Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2010-09-09 Thread andynormancx

It is streaming well here.

However there is a surprising level of sibilance of voices, wonder
whether this is due to the clipping that people were reporting.

I also want to say a hearty thanks for the iPlayer plugin. I never use
my DAB radios anymore.


Yes, it will. Yes, all of them. Yes, SoftSqueeze as well. What ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Scrobbling too many times

2010-09-09 Thread htrd

lastfm should reject simultaneous scrobbles too, even if the player is
sending them incorrectly.

There is a link on your lastfm page at the end of the brief "recently
listened" section which leads to a page containing the date and time of
every track scrobbled since 2005. You should be able to pin down where
the extra plays have come from.


Toby Dickenson
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announcement: Whitebear Media Server (UPnP/DLNA) v2.0 released !!

2010-09-09 Thread AndrewFG

csimon;575328 Wrote: 
> Yes, it worked by mapping a drive letter instead of using a UNC path. 
> But it's still not perfect...

Mapping to a drive letter is only a temporary fix; and I think I know
what to do to make a "proper" fix... 

csimon;575328 Wrote: 
> Initially, songs wouldn't play at all until I copied lame.exe into the
> Squeeze program directory.  That's odd - isn't that only needed if
> there is transcoding??  All my files are MP3s and the media box
> supports MP3s. However they are variable bit rate - I wonder if that
> makes a difference?

According to the DLNA specification, the single default "must support"
audio format is 16 bit LPCM. All other formats like MP3, FLAC, or
whatever, are optional. According to the DLNA specification, the server
must "offer" all media formats that it can support (and currently
Whitebear offers LPCM, MP3, FLAC, WAV, and native formats). And the
player must select from the offerred list the one it chooses to
download. -- That is the theory. -- Now in practice, I discovered that
many players are lazy and just choose the first offerred format, namely
the LPCM "must offer" format. => So I guess  your players are asking
Whitebear for LPCM. => Which means that Whitebear must transcode the
MP3 files to LPCM. => Which means that you need Lame.exe installed. (In
my opinion, this is a complete waste of bandwidth and CPU cycles, but
that is just the way DLNA specification works...)

csimon;575328 Wrote: 
> Songs stop after a while on their own.  The symptom of the WD HD TV Live
> box is that it halts and skips to the next track.  It's random where
> they stop, it can be after a few seconds or it can be a minute or two. 
> But it's always in the same place for each song.
> Anyway, I got that working but I had exactly the same symptoms on this
> PC.  The same songs stop in exactly the same place.
> These MP3s play perfectly on the WD box via the UPnP server in my NAS
> unit.
> It's really weird isn't it!

Well, given the above, it is not really weird at all. I guess that what
is happening is that the Lame transcoder may be encountering something
in your MP3 files that it does not like, and this causes Lame to
terminate at that point. => Perhaps you can give me a link to one of
your MP3 files so I can test and confirm this diagnosis? (I dont have
many MP3s myself because I prefer lossless formats..)

csimon;575328 Wrote: 
> Seek also doesn't seem to be implemented yet in Whitebear? I can't fast
> forward or rewind.

Correct. Seek is not yet supported when playing to non native players.
It is a question of programming the various command line switches for
the transcoders. (This is work-in-progress.) But seek DOES work 1) when
you Play To a Squeeze player, and 2) when the player does its own local
buffering (as for example WMP12 does).

csimon;575328 Wrote: 
> foobar2000: Can select an item to play on the renderer but it doesn't
> start.

I was testing it with my development snapshot last night, and fooBar
does now work fine. I will release the development snapshot soon (but
preferably after I have had a chance to look at the above mentiond UNC
issue and eventually the MP3 transcoding (assuming that is indeed the

csimon;575328 Wrote: 
> eezUPnP: Discovery works but cannot browse.

As mentioned, my A/V does not trust this software, so I am not letting
it anywhere near my PC...

csimon;575328 Wrote: 
> Intel controller: Discovery doesn't work.

I am in contact with Ylian Saint-Hilaire (the author of the Intel

csimon;575328 Wrote: 
> Ciderio: Discovery & browsing works (although strangely, the Artist menu
> isn't populated, only the Albums menu), can play an item on the renderer
> and it plays through to completion. So this is the only combination that
> works so far for me!

In my tests, on some native players (like the Intel one), Ciderio fails
to show the track tag data and play position; also the volume and mute
controls don't work.

Concerning the Artist menu: can you confirm that with your MP3s, the
Artist menu does work on Squeezebox native players and UIs? i.e. Maybe
this is a tagging issue rather than a functionality issue?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announcement: Whitebear Media Server (UPnP/DLNA) v2.0 released !!

2010-09-09 Thread csimon

AndrewFG;575420 Wrote: 
> So I guess  your players are asking Whitebear for LPCM.
I'm not sure if my Synology transcodes, I will check the settings
tonight, but all the MP3s play fine when serverd by the Synology.

Hmmm, I know it might probably go against DLNA spec, but (for
testing/debugging purposes only...) could you provide an option in
Whitebear to force no transcoding and therefore to send the file as-is?
Even if my WD box is asking for LPCM, I guess it should still play MP3
if it receives it?  This would prove what's happening I guess.

> Perhaps you can give me a link to one of your MP3 files so I can test
> and confirm this diagnosis?
I'll send you a link later tonight.

> As mentioned, my A/V does not trust this software, so I am not letting
> it anywhere near my PC...

> Concerning the Artist menu: can you confirm that with your MP3s, the
> Artist menu does work on Squeezebox native players and UIs? i.e. Maybe
> this is a tagging issue rather than a functionality issue?
I don't have any Squeezebox hardware (this is why I'm so interested in
the UPnP capability!), but I can browse the menus via the Squeeze web
interface and the Artist menu is correctly populated.  In fact, it's
correctly populated in all the Control Points I've tried (which have
been able to discover the server...) it was only Cidero that didn't do
it.  Perhaps it just timed out or something.  I can try it again.

As you said too, the ability of control points to receive track
position data and implement other controls seems to be very variable.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announcement: Whitebear Media Server (UPnP/DLNA) v2.0 released !!

2010-09-09 Thread AndrewFG

csimon;575427 Wrote: 
> Hmmm, I know it might probably go against DLNA spec, but (for
> testing/debugging purposes only...) could you provide an option in
> Whitebear to force no transcoding and therefore to send the file as-is?
> Even if my WD box is asking for LPCM, I guess it should still play MP3
> if it receives it?  This would prove what's happening I guess.

Perhaps the easiest way would be to NOT offer LPCM if the respective
transcoder (in this case Lame.exe) were not there. At the moment
Whitebear always offers LPCM, so it fails to work if Lame.exe is not



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2010-09-09 Thread copperstate

The stream works (and sounds) great with no rebuffering, but the sound
sometimes feels a bit thin as if the sound is unbalanced (e.g. some of
the instruments seem more pronounced than others), but then that might
just be me imagining things.

Overall it works rather fine, thanks for the excellent plugin! :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] RadioFeeds plugin - potential problem with SBS?

2010-09-09 Thread vinnielo

Right. I believe I've fixed it now.
Anyone care to test?
Previously-registered people only, please!


With over 450 registered users, it's available for mysqueezebox,
Squeezebox Server, SqueezeCenter AND SlimServer!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-09-09 Thread noocyte

I tried setting a playlist as a preset on my SB Radio. But when I switch
to it I get an error message saying something like this:
Error : The playlist is empty [url].

It does work if I select just one song, but that's not very useful...
Looks like this is what I have in the log:

[15:26:22.301] main:422 new connection
[15:26:22.410] main:455 req: playlists.json res:
spotify:user:noocyte:playlist:0b8RNUEUNbDfceFzClLjZI par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[15:26:22.410] process_singleplaylist:841 process single playlist
[15:26:22.410] process_singleplaylist:861 tracks loaded: 86 of 86,
tracks error: 0


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New version of OtherPlayers for 7.3

2010-09-09 Thread Kuben72

I am using it on 7.5.1. No problems at all.



2 Duet, 1 Receiver, 1 SB3 and 1 Boom

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-09-09 Thread KMorgan


Using SB Controller, Squeezecommander, Web interface, if I navigate by
whatever means to an album (inc album saved as a Spotify playlist), and
then select a song within that album, the current playlist becomes that
single song alone.   This is the same on either of my SBRx or my Boom. 
All players are set to play other songs in an album.  This is 7.5.1 on




Sorry, can't spare enough hours today for that 5 min job on the

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New version of OtherPlayers for 7.3

2010-09-09 Thread jo-wie

7.5.2 no issues.


2 * Classic, 1 * Boom, SC 7.5.2 auf GigaByte STA/C mit VIA C7 1GHz, 1GB
RAM, 250 GB 2,5" HD, Ubuntu Desktop 8.04 LTS, CD -> FLAC = dbpoweramp,
Mix MusicIP, Router AVM Fritz 3270

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2010-09-09 Thread erland

paltomare;575489 Wrote: 
> Anyone having issues with the Custom Clock VU meters running the new
> v7.5.1.r9009 firmware? All was working great until I updated the
> firmware last night. I am running the dark blue meters during playback
> but now when I touch the screen to perform a function the display goes
> back to the stock VU meters. Any ideas why this would be happening?
Sounds like you need to goto Settings/Advanced/Patch Installer and
re-apply the patch. Custom Clock VU meters are only active when the
screen saver is active, so if you like VU meters also in default mode I
guessing you have used a patch installed through "Patch Installer"
applet. Could this be the issue ?


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2010-09-09 Thread paltomare

Anyone having issues with the Custom Clock VU meters running the new
v7.5.1.r9009 firmware? All was working great until I updated the
firmware last night. I am running the dark blue meters during playback
but now when I touch the screen to perform a function the display goes
back to the stock VU meters. Any ideas why this would be happening?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2010-09-09 Thread paltomare

Thanks for your reply. I did reinstall the patch after the firmware
upgrade but I will do it again just to be sure it loaded properly. Do I
need to update anything on the SBS side? 

My configuration is: 
Off = Stock clock
Paused = Weather
Now Playing (local albums) = Album Art & Text
Now Playing (streaming radio) = Dark Blue VU meters

Also, when using SDT, the time and degree symbols display but not
temperature or humidity.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announcement: Whitebear Media Server (UPnP/DLNA) v2.0 released !!

2010-09-09 Thread erland

AndrewFG;574049 Wrote: 
> It does not support the custom browse menus at this time. )But that
> might be fun for a future release).
I would suggest that you don't do any integration specifically with
Custom Browse plugin at the moment, the reason is that at the moment I
think it's probably going to be replaced with something else during the
next 6-12 months. Anyone that wants more information about the
replacement can take a look at the following thread to get a feeling
what I'm talking about:

If you like to do an integration soon, you could do an integration with
the JSON protocol for menus which SqueezePlay uses, if you do this it
will work with current Custom Browse, the replacement, and also with
all other third party plugins supported on the Touch/Radio/Controller.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
helped you and you like to encourage future presence on this forum
and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2010-09-09 Thread erland

paltomare;575496 Wrote: 
> Thanks for your reply. I did reinstall the patch after the firmware
> upgrade but I will do it again just to be sure it loaded properly. Do I
> need to update anything on the SBS side? 
No, I don't think so

paltomare;575496 Wrote: 
> Also, when using SDT, the time and degree symbols display but not
> temperature or humidity.
I got the same problem, a SBS restart or Touch/Radio/Controller restart
usually solves it. I'm not sure if it's related to Custom Clock or SDT.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
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and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-09-09 Thread KMorgan


Further to my last I've played a bit more and the fault does not appear
to lie with your plugin.  I was concentrating on Spotify and assuming
everything was working correctly in other respects.  I have now
discovered that even my local albums fail to respect "play other
songs" when songs are individually selected via the web interface
or Squeezecommander.  Using SB Controller it now seems to be working
correctly.  There appears to be a random element to this, independent
of the plugin.



Sorry, can't spare enough hours today for that 5 min job on the

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] IR Blaster problem following upgrade to 7.5.1

2010-09-09 Thread gjxl

It looks like a bug in IRBlaster (or SC 7.5.1), but simple to
workaround: When the player is ON it seems that for some reason the
type of player is not detected correctly, making the settings page of
IRBlaster inaccessible.

Solution: turn the player off, then go to the IRBlaster settings page
for your player, change settings. Your settings will work.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announcement: Whitebear Media Server (UPnP/DLNA) v2.0 released !!

2010-09-09 Thread csimon

AndrewFG - PM sent with links to MP3s I'm having trouble with, and the
results of a few more tests tonight.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Slacker stops late at night.

2010-09-09 Thread BoomX2


Slacker worked fine last night.  So far so good.  I'll post if it blows
up again.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Possible MusicIP replacement in time?

2010-09-09 Thread Wirrunna

danams;574126 Wrote: 
> Hey guys,
> I saw this thread and thought I should respond.
> We did a huge colo move this summer and that is why we had some
> intermittent interruptions.  We have also been spending a lot of
> development time on the MyDJ SDK as we have a few new customers working
> on new playlisting apps.  Feel free to email me at licensing at
> amplifindmusicservices dot com if you have any questions.  
> Is there anyone from Logitech on these forums?
> best,
> Dan
> AMS Support

Dan, Good to see someone from AmpliFIND Music Services here on the
forums. There are a lot of us who use MusicIP here.
Now, as to Logitech presence on the forums, both Andy Grundman (andyg)
and Michael Herger (mherger) are regularly on the Beta forums. They may
answer a PM or else start a thread in the Beta introducing yourself and
request them to contact you.


A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2010-09-09 Thread paltomare

erland;575504 Wrote: 
> No, I don't think so
> I got the same problem, a SBS restart or Touch/Radio/Controller restart
> usually solves it. I'm not sure if it's related to Custom Clock or SDT.

SDT still not working after a SBS restart and Touch reset. The stock
weather applet works okay for me for now.

I do have question about the blue VU's. Did the design change to omit
the function buttons even when not in the larger remote skin mode? 

I can now switch to the blue VU's from the stock text/album cover
screen but I loss the function buttons. I also takes a lot longer to
switch screens than it did under the old firmware. Is this normal?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New version of OtherPlayers for 7.3

2010-09-09 Thread sander

Thanks for the confirmation, everyone. The remote aspects of Other
Players is too much to be without. On with the upgrade!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2010-09-09 Thread erland

paltomare;575594 Wrote: 
> I do have question about the blue VU's. Did the design change to omit
> the function buttons even when not in the larger remote skin mode? 
> I can now switch to the blue VU's from the stock text/album cover
> screen but I loss the function buttons. 
The Custom Clock version has never had the function buttons, the
function buttons only exists if you use the standard Now Playing screen
together with the patch installed through Patch Installer that replaces
some image files.

paltomare;575594 Wrote: 
> I also takes a lot longer to switch screens than it did under the old
> firmware. Is this normal?
It shouldn't but I haven't tried it with the new firmware yet so there
might be some differences that causes this.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
helped you and you like to encourage future presence on this forum
and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
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