Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] How hide/remove stuff from MusicIP?

2010-09-02 Thread Brian Ritchie

Thanks Louis... in the end I made the pragmatic solution of renaming my
old music folders, then using the MusicIP GUI to scan the new drive. I
didn't remove the existing cache, but the song counts etc. reported by
MIP tally with what I'd expect. After another scan or two in SS, all
*seems* to be OK! (Or at least as OK as it's ever been with MusicIP; I
still have issues with MIP-generated mixlists in both iPeng and the
Controller; but that's a separate issue.)

I had already modified my playlists; with all my music now under one
folder, it was easy (I used the excellent PSPad text editor to make a
few global changes to them all at once).

-- Brian

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] How hide/remove stuff from MusicIP?

2010-08-31 Thread Brian Ritchie

As the two drives I use for music (one internal, one USB) were getting
pretty full, I've added a 2TB USB drive to replace them.  I've copied
my music onto it, and tried repointing SqueezeCenter (sorry, Squeezebox
Server) at the new location with a wipe-and-rescan. I want to make sure
that the new setup really works before I commit to it completely.

Unfortunately, the MusicIP import has added many duplicate albums,
seemingly copies from the old locations.  I opened the MIP GUI to try
to change its behaviour, but though I can add more drives for it to
watch/scan, I can't find a way to tell it to forget the old ones, even
though they can be removed from the watch list.  (And now it's finding
multiple copies of tracks by itself, so I dread to think what the next
import into SS will do!)

I don't want to remove my files from the old drives until I'm happy
that the new drive is OK. (Also, I'm fairly sure that removing or
hiding the old files will only make MIP complain.) So how can I remove
the details from MusicIP, and only include details from files in the
new drive?

Is there a "wipe MusicIP cache" option somewhere? I'm saving the
analysis to tags, so hopefully MIP won't spend years re-analysing

-- Brian

Details, schmetails: Win XP; SS 7.5.0; MusicIP Mixer 1.8.1b

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Quirky MusicIP behaviour with Controller and iPeng

2010-07-02 Thread Brian Ritchie

Hmmm, could be; I have moved stuff around occasionally (my music being
split over two drives).

Curious though that I've never had missing tracks when using MIP under
the SS webiface, but often do (or can't even view the whole playlist,
yet some tracks do play) on the Controller and iPeng.

I've always archived the MIP analysis to the files, so maybe it'd be OK
to wipe the MIP cache and start over... ? (But it would take a lng
time if I'm wrong...)

-- Brian

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Quirky MusicIP behaviour with Controller and iPeng

2010-07-01 Thread Brian Ritchie

I seem to be able to generate MusicIP mixes just fine, and play them
too. What doesn't seem to work well is that on both iPeng and the
Controller, I can't get to see the playlist; it's just blank.

(And just to confound me, when I tried to recreate this situation just
now, it didn't happen - I can see the generated playlist just fine. NO
idea what I did that might have been different from the times when I
can't see the playlist. In both cases today (didn't work / worked) I
created the mix from the device itself.)

Also, there seems to be the occasional disharmony between MusicIP and
SqueezeServer, in that MIP seems to choose tracks that SS can't find. 
Yet I run the MIP GUI fairly frequently to analyse newly-added tracks,
then quit that, visit the MusicIP control web page and reload the
cache, which then *seems* to get picked up the next time I do a scan in
SS.  This almost sounds like I should wipe either or both of MIP / SS's
caches, but I'm fearful that if I do that I might never get MusicIP to
work again!

Does anyone know what's going wrong? Has anyone else seen these
problems? Know how to fix them?

-- Brian

Vaguely pertinent stuff:
SS 7.5.0; Win XP

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Browse survey, why do you use it ?

2009-01-28 Thread Brian Ritchie

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Why do you use Custom Browse ?

- I need to be able to browse multiple libraries
- I need to be able to browse composers or conductors separately
- I need it to be able to filter the contents of albums, artists or
  genres menus
- I need an itermediate A-Z menu before showing artists or albums for
  a specific letter
- I need to be able to browse custom tags
- The standard browse menus can't be configured as I like them
- I need to be able to browse decades
- I need more flexible browse menus to browse classical or jazz music
- I use it because it exists but the standard browse menus works good
- Some other reason

I voted for several options, but to be honest the only way I use CB at
the moment is for the A-Z artist menu.  Most of the other ways I'd
*like* to use it (browse by custom tags, esp. for classical / jazz)
require more set-up effort by me that I just haven't got round to...
yet! (Heck, I still have "Martyn, John" as the Artist rather than using
Artistsort properly...)

-- Brian

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New version of OtherPlayers for 7.3

2009-01-12 Thread Brian Ritchie

I agree; sounds promising, and fairly comprehensive!

Terminology is harder. For me, "sync with" has always been too
ambiguous, though I'm coming round to thinking of "A sync-with B" to
mean that A should pick up whatever B is playing. I suppose that if you
have "A sync-to B" (where B picks up A's playlist), then the other
direction could be "A sync-from B"; but "sync with" is 7.3's
nomenclature.  I like the word "release," though I guess "unsyc B"
(without the "from") is probably clear enough.  Heh, the opposite of
"release" could be "imprison" or even "enslave" (the latter would make
it clear that A is the master!)

So, if I'm listening to A, and want to sync what it's playing to both B
and C, then with the Controller on A, would I do something like this:

OtherPlayers -> SyncTo -> B ->
<- [to SyncTo player list] C ->

(Using "->" and "<-" for left/right arrows, followed by scrolls)? I
think that'd make sync'ing with multiple players pretty easy (perhaps
only choosing a Synchronizer pre-prepared sync group would be simpler).
(Probably don't even need that left arrow, if going right to select B
doesn't actually leave the list of players.)

-- Brian

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New version of OtherPlayers for 7.3

2009-01-08 Thread Brian Ritchie

kolding;380866 Wrote: 
> Which version of SC and The Synchronizer?

7.3.1, 0.9.1; but anyway:

kolding;380866 Wrote: 
> Try turning mid-track sync off, especially if you're on 7.3.  I seem to
> remember something about having bad interactions between SyncOptions
> and the Synchronizer.  7.3.x really has the mid-track sync by default,
> but you'll need the latest version of The Synchronizer to go with it.

Bingo: setting SyncOptions' wait behaviour to Default did the trick
(neither "attempt mid-track sync" nor "wait for next track" worked). 
Now, the players sync with just a brief mid-track glitch, which I can
live with.  I could probably disable SyncOptions completely now.

Thanks!  This should make sync much easier for me now!

-- Brian

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New version of OtherPlayers for 7.3

2009-01-07 Thread Brian Ritchie

kolding;380802 Wrote: 
> Shouldn't have to be stopped.  You should just pick up what's on the
> master player for each sync set.  If the master is playing, the whole
> sync set should begin playing.  Is that not so?

Tried it just now: with Living Room unsync'd (which may or may not have
left Kitchen + Upstairs sync'd) and playing, tried Synchronizer / Sync
all to Living Room, whilst watching Kitchen. Nothing happened - Kitchen
and Upstairs remained silent.  Nor did either of my pre-cooked groups
(both with LR as master) work. The built-in Sync i/f shows Living Room
is still unsync'd (and no sign of a Kichen / Upstairs sync group).

I'm not in a position to try anything else right now (actually
listening to music!) but my previous experiences are that even pausing
the master doesn't work, it has to be Stopped.  Until now, I assumed
that's just the way it was. So there's hope!

I have SyncOptions on, with mid-track sync set. Wonder if that could be
interfering somehow?

-- Brian

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New version of OtherPlayers for 7.3

2009-01-06 Thread Brian Ritchie

radish;379788 Wrote: 
> There's nothing stopping OtherPlayers from doing a sync in the opposite
> direction as well (same as push/pull playlist, which I use a lot more
> often than sync). Can you clarify exactly the scenario you're thinking
> of? (I have to admit to not being sure which was A/B in your
> description).

I'll try... I'm listening to player A, and not surprisingly that's the
currently-chosen player on the Controller.  I decide that I'd like to
play the same thing on players B and C (ideally without interrupting
the music on A).  So I try what worked under 7.2. I go to Other
Players, choose B, then "Sync with B". But now, A stops playing (or
starts playing whatever B was playing), because sync now runs in the
other direction. Player A now has acquired B's playlist. If I now go
back to Other Players, choose C and then "Sync with C", a now acquires
C's playlist; and (crucially) sync between A and B is broken, so I
can't even try to recreate A's old playlist on A, B and C, because
they're still not all sync'd.

Presumably, to get A synced as master with both B and C (I hope my
language is clear here), I have to choose one of B or C first.  This is
bad enough, as switching between players on the Controller is pretty
slow (at least, it's always been that way for me); this was what I
loved about Other Players before 7.3. If, as I fear, I have to "visit"
all three, then that's just too tedious for words.  (I say "if",
because I've never tried to sync all three this way.) Might as well
just stop A (perhaps waiting for the current track to end), and use The

(Incidentally, right now my three players are sync'd; but with the
controller looking at Living Room (which should be the master, but see
later), Other Players shows it as sync'd with Upstairs, but not with
Kitchen. I guess there's an explanation along the lines of "mumble
mumble sync groups," but I can't be bothered to figure it out.  Just to
complete my day: though Living Room has Crossfade set (according to the
controller), it ain't happening.  Am I really going to have to turn it
on for every player? Please, no!)

I do use grab/send playlist occasionally, but really do need sync most
of the time as I can hear more than one player from many parts of the

-- Brian

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New version of OtherPlayers for 7.3

2009-01-05 Thread Brian Ritchie


I was really pleased to see this appear for 7.3; I was hoping it would
be an improvement on how tedious it is to sync three or more players
together in 7.3.  Unfortunately, the behaviour of "sync A with B" has
changed: it now cancels any previous sync "from" A, and loads B's
playlist into A.  This is pretty much the opposite of what happened in
7.2, but it's in line with 7.3, I grudgingly admit.  

So it's still not possible to sync >2 players together without having
to switch players. (Well, there's The Synchronizer, but it seems to
require the master (at least) to be stopped.)

I wonder how easy it would be to subvert the new 7.3 behaviour in order
to provide the old behaviour?

-- Brian

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Other Players plugin for Squeezebox/Controller

2008-07-08 Thread Brian Ritchie

Excellent plugin! This suits my uses of my Duet/SB3 pair very well. I
was getting mildly irritated by how often I found myself having to
switch between players to do something, and then back again.

The kitchen SBR usually gets killed by the microwave and if the
living-room is sync'd it gets killed too. With the Other Players menu I
can cancel the sync (without having to change player first); or I can
just send/grab the playlist from the kitchen to the living-room.

Also, I find it handy to be able to power-up/down a player without
having to switch to it.

(Aside: sometimes my SB3 gets into a strange state where it appears to
be off (both on its display and on the SBC) and yet it's playing. 
Pressing the on button (on either remote) at this point can be risky;
e.g. earlier today, Other Players showed the SB3's power as unchecked
but sync was checked. When I checked the power box, it turned the SB3
off properly, which silenced it and cancelled its sync with the SBR.
IIRC, the menu didn't update the sync status to off until I left it and
returned. If I use the webiface or another remote to sync or unsync,
would Other Players detect & reflect it immediately, or does it just
check the status on entry?)

It looks as though "sync with B" means "get B to play what I'm
playing", which fits in with other SBC behaviour.  Would it be possible
to add a "sync from B" option as well (so that the current player starts
singing to B's tune, as it were)?

Many thanks for writing and sharing this plugin.

-- Brian

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] A couple of MusicIP questions.

2008-06-30 Thread Brian Ritchie

cparker;315986 Wrote: 
> You should look at setting MIP to run in headless mode, then when you
> have done your stuff in the MIP GUI, just reload the MIP headless page
> and then a rescan with SC and should be job done!
> This is the strongest way of using MIP and SC together, otherwise if
> you close the MIP GUI then MIP stops.

Thanks - but I'm already running MIP headless. I only start the GUI to
find and analyse any new stuff, or to create filters.

> If you replace the original MIP interface with my improved MIP headless
> interface you will get a filters button so you can check that the
> filters are viewable.
> Then if you reload from SC they should appear. (should ;)
> See my site for further details.

Yup, had already done all that - your site was instrumental in getting
my headless MIP up and running (though for some reason for ages I could
only make mixes from playlists in SC). The filters certainly appear from
your interface.

... aha! And now they appear in SC as well! (Without any more new
scans, btw; so would a rescan really be necessary?) What I *didn't* do
before was visit the headless page after creating the filter.  

I still haven't quite sussed the relationship between the GUI and the
headless server. Is it the case that the server needs to be "kicked" in
order to pick up changes made by (or when using) the GUI?

Unfortunately, this means my wife can now have prog-free mixes :-(  But
only if I tell her it's fixed :-)

-- Brian

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] A couple of MusicIP questions.

2008-06-29 Thread Brian Ritchie

Siduhe;307254 Wrote: 
> You have to create the filter in the MusicIP GUI first.  Right click in
> the GUI, create filter, and then define your conditions.  We have
> filter Siduhe (all songs in my music folder) and Mr Siduhe (all songs
> in his) so that we can generate mixes from only our own tracks if we
> want.  You may need to stop/start the API and/or do a full clear and
> rescan to make them come up.

After a series of surprises today, my wife has Ordered me to configure
MusicIP so that it can be forbidden from adding Progressive Rock to its
mixes.  So I created a suitable named filter in the MIP GUI (once I
realised that Library / List Custom Filter... didn't seem to do the
trick).  But I can't get the little sod to show up in the SqueezeCenter
MIP plugin settings.  I've tried stopping and restarting SC, both with
and without stopping and restarting the MIP GUI. I've tried telling MIP
to save the library cache (though I wouldn't expect to have to do this
"just" for a new filter). I've tried a full rescan (luckily finding
other things to do for the hour that this took, 30 minutes of which was
thanks to MIP alone).  No joy.  The list of filters remains resolutely
stuck at "(None)".  So I'm posting this to register my frustration,
because previous experience shows that this is exactly what I need to
do before it will work. :-)

I'm still finding MusicIP integration quirky.  Several times today I
created mixes in the SC web interface only to discover that selecting
the Play icon did absolutely nothing; the only "solution" was to
repeatedly generate mixes until one did actually work.  (And then I
managed to sync with another player in the wrong direction, and wiped
the playlist anyway!)  Even trying to play single items from the
generated list did nothing.  Later still, mix generation from the SC
webface stopped working completely (all mixes were "empty"). No such
problem with the Controller interface, but I was using the webface for
other things that aren't available on the controller, and it's annoying
to have to keep switching between control devices...

When SC+MIP works, it's pretty good; but it just doesn't seem to be
reliable, and I've yet to discover why it works sometimes but not

-- Brian

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIPmix Crashing all the time

2007-11-15 Thread Brian Ritchie

cparker;242901 Wrote: 
> Looks like you have something wierd going on! :)

No disagreement from me there :-)

> I do mean Reload cache.. see attached pictures, before and after.  If
> you dont see the Reload cache, then the GUI and webside (ie. mmm.ini
> file) are not lined up.

I don't have a "Reload cache" button. When I investigated a few minutes
ago, I realised that the Prog Files copy of default.m3lib (to which
mmm.ini pointed) was now older and smaller than the file I'd copied by
hand to Docs-and-Settings, so *something* has been updating the latter.
Both are several days old; I've been running the MIP service, but not
the GUI, so I guess that it was the GUI that did the writing.

Changed mmm.ini, restarted the MIP service (which also caused SS to
restart). *Still* no "reload cache" button, still no change in SS.  Did
a clean scan in SS... still no change.

(Just to confirm, test mixes from the MIP server page work fine.)

> Ok back to basic :S
> You do have "use MusicMagic" selected on the SS Server -> Basic
> Settings pages.
> Plugin is ticked on SS Server -> Plugins -> MusicMagic
> SS Server -> MusicMagic -> 
> Check this is the same port as the webside of MusicIP as in the mmm.ini
> file
> For this I have mine at 6000, maybe if there is something clashing set
> this to 0 to disable it.

Yes to all of these, though my reload interval is 3613. I have tried
setting it to zero in the past, but it didn't solve the thumbnails or
no-mixes problems.

Still no thumbnails. In earlier tests, I observed that if I selected
"Don't use Music Magic" in SS and rescanned, I'd get thumbnails, but
not if I rescan after selecting "use Music Magic". (If the option isn't
there because SS can't see MIP, then I still get thumbnails as well.) I
infer that *something* about the MIP/SS integration loses the

> That would be a shame as its a great product :)

So I keep hearing, and I've found the mixes it generates from the GUI
"interesting"; though I don't always agree with the selection, there's
usually a fair amount that I'd never have thought of including, but
which strikes me as apt.

I'm finding that the mixes on playlists are a bit weird, with a lot
more far-flung choices. (For example, Blur included in a mix from an
ECM Norwegian jazz playlist!!) But that was doing it from the SB
remote, which seems to offer umpteen MIP mix settings (ah, and I do
allow player-specific settings...) A mix from the same playlist made
under Fishbone looks much more reasonable. Looks as though the remote
doesn't start from the server-set default settings.

> I always update my library via the GUI, let it archive analysis into the
> files, when its finished close it.  
> Bring up the MusicIP GUI, hit the reload cache button, then close that.
> Then bring up SS and hit the look for new and changed, or sometimes
> clear and re do the lot option.
> Then it just works :)

I believe that analysis is essentially complete; I think that running
analysis from the GUI again just slows the computer down whilst MIP
tries the few tracks it can never analyse again - and fails again. Just
a hunch, but you can see my figures in an earlier post.

(Ha! I take that back: the figures for the "new" cache are slightly
different: total 14,569 / mixable 14,517 / 0 to validate. The total
hasn't changed, mixable has risen by all of 8, and to-validate has been
wiped from 182.)

> I'm assuming that SS is generally stable?  It sounds from your comments
> like you have corrupt databases??  Do you run it on a standalone
> machine, or is this box up and down a lot?

I have no problems with SS most of the time. The server gets shut down
every night (usually hibernation). Because I'm using DNS, my SB3
sometimes has to play hunt-the-server when I turn it on, but that's
easily done.

During earlier attempts to get MIP+SS working, I wiped the SS cache
completely. This didn't help, and I'm loathe to resort to it again
"just" for MIP's sake.

I'm not saying I'm going to do it yet, but if I do remove MIP, will I
also have to undo the registry change that makes SS's startup depend on

-- Brian

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIPmix Crashing all the time

2007-11-13 Thread Brian Ritchie

cparker;242444 Wrote: 
> Hi Brian
> Just a quick one as I've got to shoot.. But I would analysis your files
> using the GUI.  Once that has completed, do File-> Save Library Cache. 
> Then close it.  Bring up the web part of MusicIP and click the Reload
> cache.  Scanning from the web side blows and I never use it! :S

Did all this (by "Reload cache" I assume you mean "Refresh Songs").
Figures hardly changed: Total 14,569; Mixable: 14,509; to validate:
182. (I'm pretty sure that last figure hasn't changed in a long time.
Maybe the "next" track to validate is very long, and I never leave MIP
running long enough for it to get through it.  When I ran the GUI this
evening, the "to analyse" figure started off at about 150, then went
down to 122 - then crept back up again! Hours later, the "to analyse"
display had disappeared completely, so I assumed it had finished. But
analysis != validation, I believe.)

> Now if you can generate a mix with the web interface of MusicIP then
> everything there "should" be working. This will then rule out the
> problem is on the MusicIP side. (Mostly ;)

Generating a mix from the web interface works fine, but that's always
worked ever since I switched to your server page.

> Therefore all that is left to check are the SS settings that the port
> number is correct, ie. its NOT trying to talk with the GUI port number.
> Server Settings -> MusicMagic -> Port No.  should be the headless port
> number.


> Then do a full library rescan on the SS side. (Server settings -> Clear
> Library and Rescan everything)  This will shake out any bad stuff in
> the database.
> Hopefully that will help, let me know if you need more details.

Alas, no change: still no "mm" icon for tracks, or much else - as I
said, I only see it on Playlists. Other things have a blank where the
"mm" icon might have been.

Actually, one change, but for the worse: all the thumbnail images are
now missing.  This is what happens every time I do a clean rescan while
the MIP service is running. (Similarly, thumbnails for new/changed music
scans don't get picked up either.) I haven't checked this time, but when
it happened before, it looked as though the scan process was bombing out
at the last minute - so the songs are added, and even the artwork when
individual albums are listed, but not the thumbnails.

(I haven't been using the machine much tonight, so haven't noticed
whether the scanner no longer runs so frequently; but it didn't seem to
when I was using it for about 10 minutes just now. I'd read somewhere
that SS's scanner might get triggered frequently when MIP is analysing,
as it's continually changing the cache.)

Ah well, thanks for the suggestions, but it looks as though MusicIP is
just not for me!

(Mind you, I haven't tried "1.8 stable" yet... but if the same thing
still happens, I think I will have to give up, bin MIP and move on!)

-- Brian

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIPmix Crashing all the time

2007-11-12 Thread Brian Ritchie

haunyack;241879 Wrote: 
> Hi cparker,
> I've just become your biggest fan!
> Your simple, concise instructions are just the ticket.
> [...]

cparker's instructions - and haunyack's reaction - got my hopes up;
there are details in there that I'd not seen before (e.g. changing the
GUI port), and it is a nice concise description.  Perhaps even worth
losing many hours' working context and trying a reboot...

Unfortunately, I don't seem to be any better off afterwards: now SS has
finally started (it crashed on reboot, but manual start was OK), it does
recognise MIP, but I still don't get the ability to build mixes from
Artists, Albums or Songs. So far mixes from Playlists are the only
things I've spotted; which is no better than I'd managed before.

I must admit I didn't follow the instructions to the absolute letter. 
When I changed the cache location (to under Docs and Settings), the MIP
web page's song count remained steadfastly at zero. When I looked, it's
obvious that though I'm running MIP 1.8.1b, it's definitely updating
the default.m3lib cache that's under Program Files, and there was no
copy under Docs and Settings (for me or anyone/anything else). 
Restoring the cache setting in mmm.ini and restarting the MIP service
did the trick: a nice full cache, with only a few songs unanalysed. 
Generating test mixes from cparker's new server page (much improved
indeed) worked fine too.  But no improvements in SS.

(Actually, first I tried copying the cache file to under Docs and
Settings; this worked too, but subsequently MIP modified the Prog Files
copy, so that's why I think its still the active location.)

Another niggle is that even running MIP headless, for some reason SS's
scanner is kicking in frequently (once per minute, I think); I've tried
setting the MIP reload interval in SS settings to something huge, but it
makes no difference.  (Perhaps setting it to zero (== disable) will
help, but might that be a bit pointless?) Since I use my PC for other
things, this can be a bit of a nuisance as it sometimes freezes
whatever I'm using when this happens.

(If, as someone has suggested, this is because MIP hasn't finished
analysing my collection, then it probably never will - it *has*
analysed the vast majority, but there are a few tracks that it never
seems to finish analysing, and it never seems to give up trying

I've no idea why I have so much trouble getting MIP + SS to work. It's
frustrating to be able to generate mixes from playlists (which I rarely
want) but not from individual songs (which is what I'd really like). I
can't see anything that I've done wrong.

If I remove the MIP service, will I have to undo the registry setting
before I can run SlimServer again?

-- Brian

Possibly pertinent details:
SS last official 6.5 release
MIP 1.8.1b
Win XP SP2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP mix icon not showing itself

2007-10-21 Thread Brian Ritchie

haunyack;236708 Wrote: 
> I found the same happening with me.
> you have MIP running as a windows service?
> If so, uninstall it from Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services.
> Then use the MIP GUI and it should start the API automatically.
> Once the port is opened, start SC.

Well, against my better judgment to just give up, I tried this. No
good: MIP GUI Test Connection says OK; but (restarted) SS doesn't spot
MIP at all - no option to select it.

I was getting fed up anyway: despite having set the SS refresh interval
for MIP to something quite big, SS's scanner was running every minute or
so. (I did add some more music yesterday, so maybe MIP's ponderous
crunching was getting SS all worked up, but it seems totally
inappropriate to the amount of change.)

Maybe I'll try again next time I reboot. For now, MIP is not installed
as a service, and I'm minded to keep things that way. If it doesn't
work after the next reboot, I'll probably delete MIP completely.

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP mix icon not showing itself

2007-10-20 Thread Brian Ritchie

Well, I made a half-hearted attempt at getting MIP + SS to work:

- stopped both services;
- rummaged around in various Temp dirs, but couldn't see anything
- wiped SlimServer/server/Cache (actually, moved it away);

I must admit I didn't reboot. I'd lose too much context on other stuff
I'm doing on the machine right now.

- started MIP GUI; under Prefs/Services, API was checked, but both
Start and Show Services buttons were greyed-out; yet Server/Test
Service said all was OK, so I left it at that;
- started SS.

The scan took about 25 minutes. My thumbnails reappeared - yippee!  But
no sign of MusicMagic at all. B*gger.

Stopped SS. Started the MIP service (from Control Panel /.../
Services). Restarted SS.

"mm" icon appears (in Fishbone), but only for playlists.

On other items, there's definitely a blank space to the left of the
TrackStat icon.

So, no progress at all, just another waste of time.
(Well, not really; hopefully wiping the cache will have removed lots of
detritus. Have yet to discover whether anything important has gone as

I bet if I do a rescan now, my thumbnails will all disappear.

So: I can only use MoodMixes created in the MIP GUI (which is a bit
fiddly), or generate new mixes from  playlists.  Better than nothing, I
suppose.  But I also have to remember to stop the MIP service before
doing a scan in SS, so thumbnails get generated.

And that's how it's going to be until some upgrade of either MIP or SS
fixes this, or I get fed up an remove MIP. I'm through with trying to
fix it myself.

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP mix icon not showing itself

2007-10-15 Thread Brian Ritchie

Thanks; but that's rather more radical than anything I've had to do with
SlimServer so far. Still, right now I'm enjoying a mix derived from a
playlist, so I might well have a go - but not until I've had a chance
to actually listen to some music for a while!

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP mix icon not showing itself

2007-10-14 Thread Brian Ritchie

Well, some progress of a sort... after yet another round of checking
that the MIP service was running, ensuring that mmm.ini existed (by
changing something in the MIP server i/f page), stopping and restarting
SS, then doing a wipe and rescan, I've discovered that I can generate
MusicMagic mixes at last... but only from my playlists (and curiously,
for Years). Still no joy for individual tracks; nor for artists, albums
or genres. (I can't be sure I checked playlists previously; I only
noticed by chance just now. It's possible they've been mixable for a
while - it never occurred to me that playlists might be mixable but not
much else!)

And the rescan threw away all my thumbnails... again. Why? Maybe the
scan is dying before it gets that far.

Unlike haunyack, I don't feel like messing around trying to make sense
of debug logs. The end of that tether is getting awfully near!

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP mix icon not showing itself

2007-10-12 Thread Brian Ritchie

erland;234557 Wrote: 
> TrackStat and MIP should work together, if both are installed they will
> both provide a mixer. The result is that when you hold play down, you
> will get a menu where you can choose if you like to launch the
> TrackStat mixer or the MIP mixer. If it moves directly into the
> TrackStat menu this means that MIP hasn't registered any mixer on that
> item. In the player interface a mixer is indicated by the "m" icon, it
> looks the same for both TrackStat and MIP. In the web interface
> TrackStat will display its mixers with a "TS" button while MIP will
> display it with a "mm" icon.

Yes, thanks from me too.  This describes pretty much what I experience,
so it looks as though MusicIP isn't working with SS (or vice versa). At
least, I've yet to find any artist, album or track with the "mm" icon,
or where play-hold brings up a menu.  Further, if I open the MusicIP
Mixer, the vast majority of my tracks are green and can be used to
generate mixes. SS knows MIP is there, and I can select MoodMixes. So I
don't know why there's no "mm".

I think I'm finding other side-effects of MusicIP that I don't like.
The default settings seem to trigger the SS scanner every minute, even
though I though MIP had finished analysis so shouldn't be changing
anything. I've since changed the MM reload interval from 60 to 600; but
I might turn it off completely, as I prefer to rescan manually.
Particularly annoyingly, any scans (triggered by MIP, or initiated by
me, incremental or wipe) don't set thumbnails in at least some of the
gallery views. (At one point, the whole lot vanished and didn't come
back until I switched to "don't use MusicMagic" before doing a scan.)

It's a shame, but I'm on the point of ditching MusicIP again - I just
don't want to waste much more time faffing around on it.

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP mix icon not showing itself

2007-10-05 Thread Brian Ritchie

I've been mucking around with MusicIP on and off for several months (a
large chunk of which time was spent just waiting for it to analyse my
library). I've never managed to get it to work properly with
SlimServer. At one point, I did manage to get the MusicIP Mixer to send
an entire mix to my SB3; but next time I tried it, it would either send
just the first track, or nothing at all. But I'd really rather drive it
from SS / SB3, not the other way round.

I could never get SlimServer to see the MIP server either... until I
followed Siduhe's instructions above. Actually, I downloaded the latest
version of MusicIP, installed that, installed the service from the
command line, then started it from Control Panel /.../ Services. In
fact, it started showing up in the SS Settings menus after I restarted
SlimServer. (Honest, I had tried and tried starting the MIP service,
making sure it was running, then (re)starting SlimServer, but with no
joy whatsoever. Where did I go right? :-) Actually, probably in
remembering to open the MIP API port in Windows Firewall on the

Now I can see my "MusicMagic Mood Mixes" in SlimServer. All three of
them. Well, that's some success. But I cannot for the life of me work
out how to do the thing I really, really wanted to do: to be able to
create and play a new mix by choosing a "seed" track from either the SS
web interface or from my SB remote.  Any little "mm" symbol resolutely
refuses to appear in either place. (I do sometimes see a little "m"
with bars above/below it, but that's been there for ages, and I've
forgotten why it's there - TrackStat?) Play+hold on a track on the SB3
doesn't create a new mix, but goes to TrackStat instead. I even wasted
another half-an-hour doing a clean and full rescan in SS, but it made
no effing difference.

Could the problem be that TrackStat is interfering with MIP? I think I
saw something about Play+Hold in the TS settings, but have ignored it
so far. And that wouldn't explain why there's nothing in the web
interface - unless of course there's nothing in the web interface
anyway (which would be a pity).

So thus far, all I know about MusicIP is that it consumes vast amounts
of time and CPU for very little purpose.

Come to think of it, the mixes that it's thrown up so far have been
interesting rather than accurate. I find myself wondering why on earth
it's made some choices. But it does also bring up things that I'd never
have thought of myself, but which do work.

Any ideas? (Preferably ones that don't involve complete rescans,
multiple reboots, etc. :-)) Have I completely misunderstood the
instructions on how to drive MIP from SS?

-- Brian

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP Setup

2007-07-20 Thread Brian Ritchie

Siduhe;160679 Wrote: 
> You may find these instructions a bit more helpful if you want to create
> mixes from within Slimserver - I am assuming you are using Windows ? 
> Essentially, you need to enable MusicMagic in Slimserver - go to Server
> Settings and Click Use MusicMagic at the bottom of the page. 
> If you are going to use this regularly you will need to get it set up
> so MusicMagic starts first, then Slimserver.  Again, this should all be
> covered in the Wiki or see here
> about running MusicMagic as a service.  Post back if you have any
> further problems.

Well, I've tried following these instructions - and later posts about
stopping / restarting SlimServer - and the little beggars still won't
work together. No "use MusicMagic" button has ever appeared. (Should it
be on the Server Settings / Basic Settings page?)

I don't see any MM icon anywhere (and MusicIP scanned my library quite
a long time ago, so almost everything is analysed). 

OTOH, I *do* see a little "m" with bars above/below it, on the top
right of at least some Artists and Albums; but when I press and hold
Play, Trackstat appears instead.

Could it be that TrackStat and MusicIP are incompatible? Or do I need
to change something in TrackStat's configuration?

It would be nice to get this working.  Sending mixes made with the
MusicIP GUI to SS is only sporadically successful, can't be done using
the remote (I need either to be sitting at the server, or using VNC
from my laptop), and is very irritating when it doesn't work (because
then if I really want the mix, I have to save it as an m3u file, then
rescan playlists in SS... and wait...)

(Argh! Frustration!! I *definitely* checked "API" in MIP's settings,
and hit Start, which seemed to work.  In both times I stopped SS, when
I returned to MIP's settings, API was still checked, but Start was
greyed-out.  I assumed this meant it was already running.  I also
thought I'd set up MIP to run as a system service a while ago.  But
just now I checked Windoze/Sys Info/Services, and no sign of anything
remotely like MusicIP listed.  Open MIP's Settings dialog - and now
"Start" isn't greyed out! So does that mean it *isn't* running after
all? And was it really running when it *was* greyed-out? Feck it, I'm
fed up stopping and restarting SlimServer for yet more tests. Yet
again, I *just* *want* *to* *listen* *to* *my* *music*, not faff about
for wasted hours with endless permutations of incomprehensible
settings... well, I might have another go sometime - but only once I've
actually listened to some nice soothing music!)

-- Brian

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