Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-12-27 Thread ucw

cpd73 wrote: 
> Material will only fetch 25k items. Handling even this many, let alone
> more, in one list just seems mad. This implies roughly 1k items per
> letter. To me, that is just not practical - especially on a phone. I can
> increase the limit, its just a constant chosen at random, but a 25k list
> of items is excessive.

And it makes sense of course. I've already startet making sure that I'll
get my 'composers' and artists from compilations alligned but it will
indeed take some time, a work in progress. Those compilations have a lot
of contributing artists (and composers). Some where the Ü is set as an U
on the same artist from the original rip. If the number could be
somewhat increased it would end 2022 on a high note. :D

And again thank you for all the effort and a more than useful skin -
will keep my LMS eco system running for years...

Best regards

Server - LMS 8.3.0, WinServer (64Gb ram), 6K album library, LMS cache on
SSD (ntfs)
3x Squeezebox Touch, 3x Squeezebox Radio, 2x Squeezebox Boom
1x upgraded Transporter (wired) via Holfi system
1x KEF LS50 Wireless II (wired)+sub via upnpbridge,

2. site - LMS 8.1.1 (LmsUpdate), Synology NAS DS716+II, (8Gb ram,
1x Squeezebox Touch, 1x Audio Pro C5 via upnpbridge

Plugins: Music & Artist Information, Material Skin, Custom Browse/Scan,
UpnpBridge, Qobuz, DSDPLayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Denon AVP Control Plugin

2022-12-27 Thread SamY

madpatrick wrote: 
> Once again I want to give my much appreciated compliments for making and
> improving the plugin all the time.
> This plugin has made using my squeezebox for the rest of the family even
> more fun and easier.
> Fortunately, people are still willing to give support and use their
> specific knowledge.
> Thanks again for developing this plugin

Thanks for the feedback, Patrick. All credit goes to Chris for "making"
the plugin and we share credit for "improving" it. :D 

I'm happy to hear that you are continuing to find the plugin useful and
particularly appreciate your willingness to assist with testing and
debugging new releases. Happy holidays and best wishes for 2023!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2022-12-27 Thread slartibartfast

rttm wrote: 
> Thanks in advance Philippe!
> and even more important: as my goal is to play from native tidal-app
> (and spoty) from iphone to lms grouped () players: do u think
> this could work with your 'Group plugin that creates "virtual" devices'
> ?
> your plugin ist named 'group players / on the fly group creation'?
> kind regards
> thomas
> installed and tried it - first impression: seems to work - cool piece of
> software! any downsides known? will the 'group' keep in sync? 
> kind regards
> thomasNobody else has reported the downside I used to see. I used to find
duplicate tracks in my library that happened to be tracks that had been
played on the group player when the group player was still the selected
player in LMS. There is no obvious reason why it happened. It would be
interesting if you found the same but so far it seems to be only me.
Uninstalling the plugin fixed the issue. 

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2022-12-27 Thread Spacegrass

Hi Philippe - i have taken another log, attached. Same mp3 tracks but
the volume behaviour seemed normal this time, UNTIL i thought i would
try clicking the volume 5% higher in Material skin near the end of track
1 - instead of going from 22 to 27% volume went to infinity - eggnog
flying, dogs hitting the ceiling, wife yelling, the whole disaster
:cool: After manually turning it back down and restarting my heart,
volume behaviour continued normally.  I stopped play in track 4. Also
note that after the mp3 tracks, i tried playing Spotty/Spotify, which
does not seem to be working through UPnPBridge and Sonos.  I tried
started a Spotify album a couple of times and nothing happened. An
earlier trial showed that Spotty/Spotify would play to a "real"
squeezebox device, and would also play via the Bridge to a Naim QB2, but
not to Sonos. Spotty version is 4.8.4 and LMS version is 8.3.0

|Filename: upnpbridge log number 2.txt|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2022-12-27 Thread philippe_44

Spacegrass wrote: 
> edit: here is the log

Can you send me the log or a log since the startup of the plugin (maybe
clean the log and restart it if needed). This is strange as I can see an
issue due to the fact that you have a group of Sonos devices, but I
don't understand why it has not been visible before.

LMS 8.2 on Odroid-C4 - *SqueezeAMP!*, 5xRadio, 5xBoom, 2xDuet, 1xTouch,
1xSB3. Sonos PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, Foobar2000, ShairPortW,
2xChromecast Audio, Chromecast v1 and v2, Squeezelite on Pi,  Yamaha
WX-010, AppleTV 4, Airport Express, GGMM E5, RivaArena 1 & 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-12-27 Thread cpd73

ucw wrote: 
> I've tried searching this thread, have run through the files in the
> plugin folder for Material Skin but I can't seem to find a setting or
> string where I can get my 'All Artist'-view to show more than 25.000. I
> have around 25.750 and I miss some artists at the end of the alphabet.

Material will only fetch 25k items. Handling even this many, let alone
more, in one list just seems mad. This implies roughly 1k items per
letter. To me, that is just not practical - especially on a phone. I can
increase the limit, its just a constant chosen at random, but a 25k list
of items is excessive.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2022-12-27 Thread Spacegrass

Spacegrass wrote: 
> Hi Philippe – I attach a log from trial (Win 10 i7 laptop -
> all UpNP Bridge settings at default other than binary set to static.)
> Same mp3 tracks as the last few logs - no skips, but continuing 
> LMS/Sonos volume problems. In the first track, the 5% increment in LMS
> Material skin changed the actual volume a lot more than 5%. It seemed
> like the volume was increasing and decreasing on its own in track 1,
> though the LMS volume setting stayed the same. Then nearly at the end of
> track 2, the sound went silent while the volume slider stayed at 15% and
> the track kept playing - sound would come back on if changed to 20%, go
> silent if reduced to 15%, then more fluctuations in track 3 - this
> behaviour should be noticeable in the log at the end of track 2 and
> beginning of track 3.   I stopped it in track 3.  No eggnog was harmed
> in this testing:)

edit: here is the log

|Filename: upnpbridge log mp3 sound issues.txt|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CastBridge = integrate Chromecast players with LMS (squeeze2cast)

2022-12-27 Thread SamY

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Congratulations, you managed to find a good old LMS bug that I have that
> ability to fall onto (I'm not saying to solve...) like a good truffle
> pig. When un-muting, LMS does a slow volume ramp-up. Except that when
> interrupted by user, the requested volume should be set period. Well,
> not really and we end up in muted state again (sigh). I'll disable
> ramp-up on my plugins and submit a PR for LMS.

Testing now with and muting/unmuting is now working perfectly
as far as I can tell. Thanks! 

As mentioned previously, I had also been experimenting with the
"pause/resume" Google Assistant commands and was getting mixed results.
With this version, I am now getting predictable and correct results
except for one hopefully minor glitch. The "pause" command correctly
puts the LMS player in the paused mode. From there, it can be
successfully returned to playback mode via either the "resume" or "play"
command. However, upon returning to playback mode, the LMS player is
also muted. Any volume-related Google Assistant command (i.e. "turn it
up" or "unmute") takes it out of the muted state, so it's easily
circumvented. You just have to know it's muted. Maybe this is related to
the LMS bug you referred to? In any case, I can now control, and keep in
sync with LMS, not only the volume (including mute/unmute), but also the
playback mode (pause/resume) of my bedroom Nest Mini stereo pair via
voice commands, which is a very nice feature!

Next on the wish list would be support for "skip forward/back", followed
by the ability to recognize LMS as a music source for commands such as
"Play AC/DC from LMS". :D

Great work as always, Philippe! If software bugs were as profitable as
truffles, we'd both be rich!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2022-12-27 Thread Spacegrass

Hi Philippe – I attach a log from trial (Win 10 i7 laptop -
all UpNP Bridge settings at default other than binary set to static.)
Same mp3 tracks as the last few logs - no skips, but continuing 
LMS/Sonos volume problems. In the first track, the 5% increment in LMS
Material skin changed the actual volume a lot more than 5%. It seemed
like the volume was increasing and decreasing on its own in track 1,
though the LMS volume setting stayed the same. Then nearly at the end of
track 2, the sound went silent while the volume slider stayed at 15% and
the track kept playing - sound would come back on if changed to 20%, go
silent if reduced to 15%, then more fluctuations in track 3 - this
behaviour should be noticeable in the log at the end of track 2 and
beginning of track 3.   I stopped it in track 3.  No eggnog was harmed
in this testing:)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Radio Now Playing plugin

2022-12-27 Thread Paul Webster

If you already have all of that in LMS then there is not much that I
would be able to add I think.
(am away and can’t test until Friday)

Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc),
planetradio (bauer - kiss, absolute, scala, jazzfm etc), kcrw, abc
australia and cbc/radio-canada
and, via the extra \"radio now playing\" plugin lots more - see

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2022-12-27 Thread rttm

Thanks in advance Philippe!

and even more important: as my goal is to play from native tidal-app
(and spoty) from iphone to lms grouped () players: do u think
this could work with your 'Group plugin that creates "virtual" devices'
your plugin ist named 'group players / on the fly group creation'?

kind regards

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2022-12-27 Thread rttm

philippe_44 wrote: 
> That's where I'm confused. Synced player never appear as a special
> device in LMS. Only solo players will be visible, unless you use my
> Group plugin that creates "virtual" devices.

your grouping plugin is not installed; furthermore 2 screenshots of
spoti and tida on my iphone

|Filename: plugins running.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Radio Now Playing plugin

2022-12-27 Thread rttm

Paul Webster wrote: 
> I’ll take a look.
> The extra info that helps when assigning priorities (although right now
> there is no queue so they go straight to the front).
> When you play them with LMS do you get track/programme info?
> Do they have track/programme info on the web sites or in their mobile
> app?

Thank You Paul!
updated relevant info in original post 'above'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Denon AVP Control Plugin

2022-12-27 Thread SamY

rttm wrote: 
> Hi!
> what a great piece of software u wrote!!
> actually i am asking for a possibility to make this also for available
> for my lyngdorf tdai 2170 amplifier.
> it is possible to interact with the amp via a serial server. the
> original lyngdorf (ios) app is using this connection.
> i'm aware of the 
> - hardware (lyngdorf tda1 2170 'steered' via  moxa 5150A serial server)
> - the codes lyndorf uses3956239563
> is there any chance that your control plugin could also steer Lyngdorf
> Amps?
> kindest regards
> Thomas / Austria
> ps: i am a long time LMS user & have equipped players in each and every
> room; mostly hifiberry stuff; and an allo usb bridge sig as source for
> my living room (feeding in the Lyngdorf) .. the only system actually i
> cant 'turn on' remote

Hi, Thomas. Speaking on behalf of Chris and myself, thanks for the
compliment. As far as supporting the Lyngdorf amps, that would be an
interesting project for sure, probably best accomplished by cloning and
modifying the Denon/Marantz plugin. The command/request protocol looks
to be quite robust and, in many ways, simpler to program for, due in
large part to the less-is-more design philosophy of the manufacturer.

Personally, I would love to take this project on as a new LMS plugin.
However, I would require the hardware for use in development and
testing. If you have any "pull" with the manufacturer, feel free to use
it. My mailing address (USA) is available on demand.  :D

Take care and happy holidays!


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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-12-27 Thread ucw

Hi all,

I've tried searching this thread, have run through the files in the
plugin folder for Material Skin but I can't seem to find a setting or
string where I can get my 'All Artist'-view to show more than 25.000. I
have around 25.750 and I miss some artists at the end of the alphabet.

Please advice on getting 'All Artists' to show more than 25.000 - or at
least 26.000 :)... It's probably very easy but I really can't find

Happy holidays - and thank you...

To Mr. Drummond (@cpd73) - what an effort and what a useful "skin".
Thank you so much!

Best regards

Server - LMS 8.3.0, WinServer (64Gb ram), 6K album library, LMS cache on
SSD (ntfs)
3x Squeezebox Touch, 3x Squeezebox Radio, 2x Squeezebox Boom
1x upgraded Transporter (wired) via Holfi system
1x KEF LS50 Wireless II (wired)+sub via upnpbridge,

2. site - LMS 8.1.1 (LmsUpdate), Synology NAS DS716+II, (8Gb ram,
1x Squeezebox Touch, 1x Audio Pro C5 via upnpbridge

Plugins: Music & Artist Information, Material Skin, Custom Browse/Scan,
UpnpBridge, Qobuz, DSDPLayer

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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Radio Now Playing plugin

2022-12-27 Thread Paul Webster

I’ll take a look.

The extra info that helps when assigning priorities (although right now
there is no queue so they go straight to the front).

When you play them with LMS do you get track/programme info?
Do they have track/programme info on the web sites or in their mobile

Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc),
planetradio (bauer - kiss, absolute, scala, jazzfm etc), kcrw, abc
australia and cbc/radio-canada
and, via the extra \"radio now playing\" plugin lots more - see

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2022-12-27 Thread cwxx2

I've had LMS (currently 8.2.0) running on CentOS 7 for a number of
years, but recently decided to try to integrate my Sonos speakers with
LMS using squeeze2upnp (squeeze2upnp-x86-64-static) after replacing my
original Logitech squeezebox renderer with a Raspberry Pi (which also
works well). The problem is the required firewall settings for
squeeze2upnp and UPNP/DLNA operation.  Turn the firewall off, and
everything works well (much better than using Sonos application). Turn
it on with the following ports

firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports
9000/tcp 3483/tcp 3483/udp 1900/udp 8200/tcp 3306/tcp 21/tcp 3000/tcp
3001/tcp 9100/tcp 9100/udp 49152-49184/tcp 49152-49184/udp

and gradually the Sonos speakers drop off as their presence ceases to be

[16:08:05.200950] UpdateThread:1110 Presence checking
[16:08:05.226957] UpdateThread:1169 [0xc46e28] UPnP keep alive: Bedroom
[16:08:05.335862] UpdateThread:1169 [0xc44b00] UPnP keep alive: Kitchen
[16:08:05.378578] UpdateThread:1169 [0xc49150] UPnP keep alive: Cabin

[16:10:25.004063] UpdateThread:1110 Presence checking
[16:10:25.004095] UpdateThread:1120 [0xc44b00]: removing unresponsive
player (Kitchen)
[16:10:25.004116] slimproto_close:933 [0xbbb140] slimproto stop for
[16:10:25.104294] output_flush:611 [0xbbb140]: flush output buffer
[16:10:25.104319] output_close:642 [0xbbb140] close media renderer
[16:10:25.104357] decode_close:193 close decode
[16:10:25.165798] stream_close:503 [0xbbb140] close stream
[16:10:25.264515] UpdateThread:1120 [0xc46e28]: removing unresponsive
player (Bedroom)
[16:10:25.264533] slimproto_close:933 [0xbbf608] slimproto stop for
[16:10:25.364655] output_flush:611 [0xbbf608]: flush output buffer
[16:10:25.364679] output_close:642 [0xbbf608] close media renderer
[16:10:25.364720] decode_close:193 close decode
[16:10:25.386501] stream_close:503 [0xbbf608] close stream
[16:10:25.387138] UpdateThread:1120 [0xc49150]: removing unresponsive
player (Cabin)
[16:10:25.387155] slimproto_close:933 [0xbc3ad0] slimproto stop for
[16:10:25.487292] output_flush:611 [0xbc3ad0]: flush output buffer
[16:10:25.487316] output_close:642 [0xbc3ad0] close media renderer
[16:10:25.487342] decode_close:193 close decode
[16:10:25.553586] stream_close:503 [0xbc3ad0] close stream

So, a fairly simple question, just what ports and protocol are required
to be open in the firewall for squeeze2upnp to use UPNP/DLNA for Sonos
(or anything else)?

With the firewall completely disabled it all works well, but I'd prefer
to have an operational firewall.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2022-12-27 Thread philippe_44

rttm wrote: 
> excellent question  via ipeng - running on the iphone ... no further
> plugins for grouping installed
> will run a test wether grouping via original lms web ui will gain
> success
> and come up with results
> did desync via original lms web ui 
> rebooted server
> synced 2 of the players again
> no effect in tidal - synced player do not show up grouped - only as
> solo/single players all players are available

That's where I'm confused. Synced player never appear as a special
device in LMS. Only solo players will be visible, unless you use my
Group plugin that creates "virtual" devices.

LMS 8.2 on Odroid-C4 - *SqueezeAMP!*, 5xRadio, 5xBoom, 2xDuet, 1xTouch,
1xSB3. Sonos PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, Foobar2000, ShairPortW,
2xChromecast Audio, Chromecast v1 and v2, Squeezelite on Pi,  Yamaha
WX-010, AppleTV 4, Airport Express, GGMM E5, RivaArena 1 & 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Radio Now Playing plugin

2022-12-27 Thread rttm

Hi Paul!

a big thank you for your time and know how spending for radio now
what kind of info should i provide to you along asking for implementing
new  radio stations?
as i live in Austria -- some stations with special interrest


Radio Ö1: 
Bitrate 192:

Radio Ö3: 
Bitrate 192:

Radio FM4: 
Bitrate 192:

taken from this list with 'all austrian stations' :

kindest regards
Thomas Fessl

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Denon AVP Control Plugin

2022-12-27 Thread rttm


what a great piece of software u wrote!!

actually i am asking for a possibility to make this also for available
for my lyngdorf tdai 2170 amplifier.
it is possible to interact with the amp via a serial server. the
original lyngdorf (ios) app is using this connection.
i'm aware of the 
- hardware (lyngdorf tda1 2170 'steered' via  moxa 5150A serial server)
- the codes lyndorf uses3956239563

is there any chance that your control plugin could also steer Lyngdorf

kindest regards
Thomas / Austria

ps: i am a long time LMS user & have equipped players in each and every
room; mostly hifiberry stuff; and an allo usb bridge sig as source for
my living room (feeding in the Lyngdorf) .. the only system actually i
cant 'turn on' remote

|Filename: tdai-2170-moxa-setup-guide-remote-app.pdf|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2022-12-27 Thread rttm

philippe_44 wrote: 
> How are they grouped?
excellent question  via ipeng - running on the iphone ... no further
plugins for grouping installed
will run a test wether grouping via original lms web ui will gain
and come up with results

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2022-12-27 Thread NAG

rgdawson wrote: 
> If you have not tried this, go into settings and enable advanced
> settings and toggle Clear Cache and press OK, you will be prompted to
> restart, say yes.  If anyone has a problem after this let me know.
> R Greg Dawson

Hi Greg - I tried this. Tried reinstalling both stand alone & windows
store versions. Music plays but the interface continues to just show
blue quaver logo, squeezelite-X and a rotating white ring on black
background. No issues accessing the LMS interface via browser (on port
:9000/Material). FYI, running latest LMS Version: 8.3.0 - 1667251155
from lmscommunity on DSM 7.1.1-42962 Update 1 in a docker container.

I tried usign Recuva Unistaller too, this just picked up the same key I
had already found before, not a solution for me.

Any ideas?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CastBridge = integrate Chromecast players with LMS (squeeze2cast)

2022-12-27 Thread philippe_44

SamY wrote: 
> This problem is not limited to CC audio. It is easily reproducible on
> any CC via Google Assistant. In case you can't recreate it, what logging
> options would be useful? I don't see the LMS commands anywhere in the
> log. Are the mute/unmute requests handled with "mixer muting 0/1" LMS
> commands? If so, that should work correctly. The only anomaly is the
> fact that LMS handles relative volume changes while the player is muted
> by setting the volume to 0 before applying the change, a behavior which
> is patently incorrect and has to be compensated for in client/plugin
> code. You may recall the discussion on this topic a while back that
> resulted in leaving that behavior in place over my strong objection, for
> fear that it might disrupt theoretical existing code that depended on
> it. ('Here' ( is
> a link to the LMS issue.) While it remains unknown whether that would
> have been the case then, it is certainly the case now as the Denon AVR
> plugin and the Squeezer client app have both since been modified to
> compensate for it. (Sorry for the digression...)

Congratulations, you managed to find a good old LMS bug that I have that
ability to fall onto (I'm not saying to solve...) like a good truffle
pig. When un-muting, LMS does a slow volume ramp-up. Except that when
interrupted by user, the requested volume should be set period. Well,
not really and we end up in muted state again (sigh). I'll disable
ramp-up on my plugins and submit a PR for LMS.

LMS 8.2 on Odroid-C4 - *SqueezeAMP!*, 5xRadio, 5xBoom, 2xDuet, 1xTouch,
1xSB3. Sonos PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, Foobar2000, ShairPortW,
2xChromecast Audio, Chromecast v1 and v2, Squeezelite on Pi,  Yamaha
WX-010, AppleTV 4, Airport Express, GGMM E5, RivaArena 1 & 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2022-12-27 Thread philippe_44

rttm wrote: 
> Hi 
> greatly appreciate your work - thank you very much for this piece of
> software!
> one thing i cant figure out:
> via spotify from iphone i find the grouped players - an can successfully
> stream to the group
> via tidal from iphone - i only can find the ungrouped players (in my
> case 5 players - can send to 1 of them by time successfully)
> any reason? anything i do wrong?
> kind regards
> Thomas

How are they grouped?

LMS 8.2 on Odroid-C4 - *SqueezeAMP!*, 5xRadio, 5xBoom, 2xDuet, 1xTouch,
1xSB3. Sonos PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, Foobar2000, ShairPortW,
2xChromecast Audio, Chromecast v1 and v2, Squeezelite on Pi,  Yamaha
WX-010, AppleTV 4, Airport Express, GGMM E5, RivaArena 1 & 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2022-12-27 Thread rttm

greatly appreciate your work - thank you very much for this piece of

one thing i cant figure out:
via spotify from iphone i find the grouped players - an can successfully
stream to the group
via tidal from iphone - i only can find the ungrouped players (in my
case 5 players - can send to 1 of them by time successfully)

any reason? anything i do wrong?

kind regards

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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Denon AVP Control Plugin

2022-12-27 Thread madpatrick

Once again I want to give my much appreciated compliments for making and
improving the plugin all the time.
This plugin has made using my squeezebox for the rest of the family even
more fun and easier.
Fortunately, people are still willing to give support and use their
specific knowledge.
Thanks again for developing this plugin


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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotty.exe not running

2022-12-27 Thread Michael Herger
I'm running out of ideas. As long as the helper crashes Connect mode 
obviously can't work.

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