[SlimDevices: Plugins] Running Softsqueeze headless on boot on linux?

2006-11-30 Thread outsider

So how do I do that?

Any thoughts? Currently I need to start an X session to get Softsqueeze
to start, but would like to run the headless version if possible.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Running Softsqueeze headless on boot on linux?

2006-12-01 Thread outsider

Yah, I know that. I can also start it by typing "softsqueezeHeadless",
but that wasn't my point.

I want to know hot to make the startup of the file be automatic on
booting the computer.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Running Softsqueeze headless on boot on linux?

2006-12-05 Thread outsider

Got it figured out.
Ended up modifying the init script from slimserver, and it works. It
starts SoftswueezeHeadless on boot.

However, there is a problem.

When softsqueezeHeadless starts, it pauses... for a long time. Then it
returns, "Please wait, connecting to server" And then you wait some
more... well it looks like it just hangs, which is problematic when you
start it in a script because it won't load anything after the script.

Any way I can start the headless version and have it return the prompt
so the script can carry on initiating/starting other services/daemons?


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Running multiple instances of softsqueeze

2007-02-25 Thread outsider

How do I run multiple instances of softsqueeze on the same OS, and have
each one output to a different sound card?
I guess the 2 specific questions are:
- How to make each softsqueeze instance appear unique to SlimServer.
- How to change the sound output (sound card) for each instance.

The reason I ask is because I am working on putting together a small PC
with several USB sound cards attached, and running multiple instances of
soft squeeze on it, each outputting to a different zone in the house.

I will be running this on a linux box, but don't let that detour you
from giving advice on how this can be done on other OSs, since I might
get some pointers that I can transfer.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Running multiple instances of softsqueeze

2007-02-27 Thread outsider

So nobody has ventured into running 2 instances of SoftSqueeze at the
same time?

Ok then;
If I had 2 sound cards in my PC, how would I go about specifying to
SoftSqueeze which sound card to use?

Since it's a Java app, the interface/options are the same on any
platform, but I haven't seen how I can change the output device.

Any thoughts on this?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Running multiple instances of softsqueeze

2007-02-28 Thread outsider

Thanx erland,
I've seen that post also, but it is kinda vague... (at least on how I
could adapt this to linux)
I guess to start multiple sessions of softsqueeze, one would just
envoke a command line that would start softsqueeze with a different
sound output for each device... 

I was hoping for some solid answers, but I guess I'll have to do some
experimentation myself. No worries.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Why even use SoftSqueeze?

2007-02-28 Thread outsider

Besides the graphical interface, what advantages does SoftSqueeze offer
me over any other audio player that can play a network music stream?

I'm thinking of other audio players for my project, ans wondering what
I would be giving up.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Why even use SoftSqueeze?

2007-02-28 Thread outsider

bernt;184256 Wrote: 
> Softsqueeze plays flac. Other players use mp3 stream.
> If you don't use flac, Fireflymediaserver and iTunes is a much better
> solution for streaming to a pc.
Do you mean to say that other players can't recieve streamed flac?
Because as for playing flac, there are players that play flac.

As for your second point, I don't think I need a different solution so
stream the audio. How are FireFly and iTunes superior to SlimServer?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SSH & Softsqueeze - Help needed

2007-02-28 Thread outsider

Dude, you're scaring me.
Except for the linux machine at work, i have the same IDENTICAL setup.
Every line describes my situation also, excelt for the fact that I've
got this working.

You say you've got SSH working, and you can establish a connection from
putty to your home server.
That's all you need. 
What you'll need to do is tunnel port 9000 and 3483 through putty.
Then you're gonna leave the ssh settings disabled in softsqueeze, and
you'll use 'localhost' as the IP address of the server machine.

Give that a try.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Why even use SoftSqueeze?

2007-02-28 Thread outsider

bernt;184289 Wrote: 
> Yes, there are other players that can recieve streamed flac but not from
> Slimserver.
> I use both Slimserver and FireFly on the same computer and it works
> great. I have one library with flac for Slimserver/Squeezebox and one
> with mp3 for FireFly/iTunes.
> With FireFly/iTunes streaming over slow connection is more stable, you
> can use the mouse to browse your collection, show albumart in the
> player and (please don't kill me) the GUI looks good.
Ok, so outside the fact that firefly is 'more stable over slow
connection' (whih I don't really understand what that means... how slow
a connection?), and it has a better looking GUI, there are no other
differences I should consider?

Looks aside, which interface is more usable and easier to use? And
Since you're using both, can you describe your experience with

If you're not comfortable reviewing a product which is in some
competition to slimdevices, we can do it in PMs, but I would still like
to get some indepth feedback from a user of both.

heck, maybe people here might want to hear how and why you think the
other product is better, so they can improve slimserver...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Running multiple instances of softsqueeze

2007-03-22 Thread outsider

I would like to see that script you wrote that starts up each instance
od softsqueeze...
Post it when you get a chance please.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezeslave experience (not too good)

2007-03-22 Thread outsider

So the plan was to setup a laptop (with several cheap USB audio cards)
to serve audio throughout the house.
The laptop is a PIII 500Mhz with 256Mb ram. I'm running SlimServer
6.3.1 on another machine. 
The OS I installed is Puppy Linux since it's small and eats up very few
resources. Headless, it only eats up 7MB of ram.
I wanted to run several instances of Squeezeslave v0.6 to serve each
audio card with a different stream.
However, I got stuck/stopped while I was trying to figure out how to
run multiple instances.
What happens is that I cannot seem to run 
#squeezeslave -o 0 &
because as soon as I hit any enter, I get the prompt back. The "&"
doesn't seem to work like I am used to.
And once one sessions of squeezeslave is started and then stopped, it
seems to keep the /dev/dsp device busy, since starting another instance
of squeeze slave will produce no sound on the same soundcard.

The other problem I've had while trying to run squeezeslave was that if
I ran it without "&" it would literally take over the machine, in that
even if I tried to SSH to the machine, and open another shell, it would
be locked up until I killed the squeezeslave process very strange.

It's a pitty, since squeezeslave has all the features I need in a
headless player, and it takes up minimal resources (CPU/RAM)
I'm gonna look into runing softsqueeze, since I know I can run that
with no problems at the expense of heavier resource usage.

Anyone else have any experiences they'd like to share?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezeslave experience (not too good)

2007-03-26 Thread outsider

I shut it down by killing the process ID.

I guess I should have elaborated on the usage of the "&"
Yes, you are right. Normal behaviousis for the command to run in the
background, but I guess what I forgot to mentions is that squeezeslave
stops working when I hit enter (and get the command prompt back)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Hardware requirements of futur Slimeserver Version ?

2007-03-26 Thread outsider

+1 on the old laptop thing.
You won't need a case, won't need a separete power supply, won't need a
keyboard or a monitor...
Look around on ebay, and you can easily find something with a dead
battery (which you won't care about anyway) in the 500-733Mhz
range(which should be more then enough to run SlimServer) for around
Just run the SlimCD and you'll be set, even running 128Mb ram.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] SoftSqueeze sync issue

2007-03-26 Thread outsider

I've finally gotten 2 instances of SofSqueeze running on a headless
linux laptop (which will eventually make it's way to the basement to
power some amps)
Anyway, the problem I'm experiencing is when I sync the 2 instances of
softsqueeze on the same machine.

With 2 streams, the PIII 500Mhz laptop seems to eat up about 25-45% CPU
usage (it bounces around). When I change tracks (either hitting "skip",
or selecting another track from the slimserver web interface) the CPU
usage pegs to 100% for about 3-5 seconds then continues on around
35-45% usage...

If I just select a song to play from the play list in SlimServer's web
interface (Slim server is running on another machine on the server) the
two sources are out of sync. Maybe 1/2 at most... most likely less.
Enough to be noticeable.

However, if I just hit "Skip" in the slimserver web interface, the next
song syncs perfectly... at least no difference is heard by my ears in
terms of delay.

Why would that be?
Any thoughts?


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] SlimServer web interface Volume adjustment change?

2007-03-27 Thread outsider

The volume control in the web interface of slim server is a little
annoying, and I was wondering if there's any way to change its
It seems that there is a big step change between 10 and 11, while the
steps before that are much more linear.

Is there any way to change the amount of volume that is changed with
each volume preset button of 1 to 11?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SlimServer web interface Volume adjustment change?

2007-03-28 Thread outsider

Pale Blue Ego;190905 Wrote: 
> "it's one louder"
Yes, I too love Spinal tap... classic quote.

So your slimserver web (port 9000) doesn't go to 11?
All versions of slimserver I've ran had a scale od 1 to 11 on the web

This can't just be me...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Running multiple instances of softsqueeze

2007-04-01 Thread outsider

Thanx awy.

I'll see if I can integrate this into my setup.


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