Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-05-01 Thread InTheBath

Loving iPeng and am using playback a lot on my bedside dock.

Thanks for a great value app.

As well as coming to say that, I also came to announce a problem. It
sounds like a lot like that reported by enoch1970 a page back..
When I playback on the iPhone synced to my receiver and v3 the first
song in the playlist plays fine. The title of the next track comes up
but it never starts playing. Just hangs.

Everything seems ok when the players aren't synced. Server will happily
feed three different tracks to the three players. In fact, if I turn off
my iPhone, the other two players in the group start playing that second
track and continue fine, so I'm fairly confident it's something to do
with iPeng being in the group...

Server is a Linux photoframe basically (O2 Joggler) running latest
stable squeezeboxserver. iPhone 3G. Latest iPeng.

Any thoughts?

(And, just to reiterate: Thanks for a fantastic app!)



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-05-01 Thread InTheBath

Thanks for the quick reply.

I did search for the problem, but at over 3000 messages, this thread is
a little daunting!
Is there a dedicated iPeng forum?

Will look out for the next update.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayerExtra v1.0

2011-05-03 Thread InTheBath

Hi bpa.

Would love to get this working but, despite your instructions, I have

My server is an O2 Joggler and I'm no ubuntu expert. I downloaded the
zip and the files are now in
- slightly different ot where your instructions said, but this is where
all the other pm files were and it's the plugins directory listed first
in Server/Settings on the web interface.

Have restarted the server, but the Iplayerextra menu item still has ten
items in it, from "Radio Highlights" to "Local Radio Schedules".
I'd love to add the Desert Island discs and Histroy of the World
archives, if possible.

Any ideas where I should start looking? I did check the permissions of
the files and they seemed all the same (I wondered if I'd made the two
new files read only) with squeezeboxserver as the owner.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayerExtra v1.0

2011-05-04 Thread InTheBath

Thanks for the quick reply. It was operator error number 2 from your
list. Stupid mistake.

The archive works great, I've got DSD and History of the world working
fine. And managed to remove the other archives without messing anything


(PS: It's Desert Island Discs, not Disks ;-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-05-10 Thread InTheBath

Hi there.
Have done some searching to try to see if I'm using a feature not
supported in iPeng, but can't find anything.

I've just completed a short project to update my ALBUMSORT tags so that
my albums appear in the order I want them. so I have things like:
Album - Albumsort
Please Please Me - 1963
With The Beatles - 1964
Live at the BBC - 1964a

The Duet controller and Web interface are alkl working exactly as
I've flushed the cache and restarted iPeng but still get:
- In the Artists menu, albums sorted by Date tag.
- In the Albums menu, I really can't work out what the worting is. All
albums are under a heading of # apart from one Johnny Cash album listed
under A
- In the Genres menu, albyums are sorted by Artist and then by Date

Trouble is, SB date tag at the album level is one of the tracks (first,
last?) from the album, but when all the tracks have different dates you
have no control over where that album appears.

Should iPeng have the same sorting as the controller and the web
interface? I may be missing something basic!




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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-05-10 Thread InTheBath

That makes sense. Let me explain the problem with an example.

Album - Track - Date - Albumsort

Magical Mystery Tour - Magical Mystery Tour - 1967 - 2
Magical Mystery Tour - The Fool On The Hill - 1967 - 2
Magical Mystery Tour - Flying - 1967 - 2

Sgt Pepper - Getting Better - 1967 - 1
Sgt Pepper - Fixing A Hole - 1967 - 1
Sgt Pepper - Lovely Rita - 1967 - 1

Past Masters - Bad Boy - 1965 - 3
Past Masters - Day Tripper - 1966 - 3
Past Masters - Rain - 1968 - 3

In the web front end and on the controller, when you go to The Beatles,
via Artists, Albums or Genres, these albums appear as:
- Sgt Pepper
- Magical Mystery Tour
- Past Masters
Which is as it should be.

However, in iPeng, under Artists and Genres they'll appear as:
- Past Masters
- Magical Mystery Tour
- Sgt Pepper
(I think this is sorting by date...)

Under Albums they are not sorted by artist so you get a long list of
albums, albeit the Beatles albums are in the correct order within it.

Question 1:
Is the sorting within Artists and Genres ignoring the Albumsort tag by
design? I'd much prefer the iPeng layout to model the gui and

Question 2 (much more minor):
Can I get the Browse Albums view to sort by artist/albumsort like the

Hope this makes some sense. If not, I may be able to do some
screenshots to explain better.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-05-10 Thread InTheBath

Thanks for the amazingly quick replies on this.

I will be able to confirm that it's a bug if you can tell me where all
the sorting options are. I'm assuming there might be some on the server
web page, on the controller and in iPeng. Is that right?

I'll have a look for the various options, but I'll bet I miss some.

A very grateful, M.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-05-11 Thread InTheBath

Got it sorted now.

To get iPeng to have the same sorting as the GUI/controller/Logitech
iphone app I had to switch "Sort Albums By Name" on. Now my albums are
sorted by the albumsort tag. Not to intuitive - perhaps it should say
"Sort Albums by Date" and toggle the other way? Seems odd to say I want
the albums sorted by name, when I really don't.

Thanks for the speedy help. Seems it's not a Logitech problem after



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-05-12 Thread InTheBath

pippin;630752 Wrote: 
> Why? Sort Albums by Name is what it does when the option is enabled. The
> Albumsort tag defines what that means, it's the same in the web
> interface.

OK. Maybe it's just me that finds this confusing. I wanted the albums
sorted by albumsort, so I had to set "sort by name" to yes. I found it
counterintuitive but am happy to accept that it's perfectly logical.

pippin;630752 Wrote: 
> It's hard to have a name for the reverse option, technically it's
> (Artist, Year, Album) which definitely doesn't fit into the option text
> field.
> If you view the albums for an Artist, that obviously folds into (Year,
> Album)

If you say so. When I go to the albums list after setting the option to
NO, I see a list that seems to be by year. The artist and title of the
album have no bearing that I can see. Within the Artists list, I think
the listings are Year/Album.

Anyway, with sort by name on, albumsort is respected. With sort by name
off, it isn't. Now I know that, I can get iPeng to sort the same as
everything else.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 2.3.0 - Spotify Connect for your Squeezebox

2018-05-26 Thread InTheBath


Have recently moved to Spotty v2.3.6 and its working (and looking) good.
One problem I've found is that searching for an artist and the going to
Top Tracks, playing selects only the first track in the list.
On the web interface, there's an All Tracks option that puts everything
into the playlist. Should the same thing happen on the controller?

My players are set to "Play other songs in album/directory" but in this
case, they don't.

All help appreciated!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Amazon Prime Music, plugin possible?

2015-07-30 Thread InTheBath

slimfast wrote: 
> Amazon have just launched this in the UK and although I have a number of
> Fire TV devices that I can use, I'd much prefer to use my Squeezebox kit
> for it as I don't want to have to turn the TV on to control playback.
> So, any hope? I'm guessing that Amazon don't currently provide an API
> (and likely never will), so probably not...

First thread I've subscribed to for a couple of years. Very interested!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2015-10-07 Thread InTheBath

Another Raspberry Pi issue, I'm afraid. I'm going to give as much detail
as possible in the hope of a quick resolution!

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 1443165052 @ Tue Sep 29 04:05:29
UTC 2015
Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8 
Platform Architecture: armv7l-linux
Perl Version: 5.14.2 - arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
Plugin version: 2.3.9

This is a Pi2, wired with local flac and mp3s in a USB drive.

Classic3 (wired) and Receiver (wireless) synced and playing everything

Spotify premium account useable on desktop PC and kindle.

Settings page on LMS webserver (port 9000) acts a bit weird. Put my
password in, click apply. Nothing seems to happen. Navigate to another
page, and get the message "settings have changed, do you want to save".
Click yes. Difficult to tell whether it did save as, on return, password
field is blank (although that could be expected behaviour.

Helper app test stops at step 2. Log says:

[19:56:01.747150] main:619 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null)
prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null)
[19:56:01.747416] process_status:1464 process status
[19:56:01.757355] main:619 req: toplist.json res: (null) par:
q=tracks&r=user prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null)
[19:56:01.757514] main:723 no remembered user
[19:56:01.757575] main:1589 bad request for socket or no track
[19:56:16.764618] main:619 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null)
prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null)
[19:56:16.764853] process_status:1464 process status

Have had issues with rights on Unix before, so was wondering whether LMS
had the right access to wherever the password is meant to be?

Have opened up port 9005 on the firewall.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2015-10-09 Thread InTheBath

Thanks for the assist Ronnie.

I'm using "edge" as a browser, but have also tried on Chrome and
whatever the android default is (by trying to change the setting via my

All unsuccessful. The test button shows the helper app is running (step
1) but fails at step 2 "Not Logged In".

The log (debug mode) looks like this:

[16:23:56.858035] main:448
2.3.8 started ( libspotify: 12.1.103.gd51f6226 Release
Linux-armv6-bcm2708hardfp )
[16:23:56.858805] main:478 Config: username: MLBath cachedir:
/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotifycache bitrate: 320 volnorm: 1
httpport: 9005 cliport: 9090 cacheaudio: 1
[16:25:41.913689] main:567 new connection
[16:25:41.913982] main:619 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null)
prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null)
[16:25:41.914066] process_status:1464 process status
[16:25:41.924319] main:567 new connection
[16:25:41.924713] main:619 req: toplist.json res: (null) par:
q=tracks&r=user prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null)
[16:25:41.924801] main:723 no remembered user
[16:25:41.924856] main:1589 bad request for socket or no track
[16:25:56.944501] main:567 new connection
[16:25:56.944780] main:619 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null)
prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null)
[16:25:56.944867] process_status:1464 process status

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2015-10-11 Thread InTheBath

Man in a van wrote: 
> Is Edge the windows 10 default?
> Re-enter the password?  I don't use W10 or Edge so you have to save.
> On the computer, why not try Firefox and see what happens.
> Also, is the Spotify password the one for Spotify.exe on the computer,
> if it is for the web based browser, it (I believe) does not work with
> the Triode plug-in.
> I'm sorry, but I'm empirical only, logs don't help me, but may of
> course, help some-one who knows what they are doing:o
> Try OrangeSqueeze on the Android.
> Ronnie

Thanks again Ronnie.

"The computer" is a headless Pi so no browser installed. I've tried
browsers from a couple of remote desktops with no success.
Also means that the password that I'm using is from the web based
system. Will now investigate an app for the pi and install it just to
get the password working...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2015-10-11 Thread InTheBath

OK. Have done some more testing to try and get this working.

LMS on PC:

Everything works great. Plugin logs in to Spotify and tracks can be
Unfortunately, this PC is normally turned off.

LMS on headless Raspberry Pi - control from above PC - using Firefox or
Edge browsers (results the same):

Settings page is really slow to come up (slower than other settings on
the "Advanced" tab).
Test button says Helper App is running, (part 1 of 5). But then "Not
Logged In" (2 of 5) and "Failed to receive Metadata" (3 of 5).
Pressing the Apply button on the settings page doesn't work the same as
every other settings page: when you attempt to leave the page it gives
the message about changed settings not having been saved - do you want
to save them now. As if the Apply button isn't normally registering.
Helper app location is:
(Although using the netstat command on the Pi, I see that the port is
actually being used by spotifydnoflac not spotifydnoflachf)
Have checked LMS blocking is off.
Some of this could be red herrings. I'm still suspicious of permissions
since that always bites me on these Unix systems...

Log says:
[17:47:30.954211] main:567 new connection
[17:47:30.954800] main:619 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null)
prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null)
[17:47:30.954916] process_status:1464 process status
[17:47:30.975635] main:567 new connection
[17:47:30.976140] main:619 req: toplist.json res: (null) par:
q=tracks&r=user prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null)
[17:47:30.976251] main:723 no remembered user
[17:47:30.976329] main:1589 bad request for socket or no track
[17:47:45.994773] main:567 new connection
[17:47:45.995359] main:619 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null)
prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null)
[17:47:45.995472] process_status:1464 process status
[17:48:07.691028] main:448
2.3.8 started ( libspotify: 12.1.103.gd51f6226 Release
Linux-armv6-bcm2708hardfp )
[17:48:07.691806] main:478 Config: username: MLBath cachedir:
/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotifycache bitrate: 320 volnorm: 1
httpport: 9005 cliport: 9090 cacheaudio: 1
[17:55:11.849185] main:448
2.3.8 started ( libspotify: 12.1.103.gd51f6226 Release
Linux-armv6-bcm2708hardfp )
[17:55:11.850269] main:478 Config: username: MLBath cachedir:
/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotifycache bitrate: 320 volnorm: 1
httpport: 9005 cliport: 9090 cacheaudio: 1
[17:58:26.372185] main:567 new connection
[17:58:26.372591] main:619 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null)
prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null)
[17:58:26.372712] process_status:1464 process status
[17:58:26.381125] main:567 new connection
[17:58:26.381618] main:619 req: toplist.json res: (null) par:
q=tracks&r=user prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null)
[17:58:26.381740] main:723 no remembered user
[17:58:26.381820] main:1589 bad request for socket or no track

MASSIVE thanks for your help so far.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2015-10-16 Thread InTheBath

Man in a van wrote: 
> Which OS are you running on the pi?
> Is it raspbian or some such?

Yes, Raspbian. Took a while to get CUPs running properly and my LMS
library persistently connected, so loath to change it now really.
Everything (apart from Spotify) is running like a dream.

Man in a van wrote: 
> Have you installed the necessary lib thingies (there are four I think).
> Also:
> SSH into the pi and try 
> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get upgrade
> Otherwise, if you have a fresh SD card, download and install Max2play.
> If you format the SD card use the proper format tool  

Done the latter part, but going mad trying to find which libraries I
might also need. I thought the plugin might install everything it

I really appreciate the time you're taking to baby-step me through


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2015-10-17 Thread InTheBath

I've been looking at the Spotify log so much, I've forgotten the main
server log.

Is this a useful clue?

[15-10-17 05:12:20.8797] slim::utils::timers::__anon__ (273) error:
timer slim::networking::async::_connect_error failed: illegal file
descriptor or filehandle (either no attached file descriptor or illegal
value):  at /usr/share/perl5/slim/networking/io/ line 134.
[15-10-17 05:18:35.3743] plugins::spotify::settings::__anon__ (309)
failed to set password

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2015-10-18 Thread InTheBath

Buggeration. I think that something else I've done has ruined things

I installed CUPs and set the pi up to be a server for an aged LaserJet.
I installed LMS (7.9) and various plugins (all worked well).
I buggered about with fstab to get my usb drive to auto-mount. The
latter has the swapdrive and all my music files on it.

I also failed to understand many of the posts you linked to. One
mentioned patching the perl library which seemed to no longer work (I
suspect the patch is out of date?).
I still haven't downloaded any extra Spotify libraries, I think,
although have done a lot of replacing files and setting up symlinks from
that link you posted.

Did you end up having to do any of that? What ports, if any, did you
open up on your router?

I think my next step is to remove LMS and all plugins and reinstall...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2015-10-18 Thread InTheBath

Man in a van wrote: 
> I just followed the instructions, they only extra work was for utube
> check your PM in a few minutes.
> Ronnie

Many thanks for that. Will take a look when time allows.

Could you have a quick look at what your Info tab (under settings) says
about the perl version on the pi?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2015-10-22 Thread InTheBath

Thanks for that. All looks similar to mine.

At some point, I'll switch over to the OS you recommend. It's a job for
when I have a free bit of time though - not pressing enough just for

Have to say at this point, thanks for chiming in and spending the time
helping me. I seem to remember your user name from the Joggler forums I
frequented. Do you still use the joggler? I'm looking to repurpose mine
(it was the squeezeboxserver before the pi came along).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2015-11-15 Thread InTheBath

OK. Going back to this one after a break. Big kudos to Man in a Van for
helping me before. I take a look at it. Spend a bit of time
(reinstalling the whole OS is not really an option, as the Pi functions
fine otherwise. I don't want to go through the hassle of a "start from

However, my log still has:
[15-11-14 18:27:15.5313] Plugins::Spotify::Settings::__ANON__ (309)
failed to set password

Is it permissions on my drive? Does anybody have a way to set the
password without using the web front end. My web front end is definitely
having trouble on the Advanced Settings > Spotify tab. Tried from
several machines (no browser on the Pi itself).

This is on a Raspberry Pi running Raspian. LMS installed as follows:
logitech media server version: 7.9.0 - 1443165052 @ tue sep 29 04:05:29
utc 2015
hostname: pi
server ip address:
server http port number: 9000
operating system: debian - en - utf8 
platform architecture: armv7l-linux
perl version: 5.14.2 - arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
audio::scan: 0.93
database version: dbd::sqlite 1.34_01 (sqlite
total players recognized: 2

Anybody able to step me though some troubleshooting?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2015-11-22 Thread InTheBath

Man in a van wrote: 
> Did you get my pm?

Got it now ta. Have replied there.

Really appreciate your efforts.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2014-09-14 Thread InTheBath

I've just had to change my settings for the plugin since Listen Live and
Listen Again streams all produced no sound.

Changing from the first option (AAC preferred) to the last option (WMA
only) seems to have sorted it out.
Don't know if I'm missing quality or other features, but at least it

Anybody else had this issue today? I use the plugin every day for years
and love it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2014-09-14 Thread InTheBath

Sounds a little different, as I get no sound at all.

I'm seeing it on Radio 2, Radio 4, Radio 4 extra, Radio 6. In fact, I
suspect it's every channel.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2017-06-26 Thread InTheBath


Longtime UK user.
Usually "Listen Live" but occasional "on Demand" user.
Today I've found that on demand is not working, but Listen Live is still
fine on all stations.

Can't think of anything I've changed.

Using v1.5.3
Both live and on demand are set to Dash>HLS>mp3>FlashAAC

Raspberry Pi server with Boom and Duet.

Server log says:
[17-06-26 18:15:53.3157] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::DASH::__ANON__ (407)
Closing stream - Fetch MPD error HTTP status = 500 Reason: Internal
Server Error

Any pointers?
Thanks for looking.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2017-06-26 Thread InTheBath

bpa wrote: 
> 50x errors come from the BBC.   Programa are streamed from servers which
> are regionally located so it may be a regional error or a program
> specific error.
> More data such as the Programs which you  have tried to play , how you
> are trying to access it (e.g. Extra or BBCiPlayer) and whether you are
> in UK or not would help others to reproduce the issue.
> LMS caches response including errors - so if there is a failure and you
> repeat trying within a short period - the error may be refreshed.
> Stop LMS and clear cache may help if this is the issue.

Yep. Presumably an error at BBC end. All fine now. I'd tried several
programs and now can't find one that doesn't work.

Cheers for the quick replies.

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Can't log in to (time zone issue?)

2013-04-28 Thread InTheBath

For some reason I can scrobble from WMP but not from my squeezeboxes.

I removed the account from the advanced settings in the server and now,
when I try to reapply it, I get:

...There was an error verifying your account with Please try
again later. (Unable to handshake with because your system clock
is incorrect. Please update your clock and try again.)..

Have checked system date and tried two timezones on web profile
page (Europe/London and UTC).

Anybody able to help?


(As an aside, anybody make much use of the £3 premium service - I'm
tempted to give it a shot...)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Can't log in to (time zone issue?)

2013-04-28 Thread InTheBath

As always, posting this made me realise my numpty error.

System date/time I was checking was on my desktop, not the squeezebox
server (which was years out...)

Setup continues!



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