[SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-16 Thread jtpowell

First I've been a lurker since I discovered Squeeze Center.  After I
discovered it and started using it at home I started using it at the
office.  I'm not always at my desk so I figured there had to be a way
for me to listen on my iPhone.  After I got it working on my phone I
thought hey why not in the car while I'm driving, etc., etc.  To my
surprise there wasn't anything when I started so I began work on what's
now Squeeze Mobile.  Now for my shameless plug.  It's finally available
from the iTunes App store.  More info  can be found here
http://www.techadvantagenow.com/v1/products/SqueezeMobile.aspx  If you
have any questions about it let me know.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-16 Thread jtpowell

AlchemyToo;448918 Wrote: 
> Great idea, just bought it.
> The setup is a bit clunky (no automatic server selection), but works.
> It sees all my players, and the library, and I can select the "Squeeze
> Mobile" player -- although it says "Connected: 0". When I then try to
> play a track, it sits there for a second or two, trying to play it, and
> then crashes back to the home screen.
> Tried forgetting the player, reinstalling the app, etc. Nothing. Any
> ideas, please?
> I'm using a 1st generation iPod touch, 16GB, with OS 3.0.1, and
> SqueezeCenter 7.3.2 on a ReadyNAS Duo.

If the player says Connected: 0 it's not connected.  When a player is
Connected even with nothing in the playlist it will show 1.  I've
submitted a new version with a buffering indicator that will help clue
users into that.  Push Squeeze on the player, then add some items to its
list. When it's first registered it will be empty.  Let me know if that
doesn't do it for you.

One of the challenges I had is when Squeeze Center was made no one
probably ever thought about mobile 3G devices connecting to it (did
those exist then?).  Squeeze Center registers devices by IP address or
MAC.  We can't easily programatically get the MAC and the IP address
itself could possibly be different every single time you get on the 3G
network so I didn't really see a way around having to pick your player
as it is now.  I'm thinking about writing a plugin (trying to avoid
extra pieces) that will tell the player what Squeeze Center says it is.

I did skimp out on the automatic server selection.  99% of the time I
connect I'm not in my house or on the same network so auto discovery
wouldn't work.  I did realize however that I should have support for
multiple servers as the IP I'm using while inside the house is not the
same as when I'm outside and it's annoying to have to change it so I'm
going to move those things out of the Settings Application and make a
seperate view for adding servers manually or auto discovered ones under


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-16 Thread jtpowell

nolan;448929 Wrote: 
> Good idea, just purchased :)
> I've got it streaming from my server using my home wireless and that is
> working well. One useful function for me would be to enable tunneling
> over ssh as I only like to keep port 22 open to the outside world.
> Squeezeplay does this and it would be handy.
> Also I am seeing some weird issues where albums have more than one
> entry although they are correctly tagged and fine through the players or
> the web interface. I have a pretty big library although not sure that is
> relevant.

SSH tunneling is a great idea but not trivial so no promises yet on
when exactly you'll see that.  Long term that's the plan though.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-16 Thread jtpowell

pippin;448966 Wrote: 
> Why don't you just use the WiFi MAC? Every iThingy has that, it's always
> on en0.
> One thing that would help ME a lot is if you could query the password
> when a challenge comes in (when the server requests it) plus probably
> remember it (store it in the key ring). This would help a lot when you
> change servers a lot (as I do).
> Also: Is this SlimProto or stream.mp3?

I don't use the Wifi MAC because wifi may not be what is being used. 
Wifi could even be off in the case of using 3G/Edge.  When I'm driving
around town I'm 3G.  It'd be great if the UUID could be used but today
such is not the case.  The stream is stream.mp3

I'm moving all the server info into coredata so you can pick from a
list of servers.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-16 Thread jtpowell

pippin;448981 Wrote: 
> That was my point: It doesn't matter what is being used, doesn't it?

It seems to matter. Works fine on wifi, but mileage may vary on 3G and
especially 3Gs.  It's a little clunky to have to pick the player but
that works.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-17 Thread jtpowell

)p(;449116 Wrote: 
> You'll first have to fill in the server adress. Click on the settings
> app on your home screen...scroll down until you see the squeeze mobile
> icon...tap it and fill in your ip adress.
> Then start squeeze mobile again...
> peter
Thanks Peter.  There is a UIAlert that tells you that. You might have
clicked on it away in haste but it tells you until you you've filled in
the settings that you need to do that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-17 Thread jtpowell

AlchemyToo;449058 Wrote: 
> Unfortunately it never goes to Connected = 1. I've "squeezed" the player
> I don't know how many times, added items to the playlist, and it either
> doesn't do anything (ie, stays at Connected = 0), or crashes back to the
> home screen.
> SqueezeCenter can see it, ie, it shows up in the web interface as a
> player.
> SqueezeCenter on the ReadyNAS Duo is not lighning fast -- could it have
> something to do with that?

I'm running my Squeeze Centers on Vista and Linux I don't have a
readynas.  Can you consume stream.mp3 from your ReadyNas from winamp,
itunes, windows media player etc?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-17 Thread jtpowell

)p(;449110 Wrote: 
> Have been using is for a few hours now and it works great using 256kbs
> :)
> Hopefully Apple will make it possible to use it in the background
> someday...
> I have only a few suggestions
> -Ability to select which items to show in the icon bar...I would like
> to move genres there from more.
> -An option to do genre > artists > albums instead of genre > albums.
> peter

Glad to hear it's working out for you at 256k.  I'll look at changing
the search order but it's near the bottom of the list for now I'm going
to focus on the user not having to select the player, auto discovery and
multiple servers, and ssh tunneling.  Thanks for the feedback.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-17 Thread jtpowell

AlchemyToo;449198 Wrote: 
> What does it have to transcode to? Just the bitrate, as long as I play
> mp3 files?
> And how do I find out whether it transcodes?

More importantly can you answer this question.

Can you consume http://addressgoeshere/stream.mp3 from your ReadyNas
from winamp, itunes, windows media player etc?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-18 Thread jtpowell

iPhone;449348 Wrote: 
> I have done some reading but haven't found a quick answer. I don't see
> anything about FLAC, does this only work with MP3 libraries? I do have
> MP3s but they are FLAC that I converted to put on my iPhone 3Gs 32GB
> phone so they are already on the iPhone. I need access to my huge FLAC
> library.

Squeeze Mobile doesn't know or care about the intermediate format. All
it cares is that it can consume stream.mp3 from your Squeeze Center.  I
don't have any FLAC but I have m4a, mp3, wmv in my library and they all
play.  So as long as your installation can transcode you should be fine.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-18 Thread jtpowell

AlchemyToo;449388 Wrote: 
> I used VLC to connect to http://readynasip/stream.mp3, where readynasip
> is, well, my ReadyNAS's IP address. (Or should I use SqueezeMobile's
> IP?)
> It first redirects to https://readynasip/stream.mp3, and then says it
> can't connect.
> Other threads in this forum seem to indicate that the ReadyNAS does
> support stream.mp3, however.
> (PS. I also submitted a support request on your website, but haven't
> heard anything, so I assum you prefer solving this here?)

If your VLC, WinAmp, Itunes, Windows Media Player, etc., etc., can't
connect to your ReadyNAS then neither will Squeeze Mobile.  I think your
problem is ReadyNAS.  One thing I noticed is not standard behavior is
your ReadyNAS changing to https.  Squeeze Center out of the box doesn't
even support https or switching itself to whatever port https would be
on.  If you get your ReadyNAS working properly so it doesn't redirect
and other players can consume stream.mp3 Squeeze Mobile will as well. 
Make sure when you test this with other players you use the port. Here
is a thread from these forums that may give you some insight


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-18 Thread jtpowell

micah;449338 Wrote: 
> any chance this could someday work with Rhapsody?
I'm amazed Rhapsody doesn't have a proper iPhone app.  I don't have a
full Rhapsody account and it looks like it's supported via Squeeze
Network so it won't be anytime soon if ever.  All that being said it
might work already.  Squeeze Mobile consumes the server's stream.mp3 so
if you can get audio there from any other player you will from Squeeze
Mobile as well.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-18 Thread jtpowell

rme;449507 Wrote: 
> I have been hitting a serious bug and can't get this to work
> consistantly.
> - Go to select the player, set the speed to 64kbs, then go to artists,
> then press play on an artist, then plays for 2 seconds and crashes back
> to iphone home screen everytime. Player setup in squeezecenter is set to
> 320kbs max and 9 (lowest).  
> - When playing a playlist, the song will not play, although the album
> art sometimes shows up.
> - Error message pop ups and "ok" buttons not always displaying fully or
> properly
> Some suggested improvements, besides the obvious bugs:
> - Wake On Lan function with port to call and ip address for the server
> - Ability to view and launch squeezecenter music services such as
> slacker.  This needs some type of squeezenetwork integration and the
> squeezemobile player would need to be registered with an individual's
> squeezenetwork account similar to what you need to do with
> squeezeplayer.

I don't experience that even when I'm not on the same network. Even 3G
I don't get that.  I can tell you why it happens though.  If your center
can not transcode and send at the rate it's being consumed the playing
will end. I'll add some exception handling with an alert to clue folks
into that.  Change the bitrate in Squeeze Center and let me know if you
still experience that.  Unless your library is actually 320kbs there is
really no need to have a bitrate higher then your library.  You just end
up making your Squeeze Center do needless work.

There probably will not be Wake on Lan as again I'm not even on the
Lan.  Also I'm only using jsonrpc over port 9000 and don't intend to
have users need access to anything other than that.  

For music services if there is a proper full iPhone app already
available for the service I don't have any intent on implementing it.
For me it doesn't make a lot of sense to include Slacker so you can
listen on your device when slacker has a dedicated app to do just that.
Same for Pandora, Last.FM etc.

The only new features in the near future will be multiple servers and
ssh tunneling.  Squeeze Mobile been in the store about 2 days I'm not
ready to start tossing in kitchen sinks just yet.  My aim is to keep it
simple and focus on what works and should work not kitchen sinks just
yet.  Thanks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-18 Thread jtpowell

AlchemyToo;449581 Wrote: 
> With http://myreadynasip:9000/stream.mp3 it works just fine in VLC.
> So what else can I try to get Squeeze Mobile to work?
> Thanks.

I just sent you a PM. I'd like to see if you can connect to my test


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-18 Thread jtpowell

jhonsber...@msn.com;449657 Wrote: 
> Will this app transcode apple lossless files 
> On my mac computer to my iPhone albeit 
> At a lower bitrate ?
> Anyone tried yet to use Rhapsody on your 
> iPhone ?Does it work?

Squeeze Mobile does not do any transcoding. All transcoding is done by
the Squeeze Center. Squeeze Mobile simply consumes the stream in mp3
format.  If you can consume the stream in mp3 format in Winamp, Itunes,
Windows Media player then you can as well in Squeeze Mobile.  I don't
know about apple lossless but the screenshot on the web site and in the
store of Hu Hu Hu - Ella Es Bonita is an mp4 250kbps right out of the
Apple store.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-20 Thread jtpowell

AlchemyToo;450069 Wrote: 
> So it looks like Squeeze Mobile doesn't work with the ReadyNAS Duo, as
> LAME is not supported -- and that's required for transcoding, or
> bitrate-limiting mp3 files.
> That's a pity, as I like the concept, but as it stands, it doesn't work
> for me.

Is there no way to install LAME on a ReadyNas?  It seemed from other
threads around one could do that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-21 Thread jtpowell

walterconklin;450417 Wrote: 
> Hi, I am thinking about getting a Squeezebox unit. Can you please
> provide some more details about how I can use your Squeezebox mobile in
> the car? I am particulary interested in access internet radio stations
> using the Squeezebox mobile. 
> Thank you for creating the Squeezebox mobile!
The pleasure was all mine.  I love my Squeeze Center!  Squeeze Mobile
doesn't specifically focus on internet radio as there are literally
already a gazillion (ok maybe a hundred)dedicated apps for that.  That
being said Squeeze Mobile consumes the server's stream.mp3 from Squeeze
Center so if your stream can be heard by another media player that way
it can by Squeeze Mobile as well.  Using Squeeze Center I've made a
playlist and put a stream address in there (not the .pls but the real
address in the pls) and been able to listen to radio fine.  I listened
to Hot108 and some Classical from Shoutcast that way just to see if it
was possible and it indeed is.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-21 Thread jtpowell

emile-p;450467 Wrote: 
> Great app! Thx a lot!
> However: I can't seem to find the random function. Am I totally blind
> or is it lacking?

You are not blind.  I've actually never used that feature so I didn't
include it but it's on my TODO list now.  I'll add repeat while I'm
working on that as well.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-23 Thread jtpowell

rme;451045 Wrote: 
> still having significant errors.
> I am trying to connect over internet.  I have a dyndns forwarding ip to
> my homeserver.  I have port forwarding on my router to my squeezecenter.
> I can see my music from the server fine on squeezemobile, I can see my
> other players fine, but now can't create a squeezemobile player.  tried
> to go to now playing and press play then go to players but still doesn't
> show up.  all my other standard players are showing up however.  tried
> uninstalling and reinstalling SM but to no avail.
> Also, previously when this was working, my SM player was showing up but
> any time I connected and tried to play things, it still would only play
> 1-2 seconds then crash.  I can play the stream.mp3 for other players no
> problem like winamp connection, etc.  The reason the SM player sets up
> as a default 320kbs is because that is the default that squeezecenter
> uses on new web clietns.
> There are serious problems with this app.  You should probably list it
> as beta on itunes.  It's not ready.  We'll try and help test for you to
> get it going but you shouldn't be charging $4.99 for this now.

What you select as the bitrate is what will be set in your Squeeze
Center.  The bitrate is not in SM at all but on your Squeeze Center. 
You are just able to select it from SM.  Make sure you have LAME
support.  Go into your settings, advanced, and look at the file types.
Make sure mp3 is native and make sure it is selected not disabled for
all of your file types.  Your server also should be able to transcode at
the rate you selected or you'll have problems.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-24 Thread jtpowell

Jens_dk;451144 Wrote: 
> Great application, so I hope it some day will come to work on my setup
> also, which is a QNAP TS-119, using SSOTS 3.18 with SC 7.3.3.
> I can connect and play a tune for about 2 sec. then it stops. A few
> times it wil continue after long time, but then again only for a couple
> of seconds.
> My wifi connection should be OK, which I can confirm as there is no
> ploblen listening to MP3 files from the QNAP TwonkyMedia via UPnP using
> PlugPlayer on my iPod Touch. Also I can listen to MP3 files on the iPos
> Touch using "streams.mp3" from Squezecenter initiated from iPeng.
> What I found was, that wnen playing a MP3 file (320kbs) on my
> Squeezebox, the QNAP CPU usage is 4,7%. But when playing the same file
> via Squeeze Mobile, the CPU usage is 99%.
> So what should be done?
> Jens

Your server is not able to transcode at the bitrate you selected. Try a
lower bitrate.  A common theme with NAS users seems to be they either
don't have LAME or if they do not enough processing power.  Someone can
correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure the Squeezebox itself can
decode.  When you're consuming stream.mp3 however all transcoding needs
to be done server side.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-24 Thread jtpowell

Jens_dk;451256 Wrote: 
> Going to the SC Player configuration selecting the "Squeeze Mobile"
> player it says (translated from Danish):
> "LAME-encoder seams correctly installed on your system"
> And according to the SSOTS documentation LAME should be part of the
> installation.
> I tried to set the "Squeeze Mobile" player to 128kbs and play a MP3
> file which was also 128kbs. Now my TS-119 CPU usage was 3.7% and the
> file played without any problem.
> The playing a 320kbs MP3 file stoped after a few seconds, with CPU
> usage of 99%, and the SC server log showing:
> 0869: Error writing mp3 output 
> 0868: LAME: Can't get "TERM" environment string.
> 0867: [09-08-24 16:29:07.0405] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (383)
> request not dispatchable!
> 0866: [09-08-24 16:29:06.8571] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (383)
> request not dispatchable!
> 0865: [09-08-24 16:29:06.8338] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (383)
> request not dispatchable!
> The TS-119 has a Marvell 1.2GHz CPU w. 512MB ram, so it is actually not
> that weak.
> So what is the solution ?
> Jens

If your CPU is at 99% and telling you 0869: Error writing mp3 output it
can't handle it .  As remember not only does it have to transcode it has
to transmit and do whatever else the nas is doing.  Seeing that at 128
it's only 3% should be a clear indication to you of what your nas can
actually handle.  Also you don't get any benefit transcoding a 128kbp
audio library to 320kbp.  That's just making your machine do needless


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-24 Thread jtpowell

Jens_dk;451356 Wrote: 
> I think you misunderstood me. I did not try transcoding a 128kbs audio
> library to 320kbs.
> In both cases, the "Squeeze Mobile" player was set to 128kbs. The MP3
> 128kbs file played fine, but the MP3 320kbs did not work.
> Sure there is a transcoding problem, but I really do doubt it is a NAS
> resource issue, because the TS-119 is easily capable of transcoding
> non-native formats when playing through my Squeezebox. Even my TS-109
> with less than half the power(CPU: Marvell 500MHz w. 128MB ram) will
> have no problem.
> The error log lines appearing before the "0869: Error writing mp3
> output" in the error log, probably could give a hint, if somebody had
> that detailed knowledge:
> 0869: Error writing mp3 output
> 0868: LAME: Can't get "TERM" environment string.
> 0867: [09-08-24 16:29:07.0405] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (383)
> request not dispatchable!
> Note: the error "Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (383) request not
> dispatchable!
> " is actually repeated several times.
> Still hoping for a solution.
> Jens

Your nas is telling you that it can't write that mp3 output. I believe
your nas's report.  If you can't write it you surely can't expect
Squeeze Mobile to consume and play it.  Remember Squeeze Mobile does not
do any transcoding at all it consumes and plays what your Squeeze Center
is capable of writing out. Your server is telling you that it can't
write that output. Do this for a test and try to play the same thing
from iTunes with the same address SM is using. 


jtpowell's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=31597
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-24 Thread jtpowell

Jens_dk;451486 Wrote: 
> I can without problem stream the same file (MP3 320bps) to my PC (VLC
> player) using "http://address:port/stream.mp3"; (NAS CPU usage 6.7%).
> Streaming the same file (MP3 320bps) to my iPod Touch using
> "http://address:port/stream.mp3"; it does play, but with breaks in the
> music all the time (NAS CPU usage 99%).
> FLAC files will however only play for 1 sec using
> "http://address:port/stream.mp3"; for my PC (VLC player), or my iPod
> Touch, and also in that case NAS CPU usage is 99%.
> In none of the cases above I see the error:
> Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (383) request not dispatchable!
> But I do see:
> 0881: Error writing mp3 output 
> 0880: LAME: Can't get "TERM" environment string.
> I accept that the problem is in transcoding and not with the Squeeze
> Mobile, except that the error: "Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (383)
> request not dispatchable!" only occurs when using SM.
> So when I ask for a solution, I am hoping that someone know if the
> error "LAME: Can't get "TERM" environment string" could be a hint for a
> solution, or if there are something that must be added to the
> "custom-convert.conf" file or some other tricks.
> Jens

I suggested testing with itunes because it is particular about the
container and format VLC isn't.  VLC will decode a kitchen sink.  Please
see if you get the same results with itunes if you have it.  Then we'll
know for sure.


jtpowell's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=31597
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-08-25 Thread jtpowell

Jens_dk;451593 Wrote: 
> So I tied streaming trough iTunes installed on my PC:
> 1) MP3 320kbs file works without problem (NAS CPU usage 3,6%)
> 2) FLAC files plays , but constantly breaks off for short intervals
> (NAS CPU usage 99%)
> Error log only:
> 0893: Error writing mp3 output 
> 0892: LAME: Can't get "TERM" environment string.
> But not this error (which is only seen when streaming via SM):
> Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (383) request not dispatchable!
> Jens

I don't think there will be much can be done for the FLAC.  I don't
think it's necessarily Squeeze Center either as I can transcode flac and
so can many others.  I don't have a NAS either.  The JSONRPC though I'd
like to investigate more with you.  Go ahead and send me a PM with all
the details you can and also let me know if you only get that RPC
message when the server can't write out.  Thanks.


jtpowell's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=31597
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=66723

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-09-11 Thread jtpowell

pippin;456488 Wrote: 
> Not really.
> The good thing is you can start playback from the app itself because it
> has some basic library browsing.
> The downside is that I could not make it play with security on so it's
> not really an option for remote use.

stream.mp3 is being used so the same on that front.  Right now the
buffer size is set for lowest denominator 3G.  In a future version one
thing I will do is change the buffer based on the bitrate you select. 
That will help with the responsiveness a little.  .

Security does indeed work.  Try with csrf off which is the default.  If
you'd like to test this with a username and password on my public test
server let me know.


jtpowell's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=31597
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=66723

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-09-13 Thread jtpowell

My mistake I meant to say pippin not ipeng.


jtpowell's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=31597
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=66723

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-09-16 Thread jtpowell

timtrevlig;458708 Wrote: 
> Does this app support "fast forward/fast rewind" within tracks?
> (I listen to a lot of audio books.)
> Cheers
> Tim

Not presently.  I have started working on it and right now that's on
the board for 1.3 or 1.4


jtpowell's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=31597
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=66723

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Product Announcement - Squeeze Mobile

2009-09-17 Thread jtpowell

vw195;458840 Wrote: 
> I would access internet radio through ootunes or wunder radio on an
> iphone.  I think squeeze mobile is suited more to accessing your local
> library

Squeeze Mobile's focus is in accessing your Squeeze Center's library
and being a player for it.  If you want to access internet radio
stations there are tons of apps dedicated solely for that purpose for
the iPhone and most of them free of charge.


jtpowell's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=31597
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=66723

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