Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-08-02 Thread Hobgoblin

Just followed the basic instructions and it all worked first time.
Absolutely brilliant.

Only problem I have now is resisting following Similar Artist links all
night... Maybe an enhancement would be to have it shut down at midnight
on weekdays :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SqueezeIR Support Thread

2010-08-11 Thread Hobgoblin

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Are you interested in IR-over-IP?

- Yes, I'd like to have IRoIP.
- No, I don't care.

Hi - I'd love to be able to use SqueezeIR, looks like a really great
app, but I'm struggling to get the necessary codes for my Denon DM-37,
which comes with the RC-1097 remote. I see from previous posts that
Denon seems to cause a few problems.
Is there anyone on here who has managed to get this to work and is
happy to share the details?

Alternatively can anyone suggest how I can get the codes myself?
The Nevo software on my iPAQ can learn them and emulate the Denon
remote, but I don't see a way to extract the codes from it. My laptop
has an IR receiver for controlling windows media centre, again I don't
know if it can be used to capture the codes.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Nominations for Recommended 3rd Party Plugins

2010-08-18 Thread Hobgoblin

+ 1 for Spotify

I love it, but then I probably fit right into a "typical" SB user niche
so you'd expect that, but I think it could be a real crossover app too.

In the 6 months since I installed a squeezebox duet my wife has shown
no interest in it at all, apart from registering mild approval that
there are no longer CD cases scattered around the house.
Then I showed her the Spotify app. And that was the last I saw of the
controller for the rest of the day, and the next day... Ditto with the
kids, I now regularly find I can't use it in the kitchen because
someone else is using the stream in the living room.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-08-29 Thread Hobgoblin

Hi - I've been trying to create some SB playlists with a mixture of
tracks on spotify as well as ones I own, but I'm struggling.

First, the Save current playlist doesn't work, it creates a playlist,
but it's empty. As a workaround I found I can create a playlist by
adding tracks to it one at a time, which works but is a little slow.

Then the second problem kicks in, which is that when the database is
refreshed all the playlists are deleted and reloaded from the .m3u

Looking at the log it appears that the scanner validates that tracks
exist on the database, as the Spotify tracks don't it rejects them all,
leaving just my local files on the playlist. I think the first problem
is related, looking at the log I think "save current playlist" uses a
temporary .m3u file, which would also fail to load.

I can see that this isn't a problem with the Spotify plug-in, but as
this is where it's manifested I'm posting here in the hope that someone
else has come across it and might have a workaround.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-08-30 Thread Hobgoblin

Triode;573183 Wrote: 
> I can save to the playlist, but I agree there is a problem on rescan. 
> This is a server bug/limitation in my view - I will follow up with the
> logitech.

Thanks for taking a look, I'll wait and see. Hopefully Logitech will
take an interest. 

More info. I was sure I had been able to save to a playlist too, so I
played with settings and it works if Save Shuffled Playlist on the My
Music tab is set to "Save playlist in order songs were added".


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-10-15 Thread Hobgoblin

Hi Triode
Still using this amazing plugin all the time. But just recently I've
started getting an intermittent problem where I start listening to a
playlist, plays a few tracks then it gets to the end of a track, then
stops rather than load the next track. If I press Next on the remote it
gets going again, so an annoyance rather than a showstopper.

Last few lines of the log file look like this:


[21:08:14.016534] log_message:65 log: 20:08:14.016 I 
[file_streamer_simple.cpp:757] Request for file 
fabf0641b8cd10137243944cb20b734b7946 complete (code: 0)
  [21:08:52.195901] end_of_track:436 end of track
  [21:09:02.894443] main:1260 idle - logging out (No error)
  [21:09:20.350620] main:455 req: stream.flc res: 
spotify:track:30SwaxIveXoVM8fXLYgiWy par: 
player=00%3A04%3A20%3A17%3A91%3A6f&start=0&sync=1&id=353 prot: SPOTSTREAM/1.0 
auth: (null)
  [21:09:20.350844] main:543 newstream connection from
  [21:09:20.420401] logged_out:52 logged out
  [21:09:49.978077] main:1109 new stream pending for over 10 seconds - sending 
  [21:09:49.978193] streambuf_senderrorheader:422 send error
  [21:09:49.998673] main:455 req: stream.flc res: 
spotify:track:30SwaxIveXoVM8fXLYgiWy par: 
player=00%3A04%3A20%3A17%3A91%3A6f&start=0&sync=1&id=354 prot: SPOTSTREAM/1.0 
auth: (null)
  [21:09:50.021802] log_message:65 log: 20:09:50.021 I [ap:1368] Connecting to 
  [21:09:51.037955] log_message:65 log: 20:09:51.037 E [session:728] Not all 
tracks cached
  [21:09:51.040125] metadata_updated:69 new meta
  [21:09:52.040381] main:543 newstream connection from
  [21:09:52.040693] container_loaded:78 playlist container loaded
  [21:09:52.066924] metadata_updated:69 new meta
  [21:09:54.080288] metadata_updated:69 new meta
  [21:09:55.087672] metadata_updated:69 new meta
  [21:09:56.019350] main:325 
 1.0.8 started
  [21:13:55.400176] main:455 req: cover.jpg res: 
c4e877ea3bb90ddf6de61aa015f154656ff5ed81 par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
  [21:13:55.411797] log_message:65 log: 20:13:55.411 I [ap:1368] Connecting to 
  [21:13:56.400452] message_to_user:61 user message:";>Share Spotify with friends 
and family, they'll love it.
  [21:13:56.452844] log_message:65 log: 20:13:56.452 E [session:728] Not all 
tracks cached
  [21:13:56.456314] metadata_updated:69 new meta
  [21:13:57.488134] container_loaded:78 playlist container loaded
  [21:13:57.488283] write_cover:57 cover fetch: No error
  [21:13:57.492118] metadata_updated:69 new meta
  [21:13:57.492306] main:455 req: cover.jpg res: 
c4e877ea3bb90ddf6de61aa015f154656ff5ed81 par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
  [21:13:57.498186] write_cover:57 cover fetch: No error
  [21:14:19.823397] main:455 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot: 
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
  [21:14:19.823547] process_status:1027 process status


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-10-16 Thread Hobgoblin

Triode;583238 Wrote: 
> I see a possible problem here.  Does your playlist have tracks which are
> approximately 10 minutes long in them?  It looks like spotifyd is in the
> process of logging out when the next track request arrives and this
> stops it logging in again.  I will change the logic for the next
> version, but can you confirm whether this may be the case?

Yes, that'll be it. Just looked back in the log, and the track it got
stuck on was 10:17 long. I can't find the log for the previous
occurence, and I can't remember exactly what track it was, but I know
it was a Mogwai album which has one track of 11:41.

Thanks again for this great plug-in, always in use in our household,
your support for it is just fantastic. Do you not take donations for
it? I'd be very happy to contribute.


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Squeezebox Server 7.5.2: Acer Revo R3600 running Ubuntu Server Edition

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-10-30 Thread Hobgoblin

deadkenny;586010 Wrote: 
> Just a quick check. Does the plugin play gapless (i.e. no gaps between
> tracks) when used with a Squeezebox?
> I ask because one of the major flaws of Spotify's Windows desktop
> client is it doesn't play gapless. This renders any album that is
> continuous as frustrating to listen to every time there is a gap.
> I don't mind with the ad based service I've got at the moment, but I'm
> not paying £10 a month for premium only to have gaps in my tracks,
> especially if I'm going to listen through my Squeezebox on my AV
> system. Better off just buying the CD and ripping it myself.
> If the plugin doesn't have the same problem then I'd be tempted to go
> premium.

I wasn't sure one way or the other, but I just tried The Avalanches,
Since I Left You - and it's playing perfectly, no gaps. Go for it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-11-27 Thread Hobgoblin

Hi - the support for folders is excellent, been able to tidy up my
playlists a lot.

On the Spotify desktop client, I seem to be able to play an entire
folder and it recurses through the subfolders and adds all the tracks
to the current playing list. err. any chance?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-11-28 Thread Hobgoblin

whuijten;591437 Wrote: 
> I have the same issue as mentioned in this thread: missing tracks in
> some of my playlists.
> Troubleshooting steps I have performed as per your suggestions:
> - removed and re-added playlists: no change
> - delete cache directory: no change
> - reinstall plugin: no change
> - replace the spotifyd.exe executable with the one made available by
> Triode in this thread. Spofify stopped working altogether and I got
> error message: "incorrect file header" or something whenever I clicked
> on any link (playlists, recent track, recent albums, search artists
> etc...)
> - restored original version of spotifyd.exe: started working again
> albeit with missing tracks in the playlist (same sitution as before).
> I added a recent log file and you can see it can't find 3 tracks of an
> album at the end of the log file ("track N not available")
> Some observertions (don't know whether they are all relevant):
> - regular (Windows) Spotify client doesn't exhibit any playlist issues
> - missing tracks seem to occur mainly (only?) in often played playlists
> - pasting a (any?) spotify track uri from the regular spotify client
> into SB spotify plugin UI gives: "invalid spotify uri" message. Pasting
> an album uri works fine (but the missing tracks will still be
> missing...)
> Configuration:
> Windows Vista Home Premium SP2
> SB server version: 7.5.1
> Plugin version: 1.1.0

I've had the same missing tracks thing. Take a look at the albums the
missing tracks are on in the Spotify desktop client and you'll see the
track is listed but greyed out. I tried the Kurt Elling one, but I'll
bet they all look the same.

I think it happens when the track is available in some countries and
not others. Also the position seems to change from time to time, I've
added tracks to playlists and found them go unavailable after a few


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-11-28 Thread Hobgoblin

whuijten;591540 Wrote: 
> In the Spotify desktop client everything is OK: nothing greyed out. It's
> only in the SB server client that the tracks are missing. Don't think it
> has anything to do with availability of tracks in specific countries:
> why would one track within the same album be available and the other
> not?

I've attached how it looks to me - some are available, some are not. I
don't know why it happens, but I see it quite often. I assumed it's
just that there are sometime a number of rights holders involved,
especially for cover versions.

Out of my depth now, so this is a guess: but as it looks OK to you in
Spotify desktop and doesn't play on the server... is your country
setting correct for the Spotify plugin?

|Filename: nightmoves.jpg   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-11-29 Thread Hobgoblin

whuijten;591652 Wrote: 
> This is becoming interesting!
> I have attached screenshots of what I see for the album Nightmoves bij
> Kurt Elling: in the Spotify desktop client I see all the 13 tracks; in
> the SB server plugin interface I see only 10 of them. Notice that the
> ones that are missing are exactly the ones that are are greyed out in
> your Spotify desktop client. Is there a pattern here?
> I live in the Netherlands and that is also the setting for my SB server
> plugin.
> This all does point to a direction of where the problem might lie. And
> it could indeed be related to the fact that some tracks are(n't)
> available in certain countries. Could it be that the SB Spotify plugin
> somehow doesn't transmit the correct country code to Spotify when it
> retrieves the tracks? So in my case the Spotify desktop client
> transmits the NL country code and retrieves all of the (13) available
> tracks for that country. But the SB server plugin erroneously transmits
> the UK country code so that it retrieves only the 10 tracks available in
> the UK.
> Triode: is this something you could look into. Thanks.

Very interesting. btw - when I googled this, I found some similar
sounding problems reported on Sonos:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-12-24 Thread Hobgoblin

been using the spotify plugin for a few months. Yesterday it stopped
working (after a software update on the server...). Playlists and
tracks appear correctly, but when playing one nothing happens. The log
looks like this:


  [20:07:21.511840] main:450 req: cover.jpg res: 
88514ab2d98ccfb0d975126f4b2153abd187b046 par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
  [20:07:21.533868] write_cover:57 cover fetch: No error
  [20:07:27.358718] main:450 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot: 
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
  [20:07:27.358844] process_status:1069 process status
  [20:07:36.520465] main:450 req: stream.flc res: 
spotify:track:5eByLONVak5rrPBnS29nWn par: 
player=00%3A04%3A20%3A17%3A70%3A23&start=0&sync=1&id=1 prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: 
  [20:07:36.520706] main:1056 bad request for socket or no track
  [20:07:36.551927] main:450 req: stream.flc res: 
spotify:track:2ThfHY6XrIkIwIVTMcc7p6 par: 
player=00%3A04%3A20%3A17%3A70%3A23&start=0&sync=1&id=2 prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: 
  [20:07:36.552129] main:1056 bad request for socket or no track
  [20:07:38.852921] main:450 req: cover.jpg res: 
a29009066e4a3fcd86f8561ad7ef24281dcd3ed8 par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
  [20:07:38.859535] write_cover:57 cover fetch: No error

Searched the thread for the error, but don't see any previous. Any


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-12-24 Thread Hobgoblin

Triode;596941 Wrote: 
> Which version of the plugin do you have installed?  Can you check that
> you don't have my testrepo in your plugin settings page?  If so please
> uninstall and then reinstall after removing it.

That was it - was on 1.11; removed and reinstalled gone back to 1.10
and all working again. 
Why would I have that? Was that the way to get it initially?

Thanks again for the excellent support - problem solved in under two
hours, even on Christmas Eve.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-08-19 Thread Hobgoblin

Hi Triode 

I was keen to try the beta, so I've added your repo, but I'm not seeing
any new plugins. The heading is there "Triode's Squeezecenter Plugins
(Test Versions)" but the table below it is empty. Also I now seem to be
stuck in a "Plugins have been updated - Restart Required" loop.

I'm on Version: 7.6.1 - r32942 on Ubuntu on Intel.

I'll delete the repo for now, but I'll try again if I can give any
better info.


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Squeezebox Server 7.6.0: Acer Revo R3600 running Ubuntu Server Edition

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-08-19 Thread Hobgoblin

Hobgoblin;651197 Wrote: 
> Hi Triode 
> I was keen to try the beta, so I've added your repo, but I'm not seeing
> any new plugins. The heading is there "Triode's Squeezecenter Plugins
> (Test Versions)" but the table below it is empty. Also I now seem to be
> stuck in a "Plugins have been updated - Restart Required" loop.
> I'm on Version: 7.6.1 - r32942 on Ubuntu on Intel.
> I'll delete the repo for now, but I'll try again if I can give any
> better info.

Ignore! Tried again and it worked, not sure what I did differently.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] 3d party Spotify player locks screen

2011-09-03 Thread Hobgoblin

Hi - I don't think this is the Spotify plug in, if you take a look over
on the Duet section, there are a couple of posts about getting stuck on
the Now Playing screen. I've experienced this, unfortunately I can't
remember what i eventually did to clear it. Not terribly helpful,


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Squeezebox Server 7.6.1 - r32942: Acer Revo R3600 running Ubuntu Server
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2012-02-14 Thread Hobgoblin

Davidg1;690644 Wrote: 
> I believe its true that with Squeezebox we can only play one track at a
> time from Spotify. We can sync with multiple locations but not play
> different tracks. I thought this was a universal Spotify rule but I
> found out today it is possible on Sonos to stream different tracks to
> different locations from one server (but not from multiple servers or
> from a server and a mobile device).
> Can we try to do the same with your plugin (Spotify agreement
> presumably)or have you tried and been brushed off?

The official Logitech Spotify plugin also allows streaming to more than
one device. You need a Radio or Touch, and that means can stream to
multiple devices using the official plugin, but not simultaneously to a
device using Triode's plugin. Works though - my kids both have Radios
and listen to their own Spotify streams. Only a problem when I want to
listen to something on the Duets downstairs at the same time.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2012-02-17 Thread Hobgoblin

Triode;690774 Wrote: 
> If you disable "always stream via helper" in my plugin, then you should
> be able to use my plugin for the browsing menus and the offical support
> for playback.  Which I believe means that you should be able to get
> different streams to each device (Touch or Radio only)

Did not know that, will try it tomorrow. I much prefer your plugin for
usability (support for folders, enough all by itself!) but the
avoidance of arguments when more than one of the kids wants to listen
to Spotify has forced me down the official plugin route.


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Logitech Media Server 7.7.0 - r33614: Acer Revo R3600 running Ubuntu
Server Edition 11.4

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