[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - Listen Again and Podcast problems

2006-07-16 Thread bpa

If a stream just has errors, playing will continue but it will
eventually end up being choppy and stuttering.  This very rarely
happens with Listen Again & Podcast as they are not live and TCP error
correction ensures no data loss.
However, if the network connection is broken/ended then Slimserver (if
set to Repeat) will make the connection again (as if to replay a track)
and so a live stream will continue as it is live but a Listen Again or
Podcast will start from the beginning.  There can be no recovery as it
appears to Slimserver that the BBC server said "end of program".   

Since the problem happens with both Podcast and Listen Again which are
different formats and use different playback mechanisms - your problem
seems to be network related.  You need to find out why the network
connection is being broken as it is unusual especially if it only
happens with the BBC servers.

You haven't given any details of your set up (e.g PC, OS, SS version,
Alien Version,   network connection, location) so it is difficult to
give more advice.


bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Moose 0.35

2006-07-16 Thread mattybain

Dr Lovegrove Wrote: 
> There were problems with playlists a couple of versions back, but I
> thought
> I'd trapped them all.. I've only really been testing it on my main home
> setup
> which runs the last 6.5 before the split scanning stuff was added, so
> maybe
> that's causing problems, or maybe it's a problem with 6.2..
> Which build are you running ?
> Also, the slow-downs.. Is this with the library window, the now
> playing stuff or at startup ? Is it just slow when it's asking for
> playlists, or all the time ? I've not really seen any slow-downs my
> end, although with big playlists (>100 items) it can take time to do
> things..
> -- 
> - Dr Lovegrove
> http://www.rusticrhino.com/drlovegrove

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I was running 6.31 and it
was getting almost impossible to use. The main problem was that the now
playing playlist wouldn't update very quickly and sometimes wouldn't at

Anyway I have bitten the bullet and gone to 6.5b1 which isn't without
it's issues but moose seems much more responsive and is now useable

However I seem to have lost cover art and this means that the time bar
doesn't work properly. Basically where the time bar would have been if
there had been cover art works however the time bar where cover art
used to be doesn't. This means it is only possible to skip to the last
half of the song. I hope this makes sense!!

Not a huge issue and at least I can use Moose again!



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Alien BBC - Prairie Home Companion

2006-07-16 Thread Nickok

That did the trick. Thanks bpa (and for other Alien questions you've
answered too).


Nickok's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5114
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - Listen Again and Podcast problems

2006-07-16 Thread cunninr2

I get a similar problem with the listen again service. The feed always
stops after 3-5 minutes. I took a snapshot of the command line (see
below). I throws up the following error:

rdt chunk not recognized: got 0x53
rdt chunk not recognized: got 0x4d

I'm using slimserver 6.3.1 and alienbbc 1.05. I have a good network
connection and seen the same results on my squeezebox and the
softsqueeze app.

Any ideas ?

C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server>slim --d_startup
Got @INC containing:
C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server

Extended @INC to contain:

C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\CPAN\arch\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\lib
C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\CPAN
C:/Program Files/SlimServer/server
C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server

Loaded module: [Time::HiRes] ok!
Loaded module: [DBD::SQLite] ok!
Loaded module: [DBI] ok!
Loaded module: [XML::Parser::Expat] ok!
Loaded module: [HTML::Parser] ok!
Loaded module: [Compress::Zlib] ok!
Loaded module: [Digest::SHA1] ok!
Loaded module: [GD] ok!
The following modules are loaded:
IO/Handle.pm => /PerlApp/IO/Handle.pm
re.pm => /PerlApp/re.pm
HTML/Parser.pm => /PerlApp/HTML/Parser.pm
File/Spec/Functions.pm => /PerlApp/File/Spec/Functions.pm
POSIX.pm => /PerlApp/POSIX.pm
SelectSaver.pm => /PerlApp/SelectSaver.pm
Getopt/Long.pm => /PerlApp/Getopt/Long.pm
Compress/Zlib.pm => /PerlApp/Compress/Zlib.pm
Cwd.pm => /PerlApp/Cwd.pm
warnings.pm => /PerlApp/warnings.pm
Digest/base.pm => /PerlApp/Digest/base.pm
Fcntl.pm => /PerlApp/Fcntl.pm
Symbol.pm => /PerlApp/Symbol.pm
Exporter.pm => /PerlApp/Exporter.pm
File/Spec.pm => /PerlApp/File/Spec.pm
File/Spec/Win32.pm => /PerlApp/File/Spec/Win32.pm
FindBin.pm => /PerlApp/FindBin.pm
warnings/register.pm => /PerlApp/warnings/register.pm
XSLoader.pm => /PerlApp/XSLoader.pm
Digest/SHA1.pm => /PerlApp/Digest/SHA1.pm
DBD/SQLite.pm => /PerlApp/DBD/SQLite.pm
Time/HiRes.pm => /PerlApp/Time/HiRes.pm
IO/Seekable.pm => /PerlApp/IO/Seekable.pm
XML/Parser/Expat.pm => /PerlApp/XML/Parser/Expat.pm
PerlApp/DATA.pm => /PerlApp/PerlApp/DATA.pm
DBI.pm => /PerlApp/DBI.pm
Config.pm => /PerlApp/Config.pm
File/Basename.pm => /PerlApp/File/Basename.pm
/PerlApp/auto/POSIX/autosplit.ix =>
IO.pm => /PerlApp/IO.pm
Carp.pm => /PerlApp/Carp.pm
Exporter/Heavy.pm => /PerlApp/Exporter/Heavy.pm
File/Spec/Unix.pm => /PerlApp/File/Spec/Unix.pm
FileHandle.pm => /PerlApp/FileHandle.pm
auto/POSIX/load_imports.al =>
vars.pm => /PerlApp/vars.pm
strict.pm => /PerlApp/strict.pm
constant.pm => /PerlApp/constant.pm
Socket.pm => /PerlApp/Socket.pm
overload.pm => /PerlApp/overload.pm
IO/File.pm => /PerlApp/IO/File.pm
AutoLoader.pm => /PerlApp/AutoLoader.pm
HTML/Entities.pm => /PerlApp/HTML/Entities.pm
GD.pm => /PerlApp/GD.pm
DynaLoader.pm => /PerlApp/DynaLoader.pm

MPlayer 1.0pre8-3.4.2 (C) 2000-2006 MPlayer Team
CPU:   Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz (Family: 15,
Model: 3, Step
ping: 4)
CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 0 3DNow2: 0 SSE: 0 SSE2: 0
Compiled with runtime CPU detection.

rdt chunk not recognized: got 0x53
rdt chunk not recognized: got 0x4d


Robert Cunningham

cunninr2's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6224
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - Listen Again and Podcast problems

2006-07-16 Thread bpa

I think your problem may be different from the original poster.

This RDT error message comes from Mplayer which is used to play the
RealAudio streams. So the problem has nothing to with Slimserver as it
will happen when Mplayer is run from command line.

IIRC The RDT error has been reported 2-3 times within last 12 months
but no definitive explanation of why it happens nor what is the
solution mainly because the debugging process was never completed.

Your report is unusual in that problem you get 3-5 of good audio
whereas the problem used to show up immediately and on Linux systems.

The only theory I have is that the Mplayer build is somehow
incompatible or faulty.  It would be great if you could help and
finally resolve this problem.

What version of Windows are you using ?
What Listen Again program did it happen ?
Is it repeatable (i.e. always happens at same time with same selection)
Has the problem just started after a period of working perfectly or it
always has had this problem after a new installation/upgrade ?
What antivirus s/w is loaded ?
Are you using the distributed socketwrapper app. ?
With Live streams do you get glitches or stream restarts ?


bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - Listen Again and Podcast problems

2006-07-16 Thread atlslim

Similar problems here with listen again/archived programs; live streams
are not an issue. Also getting approx. 4 minutes of audio prior to this
rdt chunk not recognized: got 0x53
rdt chunk not recognized: got 0x4d

Here are my specifics:

W2K; SlimServer 6.5 trunk; AlienBBC 1.05; MPlayer 1.0pre8; Norton A/V;
distributed socketwrapper? (I don't recall changing this) 

example file from NPR RSS Topics>Music: Pop Music

Note - file plays to completion using direct Mplayer (outside


atlslim's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3054
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Update iTunes Play Count (Help Needed)

2006-07-16 Thread djtex


I am wanting to be able to update iTunes with information about how
many times a track has been played on my SB3 and when, and possible
also add ratings.

I have scoured across this forum and there are masses of threads about
the subject, but I find it all rather confusing. I have downloaded both
the iTunesupdate and Trackstat plugins, but am not really certain how to
get this to do what I want. There seems to be a lot of technical
language I'm not familiar with.

Is someone able to explain in simple terms what I actually need to do
to get this to work? 

Many thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


djtex's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3336
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=25563

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - Listen Again and Podcast problems

2006-07-16 Thread Kaizen28

bpa Wrote: 
> If a stream just has errors, playing will continue but it will
> eventually end up being choppy and stuttering.  This very rarely
> happens with Listen Again & Podcast as they are not live and TCP error
> correction ensures no data loss.
> However, if the network connection is broken/ended then Slimserver (if
> set to Repeat) will make the connection again (as if to replay a track)
> and so a live stream will continue as it is live but a Listen Again or
> Podcast will start from the beginning.  There can be no recovery as it
> appears to Slimserver that the BBC server said "end of program".

Cool, thanks for the explanation.

bpa Wrote: 
> Since the problem happens with both Podcast and Listen Again which are
> different formats and use different playback mechanisms - your problem
> seems to be network related.  You need to find out why the network
> connection is being broken as it is unusual especially if it only
> happens with the BBC servers.

I'll be a bit pedantic here and say that the problem relates the the
WAN stream rather than the LAN. I encounter interruptions to the
streams from multiple Internet radio sources but as the BBC is the only
one I use for Listen Again and Poodcasts I was wondering if there was
something unique about these and why recovery was not possible.

bpa Wrote: 
> You haven't given any details of your set up (e.g PC, OS, SS version,
> Alien Version,   network connection, location) so it is difficult to
> give more advice.

Sorry - should've remembered this from last time:

SqueezeBox 3
Slimserver: 6.3.0 Build 8148
AlienBBC 1.04
OS Windows XP SP2


Kaizen28's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5953
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Update iTunes Play Count (Help Needed)

2006-07-16 Thread Allan Hise

On 16 Jul 2006, at 19:20 , djtex wrote:


I am wanting to be able to update iTunes with information about how
many times a track has been played on my SB3 and when, and possible
also add ratings.

I have scoured across this forum and there are masses of threads about
the subject, but I find it all rather confusing. I have downloaded  
the iTunesupdate and Trackstat plugins, but am not really certain  
how to

get this to do what I want. There seems to be a lot of technical
language I'm not familiar with.

Is someone able to explain in simple terms what I actually need to do
to get this to work?

Many thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

The iTunesUpdate plugin will do this. Read the Readme file included  
with the plugin - it will tell you how to install it based on your OS.

There are just a couple options to setup in the server settings and  
you should be ready to go.

If everything is working properly, iTunes play counts & times will be  
updated, and you can change ratings via the remote or the web interface.

But start with the "ReadMe.txt" file.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Update iTunes Play Count (Help Needed)

2006-07-16 Thread erland


- Has two export options:
--- You can select to export all track data in TrackStat to a text
file, this file can then be given as parameter to the
TrackStatiTunesUpdateWin.pl script included with TrackStat. Any
existing existing playcounts,played time,ratings will be overwritten.
The export is performed from the server settings page for TrackStat in
the web ui.
--- If you enable the iTunes integration in TrackStat a new row will be
added to a text file each time a track is played/rated. This file can
also be given as parameter to TrackStatiTunesUpdateWin.pl. It will
change the rating in iTunes according to the information in the text
file, it will increase the playcount with one for each time a track has
been played according to the text file.

I am not really sure exact how iTunes update works, so you try to get
an answer regarding this from someone that has used it more than me.
But I think it works as follows.

- Can not export information about tracks played before the
installation of iTunesUpdate.
- You have two options to how exporting should be done when you
play/rate tracks in slimserver.
--- Option 1 is to directly call iTunes when the rating is set in
slimserver or when the track is played in slimserver. To make this work
I think iTunes and slimserver has to run on the same machine. I know it
should work on Windows, I am not sure about Mac and I know it doesn't
work on Linux since iTunes is not supported on Linux.
--- Option 2 is that a new row will be added to a text file each time a
track is played/rated. This file can be given as parameter to
iTunesUpdateWin.pl. It will change the rating in iTunes according to
the information in the text file, it will increase the playcount with
one for each time a track has been played according to the text file.

So the main differens is that TrackStat can export your old slimserver
statistics, while iTunesUpdate will export everyting that happens after
you have installed/configured iTunesUpdate.

My personal advice is that if old slimserver statistics isn't of
interest you should use the iTunesUpdate plugin. If you have used
slimserver for a while and really wants to get its statistics into
iTunes you can consider to use TrackStat. But be aware that TrackStat
will not be doing any smart synchronization when doing a complete
export, it will just overwrite the iTunes values with the ones from
slimserver. So this obviously means that you will loose old iTunes
statistics instead.

The only reason the iTunes integration exists in TrackStat is that I
wanted to be able to do a complete export including old statistics.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.homeip.net) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat'
, 'SQLPlayList'
, 'DynamicPlayList'
and 'RandomPlayList'

erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - Listen Again and Podcast problems

2006-07-16 Thread bpa

Since you have interruptions on many internet connections, then it is
likely that your WAN connection is at fault.  

There is a small possibility that there is config problem between WAN
and LAN (e.g. MTU size mismatch), perhaps a problem with your
connection at the exchange DSLAM (if you are using DSL) or the line
conditioners, so it is still worth investigating with your ISP. 

Problems on the links are very obvious with live radio whereas with web
/files - TCP makes it invisble.  Did you ever look at the TCP stats for
an FTP to see if there are any error/retransmissions ?


bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - Listen Again and Podcast problems

2006-07-16 Thread bpa

Atlslim & cunninr2
Although the error message is the same as as in previous post, I think
you have a different problem.

The RDT protocol is one level above TCP so if it really is an RDT
error, it should show in a standalone situation. Since this is not the
case, my guess it is an internal Mplayer error which results in the

Can you try the older version of Mplayer which was installed as part of
1.02a.  If you download the old installation (url below)  and install to
a dummy directory, you can extract mplayer.exe and replace the version
in  your working slimserver systems and then restart slimserver and see
if the problem recurs.



bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=25553

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Update iTunes Play Count (Help Needed)

2006-07-16 Thread djtex

Many thanks for the replies, I had read the Readme file already for
iTunesupdate. However, I still don't understand it, see below... I am
running slimserver as a service, and wish to stick with that, (though I
tried disabling it to see if that would work and Slimserver wouldn't
start at all). Anyway, I have it set in Slimserver that Direct Update
is Off, and Updating a log is On. The bit I am struggling with is this
"run/schedule iTunesUpdateWin.pl as desired on the iTunes host." What
does this mean?

I'm sure I'm being thick, but I just can't fathom it out.

Thanks again for your help.

- Windows Only: If you wish to use 'direct access' do not run
SlimServer as a service

- restart SlimServer.

- to disable direct updates to iTunes (eg. if running a Windows
SlimServer that is not on the iTunes machines)
change the direct update setting in SlimServer under Server Settings -

- if direct update is disabled:
run/schedule iTunesUpdateWin.pl as desired on the iTunes host. 

Usage is:
iTunesUpdateWin.pl  [loop time]
iTunesUpdateWin.pl "C:\My Music\Playlists\iTunesUpdate_hist.txt"

The default is to perform all updates in a single pass then exit. 
Supply an optional loop time value to leave the process running and
checking for new updates.


djtex's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3336
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - Listen Again and Podcast problems

2006-07-16 Thread Kaizen28


Okay before I go ahead and change anything I would like to ensure that
I provide as much information as needed. An important fact I feel I've
omitted is that the same PC that acts as the SlimServer is running a
BitTorrent client erm, well, how else is one supposed to get Top
Gear, Have I got News for You and Fifth Gear in the USA?!?

So, the problem that I observe is most evident when the BitTorrent
client is active. However, even when it is inactive (although still
running) I do encounter the "interruption to service" from time to

So I'm not sure if the potnetial flood of incomming stream may impact a
process on my machine causing a spike or overload has a knock-on effect
on mplayer.

Does this cast a different light on the problem?


Kaizen28's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5953
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: how to play Sirius and the BBC on my Mac...

2006-07-16 Thread paula1960

thanks to all your commets and my apologies for not replying sooner but
I was too busy working and painting my house.
I found this in another post:

First needs to test that mplayer works OK on your systems. Open a
Terminal windows and try the following command on your systems and see
if you hear radio 4. 
/usr/bin/mplayer -v -playlist

If I do that I will hear BBC 4 but not on my SB3. 
I have put mplayer and lame in the right spot and I have :

SlimServer versie: 6.5b1 - 8456 - Mac OS X 10.4.7 (8J135) - NL - utf8

Any thoughts?
thanks again,


paula1960's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6186
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - Listen Again and Podcast problems

2006-07-16 Thread bpa

The more data on the link the more likely you will have problems with
mplayer.  However I don't think you should lose the connections
especially on "Listen Again".

You should look at the TCP stats and see what is happening - then
decide what to do.

One command you can use in a Command prompt window is "netstat -s -p
TCP".  See how the counters change over time and depending on what is


bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Plugin for easy creation of dynamic playlists

2006-07-16 Thread smc2911

Erlands, with static playlists now playable via DynamicPlaylist, a
thought would be to allow grouping for the static playlists. Perhaps
via a comment in the playlist file or, maybe more simply, based on the
directory structure.


smc2911's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4388
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LastFM and SlimScrobbler in 6.5

2006-07-16 Thread snakeroot

The change referred to in message 6 of this thread, substituting
Slim::Schema for Slim::Music::Info::getCurrentDataStore(), threw an
error at line 860 and crashed my current 6.5b1 6798 build Slimserver.

I went into the CVS, found the old code and reversed it in my local
Plugin.pm, which solved the problem.

Obviously, not a criticism of the revision, and, yes, ultimately I'll
have to upgrade my slimserver. That said, a recent nightmarish
experience taking mythtv from 0.17 to 0.19 has soured me on upgrades
and the above kludge means I don't have to do this one until the mythtv
bruises heal.



snakeroot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3976
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - Listen Again and Podcast problems

2006-07-16 Thread atlslim

bpa Wrote: 
> Atlslim & cunninr2
> Can you try the older version of Mplayer which was installed as part of
> 1.02a.  
> http://www.x2systems.com/alienBBC/AlienBBC-v1.02a_6.2.exe
This version of Mplayer experienced the same problems but when I
reverted back to dev-CVS-051113 the 'listen again' streams played OK
w/in SlimServer. Unfortunately, this Mplayer version does not handle
some of the aacplus streams I listen to. Guess I will have to decide
which to go with?


atlslim's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3054
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - Listen Again and Podcast problems

2006-07-16 Thread bpa

That's good - it at least confirms that it is an Mplayer bug.

I'll try to recreate the problem on my system.  What are your RTSP
filetype settings ? What format is an an RTSP stream sent to SB3 WAV,
FLAC or MP3 ?

If I can't reproduce it and if you're willing to test, I'll build a
number of versions of Mplayer to find the change that breaks Mplayer.

If all else fails, I think I can put the fixes to aacplus changes back
into the CVS 051113 version.

However I wont be able to do anything on it this week.


bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=25553

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