Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2018-07-29 Thread enz01

@rgdawson – wow, a really nice job. Been looking for a more modern and
functional replacement for Squeezeplay, for ages and this is definitely
it! What’s more, fantastic and responsive support from the author…what
more could anyone want? Well, actually…….. 😊

I have a small media key integration problem with the Play/Pause media
key on my Logitech K270 keyboard. To be fair, it’s not really an SL-X
problem since a quick Goggle will show lots of people having problems
with this media key, on this keyboard (and other Logitech keyboards, as
well). Briefly, the K270 keyboard has four media hot keys in the top
left corner (Play/Pause, Mute, Volume Down and Volume Up), they are all
functional in SL-X *except *the Play/Pause key which has no effect
whatsoever, regardless of the SL-X Media Key Integration settings. The
key mappings are not accessible via Logitech’s SetPoint software and the
remaining [remappable] softkeys cannot be programmed with media
functions. There are suggestions that if the correct string was in
-:\Program Files\Logitech\SetPointP\players.ini-, this key might(!)
work, but who knows.

So, are there any SL-X users out there, with Logitech K270 keyboards,
who’ve managed to get the Play/Pause media key working within SL-X? 

Failing that, any chance of Greg adding some simple keyboard controls a
la VLC or similar? For example spacebar=Pause/Play, n=next track,
p=previous track would probably do it!

Anyway, regardless of the above, thanks again for a really neat addition
to the Squeezebox eco system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2018-08-27 Thread enz01

Hi @rgdawson

Really nice work on SQX. At last, I've found something to replace
Squeezeplay (which, let's face it, was getting long in the tooth!)

When listening to music, I have the minibrowser open on my second screen
all the time so I can see what track is playing (and, hey, I like album
art!). However, when the playlist runs out, I then have to go back to
the SQX icon in the task bar or system tray, and open SQX from it. I can
then select a new playlist, dismiss the SQX window and carry on
listening via the mini browser. Although it only saves a few extra
clicks, it would be great if you could invoke the SQX window directly
from the minibrowser (and even invoke the minibrowser from the SQX
window, although IMHO that's much more secondary to invoking from the

Anyway, thanks for a great app and the excellent support and development
you've provided on it

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2018-08-27 Thread enz01

rgdawson wrote: 
> What a coincidence. As I started using the mini-browser more, I wanted
> the same thing. I have actually implemented this in development, and it
> will be in the next published version.  There will be a new button in
> the mini-browser caption that invokes the main browser.

Brilliant, that will make the minibrowser just perfect!

rgdawson wrote: 
> As for the other way around, you can already do this using the main
> browser interface here

Duh, I'm a total idiot! :o I've never looked really closely at that
control and just assumed it was part of the collapse control :o:o

rgdawson wrote: 
> But what I really want is a button in the title bar of the main window,
> like that in the mini browser.  Well, let me tell you, I have discovered
> that it is enormously difficult to do perfectly correctly for a regular
> sizeable window, so that it looks good on all the different versions of
> Windows.  I'm close, but not there yet.

You're obviously a perfectionist:) Now I know the 'Collapse to
Minibrowser' control is there, I'm a happy bunny

rgdawson wrote: 
> I may publish a new version with just the button in the mini-browser.

Works for me!

Once again, thanks for all your hard work and efforts. They're much

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2018-08-28 Thread enz01

rgdawson wrote: 
> Yes, I know, that annoys me too.  And I was doing updates rather
> frequently there for a period.  I don't know why Store updates move the
> tray icon back to the not visible area.  *I have to open the non visible
> area and drag it down (You know that easy way right?) * Anyway, I'm
> aware that this happens when the Windows Store updates it and I don't
> know how to overcome that right now.  Thanks for the input, maybe there
> is a way overcome it and I'll look into it.
> R Greg Dawson

*BIB* Good grief, all these years working with Windows and I never knew
you could do that! Thanks for the tip

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LmsUpdate and LmsRepack - Synology 8.0.* packages

2020-07-28 Thread enz01

Sigh, my 10-year old Vortexbox has finally given up the ghost so my
music library is temporarily playing through VLC, and my 2 Booms are
silent. The good news is that I have a Synology DS220+ on order and it
appears that I can install LMS8 on it and get my Booms back on line.
However, the Synology OS is brand-new to me and I’m currently on a
fairly steep learning curve. That being the case, I’m a little confused
by the instructions here as to how to install LMS8  (especially since
Synology no longer seem to have an ‘official’ Logitech package in their
list) and hope someone can help me out.

In post #1, the instructions state that Perl must be installed before
LMS8. However, the instructions in #115 make no mention of the Perl
install and simply talk about sourcing and installing the LMS package.
Similarly, post #1 seems to indicate that I require a specific package
(x86_64 in the case of a DS220+) and elsewhere there seems to be an
implication that I need to specifically pick this up from the
-sourceforge -repository and sideload it into Package Centre. Lastly,
even after reading the entire 7.9.2 and 8.0 threads(!), I’m confused by
the relationship between LmsUpdate and LmsRepack 

If someone could summarise the required install steps on a brand-new
Synology NAS (DS220+ in my case) that would be great. I don’t need to
know which buttons to press (I’ve been playing around with Synology’s
DSM simulator and am reasonably happy with using Package Centre), just
what needs to be installed, from where and in which order.

Grateful thanks for all thoughts and comments. I’m really looking
forward to getting my SQ environment back up and running and am
especially grateful to pinkdot and everyone else who have worked so hard
to keep SBS/LMS alive

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LmsUpdate and LmsRepack - Synology 8.0.* packages

2020-07-28 Thread enz01

Many thanks for the swift reply and the clarification re installing
LMS8. Whilst browsing the v8 thread, I noticed some posts concerning the
requirement for firmware updates to Touch and Radio devices in order for
them to connect to LMS8. Am I correct in assuming that no such firmware
upgrades are required for my 2 Booms?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LmsUpdate and LmsRepack - Synology 8.0.* packages

2020-08-08 Thread enz01

Good Afternoon. Have just purchased a DS220+ and want to put LMS8 on it
so I can carry on playing music via my BOOM's. Following your
instructions at the start of this thread, I have:

1. Installed PERL
2, In Package Centre Settings, Set Trust Level To 'Any Publisher' and
added a package source of "Logitech Media Server" at a location of
3. As predicted, a 'Community' tab has appeared in the Package Centre.
>From your notes, I would expect it to show an LMS package which I could
then install. However, instead, it is totally blank! 

This sounds like the same sort of problem that Jacob was experiencing a
couple of posts previously so any advice you can give would be much
appreciated. The NAS is brand-new, based in the UK on my house local
[windows] network and has no packages other than File Station, OAuth
Service and PERL installed. It is configured as a 2-disk RAID SHR, using
btrfs file system. The only change from the default set-up is that I
have shifted from using DHCP to a Static IP plus have created 1 Storage
pool, 1 volume and 2 shared folders. The DMS version is the latest i.e.
v6.2.3-25426 Update 2. 

Since the above config is about as vanilla as it gets. I'd appreciate
any thoughts as to why the LMS8 package is not showing up in the repo

Many thanks

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LmsUpdate and LmsRepack - Synology 8.0.* packages

2020-08-08 Thread enz01

pinkdot wrote: 
> It might have to do with a mistake I make in the sublistings of the
> architectures of the 920,720,420 and 220 Nas. I had it under x86_64 but
> it needed a different sublisting: geminilake.
> If this solves your issue, it also will solve Jacobs.
> Thanks for your feedback.
> Sent from my Mi A2 Lite using Tapatalk

I too can confirm that after this change, I now have both packages in my
220+ Community tab. Many thanks for your swift response. It's much

Have a great weekend

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer rebuffering

2015-04-17 Thread enz01

Just to confirm that this problem is defo affecting the vanilla live BBC
streams, as well. Currently running LMS 7.8.0 on a dedicated Vortexbox
Appliance in the UK and have been a long-time listener to the
bog-standard BBC streams [mainly] via a Boom, but sometimes via
Squeezeplay/Desktop PC. Since I am selecting the streams from the
standard LMS Radio menu, I assume that they are the Shoutcast mp3
streams (LMS 'playing' pane shows [for example] -BBC Radio 4 (London),
BBC Radio 4 93.5, 128kbps CBR, Radio-).

Before the BBC started this messing around, there were occasional
rebuffers (never more than one or twice a day) but now, there is a high
incidence of intermittent but frequent stuttering/rebuffering which
makes the stream all but unlistenable. Occurrence doesn't seem to
conform to any observable pattern or audience size (e.g. I've had it
occurring in the middle of the afternoon whilst 8.30 in the morning was
fine) but, when it does kick in, rebuffering seems to occur every 30
secs or so and goes on for ages. It's definitely a BBC problem cos,
whilst it's occurring, if you switch to a non-BBC stream (e.g. Radio
Paradise, Bay Smooth Jazz etc), they play perfectly.

I get the impression that it occurs less frequently with Squeezeplay
than it does with the Boom but I haven't yet got round to properly
testing this, yet.

My [non-technical] wife is an avid BBC listener, is rapidly loosing her
patience with this situation and is starting to make veiled (and not so
veiled) threats about getting shot of this "internet radio junk" and
getting a simple DAB radio. I was planning to install Triode's plugin
hoping in the hope that the problem was only associated with the
Shoutcast streams but am I correct in thinking that people are also
seeing this rebuffering via his iPlayer live stream?

All thoughts and comments appreciated

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