Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: WaveInput for Linux

2021-01-03 Thread Spiel1

Good to know. I'll set it back to default. Thanks again - it's a thing
of beauty for me now that it's working.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: WaveInput for Linux

2021-01-03 Thread Spiel1

Got this to work with tee - finally comprehended what you were saying. I
did the following:

1. Disabled PCM under Settings/Advanced/Filetypes for WaveInput.
2. Appended | tee /tmp/wavinputrecord.flc to the wavin flc command
3. Rebooted LMS and pCP. Verified player operations.
4. Started the WaveInput got proper playback and observed the file being
created in the tmp directory.

After playing/recording for a while, stopped the plugin, transferred the
file over to my Win-10 box, and played it without issues. So I 'm good
to go.

Many thanks for all the help and the patience in straightening this out
for me - I learned a fair amount in going through this process.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: WaveInput for Linux

2021-01-02 Thread Spiel1

Here's what the .conf file looks like after my edit:


  # wavin 
  wavin pcm * * 
# R
[arecord] -d0 -c2 -f S16_LE -r 44100 -traw -D $FILE$ - | tee 
  wavin mp3 * *
[arecord] -d0 -c2 -f S16_LE -r 44100 -twav -D $FILE$ | [lame] --silent 
-q $QUALITY$ -v $BITRATE$ - -
  wavin flc * * 
# R
[arecord] -d0 -c2 -f S16_LE -r 44100 -twav -D $FILE$ | [flac] -cs 
--totally-silent --compression-level-0 -

The location of the file is:


I've played around with the file such as changing [arecord] to [aplay]
and parameter changes, and that causes the plugin to error out, so I'm
thinking I'm messing with the right .conf file. Doing arecord/aplay from
the command line and killing with a ^C does not seem to have adverse
effect on the wav header, but I'm realizing now that this may differ
from what the plugin is doing.

The slimserver id is the same as the id I'm using when using PuTTY. Just
to be safe, I set the Write Permissions under pCP LMS page, and also set
the properties on the directory using WinSCP - it shows as 0777 (full
R/W for everyone if I understand correctly). So yes, I do think
slimserver has the right permissions. Still no file is produced with tee
after changing the permissions - as far as I can tell, the permissions
were there to begin with, but I'm pretty sure they are now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: WaveInput for Linux

2021-01-02 Thread Spiel1

Edited the custom-convert.conf file, and added | tee
/mnt/HP/Recordings/1.wav. Did this under the wavin pcm * * as I don't
know how to make the input flac (is that detected from the
extension(?)). After rebooting, resetting the mounts, and making sure
the directories were in place, I lit off the WaveInput, and no
complaints and it played the input stream just fine. But no file was
created in the destination output as it is when I run arecord from the
the command line. Did some googling on tee and it seems there is not
much too it in terms of settings, so this looks fine to me.

I'd prefer to generate wav as that is what I'm used to edit and have
tools for, but if flac is a better choice here, I can certainly go that
route as well. I'll try that next, but like I said, don't know how to
force that path - any help there would be appreciated. I'll play with
this some more, but this is pretty much what I was hoping for assuming
we can get tee to generate a file. I tried adding "- | tee" but that
didn't make any difference.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: WaveInput for Linux

2021-01-02 Thread Spiel1

bpa wrote: 
> I suspect WaveInput is not the right way to do it.  WaveInput has many
> restrictions. For example, depending on how you stop playing - you may
> lose the end of the file.
> I don't understand why you would do this and you say you don't know
> linux, can you explain a bit more so a solution can be devised perhaps
> without WaveInput such as VLC or use PCP's own capabilities.

I have a large record collection up in a man-cave on the second floor of
my house with a turntable, pCP, and a mediocre stereo. I have a process
where I record these to wav, then do some cleaning and separation into
individual track, these are then fed into DAEMON Tools Pro where a
create a virtual CD using the LP tracks, and then I rip the virtual CD
into flac using dBpoweramp. Typically, this results in dBpoweramp
knowing what I'm ripping, and thus saves me the hassle of manually
entering the song names, cover art, etc. The resulting flacs are added
to LMS where I can play them all over the house.

Getting wind of this, my friends are now bringing me boxes of albums to
listen to and record. In that case, I typically convert the flac to VBR
MP3 and put on a memory stick for them to take home. We'd like to
congregate in the living room which has ample room, decent HiFi, and is
next to an open kitchen. Ideal place to hang around and listen to
albums, aside from the fact that it does not have a turntable. But it
does have a pCP. So what I thought would be nice, is being able to
record and feed music (at roughly the same time) in my man-cave while
listening in the living room, as opposed to piling everyone into the
man-cave which is ill suited for gatherings. The simple solution would
be to move the turntable to the living room and have the LMS located
there, but this is a bit of a logistical nightmare that I was hoping to

Sorry for the longwinded explanation - I thought this was something that
others were possibly already doing, and that I was just overlooking
something. I used to have LMS on a Win-2012 server, but it fried a few
months ago along with my squeezebox player, and that's when took the
dive into linux and pCP. So far, that has been working out great,
although the learning curve was a bit steep in the beginning. At any
rate, thanks for your help - I will live without being able to
record/stream at the same time, but by the same token, it would make my
life easier if I could, so any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: WaveInput for Linux

2021-01-01 Thread Spiel1

I'm trying to both record to a file, and at the same time either play
that file using the WaveInput plugin, or to pipe (or loop) the audio
input to the plugin to allow for playing in different rooms.

My use case is as follows:

I have a couple of Raspberry Pi's running pCP, one has LMS and a player,
the other just the player. The LMS pi has a HiFiBerry DAC+ ADC Pro card
that I'm using to record LPs in addition to running LMS. I'd like to
both record to a file, and also make the stream available to LMS so I
can play it in other rooms (somewhat) simultaneously.

Playing and recording at the same time on the LMS pi is no problem, but
bringing this to the plugin is a challenge for me. The following works
fine on the LMS pi:

1. Using PuTTY I log on to the pi, cd to a mounted directory, and then
arecord -f cd 1.wav

2. In an other command window also opened in PuTTY, I can then play this
file while it's being recorded to a stereo hooked up to the pi using:
aplay -f cd 1.wav

What I can't do, is use the WaveInput to direct to the LMS after I start
arecord, but the plugin works fine using default settings and unmodified
.conf files when I'm not recording. Ideally, I'd like to be able to
record to a file and at the same time listen to what is being recorded
in another room. I don't care if there is some lag, but I don't want to
record an entire album side, and then listen to the results after the
fact - the idea is to be able to be located in another room and know
within reason when it's time to stop recording, and start another side.
Additional audio processing is taken care of later.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm linux ignorant, although I
have managed to install and use pCP and the WaveInput without running
into issues  - I just don't seem to be able to do this one tweak.


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