Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2014-03-12 Thread thing-fish

erland wrote: 
> It sounds like your system is affected by duplicate musicbrainz tags,
> see the following section on the TrackStat documentation page for more
> information about how to verify if this is the case and how to solve
> it.

I do have a number of duplicate song tags, but they do not correspond to
the songs that I have so many rows of in trackstat.  Will the
backup/disable musicbrainz/wipe/rescan/restore still help in that case?

Also if I disable musicbrainz tags will I lose trackstat and rating
information during a full rescan?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2014-03-11 Thread thing-fish

Erland, I am wondering if my data is corrupted, or if I just don't
understand the model. I was fooling around with some queries and noticed
this, which I felt like was anomaly.


  select 'track_statistics', count(*) from track_statistics
  select 'tracks', count(*) from tracks
  track_statistics  38629   

I would have expected those to be one to one.  I ran Delete Unused
Statistic but got the same results.  In fact I ran the following query
but didn't get any rows:


select * 
  from track_statistics
  where track_statistics.url not in (select url from tracks)

Baffled, I did a little digging.  Here's a sample of one track in
particular from track_statistics:



It strikes me that all the keys (url, musicbrainz_id and urlmd5) are the
same, yet these seemingly identical tracks were added different times,
have different playcounts and different lastPlayed?  I ran this:


  select count(*), url, musicbrainz_id, sum(playCount) as playCount, min(added) 
as added, 
  max(lastPlayed) as lastPlayed, max(rating) as rating, urlmd5
  from track_statistics
  group by url, musicbrainz_id, urlmd5
  having count(*) > 1
  order by count(*) desc

This returned 389 rows, with a counts as high as 477 (!) and as low as

For my AC/DC example above I saw that they had different playcounts.  I
found a track that had 80 "dupes" and played it, then I saw that all 80
rows for that URL were updated with a playcount of 1.  Frankly that
makes more sense to me, as a likely outcome of something like UPDATE
it is more odd that some of the "dupes" actually have different data.

What do you think?  Is this normal or do I need to do some cleanup?

Thanks for the wonderful plugins, I am a database guy and love being
able to interact with my music via SQL.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Squeezebox Server 7.4 beta versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-06 Thread thing-fish

erland;463759 Wrote: 
> Yes, make sure you've taken a backup of the TrackStat data from inside
> TrackStat settings page in SqueezeCenter 7.3 before you upgrade. I think
> the backup has always worked, but just to be sure you can open the
> backup file in a text editor to verify that it seems to contain data.
> After the upgrade you just point the "Backup file" parameter in
> TrackStat settings to the full path to your backup file and hit the
> "Restore from file" button. Look in the server.log file, you will get
> one message when it starts the restore and a second message when it has
> finished. The restore runs in background and can take some time, in my
> small 3000 tracks library it took a few minutes.

Thank you for this!  One additional tip to anyone making the plunge: if
you have to rescan your library for 7.4, import your trackstats AFTER
the rescan. 

Like Erland I'm running Ubuntu and completely purged 7.3 before I
upgraded, so I had to rescan my tracks.  When I imported my trackstat
file first it ran really slow and was filling the log with: 


Plugins::TrackStat::Storage::saveTrack (977) No matching alternative path 
found for file:(my file path)

I restarted the server, let the rescan finish, THEN imported my
trackstat, and it was great.

I have a question on a different plugin though Erland: in 7.4, Database
Query is not letting me create new queries.  That is to say, there is a
list of queries, but no means to make new ones.  I do note that in the
plugin settings dialog for Database Query, there is a value for Data
queries directory but no value for Data queries templates directory. 
What should go there, and is that the problem with not being able to
make new queries?  Not that when I copy 7.3 files (which I backed up)
into the data queries directly, they do show up in the query list, but
there's no way to do it through the web interface.

Thanks again!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2009-10-05 Thread thing-fish

ajkidle;465062 Wrote: 
> Relatively new to SDT, had it working great on the Boom with 7.3.x. 
> Upgraded to 7.4 and now the information refresh doesn't seem to be
> working properly.  (Display format changed a bit too, but some tweaking
> of how many spaces are between the fields fixed that.)  My real concern
> is that it's 6am and the display is still showing my last night's
> forecast and the overnight low.

Wanted to come here to report the same problem.  Not showing time, only
showing those temps you mentioned.  I reverted back to the regular Date
and Time screensaver for the boom, 'cause we have to have the time on
there!  Looking forward to a fix, as SuperDateTime is awesome to wake up
to normally!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Squeezebox Server 7.4 beta versions of erlands plugins

2009-09-30 Thread thing-fish

MeSue;463709 Wrote: 
> He announced non-beta versions yesterday. See

Well, that is awesome and thank you for the quick reply!  I assume that
we just use the trackstat export functions from the old version and
then, after 7.4 is configured, import them back in?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Squeezebox Server 7.4 beta versions of erlands plugins

2009-09-30 Thread thing-fish

So I normally upgrade to new versions of "the server" as soon as they're
released, but a while back I installed SQL Playlist and am having so
much fun with it that it has become essential to my daily listening (I
stream to Softsqueeze or Squeezeplay from home to work, all day).  Using
SQL Playlist I wrote a SQL query that would play me every song in my
collection with no repeats, then using Database Query wrote a query that
let me know I'm 63% of the way through my collection with 6242 songs
left, and that it would take 19.42 days of continuous playing to get
through them.  This is FUN hearing every single song, and seeing the

And that means, until Erland's plugins are out of beta for 7.4 and
there's rock-solid instructions on how to maintain the track statistics
between versions, there is NO WAY I am upgrading to 7.4.  It has also
caused me to send a donation to Erland just now, because I'm not sure if
I've done so before and I wanted to show my appreciation.

Also: I recently tweaked my SQL playlist (and added a cron job) to
include a five minute NPR news update every two hours and The Onion
Radio News once a day.  I was hoping to spiff those up and release them
back to the community; now I'll wait until I find out if SQL Lite has
equivalent XML handling as mySQL.  I didn't know they were changing
databases :(


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: NPR Radio plugin

2009-02-24 Thread thing-fish

I just installed this plugin yesterday and had to come in and say Bravo.
This is very well implemented.  I particularly loved how with the Fresh
Air program I was able to recursively go through previous episodes. 
Very slick, very cool, and very appreciated!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Nominations for Recommended 3rd Party Plugins

2008-12-31 Thread thing-fish

I have to say that I prefer WeatherDateTime to SuperDateTime.  I think
they are different enough that it would be great to have both.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2008-08-11 Thread thing-fish

martin.rehfeld;325380 Wrote: 
> I finally managed to package a new version...Grab it as usual from

I too want to jump in and say both "Thanks" and "Bravo!"  I frankly
think that Logitech should make this a standard plug-in, maybe even
doing cross-promotion/marketing with Wunderground, *especially* now
that it's using Wunderground and doesn't require the wonky developer
key that the feed used.  

Logitech (and Martin!), please understand that my family has become so
accustomed to this that it's our primary way of checking the weather
for the day before we head out in the morning!  We listen to tunes
while we're at home, then turn off the Squeezebox and look at the
weather before we head out.  My whole family and I LOVE this plugin!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2008-03-25 Thread thing-fish

I don't know if it's always been there and I just didn't notice or if
it's new in SqueezeCenter, but the icon for the Windy forecast is
REALLY NICE.  We had some real bluster late last week in upstate NY and
when I saw the wind whipping through the window and the current
conditions on the SqueezeBox, I had to giggle.  What a GREAT
enhancement this is.  Been using it for a couple of years and here it
is continuing to impress.  Bravo!


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicMagic integration with Roku Soundbridge

2006-11-13 Thread thing-fish

As a long-time Slimserver/Softsqueeze user I have an opportunity to pick
up a Roku Soundbridge M1000 for cheap.  While everything I've read
indicates that it can utilize the Slimserver library and playlists, I
can't find any docs on how well it works with Slimserver plugins.

My wife and I utilize the Slimserver/MusicMagic integration as the
near-exclusive entry point into our music library.  Does anyone have
experience with Roku and the MusicMagic plugin to know if you can
create MusicMagic mixes with the Roku Remote?  For that matter, using
Softsqueeze I enjoy the weather plugin and especially the RSS plugin. 
Do either of those work?

Thanks for any help you can provide!



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: SlimScrobbler for SlimServer 6.5

2006-10-13 Thread thing-fish

I just set my wife up with a account, as she has started
listening to our server over the internet at her work.  However, while
the SlimScrobbler plug-in let me enter a second account on the Server
Plugin pages, when I go to the page for her player I find that the
account selection listbox only lists "Default."  Actually that's the
same with all the players: though more than one account is setup in the
Server Plugin settings, there is only one account ("Default") available
on any player page.

Is there a workaround to this (i.e. can I edit the conf file in the

Thanks much!

PS: I just noticed that there was a SlimScrobbler group on  I just signed up, bringing the
member count to 297!  Very neato.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: SlimScrobbler for SlimServer 6.5

2006-10-12 Thread thing-fish

James;145748 Wrote: 
> Forgot to submit the fix to CVS!
> It's there now or download from my website at

Thanks much, that did the trick!  I saw some errors regarding the plugin but am only really concerned with the scrobbler so I'm


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: SlimScrobbler for SlimServer 6.5

2006-10-12 Thread thing-fish

I recently upgraded to SS 6.5 and was going to wait until SlimScrobbler
was official before I upgraded it, but decided I couldn't wait.  So I
got the latest version from CVS and installed it correctly, but it
doesn't appear in the SlimServer Plugin Menu (the Last.FM plugin worked

Here is the log entry:
2006-10-12 11:49:52.7909 Requiring Plugins::SlimScrobbler::Plugin
2006-10-12 11:49:53.1656 Module [Plugins::SlimScrobbler::Plugin] failed
to load: [syntax error at
/usr/local/slimserver/Plugins/SlimScrobbler/ line 1692, near
Missing right curly or square bracket at
/usr/local/slimserver/Plugins/SlimScrobbler/ line 1835, at end
of line
Compilation failed in require at (eval 211) line 2,  line 64.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 211) line 2,  line
Removing [Plugins::SlimScrobbler::Plugin] from the symbol table - load
Removing [Scrobbler::Track] from the symbol table - load failed.
Removing [MP3::Info] from the symbol table - load failed.
Removing [Scrobbler::Session] from the symbol table - load failed.
Removing [Time::Stopwatch] from the symbol table - load failed.
Removing [Time::Countdown] from the symbol table - load failed.
Removing [Digest::Perl::MD5] from the symbol table - load failed.
Removing [Math::Round] from the symbol table - load failed.
2006-10-12 11:49:53.2066 Can't load Plugins::SlimScrobbler::Plugin for
Plugins menu: Undefined subroutine &Plugins::SlimScrobbler::Plugin for
Plugins menu: Undefined subroutine
&Plugins::SlimScrobbler::Plugin::getDisplayName called at
/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Utils/ line 227.

I tried to follow the advice that others have given and added a ] to
line 1683, changing this:

my %group = (
PrefOrder => [  'plugin_scrobbler_userid',
PrefsInTable => 1,
GroupDesc =>
GroupLine => 1,
GroupSub => 1,
Suppress_PrefSub => 1,
Suppress_PrefLine => 1,
Suppress_PrefHead => 1

to this:

my %group = (
PrefOrder => [  'plugin_scrobbler_userid',
'plugin_scrobbler_enabled', ]
PrefsInTable => 1,
GroupDesc =>
GroupLine => 1,
GroupSub => 1,
Suppress_PrefSub => 1,
Suppress_PrefLine => 1,
Suppress_PrefHead => 1

It still didn't appear in the plugins menu, and this is what appeared
in the log:

2006-10-12 12:00:12.0249 Requiring Plugins::SlimScrobbler::Plugin
2006-10-12 12:00:12.4279 Module [Plugins::SlimScrobbler::Plugin] failed
to load: [syntax error at
/usr/local/slimserver/Plugins/SlimScrobbler/ line 1684, near
Compilation failed in require at (eval 211) line 2,  line 64.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 211) line 2,  line
Removing [Plugins::SlimScrobbler::Plugin] from the symbol table - load
Removing [Scrobbler::Track] from the symbol table - load failed.
Removing [MP3::Info] from the symbol table - load failed.
Removing [Scrobbler::Session] from the symbol table - load failed.
Removing [Time::Stopwatch] from the symbol table - load failed.
Removing [Time::Countdown] from the symbol table - load failed.
Removing [Digest::Perl::MD5] from the symbol table - load failed.
Removing [Math::Round] from the symbol table - load failed.
2006-10-12 12:00:12.4689 Can't load Plugins::SlimScrobbler::Plugin for
Plugins menu: Undefined subroutine &Plugins::SlimScrobbler::Plugin for
Plugins menu: Undefined subroutine
&Plugins::SlimScrobbler::Plugin::getDisplayName called at
/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Utils/ line 227.

I don't really know Perl so I didn't want to keep poking around putting
random characters all over the place, so I thought I'd just report it
here.  I hope it helps and that a fix can be posted soon...I miss my
SlimScrobbler!  All my buddies think that I'm taking a hiatus
from music!


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