 Thread JD Austin via PLUG-discuss
Does the 5G router allow you to set up port forwarding?
Which model did you pick?

On Sun, Aug 21, 2022 at 11:30 PM der.hans via PLUG-discuss <> wrote:

> Am 20. Aug, 2022 schwätzte David Schwartz via PLUG-discuss so:
> moin moin,
> > I’m going to guess not. That seems like it would be a higher-level
> function you’d have to do yourself using a smart router and subnets.
> I've only started looking at it.
> I asked the salesperson about using my own 5G card and router, he said to
> let him know if I get it working.
> Took entirely too long to get, but thus far it's way better than century
> link.
> We can also plug it in anywhere since it just needs power, not a networking
> connection.
> Thanks again for starting the conversation.
> ciao,
> der.hans
> > it supports DHCP, but the lack of access to the inner logic does’t tell
> me much.
> >
> > It’s a basic “gateway appliance”. They don’t want people mucking with
> internal settings.
> >
> > (I imagine you can find some folks who have published info online about
> hacking into these devices. They probably use very common FOSS code inside.
> I mean … it’s just a router with a 5G cellular modem attached to the WAN
> port, right? I think I saw something that said they've got SnapDragon CPUs
> inside.)
> >
> > Can you do this with consumer-level devices from Cox or CenturyLink?
> >
> > -David Schwartz
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >> On Aug 19, 2022, at 11:52 PM, der.hans  wrote:
> >>
> >> Am 19. Aug, 2022 schwätzte David Schwartz via PLUG-discuss so:
> >>
> >> moin moin David,
> >>
> >> I forgot to ask ( but presume the answer is no ), do the t-mobile
> devices
> >> support multiple vlans?
> >>
> >> I would like to isolate some devices and presume I would need to provide
> >> my own devices for network segregation.
> >>
> >> ciao,
> >>
> >> der.hans
> >>
> >>> I dunno if anybody here has T-Mobile Home Internet, but I do and I
> really like it. I only have one beef: the spec sheet for their
> modem/gateway says it has 2x 1 gigabit ethernet ports, but they’re only 100
> Megs. In case anybody else might want to consider them as an ISP and has a
> 1GB LAN to connect, I’ve solved the speed dilemma.
> >>>
> >>> First off, I’ve been round and round with their tech support folks
> lying about it for two years, and was recently told that they were going to
> be releasing a new device soon and it def. WOULD have 1 Gb ports.
> >>>
> >>> Well, they announced a new one (two, actually), and I got one and …
> once again the spec sheet SAYS 1 gigabit ethernet but the performance says
> nope — it’s still only 100 megs. WTF? I guess this lets them shave a couple
> of bucks off of the hardware cost. Actually, I’m not even sure why they
> bother to include the slow ethernet ports at all.
> >>>
> >>> (In a way this is really quite amusing, because prior to this, most
> modem/gateways have crappy WiFi and speedy ethernet — especially those from
> Cox and CenturyLink.)
> >>>
> >>> I don’t know how a big company like T-Mo gets away misrepresenting a
> product like this for so long. Why can’t they just SAY they’re 100 meg
> ethernet ports?
> >>>
> >>> Anyway, I finally got fed-up and bought a TP-Link RE550 AC1900
> WAP/Range Extender and configured it so I can plug my local 1 GB ethernet
> LAN wire into it and connect to the T-Mo gateway via WiFi.
> >>>
> >>> To be sure, the T-Mo gateway’s WiFi is FAST! I’ve seen speeds up to
> 870 Mbps. The ethernet, OTOH, never exceeds 93 Mbps.
> >>>
> >>> With the RE550 plugged in, my Mac minis connected to the LAN now get
> 750 Mbps DL and 78 Mbps UL. WHOA! That’s 5x DL and 2x UL faster than I got
> via the wired connection. (Actually, the newer 2018 Mac Mini gets that; the
> older one from 2014 only gets 180 Mbps DL and 65 Mbps UL.)
> >>>
> >>> And in case anybody is wondering why I use a wired LAN, it’s so the
> two Mac Minis can talk. I have the new one configured so I can access the
> old one via Screen Sharing on a dedicated Space (virtual desktop). When I
> do that over WiFi, the connection is intolerably slow for me; but with the
> wired connection, it’s quite reasonable.
> >>>
> >>> BTW, I dropped Cox a couple of years back and cut my monthly TV +
> Internet bill by quite a bit by switching to T-Mo’s Home Internet ($50/mo)
> and a couple of internet channels (Discovery+ and Philo).
> >>>
> >>> T-Mo’s Home Internet has been far more stable, consistently faster,
> and has fewer dropouts than any other ISP I’ve ever used. I highly
> recommend it. Just … if you need to connect a wired LAN, get something like
> a fast WAP/Range Extender to act as a LAN-to-WiFi bridge.
> >>>
> >>> -David Schwartz
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ---
> >>> PLUG-discuss mailing list -
> >>> To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change your mail settings:
> >>>
> >>
> >> --
> >> #  

Re: T-Mobile Home Internet via ethernet connection tip

2022-08-22 Thread Ryan Petris via PLUG-discuss
I'll just add that I also have T-Mobile 5G Home Internet and am able to get > 
100mbps out of the ethernet ports. When I first got it I was pulling > 450mbps 
out of it via ethernet. No way that would have happened if it were a 100mbps 

Something in your chain is probably 100mbit, a switch, your ethernet card, 

On Thu, Aug 18, 2022, at 8:57 PM, David Schwartz via PLUG-discuss wrote:
> I dunno if anybody here has T-Mobile Home Internet, but I do and I really 
> like it. I only have one beef: the spec sheet for their modem/gateway says it 
> has 2x 1 gigabit ethernet ports, but they’re only 100 Megs. In case anybody 
> else might want to consider them as an ISP and has a 1GB LAN to connect, I’ve 
> solved the speed dilemma.
> First off, I’ve been round and round with their tech support folks lying 
> about it for two years, and was recently told that they were going to be 
> releasing a new device soon and it def. WOULD have 1 Gb ports.
> Well, they announced a new one (two, actually), and I got one and … once 
> again the spec sheet SAYS 1 gigabit ethernet but the performance says nope — 
> it’s still only 100 megs. WTF? I guess this lets them shave a couple of bucks 
> off of the hardware cost. Actually, I’m not even sure why they bother to 
> include the slow ethernet ports at all.
> (In a way this is really quite amusing, because prior to this, most 
> modem/gateways have crappy WiFi and speedy ethernet — especially those from 
> Cox and CenturyLink.)
> I don’t know how a big company like T-Mo gets away misrepresenting a product 
> like this for so long. Why can’t they just SAY they’re 100 meg ethernet ports?
> Anyway, I finally got fed-up and bought a TP-Link RE550 AC1900 WAP/Range 
> Extender and configured it so I can plug my local 1 GB ethernet LAN wire into 
> it and connect to the T-Mo gateway via WiFi.
> To be sure, the T-Mo gateway’s WiFi is FAST! I’ve seen speeds up to 870 Mbps. 
> The ethernet, OTOH, never exceeds 93 Mbps. 
> With the RE550 plugged in, my Mac minis connected to the LAN now get 750 Mbps 
> DL and 78 Mbps UL. WHOA! That’s 5x DL and 2x UL faster than I got via the 
> wired connection. (Actually, the newer 2018 Mac Mini gets that; the older one 
> from 2014 only gets 180 Mbps DL and 65 Mbps UL.)
> And in case anybody is wondering why I use a wired LAN, it’s so the two Mac 
> Minis can talk. I have the new one configured so I can access the old one via 
> Screen Sharing on a dedicated Space (virtual desktop). When I do that over 
> WiFi, the connection is intolerably slow for me; but with the wired 
> connection, it’s quite reasonable.
> BTW, I dropped Cox a couple of years back and cut my monthly TV + Internet 
> bill by quite a bit by switching to T-Mo’s Home Internet ($50/mo) and a 
> couple of internet channels (Discovery+ and Philo).
> T-Mo’s Home Internet has been far more stable, consistently faster, and has 
> fewer dropouts than any other ISP I’ve ever used. I highly recommend it. Just 
> … if you need to connect a wired LAN, get something like a fast WAP/Range 
> Extender to act as a LAN-to-WiFi bridge.
> -David Schwartz
> ---
> PLUG-discuss mailing list -
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change your mail settings:
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Re: Opportunity

2022-08-22 Thread David Schwartz via PLUG-discuss
BTW, I’m sure lots of people here remember when Apple announced the iOS SDK a 
few months after the first iPhone was released…

I also remember seeing tons of ads from companies looking to hire “iOS SDK 
programmers with 3-5 years of iOS experience”. I could never figure out if they 
were just trolling for Apple employees or they honestly thought there were 
people outside of Apple who had been in the beta programs that long and would 
take a pay-cut to get a full-time job doing iOS programming somewhere. But the 
demand for iOS programmers is still quite strong.

-David Schwartz

> On Aug 22, 2022, at 12:17 AM, David Schwartz via PLUG-discuss 
>  wrote:
> Not sure what good a CS degree is these days. Seems like all anybody caress 
> about today is “at least 3 years hands-on experience with xyz and abc” to get 
> hired for stuff.
> I read an article today that was saying how Google has been working hard to 
> replace Java in the Android ecosystem with Kotlin. I’m sure Java will be with 
> us a long time, but learning Kotlin could open some doors in the 
> not-too-distant future.
> Five years later, Google is still all-in on Kotlin
> It’s been just over five years since Google first announced that it would 
> make Kotlin, the 
> statically typed language for the Java Virtual Machine first developed by 
> JetBrains, a first-
> class language for writing Android apps at Google I/O 2017. Since then, 
> Google took this a 
> step further by making Kotlin its preferred language for writing Android apps 
> in 2019 — and 
> while plenty of developers still use Java, Kotlin is quickly becoming the 
> default way to build 
> apps for Google’s mobile operating system.
> I suspect that when Google announces the first version of Android written in 
> Kotlin, it will open a huge demand for Kotlin programmers with even 6 months 
> of experience with it.
> -David Schwartz
>> On Aug 21, 2022, at 7:08 AM, Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss 
>> wrote:
>> On 2022-08-19 10:41, Steve Litt via PLUG-discuss wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2022-08-18 at 15:52 -0700, Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss wrote:
 You provide a bunch to think about.
 What does this have to do with Linux?  We are on a Linux list and I
 would guess most are not going to retool.
 I'm 66 and do not think I will retool, so I am looking at some simple
 things that might make my life better while we enter a period of chaos. 
 I am a PHP programmer and I know less about Linux than I would like to. 
 For me the opportunities have to be in the realm of LAMP/LEMP.
 PHP is so ingrained that it will be around for decades.  Eventually it
 will go the way of COBOL... AND COBOL is still around.  I think a person
 could make a career being a COBOL developer.
 So I think the question is what are the opportunities for the Linux
 admins and the associated technologies?
>>> What I'm personally doing is developing a Troubleshooters.Com 
>>> subsite in
>>> preparation to teach online HTML/CSS classes to people who:
>>> 1) Understand that HTML, DOM and CSS are the basis of web
>>> presentation, regardless
>>> of higher layer tools used,
>>> 2) Want a teacher instead of just taking a programmed online course,
>>> 3) Don't want to pay the price of coming to a face to face class.
>> Very nice!! Based on what I am reading and hearing I think there will be 
>> continued demand for this type of learning.  I think the Universities will 
>> dry up.  It might take a while.  Looks like a year at ASU is almost $13,000 

Re: Opportunity

2022-08-22 Thread David Schwartz via PLUG-discuss
Not sure what good a CS degree is these days. Seems like all anybody caress 
about today is “at least 3 years hands-on experience with xyz and abc” to get 
hired for stuff.

I read an article today that was saying how Google has been working hard to 
replace Java in the Android ecosystem with Kotlin. I’m sure Java will be with 
us a long time, but learning Kotlin could open some doors in the 
not-too-distant future.

Five years later, Google is still all-in on Kotlin

It’s been just over five years since Google first announced that it would make 
Kotlin, the 
statically typed language for the Java Virtual Machine first developed by 
JetBrains, a first-
class language for writing Android apps at Google I/O 2017. Since then, Google 
took this a 
step further by making Kotlin its preferred language for writing Android apps 
in 2019 — and 
while plenty of developers still use Java, Kotlin is quickly becoming the 
default way to build 
apps for Google’s mobile operating system.

I suspect that when Google announces the first version of Android written in 
Kotlin, it will open a huge demand for Kotlin programmers with even 6 months of 
experience with it.

-David Schwartz

> On Aug 21, 2022, at 7:08 AM, Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss 
>  wrote:
> On 2022-08-19 10:41, Steve Litt via PLUG-discuss wrote:
>> On Thu, 2022-08-18 at 15:52 -0700, Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss wrote:
>>> David,
>>> You provide a bunch to think about.
>>> What does this have to do with Linux?  We are on a Linux list and I
>>> would guess most are not going to retool.
>>> I'm 66 and do not think I will retool, so I am looking at some simple
>>> things that might make my life better while we enter a period of chaos. 
>>> I am a PHP programmer and I know less about Linux than I would like to. 
>>> For me the opportunities have to be in the realm of LAMP/LEMP.
>>> PHP is so ingrained that it will be around for decades.  Eventually it
>>> will go the way of COBOL... AND COBOL is still around.  I think a person
>>> could make a career being a COBOL developer.
>>> So I think the question is what are the opportunities for the Linux
>>> admins and the associated technologies?
>> What I'm personally doing is developing a Troubleshooters.Com HTML/CSS
>> subsite in
>> preparation to teach online HTML/CSS classes to people who:
>> 1) Understand that HTML, DOM and CSS are the basis of web
>> presentation, regardless
>> of higher layer tools used,
>> 2) Want a teacher instead of just taking a programmed online course,
>> 3) Don't want to pay the price of coming to a face to face class.
> Very nice!! Based on what I am reading and hearing I think there will be 
> continued demand for this type of learning.  I think the Universities will 
> dry up.  It might take a while.  Looks like a year at ASU is almost $13,000 
>   Who can afford that?
> I first looked at college in 1978 and that year it was $275 a semester at the 
> University of Arizona. I ended up going to junior college and it was $100 my 
> first semester the spring of 1979.
> By 1990 UofA was just over $1000 a semester. 4 times what it was just 12 
> years prior.
> When I was first exposed to programming in 1983 a bachelor's degree was 
> required to be a programmer. I think that requirement is long gone.  I think 
> employers are looking for just skills.
> I think self study is big today.  And if the economy does crash I'm thinking 
> that the next generation of programmers will be self thought and might just 
> be more inclined to be using Linux.
> If what I am hearing and reading is that the economy is going to crash and 
> inflation is going to stay at 10% for the next 10 years, I think the world 
> will look and feel a lot different 10 or 12 years from now.
> So doing what you are doing, Steve, should pay dividends for years.

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Re: T-Mobile Home Internet via ethernet connection tip

2022-08-22 Thread der.hans via PLUG-discuss

Am 20. Aug, 2022 schwätzte David Schwartz via PLUG-discuss so:

moin moin,

I’m going to guess not. That seems like it would be a higher-level function 
you’d have to do yourself using a smart router and subnets.

I've only started looking at it.

I asked the salesperson about using my own 5G card and router, he said to
let him know if I get it working.

Took entirely too long to get, but thus far it's way better than century

We can also plug it in anywhere since it just needs power, not a networking

Thanks again for starting the conversation.



it supports DHCP, but the lack of access to the inner logic does’t tell me much.

It’s a basic “gateway appliance”. They don’t want people mucking with internal 

(I imagine you can find some folks who have published info online about hacking 
into these devices. They probably use very common FOSS code inside. I mean … 
it’s just a router with a 5G cellular modem attached to the WAN port, right? I 
think I saw something that said they've got SnapDragon CPUs inside.)

Can you do this with consumer-level devices from Cox or CenturyLink?

-David Schwartz

On Aug 19, 2022, at 11:52 PM, der.hans  wrote:

Am 19. Aug, 2022 schwätzte David Schwartz via PLUG-discuss so:

moin moin David,

I forgot to ask ( but presume the answer is no ), do the t-mobile devices
support multiple vlans?

I would like to isolate some devices and presume I would need to provide
my own devices for network segregation.



I dunno if anybody here has T-Mobile Home Internet, but I do and I really like 
it. I only have one beef: the spec sheet for their modem/gateway says it has 2x 
1 gigabit ethernet ports, but they’re only 100 Megs. In case anybody else might 
want to consider them as an ISP and has a 1GB LAN to connect, I’ve solved the 
speed dilemma.

First off, I’ve been round and round with their tech support folks lying about 
it for two years, and was recently told that they were going to be releasing a 
new device soon and it def. WOULD have 1 Gb ports.

Well, they announced a new one (two, actually), and I got one and … once again 
the spec sheet SAYS 1 gigabit ethernet but the performance says nope — it’s 
still only 100 megs. WTF? I guess this lets them shave a couple of bucks off of 
the hardware cost. Actually, I’m not even sure why they bother to include the 
slow ethernet ports at all.

(In a way this is really quite amusing, because prior to this, most 
modem/gateways have crappy WiFi and speedy ethernet — especially those from Cox 
and CenturyLink.)

I don’t know how a big company like T-Mo gets away misrepresenting a product 
like this for so long. Why can’t they just SAY they’re 100 meg ethernet ports?

Anyway, I finally got fed-up and bought a TP-Link RE550 AC1900 WAP/Range 
Extender and configured it so I can plug my local 1 GB ethernet LAN wire into 
it and connect to the T-Mo gateway via WiFi.

To be sure, the T-Mo gateway’s WiFi is FAST! I’ve seen speeds up to 870 Mbps. 
The ethernet, OTOH, never exceeds 93 Mbps.

With the RE550 plugged in, my Mac minis connected to the LAN now get 750 Mbps 
DL and 78 Mbps UL. WHOA! That’s 5x DL and 2x UL faster than I got via the wired 
connection. (Actually, the newer 2018 Mac Mini gets that; the older one from 
2014 only gets 180 Mbps DL and 65 Mbps UL.)

And in case anybody is wondering why I use a wired LAN, it’s so the two Mac 
Minis can talk. I have the new one configured so I can access the old one via 
Screen Sharing on a dedicated Space (virtual desktop). When I do that over 
WiFi, the connection is intolerably slow for me; but with the wired connection, 
it’s quite reasonable.

BTW, I dropped Cox a couple of years back and cut my monthly TV + Internet bill 
by quite a bit by switching to T-Mo’s Home Internet ($50/mo) and a couple of 
internet channels (Discovery+ and Philo).

T-Mo’s Home Internet has been far more stable, consistently faster, and has 
fewer dropouts than any other ISP I’ve ever used. I highly recommend it. Just … 
if you need to connect a wired LAN, get something like a fast WAP/Range 
Extender to act as a LAN-to-WiFi bridge.

-David Schwartz

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#  "If it's not a toy you're looking at it wrong." -- der.hans

#  "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and
#  write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." -- Alvin Toffler---
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not(ion) re-meta

2022-08-22 Thread der.hans via PLUG-discuss

moin moin,

I'm experimenting with notion window manager. It's in a window inside
another xwdinow display, of course.

META is set to "Mod4+" by default, which is alt. But, alt is used by the
original WM. I tried combos like shift-alt, ctrl-all, meta-alt and none of
them worked to pass through the alt to the notion window.

I tried setting META to a variety of things such as '\+',  '\\+',
backslash+, Shift+Meta4+, Meta1+, Meta2+ and more.

Many led to errors when notion started up.

Is it possible to get notion to re-read the config without needing to restart?

How do you log out of notion? Been needing to make copious use of kill.

Where's a list of what the MetaX keys map to?

How can I set META to 'shift-alt+' or 'backslash+' or something else
that'll work inside another Xsession?

Can the META key be changed on the fly?

I would like to test with a tiling window manager. I'm not dedicated to
notion, but ion and RatPoison are the tiling window managers I've been
hearing about for years.

I don't necessarily want to end up at a tiling window manager, but I would
like to move to more keyboard oriented window manager.

I have a lot of windows, so just iterating through them alt-tab style will
not cut it, especially since many of them are xterms. I also run many
Firefox profiles at the same time. I'm light right now because it's
weekend, but still have more than 10 different Firefox windows open using
7 different profiles.

Oh, and I have a large display surface with many windows visible at any

I also use multiple workspaces. Perhaps I just need to use APL, so I can
use matrix math to dial in where I want the focus :).

Perhaps it's time to finally learn more KDE keyboard shortcuts.

I'm open to suggestions.


#  "It's your difference that gives you the power that you have."
#  --Helen Mirren
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