Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spicefly Sugarcube revisited

2009-09-03 Thread Phil Meyer
>I had installed the Spicefly Sugarcube plugin a while back--must have
>been last year sometime--but didn't keep it very long because at the
>time you could not enable it on selective players. Well, I noticed on
>the web page that a per player feature was added to it since I last
>tried it. 
I tried that version, but it seemed to break more things than it fixed, so 
reverted to the previous version.

Essential plugin though - love it!
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPlayer missing paralled programmes

2009-09-03 Thread SuffolkPunch



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Equalizer in Music Information Screen

2009-09-03 Thread Michael Herger
> How can i activate the equalizer function when playing with the Music
> Information Screen.

You mean the visualisers as available on the device? Just press Now  
Playing until you have the visualiser you want. Then let the screensaver  
kick in.


plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer 0.9 - with UK and Non UK Support

2009-09-03 Thread ian_heys

Just noticed that World Service (live stream) has gone flash/aac,
perhaps this could be included in next update.

Not sure how BBC make people aware of these things, seems a bit hit and


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spicefly Sugarcube revisited

2009-09-03 Thread cparker

Philip Meyer;454300 Wrote: 
> >I had installed the Spicefly Sugarcube plugin a while back--must have
> >been last year sometime--but didn't keep it very long because at the
> >time you could not enable it on selective players. Well, I noticed on
> >the web page that a per player feature was added to it since I last
> >tried it. 
> >
> I tried that version, but it seemed to break more things than it fixed,
> so reverted to the previous version.
> Essential plugin though - love it!

Hi Philip, 

Can you confirm the version that you tried?  Can you also confirm
whether you upgraded from a repository version to this version?

I've also seen issues where it collides if you have it installed (via
repository) under;
e.g. c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application

as well as manually;
e.g. C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\Plugins

For some reason Squeezecenter then sort of runs both at the same time
which causes it all to go pearshaped.


cparker - Visit for an enhanced Interface for MusicIP and
integration tips and tricks, Plugin coding tips, Spicefly SugarCube the
MIP AutoDJ plugin and Spicefly Weather!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Headphone Switcher for Squeezebox Duet

2009-09-03 Thread Mike Meyer

This works great!  Installation was a breeze.  Thanks for providing

Mike Meyer

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'CollegeHockey' ( 
(SuperDateTime Add-ons)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer 0.9 - with UK and Non UK Support

2009-09-03 Thread danco

I thought I had both iPlayer and AlienBBC working ok with an
experimental install of Mac OS 10.6 (SqueezeCenter 7.3.4). I had done an
archive and install so things were preserved.

My full install was an erase and install, and copy back of files. Now
my local files play but neither iPlayer nor AlienBBC works. mplayer and
lame are in /usr/local/bin

I tried to post a log, but kept getting told there were images. I
couldn't see any, though there were urls with a .jpg reference

What do I need to do to switch on suitable logging?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer 0.9 - with UK and Non UK Support

2009-09-03 Thread bpa

I think concentrate on BBCiPlayer plugin which can now do all AlienBBC
can play except for BBC Local radio which should be supported within a
month or two.  This will avoid mplayer and associated fuss.

Have you installed BBCiPlayer 0.9a ?
what player are you using  ?

Can you play this stream - this
is an AAC+ stream same as BBC.  It will test faad support on OSX 10.6


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer 0.9 - with UK and Non UK Support

2009-09-03 Thread danco

Here's what seems to be the relevant part of my log when I tried to
listen using AlienBBC. THe lines "get metadata for"just seem to be
repeated indefinitely.

|Filename: log.txt  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer 0.9 - with UK and Non UK Support

2009-09-03 Thread bpa

The "getmetadatafor" is OK - SC asks the plugin every sec what is the
metatdata to be displayed.

The plugin has connected and got lots of audio from BBC - but player is
not playing and so SC disconnects.


  [09-09-03 17:34:17.7402] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (499) end of 
file or error on socket, song pos: 3407916
  [09-09-03 17:34:17.7404] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (508) Didn't 
stream any bytes for this song, so just mark it as played


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Alarm Plugin Deprecated.

2009-09-03 Thread Mutt

I know this is an old thread, but I only just got around to updating
SqueezeCenter to 7.3 this weekend and found that ExtendedAlarm didn't
work, leading me here.

I originally bought my Squeezebox explicitly for a smart alarm clock
that wouldn't wake me with inane commercial radio morning jabber.  I
modified the original Alarm clock plugin way, way back to add an
extended fade-in time to help with waking up gently.  If you set the
alarm for 8am with a 15 minute fade-in, it was smart enough to start the
alarm at 7:45 and would reach the full alarm volume setting at 8am. 
After finding ExtendedAlarm (which I love, thank you!) and hacking an
extended fade-in preference in minutes, I've been very happy.

For those who want to wake gently but not rely on an always-soft alarm
to do so, I think you'd get what you want from a long fade-in option in
an alarm.  Having to juggle two different alarms is a pain if I want to
make a quick, one-time change to my wake up time  (though I did toy with
linked alarms as in "20 minutes after alarm X").

I guess I'll be modifying another Alarm clock or sticking with
SqueezeCenter 7.1.  Sigh.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Information Screen (a configurable screen saver)

2009-09-03 Thread erland

Now when the Touch and Radio devices has been officially launched, it
feels like a good idea to open this applet for beta testing by more
people. Please, note that this is still a beta version but I like to
offer it for testing to get some early feedback and new ideas. 

I'm personally using it daily on both my Touch and Radio beta testing
units and it seems to work pretty good. Besides the Touch and Radio it
also works on the Controller and Squeezeplay Desktop. For everyone that
have used the previous alpha versions, this first beta version is the
same as the last announced alhpa versions.

It's a plugin/applet combination that makes it possible to configure
what should be shown on a screen saver. A little bit similar to what
MusicInfoSCR does on Classic players combined with Saver Switcher to
switch between different kind of information.

The plugin is currently bundled with a number of templates:
- A now playing screen where you can configure which information you
like to show, as an example, you can configure it to show any title
format supported by Squeeze Center, for example those provided by the
Custom Scan plugin.
- A clock with configurable time and date formats
- A configurable three line text screen where you can add the title
formats of your choice, adjust the font size and it shows them over the
whole screen and doesn't show any cover art.
- A cover art screen that shows the cover art over the whole screen
- A screen template for showing random album covers from your library 

The default configuration switches between the now playing and clock
screen every fifth second, but you can change this and use any of the
templates provides.

To install you will need to setup my usual beta testing repository url
in the Plugins tab (Extension Downloader) in Squeezebox Server 7.4:


After you have configured this you will get a "Information Screen
*Beta*" in the plugin list which you will need to install in your
Squeezebox Server. Then after the plugin has been installed, you will
have to goto "Settings/Advanced/Applet Installer" on the Touch, Radio or
Controller. In the Applet Installer you will also find a "Information
Screen *Beta*" applet which you need to install.

Finally, you will need to select the new "Information Screen" screen
saver on the Touch, Radio or Controller.

You will find the configuration in Squeezebox Server Settings under
Plugins/Information Screen/Manage screens.

- The volume controls doesn't exist in the Now Playing screen since
they needed more lua code than I wanted to write at the moment.
- The screen saver polls the server every fifth seconds to check if
there are any updated information, due to this it can take a few seconds
before you see visible feedback on the screen after you have clicked a
button in the Now Playing screen.
- Clicking on album covers in the screen template that shows random
album covers currently doesn't work correctly on the touch, it's
supposed to start to play the album you click on.

Some screenshots follows below.

|Filename: clockwithplaying.png |


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Information Screen (a configurable screen saver)

2009-09-03 Thread erland

And in the same testing repository there is now also two plugins that
enhances Information Screen with more template screens.

Indicate on the Touch, Radio or Controller when you have new mails in
your mail box. It does this through the Information Screen screen

It should support POP3 and IMAP out of the box, if you like to use the
SSL protocols you will need to install the Net::SSLeay module manually.

Plugin that will be able to indicate on Touch, Radio or Controller
what's currently recording and what's about to be recorded in your
MythTV media server.

You will need the ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt and ~/.mythtv/config.xml files
from your MythTV server if you run Squeezebox Server on a separate
machine or as a separate user.

You will need to setup the beta testing repository mentioned in the
initial post in this thread to download and install these plugins into
your Squeezebox Server 7.4.

The plan is to enhance both these plugins so they also offer some
browse menus to browse your mailbox or to browse TV guide and schedule
recordings in MythTV. Currently I don't know when and if I'll get the
time to do this, but it's still my plan.

Some screenshots of the Mail plugin follows below.

|Filename: mailnotification.png |


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer 0.9 - with UK and Non UK Support

2009-09-03 Thread danco

It seems to be one of those glitches that sometimes occurs.

I restarted and played a program with no trouble.

But perhaps it was defaulting to something other than faad, as the
stream you sent me opens up in iTunes but does not play any sound.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Equalizer in Music Information Screen

2009-09-03 Thread madpatrick

mherger;454330 Wrote: 
> > How can i activate the equalizer function when playing with the Music
> > Information Screen.
> You mean the visualisers as available on the device? Just press Now  
> Playing until you have the visualiser you want. Then let the
> screensaver  
> kick in.
> -- 
> Michael

Hello Michael,

Correct. I ment the visualisers. I´d tried that and it didn´t work, but
after choosing a different song it was there. maybe a hick-up  :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer 0.9 - with UK and Non UK Support

2009-09-03 Thread Triode

I am not sure that stream will open in itunes, but it should play from
the web "tune in" radio menu.  If it does it proves the server is
working correctly to decode aac and we need to look at iplayer further,
otherwise it suggests something is up with the server install.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SlimNAS 1.1 for SqueezeCenter 7.1+

2009-09-03 Thread HenkV

Hi Michael,

I am a happy slimnas user. Thanks for that.
Now I have upgraded my hardware and this on-board networkadapter runs
only on the FreeNas 7 branch ...
Is your advice to disable the onboard network adapter, and plugin my
old one and go back to the freenas 0.69 version. Or have you planned to
update the slimnas distribution?

thanks, in advance



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer 0.9 - with UK and Non UK Support

2009-09-03 Thread danco

I'm a little confused. Should I have entered 'illstreet.pls' in the
"Tune in URL" box?

I looked at what the .pls file contained and so entered into the "Tune in URL" box. That played
fine on Squeezebox.

I'll try out iPlayer further. One might well put it down to a glitch
somewhere else in the system if I can listen to other programs through

Even on earlier versions of OS and SqueezeCenter I have occasionally
had to restart my computer to get iPlayer to work.

With a whole new OS one gets worried about anything that might be going
wrong. You should see the threads about people not being able to print
or scan in Snow Leopard because the manufacturers have not  (and in some
cases, never will) provided updated drivers.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer 0.9 - with UK and Non UK Support

2009-09-03 Thread Triode

should just put the whole url into the tune in box - sounds like it
plays anyway in which case please try iplayer again.  You may want to
turn on the two iplayer debugs and post them (to a new thread) if it
does not work.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Headphone Switcher for Squeezebox Duet

2009-09-03 Thread callesoroe

bluegaspode;453516 Wrote: 
> Um - I'm currently listening to internet-radio via SN and my wife is
> lying beside me sleeping and not complaining, so I guess this counts as
> a 'yes' :)
> The applet should route all audio-output to the headphone jack.


I have just installed the applet, and when I am playing from SB, there
is no music. Only the sounds from the wheel comes out. When I am using
The Controller as a player it works fine with music, but I hoped that
the music also came out, when playing from SB. My problem is that when I
use controller as player, then I don't have the option to connect to
Squeeeze network, and therefore can not play Internet Radio. :(

How do you get radio out from the controller???


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2009-09-03 Thread htsource

I had to move SC to another computer so I installed SC 7.3 again and
re-configured SDT.  However, I no longer see weather icons properly?  It
shows like a small circle icon instead.  Any ideas what I can do?

Thanks for your support.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Headphone Switcher for Squeezebox Duet

2009-09-03 Thread bluegaspode

callesoroe;454714 Wrote: 
> How do you get radio out from the controller???
1) main menu -> select player -> Controller
2) main menu -> settings -> music source -> select my SqueezeCenter
3) main menu -> internet radio or music-services

Maybe I was wrong in telling that I was connected to SqueezeNetwork.
I am connected to my SqueezeCenter but can play internet-radio anyway.
I also can use music-services like pandora etc.

Never understood why I'd need SqueezeNetwork, sorry for mixing it up.


One SB-Duet+Receiver. Server running on Linkstation NAS (LS-CHL).
Needing one more device for bedroom and waiting for the radio :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Information Screen (a configurable screen saver)

2009-09-03 Thread bluegaspode

erland;454620 Wrote: 
> - A clock with configurable time and date formats

Will there be an old 'analog'-clock like in 7.3?
I'm so much missing it in 7.4.


One SB-Duet+Receiver. Server running on Linkstation NAS (LS-CHL).
Needing one more device for bedroom and waiting for the radio :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Equalizer in Music Information Screen

2009-09-03 Thread matthijskoopmans

maybe you have the "disable visualisation" setting ticked in the
settings for Music Informatiion Screen (in the player settings menu)


Livingroom: SB3 + Onkyo SR805 + JBL CF120 + Dali Concept Sub
Bedroom: SB BOOM
Office: SB3 + Onkyo ASV420 + Jamo C70 + Jamo SW600

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Information Screen (a configurable screen saver)

2009-09-03 Thread kdf

On 2009-09-03, at 11:31 AM, erland wrote:

> Code:
> testing.xml

adding this to the repo list adds nothing to the plugin list.

[09-09-03 20:26:36.3623]  
Slim::Plugin::Extensions::Plugin::_parseResponse (342) Error parsing
not well-formed (invalid token) at line 15, column 110, byte 960 at / 
usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/XML/ line 187
[09-09-03 20:26:36.3629] Slim::Plugin::Extensions::Plugin::_parseXML  
(386) searching 
  for type: plugin target: unix version: 7.4
[09-09-03 20:26:36.3635] Slim::Plugin::Extensions::Plugin::_parseXML  
(443) no plugin entry in
[09-09-03 20:26:36.3640] Slim::Plugin::Extensions::Plugin::_parseXML  
(466) found 0 extensions

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Information Screen (a configurable screen saver)

2009-09-03 Thread erland

kdf;454812 Wrote: 
> On 2009-09-03, at 11:31 AM, erland wrote:
> >
> >
> > Code:
> > 
> > 
> > testing.xml
> > 
> adding this to the repo list adds nothing to the plugin list.
Thanks for reporting, it should now work again.
(I had used & instead of & inside some xml values)


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Headphone Switcher for Squeezebox Duet

2009-09-03 Thread callesoroe

bluegaspode;454742 Wrote: 
> 1) main menu -> select player -> Controller
> 2) main menu -> settings -> music source -> select my SqueezeCenter
> 3) main menu -> internet radio or music-services
> Maybe I was wrong in telling that I was connected to SqueezeNetwork.
> I am connected to my SqueezeCenter but can play internet-radio anyway.
> I also can use music-services like pandora etc.
> Never understood why I'd need SqueezeNetwork, sorry for mixing it up.

That's exactly my problem. My Internet radio will NOT play, when I am
using my ReadyNas as musicsource:(, therefore I have to connect to
squeezenetwork. I have had that option before(in 7.1), but now I don't
have the option, to choose Squeezenetwork when controller is selected as
player. When SB is selected there is no problems


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Headphone Switcher for Squeezebox Duet

2009-09-03 Thread bluegaspode

callesoroe;454838 Wrote: 
> My Internet radio will NOT play, when I am using my ReadyNas as
> musicsource:(
Maybe you should temporarly try to install squeezecenter on a laptop
and if even that doesn't help should ask official logitech support. 
As it is working for me, I guess it's just some simple configuration or
networking issue that can be solved by someone who has more knowledge
about the inner workings.


One SB-Duet+Receiver. Server running on Linkstation NAS (LS-CHL).
Needing one more device for bedroom and waiting for the radio :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Information Screen (a configurable screen saver)

2009-09-03 Thread snarlydwarf

erland;454814 Wrote: 
> Thanks for reporting, it should now work again.
> (I had used & instead of & inside some xml values)

Hrrm.. doesn't work for me.  At the 'Downloading Applets' stage, it
gets stuck, apparently the 302 redirect is annoying Squeezeplay, it
doesn't seem to follow it.  This is the last I see:

T -> [AP]
HTTP/1.1 302 Found..Date: Fri, 04 Sep 2009 05:49:36 GMT..Server:
Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) mod_jk/1.2.25 PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5.
6 with Suhosin-Patch mod_ssl/2.2.8 OpenSSL/0.9.8g..Location:

And then nothing more on port 80.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Information Screen (a configurable screen saver)

2009-09-03 Thread bluegaspode

ahh - '.zip' is missing in the end.

Installed the applet manually (using a Duet), but won't find
'Information Screen' in the Screensaver list (where at least I found my
beloved analog clock again  :) )

I look under the 'Now Playing'-screensavers.
On SqueezeCenter the plugin is enabled of course.


One SB-Duet+Receiver. Server running on Linkstation NAS (LS-CHL).
Needing one more device for bedroom and waiting for the radio :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SlimNAS 1.1 for SqueezeCenter 7.1+

2009-09-03 Thread Michael Herger
> Is your advice to disable the onboard network adapter, and plugin my
> old one and go back to the freenas 0.69 version. Or have you planned to
> update the slimnas distribution?

Yes, I have planned this. But as you now might know we're very busy  
getting two new products out. I just haven't found the time to do this yet  
:-(. I'll have to recompile tons of code for both FreeNAS versions, plus  
convert everything else for 0.7.

If some FreeBSD savvy user is around here... I'd appreciate some help.
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